path: root/sw/source/ui/config/optpage.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/ui/config/optpage.cxx')
1 files changed, 2618 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/config/optpage.cxx b/sw/source/ui/config/optpage.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..921d2a652002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/ui/config/optpage.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2618 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
+#include <hintids.hxx>
+#ifndef _CMDID_H
+#include <cmdid.h>
+#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVSTDARR_HXX
+#include <svl/svstdarr.hxx>
+#include <svl/cjkoptions.hxx>
+#include <svtools/ctrltool.hxx>
+#include <svl/eitem.hxx>
+#include <svx/htmlmode.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/printer.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
+#include <svx/xtable.hxx>
+#include <editeng/fhgtitem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/fontitem.hxx>
+#include <editeng/langitem.hxx>
+#include <svx/dlgutil.hxx>
+#include <fmtcol.hxx>
+#include <charatr.hxx>
+#include <swtypes.hxx>
+#ifndef _VIEW_HXX
+#include <view.hxx>
+#ifndef _DOCSH_HXX
+#include <docsh.hxx>
+#include <IDocumentDeviceAccess.hxx>
+#include <swmodule.hxx>
+#include <wrtsh.hxx>
+#include <uitool.hxx>
+#include <cfgitems.hxx> //Items fuer Sw-Seiten
+#include <poolfmt.hxx>
+#include <uiitems.hxx>
+#include <initui.hxx>
+#include <optpage.hxx>
+#include <swprtopt.hxx>
+#ifndef _MODCFG_HXX
+#include <modcfg.hxx>
+#ifndef _SRCVIEW_HXX
+#include <srcview.hxx>
+#include <crstate.hxx>
+#include <viewopt.hxx>
+#ifndef _GLOBALS_HRC
+#include <globals.hrc>
+#ifndef _CONFIG_HRC
+#include <config.hrc>
+#ifndef _REDLOPT_HRC
+#include <redlopt.hrc>
+#ifndef _OPTDLG_HRC
+#include <optdlg.hrc>
+#include <svx/strarray.hxx>
+#include <svl/slstitm.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/request.hxx>
+#include <swwrtshitem.hxx>
+#include <svl/ctloptions.hxx>
+#include <unomid.h>
+using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+ ******************************************************/
+/*-----------------31.08.96 10.16-------------------
+ TabPage Anzeige/Inhalt
+SwContentOptPage::SwContentOptPage( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet ) :
+ SfxTabPage( pParent, SW_RES( TP_CONTENT_OPT ), rCoreSet ),
+ aLineFL ( this, SW_RES( FL_LINE ) ),
+ aCrossCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_CROSS ) ),
+ aSolidHandleCB( this, SW_RES( CB_HANDLE ) ),
+ aBigHandleCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_BIGHANDLE) ),
+ aWindowFL ( this, SW_RES( FL_WINDOW ) ),
+ aHScrollBox ( this, SW_RES( CB_HSCROLL ) ),
+ aVScrollBox ( this, SW_RES( CB_VSCROLL ) ),
+ aAnyRulerCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_ANY_RULER ) ),
+ aHRulerCBox ( this, SW_RES( CB_HRULER ) ),
+ aHMetric ( this, SW_RES( LB_HMETRIC ) ),
+ aVRulerCBox ( this, SW_RES( CB_VRULER ) ),
+ aVRulerRightCBox( this, SW_RES( CB_VRULER_RIGHT ) ),
+ aVMetric ( this, SW_RES( LB_VMETRIC ) ),
+ aSmoothCBox ( this, SW_RES( CB_SMOOTH_SCROLL ) ),
+ aDispFL ( this, SW_RES( FL_DISP ) ),
+ aGrfCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_GRF ) ),
+ aTblCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_TBL ) ),
+ aDrwCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_DRWFAST ) ),
+ aFldNameCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_FIELD ) ),
+ aPostItCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_POSTIT ) ),
+ aSettingsFL ( this, SW_RES( FL_SETTINGS ) ),
+ aMetricFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_METRIC ) ),
+ aMetricLB ( this, SW_RES( LB_METRIC ) )
+ FreeResource();
+ const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
+ if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rCoreSet.GetItemState(SID_HTML_MODE, FALSE, &pItem )
+ && ((SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue() & HTMLMODE_ON)
+ {
+ aMetricLB.Show();
+ aSettingsFL.Show();
+ aMetricFT.Show();
+ }
+ SvtCJKOptions aCJKOptions;
+ if(aCJKOptions.IsVerticalTextEnabled() )
+ {
+ Point aSmoothPos(aSmoothCBox.GetPosPixel());
+ aSmoothPos.Y() += aSmoothPos.Y() - aVRulerCBox.GetPosPixel().Y();
+ aSmoothCBox.SetPosPixel(aSmoothPos);
+ }
+ else
+ aVRulerRightCBox.Hide();
+ aVRulerCBox.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwContentOptPage, VertRulerHdl ));
+ aAnyRulerCB.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwContentOptPage, AnyRulerHdl));
+ SvxStringArray aMetricArr( SW_RES( STR_ARR_METRIC ) );
+ for ( USHORT i = 0; i < aMetricArr.Count(); ++i )
+ {
+ String sMetric = aMetricArr.GetStringByPos( i );
+ FieldUnit eFUnit = (FieldUnit)aMetricArr.GetValue( i );
+ switch ( eFUnit )
+ {
+ case FUNIT_MM:
+ case FUNIT_CM:
+ case FUNIT_PICA:
+ case FUNIT_INCH:
+ {
+ // nur diese Metriken benutzen
+ USHORT nPos = aMetricLB.InsertEntry( sMetric );
+ aMetricLB.SetEntryData( nPos, (void*)(long)eFUnit );
+ aVMetric.InsertEntry( sMetric );
+ aVMetric.SetEntryData( nPos, (void*)(long)eFUnit );
+ aHMetric.InsertEntry( sMetric );
+ aHMetric.SetEntryData( nPos, (void*)(long)eFUnit );
+ }
+ default:;//prevent warning
+ }
+ }
+/*-----------------31.08.96 13.58-------------------
+/*-----------------31.08.96 13.58-------------------
+SfxTabPage* SwContentOptPage::Create( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet)
+ return new SwContentOptPage(pParent, rAttrSet);
+/* -----------------------------07.04.01 16:57--------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static void lcl_SelectMetricLB(ListBox& rMetric, USHORT nSID, const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
+ if( rSet.GetItemState( nSID, FALSE, &pItem ) >= SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE )
+ {
+ FieldUnit eFieldUnit = (FieldUnit)((SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue();
+ for ( USHORT i = 0; i < rMetric.GetEntryCount(); ++i )
+ {
+ if ( (int)(sal_IntPtr)rMetric.GetEntryData( i ) == (int)eFieldUnit )
+ {
+ rMetric.SelectEntryPos( i );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rMetric.SaveValue();
+/*-----------------31.08.96 13.58-------------------
+void SwContentOptPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ const SwElemItem* pElemAttr = 0;
+ rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_ELEM , FALSE,
+ (const SfxPoolItem**)&pElemAttr );
+ if(pElemAttr)
+ {
+ aTblCB .Check (pElemAttr->bTable );
+ aGrfCB .Check (pElemAttr->bGraphic );
+ aDrwCB .Check (pElemAttr->bDrawing );
+ aFldNameCB .Check (pElemAttr->bFieldName );
+ aPostItCB .Check (pElemAttr->bNotes );
+ aCrossCB .Check( pElemAttr->bCrosshair );
+ aSolidHandleCB.Check( !pElemAttr->bHandles );
+ aBigHandleCB.Check(pElemAttr->bBigHandles );
+ aHScrollBox.Check( pElemAttr->bHorzScrollbar );
+ aVScrollBox.Check( pElemAttr->bVertScrollbar );
+ aAnyRulerCB.Check( pElemAttr->bAnyRuler );
+ aHRulerCBox.Check( pElemAttr->bHorzRuler );
+ aVRulerCBox.Check( pElemAttr->bVertRuler );
+ aVRulerRightCBox.Check(pElemAttr->bVertRulerRight);
+ aSmoothCBox.Check( pElemAttr->bSmoothScroll );
+ }
+ aMetricLB.SetNoSelection();
+ lcl_SelectMetricLB(aMetricLB, SID_ATTR_METRIC, rSet);
+ lcl_SelectMetricLB(aHMetric, FN_HSCROLL_METRIC, rSet);
+ lcl_SelectMetricLB(aVMetric, FN_VSCROLL_METRIC, rSet);
+ AnyRulerHdl(&aAnyRulerCB);
+/*-----------------31.08.96 13.58-------------------
+BOOL SwContentOptPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ const SwElemItem* pOldAttr = (const SwElemItem*)
+ GetOldItem(GetItemSet(), FN_PARAM_ELEM);
+ SwElemItem aElem;
+ if(pOldAttr)
+ aElem = *pOldAttr;
+ aElem.bTable = aTblCB .IsChecked();
+ aElem.bGraphic = aGrfCB .IsChecked();
+ aElem.bDrawing = aDrwCB .IsChecked();
+ aElem.bFieldName = aFldNameCB .IsChecked();
+ aElem.bNotes = aPostItCB .IsChecked();
+ aElem.bCrosshair = aCrossCB .IsChecked();
+ aElem.bHandles = !aSolidHandleCB.IsChecked();
+ aElem.bBigHandles = aBigHandleCB.IsChecked();
+ aElem.bHorzScrollbar = aHScrollBox.IsChecked();
+ aElem.bVertScrollbar = aVScrollBox.IsChecked();
+ aElem.bAnyRuler = aAnyRulerCB.IsChecked();
+ aElem.bHorzRuler = aHRulerCBox.IsChecked();
+ aElem.bVertRuler = aVRulerCBox.IsChecked();
+ aElem.bVertRulerRight= aVRulerRightCBox.IsChecked();
+ aElem.bSmoothScroll = aSmoothCBox.IsChecked();
+ BOOL bRet = !pOldAttr || aElem != *pOldAttr;
+ if(bRet)
+ bRet = 0 != rSet.Put(aElem);
+ USHORT nMPos = aMetricLB.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ USHORT nGlobalMetricPos = nMPos;
+ if ( nMPos != aMetricLB.GetSavedValue() )
+ {
+ // Doppel-Cast fuer VA3.0
+ USHORT nFieldUnit = (USHORT)(long)aMetricLB.GetEntryData( nMPos );
+ rSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( SID_ATTR_METRIC, (UINT16)nFieldUnit ) );
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ nMPos = aHMetric.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ if ( nMPos != aHMetric.GetSavedValue() || nMPos != nGlobalMetricPos )
+ {
+ // Doppel-Cast fuer VA3.0
+ USHORT nFieldUnit = (USHORT)(long)aHMetric.GetEntryData( nMPos );
+ rSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( FN_HSCROLL_METRIC, (UINT16)nFieldUnit ) );
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ nMPos = aVMetric.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ if ( nMPos != aVMetric.GetSavedValue() || nMPos != nGlobalMetricPos )
+ {
+ // Doppel-Cast fuer VA3.0
+ USHORT nFieldUnit = (USHORT)(long)aVMetric.GetEntryData( nMPos );
+ rSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( FN_VSCROLL_METRIC, (UINT16)nFieldUnit ) );
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ return bRet;
+/* -----------------------------05.03.2002 15:07------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK(SwContentOptPage, VertRulerHdl, CheckBox*, pBox)
+ aVRulerRightCBox.Enable(pBox->IsEnabled() && pBox->IsChecked());
+ return 0;
+/* -----------------20.09.2002 11:30-----------------
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwContentOptPage, AnyRulerHdl, CheckBox*, pBox)
+ BOOL bChecked = pBox->IsChecked();
+ aHRulerCBox .Enable(bChecked);
+ aHMetric .Enable(bChecked);
+ aVRulerCBox .Enable(bChecked);
+ aVMetric .Enable(bChecked);
+ VertRulerHdl(&aVRulerCBox);
+ return 0;
+/*----------------- OS 27.01.95 -----------------------
+ TabPage Drucker Zusatzeinstellungen
+SwAddPrinterTabPage::SwAddPrinterTabPage( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet) :
+ SfxTabPage( pParent, SW_RES( TP_OPTPRINT_PAGE ), rCoreSet),
+ aFL1 (this, SW_RES(FL_1)),
+ aGrfCB (this, SW_RES(CB_PGRF)),
+// aTabCB (this, SW_RES(CB_PTAB)),
+// aDrawCB (this, SW_RES(CB_PDRAW)),
+ aCtrlFldCB (this, SW_RES(CB_CTRLFLD)),
+ aBackgroundCB (this, SW_RES(CB_BACKGROUND)),
