path: root/sw/source/ui/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/ui/dbui/dbmgr.cxx')
1 files changed, 2589 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/dbui/dbmgr.cxx b/sw/source/ui/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..46c7b4a25710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/ui/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2589 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: dbmgr.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:14:33 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ucbhelper/content.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XCommandEnvironment.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ucb/TransferInfo.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ucb/NameClash.hpp>
+#ifndef _LSTBOX_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/lstbox.hxx>
+#include <tools/tempfile.hxx>
+#include <svtools/urihelper.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVSTDARR_HXX
+#include <svtools/svstdarr.hxx>
+#ifndef _ZFORLIST_HXX //autogen
+#include <svtools/zforlist.hxx>
+#ifndef _ZFORMAT_HXX //autogen
+#include <svtools/zformat.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXSTRITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svtools/stritem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svtools/eitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFX_PRINTER_HXX //autogen
+#include <sfx2/printer.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXDOCFILE_HXX //autogen
+#include <sfx2/docfile.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFX_PROGRESS_HXX //autogen
+#include <sfx2/progress.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFX_DOCFILT_HACK_HXX //autogen
+#include <sfx2/docfilt.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX //autogen
+#include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
+#ifndef _SBAOBJ_HXX //autogen
+#include <offmgr/sbaobj.hxx>
+#ifndef _SBA_SBADB_HXX //autogen
+#include <offmgr/sbadb.hxx>
+#ifndef _SBAITEMS_HRC
+#include <offmgr/sbaitems.hrc>
+#ifndef _SBAITEMS_HXX
+#include <offmgr/sbaitems.hxx>
+#ifndef _OFF_APP_HXX //autogen
+#include <offmgr/app.hxx>
+#ifndef _SDB_SDBCURS_HXX //autogen
+#include <sdb/sdbcurs.hxx>
+#ifndef _MAILENUM_HXX //autogen
+#include <goodies/mailenum.hxx>
+#ifndef _SWTYPES_HXX
+#include <swtypes.hxx>
+#ifndef _SWMODULE_HXX
+#include <swmodule.hxx>
+#ifndef _VIEW_HXX
+#include <view.hxx>
+#ifndef _DOCSH_HXX
+#include <docsh.hxx>
+#ifndef _EDTWIN_HXX
+#include <edtwin.hxx>
+#ifndef _WRTSH_HXX
+#include <wrtsh.hxx>
+#ifndef _FLDBAS_HXX
+#include <fldbas.hxx>
+#ifndef _FINDER_HXX
+#include <finder.hxx>
+#ifndef _INITUI_HXX
+#include <initui.hxx>
+#ifndef _SWUNDO_HXX
+#include <swundo.hxx>
+#ifndef _FLDDAT_HXX
+#include <flddat.hxx>
+#ifndef _SWMODULE_HXX
+#include <swmodule.hxx>
+#ifndef _MODCFG_HXX
+#include <modcfg.hxx>
+#ifndef _SWPRTOPT_HXX
+#include <swprtopt.hxx>
+#ifndef _SHELLIO_HXX
+#include <shellio.hxx>
+#ifndef _DBUI_HXX
+#include <dbui.hxx>
+#ifndef _DBMGR_HXX
+#include <dbmgr.hxx>
+#ifndef _DOC_HXX
+#include <doc.hxx>
+#ifndef _SWWAIT_HXX
+#include <swwait.hxx>
+#ifndef _DBUI_HRC
+#include <dbui.hrc>
+#ifndef _GLOBALS_HRC
+#include <globals.hrc>
+#ifndef _STATSTR_HRC
+#include <statstr.hrc>
+#include <sfx2/request.hxx>
+#ifndef _HINTIDS_HXX
+#include <hintids.hxx>
+#include <unotools/dbconversion.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameAccess.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XDataSource.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/sdbcx/XTablesSupplier.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/sdbcx/XColumnsSupplier.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/sdb/XQueriesSupplier.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/sdb/XColumn.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/DataType.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XStatement.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/ResultSetType.hpp>
+//#include <com/sun/star/sdb/XDatabaseAccess.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
+#include <unotools/processfactory.hxx>
+#ifndef _ISOLANG_HXX
+#include <tools/isolang.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/util/XNumberFormatTypes.hpp>
+#ifndef _UTL_UNO3_DB_TOOLS_HXX_
+#include <unotools/dbtools.hxx>
+#include <svx/langitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_UNOMID_HXX
+#include <svx/unomid.hxx>
+#ifndef _NUMUNO_HXX
+#include <svtools/numuno.hxx>
+using namespace rtl;
+using namespace com::sun::star::container;
+using namespace com::sun::star::lang;
+using namespace com::sun::star::sdb;
+using namespace com::sun::star::sdbc;
+using namespace com::sun::star::sdbcx;
+using namespace com::sun::star::beans;
+using namespace com::sun::star::util;
+#define C2S(cChar) String::CreateFromAscii(cChar)
+using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb;
+#define C2U(char) rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(char)
+#define DB_SEP_SPACE 0
+#define DB_SEP_TAB 1
+#define DB_SEP_RETURN 2
+#define DB_SEP_NEWLINE 3
+SV_IMPL_PTRARR(SwDSParamArr, SwDSParamPtr);
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 17:04--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL lcl_MoveAbsolute(SwDSParam* pParam, long nAbsPos)
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ try
+ {
+ if(pParam->bScrollable)
+ {
+ bRet = pParam->xResultSet->absolute( nAbsPos );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pParam->nSelectionIndex = 0;
+ pParam->xResultSet = pParam->xStatement->executeQuery( pParam->sStatement );
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ while(nAbsPos >= 0 && bRet)
+ {
+ bRet &= !pParam->xResultSet->next();
+ pParam->nSelectionIndex++;
+ nAbsPos--;
+ }
+ bRet &= nAbsPos != -1;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception aExcept)
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("exception caught")
+ }
+ return bRet;
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 17:23--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL lcl_GetColumnCnt(SwDSParam* pParam,
+ const String& rColumnName, long nLanguage, String& rResult, double* pNumber)
+ Reference< XColumnsSupplier > xColsSupp( pParam->xResultSet, UNO_QUERY );
+ Reference <XNameAccess> xCols = xColsSupp->getColumns();
+ if(!xCols->hasByName(rColumnName))
+ return FALSE;
+ Any aCol = xCols->getByName(rColumnName);
+ Reference< XPropertySet > xColumnProps;
+ if(aCol.hasValue())
+ xColumnProps = *(Reference< XPropertySet >*)aCol.getValue();
+ SwDBFormatData aFormatData;
+ aFormatData.aNullDate = pParam->aNullDate;
+ aFormatData.xFormatter = pParam->xFormatter;
+ String sLanguage, sCountry;
+ ::ConvertLanguageToIsoNames( nLanguage, sLanguage, sCountry );
+ aFormatData.aLocale.Language = sLanguage;
+ aFormatData.aLocale.Country = sCountry;
+ DBG_ERROR("pFormat unset!")
