path: root/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/')
1 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..070427ef3c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : Functions that work with files like deleting, loading...
+function hHandleActivesOnLoad( iTries as integer , iAdd as integer ) as boolean
+ '///<h3>Handle any dialogs that might pop up when loading a file</h3>
+ '///<i>Beware: This function gives only limited control over the dialogs closed,
+ '///+ it just closes anything it can.</i><br>
+ '///<i>Please refer to the inline documentation for further details</i><br>
+ '///<u>Input</u>:
+ '///<ol>
+ '///+<li>Number of dialogs to be closed (integer)</li>
+ '///<ul>
+ '///+<li>Number of dialogs not limited though more than 3 is not useful</li>
+ '///</ul>
+ '///+<li>Additional dialogs (integer).</li>
+ '///<ul>
+ '///+<li>Number of dialogs to handle in case of unexpected behavior. If unsure set it to 2</li>
+ '///</ul>
+ '///</ol>
+ '///<u>Returns</u>:
+ '///<ol>
+ '///+<li>Errorcondition (boolean)</li>
+ '///<ul>
+ '///+<li>TRUE: The expected number of dialogs were closed</li>
+ '///+<li>FALSE: On any other condition</li>
+ '///</ul>
+ '///</ol>
+ '///<u>Description</u>:
+ '///<ul>
+ '///+<li>OK to create a new document based on a template</li>
+ '///+<li>YES to update links</li>
+ '///+<li>YES to execute macros</li>
+ '///</ul>
+ use "global/tools/includes/optional/"
+ const CFN = "hHandleActivesOnLoad::"
+ dim iTry as integer
+ dim iActives as integer
+ dim cMessage as string
+ dim bSkip as boolean
+ if ( GVERBOSE ) then printlog( CFN & "Enter" )
+ ' not good but apparently required - else hDestroyDocument will handle the
+ ' dialogs and warn about them.
+ ' think positive: preset the returnvalue with "true"
+ hHandleActivesOnLoad() = true
+ for iTry = 1 to iTries + iAdd
+ ' handle three possible dialogs:
+ ' 1. The warning that the user should create a new document based
+ ' on this Sample/Template (the document is write protected)
+ ' 2. The question to update links to the internet. Note: If you
+ ' use proxies, they must be set correctly otherwise the result
+ ' is undefined.
+ ' 3. Some weird usage information dialog which is an active with just
+ ' one OK button.
+ ' Although this works quite well, there is a flaw that we will not
+ ' get information about an "active" dialog that cannot be closed by
+ ' .yes() or .ok(). If this happens, we probably run into an error
+ kontext "Active"
+ try
+ if ( active.exists( 1 ) ) then
+ iActives = iActives + 1
+ cMessage = hRemoveLineBreaks( active.getText() )
+ printlog( CFN & "MSG (" & iActives & "): " & cMessage )
+ printlog( CFN & "Ressource type is: " & Active.getRT() )
+ printlog( CFN & "Buttoncount is: " & Active.getButtonCount() )
+ bSkip = false
+ ' ok to create a new document
+ try
+ active.cancel()
+ printlog( CFN & "MSG (" & iActives & "): closed with Cancel" )
+ bSkip = true
+ catch
+ printlog( CFN & "Missed - this dialog has no Cancel button (create new document)" )
+ active.ok()
+ endcatch
+ if ( not bSkip ) then
+ if ( Active.getRT() = 304 ) then
+ if ( Active.getButtonCount() = 1 ) then
+ active.ok()
+ printlog( CFN & "MSG (" & iActives & "): closed with OK" )
+ bSkip = true
+ endif
+ else
+ endif
+ endif
+ if ( not bSkip ) then
+ ' no to update links
+ try
+ printlog( CFN & "MSG (" & iActives & "): closed with NO" )
+ catch
+ printlog( CFN & "Missed - this dialog has no NO button (update links)" )
+ endcatch
+ endif
+ endif
+ catch
+ kontext "Active"
+ if ( Active.exists( 1 ) ) then
