path: root/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par6.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par6.cxx')
1 files changed, 4883 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par6.cxx b/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par6.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2c788b203972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par6.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,4883 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: ww8par6.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:14:59 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "filt_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef _SVSTDARR_HXX
+#include <svtools/svstdarr.hxx>
+#ifndef _HINTIDS_HXX
+#include <hintids.hxx>
+#ifndef _APP_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_LSPCITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/lspcitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_WRLMITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/wrlmitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_UDLNITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/udlnitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_KERNITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/kernitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_LANGITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/langitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_CMAPITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/cmapitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_SHDDITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/shdditem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_CNTRITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/cntritem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_CRSDITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/crsditem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_POSTITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/postitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_WGHTITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/wghtitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_ADJITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/adjitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_COLRITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/colritem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_BRSHITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/brshitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_SPLTITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/spltitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_KEEPITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/keepitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_ORPHITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/orphitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_WIDWITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/widwitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_ADJITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/adjitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_ESCPITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/escpitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_FHGTITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/fhgtitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_FONTITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/fontitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_SHADITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/shaditem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_BOXITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/boxitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_ULSPITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/ulspitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_LRSPITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/lrspitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_AKRNITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/akrnitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_PAPERINF_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/paperinf.hxx>
+#include <svx/pbinitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_HYZNITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/hyznitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _RTL_TENCINFO_H
+#include <rtl/tencinfo.h>
+#ifndef _FMTPDSC_HXX //autogen
+#include <fmtpdsc.hxx>
+#ifndef _NODE_HXX //autogen
+#include <node.hxx>
+#ifndef _NDTXT_HXX
+#include <ndtxt.hxx> // SwTxtNode, siehe unten: JoinNode()
+#ifndef _PAM_HXX
+#include <pam.hxx> // fuer SwPam
+#ifndef _DOC_HXX
+#include <doc.hxx>
+#ifndef _SHELLIO_HXX
+#include <shellio.hxx>
+#ifndef _PAGEDESC_HXX
+#include <pagedesc.hxx> // class SwPageDesc
+#ifndef _FMTANCHR_HXX //autogen
+#include <fmtanchr.hxx>
+#ifndef _FMTCNTNT_HXX //autogen
+#include <fmtcntnt.hxx>
+#ifndef _FCHRFMT_HXX //autogen
+#include <fchrfmt.hxx>
+#ifndef _FMTHDFT_HXX //autogen
+#include <fmthdft.hxx>
+#ifndef _FMTCLDS_HXX //autogen
+#include <fmtclds.hxx>
+#ifndef _FMTFTNTX_HXX
+#include <fmtftntx.hxx>
+#ifndef _FRMATR_HXX
+#include <frmatr.hxx>
+#ifndef _FLTSHELL_HXX
+#include <fltshell.hxx> // fuer den Attribut Stack
+#ifndef _FLTINI_HXX
+#include <fltini.hxx>
+#ifndef _SECTION_HXX
+#include <section.hxx>
+#include <lineinfo.hxx>
+#include <fmtline.hxx>
+#ifndef _WW8SCAN_HXX
+#include <ww8scan.hxx>
+#ifndef _WW8PAR2_HXX
+#include <ww8par2.hxx> // class WW8RStyle, class WwAnchorPara
+#define NEW_MINHDSIZ // Definieren zum Ausnutzen der minimalen
+ // Header- und Footerhoehe
+static ColorData __FAR_DATA eSwWW8ColA[] = {
+#ifdef HP9000
+#define INLINE_AUSSER_HP inline
+// diverses
+#define MM_250 1417 // WW-Default fuer Hor. Seitenraender: 2.5 cm
+#define MM_200 1134 // WW-Default fuer u.Seitenrand: 2.0 cm
+#define MM_125 709 // WW-Default fuer vert. K/F-Pos: 1.25 cm
+BOOL lcl_ReadBorders( BOOL bVer67, WW8_BRC* brc,
+ WW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP* pPap,
+ const WW8RStyle* pSty = 0,
+ const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep = 0 );
+ColorData SwWW8ImplReader::GetCol( BYTE nIco )
+ return eSwWW8ColA[nIco];
+# Seiten - Attribute, die nicht ueber die Attribut-Verwaltung, sondern
+# ueber ...->HasSprm abgearbeitet werden
+# ( ausser OLST, dass weiterhin ein normales Attribut ist )
+static short ReadSprm( const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep, USHORT nId, short nDefaultVal )
+ BYTE* pS = pSep->HasSprm( nId ); // sprm da ?
+ short nVal = ( pS ) ? SVBT16ToShort( pS ) : nDefaultVal;
+ return nVal;
+static USHORT ReadUSprm( const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep, USHORT nId, short nDefaultVal )
+ BYTE* pS = pSep->HasSprm( nId ); // sprm da ?
+ USHORT nVal = ( pS ) ? SVBT16ToShort( pS ) : nDefaultVal;
+ return nVal;
+static BYTE ReadBSprm( const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep, USHORT nId, BYTE nDefaultVal )
+ BYTE* pS = pSep->HasSprm( nId ); // sprm da ?
+ BYTE nVal = ( pS ) ? SVBT8ToByte( pS ) : nDefaultVal;
+ return nVal;
+// dito, aber mit Return, ob vorhanden
+static BOOL ReadBSprmRet( BYTE& rnRet, const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep, USHORT nId,
+ BYTE nDefaultVal )
+ BYTE* pS = pSep->HasSprm( nId ); // sprm da ?
+ if( pS ){
+ rnRet = SVBT8ToByte( pS );
+ return TRUE;
+ }else{
+ rnRet = nDefaultVal;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+static short ReadULSprm( const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep, USHORT nId, short nDefaultVal )
+ BYTE* pS = pSep->HasSprm( nId ); // sprm da ?
+ short nVal = ( pS ) ? SVBT16ToShort( pS ) : nDefaultVal;
+ if( nVal < 0 ) // < 0 bedeutet: nicht verschieben, wenns nicht passt
+ nVal = -nVal;
+ return nVal;
+static short ReadLRSprm( const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep, USHORT nId, short nDefaultVal )
+ BYTE* pS = pSep->HasSprm( nId ); // sprm da ?
+ short nVal = ( pS ) ? SVBT16ToShort( pS ) : nDefaultVal;
+ if( nVal < 0 ) // < 0 ist beim SW nicht erlaubt
+ nVal = 0;
+ return nVal;
+// WW nimmt es mit den Groessen nicht so genau. Wird dieses nicht
+// korrigiert, dann erkennt es der Writer nur als Benutzergroesse
+// statt als richtiges Papierformat
+// AdjustSize() sucht nahe Papiergroessen raus, stark abweichende
+// Werte bleiben unveraendert.
+static SwTwips AdjustSize( USHORT nPara )
+ static SwTwips aSizA[] = { lA3Height, lA3Width, lA4Width, lA5Width,
+ lB4Height, lB4Width, lB5Width, lB6Width, lC4Width, lC4Height,
+ lC5Width, lC6Width, lC65Width, lDLWidth, lDLHeight,lLetterWidth,
+ lLetterHeight, lLegalHeight, lTabloidWidth, lTabloidHeight };
+ SwTwips nSi = nPara;
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < sizeof( aSizA ) / sizeof( aSizA[0] ); i++ ){
+ if( ( nSi - aSizA[i] < 5 )
+ && ( nSi - aSizA[i] > -5 ) ){
+ nSi = aSizA[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return nSi;
+void SwWW8ImplReader::RemoveCols( SwPageDesc& rPageDesc, SwFmtCol*& rpCol )
+ SwFrmFmt &rFmt0 = rPageDesc.GetMaster();
+ const SwFmtCol rCol = rFmt0.GetCol();
+ if( rCol.GetNumCols() )
+ {
+ rpCol = new SwFmtCol( rCol );
+ SwFmtCol aCol;
+ rFmt0.SetAttr( aCol );
+ rPageDesc.GetLeft().SetAttr( aCol );
+ }
+ else
+ rpCol = 0;
+BOOL SwWW8ImplReader::SetCols( SwFrmFmt* pFmt,
+ const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep,
+ USHORT nNettoWidth,
+ BOOL bTestOnly )
+ if( nIniFlags & WW8FL_NO_COLS ) // ausgeschaltet
+ return FALSE;
+ //sprmSCcolumns - Anzahl der Spalten - 1
+ USHORT nCols = ReadSprm( pSep, (bVer67 ? 144 : 0x500B), 0 );
+ nCols ++; // Zahl der SW-Spalten
+ if( nCols < 2 )
+ return FALSE; // keine oder bloedsinnige Spalten
+ if( bTestOnly )
+ return TRUE;
+ if( !pFmt )
+ {
+ ASSERT( !this, "code error: pFmt hat Zero value!" );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ SwFmtCol aCol; // Erzeuge SwFmtCol
+ //sprmSDxaColumns - Default-Abstand 1.25 cm
+ USHORT nColSpace = ReadUSprm( pSep, (bVer67 ? 145 : 0x900C), 708 );
+ // sprmSLBetween
+ if( ReadBSprm( pSep, (bVer67 ? 158 : 0x3019), 0 ) )
+ {
+ aCol.SetLineAdj( COLADJ_TOP ); // Line
+ aCol.SetLineHeight( 100 );
+ aCol.SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ));
+ aCol.SetLineWidth( 1 );
+ }
+ // sprmSFEvenlySpaced
+ BOOL bEven = ReadBSprm( pSep, (bVer67 ? 138 : 0x3005), 1 );
+ if( bEven ) // alle Spalten sind gleich
+ aCol.Init( nCols, nColSpace, nNettoWidth );
+ else
+ {
+ aCol.Init( nCols, nColSpace, USHRT_MAX );
+ // Spalten unterschiedlich breit: fein, das kann der Writer inzwischen!
+ USHORT nWishWidth = 0, nLeftDist = 0, nRightDist = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < nCols; i++ )
+ {
+ SwColumn* pCol = aCol.GetColumns()[ i ];
+ pCol->SetLeft( nLeftDist );
+ if( i < nCols-1 )
+ {
+ //sprmSDxaColSpacing
+ BYTE* pSD = pSep->HasSprm( (bVer67 ? 137 : 0xF204), BYTE( i ) );
+ ASSERT( pSD, "+Sprm 137 (bzw. 0xF204) (Colspacing) fehlt" );
+ if( pSD )
+ {
+ USHORT nSp = SVBT16ToShort( pSD + 1 );
+ nRightDist = nSp / 2;
+ pCol->SetRight( nSp - nRightDist );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nRightDist = 0; // letzte Spalte hat keinen Zwischenraum mehr
+ //sprmSDxaColWidth
+ BYTE* pSW = pSep->HasSprm( (bVer67 ? 136 : 0xF203), BYTE( i ) );
+ ASSERT( pSW, "+Sprm 136 (bzw. 0xF203) (ColWidth) fehlt" );
+ if( pSW )
+ pCol->SetWishWidth( SVBT16ToShort( pSW + 1 )
+ + nLeftDist
+ + pCol->GetRight() );
+ // aufsummierte Spaltenbreiten ergeben Gesamtbreite
+ nWishWidth += pCol->GetWishWidth();
+ // Halber Abstand ist an naechster Spalte noch zu setzen
+ nLeftDist = nRightDist;
+ }
+ aCol.SetWishWidth( nWishWidth );
+#ifdef niemalsdef
+ // beim RTF-Import:
+ aCol._SetOrtho( FALSE );
+ USHORT nWishWidth = 0, nHalfPrev = 0;
+ for( USHORT n = 0, i = 0; n < aColumns.Count(); n += 2, ++i )
+ {
+ SwColumn* pCol = aCol.GetColumns()[ i ];
+ pCol->SetLeft( nHalfPrev );
+ USHORT nSp = aColumns[ n+1 ];
+ nHalfPrev = nSp / 2;
+ pCol->SetRight( nSp - nHalfPrev );
+ pCol->SetWishWidth( aColumns[ n ] +
+ pCol->GetLeft() + pCol->GetRight() );
+ nWishWidth += pCol->GetWishWidth();
+ }
+ aCol.SetWishWidth( nWishWidth );
+ }
+ pFmt->SetAttr( aCol );
+ return TRUE;
+// SetPage1() setzt Orientierung, Papiergroesse, LRRaender, Spalten
+void SwWW8ImplReader::SetPage1( SwPageDesc* pPageDesc, SwFrmFmt &rFmt,
+ const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep, USHORT nLIdx,
+ BOOL bIgnoreCols )
+ if( nIniFlags & WW8FL_NO_LRUL ) // Abgeschaltet
+ return;
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aVer67Ids[] = {
+/*sprmSBOrientation*/ 162,
+/*sprmSXaPage*/ 164,
+/*sprmSYaPage*/ 165,
+/*sprmSDxaLeft*/ 166,
+/*sprmSDxaRight*/ 167,
+/*sprmSDzaGutter*/ 170
+ };
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aVer8Ids[] = {
+/*sprmSBOrientation*/ 0x301d,
+/*sprmSXaPage*/ 0xB01F,
+/*sprmSYaPage*/ 0xB020,
+/*sprmSDxaLeft*/ 0xB021,
+/*sprmSDxaRight*/ 0xB022,
+/*sprmSDzaGutter*/ 0xB025
+ };
+ const USHORT* pIds = bVer67 ? aVer67Ids : aVer8Ids;
+ // 1. Orientierung
+ pPageDesc->SetLandscape( 0 != ReadBSprm( pSep, pIds[0], 0 ) );
+ // 2. Papiergroesse
+ SwFmtFrmSize aSz( rFmt.GetFrmSize() );
+ aSz.SetWidth( AdjustSize( ReadUSprm( pSep, pIds[1], (USHORT)lLetterWidth )));
+ nPgWidth = (short)aSz.GetWidth(); // Merken fuer Tabellen u. ae.
+ aSz.SetHeight( AdjustSize( ReadUSprm( pSep, pIds[2], (USHORT)lLetterHeight )));
+ rFmt.SetAttr( aSz );
+ // 3. LR-Raender
+ // Default-Raender fuer verschiedene nationale Versionen
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA nLef[] = { MM_250, 1800 };
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA nRig[] = { MM_250, 1800 };
+ short nWWLe = ReadULSprm( pSep, pIds[3], nLef[nLIdx] );
+ short nWWRi = ReadULSprm( pSep, pIds[4], nRig[nLIdx] );
+ short nWWGu = ReadULSprm( pSep, pIds[5], 0 );
+ nWWLe += nWWGu;
+ // Left / Right
+ rFmt.SetAttr( SvxLRSpaceItem( nWWLe, nWWRi ) );
+ nPgLeft = nWWLe;
+ nPgRight = nWWRi;
+ if( !bIgnoreCols )
+ {
+ // 4. Spalten
+ SetCols( &rFmt, pSep, aSz.GetWidth() - nWWLe - nWWRi );
+ }
+struct WW8ULSpaceData
+ BOOL bHasHeader, bHasFooter;
+ short nSwHLo, nHdUL,
+ nSwFUp, nFtUL,
+ nSwUp, nSwLo;
+ WW8ULSpaceData(): bHasHeader( FALSE ), bHasFooter( FALSE ){}
+void SwWW8ImplReader::GetPageULData( const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep,
+ BOOL bFirst,
+ WW8ULSpaceData& rData )
+ if( nIniFlags & WW8FL_NO_LRUL ) // abgeschaltet
+ return;
+ // Default-Raender fuer verschiedene nationale Versionen
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA nTop[] = { MM_250, 1440 };
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA nBot[] = { MM_200, 1440 };
+ // Einlesen der WW-Einstellungen
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aVer67Ids[] = {
+/*sprmSDyaTop*/ 168,
+/*sprmSDyaBottom*/ 169,
+/*sprmSDyaHdrTop*/ 156,
+/*sprmSDyaHdrBottom*/ 157
+ };
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aVer8Ids[] = {
+/*sprmSDyaTop*/ 0x9023,
+/*sprmSDyaBottom*/ 0x9024,
+/*sprmSDyaHdrTop*/ 0xB017,
+/*sprmSDyaHdrBottom*/ 0xB018
+ };
+ const USHORT* pIds = bVer67 ? aVer67Ids : aVer8Ids;
+ short nWWUp = ReadULSprm( pSep, pIds[0], nTop[nLIdx] );
+ short nWWLo = ReadULSprm( pSep, pIds[1], nBot[nLIdx] );
+ short nWWHTop = ReadULSprm( pSep, pIds[2], MM_125 );
+ short nWWFBot = ReadULSprm( pSep, pIds[3], MM_125 );
+ if( bFirst )
+ rData.bHasHeader = (nCorrIhdt & WW8_HEADER_FIRST )!=0;
+ else
+ rData.bHasHeader = (nCorrIhdt & (WW8_HEADER_EVEN | WW8_HEADER_ODD))!=0;
+ if( rData.bHasHeader )
+ {
+ rData.nSwUp = nWWHTop; // Header -> umrechnen
+ rData.nSwHLo = nWWUp - nWWHTop;
+ if( rData.nSwHLo < MINLAY )
+ rData.nSwHLo = MINLAY;
+#else // NEW_MINHDSIZ
+ if( nIniHdSiz )
+ rData.nSwHLo -= (short)nIniHdSiz;
+ else if( nHdTextHeight )
+ rData.nSwHLo -= (short)nHdTextHeight;
+ else
+ rData.nSwHLo -= 240;
+ if( rData.nSwHLo < 0 )
+ rData.nSwHLo = 0;
+#endif // NEW_MINHDSIZ
+ }
+ else // kein Header -> Up einfach uebernehmen
+ rData.nSwUp = nWWUp;
+ if( bFirst )
+ rData.bHasFooter = (nCorrIhdt & WW8_FOOTER_FIRST )!=0;
+ else
+ rData.bHasFooter = (nCorrIhdt & (WW8_FOOTER_EVEN | WW8_FOOTER_ODD))!=0;
+ if( rData.bHasFooter )
+ {
+ rData.nSwLo = nWWFBot; // Footer -> Umrechnen
+ rData.nSwFUp = nWWLo - nWWFBot;
+#if 0
+ if( rData.nSwFUp < MINLAY )
+ rData.nSwFUp = MINLAY;
+#else // 0
+ if( nIniFtSiz )
+ rData.nSwFUp -= (short)nIniFtSiz;
+ else if( nFtTextHeight )
+ rData.nSwFUp -= (short)nFtTextHeight;
+ else
+ rData.nSwFUp -= 240;
+ if( rData.nSwFUp < 0 )
+ rData.nSwFUp = 0;
+#endif // !0
+ }
+ else // kein Footer -> Lo einfach uebernehmen
+ rData.nSwLo = nWWLo;
+ nPgTop = rData.nSwUp;
+void SwWW8ImplReader::SetPageULSpaceItems( SwFrmFmt &rFmt, WW8ULSpaceData& rData )
+ if( nIniFlags & WW8FL_NO_LRUL ) // deactivated ?
