path: root/testautomation/graphics/tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/graphics/tools')
2 files changed, 1118 insertions, 1217 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/tools/ b/testautomation/graphics/tools/
index e71c9f7653f0..2940c0f35e3e 100644
--- a/testautomation/graphics/tools/
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/tools/
@@ -31,45 +31,6 @@
-' #1 hFindSpellHypLanguage
-' #1 GetDecimalSeperator
-' #1 LiberalMeasurement
-' #1 GetMeasUnit
-' #1 StrToDouble
-' #1 fGetPositionX
-' #1 setStartCurrentPage
-' #1 fIsDocumentWritable
-' #1 fIsDocumentWritable
-' #1 fGetSizeXY
-' #1 hCallExport
-' #1 checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
-' #1 fCompareTwoValues
-' #1 fConvertBackslashToSlash
-' #1 hScreenFontAntialiasing
-' #1 fSaveLoadAllFormats
-' #1 setCharacterLanguage
-' #1 toggleGermanSpellchecking
-' #1 sAnalyseContextMenu
-' #1 sLongToBinary
-' #1 sBinaryToLong
-' #1 fGetIntoDictionary
-' #1 hSelectInList
-' #1 hWalkTheStyles2
-' #1 fGetSlideNumber
-' #1 fGetSlideCount
-' #1 fGetSlideName
-' #1 fGetSetPageBackground
-' #1 CreateTextSetEffectAndAngle
-' #1 fGetPresentationStyle
-' #1 hPrepareSearchBUG
-' #1 makeNumOutOfText
-' #1 wIgnorierenlisteLoeschen
-' #1 optionstest
-' #1 optionstest2
function hFindSpellHypLanguage (optional sBooks()) as string
printlog "print all available languages that have a language module"
dim iListLength as integer
@@ -98,8 +59,7 @@ function hFindSpellHypLanguage (optional sBooks()) as string
Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
printlog "close dialog 'Options - '"
- ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK
- sleep 1
+ hCloseDialog( ExtrasOptionenDlg, "ok" )
end function
@@ -109,7 +69,7 @@ function GetDecimalSeperator ( sDummy$ ) as String
printlog "Input : number with fractionmark from 'NumericField' as String "
printlog "+ Output: '.' or ',' as String "
dim i1, i2 as integer
printlog "get position of fraction mark / get IT"
i1 = instr (sDummy$, ",")
i2 = instr (sDummy$, ".")
@@ -128,10 +88,10 @@ function LiberalMeasurement ( sShould$, sActual$) as Boolean
printlog "+ there are also some rounding errors because of the internal representatio of floating point numbers in computers "
printlog "+ now lets try to get rid of them and have a nicer output in tests... "
printlog " measurement units are defined in "
dim iTolerance as Double
- LiberalMeasurement = False
+ LiberalMeasurement = False
if (sShould$ = sActual$) then
LiberalMeasurement = True
@@ -143,12 +103,12 @@ function LiberalMeasurement ( sShould$, sActual$) as Boolean
printlog "set factor for liberality"
printlog "took units from"
select case GetMeasUnit(sShould$)
- case "mm", "ミリ", "公厘" : iTolerance = 2.0 '01, 81, 88
- case "cm","センチ","厘米","公分" : iTolerance = 0.5 '01, 81, 86, 88
- case chr$(34) : iTolerance = 2.5
- case "pi","ピクセル" : iTolerance = 2.5 '01, 81
- case "pt", "ポイント" : iTolerance = 2.5 '01, 81
- case "" : iTolerance = 1.5 ' cm is presubposition in old functions
+ case "mm", "ミリ", "公厘" : iTolerance = 2.0 '01, 81, 88
+ case "cm","センチ","厘米","公分" : iTolerance = 0.5 '01, 81, 86, 88
+ case chr$(34) : iTolerance = 2.5
+ case "pi","ピクセル" : iTolerance = 2.5 '01, 81
+ case "pt", "ポイント" : iTolerance = 2.5 '01, 81
+ case "" : iTolerance = 1.5 ' cm is presubposition in old functions
case else
iTolerance = 2.5
qaErrorLog "This Unit is not available in this function. '" + GetMeasUnit(sShould$) + "'"
@@ -156,7 +116,7 @@ function LiberalMeasurement ( sShould$, sActual$) as Boolean
printlog "have to get the measurem unit, cause the offset is different for each"
printlog "!!! val(str()) is important because of double calculating actions !!! #110996#"
if ( val(str(StrToDouble(sShould$)+iTolerance)) >= StrToDouble(sActual$) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sShould$ )-iTolerance)) <= StrToDouble ( sActual$ )) then
- LiberalMeasurement = True
+ LiberalMeasurement = True
LiberalMeasurement = False
end if
@@ -202,52 +162,54 @@ function StrToDouble ( sWert$ ) as Double
printlog "get rid of measure unit, the only single character is '' all others are two chars"
printlog "there was a problem, if there is NO meas.unit!!"
- if (isNumeric (sWert$) = FALSE) then
- if ( StrComp (right (sWert$, 1), chr$(34) ) = 0 ) then
- sDummy$ = Left ( sWert$, Len(sWert$)-1 )
- else
- sDummy$ = Left ( sWert$, Len(sWert$)-2 )
- endif
+ if (isNumeric (sWert$) = FALSE) then
+ if ( StrComp (right (sWert$, 1), chr$(34) ) = 0 ) then
+ sDummy$ = Left ( sWert$, Len(sWert$)-1 )
- sDummy$ = sWert$
+ sDummy$ = Left ( sWert$, Len(sWert$)-2 )
+ else
+ sDummy$ = sWert$
+ endif
printlog "get position of fraction mark"
i1 = instr (sDummy$, ",") ' wrong output
i2 = instr (sDummy$, ".")
if i1 > i2 then i = i1 else i = i2
- printlog " in front of decimal seperator:"
- try
- a = val (left (sDummy$,i-1))
- catch
+ printlog " in front of decimal seperator:"
+ try
+ a = val (left (sDummy$,i-1))
+ catch
'printlog sWert$ + ":" + sDummy$ + ":" + i + ":" + i1+ ":" + i2
- endcatch
- printlog "after the decimal seperator"
- n = (len (sDummy$)-i)
- b = val (right (sDummy$, n) )
- c = b * 10 ^ -n
- 'printlog "-------------- :"+sWert$ +" :'"+a+"' :"+n+" :"+b+" :'"+c+"':"
- ' !!! val(str()) is important because of double calculating actions !!! #110996#
- StrToDouble = val(str(a + c))
+ endcatch
+ printlog "after the decimal seperator"
+ n = (len (sDummy$)-i)
+ b = val (right (sDummy$, n) )
+ c = b * 10 ^ -n
+ 'printlog "-------------- :"+sWert$ +" :'"+a+"' :"+n+" :"+b+" :'"+c+"':"
+ ' !!! val(str()) is important because of double calculating actions !!! #110996#
+ StrToDouble = val(str(a + c))
end function
function fGetPositionX () as string
- fGetPositionX = ""
- try
- ContextPositionAndSize
- catch
- warnlog "couldn't call 'ContextPositionAndSize' no object selected ?"
- endcatch
- kontext
- active.SetPage TabPositionAndSize
- kontext "TabPositionAndSize"
- if TabPositionAndSize.exists (5) then
- fGetPositionX = PositionX.GetText
- TabPositionAndSize.OK
- else
- warnlog "Couldn't switch tab page :-( "
- endif
+ fGetPositionX = ""
+ try
+ ContextPositionAndSize
+ kontext
+ active.SetPage TabPositionAndSize
+ kontext "TabPositionAndSize"
+ if ( TabPositionAndSize.exists( 5 ) ) then
+ fGetPositionX = PositionX.GetText()
+ TabPositionAndSize.OK()
+ else
+ warnlog( "Couldn't switch to <TabPositionAndSize>" )
+ endif
+ catch
+ warnlog "couldn't call 'ContextPositionAndSize' no object selected ?"
+ endcatch
end function
@@ -257,173 +219,181 @@ function setStartCurrentPage(optional bState as boolean) as boolean
printlog "+ select in section 'Presentation' tabpage 'general' "
hToolsOptions ("IMPRESS","General")
- printlog "+ check the checkbox 'Always with current page' "
- setStartCurrentPage = MitAktuellerSeite.isChecked
- if bState then
- MitAktuellerSeite.Check
- else
- MitAktuellerSeite.UnCheck
- endif
+ printlog "+ check the checkbox 'Always with current page' "
+ setStartCurrentPage = MitAktuellerSeite.isChecked
+ if bState then
+ MitAktuellerSeite.Check
+ else
+ MitAktuellerSeite.UnCheck
+ endif
Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
printlog "+ close dialog 'Options - Presenation - General' with OK "
- ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK
+ hCloseDialog( ExtrasOptionenDlg, "ok" )
end function
function fIsDocumentWritable() as boolean
- printlog " check if a document is writeable"
- printlog " <u>parameter:</u>"
- printlog " <u>return:</u>"
- printlog " true if the document is writeable otherwise false"
Kontext "Standardbar"
- if Bearbeiten.GetState(2) <> 1 then
- fIsDocumentWritable = false
- else
- fIsDocumentWritable = true
- endif
+ if Bearbeiten.GetState( 2 ) <> 1 then
+ fIsDocumentWritable = false
+ else
+ fIsDocumentWritable = true
+ endif
end function
function fMakeDocumentWritable() as boolean
- 'make a document is writeable
- 'parameter:</u>
- '<u>return:</u>
- 'true if the document can make writeable otherwise false
+ printlog( "Remove write protection from current file" )
Kontext "Standardbar"
- sleep (1)
- if Bearbeiten.GetState(2) <> 1 then
- Bearbeiten.Click
- Kontext
- if Active.Exists(1) then
- Active.Yes
- fMakeDocumentWritable = true
- else
- warnlog "No messagebox after making document editable?"
- fMakeDocumentWritable = false
- endif
- else
- printlog "Document is allready writable."
+ sleep ( 1 )
+ if Bearbeiten.GetState(2) <> 1 then
+ Bearbeiten.Click
+ Kontext
+ if Active.Exists(1) then
+ Active.Yes
fMakeDocumentWritable = true
+ else
+ warnlog "No messagebox after making document editable?"
+ fMakeDocumentWritable = false
- sleep (1)
+ else
+ printlog "Document is already writable."
+ fMakeDocumentWritable = true
+ endif
end function
-function fGetSizeXY (sX as string, sY as string, bGet as boolean) as Boolean
- dim sTx as string
- dim sTy as string
- dim bReturn as boolean
- bReturn = True
- try
- ContextPositionAndSize
- catch
- warnlog "couldn't call 'ContextPositionAndSize' no object selected ?"