+ if ( Active.getButtonCount() = 2 ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "<Update links dialog> or <File corruption warning>" )
+ active.yes()
+ hFileWait( FALSE )
+ kontext "Active"
+ if ( Active.exists( 2 ) ) then
+ qaerrorlog( "#105670# - File corruption warning, the template is broken" )
+ qaerrorlog( CFN & "Trying to recover." )
+ Active.ok()
+ hHandleActivesOnLoad() = FALSE
+ exit function
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ qaerrorlog( "Problem while trying to handle messageboxes" )
+ hHandleActivesOnLoad() = false
+ endcatch
+ next iTry
+ ' now see how many dialogs were allowed and how many have been closed
+ ' this does not change the return value of the function
+ if ( iActives > iTries ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Exit: The test closed more dialogs than expected" )
+ hHandleActivesOnLoad() = false
+ else
+ if ( GVERBOSE ) then printlog( CFN & "Exit" )
+ endif
+end function
+function hHandleInitialDialogs() as integer
+ const CFN = "hHandleInitialDialogs::"
+ '///<h3>Handle dialogs while opening samples/templates etc.</h3>
+ '///<i>The returnvalue is of limited use</i><br>
+ '///<u>Input</u>:
+ '///<ol>
+ '///+<li>Nothing</li>
+ '///</ol>
+ '///<u>Returns</u>:
+ '///<ol>
+ '///+<li>Id of the dialog (integer)</li>
+ '///<ul>
+ '///+<li>0: No dialog was found</li>
+ '///+<li>1: UseOfThisTemplate</li>
+ '///+<li>2: StarOfficeCalendar1</li>
+ '///+<li>3: NewsletterLayout</li>
+ '///+<li>4: PortfolioCurrency</li>
+ '///+<li>5: StarOfficeCalendar2</li>
+ '///</ul>
+ '///</ol>
+ '///<u>Description</u>:
+ '///<ul>
+ ' NOTE: The ID of the dialog will be returned but is of limited use
+ ' Function returns 0 if no dialogs have been encountered
+ dim incident as integer
+ incident = 0
+ if ( GVERBOSE ) then printlog( CFN & "Enter" )
+ try
+ '///+<li>Test for UseOfThisTemplate-dialog</li>
+ Kontext "UseOfThisTemplate"
+ if ( UseOfThisTemplate.Exists() ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Closing UseOfThisTemplate-dialog" )
+ incident = 1
+ CancelButton.Click()
+ endif
+ '///+<li>Test for StarOfficeCalendar1-dialog</li>
+ Kontext "StarOfficeCalendar1"
+ if ( StarOfficeCalendar1.Exists() ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Closing StarOfficeCalendar1-dialog" )
+ incident = 2
+ Cancel.Click()
+ endif
+ '///+<li>Test for StarOfficeCalendar2-dialog (This should be idential to StarofficeCalendar1)</li>
+ Kontext "StarOfficeCalendar2"
+ if ( StarOfficeCalendar2.Exists() ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Closing StarOfficeCalendar2-dialog" )
+ incident = 5
+ Cancel.Click()
+ endif
+ '///+<li>Test for NewsletterLayout-dialog</li>
+ Kontext "NewsletterLayout"
+ if ( NewsletterLayout.Exists() ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Closing NewsletterLayout-dialog" )
+ incident = 3
+ OkButton.Click()
+ endif
+ '///+<li>Test for PortfolioCurrency-dialog</li>
+ Kontext "PortfolioCurrency"
+ if ( PortfolioCurrency.Exists() ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Closing PortfolioCurrency-dialog" )
+ incident = 4
+ OKButton.Click()
+ endif
+ catch
+ endcatch
+ hHandleInitialDialogs() = incident
+ if ( GVERBOSE ) then printlog( CFN & "Exit" )
+ '///</ul>
+end function
+function hGetWorkPath() as string
+ '///<h3>Retrieve the users work directory</h3>
+ '///<i>Uses: Call to UNO service</i><br>
+ '///<i>Errorhandling: Fixes &quot;$(user)&quot;-type path (uses fallback)</i><br>
+ '///<i>Errorhandling: Handles broken UNO connection (uses fallback)</i><br>
+ '///<u>Input</u>:
+ '///<ol>
+ '///+<li>Nothing</li>
+ '///</ol>