+ rResult = SwNewDBMgr::GetDBField( xColumnProps, aFormatData, pNumber);
+ return TRUE;
+ Beschreibung: Daten importieren
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::Merge( USHORT nOpt, SwWrtShell* pSh,
+ const String& rStatement,
+ const SbaSelectionListRef xSelectionList,
+ const String& rDataSource,
+ const String& rTableOrQuery,
+ const String& rDBName,
+ const String *pPrinter)
+ ChgDBName(pSh, rDataSource, rTableOrQuery,rStatement);
+ ChgDBName(pSh, rDBName, rStatement);
+ // Falls noch nicht offen, spaetestens hier
+ if(!OpenMergeSource(rDataSource, rTableOrQuery, rStatement, xSelectionList))
+ return FALSE;
+ if(!OpenDB(FALSE, pSh->GetDBDesc()))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (IsInitDBFields())
+ {
+ // Bei Datenbankfeldern ohne DB-Name DB-Name von Dok einsetzen
+ SvStringsDtor aDBNames(1, 1);
+ aDBNames.Insert( new String(), 0);
+ pSh->ChangeDBFields( aDBNames, pSh->GetDBName());
+ SetInitDBFields(FALSE);
+ }
+ const SbaSelectionList* pSelList = 0;
+ if( xSelectionList.Is() && (long)xSelectionList->GetObject(0) != -1L )
+ {
+ if( xSelectionList->Count() )
+ pSelList = &xSelectionList;
+ }
+ OfaDBParam& rParam = GetDBData(FALSE);
+ ChangeStatement(FALSE, rStatement);
+ const SbaSelectionList* pSelList = 0;
+ rParam.pSelectionList->Clear();
+ if( xSelectionList.Is() && (long)xSelectionList->GetObject(0) != -1L )
+ {
+ *rParam.pSelectionList = *xSelectionList;
+ if( xSelectionList->Count() )
+ pSelList = &xSelectionList;
+ }
+ BOOL bRet = TRUE;
+ switch(nOpt)
+ {
+ bRet = Merge(pSh); // Mischen
+ break;
+ case DBMGR_MERGE_MAILMERGE: // Serienbrief
+ {
+ SfxDispatcher *pDis = pSh->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher();
+ if (pPrinter) // Aufruf kommt aus dem Basic
+ {
+ SfxBoolItem aSilent( SID_SILENT, TRUE );
+ if (pPrinter)
+ {
+ SfxStringItem aPrinterName(SID_PRINTER_NAME, *pPrinter);
+ &aPrinterName, &aSilent, 0L );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ &aSilent, 0L );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ break;
+ bRet = MergeMailing(pSh); // Mailing
+ break;
+ bRet = MergeMailFiles(pSh); // Serienbriefe als Dateien abspeichern
+ break;
+ default: // Einfuegen der selektierten Eintraege
+ // (war: InsertRecord)
+ ImportFromConnection(pSh );
+ ImportFromConnection(pSh, pSelList );
+ break;
+ }
+ EndMerge();
+ CloseAll();
+ return bRet;
+ Beschreibung: Daten importieren
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::Merge(SwWrtShell* pSh)
+ pSh->StartAllAction();
+ bInMerge = TRUE;
+ // 1. Satz positionieren, Evaluierung ueber die Felder
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < aDBDataArr.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ OfaDBParam* pParam = aDBDataArr[i];
+ // Alle Im Dok enthaltenen Datenbanken oeffnen und Cursorpos initialisieren
+ if (OpenDB(FALSE, pParam->GetDBName()))
+ {
+ if (pParam->GetCursor())
+ Flush(FALSE); // Cursor initialisieren
+ ToFirstSelectedRecord(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+/* for (ULONG i = 0 ; i < GetDBData().pSelectionList->Count(); i++)
+ {
+ ULONG nIndex = (ULONG)GetDBData().pSelectionList->GetObject(i);
+ DBG_TRACE(String(nIndex));
+ }*/
+ pSh->ViewShell::UpdateFlds(TRUE);
+ pSh->SetModified();
+ bInMerge = FALSE;
+ pSh->EndAllAction();
+ return TRUE;
+ Beschreibung: Daten importieren
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/*void SwNewDBMgr::UpdateImport( const BOOL bBasic, SwWrtShell* pSh,
+ const String& rDBName,
+ const String& rStatement,
+ const SbaSelectionListRef xSelectionList )
+ ChgDBName(pSh, rDBName, rStatement);
+ if( OpenDB( bBasic, pSh->GetDBDesc()) )
+ {
+ OfaDBParam& rParam = GetDBData(bBasic);
+ ChangeStatement(bBasic, rStatement);
+ const SbaSelectionList* pSelList = 0;
+ rParam.pSelectionList->Clear();
+ if( xSelectionList.Is() && -1L != (long)xSelectionList->GetObject(0) )
+ {
+ *rParam.pSelectionList = *xSelectionList;
+ if( xSelectionList->Count() )
+ pSelList = &xSelectionList;
+ }
+ ImportFromConnection( bBasic, pSh, pSelList );
+ }
+} */
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwNewDBMgr::ImportFromConnection( SwWrtShell* pSh )
+void SwNewDBMgr::ImportFromConnection( SwWrtShell* pSh,
+ const SbaSelectionList* pSelList )
+ if(pMergeData && !pMergeData->bEndOfDB)
+ OfaDBParam& rParam = GetDBData(FALSE);
+ ASSERT(rParam.GetCursor(), "Cursor");
+ if( ToFirstSelectedRecord( FALSE ) && IsSuccessful( FALSE ) )
+ {
+ // Spaltenkoepfe
+ SbaDBDataDefRef aDBDef = OpenColumnNames(FALSE);
+ if( aDBDef.Is() )
+ {
+ pSh->StartAllAction();
+ pSh->StartUndo(0);
+ BOOL bGroupUndo(pSh->DoesGroupUndo());
+ pSh->DoGroupUndo(FALSE);
+ if( pSh->HasSelection() )
+ pSh->DelRight();
+ SwWait *pWait = 0;
+ if( pSelList )
+ {
+ for( ULONG i = 0; i < pSelList->Count(); ++i )
+ {
+ ULONG nIndex = (ULONG)pSelList->GetObject( i );
+ ASSERT(nIndex >= rParam.CurrentPos(),
+ "Zu lesender Datensatz < vorhergehender Datensatz!");
+ // N„chsten zu lesenden Datensatz ansteuern
+ GotoRecord( nIndex );
+ ImportDBEntry(&aDBDef, pSh);
+ if( i == 10 )
+ pWait = new SwWait( *pSh->GetView().GetDocShell(), TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULONG i = 0;
+ do {
+ ImportDBEntry(pSh);
+ ImportDBEntry(&aDBDef, pSh);
+ rParam.GetCursor()->Next();
+ rParam.CurrentPos()++;
+ if( 10 == ++i )
+ pWait = new SwWait( *pSh->GetView().GetDocShell(), TRUE);
+ } while(ToNextMergeRecord());
+ } while( !rParam.GetCursor()->IsOffRange() );
+ }
+ pSh->DoGroupUndo(bGroupUndo);
+ pSh->EndUndo(0);
+ pSh->EndAllAction();
+ delete pWait;
+ }
+ }
+ CloseAll();
+/*-----------------24.02.97 10.30-------------------
+String lcl_FindColumn(const String& sFormatStr,USHORT &nUsedPos, BYTE &nSeparator)
+ String sReturn;
+ USHORT nLen = sFormatStr.Len();
+ nSeparator = 0xff;
+ while(nUsedPos < nLen && nSeparator == 0xff)
+ {
+ sal_Unicode cAkt = sFormatStr.GetChar(nUsedPos);
+ switch(cAkt)
+ {
+ case ',':
+ nSeparator = DB_SEP_SPACE;
+ break;
+ case ';':
+ nSeparator = DB_SEP_RETURN;
+ break;
+ case ':':
+ nSeparator = DB_SEP_TAB;
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ nSeparator = DB_SEP_NEWLINE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ sReturn += cAkt;
+ }
+ nUsedPos++;
+ }
+ return sReturn;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwNewDBMgr::ImportDBEntry(SwWrtShell* pSh)
+void SwNewDBMgr::ImportDBEntry(SbaDBDataDef* pDef, SwWrtShell* pSh)
+ if(pMergeData && !pMergeData->bEndOfDB)
+ OfaDBParam& rParam = GetDBData(FALSE);
+ if( !rParam.GetCursor()->IsOffRange() )
+ {
+ Reference< XColumnsSupplier > xColsSupp( pMergeData->xResultSet, UNO_QUERY );
+ Reference <XNameAccess> xCols = xColsSupp->getColumns();
+ String sSymDBName(pMergeData->sDataSource);
+ sSymDBName += DB_DELIM;
+ sSymDBName += pMergeData->sTableOrQuery;
+ String sFormatStr = pPathFinder->GetDBInsertMode(sSymDBName);
+ const ODbRowRef& xRow = rParam.GetCursor()->GetRow();
+ ULONG nCount = (UINT16)xRow->size();
+ String sFormatStr = pPathFinder->GetDBInsertMode(rParam.GetSymDBName());
+ USHORT nFmtLen = sFormatStr.Len();
+ if( nFmtLen )
+ {
+ const char cSpace = ' ';
+ const char cTab = '\t';
+ USHORT nUsedPos = 0;
+ BYTE nSeparator;
+ String sColumn = lcl_FindColumn(sFormatStr, nUsedPos, nSeparator);
+ while( sColumn.Len() )
+ {
+ if(!xCols->hasByName(sColumn))
+ return;
+ Any aCol = xCols->getByName(sColumn);
+ Reference< XPropertySet > xColumnProp = *(Reference< XPropertySet >*)aCol.getValue();;
+ if(
+ {
+ SwDBFormatData aDBFormat;
+ String sInsert = GetDBField( xColumnProp, aDBFormat);
+ int nColumn = GetColumnPos(DBMGR_STD, sColumn);
+ if(nColumn > 0)
+ {
+ String sInsert = ImportDBField(nColumn, pDef, xRow);
+ if( DB_SEP_SPACE == nSeparator )
+ sInsert += cSpace;
+ else if( DB_SEP_TAB == nSeparator)
+ sInsert += cTab;
+ pSh->Insert(sInsert);
+ if( DB_SEP_RETURN == nSeparator)
+ pSh->SplitNode();
+ else if(DB_SEP_NEWLINE == nSeparator)
+ pSh->InsertLineBreak();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Spalte nicht gefunden -> Fehler anzeigen
+ String sInsert = '?';
+ sInsert += sColumn;
+ sInsert += '?';
+ pSh->Insert(sInsert);
+ }
+ sColumn = lcl_FindColumn(sFormatStr, nUsedPos, nSeparator);
+ }
+ pSh->SplitNode();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ String sStr;
+ Sequence<OUString> aColNames = xCols->getElementNames();
+ const OUString* pColNames = aColNames.getConstArray();
+ long nLength = aColNames.getLength();
+ for(long i = 0; i < nLength; i++)
+ {
+ Any aCol = xCols->getByName(pColNames[i]);
+ Reference< XPropertySet > xColumnProp = *(Reference< XPropertySet >*)aCol.getValue();;
+ SwDBFormatData aDBFormat;
+ sStr += GetDBField( xColumnProp, aDBFormat);
+ if (i < nLength - 1)
+ sStr += '\t';
+ }
+ for (ULONG i = 1; i < nCount; i++) // 0 = Bookmark
+ {
+ sStr += ImportDBField(i, pDef, xRow);
+ if (i < nCount - 1)
+ sStr += '\t';
+ }
+ pSh->SwEditShell::Insert(sStr);
+ pSh->SwFEShell::SplitNode(); // Zeilenvorschub
+ }
+ }
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwNewDBMgr::ChgDBName(SwWrtShell* pSh,