- endcatch
- kontext
- active.SetPage TabPositionAndSize
- kontext "TabPositionAndSize"
- if TabPositionAndSize.exists (5) then
- sTx = Width.GetText
- sTy = Height.GetText
- TabPositionAndSize.OK
- else
- warnlog "Couldn't switch tab page :-( "
- endif
- if bGet then ' Get the Values only
- sY = sTy
- sX = sTx
- else ' Get the Values and COMPARE them
- if (LiberalMeasurement (sX,sTx) <> TRUE) then
- warnlog "width is different :-( should: '"+sX+"' is: '"+sTx+"'" + "eventually a result of i35519"
- bReturn = False
- endif
- if (LiberalMeasurement (sY,sTy) <> TRUE) then
- warnlog "hight is different :-( should: '"+sY+"' is: '"+sTy+"'" + "eventually a result of i35519"
- bReturn = False
- endif
- bGet = bReturn
- endif
+function fGetSizeXY (sX as string, sY as string, bRetrieveOnly as boolean) as Boolean
+ const RC_FAILURE = -1
+ dim sTx as string
+ dim sTy as string
+ fGetSizeXY() = True
+ if ( hUseAsyncSlot( "ContextPositionAndSize" ) <> RC_FAILURE ) then
+ kontext
+ active.SetPage TabPositionAndSize
+ kontext "TabPositionAndSize"
+ if ( TabPositionAndSize.exists( 2 ) ) then
+ sTx = Width.GetText()
+ sTy = Height.GetText()
+ hCloseDialog( TabPositionAndSize, "ok" )
+ else
+ warnlog "Couldn't switch tab page :-( "
+ endif
+ if ( bRetrieveOnly ) then ' Get the Values only
+ sY = sTy
+ sX = sTx
+ else ' Get the Values and compare them
+ if ( not LiberalMeasurement (sX,sTx) ) then
+ warnlog "width is different :-( should: '"+sX+"' is: '"+sTx+"'" + "eventually a result of i35519"
+ fGetSizeXY() = False
+ endif
+ if (not LiberalMeasurement (sY,sTy) ) then
+ warnlog "hight is different :-( should: '"+sY+"' is: '"+sTy+"'" + "eventually a result of i35519"
+ fGetSizeXY() = False
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ warnlog( "Failed to open <Position And Size> dialog" )
+ endif
end function
-function hCallExport ( HyWhatsYourName as String , sFilter as String, optional bSelection as boolean ) as Boolean
- hCallExport = TRUE
- Printlog "Will try to select export filter: '" + sFilter + "'" + ""
- try
- FileExport
- catch
- Sleep 10
- Warnlog "It takes to much time to export the graphic (>10 sec.). Please check the problem, maybe it's a bug!"
- FileExport
- endcatch
- Sleep (3)
- Kontext "ExportierenDlg"
- try
- Dateityp.Select sFilter
- catch
- Warnlog "'" + sFilter + "' is missing!"
- dim iAll, counter as integer
- iAll = Dateityp.GetItemCount
- printlog " List of entries in the menu:"
- for counter = 1 to iAll
- printlog " " + counter + "/" + iAll + ": " + Dateityp.GetItemText(counter)
- next counter
- hCallExport = FALSE
- ExportierenDlg.Cancel
- exit function
- endcatch
- if ((IsMissing(bSelection) = FALSE) AND (bSelection = TRUE)) then
- sleep 2
- Selektion.Check
- else
- if (Selektion.isEnabled) then
- Selektion.UnCheck
- endif
- endif
- if AutomatischeDateinamenserweiterung.Exists then
- QAErrorLog "OBSOLETE: Automatic file extension check-box in file dialog will be removed soon!"
- AutomatischeDateinamenserweiterung.check
- endif
- Dateiname.SetText ( HyWhatsYourName )
- sleep 2
- Speichern.Click
- sleep 2
- kontext "AlienWarning"
- if AlienWarning.exists(5) then
- warnlog "#i41983# Alien Warning on export not allowed"
- AlienWarning.OK
- endif
- Kontext "Active"
- if Active.Exists then Active.Yes
- Sleep 3
+function hCallExport ( cFileName as String , sFilter as String, optional bSelection as boolean ) as Boolean
+ const RC_FAILURE = -1
+ dim bExportSelectionOnly as boolean
+ hCallExport() = false
+ printlog( "Exporting file with provided filter" )
+ ' Handle infamous optional parameter
+ if ( IsMissing( bSelection ) ) then
+ bExportSelectionOnly = false
+ else
+ bExportSelectionOnly = bSelection
+ endif
+ if ( hUseAsyncSlot( "FileExport" ) <> RC_FAILURE ) then
+ Kontext "ExportierenDlg"
+ if ( ExportierenDlg.exists( 3 ) ) then
+ try
+ Dateityp.Select sFilter
+ if ( selektion.exists() ) then
+ if ( selektion.isEnabled() ) then
+ if ( bExportSelectionOnly ) then
+ selektion.check()
+ else
+ selektion.unCheck()
+ endif
+ else
+ printlog( "Cannot set <seletion>, it is disabled" )
+ endif
+ else
+ if ( bExportSelectionOnly ) then
+ warnlog( "It was requested to export only the current selection but the option is disabled" )
+ endif
+ endif
+ AutomatischeDateinamenserweiterung.check()
+ Dateiname.SetText( cFileName )
+ Speichern.Click()
+ kontext "AlienWarning"
+ if AlienWarning.exists(5) then
+ warnlog "#i41983# Alien Warning on export not allowed"
+ hCloseDialog( AlienWarning, "ok" )
+ endif
+ Kontext "Active"
+ hCloseDialog( Active, "yes,optional" )
+ hCallExport = true
+ catch
+ warnlog( "Filter could not be selectd, it might be missing: " & sFilter )
+ hCloseDialog( ExportierenDlg, "cancel" )
+ endcatch
+ else
+ warnlog( "<ExportierenDlg> not open" )
+ endif
+ else
+ warnlog( "Slot <FileExport> is blocked" )
+ endif
end function
function checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
- dim i as integer
+ dim i as integer
kontext "Standardbar"
- i = 0
- do
- i = i + 1
- sleep 1
- if (ExportAsPDF.isEnabled = TRUE) then i = 15
- loop while ((i < 15))
- if (ExportAsPDF.isEnabled = FALSE) then
- Warnlog "ExportAsPDF was NOT ok. Waited " + i + " seconds."
- endif
- sleep (3)
+ i = 0
+ do
+ i = i + 1
+ sleep 1
+ if (ExportAsPDF.isEnabled = TRUE) then i = 15
+ loop while ((i < 15))
+ if (ExportAsPDF.isEnabled = FALSE) then
+ Warnlog "ExportAsPDF was NOT ok. Waited " + i + " seconds."
+ endif
+ sleep (3)
end function
@@ -439,21 +409,21 @@ end function
function fConvertBackslashToSlash (sInput as string) as string
- dim i as integer
- dim sTemp as string
- dim sI as string
- dim x as integer
- sTemp = ""
- x = len (sInput)
- for i = 1 to x
- sI = mid(sInput, i, 1)
- if (sI = "\") then
- sI = "/"
- endif
- sTemp = sTemp + sI
- next i
- fConvertBackslashToSlash = sTemp
+ dim i as integer
+ dim sTemp as string
+ dim sI as string
+ dim x as integer
+ sTemp = ""
+ x = len (sInput)
+ for i = 1 to x
+ sI = mid(sInput, i, 1)
+ if (sI = "\") then
+ sI = "/"
+ endif
+ sTemp = sTemp + sI
+ next i
+ fConvertBackslashToSlash = sTemp
end function
@@ -477,13 +447,13 @@ function fSaveLoadAllFormats (NewFileDir as String)
Dim iFileTypeCounter as Integer
Dim SavedFile(30) as String
Dim iCounter as Integer
printlog "Save the document in different formats..."
kontext "ExportierenDlg"
For iFileTypeCounter = 1 to Dateityp.GetItemCount
sleep (1)
- if iFileTypeCounter > 1 then
+ if iFileTypeCounter > 1 then
WaitSlot (2000)
kontext "ExportierenDlg"
@@ -524,38 +494,38 @@ function setCharacterLanguage(sLanguage as string) as boolean
Messagebox.SetPage TabFont
kontext "TabFont"
- sleep 1
- printlog "sLanguage = " + sLanguage
- if (bAsianLan) then 'Eastern languages 'OR
- try
- printlog "LanguageWest.GetSelText = " + LanguageWest.GetSelText
- (sLanguage) 'East
- catch
- printlog "Language.GetSelText = " + Language.GetSelText
- (sLanguage) 'East
- endcatch
+ sleep 1
+ printlog "sLanguage = " + sLanguage
+ if (bAsianLan) then 'Eastern languages 'OR
+ try
+ printlog "LanguageWest.GetSelText = " + LanguageWest.GetSelText
+ (sLanguage) 'East
+ catch
+ printlog "Language.GetSelText = " + Language.GetSelText
+ (sLanguage) 'East
+ endcatch
- setCharacterLanguage = TRUE
- elseif (iSprache = 07) then
+ setCharacterLanguage = TRUE
+ elseif (iSprache = 07) then
+ printlog "LanguageWest.GetSelText = " + LanguageWest.GetSelText
+ (sLanguage)
+ else
+ try
printlog "LanguageWest.GetSelText = " + LanguageWest.GetSelText (sLanguage)
- else
- try
- printlog "LanguageWest.GetSelText = " + LanguageWest.GetSelText
- (sLanguage)
- catch
- printlog "Language.GetSelText = " + Language.GetSelText
- (sLanguage)
- endcatch
- setCharacterLanguage = TRUE
- end if
+ catch
+ printlog "Language.GetSelText = " + Language.GetSelText
+ (sLanguage)
+ endcatch
+ setCharacterLanguage = TRUE
+ end if
sleep 1
end function
function toggleGermanSpellchecking as string
printlog " activate old german spellchecking "
printlog "+ Tools->Options "
@@ -615,23 +585,23 @@ function sAnalyseContextMenu(iItems as integer, optional iError as long) as inte
printlog " If the string (the SunSearch-menu) is found in the menu, we'll skip that word. "
- 'Get first entry.
+ 'Get first entry.
f = MenuGetItemCommand (MenuGetItemID (1))
printlog "f = '" + f + "'."
'If it's "" , then skip the word. Printlog "Word not underlined, Search-Toolbar active."
