path: root/testautomation/math/optional/includes/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/math/optional/includes/')
1 files changed, 710 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/math/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/math/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..989857403546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/math/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* Owner :
+'* short description :
+ dim cActFilter as string ' used filter for save
+ Const cActFilterExt = ".sxm" ' used filter for save (extension)
+sub m_101_
+ cActFilter = gMathFilter
+ Printlog Chr(13) + "-- File Menu --"
+' tFileNew
+' Call Autopilot 'in Inc\desktop\
+' Call tFileClose
+ Call tFileSave
+ Call tFileSaveAs
+ Call tFilePassword ' check which filtertypes enable saving with password
+ Call tFileOpen_1 ' just load all previous saved files in this test
+ Call tFileOpen_2 ' load testfiles for filters
+ gApplication = "WRITER"
+ Call tToolsCatalog ' code is in, but i want to print he result, so i needed to moove teh call to here
+ gApplication = "MATH"
+ Call tFilePrint ' writer dokument with math ole's
+' Call tFileSaveAll
+' Call tFileNewLoad
+' Call tFileVersions
+' tDocumentAsEmail
+' Call tFileProperties
+' Call tFilePrintersetting
+' Call tFileEnd
+end sub
+testcase tFileSave
+ dim sFileName as string ' test document & new created doc
+ dim sFormula as string ' container for formula to create document with
+ dim Exlist(30) as string
+ dim sTemp as string
+ dim i,x,y as integer
+ '/// if not exists : gOfficePath + '\\user\\math\\level1\\', create it ///'
+ if app.dir (ConvertPath ( gOfficePath + "user/work/math") ) = "" then
+ app.mkdir ConvertPath ( gOfficePath + "user/work/math")
+ endif
+ if app.dir (ConvertPath ( gOfficePath + "user/work/math/level1")) = "" then
+ app.mkdir ConvertPath ( gOfficePath + "user/work/math/level1")
+ endif
+ sFileName = ConvertPath ( gOfficePath + "user/work/math/level1")
+ Printlog "'/// deleting all files in output directory: \\user\\work\\math\\level1\\ ///'"
+ if gSamePC = TRUE then ' delete export directory
+ GetFileList ( sFileName, "*.*", Exlist() )
+ if KillFileList ( Exlist() ) <> TRUE then
+ Warnlog "Couldn't delete all Files in Output-Export-Directory, the followings are still there:"
+ for i=1 to ListCount ( Exlist() )
+ printlog " <> " + Exlist(i)
+ next i
+ end if
+ end if
+' should be default format?!
+'/// take formulatext from loaded file -> language independant! ///'
+ sFormula = TBOloadFormulaFromFile()
+ if sFormula = "gehtnicht" then
+ qaErrorlog "can not make document writeable - exiting test"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ hNewDocument
+'/// write formula down ///'
+ SchreibenInMathdok (sFormula)
+ sleep 3
+ hFileSaveAsKill (sFileName + "filesave.sxm")
+' Get used filter name
+ FileSaveAs
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
+ sTemp = Dateityp.GetSelText
+ SpeichernDlg.Cancel
+'/// file save with default filter as: "\\user\\work\\math\\level1\\filesave...." ///'
+ printlog " saved with filter: "+ sTemp
+ Call hCloseDocument
+testcase tFileSaveAs
+ dim sFileName as string ' test document & new created doc
+ dim sFormula as string ' container for formula to create document with
+ dim sTemp as string
+ dim sFilter (50) as string
+ dim i,x,y as integer
+ dim bAlienWarning as boolean
+ sFilter (0) = 0 ' initalisize ;-)...
+'/// take formulatext from loaded file -> language independant! ///'
+ sFormula = TBOloadFormulaFromFile
+ if sFormula = "gehtnicht" then
+ qaErrorlog "can not make document writeable - exiting test"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ hNewDocument
+'/// write formula down ///'
+ SchreibenInMathdok sFormula
+ sleep 3
+'/// start loop 3 times for: ///'
+'///+ StarOffice 6.0 Formula ///'
+'///+ StarMath 5.0 ///'
+'///+ MathML 1.01 ///'
+'/// to be language independant, select first, second last and last filter from list -> but try to check the names :-) ///'
+' to use the helper fileSaveAs functions i get all available filters...