+ aBlackFontCB (this, SW_RES(CB_BLACK_FONT)),
+ aPrintHiddenTextCB(this, SW_RES(CB_HIDDEN_TEXT)),
+ aPrintTextPlaceholderCB(this, SW_RES(CB_TEXT_PLACEHOLDER)),
+ aSeparatorLFL (this, SW_RES(FL_SEP_PRT_LEFT )),
+ aFL2 (this, SW_RES(FL_2)),
+ aLeftPageCB (this, SW_RES(CB_LEFTP)),
+ aRightPageCB (this, SW_RES(CB_RIGHTP)),
+// aReverseCB (this, SW_RES(CB_REVERSE)),
+ aProspectCB (this, SW_RES(CB_PROSPECT)),
+ aProspectCB_RTL (this, SW_RES(CB_PROSPECT_RTL)),
+ aSeparatorRFL (this, SW_RES(FL_SEP_PRT_RIGHT)),
+ aNoRB (this, SW_RES(RB_NO)),
+ aOnlyRB (this, SW_RES(RB_ONLY)),
+ aEndRB (this, SW_RES(RB_END)),
+ aEndPageRB (this, SW_RES(RB_PAGEEND)),
+ aFL3 (this, SW_RES(FL_3)),
+ aFL4 (this, SW_RES(FL_4)),
+ aPrintEmptyPagesCB(this, SW_RES(CB_PRINTEMPTYPAGES)),
+// aSingleJobsCB (this, SW_RES(CB_SINGLEJOBS)),
+ aPaperFromSetupCB(this, SW_RES(CB_PAPERFROMSETUP)),
+ aFaxFT (this, SW_RES(FT_FAX)),
+ aFaxLB (this, SW_RES(LB_FAX)),
+ sNone(SW_RES(ST_NONE)),
+ bAttrModified( FALSE ),
+ bPreview ( FALSE )
+ Init();
+ FreeResource();
+ Link aLk = LINK( this, SwAddPrinterTabPage, AutoClickHdl);
+ aGrfCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aRightPageCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aLeftPageCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+// aTabCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+// aDrawCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aCtrlFldCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aBackgroundCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aBlackFontCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aPrintHiddenTextCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aPrintTextPlaceholderCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+// aReverseCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aProspectCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aProspectCB_RTL.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aPaperFromSetupCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aPrintEmptyPagesCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aEndPageRB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aEndRB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aOnlyRB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aNoRB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+// aSingleJobsCB.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aFaxLB.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SwAddPrinterTabPage, SelectHdl ) );
+ const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
+ if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rCoreSet.GetItemState(SID_HTML_MODE, FALSE, &pItem )
+ && ((SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue() & HTMLMODE_ON)
+ {
+// aDrawCB .Hide();
+ aLeftPageCB .Hide();
+ aRightPageCB .Hide();
+ aPrintHiddenTextCB.Hide();
+ aPrintTextPlaceholderCB.Hide();
+// aReverseCB.SetPosPixel(aLeftPageCB.GetPosPixel());
+ aProspectCB.SetPosPixel(aLeftPageCB.GetPosPixel());
+ Point aPt( aRightPageCB.GetPosPixel() );
+ aPt.setX(aPt.getX() + 15); // indent
+ aProspectCB_RTL.SetPosPixel(aPt);
+// aBlackFontCB.SetPosPixel(aBackgroundCB.GetPosPixel());
+// aPrintHiddenTextCB.SetPosPixel(aBlackFontCB.GetPosPixel());
+// aBackgroundCB.SetPosPixel(aCtrlFldCB.GetPosPixel());
+// aCtrlFldCB.SetPosPixel(aDrawCB.GetPosPixel());
+ // hide aPrintEmptyPagesCB and move everything below up accordingly
+ long nDeltaY = aPaperFromSetupCB.GetPosPixel().getY() - aPrintEmptyPagesCB.GetPosPixel().getY();
+ aPrintEmptyPagesCB.Hide();
+ aPt = aPaperFromSetupCB.GetPosPixel();
+ aPt.setY( aPt.getY() - nDeltaY );
+ aPaperFromSetupCB.SetPosPixel( aPt );
+ aPt = aFaxFT.GetPosPixel();
+ aPt.setY( aPt.getY() - nDeltaY );
+ aFaxFT.SetPosPixel( aPt );
+ aPt = aFaxLB.GetPosPixel();
+ aPt.setY( aPt.getY() - nDeltaY );
+ aFaxLB.SetPosPixel( aPt );
+ }
+ aProspectCB_RTL.Disable();
+ SvtCTLOptions aCTLOptions;
+ aProspectCB_RTL.Show(aCTLOptions.IsCTLFontEnabled());
+void SwAddPrinterTabPage::SetPreview(BOOL bPrev)
+ bPreview = bPrev;
+ if (bPreview)
+ {
+ aLeftPageCB.Disable();
+ aRightPageCB.Disable();
+ aProspectCB.Disable();
+ aProspectCB_RTL.Disable();
+ aFL3.Disable();
+ aNoRB.Disable();
+ aOnlyRB.Disable();
+ aEndRB.Disable();
+ aEndPageRB.Disable();
+ }
+SfxTabPage* SwAddPrinterTabPage::Create( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet )
+ return ( new SwAddPrinterTabPage( pParent, rAttrSet ) );
+BOOL SwAddPrinterTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rCoreSet )
+ if ( bAttrModified )
+ {
+ SwAddPrinterItem aAddPrinterAttr (FN_PARAM_ADDPRINTER);
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintGraphic = aGrfCB.IsChecked();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintTable = TRUE; // always enabled since CWS printerpullgpages /*aTabCB.IsChecked();*/
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintDraw = aGrfCB.IsChecked(); // UI merged with aGrfCB in CWS printerpullgpages /*aDrawCB.IsChecked()*/;
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintControl = aCtrlFldCB.IsChecked();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintPageBackground = aBackgroundCB.IsChecked();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintBlackFont = aBlackFontCB.IsChecked();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintHiddenText = aPrintHiddenTextCB.IsChecked();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintTextPlaceholder = aPrintTextPlaceholderCB.IsChecked();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintLeftPages = aLeftPageCB.IsChecked();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintRightPages = aRightPageCB.IsChecked();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintReverse = FALSE; // handled by vcl itself since CWS printerpullpages /*aReverseCB.IsChecked()*/;
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintProspect = aProspectCB.IsChecked();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintProspectRTL = aProspectCB_RTL.IsChecked();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPaperFromSetup = aPaperFromSetupCB.IsChecked();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintEmptyPages = aPrintEmptyPagesCB.IsChecked();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintSingleJobs = TRUE; // handled by vcl in new print dialog since CWS printerpullpages /*aSingleJobsCB.IsChecked()*/;
+ if (aNoRB.IsChecked()) aAddPrinterAttr.nPrintPostIts =
+ if (aOnlyRB.IsChecked()) aAddPrinterAttr.nPrintPostIts =
+ if (aEndRB.IsChecked()) aAddPrinterAttr.nPrintPostIts =
+ if (aEndPageRB.IsChecked()) aAddPrinterAttr.nPrintPostIts =
+ String sFax = aFaxLB.GetSelectEntry();
+ aAddPrinterAttr.sFaxName = sNone == sFax ? aEmptyStr : sFax;
+ rCoreSet.Put(aAddPrinterAttr);
+ }
+ return bAttrModified;
+void SwAddPrinterTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& )
+ const SfxItemSet& rSet = GetItemSet();
+ const SwAddPrinterItem* pAddPrinterAttr = 0;
+ (const SfxPoolItem**)&pAddPrinterAttr ))
+ {
+ aGrfCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintGraphic || pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintDraw );
+// aTabCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintTable);
+// aDrawCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintDraw);
+ aCtrlFldCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintControl);
+ aBackgroundCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintPageBackground);
+ aBlackFontCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintBlackFont);
+ aPrintHiddenTextCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintHiddenText);
+ aPrintTextPlaceholderCB.Check(pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintTextPlaceholder);
+ aLeftPageCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintLeftPages);
+ aRightPageCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintRightPages);
+// aReverseCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintReverse);
+ aPaperFromSetupCB.Check(pAddPrinterAttr->bPaperFromSetup);
+ aPrintEmptyPagesCB.Check(pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintEmptyPages);
+ aProspectCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintProspect);
+ aProspectCB_RTL.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintProspectRTL);
+// aSingleJobsCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintSingleJobs);
+ aNoRB.Check (pAddPrinterAttr->nPrintPostIts== POSTITS_NONE ) ;
+ aOnlyRB.Check (pAddPrinterAttr->nPrintPostIts== POSTITS_ONLY ) ;
+ aEndRB.Check (pAddPrinterAttr->nPrintPostIts== POSTITS_ENDDOC ) ;
+ aEndPageRB.Check (pAddPrinterAttr->nPrintPostIts== POSTITS_ENDPAGE ) ;
+ aFaxLB.SelectEntry( pAddPrinterAttr->sFaxName );
+ }
+ if (aProspectCB.IsChecked())
+ {
+ aProspectCB_RTL.Enable(TRUE);
+ aNoRB.Enable( FALSE );
+ aOnlyRB.Enable( FALSE );
+ aEndRB.Enable( FALSE );
+ aEndPageRB.Enable( FALSE );
+ }
+ else
+ aProspectCB_RTL.Enable( FALSE );
+void SwAddPrinterTabPage::Init()
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwAddPrinterTabPage, AutoClickHdl, CheckBox *, EMPTYARG )
+ bAttrModified = TRUE;
+ bool bIsProspect = aProspectCB.IsChecked();
+ if (!bIsProspect)
+ aProspectCB_RTL.Check( FALSE );
+ aProspectCB_RTL.Enable( bIsProspect );
+ aNoRB.Enable( !bIsProspect );
+ aOnlyRB.Enable( !bIsProspect );
+ aEndRB.Enable( !bIsProspect );
+ aEndPageRB.Enable( !bIsProspect );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwAddPrinterTabPage, AutoClickHdl, CheckBox *, EMPTYARG )
+void SwAddPrinterTabPage::SetFax( const SvStringsDtor& rFaxLst )
+ aFaxLB.InsertEntry(sNone);
+ for ( USHORT i = 0; i < rFaxLst.Count(); ++i )
+ aFaxLB.InsertEntry( *rFaxLst.GetObject(i) );
+ aFaxLB.SelectEntryPos(0);
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwAddPrinterTabPage, SelectHdl, ListBox *, EMPTYARG )
+ bAttrModified=TRUE;
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwAddPrinterTabPage, SelectHdl, ListBox *, EMPTYARG )
+void SwAddPrinterTabPage::PageCreated (SfxAllItemSet aSet)
+ //SFX_ITEMSET_ARG (&aSet,pListItem,SfxStringListItem,SID_FAX_LIST,sal_False);
+ SFX_ITEMSET_ARG (&aSet,pListItem,SfxBoolItem,SID_FAX_LIST,sal_False);
+ SFX_ITEMSET_ARG (&aSet,pPreviewItem,SfxBoolItem,SID_PREVIEWFLAG_TYPE,sal_False);
+ if (pPreviewItem)
+ {
+ SetPreview(pPreviewItem->GetValue());
+ Reset(aSet);
+ }
+ if (pListItem && pListItem->GetValue())
+ {
+ SvStringsDtor aFaxList;
+ const std::vector<rtl::OUString>& rPrinters = Printer::GetPrinterQueues();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rPrinters.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ String* pString = new String( rPrinters[i] );
+ String* &rpString = pString;
+ aFaxList.Insert(rpString, 0);
+ }
+ SetFax( aFaxList );