- if f <> "" then
+ if f <> "" then
try ' WorkAround ##
sCandidates(2) = getClipboardText()
- ' printlog "******************* " + getclipboardtext()
+ ' printlog "******************* " + getclipboardtext()
sCandidates(2) = ""
- ' printlog "###################################################"
+ ' printlog "###################################################"
' if (1) is different from nonempty (2) then the wrong word is selected
if (sCandidates(1) <> sCandidates(2)) then
if ("" <> sCandidates(2)) then
- ' printlog "############ " + sCandidates(1) + " ################## " + sCandidates(2) + " #####################"
+ ' printlog "############ " + sCandidates(1) + " ################## " + sCandidates(2) + " #####################"
bDifferent = TRUE
iError1 = iError1 + (2^i)
@@ -639,7 +609,7 @@ function sAnalyseContextMenu(iItems as integer, optional iError as long) as inte
' no word is selected... a) not underlined b) no context menu open
end if
- ' printlog "******************* " + sCandidates(1)
+ ' printlog "******************* " + sCandidates(1)
bDifferent = FALSE
end if
' check if context menu opened
@@ -652,11 +622,11 @@ function sAnalyseContextMenu(iItems as integer, optional iError as long) as inte
bNoContextMenu = true
iError2 = iError2 + (2^i)
' in writer it would work... :-( #i23568#
- ' warnlog ""+i+" C: " + x + ";------ " + getClipboardText + " -------- "
+ ' warnlog ""+i+" C: " + x + ";------ " + getClipboardText + " -------- "
' if context menu open do....
if (not bNoContextMenu) then
- ' printlog ""+i+" C: " + x + ";------ " + getClipboardText + " -------- " + hMenuItemGetText(1)
+ ' printlog ""+i+" C: " + x + ";------ " + getClipboardText + " -------- " + hMenuItemGetText(1)
printlog " analyze context menu entries "
for y = 1 to x
z = hMenuGetItemId(y)
@@ -668,12 +638,12 @@ function sAnalyseContextMenu(iItems as integer, optional iError as long) as inte
printlog " close Context Menu "
if (iSlot <> 10456) then
if (not bDifferent) then ' WorkAround ##
- ' qaerrorlog "" + iSlot + " UNDERLINED"
+ ' qaerrorlog "" + iSlot + " UNDERLINED"
iTemp = iTemp + (2^i)
end if
call hMenuClose()
- ' printlog "" + iSlot + " not underlined"
+ ' printlog "" + iSlot + " not underlined"
hMenuSelectNr(iSpecialCharacterEntry) ' because of bug #112919#
kontext "Sonderzeichen"
@@ -756,20 +726,20 @@ function fGetIntoDictionary as boolean
dim bFound as boolean
dim iBooks as integer
dim i as integer
iBooks = Benutzerwoerterbuch.GetItemCount
while (bFound AND (i < iBooks))
- inc i
- i
- printlog Benutzerwoerterbuch.getSelText + i
- try
- Bearbeiten.Click
- bFound = FALSE
- catch
- printLog "wIgLi" + i
- endcatch
+ inc i
+ i
+ printlog Benutzerwoerterbuch.getSelText + i
+ try
+ Bearbeiten.Click
+ bFound = FALSE
+ catch
+ printLog "wIgLi" + i
+ endcatch
fGetIntoDictionary = bFound
end function
@@ -777,10 +747,10 @@ end function
function hSelectInList (window, sEntry as String) as Boolean
-printlog " alternativ method to 'hDoubleClickInList' (without mouse) "
-printlog "+ window: name of list "
-printlog "+ sEntry: string to find in list "
-printlog "+ ReturnValue: if found: TRUE; else FALSE "
+ printlog " alternativ method to 'hDoubleClickInList' (without mouse) "
+ printlog "+ window: name of list "
+ printlog "+ sEntry: string to find in list "
+ printlog "+ ReturnValue: if found: TRUE; else FALSE "
Dim i as Integer
Dim sTemp as String
Dim sLastTemp as String
@@ -811,7 +781,7 @@ function hWalkTheStyles2 (atemp)
dim itemp
dim bSet
dim aSettings(5,5)
-' dim atemp
+ ' dim atemp
printlog " Organizer "
@@ -833,7 +803,7 @@ function hWalkTheStyles2 (atemp)
-' aSettings(i,1).Uncheck
+ ' aSettings(i,1).Uncheck
@@ -914,33 +884,33 @@ function hWalkTheStyles2 (atemp)
Messagebox.setpage TabTabulator
Kontext "TabTabulator"
-' printlog " switch to tabpage 'Bullets' "
-' Messagebox.SetPage TabBullet
-' Kontext "TabBullet"
-' sleep 1
-' Call DialogTest (TabBullet)
-' sleep 1
-' Kontext
-' printlog " switch to tabpage 'Numbering Type' "
-' Messagebox.SetPage TabNumerierungsart
-' Kontext "TabNumerierungsart"
-' sleep 1
-' Call DialogTest (TabNumerierungsart)
-' sleep 1
-' Kontext
-' printlog " switch to tabpage 'Graphics' "
-' Messagebox.SetPage TabGrafiken
-' Kontext "TabGrafiken"
-' sleep 1
-' Call DialogTest (TabGrafiken)
-' sleep 1
-' Kontext
-' printlog " switch to tabpage 'Customize' "
-' Messagebox.SetPage TabOptionenNumerierung
-' Kontext "TabOptionenNumerierung"
-' sleep 1
-' Call DialogTest (TabOptionenNumerierung)
-' sleep 1
+ ' printlog " switch to tabpage 'Bullets' "
+ ' Messagebox.SetPage TabBullet
+ ' Kontext "TabBullet"
+ ' sleep 1
+ ' Call DialogTest (TabBullet)
+ ' sleep 1
+ ' Kontext
+ ' printlog " switch to tabpage 'Numbering Type' "
+ ' Messagebox.SetPage TabNumerierungsart
+ ' Kontext "TabNumerierungsart"
+ ' sleep 1
+ ' Call DialogTest (TabNumerierungsart)
+ ' sleep 1
+ ' Kontext
+ ' printlog " switch to tabpage 'Graphics' "
+ ' Messagebox.SetPage TabGrafiken
+ ' Kontext "TabGrafiken"
+ ' sleep 1
+ ' Call DialogTest (TabGrafiken)
+ ' sleep 1
+ ' Kontext
+ ' printlog " switch to tabpage 'Customize' "
+ ' Messagebox.SetPage TabOptionenNumerierung
+ ' Kontext "TabOptionenNumerierung"
+ ' sleep 1
+ ' Call DialogTest (TabOptionenNumerierung)
+ ' sleep 1
end function
@@ -960,7 +930,7 @@ function fGetSlideNumber (optional sCompare as integer) as integer
sleep 3
printlog " check in list, if the page changed "
printlog "If Navigator is not open, opening it now."
@@ -987,28 +957,28 @@ function fGetSlideCount (optional iCount as integer) as integer
printlog "+ output : number of slides in presentation "
dim i as integer
- printlog " open navigator "
- Kontext "Navigator"
- if Navigator.exists then
- Printlog "Navigator: open :-)"
- else
- Printlog "Navigator: NOT available :-( will be opened now!"
- ViewNavigator
- endif
- Sleep 1
- printlog " count rows in list of navigator: usually number of slides "
- Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
- i = Liste.GetItemCount
- if (isMissing(iCount) = FALSE) then
- if (i <> iCount) then
- Warnlog "Error! Expected slides: '" + iCount + "'; but are '" + i +"'"
- else
- Printlog "ok"
- endif
- endif
- printlog " close navigator "
- ViewNavigator
- fGetSlideCount = i
+ printlog " open navigator "
+ Kontext "Navigator"
+ if Navigator.exists then
+ Printlog "Navigator: open :-)"
+ else
+ Printlog "Navigator: NOT available :-( will be opened now!"
+ ViewNavigator
+ endif
+ Sleep 1
+ printlog " count rows in list of navigator: usually number of slides "
+ Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
+ i = Liste.GetItemCount
+ if (isMissing(iCount) = FALSE) then
+ if (i <> iCount) then
+ Warnlog "Error! Expected slides: '" + iCount + "'; but are '" + i +"'"
+ else
+ Printlog "ok"
+ endif
+ endif
+ printlog " close navigator "
+ ViewNavigator
+ fGetSlideCount = i
end function
@@ -1021,115 +991,115 @@ function fGetSlideName (optional sCompare as string) as string
printlog "+ EXIT: kontext on DocumentPresentation "
Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
- if NavigatorDraw.exists (5) then
- sleep 3
- printlog "check in list, if the page changed"
- fGetSlideName = Liste.GetSelText
- else
- warnlog "Navigator not open! in function fGetSlideName TBO"
- Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
- fGetSlideName = ""
- endif
- if (isMissing (sCompare) = False) then ' if optional parameter exists
- printlog "fGetSlideName is: " & fGetSlideName
- printlog "sCompare is: " & sCompare
- if fGetSlideName <> sCompare then
- warnlog " Slide Name is '" + fGetSlideName + "'; should be: '" + sCompare + "'"
- endif
- endif
- Kontext "DocumentPresentation"
+ if NavigatorDraw.exists (5) then
+ sleep 3
+ printlog "check in list, if the page changed"
+ fGetSlideName = Liste.GetSelText
+ else
+ warnlog "Navigator not open! in function fGetSlideName TBO"
+ Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
+ fGetSlideName = ""
+ endif
+ if (isMissing (sCompare) = False) then ' if optional parameter exists
+ printlog "fGetSlideName is: " & fGetSlideName
+ printlog "sCompare is: " & sCompare
+ if fGetSlideName <> sCompare then
+ warnlog " Slide Name is '" + fGetSlideName + "'; should be: '" + sCompare + "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ Kontext "DocumentPresentation"
end function
function fGetSetPageBackground (iSelect as integer, iWhere as integer) as integer
printlog " Get or Set the Page Background via stylist (iWhere = 0) or format menue (...= 1) "
printlog "+ if iSelect > 0 then set, else get "
printlog "+ return selected color number or -1 on error "
if (iWhere = 0) then
- printlog " Stylist -> Background -> Kontext menu -> modify -> Area -> Color "
- fGetSetPageBackground = -1 ' worst case
- Kontext "Stylist"
- if Stylist.NotExists (5) then
- FormatStylist
+ printlog " Stylist -> Background -> Kontext menu -> modify -> Area -> Color "
+ fGetSetPageBackground = -1 ' worst case
Kontext "Stylist"
- if Stylist.NotExists (5) then warnlog "Could not open stylist :-("
- end if
- Praesentationsvorlagen.Click
- sleep 1
- Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "<PAGEDOWN>"
- hDoubleClickInList (vorlagenliste, glLocale(5), TRUE)
- sleep 1
- vorlagenliste.OpenContextMenu
- sleep 1
- hMenuSelectNr (1)
- else
- printlog " Format -> Page -> Background -> Color "'FormatPage
- sleep 1
- try ' this was just paranoia to find a not mentioned messagebox
- FormatSlideDraw
+ if Stylist.NotExists (5) then
+ FormatStylist
+ Kontext "Stylist"
+ if Stylist.NotExists (5) then warnlog "Could not open stylist :-("
+ end if
+ Praesentationsvorlagen.Click
+ sleep 1
+ Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "<PAGEDOWN>"
+ hDoubleClickInList (vorlagenliste, glLocale(5), TRUE)
+ sleep 1
+ vorlagenliste.OpenContextMenu
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuSelectNr (1)
+ else
+ printlog " Format -> Page -> Background -> Color "'FormatPage
+ sleep 1
+ try ' this was just paranoia to find a not mentioned messagebox
+ FormatSlideDraw
- warnlog "slooooow slot TBO :-("
- exit function
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- Kontext
- if (active.getrt = 373) then
- Active.SetPage TabArea
- else
- warnlog active.getrt
- if (active.getrt = 304) then
- warnlog active.gettext
- endif
- endif ' paranoia end ----------------------------------------------
- endif
- kontext "TabArea"
- if TabArea.exists then
- FillOptions.Select 2 ' Select "Colour"
- if (iSelect > 1) then ' Select the entry
-' Color.Check
- if (iSelect < ColourList.GetItemCount) then
- ColourList.Select iSelect
- else
- warnlog "Select entry is larger than list :-("
- endif
- fGetSetPageBackground = ColourList.GetSelIndex
- if fGetSetPageBackground = 0 then
- warnlog "There were no color selected in the list."