+ const String& rDataSource,
+ const String& rTableOrQuery,
+ const String& rDBName,
+ const String& rStatement)
+ if (pSh)
+ {
+ String sNewDBName(rDataSource);
+ sNewDBName += DB_DELIM;
+ sNewDBName += rTableOrQuery;
+ String sNewDBName(ExtractDBName(rDBName));
+ sNewDBName += ';';
+ sNewDBName += rStatement;
+ pSh->ChgDBName(sNewDBName);
+ }
+ Beschreibung: Listbox mit Tabellenliste fuellen
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::GetTableNames(ListBox* pListBox, const String& rDBName)
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::GetTableNames(ListBox* pListBox, String sDBName)
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ String sOldTableName(pListBox->GetSelectEntry());
+ pListBox->Clear();
+ Reference< XDataSource> xSource;
+ Reference< XConnection> xConnection = SwNewDBMgr::GetConnection(rDBName, xSource);
+ if(
+ {
+ Reference<XTablesSupplier> xTSupplier = Reference<XTablesSupplier>(xConnection, UNO_QUERY);
+ if(
+ {
+ Reference<XNameAccess> xTbls = xTSupplier->getTables();
+ Sequence<OUString> aTbls = xTbls->getElementNames();
+ const OUString* pTbls = aTbls.getConstArray();
+ for(long i = 0; i < aTbls.getLength(); i++)
+ pListBox->InsertEntry(pTbls[i]);
+ }
+ Reference<XQueriesSupplier> xQSupplier = Reference<XQueriesSupplier>(xConnection, UNO_QUERY);
+ if(
+ {
+ Reference<XNameAccess> xQueries = xQSupplier->getQueries();
+ Sequence<OUString> aQueries = xQueries->getElementNames();
+ const OUString* pQueries = aQueries.getConstArray();
+ for(long i = 0; i < aQueries.getLength(); i++)
+ pListBox->InsertEntry(pQueries[i]);
+ }
+ if (sOldTableName.Len())
+ pListBox->SelectEntry(sOldTableName);
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ sDBName = OFF_APP()->LocalizeDBName(NATIONAL2INI, sDBName);
+ if (sDBName.Len())
+ {
+ SbaDatabaseRef pConnection = pSbaObject->GetDatabase(sDBName, TRUE);
+ if (pConnection)
+ {
+ String sTableName;
+ USHORT nCount = pConnection->GetObjectCount(dbTable);
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+ {
+ sTableName = pConnection->GetObjectName(dbTable, i);
+ pListBox->InsertEntry(sTableName);
+ }
+ nCount = pConnection->GetObjectCount(dbQuery);
+ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+ {
+ sTableName = pConnection->GetObjectName(dbQuery, i);
+ pListBox->InsertEntry(sTableName);
+ }
+ if (sOldTableName.Len())
+ pListBox->SelectEntry(sOldTableName);
+ if (!pListBox->GetSelectEntryCount())
+ pListBox->SelectEntryPos(0);
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return bRet;
+ Beschreibung: Listbox mit Spaltennamen einer Datenbank fuellen
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::GetColumnNames(ListBox* pListBox,
+ const String& rDBName, const String& rTableName, BOOL bAppend)
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::GetColumnNames(ListBox* pListBox, String sDBName, BOOL bAppend)
+ if (!bAppend)
+ pListBox->Clear();
+ Reference< XDataSource> xSource;
+ Reference< XConnection> xConnection = SwNewDBMgr::GetConnection(rDBName, xSource);
+ Reference< XColumnsSupplier> xColsSupp = SwNewDBMgr::GetColumnSupplier(xConnection, rTableName);
+ if(
+ {
+ Reference <XNameAccess> xCols = xColsSupp->getColumns();
+ const Sequence<OUString> aColNames = xCols->getElementNames();
+ const OUString* pColNames = aColNames.getConstArray();
+ for(int nCol = 0; nCol < aColNames.getLength(); nCol++)
+ {
+ pListBox->InsertEntry(pColNames[nCol]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!sDBName.Len() || (!IsDBOpen(DBMGR_STD, sDBName) && !OpenDB(DBMGR_STD, sDBName, TRUE)))
+ return(FALSE);
+ SbaDBDataDefRef aDBDef = OpenColumnNames(DBMGR_STD);
+ if (aDBDef.Is())
+ {
+ const SbaColumnList& rCols = aDBDef->GetOriginalColumns();
+ for (USHORT i = 1; i <= rCols.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ const SbaNameItem* pNameItem = (const SbaNameItem*)&rCols.GetObject(i-1)->Get(SBA_DEF_FLTNAME);
+ pListBox->InsertEntry(pNameItem->GetValue());
+ }
+ pListBox->SelectEntryPos(0);
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+ Beschreibung: CTOR
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+SwNewDBMgr::SwNewDBMgr() :
+ pMergeData(0),
+ bInMerge(FALSE),
+ OfaDBMgr(),
+ nMergeType(DBMGR_INSERT),
+ bInitDBFields(FALSE)
+ pMergeList = new SbaSelectionList;
+/* -----------------------------18.07.00 08:56--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ Beschreibung: Serienbrief drucken
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::MergePrint( SwView& rView,
+ SwPrtOptions& rOpt, SfxProgress& rProgress )
+ SwWrtShell* pSh = &rView.GetWrtShell();
+ //check if the doc is synchronized and contains at least one linked section
+ BOOL bSynchronizedDoc = pSh->IsLabelDoc() && pSh->GetSectionFmtCount() > 1;
+ //merge source is already open
+ rOpt.nMergeCnt = pMergeData && pMergeData->xSelectionList.Is() ?
+ pMergeData->xSelectionList->Count() : 0;
+ OfaDBParam& rParam = GetDBData(FALSE);
+ // 1. Satz positionieren, Evaluierung ueber die Felder
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < aDBDataArr.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ OfaDBParam* pParam = aDBDataArr[i];
+ // Alle Im Dok enthaltenen Datenbanken oeffnen und Cursorpos initialisieren
+ if (OpenDB(FALSE, pParam->GetDBName()))
+ {
+ if (pParam->GetCursor())
+ Flush(FALSE); // Cursor initialisieren
+ ToFirstSelectedRecord(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ OpenDB(FALSE, rParam.GetDBName());
+ if (!ToFirstSelectedRecord(FALSE))
+ return(FALSE);
+ ODbRowRef xRow = GetCurSelectedRecord(FALSE);
+ // keine Arme keine Kekse
+ if(!
+ return FALSE;
+ bInMerge = TRUE;
+ rOpt.nMergeCnt = GetDBData(FALSE).pSelectionList.Is()
+ ? GetDBData(FALSE).pSelectionList->Count()
+ : 0;
+ rOpt.nMergeAct = 0;
+ Flush(FALSE); // Cursor initialisieren
+// if (IsPrintFromBasicDB())
+// rOpt.bSinglePrtJobs = IsSingleJobs();
+// else
+// {
+ SwModuleOptions* pModOpt = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig();
+ rOpt.bSinglePrtJobs = pModOpt->IsSinglePrintJob();
+// }
+ SfxPrinter *pPrt = pSh->GetPrt();
+ Link aSfxSaveLnk = pPrt->GetEndPrintHdl();
+ if( rOpt.bSinglePrtJobs )
+ pPrt->SetEndPrintHdl( Link() );
+ BOOL bNewJob = FALSE,
+ bUserBreak = FALSE,
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ do {
+ xRow = GetCurSelectedRecord(FALSE); // Naechste Selektion holen
+ ULONG nOldRec = GetCurRecordId(FALSE); // Alte Position merken
+ if(xRow.Is())
+ {
+ pSh->ViewShell::UpdateFlds();
+ ++rOpt.nMergeAct;
+ rView.SfxViewShell::Print( rProgress ); // ggf Basic-Macro ausfuehren
+ if( rOpt.bSinglePrtJobs && bRet )
+ {
+ //rOpt.bJobStartet = FALSE;
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ }
+ if( pSh->Prt( rOpt, rProgress ) )
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ if( !pPrt->IsJobActive() )
+ {
+ bUserBreak = TRUE;
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( !rOpt.bSinglePrtJobs )
+ {
+ String& rJNm = (String&)rOpt.GetJobName();
+ rJNm.Erase();
+ }
+ }
+ } while( bSynchronizedDoc ? ExistsNextRecord() : ToNextMergeRecord());
+ // Kontext fuer ToNextSelectedRecord auf richtige Datenbank stellen:
+ GetDBData(FALSE, &rParam.GetDBName());
+ // Endlosschleifen durch "Erster Datensatz" verhindern:
+ if (GetCurRecordId(FALSE) < nOldRec)
+ ToSelectedRecord(FALSE, nOldRec); // Alte Position restaurieren
+ } while( && GotoNextSelectedRecord( bSynchronizedDoc) );
+ if( rOpt.bSinglePrtJobs )
+ {
+ pSh->GetPrt()->SetEndPrintHdl( aSfxSaveLnk );
+ if ( !bUserBreak && !pSh->GetPrt()->IsJobActive() ) //Schon zu spaet?
+ aSfxSaveLnk.Call( pSh->GetPrt() );
+ }
+ rOpt.nMergeCnt = 0;
+ rOpt.nMergeAct = 0;
+ bInMerge = FALSE;
+ nMergeType = DBMGR_INSERT;
+ SwDocShell* pDocSh = rView.GetDocShell();
+ SfxViewFrame *pTmpFrm = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst(pDocSh);
+ while (pTmpFrm) // Alle Views Invalidieren
+ {
+ SwView *pVw = PTR_CAST(SwView, pTmpFrm->GetViewShell());
+ if (pVw)
+ pVw->GetEditWin().Invalidate();
+ pTmpFrm = pTmpFrm->GetNext(*pTmpFrm, pDocSh);
+ }
+ CloseAll();
+ return bRet;
+ Beschreibung: Serienbrief als Mail versenden
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::MergeMailing(SwWrtShell* pSh)
+ //check if the doc is synchronized and contains at least one linked section
+ BOOL bSynchronizedDoc = pSh->IsLabelDoc() && pSh->GetSectionFmtCount() > 1;
+ OfaDBParam& rParam = GetDBData(FALSE);
+ // 1. Satz positionieren, Evaluierung ueber die Felder
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < aDBDataArr.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ OfaDBParam* pParam = aDBDataArr[i];
+ // Alle Im Dok enthaltenen Datenbanken oeffnen und Cursorpos initialisieren
+ if (OpenDB(FALSE, pParam->GetDBName()))
+ {
+ if (pParam->GetCursor())
+ Flush(FALSE); // Cursor initialisieren
+ ToFirstSelectedRecord(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ OpenDB(FALSE, rParam.GetDBName());
+ if (!ToFirstSelectedRecord(FALSE))
+ return(FALSE);
+ ODbRowRef xRow = GetCurSelectedRecord(FALSE);
+ BOOL bLoop = TRUE;
+ // keine Arme keine Kekse
+ if(!
