path: root/sw/source/ui/misc/redlndlg.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/ui/misc/redlndlg.cxx')
1 files changed, 1708 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/misc/redlndlg.cxx b/sw/source/ui/misc/redlndlg.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..be1417d9a5d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/ui/misc/redlndlg.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1708 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: redlndlg.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:14:45 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef _UIPARAM_HXX
+#include <uiparam.hxx>
+#ifndef _REDLINE_HXX
+#include <redline.hxx>
+#ifndef _REDLENUM_HXX
+#include <redlenum.hxx>
+#ifndef _TOOLS_INTN_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/intn.hxx>
+#ifndef _DATETIME_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/datetime.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVSTDARR_HXX
+#include <svtools/svstdarr.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svtools/eitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXVIEWFRM_HXX //autogen
+#include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX //autogen
+#include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_CTREDLIN_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/ctredlin.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_POSTATTR_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/postattr.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_POSTDLG_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/postdlg.hxx>
+#ifndef _SWTYPES_HXX
+#include <swtypes.hxx>
+#ifndef _WRTSH_HXX
+#include <wrtsh.hxx>
+#ifndef _VIEW_HXX
+#include <view.hxx>
+#ifndef _SWMODULE_HXX
+#include <swmodule.hxx>
+#ifndef _REDLNDLG_HXX
+#include <redlndlg.hxx>
+#ifndef _SWWAIT_HXX
+#include <swwait.hxx>
+#ifndef _HELPID_H
+#include <helpid.h>
+#ifndef _CMDID_H
+#include <cmdid.h>
+#ifndef _MISC_HRC
+#include <misc.hrc>
+#ifndef _REDLNDLG_HRC
+#include <redlndlg.hrc>
+#ifndef _SHELLS_HRC
+#include <shells.hrc>
+#define C2S(cChar) UniString::CreateFromAscii(cChar)
+ Beschreibung:
+struct SwRedlineDataChild
+ const SwRedlineData* pChild; // Verweis auf originale gestackte Daten
+ const SwRedlineDataChild* pNext; // Verweis auf gestackte Daten
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTLBChild; // zugehoeriger TreeListBox-Eintrag
+struct SwRedlineDataParent
+ const SwRedlineData* pData; // RedlineDataPtr
+ const SwRedlineDataChild* pNext; // Verweis auf gestackte Daten
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTLBParent; // zugehoeriger TreeListBox-Eintrag
+ String sComment; // Redline-Kommentar
+ inline BOOL operator==( const SwRedlineDataParent& rObj ) const
+ { return (pData && pData->GetSeqNo() == rObj.pData->GetSeqNo()); }
+ inline BOOL operator< ( const SwRedlineDataParent& rObj ) const
+ { return (pData && pData->GetSeqNo() < rObj.pData->GetSeqNo()); }
+typedef SwRedlineDataParent* SwRedlineDataParentPtr;
+SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL(SwRedlineDataParentArr, SwRedlineDataParentPtr, 10, 20)
+SV_IMPL_PTRARR(SwRedlineDataParentArr, SwRedlineDataParentPtr)
+SV_DECL_PTRARR_SORT(SwRedlineDataParentSortArr, SwRedlineDataParentPtr, 10, 20)
+SV_IMPL_OP_PTRARR_SORT(SwRedlineDataParentSortArr, SwRedlineDataParentPtr)
+typedef SwRedlineDataChild* SwRedlineDataChildPtr;
+SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL(SwRedlineDataChildArr, SwRedlineDataChildPtr, 4, 4)
+SV_IMPL_PTRARR(SwRedlineDataChildArr, SwRedlineDataChildPtr)
+typedef SvLBoxEntry* SvLBoxEntryPtr;
+SV_DECL_PTRARR(SvLBoxEntryArr, SvLBoxEntryPtr, 100, 100)
+SV_IMPL_PTRARR(SvLBoxEntryArr, SvLBoxEntryPtr)
+static USHORT nSortMode = 0xffff;
+static BOOL bSortDir = TRUE;
+ Beschreibung:
+class SwRedlineAcceptDlg
+ Dialog* pParentDlg;
+ SwRedlineDataParentArr aRedlineParents;
+ SwRedlineDataChildArr aRedlineChilds;
+ SwRedlineDataParentSortArr aUsedSeqNo;
+ SvxAcceptChgCtr aTabPagesCTRL;
+ const International& rIntl;
+ PopupMenu aPopup;
+ Timer aDeselectTimer;
+ Timer aSelectTimer;
+ Bitmap aRootOpened;
+ Bitmap aRootClosed;
+ String sInserted;
+ String sDeleted;
+ String sFormated;
+ String sTableChgd;
+ String sFmtCollSet;
+ String sFilterAction;
+ String sAutoFormat;
+ Size aBorderSz;
+ SvxTPView* pTPView;
+ SvxRedlinTable* pTable;
+ Link aOldSelectHdl;
+ Link aOldDeselectHdl;
+ BOOL bOnlyFormatedRedlines;
+ BOOL bHasReadonlySel;
+ BOOL bRedlnAutoFmt;
+ DECL_LINK( AcceptHdl, void* );
+ DECL_LINK( AcceptAllHdl, void* );
+ DECL_LINK( RejectHdl, void* );
+ DECL_LINK( RejectAllHdl, void* );
+ DECL_LINK( UndoHdl, void* );
+ DECL_LINK( DeselectHdl, void* );
+ DECL_LINK( SelectHdl, void* );
+ DECL_LINK( GotoHdl, void* );
+ DECL_LINK( CommandHdl, void* );
+ USHORT CalcDiff(USHORT nStart, BOOL bChild);
+ void InsertChilds(SwRedlineDataParent *pParent, const SwRedline& rRedln, const USHORT nAutoFmt);
+ void InsertParents(USHORT nStart, USHORT nEnd = USHRT_MAX);
+ void RemoveParents(USHORT nStart, USHORT nEnd);
+ void InitAuthors();
+ String GetRedlineText(const SwRedline& rRedln, DateTime &rDateTime, USHORT nStack = 0);
+ const String& GetActionText(const SwRedline& rRedln, USHORT nStack = 0);
+ USHORT GetRedlinePos( const SvLBoxEntry& rEntry) const;
+ SwRedlineAcceptDlg(Dialog *pParent, BOOL bAutoFmt = FALSE);
+ ~SwRedlineAcceptDlg();
+ DECL_LINK( FilterChangedHdl, void *pDummy = 0 );
+ inline SvxAcceptChgCtr* GetChgCtrl() { return &aTabPagesCTRL; }
