path: root/sw/source/ui/envelp/labfmt.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/ui/envelp/labfmt.cxx')
1 files changed, 754 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/envelp/labfmt.cxx b/sw/source/ui/envelp/labfmt.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..01c6edbf26f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/ui/envelp/labfmt.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: labfmt.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:14:35 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef _SV_POLY_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/poly.hxx>
+#include "swtypes.hxx"
+#include "cmdid.h"
+#include "label.hxx"
+#include "labimp.hxx"
+#include "labimg.hxx"
+#include "labfmt.hxx"
+#include "uitool.hxx"
+#include "label.hrc"
+#include "labfmt.hrc"
+// #define ------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define ROUND(x) ((USHORT) ((x) + .5))
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SwLabPreview::SwLabPreview( const SwLabFmtPage* pParent, const ResId& rResID ) :
+ Window((Window*) pParent, rResID),
+ aHDistStr (SW_RES(STR_HDIST )),
+ aVDistStr (SW_RES(STR_VDIST )),
+ aWidthStr (SW_RES(STR_WIDTH )),
+ aHeightStr(SW_RES(STR_HEIGHT)),
+ aLeftStr (SW_RES(STR_LEFT )),
+ aUpperStr (SW_RES(STR_UPPER )),
+ aColsStr (SW_RES(STR_COLS )),
+ aRowsStr (SW_RES(STR_ROWS )),
+ aBlackColor(COL_BLACK),
+ aGrayColor(COL_LIGHTGRAY),
+ aWhiteColor(COL_WHITE)
+ SetMapMode(MAP_PIXEL);
+ const Size aSz(GetOutputSizePixel());
+ lOutWPix = aSz.Width ();
+ lOutHPix = aSz.Height();
+ SetBackground(Wallpaper(aWhiteColor));
+ Font aFont = GetFont();
+ aFont.SetFillColor(Color(COL_WHITE));
+ aFont.SetWeight (WEIGHT_NORMAL);
+ SetFont(aFont);
+ lHDistWidth = GetTextWidth(aHDistStr );
+ lVDistWidth = GetTextWidth(aVDistStr );
+ lHeightWidth = GetTextWidth(aHeightStr);
+ lLeftWidth = GetTextWidth(aLeftStr );
+ lUpperWidth = GetTextWidth(aUpperStr );
+ lColsWidth = GetTextWidth(aColsStr );
+ lXHeight = GetTextHeight();
+ lXWidth = GetTextWidth('X');
+ // Skalierungsfaktor
+ float fx = (float)(lOutWPix - (2 * (lLeftWidth + 15))) / (float)lOutWPix;
+ lOutWPix23 = (long)((float)lOutWPix * fx);
+ lOutHPix23 = (long)((float)lOutHPix * fx);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SwLabPreview::Paint(const Rectangle &rRect)
+ SetLineColor(aWhiteColor);
+ SetFillColor(aGrayColor);
+ Font aPaintFont(GetFont());
+ aPaintFont.SetTransparent(FALSE);
+ SetFont(aPaintFont);
+ // Groesse des darzustellenden Bereichs
+ long lDispW = ROUND(aItem.lLeft + aItem.lHDist);
+ long lDispH = ROUND(aItem.lUpper + aItem.lVDist);
+ if (aItem.nCols == 1)
+ lDispW += ROUND(aItem.lLeft );
+ else
+ lDispW += ROUND(aItem.lHDist / 10);
+ if (aItem.nRows == 1)
+ lDispH += ROUND(aItem.lUpper);
+ else
+ lDispH += ROUND(aItem.lVDist / 10);
+ // Skalierungsfaktor
+ float fx = (float) lOutWPix23 / Max(1L, lDispW),
+ fy = (float) lOutHPix23 / Max(1L, lDispH),
+ f = fx < fy ? fx : fy;
+ // Nullpunkt
+ long lOutlineW = ROUND(f * lDispW);
+ long lOutlineH = ROUND(f * lDispH);
+ long lX0 = (lOutWPix - lOutlineW) / 2;
+ long lY0 = (lOutHPix - lOutlineH) / 2;
+ long lX1 = ROUND(lX0 + f * aItem.lLeft );
