path: root/testautomation/tools/analyze/app.srs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/tools/analyze/app.srs')
1 files changed, 2815 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/tools/analyze/app.srs b/testautomation/tools/analyze/app.srs
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..2d8ae553b194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/tools/analyze/app.srs
@@ -0,0 +1,2815 @@
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# $RCSfile: app.srs,v $
+# $Revision: 1.1 $
+# last change: $Author: andreschnabel $ $Date: 2007/02/18 12:01:54 $
+# The Contents of this file are made available subject to
+# the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
+# GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+# =============================================
+# Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+# short description :
+# A sample resource file
+String 1400
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "E~xtra";
+ Text[ de ] = "E~xtras";
+ Text[ ja ] = "E~xtras";
+String 2000
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Testtool";
+ Text[ de ] = "Testtool";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Testtool";
+String 2001
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "VCLTestTool";
+ Text[ de ] = "VCLTestTool";
+ Text[ ja ] = "StarTestTool";
+String 2002
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Break";
+ Text[ de ] = "Break";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Break";
+String 2003
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Run";
+ Text[ de ] = "Run";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Run";
+String 2100
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Unnamed";
+ Text[ de ] = "Unbenannt";
+ Text[ ja ] = "不明";
+String 2101
+ Text = "*.bas";
+String 2102
+ Text = "*.inc";
+String 2103
+ Text = "*.sb";
+String 2104
+ Text = "*.res";
+String 2105
+ Text = "*.txt";
+String 2106
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Continue";
+ Text[ de ] = "Weiter";
+ Text[ ja ] = "続行";
+String 2107
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Cancel";
+ Text[ de ] = "Abbruch";
+ Text[ ja ] = "キャンセル";
+String 2300
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Testtool: Load File";
+ Text[ de ] = "Testtool: Datei einlesen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Testtool: ファイルの読み取り";
+String 2301
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Testtool: Save File";
+ Text[ de ] = "Testtool: Datei speichern";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Testtool: ファイルの保存";
+String 2304
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Source files (*.BAS)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Quelltexte (*.BAS)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ソーステキスト(*.BAS)";
+String 2305
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Libraries (*.SB)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Libraries (*.SB)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ライブラリ(*.SB)";
+String 2306
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Include files (*.INC)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Include-Dateien (*.INC)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Include files (*.INC)";
+String 2307
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Result files (*.RES)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Results (*.RES)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "結果(*.RES)";
+String 2308
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Results as text file (*.TXT)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Results als Textdatei (*.TXT)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "文書ファイルとしての結果(*.TXT)";
+String 2401
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Page ";
+ Text[ de ] = "Seite ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ページ ";
+String 2402
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Printout of ";
+ Text[ de ] = "Ausdruck von ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "印刷範囲 ";
+String 2601
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Error ";
+ Text[ de ] = "Fehler ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "エラー ";
+String 2602
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = " in line ";
+ Text[ de ] = " in Zeile ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "行 ";
+String 2603
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Warning ";
+ Text[ de ] = "Warnung ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "警告 ";
+String 2604
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "No entries in Hid.Lst";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kein Eintrag in Hid.Lst";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Hid.Lstに項目はありません";
+String 2605
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Warning: ";
+ Text[ de ] = "Warnung: ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "警告: ";
+String 2606
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ LANGUAGE_USER1 ] = "Gemeint sind Objekte aus der Objektorientierten Programmierung";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Object";
+ Text[ de ] = "Objekt";
+ Text[ ja ] = "オブジェクト";
+String 2607
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Edit ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "($Arg1) Editieren";
+ Text[ ja ] = "($Arg1)編集";
+String 2702
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Disassembly";
+ Text[ de ] = "Disassembly";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Disassembly";
+Bitmap 8001
+ File = "plus.bmp";
+Bitmap 8002
+ File = "minus.bmp";
+Bitmap 8003
+ File = "assert.bmp";
+Bitmap 8004
+ File = "qaerror.bmp";
+ImageList 8005
+ Prefix = "im";
+ MaskColor = Color
+ {
+ Red = 65535;
+ Green = 65535;
+ Blue = 65535;
+ };
+ IdList =
+ {
+ 90;
+ 91;
+ 92;
+ 93;
+ };
+ModalDialog 4002
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 58, 17 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 155, 106 );
+ OKButton 1
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 55, 80 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 14 );
+ DefButton = TRUE;
+ };
+ModalDialog 4003
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 58, 17 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 120, 81 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "About VCLTestTool";
+ Text[ de ] = "Über VCLTestTool";
+ Text[ ja ] = "About VCLTestTool";
+ Moveable = TRUE;
+ FixedText 1
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 5, 10 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "VCLTestTool";
+ Text[ de ] = "VCLTestTool";
+ Text[ ja ] = "StarTestTool";
+ Center = TRUE;
+ };
+ FixedText 14
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 5, 25 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 10 );
+ Text = "680m1(Build:8990)";
+ Center = TRUE;
+ };
+ FixedText 4
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 5, 40 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "©1995-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
+ Text[ de ] = "©1995-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ョ1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
+ Center = TRUE;
+ };
+ OKButton 1
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 60 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 14 );
+ DefButton = TRUE;
+ };
+ModalDialog 4004
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 69, 30 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 185, 70 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Testtool: Find Text";
+ Text[ de ] = "Testtool: Text suchen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Testtool: 文字列の検索";
+ Moveable = TRUE;
+ FixedText 15
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 5, 10 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 30, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Text";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Text";
+ Text[ ja ] = "~Text";
+ };
+ Edit 7
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 8 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 135, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ OKButton 1
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 30, 30 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 50, 14 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Find";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Suchen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "検索(~F)";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ DefButton = TRUE;
+ };
+ CancelButton 2
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 105, 30 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 50, 14 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Cancel";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Abbruch";
+ Text[ ja ] = "キャンセル(~C)";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ModalDialog 4005
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 69, 30 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 185, 88 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Testtool: Replace Text";
+ Text[ de ] = "Testtool: Text ersetzen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Testtool: 文字列の置換";
