path: root/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/')
1 files changed, 833 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..34f6cb3e3ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : Copy Table Autopilot
+Dim sDSName as string
+Dim sTabName as string
+dim i as integer
+sub wiz_CopyTableWizard
+ printlog "------------------- ------------------------"
+ call tCopy_Table_Dialog_Definition_and_data
+ call tCopy_Table_Dialog_Definition
+ call tCopy_Table_Dialog_Attach_data
+ call tCopy_Table_from_Text_Document
+ call tCopy_Table_from_Calc_Document
+ ' because of issue 68334 I need to restart the office
+ call ExitRestartTheOffice
+ call tCopy_Table_from_hsql_to_dBase
+ ' test issue 81299
+ call tCopy_Table_Paste_Special
+end sub
+testcase tCopy_Table_Dialog_Definition_and_data
+ Dim sTableDimension as string
+ Dim iRowCount as integer
+ Dim iColumnCount as integer
+ '/// open the bibliography database
+ printlog "open the bibliography database"
+ call fOpenDatabase(gOfficePath + ConvertPath("user/database/biblio.odb"))
+ '///Make sure that there isn't a biblio2 table
+ printlog "Make sure that there isn't a biblio2 table"
+ If fFindtable("biblio2") = true then
+ call fDeleteTable("biblio2")
+ EndIf
+ '/// select the biblio table
+ printlog "select the biblio table"
+ call fFindtable("biblio")
+ '/// press CTRL + C to copy the table and CTRL + V to paste the table again
+ printlog "press CTRL + C to copy the table and CTRL + V to paste the table again"
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 C>",true)
+ sleep(1)
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 V>",true)
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// the copy table dialog appear
+ printlog "the copy table dialog appear"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ if not CopyDatabaseTable.Exists(3) then
+ warnlog "the Copy Table Autopilot doesn't appear"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ '/// select the Definition and Data option
+ printlog "select the Definition and Data option"
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ DefinitionAndData.Check
+ '/// change the table name to biblio
+ printlog "change the table name to biblio"
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ TableName.setText "biblio"
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ '/// there should be a message that the table name already exists.
+ printlog "there should be a message that the table name already exists."
+ Kontext "MessageBox"
+ If not MessageBox.Exists(1) then
+ warnlog "There have to be an error messages that the table name already exists"
+ else
+ MessageBox.OK
+ endif
+ '/// change the table name to biblio2
+ printlog "change the table name to biblio2"
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ TableName.setText "biblio2"
+ DefinitionAndData.Check
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// add all columns
+ printlog "add all columns"
+ Kontext "TabColumnSelect"
+ AddAll.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click OK
+ printlog "click OK"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ CopyDatabaseTable.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ qaerrorlog "because of issue 76051 this copied table is not checked"
+ '///Check if the table is copied correct
+ 'printlog "Check, if the table is copied correct"
+ 'sTableDimension = fCreateRefFile("Bibliography", "t" , "biblio2" , "#")
+ 'if (sTableDimension = "") then
+ ' printlog "Problem while creating Reference File"
+ 'else
+ ' 'printlog sTableDimension 'Debugcode
+ ' iColumnCount = CInt(Left(sTableDimension, instr(sTableDimension,",")))+1
+ ' 'printlog "Number of Columns: " & iColumnCount 'Debugcode
+ ' iRowCount = CInt(Right(sTableDimension, (Len(sTableDimension) - instr(sTableDimension,","))))+1
+ ' 'printlog "Number of Rows: " & iRowCount 'Debugcode
+ ' call tCompareMatrixValues("Bibliography", "user/work/biblio2.ttr", "t", "biblio", iRowCount, iColumnCount, "#")
+ 'endif
+ '/// delete the copy table
+ printlog "delete the copy table"
+ call fDeleteTable("biblio2")
+ '/// close the database
+ printlog "close the database"
+ call fCloseDatabase()
+testcase tCopy_Table_Dialog_Definition
+ '/// open the bibliography database
+ printlog "open the bibliography database"
+ call fOpenDatabase(gOfficePath + ConvertPath("user/database/biblio.odb"))
+ '/// select the biblio table
+ printlog "select the biblio table"
+ call fFindtable("biblio")