+/* SvStringsDtor aFaxList;
+ const List *pList = (pListItem)->GetList();
+ sal_uInt32 nCount = pList->Count();
+ for(sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nCount ; i++)
+ {
+ String* pString = (String*)(pList->GetObject(i));
+ String* &rpString = pString;
+ aFaxList.Insert(rpString, 0 );
+ }
+ SetFax(aFaxList);
+ }
+/*-----------------03.09.96 11.53-------------------
+ Tabpage Standardfonts
+SwStdFontTabPage::SwStdFontTabPage( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rSet ) :
+ SfxTabPage( pParent, SW_RES( TP_STD_FONT ), rSet),
+ aStdChrFL (this, SW_RES(FL_STDCHR )),
+ aTypeFT( this, SW_RES( FT_TYPE )),
+ aStandardLbl(this, SW_RES(FT_STANDARD)),
+ aStandardBox(this, SW_RES(LB_STANDARD)),
+ aHeightFT( this, SW_RES( FT_SIZE )),
+ aStandardHeightLB(this, SW_RES( LB_STANDARD_SIZE )),
+ aTitleLbl (this, SW_RES(FT_TITLE )),
+ aTitleBox (this, SW_RES(LB_TITLE )),
+ aTitleHeightLB( this, SW_RES( LB_TITLE_SIZE )),
+ aListLbl (this, SW_RES(FT_LIST )),
+ aListBox (this, SW_RES(LB_LIST )),
+ aListHeightLB( this, SW_RES( LB_LIST_SIZE )),
+ aLabelLbl (this, SW_RES(FT_LABEL )),
+ aLabelBox (this, SW_RES(LB_LABEL )),
+ aLabelHeightLB( this, SW_RES( LB_LABEL_SIZE )),
+ aIdxLbl (this, SW_RES(FT_IDX )),
+ aIdxBox (this, SW_RES(LB_IDX )),
+ aIndexHeightLB( this, SW_RES( LB_INDEX_SIZE )),
+ aDocOnlyCB (this, SW_RES(CB_DOCONLY )),
+ aStandardPB (this, SW_RES(PB_STANDARD)),
+ pPrt(0),
+ pFontList(0),
+ pFontConfig(0),
+ pWrtShell(0),
+ eLanguage( GetAppLanguage() ),
+ bListDefault(FALSE),
+ bSetListDefault(TRUE),
+ bLabelDefault(FALSE),
+ bSetLabelDefault(TRUE),
+ bIdxDefault(FALSE),
+ bSetIdxDefault(TRUE),
+ bDeletePrinter(FALSE),
+ bListHeightDefault (FALSE),
+ bSetListHeightDefault (FALSE),
+ bLabelHeightDefault (FALSE),
+ bSetLabelHeightDefault(FALSE),
+ bIndexHeightDefault (FALSE),
+ bSetIndexHeightDefault (FALSE),
+ sScriptWestern(SW_RES(ST_SCRIPT_WESTERN)),
+ sScriptAsian(SW_RES(ST_SCRIPT_ASIAN)),
+ sScriptComplex(SW_RES(ST_SCRIPT_CTL))
+ FreeResource();
+ aStandardPB.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwStdFontTabPage, StandardHdl));
+ aStandardBox.SetModifyHdl( LINK(this, SwStdFontTabPage, ModifyHdl));
+ aListBox .SetModifyHdl( LINK(this, SwStdFontTabPage, ModifyHdl));
+ aLabelBox .SetModifyHdl( LINK(this, SwStdFontTabPage, ModifyHdl));
+ aIdxBox .SetModifyHdl( LINK(this, SwStdFontTabPage, ModifyHdl));
+ Link aFocusLink = LINK( this, SwStdFontTabPage, LoseFocusHdl);
+ aStandardBox.SetLoseFocusHdl( aFocusLink );
+ aTitleBox .SetLoseFocusHdl( aFocusLink );
+ aListBox .SetLoseFocusHdl( aFocusLink );
+ aLabelBox .SetLoseFocusHdl( aFocusLink );
+ aIdxBox .SetLoseFocusHdl( aFocusLink );
+ Link aModifyHeightLink( LINK( this, SwStdFontTabPage, ModifyHeightHdl));
+ aStandardHeightLB.SetModifyHdl( aModifyHeightLink );
+ aTitleHeightLB. SetModifyHdl( aModifyHeightLink );
+ aListHeightLB. SetModifyHdl( aModifyHeightLink );
+ aLabelHeightLB. SetModifyHdl( aModifyHeightLink );
+ aIndexHeightLB. SetModifyHdl( aModifyHeightLink );
+ aDocOnlyCB.Check(SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig()->IsDefaultFontInCurrDocOnly());
+/*-----------------03.09.96 11.53-------------------
+ if(bDeletePrinter)
+ delete pPrt;
+/*-----------------03.09.96 11.53-------------------
+SfxTabPage* SwStdFontTabPage::Create( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet )
+ return new SwStdFontTabPage(pParent, rAttrSet);
+/*-----------------03.09.96 11.53-------------------
+void lcl_SetColl(SwWrtShell* pWrtShell, USHORT nType,
+ SfxPrinter* pPrt, const String& rStyle,
+ USHORT nFontWhich)
+ BOOL bDelete = FALSE;
+ const SfxFont* pFnt = pPrt ? pPrt->GetFontByName(rStyle): 0;
+ if(!pFnt)
+ {
+ pFnt = new SfxFont(FAMILY_DONTKNOW, rStyle);
+ bDelete = TRUE;
+ }
+ SwTxtFmtColl *pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(nType);
+ pColl->SetFmtAttr(SvxFontItem(pFnt->GetFamily(), pFnt->GetName(),
+ aEmptyStr, pFnt->GetPitch(), pFnt->GetCharSet(), nFontWhich));
+ if(bDelete)
+ {
+ delete (SfxFont*) pFnt;
+ }
+/*-- 11.10.2005 15:47:52---------------------------------------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void lcl_SetColl(SwWrtShell* pWrtShell, USHORT nType,
+ sal_Int32 nHeight, USHORT nFontHeightWhich)
+ float fSize = (float)nHeight / 10;
+ nHeight = CalcToUnit( fSize, SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP );
+ SwTxtFmtColl *pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(nType);
+ pColl->SetFmtAttr(SvxFontHeightItem(nHeight, 100, nFontHeightWhich));
+/*-----------------03.09.96 11.53-------------------
+BOOL SwStdFontTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& )
+ BOOL bNotDocOnly = !aDocOnlyCB.IsChecked();
+ SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig()->SetDefaultFontInCurrDocOnly(!bNotDocOnly);
+ String sStandard = aStandardBox.GetText();
+ String sTitle = aTitleBox .GetText();
+ String sList = aListBox .GetText();
+ String sLabel = aLabelBox .GetText();
+ String sIdx = aIdxBox .GetText();
+ String sStandardBak = aStandardBox.GetSavedValue();
+ String sTitleBak = aTitleBox .GetSavedValue();
+ String sListBak = aListBox .GetSavedValue();
+ String sLabelBak = aLabelBox .GetSavedValue();
+ String sIdxBak = aIdxBox .GetSavedValue();
+ bool bStandardHeightChanged = aStandardHeightLB.GetSavedValue() != aStandardHeightLB.GetText();
+ bool bTitleHeightChanged = aTitleHeightLB.GetSavedValue() != aTitleHeightLB.GetText();
+ bool bListHeightChanged = aListHeightLB.GetSavedValue() != aListHeightLB.GetText() && (!bListHeightDefault || !bSetListHeightDefault );
+ bool bLabelHeightChanged = aLabelHeightLB.GetSavedValue() != aLabelHeightLB.GetText() && (!bLabelHeightDefault || !bSetLabelHeightDefault );
+ bool bIndexHeightChanged = aIndexHeightLB.GetSavedValue() != aIndexHeightLB.GetText() && (!bIndexHeightDefault || !bSetIndexHeightDefault );
+ if(bNotDocOnly)
+ {
+ pFontConfig->SetFontStandard(sStandard, nFontGroup);
+ pFontConfig->SetFontOutline(sTitle, nFontGroup);
+ pFontConfig->SetFontList(sList, nFontGroup);
+ pFontConfig->SetFontCaption(sLabel, nFontGroup);
+ pFontConfig->SetFontIndex(sIdx, nFontGroup);
+ if(bStandardHeightChanged)
+ {
+ float fSize = (float)aStandardHeightLB.GetValue() / 10;
+ pFontConfig->SetFontHeight( CalcToUnit( fSize, SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP ), FONT_STANDARD, nFontGroup );
+ }
+ if(bTitleHeightChanged)
+ {
+ float fSize = (float)aTitleHeightLB.GetValue() / 10;
+ pFontConfig->SetFontHeight( CalcToUnit( fSize, SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP ), FONT_OUTLINE, nFontGroup );
+ }
+ if(bListHeightChanged)
+ {
+ float fSize = (float)aListHeightLB.GetValue() / 10;
+ pFontConfig->SetFontHeight( CalcToUnit( fSize, SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP ), FONT_LIST, nFontGroup );
+ }
+ if(bLabelHeightChanged)
+ {
+ float fSize = (float)aLabelHeightLB.GetValue() / 10;
+ pFontConfig->SetFontHeight( CalcToUnit( fSize, SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP ), FONT_CAPTION, nFontGroup );
+ }
+ if(bIndexHeightChanged)
+ {
+ float fSize = (float)aIndexHeightLB.GetValue() / 10;
+ pFontConfig->SetFontHeight( CalcToUnit( fSize, SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP ), FONT_INDEX, nFontGroup );
+ }
+ }
+ if(pWrtShell)
+ {
+ pWrtShell->StartAllAction();
+ SfxPrinter* pPrinter = pWrtShell->getIDocumentDeviceAccess()->getPrinter( false );
+ BOOL bMod = FALSE;
+ USHORT nFontWhich = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16, RES_CHRATR >(
+ USHORT nFontHeightWhich = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16, RES_CHRATR >(
+ if(sStandard != sShellStd)
+ {
+ BOOL bDelete = FALSE;
+ const SfxFont* pFnt = pPrinter ? pPrinter->GetFontByName(sStandard): 0;
+ if(!pFnt)
+ {
+ pFnt = new SfxFont(FAMILY_DONTKNOW, sStandard);
+ bDelete = TRUE;
+ }
+ pWrtShell->SetDefault(SvxFontItem(pFnt->GetFamily(), pFnt->GetName(),
+ aEmptyStr, pFnt->GetPitch(), pFnt->GetCharSet(), nFontWhich));
+ SwTxtFmtColl *pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD);
+ pColl->ResetFmtAttr(nFontWhich);
+ if(bDelete)
+ {
+ delete (SfxFont*) pFnt;
+ bDelete = FALSE;
+ }
+// lcl_SetColl(pWrtShell, RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD, pPrinter, sStandard);
+ bMod = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(bStandardHeightChanged)
+ {
+ float fSize = (float)aStandardHeightLB.GetValue() / 10;
+ pWrtShell->SetDefault(SvxFontHeightItem( CalcToUnit( fSize, SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP ), 100, nFontHeightWhich ) );
+ SwTxtFmtColl *pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD);
+ pColl->ResetFmtAttr(nFontHeightWhich);
+ bMod = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(sTitle != sShellTitle )
+ {
+ lcl_SetColl(pWrtShell, RES_POOLCOLL_HEADLINE_BASE, pPrinter, sTitle, nFontWhich);
+ bMod = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(bTitleHeightChanged)
+ {
+ sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16, sal_Int64 >(aTitleHeightLB.GetValue()), nFontHeightWhich);
+ bMod = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(sList != sShellList && (!bListDefault || !bSetListDefault ))
+ {
+ lcl_SetColl(pWrtShell, RES_POOLCOLL_NUMBUL_BASE, pPrinter, sList, nFontWhich);
+ bMod = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(bListHeightChanged)
+ {
+ lcl_SetColl(pWrtShell, RES_POOLCOLL_NUMBUL_BASE,
+ sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16, sal_Int64 >(aListHeightLB.GetValue()), nFontHeightWhich);
+ bMod = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(sLabel != sShellLabel && (!bLabelDefault || !bSetLabelDefault))
+ {
+ lcl_SetColl(pWrtShell, RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL, pPrinter, sLabel, nFontWhich);
+ bMod = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(bLabelHeightChanged)
+ {
+ lcl_SetColl(pWrtShell, RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL,
+ sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16, sal_Int64 >(aLabelHeightLB.GetValue()), nFontHeightWhich);
+ bMod = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(sIdx != sShellIndex && (!bIdxDefault || !bSetIdxDefault))
+ {
+ lcl_SetColl(pWrtShell, RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_BASE, pPrinter, sIdx, nFontWhich);
+ bMod = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(bIndexHeightChanged)
+ {
+ sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16, sal_Int64 >(aIndexHeightLB.GetValue()), nFontHeightWhich);
+ bMod = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( bMod )
+ pWrtShell->SetModified();
+ pWrtShell->EndAllAction();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/*-----------------03.09.96 11.53-------------------