+ Moveable = TRUE;
+ FixedText 15
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 5, 10 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 55, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Search for";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Alter Text";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Previou~s text";
+ };
+ FixedText 16
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 5, 30 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 55, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Replace by";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Neuer Text";
+ Text[ ja ] = "New text(~R)";
+ };
+ Edit 7
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 65, 8 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ Edit 8
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 65, 28 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ OKButton 1
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 30, 50 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 50, 14 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Replace";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Ersetzen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "置換(~R)";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ DefButton = TRUE;
+ };
+ CancelButton 2
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 105, 50 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 50, 14 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Cancel";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Abbruch";
+ Text[ ja ] = "キャンセル(~C)";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ModalDialog 6001
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_SYSFONT( 18, 18 );
+ Size = MAP_SYSFONT( 142, 142 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Dynamic Link No. ";
+ Text[ de ] = "Dynamischer Link Nr. ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Dynamic Link No. ";
+ Moveable = TRUE;
+ Closeable = TRUE;
+ FixedText 109
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_SYSFONT( 10, 70 );
+ Size = MAP_SYSFONT( 120, 8 );
+ };
+ Edit 110
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_SYSFONT( 10, 85 );
+ Size = MAP_SYSFONT( 120, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ ListBox 108
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_SYSFONT( 10, 25 );
+ Size = MAP_SYSFONT( 120, 40 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ OKButton 1
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_SYSFONT( 50, 105 );
+ Size = MAP_SYSFONT( 40, 14 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ DefButton = TRUE;
+ };
+ModelessDialog 4006
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 83, 42 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 171, 94 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Testtool: Print File";
+ Text[ de ] = "Testtool: Datei drucken";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Testtool: ファイルの印刷";
+ Moveable = TRUE;
+ FixedText 11
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 11, 9 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 146, 28 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Print ";
+ Text[ de ] = "Druck von ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Print from ";
+ Center = TRUE;
+ };
+ CancelButton 2
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 56, 46 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 47, 19 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Cancel";
+ Text[ de ] = "Abbruch";
+ Text[ ja ] = "キャンセル";
+ };
+ModelessDialog 4007
+ OutputSize = TRUE;
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 248, 140 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Settings";
+ Text[ de ] = "Einstellungen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "設定";
+ Moveable = TRUE;
+ Closeable = TRUE;
+ TabControl 20
+ {
+ OutputSize = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 4 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 240, 116 );
+ PageList =
+ {
+ PageItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 30;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Generic";
+ Text[ de ] = "Generisch";
+ Text[ ja ] = "汎用";
+ };
+ PageItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 40;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Profile";
+ };
+ PageItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 60;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Misc";
+ };
+ PageItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 70;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Font";
+ Text[ de ] = "Schrift";
+ Text[ ja ] = "フォント";
+ };
+ };
+ OKButton 1
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 65, 124 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 55, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ DefButton = TRUE;
+ };
+ CancelButton 2
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 135, 124 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 55, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ };
+ModelessDialog 4013
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 0, 0 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 171, 87 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Edit variable";
+ Text[ de ] = "Variable editieren";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Edit variable";
+ Moveable = TRUE;
+ Closeable = TRUE;
+ FixedText 100
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 8 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Name";
+ Text[ de ] = "Name";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Name";
+ };
+ FixedText 101
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 21 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Content";
+ Text[ de ] = "Inhalt";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Content";
+ };
+ FixedText 102
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 38 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "New content";
+ Text[ de ] = "Neuer Inhalt";
+ Text[ ja ] = "New content";
+ };
+ FixedText 103
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 53, 8 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 111, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Name of variable";
+ Text[ de ] = "name der variablen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Name of variable";
+ };
+ FixedText 104
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 53, 21 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 111, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Previous contents";
+ Text[ de ] = "Alter Inhalt";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Previous contents";
+ };
+ RadioButton 105
+ {
+ Hide = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 53, 37 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "True";
+ Text[ de ] = "True";
+ Text[ ja ] = "True";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ RadioButton 106
+ {
+ Hide = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 98, 37 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "False";
+ Text[ de ] = "False";
+ Text[ ja ] = "False";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ NumericField 107
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Hide = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 53, 37 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 111, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ Repeat = TRUE;
+ Spin = TRUE;
+ Minimum = -32768;
+ Maximum = 32767;
+ First = -32768;
+ Last = 32767;
+ SpinSize = 10;
+ };
+ NumericField 108
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Hide = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 53, 37 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 111, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ Repeat = TRUE;
+ Spin = TRUE;
+ Maximum = 2147483647;
+ Last = 2147483647;
+ SpinSize = 10;
+ };
+ Edit 109
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Hide = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 53, 37 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 111, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Edit";
+ Text[ de ] = "Edit";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Edit";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ OKButton 1
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 33, 58 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ CancelButton 2
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 93, 58 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+Accelerator 9001
+ ItemList =
+ {
