path: root/sw/source/ui/lingu/hyp.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/ui/lingu/hyp.cxx')
1 files changed, 505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/lingu/hyp.cxx b/sw/source/ui/lingu/hyp.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..da779423de7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/ui/lingu/hyp.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: hyp.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:14:44 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include "initui.hxx"
+#include "view.hxx"
+#include "edtwin.hxx"
+#include "wrtsh.hxx"
+#include "globals.hrc"
+#ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
+#ifndef _OFF_APP_HXX //autogen
+#include <offmgr/app.hxx>
+#ifndef _WRKWIN_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
+#include <lingu/lngprops.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
+#ifndef _SWWAIT_HXX
+#include <swwait.hxx>
+#include "hyp.hxx"
+#include "mdiexp.hxx"
+#include "olmenu.hrc"
+#define HYPHHERE '-'
+#define PSH (&pView->GetWrtShell())
+using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+using namespace ::rtl;
+#define C2U(cChar) OUString::createFromAscii(cChar)
+ Beschreibung: Interaktive Trennung
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+SwHyphWrapper::SwHyphWrapper( SwView* pVw,
+ uno::Reference< linguistic::XHyphenator > &rxHyph,
+ sal_Bool bStart, sal_Bool bOther, sal_Bool bSelect ) :
+ SvxSpellWrapper( &pVw->GetEditWin(), rxHyph, bStart, bOther ),
+ xHyph( rxHyph ),
+ nLangError( 0 ),
+ nPageCount( 0 ),
+ nPageStart( 0 ),
+ bInSelection( bSelect ),
+ bShowError( sal_False ),
+ pView( pVw )
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProp( GetLinguPropertySet() );
+ bAutomatic = ?
+ *(sal_Bool*)xProp->getPropertyValue( C2U(UPN_IS_HYPH_AUTO) ).getValue() : sal_False;
+ SetHyphen();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SwHyphWrapper::SpellStart( SvxSpellArea eSpell )
+ if( SVX_SPELL_OTHER == eSpell && nPageCount )
+ {
+ ::EndProgress( pView->GetDocShell() );
+ nPageCount = 0;
+ nPageStart = 0;
+ }
+ pView->HyphStart( eSpell );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+sal_Bool SwHyphWrapper::SpellContinue()
+ // Fuer autom. Trennung Aktionen erst am Ende sichtbar machen
+ SwWait *pWait;
+ if( bAutomatic )
+ {
+ PSH->StartAllAction();
+ pWait = new SwWait( *pView->GetDocShell(), sal_True );
+ }
+ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xHyphWord = bInSelection ?
+ PSH->HyphContinue( NULL, NULL ) :
+ PSH->HyphContinue( &nPageCount, &nPageStart );
+ SetLast( xHyphWord );
+ // Fuer autom. Trennung Aktionen erst am Ende sichtbar machen
+ if( bAutomatic )
+ {
+ PSH->EndAllAction();
+ delete pWait;
+ }
+ if( bShowError )
+ {
+ bShowError = sal_False;
+ PSH->Push();
+ PSH->ClearMark();
+ pView->SpellError( (void*)nLangError );
+ PSH->Combine();
+ }
+ return GetLast().is();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SwHyphWrapper::SpellEnd()
+ PSH->HyphEnd();
+ SvxSpellWrapper::SpellEnd();
+IMPL_LINK( SwHyphWrapper, SpellError, void *, nLang )
+ sal_uInt32 nNew = (sal_uInt32)nLang;
+ if( nNew != nLangError )
+ {
+ nLangError = nNew;
+ bShowError = sal_True;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+sal_Bool SwHyphWrapper::SpellMore()
+ PSH->Push();
+ InfoBox( &pView->GetEditWin(), SW_RESSTR(STR_HYP_OK) ).Execute();
+ PSH->Combine();
+ return sal_False;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SwHyphWrapper::InsertHyphen( const sal_uInt16 nPos )
+ if( nPos)
+ PSH->InsertSoftHyph( nPos + 1); // does nPos == 1 really mean
+ // insert hyphen after first char?
+ // (instead of nPos == 0)
+ else
+ PSH->HyphIgnore();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if( nPageCount )
+ ::EndProgress( pView->GetDocShell() );
+ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ Revision 1.95 2000/09/18 16:05:54 willem.vandorp
+ OpenOffice header added.