+ return;
+ if( rData.bHasHeader ) // ... und Header-Lower setzen
+ {
+ SwFrmFmt* pHdFmt = (SwFrmFmt*)rFmt.GetHeader().GetHeaderFmt();
+ if( pHdFmt )
+ {
+// Kopfzeilenhoehe minimal sezten
+ pHdFmt->SetAttr( SwFmtFrmSize( ATT_MIN_SIZE, 0, rData.nSwHLo ) );
+#else // NEW_MINHDSIZ
+ SvxULSpaceItem aHdUL( pHdFmt->GetULSpace() );
+ aHdUL.SetLower( rData.nSwHLo );
+ pHdFmt->SetAttr( aHdUL );
+#endif // NEW_MINHDSIZ
+ }
+ }
+ if( rData.bHasFooter ) // ... und Footer-Upper setzen
+ {
+ SwFrmFmt* pFtFmt = (SwFrmFmt*)rFmt.GetFooter().GetFooterFmt();
+ if( pFtFmt )
+ {
+#if 0
+// Fusszeilenhoehe minimal sezten
+ pFtFmt->SetAttr( SwFmtFrmSize( ATT_MIN_SIZE, 0, rData.nSwFUp ) );
+#else // 0
+ SvxULSpaceItem aFtUL( pFtFmt->GetULSpace() );
+ aFtUL.SetUpper( rData.nSwFUp );
+ pFtFmt->SetAttr( aFtUL );
+#endif // !0
+ }
+ }
+ SvxULSpaceItem aUL( rData.nSwUp, rData.nSwLo ); // Page-UL setzen
+ rFmt.SetAttr( aUL );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::SetPageBorder( SwPageDesc* pPageDesc0,
+ SwPageDesc* pPageDesc1,
+ const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep,
+ USHORT nLIdx )
+ WW8_BRC brc[4];
+ if( !bVer67 && ::lcl_ReadBorders( bVer67, brc, 0, 0, pSep ) &&
+ IsBorder( brc ))
+ {
+ short nPgbProp = ReadSprm( pSep, 0x522F, 0 ); //sprmSPgbProp
+ // ogbProp - pgbApplyTo
+ // 0 all Pages in this Section
+ // 1 first Page in this Section
+ // 2 all Pages in this Section but first
+ // 3 whole document (all Sections)
+ if( !pPageDesc0 && pPageDesc1 &&
+ ( 2 == (nPgbProp & 0x7 ) || 1 == (nPgbProp & 0x7 )) )
+ {
+ // dann muss aber einer angelegt werden
+ SwPaM* pPageDeskPaM = 0;
+ pPageDesc0 = CreatePageDesc( 0, &pPageDeskPaM );
+ // if PageDesc was inserted check for cols
+ // and insert section instead
+ if( pPageDeskPaM )
+ {
+ SwFrmFmt &rFmt = pPageDesc0->GetMaster();
+ SetPage1( pPageDesc0, rFmt, pSep, nLIdx, FALSE );
+ const SwFmtCol& rCol = rFmt.GetCol();
+ // if PageDesc has been inserted and has cols
+ // insert a *section* with cols instead
+ if( rCol.GetNumCols() )
+ {
+ InsertSectionWithWithoutCols( *pPaM, &rCol );
+ // remove columns from PageDesc
+ SwFmtCol aCol;
+ rFmt.SetAttr( aCol );
+ }
+ delete pPageDeskPaM;
+ }
+ rDoc.CopyPageDesc( *pPageDesc1, *pPageDesc0, FALSE );
+ pPageDesc0->SetFollow( pPageDesc1 );
+ pPageDesc1->SetFollow( pPageDesc1 );
+ }
+ SwFrmFmt* pFmt0 = 0, *pFmt1 = 0;
+ if( 2 != (nPgbProp & 0x7 ) && pPageDesc0 )
+ pFmt0 = &pPageDesc0->GetMaster();
+ if( 1 != (nPgbProp & 0x7 ) && pPageDesc1 )
+ pFmt1 = &pPageDesc1->GetMaster();
+ SvxBoxItem aBox;
+ SetBorder( aBox, brc );
+ Rectangle aInnerDist;
+ GetBorderDistance( brc, aInnerDist );
+ if( aInnerDist.Left() || aInnerDist.Top()
+ || aInnerDist.Right() || aInnerDist.Bottom() )
+ {
+ // das muss natuerlich von den Raendern abgezogen werden!
+ SwFrmFmt* pFmt = pFmt0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i, pFmt = pFmt1 )
+ if( pFmt )
+ {
+ SvxLRSpaceItem aLR( pFmt->GetLRSpace() );
+ SvxULSpaceItem aUL( pFmt->GetULSpace() );
+ if( 0x20 == ( nPgbProp & 0xe0 )) // distance from pageborder
+ {
+ // Left
+ if( aInnerDist.Left() < aLR.GetLeft() )
+ {
+ aLR.SetLeft( (USHORT)(aLR.GetLeft()
+ - aInnerDist.Left() ) );
+ aBox.SetDistance( (USHORT)aInnerDist.Left(),
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aBox.SetDistance( aLR.GetLeft(), BOX_LINE_LEFT );
+ aLR.SetLeft( 0 );
+ }
+ // Right
+ if( aInnerDist.Right() < aLR.GetRight() )
+ {
+ aLR.SetRight( (USHORT)(aLR.GetRight()
+ - aInnerDist.Right() ) );
+ aBox.SetDistance( (USHORT)aInnerDist.Right(),
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aBox.SetDistance( aLR.GetRight(), BOX_LINE_RIGHT );
+ aLR.SetRight( 0 );
+ }
+ // Top
+ if( aInnerDist.Top() < aUL.GetUpper() )
+ {
+ aUL.SetUpper( (USHORT)(aUL.GetUpper()
+ - aInnerDist.Top() ) );
+ aBox.SetDistance( (USHORT)aInnerDist.Top(),
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aBox.SetDistance( aUL.GetUpper(), BOX_LINE_TOP );
+ aUL.SetUpper( 0 );
+ }
+ // Bottom
+ if( aInnerDist.Bottom() < aUL.GetLower() )
+ {
+ aUL.SetLower( (USHORT)(aUL.GetLower()
+ - aInnerDist.Bottom() ) );
+ aBox.SetDistance( (USHORT)aInnerDist.Bottom(),
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aBox.SetDistance( aUL.GetLower(), BOX_LINE_BOTTOM );
+ aUL.SetLower( 0 );
+ }
+ pFmt->SetAttr( aLR );
+ pFmt->SetAttr( aUL );
+ pFmt->SetAttr( aBox );
+ }
+ else // distance from text
+ {
+ // Left
+ aBox.SetDistance( (USHORT)aInnerDist.Left(),
+ aLR.SetLeft( Max((long)0, (long)(aLR.GetLeft()
+ - (USHORT)aInnerDist.Left() )));
+ // Right
+ aBox.SetDistance( (USHORT)aInnerDist.Right(),
+ aLR.SetRight(Max((long)0, (long)(aLR.GetRight()
+ - (USHORT)aInnerDist.Right() )));
+ // Top
+ aBox.SetDistance( (USHORT)aInnerDist.Top(),
+ aUL.SetUpper(Max(0, aUL.GetUpper()
+ - (USHORT)aInnerDist.Top() ));
+ // Bottom
+ aBox.SetDistance( (USHORT)aInnerDist.Bottom(),
+ aUL.SetLower(Max(0, aUL.GetLower()
+ - (USHORT)aInnerDist.Bottom() ));
+ pFmt->SetAttr( aLR );
+ pFmt->SetAttr( aUL );
+ pFmt->SetAttr( aBox );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pFmt0 ) pFmt0->SetAttr( aBox );
+ if( pFmt1 ) pFmt1->SetAttr( aBox );
+ }
+ SvxShadowItem aS;
+ if( SetShadow( aS, aBox, brc))
+ {
+ if( pFmt0 ) pFmt0->SetAttr( aS );
+ if( pFmt1 ) pFmt1->SetAttr( aS );
+ }
+ }
+// if( nSwUp > rBox.GetDistance()) nSwUp -= rBox.GetDistance(); else nSwUp = 0;
+// if( nSwLo > rBox.GetDistance()) nSwLo -= rBox.GetDistance(); else nSwLo = 0;
+void SwWW8ImplReader::SetUseOn( SwPageDesc* pPageDesc0, SwPageDesc* pPageDesc1,
+ const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep, BYTE nCorrIhdt )
+ BOOL bEven = nCorrIhdt & ( WW8_HEADER_EVEN | WW8_FOOTER_EVEN );
+ UseOnPage eUseBase = ( pWDop->fMirrorMargins ) ? PD_MIRROR : PD_ALL;
+ UseOnPage eUse = eUseBase;
+ if( !bEven )
+ eUse = (UseOnPage)( eUse | PD_HEADERSHARE | PD_FOOTERSHARE );
+ if( !pPageDesc1 ){ // 1 Pagedesc reicht
+ pPageDesc0->WriteUseOn( eUse ); // alle Seiten
+ }else{ // 2 Pagedescs noetig
+ pPageDesc0->WriteUseOn( (UseOnPage) // 1. Seite
+ pPageDesc1->WriteUseOn( eUse ); // Folgeseiten
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::InsertSectionWithWithoutCols( SwPaM& rMyPaM, const SwFmtCol* pCol )
+ // if this Node is not empty create a new Node befor inserting the Section
+ const SwPosition* pPos = rMyPaM.GetPoint();
+ const SwTxtNode* pSttNd = pPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
+ USHORT nCntPos = pPos->nContent.GetIndex();
+ if( nCntPos && pSttNd->GetTxt().Len() )
+ {
+ if( rMyPaM.HasMark() ) // do we have a SELECTION ?
+ {
+ SwNodeIndex aMarkNd( rMyPaM.GetMark()->nNode, -1 );
+ xub_StrLen nMarkCnt = rMyPaM.GetMark()->nContent.GetIndex();
+ rDoc.SplitNode( *pPos );
+ rMyPaM.Move( fnMoveBackward );
+ aMarkNd++;
+ rMyPaM.GetMark()->nNode = aMarkNd;
+ rMyPaM.GetMark()->nContent.Assign( aMarkNd.GetNode().GetCntntNode(), nMarkCnt );
+ }
+ else
+ rDoc.SplitNode( *pPos );
+ }
+ SwSection aSection( CONTENT_SECTION, rDoc.GetUniqueSectionName() );
+ SfxItemSet aSet( rDoc.GetAttrPool(), aFrmFmtSetRange );
+ if( pCol )
+ aSet.Put( *pCol );
+ if( 2 == pWDop->fpc )
+ aSet.Put( SwFmtFtnAtTxtEnd( FTNEND_ATTXTEND ));
+ if( 0 == pWDop->epc )
+ aSet.Put( SwFmtEndAtTxtEnd( FTNEND_ATTXTEND ));
+ pNewSection = rDoc.Insert( rMyPaM, aSection, &aSet );
+ ASSERT( !pBehindSection, "pBehindSection ungleich Null! why Recursion?");
+ // set PaM into first Node of the new Section
+ const SwSectionNode* pSectionNode =
+ pNewSection->GetFmt()->GetSectionNode();
+ ASSERT( pSectionNode, "Kein Inhalt vorbereitet." );
+ pBehindSection = new SwNodeIndex( *pSectionNode->EndOfSectionNode(), 1 );
+ rMyPaM.GetPoint()->nNode =
+ pSectionNode->GetIndex()+1;
+ rMyPaM.GetPoint()->nContent.Assign(
+ rMyPaM.GetCntntNode(), 0 );
+// Bei jedem Abschnittswechsel ( auch am Anfang eines Dokuments ) wird
+// CreateSep gerufen, dass dann den / die Pagedesc(s) erzeugt und
+// mit Attributen un KF-Texten fuellt.
+// Dieses Vorgehen ist noetig geworden, da die UEbersetzung der verschiedenen
+// Seiten-Attribute zu stark verflochten ist.
+void SwWW8ImplReader::CreateSep(const long nTxtPos)
+{/*static BYTE __READONLY_DATA nHdFtType[] =
+ if( bTxbxFlySection || bDontCreateSep )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ BYTE nLastSectionCorrIhdt = nCorrIhdt;
+ BOOL bLastSectionHadATitlePage = bSectionHasATitlePage;
+ // Might we have to close a section first?
+ BOOL bSectionWasJustClosed = pBehindSection && nTxtPos;
+ if( bSectionWasJustClosed )
+ {
+ // remove preceeding Node
+ // if a 0x0d came immediately before
+ if( 0 == pPaM->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex() )
+ JoinNode( pPaM );
+ // set PaM behind section
+ pPaM->GetPoint()->nNode = *pBehindSection;
+ pPaM->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign(
+ pPaM->GetCntntNode(), 0 );
+ DELETEZ( pBehindSection );
+ DELETEZ( pLastPgDeskIdx );
+ }
+ SwPageDesc* pOldPageDesc = pPageDesc;
+ SwPageDesc* pPageDesc1 = 0;
+ WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep = pPlcxMan->GetSepPLCF();
+ // check if Line Numbering must be activated or resetted
+ BYTE* pSprmSNLnnMod = bNew ? pSep->HasSprm( bVer67 ? 154 : 0x5015 ) : 0;
+ if( pSprmSNLnnMod && *pSprmSNLnnMod )
+ {
+ // restart-numbering-mode: 0 per page, 1 per section, 2 never restart
+ BYTE* pSprmSLnc = pSep->HasSprm( bVer67 ? 152 : 0x3013 );
+ bRestartLnNumPerSection = pSprmSLnc && 1 == *pSprmSLnc;
+ if( bNoLnNumYet )
+ {
+ SwLineNumberInfo aInfo( rDoc.GetLineNumberInfo() );
+ aInfo.SetPaintLineNumbers( TRUE );
+ aInfo.SetRestartEachPage( !pSprmSLnc || 0 == *pSprmSLnc );
+ BYTE* pSprmSDxaLnn = pSep->HasSprm( bVer67 ? 155:0x9016 );
+ if( pSprmSDxaLnn )
+ {
+ INT16 nSDxaLnn = SVBT16ToShort( pSprmSDxaLnn );
+ aInfo.SetPosFromLeft( nSDxaLnn );
+ }
+ aInfo.SetCountBy( *pSprmSNLnnMod ); //Paint only for every n line
+ // to be defaulted features ( HARDCODED in MS Word 6,7,8,9 )
+ aInfo.SetCountBlankLines( TRUE );
+ aInfo.SetCountInFlys( FALSE );
+ SwNumType aNumType; // this sets SVX_NUM_ARABIC per default
+ aInfo.SetNumType( aNumType );
+ // to be ingnored features ( NOT existing in MS Word 6,7,8,9 )
+ // aInfo.SetDividerCountBy( nDividerCountBy );
+ // aInfo.SetDivider( sDivider );
+ // aInfo.SetCharFmt( pChrFmt );
+ rDoc.SetLineNumberInfo( aInfo );
+ bNoLnNumYet = FALSE;
+ }
+ BYTE* pSprmSLnnMin = pSep->HasSprm( bVer67 ? 160:0x501B );
+ if( ( pSprmSLnnMin
+ && 0 < *pSprmSLnnMin )
+ || ( bRestartLnNumPerSection
+ && !bNoLnNumYet ) )
+ {
+ SwFmtLineNumber aLN;
+ if( pSprmSLnnMin )
+ aLN.SetStartValue( 1 + *pSprmSLnnMin );
+ else
+ aLN.SetStartValue( 1 );
+ NewAttr( aLN );
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_LINENUMBER );
+ }
+ bNoLnNumYet = FALSE;
+ }
+ // pruefen, ob und wie umzubrechen ist break code: 0 No break
+ // 1 New column
+ BYTE* pSprmBkc = pSep->HasSprm( bVer67 ? 142 : 0x3009 );// 2 New page
+ BYTE nBreakCode = pSprmBkc ? *pSprmBkc : 2; // 3 Even page
+ BOOL bContinuousBreak=(0 == nBreakCode); // 4 Odd page
+ // im wievielten Abschnitt stehen wir denn eigentlich?
+ nActSectionNo = (short)( pSep->GetIdx() & 0x00007fff );
+ /*
+ Welche Kopf-/Fuss-Bereiche sind
+ identisch mit dem Vorgaenger-Abschnitt?
+ */ // sprmSFTitlePage
+ bSectionHasATitlePage = (0 != ReadBSprm( pSep, bVer67 ? 143 : 0x300A, 0 ));
+ BYTE nIPara;
+ BYTE nJustCopyHdFt = 0; // HdFt that are stored in previous WW section prop
+ // and were NOT USED but may be copied now
+ BYTE nSameHdFt = 0; // HdFt that WERE the same in previous WW section
+ short aOldSectionNo[ 6 ];
+ memset( &aOldSectionNo, 0, sizeof( aOldSectionNo ) );
+ if( bVer67 )
+ {
+ // sprmSGprfIhdt
+ BOOL bSameHdFt = ( !ReadBSprmRet( nIPara, pSep, 153, 0 ) );
+ // Leere Hd/Ft will ich nicht
+ nCorrIhdt = pHdFt ? HdFtCorrectPara( nIPara ) : 0;
+ if( bSameHdFt )
+ {
+ nSameHdFt = 0xff;
+ nJustCopyHdFt = nSameHdFt;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( !pHdFt )
+ nCorrIhdt = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ // nCorrIhdt ermitteln: WELCHE Hd/Ft sind ueberhaupt zu aktivieren?
+ //
+ if( bSectionHasATitlePage )
+ if( pWDop->fFacingPages )
+ // den PLCF analysieren:
+ //
+ // Hd/Ft ist gleich, wenn die Laenge des Eintrags NULL ist
+ // oder die Ziel-Offsets identisch sind.
+ //
+ WW8_CP nStart;
+ WW8_CP nOldStart;
+ long nLen;
+ long nOldLen;
+ BYTE nHdFtInfosStored=0;
+ for( BYTE nI = 0, nMask = 1; nI < 6; nI++, nMask <<= 1 )
+ {
+ // 1st find ALL Hd/Ft infos that are stored in this WW section
+ // -- or in the sections before this one --
+ // regardless whether they are used in this section or not
+ pHdFt->GetTextPosExact( nI+ (nActSectionNo+1)*6, nStart, nLen );
+ if( !nLen || nActSectionNo )
+ {
+ short nOldSectionNo = nActSectionNo;
+ do
+ {
+ --nOldSectionNo;
+ pHdFt->GetTextPosExact( nI + (nOldSectionNo+1)*6,
+ nOldStart,
+ nOldLen);
+ if( nOldLen )
+ aOldSectionNo[ nI ] = nOldSectionNo;
+ }
+ while( nOldSectionNo && !nOldLen );
+ }
+ if( nLen || nOldLen )
+ nHdFtInfosStored |= nMask;
+ if( nCorrIhdt & nMask )
+ {
+ if( nActSectionNo )
+ {
+ if( !nLen
+ || ( (nOldStart == nStart)
+ && (nOldLen == nLen ) ) )
+ {
+ // same Hd/Ft as in previous Section or NO Hd/Ft
+ if( nHdFtInfosStored & nMask )
+ {
+ // prev. sect. really DID have and USE the Hd/Ft
+ if( nLastSectionCorrIhdt & nMask )
+ nJustCopyHdFt |= nMask;
+ // Hd/Ft may be found in one of prev. sections
+ nSameHdFt |= nMask;
+ }
+ else
+ nCorrIhdt &= ~nMask;// NO prev. Hd/Ft at all
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if( !nLen )
+ nCorrIhdt &= ~nMask;// 0 in 1.Sect.: Hd/Ft undefined
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Einlese-Flag auf Use-On-Flag setzen
+ nIPara = nCorrIhdt;
+ }
+ USHORT nLIdx = ( ( pWwFib->lid & 0xff ) == 0x9 ) ? 1 : 0;
+ // sprmSNfcPgn
+ BYTE nLastNfcPgn = nNfcPgn;
+ nNfcPgn = ReadBSprm( pSep, (bVer67 ? 147 : 0x300E), 0 );
+ if( nNfcPgn > 4 ) nNfcPgn = 0;
+ /*
+ Pruefen, ob wir uns den neuen Abschnitt schenken koennen, da kein
+ Umbruch erforderlich ist.
+ */
+ if( pSep->GetIMax() > 1 )
+ {
+ if( nActSectionNo )
+ {
+ // Index eins zurueck setzen
+ pSep->SetIdx( nActSectionNo-1 );
+ // Attribute von vorigem Abschnitt einlesen
+ WW8PLCFxDesc aOther;
+ pSep->GetSprms( &aOther );
+ long nOtherSprmsLen = aOther.nSprmsLen;
+ // Kopie der vorigen Attr. anlegen, da sie gleich ueberschrieben werden
+ BYTE* pOtherMem = new BYTE[ nOtherSprmsLen ];
+ memcpy( pOtherMem, aOther.pMemPos, nOtherSprmsLen );
+ // Index wieder richtig setzen
+ pSep->SetIdx( nActSectionNo );
+ // aktuelle Attribute einlesen
+ WW8PLCFxDesc aCur;
+ pSep->GetSprms( &aCur );
+ // zu ignorierende Attribute sammeln
+ SvUShortsSort aIgnore(9, 1);
+ if( bContinuousBreak )
+ {
+ /*
+ zu 'sprmSBkc':
+ Wir sehen zwei WW-Abschnitte auch dann als gleich an,
+ wenn sie sich lediglich im break code unterscheiden.
+ Natuerlich muessen die Kopf/Fuss-Bereiche identisch sein.