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1101;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_NEW;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1102;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_OPEN;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1103;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_CLOSE;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1104;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_SAVE;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1105;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_SAVEAS;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1111;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_QUIT;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1207;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_FIND;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1209;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F3;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1302;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F5;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1311;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F8;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1314;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F9;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1312;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F10;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1313;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F7;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1304;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F5;
+ Modifier1 = TRUE;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1303;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F5;
+ Shift = TRUE;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1307;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F8;
+ Shift = TRUE;
+ };
+ };
+ AcceleratorItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1308;
+ Key = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F7;
+ Shift = TRUE;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+Menu 1000
+ ItemList =
+ {
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1001;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~File";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Datei";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ファイル(~F)";
+ SubMenu = Menu ,1100;
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1002;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Edit";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Bearbeiten";
+ Text[ ja ] = "編集(~E)";
+ SubMenu = Menu ,1200;
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1003;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Program";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Programm";
+ Text[ ja ] = "プログラム(~P)";
+ SubMenu = Menu ,1300;
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1004;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Window";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Fenster";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ウィンドウ(~W)";
+ SubMenu = Menu ,1501;
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Separator = TRUE;
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1005;
+ Help = TRUE;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Help";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Hilfe";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ヘルプ(~H)";
+ SubMenu = Menu ,1601;
+ };
+ };
+Menu 1100
+ ItemList =
+ {
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1101;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~New";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Neu";
+ Text[ ja ] = "新規作成(~N)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_NEW;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1102;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Open...";
+ Text[ de ] = "Ö~ffnen...";
+ Text[ ja ] = "開く(~O)...";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_OPEN;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Separator = TRUE;
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1103;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Close";
+ Text[ de ] = "S~chließen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "閉じる(~C)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_CLOSE;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1104;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Save";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Speichern";
+ Text[ ja ] = "保存(~S)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_SAVE;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1105;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Save~ As...";
+ Text[ de ] = "Speichern ~unter...";
+ Text[ ja ] = "名前を付けて保存...";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_SAVEAS;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Separator = TRUE;
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1106;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Load Library...";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Library laden...";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ライブラリの読み込み(~L)...";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1107;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Save Li~brary...";
+ Text[ de ] = "Li~brary speichern...";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ライブラリの保存(~B)...";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Separator = TRUE;
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1109;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Print";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Drucken";
+ Text[ ja ] = "印刷(~P)";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1110;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "P~rinter Setting...";
+ Text[ de ] = "Druckereinstellun~g...";
+ Text[ ja ] = "プリンタの設定(~R)...";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Separator = TRUE;
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1111;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Exit";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Beenden";
+ Text[ ja ] = "終了(~E)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_QUIT;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+Menu 1200
+ ItemList =
+ {
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1201;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Undo";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Rückgängig";
+ Text[ ja ] = "元に戻す(~U)";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1202;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Redo";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Wiederholen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "やり直し(~R)";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Separator = TRUE;
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1203;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Cut";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Ausschneiden";
+ Text[ ja ] = "切り取り(~C)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_CUT;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1204;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Copy";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Kopieren";
+ Text[ ja ] = "コピー(~C)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_COPY;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1205;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Paste";
+ Text[ de ] = "E~infügen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "貼り付け(~P)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_PASTE;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1206;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Delete";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Löschen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "削除(~D)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_DELETE;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Separator = TRUE;
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1207;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Find...";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Suchen...";
+ Text[ ja ] = "検索(~F)...";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Function = KEYFUNC_FIND;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1208;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Replace...";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Ersetzen...";
+ Text[ ja ] = "置換(~R)...";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1209;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Repeat S~earch";
+ Text[ de ] = "S~uchen Wiederholen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "検索の繰り返し(~E)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F3;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+Menu 1300
+ ItemList =
+ {
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1301;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Compile";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Compilieren";
+ Text[ ja ] = "コンパイルを行う(~C)";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1310;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Disassemble";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Disassemblieren";
+ Text[ ja ] = "~Disassemble";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1302;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Start";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Start";
+ Text[ ja ] = "スタート(~S)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F5;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1311;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Single Step";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Einzelschritt";