+void SwStdFontTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ const SfxPoolItem* pLang;
+ if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(nLangSlot, FALSE, &pLang))
+ eLanguage = ((const SvxLanguageItem*)pLang)->GetValue();
+ String sTmp(aStdChrFL.GetText());
+ String sToReplace = sScriptWestern;
+ if(FONT_GROUP_CJK == nFontGroup )
+ sToReplace = sScriptAsian;
+ else if(FONT_GROUP_CTL == nFontGroup )
+ sToReplace = sScriptComplex;
+ sTmp.SearchAndReplaceAscii("%1", sToReplace);
+ aStdChrFL.SetText(sTmp);
+ const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
+ if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(FN_PARAM_PRINTER, FALSE, &pItem))
+ {
+ pPrt = (SfxPrinter*)((const SwPtrItem*)pItem)->GetValue();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SfxItemSet* pPrinterSet = new SfxItemSet( *rSet.GetPool(),
+ 0 );
+ pPrt = new SfxPrinter(pPrinterSet);
+ bDeletePrinter = TRUE;
+ }
+ pFontList = new FontList( pPrt );
+ // #i94536# prevent duplication of font entries when 'reset' button is pressed
+ if( !aStandardBox.GetEntryCount() )
+ {
+ const USHORT nCount = pPrt->GetFontCount();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const String &rString = pPrt->GetFont(i)->GetName();
+ aStandardBox.InsertEntry( rString );
+ aTitleBox .InsertEntry( rString );
+ aListBox .InsertEntry( rString );
+ aLabelBox .InsertEntry( rString );
+ aIdxBox .InsertEntry( rString );
+ }
+ }
+ if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(FN_PARAM_STDFONTS, FALSE, &pItem))
+ {
+ pFontConfig = (SwStdFontConfig*)((const SwPtrItem*)pItem)->GetValue();
+ }
+ if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(FN_PARAM_WRTSHELL, FALSE, &pItem))
+ {
+ pWrtShell = (SwWrtShell*)((const SwPtrItem*)pItem)->GetValue();
+ }
+ String sStdBackup;
+ String sOutBackup;
+ String sListBackup;
+ String sCapBackup;
+ String sIdxBackup;
+ sal_Int32 nStandardHeight = -1;
+ sal_Int32 nTitleHeight = -1;
+ sal_Int32 nListHeight = -1;
+ sal_Int32 nLabelHeight = -1;
+ sal_Int32 nIndexHeight = -1;
+ if(!pWrtShell)
+ {
+ sStdBackup = pFontConfig->GetFontStandard(nFontGroup);
+ sOutBackup = pFontConfig->GetFontOutline(nFontGroup);
+ sListBackup= pFontConfig->GetFontList(nFontGroup);
+ sCapBackup = pFontConfig->GetFontCaption(nFontGroup);
+ sIdxBackup = pFontConfig->GetFontIndex(nFontGroup);
+ nStandardHeight = pFontConfig->GetFontHeight( FONT_STANDARD, nFontGroup, eLanguage );
+ nTitleHeight = pFontConfig->GetFontHeight( FONT_OUTLINE , nFontGroup, eLanguage );
+ nListHeight = pFontConfig->GetFontHeight( FONT_LIST , nFontGroup, eLanguage );
+ nLabelHeight = pFontConfig->GetFontHeight( FONT_CAPTION , nFontGroup, eLanguage );
+ nIndexHeight = pFontConfig->GetFontHeight( FONT_INDEX , nFontGroup, eLanguage );
+ if( nStandardHeight <= 0)
+ nStandardHeight = pFontConfig->GetDefaultHeightFor( FONT_STANDARD + nFontGroup * FONT_PER_GROUP, eLanguage);
+ if( nTitleHeight <= 0)
+ nTitleHeight = pFontConfig->GetDefaultHeightFor( FONT_OUTLINE + nFontGroup * FONT_PER_GROUP, eLanguage);
+ if( nListHeight <= 0)
+ nListHeight = pFontConfig->GetDefaultHeightFor( FONT_LIST + nFontGroup * FONT_PER_GROUP, eLanguage);
+ if( nLabelHeight <= 0)
+ nLabelHeight = pFontConfig->GetDefaultHeightFor( FONT_CAPTION + nFontGroup * FONT_PER_GROUP, eLanguage);
+ if( nIndexHeight <= 0)
+ nIndexHeight = pFontConfig->GetDefaultHeightFor( FONT_INDEX + nFontGroup * FONT_PER_GROUP, eLanguage);
+ aDocOnlyCB.Enable(FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SwTxtFmtColl *pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD);
+ const SvxFontItem& rFont = !nFontGroup ? pColl->GetFont() :
+ FONT_GROUP_CJK == nFontGroup ? pColl->GetCJKFont() : pColl->GetCTLFont();
+ sShellStd = sStdBackup = rFont.GetFamilyName();
+ USHORT nFontHeightWhich = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16, RES_CHRATR >(
+ const SvxFontHeightItem& rFontHeightStandard = (const SvxFontHeightItem& )pColl->GetFmtAttr(nFontHeightWhich);
+ nStandardHeight = (sal_Int32)rFontHeightStandard.GetHeight();
+ pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_HEADLINE_BASE);
+ const SvxFontItem& rFontHL = !nFontGroup ? pColl->GetFont() :
+ FONT_GROUP_CJK == nFontGroup ? pColl->GetCJKFont() : pColl->GetCTLFont();
+ sShellTitle = sOutBackup = rFontHL.GetFamilyName();
+ const SvxFontHeightItem& rFontHeightTitle = (const SvxFontHeightItem&)pColl->GetFmtAttr( nFontHeightWhich, sal_True );
+ nTitleHeight = (sal_Int32)rFontHeightTitle.GetHeight();
+ USHORT nFontWhich = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16, RES_CHRATR >(
+ pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_NUMBUL_BASE);
+ const SvxFontItem& rFontLS = !nFontGroup ? pColl->GetFont() :
+ FONT_GROUP_CJK == nFontGroup ? pColl->GetCJKFont() : pColl->GetCTLFont();
+ bListDefault = SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT == pColl->GetAttrSet().GetItemState(nFontWhich, FALSE);
+ sShellList = sListBackup = rFontLS.GetFamilyName();
+ const SvxFontHeightItem& rFontHeightList = (const SvxFontHeightItem&)pColl->GetFmtAttr(nFontHeightWhich, sal_True);
+ nListHeight = (sal_Int32)rFontHeightList.GetHeight();
+ bListHeightDefault = SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT == pColl->GetAttrSet().GetItemState(nFontWhich, FALSE);
+ pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL);
+ bLabelDefault = SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT == pColl->GetAttrSet().GetItemState(nFontWhich, FALSE);
+ const SvxFontItem& rFontCP = !nFontGroup ? pColl->GetFont() :
+ FONT_GROUP_CJK == nFontGroup ? pColl->GetCJKFont() : pColl->GetCTLFont();
+ sShellLabel = sCapBackup = rFontCP.GetFamilyName();
+ const SvxFontHeightItem& rFontHeightLabel = (const SvxFontHeightItem&)pColl->GetFmtAttr(nFontHeightWhich, sal_True);
+ nLabelHeight = (sal_Int32)rFontHeightLabel.GetHeight();
+ bLabelHeightDefault = SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT == pColl->GetAttrSet().GetItemState(nFontWhich, FALSE);
+ pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_BASE);
+ bIdxDefault = SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT == pColl->GetAttrSet().GetItemState(nFontWhich, FALSE);
+ const SvxFontItem& rFontIDX = !nFontGroup ? pColl->GetFont() :
+ FONT_GROUP_CJK == nFontGroup ? pColl->GetCJKFont() : pColl->GetCTLFont();
+ sShellIndex = sIdxBackup = rFontIDX.GetFamilyName();
+ const SvxFontHeightItem& rFontHeightIndex = (const SvxFontHeightItem&)pColl->GetFmtAttr(nFontHeightWhich, sal_True);
+ nIndexHeight = (sal_Int32)rFontHeightIndex.GetHeight();
+ bIndexHeightDefault = SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT == pColl->GetAttrSet().GetItemState(nFontWhich, FALSE);
+ }
+ aStandardBox.SetText(sStdBackup );
+ aTitleBox .SetText(sOutBackup );
+ aListBox .SetText(sListBackup);
+ aLabelBox .SetText(sCapBackup );
+ aIdxBox .SetText(sIdxBackup );
+ FontInfo aFontInfo( pFontList->Get(sStdBackup, sStdBackup) );
+ aStandardHeightLB.Fill( &aFontInfo, pFontList );
+ aFontInfo = pFontList->Get(sOutBackup, sOutBackup );
+ aTitleHeightLB.Fill( &aFontInfo, pFontList );
+ aFontInfo = pFontList->Get(sListBackup,sListBackup);
+ aListHeightLB.Fill( &aFontInfo, pFontList );
+ aFontInfo = pFontList->Get(sCapBackup, sCapBackup );
+ aLabelHeightLB.Fill( &aFontInfo, pFontList );
+ aFontInfo = pFontList->Get(sIdxBackup, sIdxBackup );
+ aIndexHeightLB.Fill( &aFontInfo, pFontList );
+ aStandardHeightLB.SetValue( CalcToPoint( nStandardHeight, SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP, 10 ) );
+ aTitleHeightLB. SetValue( CalcToPoint( nTitleHeight , SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP, 10 ) );
+ aListHeightLB. SetValue( CalcToPoint( nListHeight , SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP, 10 ) );
+ aLabelHeightLB. SetValue( CalcToPoint( nLabelHeight , SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP, 10 ));
+ aIndexHeightLB. SetValue( CalcToPoint( nIndexHeight , SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP, 10 ));
+ aStandardBox.SaveValue();
+ aTitleBox .SaveValue();
+ aListBox .SaveValue();
+ aLabelBox .SaveValue();
+ aIdxBox .SaveValue();
+ aStandardHeightLB.SaveValue();
+ aTitleHeightLB. SaveValue();
+ aListHeightLB. SaveValue();
+ aLabelHeightLB. SaveValue();
+ aIndexHeightLB. SaveValue();
+/*-----------------07.09.96 12.28-------------------
+IMPL_LINK( SwStdFontTabPage, StandardHdl, PushButton *, EMPTYARG )
+ sal_uInt8 nFontOffset = nFontGroup * FONT_PER_GROUP;
+ aStandardBox.SetText(SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultFor(FONT_STANDARD + nFontOffset, eLanguage));
+ aTitleBox .SetText(SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultFor(FONT_OUTLINE + nFontOffset, eLanguage));
+ aListBox .SetText(SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultFor(FONT_LIST + nFontOffset, eLanguage));
+ aLabelBox .SetText(SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultFor(FONT_CAPTION + nFontOffset, eLanguage));
+ aIdxBox .SetText(SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultFor(FONT_INDEX + nFontOffset, eLanguage));
+ aStandardBox.SaveValue();
+ aTitleBox .SaveValue();
+ aListBox .SaveValue();
+ aLabelBox .SaveValue();
+ aIdxBox .SaveValue();
+ aStandardHeightLB.SetValue( CalcToPoint(
+ SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultHeightFor(FONT_STANDARD + nFontOffset, eLanguage),
+ aTitleHeightLB .SetValue(CalcToPoint(
+ SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultHeightFor(FONT_OUTLINE +
+ nFontOffset, eLanguage), SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP, 10 ));
+ aListHeightLB .SetValue(CalcToPoint(
+ SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultHeightFor(FONT_LIST + nFontOffset, eLanguage),
+ aLabelHeightLB .SetValue(CalcToPoint(
+ SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultHeightFor(FONT_CAPTION + nFontOffset, eLanguage),
+ aIndexHeightLB .SetValue(CalcToPoint(
+ SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultHeightFor(FONT_INDEX + nFontOffset, eLanguage),
+ return 0;
+/*-----------------17.01.97 15.43-------------------
+IMPL_LINK( SwStdFontTabPage, ModifyHdl, ComboBox*, pBox )
+ if(pBox == &aStandardBox)
+ {
+ String sEntry = pBox->GetText();
+ if(bSetListDefault && bListDefault)
+ aListBox.SetText(sEntry);
+ if(bSetLabelDefault && bLabelDefault)
+ aLabelBox.SetText(sEntry);
+ if(bSetIdxDefault && bIdxDefault)
+ aIdxBox.SetText(sEntry);
+ }
+ else if(pBox == &aListBox)
+ {
+ bSetListDefault = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if(pBox == &aLabelBox)
+ {
+ bSetLabelDefault = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if(pBox == &aIdxBox)
+ {