- endif
- TabArea.OK
- sleep 2
- kontext
- if (active.exists (2)) then
- warnlog "active about <changing the background for all pages ?>: '" + active.gettext + "'"
- active.yes
- else
- printlog "No message about 'changing the background for all pages ?' :-("
- endif
- else ' yust read the selected entry
- if FillOptions.GetSelIndex = 2 then
+ warnlog "slooooow slot TBO :-("
+ exit function
+ endcatch
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext
+ if (active.getrt = 373) then
+ Active.SetPage TabArea
+ else
+ warnlog active.getrt
+ if (active.getrt = 304) then
+ warnlog active.gettext
+ endif
+ endif ' paranoia end ----------------------------------------------
+ endif
+ kontext "TabArea"
+ if TabArea.exists then
+ FillOptions.Select 2 ' Select "Colour"
+ if (iSelect > 1) then ' Select the entry
+ ' Color.Check
+ if (iSelect < ColourList.GetItemCount) then
+ ColourList.Select iSelect
+ else
+ warnlog "Select entry is larger than list :-("
+ endif
fGetSetPageBackground = ColourList.GetSelIndex
- TabArea.Cancel
- else
- warnlog "Can't get value, because something different than color is selected :-("
- endif
- endif
- else
- kontext "TabFont"
- if TabFont.exists then
- Warnlog "Something wrong with the word " + glLocale(5) + ". It was either not found or wrong."
- else
- warnlog "Error: Can't get context menu ?"
- endif
- endif
- if (iWhere = 0) then
+ if fGetSetPageBackground = 0 then
+ warnlog "There were no color selected in the list."
+ endif
+ TabArea.OK
+ sleep 2
+ kontext
+ if (active.exists (2)) then
+ warnlog "active about <changing the background for all pages ?>: '" + active.gettext + "'"
+ active.yes
+ else
+ printlog "No message about 'changing the background for all pages ?' :-("
+ endif
+ else ' yust read the selected entry
+ if FillOptions.GetSelIndex = 2 then
+ fGetSetPageBackground = ColourList.GetSelIndex
+ TabArea.Cancel
+ else
+ warnlog "Can't get value, because something different than color is selected :-("
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ kontext "TabFont"
+ if TabFont.exists then
+ Warnlog "Something wrong with the word " + glLocale(5) + ". It was either not found or wrong."
+ else
+ warnlog "Error: Can't get context menu ?"
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (iWhere = 0) then
sleep 1 ' ABSOLUT NECESSARY !!! (TBO) else crash on UNIX on following command!!!!
FormatStylist ' closing
- endif
- sleep 4
+ endif
+ sleep 4
end function
@@ -1139,31 +1109,31 @@ function CreateTextSetEffectAndAngle
SetClipBoard "Revenue"
DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "<MOD1 V>"
- Kontext "Tasks"
- WaitSlot (1000)
- EffectAdd.Click
- kontext
- printlog " Switch to TabPage: Entrance "
- active.setPage(TabEntrance)
- kontext "TabEntrance"
- if TabEntrance.exists(5) then
- printlog " select in the listbox 'Effects' the second entry"
- (24)
- printlog " select speed 'Fast' -> fourth item in list "
- Speed.Select 2
- TabEntrance.OK
- end if
- kontext "tasks"
- EffectStart.TypeKeys "<HOME><DOWN>" 'Select the second entry.
+ Kontext "Tasks"
+ WaitSlot (1000)
+ EffectAdd.Click
+ kontext
+ printlog " Switch to TabPage: Entrance "
+ active.setPage(TabEntrance)
+ kontext "TabEntrance"
+ if TabEntrance.exists(5) then
+ printlog " select in the listbox 'Effects' the second entry"
+ (24)
+ printlog " select speed 'Fast' -> fourth item in list "
+ Speed.Select 2
+ TabEntrance.OK
+ end if
+ kontext "tasks"
+ EffectStart.TypeKeys "<HOME><DOWN>" 'Select the second entry.
- kontext "DocumentImpress"
- FormatPositionAndSize
- WaitSlot (1000)
- kontext
- active.setPage(TabDrehung)
- kontext "TabDrehung"
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ FormatPositionAndSize
+ WaitSlot (1000)
+ kontext
+ active.setPage(TabDrehung)
+ kontext "TabDrehung"
- Winkel.TypeKeys "45"
+ Winkel.TypeKeys "45"
WaitSlot (1000)
kontext "DocumentImpress"
@@ -1177,29 +1147,29 @@ function fGetPresentationStyle (optional sCompare as integer) as integer
printlog "+ RETURN: LAST CHARACTER of the actual selected style in the stylist "
dim sTemp as integer
dim sTemp0 as string
sTemp = (-1)
printlog " open stylist if not already open: Format->Stylist "
kontext "Stylist"
if (Stylist.exists = FALSE) then
- try
- FormatStylist
- catch
- sleep 1
- endcatch
+ try
+ FormatStylist
+ catch
+ sleep 1
+ endcatch
kontext "Stylist"
if Stylist.exists(5) then
- sTemp0 = Vorlagenliste.GetSeltext
- sTemp = val(right (sTemp0, 1))
- if (isMissing (sCompare) = False) then ' if optional parameter exists
- if sTemp <> sCompare then
- Warnlog "Style Name's last character is '" + sTemp + "'; should be: '" + sCompare + "'"
- endif
- endif
- FormatStylist
+ sTemp0 = Vorlagenliste.GetSeltext
+ sTemp = val(right (sTemp0, 1))
+ if (isMissing (sCompare) = False) then ' if optional parameter exists
+ if sTemp <> sCompare then
+ Warnlog "Style Name's last character is '" + sTemp + "'; should be: '" + sCompare + "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ FormatStylist
- Warnlog "The Stylist could not be opened for unknown reasons :-("
+ Warnlog "The Stylist could not be opened for unknown reasons :-("
fGetPresentationStyle = sTemp
end function
@@ -1243,23 +1213,23 @@ function wIgnorierenlisteLoeschen as boolean
exit function
end if
Kontext "BenutzerwoerterbuchBearbeiten"
- sleep 1
- iBooks = Buch.GetItemCount
- for i = 1 to iBooks
- Buch.Select i
- if Left$(Buch.GetSelText,13)="IgnoreAllList" then
- sleep 2
- while (Loeschen.IsEnabled)
- Loeschen.Click
- sleep 1
- wend
- end if
- next i
+ sleep 1
+ iBooks = Buch.GetItemCount
+ for i = 1 to iBooks
+ Buch.Select i
+ if Left$(Buch.GetSelText,13)="IgnoreAllList" then
+ sleep 2
+ while (Loeschen.IsEnabled)
+ Loeschen.Click
+ sleep 1
+ wend
+ end if
+ next i
Kontext "BenutzerwoerterbuchBearbeiten"
- BenutzerwoerterbuchBearbeiten.Cancel
+ BenutzerwoerterbuchBearbeiten.Cancel
Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
- ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK
- wIgnorierenlisteLoeschen = TRUE
+ ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK
+ wIgnorierenlisteLoeschen = TRUE
end function
@@ -1278,121 +1248,121 @@ function optionstest
dim etshap as integer
dim etgt as integer
- Kontext "Tasks"
- EffectOptions.Click
- kontext "TabEffect"
- if TabEffect.Exists(5) then
- optsound = Sound.GetItemCount
- for os = 1 to optsound
- Sound.Select os
- kontext "OeffnenDlg"
- if OeffnenDlg.Exists (5) then
- filedialogue = TRUE
- OeffnenDlg.Close
- kontext "TabEffect"
- else
- kontext "TabEffect"
- endif
- next os
- if AfterAnimation.isEnabled AND AfterAnimation.isVisible then
- for oa = 1 to AfterAnimation.GetItemCount
- AfterAnimation.Select oa
- if DimColor.isEnabled then
- for odc = 1 to DimColor.GetItemCount
- DimColor.Select odc
- next odc
- endif
- if DelayBetweenCharacters.isEnabled then
- for odc = 1 to DelayBetweenCharacters.GetItemCount
- DelayBetweenCharacters.Select odc
- next odc
- endif
- next oa
- else
- if DelayBetweenCharacters.isEnabled then
- for odc = 1 to DelayBetweenCharacters.GetItemCount
- DelayBetweenCharacters.Select odc
- next odc
- endif
- endif
- for ota = 1 to TextAnimation.GetItemCount
- TextAnimation.Select ota
- next ota
- printlog " switch to TabPage 'Timing' "
- Kontext
- Active.SetPage TabTiming
- kontext "TabTiming"
- if TabTiming.Exists(5) then
- for ets = 1 to TimingStart.GetItemCount
- TimingStart.Select ets
- next ets
- if Delay.isVisible AND Delay.isEnabled then
- Delay.GetText
- else
- Warnlog "Delay in Effect Options were not to be found."
- endif
- if Speed.isVisible AND Speed.isEnabled then
- for etspeed = 1 to Speed.GetItemCount
- Speed.Select etspeed
- next etspeed
- else
- printlog " No Speed-entry for this effect."
- endif
- if Repeat.isVisible AND Repeat.isEnabled then
- for etrep = 1 to Speed.GetItemCount
- Repeat.Select etrep
- next etrep
- else
- Printlog "Repeat in Effect Options were not to be found."
- endif
- Rewind.Check
- Rewind.UnCheck
- TriggerAnimate.IsChecked
- TriggerStart.IsChecked
- if Shape.isVisible AND Shape.isEnabled then
- for etshap = 1 to Shape.GetItemCount
- Shape.Select etshap
- next etshap
- else
- Warnlog "Shape in Effect Options were not to be found."
- endif
- else
- warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Effect Options: Timing TabPage didn't work."
- endif
- printlog " switch to TabPage 'Timing' "
- Kontext
- active.setPage TabTextAnimation
- kontext "TabTextAnimation"
- if TabTextAnimation.Exists(5) then
- lala = GroupText.GetItemCount
- for etgt = 1 to lala
- GroupText.Select etgt
- if AutomaticallyAfter.IsEnabled then
- AutomaticallyAfter.Check
- AutomaticallyAfter.TypeKeys "<UP>"
- endif
- if AnimateAttachedShape.IsEnabled then
- AnimateAttachedShape.Check
- if AnimateAttachedShape.IsChecked = FALSE then
+ Kontext "Tasks"
+ EffectOptions.Click
+ kontext "TabEffect"
+ if TabEffect.Exists(5) then
+ optsound = Sound.GetItemCount
+ for os = 1 to optsound
+ Sound.Select os
+ kontext "OeffnenDlg"
+ if OeffnenDlg.Exists (5) then
+ filedialogue = TRUE
+ OeffnenDlg.Close
+ kontext "TabEffect"
+ else
+ kontext "TabEffect"
+ endif
+ next os
+ if AfterAnimation.isEnabled AND AfterAnimation.isVisible then
+ for oa = 1 to AfterAnimation.GetItemCount
+ AfterAnimation.Select oa
+ if DimColor.isEnabled then
+ for odc = 1 to DimColor.GetItemCount
+ DimColor.Select odc
+ next odc
+ endif
+ if DelayBetweenCharacters.isEnabled then
+ for odc = 1 to DelayBetweenCharacters.GetItemCount
+ DelayBetweenCharacters.Select odc
+ next odc
+ endif
+ next oa
+ else
+ if DelayBetweenCharacters.isEnabled then
+ for odc = 1 to DelayBetweenCharacters.GetItemCount
+ DelayBetweenCharacters.Select odc
+ next odc
+ endif
+ endif
+ for ota = 1 to TextAnimation.GetItemCount
+ TextAnimation.Select ota
+ next ota
+ printlog " switch to TabPage 'Timing' "
+ Kontext
+ Active.SetPage TabTiming
+ kontext "TabTiming"
+ if TabTiming.Exists(5) then
+ for ets = 1 to TimingStart.GetItemCount
+ TimingStart.Select ets
+ next ets
+ if Delay.isVisible AND Delay.isEnabled then
+ Delay.GetText
+ else
+ Warnlog "Delay in Effect Options were not to be found."