+ Text[ ja ] = "~Single Stepping";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F8;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1312;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Si~ngle Step over Procedure";
+ Text[ de ] = "Einzelschritt über ~Prozeduren";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Si~ngle Stepping (subroutines excluded)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F10;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1314;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
+ Text[ de ] = "Brechpunkt setzen/löschen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F9;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1304;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Break";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Unterbrechen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "中断(~B)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F5;
+ Modifier1 = TRUE;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1303;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Stop";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Abbrechen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "キャンセル(~S)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F5;
+ Shift = TRUE;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1307;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Next Error";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Nächster Fehler";
+ Text[ ja ] = "次のエラー(~N)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F8;
+ Shift = TRUE;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1308;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Previous Error";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Vorheriger Fehler";
+ Text[ ja ] = "前のエラー(~P)";
+ AccelKey = KeyCode
+ {
+ Code = KEY_F7;
+ Shift = TRUE;
+ };
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Separator = TRUE;
+ };
+ };
+Menu 1401
+ ItemList =
+ {
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1402;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Settings";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Einstellungen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "設定(~S)";
+ };
+ };
+Menu 1501
+ ItemList =
+ {
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1505;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Cascade";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Überlappend";
+ Text[ ja ] = "重ねて表示(~C)";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1502;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Tile";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Nebeneinander";
+ Text[ ja ] = "並べて表示(~T)";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1503;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Arrange Horizontally";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Horizontal anordnen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "左右に並べて表示(~A)";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1504;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~Arrange Vertically";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Vertikal anordnen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "上下に並べて表示(~A)";
+ };
+ };
+Menu 1601
+ ItemList =
+ {
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = 1606;
+ About = TRUE;
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "~About...";
+ Text[ de ] = "~Info...";
+ Text[ ja ] = "情報(~A)...";
+ };
+ };
+InfoBox 2108
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "The print function is not available!";
+ Message[ de ] = "Drucken steht nicht zur Verfügung!";
+ Message[ ja ] = "プリンタがありません";
+InfoBox 2704
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "Not yet implemented";
+ Message[ de ] = "Noch nicht implementiert";
+ Message[ ja ] = "まだ実装されていません";
+ErrorBox 2103
+ Title = "";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool Error";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool-Fehler";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool エラー";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "File cannot be read!";
+ Message[ de ] = "Datei kann nicht eingelesen werden!";
+ Message[ ja ] = "ファイルは読み取れません。";
+ErrorBox 2104
+ Title = "";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool Error";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool-Fehler";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool エラー";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "File cannot be saved!";
+ Message[ de ] = "Datei kann nicht abgespeichert werden!";
+ Message[ ja ] = "ファイルは保存できません。";
+ErrorBox 2109
+ Title = "";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool Error";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool-Fehler";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool エラー";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "Search key not found!";
+ Message[ de ] = "Suchbegriff nicht gefunden!";
+ Message[ ja ] = "検索キーは見つかりません。";
+ErrorBox 2110
+ Title = "";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool Error";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool-Fehler";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool エラー";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "The value is invalid and cannot be set.";
+ Message[ de ] = "Der Wert ist ungültig und kann daher nicht gesetzt werden.";
+ Message[ ja ] = "値が無効で、設定できません。";
+ErrorBox 2501
+ Title = "";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool Error";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool-Fehler";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool エラー";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "Library cannot be loaded!";
+ Message[ de ] = "Library kann nicht geladen werden!";
+ Message[ ja ] = "ライブラリは読み込みできません。";
+ErrorBox 2502
+ Title = "";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool Error";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool-Fehler";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool エラー";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "Library cannot be saved!";
+ Message[ de ] = "Library kann nicht gespeichert werden!";
+ Message[ ja ] = "ライブラリは保存できません。";
+ErrorBox 2701
+ Title = "";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool Error";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool-Fehler";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool エラー";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "This window does not contain a main program!";
+ Message[ de ] = "Dieses Fenster enthält kein Hauptprogramm!";
+ Message[ ja ] = "このウィンドウにメインプログラムは含まれていません。";
+QueryBox 2200
+ Buttons = WB_YES_NO_CANCEL;
+ Title = "Testtool";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "File has been changed. Save?";
+ Message[ de ] = "Datei ist geändert worden. Abspeichern?";
+ Message[ ja ] = "ファイルに変更があります。保存しますか。";
+QueryBox 2201
+ Buttons = WB_YES_NO_CANCEL;
+ Title = "Testtool";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "File has been changed on data medium.\nOverwrite?";
+ Message[ de ] = "Datei ist auf dem Datenträger geändert worden.\nÜberschreiben?";
+ Message[ ja ] = "ファイルは媒体上で変更されています。\n上書きしますか。";
+QueryBox 2202
+ Buttons = WB_YES_NO_CANCEL;
+ Title = "Testtool";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Save?";
+ Message[ de ] = "Datei ist auf dem Datenträger und\nim Editor geändert worden. Abspeichern?";
+ Message[ ja ] = "ファイルは媒体上と\nエディタで変更されています。�保存しますか。";
+QueryBox 2203
+ Buttons = WB_YES_NO;
+ Title = "Testtool";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "Error saving files! Run anyway?";
+ Message[ de ] = "Fehler beim Speichern der Dateien! Trotzdem ausführen?";
+ Message[ ja ] = "ファイル保存時のエラーです。実行してもかまいませんか。";
+QueryBox 2204
+ Buttons = WB_YES_NO;
+ Title = "Testtool";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "File has been changed on data medium. Reload?";
+ Message[ de ] = "Datei ist auf dem Datenträger geändert worden. Erneut Laden?";
+ Message[ ja ] = "ファイルは媒体上で変更されています。読み込みなおしますか。";
+QueryBox 2205
+ Buttons = WB_YES_NO;
+ Title = "Testtool";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Reload?";
+ Message[ de ] = "Datei ist auf dem Datenträger und\nim Editor geändert worden. Erneut Laden?";
+ Message[ ja ] = "ファイルは媒体上と\nエディタで変更されています。�読み込みなおしますか。";
+QueryBox 2703
+ Buttons = WB_YES_NO;
+ Title = "Testtool";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
+ Message[ de ] = "BASIC-Programm ist noch aktiv! Dennoch beenden?";
+ Message[ ja ] = "BASIC プログラムはまだ起動中です。そのまま終了してもかまいませんか。";
+QueryBox 2705
+ Buttons = WB_OK_CANCEL;
+ Title = "Testtool";
+ Title[ en-US ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ de ] = "Testtool";
+ Title[ ja ] = "Testtool";
+ Message = "";
+ Message[ en-US ] = "Saving in an external format causes information loss.";
+ Message[ de ] = "Speichern in Fremdformat verursacht Informationsverlust";
+ Message[ ja ] = "外部書式で保存すると、情報を失う可能性があります。";
+FloatingWindow 4012
+ OutputSize = TRUE;
+ Hide = TRUE;
+ ClipChildren = TRUE;
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 261, 160 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Display HId";
+ Text[ de ] = "Display HId";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Display HId";
+ Sizeable = TRUE;
+ Moveable = TRUE;
+ Closeable = TRUE;