+ inline BOOL HasRedlineAutoFmt() const { return bRedlnAutoFmt; }
+ void Init(USHORT nStart = 0);
+ void CallAcceptReject( BOOL bSelect, BOOL bAccept );
+ void Initialize(const String &rExtraData);
+ void FillInfo(String &rExtraData) const;
+ virtual void Activate();
+ virtual void Resize();
+ Beschreibung:
+SwRedlineAcceptChild::SwRedlineAcceptChild( Window* pParent,
+ SfxBindings* pBindings,
+ SfxChildWinInfo* pInfo ) :
+ SwChildWinWrapper( pParent, nId )
+ pWindow = new SwModelessRedlineAcceptDlg( pBindings, this, pParent);
+ ((SwModelessRedlineAcceptDlg *)pWindow)->Initialize(pInfo);
+ Beschreibung: Nach Dok-Wechsel Dialog neu initialisieren
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwRedlineAcceptChild::ReInitDlg(SwDocShell *pDocSh)
+ BOOL bRet;
+ if ((bRet = SwChildWinWrapper::ReInitDlg(pDocSh)) == TRUE) // Sofort aktualisieren, Dok-Wechsel
+ ((SwModelessRedlineAcceptDlg*)GetWindow())->Activate();
+ return bRet;
+ Beschreibung:
+SwModelessRedlineAcceptDlg::SwModelessRedlineAcceptDlg( SfxBindings* pBindings,
+ SwChildWinWrapper* pChild,
+ Window *pParent) :
+ SfxModelessDialog(pBindings, pChild, pParent, SW_RES(DLG_REDLINE_ACCEPT)),
+ pChildWin (pChild)
+ pImplDlg = new SwRedlineAcceptDlg(this);
+ FreeResource();
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwModelessRedlineAcceptDlg::Activate()
+ SwView *pView = ::GetActiveView();
+ if (!pView) // Kann passieren, wenn man auf eine andere App umschaltet, wenn
+ return; // vorher eine Listbox im Dialog den Focus hatte (eigentlich THs Bug)
+ SwDocShell *pDocSh = pView->GetDocShell();
+ if (pChildWin->GetOldDocShell() != pDocSh)
+ { // Dok-Wechsel
+ SwWait aWait( *pDocSh, FALSE );
+ SwWrtShell* pSh = pView->GetWrtShellPtr();
+ pChildWin->SetOldDocShell(pDocSh); // Rekursion vermeiden (durch Modified-Hdl)
+ BOOL bMod = pSh->IsModified();
+ SfxBoolItem aShow(FN_REDLINE_SHOW, TRUE);
+ pSh->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(
+ if (!bMod)
+ pSh->ResetModified();
+ pImplDlg->Init();
+ return;
+ }
+ pImplDlg->Activate();
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwModelessRedlineAcceptDlg::Initialize(SfxChildWinInfo *pInfo)
+ String aStr;
+ if (pInfo != NULL)
+ pImplDlg->Initialize(pInfo->aExtraString);
+ SfxModelessDialog::Initialize(pInfo);
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwModelessRedlineAcceptDlg::FillInfo(SfxChildWinInfo& rInfo) const
+ SfxModelessDialog::FillInfo(rInfo);
+ pImplDlg->FillInfo(rInfo.aExtraString);
+ Beschreibung:
+void SwModelessRedlineAcceptDlg::Resize()
+ pImplDlg->Resize();
+ SfxModelessDialog::Resize();
+ Beschreibung:
+ delete pImplDlg;
+ Beschreibung:
+SwModalRedlineAcceptDlg::SwModalRedlineAcceptDlg(Window *pParent) :
+ SfxModalDialog(pParent, SW_RES(DLG_MOD_REDLINE_ACCEPT))
+ pImplDlg = new SwRedlineAcceptDlg(this, TRUE);
+ pImplDlg->Initialize(GetExtraData());
+ pImplDlg->Activate(); // Zur Initialisierung der Daten
+ FreeResource();
+ Beschreibung:
+ AcceptAll(FALSE); // Alles uebriggebliebene ablehnen
+ pImplDlg->FillInfo(GetExtraData());
+ delete pImplDlg;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwModalRedlineAcceptDlg::Activate()
+ Beschreibung:
+void SwModalRedlineAcceptDlg::Resize()
+ pImplDlg->Resize();
+ SfxModalDialog::Resize();
+ Beschreibung:
+void SwModalRedlineAcceptDlg::AcceptAll( BOOL bAccept )
+ SvxTPFilter* pFilterTP = pImplDlg->GetChgCtrl()->GetFilterPage();
+ if (pFilterTP->IsDate() || pFilterTP->IsAuthor() ||
+ pFilterTP->IsRange() || pFilterTP->IsAction())
+ {
+ pFilterTP->CheckDate(FALSE); // Alle Filter abschalten
+ pFilterTP->CheckAuthor(FALSE);
+ pFilterTP->CheckRange(FALSE);
+ pFilterTP->CheckAction(FALSE);
+ pImplDlg->FilterChangedHdl();
+ }
+ pImplDlg->CallAcceptReject( FALSE, bAccept );
+ Beschreibung:
+SwRedlineAcceptDlg::SwRedlineAcceptDlg(Dialog *pParent, BOOL bAutoFmt) :
+ pParentDlg (pParent),
+ rIntl (Application::GetAppInternational()),
+ aTabPagesCTRL (pParent, SW_RES(CTRL_TABPAGES)),
+ aRootClosed (SW_RES(BMP_ROOT_CLOSED)),
+ aRootOpened (SW_RES(BMP_ROOT_OPENED)),
+ bOnlyFormatedRedlines( FALSE ),
+ bHasReadonlySel ( FALSE ),
+ bRedlnAutoFmt (bAutoFmt)
+ pTPView = aTabPagesCTRL.GetViewPage();
+ pTable = pTPView->GetTableControl();
+ pTPView->InsertWriterHeader();
+ pTPView->SetAcceptClickHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, AcceptHdl));
+ pTPView->SetAcceptAllClickHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, AcceptAllHdl));
+ pTPView->SetRejectClickHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, RejectHdl));
+ pTPView->SetRejectAllClickHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, RejectAllHdl));
+ pTPView->SetUndoClickHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, UndoHdl));
+ aTabPagesCTRL.GetFilterPage()->SetReadyHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, FilterChangedHdl));
+ ListBox *pActLB = aTabPagesCTRL.GetFilterPage()->GetLbAction();
+ pActLB->InsertEntry(sInserted);
+ pActLB->InsertEntry(sDeleted);
+ pActLB->InsertEntry(sFormated);
+ pActLB->InsertEntry(sTableChgd);
+ if (HasRedlineAutoFmt())
+ {
+ pActLB->InsertEntry(sFmtCollSet);
+ pActLB->InsertEntry(sAutoFormat);
+ pTPView->ShowUndo(TRUE);
+ pTPView->DisableUndo(); // Noch gibts keine UNDO-Events
+ }
+ pActLB->SelectEntryPos(0);
+ pTable->SetNodeBitmaps( aRootClosed, aRootOpened );
+ pTable->SetSelectionMode(MULTIPLE_SELECTION);
+ pTable->SetHighlightRange(1);
+ static long aStaticTabs[]=
+ {
+ 4,10,70,120,170
+ };
+ pTable->SetTabs(aStaticTabs);
+ // Minimalgroesse setzen