+ endif
+ if Speed.isVisible AND Speed.isEnabled then
+ for etspeed = 1 to Speed.GetItemCount
+ Speed.Select etspeed
+ next etspeed
+ else
+ printlog " No Speed-entry for this effect."
+ endif
+ if Repeat.isVisible AND Repeat.isEnabled then
+ for etrep = 1 to Speed.GetItemCount
+ Repeat.Select etrep
+ next etrep
+ else
+ Printlog "Repeat in Effect Options were not to be found."
+ endif
+ Rewind.Check
+ Rewind.UnCheck
+ TriggerAnimate.IsChecked
+ TriggerStart.IsChecked
+ if Shape.isVisible AND Shape.isEnabled then
+ for etshap = 1 to Shape.GetItemCount
+ Shape.Select etshap
+ next etshap
+ else
+ Warnlog "Shape in Effect Options were not to be found."
+ endif
+ else
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Effect Options: Timing TabPage didn't work."
+ endif
+ printlog " switch to TabPage 'Timing' "
+ Kontext
+ active.setPage TabTextAnimation
+ kontext "TabTextAnimation"
+ if TabTextAnimation.Exists(5) then
+ lala = GroupText.GetItemCount
+ for etgt = 1 to lala
+ GroupText.Select etgt
+ if AutomaticallyAfter.IsEnabled then
+ AutomaticallyAfter.Check
+ AutomaticallyAfter.TypeKeys "<UP>"
+ endif
+ if AnimateAttachedShape.IsEnabled then
+ AnimateAttachedShape.Check
+ if AnimateAttachedShape.IsChecked = FALSE then
Warnlog "AnimateAttachedShape should have been checked"
- endif
- endif
- if InreverseOrder.IsEnabled then
- InreverseOrder.Check
- if InreverseOrder.IsChecked = FALSE then
+ endif
+ endif
+ if InreverseOrder.IsEnabled then
+ InreverseOrder.Check
+ if InreverseOrder.IsChecked = FALSE then
Warnlog "InreverseOrder should have been checked"
- endif
- endif
- next etgt
- TabTextAnimation.Cancel
- else
- warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Effect Options: TextAnimation TabPage didn't work."
- endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ next etgt
+ TabTextAnimation.Cancel
- warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:... button didn't work."
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Effect Options: TextAnimation TabPage didn't work."
- Kontext "Tasks"
+ else
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:... button didn't work."
+ endif
+ Kontext "Tasks"
end function
@@ -1411,124 +1381,124 @@ function optionstest2
dim etshap as integer
dim etgt as integer
- Kontext "Tasks"
- EffectOptions.Click
- kontext "TabEffect"
- if TabEffect.Exists(5) then
- Sound.Select 5
- sleep 4
- if Play.IsEnabled then
- Play.Click
- else
- warnlog "Play should have been enabled after selecting a sound."
- endif
- AfterAnimation.Select 2
- if DimColor.isEnabled then
- DimColor.Select 5
- else
- Warnlog "DimColor should have been enabled"
- endif
- TextAnimation.Select 3
- if DelayBetweenCharacters.isEnabled then
- DelayBetweenCharacters.More 5
- else
- Warnlog "DelayBetweenCharacters should have been enabled"
- endif
- printlog " switch to TabPage 'Timing' "
- Kontext
- Active.SetPage TabTiming
- kontext "TabTiming"
- if TabTiming.Exists(5) then
- TimingStart.Select 2
- if Delay.isVisible AND Delay.isEnabled then
- Delay.More 5
- else
- Warnlog "Delay in Effect Options were not to be found."
- endif
- if Speed.isVisible AND Speed.isEnabled then
- Speed.Select 3
- else
- Printlog "Speed in Effect Options were not to be found."
- endif
- if Repeat.isVisible then
- if Repeat.isEnabled then
+ Kontext "Tasks"
+ EffectOptions.Click
+ kontext "TabEffect"
+ if TabEffect.Exists(5) then
+ Sound.Select 5
+ sleep 4
+ if Play.IsEnabled then
+ Play.Click
+ else
+ warnlog "Play should have been enabled after selecting a sound."
+ endif
+ AfterAnimation.Select 2
+ if DimColor.isEnabled then
+ DimColor.Select 5
+ else
+ Warnlog "DimColor should have been enabled"
+ endif
+ TextAnimation.Select 3
+ if DelayBetweenCharacters.isEnabled then
+ DelayBetweenCharacters.More 5
+ else
+ Warnlog "DelayBetweenCharacters should have been enabled"
+ endif
+ printlog " switch to TabPage 'Timing' "
+ Kontext
+ Active.SetPage TabTiming
+ kontext "TabTiming"
+ if TabTiming.Exists(5) then
+ TimingStart.Select 2
+ if Delay.isVisible AND Delay.isEnabled then
+ Delay.More 5
+ else
+ Warnlog "Delay in Effect Options were not to be found."
+ endif
+ if Speed.isVisible AND Speed.isEnabled then
+ Speed.Select 3
+ else
+ Printlog "Speed in Effect Options were not to be found."
+ endif
+ if Repeat.isVisible then
+ if Repeat.isEnabled then
for etrep = 1 to Speed.GetItemCount
Repeat.Select etrep
next etrep
- else
+ else
Warnlog "Repeat in Effect Options were not enabled."
- endif
- else
- Warnlog "Repeat in Effect Options were not visible."
- endif
- if Rewind.isVisible then
- if Rewind.isEnabled then
+ endif
+ else
+ Warnlog "Repeat in Effect Options were not visible."
+ endif
+ if Rewind.isVisible then
+ if Rewind.isEnabled then
- else
+ else
Printlog "Rewind in Effect Options were not to be found."
- endif
- else
- Printlog "Rewind in Effect Options were not to be found."
- endif
- if Rewind.isVisible then
- if Rewind.isEnabled then
+ endif
+ else
+ Printlog "Rewind in Effect Options were not to be found."
+ endif
+ if Rewind.isVisible then
+ if Rewind.isEnabled then
- else
+ else
Warnlog "Rewind in Effect Options were not enabled."
- endif
- else
- Warnlog "Rewind in Effect Options were not visible."
- endif
- TriggerAnimate.IsChecked
- TriggerStart.IsChecked
- if Shape.isVisible then
- if Shape.isEnabled then
+ endif
+ else
+ Warnlog "Rewind in Effect Options were not visible."
+ endif
+ TriggerAnimate.IsChecked
+ TriggerStart.IsChecked
+ if Shape.isVisible then
+ if Shape.isEnabled then
for etshap = 1 to Shape.GetItemCount
Shape.Select etshap
next etshap
- else
+ else
Warnlog "Shape in Effect Options were not to be found."
- endif
- else
- Warnlog "Shape in Effect Options were not to be found."
- endif
- else
- warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Effect Options: Timing TabPage didn't work."
- endif
- printlog " switch to TabPage 'Timing' "
- Kontext
- active.setPage TabTextAnimation
- kontext "TabTextAnimation"
- if TabTextAnimation.Exists(5) then
- lala = GroupText.GetItemCount
- for etgt = 1 to lala
- GroupText.Select etgt
- if AutomaticallyAfter.IsEnabled then
- AutomaticallyAfter.Check
- AutomaticallyAfter.TypeKeys "<UP>"
- endif
- if AnimateAttachedShape.IsEnabled then
- AnimateAttachedShape.Check
- if AnimateAttachedShape.IsChecked = FALSE then
+ endif
+ else
+ Warnlog "Shape in Effect Options were not to be found."
+ endif
+ else
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Effect Options: Timing TabPage didn't work."
+ endif
+ printlog " switch to TabPage 'Timing' "
+ Kontext
+ active.setPage TabTextAnimation
+ kontext "TabTextAnimation"
+ if TabTextAnimation.Exists(5) then
+ lala = GroupText.GetItemCount
+ for etgt = 1 to lala
+ GroupText.Select etgt
+ if AutomaticallyAfter.IsEnabled then
+ AutomaticallyAfter.Check
+ AutomaticallyAfter.TypeKeys "<UP>"
+ endif
+ if AnimateAttachedShape.IsEnabled then
+ AnimateAttachedShape.Check
+ if AnimateAttachedShape.IsChecked = FALSE then
Warnlog "AnimateAttachedShape should have been checked"
- endif
- endif
- if InreverseOrder.IsEnabled then
- InreverseOrder.Check
- if InreverseOrder.IsChecked = FALSE then
+ endif
+ endif
+ if InreverseOrder.IsEnabled then
+ InreverseOrder.Check
+ if InreverseOrder.IsChecked = FALSE then
Warnlog "InreverseOrder should have been checked"
- endif
- endif
- next etgt
- TabTextAnimation.Cancel
- else
- warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Effect Options: TextAnimation TabPage didn't work."
- endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ next etgt
+ TabTextAnimation.Cancel
- warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:... button didn't work."
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Effect Options: TextAnimation TabPage didn't work."
- Kontext "Tasks"
+ else
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:... button didn't work."
+ endif
+ Kontext "Tasks"
end function
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/tools/ b/testautomation/graphics/tools/
index 681a5ec7161a..e2d1a1497e9a 100644
--- a/testautomation/graphics/tools/
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/tools/
@@ -31,58 +31,6 @@
-' #1 sFileExport
-' #1 callAutocorrectOptions
-' #1 sCheckCheck
-' #1 sCheckUnderlined
-' #1 sCheckSupperscript
-' #1 sCheckDash
-' #1 sPrintCheckOrder
-' #1 writertest
-' #1 calctest
-' #1 tClipboardFromDrawTest
-' #1 Select_Copy
-' #1 SaveMeasurementSetFirst
-' #1 MeasurementSetFirst
-' #1 ResetMeasurement
-' #1 SetKontextApplication
-' #1 hSetSpellHypLanguage
-' #1 hTBOtypeInDoc
-' #1 Position_Vergleichen
-' #1 g_demoguide
-' #1 sFormatTextDrawAnimation
-' #1 mouseclickinpresentation
-' #1 im_002_
-' #1 im_003_
-' #1 im_004_
-' #1 im_005_
-' #1 im_007_
-' #1 im_011_
-' #1 D_002_
-' #1 D_003_
-' #1 D_005_
-' #1 d_007
-' #1 hOpenGallery
-' #1 LoadGraphic
-' #1 CheckGraphic
-' #1 GetOnlyGraphics
-' #1 tSettingsToCM
-' #1 tResetSettings
-' #1 id_001
-' #1 id_002
-' #1 id_003
-' #1 id_004
-' #1 id_005
-' #1 id_006
-' #1 id_007
-' #1 id_008
-' #1 id_009
-' #1 id_011
-' #1 hWalkTheStyles
sub sFileExport
printlog " just exporting is done in qatesttool/framework/first test: 'tGraphicExport' but there is no loading, "
@@ -90,11 +38,11 @@ sub sFileExport
Dim ExZaehler as Integer
Dim ExPath as String
Dim Liste( 50 ) as String
- if (gApplication = "IMPRESS") then
- ExtensionString = "odp"
+ if (gApplication = "IMPRESS") then
+ ExtensionString = "odp"
- ExtensionString = "odg"
+ ExtensionString = "odg"
end if
printlog "- all files are saved in [StarOfficePath]/user/work/[application]/export "
@@ -102,19 +50,19 @@ sub sFileExport
OutputGrafikTBO = ExPath & "expo"
Printlog "Create the export-dir for the graphics ( + ExPath + )"
- app.mkDir ( ExPath )
- ExZaehler = GetFileList ( ExPath , "*.*" , Liste() )
- if ExZaehler <> 0 then
- Printlog "The export-dir exists. The test want to delete all Files ( " + ExZaehler + " )!"