+ Ignoriert werden auch die folgenden,
+ spaltenbezogene Flags:
+ SCcolumns, SDxaColumns, SDxaColWidth,
+ SDxaColSpacing, SFEvenlySpaced, SLBetween
+ und: SFFacingCol (nur bei Ver8)
+ We will also ignore a different formatting of the page number here.
+ We will also ignore different line numbering settings here
+ since only the very 1st line numbering settings are taken
+ into account anyway, see: bNoLnNum
+ */
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aVer67Ids[ 13 ] =
+ {136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 144, 145, 147, 152, 154, 155, 158, 160};//sortiert!
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aVer8Ids[ 14] =
+ {0x3005, 0x3006, 0x3009, 0x300E, 0x3013, 0x3019, 0x3229, 0x500B, 0x5015, 0x501B,
+ 0x900C, 0x9016, 0xF203, 0xF204};//sortiert!
+ if( bVer67 )
+ aIgnore.Insert( aVer67Ids, 13);
+ else
+ aIgnore.Insert( aVer8Ids, 14);
+ }
+ // nachschauen, ob die nicht zu ignor. Attr. gleich sind
+ BOOL bEqual = (bSectionHasATitlePage ==bLastSectionHadATitlePage)
+ && (nCorrIhdt == nLastSectionCorrIhdt)
+ && (nCorrIhdt == (nCorrIhdt & nJustCopyHdFt))
+ && (nNfcPgn == nLastNfcPgn)
+ && pSep->CompareSprms(pOtherMem,
+ nOtherSprmsLen,
+ &aIgnore);
+ // Kopie der vorigen Attr. wieder freigeben
+ delete pOtherMem;
+ if( bEqual )
+ {
+ switch( nBreakCode )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ if( 0 < pPaM->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex() )
+ rDoc.AppendTxtNode( *pPaM->GetPoint() );
+ // Abschnittsweschsel: neuer Bereich
+ SwSection aSection( CONTENT_SECTION,
+ rDoc.GetUniqueSectionName() );
+ SfxItemSet aSet( rDoc.GetAttrPool(), aFrmFmtSetRange );
+ if( 2 == pWDop->fpc )
+ aSet.Put( SwFmtFtnAtTxtEnd( FTNEND_ATTXTEND ));
+ if( 3 == pWDop->epc )
+ aSet.Put( SwFmtEndAtTxtEnd( FTNEND_ATTXTEND ));
+ pNewSection = rDoc.Insert( *pPaM, aSection, &aSet );
+ pBehindSection = new SwNodeIndex( pPaM->GetPoint()->nNode );
+ // Anzahl der Spalten einstellen
+ if( pPageDesc )
+ {
+ SwFrmFmt& rFmt = pPageDesc->GetMaster();
+ const SwFmtFrmSize& rSz = rFmt.GetFrmSize();
+ const SvxLRSpaceItem& rLR = rFmt.GetLRSpace();
+ SwTwips nWidth = rSz.GetWidth();
+ USHORT nLeft = rLR.GetTxtLeft();
+ USHORT nRight = rLR.GetRight();
+ SetCols( pNewSection->GetFmt(), pSep, nWidth - nLeft - nRight );
+ }
+ // PaM in Node der Section setzen
+ const SwSectionNode* pSectionNode =
+ pNewSection->GetFmt()->GetSectionNode();
+ ASSERT( pSectionNode, "Kein Inhalt vorbereitet." );
+ pPaM->GetPoint()->nNode =
+ pSectionNode->GetIndex()+1;
+ pPaM->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign(
+ pPaM->GetCntntNode(), 0 );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: if( bNew )
+ rDoc.Insert(*pPaM,
+ break;
+ //case 2:
+ //case 3: // alle drei Faelle -> PgDesc-Format-Einfuegung
+ //case 4:
+ default: {
+ /*
+ Wir koennen den aktuellen PgDesk einsetzen,
+ da dies immer der 1st-Page Deskriptor ist,
+ nie der Follow!
+ So geht es, auch wenn der Break auf Seite 7
+ kommt, wieder mit einer ERSTEN Seite weiter.
+ */
+ if( bNew )
+ {
+ if( 0 < pPaM->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex() )
+ rDoc.AppendTxtNode( *pPaM->GetPoint() );
+ if( pPageDesc )
+ rDoc.Insert(*pPaM, SwFmtPageDesc( pPageDesc ));
+ else
+ // kein voriger PgDesc vorhanden?
+ rDoc.Insert(*pPaM,
+ SvxFmtBreakItem( SVX_BREAK_PAGE_BEFORE ));
+ SetLastPgDeskIdx();
+ }
+ }break;
+ }
+ return;
+ // ======== Das war's Freunde, jetzt nichts wie weg hier!
+ }
+ }
+ if( bNew
+ && ( bSectionWasJustClosed
+ || (pPageDesc != &rDoc._GetPageDesc( 0 )) ) )
+ {
+ // Create and *insert* PageDesc
+ SwPaM* pPageDeskPaM = 0;
+ pPageDesc = CreatePageDesc( 0, &pPageDeskPaM );
+ SwFrmFmt &rFmt = pPageDesc->GetMaster();
+ SetPage1( pPageDesc, rFmt, pSep, nLIdx, FALSE );
+ // if PageDesc has been inserted and has cols
+ // insert a *section* with cols instead
+ if( pPageDeskPaM )
+ {
+ const SwFmtCol& rCol = rFmt.GetCol();
+ if( rCol.GetNumCols() )
+ {
+ InsertSectionWithWithoutCols( *pPaM, &rCol );
+ // remove columns from PageDesc
+ SwFmtCol aCol;
+ rFmt.SetAttr( aCol );
+ }
+ delete pPageDeskPaM;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if( bNew )
+ pPageDesc = &rDoc._GetPageDesc( 0 ); // Standard
+ if( !bNew )
+ return;
+ // Seitennummernformat speichern
+ {
+ static SvxExtNumType __READONLY_DATA aNumTyp[ 5 ] = {
+ SwNumType aType; aType.eType = aNumTyp[ nNfcPgn ];
+ pPageDesc->SetNumType( aType );
+ }
+ if( !bVer67 )
+ {
+ // Seitennummer neu starten - sprmSFPgnRestart
+ {
+ BYTE nfPgnRestart = ReadBSprm( pSep, 0x3011, 0 );
+ if( nfPgnRestart )
+ {
+ const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
+ const SfxItemSet* pSet;
+ if( ( 0 != (pSet = pPaM->GetCntntNode()->GetpSwAttrSet()) )
+ && ( SFX_ITEM_SET ==
+ pSet->GetItemState(RES_PAGEDESC, FALSE, &pItem) ) )
+ {
+ // read Pagination Start attribute - sprmSPgnStart
+ BYTE nPgnStart = ReadBSprm( pSep, 0x501C, 0 );
+ ((SwFmtPageDesc*)pItem)->SetNumOffset( nPgnStart );
+ }
+ else
+ if( pPageDesc == &rDoc.GetPageDesc( 0 ) )
+ {
+ // read Pagination Start attribute - sprmSPgnStart
+ BYTE nPgnStart = ReadBSprm( pSep, 0x501C, 0 );
+ SwFmtPageDesc aPgDesc( pPageDesc );
+ aPgDesc.SetNumOffset( nPgnStart );
+ rDoc.Insert( *pPaM, aPgDesc );
+ SetLastPgDeskIdx();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Chapterlevel und Chapterdelimiter ? (sprmScnsPgn & sprmSiHeadingPgn)
+ BYTE* p = pSep->HasSprm( 0x3001 );
+ if( p && *p )
+ {
+ bPgChpLevel = TRUE;
+ nPgChpLevel = *p - 1;
+ if( MAXLEVEL <= nPgChpLevel )
+ nPgChpLevel = MAXLEVEL - 1;
+ if( 0 != (p = pSep->HasSprm( 0x3000 )) )
+ nPgChpDelim = *p;
+ else
+ nPgChpDelim = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ bPgChpLevel = FALSE;
+ }
+ // Vorsicht: gibt es ueberhaupt einen vorigen Page Descriptor?
+ if( !pOldPageDesc )
+ nSameHdFt = 0;
+ SwFrmFmt &rFmt0 = pPageDesc->GetMaster();
+ if( !bSectionHasATitlePage )
+ {
+ // Gegebenenfalls Einstellungen des vorigen PgDesc uebernehmen
+ // und das Einlese-Flag entsprechend korrigieren,
+ // damit nur noch die Eintraege gelesen werden, die NICHT
+ // vom vorigen PgDesc zu uebernehmen sind.
+ //
+ if( 0 < nSameHdFt )
+ {
+ CopyPageDescHdFt( pOldPageDesc, pPageDesc, nSameHdFt );
+ if( bVer67 )
+ nIPara = 0;
+ else
+ nIPara &= ~nSameHdFt;
+ }
+ WW8ULSpaceData aULData;
+ GetPageULData( pSep, nLIdx, FALSE, aULData );
+ // dann Header / Footer lesen, falls noch noetig
+ //
+ if( nIPara )
+ {
+ SetHdFt( pPageDesc, 0, pSep, nIPara );
+ }
+ // und uebrige Einstellungen updaten
+ //
+ SetPage1( pPageDesc, // Orientierung, Hoehe, Breite, Vertikale Formatierung
+ rFmt0,
+ pSep,
+ nLIdx,
+ TRUE );
+ SetPageULSpaceItems( rFmt0, aULData );
+ SetPageBorder( 0, pPageDesc, pSep, nLIdx );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Hier beachten:
+ // ==============
+ //
+ // pPageDesc = erste Seite
+ // pPageDesc1 = Folge-Seiten
+ //
+ // erst folgende PageDesc-Werte einstellen:
+ //
+ // Orientierung, Hoehe, Breite
+ //
+ SetPage1( pPageDesc, // Orientierung, Hoehe, Breite, Vertikale Formatierung
+ rFmt0,
+ pSep,
+ nLIdx,
+ TRUE );
+ // dann den PageDesc1 anlegen fuer Folge-Seiten
+ //
+ pPageDesc1 = CreatePageDesc( pPageDesc );
+ // Gegebenenfalls Einstellungen des/der vorigen PgDesc uebernehmen
+ //
+ if( 0 < nSameHdFt )
+ {
+ // ggfs. erst den alten 1st-Seite-PgDesc suchen und dessen
+ // Einstellungen uebernehmen
+ //
+ {
+ // suchen
+ const SwPageDesc* pOld1stPageDesc = 0;
+ USHORT nSize = rDoc.GetPageDescCnt();
+ if( nSize )
+ {
+ for( USHORT n = 0; n < nSize; ++n )
+ {
+ const SwPageDesc& rPageDesc = rDoc.GetPageDesc( n );
+ if( (&rPageDesc != pOldPageDesc)
+ && (rPageDesc.GetFollow() == pOldPageDesc) )
+ {
+ pOld1stPageDesc = &rPageDesc;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // uebernehmen
+ if( pOld1stPageDesc )
+ {
+ CopyPageDescHdFt( pOld1stPageDesc, pPageDesc,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pOldPageDesc == pOldPageDesc->GetFollow() )
+ {
+ // hoppla, die vorige Section hatte keine 1st Page?
+ //
+ // also: auslesen der in WW8 fuer die nicht vorhandene
+ // 1st Page gespeicherten Hd/Ft-Einstellungen...
+ //
+ // Beachte: pPageDesc1 MUSS hier mit uebergeben werden,
+ // obwohl wir dessen Werte ja eigentlich hier
+ // gar nicht einlesen wollen!
+ // Das macht aber nichts, denn wir stellen den
+ // "SetHdFt( nIPara )"-Parameter so ein, dass
+ // nur der 1.-Seite-PgDesc eingelesen wird.
+ //
+ short nSaveSectionNo = nActSectionNo;
+ if( bVer67 )
+ --nActSectionNo;
+ else
+ nActSectionNo = aOldSectionNo[ 4 ]
+ ? aOldSectionNo[ 4 ] // Hd 1st
+ : aOldSectionNo[ 5 ]; // Ft 1st
+ SetHdFt( pPageDesc, pPageDesc1, pSep,
+ nActSectionNo = nSaveSectionNo;
+ }
+ else
+ CopyPageDescHdFt( pOldPageDesc, pPageDesc,
+ }
+ // ggfs. Werte des vorigen PgDesc fuer Folge-Seiten uebernehmen
+ //
+ if( nSameHdFt & ( WW8_HEADER_EVEN | WW8_HEADER_ODD
+ {
+ CopyPageDescHdFt( pOldPageDesc, pPageDesc1,
+ }
+ // das Einlese-Flag entsprechend korrigieren,
+ // damit nur noch die Eintraege gelesen werden, die NICHT
+ // von vorigem/n PgDesc(s) zu uebernehmen sind.
+ //
+ if( bVer67 )
+ nIPara = 0;
+ else
+ nIPara &= ~nSameHdFt;
+ }
+ SwFrmFmt &rFmt1 = pPageDesc1->GetMaster();
+ WW8ULSpaceData aULData0, aULData1;
+ GetPageULData( pSep, nLIdx, TRUE, aULData0 ); // Vertikale Formatierung
+ GetPageULData( pSep, nLIdx, FALSE, aULData1 ); // einzeln, da KF evtl. verschieden
+ // dann Header / Footer lesen, falls noch noetig
+ //
+ if( nIPara )
+ {
+ SetHdFt( pPageDesc, pPageDesc1, pSep, nIPara );
+ }
+ // und uebrige Einstellungen updaten
+ //
+ SetPageULSpaceItems( rFmt0, aULData0 ); // Vertikale Formatierung
+ SetPageULSpaceItems( rFmt1, aULData1 ); // einzeln, da KF evtl. verschieden
+ SetPageBorder( pPageDesc, pPageDesc1, pSep, nLIdx );
+ }
+ SetUseOn( pPageDesc, pPageDesc1, pSep, nCorrIhdt );
+ static BYTE __READONLY_DATA aPaperBinIds[ 17 ] =
+ {5,2,4,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
+ // WW SW
+ // ------------------------------
+ // 0 == default 5
+ // 1 == Upper paper tray 2
+ // 2 == Lower paper tray 4
+ // 4 == Manual paper feed 3
+ // 15 == Automatically select 0
+ // 16 == First tray available 1
+ BYTE* pSprmSDmBinFirst = pSep->HasSprm( bVer67 ? 140 : 0x5007 );
+ BYTE* pSprmSDmBinOther = pSep->HasSprm( bVer67 ? 141 : 0x5008 );
+ if( pSprmSDmBinFirst && (17 > *pSprmSDmBinFirst) )
+ {
+ SvxPaperBinItem aItem( ITEMID_PAPERBIN, aPaperBinIds[ *pSprmSDmBinFirst ] );
+ pPageDesc->GetMaster().SetAttr( aItem );
+ }
+ if( pSprmSDmBinOther && (17 > *pSprmSDmBinOther) )
+ {
+ SvxPaperBinItem aItem( ITEMID_PAPERBIN, aPaperBinIds[ *pSprmSDmBinOther ] );
+ SwFrmFmt &rFmtOther = pPageDesc1 ? pPageDesc1->GetMaster() : pPageDesc->GetLeft();
+ rFmtOther.SetAttr( aItem );
+ }
+ // Kopf / Fuss - Index Updaten
+ if( pHdFt )
+ pHdFt->UpdateIndex( nCorrIhdt ); // Damit der Index auch spaeter noch stimmt
+ // Die Attribute OLST
+ // werden weiterhin ueber die WWSprmTab abgehandelt
+void SwWW8ImplReader::CopyPageDescHdFt( const SwPageDesc* pOrgPageDesc,
+ SwPageDesc* pNewPageDesc, BYTE nCode )
+ // copy first header content section
+ if( nCode & WW8_HEADER_FIRST )
+ {
+ rDoc.CopyHeader(pOrgPageDesc->GetMaster(),
+ pNewPageDesc->GetMaster());
+ }
+ // copy first footer content section
+ if( nCode & WW8_FOOTER_FIRST )
+ {
+ rDoc.CopyFooter(pOrgPageDesc->GetMaster(),
+ pNewPageDesc->GetMaster());
+ }
+ if( nCode & ( WW8_HEADER_ODD | WW8_FOOTER_ODD
+ {
+ // determine PageDesc of follow pages
+ const SwPageDesc* pOrgFollowPageDesc = pOrgPageDesc->GetFollow();
+ // copy odd header content section
+ if( nCode & WW8_HEADER_ODD )
+ {
+ rDoc.CopyHeader(pOrgFollowPageDesc->GetMaster(),
+ pNewPageDesc->GetMaster() );
+ }
+ // copy odd footer content section
+ if( nCode & WW8_FOOTER_ODD )
+ {
+ rDoc.CopyFooter(pOrgFollowPageDesc->GetMaster(),
+ pNewPageDesc->GetMaster());
+ }
+ // copy even header content section
+ if( nCode & WW8_HEADER_EVEN )
+ {
+ rDoc.CopyHeader(pOrgFollowPageDesc->GetLeft(),
+ pNewPageDesc->GetLeft());
+ }
+ // copy even footer content section
+ if( nCode & WW8_FOOTER_EVEN )
+ {
+ rDoc.CopyFooter(pOrgFollowPageDesc->GetLeft(),
+ pNewPageDesc->GetLeft());
+ }
+ }
+// Hilfsroutinen fuer Grafiken und Apos und Tabellen
+static BOOL _SetWW8_BRC( BOOL bVer67, WW8_BRC& rVar, BYTE* pS )
+ if( pS )
+ if( bVer67 )
+ (WW8_BRCVer6&)rVar = *((WW8_BRCVer6*)pS);
+ else
+ rVar = *((WW8_BRC*)pS);
+ else
+ {
+ *(USHORT*)rVar.aBits1 = 0;
+ *(USHORT*)rVar.aBits2 = 0;
+ }
+ return 0 != pS;
+BOOL lcl_ReadBorders( BOOL bVer67, WW8_BRC* brc,
+ WW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP* pPap,
+ const WW8RStyle* pSty,
+ const WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSep )
+// Ausgegend von diesen defines:
+// #define WW8_TOP 0
+// #define WW8_LEFT 1
+// #define WW8_BOT 2
+// #define WW8_RIGHT 3
+// #define WW8_BETW 4
+ BOOL bBorder = FALSE;
+ if( pSep )
+ {
+ if( !bVer67 )
+ {
+ BYTE* pSprm[4];
+ // sprmSBrcTop, sprmSBrcLeft, sprmSBrcBottom, sprmSBrcRight
+ if( pSep->Find4Sprms( 0x702B, 0x702C, 0x702D, 0x702E,
+ pSprm[0], pSprm[1], pSprm[2], pSprm[3] ) )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
+ bBorder |= _SetWW8_BRC( bVer67, brc[ i ], pSprm[ i ] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aVer67Ids[5] =
+ { 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 };
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aVer8Ids[5] =
+ { 0x6424, 0x6425, 0x6426, 0x6427, 0x6428 };
+ const USHORT* pIds = bVer67 ? aVer67Ids : aVer8Ids;
+ if( pPap )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i, ++pIds )
+ bBorder |= _SetWW8_BRC( bVer67, brc[ i ], pPap->HasSprm( *pIds ));
+ }
+ else if( pSty )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i, ++pIds )
+ bBorder |= _SetWW8_BRC( bVer67, brc[ i ], pSty->HasParaSprm( *pIds ));
+ }
+ else
+ ASSERT( pSty || pPap, "WW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP and WW8RStyle "
+ "and WW8PLCFx_SEPX is 0" );
+ }
+ return bBorder;
+static SvxBorderLine& Set1Border( BOOL bVer67, SvxBorderLine& rLine,
+ const WW8_BRC& rBor )
+ // Deklarationen gemaess BOXITEM.HXX
+ // Match-Tabelle: verwandelt Ver67 Border Codes in Ver8-Typen
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA nTabBorderCode67ToCode8[] = // Aussenlinie
+ {
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1,
+ };
+ // Vor Aufruf muss sichergestellt werden, dass aBor & 0x1f != 0 ist,
+ // d.h. ueberhaupt eine Linie vorhanden ist
+// short nIdx = ( aBrc1 & 0x7 ) // aBor.dxpLineWidth ( Liniendicke )
+// + 8 * ( aBrc1 >> 3 & 0x3 ); // brcType, 0 = none / dotted / dashed
+ // 1 = single width, 2 = double width
+ // 3 = doppelte Linie ( = 3-fache Dicke )
+ BYTE nCol;
+ short nIdx;
+ if( bVer67 )
+ {
+ UINT16 aBrc1 = SVBT16ToShort( rBor.aBits1 );
+ nIdx = nTabBorderCode67ToCode8[ aBrc1 & 0x1f ];
+ nCol = ( (aBrc1 >> 6) & 0x1f ); // aBor.ico
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Sicherheitsmassnahme (Kodes ueber 25 sind undokumentiert)
+ nIdx = rBor.aBits1[1];
+ if( 25 < nIdx )
+ nIdx = 1;
+ // Angabe in 8tel Punkten, also mal 2.5, da 1 Punkt = 20 Twips
+ short nMSLineWidth = rBor.aBits1[ 0 ] * 20 / 8;
+ short nMSTotalWidth = nMSLineWidth;
+ // erst die Gesamt-Randbreite errechnen, zur weiteren Entscheidungsgrundlage
+ switch( nIdx )
+ {
+ /*
+ // Einzel-Linien sind Wurst
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ case 22:
+ case 7:
+ case 8:
+ case 9:
+ // Schraffurbalken dito
+ case 23:
+ */
+ // Mehrfach- und Spezial-Linien, die wir wie besonders behandeln
+ // (in der Reihenfolge, in der sie im Winword-97-Dialog erscheinen)
+ case 3: nMSTotalWidth = 3*nMSLineWidth;break;
+ case 10: nMSTotalWidth = 5*nMSLineWidth;break;
+ case 18:
+ case 17: nMSTotalWidth = 7*nMSLineWidth;break;
+ case 16:
+ case 19: nMSTotalWidth =12*nMSLineWidth;break;
+ case 20: nMSTotalWidth = 4*nMSLineWidth;break;
+ case 12:
+ case 11:
+ case 21: nMSTotalWidth = 6*nMSLineWidth;break;
+ case 13:
+ case 15:
+ case 14:
+ case 24:
+ case 25: nMSTotalWidth = 8*nMSLineWidth;break;
+ }
+ // dann auf unsere Randtypen mappen
+ switch( nIdx )
+ {
+ // zuerst die Einzel-Linien
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ case 22:
+ case 7:
+ case 8:
+ case 9:
+ // UND die Sonderfaelle, die wir durch eine Einzel-Linie
+ case 13: // bzw. notfalls durch eine Doppel-Linie darstellen
+ case 16:
+ case 19:
+ case 24:
+ case 25: if( nMSTotalWidth < 11) nIdx = 0;// 1 Twip bei uns
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 46) nIdx = 1;// 20 Twips
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 66) nIdx = 2;// 50
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 91) nIdx = 3;// 80
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth <126) nIdx = 4;// 100
+ // Pfusch: fuer die ganz dicken Linien muessen
+ // wir doppelte Linien malen, weil unsere
+ // Einfach-Linie nicht dicker als 5 Punkt wird
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth <166) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+2;// 150
+ else nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+5;// 180
+ break;
+ // dann den Schraffurbalken, den wir durch eine doppelte Linie darstellen
+ case 23: nIdx = 6;
+ break;
+ // dann die Doppel-Linien, fuer die wir feine Entsprechungen haben :-)))
+ case 3:
+ case 10: if( nMSTotalWidth < 46) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 0;// 22 Twips bei uns
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 106) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 1;// 60
+ else nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 2;// 150
+ break;
+ case 12: if( nMSTotalWidth < 87) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 8;// 71 Twips bei uns
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 117) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 9;// 101
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 166) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+10;// 131
+ else nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 5;// 180
+ break;
+ case 11: if( nMSTotalWidth < 137) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 4;// 90 Twips bei uns
+ else nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 6;// 180
+ break;
+ case 15: if( nMSTotalWidth < 46) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 0;// 22 Twips bei uns
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 106) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 1;// 60
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 166) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 2;// 150
+ else nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 5;// 180
+ break;
+ case 14: if( nMSTotalWidth < 46) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 0;// 22 Twips bei uns
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 76) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 1;// 60
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 121) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 4;// 90
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 166) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 2;// 150
+ else nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 6;// 180
+ break;
+ case 18: if( nMSTotalWidth < 46) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 0;// 22 Twips bei uns
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 62) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 7;// 52
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 87) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 8;// 71
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 117) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 9;// 101
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 156) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+10;// 131
+ else nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 5;// 180
+ break;
+ case 17: if( nMSTotalWidth < 46) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 0;// 22 Twips bei uns
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 72) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 7;// 52
+ else if( nMSTotalWidth < 137) nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 4;// 90
+ else nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 6;// 180
+ break;
+ case 20: if( nMSTotalWidth < 46) nIdx = 1;// 20 Twips bei uns
+ else nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 1;// 60
+ break;
+ case 21: nIdx = WW8_DECL_LINETAB_OFS_DOUBLE+ 1;// 60 Twips bei uns
+ break;
+ default: nIdx = 0;
+ }
+ nCol = rBor.aBits2[0]; // aBor.ico
+ }
+ const WW8_BordersSO& rBorders = nLineTabVer8[ nIdx ];
+ rLine.SetOutWidth( rBorders.Out );
+ rLine.SetInWidth ( rBorders.In );
+ rLine.SetDistance( rBorders.Dist );
+ rLine.SetColor( eSwWW8ColA[ nCol ] );
+ /*
+ Achtung: noch zu tun!!!