+ Revision 1.94 2000/07/04 15:20:20 tl
+ XHyphenator1 => XHyphenator
+ Revision 1.93 2000/04/18 15:35:07 os
+ Revision 1.92 2000/03/23 07:42:45 os
+ Revision 1.91 2000/03/08 17:23:12 os
+ GetAppWindow() - misuse as parent window eliminated
+ Revision 1.90 2000/02/24 12:14:03 tl
+ #71915# SvxSpellWrapper::SpellEnd called in SpellEnd now
+ Revision 1.89 2000/02/16 20:58:34 tl
+ #72219# Locale Umstellung
+ Revision 1.88 2000/02/11 14:55:51 hr
+ #70473# changes for unicode ( patched by automated patchtool )
+ Revision 1.87 1999/11/24 18:28:37 tl
+ check for Service availability
+ Revision 1.86 1999/11/19 16:40:23 os
+ modules renamed
+ Revision 1.85 1999/11/10 11:01:24 tl
+ XInterface SpellContinue() -> sal_Bool SpellContinue()
+ Ongoing ONE_LINGU implementation
+ Revision 1.84 1999/10/25 19:13:24 tl
+ ongoing ONE_LINGU implementation
+ Revision 1.83 1999/08/31 08:37:30 TL
+ #if[n]def ONE_LINGU inserted (for transition of lingu to StarOne)
+ Rev 1.82 31 Aug 1999 10:37:30 TL
+ #if[n]def ONE_LINGU inserted (for transition of lingu to StarOne)
+ Rev 1.81 08 Jul 1999 16:16:14 MA
+ Use internal object to toggle wait cursor
+ Rev 1.80 08 Jul 1999 10:31:44 MA
+ limit wait cursor to document window
+ Rev 1.79 12 Aug 1998 18:16:00 HR
+ #54781#: GCC braucht Temporary
+ Rev 1.78 03 Dec 1997 17:10:10 AMA
+ Fix: Paintprobleme durch Actionklammerung bei automatischer Trennung
+ Rev 1.77 28 Nov 1997 15:30:32 MA
+ includes
+ Rev 1.76 28 Nov 1997 13:35:34 AMA
+ Fix #45841#: Auch Fehlermeldungen duerfen verschoben werden.
+ Rev 1.75 03 Nov 1997 13:21:46 MA
+ precomp entfernt
+ Rev 1.74 24 Oct 1997 10:30:54 AMA
+ Fix #44994#: InfoBox nach Abschluss der Silbentrennung anzeigen
+ Rev 1.73 05 Sep 1997 11:46:26 MH
+ chg: header
+ Rev 1.72 14 Feb 1997 15:19:30 AMA
+ Fix #36204#: Falsche Parentbeziehung des Dialogs.
+ Rev 1.71 08 Jan 1997 12:55:14 AMA
+ New: Rueckwaerts kann unterbunden werden, wird genutzt von der Silbentrennung
+ Rev 1.70 04 Dec 1996 23:04:40 MH
+ chg: header
+ Rev 1.69 09 Oct 1996 18:00:26 MA
+ Progress
+ Rev 1.68 28 Aug 1996 12:52:34 OS
+ includes
+ Rev 1.67 14 Mar 1996 11:37:24 AMA
+ New: Progress-Anzeige bei Rechtschr. und Silbentrennung
+ Rev 1.66 24 Nov 1995 16:57:40 OM
+ Rev 1.65 31 Oct 1995 18:39:42 OM
+ GetFrameWindow entfernt
+ Rev 1.64 09 Aug 1995 17:14:04 AMA
+ SEG_GLOBALS wieder da
+ Rev 1.63 06 Aug 1995 14:36:54 AMA
+ Benutzt den SvxSpellWrapper als HyphWrapper
+ Rev 1.62 25 Feb 1995 13:33:08 MS
+ IBM-Linguistik
+ Rev 1.61 18 Nov 1994 16:10:40 MA
+ min -> Min, max -> Max
+ Rev 1.60 09 Nov 1994 07:59:42 MS
+ Includes geaendert
+ Rev 1.59 08 Nov 1994 16:47:46 MS
+ pSpell ist global
+ Rev 1.58 25 Oct 1994 18:21:54 ER
+ add: PCH
+ Rev 1.57 07 Oct 1994 14:30:30 MS
+ Anpassung Sfx
+ Rev 1.56 04 Aug 1994 09:59:56 SWG
+ swg32: SED awt::Size to SSize, LSize to awt::Size etc.