- if KillFileList ( Liste() ) = FALSE then
- Warnlog "Not all files can be deleted. " + ListCount ( Liste() ) + " files exists!"
- end if
- end if
+ app.mkDir ( ExPath )
+ ExZaehler = GetFileList ( ExPath , "*.*" , Liste() )
+ if ExZaehler <> 0 then
+ Printlog "The export-dir exists. The test want to delete all Files ( " + ExZaehler + " )!"
+ if KillFileList ( Liste() ) = FALSE then
+ Warnlog "Not all files can be deleted. " + ListCount ( Liste() ) + " files exists!"
+ end if
+ end if
- Warnlog "An error at creating the export-dir, the test ends!"
- exit sub
+ Warnlog "An error at creating the export-dir, the test ends!"
+ exit sub
printlog "+ open the test document qatesttool/graphics/required/input/graphicexport.od ? ] "
end sub
@@ -134,22 +82,22 @@ sub sCheckCheck (i, Pruefung$, bEnabled)
hTextrahmenErstellen (Pruefung$,20,20,60,40)
select case i
-' Disabled sCheckUnderlined due to start of external program (web-browser) - FHA
- case 5: bEnabled 'sCheckUnderlined (bEnabled)
- case 6: sCheckDash (bEnabled)
- case 8: sCheckSupperscript (bEnabled)
- case else:
- hTypeKeys "<Home><Shift End>"
- EditCopy
- if (GetClipboardText = Pruefung$) then ' not replaced
- if bEnabled then ' not as expected
- warnlog "- replacement failed"
- endif
- else ' replaced
- if not bEnabled then ' not as expected
- warnlog "- replacement failed : '" + Pruefung$ + "' - '" + GetClipboardText + "'"
- endif
+ ' Disabled sCheckUnderlined due to start of external program (web-browser) - FHA
+ case 5: bEnabled 'sCheckUnderlined (bEnabled)
+ case 6: sCheckDash (bEnabled)
+ case 8: sCheckSupperscript (bEnabled)
+ case else:
+ hTypeKeys "<Home><Shift End>"
+ EditCopy
+ if (GetClipboardText = Pruefung$) then ' not replaced
+ if bEnabled then ' not as expected
+ warnlog "- replacement failed"
+ else ' replaced
+ if not bEnabled then ' not as expected
+ warnlog "- replacement failed : '" + Pruefung$ + "' - '" + GetClipboardText + "'"
+ endif
+ endif
end select
hTypeKeys "<Home><Shift End><Delete>"
@@ -207,65 +155,65 @@ end sub
sub sPrintCheckOrder (optional bcheck as boolean)
- dim sTemp as string
- dim sTemp2 as string
- dim i as integer
- printlog " deselect all "
- Printlog "-----------------------------------"
- printlog " select in default order and take Position X in mind ;-) "
- hTypeKeys ("<escape><escape>")
- for i = 1 to 3
- hTypeKeys ("<TAB>")
- sTemp = fGetPositionX()
- Printlog " - " + i +": " + sTemp
- if ((isMissing(bcheck) <> FALSE) AND (bcheck = TRUE)) then
- Select Case i
+ dim sTemp as string
+ dim sTemp2 as string
+ dim i as integer
+ printlog " deselect all "
+ Printlog "-----------------------------------"
+ printlog " select in default order and take Position X in mind ;-) "
+ hTypeKeys ("<escape><escape>")
+ for i = 1 to 3
+ hTypeKeys ("<TAB>")
+ sTemp = fGetPositionX()
+ Printlog " - " + i +": " + sTemp
+ if ((isMissing(bcheck) <> FALSE) AND (bcheck = TRUE)) then
+ Select Case i
Case 1: sTemp2 = Ueber_Text_1
Case 2: sTemp2 = Ueber_Text_2
Case 3: sTemp2 = Ueber_Text_3
- End Select
- if sTemp <> sTemp2 then
- warnlog " + " + i + " Arrangement is wrong; is: "+sTemp+"; should: "+sTemp2+";"
- end if
- endif
- next i
- hTypeKeys ("<escape><escape>")
- Printlog "-----------------------------------"
+ End Select
+ if sTemp <> sTemp2 then
+ warnlog " + " + i + " Arrangement is wrong; is: "+sTemp+"; should: "+sTemp2+";"
+ end if
+ endif
+ next i
+ hTypeKeys ("<escape><escape>")
+ Printlog "-----------------------------------"
end sub
'--------------------------- Tests for Writer ----------------------------------
sub writertest
- try
- call Make_And_Check_Formatted_Text_Line_From_Application
- catch
- warnlog "Something went wrong with testing writertest"
- endcatch
- try
- call Make_Rectangle_From_Application
- call Full_test_Draw
- call Full_test_Impress
- call Full_test_Writer
- call Full_test_Calc
- catch
- warnlog "something wrong with testing writertest"
- endcatch
+ try
+ call Make_And_Check_Formatted_Text_Line_From_Application
+ catch
+ warnlog "Something went wrong with testing writertest"
+ endcatch
+ try
+ call Make_Rectangle_From_Application
+ call Full_test_Draw
+ call Full_test_Impress
+ call Full_test_Writer
+ call Full_test_Calc
+ catch
+ warnlog "something wrong with testing writertest"
+ endcatch
end sub ' big one
'---------------------------- Tests for Calc -----------------------------------
sub calctest
- call Make_Rectangle_From_Application
- call Full_test_Draw
- call Full_test_Impress
- call Full_test_Writer
- call Full_test_Calc
- warnlog "something wrong with calctest"
- printlog "currently no specific tests from Calc"
+ try
+ call Make_Rectangle_From_Application
+ call Full_test_Draw
+ call Full_test_Impress
+ call Full_test_Writer
+ call Full_test_Calc
+ catch
+ warnlog "something wrong with calctest"
+ endcatch
+ printlog "currently no specific tests from Calc"
end sub
@@ -274,146 +222,116 @@ sub tClipboardFromDrawTest
EnableQAErrors = false
FromApp2 = gApplication
printlog "gApplication = " + gApplication
+ select case( gApplication )
+ case "WRITER" : call writertest()
+ case "CALC" : call calctest()
+ case else : warnlog( "Unsupported gApplication provided: " & gApplication )
+ end select
- if gApplication = "WRITER" then
- call writertest
- exit sub
- end if
- if gApplication = "CALC" then
- call calctest
- exit sub
- end if
end sub
sub Select_Copy
- printlog " Select and copy "
- Sleep 10
- if gApplication = "DRAW" then
- EditSelectAll
- printlog " We just ran EditSelectAll - Application is Draw"
- end if
- if gApplication = "IMPRESS" then
- EditSelectAll
- printlog " We just ran EditSelectAll - Application is Impress"
- end if
- Sleep 2
- EditCopy
- Sleep 2
- printlog " Copied object"
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "EditSelectAll" )
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "EditCopy" )
end Sub
sub SaveMeasurementSetFirst
- if (gApplication = "DRAW") then
- sApplication = "DRAWING"
- elseIf (gApplication = "IMPRESS") then
- sApplication = "IMPRESS"
- elseIf (gApplication = "WRITER") then
- sApplication = "WRITER"
- elseIf (gApplication = "CALC") then
- sApplication = "CALC"
- endif
+ select case( gApplication )
+ case "DRAW" : sApplication = "DRAWING"
+ case "IMPRESS" : sApplication = "IMPRESS"
+ case "WRITER" : sApplication = "WRITER"
+ case "CALC" : sApplication = "CALC"
+ case else : printlog( "Provided gApplication is not supported: " & gApplication )
+ end select
printlog " - save states "
- hToolsOptions (sApplication,"General")
- ReferenceOld = Masseinheit.GetSelText
- Masseinheit.TypeKeys= "<HOME>" '(first entry)
- ReferenceNew = Masseinheit.GetSelText
- Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
- ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK
+ hToolsOptions (sApplication,"General")
+ ReferenceOld = Masseinheit.GetSelText
+ Masseinheit.TypeKeys= "<HOME>" '(first entry)
+ ReferenceNew = Masseinheit.GetSelText
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
+ hCloseDialog( ExtrasOptionenDlg, "ok" )
end Sub
sub MeasurementSetFirst
dim f as integer
- if (gApplication = "DRAW") then
- sApplication = "DRAWING"
- elseIf (gApplication = "IMPRESS") then
- sApplication = "IMPRESS"
- elseIf (gApplication = "WRITER") then
- sApplication = "WRITER"
- elseIf (gApplication = "CALC") then
- sApplication = "CALC"
- endif
+ select case( gApplication )
+ case "DRAW" : sApplication = "DRAWING"
+ case "IMPRESS" : sApplication = "IMPRESS"
+ case "WRITER" : sApplication = "WRITER"
+ case "CALC" : sApplication = "CALC"
+ case else : printlog( "Provided gApplication is not supported: " & gApplication )
+ end select
- hToolsOptions (sApplication,"General")
- if Masseinheit.GetSelText <> ReferenceNew then 'find the right one.
+ hToolsOptions (sApplication,"General")
+ if Masseinheit.GetSelText <> ReferenceNew then 'find the right one.
Masseinheit.TypeKeys "<HOME>"
for f = 1 to Masseinheit.GetItemCount
if Masseinheit.GetSelText = ReferenceNew then
- i = Masseinheit.GetItemCount 'find the right one.
+ i = Masseinheit.GetItemCount 'find the right one.
- Masseinheit.TypeKeys "<DOWN>"
+ Masseinheit.TypeKeys "<DOWN>"
next f
- endif
- Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
- ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK
+ endif
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
+ hCloseDialog( ExtrasOptionenDlg, "ok" )
end Sub
sub ResetMeasurement
dim f as integer
- if (gApplication = "DRAW") then
- sApplication = "DRAWING"
- elseIf (gApplication = "IMPRESS") then
- sApplication = "IMPRESS"
- elseIf (gApplication = "WRITER") then
- sApplication = "WRITER"
- elseIf (gApplication = "CALC") then
- sApplication = "CALC"
- endif
+ select case( gApplication )
+ case "DRAW" : sApplication = "DRAWING"
+ case "IMPRESS" : sApplication = "IMPRESS"
+ case "WRITER" : sApplication = "WRITER"
+ case "CALC" : sApplication = "CALC"
+ case else : printlog( "Provided gApplication is not supported: " & gApplication )
+ end select
printlog " - Reset states back to what they were before "
- hToolsOptions (sApplication,"General")
- if Masseinheit.GetSelText <> ReferenceOld then 'find the right one.