+ bSetIdxDefault = FALSE;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/*-- 11.10.2005 15:11:23---------------------------------------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwStdFontTabPage, ModifyHeightHdl, FontSizeBox*, pBox )
+ if(pBox == &aStandardHeightLB)
+ {
+ sal_Int64 nValue = pBox->GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP);
+ if(bSetListHeightDefault && bListHeightDefault)
+ aListHeightLB.SetValue(nValue, FUNIT_TWIP);
+ if(bSetLabelHeightDefault && bLabelHeightDefault)
+ aLabelHeightLB.SetValue(nValue, FUNIT_TWIP);
+ if(bSetIndexHeightDefault && bIndexHeightDefault)
+ aIndexHeightLB.SetValue(nValue, FUNIT_TWIP);
+ }
+ else if(pBox == &aListHeightLB)
+ {
+ bSetListHeightDefault = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if(pBox == &aLabelHeightLB)
+ {
+ bSetLabelHeightDefault = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if(pBox == &aIndexHeightLB)
+ {
+ bSetIndexHeightDefault = FALSE;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/*-- 28.09.2005 13:22:36---------------------------------------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK( SwStdFontTabPage, LoseFocusHdl, ComboBox*, pBox )
+ FontSizeBox* pHeightLB = 0;
+ String sEntry = pBox->GetText();
+ if(pBox == &aStandardBox)
+ {
+ pHeightLB = &aStandardHeightLB;
+ }
+ else if(pBox == &aTitleBox)
+ {
+ pHeightLB = &aTitleHeightLB;
+ }
+ else if(pBox == &aListBox)
+ {
+ pHeightLB = &aListHeightLB;
+ }
+ else if(pBox == &aLabelBox)
+ {
+ pHeightLB = &aLabelHeightLB;
+ }
+ else /*if(pBox == &aIdxBox)*/
+ {
+ pHeightLB = &aIndexHeightLB;
+ }
+ FontInfo aFontInfo( pFontList->Get(sEntry, sEntry) );
+ pHeightLB->Fill( &aFontInfo, pFontList );
+ return 0;
+void SwStdFontTabPage::PageCreated (SfxAllItemSet aSet)
+ SFX_ITEMSET_ARG (&aSet,pFlagItem,SfxUInt16Item, SID_FONTMODE_TYPE, sal_False);
+ if (pFlagItem)
+ SetFontMode(sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt8, sal_uInt16>( pFlagItem->GetValue()));
+/*-----------------18.01.97 12.14-------------------
+ Optionen Tabelle
+SwTableOptionsTabPage::SwTableOptionsTabPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) :
+ SfxTabPage(pParent, SW_RES(TP_OPTTABLE_PAGE), rSet),
+ aTableFL (this, SW_RES(FL_TABLE )),
+ aHeaderCB (this, SW_RES(CB_HEADER )),
+ aRepeatHeaderCB (this, SW_RES(CB_REPEAT_HEADER )),
+ aDontSplitCB (this, SW_RES(CB_DONT_SPLIT )),
+ aBorderCB (this, SW_RES(CB_BORDER )),
+ aSeparatorFL (this, SW_RES(FL_TABLE_SEPARATOR)),
+ aTableInsertFL (this, SW_RES(FL_TABLE_INSERT )),
+ aNumFormattingCB(this, SW_RES(CB_NUMFORMATTING )),
+ aNumFmtFormattingCB(this, SW_RES(CB_NUMFMT_FORMATTING )),
+ aNumAlignmentCB (this, SW_RES(CB_NUMALIGNMENT )),
+ aMoveFL( this, SW_RES(FL_MOVE )),
+ aMoveFT( this, SW_RES(FT_MOVE )),
+ aRowMoveFT( this, SW_RES(FT_ROWMOVE )),
+ aRowMoveMF( this, SW_RES(MF_ROWMOVE )),
+ aColMoveFT( this, SW_RES(FT_COLMOVE )),
+ aColMoveMF( this, SW_RES(MF_COLMOVE )),
+ aInsertFT( this, SW_RES(FT_INSERT )),
+ aRowInsertFT( this, SW_RES(FT_ROWINSERT)),
+ aRowInsertMF( this, SW_RES(MF_ROWINSERT)),
+ aColInsertFT( this, SW_RES(FT_COLINSERT)),
+ aColInsertMF( this, SW_RES(MF_COLINSERT)),
+ aHandlingFT( this, SW_RES(FT_HANDLING )),
+ aFixRB( this, SW_RES(RB_FIX )),
+ aFixPropRB( this, SW_RES(RB_FIXPROP )),
+ aVarRB( this, SW_RES(RB_VAR )),
+ aFixFT( this, SW_RES(FT_FIX )),
+ aFixPropFT( this, SW_RES(FT_FIXPROP )),
+ aVarFT( this, SW_RES(FT_VAR )),
+ pWrtShell(0),
+ FreeResource();
+ Link aLnk(LINK(this, SwTableOptionsTabPage, CheckBoxHdl));
+ aNumFormattingCB.SetClickHdl(aLnk);
+ aNumFmtFormattingCB.SetClickHdl(aLnk);
+ aHeaderCB.SetClickHdl(aLnk);
+/*-----------------18.01.97 12.43-------------------
+/*-----------------18.01.97 12.43-------------------
+SfxTabPage* SwTableOptionsTabPage::Create( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet )
+ return new SwTableOptionsTabPage(pParent, rAttrSet );
+/*-----------------18.01.97 12.42-------------------
+BOOL SwTableOptionsTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& )
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ SwModuleOptions* pModOpt = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig();
+ if(aRowMoveMF.IsModified())
+ pModOpt->SetTblHMove( (USHORT)aRowMoveMF.Denormalize( aRowMoveMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP)));
+ if(aColMoveMF.IsModified())
+ pModOpt->SetTblVMove( (USHORT)aColMoveMF.Denormalize( aColMoveMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP)));
+ if(aRowInsertMF.IsModified())
+ pModOpt->SetTblHInsert((USHORT)aRowInsertMF.Denormalize( aRowInsertMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP)));
+ if(aColInsertMF.IsModified())
+ pModOpt->SetTblVInsert((USHORT)aColInsertMF.Denormalize( aColInsertMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP)));
+ TblChgMode eMode;
+ if(aFixRB.IsChecked())
+ else if(aFixPropRB.IsChecked())
+ else
+ if(eMode != pModOpt->GetTblMode())
+ {
+ pModOpt->SetTblMode(eMode);
+ // der Tabellen-Tastatur-Modus hat sich geaendert, das soll
+ // jetzt auch die aktuelle Tabelle erfahren
+ if(pWrtShell && nsSelectionType::SEL_TBL & pWrtShell->GetSelectionType())
+ {
+ pWrtShell->SetTblChgMode(eMode);
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aInva[] =
+ 0
+ };
+ pWrtShell->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().Invalidate( aInva );
+ }
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ SwInsertTableOptions aInsOpts( 0, 0 );
+ if (aHeaderCB.IsChecked())
+ aInsOpts.mnInsMode |= tabopts::HEADLINE;
+ if (aRepeatHeaderCB.IsEnabled() )
+ aInsOpts.mnRowsToRepeat = aRepeatHeaderCB.IsChecked()? 1 : 0;
+ if (!aDontSplitCB.IsChecked())
+ aInsOpts.mnInsMode |= tabopts::SPLIT_LAYOUT;
+ if (aBorderCB.IsChecked())
+ aInsOpts.mnInsMode |= tabopts::DEFAULT_BORDER;
+ if (aHeaderCB.GetSavedValue() != aHeaderCB.GetState() ||
+ aRepeatHeaderCB.GetSavedValue() != aRepeatHeaderCB.GetState() ||
+ aDontSplitCB.GetSavedValue() != aDontSplitCB.GetState() ||
+ aBorderCB.GetSavedValue() != aBorderCB.GetState())
+ {
+ pModOpt->SetInsTblFlags(bHTMLMode, aInsOpts);
+ }
+ if (aNumFormattingCB.GetSavedValue() != aNumFormattingCB.GetState())
+ {
+ pModOpt->SetInsTblFormatNum(bHTMLMode, aNumFormattingCB.IsChecked());
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (aNumFmtFormattingCB.GetSavedValue() != aNumFmtFormattingCB.GetState())
+ {
+ pModOpt->SetInsTblChangeNumFormat(bHTMLMode, aNumFmtFormattingCB.IsChecked());
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (aNumAlignmentCB.GetSavedValue() != aNumAlignmentCB.GetState())
+ {
+ pModOpt->SetInsTblAlignNum(bHTMLMode, aNumAlignmentCB.IsChecked());
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ return bRet;
+/*-----------------18.01.97 12.42-------------------
+void SwTableOptionsTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ const SwModuleOptions* pModOpt = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig();
+ if ( rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_METRIC ) >= SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE )
+ {
+ const SfxUInt16Item& rItem = (SfxUInt16Item&)rSet.Get( SID_ATTR_METRIC );
+ FieldUnit eFieldUnit = (FieldUnit)rItem.GetValue();
+ ::SetFieldUnit( aRowMoveMF, eFieldUnit );
+ ::SetFieldUnit( aColMoveMF, eFieldUnit );
+ ::SetFieldUnit( aRowInsertMF, eFieldUnit );
+ ::SetFieldUnit( aColInsertMF, eFieldUnit );
+ }
+ aRowMoveMF .SetValue(aRowMoveMF.Normalize(pModOpt->GetTblHMove()), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aColMoveMF .SetValue(aColMoveMF.Normalize(pModOpt->GetTblVMove()), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aRowInsertMF.SetValue(aRowInsertMF.Normalize(pModOpt->GetTblHInsert()), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ aColInsertMF.SetValue(aColInsertMF.Normalize(pModOpt->GetTblVInsert()), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ switch(pModOpt->GetTblMode())
+ {
+ case TBLFIX_CHGABS: aFixRB.Check(); break;
+ case TBLFIX_CHGPROP: aFixPropRB.Check(); break;
+ case TBLVAR_CHGABS: aVarRB.Check(); break;
+ }
+ const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
+ if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(SID_HTML_MODE, FALSE, &pItem))
+ {
+ bHTMLMode = 0 != (((const SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue() & HTMLMODE_ON);
+ }
+ //bestimmte Controls fuer HTML verstecken
+ if(bHTMLMode)
+ {
+/* Point aPos(aCaptionFL.GetPosPixel());
+ long nYDiff = aTableFL.GetPosPixel().Y() - aPos.Y();
+ aTableFL.SetPosPixel(aPos);
+ aPos = aHeaderCB.GetPosPixel();
+ aPos.Y() -= nYDiff;
+ aHeaderCB.SetPosPixel(aPos);
+ aPos = aRepeatHeaderCB.GetPosPixel();
+ aPos.Y() -= nYDiff;
+ aRepeatHeaderCB.SetPosPixel(aPos);
+ aPos = aDontSplitCB.GetPosPixel(); // hier muss eine Luecke geschlossen werden
+ aPos.Y() -= nYDiff;
+ aBorderCB.SetPosPixel(aPos);
+ aPos = aTableInsertFL.GetPosPixel();
+ aPos.Y() -= nYDiff;
+ aTableInsertFL.SetPosPixel(aPos);
+ aPos = aNumFormattingCB.GetPosPixel();
+ aPos.Y() -= nYDiff;
+ aNumFormattingCB.SetPosPixel(aPos);
+ aPos = aNumFmtFormattingCB.GetPosPixel();
+ aPos.Y() -= nYDiff;
+ aNumFmtFormattingCB.SetPosPixel(aPos);
+ aPos = aNumAlignmentCB.GetPosPixel();
+ aPos.Y() -= nYDiff;
+ aNumAlignmentCB.SetPosPixel(aPos);
+ aCaptionFL.Hide();
+ aCaptionCB.Hide();
+ aCaptionFT.Hide();
+ aCaptionPB.Hide();
+ aDontSplitCB.Hide();
+ }
+ SwInsertTableOptions aInsOpts = pModOpt->GetInsTblFlags(bHTMLMode);
+ USHORT nInsTblFlags = aInsOpts.mnInsMode;
+ aHeaderCB.Check(0 != (nInsTblFlags & tabopts::HEADLINE));
+ aRepeatHeaderCB.Check(aInsOpts.mnRowsToRepeat > 0);
+ aDontSplitCB.Check(!(nInsTblFlags & tabopts::SPLIT_LAYOUT));
+ aBorderCB.Check(0 != (nInsTblFlags & tabopts::DEFAULT_BORDER));
+ aNumFormattingCB.Check(pModOpt->IsInsTblFormatNum(bHTMLMode));
+ aNumFmtFormattingCB.Check(pModOpt->IsInsTblChangeNumFormat(bHTMLMode));
+ aNumAlignmentCB.Check(pModOpt->IsInsTblAlignNum(bHTMLMode));
+ aHeaderCB.SaveValue();
+ aRepeatHeaderCB.SaveValue();
+ aDontSplitCB.SaveValue();
+ aBorderCB.SaveValue();
+ aNumFormattingCB.SaveValue();
+ aNumFmtFormattingCB.SaveValue();
+ aNumAlignmentCB.SaveValue();
+ CheckBoxHdl(0);
+/*-----------------18.01.97 12.42-------------------
+IMPL_LINK(SwTableOptionsTabPage, CheckBoxHdl, CheckBox*, EMPTYARG)
+ aNumFmtFormattingCB.Enable(aNumFormattingCB.IsChecked());
+ aNumAlignmentCB.Enable(aNumFormattingCB.IsChecked());
+ aRepeatHeaderCB.Enable(aHeaderCB.IsChecked());
+ return 0;
+void SwTableOptionsTabPage::PageCreated (SfxAllItemSet aSet)
+ SFX_ITEMSET_ARG (&aSet,pWrtSh,SwWrtShellItem,SID_WRT_SHELL,sal_False);
+ if (pWrtSh)
+ SetWrtShell(pWrtSh->GetValue());
+/* */
+/*-----------------31.10.97 17:55-------------------
+ TabPage fuer ShadowCrsr
+SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage::SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rSet )