+ ========
+ eigentlich sollten wir uns jetzt die kumulierte Randbreite merken
+ ( als da waere: rBorders.Out + rBorders.In + rBorders.Dist )
+ und sie nach draussen melden, damit die aufrufenden Methoden ggfs.
+ die Objekt-Breiten entsprechend vergroessern!
+ Warum?
+ ======
+ Weil Winword die Raender a u s s e n drauf malt, wir hingegen sie
+ innen rein zeichnen, was bei uns zu einem kleineren Innenraum fuehrt!
+ */
+ return rLine;
+BOOL lcl_IsBorder( BOOL bVer67, const WW8_BRC* pbrc, BOOL bChkBtwn=FALSE )
+ if( bVer67 )
+ return ( pbrc[WW8_TOP ].aBits1[0] & 0x18 ) || // brcType != 0
+ ( pbrc[WW8_LEFT ].aBits1[0] & 0x18 ) ||
+ ( pbrc[WW8_BOT ].aBits1[0] & 0x18 ) ||
+ ( pbrc[WW8_RIGHT].aBits1[0] & 0x18 ) ||
+ ( bChkBtwn && ( pbrc[WW8_BETW ].aBits1[0] & 0x18 ));
+ // Abfrage auf 0x1f statt 0x18 ist noetig, da zumindest einige
+ // WW-Versionen ( 6.0 US ) bei dotted brcType auf 0 setzen
+ else
+ return pbrc[WW8_TOP ].aBits1[1] || // brcType != 0
+ pbrc[WW8_LEFT ].aBits1[1] ||
+ pbrc[WW8_BOT ].aBits1[1] ||
+ pbrc[WW8_RIGHT].aBits1[1] ||
+ (bChkBtwn && pbrc[WW8_BETW ].aBits1[1]);
+BOOL SwWW8ImplReader::IsBorder( const WW8_BRC* pbrc, BOOL bChkBtwn )
+ return lcl_IsBorder( bVer67, pbrc, bChkBtwn );
+BOOL SwWW8ImplReader::SetBorder( SvxBoxItem& rBox, const WW8_BRC* pbrc,
+ BOOL bChkBtwn )
+ SvxBorderLine aLine;
+ BOOL bChange = FALSE;
+ static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aIdArr[ 10 ] = {
+ for( int i = 0, nEnd = 8; i < nEnd; i += 2 )
+ {
+ // ungueltige Borders ausfiltern
+ const WW8_BRC& rB = pbrc[ aIdArr[ i ] ];
+ if( !(( rB.aBits1[0] == 0xff && rB.aBits1[1] == 0xff ) ||
+ 0 == ( bVer67
+ ? ( rB.aBits1[0] & 0x001f ) // Version 6/7
+ : rB.aBits1[1] ) )) // Version 8
+ {
+ rBox.SetLine( &Set1Border( bVer67, aLine, rB ), aIdArr[ i+1 ] );
+ bChange = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( 6 == i && bChkBtwn ) // wenn Botton nichts war,
+ nEnd += 2; // dann ggfs. auch Between befragen
+ }
+ return bChange;
+BOOL SwWW8ImplReader::SetShadow( SvxShadowItem& rShadow,
+ const SvxBoxItem& rBox, const WW8_BRC pbrc[4] )
+ BOOL bRet = ( bVer67 ? (pbrc[WW8_RIGHT].aBits1[ 1 ] & 0x20 )
+ : (pbrc[WW8_RIGHT].aBits2[ 1 ] & 0x20 ) ) &&
+ rBox.GetRight();
+ if( bRet )
+ {
+ rShadow.SetColor( Color( COL_BLACK ));
+// aS.SetWidth( 28 );
+// JP 19.11.98: abhaengig von der Breite der rechten Kante der Box
+ const SvxBorderLine& rLine = *rBox.GetRight();
+ rShadow.SetWidth( ( rLine.GetOutWidth() + rLine.GetInWidth() +
+ rLine.GetDistance() ) );
+ rShadow.SetLocation( SVX_SHADOW_BOTTOMRIGHT );
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ return bRet;
+void SwWW8ImplReader::GetBorderDistance( WW8_BRC* pbrc, Rectangle& rInnerDist )
+ //USHORT nInnerMargn = 0;
+ // 'dptSpace' is stored in 3 bits of 'Border Code (BRC)'
+ if( bVer67 )
+ rInnerDist = Rectangle(((pbrc[ 0 ].aBits1[1] >> 3) & 0x1f) * 20,
+ ((pbrc[ 1 ].aBits1[1] >> 3) & 0x1f) * 20,
+ ((pbrc[ 2 ].aBits1[1] >> 3) & 0x1f) * 20,
+ ((pbrc[ 3 ].aBits1[1] >> 3) & 0x1f) * 20 );
+ else
+ rInnerDist = Rectangle( (pbrc[ 0 ].aBits2[1] & 0x1f) * 20,
+ (pbrc[ 1 ].aBits2[1] & 0x1f) * 20,
+ (pbrc[ 2 ].aBits2[1] & 0x1f) * 20,
+ (pbrc[ 3 ].aBits2[1] & 0x1f) * 20 );
+ /*
+ for( int n = 0; n < 4; ++n )
+ nInnerMargn += ( pbrc[ n ].aBits2[1] & 0x1f); // dxpSpace
+ //return nInnerMargn * 5; // von Pt nach Twips / 4 Kanten
+ */
+void SwWW8ImplReader::SetFlyBordersShadow( SfxItemSet& rFlySet,
+ const WW8_BRC pbrc[4],
+ USHORT nInnerMgn )
+ if( IsBorder( pbrc ) )
+ {
+ SvxBoxItem aBox;
+ SetBorder( aBox, pbrc );
+ if( nInnerMgn )
+ aBox.SetDistance( nInnerMgn ); // Rand innen
+ rFlySet.Put( aBox );
+ // fShadow
+ SvxShadowItem aShadow;
+ if( SetShadow( aShadow, aBox, pbrc ))
+ rFlySet.Put( aShadow );
+ }
+// APOs
+ // fuer Berechnung der minimalen FrameSize
+#define MAX_BORDER_SIZE 210 // so breit ist max. der Border
+#define MAX_EMPTY_BORDER 10 // fuer +-1-Fehler, mindestens 1
+static short GetLineWidth( BOOL bVer67, const WW8_BRC& rBor )
+ register UINT16 nBits = SVBT16ToShort( rBor.aBits1 );
+ register short n = nBits & 0x7; // dxpLineWidth
+ if( n >= 6 )
+ n = 1;
+ return n * ( ( nBits >> 3 & 0x3 ) + 1 ) * 15; // aBor.brcType
+ // brcType Linien mit je n * 3/4 point Dicke
+JP 19.11.98: wenn dann muss es so richtig sein, die Version MUSS beachtet werden
+ UINT16 nIdx = bVer67 ? ((rBor.aBits1[ 0 ] & 0x18) >> 3) + 1
+ : rBor.aBits1[ 1 ];
+ UINT16 nWidth = bVer67 ? ((rBor.aBits1[ 0 ] & 0x7) * 15 ) // 3/4pt
+ : (rBor.aBits1[ 0 ] * 5 / 2); // 1/8pt
+ return nIdx * nWidth;
+//JP 19.11.98: aber warum werden nicht die SW-Borders zu Berechnung
+// herangezogen??
+ SvxBorderLine aLine;
+ ::Set1Border( bVer67, aLine, rBor );
+ return aLine.GetOutWidth() + aLine.GetInWidth() + aLine.GetDistance();
+static void FlySecur1( short& rSize, const short nMgn1, const short nMgn2,
+ const BOOL bBorder )
+ register short nMin = MINFLY
+ if ( rSize < nMin )
+ rSize = nMin;
+INLINE_AUSSER_HP BOOL SetValSprm( short* pVar, WW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP* pPap,
+ USHORT nId )
+ register BYTE* pS = pPap->HasSprm( nId );
+ if( pS )
+ *pVar = (INT16)SVBT16ToShort( pS );
+ return ( pS != 0 );
+INLINE_AUSSER_HP BOOL SetValSprm( short* pVar, const WW8RStyle* pStyle,
+ USHORT nId )
+ register BYTE* pS = pStyle->HasParaSprm( nId );
+ if( pS )
+ *pVar = (INT16)SVBT16ToShort( pS );
+ return ( pS != 0 );
+WW8FlyPara::WW8FlyPara( BOOL bIsVer67, const WW8FlyPara* pSrc /* = 0 */ )
+ if ( pSrc )
+ memcpy( this, pSrc, sizeof( WW8FlyPara ) ); // Copy-Ctor
+ else
+ {
+ memset( this, 0, sizeof( WW8FlyPara ) ); // Default-Ctor
+ nSp37 = 2; // Default: Umfluss
+ }
+ bVer67 = bIsVer67;
+// WW8FlyPara::operator == vergleicht alles, was in der Definition vor
+// den Borders steht!
+// dieses wird u.a. fuer TestSameApo benoetigt.
+int WW8FlyPara::operator == ( const WW8FlyPara& rSrc ) const
+ ASSERT( ( (BYTE*)rSrc.brc - (BYTE*)&rSrc < sizeof( WW8FlyPara ) ),
+ "WW8FlyPara::operator == geht schief" );
+ return !memcmp( this, &rSrc, (BYTE*)rSrc.brc - (BYTE*)&rSrc );
+ // memcmp ist moeglich, da die gesamte Struktur beim Initialisieren
+ // incl. Luecken mit 0 gefuellt wird und sich damit durch die
+ // Luecken keine falschen Unterschiede ergeben koennen.
+ // Ausserdem sind alle Elemente aligned, so dass keine Luecken
+ // existieren
+// Read fuer normalen Text
+BOOL WW8FlyPara::Read( BYTE* pSprm29, WW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP* pPap )
+// WW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP* pPap = pPlcxMan->GetPapPLCF();
+ if( pSprm29 )
+ nSp29 = *pSprm29; // PPC ( Bindung )
+ BYTE* pS = 0;
+ if( bVer67 )
+ {
+ SetValSprm( &nSp26, pPap, 26 ); // X-Position //sprmPDxaAbs
+ SetValSprm( &nSp27, pPap, 27 ); // Y-Position //sprmPDyaAbs
+ SetValSprm( (short*)&nSp45, pPap, 45 ); // Hoehe //sprmPWHeightAbs
+ SetValSprm( (short*)&nSp28, pPap, 28 ); // Breite //sprmPDxaWidth
+ SetValSprm( &nSp49, pPap, 49 ); // L/R-Raender //sprmPDxaFromText
+ SetValSprm( &nSp48, pPap, 48 ); // U/L-Raender //sprmPDyaFromText
+ pS = pPap->HasSprm( 37 ); // Umfluss //sprmPWr
+ if( pS )
+ nSp37 = *pS;
+ pS = pPap->HasSprm( 46 ); // DropCap //sprmPDcs
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetValSprm( &nSp26, pPap, 0x8418 ); // X-Position
+ SetValSprm( &nSp27, pPap, 0x8419 ); // Y-Position
+ SetValSprm( (short*)&nSp45, pPap, 0x442B ); // Hoehe
+ SetValSprm( (short*)&nSp28, pPap, 0x841A ); // Breite
+ SetValSprm( &nSp49, pPap, 0x842F ); // L/R-Raender
+ SetValSprm( &nSp48, pPap, 0x842E ); // U/L-Raender
+ pS = pPap->HasSprm( 0x2423 ); // Umfluss
+ if( pS )
+ nSp37 = *pS;
+ pS = pPap->HasSprm( 0x442C ); // DropCap
+ }
+ bDropCap = pS != 0;
+ if( !nSp29 && !nSp27 && !nSp49 && !nSp37 ) // alles 0 heisst
+ return FALSE; // Apo ist nicht vorhanden
+ if( ::lcl_ReadBorders( bVer67, brc, pPap )) // Umrandung
+ {
+ bBorderLines = ::lcl_IsBorder( bVer67, brc );
+ bBorder = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ bBorderLines = bBorder = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL WW8FlyPara::ReadFull( BYTE* pSprm29, SwWW8ImplReader* pIo )
+ WW8PLCFMan* pPlcxMan = pIo->pPlcxMan;
+ WW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP* pPap = pPlcxMan->GetPapPLCF();
+ BOOL bOk = Read( pSprm29, pPap ); // Lies Apo-Parameter
+ do{ // Block zum rausspringen
+ if( !bOk ) // schiefgegangen
+ break;
+ if( nSp45 != 0 /* || nSp28 != 0 */ )
+ break; // bGrafApo nur bei Hoehe automatisch
+ if( pIo->pWwFib->fComplex )
+ break; // (*pPap)++ geht bei FastSave schief
+ // -> bei FastSave kein Test auf Grafik-APO
+ SvStream* pIoStrm = pIo->pStrm;
+ ULONG nPos = pIoStrm->Tell();
+ WW8PLCFxSave1 aSave;
+ pPlcxMan->GetPap()->Save( aSave );
+ bGrafApo = FALSE;
+ do{ // Block zum rausspringen
+ BYTE nTxt[2];
+ pIoStrm->Read( nTxt, 2 ); // lies Text
+ if( nTxt[0] != 0x01 || nTxt[1] != 0x0d )// nur Grafik + CR ?
+ break; // Nein
+ (*pPap)++; // Naechste Zeile
+ // In APO ?