+ Size aMinSz(aTabPagesCTRL.GetMinSizePixel());
+ Point aPos(aTabPagesCTRL.GetPosPixel());
+ aMinSz.Width() += (aPos.X() * 2 - 1);
+ aMinSz.Height() += (aPos.Y() * 2 - 1);
+ pParentDlg->SetMinOutputSizePixel(aMinSz);
+ if (pParentDlg->GetOutputSizePixel().Width() < aMinSz.Width())
+ pParentDlg->SetOutputSizePixel(Size(aMinSz.Width(), pParentDlg->GetOutputSizePixel().Height()));
+ if (pParentDlg->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() < aMinSz.Height())
+ pParentDlg->SetOutputSizePixel(Size(pParentDlg->GetOutputSizePixel().Width(), aMinSz.Height()));
+ pTable->SortByCol(nSortMode, bSortDir);
+ aOldSelectHdl = pTable->GetSelectHdl();
+ aOldDeselectHdl = pTable->GetDeselectHdl();
+ pTable->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, SelectHdl));
+ pTable->SetDeselectHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, DeselectHdl));
+ pTable->SetCommandHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, CommandHdl));
+ // Flackern der Buttons vermeiden:
+ aDeselectTimer.SetTimeout(100);
+ aDeselectTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, SelectHdl));
+ // Mehrfachselektion der selben Texte vermeiden:
+ aSelectTimer.SetTimeout(100);
+ aSelectTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, GotoHdl));
+ Beschreibung:
+ Beschreibung:
+void SwRedlineAcceptDlg::Init(USHORT nStart)
+ SwWait aWait( *::GetActiveView()->GetDocShell(), FALSE );
+ pTable->SetUpdateMode(FALSE);
+ aUsedSeqNo.Remove((USHORT)0, aUsedSeqNo.Count());
+ if (nStart)
+ RemoveParents(nStart, aRedlineParents.Count() - 1);
+ else
+ {
+ pTable->Clear();
+ aRedlineChilds.DeleteAndDestroy(0, aRedlineChilds.Count());
+ aRedlineParents.DeleteAndDestroy(nStart, aRedlineParents.Count() - nStart);
+ }
+ // Parents einfuegen
+ InsertParents(nStart);
+ InitAuthors();
+ pTable->SetUpdateMode(TRUE);
+ Beschreibung:
+void SwRedlineAcceptDlg::InitAuthors()
+ SwWrtShell* pSh = ::GetActiveView()->GetWrtShellPtr();
+ SvxTPFilter *pFilterPage = aTabPagesCTRL.GetFilterPage();
+ String sAuthor;
+ SvStringsSortDtor aStrings;
+ String sOldAuthor(pFilterPage->GetSelectedAuthor());
+ pFilterPage->ClearAuthors();
+ String sParent;
+ USHORT nCount = pSh->GetRedlineCount();
+ bOnlyFormatedRedlines = TRUE;
+ bHasReadonlySel = FALSE;
+ BOOL bReadonlySel = FALSE;
+ BOOL bIsNotFormated = FALSE;
+ // Autoren ermitteln
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+ {
+ const SwRedline& rRedln = pSh->GetRedline(i);
+ if( bOnlyFormatedRedlines && REDLINE_FORMAT != rRedln.GetType() )
+ bOnlyFormatedRedlines = FALSE;
+ if( !bHasReadonlySel && rRedln.HasReadonlySel() )
+ bHasReadonlySel = TRUE;
+ String *pAuthor = new String(rRedln.GetAuthorString());
+ if (!aStrings.Insert(pAuthor))
+ delete pAuthor;
+ for (USHORT nStack = 1; nStack < rRedln.GetStackCount(); nStack++)
+ {
+ pAuthor = new String(rRedln.GetAuthorString(nStack));
+ if (!aStrings.Insert(pAuthor))
+ delete pAuthor;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < aStrings.Count(); i++)
+ pFilterPage->InsertAuthor(*aStrings[i]);
+ if (pFilterPage->SelectAuthor(sOldAuthor) == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND && aStrings.Count())
+ pFilterPage->SelectAuthor(*aStrings[0]);
+ BOOL bEnable = pTable->GetEntryCount() != 0;
+ BOOL bSel = pTable->FirstSelected() != 0;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pSelEntry = pTable->FirstSelected();
+ while (pSelEntry)
+ {
+ USHORT nPos = GetRedlinePos(*pSelEntry);
+ const SwRedline& rRedln = pSh->GetRedline( nPos );
+ bIsNotFormated |= REDLINE_FORMAT != rRedln.GetType();
+ pSelEntry = pTable->NextSelected(pSelEntry);
+ }
+ pTPView->EnableAccept( bEnable && bSel );
+ pTPView->EnableReject( bEnable && bIsNotFormated && bSel );
+ pTPView->EnableAcceptAll( bEnable && !bHasReadonlySel );
+ pTPView->EnableRejectAll( bEnable && !bHasReadonlySel &&
+ !bOnlyFormatedRedlines );
+ Beschreibung:
+String SwRedlineAcceptDlg::GetRedlineText(const SwRedline& rRedln, DateTime &rDateTime, USHORT nStack)
+ String sEntry(GetActionText(rRedln, nStack));
+ sEntry += '\t';
+ sEntry += rRedln.GetAuthorString(nStack);
+ sEntry += '\t';
+ const DateTime &rDT = rRedln.GetTimeStamp(nStack);
+ rDateTime = rDT;
+ sEntry += rIntl.GetDate( rDT );
+ sEntry += ' ';
+ sEntry += rIntl.GetTime( rDT, FALSE, FALSE );
+ sEntry += '\t';
+ sEntry += rRedln.GetComment(nStack);
+ return sEntry;
+ Beschreibung:
+const String &SwRedlineAcceptDlg::GetActionText(const SwRedline& rRedln, USHORT nStack)
+ switch( rRedln.GetType(nStack) )
+ {
+ case REDLINE_INSERT: return sInserted;
+ case REDLINE_DELETE: return sDeleted;
+ case REDLINE_FORMAT: return sFormated;
+ case REDLINE_TABLE: return sTableChgd;
+ case REDLINE_FMTCOLL: return sFmtCollSet;
+ }
+ return aEmptyStr;
+ Beschreibung:
+void SwRedlineAcceptDlg::Resize()
+ Size aSz(pParentDlg->GetOutputSizePixel());
+ Point aPos(aTabPagesCTRL.GetPosPixel());
+ aSz.Width() -= (aPos.X() * 2 - 1);
+ aSz.Height() -= (aPos.Y() * 2 - 1);
+ aTabPagesCTRL.SetOutputSizePixel(aSz);
+ Beschreibung: Nach Aktivierung neu initialisieren
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwRedlineAcceptDlg::Activate()
+ SwView *pView = ::GetActiveView();
+ SwWait aWait( *pView->GetDocShell(), FALSE );
+ aUsedSeqNo.Remove((USHORT)0, aUsedSeqNo.Count());
+ if (!pView) // Kann passieren, wenn man auf eine andere App umschaltet, wenn
+ return; // vorher eine Listbox im Dialog den Focus hatte (eigentlich THs Bug)
+/* if (HasRedlineAutoFmt())
+ {
+ Init();
+ return;
+ }*/
+ // Hat sich was geaendert?