+ : SfxTabPage(pParent, SW_RES(TP_OPTSHDWCRSR), rSet),
+ aUnprintFL ( this, SW_RES( FL_NOPRINT ) ),
+ aParaCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_PARA ) ),
+ aSHyphCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_SHYPH ) ),
+ aSpacesCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_SPACE ) ),
+ aHSpacesCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_HSPACE ) ),
+ aTabCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_TAB ) ),
+ aBreakCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_BREAK ) ),
+ aCharHiddenCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_CHAR_HIDDEN ) ),
+ aFldHiddenCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_FLD_HIDDEN ) ),
+ aFldHiddenParaCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_FLD_HIDDEN_PARA ) ),
+ aSeparatorFL( this, SW_RES( FL_SEPARATOR_SHDW)),
+ aFlagFL( this, SW_RES( FL_SHDWCRSFLAG )),
+ aCrsrOptFL ( this, SW_RES( FL_CRSR_OPT)),
+ aCrsrInProtCB( this, SW_RES( CB_ALLOW_IN_PROT ))
+ FreeResource();
+ const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0;
+ SwShadowCursorItem aOpt;
+ if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_SHADOWCURSOR, FALSE, &pItem ))
+ aOpt = *(SwShadowCursorItem*)pItem;
+ aOnOffCB.Check( aOpt.IsOn() );
+ BYTE eMode = aOpt.GetMode();
+ aFillIndentRB.Check( FILL_INDENT == eMode );
+ aFillMarginRB.Check( FILL_MARGIN == eMode );
+ aFillTabRB.Check( FILL_TAB == eMode );
+ aFillSpaceRB.Check( FILL_SPACE == eMode );
+ if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(SID_HTML_MODE, FALSE, &pItem )
+ && ((SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue() & HTMLMODE_ON)
+ {
+ aTabCB .Hide();
+ aCharHiddenCB.Hide();
+ aFldHiddenCB .Hide();
+ aFldHiddenParaCB.Hide();
+ aBreakCB.SetPosPixel(aTabCB.GetPosPixel());
+ aFlagFL .Hide();
+ aOnOffCB .Hide();
+ aFillModeFT .Hide();
+ aFillMarginRB .Hide();
+ aFillIndentRB .Hide();
+ aFillTabRB .Hide();
+ aFillSpaceRB .Hide();
+ aCrsrOptFL .Hide();
+ aCrsrInProtCB .Hide();
+ aSeparatorFL.Hide();
+ long nWidth = aFlagFL.GetSizePixel().Width() + aFlagFL.GetPosPixel().X()
+ - aUnprintFL.GetPosPixel().X();
+ Size aSize(aUnprintFL.GetSizePixel());
+ aSize.Width() = nWidth;
+ aUnprintFL.SetSizePixel(aSize);
+ }
+SfxTabPage* SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet )
+ return new SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage( pParent, rSet );
+BOOL SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet )
+ SwShadowCursorItem aOpt;
+ aOpt.SetOn( aOnOffCB.IsChecked() );
+ BYTE eMode;
+ if( aFillIndentRB.IsChecked() )
+ else if( aFillMarginRB.IsChecked() )
+ eMode = FILL_MARGIN;
+ else if( aFillTabRB.IsChecked() )
+ eMode = FILL_TAB;
+ else
+ eMode = FILL_SPACE;
+ aOpt.SetMode( eMode );
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0;
+ if( SFX_ITEM_SET != rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_SHADOWCURSOR, FALSE, &pItem )
+ || ((SwShadowCursorItem&)*pItem) != aOpt )
+ {
+ rSet.Put( aOpt );
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ if( aCrsrInProtCB.IsChecked() != aCrsrInProtCB.GetSavedValue())
+ {
+ rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(FN_PARAM_CRSR_IN_PROTECTED, aCrsrInProtCB.IsChecked()));
+ bRet |= TRUE;
+ }
+ const SwDocDisplayItem* pOldAttr = (const SwDocDisplayItem*)
+ GetOldItem(GetItemSet(), FN_PARAM_DOCDISP);
+ SwDocDisplayItem aDisp;
+ if(pOldAttr)
+ aDisp = *pOldAttr;
+ //
+ aDisp.bParagraphEnd = aParaCB .IsChecked();
+ aDisp.bTab = aTabCB .IsChecked();
+ aDisp.bSpace = aSpacesCB .IsChecked();
+ aDisp.bNonbreakingSpace = aHSpacesCB .IsChecked();
+ aDisp.bSoftHyphen = aSHyphCB .IsChecked();
+ aDisp.bFldHiddenText = aFldHiddenCB .IsChecked();
+ aDisp.bCharHiddenText = aCharHiddenCB.IsChecked();
+ aDisp.bShowHiddenPara = aFldHiddenParaCB .IsChecked();
+ aDisp.bManualBreak = aBreakCB .IsChecked();
+ bRet |= (!pOldAttr || aDisp != *pOldAttr);
+ if(bRet)
+ bRet = 0 != rSet.Put(aDisp);
+ return bRet;
+void SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet )
+ const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0;
+ SwShadowCursorItem aOpt;
+ if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_SHADOWCURSOR, FALSE, &pItem ))
+ aOpt = *(SwShadowCursorItem*)pItem;
+ aOnOffCB.Check( aOpt.IsOn() );
+ BYTE eMode = aOpt.GetMode();
+ aFillIndentRB.Check( FILL_INDENT == eMode );
+ aFillMarginRB.Check( FILL_MARGIN == eMode );
+ aFillTabRB.Check( FILL_TAB == eMode );
+ aFillSpaceRB.Check( FILL_SPACE == eMode );
+ if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_CRSR_IN_PROTECTED, FALSE, &pItem ))
+ aCrsrInProtCB.Check(((const SfxBoolItem*)pItem)->GetValue());
+ aCrsrInProtCB.SaveValue();
+ const SwDocDisplayItem* pDocDisplayAttr = 0;
+ (const SfxPoolItem**)&pDocDisplayAttr );
+ if(pDocDisplayAttr)
+ {
+ aParaCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bParagraphEnd );
+ aTabCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bTab );
+ aSpacesCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bSpace );
+ aHSpacesCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bNonbreakingSpace );
+ aSHyphCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bSoftHyphen );
+ aCharHiddenCB.Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bCharHiddenText );
+ aFldHiddenCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bFldHiddenText );
+ aFldHiddenParaCB.Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bShowHiddenPara );
+ aBreakCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bManualBreak );
+ }
+/*-----------------31.10.97 17:55-------------------
+ TabPage fuer Redlining
+struct CharAttr
+ USHORT nItemId;
+ USHORT nAttr;
+// Editieren entspricht Einfuegen-Attributen
+static CharAttr __FAR_DATA aRedlineAttr[] =
+// Items from aRedlineAttr relevant for InsertAttr: strikethrough is
+// not used
+static USHORT aInsertAttrMap[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
+// Items from aRedlineAttr relevant for DeleteAttr: underline and
+// double underline is not used
+static USHORT aDeletedAttrMap[] = { 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
+// Items from aRedlineAttr relevant for ChangeAttr: strikethrough is
+// not used
+static USHORT aChangedAttrMap[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
+ Beschreibung: Markierungsvorschau
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+SwMarkPreview::SwMarkPreview( Window *pParent, const ResId& rResID ) :
+ Window(pParent, rResID),
+ m_aTransCol( COL_TRANSPARENT ),
+ m_aMarkCol( COL_LIGHTRED ),
+ nMarkPos(0)
+ InitColors();
+ SetMapMode(MAP_PIXEL);
+ const Size aSz(GetOutputSizePixel());
+ // Seite
+ aPage.SetSize(Size(aSz.Width() - 3, aSz.Height() - 3));
+ ULONG nOutWPix = aPage.GetWidth();
+ ULONG nOutHPix = aPage.GetHeight();
+ // PrintArea
+ ULONG nLBorder = 8;
+ ULONG nRBorder = 8;
+ ULONG nTBorder = 4;
+ ULONG nBBorder = 4;
+ aLeftPagePrtArea = Rectangle(Point(nLBorder, nTBorder), Point((nOutWPix - 1) - nRBorder, (nOutHPix - 1) - nBBorder));
+ USHORT nWidth = (USHORT)aLeftPagePrtArea.GetWidth();
+ USHORT nKorr = (nWidth & 1) != 0 ? 0 : 1;
+ aLeftPagePrtArea.SetSize(Size(nWidth / 2 - (nLBorder + nRBorder) / 2 + nKorr, aLeftPagePrtArea.GetHeight()));
+ aRightPagePrtArea = aLeftPagePrtArea;
+ aRightPagePrtArea.Move(aLeftPagePrtArea.GetWidth() + nLBorder + nRBorder + 1, 0);
+void SwMarkPreview::InitColors( void )
+ // m_aTransCol and m_aMarkCol are _not_ changed because they are set from outside!
+ const StyleSettings& rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ m_aBgCol = Color( rSettings.GetWindowColor() );
+ BOOL bHC = rSettings.GetHighContrastMode();
+ m_aLineCol = bHC? SwViewOption::GetFontColor() : Color( COL_BLACK );
+ m_aShadowCol = bHC? m_aBgCol : rSettings.GetShadowColor();
+ m_aTxtCol = bHC? SwViewOption::GetFontColor() : Color( COL_GRAY );
+ m_aPrintAreaCol = m_aTxtCol;
+void SwMarkPreview::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
+ Window::DataChanged( rDCEvt );
+ if( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE ) )
+ InitColors();
+void SwMarkPreview::Paint(const Rectangle &/*rRect*/)
+ // Schatten zeichnen
+ Rectangle aShadow(aPage);
+ aShadow += Point(3, 3);
+ DrawRect( aShadow, m_aShadowCol, m_aTransCol );
+ // Seite zeichnen
+ DrawRect( aPage, m_aBgCol, m_aLineCol );
+ // Separator zeichnen
+ Rectangle aPageSeparator(aPage);
+ aPageSeparator.SetSize(Size(2, aPageSeparator.GetHeight()));
+ aPageSeparator.Move(aPage.GetWidth() / 2 - 1, 0);
+ DrawRect( aPageSeparator, m_aLineCol, m_aTransCol );
+ PaintPage(aLeftPagePrtArea);
+ PaintPage(aRightPagePrtArea);
+ Rectangle aLeftMark(Point(aPage.Left() + 2, aLeftPagePrtArea.Top() + 4), Size(aLeftPagePrtArea.Left() - 4, 2));
+ Rectangle aRightMark(Point(aRightPagePrtArea.Right() + 2, aRightPagePrtArea.Bottom() - 6), Size(aLeftPagePrtArea.Left() - 4, 2));
+ switch (nMarkPos)
+ {
+ case 1: // Links
+ aRightMark.SetPos(Point(aRightPagePrtArea.Left() - 2 - aRightMark.GetWidth(), aRightMark.Top()));
+ break;
+ case 2: // Rechts
+ aLeftMark.SetPos(Point(aLeftPagePrtArea.Right() + 2, aLeftMark.Top()));
+ break;
+ case 3: // Aussen
+ break;
+ case 4: // Innen
+ aLeftMark.SetPos(Point(aLeftPagePrtArea.Right() + 2, aLeftMark.Top()));
+ aRightMark.SetPos(Point(aRightPagePrtArea.Left() - 2 - aRightMark.GetWidth(), aRightMark.Top()));
+ break;
+ case 0: // Keine
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ DrawRect( aLeftMark, m_aMarkCol, m_aTransCol );
+ DrawRect( aRightMark, m_aMarkCol, m_aTransCol );
+void SwMarkPreview::PaintPage(const Rectangle &rRect)
+ // PrintArea zeichnen
+ DrawRect(rRect, m_aTransCol, m_aPrintAreaCol );
+ // Testabsatz zeichnen
+ ULONG nLTxtBorder = 4;
+ ULONG nRTxtBorder = 4;
+ ULONG nTTxtBorder = 4;
+ Rectangle aTextLine = rRect;
+ aTextLine.SetSize(Size(aTextLine.GetWidth(), 2));
+ aTextLine.Left() += nLTxtBorder;
+ aTextLine.Right() -= nRTxtBorder;
+ aTextLine.Move(0, nTTxtBorder);
+ sal_Int32 nStep;
+ USHORT nLines;
+ nStep = aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2;
+ nLines = (USHORT)(rRect.GetHeight() / (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2)) - 1;
+ // Text simulieren
+ //
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nLines; ++i)
+ {
+ if (i == (nLines - 1))
+ aTextLine.SetSize(Size(aTextLine.GetWidth() / 2, aTextLine.GetHeight()));
+ if (aPage.IsInside(aTextLine))
+ DrawRect(aTextLine, m_aTxtCol, m_aTransCol );
+ aTextLine.Move(0, nStep);
+ }
+ aTextLine.Move(0, -nStep);
+void SwMarkPreview::DrawRect(const Rectangle &rRect, const Color &rFillColor, const Color &rLineColor)
+ SetFillColor(rFillColor);
+ SetLineColor(rLineColor);
+ Window::DrawRect(rRect);
+ void lcl_FillRedlineAttrListBox(