+ long lY1 = ROUND(lY0 + f * aItem.lUpper);
+ long lX2 = ROUND(lX0 + f * (aItem.lLeft + aItem.lWidth ));
+ long lY2 = ROUND(lY0 + f * (aItem.lUpper + aItem.lHeight));
+ long lX3 = ROUND(lX0 + f * (aItem.lLeft + aItem.lHDist ));
+ long lY3 = ROUND(lY0 + f * (aItem.lUpper + aItem.lVDist ));
+ // Umriss zeichnen (Flaeche)
+ DrawRect(Rectangle(Point(lX0, lY0), Size(lOutlineW, lOutlineH)));
+ // Umriss zeichnen (Umrandung)
+ SetLineColor(aBlackColor);
+ DrawLine(Point(lX0, lY0), Point(lX0 + lOutlineW - 1, lY0)); // Oben
+ DrawLine(Point(lX0, lY0), Point(lX0, lY0 + lOutlineH - 1)); // Links
+ if (aItem.nCols == 1)
+ DrawLine(Point(lX0 + lOutlineW - 1, lY0), Point(lX0 + lOutlineW - 1, lY0 + lOutlineH - 1)); // Rechts
+ if (aItem.nRows == 1)
+ DrawLine(Point(lX0, lY0 + lOutlineH - 1), Point(lX0 + lOutlineW - 1, lY0 + lOutlineH - 1)); // Unten
+ // Etiketten
+ SetClipRegion (Rectangle(Point(lX0, lY0), Size(lOutlineW, lOutlineH)));
+ SetFillColor(aWhiteColor);
+ for (USHORT nRow = 0; nRow < Min((USHORT) 2, (USHORT) aItem.nRows); nRow++)
+ for (USHORT nCol = 0; nCol < Min((USHORT) 2, (USHORT) aItem.nCols); nCol++)
+ DrawRect(Rectangle(
+ Point(ROUND(lX0 + f * (aItem.lLeft + nCol * aItem.lHDist)),
+ ROUND(lY0 + f * (aItem.lUpper + nRow * aItem.lVDist))),
+ Size (ROUND(f * aItem.lWidth ),
+ ROUND(f * aItem.lHeight))));
+ SetClipRegion();
+ // Beschritung: Rand links
+ if (aItem.lLeft)
+ {
+ long lX = (lX0 + lX1) / 2;
+ DrawArrow(Point(lX0, lY0 - 5), Point(lX1, lY0 - 5), FALSE);
+ DrawArrow(Point(lX, lY0 - 10), Point(lX, lY0 - 5), TRUE);
+ DrawText(Point(lX1 - lLeftWidth, lY0 - 10 - lXHeight), aLeftStr);
+ }
+ // Beschriftung: Rand oben
+ if (aItem.lUpper)
+ {
+ DrawArrow(Point(lX0 - 5, lY0), Point(lX0 - 5, lY1), FALSE);
+ DrawText(Point(lX0 - 10 - lUpperWidth, ROUND(lY0 + f * aItem.lUpper / 2 - lXHeight / 2)), aUpperStr);
+ }
+ // Beschriftung: Breite und Hoehe
+ {
+ long lX = lX2 - lXWidth / 2 - lHeightWidth / 2;
+ long lY = lY1 + lXHeight;
+ DrawLine(Point(lX1, lY), Point(lX2 - 1, lY));
+ DrawLine(Point(lX, lY1), Point(lX, lY2 - 1));
+ DrawText(Point(lX1 + lXWidth / 2, lY - lXHeight / 2), aWidthStr);
+ DrawText(Point(lX - lHeightWidth / 2, lY2 - lXHeight - lXHeight / 2), aHeightStr);
+ }
+ // Beschriftung: Horz. Abstand
+ if (aItem.nCols > 1)
+ {
+ long lX = (lX1 + lX3) / 2;
+ DrawArrow(Point(lX1, lY0 - 5), Point(lX3, lY0 - 5), FALSE);
+ DrawArrow(Point(lX, lY0 - 10), Point(lX, lY0 - 5), TRUE);
+ DrawText(Point(lX - lHDistWidth / 2, lY0 - 10 - lXHeight), aHDistStr);
+ }
+ // Beschriftung: Vertikaler Abstand
+ if (aItem.nRows > 1)
+ {
+ DrawArrow(Point(lX0 - 5, lY1), Point(lX0 - 5, lY3), FALSE);
+ DrawText(Point(lX0 - 10 - lVDistWidth, ROUND(lY1 + f * aItem.lVDist / 2 - lXHeight / 2)), aVDistStr);
+ }
+ // Beschriftung: Spalten
+ {
+ long lY = lY0 + lOutlineH + 4;
+ DrawArrow(Point(lX0, lY), Point(lX0 + lOutlineW - 1, lY), TRUE);
+ DrawText(Point((lX0 + lX0 + lOutlineW - 1) / 2 - lColsWidth / 2, lY + 5), aColsStr);
+ }
+ // Beschriftung: Zeilen
+ {
+ long lX = lX0 + lOutlineW + 4;
+ DrawArrow(Point(lX, lY0), Point(lX, lY0 + lOutlineH - 1), TRUE);
+ DrawText(Point(lX + 5, (lY0 + lY0 + lOutlineH - 1 - lXHeight / 2) / 2), aRowsStr);
+ }
+// Pfeil bzw. Intervall zeichnen --------------------------------------------
