path: root/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/')
1 files changed, 429 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fae2cdcc7820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* Owner :
+'* short description :
+' #1 MakeTextSquare :Inserts a text frame with content
+' #1 MakeRectangle :Inserts a Rectangle
+' #1 MakeCircle :Inserts a circle if not Writer or Calc
+' #1 Make3dObject :Inserts a 3DObject if not Writer or Calc
+' #1 MakeCurveObject :Inserts Curve Object if not Writer or Calc
+' #1 MakeLineObject :Inserts line object if not writer or calc
+' #1 MakeConnectorObject :Inserts Connector object if not wirter or calc
+' #1 MakeFormattedTextLine :Insert a formatted text line
+' #1 Formfunctions :Inserts a push button
+' #1 Objectplugin :Inserting a Plugin
+sub MakeTextSquare
+ printlog "--------- Testing: TextSquare ---------"
+ Call hTextRahmenErstellen ("This is a text-frame",15,20,40,30)
+ gMouseClick 10,10
+ SetKontextApplication
+end sub
+sub MakeRectangle
+ printlog "we run rectangle"
+ Call hRechteckErstellen (15,15,30,30)
+end sub
+sub MakeCircle
+ printlog "Create Circle"
+ if gApplication = "WRITER" then
+ Warnlog "Cant make circle in this application"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ if gApplication = "CALC" then
+ Warnlog "Cant make circle in this application"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ printlog "we run Circle"
+ Kontext "Toolbar"
+ Ellipsen.Click
+ sleep 1
+ gMouseDown (15,15)
+ gMouseMove (15,15,30,30)
+ gMouseUp (30,30)
+ sleep 1
+end sub
+sub Make3dObject
+ printlog "Create 3dObject"
+ if (Ucase(gApplication) = "CALC") then
+ warnlog "Cant make circle in this application"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ if (Ucase(gApplication) = "WRITER") then
+ warnlog "Cant make circle in this application"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ printlog "we run 3d-Object"
+ kontext "Toolbar"
+ if Drei_D_Objekte.exists then
+ Drei_D_Objekte.tearoff
+ Kontext "ThreeDObjectsbar"
+ sleep 1
+ gMouseDown (15,15)
+ gMouseMove (15,15,35,35)
+ gMouseUp (35,35)
+ Kontext "ThreeDObjectsbar"
+ ThreeDObjectsbar.close
+ else
+ if (gApplication = "DRAW") then
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuselectNr (1)
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuItemCheck (11)
+ sleep 2
+ Drei_D_Objekte.tearoff
+ Kontext "ThreeDObjectsbar"
+ sleep 1
+ sleep 1
+ gMouseDown (15,15)
+ gMouseMove (15,15,35,35)
+ gMouseUp (35,35)
+ Kontext "ThreeDObjectsbar"
+ ThreeDObjectsbar.close
+ sleep 2
+ kontext "Toolbar"
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuselectNr (1)
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuItemUnCheck (11)
+ sleep 1
+ else
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuselectNr (1)
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuItemCheck (11)
+ sleep 2
+ Drei_D_Objekte.tearoff
+ Kontext "ThreeDObjectsbar"
+ sleep 1
+ sleep 1
+ gMouseDown (15,15)
+ gMouseMove (15,15,35,35)
+ gMouseUp (35,35)
+ Kontext "ThreeDObjectsbar"
+ ThreeDObjectsbar.close
+ sleep 2
+ kontext "Toolbar"
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuselectNr (1)
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuItemUnCheck (11)
+ sleep 1
+ endif
+ end if
+end sub
+sub MakeCurveObject
+ if (Ucase(gApplication) = "WRITER") then
+ warnlog "Cant make circle in this application"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ if (Ucase(gApplication) = "CALC") then
+ warnlog "Cant make circle in this application"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ printlog "we run Curve-object"
+ kontext "Toolbar"
+ Toolbar.OpenContextMenu
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuselectNr (1)
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuItemCheck (7)
+ sleep 1
+ Kurven.Click
+ sleep 1
+ gMouseDown (10,25)
+ gMouseMove (10,25,30,35)
+ gMouseUp (30,35)
+ gMouseClick 90,90
+ sleep 1
+ kontext "Toolbar"
+ Toolbar.OpenContextMenu
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuselectNr (1)
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuItemUnCheck (7)
+ sleep 1
+end sub
+sub MakeLineObject
+ if gApplication = "WRITER" then
+ warnlog "Currently no support for line-object in this application"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ if gApplication = "CALC" then
+ warnlog "Currently no support for line-object in this application"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ printlog "we run Line-object"
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "Toolbar"
+ Linien.TearOff
+ Kontext "Arrowshapes"
+ sleep 1
+ Leftarrow.Click
+ sleep 1
+ SetKontextApplication
+ gMouseDown (10,15)
+ gMouseMove 10,15,20,27
+ gMouseUp (20,27)
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "Arrowshapes"
+ Arrowshapes.Close
+end sub
+sub MakeConnectorObject
+ if gApplication = "WRITER" then
+ warnlog "Cant make connector in this application"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ if gApplication = "CALC" then
+ warnlog "Cant make connector in this application"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ printlog "we run Connector-object"
+ if gApplication = "DRAW" then
+ sleep 1
+ kontext "Toolbar"
+ sleep 1
+ Verbinder.TearOff ' Insert connector
+ kontext "Connectorsbar"
+ sleep 1
+ Verbinder.Click
+ Connectorsbar.Close
+ sleep 1
+ SetKontextApplication
+ gMouseDown (10,17)
+ gMouseMove (10,17,30,37)
+ gMouseUp (30,37)
+ end if
+ if gApplication = "IMPRESS" then
+ kontext "Toolbar"
+ sleep 1
+ Verbinder.TearOff ' Insert connector
+ kontext "Connectorsbar"
+ sleep 1
+ Verbinder.Click
+ Connectorsbar.Close
+ sleep 1
+ SetKontextApplication
+ gMouseDown (10,17)
+ gMouseMove (10,17,30,37)
+ gMouseUp (30,37)
+ end if
+end sub
+sub MakeFormattedTextLine
+ dim Zufall, iWaitIndex as integer
+ Kontext "TextObjectbar"
+ if TextObjectbar.Exists then
+ printlog " TextObjectbar.Exists = " + TextObjectbar.Exists
+ else
+ ViewToolbarsTextFormatting
+ sleep (2)
+ end if
+ hTypeKeys "This is a text which we will format in some different ways."