+ SwWrtShell* pSh = pView->GetWrtShellPtr();
+ USHORT nCount = pSh->GetRedlineCount();
+ // Anzahl und Pointer ueberpruefen
+ SwRedlineDataParent *pParent = 0;
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+ {
+ const SwRedline& rRedln = pSh->GetRedline(i);
+ if (i >= aRedlineParents.Count())
+ {
+ // Neue Eintraege wurden angehaengt
+ Init(i);
+ return;
+ }
+ pParent = aRedlineParents[i];
+ if (&rRedln.GetRedlineData() != pParent->pData)
+ {
+ // Redline-Parents wurden eingefuegt, geaendert oder geloescht
+ if ((i = CalcDiff(i, FALSE)) == USHRT_MAX)
+ return;
+ continue;
+ }
+ const SwRedlineData *pRedlineData = rRedln.GetRedlineData().Next();
+ const SwRedlineDataChild *pBackupData = pParent->pNext;
+ if (!pRedlineData && pBackupData)
+ {
+ // Redline-Childs wurden geloescht
+ if ((i = CalcDiff(i, TRUE)) == USHRT_MAX)
+ return;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (pRedlineData)
+ {
+ if (pRedlineData != pBackupData->pChild)
+ {
+ // Redline-Childs wurden eingefuegt, geaendert oder geloescht
+ if ((i = CalcDiff(i, TRUE)) == USHRT_MAX)
+ return;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pBackupData)
+ pBackupData = pBackupData->pNext;
+ pRedlineData = pRedlineData->Next();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nCount != aRedlineParents.Count())
+ {
+ // Redlines wurden am Ende geloescht
+ Init(nCount);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Kommentar ueberpruefen
+ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+ {
+ const SwRedline& rRedln = pSh->GetRedline(i);
+ pParent = aRedlineParents[i];
+ if(!rRedln.GetComment().Equals(pParent->sComment))
+ {
+ if (pParent->pTLBParent)
+ {
+ // Nur Kommentar aktualisieren
+ pTable->SetEntryText(rRedln.GetComment(), pParent->pTLBParent, 3);
+ }
+ pParent->sComment = rRedln.GetComment();
+ }
+ }
+ InitAuthors();
+/* -----------------05.06.98 13:06-------------------
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------*/
+USHORT SwRedlineAcceptDlg::CalcDiff(USHORT nStart, BOOL bChild)
+ if (!nStart)
+ {
+ Init();
+ return USHRT_MAX;
+ }
+ pTable->SetUpdateMode(FALSE);
+ SwView *pView = ::GetActiveView();
+ SwWrtShell* pSh = pView->GetWrtShellPtr();
+ USHORT nAutoFmt = HasRedlineAutoFmt() ? REDLINE_FORM_AUTOFMT : 0;
+ SvLBoxTreeList* pModel = pTable->GetModel();
+ SwRedlineDataParent *pParent = aRedlineParents[nStart];
+ const SwRedline& rRedln = pSh->GetRedline(nStart);
+ if (bChild) // Sollte eigentlich nie vorkommen, aber sicher ist sicher...
+ {
+ // Alle Childs des Eintrags wegwerfen und neu initialisieren
+ SwRedlineDataChildPtr pBackupData = (SwRedlineDataChildPtr)pParent->pNext;
+ SwRedlineDataChildPtr pNext;
+ while (pBackupData)
+ {
+ pNext = (SwRedlineDataChildPtr)pBackupData->pNext;
+ if (pBackupData->pTLBChild)
+ pModel->Remove(pBackupData->pTLBChild);
+ aRedlineChilds.DeleteAndDestroy(aRedlineChilds.GetPos(pBackupData), 1);
+ pBackupData = pNext;
+ }
+ pParent->pNext = 0;
+ // Neue Childs einfuegen
+ InsertChilds(pParent, rRedln, nAutoFmt);
+ pTable->SetUpdateMode(TRUE);
+ return nStart;
+ }
+ // Wurden Eintraege geloescht?
+ const SwRedlineData *pRedlineData = &rRedln.GetRedlineData();
+ for (USHORT i = nStart + 1; i < aRedlineParents.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (aRedlineParents[i]->pData == pRedlineData)
+ {
+ // Eintraege von nStart bis i-1 entfernen
+ RemoveParents(nStart, i - 1);
+ pTable->SetUpdateMode(TRUE);
+ return nStart - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Wurden Eintraege eingefuegt?