+void SwLabPreview::DrawArrow(const Point &rP1, const Point &rP2, BOOL bArrow)
+ DrawLine(rP1, rP2);
+ if (bArrow)
+ {
+ Point aArr[3];
+ // Pfeil zeichnen
+ if (rP1.Y() == rP2.Y())
+ {
+ // Waagerecht
+ aArr[0].X() = rP2.X() - 5;
+ aArr[0].Y() = rP2.Y() - 2;
+ aArr[1].X() = rP2.X();
+ aArr[1].Y() = rP2.Y();
+ aArr[2].X() = rP2.X() - 5;
+ aArr[2].Y() = rP2.Y() + 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Senkrecht
+ aArr[0].X() = rP2.X() - 2;
+ aArr[0].Y() = rP2.Y() - 5;
+ aArr[1].X() = rP2.X() + 2;
+ aArr[1].Y() = rP2.Y() - 5;
+ aArr[2].X() = rP2.X();
+ aArr[2].Y() = rP2.Y();
+ }
+ SetFillColor(aBlackColor);
+ DrawPolygon(Polygon(3, aArr));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Intervall zeichnen
+ if (rP1.Y() == rP2.Y())
+ {
+ // Waagerecht
+ DrawLine(Point(rP1.X(), rP1.Y() - 2), Point(rP1.X(), rP1.Y() + 2));
+ DrawLine(Point(rP2.X(), rP2.Y() - 2), Point(rP2.X(), rP2.Y() + 2));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Senkrecht
+ DrawLine(Point(rP1.X() - 2, rP1.Y()), Point(rP1.X() + 2, rP1.Y()));
+ DrawLine(Point(rP2.X() - 2, rP2.Y()), Point(rP2.X() + 2, rP2.Y()));
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SwLabPreview::Update(const SwLabItem& rItem)
+ aItem = rItem;
+ Invalidate();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SwLabFmtPage::SwLabFmtPage(Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet) :
+ SfxTabPage(pParent, SW_RES(TP_LAB_FMT), rSet),
+ aItem ((const SwLabItem&) rSet.Get(FN_LABEL)),
+ aPreview (this, SW_RES(WIN_PREVIEW)),
+ aHDistText (this, SW_RES(TXT_HDIST )),
+ aHDistField (this, SW_RES(FLD_HDIST )),
+ aVDistText (this, SW_RES(TXT_VDIST )),
+ aVDistField (this, SW_RES(FLD_VDIST )),
+ aWidthText (this, SW_RES(TXT_WIDTH )),
+ aWidthField (this, SW_RES(FLD_WIDTH )),
+ aHeightText (this, SW_RES(TXT_HEIGHT )),
+ aHeightField (this, SW_RES(FLD_HEIGHT )),
+ aLeftText (this, SW_RES(TXT_LEFT )),
+ aLeftField (this, SW_RES(FLD_LEFT )),
+ aUpperText (this, SW_RES(TXT_UPPER )),
+ aUpperField (this, SW_RES(FLD_UPPER )),
+ aColsText (this, SW_RES(TXT_COLUMNS)),
+ aColsField (this, SW_RES(FLD_COLUMNS)),
+ aRowsText (this, SW_RES(TXT_ROWS )),
+ aRowsField (this, SW_RES(FLD_ROWS )),
+ bModified(FALSE)
+ FreeResource();
+ SetExchangeSupport();
+ // Metriken
+ FieldUnit aMetric = ::GetDfltMetric(FALSE);
+ SetMetric(aHDistField , aMetric);
+ SetMetric(aVDistField , aMetric);
+ SetMetric(aWidthField , aMetric);
+ SetMetric(aHeightField, aMetric);
+ SetMetric(aLeftField , aMetric);
+ SetMetric(aUpperField , aMetric);
+ // Handler installieren
+ Link aLk = LINK(this, SwLabFmtPage, ModifyHdl);
+ aHDistField .SetModifyHdl( aLk );
+ aVDistField .SetModifyHdl( aLk );
+ aWidthField .SetModifyHdl( aLk );
+ aHeightField.SetModifyHdl( aLk );
+ aLeftField .SetModifyHdl( aLk );
+ aUpperField .SetModifyHdl( aLk );
+ aColsField .SetModifyHdl( aLk );
+ aRowsField .SetModifyHdl( aLk );
+ aLk = LINK(this, SwLabFmtPage, LoseFocusHdl);
+ aHDistField .SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk );
+ aVDistField .SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk );
+ aWidthField .SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk );
+ aHeightField.SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk );
+ aLeftField .SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk );
+ aUpperField .SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk );
+ aColsField .SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk );
+ aRowsField .SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk );
+ // Timer einstellen
+ aPreviewTimer.SetTimeout(1000);
+ aPreviewTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this, SwLabFmtPage, PreviewHdl));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Modify-Handler der MetricFields. Preview-Timer starten -------------------
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwLabFmtPage, ModifyHdl, Edit *, EMPTYARG )
+ bModified = TRUE;
+ aPreviewTimer.Start();
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwLabFmtPage, ModifyHdl, Edit *, EMPTYARG )
+// Preview invalidaten ------------------------------------------------------
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwLabFmtPage, PreviewHdl, Timer *, EMPTYARG )
+ aPreviewTimer.Stop();
+ ChangeMinMax();
+ FillItem( aItem );
+ aPreview.Update( aItem );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwLabFmtPage, PreviewHdl, Timer *, EMPTYARG )
+// LoseFocus-Handler: Bei Aenderung sofort updaten --------------------------
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwLabFmtPage, LoseFocusHdl, Control *, pControl )
+ if (((Edit*) pControl)->IsModified())
+ PreviewHdl(0);
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwLabFmtPage, LoseFocusHdl, Control *, pControl )
+// Minima und Maxima fuer Fields festlegen ----------------------------------
+void SwLabFmtPage::ChangeMinMax()
+ long lMax = 31748; // 56 cm
+ // Min und Max
+ long lLeft = GETFLDVAL(aLeftField ),
+ lUpper = GETFLDVAL(aUpperField),
+ lHDist = GETFLDVAL(aHDistField),
+ lVDist = GETFLDVAL(aVDistField);
+ long nMinSize = 10; // 0,1cm
+ aHDistField .SetMin(nMinSize, FUNIT_CM);
+ aVDistField .SetMin(nMinSize, FUNIT_CM);
+ aHDistField .SetMax((long) 100 * ((lMax - lLeft ) / Max(1L, (long) aColsField.GetValue())), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aVDistField .SetMax((long) 100 * ((lMax - lUpper) / Max(1L, (long) aRowsField.GetValue())), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aWidthField .SetMin(nMinSize, FUNIT_CM);
+ aHeightField.SetMin(nMinSize, FUNIT_CM);
+ aWidthField .SetMax((long) 100 * (lHDist), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aHeightField.SetMax((long) 100 * (lVDist), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aLeftField .SetMax((long) 100 * (lMax - (long) aColsField.GetValue() * GETFLDVAL(aHDistField)), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aUpperField .SetMax((long) 100 * (lMax - (long) aRowsField.GetValue() * GETFLDVAL(aVDistField)), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aColsField .SetMax((lMax - lLeft ) / Max(1L, lHDist));
+ aRowsField .SetMax((lMax - lUpper) / Max(1L, lVDist));
+ // First und Last
+ aHDistField .SetFirst(aHDistField .GetMin());
+ aVDistField .SetFirst(aVDistField .GetMin());
+ aHDistField .SetLast (aHDistField .GetMax());
+ aVDistField .SetLast (aVDistField .GetMax());
+ aWidthField .SetFirst(aWidthField .GetMin());