+ return FALSE;
+ SbaDBDataDefRef aDBDef = OpenColumnNames(FALSE);
+ if (aDBDef.Is())
+ {
+ Reference< XColumnsSupplier > xColsSupp( pMergeData->xResultSet, UNO_QUERY );
+ Reference <XNameAccess> xCols = xColsSupp->getColumns();
+ if(!xCols->hasByName(sEMailAddrFld))
+ return FALSE;
+ Any aCol = xCols->getByName(sEMailAddrFld);
+ Reference< XPropertySet > xColumnProp = *(Reference< XPropertySet >*)aCol.getValue();;
+ const SbaColumnList& rCols = aDBDef->GetOriginalColumns();
+ USHORT nColPos = 0;
+ for (nColPos = 0; nColPos < rCols.Count(); nColPos++)
+ {
+ const SbaNameItem* pNameItem = (const SbaNameItem*)&rCols.GetObject(nColPos)->Get(SBA_DEF_FLTNAME);
+ if (pNameItem->GetValue() == sEMailAddrFld)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (nColPos >= rCols.Count())
+ return FALSE;
+ nColPos++;
+ bInMerge = TRUE;
+ SfxDispatcher* pSfxDispatcher = pSh->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher();
+ if (!sSubject.Len()) // Kein leeres Subject wegen Automail (PB)
+ sSubject = ' ';
+ SfxStringItem aSubject(SID_MAIL_SUBJECT, sSubject);
+ SfxStringItem aText(SID_MAIL_TEXT, ' '); // Leerer Text ist nicht moeglich
+ SfxStringItem aAttached(SID_MAIL_ATTACH_FILE, sAttached);
+ SfxBoolItem aAttach(SID_MAIL_ATTACH, TRUE);
+ SwModuleOptions* pModOpt = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig();
+ BYTE nMailFmts = pModOpt->GetMailingFormats() | TXTFORMAT_ASCII; // Immer Ascii
+ SfxByteItem aTextFormats(SID_MAIL_TXTFORMAT, nMailFmts);
+ Flush(FALSE); // Cursor initialisieren
+ if( !pSh->IsModified() )
+ {
+ // Beim Speichern wurde kein Abbruch gedrueckt
+ // neue DocShell erzeugen, alle gelinkten Bereiche embedden
+ // und unter temporaerem Namen wieder speichern.
+ BOOL bDelTempFile = TRUE;
+ String sTmpName;
+ const SfxFilter* pSfxFlt;
+ {
+ SfxMedium* pOrig = pSh->GetView().GetDocShell()->GetMedium();
+ pSfxFlt = SwIoSystem::GetFileFilter( pOrig->GetPhysicalName(), ::aEmptyStr );
+ String sFileName = ::GetTmpFileName();
+ String sTmpName = URIHelper::SmartRelToAbs(sFileName);
+ BOOL bCopyCompleted = TRUE;
+ try
+ {
+ String sMain(sTmpName);
+ sal_Unicode cSlash = '/';
+ xub_StrLen nSlashPos = sMain.SearchBackward(cSlash);
+ sMain.Erase(nSlashPos);
+ ::ucb::Content aNewContent( sMain, Reference< XCommandEnvironment > ());
+ Any aAny;
+ TransferInfo aInfo;
+ aInfo.NameClash = NameClash::OVERWRITE;
+ aInfo.NewTitle = INetURLObject(sTmpName).GetName();
+ aInfo.SourceURL = pOrig->GetPhysicalName();
+ aInfo.MoveData = FALSE;
+ aAny <<= aInfo;
+ aNewContent.executeCommand( C2U( "transfer" ), aAny);
+ }
+ catch( ... )
+ {
+ bCopyCompleted = FALSE;
+ }
+ if( !bCopyCompleted )
+ {
+ // Neues Dokument erzeugen.
+ SfxObjectShellRef xDocSh( new SwDocShell( SFX_CREATE_MODE_INTERNAL ));
+ SfxMedium* pMed = new SfxMedium( sTmpName, STREAM_READ, TRUE );
+ pMed->SetFilter( pSfxFlt );
+ // alle gelinkten Bereiche/Grafiken aufs lokale FileSystem
+ // einbetten
+ if( xDocSh->DoLoad( pOrig ) &&
+ ((SwDocShell*)(&xDocSh))->EmbedAllLinks() )
+ {
+ xDocSh->DoSaveAs(*pMed);
+ xDocSh->DoSaveCompleted(pMed);
+ }
+ else
+ bDelTempFile = FALSE;
+ xDocSh->DoClose();
+ }
+ else
+ bDelTempFile = FALSE;
+ if( !bDelTempFile )
+ sTmpName = pOrig->GetPhysicalName();
+ }
+ String sAddress;
+ ULONG nDocNo = 1;
+ bCancel = FALSE;
+ PrintMonitor aPrtMonDlg(&pSh->GetView().GetEditWin(), TRUE);
+ aPrtMonDlg.aDocName.SetText(pSh->GetView().GetDocShell()->GetTitle(22));
+ aPrtMonDlg.aCancel.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwNewDBMgr, PrtCancelHdl));
+ aPrtMonDlg.Show();
+ OfficeApplication* pOffApp = OFF_APP();
+ SfxRequest aReq( SID_OPENDOC, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON, pOffApp->GetPool() );
+ aReq.AppendItem( SfxStringItem( SID_FILE_NAME, sTmpName ));
+ aReq.AppendItem( SfxStringItem( SID_FILTER_NAME, pSfxFlt->GetName() ));
+ aReq.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( SID_HIDDEN, TRUE ) );
+ aReq.AppendItem( SfxStringItem( SID_REFERER, String::CreateFromAscii(URL_PREFIX_PRIV_SOFFICE )));
+ pOffApp->ExecuteSlot( aReq, pOffApp->SfxApplication::GetInterface());
+ if( aReq.IsDone() )
+ {
+ // DocShell besorgen
+ SfxViewFrameItem* pVItem = (SfxViewFrameItem*)aReq.GetReturnValue();
+ SwView* pView = (SwView*) pVItem->GetFrame()->GetViewShell();
+ SwWrtShell& rSh = pView->GetWrtShell();
+ pView->AttrChangedNotify( &rSh );//Damit SelectShell gerufen wird.
+ SwDoc* pDoc = rSh.GetDoc();
+ SwNewDBMgr* pOldDBMgr = pDoc->GetNewDBMgr();
+ pDoc->SetNewDBMgr( this );
+ pDoc->EmbedAllLinks();
+ String sTempStat(SW_RES(STR_DB_EMAIL));
+ do
+ {
+ // Naechste Selektion holen
+ xRow = GetCurSelectedRecord(FALSE);
+ ULONG nOldRec = GetCurRecordId(FALSE); // Alte Position merken
+ if( && xRow->size() > 0)
+ {
+ rSh.Undo();
+ rSh.ViewShell::UpdateFlds();
+ // alle versteckten Felder/Bereiche entfernen
+ rSh.RemoveInvisibleContent();
+ SfxFrameItem aFrame( SID_DOCFRAME, pVItem->GetFrame() );
+ SwDBFormatData aDBFormat;
+ sAddress = GetDBField( xColumnProp, aDBFormat);
+ sAddress = ImportDBField(nColPos, &aDBDef, xRow);
+ if (!sAddress.Len())
+ sAddress = '_';
+ String sStat(sTempStat);
+ sStat += ' ';
+ sStat += String::CreateFromInt32( nDocNo++ );
+ aPrtMonDlg.aPrintInfo.SetText(sStat);
+ aPrtMonDlg.aPrinter.SetText( sAddress );
+ // Rechenzeit fuer EMail-Monitor:
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+ Application::Reschedule();
+ sAddress.Insert(String::CreateFromAscii("mailto:"), 0);
+ SfxStringItem aRecipient( SID_MAIL_RECIPIENT, sAddress );
+ const SfxPoolItem* pRet = pSfxDispatcher->Execute(
+ &aRecipient, &aSubject, &aAttach, &aAttached,
+ &aText, &aTextFormats, &aFrame,
+ 0L );
+ //this must be done here because pRet may be destroyed in Reschedule (DeleteOnIdle)
+ BOOL bBreak = pRet && !( (SfxBoolItem*)pRet )->GetValue();
+ // Rechenzeit fuer EMail-Monitor:
+ for (i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+ Application::Reschedule();
+ if ( bBreak )
+ break; // das Verschicken wurde unterbrochen
+ }
+ } while( !bCancel && bSynchronizedDoc ? ExistsNextRecord() : ToNextMergeRecord());
+ // Kontext fuer ToNextSelectedRecord auf richtige Datenbank stellen:
+ GetDBData(FALSE, &rParam.GetDBName());
+ // Endlosschleifen durch "Erster Datensatz" verhindern:
+ if (GetCurRecordId(FALSE) < nOldRec)
+ ToSelectedRecord(FALSE, nOldRec); // Alte Position restaurieren
+ } while(!bCancel && && GotoNextSelectedRecord( bSynchronizedDoc));
+ pDoc->SetNewDBMgr( pOldDBMgr );
+ pView->GetDocShell()->OwnerLock( FALSE );
+ }
+ // jetzt noch die temp Datei entfernen
+ if( bDelTempFile )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ ::ucb::Content aTempContent(
+ sTmpName,
+ Reference< XCommandEnvironment > ());
+ aTempContent.executeCommand( C2U( "delete" ),
+ makeAny( sal_Bool( sal_True ) ) );
+ }
+ catch( ... )
+ {
+ DBG_ERRORFILE( "Exception" );
+ }
+ }
+ SW_MOD()->SetView(&pSh->GetView());
+ }
+ bInMerge = FALSE;
+ nMergeType = DBMGR_INSERT;
+ }
+ CloseAll();
+ return bLoop;
+/* -----------------------------17.04.00 11:18--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::GotoNextSelectedRecord( BOOL bSyncronized )
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ if(!bSyncronized)
+ bRet = ToNextSelectedRecord( FALSE );
+ else
+ {
+ OfaDBParam& rParam = GetDBData(FALSE);
+ if (rParam.GetCursor())
+ {
+ if (rParam.pSelectionList.Is() && rParam.pSelectionList->Count())
+ {
+ bRet = (rParam.CurrentSelPos() < rParam.pSelectionList->Count());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bRet = !rParam.GetCursor()->IsOffRange();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(bRet);
+ Beschreibung: Serienbriefe als einzelne Dokumente speichern
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::MergeMailFiles(SwWrtShell* pSh)
+ //check if the doc is synchronized and contains at least one linked section
+ BOOL bSynchronizedDoc = pSh->IsLabelDoc() && pSh->GetSectionFmtCount() > 1;
+ OfaDBParam& rParam = GetDBData(FALSE);
+ // 1. Satz positionieren, Evaluierung ueber die Felder
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < aDBDataArr.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ OfaDBParam* pParam = aDBDataArr[i];
+ // Alle im Dok enthaltenen Datenbanken oeffnen und Cursorpos initialisieren
+ if (OpenDB(FALSE, pParam->GetDBName()))
+ {
+ if (pParam->GetCursor())
+ Flush(FALSE); // Cursor initialisieren
+ ToFirstSelectedRecord(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ OpenDB(FALSE, rParam.GetDBName());
+ if (!ToFirstSelectedRecord(FALSE))
+ return(FALSE);
+ ODbRowRef xRow = GetCurSelectedRecord(FALSE);
+ // keine Arme keine Kekse
+ if(!