+ USHORT nCount = pSh->GetRedlineCount();
+ pRedlineData = aRedlineParents[nStart]->pData;
+ for (i = nStart + 1; i < nCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (&pSh->GetRedline(i).GetRedlineData() == pRedlineData)
+ {
+ // Eintraege von nStart bis i-1 einfuegen
+ InsertParents(nStart, i - 1);
+ pTable->SetUpdateMode(TRUE);
+ return nStart - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ pTable->SetUpdateMode(TRUE);
+ Init(nStart); // Alle Eintraege bis zum Ende abgleichen
+ return USHRT_MAX;
+/* -----------------05.06.98 13:57-------------------
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwRedlineAcceptDlg::InsertChilds(SwRedlineDataParent *pParent, const SwRedline& rRedln, const USHORT nAutoFmt)
+ String sChild;
+ SwRedlineDataChild *pLastRedlineChild = 0;
+ const SwRedlineData *pRedlineData = &rRedln.GetRedlineData();
+ BOOL bAutoFmt = (rRedln.GetRealType() & nAutoFmt) != 0;
+ const String *pAction = &GetActionText(rRedln);
+ BOOL bValidParent = !sFilterAction.Len() || sFilterAction == *pAction;
+ bValidParent = bValidParent && pTable->IsValidEntry(&rRedln.GetAuthorString(), &rRedln.GetTimeStamp(), &rRedln.GetComment());
+ if (nAutoFmt)
+ {
+ USHORT nPos;
+ if (pParent->pData->GetSeqNo() && !aUsedSeqNo.Insert(pParent, nPos)) // Gibts schon
+ {
+ if (pParent->pTLBParent)
+ {
+ pTable->SetEntryText(sAutoFormat, aUsedSeqNo[nPos]->pTLBParent, 0);
+ pTable->GetModel()->Remove(pParent->pTLBParent);
+ pParent->pTLBParent = 0;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ bValidParent = bValidParent && bAutoFmt;
+ }
+ BOOL bValidTree = bValidParent;
+ for (USHORT nStack = 1; nStack < rRedln.GetStackCount(); nStack++)
+ {
+ pRedlineData = pRedlineData->Next();
+ SwRedlineDataChildPtr pRedlineChild = new SwRedlineDataChild;
+ pRedlineChild->pChild = pRedlineData;
+ aRedlineChilds.Insert(pRedlineChild, aRedlineChilds.Count());
+ if ( pLastRedlineChild )
+ pLastRedlineChild->pNext = pRedlineChild;
+ else
+ pParent->pNext = pRedlineChild;
+ pAction = &GetActionText(rRedln, nStack);
+ BOOL bValidChild = !sFilterAction.Len() || sFilterAction == *pAction;
+ bValidChild = bValidChild && pTable->IsValidEntry(&rRedln.GetAuthorString(nStack), &rRedln.GetTimeStamp(nStack), &rRedln.GetComment());
+ if (nAutoFmt)
+ bValidChild = bValidChild && bAutoFmt;
+ bValidTree |= bValidChild;
+ if (bValidChild)
+ {
+ RedlinData *pData = new RedlinData;
+ pData->pData = pRedlineChild;
+ pData->bDisabled = TRUE;
+ sChild = GetRedlineText(rRedln, pData->aDateTime, nStack);
+ SvLBoxEntry* pChild = pTable->InsertEntry(sChild, pData, pParent->pTLBParent);
+ pRedlineChild->pTLBChild = pChild;
+ if (!bValidParent)
+ pTable->Expand(pParent->pTLBParent);
+ }
+ else
+ pRedlineChild->pTLBChild = 0;
+ pLastRedlineChild = pRedlineChild;
+ }
+ if (pLastRedlineChild)
+ pLastRedlineChild->pNext = 0;
+ if (!bValidTree && pParent->pTLBParent)
+ {
+ pTable->GetModel()->Remove(pParent->pTLBParent);
+ pParent->pTLBParent = 0;
+ if (nAutoFmt)
+ aUsedSeqNo.Remove(pParent);
+ }
+/* -----------------05.06.98 15:20-------------------
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwRedlineAcceptDlg::RemoveParents(USHORT nStart, USHORT nEnd)
+ SwWrtShell* pSh = ::GetActiveView()->GetWrtShellPtr();
+ USHORT nCount = pSh->GetRedlineCount();
+ SvLBoxEntryArr aLBoxArr;
+ // Wegen Bug der TLB, die bei Remove den SelectHandler IMMER ruft:
+ pTable->SetSelectHdl(aOldSelectHdl);
+ pTable->SetDeselectHdl(aOldDeselectHdl);
+ BOOL bChildsRemoved = FALSE;
+ pTable->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ // Hinter dem letzten Eintrag Cursor setzen, da sonst Performance-Problem in TLB.
+ // TLB wuerde sonst bei jedem Remove den Cursor erneut umsetzen (teuer)
+ USHORT nPos = Min((USHORT)nCount, (USHORT)aRedlineParents.Count()) - 1;
+ SvLBoxEntry *pCurEntry = aRedlineParents[nPos]->pTLBParent;
+ if (!pCurEntry)
+ while (--nPos && (pCurEntry = aRedlineParents[nPos]->pTLBParent) == 0);
+ if (pCurEntry)
+ pTable->SetCurEntry(pCurEntry);
+ SvLBoxTreeList* pModel = pTable->GetModel();
+ for (USHORT i = nStart; i <= nEnd; i++)
+ {
+ if (!bChildsRemoved && aRedlineParents[i]->pNext)
+ {
+ SwRedlineDataChildPtr pChildPtr = (SwRedlineDataChildPtr)aRedlineParents[i]->pNext;
+ USHORT nPos = aRedlineChilds.GetPos(pChildPtr);
+ if (nPos != USHRT_MAX)
+ {
+ USHORT nChilds = 0;
+ while (pChildPtr)
+ {
+ pChildPtr = (SwRedlineDataChildPtr)pChildPtr->pNext;
+ nChilds++;
+ }
+ aRedlineChilds.DeleteAndDestroy(nPos, nChilds);
+ bChildsRemoved = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = aRedlineParents[i]->pTLBParent;
+ if (pEntry)
+ {
+ long nIdx = (long)aLBoxArr.Count() - 1L;
+ ULONG nAbsPos = pModel->GetAbsPos(pEntry);
+ while (nIdx >= 0 &&
+ pModel->GetAbsPos(aLBoxArr[nIdx]) > nAbsPos)
+ nIdx--;
+ aLBoxArr.Insert(pEntry, ++nIdx);
+ }
+ }
+ // TLB von hinten abraeumen
+ long nIdx = (long)aLBoxArr.Count() - 1L;
+ while (nIdx >= 0)
+ pModel->Remove(aLBoxArr[nIdx--]);
+ pTable->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, SelectHdl));
+ pTable->SetDeselectHdl(LINK(this, SwRedlineAcceptDlg, DeselectHdl));
+ // Durch Remove wurde leider wieder dauernd von der TLB selektiert...