+ Zoomable = TRUE;
+ ToolBox 80
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 0, 0 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 260, 14 );
+ };
+ FixedText 81
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 16 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 128, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Controls";
+ Text[ de ] = "Controls";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Controls";
+ };
+ MultiListBox 82
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 28 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 208, 88 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ AutoHScroll = TRUE;
+ };
+ FixedText 83
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 120 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 128, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Slots";
+ Text[ de ] = "Slots";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Slots";
+ };
+ MultiListBox 84
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 132 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 208, 24 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ AutoHScroll = TRUE;
+ };
+ PushButton 85
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 216, 28 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Copy";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kopieren";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Copy";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ PushButton 86
+ {
+ Hide = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 216, 44 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Name";
+ Text[ de ] = "Benennen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Name";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ PushButton 87
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 216, 44 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Select all";
+ Text[ de ] = "Alle Markieren";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Select all";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ OKButton 88
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 216, 144 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Close";
+ Text[ de ] = "Schließen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Close";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+FloatingWindow 10001
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 66, 23 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 156, 51 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Reading Configuration Files";
+ Text[ de ] = "Lese Konfigurationsdateien";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Reading Configuration Files";
+ Moveable = TRUE;
+ FixedText 10002
+ {
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 0, 8 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 155, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Slot IDs";
+ Text[ de ] = "Slot IDs";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Slot IDs";
+ Center = TRUE;
+ };
+ FixedText 10003
+ {
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 0, 21 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 155, 10 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "";
+ Text[ de ] = "";
+ Text[ ja ] = "";
+ Center = TRUE;
+ };
+TabPage 4008
+ Hide = TRUE;
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 244, 100 );
+ FixedLine 41
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 4 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 22, 8 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Profile";
+ Text[ de ] = "Profile";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Profile";
+ };
+ ComboBox 42
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 30, 2 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 88 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ DropDown = TRUE;
+ HScroll = TRUE;
+ VScroll = TRUE;
+ AutoHScroll = TRUE;
+ };
+ PushButton 43
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 144, 2 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "New";
+ Text[ de ] = "Neu";
+ Text[ ja ] = "New";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ PushButton 44
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 188, 2 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Delete";
+ Text[ de ] = "Löschen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Delete";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ FixedLine 45
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 16 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 230, 8 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Profile settings";
+ Text[ de ] = "Profileinstellungen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Profile settings";
+ };
+ FixedText 46
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 7, 26 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 76, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Log base directory";
+ Text[ de ] = "Log Basisverzeichnis";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Log base directory";
+ };
+ FixedText 47
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 7, 42 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 76, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Base directory";
+ Text[ de ] = "Basisverzeichnis";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Base directory";
+ };
+ FixedText 48
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 7, 58 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 76, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "HID directory";
+ Text[ de ] = "HID Verzeichnis";
+ Text[ ja ] = "HID directory";
+ };
+ Edit 49
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 87, 26 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 126, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ Edit 50
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 87, 42 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 126, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ Edit 51
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 87, 58 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 126, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ PushButton 52
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 217, 26 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "...";
+ Text[ de ] = "...";
+ Text[ ja ] = "...";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ PushButton 53
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 217, 42 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "...";
+ Text[ de ] = "...";
+ Text[ ja ] = "...";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ PushButton 54
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 217, 58 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "...";
+ Text[ de ] = "...";
+ Text[ ja ] = "...";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ CheckBox 55
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 7, 74 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 115, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "AutoReload";
+ Text[ de ] = "automatiscc neu laden";
+ Text[ ja ] = "AutoReload";
+ };
+ CheckBox 56
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 7, 87 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 115, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Save before execute";
+ Text[ de ] = "Speichern vor Ausführen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Save before execute";
+ };
+ CheckBox 57
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 132, 74 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 115, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Stop on Syntax Errors";
+ Text[ de ] = "Abbruch bei Syntaxfehlern";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Stop on Syntax Errors";
+ };
+TabPage 4009
+ Hide = TRUE;
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 244, 100 );
+ FixedLine 61
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 2 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 230, 8 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Communication";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kommunikation";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Communication";
+ };
+ FixedText 62
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 12 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 30, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Host";
+ Text[ de ] = "Host";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Host";
+ };
+ Edit 63
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 43, 12 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 80, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ FixedText 64
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 132, 12 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 70, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Testtool Port";
+ Text[ de ] = "Testtool Port";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Testtool Port";
+ };
+ NumericField 65
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 191, 12 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ Right = TRUE;
+ Repeat = TRUE;
+ Spin = TRUE;
+ Minimum = 1024;
+ Maximum = 65535;