+ return FALSE;
+ BOOL bLoop = TRUE;
+ Reference< XPropertySet > xColumnProp;
+ SbaDBDataDefRef aDBDef = OpenColumnNames(FALSE);
+ if (aDBDef.Is())
+ {
+ USHORT nColPos = 0;
+ BOOL bColumnName = sEMailAddrFld.Len() > 0;
+ if (bColumnName)
+ {
+ Reference< XColumnsSupplier > xColsSupp( pMergeData->xResultSet, UNO_QUERY );
+ Reference <XNameAccess> xCols = xColsSupp->getColumns();
+ if(!xCols->hasByName(sEMailAddrFld))
+ return FALSE;
+ Any aCol = xCols->getByName(sEMailAddrFld);
+ xColumnProp = *(Reference< XPropertySet >*)aCol.getValue();;
+ const SbaColumnList& rCols = aDBDef->GetOriginalColumns();
+ for (nColPos = 0; nColPos < rCols.Count(); nColPos++)
+ {
+ const SbaNameItem* pNameItem = (const SbaNameItem*)&rCols.GetObject(nColPos)->Get(SBA_DEF_FLTNAME);
+ if (pNameItem->GetValue() == sEMailAddrFld)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (nColPos >= rCols.Count())
+ return FALSE;
+ nColPos++;
+ }
+ bInMerge = TRUE;
+ SfxDispatcher* pSfxDispatcher = pSh->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher();
+ Flush(FALSE); // Cursor initialisieren
+ if( !pSh->IsModified() )
+ {
+ // Beim Speichern wurde kein Abbruch gedrueckt
+ SfxMedium* pOrig = pSh->GetView().GetDocShell()->GetMedium();
+ String sOldName(pOrig->GetPhysicalName());
+ const SfxFilter* pSfxFlt = SwIoSystem::GetFileFilter(
+ sOldName, ::aEmptyStr );
+ String sAddress;
+ bCancel = FALSE;
+ PrintMonitor aPrtMonDlg(&pSh->GetView().GetEditWin());
+ aPrtMonDlg.aDocName.SetText(pSh->GetView().GetDocShell()->GetTitle(22));
+ aPrtMonDlg.aCancel.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwNewDBMgr, PrtCancelHdl));
+ aPrtMonDlg.Show();
+ SwDocShell *pDocSh = pSh->GetView().GetDocShell();
+ // Progress, um KeyInputs zu unterbinden
+ SfxProgress aProgress(pDocSh, ::aEmptyStr, 1);
+ // Alle Dispatcher sperren
+ SfxViewFrame* pViewFrm = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst(pDocSh);
+ while (pViewFrm)
+ {
+ pViewFrm->GetDispatcher()->Lock(TRUE);
+ pViewFrm = SfxViewFrame::GetNext(*pViewFrm, pDocSh);
+ }
+ ULONG nDocNo = 1;
+ ULONG nCounter = 0;
+ String sExt( INetURLObject( sOldName ).GetExtension() );
+ do {
+ // Naechste Selektion holen
+ xRow = GetCurSelectedRecord(FALSE);
+ ULONG nOldRec = GetCurRecordId(FALSE); // Alte Position merken
+ if( && xRow->size() > 0 )
+ {
+ String sPath(sSubject);
+ if( bColumnName )
+ {
+ SwDBFormatData aDBFormat;
+ sAddress = GetDBField( xColumnProp, aDBFormat);
+ sAddress = ImportDBField(nColPos, &aDBDef, xRow);
+ if (!sAddress.Len())
+ sAddress = '_';
+ sPath += sAddress;
+ nCounter = 0;
+ }
+ INetURLObject aEntry(sPath);
+ String sLeading(aEntry.GetBase());
+ aEntry.removeSegment();
+ sPath = aEntry.GetMainURL();
+ TempFile aTemp(sLeading,&sExt,&sPath );
+ if( !aTemp.IsValid() )
+ {
+ ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERRCODE_IO_NOTSUPPORTED );
+ bLoop = FALSE;
+ bCancel = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INetURLObject aTempFile(aTemp.GetName());
+ aPrtMonDlg.aPrinter.SetText( aTempFile.GetBase() );
+ String sStat(SW_RES(STR_STATSTR_LETTER)); // Brief
+ sStat += ' ';
+ sStat += String::CreateFromInt32( nDocNo++ );
+ aPrtMonDlg.aPrintInfo.SetText(sStat);
+ // Rechenzeit fuer Save-Monitor:
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ Application::Reschedule();
+ // Neues Dokument erzeugen und speichern
+ SfxObjectShellRef xDocSh( new SwDocShell( SFX_CREATE_MODE_INTERNAL ));
+ SfxMedium* pMed = new SfxMedium( sOldName, STREAM_STD_READ, TRUE );
+ pMed->SetFilter( pSfxFlt );
+ if (xDocSh->DoLoad(pMed))
+ {
+ SwDoc* pDoc = ((SwDocShell*)(&xDocSh))->GetDoc();
+ SwNewDBMgr* pOldDBMgr = pDoc->GetNewDBMgr();
+ pDoc->SetNewDBMgr( this );
+ pDoc->UpdateFlds(0);
+ // alle versteckten Felder/Bereiche entfernen
+ pDoc->RemoveInvisibleContent();
+ SfxMedium* pDstMed = new SfxMedium( aTempFile.GetFull(), STREAM_STD_READWRITE, TRUE );
+ pDstMed->SetFilter( pSfxFlt );
+ xDocSh->DoSaveAs(*pDstMed);
+ xDocSh->DoSaveCompleted(pDstMed);
+ if( xDocSh->GetError() )
+ {
+ // error message ??