+ ListBox& rLB, const AuthorCharAttr& rAttrToSelect,
+ const USHORT* pAttrMap, const USHORT nAttrMapSize)
+ {
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i != nAttrMapSize; ++i)
+ {
+ CharAttr& rAttr(aRedlineAttr[pAttrMap[i]]);
+ rLB.SetEntryData(i, &rAttr);
+ if (rAttr.nItemId == rAttrToSelect.nItemId &&
+ rAttr.nAttr == rAttrToSelect.nAttr)
+ rLB.SelectEntryPos(i);
+ }
+ }
+SwRedlineOptionsTabPage::SwRedlineOptionsTabPage( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rSet )
+ : SfxTabPage(pParent, SW_RES(TP_REDLINE_OPT), rSet),
+ aInsertFL( this, SW_RES( FL_TE )),
+ aInsertFT( this, SW_RES( FT_CHG_INSERT )),
+ aInsertAttrFT( this, SW_RES( FT_INS_ATTR )),
+ aInsertLB( this, SW_RES( LB_INS_ATTR )),
+ aInsertColorFT( this, SW_RES( FT_INS_COL )),
+ aInsertColorLB( this, SW_RES( LB_INS_COL )),
+ aInsertedPreviewWN( this, SW_RES( WIN_INS )),
+ aDeletedFT( this, SW_RES( FT_CHG_DELETE )),
+ aDeletedAttrFT( this, SW_RES( FT_DEL_ATTR )),
+ aDeletedLB( this, SW_RES( LB_DEL_ATTR )),
+ aDeletedColorFT( this, SW_RES( FT_DEL_COL )),
+ aDeletedColorLB( this, SW_RES( LB_DEL_COL )),
+ aDeletedPreviewWN( this, SW_RES( WIN_DEL )),
+ aChangedFT( this, SW_RES( FT_CHG_CHANGE )),
+ aChangedAttrFT( this, SW_RES( FT_CHG_ATTR )),
+ aChangedLB( this, SW_RES( LB_CHG_ATTR )),
+ aChangedColorFT( this, SW_RES( FT_CHG_COL )),
+ aChangedColorLB( this, SW_RES( LB_CHG_COL )),
+ aChangedPreviewWN( this, SW_RES( WIN_CHG )),
+ aChangedFL ( this, SW_RES( FL_LC )),
+ aMarkPosFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_MARKPOS )),
+ aMarkPosLB ( this, SW_RES( LB_MARKPOS )),
+ aMarkColorFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_LC_COL )),
+ aMarkColorLB ( this, SW_RES( LB_LC_COL )),
+ aMarkPreviewWN ( this, SW_RES( WIN_MARK )),
+ sAuthor ( SW_RES( STR_AUTHOR )),
+ sNone ( SW_RES( STR_NOTHING ))
+ FreeResource();
+ for(USHORT i = 0; i < aInsertLB.GetEntryCount(); i++)
+ {
+ String sEntry(aInsertLB.GetEntry(i));
+ aDeletedLB.InsertEntry(sEntry);
+ aChangedLB.InsertEntry(sEntry);
+ };
+ // remove strikethrough from insert and change and underline + double
+ // underline from delete
+ aInsertLB.RemoveEntry(5);
+ aChangedLB.RemoveEntry(5);
+ aDeletedLB.RemoveEntry(4);
+ aDeletedLB.RemoveEntry(3);
+ Link aLk = LINK(this, SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, AttribHdl);
+ aInsertLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk );
+ aDeletedLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk );
+ aChangedLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk );
+ aLk = LINK(this, SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, ColorHdl);
+ aInsertColorLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk );
+ aDeletedColorLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk );
+ aChangedColorLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk );
+ aLk = LINK(this, SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, ChangedMaskPrevHdl);
+ aMarkPosLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk );
+ aMarkColorLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk );
+SfxTabPage* SwRedlineOptionsTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ return new SwRedlineOptionsTabPage( pParent, rSet );
+BOOL SwRedlineOptionsTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& )
+ CharAttr *pAttr;
+ SwModuleOptions *pOpt = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig();
+ AuthorCharAttr aInsertedAttr;
+ AuthorCharAttr aDeletedAttr;
+ AuthorCharAttr aChangedAttr;
+ AuthorCharAttr aOldInsertAttr(pOpt->GetInsertAuthorAttr());
+ AuthorCharAttr aOldDeletedAttr(pOpt->GetDeletedAuthorAttr());
+ AuthorCharAttr aOldChangedAttr(pOpt->GetFormatAuthorAttr());
+ ColorData nOldMarkColor = pOpt->GetMarkAlignColor().GetColor();
+ USHORT nOldMarkMode = pOpt->GetMarkAlignMode();
+ USHORT nPos = aInsertLB.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ {
+ pAttr = (CharAttr *)aInsertLB.GetEntryData(nPos);
+ aInsertedAttr.nItemId = pAttr->nItemId;
+ aInsertedAttr.nAttr = pAttr->nAttr;
+ nPos = aInsertColorLB.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ switch (nPos)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ aInsertedAttr.nColor = COL_NONE;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ aInsertedAttr.nColor = COL_TRANSPARENT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ aInsertedAttr.nColor = aInsertColorLB.GetEntryColor(nPos).GetColor();
+ break;
+ }
+ pOpt->SetInsertAuthorAttr(aInsertedAttr);
+ }
+ nPos = aDeletedLB.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ {
+ pAttr = (CharAttr *)aDeletedLB.GetEntryData(nPos);
+ aDeletedAttr.nItemId = pAttr->nItemId;
+ aDeletedAttr.nAttr = pAttr->nAttr;
+ nPos = aDeletedColorLB.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ switch (nPos)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ aDeletedAttr.nColor = COL_NONE;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ aDeletedAttr.nColor = COL_TRANSPARENT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ aDeletedAttr.nColor = aDeletedColorLB.GetEntryColor(nPos).GetColor();
+ break;
+ }
+ pOpt->SetDeletedAuthorAttr(aDeletedAttr);
+ }
+ nPos = aChangedLB.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ {
+ pAttr = (CharAttr *)aChangedLB.GetEntryData(nPos);
+ aChangedAttr.nItemId = pAttr->nItemId;
+ aChangedAttr.nAttr = pAttr->nAttr;
+ nPos = aChangedColorLB.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ switch (nPos)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ aChangedAttr.nColor = COL_NONE;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ aChangedAttr.nColor = COL_TRANSPARENT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ aChangedAttr.nColor = aChangedColorLB.GetEntryColor(nPos).GetColor();
+ break;
+ }
+ pOpt->SetFormatAuthorAttr(aChangedAttr);
+ }
+ nPos = 0;
+ switch (aMarkPosLB.GetSelectEntryPos())
+ {
+ case 0: nPos = text::HoriOrientation::NONE; break;
+ case 1: nPos = text::HoriOrientation::LEFT; break;
+ case 2: nPos = text::HoriOrientation::RIGHT; break;
+ case 3: nPos = text::HoriOrientation::OUTSIDE; break;
+ case 4: nPos = text::HoriOrientation::INSIDE; break;
+ }
+ pOpt->SetMarkAlignMode(nPos);
+ pOpt->SetMarkAlignColor(aMarkColorLB.GetSelectEntryColor());
+ if (!(aInsertedAttr == aOldInsertAttr) ||
+ !(aDeletedAttr == aOldDeletedAttr) ||
+ !(aChangedAttr == aOldChangedAttr) ||
+ nOldMarkColor != pOpt->GetMarkAlignColor().GetColor() ||
+ nOldMarkMode != pOpt->GetMarkAlignMode())
+ {
+ // Alle Dokumente aktualisieren
+ TypeId aType(TYPE(SwDocShell));
+ SwDocShell* pDocShell = (SwDocShell*)SfxObjectShell::GetFirst(&aType);
+ while( pDocShell )
+ {
+ pDocShell->GetWrtShell()->UpdateRedlineAttr();
+ pDocShell = (SwDocShell*)SfxObjectShell::GetNext(*pDocShell, &aType);
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void SwRedlineOptionsTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& )
+ const SwModuleOptions *pOpt = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig();
+ const AuthorCharAttr &rInsertAttr = pOpt->GetInsertAuthorAttr();
+ const AuthorCharAttr &rDeletedAttr = pOpt->GetDeletedAuthorAttr();
+ const AuthorCharAttr &rChangedAttr = pOpt->GetFormatAuthorAttr();
+ // Preview initialisieren
+ InitFontStyle(aInsertedPreviewWN);
+ InitFontStyle(aDeletedPreviewWN);
+ InitFontStyle(aChangedPreviewWN);
+ // Farblistboxen initialisieren
+ String sColor;
+ aInsertColorLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE);
+ aDeletedColorLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE);
+ aChangedColorLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE);
+ aMarkColorLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE);
+ aInsertColorLB.InsertEntry(sNone);
+ aDeletedColorLB.InsertEntry(sNone);
+ aChangedColorLB.InsertEntry(sNone);
+ aInsertColorLB.InsertEntry(sAuthor);
+ aDeletedColorLB.InsertEntry(sAuthor);
+ aChangedColorLB.InsertEntry(sAuthor);
+ XColorTable* pColorTbl = XColorTable::GetStdColorTable();
+ for( i = 0; i < pColorTbl->Count(); ++i )
+ {
+ XColorEntry* pEntry = pColorTbl->GetColor( i );
+ Color aColor = pEntry->GetColor();
+ String sName = pEntry->GetName();
+ aInsertColorLB.InsertEntry( aColor, sName );
+ aDeletedColorLB.InsertEntry( aColor, sName );
+ aChangedColorLB.InsertEntry( aColor, sName );
+ aMarkColorLB.InsertEntry( aColor, sName );
+ }
+ aInsertColorLB.SetUpdateMode( TRUE );
+ aDeletedColorLB.SetUpdateMode( TRUE );
+ aChangedColorLB.SetUpdateMode( TRUE );
+ aMarkColorLB.SetUpdateMode( TRUE );
+ ColorData nColor = rInsertAttr.nColor;
+ switch (nColor)
+ {
+ aInsertColorLB.SelectEntryPos(1);
+ break;
+ case COL_NONE:
+ aInsertColorLB.SelectEntryPos(0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ aInsertColorLB.SelectEntry(Color(nColor));
+ }
+ nColor = rDeletedAttr.nColor;
+ switch (nColor)
+ {
+ aDeletedColorLB.SelectEntryPos(1);
+ break;
+ case COL_NONE:
+ aDeletedColorLB.SelectEntryPos(0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ aDeletedColorLB.SelectEntry(Color(nColor));
+ }
+ nColor = rChangedAttr.nColor;
+ switch (nColor)
+ {
+ aChangedColorLB.SelectEntryPos(1);
+ break;
+ case COL_NONE:
+ aChangedColorLB.SelectEntryPos(0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ aChangedColorLB.SelectEntry(Color(nColor));
+ }
+ aMarkColorLB.SelectEntry(pOpt->GetMarkAlignColor());
+ aInsertLB.SelectEntryPos(0);
+ aDeletedLB.SelectEntryPos(0);
+ aChangedLB.SelectEntryPos(0);
+ lcl_FillRedlineAttrListBox(aInsertLB, rInsertAttr, aInsertAttrMap,
+ sizeof(aInsertAttrMap) / sizeof(USHORT));
+ lcl_FillRedlineAttrListBox(aDeletedLB, rDeletedAttr, aDeletedAttrMap,
+ sizeof(aDeletedAttrMap) / sizeof(USHORT));
+ lcl_FillRedlineAttrListBox(aChangedLB, rChangedAttr, aChangedAttrMap,
+ sizeof(aChangedAttrMap) / sizeof(USHORT));
+ USHORT nPos = 0;
+ switch (pOpt->GetMarkAlignMode())
+ {
+ case text::HoriOrientation::NONE: nPos = 0; break;
+ case text::HoriOrientation::LEFT: nPos = 1; break;
+ case text::HoriOrientation::RIGHT: nPos = 2; break;
+ case text::HoriOrientation::OUTSIDE: nPos = 3; break;
+ case text::HoriOrientation::INSIDE: nPos = 4; break;
+ }
+ aMarkPosLB.SelectEntryPos(nPos);
+ // Einstellungen in Preview anzeigen
+ AttribHdl(&aInsertLB);
+ ColorHdl(&aInsertColorLB);
+ AttribHdl(&aDeletedLB);
+ ColorHdl(&aInsertColorLB);
+ AttribHdl(&aChangedLB);
+ ColorHdl(&aChangedColorLB);
+ ChangedMaskPrevHdl();
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, AttribHdl, ListBox *, pLB )
+ SvxFontPrevWindow *pPrev = 0;
+ ColorListBox *pColorLB;
+ if (pLB == &aInsertLB)
+ {
+ pColorLB = &aInsertColorLB;
+ pPrev = &aInsertedPreviewWN;
+ }
+ else if (pLB == &aDeletedLB)
+ {
+ pColorLB = &aDeletedColorLB;
+ pPrev = &aDeletedPreviewWN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pColorLB = &aChangedColorLB;