+ First = 1024;
+ Last = 65535;
+ };
+ FixedText 66
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 132, 27 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 70, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Remote UNO Port";
+ Text[ de ] = "Remote UNO Port";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Remote UNO Port";
+ };
+ NumericField 67
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 191, 27 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ Right = TRUE;
+ Repeat = TRUE;
+ Spin = TRUE;
+ Minimum = 1024;
+ Maximum = 65535;
+ First = 1024;
+ Last = 65535;
+ };
+ FixedLine 68
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 40 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 230, 8 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Other settings";
+ Text[ de ] = "Andere Einstellungen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Other settings";
+ };
+ FixedText 69
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 48 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 70, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Server Timeout";
+ Text[ de ] = "Server Timeout";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Server Timeout";
+ };
+ TimeField 70
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 83, 48 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ Repeat = TRUE;
+ Spin = TRUE;
+ Format = TIMEF_SEC;
+ Duration = TRUE;
+ };
+ FixedText 71
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 132, 48 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 70, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Max LRU Files";
+ Text[ de ] = "Max LRU Files";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Max LRU Files";
+ };
+ NumericField 72
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 191, 48 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ Right = TRUE;
+ Repeat = TRUE;
+ Spin = TRUE;
+ Maximum = 88;
+ };
+TabPage 4010
+ Hide = TRUE;
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 244, 100 );
+ FixedText 71
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 2 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 123, 8 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Type";
+ Text[ de ] = "Art";
+ Text[ ja ] = "種類";
+ };
+ ComboBox 72
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 12 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 123, 48 );
+ Sort = TRUE;
+ AutoHScroll = TRUE;
+ };
+ FixedText 73
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 131, 2 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 65, 8 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Typeface";
+ Text[ de ] = "Schnitt";
+ Text[ ja ] = "スタイル";
+ };
+ ComboBox 74
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 131, 12 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 65, 48 );
+ AutoHScroll = TRUE;
+ };
+ FixedText 75
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 200, 2 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 29, 8 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Size";
+ Text[ de ] = "Größe";
+ Text[ ja ] = "サイズ";
+ };
+ MetricBox 76
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 200, 12 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 29, 48 );
+ AutoHScroll = TRUE;
+ };
+ FixedText 77
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 65 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 229, 30 );
+ };
+TabPage 4011
+ Hide = TRUE;
+ SVLook = TRUE;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 244, 100 );
+ FixedLine 31
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 2 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 228, 8 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Area";
+ Text[ de ] = "Bereich";
+ Text[ ja ] = "範囲";
+ };
+ ComboBox 32
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 12 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 132, 88 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ DropDown = TRUE;
+ HScroll = TRUE;
+ VScroll = TRUE;
+ AutoHScroll = TRUE;
+ };
+ PushButton 33
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 144, 12 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "New";
+ Text[ de ] = "Neu";
+ Text[ ja ] = "新規";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ PushButton 34
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 188, 12 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Delete";
+ Text[ de ] = "Löschen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "削除";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ FixedLine 35
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 32 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 228, 8 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Setting";
+ Text[ de ] = "Einstellung";
+ Text[ ja ] = "設定";
+ };
+ ComboBox 36
+ {
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 48 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 176, 44 );
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ HScroll = TRUE;
+ VScroll = TRUE;
+ AutoHScroll = TRUE;
+ };
+ PushButton 37
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 188, 48 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "New";
+ Text[ de ] = "Neu";
+ Text[ ja ] = "新規";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+ PushButton 38
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 188, 64 );
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Delete";
+ Text[ de ] = "Löschen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "削除";
+ TabStop = TRUE;
+ };
+String 20000
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Name doesn't exist: #($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Name nicht vorhanden: #($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "この名前はありません: #($Arg1)";
+String 20001
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Name double: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Name Doppelt: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "名前が重複しています: ($Arg1)";
+String 20002
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Reading the files";
+ Text[ de ] = "Einlesen der Dateien";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ファイルの読み取り";
+String 20003
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "File cannot be opened: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kann Datei nicht öffnen: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ファイルが開けられません: ($Arg1)";
+String 20004
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Line \"($Arg1)\" is invalid.";
+ Text[ de ] = "Zeile \"($Arg1)\" Ist ungültig.";
+ Text[ ja ] = "\"($Arg1)\"行は無効です。";
+String 20005
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Short-name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kurzname Unbekannt beim Kopieren: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Short name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
+String 20006
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Long-name unknown: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Langname unbekannt: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "長い名前は不明: ($Arg1)";
+String 20007
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "First short-name must start with * . Ignoring.";
+ Text[ de ] = "Erster Kurzname muss mit * beginnen. Überspringe.";
+ Text[ ja ] = "First short name must start with * . Ignore.";
+String 20008
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Server Timeout while waiting for answer. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Server Timeout beim Warten auf Antwort. Sequenz Nr: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "応答待ちの際のサーバーのタイムアウト。シーケンスNo.: ($Arg1)";
+String 20009
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Application has been restarted.";
+ Text[ de ] = "Applikation wurde neu gestartet.";
+ Text[ ja ] = "アプリケーションは再スタートされました。";
+String 20010
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Application \"($Arg1)\" cannot be started. ";
+ Text[ de ] = "Applikation \"($Arg1)\" kann nicht gestartet werden. ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "アプリケーション \"($Arg1)\" はスタートできません。 ";
+String 20011
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Server Timeout while sending. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Server Timeout beim Senden. Sequenz Nr: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "送信の際のサーバーのタイムアウト。シーケンスNo.: ($Arg1)";
+String 20012
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "No connection. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Keine Verbindung. Sequenz Nr: ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "接続なし。シーケンスNo.: ($Arg1)";
+String 20013
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "No ($Arg1) files found";
+ Text[ de ] = "Keine ($Arg1) Dateien gefunden";
+ Text[ ja ] = "($Arg1)ファイルは見つかりません。";
+String 20014
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "** ($Arg1) errors occurred";
+ Text[ de ] = "** ($Arg1) Fehler aufgetreten";
+ Text[ ja ] = "** ($Arg1) のエラー発生";
+String 20015
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "** No errors have occurred";
+ Text[ de ] = "** Keine Fehler aufgetreten";
+ Text[ ja ] = "** エラーなし";
+String 20016
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred";