+ ListAppend(sFilter(), "StarOffice XML (Math)")
+ ListAppend(sFilter(), "math8")
+ bAlienWarning = isCheckedWarnAlienFormat
+ if (NOT bAlienWarning) then
+ qaErrorLog "Somebody disabled 'Alien Warnings' in the options, will enable it again now."
+ isCheckedWarnAlienFormat(true)
+ endif
+ for i = 1 to (ListCount(sFilter()))
+ sFileName = convertpath( gOfficePath + "user/work/math/level1/fsas_"+(i))
+ sleep 1
+ printlog "going to save: '"+sFileName+"'"
+ sleep 1
+ '----- try to WorkAround focus change ---------
+ kontext "DocumentMath"
+ DocumentMath.mouseDown 10,10
+ DocumentMath.mouseUp 10,10
+ '-----------------------------------------------
+ hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (sFileName, sFilter(i), TRUE )
+ '/// file save with filter as: "output\\math\\fsas_[0,1,2]" ///'
+ ' Alien Warning has not to appear on the first one: Default format .odf
+ Kontext "AlienWarning"
+ if AlienWarning.exists(5) then
+ if (1=i) then
+ warnlog "- AlienWarning on default file format! Not OK!"
+ else
+ printlog "- AlienWarning"
+ endif
+ AlienWarning.ok
+ endif
+ printlog " saved with filter ("+i+"/2): "+ sFilter(i)
+ next i
+'/// TODO: small check, if correct filter was used! ///'
+ sleep 3
+ fileclose
+ sleep 3
+ kontext "active"
+ if active.exists then
+ printlog "active about informationloss... :-) that's OK: '"+active.GetText+"'"
+ active.yes
+ endif
+testcase tFileOpen_1
+'/// a small loop, to load all files previous saved ///'
+ dim sFileName as string ' test document & new created doc
+ dim sFormula as string ' container for formula to create document with
+ dim sFileList (30) as string
+ dim sTemp as string
+ dim i,x,y as integer
+'///load documents from "output\\math\\" ///
+ sFileName = ConvertPath ( gOfficePath + "user/work/math/level1/" )
+ GetFileList ( sFileName, "*.*", sFileList() )
+ x = ListCount ( sFileList() )
+ for i = 1 to x
+ printlog "("+i+"/"+x+"): "+sFileList(i)
+ hFileOpen ( sFileList(i) )
+ Sleep 2
+ If hIsNamedDocLoaded (sFileList(i)) Then
+ printlog " used filter: " + hGetUsedFilter()
+ else
+ warnlog "document didn't get loaded"
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument
+ sleep 2
+ next i
+testcase tFileOpen_2
+'/// a small loop, to load a testfile for every non SO filter files ///'
+'/// files are taken from: ///'
+ dim sFileName as string ' test document & new created doc
+ dim sFormula as string ' container for formula to create document with
+ dim sFileList (30) as string
+ dim sTemp as string
+ dim i,x,y as integer
+'///load documents from "input\\math\\level1\\filter\\" ///
+ sFileName = ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "math/optional/input/level1/filter/" )
+ GetFileList ( sFileName, "*.*", sFileList() )
+ x = ListCount ( sFileList() )
+ for i = 1 to x
+ printlog "("+i+"/"+x+"): "+sFileList(i)
+ hFileOpen ( sFileList(i) )
+ Sleep 20
+ If hIsNamedDocLoaded (sFileList(i)) Then
+ printlog " used filter: " + hGetUsedFilter()
+ else
+ warnlog "document didn't get loaded"
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument
+ next i
+testcase tFilePassword
+ dim i,x as integer
+ dim sTemp as string
+ const cFilterCount = 4
+ dim sFilterName as string
+ dim sFilter as string
+ dim sFilterExt() as string
+ Printlog "'///- Check each Filter if password is possible ///"
+ ' make sure saving in latest math filter works, checking global filtername and if necessary change it
+ sFilter = hGetUIFiltername("math8")
+ sFilterExt() = hGetFilternameExtension("math8")