+ '/// press CTRL + C to copy the table and CTRL + V to paste the table again
+ printlog "press CTRL + C to copy the table and CTRL + V to paste the table again"
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 C>",true)
+ sleep(1)
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 V>",true)
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// the copy table dialog appear
+ printlog "the copy table dialog appear"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ if not CopyDatabaseTable.Exists(3) then
+ warnlog "the Copy Table Autopilot doesn't appear"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ '/// check definition
+ printlog "check definition"
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ Definition.Check
+ '/// change the table name to biblio2
+ printlog "change the table name to biblio2"
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ TableName.setText "biblio2"
+ DefinitionAndData.Check
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// add all columns
+ printlog "add all columns"
+ Kontext "TabColumnSelect"
+ AddAll.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click OK
+ printlog "click OK"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ CopyDatabaseTable.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ 'TODO: check if the table is copied correct
+ '/// delete the copy table
+ printlog "delete the copy table"
+ call fDeleteTable("biblio2")
+ '/// close the database
+ printlog "close the database"
+ call fCloseDatabase()
+testcase tCopy_Table_Dialog_Attach_data
+ '/// open the bibliography database
+ printlog "open the bibliography database"
+ call fOpenDatabase(gOfficePath + ConvertPath("user/database/biblio.odb"))
+ '/// select the biblio table
+ printlog "select the biblio table"
+ call fFindtable("biblio")
+ '/// press CTRL + C to copy the table and CTRL + V to paste the table again
+ printlog "press CTRL + C to copy the table and CTRL + V to paste the table again"
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 C>",true)
+ sleep(1)
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 V>",true)
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// the copy table dialog appear
+ printlog "the copy table dialog appear"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ if not CopyDatabaseTable.Exists(3) then
+ warnlog "the Copy Table Autopilot doesn't appear"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ '/// check definition
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ Definition.Check
+ '/// change the table name to biblio3
+ printlog "change the table name to biblio3"
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ TableName.setText "biblio3"
+ DefinitionAndData.Check
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// add all columns
+ printlog "add all columns"
+ Kontext "TabColumnSelect"
+ AddAll.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click OK
+ printlog "click OK"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ CopyDatabaseTable.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// select the biblio table
+ printlog "select the biblio table"
+ call fFindtable("biblio")
+ '/// press CTRL + C to copy the table and CTRL + V to paste the table again
+ printlog "press CTRL + C to copy the table and CTRL + V to paste the table again"
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 C>",true)
+ sleep(1)
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 V>",true)
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// the copy table dialog appear
+ printlog "the copy table dialog appear"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ if not CopyDatabaseTable.Exists(3) then
+ warnlog "the Copy Table Autopilot doesn't appear"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ '/// change the table name to biblio3 and choose attach data
+ printlog "change the table name to biblio3"
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ TableName.setText "biblio3"
+ AttachData.Check
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click OK
+ printlog "click OK"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ CopyDatabaseTable.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ 'TODO: check if the table is copied correct
+ '/// delete the copy table
+ call fDeleteTable("biblio3")
+ '/// close the database
+ call fCloseDatabase()
+testcase tCopy_Table_from_Text_Document
+ '/// open a new document
+ printlog "open a new document"
+ call hNewDocument
+ '/// insert a table and insert some data