+ hToolsOptions (sApplication,"General")
+ if Masseinheit.GetSelText <> ReferenceOld then 'find the right one.
Masseinheit.TypeKeys "<HOME>"
for f = 1 to Masseinheit.GetItemCount
if Masseinheit.GetSelText = ReferenceOld then
- i = Masseinheit.GetItemCount 'find the right one.
+ i = Masseinheit.GetItemCount 'find the right one.
- Masseinheit.TypeKeys "<DOWN>"
+ Masseinheit.TypeKeys "<DOWN>"
next f
- endif
- Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
+ endif
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
end Sub
sub SetKontextApplication
- sleep 1
- Select Case gApplication
- Case "DRAW"
- Kontext "DocumentDraw"
- 'Printlog "gApplication / Kontext is now: DocumentDraw"
- sleep 1
- Case "IMPRESS"
- Kontext "DocumentImpress"
- 'Printlog "gApplication / Kontext is now is now: DocumentImpress"
- sleep 1
- Case "WRITER"
- Kontext "DocumentWriter"
- 'Printlog "gApplication / Kontext is now is now: DocumentWriter"
- sleep 1
- Case "CALC"
- Kontext "DocumentCalc"
- 'Printlog "gApplication / Kontext is now is now: DocumentCalc"
- sleep 1
- end select
- sleep 1
+ hSetDocumentContext() ' Global routine exists
end sub
sub hSetSpellHypLanguage
-printlog " select a language with a dictionary, used for spellcheck, thesaurus and hyphenation "
+ printlog " select a language with a dictionary, used for spellcheck, thesaurus and hyphenation "
dim sTrieit as string
' only for asian languages i need to set the default language for the current document to 'English(USA)'
@@ -450,7 +368,7 @@ printlog " select a language with a dictionary, used for spellcheck, thesaurus a
qaErrorLog "Sorry no spellbook found:"
- printlog " if a Language is already defined in the textfile "
+ printlog " if a Language is already defined in the textfile "
printlog glLocale (4)
printlog " select it in section 'Default languages for document' listbox 'Western' "
@@ -466,11 +384,11 @@ printlog " select a language with a dictionary, used for spellcheck, thesaurus a
qaw = glLocale (4)
- try
- printlog "selected: '" + Westlich.GetSelText + "'"
- catch
- printlog "selected: '" + Asiatisch.GetSelText + "'"
- endcatch
+ try
+ printlog "selected: '" + Westlich.GetSelText + "'"
+ catch
+ printlog "selected: '" + Asiatisch.GetSelText + "'"
+ endcatch
Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
printlog "+ close dialog 'Options - ' with OK "
@@ -480,7 +398,7 @@ end sub
sub hTBOtypeInDoc
- hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
+ hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
end sub
@@ -501,9 +419,9 @@ sub Position_Vergleichen (Ueber_Text_1 as string,Ueber_Text_2 as string,Ueber_Te
if TabPositionAndSize.exists (5) then printlog "Yo!"
printlog "What?"
if Dummy_Text = Ueber_Text_1 then
- Printlog Ueber_Text_2
+ Printlog Ueber_Text_2
- warnlog Ueber_Text_3,": is: ", Dummy_Text,"; should be: ", Ueber_Text_1
+ warnlog Ueber_Text_3,": is: ", Dummy_Text,"; should be: ", Ueber_Text_1
end if
end sub
@@ -511,7 +429,7 @@ end sub
sub g_demoguide
printlog "------------------- ------------------------"
call t_Introduction
call t_Interoperability
call t_DrawingEngine
@@ -538,107 +456,98 @@ end sub
sub mouseclickinpresentation
- Kontext "DocumentPresentation"
- autoexecute=false
- DocumentPresentation.MouseDown ( 50, 50 )
- printlog " switch slides using mouse clicks "
- DocumentPresentation.MouseUp ( 50, 50 )
- autoexecute=true
+ Kontext "DocumentPresentation"
+ autoexecute=false
+ DocumentPresentation.MouseDown ( 50, 50 )
+ printlog " switch slides using mouse clicks "
+ DocumentPresentation.MouseUp ( 50, 50 )
+ autoexecute=true
end sub
-sub im_002_
+sub im_002
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- im_002_ ---------- $Date: 2008-06-16 10:43:16 $ $Revision: 1.1 $ "
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- im_002_ ---------- $Date: 2008-06-16 10:43:16 $ $Revision: 1.1 $ "
- Call tiEditDeleteSlide
+ Call tiEditDeleteSlide
end sub
-sub im_003_
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- im_003_ ----------"
+sub im_003
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- im_003_ ----------"
Call tiViewMasterView
Call tiViewSlideMaster
Call tiViewPanes
-'TODO: TBO not necessary here, move to optional
+ 'TODO: TBO not necessary here, move to optional
Call tiViewToolbar_1
end sub
-sub im_004_
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- im_004_ ----------"
+sub im_004
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- im_004_ ----------"
- Call tiInsertSlideExpandSummary
+ Call tiInsertSlideExpandSummary
end sub
-sub im_005_
+sub im_005
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- im_005_ ---------- "
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- im_005_ ---------- "
- Call tiFormatModifyLayout ' impress only
+ Call tiFormatModifyLayout ' impress only
end sub
-sub im_007_
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- im_007_ ---------- "
+sub im_007
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- im_007_ ---------- "
- Call tSlideShowSlideShow
- Call tSlideShowRehearseTimings
- Call tSlideShowSlideShowSettings
- Call tSlideShowCustomSlideShow
- Call tSlideShowSlideTransition
+ Call tSlideShowSlideShow
+ Call tSlideShowRehearseTimings
+ Call tSlideShowSlideShowSettings
+ Call tSlideShowCustomSlideShow
+ Call tSlideShowSlideTransition
-Call tSlideShowShowHideSlide
- Call tSlideShowAnimation
- Call tSlideShowCustomAnimation
- Call tSlideShowInteraction
+ Call tSlideShowShowHideSlide
+ Call tSlideShowAnimation
+ Call tSlideShowCustomAnimation
+ Call tSlideShowInteraction
end sub
-sub im_011_
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- im_011_ ---------- "
+sub im_011
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- im_011_ ---------- "
- Call tiDiaLeiste ' only IMPRESS
+ Call tiDiaLeiste ' only IMPRESS
end sub
-sub D_002_
+sub D_002
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- D_002_ ---------- "
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- D_002_ ---------- "
- Call tdEditCrossFading
- Call tdEditLayer
+ Call tdEditCrossFading
+ Call tdEditLayer
end sub
-sub D_003_
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- D_003_ ---------- "
+sub D_003
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- D_003_ ---------- "
- call tdViewSlide
- call tdViewPagePane
+ call tdViewSlide
+ call tdViewPagePane
end sub
-sub D_005_
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- D_005_ ---------- "
+sub D_005
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- D_005_ ---------- "
- call tiFormatLayer ' only in draw !!!!!
+ call tiFormatLayer ' only in draw !!!!!
end sub
sub d_007
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- d_007 ---------- "
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- d_007 ---------- "
- call tdModifyRotate
+ call tdModifyRotate
end sub
@@ -648,10 +557,10 @@ sub hOpenGallery
WaitSlot (2000)
Kontext "Gallery"
- if Gallery.NotExists(2) then
- ToolsGallery
- WaitSlot (2000)
- end if
+ if Gallery.NotExists(2) then
+ ToolsGallery
+ WaitSlot (2000)
+ end if
end sub
@@ -667,27 +576,27 @@ sub LoadGraphic ( sFile as String, bOK as Boolean ) as boolean
Active.SetPage TabType
Kontext "TabType"
- OriginalSize.Click
- iW = Val ( makeNumOutOfText ( Width.GetText ) )
- iH = Val ( makeNumOutOfText ( Height.GetText )
- if instr ( sFile, "photo" ) <> 0 then
- iWMax = 22
- iHMax = 25
- else
- iWMax = 17
- iHMax = 25
- end if
- if iW > iWMax OR iH > iHMax then
- printlog sFile + " :"
- warnlog "Size is too big ( max should be '" + iWMax + "' cm* '" + iHMax + "'cm DinA4 with default borders ), but it is '" + iW + "' * '" + iH + "'"
- LoadGraphic = false
- end if
- TabType.OK
- sleep (1)
+ OriginalSize.Click
+ iW = Val ( makeNumOutOfText ( Width.GetText ) )
+ iH = Val ( makeNumOutOfText ( Height.GetText )
+ if instr ( sFile, "photo" ) <> 0 then
+ iWMax = 22
+ iHMax = 25
+ else
+ iWMax = 17
+ iHMax = 25
+ end if
+ if iW > iWMax OR iH > iHMax then
+ printlog sFile + " :"
+ warnlog "Size is too big ( max should be '" + iWMax + "' cm* '" + iHMax + "'cm DinA4 with default borders ), but it is '" + iW + "' * '" + iH + "'"
+ LoadGraphic = false
+ end if
+ TabType.OK
+ sleep (1)
Kontext "DocumentWriter"
- DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<Delete>"
- sleep (1)
- bOK = TRUE
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<Delete>"
+ sleep (1)
+ bOK = TRUE
end sub
@@ -715,30 +624,30 @@ end sub
sub id_001
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_001 ----------"
- qaerrorlog "#74988# tiFilePassword outcommented due to bug. -FHA"
- call tiFilePassword
- call tiFileSaveAs
- call tiFileReload
- call tiFileVersion
- printlog " File->Send not possible to test, because extrnal prg get's called!"
- call tiFileTemplates
-' Call tiFileNew instead i call:
- call tmFileNewFromTemplate
- call tmFileOpen
- call tmFileClose
- call tmFileSave
- call tmFileSaveAs
- call tmFileExit
- call tmFileSaveAll
- call tmFileProperties
- call tdFileExport
- call tmFilePrinterSetting
- ' special cases
- ' Call AutoPilot 'inc\desktop\
- call tmFileExit ' don't test because unpredictable behaviour
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_001 ----------"
+ qaerrorlog "#74988# tiFilePassword outcommented due to bug. -FHA"
+ call tiFilePassword
+ call tiFileSaveAs
+ call tiFileReload
+ call tiFileVersion
+ printlog " File->Send not possible to test, because extrnal prg get's called!"