+ sFilterName = sFilter + " (." + sFilterExt(0) + ")"
+ printlog sFilterName
+ printlog gMathFilter
+ gMathFilter = sFilterName
+ hNewDocument
+ SchreibenInMathdok "a over b"
+ FileSaveAs
+ Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
+ '/// check amount of available filters (6) ///'
+ x = Dateityp.GetItemCount
+ if x <> cFilterCount then warnlog " The Filter count is wrong! Have to be ("+cFilterCount+"), but are: "+x
+' Check: (1): Open Office Formula (.oof)
+' Check: (2): MathML 1.01 (.mml)
+' Check: (5): StarMath 5.0 (.smf)
+' Check: (6): StarOffice 6.0/7 Formula (.sxm)
+'/// check if any other then gMathFilter is password able; and if gMathFilter is password able ///'
+ for i = 1 to x
+ Dateityp.Select i
+ sleep (5)
+ sTemp = Dateityp.GetSelText
+ printlog " Check: (" + i + "/" + x +"): " +sTemp
+ if Passwort.isEnabled then
+ if NOT((instr(sTemp,gMathFilter) = 1)OR(instr(sTemp," (.sxm)") > 1)) then
+ if (4=i) then
+ warnlog "#i112895# (" + i + "/" + x +"): '"+sTemp+"' Password Checkbox: Enabled"
+ else
+ warnlog "(" + i + "/" + x +"): '"+sTemp+"' Password Checkbox: Enabled"
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ if (instr(sTemp,gMathFilter) = 1)OR(instr(sTemp," (.sxm)") > 1) then
+ warnlog "(" + i + "/" + x +"): '"+sTemp+"' Password Checkbox: Disabled"
+ endif
+ endif
+ next i
+ SpeichernDlg.Cancel
+ hCloseDocument
+function TBOloadFormulaFromFile () as string
+'/// load an existing document: "input\\math\\101_1.sxm" ///
+'///+ take formula out of command window ///
+'///+ save it into a variable ///
+'/// close dokument ///
+ Call hFileOpen ( ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + "math/optional/input/101_1.sxm") )
+ kontext "dokumentwriter"
+ try
+ EditSelectAllMath
+ EditCopy
+ TBOloadFormulaFromFile = GetClipboardText
+ catch
+ TBOloadFormulaFromFile = "gehtnicht"
+ endcatch
+' printlog "-----TBOloadFormulaFromFile: will return: '"+TBOloadFormulaFromFile+"'"
+ hCloseDocument
+end function
+testcase tFilePrint
+'/// I create a writer document and insert the object formula from the standard testfile: ///'
+'///+ There will be a graphic, how it should look like and the object///'
+'///+ AND there was the formula already inserted as object!///'
+'///+ in different languages...///'
+'/// Document is called: "input\\math\\101_2.sxw ///
+'///+ Image is available at: "input\\math\\101_2.gif///'
+ dim sFormula as string ' container for formula to create document with
+ dim sFileName as string
+ dim bChecked as boolean
+ dim sTemp as string
+ dim sTemp1 as string
+ dim bLanguage as boolean
+ dim bString as boolean
+ dim iLanguage as integer
+ dim sFoundLanguage as string
+ dim bError as boolean
+ dim iTimeOut as integer
+ printlog "- File Print"
+ bError = FALSE
+ sFormula = TBOloadFormulaFromFile()
+ if sFormula = "gehtnicht" then
+ qaErrorlog "can not make document writeable - exiting test"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ Call hFileOpen ( ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + "math/optional/input/101_2.sxw") )
+ TBOmakeWriteable()
+ '/// find the translated formula in the document and get the language it belongs to ///'
+ '///+ compare it to the officelanguage ///'
+ kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<mod1 home>"
+ bLanguage = hFindeImDokument("{"+ iSprache +"}")
+ kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<mod1 home>"
+ hFindeImDokument ("\{"+ iSprache +"\}.*\{"+ iSprache +"\}", TRUE, TRUE)
+ try
+ editcopy
+ catch
+ printlog "editcopy failed."