+ printlog "insert a table and insert some data"
+ InsertTableWriter
+ Sleep 2
+ Kontext "TabelleEinfuegenWriter"
+ wait 500
+ TabelleEinfuegenWriter.OK
+ Sleep 1
+ Kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "field1" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "field2" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "field3" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "field4" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "field5" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "1" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "value1" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "value2" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "31.7.2003" , true
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ EditSelectAll
+ sleep(1)
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<MOD1 C>" , true
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// open database for past to
+ call fOpenDatabase(gOfficePath + ConvertPath("user/database/biblio.odb"))
+ '/// select the biblio table
+ call fFindtable("biblio")
+ '/// press CTRL + V to paste the table
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 V>",true)
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// the copy table dialog appear
+ printlog "the copy table dialog appear"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ if not CopyDatabaseTable.Exists(3) then
+ warnlog "the Copy Table Autopilot doesn't appear"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ '/// change the table name to biblio2
+ printlog "change the table name to biblio2"
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ TableName.setText "biblio2"
+ '/// select Definition and Data
+ printlog "select Definition and Data"
+ DefinitionAndData.Check
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// add all columns
+ printlog "add all columns"
+ Kontext "TabColumnSelect"
+ AddAll.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click OK
+ printlog "click OK"
+ CopyDatabaseTable.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ 'TODO: check if the table is copied correct
+ '/// delete the copy table
+ printlog "delete the copy table"
+ call fDeleteTable("biblio2")
+ '/// close the database
+ printlog "close the database"
+ call fCloseDatabase
+ '/// close the document
+ printlog "close the document"
+ call hCloseDocument
+testcase tCopy_Table_from_Calc_Document
+ '/// open a new calc document
+ printlog "open a calc new document"
+ gApplication = "CALC"
+ call hNewDocument
+ '/// insert some data
+ printlog "insert some data"
+ Kontext "DocumentCalc"
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "Field1" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "Field2" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "Field3" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "Field4" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "Field5" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<RETURN>" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<HOME>" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "1" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "value1" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "value2" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "31.7.2003" , true
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<TAB>" , true
+ '/// select all and press CTRL + C to copy the data to the clipboard
+ printlog "select all and press CTRL + C to copy the data to the clipboard"
+ EditSelectALL
+ sleep(1)
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<MOD1 C>" , true
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// open database for paste to
+ printlog "open database for paste to"
+ app.FileCopy gTesttoolPath + ConvertPath("dbaccess/optional/input/hsql_datasource/TT_hsqldb.odb"),gOfficePath + ConvertPath("user/work/TT_hsqldb.odb")
+ call fOpendatabase(ConvertPath(gOfficePath + "user/work/TT_hsqldb.odb"))
+ '/// open the tables container
+ printlog "open the tables container"
+ call fFindtable("biblio2")
+ '/// press CTRL + V to paste the table again
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 V>",true)
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// the copy table dialog appear
+ printlog "the copy table dialog appear"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ if not CopyDatabaseTable.Exists(3) then
+ warnlog "the Copy Table Autopilot doesn't appear"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ '/// change the table name to biblio2