+ pTable->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ aRedlineParents.DeleteAndDestroy( nStart, nEnd - nStart + 1);
+/* -----------------05.06.98 15:20-------------------
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwRedlineAcceptDlg::InsertParents(USHORT nStart, USHORT nEnd)
+ SwView *pView = ::GetActiveView();
+ SwWrtShell* pSh = pView->GetWrtShellPtr();
+ USHORT nAutoFmt = HasRedlineAutoFmt() ? REDLINE_FORM_AUTOFMT : 0;
+ String sParent;
+ USHORT nCount = pSh->GetRedlineCount();
+ nEnd = Min((USHORT)nEnd, (USHORT)(nCount - 1)); // Handelt auch nEnd=USHRT_MAX (bis zum Ende) ab
+ if (nEnd == USHRT_MAX)
+ return; // Keine Redlines im Dokument
+ RedlinData *pData = 0;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent = 0;
+ SwRedlineDataParentPtr pRedlineParent = 0;
+ for (USHORT i = nStart; i <= nEnd; i++)
+ {
+ const SwRedline& rRedln = pSh->GetRedline(i);
+ const SwRedlineData *pRedlineData = &rRedln.GetRedlineData();
+ pRedlineParent = new SwRedlineDataParent;
+ pRedlineParent->pData = pRedlineData;
+ pRedlineParent->pNext = 0;
+ pRedlineParent->sComment = rRedln.GetComment();
+ aRedlineParents.Insert(pRedlineParent, i);
+ pData = new RedlinData;
+ pData->pData = pRedlineParent;
+ pData->bDisabled = FALSE;
+ sParent = GetRedlineText(rRedln, pData->aDateTime);
+ pParent = pTable->InsertEntry(sParent, pData, 0, i);
+ pRedlineParent->pTLBParent = pParent;
+ InsertChilds(pRedlineParent, rRedln, nAutoFmt);
+ }
+/* -----------------05.06.98 13:06-------------------
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwRedlineAcceptDlg::CallAcceptReject( BOOL bSelect, BOOL bAccept )
+ SwWrtShell* pSh = ::GetActiveView()->GetWrtShellPtr();
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = bSelect ? pTable->FirstSelected() : pTable->First();
+ SvUShortsSort aIdx;
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ if( !pTable->GetParent( pEntry ) )
+ {
+ if( bSelect && LONG_MAX == nPos )
+ nPos = pTable->GetModel()->GetAbsPos( pEntry );
+ RedlinData *pData = (RedlinData *)pEntry->GetUserData();
+ if( !pData->bDisabled )
+ aIdx.Insert(GetRedlinePos( *pEntry ));
+ }
+ pEntry = bSelect ? pTable->NextSelected(pEntry) : pTable->Next(pEntry);
+ }
+ BOOL (SwEditShell:: *FnAccRej)( USHORT ) = &SwEditShell::AcceptRedline;
+ if( !bAccept )
+ FnAccRej = &SwEditShell::RejectRedline;
+ SwWait aWait( *pSh->GetView().GetDocShell(), TRUE );
+ pSh->StartAction();
+ pSh->StartUndo();
+ for( USHORT i = aIdx.Count(); i; )
+ (pSh->*FnAccRej)( aIdx[ --i ] );
+ pSh->EndUndo();
+ pSh->EndAction();
+ Activate();
+ if( ULONG_MAX != nPos && pTable->GetEntryCount() )
+ {
+ if( nPos >= pTable->GetEntryCount() )
+ nPos = pTable->GetEntryCount() - 1;
+ pEntry = pTable->GetEntry( nPos );
+ if( !pEntry && nPos-- )
+ pEntry = pTable->GetEntry( nPos );
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ pTable->Select( pEntry );
+ pTable->MakeVisible( pEntry );
+ pTable->SetCurEntry(pEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ pTPView->EnableUndo();
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+USHORT SwRedlineAcceptDlg::GetRedlinePos( const SvLBoxEntry& rEntry ) const
+ SwWrtShell* pSh = ::GetActiveView()->GetWrtShellPtr();
+ return pSh->FindRedlineOfData( *((SwRedlineDataParent*)((RedlinData *)
+ rEntry.GetUserData())->pData)->pData );
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineAcceptDlg, AcceptHdl, void*, EMPTYARG)
+ CallAcceptReject( TRUE, TRUE );
+ return 0;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineAcceptDlg, AcceptAllHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
+ CallAcceptReject( FALSE, TRUE );
+ return 0;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineAcceptDlg, RejectHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
+ CallAcceptReject( TRUE, FALSE );
+ return 0;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineAcceptDlg, RejectAllHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
+ CallAcceptReject( FALSE, FALSE );
+ return 0;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineAcceptDlg, UndoHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
+ SwView * pView = ::GetActiveView();
+ pView->GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->
+ pTPView->EnableUndo(pView->GetSlotState(SID_UNDO) != 0);
+ Activate();
+ return 0;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineAcceptDlg, FilterChangedHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
+ SvxTPFilter *pFilterTP = aTabPagesCTRL.GetFilterPage();
+ if (pFilterTP->IsAction())
+ sFilterAction = pFilterTP->GetLbAction()->GetSelectEntry();
+ else
+ sFilterAction = aEmptyStr;
+ Init();
+ return 0;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineAcceptDlg, DeselectHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
+ // Flackern der Buttons vermeiden:
+ aDeselectTimer.Start();
+ return 0;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineAcceptDlg, SelectHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
+ aDeselectTimer.Stop();
+ aSelectTimer.Start();
+ return 0;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineAcceptDlg, GotoHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
+ SwWrtShell* pSh = ::GetActiveView()->GetWrtShellPtr();
+ aSelectTimer.Stop();
+ BOOL bIsNotFormated = FALSE;
+ BOOL bSel = FALSE;
+ BOOL bReadonlySel = FALSE;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pSelEntry = pTable->FirstSelected();
+ if( pSelEntry )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pActEntry = pSelEntry;
+ pSh->StartAction();
+ pSh->EnterStdMode();
+ pSh->SetCareWin(pParentDlg);
+ while (pSelEntry)
+ {
+ if (pTable->GetParent(pSelEntry))
+ {