+ setClipboard("")
+ endcatch
+ sFoundLanguage = GetClipboardText
+ If NOT bLanguage then
+ qaErrorLog "This Language (" + iSprache + ") is not supported in this test right now! Add the following string to the document: " +ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + "math/optional/input/101_2.sxw")
+ else
+ kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<left>"
+ if bError then
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<right>"
+ endif
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<shift left><shift left>"
+ editcopy
+ stemp = GetClipboardText
+ if (left(sTemp,1) = "{") then
+ ' language number is monadic
+ sTemp = right(sTemp,1)
+ endif
+ iLanguage = val(sTemp)
+ if (iSprache <> iLanguage) then
+ warnlog "hmm, smth is wrong :-(; found translated text for language: "+val(GetClipboardText) + ", but looked for: "+iSprache
+ endif
+ endif
+ kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<mod1 home>"
+ bString = hFindeImDokument (sFormula)
+ If NOT bString then
+ if bLanguage then
+ warnlog "The translation changed! If It is a ProductPatch, then this is a bug; else update the document by calling TBO.:" +ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + "math/optional/input/101_2.sxw")
+ endif
+ printlog sFormula
+ endif
+ sleep 1
+ try
+ editcopy
+ catch
+ If (bString AND bLanguage) then
+ warnlog "Edit-Copy failed."
+ endif
+ endcatch
+ printlog "found.......................... '"+GetClipboardText+"'"
+ printlog "looked for..................... '"+sFormula+"'"
+ printlog "found language............. '"+sFoundLanguage+"'"
+ if (GetClipboardText <> sFormula) then
+ If (bString AND bLanguage) then
+ warnlog "difference to reference!"
+ endif
+ else
+ printlog "FOUND entry for the language!: '"+ iLanguage +"'"
+ endif
+ kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<mod1 home><down><down>"
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys gPCname + " " + iSprache + " " + gLanguage + " " + gPlatgroup + " " + gPlatform + "<return>"
+ '/// Insert the loaded and automatical 'translated' formulatext in writer as text ///'
+ hFindeImDokument ("TBO_INSERTED")
+ kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys sFormula
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<mod1 end>"
+ sleep (2)
+ '/// call: Insert->Object->Formula ///'
+ InsertObjectFormulaWriter
+ '/// write formula down ///'
+ SchreibenInMathdok (sFormula)
+ sleep 3
+ '/// exit formula object ///'
+ kontext "DokumentWriter" 'Commands'CommandsMath'DocumentMath don't work :-[
+ DokumentWriter.MouseDown 99,99
+ DokumentWriter.MouseUp 99,99
+ DokumentWriter.MouseDown 99,99
+ DokumentWriter.MouseUp 99,99
+ sFileName = convertpath( gOfficePath + "user/work/math/level1/ftc_a.odt")
+ if (FileExists(sFileName)) then
+ '/// goto end of page; insert page break ///'
+ kontext "DokumentWriter"
+ DokumentWriter.typeKeys "<mod1 end>"
+ sleep 1
+ DokumentWriter.typeKeys "<mod1 end>"
+ sleep 1
+ DokumentWriter.typeKeys "<mod1 end>"
+ sleep 1
+ DokumentWriter.typeKeys "<mod1 return>"
+ sleep 1