+ ErrorHandler::HandleError( xDocSh->GetError() );
+ bCancel = TRUE;
+ bLoop = FALSE;
+ }
+ pDoc->SetNewDBMgr( pOldDBMgr );
+ }
+ xDocSh->DoClose();
+ }
+ }
+ } while( !bCancel && bSynchronizedDoc ? ExistsNextRecord() : ToNextMergeRecord());
+ // Kontext fuer ToNextSelectedRecord auf
+ // richtige Datenbank stellen:
+ GetDBData(FALSE, &rParam.GetDBName());
+ // Endlosschleifen durch "Erster Datensatz" verhindern:
+ if( !bCancel && GetCurRecordId(FALSE) < nOldRec )
+ ToSelectedRecord(FALSE, nOldRec); // Alte Position restaurieren
+ } while( !bCancel && &&
+ GotoNextSelectedRecord( bSynchronizedDoc) );
+ // Alle Dispatcher freigeben
+ pViewFrm = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst(pDocSh);
+ while (pViewFrm)
+ {
+ pViewFrm->GetDispatcher()->Lock(FALSE);
+ pViewFrm = SfxViewFrame::GetNext(*pViewFrm, pDocSh);
+ }
+ SW_MOD()->SetView(&pSh->GetView());
+ }
+ bInMerge = FALSE;
+ nMergeType = DBMGR_INSERT;
+ }
+ CloseAll();
+ return bLoop;
+ Beschreibung:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwNewDBMgr, PrtCancelHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ pButton->GetParent()->Hide();
+ bCancel = TRUE;
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwNewDBMgr, PrtCancelHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ Beschreibung: Numberformat der Spalte ermitteln und ggfs. in
+ den uebergebenen Formatter uebertragen
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ULONG SwNewDBMgr::GetColumnFmt( const String& rDBName,
+ const String& rTableName,
+ const String& rColNm,
+ SvNumberFormatter* pNFmtr,
+ long nLanguage )
+ULONG SwNewDBMgr::GetColumnFmt( const String& rDBName, const String& rColNm,
+ SvNumberFormatter* pNFmtr )
+ //JP 12.01.99: ggfs. das NumberFormat im Doc setzen
+ ULONG nRet = 0;
+ if(pNFmtr)
+ {
+ SvNumberFormatsSupplierObj* pNumFmt = new SvNumberFormatsSupplierObj( pNFmtr );
+ Reference< util::XNumberFormatsSupplier > xDocNumFmtsSupplier = pNumFmt;
+ Reference< XNumberFormats > xDocNumberFormats = xDocNumFmtsSupplier->getNumberFormats();
+ Reference< XNumberFormatTypes > xDocNumberFormatTypes(xDocNumberFormats, UNO_QUERY);
+ String sLanguage, sCountry;
+ ::ConvertLanguageToIsoNames( nLanguage, sLanguage, sCountry );
+ Locale aLocale;
+ aLocale.Language = sLanguage;
+ aLocale.Country = sCountry;
+ Reference< XDataSource> xSource;
+ Reference< XConnection> xConnection = SwNewDBMgr::GetConnection(rDBName, xSource);
+ //get the number formatter of the data source
+ Reference<XPropertySet> xSourceProps(xSource, UNO_QUERY);
+ Reference< XNumberFormats > xNumberFormats;
+ if(
+ {
+ Any aFormats = xSourceProps->getPropertyValue(C2U("NumberFormatsSupplier"));
+ if(aFormats.hasValue())
+ {
+ Reference<XNumberFormatsSupplier> xSuppl = *(Reference<util::XNumberFormatsSupplier>*) aFormats.getValue();
+ if(
+ {
+ xNumberFormats = xSuppl->getNumberFormats();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Reference< XColumnsSupplier> xColsSupp = SwNewDBMgr::GetColumnSupplier(xConnection, rTableName);
+ if(
+ {
+ Reference <XNameAccess> xCols = xColsSupp->getColumns();
+ if(!xCols->hasByName(rColNm))
+ return nRet;
+ Any aCol = xCols->getByName(rColNm);
+ Reference< XPropertySet > xColumnProp = *(Reference< XPropertySet >*)aCol.getValue();;
+ Any aFormat = xColumnProp->getPropertyValue(C2U("FormatKey"));
+ if(aFormat.hasValue())
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nFmt;
+ aFormat >>= nFmt;
+ if(
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Reference<XPropertySet> xNumProps = xNumberFormats->getByKey( nFmt );
+ Any aFormat = xNumProps->getPropertyValue(C2U("FormatString"));
+ Any aLocale = xNumProps->getPropertyValue(C2U("Locale"));
+ OUString sFormat;
+ aFormat >>= sFormat;
+ com::sun::star::lang::Locale aLoc;
+ aLocale >>= aLoc;
+ nFmt = xDocNumberFormats->addNew( sFormat, aLoc );
+ nRet = nFmt;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("illegal number format key")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nRet = utl::getDefaultNumberFormat(xColumnProp, xDocNumberFormatTypes, aLocale);
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ if( pNFmtr )
+ {
+ int nCol;
+ if( OpenDB( DBMGR_STD, rDBName, FALSE ) &&
+ 0 != ( nCol = GetColumnPos( DBMGR_STD, rColNm )))
+ nRet = GetRealColumnFmt( rColNm, GetColumnFormat( DBMGR_STD, nCol ),
+ *pNFmtr );
+ else
+ }
+ return nRet;
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 09:47--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+sal_Int32 SwNewDBMgr::GetColumnType( const String& rDBName,
+ const String& rTableName,
+ const String& rColNm )
+ sal_Int32 nRet = DataType::SQLNULL;
+ Reference< XDataSource> xSource;
+ Reference< XConnection> xConnection = SwNewDBMgr::GetConnection(rDBName, xSource);
+ Reference< XColumnsSupplier> xColsSupp = SwNewDBMgr::GetColumnSupplier(xConnection, rTableName);
+ if(
+ {
+ Reference <XNameAccess> xCols = xColsSupp->getColumns();
+ if(xCols->hasByName(rColNm))
+ {
+ Any aCol = xCols->getByName(rColNm);
+ Reference <XPropertySet> xCol = *(Reference <XPropertySet>*)aCol.getValue();
+ Any aType = xCol->getPropertyValue(C2S("Type"));
+ aType >>= nRet;
+ }
+ }
+ return nRet;
+ULONG SwNewDBMgr::GetRealColumnFmt( const String& rColNm, ULONG nFmt,
+ SvNumberFormatter& rNFmtr )
+ SvNumberFormatter* pDBNumFmtr;
+ const SvNumberformat* pNFmt;
+ SbaDBDataDefRef aDBDef = OpenColumnNames( DBMGR_STD );
+ if( aDBDef.Is() && 0 != ( pDBNumFmtr = aDBDef->GetFormatter() ) &&
+ 0 != (pNFmt = pDBNumFmtr->GetEntry( nFmt ) ) )
+ {
+ nFmt = rNFmtr.GetEntryKey( pNFmt->GetFormatstring(), pNFmt->GetLanguage() );
+ {
+ xub_StrLen nCheckPos;
+ short nType;
+ XubString aTmp( pNFmt->GetFormatstring() );
+ rNFmtr.PutEntry( aTmp, nCheckPos, nType, nFmt, pNFmt->GetLanguage() );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return nFmt;
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::IsDBCaseSensitive( const String& rName ) const
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ String sDBName = OFF_APP()->LocalizeDBName( NATIONAL2INI, rName );
+ if( sDBName.Len() )
+ {
+ SbaDatabaseRef xConnection = pSbaObject->GetDatabase(sDBName, TRUE);
+ if( xConnection.Is() )
+ // JP 18.11.99: looked from
+ // \offmgr\source\sba\core\db\dbtabobj.cxx
+ bRet = SDB_IC_OBJECT == xConnection->GetIdentifierCase();
+ }
+ return bRet;
+/* -----------------------------03.07.00 17:12--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+Reference< sdbc::XConnection> SwNewDBMgr::GetConnection(const String& rDataSource,
+ Reference<XDataSource>& rxSource)
+ Reference< sdbc::XConnection> xConnection;
+ Reference<XNameAccess> xDBContext;
+ Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xMgr( ::utl::getProcessServiceFactory() );
+ if( )
+ {
+ Reference<XInterface> xInstance = xMgr->createInstance( C2U( "" ));
+ xDBContext = Reference<XNameAccess>(xInstance, UNO_QUERY) ;
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT(, " service not available")
+ if(
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if(xDBContext->hasByName(rDataSource))
+ {
+ Any aDBSource = xDBContext->getByName(rDataSource);
+ Reference<XDataSource>* pxSource = (Reference<XDataSource>*)aDBSource.getValue();
+ OUString sDummy;
+ xConnection = (*pxSource)->getConnection(sDummy, sDummy);
+ rxSource = (*pxSource);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...) {}
+ }
+ return xConnection;
+/* -----------------------------03.07.00 17:12--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+Reference< sdbcx::XColumnsSupplier> SwNewDBMgr::GetColumnSupplier(Reference<sdbc::XConnection> xConnection,
+ const String& rTableOrQuery,
+ BYTE eTableOrQuery)
+ Reference< sdbcx::XColumnsSupplier> xRet;
+ if(SW_DB_SELECT_QUERY != eTableOrQuery)
+ {
+ Reference<XTablesSupplier> xTSupplier = Reference<XTablesSupplier>(xConnection, UNO_QUERY);
+ if(
+ {
+ Reference<XNameAccess> xTbls = xTSupplier->getTables();
+ if(xTbls->hasByName(rTableOrQuery))
+ try
+ {
+ Any aTable = xTbls->getByName(rTableOrQuery);
+ Reference<XPropertySet> xPropSet = *(Reference<XPropertySet>*)aTable.getValue();
+ xRet = Reference<XColumnsSupplier>(xPropSet, UNO_QUERY);
+ }
+ catch(...){}
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ Reference<XQueriesSupplier> xQSupplier = Reference<XQueriesSupplier>(xConnection, UNO_QUERY);
+ if(
+ {
+ Reference<XNameAccess> xQueries = xQSupplier->getQueries();
+ if(xQueries->hasByName(rTableOrQuery))
+ try
+ {
+ Any aQuery = xQueries->getByName(rTableOrQuery);
+ Reference<XPropertySet> xPropSet = *(Reference<XPropertySet>*)aQuery.getValue();
+ xRet = Reference<XColumnsSupplier>(xPropSet, UNO_QUERY);
+ }
+ catch(...){}
+ }
+ }
+ return xRet;
+/* -----------------------------05.07.00 13:44--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+String SwNewDBMgr::GetDBField(Reference<XPropertySet> xColumnProps,
+ const SwDBFormatData& rDBFormatData,
+ double* pNumber)
+ Reference< XColumn > xColumn(xColumnProps, UNO_QUERY);
+ String sRet;
+ DBG_ASSERT(, "SwNewDBMgr::::ImportDBField: illegal arguments")
+ if(!