+ aHeightField.SetFirst(aHeightField.GetMin());
+ aWidthField .SetLast (aWidthField .GetMax());
+ aHeightField.SetLast (aHeightField.GetMax());
+ aLeftField .SetLast (aLeftField .GetMax());
+ aUpperField .SetLast (aUpperField .GetMax());
+ aColsField .SetLast (aColsField .GetMax());
+ aRowsField .SetLast (aRowsField .GetMax());
+ aHDistField .Reformat();
+ aVDistField .Reformat();
+ aWidthField .Reformat();
+ aHeightField.Reformat();
+ aLeftField .Reformat();
+ aUpperField .Reformat();
+ aColsField .Reformat();
+ aRowsField .Reformat();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SfxTabPage* SwLabFmtPage::Create(Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ return new SwLabFmtPage(pParent, rSet);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SwLabFmtPage::ActivatePage(const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ SfxItemSet aSet(rSet);
+ Reset(aSet);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int SwLabFmtPage::DeactivatePage(SfxItemSet* pSet)
+ if (pSet)
+ FillItemSet(*pSet);
+ return TRUE;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SwLabFmtPage::FillItem(SwLabItem& rItem)
+ if (bModified)
+ {
+ rItem.aMake = rItem.aType = SW_RESSTR(STR_CUSTOM);
+ SwLabRec& rRec = *GetParent()->Recs()[0];
+ rItem.lHDist = rRec.lHDist = GETFLDVAL(aHDistField );
+ rItem.lVDist = rRec.lVDist = GETFLDVAL(aVDistField );
+ rItem.lWidth = rRec.lWidth = GETFLDVAL(aWidthField );
+ rItem.lHeight = rRec.lHeight = GETFLDVAL(aHeightField);
+ rItem.lLeft = rRec.lLeft = GETFLDVAL(aLeftField );
+ rItem.lUpper = rRec.lUpper = GETFLDVAL(aUpperField );
+ rItem.nCols = rRec.nCols = (USHORT) aColsField.GetValue();
+ rItem.nRows = rRec.nRows = (USHORT) aRowsField.GetValue();
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL SwLabFmtPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ SwLabItem aItem;
+ GetParent()->GetLabItem(aItem);
+ FillItem(aItem);
+ rSet.Put(aItem);
+ return TRUE;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SwLabFmtPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ // Fields initialisieren
+ GetParent()->GetLabItem(aItem);
+ aHDistField .SetMax(100 * aItem.lHDist , FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aVDistField .SetMax(100 * aItem.lVDist , FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aWidthField .SetMax(100 * aItem.lWidth , FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aHeightField.SetMax(100 * aItem.lHeight, FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aLeftField .SetMax(100 * aItem.lLeft , FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aUpperField .SetMax(100 * aItem.lUpper , FUNIT_TWIP);
+ SETFLDVAL(aHDistField , aItem.lHDist );
+ SETFLDVAL(aVDistField , aItem.lVDist );
+ SETFLDVAL(aWidthField , aItem.lWidth );
+ SETFLDVAL(aHeightField, aItem.lHeight);
+ SETFLDVAL(aLeftField , aItem.lLeft );
+ SETFLDVAL(aUpperField , aItem.lUpper );
+ aColsField.SetMax(aItem.nCols);
+ aRowsField.SetMax(aItem.nRows);
+ aColsField .SetValue(aItem.nCols);
+ aRowsField .SetValue(aItem.nRows);
+ PreviewHdl(0);
+$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+Revision 1.60 2000/09/18 16:05:26 willem.vandorp
+OpenOffice header added.