+ pPrev = &aChangedPreviewWN;
+ }
+ SvxFont& rFont = pPrev->GetFont();
+ SvxFont& rCJKFont = pPrev->GetCJKFont();
+ rFont.SetWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL);
+ rCJKFont.SetWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL);
+ rFont.SetItalic(ITALIC_NONE);
+ rCJKFont.SetItalic(ITALIC_NONE);
+ rFont.SetUnderline(UNDERLINE_NONE);
+ rCJKFont.SetUnderline(UNDERLINE_NONE);
+ rFont.SetStrikeout(STRIKEOUT_NONE);
+ rCJKFont.SetStrikeout(STRIKEOUT_NONE);
+ USHORT nPos = pColorLB->GetSelectEntryPos();
+ switch( nPos )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ rFont.SetColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ rCJKFont.SetColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ rFont.SetColor( Color( COL_RED ) );
+ rCJKFont.SetColor( Color( COL_RED ) );
+ break;
+ default:
+ rFont.SetColor( pColorLB->GetEntryColor( nPos ) );
+ rCJKFont.SetColor( pColorLB->GetEntryColor( nPos ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ nPos = pLB->GetSelectEntryPos();
+ nPos = 0;
+ CharAttr* pAttr = ( CharAttr* ) pLB->GetEntryData( nPos );
+ //switch off preview background color
+ pPrev->ResetColor();
+ switch (pAttr->nItemId)
+ {
+ rFont.SetWeight( ( FontWeight ) pAttr->nAttr );
+ rCJKFont.SetWeight( ( FontWeight ) pAttr->nAttr );
+ break;
+ rFont.SetItalic( ( FontItalic ) pAttr->nAttr );
+ rCJKFont.SetItalic( ( FontItalic ) pAttr->nAttr );
+ break;
+ rFont.SetUnderline( ( FontUnderline ) pAttr->nAttr );
+ rCJKFont.SetUnderline( ( FontUnderline ) pAttr->nAttr );
+ break;
+ rFont.SetStrikeout( ( FontStrikeout ) pAttr->nAttr );
+ rCJKFont.SetStrikeout( ( FontStrikeout ) pAttr->nAttr );
+ break;
+ rFont.SetCaseMap( ( SvxCaseMap ) pAttr->nAttr );
+ rCJKFont.SetCaseMap( ( SvxCaseMap ) pAttr->nAttr );
+ break;
+ {
+ nPos = pColorLB->GetSelectEntryPos();
+ if( nPos )
+ pPrev->SetColor( pColorLB->GetSelectEntryColor() );
+ else
+ pPrev->SetColor( Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY ) );
+ rFont.SetColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ rCJKFont.SetColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ pPrev->Invalidate();
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, ColorHdl, ColorListBox *, pColorLB )
+ SvxFontPrevWindow *pPrev = 0;
+ ListBox* pLB;
+ if (pColorLB == &aInsertColorLB)
+ {
+ pLB = &aInsertLB;
+ pPrev = &aInsertedPreviewWN;
+ }
+ else if (pColorLB == &aDeletedColorLB)
+ {
+ pLB = &aDeletedLB;
+ pPrev = &aDeletedPreviewWN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pLB = &aChangedLB;
+ pPrev = &aChangedPreviewWN;
+ }
+ SvxFont& rFont = pPrev->GetFont();
+ SvxFont& rCJKFont = pPrev->GetCJKFont();
+ USHORT nPos = pLB->GetSelectEntryPos();
+ nPos = 0;
+ CharAttr* pAttr = ( CharAttr* ) pLB->GetEntryData( nPos );
+ if( pAttr->nItemId == SID_ATTR_BRUSH )
+ {
+ rFont.SetColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ rCJKFont.SetColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ nPos = pColorLB->GetSelectEntryPos();
+ if( nPos && nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND )
+ pPrev->SetColor( pColorLB->GetSelectEntryColor() );
+ else
+ pPrev->SetColor( Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nPos = pColorLB->GetSelectEntryPos();
+ switch( nPos )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ rFont.SetColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ rCJKFont.SetColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ rFont.SetColor( Color( COL_RED ) );
+ rCJKFont.SetColor( Color( COL_RED ) );
+ break;
+ default:
+ rFont.SetColor( pColorLB->GetEntryColor( nPos ) );
+ rCJKFont.SetColor( pColorLB->GetEntryColor( nPos ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ pPrev->Invalidate();
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, ChangedMaskPrevHdl, ListBox *, EMPTYARG )
+ aMarkPreviewWN.SetMarkPos(aMarkPosLB.GetSelectEntryPos());
+ aMarkPreviewWN.SetColor(aMarkColorLB.GetSelectEntryColor().GetColor());
+ aMarkPreviewWN.Invalidate();
+ return 0;
+void SwRedlineOptionsTabPage::InitFontStyle(SvxFontPrevWindow& rExampleWin)
+ const AllSettings& rAllSettings = Application::GetSettings();
+ LanguageType eLangType = rAllSettings.GetUILanguage();
+ Color aBackCol( rAllSettings.GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor() );
+ SvxFont& rFont = rExampleWin.GetFont();
+ SvxFont& rCJKFont = rExampleWin.GetCJKFont();
+ SvxFont& rCTLFont = rExampleWin.GetCTLFont();
+ Font aFont( OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont( DEFAULTFONT_SERIF, eLangType,
+ Font aCJKFont( OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont( DEFAULTFONT_CJK_TEXT, eLangType,
+ Font aCTLFont( OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont( DEFAULTFONT_CTL_TEXT, eLangType,
+ const Size aDefSize( 0, 12 );
+ aFont.SetSize( aDefSize );
+ aCJKFont.SetSize( aDefSize );
+ aCTLFont.SetSize( aDefSize );
+ aFont.SetFillColor( aBackCol );
+ aCJKFont.SetFillColor( aBackCol );
+ aCTLFont.SetFillColor( aBackCol );
+ aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL );
+ aCJKFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL );
+ aCTLFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL );
+ rFont = aFont;
+ rCJKFont = aCJKFont;
+ rCTLFont = aCTLFont;
+ const Size aNewSize( 0, rExampleWin.GetOutputSize().Height() * 2 / 3 );
+ rFont.SetSize( aNewSize );
+ rCJKFont.SetSize( aNewSize );
+ rExampleWin.SetFont( rFont, rCJKFont,rCTLFont );
+ rExampleWin.UseResourceText();
+ Wallpaper aWall( aBackCol );
+ rExampleWin.SetBackground( aWall );
+ rExampleWin.Invalidate();
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ ******************************************************/
+/*----------------- OS 11.01.95 -----------------------
+ TabPage Testeinstellungen
+void lcl_SetPosSize(Window& rWin, Point aPos, Size aSize)
+ aPos = rWin.LogicToPixel(aPos, MAP_APPFONT);
+ aSize = rWin.OutputDevice::LogicToPixel(aSize, MAP_APPFONT);
+ rWin.SetPosSizePixel(aPos, aSize);
+SwTestTabPage::SwTestTabPage( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet) :
+ SfxTabPage( pParent, WB_HIDE, rCoreSet),
+ aTestFL ( this, WB_GROUP ),
+ aTest1CBox ( this, 0 ),
+ aTest2CBox ( this, 0 ),
+ aTest3CBox ( this, 0 ),
+ aTest4CBox ( this, 0 ),
+ aTest5CBox ( this, 0 ),
+ aTest6CBox ( this, 0 ),
+ aTest7CBox ( this, 0 ),
+ aTest8CBox ( this, 0 ),
+ aTest9CBox ( this, 0 ),
+ aTest10CBox ( this, 0 ),
+ bAttrModified( FALSE )
+ lcl_SetPosSize(*this, Point(0,0), Size(260 , 135));
+ lcl_SetPosSize(aTestFL, Point(6,2), Size(209,8));
+ lcl_SetPosSize(aTest1CBox , Point(12 , 14), Size(74 , 10));
+ lcl_SetPosSize(aTest2CBox , Point(12 , 27), Size(74 , 10));
+ lcl_SetPosSize(aTest3CBox , Point(12 , 40), Size(74 , 10));
+ lcl_SetPosSize(aTest4CBox , Point(12 , 53), Size(74 , 10));
+ lcl_SetPosSize(aTest5CBox , Point(12 , 66), Size(74 , 10));
+ lcl_SetPosSize(aTest6CBox , Point(116, 14), Size(74 , 10));
+ lcl_SetPosSize(aTest7CBox , Point(116, 27), Size(74 , 10));
+ lcl_SetPosSize(aTest8CBox , Point(116, 40), Size(74 , 10));
+ lcl_SetPosSize(aTest9CBox , Point(116, 53), Size(74 , 10));
+ lcl_SetPosSize(aTest10CBox , Point(116, 66), Size(74 , 10));
+ aTestFL.SetText( String(ByteString("Einstellungen nur f\xFCr Testzwecke" ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252));
+ aTest1CBox .SetText( C2S("unused"));
+ aTest2CBox .SetText( C2S("dynamic"));
+ aTest3CBox .SetText( C2S("No calm" ));
+ aTest4CBox .SetText( C2S("WYSIWYG debug" ));
+ aTest5CBox .SetText( C2S("No idle format" ));
+ aTest6CBox .SetText( C2S("No screen adj" ));
+ aTest7CBox .SetText( C2S("win format" ));
+ aTest8CBox .SetText( C2S("No Scroll" ));
+ aTest9CBox .SetText( C2S("DrawingLayerNotLoading"));
+ aTest10CBox.SetText( C2S("AutoFormat by Input" ));
+ aTestFL.Show();
+ aTest1CBox .Show();
+ aTest2CBox .Show();
+ aTest3CBox .Show();
+ aTest4CBox .Show();
+ aTest5CBox .Show();
+ aTest6CBox .Show();
+ aTest7CBox .Show();
+ aTest8CBox .Show();
+ aTest9CBox .Show();
+ aTest10CBox.Show();
+ Init();
+SfxTabPage* SwTestTabPage::Create( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet )
+ return ( new SwTestTabPage( pParent, rAttrSet ) );
+BOOL SwTestTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rCoreSet )
+ if ( bAttrModified )
+ {
+ SwTestItem aTestItem(FN_PARAM_SWTEST);
+ aTestItem.bTest1=aTest1CBox.IsChecked();
+ aTestItem.bTest2=aTest2CBox.IsChecked();
+ aTestItem.bTest3=aTest3CBox.IsChecked();
+ aTestItem.bTest4=aTest4CBox.IsChecked();
+ aTestItem.bTest5=aTest5CBox.IsChecked();
+ aTestItem.bTest6=aTest6CBox.IsChecked();
+ aTestItem.bTest7=aTest7CBox.IsChecked();
+ aTestItem.bTest8=aTest8CBox.IsChecked();
+ aTestItem.bTest9=aTest9CBox.IsChecked();
+ aTestItem.bTest10=aTest10CBox.IsChecked();
+ rCoreSet.Put(aTestItem);
+ }
+ return bAttrModified;
+void SwTestTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& )
+ const SfxItemSet& rSet = GetItemSet();
+ const SwTestItem* pTestAttr = 0;
+ if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_SWTEST , FALSE,
+ (const SfxPoolItem**)&pTestAttr ))
+ {
+ aTest1CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest1);
+ aTest2CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest2);
+ aTest3CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest3);
+ aTest4CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest4);
+ aTest5CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest5);
+ aTest6CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest6);
+ aTest7CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest7);
+ aTest8CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest8);
+ aTest9CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest9);
+ aTest10CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest10);
+ }
+void SwTestTabPage::Init()
+ // handler
+ Link aLk = LINK( this, SwTestTabPage, AutoClickHdl );
+ aTest1CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aTest2CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aTest3CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aTest4CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aTest5CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aTest6CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aTest7CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aTest8CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aTest9CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+ aTest10CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk );
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwTestTabPage, AutoClickHdl, CheckBox *, EMPTYARG )
+ bAttrModified = TRUE;
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwTestTabPage, AutoClickHdl, CheckBox *, EMPTYARG )