+ Rev 1.55 02 Aug 1994 16:00:18 MS
+ Umstellung Linguistik
+ Rev 1.54 22 Jul 1994 09:49:36 MS
+ Bug 8784 richtuge Anzeige des zu trennenden Wortes
+ Rev 1.53 21 Jun 1994 13:26:44 MS
+ Bug 8526 Abrrechen des Trennvorganges und Defbutton auf dem MAC
+ Rev 1.52 07 Apr 1994 16:58:08 MS
+ neues Pragma
+ Rev 1.51 07 Apr 1994 16:26:36 MS
+ neu LangError
+ Rev 1.50 26 Feb 1994 01:58:24 ER
+ virt. dtor mit export
+ Rev 1.49 26 Feb 1994 01:10:18 ER
+ virtuellen dtor wegen export ueberladen
+ Rev 1.48 25 Feb 1994 20:44:40 ER
+ virtuellen dtor wegen export ueberladen
+ Rev 1.47 23 Feb 1994 10:58:24 ER
+ Rev 1.46 22 Feb 1994 14:40:04 ER
+ Rev 1.45 21 Feb 1994 21:35:46 ER
+ Rev 1.44 17 Feb 1994 08:47:02 MI
+ SEG_FUNCDEFS ausgefuellt
+ Rev 1.43 16 Feb 1994 20:07:34 MI
+ SEG_FUNCDEFS ausgefuellt
+ Rev 1.42 16 Feb 1994 16:50:56 MI
+ Pragmas zurechtgerueckt
+ Rev 1.41 01 Feb 1994 18:18:58 MI
+ TCOV() entfernt, SW_... nach SEG_... umbenannt
+ Rev 1.40 01 Feb 1994 13:44:18 MS
+ Umstellung Linguistik v2.0
+ Rev 1.39 21 Jan 1994 09:53:10 MS
+ Ablauf interaktive Trennung geaendert
+ Rev 1.38 20 Jan 1994 18:41:18 MS
+ Ablauf geaendert
+ Rev 1.37 13 Jan 1994 08:44:48 MI
+ Segmentierung per #define ermoeglicht
+ Rev 1.36 09 Jan 1994 21:12:54 MI
+ Provisorische Segmentierung
+ Rev 1.35 06 Dec 1993 13:09:58 MS
+ Anpassung der Selektion
+ Rev 1.34 06 Dec 1993 10:31:56 MS
+ Trennstellen selektieren
+ Rev 1.33 27 Sep 1993 01:23:40 MI
+ Segmentierung
+ Rev 1.32 20 Sep 1993 14:58:52 MS
+ Umstellung Lingu
+ Rev 1.31 26 Aug 1993 09:46:08 MS
+ Nach Weiter am Dokumentanfang Controlls initialisieren
+ Rev 1.30 08 Aug 1993 11:56:24 MS
+ fuer MSC
+ Rev 1.29 08 Aug 1993 09:31:42 MS
+ Ablauf interaktive Silbentrennung geaendert
+ Rev 1.28 06 Aug 1993 08:13:38 ER
+ String Array-Indexe mit sal_uInt16 statt short
+ Rev 1.28 06 Aug 1993 08:11:36 ER
+ String Array-Indexe mit sal_uInt16 statt short
+ Rev 1.27 05 Aug 1993 10:32:30 MS
+ Drunken Hyphenator beseitigt
+ Rev 1.26 18 Jun 1993 09:21:28 BP
+ bug: InitControls(), Initialisierung von nHyphPos
+ Rev 1.25 28 May 1993 11:51:42 VB
+ Umstellung Precompiled Headers
+ Rev 1.24 14 May 1993 11:31:36 MS
+ Traveling innerhalb des zu trennenden Wortes korrigiert
+ Rev 1.23 27 Apr 1993 08:39:08 OK
+ NEU: #pragma hdrstop
+ Rev 1.22 20 Apr 1993 13:13:38 MS
+ Entflechtung Linguistik
+ Rev 1.21 23 Mar 1993 18:18:20 MS
+ Rev 1.20 23 Mar 1993 18:10:30 MS
+ richtigen Trennindex bestimmen
+ Rev 1.19 22 Mar 1993 10:08:26 OK
+ Anpassung fuer NT
+ Rev 1.18 16 Mar 1993 08:32:42 MS
+ Fix fuer kk entfernt
+ Rev 1.17 12 Mar 1993 14:49:06 MS
+ Uebergeben des SoftHyph geaendert
+ Rev 1.16 12 Mar 1993 14:02:34 MS
+ Navigation geaendert
+ Rev 1.15 11 Mar 1993 14:00:04 MS
+ keine alternativwoerter fuer Formatierung
+ Rev 1.14 11 Mar 1993 13:54:54 MS
+ Ablauf geaendert
+ Rev 1.13 09 Mar 1993 10:48:24 MS
+ Trennung mit Start und Continue - Mimik
+ Rev 1.12 10 Feb 1993 19:59:46 TB
+ Umstellung SV21
+ Rev 1.11 22 Jan 1993 14:30:32 MS
+ String im Header geaendert
+ Rev 1.10 05 Jan 1993 10:01:56 MS
+ neu mit Sprachanzeige
+ Rev 1.9 22 Dec 1992 20:19:00 VB
+ Aenderung der FN_-Ids
+ Rev 1.8 22 Dec 1992 10:12:26 OK
+ Anpassung an M70
+ Rev 1.7 21 Dec 1992 16:19:34 MS
+ Enable Disable Buttons
+ Rev 1.6 18 Dec 1992 11:54:24 MS
+ Rev 1.5 11 Dec 1992 13:42:48 MS
+ IgnoreButton
+ Rev 1.4 17 Nov 1992 16:55:44 MS
+ Trennhilfe-Dialog geaendert