+ //sprmPPc
+ BYTE* pS = pPap->HasSprm( bVer67 ? 29 : 0x261B );
+ // Nein -> Grafik-Apo
+ if( !pS ){
+ bGrafApo = TRUE;
+ break; // Ende des APO
+ }
+ USHORT nColl = pPap->GetIstd();
+ if( nColl >= pIo->nColls || !pIo->pCollA[nColl].pFmt
+ || !pIo->pCollA[nColl].bColl )
+ nColl = 0; // Unguelige Style-Id
+ BOOL bNowStyleApo = pIo->pCollA[nColl].pWWFly != 0; // Apo in StyleDef
+ // BOOL bNowApo = bNowStyleApo || ( pS != 0 ); // hier Apo
+ WW8FlyPara aF( bVer67, bNowStyleApo ? pIo->pCollA[nColl].pWWFly : 0 );
+ // Neuer FlaPara zum Vergleich
+ aF.Read( pS, pPap ); // WWPara fuer neuen Para
+ if( !( aF == *this ) ) // selber APO ? ( oder neuer ? )
+ bGrafApo = TRUE; // nein -> 1-zeiliger APO
+ // -> Grafik-APO
+ }
+ while( 0 ); // Block zum rausspringen
+ pPlcxMan->GetPap()->Restore( aSave );
+ pIoStrm->Seek( nPos );
+ }while( 0 ); // Block zum rausspringen
+ return bOk;
+// Read fuer Apo-Defs in Styledefs
+BOOL WW8FlyPara::Read( BYTE* pSprm29, WW8RStyle* pStyle )
+ if( pSprm29 )
+ nSp29 = *pSprm29; // PPC ( Bindung )
+ BYTE* pS = 0;
+ if( bVer67 )
+ {
+ SetValSprm( &nSp26, pStyle, 26 ); // X-Position
+ SetValSprm( &nSp27, pStyle, 27 ); // Y-Position
+ SetValSprm( (short*)&nSp45, pStyle, 45 ); // Hoehe
+ SetValSprm( (short*)&nSp28, pStyle, 28 ); // Breite
+ SetValSprm( &nSp49, pStyle, 49 ); // L/R-Raender
+ SetValSprm( &nSp48, pStyle, 48 ); // U/L-Raender
+ pS = pStyle->HasParaSprm( 37 ); // Umfluss
+ if( pS )
+ nSp37 = *pS;
+ pS = pStyle->HasParaSprm( 46 ); // DropCap
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetValSprm( &nSp26, pStyle, 0x8418 ); // X-Position
+ SetValSprm( &nSp27, pStyle, 0x8419 ); // Y-Position
+ SetValSprm( (short*)&nSp45, pStyle, 0x442B ); // Hoehe
+ SetValSprm( (short*)&nSp28, pStyle, 0x841A ); // Breite
+ SetValSprm( &nSp49, pStyle, 0x842F ); // L/R-Raender
+ SetValSprm( &nSp48, pStyle, 0x842E ); // U/L-Raender
+ pS = pStyle->HasParaSprm( 0x2423 ); // Umfluss
+ if( pS )
+ nSp37 = *pS;
+ pS = pStyle->HasParaSprm( 0x442C ); // DropCap
+ }
+ bDropCap = pS != 0;
+ if( !nSp29 && !nSp27 && !nSp49 && !nSp37 ) // alles 0 heisst
+ return FALSE; // Apo ist nicht vorhanden
+ if( ::lcl_ReadBorders( bVer67, brc, 0, pStyle ) ) // Umrandung
+ {
+ bBorderLines = ::lcl_IsBorder( bVer67, brc );
+ bBorder = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ bBorderLines = bBorder = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+WW8SwFlyPara::WW8SwFlyPara( SwPaM& rPaM,
+ SwWW8ImplReader& rIo,
+ WW8FlyPara& rWW,
+ short nPgTop,
+ short nPgLeft,
+ short nPgWidth,
+ INT32 nIniFlyDx, INT32 nIniFlyDy )
+ memset( this, 0, sizeof( WW8SwFlyPara ) ); // Initialisieren
+ nNewNettoWidth = MINFLY; // Minimum
+ eSurround = ( rWW.nSp37 > 1 ) ? SURROUND_PARALLEL : SURROUND_NONE;
+ nHeight = rWW.nSp45;
+ if( nHeight & 0x8000 )
+ {
+ nHeight &= 0x7fff;
+ eHeightFix = ATT_MIN_SIZE;
+ }
+ else
+ eHeightFix = ATT_FIX_SIZE;
+ if( nHeight <= MINFLY )
+ { // keine Angabe oder Stuss
+ eHeightFix = ATT_MIN_SIZE;
+ nHeight = MINFLY;
+ }
+ nWidth = nNettoWidth = rWW.nSp28;
+ if( nWidth <= 10 ) // Auto-Breite
+ {
+ bAutoWidth = TRUE;
+ nWidth = nNettoWidth =
+ rWW.bDropCap ? MINFLY : (nPgWidth ? nPgWidth : 2268); // 4 cm
+ }
+ if( nWidth <= MINFLY )
+ nWidth = nNettoWidth = MINFLY; // Minimale Breite
+ eVAlign = VERT_NONE; // Defaults
+ eHAlign = HORI_NONE;
+ nYPos = 0;
+ nXPos = 0;
+ nRiMgn = nLeMgn = rWW.nSp49;
+ nLoMgn = nUpMgn = rWW.nSp48;
+ // Wenn der Fly links, rechts, oben oder unten aligned ist,
+ // wird der aeussere Textabstand ignoriert, da sonst
+ // der Fly an falscher Position landen wuerde
+ // JP 18.11.98: Problematisch wird es nur bei Innen/Aussen
+ switch( rWW.nSp27 ) // besondere Y-Positionen ?
+ {
+ case -4: eVAlign = VERT_TOP; nUpMgn = 0; break; // oben
+ case -8: eVAlign = VERT_CENTER; break; // zentriert
+ case -12: eVAlign = VERT_BOTTOM; nLoMgn = 0; break; // unten
+ default: nYPos = rWW.nSp27 + (short)nIniFlyDy; break; // Korrekturen per Ini-Datei
+ }
+ switch( rWW.nSp26 ) // besondere X-Positionen ?
+ {
+ case 0: eHAlign = HORI_LEFT; nLeMgn = 0; break; // links
+ case -4: eHAlign = HORI_CENTER; break; // zentriert
+ case -8: eHAlign = HORI_RIGHT; nRiMgn = 0; break; // rechts
+ case -12: eHAlign = HORI_LEFT; bToggelPos = TRUE; break; // innen
+ case -16: eHAlign = HORI_RIGHT; bToggelPos = TRUE;break; // aussen
+ default: nXPos = rWW.nSp26 + (short)nIniFlyDx; break; // Korrekturen per Ini-Datei
+ }
+ // Bindung
+ BYTE nYBind = (( rWW.nSp29 & 0x30 ) >> 4);
+ switch ( nYBind )
+ { // Y - Bindung bestimmt Sw-Bindung
+ case 0: eAnchor = FLY_PAGE; // Vert Margin
+ break;
+ case 1: eAnchor = FLY_PAGE; // Vert Page
+ break; // 2=Vert. Paragraph, 3=Use Default
+ default:eAnchor = FLY_AT_CNTNT;
+ eVRel = PRTAREA;
+ if( nYPos < 0 )
+ nYPos = 0; // koennen wir nicht
+ break;
+ }
+ if( (rIo.bIsHeader || rIo.bIsFooter) && (FLY_AT_CNTNT != eAnchor) )
+ {
+ eAnchor = FLY_AT_CNTNT;
+ if( rIo.bIsHeader )
+ {
+ nYPos -= nPgTop;
+ // nXPos will be decreased at the very end of this C'tor
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nYPos = 0;
+ }
+ rIo.pNode_FLY_AT_CNTNT = &rPaM.GetPoint()->nNode.GetNode();
+ }
+ BYTE nXBind = ( rWW.nSp29 & 0xc0 ) >> 6;
+ switch ( nXBind ) // X - Bindung -> Koordinatentransformation
+ {
+ case 0: // Hor. Spalte
+ case 1: // Hor. Absatz
+ eHRel = (FLY_PAGE == eAnchor) ? REL_PG_PRTAREA : PRTAREA;
+ break;
+/* case 2:*/ // Hor. Seite
+/* case 3:*/ // Use Default
+ default:{
+ eHRel = (FLY_PAGE == eAnchor) ? REL_PG_FRAME : FRAME;
+ // important: allways set REL_PG_FRAME in sections with columns
+ if( eHRel != REL_PG_FRAME )
+ {
+ const SwSectionNode* pSectNd
+ = rPaM.GetPoint()->nNode.GetNode().FindSectionNode();
+ if( pSectNd )
+ {
+ const SwSectionFmt* pFmt
+ = pSectNd->GetSection().GetFmt();
+ if( pFmt )
+ {
+ if( 1 < pFmt->GetCol().GetNumCols() )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ INT16 nLeLMgn = 0, nRiLMgn = 0; // aus Liniendicke entstehende Raender
+ if( rWW.bBorder ) // Raender innerhalb der Umrandung
+ {
+ WW8_BRC5& rBrc = rWW.brc;
+ // dxpSpace aller 4 Borders bestimmen, zum InnerMargin aufaddieren
+ // und die linken/rechten zur Groesse dazu rechnen
+ // Die Angaben sind in Point
+ short nLeft, nRight;
+ if( rWW.bVer67 )
+ {
+ nLeft = (rBrc[WW8_LEFT ].aBits1[1] >> 3) & 0x1f; // dxpSpace
+ nRight = (rBrc[WW8_RIGHT].aBits1[1] >> 3) & 0x1f; // dxpSpace
+ // muessen obere / untere Liniendicken auch beruecksichtigt werden ???
+ nInnerMgn = (( rBrc[WW8_TOP].aBits1[1] ) >> 3 & 0x1f) +
+ (( rBrc[WW8_BOT].aBits1[1] ) >> 3 & 0x1f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nLeft = rBrc[WW8_LEFT ].aBits2[1] & 0x1f; // dxpSpace
+ nRight = rBrc[WW8_RIGHT].aBits2[1] & 0x1f; // dxpSpace
+ // muessen obere / untere Liniendicken auch beruecksichtigt werden ???
+ nInnerMgn = (rBrc[WW8_TOP].aBits2[1] & 0x1f) +
+ (rBrc[WW8_BOT].aBits2[1] & 0x1f);
+ }
+ nLeLMgn += 20 * nLeft; // dxpSpace
+ nRiLMgn += 20 * nRight; // dxpSpace
+ nLeLMgn += GetLineWidth( rWW.bVer67, rBrc[WW8_LEFT] );
+ nRiLMgn += GetLineWidth( rWW.bVer67, rBrc[WW8_RIGHT] );
+ nInnerMgn += nLeft + nRight;
+ nInnerMgn *= 5; // Mittelwert in Twips (20 * 4 Kanten)
+ }
+ // Raender ausserhalb der Umrandung
+ nWidth += nLeLMgn + nRiLMgn;
+// nHeight += nUpLMgn + nLoLMgn;
+ FlySecur1( nWidth, nLeMgn, nRiMgn, rWW.bBorderLines ); // passen Raender ?
+ FlySecur1( nHeight, nUpMgn, nLoMgn, rWW.bBorderLines );
+ // Seitenrand-Bindung: Wenn die Position mit der jetzigen
+ // SW-Bindung nicht zu erreichen ist, dann waehle andere Bindung
+ // Absatz-Bindung: Nicht anfassen
+ if( (eAnchor == FLY_PAGE ) // Bindung: Seitenrand
+ && (eHRel == REL_PG_PRTAREA) // und abs. positioniert
+ && (eVAlign == VERT_NONE )
+ && (eHAlign == HORI_NONE ) )
+ {
+ if( nYPos < nPgTop ) // echter neg. Y-Wert
+ eHRel = eVRel = REL_PG_FRAME;
+ if( nXPos < nPgLeft ) // echter neg. X-Wert
+ eHRel = eVRel = REL_PG_FRAME;
+ }
+ // Sicherheitsabfragen, damit der der Writer nichts unverdauliches
+ // bekommt
+ if( nYPos < 0 )
+ nYPos = 0;
+ if( nXPos < 0 )
+ nXPos = 0;
+ /*
+ // eine Writer-Kuriositaet: auch wenn Abstaende vom Seitenrand
+ // gezaehlt werden sollen, muessen die Positionen als Abstaende vom
+ // Papierrand angegeben werden
+ // bei Absatzgebundenen Frames geht die Zaehlung immer von
+ // der Printarea aus
+ */
+ if( (FRAME == eHRel) && (FLY_AT_CNTNT == eAnchor) )
+ {
+ // hier duerfen neg. Werte bis minimal -nPgLeft entstehen
+ nXPos -= nPgLeft;
+ if( rIo.bTable )
+ nXPos -= rIo.GetTableLeft();
+ }
+// hat ein Fly in WW eine automatische Breite, dann muss das durch
+// nachtraegliches Anpassen der ( im SW festen ) Fly-Breite simuliert werden.
+// Dabei kann die Fly-Breite groesser oder kleiner werden, da der Default-Wert
+// ohne Wissen ueber den Inhalt eingesetzt wird.
+void WW8SwFlyPara::BoxUpWidth( long nWidth )
+ if( bAutoWidth && nWidth > nNewNettoWidth )
+ nNewNettoWidth = nWidth;
+// Die Klasse WW8FlySet ist von SfxItemSet abgeleitet und stellt auch
+// im Prizip nicht mehr zur Verfuegung, ist aber fuer mich besser
+// zu handeln
+// WW8FlySet-ctor fuer Apos und Graf-Apos
+WW8FlySet::WW8FlySet( SwWW8ImplReader& rReader, /*const*/ WW8FlyPara* pFW,
+ /*const*/ WW8SwFlyPara* pFS, BOOL bGraf )
+:SfxItemSet( rReader.rDoc.GetAttrPool(), RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END-1 )
+ if( !rReader.bNew )
+ Reader::ResetFrmFmtAttrs( *this ); // Abstand/Umrandung raus
+ // Position
+ Put( SwFmtHoriOrient( pFS->nXPos, pFS->eHAlign, pFS->eHRel, pFS->bToggelPos ));
+ Put( SwFmtVertOrient( pFS->nYPos, pFS->eVAlign, pFS->eVRel ) );
+ if( pFS->nLeMgn || pFS->nRiMgn ) // Raender setzen
+ {
+ SvxLRSpaceItem aLR;
+ aLR.SetTxtLeft( pFS->nLeMgn );
+ aLR.SetRight( pFS->nRiMgn );
+ Put( aLR );
+ }
+ if( pFS->nUpMgn || pFS->nLoMgn )
+ {
+ SvxULSpaceItem aUL;
+ aUL.SetUpper( pFS->nUpMgn );
+ aUL.SetLower( pFS->nLoMgn );
+ Put( aUL );
+ }
+ SwFmtSurround aSur( pFS->eSurround ); // Umfluss
+// GoldCut umfliesst inzwischen nur dann auf beiden Seiten, wenn der Fly
+// schmaler als ca. 1.5cm ist. Also entspricht normales Parallel besser
+// dem WW-Verhalten.
+// aSur.SetGoldCut( pFS->eSurround == SURROUND_PARALLEL );
+ Put( aSur );
+ rReader.SetFlyBordersShadow( *this, (WW8_BRC*)pFW->brc,
+ pFS->nInnerMgn );
+ // der 5. Parameter ist immer 0, daher geht beim Cast nix verloren
+ if( !bGraf ){ // Textrahmen->Anker und Groesse einstellen
+ Put( SwFmtAnchor( pFS->eAnchor, 1 ) );
+ // Groesse einstellen
+ Put( SwFmtFrmSize( pFS->eHeightFix, pFS->nWidth, pFS->nHeight ));
+ }
+// WW8FlySet-ctor fuer zeichengebundene Grafiken
+WW8FlySet::WW8FlySet( SwWW8ImplReader& rReader, const SwPaM* pPaM,
+ const WW8_PIC& rPic, long nWidth, long nHeight )
+:SfxItemSet( rReader.rDoc.GetAttrPool(), RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END-1 )
+ if( !rReader.bNew )
+ Reader::ResetFrmFmtAttrs( *this ); // Abstand/Umrandung raus
+ SwFmtAnchor aAnchor( FLY_IN_CNTNT );
+ aAnchor.SetAnchor( pPaM->GetPoint() );
+ Put( aAnchor );
+ Put( SwFmtFrmSize( ATT_FIX_SIZE, nWidth, nHeight ) );
+// Put( SwFmtHoriOrient( 0, HORI_NONE, REL_CHAR, FALSE ));
+// Put( SwFmtVertOrient( 0, VERT_NONE, REL_CHAR ) );
+ Put( SwFmtVertOrient( 0, VERT_TOP, FRAME ));
+ rReader.SetFlyBordersShadow( *this, rPic.rgbrc, 0 );
+BOOL SwWW8ImplReader::StartApo( BYTE* pSprm29, BOOL bNowStyleApo )
+ pWFlyPara = new WW8FlyPara ( bVer67, bNowStyleApo ? pCollA[nAktColl].pWWFly : 0 );
+ // APO-Parameter ermitteln und Test auf bGrafApo
+ if( !pWFlyPara->ReadFull( pSprm29, this ) )
+ {
+ DELETEZ( pWFlyPara );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ pSFlyPara = new WW8SwFlyPara( *pPaM,
+ *this,
+ *pWFlyPara,
+ nPgTop,
+ nPgLeft,
+ (nPgWidth - nPgRight - nPgLeft),
+ nIniFlyDx,
+ nIniFlyDy );
+ // nPg... nicht aus PageDesc, da bei Defaultraendern noch nicht gesetzt
+ if( !pWFlyPara->bGrafApo )
+ {
+ // Innerhalb des GrafApo muessen Textattribute
+ // ignoriert werden, da sie sonst auf den
+ // folgenden Zeilen landen.
+ // Der Rahmen wird nur eingefuegt, wenn er
+ // *nicht* nur zum Positionieren einer einzelnen
+ // Grafik dient.
+ // Ist es ein Grafik-Rahmen, dann werden
+ // pWFlyPara und pSFlyPara behalten und die
+ // daraus resultierenden Attribute beim
+ // Einfuegen der Grafik auf die Grafik angewendet.
+// SwAttrSet aFlySet( rDoc.GetAttrPool(), RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END - 1 );
+// SetApoCharacteristics( aFlySet, pWFlyPara, pSFlyPara );
+ WW8FlySet aFlySet( *this, pWFlyPara, pSFlyPara, FALSE );
+ pSFlyPara->pFlyFmt = rDoc.MakeFlySection( pSFlyPara->eAnchor,
+ pPaM->GetPoint(), &aFlySet );
+ if( FLY_IN_CNTNT != pSFlyPara->eAnchor )
+ pCtrlStck->NewAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), SwFltAnchor( pSFlyPara->pFlyFmt ) );
+ // merke Pos im Haupttext
+ pSFlyPara->pMainTextPos = new SwPosition( *pPaM->GetPoint() );
+ nLastFlyNode = pSFlyPara->pMainTextPos->nNode.GetIndex();
+ // Alle Attribute schliessen, da sonst
+ // Attribute entstehen koennen, die
+ // in Flys reinragen
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), 0, FALSE );
+ pEndStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), 0, FALSE );
+ // Setze Pam in den FlyFrame
+ const SwFmtCntnt& rCntnt = pSFlyPara->pFlyFmt->GetCntnt();
+ ASSERT( rCntnt.GetCntntIdx(), "Kein Inhalt vorbereitet." );
+ pPaM->GetPoint()->nNode = rCntnt.GetCntntIdx()->GetIndex() + 1;
+ pPaM->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pPaM->GetCntntNode(), 0 );
+ // 1) ReadText() wird nicht wie beim W4W-Reader rekursiv aufgerufen,
+ // da die Laenge des Apo zu diesen Zeitpunkt noch nicht feststeht,
+ // ReadText() diese Angabe aber braucht.
+ // 2) Der CtrlStck wird nicht neu erzeugt.
+ // die Char-Attribute laufen weiter ( AErger mit SW-Attributen )
+ // Paraattribute muessten am Ende jeden Absatzes zurueckgesetzt
+ // sein, d.h. es duerften am Absatzende keine Paraattribute
+ // auf dem Stack liegen
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL SwWW8ImplReader::JoinNode( SwPaM* pPam, BOOL bStealAttr )
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ pPam->GetPoint()->nContent = 0; // an den Anfang der Zeile gehen
+ SwNodeIndex aPref( pPam->GetPoint()->nNode, -1 );
+ SwTxtNode* pNode = aPref.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
+ if( pNode )
+ {
+ pPaM->GetPoint()->nNode = aPref;
+ pPaM->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pNode, pNode->GetTxt().Len() );
+ if( bStealAttr )
+ pCtrlStck->StealAttr( pPam->GetPoint() );
+ pNode->JoinNext();
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ return bRet;
+void SwWW8ImplReader::StopApo()
+ if( pWFlyPara->bGrafApo ){ // Grafik-Rahmen, der *nicht* eingefuegt wurde
+ // leeren Absatz incl. Attributen entfernen
+ JoinNode( pPaM, TRUE );
+ }
+ else
+ { // Der Rahmen wurde nur eingefuegt, wenn er
+ // *nicht* nur zum Positionieren einer einzelnen
+ // Grafik dient.
+ JoinNode( pPaM, FALSE );// UEberfluessigen Absatz entfernen
+ if( !pSFlyPara->pMainTextPos || !pWFlyPara ){
+ ASSERT( pSFlyPara->pMainTextPos, "StopApo: pMainTextPos ist 0" );
+ ASSERT( pWFlyPara, "StopApo: pWFlyPara ist 0" );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Alle Attribute schliessen, da sonst
+ // Attribute entstehen koennen, die
+ // aus Flys rausragen
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), 0, FALSE );
+ pEndStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), 0, FALSE );
+// Ist die Fly-Breite durch eine innenliegende Grafik vergroessert worden
+// ( bei automatischer Breite des Flys ), dann muss die Breite des SW-Flys
+// entsprechend umgesetzt werden, da der SW keine automatische Breite kennt.