+ Text[ de ] = "** ($Arg1) Warnungen aufgetreten";
+ Text[ ja ] = "** ($Arg1) の警告発生";
+String 20017
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "** No warnings have occurred";
+ Text[ de ] = "** Keine Warnungen aufgetreten";
+ Text[ ja ] = "** 警告なし";
+String 20018
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Slot/Control unknown :\"($Arg1)\"";
+ Text[ de ] = "Slot/Control unbekannt :\"($Arg1)\"";
+ Text[ ja ] = "スロット/コントロールがわかりません:\"($Arg1)\"";
+String 20019
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Return Stream has wrong sequence: ($Arg1) instead of ($Arg2)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Return Stream mit falscher Sequenz: ($Arg1) statt ($Arg2)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "リターンストリームのシーケンスが間違っています: ($Arg2) でなく ($Arg1)";
+String 20020
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Return value received but different Id expected";
+ Text[ de ] = "Returnwert Empfangen aber andere Id erwartet";
+ Text[ ja ] = "リターン値を受け取りましたが、別のIdが必要です。";
+String 20021
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Return value received but no receiver defined";
+ Text[ de ] = "Returnwert Empfangen aber kein Empfänger definiert";
+ Text[ ja ] = "リターン値を受け取りましたが、受信者が決定できません。";
+String 20022
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Unknown method on object :($Arg1).($Arg2)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Unbekannte Methode an Objekt : ($Arg1).($Arg2)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Unknown method on object :($Arg1).($Arg2)";
+String 20023
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred during initialization";
+ Text[ de ] = "** ($Arg1) Warnungen bei der Initialisierung aufgetreten";
+ Text[ ja ] = "** 初期化中に ($Arg1) の警告あり";
+String 20024
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "** No warnings occurred during initialization";
+ Text[ de ] = "** Keine Warnungen bei der Initialisierung aufgetreten";
+ Text[ ja ] = "** 初期化中に警告なし";
+String 21000
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
+String 21001
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Error outside of test case";
+ Text[ de ] = "Fehler außerhalb eines Testcase.";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Error outside of test case.";
+String 21002
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Warning: ";
+ Text[ de ] = "Warnung: ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Warning: ";
+String 22000
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
+ Text[ de ] = "Programm abgebrochen mit GPF";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
+String 22001
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Application has been shut down";
+ Text[ de ] = "Applikation wurde Beendet";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Application has been shut down";
+String 22002
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Slot ID cannot be executed. No ActiveDispatcher";
+ Text[ de ] = "Konnte Slot ID nicht ausführen: Kein ActiveDispatcher";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
+String 22003
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Slot ID could not be execute";
+ Text[ de ] = "Konnte Slot ID nicht ausführen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
+String 22004
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
+ Text[ de ] = "UnoSlot: Konnte Properties nicht initialisieren.";
+ Text[ ja ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
+String 22005
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
+ Text[ de ] = "ResetApplication fehlgeschlagen: Zu komplex";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
+String 22006
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
+ Text[ de ] = "ResetApplication fehlgeschlagen: Unbekannter Fenstertyp";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
+String 22007
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "No active window found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kein aktives Fenster gefunden (GetNextCloseWindow)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Active window not found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
+String 22008
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "GetActive does not return a dialog! Inform development";
+ Text[ de ] = "GetActive liefert keinen Dialog zurück! Bitte Entwicklung informieren";
+ Text[ ja ] = "GetActive does not deliver a dialog! Inform development.";
+String 22009
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Pop-up menu not open";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kein PopupMenu geöffnet";
+ Text[ ja ] = "PopUp menu not open";
+String 22010
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Submenu does not exist";
+ Text[ de ] = "Untermenü nicht vorhanden";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Submenu does not exist";
+String 22011
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
+ Text[ de ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) wird nicht unterstützt";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
+String 22012
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
+ Text[ de ] = "Selektion nach Attributen nur für Directories möglich.";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
+String 22013
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "No more files";
+ Text[ de ] = "Keine weiteren Dateien";
+ Text[ ja ] = "No further files";
+String 22014
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' on ($Arg2)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Unbekannte Methode '($Arg1)' an ($Arg2)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
+String 22015
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Invalid Parameters";
+ Text[ de ] = "Ungültige Parameter";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Invalid Parameters";
+String 22016
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Pointer not inside application window at '($Arg1)'";
+ Text[ de ] = "Pointer nicht innerhalb des Applikationsfensters bei '($Arg1)'";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Pointer not located in application window at '($Arg1)'";
+String 22017
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
+ Text[ de ] = "Unbekannter Befehl '($Arg1)'";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
+String 22018
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "($Arg1) could not be found";
+ Text[ de ] = "Konnte ($Arg1) nicht finden.";
+ Text[ ja ] = "($Arg1) could not be found";
+String 22019
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "($Arg1) is not visible";
+ Text[ de ] = "($Arg1) ist unsichtbar.";
+ Text[ ja ] = "($Arg1) is not visible";
+String 22020
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "($Arg1) could not be accessed.";
+ Text[ de ] = "Konnte auf ($Arg1) nicht zugreifen.";
+ Text[ ja ] = "($Arg1) にアクセスできませんでした。";
+String 22021
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Eintragsnummer ($Arg2) zu groß in ($Arg1). Maximum ist ($Arg3)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
+String 22022
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Eintragsnummer ($Arg2) zu klein in ($Arg1). Minimum ist ($Arg3)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
+String 22023
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Window disappeared in the meantime at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Window zwischenzeitlich verschwunden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
+String 22024
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
+ Text[ de ] = "Fehler #($Arg1) beim Speichern des Bildes";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
+String 22025
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Ungültige Positionsangabe bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
+String 22026
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "SplitWindow not found at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Konnte SplitWindow nicht finden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
+String 22027
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Interner Fehler bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
+String 22028
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Keine StatusBar vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
+String 22029
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Die Items sind ausgeblendet bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
+String 22030
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Tabpage nicht gefunden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
+String 22031
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Tristate cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Tristate darf nicht gesetzt werden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
+String 22032
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Set text did not function";
+ Text[ de ] = "SetText hat nicht funktioniert";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Set text did not function";
+String 22033
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Schreibversuch auf ReadOnly ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