+ pActEntry = pTable->GetParent(pSelEntry);
+ if (pTable->IsSelected(pActEntry))
+ {
+ pSelEntry = pActEntry = pTable->NextSelected(pSelEntry);
+ continue; // Nicht zweimal selektieren
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ bSel = TRUE;
+ USHORT nPos = GetRedlinePos(*pActEntry);
+ const SwRedline& rRedln = pSh->GetRedline( nPos );
+ bIsNotFormated |= REDLINE_FORMAT != rRedln.GetType();
+ if( !bReadonlySel && rRedln.HasReadonlySel() )
+ bReadonlySel = TRUE;
+ if (pSh->GotoRedline(nPos, TRUE))
+ {
+ pSh->SetInSelect();
+ pSh->EnterAddMode();
+ }
+ pSelEntry = pActEntry = pTable->NextSelected(pSelEntry);
+ }
+ pSh->LeaveAddMode();
+ pSh->EndAction();
+ pSh->SetCareWin(NULL);
+ }
+ pTPView->EnableAccept( bSel && !bReadonlySel );
+ pTPView->EnableReject( bSel && bIsNotFormated && !bReadonlySel );
+ pTPView->EnableRejectAll( !bOnlyFormatedRedlines && !bHasReadonlySel );
+ return 0;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineAcceptDlg, CommandHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
+ const CommandEvent aCEvt(pTable->GetCommandEvent());
+ switch ( aCEvt.GetCommand() )
+ {
+ {
+ SwWrtShell* pSh = ::GetActiveView()->GetWrtShellPtr();
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pTable->FirstSelected();
+ const SwRedline *pRed = 0;
+ if (pEntry)
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTopEntry = pEntry;
+ if (pTable->GetParent(pEntry))
+ pTopEntry = pTable->GetParent(pEntry);
+ USHORT nPos = GetRedlinePos(*pTopEntry);
+ // Bei geschuetzten Bereichen kommentieren disablen
+ if ((pRed = pSh->GotoRedline(nPos, TRUE)) != 0)
+ {
+ if( pSh->IsCrsrPtAtEnd() )
+ pSh->SwapPam();
+ pSh->SetInSelect();
+ }
+ }
+ aPopup.EnableItem( MN_EDIT_COMMENT, pEntry && pRed &&
+ !pTable->GetParent(pEntry) &&
+ !pTable->NextSelected(pEntry) &&
+ !pRed->HasReadonlySel() );
+ aPopup.EnableItem( MN_SUB_SORT, pTable->First() != 0 );
+ USHORT nColumn = pTable->GetSortedCol();
+ if (nColumn == 0xffff)
+ nColumn = 4;
+ PopupMenu *pSubMenu = aPopup.GetPopupMenu(MN_SUB_SORT);
+ if (pSubMenu)
+ {
+ for (USHORT i = MN_SORT_ACTION; i < MN_SORT_ACTION + 5; i++)
+ pSubMenu->CheckItem(i, FALSE);
+ pSubMenu->CheckItem(nColumn + MN_SORT_ACTION);
+ }
+ USHORT nRet = aPopup.Execute(pTable, aCEvt.GetMousePosPixel());
+ switch( nRet )
+ {
+ {
+ String sComment;
+ if (pEntry)
+ {
+ if (pTable->GetParent(pEntry))
+ pEntry = pTable->GetParent(pEntry);
+ USHORT nPos = GetRedlinePos(*pEntry);
+ const SwRedline &rRedline = pSh->GetRedline(nPos);
+ sComment = rRedline.GetComment();
+ SfxItemSet aSet(pSh->GetAttrPool(), SvxPostItDialog::GetRanges());
+ const International& rIntl = Application::GetAppInternational();
+ aSet.Put(SvxPostItTextItem(sComment.ConvertLineEnd(), SID_ATTR_POSTIT_TEXT));
+ aSet.Put(SvxPostItAuthorItem(rRedline.GetAuthorString(), SID_ATTR_POSTIT_AUTHOR));
+ const DateTime &rDT = rRedline.GetRedlineData().GetTimeStamp();
+ String sDate(rIntl.GetDate( rDT ));
+ (sDate += ' ' ) += rIntl.GetTime( rDT, FALSE, FALSE );
+ aSet.Put(SvxPostItDateItem(sDate, SID_ATTR_POSTIT_DATE));
+ SvxPostItDialog *pDlg = new SvxPostItDialog(pParentDlg, aSet, FALSE);
+ pDlg->HideAuthor();
+ USHORT nResId = 0;
+ switch( rRedline.GetType() )
+ {
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( nResId )
+ sTitle += SW_RESSTR( nResId );
+ pDlg->SetText(sTitle);
+ pSh->SetCareWin(pDlg);
+ if ( pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK )
+ {
+ const SfxItemSet* pOutSet = pDlg->GetOutputItemSet();
+ String sMsg(((const SvxPostItTextItem&)pOutSet->Get(SID_ATTR_POSTIT_TEXT)).GetValue());
+ // Kommentar einfuegen bzw aendern
+ pSh->SetRedlineComment(sMsg);
+ pTable->SetEntryText(sMsg, pEntry, 3);
+ }
+ delete pDlg;
+ pSh->SetCareWin(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case MN_SORT_DATE:
+ {
+ bSortDir = TRUE;
+ if (nRet - MN_SORT_ACTION == 4 && pTable->GetSortedCol() == 0xffff)
+ break; // Haben wir schon
+ nSortMode = nRet - MN_SORT_ACTION;
+ if (nSortMode == 4)
+ nSortMode = 0xffff; // unsortiert bzw sortiert nach Position
+ if (pTable->GetSortedCol() == nSortMode)
+ bSortDir = !pTable->GetSortDirection();
+ SwWait aWait( *::GetActiveView()->GetDocShell(), FALSE );
+ pTable->SortByCol(nSortMode, bSortDir);
+ if (nSortMode == 0xffff)
+ Init(); // Alles neu fuellen
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwRedlineAcceptDlg::Initialize(const String& rExtraData)
+ if (rExtraData.Len())
+ {
+ USHORT nPos = rExtraData.Search(C2S("AcceptChgDat:"));
+ // Versuche, den Alignment-String "ALIGN:(...)" einzulesen; wenn
+ // er nicht vorhanden ist, liegt eine "altere Version vor
+ if (nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND)
+ {
+ USHORT n1 = rExtraData.Search('(', nPos);
+ if (n1 != STRING_NOTFOUND)
+ {
+ USHORT n2 = rExtraData.Search(')', n1);
+ if (n2 != STRING_NOTFOUND)
+ {
+ // Alignment-String herausschneiden
+ String aStr = rExtraData.Copy(nPos, n2 - nPos + 1);
+ aStr.Erase(0, n1 - nPos + 1);
+ if (aStr.Len())
+ {
+ USHORT nCount = aStr.ToInt32();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+ {
+ USHORT n1 = aStr.Search(';');
+ aStr.Erase(0, n1 + 1);
+ pTable->SetTab(i, aStr.ToInt32(), MAP_PIXEL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwRedlineAcceptDlg::FillInfo(String &rExtraData) const
+ rExtraData.AppendAscii("AcceptChgDat:(");
+ USHORT nCount = pTable->TabCount();
+ rExtraData += String(nCount);
+ rExtraData += ';';
+ for(USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+ {
+ rExtraData += String(pTable->GetTab(i));
+ rExtraData += ';';
+ }
+ rExtraData += ')';
+ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ Revision 1.54 2000/09/18 16:05:59 willem.vandorp
+ OpenOffice header added.