+ printlog "change the table name to biblio2"
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ TableName.setText "biblio2"
+ '/// select Definition and Data
+ printlog "select Definition and Data"
+ DefinitionAndData.Check
+ '/// let the wizard create a primary key
+ printlog "let the wizard create a primary key"
+ CreatePrimaryKey.Check
+ '/// check if the default text for the primary key is available
+ printlog "check if the default text for the primary key is available"
+ if ( PrimaryKeyName.getText = "" ) then
+ warnlog "the automatic default text for the primary key doesn't work"
+ endif
+ '/// change the default text to ID111
+ printlog "change the default text to ID111"
+ PrimaryKeyName.setText("ID1111")
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// add all columns
+ printlog "add all columns"
+ Kontext "TabColumnSelect"
+ AddAll.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click OK
+ printlog "click OK"
+ CopyDatabaseTable.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// ceck if the table is copied correct
+ printlog "ceck if the table is copied correct"
+ call fOpenTableInDesign("biblio2")
+ Kontext "TableDesignTable"
+ dim s as String
+ s = Fieldname.getText()
+ printlog s
+ if s <> "ID1111" then
+ warnlog "the first field is wrong. It should ID1111 but it is " + s
+ endif
+ TableDesignTable.TypeKeys("<DOWN>")
+ s = Fieldname.getText()
+ printlog s
+ if s <> "Field1" then
+ warnlog "the second field is wrong. It should Field1 but it is " + s
+ endif
+ TableDesignTable.TypeKeys("<DOWN>")
+ s = Fieldname.getText()
+ printlog s
+ if s <> "Field2" then
+ warnlog "the third field is wrong. It should Field2 but it is " + s
+ endif
+ TableDesignTable.TypeKeys("<DOWN>")
+ s = Fieldname.getText()
+ printlog s
+ if s <> "Field3" then
+ warnlog "the 4. field is wrong. It should Field3 but it is " + s
+ endif
+ TableDesignTable.TypeKeys("<DOWN>")
+ s = Fieldname.getText()
+ printlog s
+ if s <> "Field4" then
+ warnlog "the 5. field is wrong. It should Field4 but it is " + s
+ endif
+ TableDesignTable.TypeKeys("<DOWN>")
+ s = Fieldname.getText()
+ printlog s
+ if s <> "Field5" then
+ warnlog "the 6. field is wrong. It should Field5 but it is " + s
+ endif
+ TableDesignTable.TypeKeys("<DOWN>")
+ '/// close the table design
+ printlog "close the table design"
+ call fCloseTableDesign
+ '/// delete the copy table
+ printlog "delete the copy table"
+ call fDeleteTable("biblio2")
+ '/// close the database
+ printlog "close the database"
+ call fCloseDatabase
+ '/// close the spreadsheet document
+ printlog "close the spreadsheet document"
+ call hCloseDocument
+ gApplication = "WRITER"
+testcase tCopy_Table_from_hsql_to_dBase
+ '/// copy the database file to a local path
+ printlog "copy the database file to a local path"
+ app.FileCopy gTesttoolPath + ConvertPath("dbaccess/optional/input/hsql_datasource/TT_hsqldb.odb"),gOfficePath + ConvertPath("user/work/TT_hsqldb.odb")
+ '/// open a hsql database
+ printlog "open a hsql database"
+ call fOpendatabase(ConvertPath(gOfficePath + "user/work/TT_hsqldb.odb"))
+ sleep(5)
+ '/// select the tabel TT_CopyTest
+ printlog "select the tabel TT_CopyTest"
+ call fFindTable("TT_1")
+ '/// press CTRL + C to copy the table
+ printlog "press CTRL + C to copy the table"
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 C>",true)
+ '/// open the bibliography database
+ printlog "open the bibliography database"
+ call fOpenDatabase(gOfficePath + "user/database/biblio.odb")
+ call fDeleteTable("TT_1") ' delete the table TT_1 if the table exists.
+ '/// select the biblio table
+ printlog "select the biblio table"
+ call fFindTable("biblio")
+ '/// press CTRL + V to paste the table
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 V>",true)
+ '/// the copy table dialog appear
+ printlog "the copy table dialog appear"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ if not CopyDatabaseTable.Exists(3) then
+ warnlog "the Copy Table Autopilot doesn't appear"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ '/// select Definition and Data
+ printlog "select Definition and Data"
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ TableName.setText("TT_1")
+ DefinitionAndData.Check
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ '/// add all columns
+ printlog "add all columns"
+ Kontext "TabColumnSelect"
+ AddAll.Click
+ ' there is a messages box about missing compatible field type.