+ '///<u>Returns</u>:
+ '///<ol>
+ '///+<li>Path to local workdir (string)</li>
+ '///<ul>
+ '///+<li>Includes trailing slash/backslash</li>
+ '///</ul>
+ '///</ol>
+ '///<u>Description</u>:
+ '///<ul>
+ dim sPath as string
+ dim sDefaultPath as string
+ sDefaultPath = convertpath( gOfficePath & "user/work" )
+ dim oOfficeConnect as object
+ dim oOfficeConfig as object
+ dim bPathIsFromAPI as boolean
+ const CFN = "hGetWorkPath::"
+ '///+<li>Create an UNO service and ask it for the location of &quot;Work&quot;</li>
+ try
+ oOfficeConnect = hGetUnoService( true )
+ oOfficeConfig = oOfficeConnect.createInstance( "" )
+ sPath = convertFromURL( oOfficeConfig.Work )
+ bPathIsFromAPI = true
+ catch
+ '///+<li>Handle broken UNO connection</li>
+ printlog( CFN & "Could not access service, connection broken?" )
+ sPath = ""
+ bPathIsFromAPI = false
+ endcatch
+ '///+<li>If the path differs from the default do a warnlog</li>
+ if ( sPath <> sDefaultPath ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Default path is: " & sDefaultPath )
+ printlog( CFN & "Workpath is not defaultpath: " & sPath )
+ printlog( CFN & "Overriding UNO path" )
+ sPath = convertpath( gOfficePath & "user\work" )
+ bPathIsFromAPI = false
+ endif
+ '///+<li>Apply fallback in case of broken connection or invalid path</li>
+ if ( instr( sPath , "$(user)" ) > 0 ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "sPath has $(user)-type string, using fallback" )
+ sPath = sDefaultPath
+ bPathIsFromAPI = false
+ endif
+ '///+<li>Add trailing pathseparator, do convertpath</li>
+ sPath = sPath & "/"
+ sPath = convertpath( sPath )
+ '///+<li>Print info to the log and return the path</li>
+ if ( GVERBOSE ) then
+ if ( bPathIsFromAPI ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "(From API): " & sPath )
+ else
+ qaerrorlog( CFN & "(Junked API-Path): " & sPath )
+ endif
+ endif
+ hGetWorkPath() = sPath
+ '///</ul>
+end function
+function hGetFileSizeAsLong( cFileName as string ) as long
+ '///<h3>Get the size (long) of a file</h3>
+ '///<u>Input</u>:
+ '///<ol>
+ '///+<li>Filename (string)</li>
+ '///</ol>
+ '///<u>Returns</u>:
+ '///<ol>
+ '///+<li>Size of file (long)</li>
+ '///</ol>
+ '///<u>Description</u>:
+ '///<ul>
+ const CFN = "hGetFileSizeAsLong::"
+ ' This function returns the size of a specified file. If it is a directory,
+ ' the size will default to -1 (A filesize can never be <0 - hopefully)
+ dim iAttrib as integer
+ '///+<li>Verify that the given file exists</li>
+ if ( app.dir( cFileName ) <> "" ) then
+ try
+ iAttrib = getattr( cFileName )
+ '///+<li>Return the size for a file or -1 for a directory</li>
+ if ( iAttrib <> 16 and iAttrib <> 17 ) then
+ hGetFileSizeAsLong() = filelen( cFileName )
+ else
+ hGetFileSizeAsLong() = -1
+ endif
+ catch
+ qaerrorlog( CFN & "File was not handled correctly: " & cFileName )
+ hGetFileSizeAsLong() = 0
+ endcatch
+ else
+ '///+<li>Return a size of 0 if the file was not found</li>
+ hGetFileSizeAsLong() = 0
+ warnlog( CFN & "File does not exist: " & cFileName )
+ endif
+ '///</ul>
+end function
+function hGetWorkFile( cFileName as string ) as string
+ '///<h3>Returns a fully qualified filename to a workfile</h3>
+ '///<u>Input</u>:
+ '///<ol>
+ '///+<li>Filename without path (string)</li>
+ '///</ol>
+ '///<u>Returns</u>:
+ '///<ol>
+ '///+<li>Filename including path to user work directory (string)</li>
+ '///</ol>
+ '///<u>Description</u>:
+ '///<ul>
+ '///+<li>Concatenate workpath and filename, convertpath</li>
+ hGetWorkFile() = convertpath( hGetWorkPath() & cFileName )
+ '///</ul>
+end function