+ if( pSFlyPara->nNewNettoWidth > MINFLY ) // BoxUpWidth ?
+ {
+ long nW = pSFlyPara->nNewNettoWidth;
+ nW += pSFlyPara->nWidth - pSFlyPara->nNettoWidth; // Rand dazu
+ pSFlyPara->pFlyFmt->SetAttr(
+ SwFmtFrmSize( pSFlyPara->eHeightFix, nW, pSFlyPara->nHeight ) );
+ }
+ else if( !pWFlyPara->nSp28 ) // *no* width set ->> automatic width
+ {
+ SfxItemSet aFlySet( pSFlyPara->pFlyFmt->GetAttrSet() );
+ aFlySet.ClearItem( RES_FRM_SIZE );
+ CalculateFlySize( aFlySet, pSFlyPara->pMainTextPos->nNode, nPgWidth );
+ pSFlyPara->pFlyFmt->SetAttr( aFlySet.Get( RES_FRM_SIZE ) );
+ }
+ *pPaM->GetPoint() = *pSFlyPara->pMainTextPos;
+ DELETEZ( pSFlyPara->pMainTextPos );
+// Damit die Frames bei Einfuegen in existierendes Doc erzeugt werden,
+// wird in fltshell.cxx beim Setzen des FltAnchor-Attributes
+// pFlyFrm->MakeFrms() gerufen
+ }
+ DELETEZ( pSFlyPara );
+ DELETEZ( pWFlyPara );
+// TestSameApo() beantwortet die Frage, ob es dasselbe APO oder ein neues ist
+BOOL SwWW8ImplReader::TestSameApo( BYTE* pSprm29, BOOL bNowStyleApo )
+ if( !pWFlyPara )
+ {
+ ASSERT( pWFlyPara, " Wo ist mein pWFlyPara ? " );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // Es muss ein kompletter Vergleich ( ausser Borders )
+ // stattfinden, um alle Kombinationen Style / Hart
+ // richtig einzuordnen. Deshalb wird ein temporaerer
+ // WW8FlyPara angelegt ( abh. ob Style oder nicht ),
+ // darauf die harten Attrs angewendet, und
+ // dann verglichen
+ WW8FlyPara aF( bVer67, bNowStyleApo ? pCollA[nAktColl].pWWFly : 0 ); // Zum Vergleich
+ aF.Read( pSprm29, pPlcxMan->GetPapPLCF() ); // WWPara fuer akt. Para
+ return aF == *pWFlyPara;
+# Attribut - Verwaltung
+void SwWW8ImplReader::NewAttr( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr )
+ if( !bNoAttrImport ){ // zum Ignorieren von Styles beim Doc-Einfuegen
+ if( pAktColl )
+ pAktColl->SetAttr( rAttr );
+ else
+ if( pAktItemSet )
+ pAktItemSet->Put( rAttr );
+ else
+ pCtrlStck->NewAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), rAttr );
+ }
+// holt Attribut aus der FmtColl / Stack / Doc
+const SfxPoolItem* SwWW8ImplReader::GetFmtAttr( USHORT nWhich )
+ if( pAktColl )
+ return &pAktColl->GetAttr( nWhich );
+ else
+ if( pAktItemSet )
+ return pAktItemSet->GetItem( nWhich );
+ else
+ return pCtrlStck->GetFmtAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), nWhich );
+#if 0
+// holt Attribut aus der FmtColl / Stack, return 0 wenn nicht gefunden
+const SfxPoolItem* SwWW8ImplReader::GetFmtStkAttr( USHORT nWhich )
+ if( pAktColl )
+ return &pAktColl->GetAttr( nWhich );
+ else
+ return pCtrlStck->GetFmtStkAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), nWhich );
+# eigentliche Attribute
+# Die Methoden erhalten die Token-Id und die Laenge der noch folgenden
+# Parameter gemaess Tabelle in WWScan.cxx als Parameter
+# Spezial WW - Attribute
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Special( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 ){
+ bSpec = FALSE;
+ return;
+ }
+ bSpec = ( *pData != 0 );
+// Read_Obj wird fuer fObj und fuer fOle2 benutzt !
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Obj( USHORT nId, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 )
+ bObj = FALSE;
+ else
+ {
+ bObj = 0 != *pData;
+ if( bObj && nPicLocFc && bEmbeddObj )
+ nObjLocFc = nPicLocFc;
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_PicLoc( USHORT nId, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 )
+ {
+ nPicLocFc = 0;
+ bSpec = FALSE; // Stimmt das immer ?
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nPicLocFc = SVBT32ToLong( pData );
+ bSpec = TRUE;
+ if( bObj && nPicLocFc && bEmbeddObj )
+ nObjLocFc = nPicLocFc;
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_POutLvl( USHORT nId, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( pAktColl && (0 < nLen) )
+ {
+ SwWW8StyInf* pSI = &pCollA[nAktColl];
+ pSI->nOutlineLevel =
+ ( (1 <= pSI->GetWWStyleId()) && (9 >= pSI->GetWWStyleId()) )
+ ? pSI->GetWWStyleId()-1
+ : (pData ? *pData : 0);
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Symbol( USHORT nId, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( !bIgnoreText )
+ {
+ if( nLen < 0 )
+ bSymbol = FALSE;
+ else
+ {
+ // neues Font-Atribut aufmachen
+ // (wird in SwWW8ImplReader::ReadChars() geschlossen)
+ if( SetNewFontAttr( SVBT16ToShort( pData ), FALSE ))
+ {
+ if( bVer67 )
+ cSymbol = ByteString::ConvertToUnicode(
+ *(sal_Char*)(pData+2), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
+ else
+ cSymbol = SVBT16ToShort( pData+2 );
+ bSymbol = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Zeichen - Attribute
+static USHORT __FAR_DATA nEndIds[ 8 ] = {
+ };
+// Read_BoldUsw fuer Italic, Bold, Kapitaelchen, Versalien, durchgestrichen,
+// Contour und Shadow
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw( USHORT nId, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ BYTE nI;
+ // die Attribut-Nr fuer "doppelt durchgestrichen" tanzt aus der Reihe
+ if( 0x2A53 != nId )
+ nI = bVer67 ? nId - 85 : nId - 0x0835; // Index 0..6
+ else
+ nI = 7; // Index 7 (Doppelt durchgestrichen)
+ BYTE nMask = 1 << nI;
+ if( nLen < 0 )
+ {
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), nEndIds[ nI ] );
+ pCtrlStck->SetToggleAttr( nI, FALSE );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Wert: 0 = Aus, 1 = An,
+ // 128 = Wie Style, 129 entgegen Style
+ BOOL bOn = *pData & 1;
+ SwWW8StyInf* pSI = &pCollA[nAktColl];
+ if( pAktColl ) // StyleDef -> Flags merken
+ {
+ if( pSI->nBase < nColls // Style Based on
+ && ( *pData & 0x80 ) // Bit 7 gesetzt ?
+ && ( pCollA[pSI->nBase].n81Flags & nMask ) ) // BasisMaske ?
+ bOn = !bOn; // umdrehen
+ if( bOn )
+ pSI->n81Flags |= nMask; // Flag setzen
+ else
+ pSI->n81Flags &= ~nMask; // Flag loeschen
+ }
+ else
+ { // im Text -> Flags abfragen
+ if( *pData & 0x80 ) // Bit 7 gesetzt ?
+ {
+ if( pSI->n81Flags & nMask ) // und in StyleDef an ?
+ bOn = !bOn; // dann invertieren
+ // am Stack vermerken, das dieses ein Toggle-Attribut ist
+ pCtrlStck->SetToggleAttr( nI, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ SetToggleAttr( nI, bOn );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::SetToggleAttr( BYTE nAttrId, BOOL bOn )
+ switch( nAttrId )
+ {
+ case 0: NewAttr( SvxWeightItem( bOn ? WEIGHT_BOLD : WEIGHT_NORMAL ) );
+ break;
+ case 1: NewAttr( SvxPostureItem( bOn ? ITALIC_NORMAL : ITALIC_NONE ) );
+ break;
+ case 2: NewAttr( SvxCrossedOutItem( bOn ? STRIKEOUT_SINGLE : STRIKEOUT_NONE ) );
+ break;
+ case 3: NewAttr( SvxContourItem( bOn ) );
+ break;
+ case 4: NewAttr( SvxShadowedItem( bOn ) );
+ break;
+ case 5: NewAttr( SvxCaseMapItem( bOn ? SVX_CASEMAP_KAPITAELCHEN
+ break;
+ case 6: NewAttr( SvxCaseMapItem( bOn ? SVX_CASEMAP_VERSALIEN
+ break;
+ case 7: NewAttr( SvxCrossedOutItem( bOn ? STRIKEOUT_DOUBLE
+ break;
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::_ChkToggleAttr( USHORT nOldStyle81Mask,
+ USHORT nNewStyle81Mask )
+ USHORT i = 1, nToggleAttrFlags = pCtrlStck->GetToggleAttrFlags();
+ BYTE n = 0;
+ for( ; n < 7; ++n, i <<= 1 )
+ if( (i & nToggleAttrFlags) &&
+ ( (i & nOldStyle81Mask) != (i & nNewStyle81Mask)))
+ {
+ SetToggleAttr( n, 0 != (i & nOldStyle81Mask ) );
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_SubSuper( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 ){
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_ESCAPEMENT );
+ return;
+ }
+ short nEs;
+ BYTE nProp;
+ switch( *pData ){
+ case 1: nEs = DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUPER; nProp = DFLT_ESC_PROP; break;
+ case 2: nEs = DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUB; nProp = DFLT_ESC_PROP; break;
+ default: nEs = 0; nProp = 100; break;
+ }
+ NewAttr( SvxEscapementItem( nEs, nProp ) );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_SubSuperProp( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 ){
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_ESCAPEMENT );
+ return;
+ }
+ short nPos = SVBT16ToShort( pData ); // Font-Position in HalfPoints
+ INT32 nPos2 = nPos * ( 10 * 100 ); // HalfPoints in 100 * tw
+ SvxFontHeightItem* pF
+ = (SvxFontHeightItem*)GetFmtAttr( RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE );
+ nPos2 /= (INT32)pF->GetHeight(); // ... nun in % ( gerundet )
+ if( nPos2 > 100 ) // zur Sicherheit
+ nPos2 = 100;
+ if( nPos2 < -100 )
+ nPos2 = -100;
+ SvxEscapementItem aEs( (short)nPos2, 100 );
+ NewAttr( aEs );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Underline( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ FontUnderline eUnderline = UNDERLINE_NONE;
+ BOOL bWordLine = FALSE;
+ if( pData )
+ {
+ // Parameter: 0 = none, 1 = single, 2 = by Word,
+ // 3 = double, 4 = dotted, 5 = hidden
+ // 6 = thick, 7 = dash, 8 = dot(not used)
+ // 9 = dotdash 10 = dotdotdash 11 = wave
+ // pruefe auf Sonderfall "fett+unterstrichen"
+ BOOL bAlsoBold = /*( 6 == b )*/FALSE;
+ // erst mal ggfs. *bold* einschalten!
+ if( bAlsoBold )
+ {
+ BYTE nOn = 1;
+ Read_BoldUsw( 0x0835, &nOn, nLen );
+ eUnderline = UNDERLINE_SINGLE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch( *pData )
+ {
+ case 2: bWordLine = TRUE; // kein break;
+ case 1: eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_SINGLE; break;
+ case 3: eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_DOUBLE; break;
+ case 4: eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_DOTTED; break;
+ case 7: eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_DASH; break;
+ case 9: eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_DASHDOT; break;
+ case 10:eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_DASHDOTDOT; break;
+ case 6: eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_BOLD; break;
+ case 11:eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_WAVE; break;
+ case 20:eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_BOLDDOTTED; break;
+ case 23:eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_BOLDDASH; break;
+ case 39:eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_LONGDASH; break;
+ case 55:eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_BOLDLONGDASH; break;
+ case 25:eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_BOLDDASHDOT; break;
+ case 26:eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_BOLDDASHDOTDOT;break;
+ case 27:eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_BOLDWAVE; break;
+ case 43:eUnderline = (FontUnderline)UNDERLINE_DOUBLEWAVE; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // dann Stack ggfs. verwursteln und exit!
+ if( nLen < 0 )
+ {
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_UNDERLINE );
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_WORDLINEMODE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NewAttr( SvxUnderlineItem( eUnderline ));
+ if( bWordLine )
+ NewAttr( SvxWordLineModeItem( TRUE ));
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_TxtColor( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 )
+ {
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_COLOR );
+ bTxtCol = FALSE;
+ if( bCharShdTxtCol || bShdTxtCol )
+ // dann muss die wieder eingeschaltet werden!!
+ NewAttr( SvxColorItem( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) ); // -> weisse Schrift
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BYTE b = *pData; // Parameter: 0 = Auto, 1..16 Farben
+ if( b > 16 ) // unbekannt -> Black
+ b = 0; // Auto -> Black
+ NewAttr( SvxColorItem( Color( eSwWW8ColA[b] ) ) );
+ bTxtCol = TRUE; // SHD darf nicht Farbe einschalten
+ }
+BOOL SwWW8ImplReader::GetFontParams( USHORT nFCode, FontFamily& reFamily,
+ String& rName, FontPitch& rePitch, CharSet& reCharSet )
+ // Die Defines, aus denen diese Tabellen erzeugt werden, stehen in windows.h
+ static FontPitch __READONLY_DATA ePitchA[]
+ static FontFamily __READONLY_DATA eFamilyA[]
+ const WW8_FFN* pF = pFonts->GetFont( nFCode ); // Info dazu
+ if( !pF ) // FontNummer unbekannt ?
+ return FALSE; // dann ignorieren
+ rName = String( pF->sFontname );
+#if defined( OS2 )
+ if ( rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Helv" )
+ || rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Arial" ) )
+ rName.AssignAscii( "Helvetica" );
+ else if ( rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Tms Rmn" )
+ || rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Times New Roman" ) )
+ rName.AssignAscii( "Times New Roman" );
+ else if ( rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Courier New" ) )
+ rName.AssignAscii( "Courier" );
+ else if ( rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Symbol" ) )
+ rName.AssignAscii( "Symbol Set" );
+#endif // OS2
+#if defined( MAC )
+ if ( rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Helv" )
+ || rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Arial" ))
+ rName.AssignAscii( "Helvetica" );
+ else if ( rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Tms Rmn" )
+ || rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Times New Roman" ) )
+ rName.AssignAscii( "Times" );
+ else if ( rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Courier New" ) )
+ rName.AssignAscii( "Courier" );
+#endif // MAC
+ // pF->prg : Pitch
+ rePitch = ePitchA[pF->prg];
+ // pF->chs: Charset
+ if( 77 == pF->chs ) // Mac-Font im Mac-Charset oder
+ reCharSet = eTextCharSet; // auf ANSI-Charset uebersetzt
+ else
+ reCharSet = rtl_getTextEncodingFromWindowsCharset( pF->chs );
+ // pF->ff : Family
+ BYTE b = pF->ff;
+ // make sure Font Family Code is set correctly
+ // at least for the most important fonts
+ // ( might be set wrong when Doc was not created by
+ // Winword but by third party program like Applixware... )
+ /*
+ */
+#define FONTNAMETAB_SZ 14
+ static sal_Char __READONLY_DATA
+ // first comes ROMAN
+ sFontName0[] = "\x07""Tms Rmn",
+ sFontName1[] = "\x07""Timmons",
+ sFontName2[] = "\x08""CG Times",
+ sFontName3[] = "\x08""MS Serif",
+ sFontName4[] = "\x08""Garamond",
+ sFontName5[] = "\x11""Times Roman",
+ sFontName6[] = "\x15""Times New Roman",
+ // from here SWISS --> see above: #define MAX_FONTNAME_ROMAN 6
+ sFontName7[] = "\x04""Helv",
+ sFontName8[] = "\x05""Arial",
+ sFontName9[] = "\x07""Univers",
+ sFontName10[]= "\x11""LinePrinter",
+ sFontName11[]= "\x11""Lucida Sans",
+ sFontName12[]= "\x11""Small Fonts",
+ sFontName13[]= "\x13""MS Sans Serif";
+ static const sal_Char* __READONLY_DATA aFontNameTab[ FONTNAMETAB_SZ ] =
+ {
+ sFontName0, sFontName1, sFontName2, sFontName3,
+ sFontName4, sFontName5, sFontName6, sFontName7,
+ sFontName8, sFontName9, sFontName10, sFontName11,
+ sFontName12, sFontName13
+ };
+ for( USHORT n = 0; n < FONTNAMETAB_SZ; n++ )
+ {
+ const sal_Char* pCmp = aFontNameTab[ n ];
+ int nLen = *pCmp++;
+ if( rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii(pCmp, 0, nLen) )
+ {
+ b = n <= MAX_FONTNAME_ROMAN ? 1 : 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( b < sizeof( eFamilyA ) )
+ reFamily = eFamilyA[b];
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL SwWW8ImplReader::SetNewFontAttr( USHORT nFCode, BOOL bSetEnums )
+ FontFamily eFamily;
+ String aName;
+ FontPitch ePitch;
+ CharSet eSrcCharSet;
+ if( !GetFontParams( nFCode, eFamily, aName, ePitch, eSrcCharSet ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ CharSet eDstCharSet = eSrcCharSet;
+ SvxFontItem aFont( eFamily, aName, aEmptyStr, ePitch, eDstCharSet );
+ if( bSetEnums )
+ {
+ if( pAktColl )
+ { // StyleDef
+ pCollA[nAktColl].eFontSrcCharSet = eSrcCharSet;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eFontSrcCharSet = eSrcCharSet;
+ }
+ }
+ NewAttr( aFont ); // ...und 'reinsetzen
+ return TRUE;
+void SwWW8ImplReader::ResetCharSetVars()
+ if( nCharFmt >= 0 )
+ {
+ eFontSrcCharSet = pCollA[nCharFmt].eFontSrcCharSet; // aus C-Style
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ eFontSrcCharSet = pCollA[nAktColl].eFontSrcCharSet; // aus P-Style
+ Font ein oder ausschalten:
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FontCode( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( !bSymbol && !bIgnoreText ) // falls bSymbol, gilt der am Symbol
+ { // (siehe sprmCSymbol) gesetzte Font !
+ if( nLen < 0 )
+ { // Ende des Attributes
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_FONT );
+ ResetCharSetVars();
+ return;
+ }
+ USHORT nFCode = SVBT16ToShort( pData ); // Font-Nummer
+ if( SetNewFontAttr( nFCode ) // Lies Inhalt
+ && pAktColl && pStyles ) // Style-Def ?
+ pStyles->bFontChanged = TRUE; // merken zur Simulation Default-Font
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FontSize( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 ){ // Ende des Attributes
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE );
+ return;
+ }
+// USHORT nFSize = bVer67 ? SVBT16ToShort( pData ) : *pData; // Font-Groesse in halben Point
+ USHORT nFSize = SVBT16ToShort( pData ); // Font-Groesse in halben Point
+ // 10 = 1440 / ( 72 * 2 )
+ SvxFontHeightItem aSz( (const ULONG)( (ULONG)nFSize * 10 ) );
+ NewAttr( aSz );
+ if( pAktColl && pStyles ) // Style-Def ?
+ pStyles->bFSizeChanged = TRUE; // merken zur Simulation Default-FontSize
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CharSet( USHORT nId, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 ){ // Ende des Attributes
+ return;
+ }
+ BYTE nfChsDiff = SVBT8ToByte( pData );
+ if( nfChsDiff )
+ eHardCharSet = rtl_getTextEncodingFromWindowsCharset( *(pData + 1) );
+ else
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Language( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 ){ // Ende des Attributes
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_LANGUAGE );
+ return;
+ }
+ USHORT nLang = SVBT16ToShort( pData ); // Language-Id
+ NewAttr( SvxLanguageItem( (const LanguageType)nLang ) );
+ Einschalten des Zeichen-Styles:
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CColl( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 ){ // Ende des Attributes
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT );
+ nCharFmt = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ USHORT nId = SVBT16ToShort( pData ); // Style-Id (NICHT Sprm-Id!)