+ hTypeKeys "<SHIFT HOME>" 'Marked the inserted text. (= now ready for formatting)
+ Kontext "TextObjectbar"
+ Printlog " - choose random font"
+ randomize
+ Zufall=((20*Rnd)+1)
+ 'Schriftart.GetItemcount
+ Text1 = Schriftart.GetSelText
+ Printlog " -Font: '" + Schriftart.GetSelText + "' selected."
+ Kontext "TextObjectbar"
+ sleep (2)
+ Printlog " - Change size of Font"
+ Schriftgroesse.Select (Zufall)
+ Printlog " - Fontsize set to '" + Schriftgroesse.GetSelText + "'."
+ Text2 = Schriftgroesse.GetSelText
+ Kontext "TextObjectbar"
+ Fett.Click
+ sleep (2)
+ Printlog " - Font attribute set to bold."
+ Text4 = Fett.GetState(2)
+ Kontext "TextObjectbar"
+ Kursiv.Click
+ sleep (2)
+ Printlog " - Font attribute set to cursive."
+ Text5 = Kursiv.GetState(2)
+ Kontext "TextObjectbar"
+ Unterstrichen.Click
+ sleep (2)
+ Printlog " - Font attribute set to underlined."
+ Text6 = Unterstrichen.GetState(2)
+ Kontext "TextObjectbar"
+ Blocksatz.Click
+ sleep (2)
+ Printlog " - Text set to Justified."
+ Text7 = Blocksatz.GetState(2)
+ SetKontextApplication
+end sub 'MakeFormattedTextLine
+sub Formfunctions
+ gMouseMove2 (50, 20)
+ if (Ucase(gApplication) = "IMPRESS") then
+ kontext "Toolbar"
+ sleep 1
+ Toolbar.OpenContextMenu ' enable forms button in menuebar
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuselectNr (6)
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuItemCheck (14)
+ sleep 1
+ WL_WRITER_Formular.TearOff ' use fromsbutton
+ else
+ kontext "Toolbar"
+ sleep 1
+ Toolbar.OpenContextMenu ' enable forms button in menuebar
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuselectNr (5)
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuItemCheck (14)
+ sleep 1
+ WL_WRITER_Formular.TearOff ' use fromsbutton
+ endif
+ printlog " enabled 'forms' button and clicked it"
+ sleep 1
+ kontext "FormControls"
+ if (Pushbutton.IsEnabled = FALSE) then
+ ' use forms menue, go into design mode
+ endif
+ Pushbutton.Click ' use a pushbutton
+ Sleep 1
+ gMouseDown (50,20)
+ gMouseMove (50, 20,70, 40)' create a pushbutton
+ gMouseUp (70,40)
+ FormatControl
+ Kontext "ControlPropertiesDialog"
+ sleep 1
+ ControlPropertiesDialog.Close
+ formatform
+ Kontext "ControlPropertiesDialog"
+ sleep 1
+ ControlPropertiesDialog.Close
+ sleep 5 ' needed, otherwise the context menue will get closed...
+ if (Ucase(gApplication) = "IMPRESS") then
+ kontext "Toolbar"
+ Toolbar.OpenContextMenu ' disable forms button in menuebar
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuselectNr (9)
+ else
+ kontext "Toolbar"
+ Toolbar.OpenContextMenu ' disable forms button in menuebar
+ sleep 1
+ hMenuselectNr (8)
+ endif
+end sub
+sub Objectplugin
+ printlog "Insert Object-plugin"
+ 'Call hNewDocument
+ InsertObjectPlugin
+ Kontext "PlugInEinfuegen"
+ 'DialogTest ( PlugInEinfuegen)
+ Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
+ 'Call DialogTest ( OeffnenDlg )
+ if OeffnenDlg.exists (5) then
+ OeffnenDlg.Cancel
+ else
+ warnlog "Open file dialog didn't come up"
+ endif
+ sleep 5
+ Kontext "PlugInEinfuegen"
+ if PlugInEinfuegen.exists then
+ DateiUrl.SetText (ConvertPath ( gTesttoolpath + "graphics\required\input\" ))
+ printlog "Type something into the option field"
+ Optionen.SetText "Fiddler's Green"
+ sleep 1
+ Optionen.TypeKeys "<HOME>"
+ Optionen.TypeKeys "<SHIFT><END>"
+ Optionen.TypeKeys "<delete>"
+ PlugInEinfuegen.Ok
+ else
+ warnlog "Insert plugin isn't visible"
+ endif
+ sleep (5)
+ kontext "Messagebox"
+ if Messagebox.exists (5) then
+ warnlog "Messagebox: " + Messagebox.gettext
+ Messagebox.ok
+ endif
+end sub