+String 22034
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Select FALSE nicht erlaubt. Bitte MultiSelect verwenden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
+String 22035
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
+ Text[ de ] = "Eintrag \"($Arg2)\" bei ($Arg1) nicht gefunden";
+ Text[ ja ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
+String 22036
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
+ Text[ de ] = "($Arg1) von Eintrag \"($Arg2)\" ist fehlgeschlagen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
+String 22037
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "HelpID auf ToolBox nicht gefunden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
+String 22038
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Der Button ist disabled in ToolBox bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
+String 22039
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Der Button ist hidden in ToolBox bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
+String 22040
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Button konnte nicht sichtbar gemacht werden in ToolBox bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
+String 22041
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "TearOff Fehlgeschlagen in ToolBox bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
+String 22042
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "No entry is selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Es ist kein Eintrag ausgewählt in TreeListBox bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "($Arg1) の TreeListBox で項目の選択ができていません。";
+String 22043
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Select/Deselect mit String nicht implementiert bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
+String 22044
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Methode nur bei frei schwebenden Fenstern erlaubt bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
+String 22045
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Methode nur im angedockten Modus erlaubt bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
+String 22046
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Größe ist nicht veränderbar bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
+String 22047
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kein OK Button Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
+String 22048
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kein Abbrechen Button Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
+String 22049
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kein Ja Button Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
+String 22050
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kein Nein Button Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
+String 22051
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kein Wiederholen Button Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
+String 22052
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kein Hilfe Button Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
+String 22053
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kein Default Button Definiert bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
+String 22054
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "There is no button with ID ($Arg1) at ($Arg2)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kein Button mit der ID ($Arg1) Vorhanden bei ($Arg2)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
+String 22055
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "A button ID needs to be given at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Es muss eine ButtonId angegeben werden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "A button ID needs to be entered at ($Arg1)";
+String 22056
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId or method '($Arg2)' not supported";
+ Text[ de ] = "Unbekannter Objekttyp ($Arg1) aus UId oder Methode '($Arg2)' nicht unterstützt";
+ Text[ ja ] = "UId あるいはメソッド'($Arg2)' からの不明なオブジェクト の種類 ($Arg1) は支援されません。";
+String 22057
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Unpacking storage \"($Arg1)\" to \"($Arg2)\" failed";
+ Text[ de ] = "Entpacken der Storage \"($Arg1)\" nach \"($Arg2)\" ist fehlgeschlagen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "記憶装置 \"($Arg1)\" は \"($Arg2)\" に解凍できませんでした。";
+String 22058
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "ListBoxButton does not exist in ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "ListBoxButton nicht vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ListBoxButton は ($Arg1) にありません。";
+String 22059
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be executed: No dispatcher was found.";
+ Text[ de ] = "Konnte UNO Url \"($Arg1)\"nicht ausführen: Keinen Dispatcher gefunden";
+ Text[ ja ] = "UNO Url \"($Arg1)\" は実行できませんでした: ディスパッチャーが見つかりません。";
+String 22060
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be executed: No ActiveFrame on desktop.";
+ Text[ de ] = "Konnte UNO Url \"($Arg1)\"nicht ausführen: Kein ActiveFrame am Desktop";
+ Text[ ja ] = "UNO Url \"($Arg1)\" は実行できませんでした: デスクトップにアクティブフレームがありません。";
+String 22061
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "There is no menu at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kein Menü Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
+String 22062
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "No entry is selected in ($Arg2) at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Es ist kein Eintrag ausgewählt in ($Arg2) bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "($Arg1) の ($Arg2) で項目の選択ができていません。";
+String 22063
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: Disabled";
+ Text[ de ] = "Konnte UNO Url \"($Arg1)\"nicht ausführen: Disabled";
+ Text[ ja ] = "UNO Url \"($Arg1)\" は実行できませんでした: 動作しません。";
+String 22064
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "No scroll bar at ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Keine ScrollBar vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "($Arg1) にはスクロールバーがありません。";
+String 22065
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "No SAX Parser when using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
+ Text[ de ] = "Keine SAX Parser bei ($Arg1). Zuerst mit 'SAXReadFile' initialisieren.";
+ Text[ ja ] = "($Arg1)には SAX Parser がありません。最初に 'SAXReadFile' で初期化します。";
+String 22066
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Cannot create Directory: \"($Arg1)\"";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kann Verzeichnis nicht erstellen: \"($Arg1)\"";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Cannot create Directory: \"($Arg1)\"";
+String 22067
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Directory has to be Empty to unpack to. Directory: \"($Arg1)\"";
+ Text[ de ] = "Verzeichnis muss leer sein um darin zu entpacken. Verzeichnis: \"($Arg1)\"";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Directory has to be Empty to unpack to. Directory: \"($Arg1)\"";
+String 22068
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Deprecated! Please change the script.";
+ Text[ de ] = "Veraltet! Bitte das Script ändern";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Deprecated! Please change the script.";
+String 22069
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "The Size is below the minimum. x=($Arg1) ,y=($Arg2)";
+ Text[ de ] = "Die Größe ist unter dem Minimum. x=($Arg1) ,y=($Arg2)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "The Size is below the minimum. x=($Arg1) ,y=($Arg2)";
+String 22070
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Cannot find FloatingWindow for floating DockingWindow at ($Arg1).";
+ Text[ de ] = "Kann FloatingWindow für frei schwebendes DockingWindow nicht finden";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Cannot find FloatingWindow for floating DockingWindow at ($Arg1).";
+String 257
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Is an invalid KeyCode!";
+ Text[ de ] = "Ist kein gültiger KeyCode!";
+ Text[ ja ] = "キーコードは無効です。";
+String 258
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "\ncould not be found.\nThis file is indispensable.";
+ Text[ de ] = "\nwurde nicht gefunden.\nDiese Datei ist unentbehrlich.";
+ Text[ ja ] = "\n見つかりませんでした。\nこのファイルは絶対に必要です。";
+String 259
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Reading long-names";
+ Text[ de ] = "Einlesen der Langnamen";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ロングファイルネームの読み取り";
+String 260
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Reading Slot IDs";
+ Text[ de ] = "Einlesen der Slot IDs";
+ Text[ ja ] = "スロット ID の読み取り";
+String 261
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Reading Controls";
+ Text[ de ] = "Einlesen der Controls";
+ Text[ ja ] = "コントロールの読み取り";
+String 262
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Reading BASIC module";
+ Text[ de ] = "Einlesen BASIC Modul";
+ Text[ ja ] = "BASIC モジュールの読み取り";
+String 263
+ Text = "";
+ Text[ en-US ] = "Starting application";
+ Text[ de ] = "Starten der Applikation";
+ Text[ ja ] = "アプリケーションの起動";