+ '/// insert frame ///'
+ try
+ InsertFrame
+ catch
+ printlog "Catched because of failed mouse action, try to leafe math in oposite corner"
+ kontext "DokumentWriter"
+ DokumentWriter.MouseDown 1,1 ' TBO: i don't like to do it this way,
+ DokumentWriter.MouseUp 1,1 ' but using .TypeKeys doesn't work
+ DokumentWriter.MouseDown 1,1 ' that way i expected in math via ole :-[
+ DokumentWriter.MouseUp 1,1
+ kontext "DokumentWriter"
+ DokumentWriter.typeKeys "<mod1 end>"
+ sleep 1
+ DokumentWriter.typeKeys "<mod1 end>"
+ sleep 1
+ DokumentWriter.typeKeys "<mod1 end>"
+ sleep 1
+ DokumentWriter.typeKeys "<mod1 return>"
+ sleep 1
+ '/// insert frame ///'
+ InsertFrame
+ endcatch
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext
+ active.setPage TabType
+ kontext "TabType"
+ RelativeWidth.check
+ RelativeHeight.check
+ Width.setText "100"
+ Height.setText "98"
+ RelativeWidth.unCheck
+ RelativeHeight.unCheck
+ AutoHoehe.Check
+ TabType.OK
+ kontext "DokumentWriter"
+ sleep 1
+ DokumentWriter.typeKeys "<f2>"
+ sleep 1
+ '/// load file from testcase 'tToolsCatalog' to get a hardcopy ///'
+ InsertFileWriter
+ Kontext "GeneralFileDialog"
+ Dateiname.setText sFileName
+ sleep 60
+ '/// do some nice formatting ///'
+ FormatColumns
+ Kontext "FormatColumn"
+ Columns.setText "2"
+ FormatColumn.TypeKeys "<tab>"
+ iTimeOut = 1
+ while ((NOT AutoWidth.isEnabled) AND (iTimeOut < 30))
+ sleep 1
+ printlog "Waiting for control to be enabled: (" + iTimeOut + "/30)"
+ iTimeOut = iTimeOut +1
+ Kontext "FormatColumn"
+ FormatColumn.TypeKeys "<tab>"
+ wend
+ Kontext "FormatColumn"
+ bChecked = AutoWidth.isChecked
+ AutoWidth.UnCheck
+ sTemp = Width1.getText
+ Width1.typeKeys("<PageDown>")
+ Width1.more
+ sTemp1 = Width1.getText
+ Width1.setText(sTemp)
+ if (bChecked) then
+ AutoWidth.UnCheck
+ endif
+ FormatColumn.OK
+ FormatParagraph
+ Kontext
+ active.setPage TabTabulator
+ kontext "TabTabulator"
+ Position.setText sTemp
+ Position.setText sTemp1
+ try
+ TabTabulator.OK
+ catch
+ warnlog "Timeout on closing "
+ iTimeOut = 1
+ while ((iTimeOut > 0) AND (iTimeOut < 30))
+ try
+ Kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.typeKeys "<right>"
+ iTimeOut = iTimeOut * (-1)
+ catch
+ sleep (10)
+ inc(iTimeOut)
+ endcatch
+ wend
+ printlog "Duration: " + (iTimeOut * 10)
+ endcatch
+ else
+ qaErrorLog "File doesn't exists: '" + sFileName + "'"
+ endif
+ '/// print file ///'
+ try
+ Fileprint
+ kontext
+ if active.exists(2) then
+ active.ok
+ qaerrorlog "There is no printer available - please install one on your system!"
+ Kontext "Printing"
+ if ( Printing.exists( 2 ) ) then
+ Printing.cancel
+ else
+ warnlog( "Printing dialog did not open" )
+ endif
+ else
+ Kontext "Printing"
+ if ( Printing.exists( 2 ) ) then
+ Printing.ok
+ else
+ warnlog( "Printing dialog did not open" )
+ endif
+ endif
+ kontext
+ if active.exists(2) then
+ active.ok
+ qaerrorlog "There is no printer available - please install one on your system!"
+ sleep 2
+ endif
+ catch
+ warnlog "FilePrint is not accessible, because closing Formula failed :-( ?!"