+Revision 1.59 2000/04/18 15:31:35 os
+Revision 1.58 2000/03/03 15:17:00 os
+StarView remainders removed
+Revision 1.57 2000/02/11 14:45:37 hr
+#70473# changes for unicode ( patched by automated patchtool )
+Revision 1.56 1999/07/23 08:00:30 OS
+#67818# set font transparent
+ Rev 1.55 23 Jul 1999 10:00:30 OS
+ #67818# set font transparent
+ Rev 1.54 23 Sep 1998 12:42:28 OM
+ #56852# Minimale Etikettengroesse 1mm
+ Rev 1.53 11 Sep 1998 12:29:46 OM
+ #56319# Richtiges Etikettenformat verwenden
+ Rev 1.52 08 Sep 1998 16:52:34 OS
+ #56134# Metric fuer Text und HTML getrennt
+ Rev 1.51 07 Sep 1998 16:59:32 OM
+ #55930# Einzelnes Etikett an der korrekten Position drucken
+ Rev 1.50 08 Jul 1998 17:16:48 OM
+ #52127# os2icci3-Compiler Optimierungsbug umpropelt
+ Rev 1.49 14 Mar 1998 14:31:36 OM
+ ExchangeSupport repariert/implementiert
+ Rev 1.48 14 Mar 1998 14:10:24 OM
+ ExchangeSupport repariert/implementiert
+ Rev 1.47 24 Nov 1997 11:52:12 MA
+ includes
+ Rev 1.46 03 Nov 1997 13:17:10 MA
+ precomp entfernt
+ Rev 1.45 07 Apr 1997 14:46:28 MH
+ chg: header
+ Rev 1.44 11 Nov 1996 09:44:16 MA
+ ResMgr
+ Rev 1.43 26 Jul 1996 20:36:38 MA
+ includes
+ Rev 1.42 07 Mar 1996 14:14:44 HJS
+ line 270: &aArr => aArr
+ Rev 1.41 06 Mar 1996 10:52:36 MA
+ chg: SV309
+ Rev 1.40 06 Feb 1996 15:19:04 JP
+ Link Umstellung 305
+ Rev 1.39 25 Jan 1996 16:58:16 OM
+ Dialogfelder richtig initialisieren
+ Rev 1.38 24 Jan 1996 18:25:08 OM
+ #24534# Redraw-Bug in Etiketten Preview gefixt
+ Rev 1.37 22 Jan 1996 12:36:50 OM
+ Berechnungsfehler in Labels-Preview gefixt
+ Rev 1.36 28 Nov 1995 21:14:56 JP
+ UiSystem-Klasse aufgehoben, in initui/swtype aufgeteilt
+ Rev 1.35 27 Nov 1995 19:36:32 OM
+ HasExchangeSupport->303a
+ Rev 1.34 24 Nov 1995 16:59:42 OM
+ Rev 1.33 23 Nov 1995 18:02:08 OM
+ In DeactivatePage ItemSet fuellen
+ Rev 1.32 08 Nov 1995 13:48:22 OM
+ Change->Set
+ Rev 1.31 10 Jul 1995 09:50:56 MA
+ LabelDlg optimiert und etwas aufgeraeumt.
+ Rev 1.30 24 May 1995 18:15:58 ER
+ Segmentierung
+ Rev 1.29 23 Apr 1995 17:33:32 PK
+ bugfix: etik.-fmt. wurde manchm. falsch angezeigt
+ Rev 1.28 05 Apr 1995 19:35:18 PK
+ fertig zur beta
+ Rev 1.27 05 Apr 1995 09:26:58 JP
+ Benutzung vom Link-Makro eingeschraenkt
+ Rev 1.26 04 Apr 1995 18:38:42 PK
+ geht immer weiter
+ Rev 1.25 24 Mar 1995 20:30:40 PK
+ geht immer weiter
+ Rev 1.24 23 Mar 1995 18:33:48 PK
+ geht immer weiter ...
+ Rev 1.23 17 Mar 1995 17:10:30 PK
+ geht immer weiter
+ Rev 1.22 15 Mar 1995 13:27:04 PK
+ geht immer weiter
+ Rev 1.21 06 Mar 1995 00:08:18 PK
+ linkbarer envelp-zustand
+ Rev 1.20 21 Feb 1995 15:39:32 PK
+ erstmal eingecheckt
+ Rev 1.19 25 Jan 1995 17:55:56 OS
+ Timerinstrumentierung
+ Rev 1.18 18 Nov 1994 15:54:42 MA
+ min -> Min, max -> Max
+ Rev 1.17 25 Oct 1994 17:33:36 ER
+ add: PCH