+ if( nId >= nColls || !pCollA[nId].pFmt // ungueltige Id ?
+ || pCollA[nId].bColl ) // oder Para-Style ?
+ return; // dann ignorieren
+ NewAttr( SwFmtCharFmt( (SwCharFmt*)pCollA[nId].pFmt ) );
+ nCharFmt = (short) nId;
+ enger oder weiter als normal:
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Kern( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 ){ // Ende des Attributes
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_KERNING );
+ return;
+ }
+ INT16 nKern = SVBT16ToShort( pData ); // Kerning in Twips
+ NewAttr( SvxKerningItem( nKern ) );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FontKern( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 )
+ // Ende des Attributes
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_AUTOKERN );
+ else
+ NewAttr( SvxAutoKernItem( TRUE ) );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CharShadow( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen <= 0 )
+ {
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_BACKGROUND );
+ if( bCharShdTxtCol )
+ {
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_COLOR ); // Zeichenfarbe auch
+ bCharShdTxtCol = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aSHD.SetWWValue( *(SVBT16*)pData );
+ SwWW8Shade aSh( bVer67, aSHD );
+ NewAttr( SvxBrushItem( aSh.aColor, RES_CHRATR_BACKGROUND ));
+ // weisse Schrift und nicht ueberattributiert
+ if( aSh.bWhiteText && !bTxtCol && !bShdTxtCol )
+ {
+ NewAttr( SvxColorItem( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) ); // -> weisse Schrift
+ bCharShdTxtCol = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CharHighlight( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen <= 0 )
+ {
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_BACKGROUND );
+ if( bCharShdTxtCol )
+ {
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_COLOR ); // Zeichenfarbe auch
+ bCharShdTxtCol = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BYTE b = *pData; // Parameter: 0 = Auto, 1..16 Farben
+ if( b > 16 ) // unbekannt -> Black
+ b = 0; // Auto -> Black
+ Color aCol( eSwWW8ColA[b] );
+ NewAttr( SvxBrushItem( aCol , RES_CHRATR_BACKGROUND ));
+ // weisse Schrift und nicht ueberattributiert
+ if( COL_BLACK == aCol.GetColor() && !bTxtCol && !bShdTxtCol )
+ {
+ NewAttr( SvxColorItem( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) ); // -> weisse Schrift
+ bCharShdTxtCol = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+# Absatz - Attribute
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_NoLineNumb( USHORT nId, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 ) // Ende des Attributes
+ {
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_LINENUMBER );
+ return;
+ }
+ SwFmtLineNumber aLN;
+ aLN.SetCountLines( pData && (0 == *pData) );
+ NewAttr( aLN );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_LR( USHORT nId, BYTE* pData, short nLen ) // Sprm 16, 17
+ if( nIniFlags & WW8FL_NO_LRUL )
+ return;
+ if( nLen < 0 ) // Ende des Attributes
+ {
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_LR_SPACE );
+ return;
+ }
+ short nPara = SVBT16ToShort( pData );
+ SvxLRSpaceItem aLR( *(SvxLRSpaceItem*)GetFmtAttr( RES_LR_SPACE ));
+ switch( nId )
+ {
+ //sprmPDxaLeft
+ case 17:
+ case 0x840F:
+ if( nPara < 0 )
+ nPara = 0;
+ if( !aLR.GetTxtFirstLineOfst() )
+ aLR.SetTxtFirstLineOfst( 1 );
+ else
+ if( aLR.GetTxtFirstLineOfst() < -nPara )
+ // Erstzeileneinzug anpassen, sonst weigert sich SetTxtLeft()
+ aLR.SetTxtFirstLineOfst( -nPara );
+ aLR.SetTxtLeft( nPara );
+ if( pAktColl )
+ {
+ pCollA[nAktColl].nLeftParaMgn = nPara; // fuer Tabs merken
+ pCollA[nAktColl].nTxtFirstLineOfst = aLR.GetTxtFirstLineOfst();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nLeftParaMgn = nPara; // fuer Tabs merken
+ nTxtFirstLineOfst = aLR.GetTxtFirstLineOfst();
+ }
+ break;
+ //sprmPDxaLeft1
+ case 19:
+ case 0x8411:
+ if( -nPara > (short)aLR.GetTxtLeft() )
+ nPara = -(short)aLR.GetTxtLeft();
+ aLR.SetTxtFirstLineOfst( nPara );
+ if( pAktColl )
+ {
+ pCollA[nAktColl].nTxtFirstLineOfst = nPara; // fuer Tabs merken
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nTxtFirstLineOfst = nPara; // fuer Tabs merken
+ }
+ break;
+ //sprmPDxaRight
+ case 16:
+ case 0x840E:
+ if( nPara < 0 )
+ nPara = 0;
+ aLR.SetRight( nPara );
+ break;
+ default: return;
+ }
+ NewAttr( aLR );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_LineSpace( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen ) // Sprm 20
+// Kommentear siehe Read_UL()
+ if( bStyNormal && ( bWWBugNormal || ( nIniFlags & WW8FL_NO_STD_STY_DYA ) ) )
+ return;
+ if( nLen < 0 ){
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_PARATR_LINESPACING );
+ if( !( nIniFlags & WW8FL_NO_IMPLPASP ) )
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_UL_SPACE );
+ return;
+ }
+ short nSpace = SVBT16ToShort( pData );
+ short nMulti = SVBT16ToShort( pData + 2 );
+ SvxLineSpace eLnSpc;
+ if( 0 > nSpace )
+ {
+ nSpace = -nSpace;
+ }
+ else
+// WW hat einen impliziten zusaetzlichen Absatzabstand abhaengig vom
+// Zeilenabstand. Er betraegt bei "genau", 0.8*Zeilenabstand "vor" und
+// 0.2*Zeilenabstand "nach".
+// Bei "Mindestens" sind es 1*Zeilenabstand "vor" und 0*Zeilenabstand "nach".
+// Bei Mehrfach sind es 0 "vor" und min( 0cm, FontSize*(nFach-1) ) "nach".
+// SW hat auch einen impliziten Zeilenabstand. er betraegt bei "mindestens"
+// 1*Zeilenabstand "vor" und 0 "nach"
+// bei proportional betraegt er min( 0cm, FontSize*(nFach-1) ) sowohl "vor"
+// wie auch "nach"
+ USHORT nWwPre = 0;
+ USHORT nWwPost = 0;
+ USHORT nSwPre = 0;
+ USHORT nSwPost = 0;
+ USHORT nSpaceTw = 0;
+ SvxLineSpacingItem aLSpc;
+ if( 1 == nMulti ) // MultilineSpace ( proportional )
+ {
+ long n = nSpace * 10 / 24; // WW: 240 = 100%, SW: 100 = 100%
+//JP 03.12.98: nach Absprache mit AMA ist die Begrenzung unsinnig
+ if( n>200 ) n = 200; // SW_UI-Maximum
+ aLSpc.SetPropLineSpace( (const BYTE)n );
+ SvxFontHeightItem* pH = (SvxFontHeightItem*)
+ nSpaceTw = (USHORT)( n * pH->GetHeight() / 100 );
+ if( n > 100 )
+ nWwPost = nSwPre = nSwPost = (USHORT)( ( n - 100 )
+ * pH->GetHeight() / 100 );
+ }
+ else // Fixed / Minimum
+ {
+ // bei negativen Space ist der Abstand exakt, sonst minimum
+ nSpaceTw = (USHORT)nSpace;
+ aLSpc.SetLineHeight( nSpaceTw );
+ aLSpc.GetLineSpaceRule() = eLnSpc;
+ nSwPre = nSpace;
+ if( SVX_LINE_SPACE_FIX == eLnSpc ) // Genau
+ {
+ nWwPre = (USHORT)( 8L * nSpace / 10 );
+ nWwPost = (USHORT)( 2L * nSpace / 10 );
+ nSwPre = nSpace;
+ }
+ else // Minimum
+ {
+ nWwPre = (USHORT)( 129L * nSpace / 100 - 95 );// erst bei groesseren
+ // Zeilenabstaenden
+ }
+ }
+ NewAttr( aLSpc );
+ if( pSFlyPara )
+ pSFlyPara->nLineSpace = nSpaceTw; // LineSpace fuer Graf-Apos
+ if( ( nWwPre > nSwPre || nWwPost > nSwPost )
+ && !( nIniFlags & WW8FL_NO_IMPLPASP ) )
+ {
+ SvxULSpaceItem aUL( *(SvxULSpaceItem*)GetFmtAttr( RES_UL_SPACE ));
+ short nDU = aUL.GetUpper() + nWwPre - nSwPre;
+ short nDL = aUL.GetLower() + nWwPost - nSwPost;
+ if( nDU > 0 )
+ aUL.SetUpper( nDU );
+ else
+ nDL += nDU;
+ if( nDL > 0 )
+ aUL.SetLower( nDL );
+ NewAttr( aUL );
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_UL( USHORT nId, BYTE* pData, short nLen ) // Sprm 21, 22
+ if( nIniFlags & WW8FL_NO_LRUL )
+ return;
+// Nun eine Umpopelung eines WW-Fehlers: Bei nProduct == 0c03d wird
+// faelschlicherweise ein DyaAfter 240 ( delta y abstand after, amn.d.b.)
+// im Style "Normal" eingefuegt, der
+// gar nicht da ist. Ueber das IniFlag WW8FL_NO_STY_DYA laesst sich dieses
+// Verhalten auch fuer andere WW-Versionen erzwingen
+// ASSERT( !bStyNormal || bWWBugNormal, "+Dieses Doc deutet evtl. auf einen \
+//Fehler in der benutzten WW-Version hin. Wenn sich die Styles <Standard> bzw. \
+//<Normal> zwischen WW und SW im Absatz- oder Zeilenabstand unterscheiden, \
+//dann bitte dieses Doc SH zukommen lassen." );
+// if( bStyNormal && ( bWWBugNormal || ( nIniFlags & WW8FL_NO_STD_STY_DYA ) ) )
+// return;
+// bWWBugNormal ist kein hinreichendes Kriterium dafuer, dass der
+// angegebene Abstand falsch ist
+ if( bStyNormal && ( nIniFlags & WW8FL_NO_STD_STY_DYA ) )
+ return;
+ if( nLen < 0 ){ // Ende des Attributes
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_UL_SPACE );
+ return;
+ }
+ short nPara = SVBT16ToShort( pData );
+ if( nPara < 0 )
+ nPara = -nPara;
+ SvxULSpaceItem aUL( *(SvxULSpaceItem*)GetFmtAttr( RES_UL_SPACE ));
+ switch( nId ){ // keine Versuche
+ //sprmPDyaBefore
+ case 21:
+ case 0xA413: aUL.SetUpper( nPara ); break;
+ //sprmPDyaAfter
+ case 22:
+ case 0xA414: aUL.SetLower( nPara ); break;
+ default: return;
+ };
+#if 0
+ // nIniFlags stehen in c:\winnt40\soffice.ini[user]
+ // siehe wwpar.hxx
+ // und SwWW8ImplReader::LoadDoc( SwPaM& rPaM )
+ //
+ if( nIniFlags & WW8FL_NO_IMPLPASP ){
+ switch( nId ){ // keine Versuche
+ case 21:
+ case 0xA413: aUL.SetUpper( nPara ); break;
+ case 22:
+ case 0xA414: aUL.SetLower( nPara ); break;
+ default: return;
+ };
+ }else{
+ // auf alte Werte addieren wg. implizitem Absatzabstand
+ // ( siehe Read_LineSpace() )
+ switch( nId ){
+ case 21:
+ case 0xA413: aUL.SetUpper( aUL.GetUpper() + nPara ); break;
+ case 22:
+ case 0xA414: aUL.SetLower( aUL.GetLower() + nPara ); break;
+ default: return;
+ };
+ }
+ NewAttr( aUL );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Justify( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ static SvxAdjust aAdjArr[] = { SVX_ADJUST_LEFT, SVX_ADJUST_CENTER,
+ if( nLen < 0 ){
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_PARATR_ADJUST );
+ return;
+ }
+ BYTE b = *pData;
+ NewAttr( SvxAdjustItem( aAdjArr[b&0x3] ) ); // "&0x3 gegen Tabellenueberlauf
+} // bei Stuss-Werten
+SwWW8Shade::SwWW8Shade( BOOL bVer67, const WW8_SHD& rSHD )
+static ULONG __READONLY_DATA eMSGrayScale[] = {
+ // Nul-Brush
+ 0, // 0
+ // Solid-Brush
+ 1000, // 1
+ // promillemaessig abgestufte Schattierungen
+ 50, // 2
+ 100, // 3
+ 200, // 4
+ 250, // 5
+ 300, // 6
+ 400, // 7
+ 500, // 8
+ 600, // 9
+ 700, // 10
+ 750, // 11
+ 800, // 12
+ 900, // 13
+ 333, // 14 Dark Horizontal
+ 333, // 15 Dark Vertical
+ 333, // 16 Dark Forward Diagonal
+ 333, // 17 Dark Backward Diagonal
+ 333, // 18 Dark Cross
+ 333, // 19 Dark Diagonal Cross
+ 333, // 20 Horizontal
+ 333, // 21 Vertical
+ 333, // 22 Forward Diagonal
+ 333, // 23 Backward Diagonal
+ 333, // 24 Cross
+ 333, // 25 Diagonal Cross
+ // neun Nummern ohne Bedeutung in Ver8
+ 500, // 26
+ 500, // 27
+ 500, // 28
+ 500, // 29
+ 500, // 30
+ 500, // 31
+ 500, // 32
+ 500, // 33
+ 500, // 34
+ // und weiter gehts mit tollen Schattierungen ;-)
+ 25, // 35
+ 75, // 36
+ 125, // 37
+ 150, // 38
+ 175, // 39
+ 225, // 40
+ 275, // 41
+ 325, // 42
+ 350, // 43
+ 375, // 44
+ 425, // 45
+ 450, // 46
+ 475, // 47
+ 525, // 48
+ 550, // 49
+ 575, // 50
+ 625, // 51
+ 650, // 52
+ 675, // 53
+ 725, // 54
+ 775, // 55
+ 825, // 56
+ 850, // 57
+ 875, // 58
+ 925, // 59
+ 950, // 60
+ 975, // 61
+ // und zu guter Letzt:
+ 970};// 62
+ ColorData nFore;
+ ColorData nBack;
+ ULONG nWW8BrushStyle;
+ short b;
+ b = rSHD.GetFore();
+ if ( b >= 17 )
+ b = 0;
+ nFore = eSwWW8ColA[b];
+ // Vordergrund: Auto = Schwarz
+ b = rSHD.GetBack();
+ if( b >= 17 )
+ b = 0;
+ if( b == 0 )
+ b = 8; // Hintergrund: Auto = Weiss
+ nBack = eSwWW8ColA[b];
+ b = rSHD.GetStyle( bVer67 );
+ if( b >= sizeof( eMSGrayScale ) / sizeof ( eMSGrayScale[ 0 ] ) )
+ b = 0;
+ nWW8BrushStyle = eMSGrayScale[b];
+ switch( nWW8BrushStyle )
+ {
+ case 0: // Null-Brush
+ aColor.SetColor( nBack );
+ break;
+ case 1000:
+ aColor.SetColor( nFore );
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ Color aForeColor = Color( nFore );
+ Color aBackColor = Color( nBack );
+ ULONG nRed = aForeColor.GetRed() * nWW8BrushStyle;
+ ULONG nGreen = aForeColor.GetGreen() * nWW8BrushStyle;
+ ULONG nBlue = aForeColor.GetBlue() * nWW8BrushStyle;
+ nRed += (ULONG)(aBackColor.GetRed() *(1000-nWW8BrushStyle));
+ nGreen += (ULONG)(aBackColor.GetGreen()*(1000-nWW8BrushStyle));
+ nBlue += (ULONG)(aBackColor.GetBlue() *(1000-nWW8BrushStyle));
+ aColor.SetColor( RGB_COLORDATA( nRed/1000, nGreen/1000, nBlue/1000 ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // schwarzer Hintergrund -> weisse Schrift
+ bWhiteText = (nFore == COL_BLACK) && ( 800 <= nWW8BrushStyle )
+ || (nBack == COL_BLACK) && ( 200 >= nWW8BrushStyle );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Shade( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen <= 0 )
+ { // Ende des Attributes
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_BACKGROUND );
+ if( bShdTxtCol )
+ {
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_CHRATR_COLOR ); // Zeichenfarbe auch
+ bShdTxtCol = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aSHD.SetWWValue( *(SVBT16*)pData );
+ SwWW8Shade aSh( bVer67, aSHD );
+ NewAttr( SvxBrushItem( aSh.aColor ) );
+ // weisse Schrift und nicht ueberattributiert
+ if( aSh.bWhiteText && !bTxtCol )
+ {
+ NewAttr( SvxColorItem( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) ); // -> weisse Schrift
+ bShdTxtCol = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Border( USHORT nId, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen < 0 )
+ {
+ if( bHasBorder )
+ {
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_BOX );
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_SHADOW );
+ bHasBorder = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( !bHasBorder )
+ {
+ // die Borders auf allen 4 Seiten werden gebuendelt.
+ // dieses vereinfacht die Verwaltung, d.h. die
+ // Box muss nicht 4 mal auf den CtrlStack und wieder
+ // runter
+ bHasBorder = TRUE;
+ WW8_BRC5 aBrcs; // Top, Left, Bottom, Right, Between
+ BOOL bBorder;
+ if( pAktColl )
+ bBorder = ::lcl_ReadBorders( bVer67, aBrcs, 0, pStyles );
+ else
+ bBorder = ::lcl_ReadBorders( bVer67, aBrcs, pPlcxMan->GetPapPLCF() );
+ if( bBorder ) // Border
+ {
+ BOOL bIsB = IsBorder( aBrcs, TRUE );
+ if( !bApo || !bIsB || ( pWFlyPara && !pWFlyPara->bBorderLines ))
+ {
+ // in Apo keine Umrandungen *ein*-schalten, da ich
+ // sonst die Flyumrandungen doppelt bekomme
+ // JP 04.12.98: aber nur wenn am Fly ein gesetzt ist, keine
+ // uebernehmen. Sonst wird gar keine gesetzt!
+ // Bug #59619#
+ // auch wenn kein Rand gesetzt ist, muss das Attribut gesetzt
+ // werden, sonst ist kein hartes Ausschalten von Style-Attrs
+ // moeglich
+ SvxBoxItem aBox;
+ SetBorder( aBox, aBrcs, TRUE );
+ Rectangle aInnerDist;
+ GetBorderDistance( aBrcs, aInnerDist );
+ aBox.SetDistance( (USHORT)aInnerDist.Left(), BOX_LINE_LEFT );
+ aBox.SetDistance( (USHORT)aInnerDist.Top(), BOX_LINE_TOP );
+ aBox.SetDistance( (USHORT)aInnerDist.Right(), BOX_LINE_RIGHT );
+ aBox.SetDistance( (USHORT)aInnerDist.Bottom(), BOX_LINE_BOTTOM );
+ NewAttr( aBox );
+ SvxShadowItem aS;
+ if( SetShadow( aS, aBox, aBrcs ) )
+ NewAttr( aS );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Hyphenation( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ // set Hyphenation flag
+ if( nLen <= 0 )
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_PARATR_HYPHENZONE );
+ else
+ {
+ SvxHyphenZoneItem aAttr(
+ *(SvxHyphenZoneItem*)GetFmtAttr( RES_PARATR_HYPHENZONE ) );
+ aAttr.SetHyphen( 0 == *pData ); // sic !
+ if( !*pData )
+ {
+ aAttr.GetMinLead() = 2;
+ aAttr.GetMinTrail() = 2;
+ aAttr.GetMaxHyphens() = 0;
+ }
+ NewAttr( aAttr );
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_WidowControl( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen <= 0 )
+ {
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_PARATR_WIDOWS );
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_PARATR_ORPHANS );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BYTE nL = ( *pData & 1 ) ? 2 : 0;
+ NewAttr( SvxWidowsItem( nL ) ); // Aus -> nLines = 0
+ NewAttr( SvxOrphansItem( nL ) );
+ if( pAktColl && pStyles ) // Style-Def ?