+ call tiFileTemplates
+ ' Call tiFileNew instead i call:
+ call tmFileNewFromTemplate
+ call tmFileOpen
+ call tmFileClose
+ call tmFileSave
+ call tmFileSaveAs
+ call tmFileExit
+ call tmFileSaveAll
+ call tmFileProperties
+ call tdFileExport
+ call tmFilePrinterSetting
+ ' special cases
+ ' Call AutoPilot 'inc\desktop\
+ call tmFileExit ' don't test because unpredictable behaviour
end sub
@@ -766,73 +675,91 @@ end sub
sub id_003
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_003 ----------"
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_003 ----------"
- call tiViewNavigator
- call tiViewZoom
- call tiViewToolbar
- Call tToolsCustomize 'global\required\include
- call tiViewDisplayQuality
- call tiViewLayer
- call tViewSnapLines
- call tViewGrid
+ call tiViewNavigator
+ call tiViewZoom
+ call tiViewToolbar
+ Call tToolsCustomize 'global\required\include
+ call tiViewDisplayQuality
+ call tiViewLayer
+ call tViewSnapLines
+ call tViewGrid
end sub
sub id_004
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_004 ----------"
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_004 ----------"
- call tiInsertSlide
- call tiInsertDuplicateSlide
+ call tiInsertSlide
+ call tiInsertDuplicateSlide
' v expand slide
' v summary slide
- call tiInsertField
- call tiInsertSpecialCharacter
- call tiInsertHyperlink
- call tiInsertScan
- call tiInsertGraphic
- call tiInsertObjectSound
- call tiInsertObjectVideo
- call tiInsertObjectSound
- call tiInsertObjectVideo
- call tiInsertChart
- call tiInsertObjectOLEObjects
- call tiInsertSpreadsheet
- call tiInsertFormula
- call tiInsertFloatingFrame
- call tiInsertFile
- call tiInsertPlugin
- call tiInsertSnappointLine
- call tdInsertLayer ' IMPRESS: Edit->Layer->Insert
+ call tiInsertField
+ call tiInsertSpecialCharacter
+ call tiInsertHyperlink
+ call tiInsertScan
+ call tiInsertGraphic
+ call tiInsertObjectSound
+ call tiInsertObjectVideo
+ call tiInsertObjectSound
+ call tiInsertObjectVideo
+ call tiInsertChart
+ call tiInsertObjectOLEObjects
+ call tiInsertSpreadsheet
+ call tiInsertFormula
+ call tiInsertFloatingFrame
+ call tiInsertFile
+ call tiInsertPlugin
+ call tiInsertSnappointLine
+ call tdInsertLayer ' IMPRESS: Edit->Layer->Insert
end sub
sub id_005
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_005 ----------"
- call tiFormatDefault
- call tiFormatLine
- call tdFormatArea
- call tiFormatText
- call tiFormatPositionAndSize
- call tiFormatCharacter
- call tiFormatControlForm
-' ^ Form
- call tiFormatDimensions
- call tiFormatConnector
- call tiFormat3D_Effects
- call tiFormatNumberingBullets
- call tiFormatCaseCharacter
- call tiFormatParagraph
- call tiFormatPage
- call tiFormatStylesAndFormatting
- call tiFormatStylesSlideDesign
- call tiFormatFontwork
- call tiFormatGroup
- printlog " format->group is also modify->group "
-' tiFormatLayer ' not in impress
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_005 ----------"
+ call tiFormatDefault
+ call tiFormatLine
+ call tdFormatArea
+ call tiFormatText
+ call tiFormatPositionAndSize
+ call tiFormatCharacter
+ call tiFormatControlForm
+ ' ^ Form
+ call tiFormatDimensions
+ call tiFormatConnector
+ call tiFormat3D_Effects
+ call tiFormatNumberingBullets
+ call tiFormatCaseCharacter
+ call tiFormatParagraph
+ call tiFormatPage
+ call tiFormatStylesAndFormatting
+ call tiFormatStylesSlideDesign
+ call tiFormatFontwork
+ call tiFormatGroup
+ printlog " format->group is also modify->group "
+ ' tiFormatLayer ' not in impress
+end sub
+sub id_006
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_006 ----------"
+ call tiToolsSpellchecking
+ call tiToolsSpellcheckingAutomatic
+ call tiToolsThesaurus
+ call tiToolsHyphenation
+ call tiToolsAutoCorrect
+ call tChineseTranslation
+ call tiToolsMacro
+ call tiToolsGallery
+ call tiToolsEyedropper
+ call tiToolsOptions ' get just called one time here...
+ Call tToolsOptionsTest ' global one
end sub
@@ -864,16 +791,16 @@ end sub
sub id_008
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_008 ----------"
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_008 ----------"
- Call tiWindowNewWindow
- call tidWindow123
+ Call tiWindowNewWindow
+ call tidWindow123
end sub
sub id_009
- printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_009 ----------"
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_009 ----------"
call tCheckIfTheHelpExists
Call tmHelpContents
@@ -889,165 +816,169 @@ sub id_011
printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_011 ----------"
- call tdBezierToolbar
+ call tdBezierToolbar
call tiDrawObjectBar
call tiTextToolbar
call tiGraphicsObjectBar
call tiGluepointToolbar
- end sub
+end sub
sub hWalkTheStyles (optional a as integer,optional b as integer)
dim i as integer
if isMissing (a) then a=1
if isMissing (b) then b=2
if a <= i AND i <= b then
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'Line' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabLinie
- kontext "TabLinie"
- Call DialogTest ( TabLinie )
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'Area' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabArea
- kontext "TabArea"
- Call DialogTest ( TabArea )
- printlog " select radio button 'none' "
- NoFill.Check
- Call DialogTest ( TabArea, 1 )
- printlog " select radio button 'color' "
- Color.Check
- Call DialogTest ( TabArea, 2 )
- printlog " select radio button 'gradient' "
- Gradient.Check
- Call DialogTest ( TabArea, 3 )
- printlog " select radio button 'hatching' "
- Hatching.Check
- Call DialogTest ( TabArea, 4 )
- printlog " select radio button 'bitmap' "
- Bitmap.Check
- Call DialogTest ( TabArea, 5 )
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'shadowing' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabSchatten
- kontext "TabSchatten"
- printlog " check 'use shadow' "
- Anzeigen.check
- Call DialogTest ( TabSchatten )
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'Transparency' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabTransparenz
- kontext "TabTransparenz"
- printlog " check 'No transparency' "
- KeineTransparenz.Check
- printlog " check 'Transparency' "
- LineareTransparenz.Check
- printlog " check 'Gradient' "
- Transparenzverlauf.Check
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'Font' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabFont
- kontext "TabFont"
- Call DialogTest ( TabFont )
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'Font Effect' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabFontEffects
- kontext "TabFontEffects"
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'indents & spacing' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabEinzuegeUndAbstaende
- kontext "TabEinzuegeUndAbstaende"
- Call DialogTest ( TabEinzuegeUndAbstaende )
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'Line' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabLinie
+ kontext "TabLinie"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabLinie )
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'Area' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabArea
+ kontext "TabArea"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabArea )
+ printlog " select radio button 'none' "
+ NoFill.Check
+ Call DialogTest ( TabArea, 1 )
+ printlog " select radio button 'color' "
+ Color.Check
+ Call DialogTest ( TabArea, 2 )
+ printlog " select radio button 'gradient' "
+ Gradient.Check
+ Call DialogTest ( TabArea, 3 )
+ printlog " select radio button 'hatching' "
+ Hatching.Check
+ Call DialogTest ( TabArea, 4 )
+ printlog " select radio button 'bitmap' "
+ Bitmap.Check
+ Call DialogTest ( TabArea, 5 )
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'shadowing' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabSchatten
+ kontext "TabSchatten"
+ printlog " check 'use shadow' "
+ Anzeigen.check
+ Call DialogTest ( TabSchatten )
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'Transparency' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabTransparenz
+ kontext "TabTransparenz"
+ printlog " check 'No transparency' "
+ KeineTransparenz.Check
+ printlog " check 'Transparency' "
+ LineareTransparenz.Check
+ printlog " check 'Gradient' "
+ Transparenzverlauf.Check
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'Font' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabFont
+ kontext "TabFont"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabFont )
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'Font Effect' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabFontEffects
+ kontext "TabFontEffects"
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'indents & spacing' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabEinzuegeUndAbstaende
+ kontext "TabEinzuegeUndAbstaende"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabEinzuegeUndAbstaende )
if a <= i AND i <= b then
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'Organize' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabVerwalten
- kontext "TabVerwalten"
- Call DialogTest ( TabVerwalten )
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'text' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabText
- Kontext "TabText"
- Call DialogTest ( TabText )
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'text animation' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabLauftext
- Kontext "TabLauftext"
- Call DialogTest ( TabLauftext )
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'dimension' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabBemassung
- Kontext "TabBemassung"
- Call DialogTest ( TabBemassung )
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'connector' "
- Messagebox.setpage TabVerbinder
- Kontext "TabVerbinder"
- Call Dialogtest ( TabVerbinder )
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'alignment' "
- Messagebox.setpage TabAusrichtungAbsatz
- Kontext "TabAusrichtungAbsatz"
- Links.Check
- Rechts.Check
- Zentriert.Check
- Blocksatz.Check
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'Tabs' "
- Messagebox.setpage TabTabulator
- Kontext "TabTabulator"
- printlog " click 'new' "
- printlog " click 'delete all' "
- printlog " click 'new' "
- printlog " click 'delete' "
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'Organize' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabVerwalten
+ kontext "TabVerwalten"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabVerwalten )
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'text' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabText
+ Kontext "TabText"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabText )
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'text animation' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabLauftext
+ Kontext "TabLauftext"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabLauftext )
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'dimension' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabBemassung
+ Kontext "TabBemassung"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabBemassung )
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'connector' "
+ Messagebox.setpage TabVerbinder
+ Kontext "TabVerbinder"
+ Call Dialogtest ( TabVerbinder )
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'alignment' "
+ Messagebox.setpage TabAusrichtungAbsatz
+ Kontext "TabAusrichtungAbsatz"
+ Links.Check
+ Rechts.Check
+ Zentriert.Check
+ Blocksatz.Check
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'Tabs' "
+ Messagebox.setpage TabTabulator
+ Kontext "TabTabulator"
+ printlog " click 'new' "
+ printlog " click 'delete all' "
+ printlog " click 'new' "
+ printlog " click 'delete' "
if a <= i AND i <= b then
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'Bullets' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabBullet
- Kontext "TabBullet"
- sleep 1
- Call DialogTest (TabBullet)
- sleep 1
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'Numbering Type' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabNumerierungsart
- Kontext "TabNumerierungsart"
- sleep 1
- Call DialogTest (TabNumerierungsart)
- sleep 1
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'Graphics' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabGrafiken
- Kontext "TabGrafiken"
- sleep 1
- Call DialogTest (TabGrafiken)
- sleep 1
- Kontext
- printlog " switch to tabpage 'Customize' "
- Messagebox.SetPage TabOptionenNumerierung
- Kontext "TabOptionenNumerierung"
- sleep 1
- Call DialogTest (TabOptionenNumerierung)
- sleep 1
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'Bullets' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabBullet
+ Kontext "TabBullet"
+ sleep 1
+ Call DialogTest (TabBullet)
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'Numbering Type' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabNumerierungsart
+ Kontext "TabNumerierungsart"
+ sleep 1
+ Call DialogTest (TabNumerierungsart)
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'Graphics' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabGrafiken
+ Kontext "TabGrafiken"
+ sleep 1
+ Call DialogTest (TabGrafiken)
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext
+ printlog " switch to tabpage 'Customize' "
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabOptionenNumerierung
+ Kontext "TabOptionenNumerierung"
+ sleep 1
+ Call DialogTest (TabOptionenNumerierung)
+ sleep 1
end sub
sub sSelectEmptyLayout
if gApplication = "IMPRESS" then
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ DocumentImpress.UseMenu
+ hMenuSelectNr (5)
+ hMenuSelectNr (13)
printlog "Changing focus to TaskPane."
kontext "Tasks"
sleep (1)