+ return sRet;
+ Any aType = xColumnProps->getPropertyValue(C2U("Type"));
+ sal_Int32 eDataType;
+ aType >>= eDataType;
+ switch(eDataType)
+ {
+ case DataType::CHAR:
+ case DataType::VARCHAR:
+ case DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
+ sRet = xColumn->getString();
+ break;
+ case DataType::BIT:
+ case DataType::TINYINT:
+ case DataType::SMALLINT:
+ case DataType::INTEGER:
+ case DataType::BIGINT:
+ case DataType::FLOAT:
+ case DataType::REAL:
+ case DataType::DOUBLE:
+ case DataType::NUMERIC:
+ case DataType::DECIMAL:
+ case DataType::DATE:
+ case DataType::TIME:
+ case DataType::TIMESTAMP:
+ {
+ ::Date aTempDate(rDBFormatData.aNullDate.Day,
+ rDBFormatData.aNullDate.Month, rDBFormatData.aNullDate.Year);
+ try
+ {
+ sRet = utl::DBTypeConversion::getValue(
+ xColumnProps,
+ rDBFormatData.xFormatter,
+ rDBFormatData.aLocale,
+ aTempDate);
+ double fVal = xColumn->getDouble();
+ if (pNumber)
+ *pNumber = fVal;
+ }
+ catch(Exception aExcept)
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("exception caught")
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+// case DataType::BINARY:
+// case DataType::VARBINARY:
+// case DataType::LONGVARBINARY:
+// case DataType::SQLNULL:
+// case DataType::OTHER:
+// case DataType::OBJECT:
+// case DataType::DISTINCT:
+// case DataType::STRUCT:
+// case DataType::ARRAY:
+// case DataType::BLOB:
+// case DataType::CLOB:
+// case DataType::REF:
+// default:
+ }
+// if (pFormat)
+// {
+// SFX_ITEMSET_GET(*pCol, pFormatItem, SfxUInt32Item, SBA_DEF_FMTVALUE, sal_True);
+// *pFormat = pFormatItem->GetValue();
+// }
+ return sRet;
+/* -----------------------------06.07.00 14:26--------------------------------
+ opens a data source table or query and keeps the reference
+ until EndMerge() is called
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::OpenMergeSource(const String& rDataSource,
+ const String& rDataTableOrQuery,
+ const String& rStatement,
+ const SbaSelectionListRef xSelectionList)
+ DBG_ASSERT(!bInMerge && !pMergeData, "merge already activated!")
+ bInMerge = TRUE;
+ pMergeData = new SwDSParam(rDataSource, rDataTableOrQuery, SW_DB_SELECT_UNKNOWN, rStatement);
+ //remove corresponding data from aDataSourceParams and insert the merge data
+ String sDBName(rDataSource);
+ sDBName += DB_DELIM;
+ sDBName += rDataTableOrQuery;
+ SwDSParam* pTemp = FindDSData(sDBName, FALSE);
+ if(pTemp)
+ pTemp = pMergeData;
+ else
+ aDataSourceParams.Insert(pMergeData, aDataSourceParams.Count());
+ Reference<XDataSource> xSource;
+ pMergeData->xConnection = SwNewDBMgr::GetConnection(rDataSource, xSource);
+ pMergeData->xSelectionList = xSelectionList;
+ if( xSelectionList.Is() && xSelectionList->Count() && (long)xSelectionList->GetObject(0) != -1L )
+ {
+ pMergeData->bSelectionList = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(pMergeData->
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ pMergeData->bScrollable = pMergeData->xConnection->getMetaData()
+ ->supportsResultSetType((sal_Int32)ResultSetType::SCROLL_INSENSITIVE);
+ pMergeData->xStatement = pMergeData->xConnection->createStatement();
+ pMergeData->xResultSet = pMergeData->xStatement->executeQuery( rStatement );
+ //after executeQuery the cursor must be positioned
+ if(pMergeData->bSelectionList)
+ {
+ if(pMergeData->bScrollable)
+ {
+ pMergeData->bEndOfDB = !pMergeData->xResultSet->absolute(
+ (ULONG)pMergeData->xSelectionList->GetObject( 0 ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULONG nPos = (ULONG)pMergeData->xSelectionList->GetObject( 0 );
+ while(nPos > 0 && !pMergeData->bEndOfDB)
+ {
+ pMergeData->bEndOfDB |= !pMergeData->xResultSet->next();
+ nPos--;
+ }
+ }
+ if(1 == pMergeData->xSelectionList->Count())
+ pMergeData->bEndOfDB = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pMergeData->bEndOfDB = !pMergeData->xResultSet->next();
+ ++pMergeData->nSelectionIndex;
+ }
+ Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xMgr( ::utl::getProcessServiceFactory() );
+ if( )
+ {
+ Reference<XInterface> xInstance = xMgr->createInstance( C2U( "" ));
+ pMergeData->xFormatter = Reference<util::XNumberFormatter>(xInstance, UNO_QUERY) ;
+ }
+ Reference<XPropertySet> xSourceProps(xSource, UNO_QUERY);
+ if(
+ {
+ Any aFormats = xSourceProps->getPropertyValue(C2U("NumberFormatsSupplier"));
+ if(aFormats.hasValue())
+ {
+ Reference<XNumberFormatsSupplier> xSuppl = *(Reference<util::XNumberFormatsSupplier>*) aFormats.getValue();
+ if(
+ {
+ Reference< XPropertySet > xSettings = xSuppl->getNumberFormatSettings();
+ Any aNull = xSettings->getPropertyValue(C2U("NullDate"));
+ if(aNull.hasValue())
+ pMergeData->aNullDate = *(util::Date*)aNull.getValue();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception aExcept)
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("exception caught")
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL bRet = pMergeData && pMergeData->;
+ if(!bRet)
+ pMergeData = 0;
+ return bRet;
+/* -----------------------------06.07.00 14:28--------------------------------
+ releases the merge data source table or query after merge is completed
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwNewDBMgr::EndMerge()
+ DBG_ASSERT(bInMerge, "merge is not active")
+ bInMerge = FALSE;
+ pMergeData = 0;
+/* -----------------------------06.07.00 14:28--------------------------------
+ checks if a desired data source table or query is open
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::IsDataSourceOpen(const String& rDataSource, const String& rTableOrQuery) const
+ if(pMergeData)
+ {
+ return rDataSource == pMergeData->sDataSource &&
+ rTableOrQuery == pMergeData->sTableOrQuery &&
+ pMergeData->;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 16:44--------------------------------
+ read column data a a specified position
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::GetColumnCnt(const String& rSourceName, const String& rTableName,
+ const String& rColumnName, sal_uInt32 nAbsRecordId,
+ long nLanguage,
+ String& rResult, double* pNumber)
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ //check if it's the merge data source
+ if(pMergeData &&
+ rSourceName == pMergeData->sDataSource &&
+ rTableName == pMergeData->sTableOrQuery)
+ {
+ if(!pMergeData->
+ return FALSE;
+ //keep the old index
+ sal_Int32 nOldRow = pMergeData->xResultSet->getRow();
+ //position to the desired index
+ BOOL bMove;
+ if(nOldRow != nAbsRecordId)
+ bMove = lcl_MoveAbsolute(pMergeData, nAbsRecordId);
+ if(bMove)
+ {
+ bRet = lcl_GetColumnCnt(pMergeData, rColumnName, nLanguage, rResult, pNumber);
+ }
+ if(nOldRow != nAbsRecordId)
+ bMove = lcl_MoveAbsolute(pMergeData, nOldRow);
+ }
+ //
+ return bRet;
+/* -----------------------------06.07.00 16:47--------------------------------
+ reads the column data at the current position
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::GetMergeColumnCnt(const String& rColumnName, USHORT nLanguage,
+ String &rResult, double *pNumber, sal_uInt32 *pFormat)
+ if(!pMergeData || !pMergeData->
+ return FALSE;
+ BOOL bRet = lcl_GetColumnCnt(pMergeData, rColumnName, nLanguage, rResult, pNumber);
+ return bRet;
+/* -----------------------------07.07.00 14:28--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::ToNextMergeRecord()
+ DBG_ASSERT(pMergeData && pMergeData->, "no data source in merge")
+ if(!pMergeData || !pMergeData-> || pMergeData->bEndOfDB)
+ return FALSE;
+ try
+ {
+ if(pMergeData->bSelectionList)
+ {
+ if(pMergeData->bScrollable)
+ {
+ pMergeData->bEndOfDB = !pMergeData->xResultSet->absolute(
+ (ULONG)pMergeData->xSelectionList->GetObject( ++pMergeData->nSelectionIndex ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULONG nOldPos = pMergeData->nSelectionIndex ?
+ (ULONG)pMergeData->xSelectionList->GetObject(pMergeData->nSelectionIndex): 0;
+ ULONG nPos = (ULONG)pMergeData->xSelectionList->GetObject( ++pMergeData->nSelectionIndex );
+ DBG_ASSERT(nPos >=0, "selection invalid!")
+ long nDiff = nPos - nOldPos;
+ //if a backward move is necessary then the result set must be created again
+ if(nDiff < 0)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ pMergeData->xResultSet = pMergeData->xStatement->executeQuery( pMergeData->sStatement );
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ pMergeData->bEndOfDB = TRUE;
+ }
+ nDiff = nPos;
+ }
+ while(nDiff > 0 && !pMergeData->bEndOfDB)
+ {
+ pMergeData->bEndOfDB |= !pMergeData->xResultSet->next();
+ nDiff--;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pMergeData->nSelectionIndex >= pMergeData->xSelectionList->Count())
+ pMergeData->bEndOfDB = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pMergeData->bEndOfDB = !pMergeData->xResultSet->next();
+ ++pMergeData->nSelectionIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception aExcept)
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("exception caught")
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/* -----------------------------13.07.00 17:23--------------------------------
+ synchronized labels contain a next record field at their end
+ to assure that the next page can be created in mail merge
+ the cursor position must be validated
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::ExistsNextRecord() const
+ return pMergeData && !pMergeData->bEndOfDB;
+/* -----------------------------13.07.00 10:41--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+sal_uInt32 SwNewDBMgr::GetSelectedRecordId()
+ sal_uInt32 nRet = 0;
+ DBG_ASSERT(pMergeData && pMergeData->, "no data source in merge")
+ if(!pMergeData || !pMergeData->
+ return FALSE;
+ try
+ {
+ nRet = pMergeData->xResultSet->getRow();
+ }
+ catch(Exception aExcept)
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("exception caught")
+ }
+ return nRet;
+/* -----------------------------13.07.00 10:58--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+sal_Bool SwNewDBMgr::ToRecordId(sal_Int32 nSet)
+ DBG_ASSERT(pMergeData && pMergeData->, "no data source in merge")
+ if(!pMergeData || !pMergeData->|| nSet < 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ sal_Bool bRet = FALSE;
+ sal_Int32 nAbsPos = -1;
+ if(pMergeData->bSelectionList)
+ {
+ if(pMergeData->xSelectionList->Count() > nSet)
+ {
+ nAbsPos = (sal_Int32)pMergeData->xSelectionList->GetObject(nSet);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nAbsPos = nSet;
+ if(nAbsPos >= 0)
+ {
+ bRet = lcl_MoveAbsolute(pMergeData, nAbsPos);
+ pMergeData->bEndOfDB = !bRet;
+ }
+ return bRet;
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 11:14--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::ShowInBeamer(const String& rDBName, const String& rTableName,
+ BYTE nType, const String& rStatement)
+ DBG_ERROR("no beamer interface available!")