+ Revision 1.53 2000/09/07 15:59:26 os
+ Revision 1.52 2000/06/14 09:06:30 os
+ #75451# enabling of buttons corrected
+ Revision 1.51 2000/04/18 15:08:17 os
+ Revision 1.50 2000/02/25 08:56:58 hr
+ #73447#: removed temporary
+ Revision 1.49 2000/02/11 14:56:07 hr
+ #70473# changes for unicode ( patched by automated patchtool )
+ Revision 1.48 1999/09/10 13:19:27 os
+ Chg: resource types removed
+ Revision 1.47 1999/07/08 14:31:40 MA
+ Use internal object to toggle wait cursor
+ Rev 1.46 08 Jul 1999 16:31:40 MA
+ Use internal object to toggle wait cursor
+ Rev 1.45 22 Jan 1999 11:51:20 JP
+ Task #58677#: Crsr in Readonly Bereichen zulassen
+ Rev 1.44 12 Jan 1999 14:37:10 OS
+ #60805# ChildWindow darf kein Show rufen
+ Rev 1.43 18 Nov 1998 15:44:28 OM
+ #59103# Redlines nach Kommentaren filtern
+ Rev 1.42 13 Nov 1998 16:41:08 OM
+ #59103# Autofmt-Redlines: zusammengehoerige filtern
+ Rev 1.41 13 Nov 1998 15:35:18 OM
+ #59103# Autofmt-Redlines: zusammengehoerige filtern
+ Rev 1.40 21 Oct 1998 10:56:34 OM
+ #57586# Redlining nach Autoformat
+ Rev 1.39 20 Oct 1998 17:52:22 OM
+ #57586# Redlining nach Autoformat
+ Rev 1.38 20 Oct 1998 11:39:04 OM
+ #57586# Redlining nach Autoformat
+ Rev 1.37 13 Oct 1998 16:09:38 OM
+ #57859# Redline-Dlg: Spaltenbreite merken
+ Rev 1.36 09 Oct 1998 17:05:22 JP
+ Bug #57741#: neue ResourceIds
+ Rev 1.35 18 Aug 1998 11:46:48 OM
+ #54866# Nach Aktionen filtern
+ Rev 1.34 28 Jul 1998 13:04:14 JP
+ Bug #53951#: Selektionen nicht aufheben, wenn keine Selektion in der Listbox ist
+ Rev 1.33 14 Jul 1998 14:19:54 OM
+ #52859# Autor-Button nicht anzeigen
+ Rev 1.32 13 Jul 1998 11:32:58 OM
+ #51840# HelpId fuer Redline-Control
+ Rev 1.31 10 Jun 1998 17:14:18 OM
+ WaitCursor
+ Rev 1.30 08 Jun 1998 17:58:16 OM
+ Ohne Redlines kein GPF
+ Rev 1.29 08 Jun 1998 15:04:22 OM
+ Optimiert
+ Rev 1.28 05 Jun 1998 17:13:16 OM
+ Optimiert
+ Rev 1.27 05 Jun 1998 10:46:00 OM
+ Optimierungen
+ Rev 1.26 03 Jun 1998 17:27:54 OM
+ Performance Optimierungen
+ Rev 1.25 03 Jun 1998 12:17:08 OM
+ Performance Optimierungen
+ Rev 1.24 07 Apr 1998 14:21:34 OM
+ RedlinData nicht mehr selber loeschen
+ Rev 1.23 07 Apr 1998 08:47:10 OM
+ Linien anzeigen
+ Rev 1.22 03 Apr 1998 13:05:30 OM
+ Kein Absturz bei fehlender SwView
+ Rev 1.21 01 Apr 1998 13:09:20 OM
+ Rekursion vermieden
+ Rev 1.20 31 Mar 1998 13:01:32 OM
+ Redline-Kommentare in schreibgeschuetzten bereichen nicht editierbar
+ Rev 1.19 27 Mar 1998 14:14:42 OM
+ ChildWindows im Modified-Hdl updaten
+ Rev 1.18 26 Mar 1998 21:48:36 JP
+ CallAcceptReject: wenn Pos am Ende steht, dann sollte der letzte Eintrag wieder selektiert werden
+ Rev 1.17 26 Mar 1998 15:30:16 JP
+ optimiert und Accept/Reject - behalten ihre Position in der Liste
+ Rev 1.16 24 Mar 1998 13:45:02 JP
+ neu: Redline fuer harte Attributierung
+ Rev 1.15 18 Mar 1998 18:30:46 OM
+ #48735# GPF im Redlining behoben
+ Rev 1.14 18 Mar 1998 11:34:10 OM
+ Resize der Basisklasse rufen
+ Rev 1.13 17 Mar 1998 09:36:22 OM
+ Groesse korrekt initialisieren
+ Rev 1.12 16 Mar 1998 19:10:42 OM
+ Zugriff auf Ini optimiert
+ Rev 1.11 16 Mar 1998 11:00:38 OM
+ Autoren vom Dokument zusammensuchen
+ Rev 1.10 16 Mar 1998 09:35:42 OM
+ 4 Spalten
+ Rev 1.9 15 Mar 1998 16:20:36 OM
+ Groesse merken
+ Rev 1.8 10 Mar 1998 12:52:26 OM
+ Keine Sortierung per Default
+ Rev 1.7 09 Mar 1998 12:59:24 OM
+ Sortieren und filtern
+ Rev 1.6 09 Mar 1998 11:52:06 OM
+ Sortieren und filtern
+ Rev 1.5 07 Mar 1998 14:33:36 OM
+ Filtern und sortieren
+ Rev 1.4 03 Mar 1998 16:03:00 OM
+ Aufgeraeumt
+ Rev 1.3 03 Mar 1998 10:42:50 OM
+ Redline-Browser
+ Rev 1.2 28 Feb 1998 15:21:02 OM
+ Author vorselektieren
+ Rev 1.1 28 Feb 1998 15:12:06 OM
+ Accept / reject changes
+ Rev 1.0 27 Feb 1998 18:22:16 OM
+ Initial revision.