+ Kontext "MessageBox"
+ if MessageBox.exists(3) then
+ printlog "There is a messageBox. " + MessageBox.getText
+ MessageBox.OK
+ endif
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ '/// click OK
+ printlog "click OK"
+ CopyDatabaseTable.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ Kontext "MessageBox"
+ if MessageBox.exists(3) then
+ printlog "There is a messageBox. " + MessageBox.getText
+ MessageBox.Yes
+ endif
+ if MessageBox.exists(3) then
+ printlog "There is a messageBox. " + MessageBox.getText
+ MessageBox.OK
+ endif
+ '/// delete the copied table
+ printlog "delete the copied table"
+ call fDeleteTable("TT_1")
+ '/// close the database
+ printlog "close the database"
+ call fCloseDatabase()
+ '/// close the other database
+ printlog "close the other database"
+ call fCloseDatabase()
+testcase tCopy_Table_Paste_Special
+ Dim sTableDimension as string
+ Dim iRowCount as integer
+ Dim iColumnCount as integer
+ '/// open the bibliography database
+ printlog "open the bibliography database"
+ call fOpenDatabase(gOfficePath + ConvertPath("user/database/biblio.odb"))
+ '///Make sure that there isn't a biblio2 table
+ printlog "Make sure that there isn't a biblio2 table"
+ If fFindtable("biblio2") = true then
+ call fDeleteTable("biblio2")
+ EndIf
+ '/// select the biblio table
+ printlog "select the biblio table"
+ call fFindtable("biblio")
+ '/// press CTRL + C to copy the table and CTRL + V to paste the table again
+ printlog "press CTRL + C to copy the table and CTRL + V to paste the table again"
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ Database.typeKeys("<MOD1 C>",true)
+ sleep(1)
+ Database.UseMenu
+ hMenuSelectNr(2)
+ hMenuSelectNr(5)
+ sleep(1)
+ Kontext "InhaltEinfuegen"
+ InhaltEinfuegen.OK
+ '/// the copy table dialog appear
+ printlog "the copy table dialog appear"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ if not CopyDatabaseTable.Exists(3) then
+ warnlog "the Copy Table Autopilot doesn't appear"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ '/// change the table name to biblio
+ printlog "change the table name to biblio"
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ TableName.setText "biblio"
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ '/// there should be a message that the table name already exists.
+ printlog "there should be a message that the table name already exists."
+ Kontext "MessageBox"
+ If not MessageBox.Exists(1) then
+ warnlog "There have to be an error messages that the table name already exists"
+ else
+ MessageBox.OK
+ endif
+ '/// change the table name to biblio2
+ printlog "change the table name to biblio2"
+ Kontext "TabCopyDatabaseTable"
+ TableName.setText "biblio2"
+ DefinitionAndData.Check
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// add all columns
+ printlog "add all columns"
+ Kontext "TabColumnSelect"
+ AddAll.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click next
+ printlog "click next"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ NextBt.Click
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// click OK
+ printlog "click OK"
+ Kontext "CopyDatabaseTable"
+ CopyDatabaseTable.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ qaerrorlog "because of issue 76051 this copied table is not checked"
+ '///Check if the table is copied correct
+ 'printlog "Check, if the table is copied correct"
+ 'sTableDimension = fCreateRefFile("Bibliography", "t" , "biblio2" , "#")
+ 'if (sTableDimension = "") then
+ ' printlog "Problem while creating Reference File"
+ 'else
+ ' 'printlog sTableDimension 'Debugcode
+ ' iColumnCount = CInt(Left(sTableDimension, instr(sTableDimension,",")))+1
+ ' 'printlog "Number of Columns: " & iColumnCount 'Debugcode
+ ' iRowCount = CInt(Right(sTableDimension, (Len(sTableDimension) - instr(sTableDimension,","))))+1
+ ' 'printlog "Number of Rows: " & iRowCount 'Debugcode
+ ' call tCompareMatrixValues("Bibliography", "user/work/biblio2.ttr", "t", "biblio", iRowCount, iColumnCount, "#")
+ 'endif
+ '/// delete the copy table
+ printlog "delete the copy table"
+ call fDeleteTable("biblio2")
+ '/// close the database
+ printlog "close the database"
+ call fCloseDatabase()