+ endcatch
+ hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (convertpath( gOfficePath + "user/work/fileprint" + iSprache + ".odt"), "writer8")
+ Call hCloseDocument
+function TBOmakeWriteable()
+ ' check if writeable! (especially for HTML Doks!!)
+ sleep (3)
+ try
+ UseBindings
+ FormatStyleBold
+ sleep 2
+ FormatStyleBold
+ catch
+ '/// make document writeable :-)///'
+ kontext "Funktionsleiste"
+ printlog "ReadOnly, changed it to writeable."
+ kontext
+ if active.exists (5) then
+ Printlog " active, accessrights ?!: '"+active.GetText+"'"
+ active.yes
+ endif
+ endcatch
+ sleep (3)
+end function
+function isCheckedWarnAlienFormat (optional bChange as boolean)
+ dim uno
+ dim ap
+ dim apara(1) As new
+ dim xViewRoot
+ dim temp()
+ dim bLocal as boolean
+ dim sFileFunction as string
+ dim i as integer
+ if isMissing(bChange) then
+ ' should work, else give soffice the commandline
+ try
+ uno=getUnoApp
+ catch
+ qaErrorLog (sFileFunction+"UNO-Port wasn't set on startup of office; will set it now again.")
+ uno=hGetUnoService()
+ endcatch
+ if (isNull(ap)) then
+ warnlog(sFileFunction+"Couldn't create Uno access")
+ ' think about switching to do it manual?
+ exit function
+ endif
+ ap=uno.createInstance("")
+ if (isNull(ap)) then
+ warnlog(sFileFunction+"Couldn't create Configuration access")
+ exit function
+ endif
+ apara(0).Name="nodepath"
+ apara(1).Name="lazywrite"
+ apara(1).Value=False
+ '() Tools->Options->Load/Save->General
+ '/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Save/Document WarnAlienFormat
+ apara(0).Value="/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Save/Document"
+ xViewRoot=ap.createInstanceWithArguments("",aPara())
+ bLocal = xViewRoot.getByName("WarnAlienFormat")
+ xViewRoot.dispose()
+ else
+ ToolsOptions
+ call hToolsOptions ("LoadSave", "General")
+ bLocal = WarnWhenSavingAlienFormat.isChecked
+ if bChange then
+ WarnWhenSavingAlienFormat.check
+ else
+ WarnWhenSavingAlienFormat.unCheck
+ endif
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
+ ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK
+ sleep 4
+ endif
+ isCheckedWarnAlienFormat = bLocal
+end function
+function hSpeichernUnterMitFilterKillTBO (sFileName as String, sFilterName, optional bAutoFileExtension as boolean) as boolean
+ Dim sDerName as string
+ Dim sDerText as string
+ Dim ApplicatStrg as string
+ Dim bFileSaved as boolean
+ Dim bAlienNotAllowed as boolean
+ sDerName = ConvertPath (sFileName)
+ if ( not hDeleteFile( sDerName ) ) then
+ warnlog( "Aborting function because the file could not be deleted: " & sDerName )
+ hSpeichernUnterMitFilterKillTBO() = FALSE
+ exit function
+ endif
+ sleep (1)
+ FileSaveAs
+ Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
+ if SpeichernDlg.Exists(2) then
+ DateiTyp.Select sFilterName
+ sleep (3)
+ DateiName.SetText sDerName
+ sleep (3)
+ 'Saving the document
+ Speichern.Click
+ sleep (1)
+ Kontext
+ if Active.Exists(2) then
+ if Active.GetRT = 304 then
+ sDerText = Active.GetText
+ warnlog sDerText
+ try
+ Active.OK
+ printlog "OK"
+ catch
+ active.yes
+ printlog "YES"
+ endcatch
+ Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
+ if SpeichernDlg.Exists(1) then
+ SpeichernDlg.Cancel
+ end if
+ bFileSaved = FALSE
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "'Save'-dialog is not visible. Document has not been saved!"
+ end if
+end function