+ return FALSE;
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 14:50--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void lcl_ExtractMembers(const String& rDBName, String& sSource, String& sTable, String& sStatement)
+ sSource = rDBName.GetToken(0, DB_DELIM);
+ sTable = rDBName.GetToken(0).GetToken(1, DB_DELIM);
+ sal_uInt16 nPos;
+ if ((nPos = rDBName.Search(';')) != STRING_NOTFOUND)
+ sStatement = rDBName.Copy(nPos + 1);
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 14:17--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+BOOL SwNewDBMgr::OpenDataSource(const String& rDataSource, const String& rTableOrQuery)
+ String sDBName = rDataSource;
+ sDBName += DB_DELIM;
+ sDBName += rTableOrQuery;
+ SwDSParam* pFound = FindDSData(sDBName, TRUE);
+ pFound->bSelectionList = pFound->xSelectionList.Is() && pFound->xSelectionList->Count();
+ Reference< XDataSource> xSource;
+ if(pFound->
+ return TRUE;
+ pFound->xConnection = SwNewDBMgr::GetConnection(rDataSource, xSource );
+ if(pFound->
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ pFound->bScrollable = pFound->xConnection->getMetaData()
+ ->supportsResultSetType((sal_Int32)ResultSetType::SCROLL_INSENSITIVE);
+ pFound->xStatement = pFound->xConnection->createStatement();
+ pFound->xResultSet = pFound->xStatement->executeQuery( pFound->sStatement );
+ //after executeQuery the cursor must be positioned
+ if(pFound->bSelectionList)
+ {
+ if(pFound->bScrollable)
+ {
+ pFound->bEndOfDB = !pMergeData->xResultSet->absolute(
+ (ULONG)pFound->xSelectionList->GetObject( 0 ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULONG nPos = (ULONG)pFound->xSelectionList->GetObject( 0 );
+ while(nPos > 0 && !pFound->bEndOfDB)
+ {
+ pFound->bEndOfDB |= !pFound->xResultSet->next();
+ nPos--;
+ }
+ }
+ if(1 == pFound->xSelectionList->Count())
+ pFound->bEndOfDB = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pFound->bEndOfDB = !pMergeData->xResultSet->next();
+ ++pMergeData->nSelectionIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ pFound->xResultSet = 0;
+ pFound->xStatement = 0;
+ pFound->xConnection = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return pFound->;
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 15:55--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+sal_uInt32 SwNewDBMgr::GetSelectedRecordId(const String& rDataSource, const String& rTableOrQuery)
+ sal_uInt32 nRet = -1;
+ //check for merge data source first
+ if(pMergeData && rDataSource == pMergeData->sDataSource &&
+ rTableOrQuery == pMergeData->sTableOrQuery &&
+ pMergeData->
+ nRet = GetSelectedRecordId();
+ else
+ {
+ String sDBName(rDataSource);
+ sDBName += DB_DELIM;
+ sDBName += rTableOrQuery;
+ SwDSParam* pFound = SwNewDBMgr::FindDSData(sDBName, FALSE);
+ if(pFound && pFound->
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ nRet = pFound->xResultSet->getRow();
+ }
+ catch(...){}
+ }
+ }
+ return nRet;
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 14:18--------------------------------
+ close all data sources - after fields were updated
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwNewDBMgr::CloseAll(BOOL bIncludingMerge)
+ for(USHORT nPos = 0; nPos < aDataSourceParams.Count(); nPos++)
+ {
+ SwDSParam* pParam = aDataSourceParams[nPos];
+ if(bIncludingMerge || pParam != pMergeData)
+ {
+ pParam->xResultSet = 0;
+ pParam->xStatement = 0;
+ pParam->xConnection = 0;
+ }
+ }
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 14:54--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+SwDSParam* SwNewDBMgr::FindDSData(const String& rDBName, BOOL bCreate)
+ String sSource;
+ String sTable;
+ String sStatement;
+ lcl_ExtractMembers(rDBName, sSource, sTable, sStatement);
+ SwDSParam* pFound = 0;
+ for(USHORT nPos = 0; nPos < aDataSourceParams.Count(); nPos++)
+ {
+ SwDSParam* pParam = aDataSourceParams[nPos];
+ if(sSource == pParam->sDataSource &&
+ sTable == pParam->sTableOrQuery)
+ {
+ pFound = pParam;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bCreate)
+ {
+ if(!pFound)
+ {
+ pFound = new SwDSParam(sSource, sTable, SW_DB_SELECT_UNKNOWN, sStatement);
+ aDataSourceParams.Insert(pFound, aDataSourceParams.Count());
+ }
+ else
+ pFound->sStatement = sStatement;
+ }
+ return pFound;
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 14:31--------------------------------
+ rDBName: <Source> + DB_DELIM + <Table>; + <Statement>
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwNewDBMgr::AddDSData(const String& rDBName, long nSelStart, long nSelEnd)
+ SwDSParam* pFound = FindDSData(rDBName, TRUE);
+ if(pFound->xSelectionList.Is())
+ pFound->xSelectionList->Clear();
+ else
+ pFound->xSelectionList = new SbaSelectionList;
+ if (nSelStart > 0)
+ {
+ if (nSelEnd < nSelStart)
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 nZw = nSelEnd;
+ nSelEnd = nSelStart;
+ nSelStart = nZw;
+ }
+ for (long i = nSelStart; i <= nSelEnd; i++)
+ pFound->xSelectionList->Insert((void*)i , LIST_APPEND);
+ }
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 14:31--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void SwNewDBMgr::GetDSSelection(const String& rDBDesc, long& rSelStart, long& rSelEnd)
+ SwDSParam* pFound = FindDSData(rDBDesc, FALSE);
+ if(!pFound || !pFound->xSelectionList.Is() || !pFound->xSelectionList->Count())
+ rSelStart = -1L;
+ else
+ {
+ if(pFound->xSelectionList->Count())
+ {
+ rSelStart = (sal_uInt32)pFound->xSelectionList->GetObject(0);
+ for (sal_uInt32 i = 1; i < pFound->xSelectionList->Count(); i++)
+ {
+ long nPrev = (sal_uInt32)pFound->xSelectionList->GetObject(i - 1);
+ long nNow = (sal_uInt32)pFound->xSelectionList->GetObject(i);
+ if (nNow - nPrev > 1)
+ {
+ rSelEnd = nPrev;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ rSelEnd = (sal_uInt32)pFound->xSelectionList->GetObject(i - 1);
+ }
+ }
+/* -----------------------------17.07.00 14:34--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+const String& SwNewDBMgr::GetAddressDBName()
+ DBG_ERROR("no address data base selection available")
+ return aEmptyStr;
+/* -----------------------------18.07.00 13:13--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+Sequence<OUString> SwNewDBMgr::GetExistingDatabaseNames()
+ Reference<XNameAccess> xDBContext;
+ Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xMgr( ::utl::getProcessServiceFactory() );
+ if( )
+ {
+ Reference<XInterface> xInstance = xMgr->createInstance( C2U( "" ));
+ xDBContext = Reference<XNameAccess>(xInstance, UNO_QUERY) ;
+ }
+ if(
+ {
+ return xDBContext->getElementNames();
+ }
+ return Sequence<OUString>();
+ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ Revision 1.372 2000/09/18 16:05:18 willem.vandorp
+ OpenOffice header added.
+ Revision 1.371 2000/08/08 10:10:39 os
+ ucb transfer command used
+ Revision 1.370 2000/07/18 12:50:07 os
+ replace ofadbmgr
+ Revision 1.369 2000/07/07 15:25:43 os
+ replace ofadbmgr
+ Revision 1.368 2000/07/06 07:59:10 os
+ replace ofadbmgr
+ Revision 1.367 2000/07/05 08:23:06 os
+ Replace ofadbmgr
+ Revision 1.366 2000/06/26 13:18:45 os
+ INetURLObject::SmartRelToAbs removed
+ Revision 1.365 2000/06/13 09:57:36 os
+ using UCB
+ Revision 1.364 2000/06/08 09:46:48 os
+ ContentBroker not in SwModule
+ Revision 1.363 2000/06/07 13:26:07 os
+ using UCB
+ Revision 1.362 2000/05/23 18:11:05 jp
+ Bugfixes for Unicode
+ Revision 1.361 2000/04/17 10:01:56 os
+ #74698# detect synchronized documents with an additional DBNextSet - field
+ Revision 1.360 2000/04/11 08:03:52 os
+ Revision 1.359 2000/02/11 14:44:23 hr
+ #70473# changes for unicode ( patched by automated patchtool )
+ Revision 1.358 2000/01/06 18:20:27 jp
+ Bug #71413#: MergeMailFiles: HandleErrors, created filenames starts with 1
+ Revision 1.357 2000/01/06 07:31:29 os
+ #71436# mail merge dialog: execute via status method disposed
+ Revision 1.356 1999/12/22 15:57:02 jp
+ Bug #71238#: MergePrint - behind the first call erase the JobName
+ Revision 1.355 1999/12/14 14:35:04 jp
+ Bug #69595#: print can create single Jobs
+ Revision 1.354 1999/11/23 11:20:55 os
+ comment
+ Revision 1.353 1999/11/18 21:02:54 jp
+ for Bug #68744#: new: IsCaseSensitive