+ pStyles->bWidowsChanged = TRUE; // merken zur Simulation
+ // Default-Widows
+ }
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_KeepLines( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen <= 0 )
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_PARATR_SPLIT );
+ else
+ NewAttr( SvxFmtSplitItem( ( *pData & 1 ) == 0 ) );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_KeepParas( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen <= 0 )
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_KEEP );
+ else
+ NewAttr( SvxFmtKeepItem( ( *pData & 1 ) != 0 ) );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BreakBefore( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( nLen <= 0 )
+ pCtrlStck->SetAttr( *pPaM->GetPoint(), RES_BREAK );
+ else
+ NewAttr( SvxFmtBreakItem(
+ ( *pData & 1 ) ? SVX_BREAK_PAGE_BEFORE : SVX_BREAK_NONE ) );
+void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_ApoPPC( USHORT, BYTE* pData, short nLen )
+ if( pAktColl ){ // nur fuer Styledef, sonst anders geloest
+ SwWW8StyInf& rSI = pCollA[nAktColl];
+ WW8FlyPara* pFly = rSI.pWWFly;
+ if( !pFly ){
+ pFly = ( rSI.nBase >= nColls ) ?
+ new WW8FlyPara( bVer67 ) // !based on
+ : new WW8FlyPara( bVer67, pCollA[rSI.nBase].pWWFly ); // based on
+ pCollA[nAktColl].pWWFly = pFly;
+ if( !pFly->Read( pData, pStyles ) ) // Lese Style-Apo-Parameter
+ DELETEZ( pCollA[nAktColl].pWWFly );
+ }
+ }
+# Seiten - Attribute werden nicht mehr als Attribute gehandhabt
+# ( ausser OLST )
+# Arrays zum Lesen der erweiterten ( selbstdefinierten ) SPRMs
+typedef long (SwWW8ImplReader:: *FNReadRecordExt)( WW8PLCFManResult*, BOOL );
+static FNReadRecordExt aWwSprmTab2[] = {
+/* 0 (256) */ &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Ftn, // FootNote
+/* 1 (257) */ &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Ftn, // EndNote
+/* 2 (258) */ &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Field, // Feld
+/* 3 (259) */ &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Book, // Bookmark
+/* 4 (260) */ &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Piece, // Piece-Anfang / Ende
+/* 5 (261) */ &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_And // Annotation
+long SwWW8ImplReader::ImportExtSprm( WW8PLCFManResult* pRes, BOOL bStart )
+ if( pRes->nSprmId < 280 )
+ {
+ BYTE nIdx = pRes->nSprmId - 256;
+ if( nIdx < sizeof( aWwSprmTab2 ) / sizeof( *aWwSprmTab2 )
+ && aWwSprmTab2[nIdx] )
+ return (this->*aWwSprmTab2[nIdx])( pRes, bStart );
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+# Arrays zum Lesen der SPRMs
+// Funktion zum Einlesen von Sprms. Par1: SprmId
+//typedef void (SwWW8ImplReader:: *FNReadRecord) ( BYTE, BYTE*, short );
+typedef void (SwWW8ImplReader:: *FNReadRecord)( USHORT, BYTE*, short );
+struct SprmReadInfo
+ FNReadRecord pReadFnc;
+SprmReadInfo& WW8GetSprmReadInfo( USHORT nId );
+SprmReadInfo aSprmReadTab[] = {
+ 0, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??0" Default bzw. Error wird uebersprungen! ,
+ 2, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_StyleCode, // "sprmPIstd", // pap.istd (style code)
+ 3, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPIstdPermute", // pap.istd permutation
+ 4, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPIncLv1", // pap.istddifference
+ 5, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Justify, // "sprmPJc", // pap.jc (justification)
+ 6, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPFSideBySide", // pap.fSideBySide
+ 7, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_KeepLines, // "sprmPFKeep", // pap.fKeep
+ 8, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_KeepParas, // "sprmPFKeepFollow ", // pap.fKeepFollow
+ 9, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BreakBefore, // "sprmPPageBreakBefore", // pap.fPageBreakBefore
+ 10, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPBrcl", // pap.brcl
+ 11, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPBrcp ", // pap.brcp
+ 12, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_ANLevelDesc, // "sprmPAnld", // pap.anld (ANLD structure)
+ 13, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_ANLevelNo, // "sprmPNLvlAnm", // pap.nLvlAnm nn
+ 14, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_NoLineNumb, // "sprmPFNoLineNumb", //ap.fNoLnn
+ 15, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Tab, // "?sprmPChgTabsPapx", // pap.itbdMac, ...
+ 16, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_LR, // "sprmPDxaRight", // pap.dxaRight
+ 17, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_LR, // "sprmPDxaLeft", // pap.dxaLeft
+ 18, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPNest", // pap.dxaLeft
+ 19, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_LR, // "sprmPDxaLeft1", // pap.dxaLeft1
+ 20, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_LineSpace, // "sprmPDyaLine", // pap.lspd an LSPD
+ 21, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_UL, // "sprmPDyaBefore", // pap.dyaBefore
+ 22, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_UL, // "sprmPDyaAfter", // pap.dyaAfter
+ 23, (FNReadRecord)0, // "?sprmPChgTabs", // pap.itbdMac, pap.rgdxaTab, ...
+ 24, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPFInTable", // pap.fInTable
+ 25, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_TabRowEnd, // "sprmPTtp", // pap.fTtp
+ 26, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPDxaAbs", // pap.dxaAbs
+ 27, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPDyaAbs", // pap.dyaAbs
+ 28, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPDxaWidth", // pap.dxaWidth
+ 29, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_ApoPPC, // "sprmPPc", // pap.pcHorz, pap.pcVert
+ 30, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPBrcTop10", // pap.brcTop BRC10
+ 31, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPBrcLeft10", // pap.brcLeft BRC10
+ 32, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPBrcBottom10", // pap.brcBottom BRC10
+ 33, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPBrcRight10", // pap.brcRight BRC10
+ 34, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPBrcBetween10", // pap.brcBetween BRC10
+ 35, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPBrcBar10", // pap.brcBar BRC10
+ 36, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPFromText10", // pap.dxaFromText dxa
+ 37, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPWr", // pap.wr wr
+ 38, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Border, // "sprmPBrcTop", // pap.brcTop BRC
+ 39, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Border, // "sprmPBrcLeft", // pap.brcLeft BRC
+ 40, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Border, // "sprmPBrcBottom", // pap.brcBottom BRC
+ 41, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Border, // "sprmPBrcRight", // pap.brcRight BRC
+ 42, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Border, // "sprmPBrcBetween", // pap.brcBetween BRC
+ 43, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPBrcBar",//pap.brcBar BRC word
+ 44, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Hyphenation, // "sprmPFNoAutoHyph",//pap.fNoAutoHyph
+ 45, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPWHeightAbs",//pap.wHeightAbs w
+ 46, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPDcs",//pap.dcs DCS
+ 47, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Shade, // "sprmPShd",//pap.shd SHD
+ 48, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPDyaFromText",//pap.dyaFromText dya
+ 49, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPDxaFromText",//pap.dxaFromText dxa
+ 50, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPFLocked", // pap.fLocked 0 or 1 byte
+ 51, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_WidowControl, // "sprmPFWidowControl", // pap.fWidowControl 0 or 1 byte
+ 52, (FNReadRecord)0, // "?sprmPRuler 52", //???
+ 53, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??53",
+ 54, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??54",
+ 55, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??55",
+ 56, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??56",
+ 57, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??57",
+ 58, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??58",
+ 59, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??59",
+ 60, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??60",
+ 61, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??61",
+ 62, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??62",
+ 63, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??63",
+ 64, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??64",
+ 65, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CFRMarkDel, // "sprmCFStrikeRM", // chp.fRMarkDel 1 or 0 bit
+ 66, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CFRMark, // "sprmCFRMark", // chp.fRMark 1 or 0 bit
+ 67, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FldVanish, // "sprmCFFldVanish", // chp.fFldVanish 1 or 0 bit
+ 68, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_PicLoc, // "sprmCPicLocation", // chp.fcPic and chp.fSpec
+ 69, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCIbstRMark", // chp.ibstRMark index into sttbRMark
+ 70, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCDttmRMark", // chp.dttm DTTM long
+ 71, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCFData", // chp.fData 1 or 0 bit
+ 72, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCRMReason", // chp.idslRMReason an index to a table
+ 73, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CharSet, // "sprmCChse", // chp.fChsDiff and chp.chse see below 3 bytes
+ 74, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Symbol, // "sprmCSymbol", // chp.fSpec, chp.chSym and chp.ftcSym
+ 75, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Obj, // "sprmCFOle2", // chp.fOle2 1 or 0 bit
+ 76, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??76",
+ 77, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??77",
+ 78, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??78",
+ 79, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??79",
+ 80, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CColl, // "sprmCIstd", // chp.istd istd, see stylesheet definition short
+ 81, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCIstdPermute", // chp.istd permutation vector (see below)
+ 82, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCDefault", // whole CHP (see below) none variable length
+ 83, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCPlain", // whole CHP (see below) none 0
+ 84, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??84",
+ 85, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, // "sprmCFBold", // chp.fBold 0,1, 128, or 129 (see below) byte
+ 86, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, // "sprmCFItalic", // chp.fItalic 0,1, 128, or 129 (see below) byte
+ 87, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, // "sprmCFStrike", // chp.fStrike 0,1, 128, or 129 (see below) byte
+ 88, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, // "sprmCFOutline", // chp.fOutline 0,1, 128, or 129 (see below) byte
+ 89, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, // "sprmCFShadow", // chp.fShadow 0,1, 128, or 129 (see below) byte
+ 90, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, // "sprmCFSmallCaps", // chp.fSmallCaps 0,1, 128, or 129 (see below) byte
+ 91, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, // "sprmCFCaps", // chp.fCaps 0,1, 128, or 129 (see below) byte
+ 92, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Invisible, // "sprmCFVanish", // chp.fVanish 0,1, 128, or 129 (see below) byte
+ 93, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FontCode, // "sprmCFtc", // chp.ftc ftc word
+ 94, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Underline, // "sprmCKul", // chp.kul kul byte
+ 95, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCSizePos", // chp.hps, chp.hpsPos (see below) 3 bytes
+ 96, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Kern, // "sprmCDxaSpace", // chp.dxaSpace dxa word
+ 97, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Language, // "sprmCLid", // chp.lid LID word
+ 98, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_TxtColor, // "sprmCIco", // chp.ico ico byte
+ 99, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FontSize, // "sprmCHps", // chp.hps hps word!
+ 100, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCHpsInc", // chp.hps (see below) byte
+ 101, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_SubSuperProp, // "sprmCHpsPos", // chp.hpsPos hps byte
+ 102, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCHpsPosAdj", // chp.hpsPos hps (see below) byte
+ 103, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Majority, // "?sprmCMajority", // chp.fBold, chp.fItalic, chp.fSmallCaps, ...
+ 104, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_SubSuper, // "sprmCIss", // chp.iss iss byte
+ 105, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCHpsNew50", // chp.hps hps variable width, length always recorded as 2
+ 106, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCHpsInc1", // chp.hps complex (see below) variable width, length always recorded as 2
+ 107, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FontKern, // "sprmCHpsKern", // chp.hpsKern hps short
+ 108, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Majority, // "sprmCMajority50", // chp.fBold, chp.fItalic, chp.fSmallCaps, chp.fVanish, ...
+ 109, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCHpsMul", // chp.hps percentage to grow hps short
+ 110, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmCCondHyhen", // chp.ysri ysri short
+ 111, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??111",
+ 112, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??112",
+ 113, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??113",
+ 114, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??114",
+ 115, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??115",
+ 116, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??116",
+ 117, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Special, // "sprmCFSpec", // chp.fSpec 1 or 0 bit
+ 118, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Obj, // "sprmCFObj", // chp.fObj 1 or 0 bit
+ 119, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPicBrcl", // pic.brcl brcl (see PIC structure definition) byte
+ 120, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPicScale", //,, pic.dxaCropleft,
+ 121, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPicBrcTop", // pic.brcTop BRC word
+ 122, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPicBrcLeft", // pic.brcLeft BRC word
+ 123, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPicBrcBottom", // pic.brcBottom BRC word
+ 124, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmPicBrcRight", // pic.brcRight BRC word
+ 125, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??125",
+ 126, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??126",
+ 127, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??127",
+ 128, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??128",
+ 129, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??129",
+ 130, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??130",
+ 131, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSScnsPgn", // sep.cnsPgn cns byte
+ 132, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSiHeadingPgn", // sep.iHeadingPgn heading number level byte
+ 133, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_OLST, // "sprmSOlstAnm", // sep.olstAnm OLST variable length
+ 134, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??135",
+ 135, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??135",
+ 136, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDxaColWidth", // sep.rgdxaColWidthSpacing complex (see below) 3 bytes
+ 137, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDxaColSpacing", // sep.rgdxaColWidthSpacing complex (see below) 3 bytes
+ 138, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSFEvenlySpaced", // sep.fEvenlySpaced 1 or 0 byte
+ 139, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSFProtected", // sep.fUnlocked 1 or 0 byte
+ 140, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDmBinFirst", // sep.dmBinFirst word
+ 141, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDmBinOther", // sep.dmBinOther word
+ 142, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSBkc", // sep.bkc bkc byte BreakCode
+ 143, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSFTitlePage", // sep.fTitlePage 0 or 1 byte
+ 144, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSCcolumns", // sep.ccolM1 # of cols - 1 word
+ 145, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDxaColumns", // sep.dxaColumns dxa word
+ 146, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSFAutoPgn", // sep.fAutoPgn obsolete byte
+ 147, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSNfcPgn", // sep.nfcPgn nfc byte
+ 148, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDyaPgn", // sep.dyaPgn dya short
+ 149, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDxaPgn", // sep.dxaPgn dya short
+ 150, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSFPgnRestart", // sep.fPgnRestart 0 or 1 byte
+ 151, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSFEndnote", // sep.fEndnote 0 or 1 byte
+ 152, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSLnc", // sep.lnc lnc byte
+ 153, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSGprfIhdt", // sep.grpfIhdt grpfihdt (see Headers and Footers topic) byte
+ 154, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSNLnnMod", // sep.nLnnMod non-neg int. word
+ 155, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDxaLnn", // sep.dxaLnn dxa word
+ 156, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDyaHdrTop", // sep.dyaHdrTop dya word
+ 157, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDyaHdrBottom", // sep.dyaHdrBottom dya word
+ 158, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSLBetween", // sep.fLBetween 0 or 1 byte
+ 159, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSVjc", // sep.vjc vjc byte
+ 160, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSLnnMin", // sep.lnnMin lnn word
+ 161, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSPgnStart", // sep.pgnStart pgn word
+ 162, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSBOrientation", // sep.dmOrientPage dm byte
+ 163, (FNReadRecord)0, // "?SprmSBCustomize 163", //???
+ 164, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSXaPage", // sep.xaPage xa word
+ 165, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSYaPage", // sep.yaPage ya word
+ 166, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDxaLeft", // sep.dxaLeft dxa word
+ 167, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDxaRight", // sep.dxaRight dxa word
+ 168, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDyaTop", // sep.dyaTop dya word
+ 169, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDyaBottom", // sep.dyaBottom dya word
+ 170, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDzaGutter", // sep.dzaGutter dza word
+ 171, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmSDMPaperReq", // sep.dmPaperReq dm word
+ 172, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??172",
+ 173, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??173",
+ 174, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??174",
+ 175, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??175",
+ 176, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??176",
+ 177, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??177",
+ 178, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??178",
+ 179, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??179",
+ 180, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??180",
+ 181, (FNReadRecord)0, // "??181",
+ 182, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTJc", // tap.jc jc word (low order byte is significant)
+ 183, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTDxaLeft", // tap.rgdxaCenter (see below) dxa word
+ 184, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTDxaGapHalf", // tap.dxaGapHalf, tap.rgdxaCenter (see below) dxa word
+ 185, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTFCantSplit", // tap.fCantSplit 1 or 0 byte
+ 186, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTTableHeader", // tap.fTableHeader 1 or 0 byte
+ 187, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTTableBorders", // tap.rgbrcTable complex(see below) 12 bytes
+ 188, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTDefTable10", // tap.rgdxaCenter, tap.rgtc complex (see below) variable length
+ 189, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTDyaRowHeight", // tap.dyaRowHeight dya word
+ 190, (FNReadRecord)0, // "?sprmTDefTable", // tap.rgtc complex (see below)
+ 191, (FNReadRecord)0, // "?sprmTDefTableShd", // tap.rgshd complex (see below)
+ 192, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTTlp", // tap.tlp TLP 4 bytes
+ 193, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTSetBrc", // tap.rgtc[].rgbrc complex (see below) 5 bytes
+ 194, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTInsert", // tap.rgdxaCenter,tap.rgtc complex (see below) 4 bytes
+ 195, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTDelete", // tap.rgdxaCenter, tap.rgtc complex (see below) word
+ 196, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTDxaCol", // tap.rgdxaCenter complex (see below) 4 bytes
+ 197, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTMerge", // tap.fFirstMerged, tap.fMerged complex (see below) word
+ 198, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTSplit", // tap.fFirstMerged, tap.fMerged complex (see below) word
+ 199, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTSetBrc10", // tap.rgtc[].rgbrc complex (see below) 5 bytes
+ 200, (FNReadRecord)0, // "sprmTSetShd", // tap.rgshd complex (see below) 4 bytes
+#if 0
+// ab hier Selbstdefinierte Ids
+/* 0 (256) */ &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Ftn, // FootNote
+/* 1 (257) */ &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Ftn, // EndNote
+/* 2 (258) */ &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Field, // Feld
+/* 3 (259) */ &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Book, // Bookmark
+/* 4 (260) */ &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Piece // Piece-Anfang / Ende
+// ab hier Selbstdefinierte Ids
+ 256, (FnOut)0, "FootNote",
+ 257, (FnOut)0, "EndNote",
+ 258, (FnOut)0, "??258 selbstdef.",
+ 259, (FnOut)0, "??259 selbstdef.",
+ 260, (FnOut)0, "Field",
+//- neue ab Ver8 ------------------------------------------------------------
+ 0x4600, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_StyleCode, //"sprmPIstd" // pap.istd;istd (style code);short;
+ 0xC601, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPIstdPermute" // pap.istd;permutation vector (see below);variable length;
+ 0x2602, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPIncLvl" // pap.istd, pap.lvl;difference between istd of base PAP and istd of PAP to be produced (see below);byte;
+ 0x2403, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Justify, //"sprmPJc" // pap.jc;jc (justification);byte;
+ 0x2404, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFSideBySide" // pap.fSideBySide;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x2405, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_KeepLines, //"sprmPFKeep" // pap.fKeep;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x2406, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_KeepParas, //"sprmPFKeepFollow" // pap.fKeepFollow;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x2407, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BreakBefore, //"sprmPFPageBreakBefore" // pap.fPageBreakBefore;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x2408, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPBrcl" // pap.brcl;brcl;byte;
+ 0x2409, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPBrcp" // pap.brcp;brcp;byte;
+ 0x260A, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_ListLevel, //"sprmPIlvl" // pap.ilvl;ilvl;byte;
+ 0x460B, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_LFOPosition, //"sprmPIlfo" // pap.ilfo;ilfo (list index) ;short;
+ 0x240C, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_NoLineNumb, //"sprmPFNoLineNumb" // pap.fNoLnn;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0xC60D, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Tab, //"sprmPChgTabsPapx" // pap.itbdMac, pap.rgdxaTab, pap.rgtbd;complex - see below;variable length
+ 0x840E, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_LR, //"sprmPDxaRight" // pap.dxaRight;dxa;word;
+ 0x840F, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_LR, //"sprmPDxaLeft" // pap.dxaLeft;dxa;word;
+ 0x4610, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPNest" // pap.dxaLeft;dxa-see below;word;
+ 0x8411, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_LR, //"sprmPDxaLeft1" // pap.dxaLeft1;dxa;word;
+ 0x6412, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_LineSpace, //"sprmPDyaLine" // pap.lspd;an LSPD, a long word structure consisting of a short of dyaLine followed by a short of fMultLinespace - see below;long;
+ 0xA413, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_UL, //"sprmPDyaBefore" // pap.dyaBefore;dya;word;
+ 0xA414, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_UL, //"sprmPDyaAfter" // pap.dyaAfter;dya;word;
+ 0xC615, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPChgTabs" // pap.itbdMac, pap.rgdxaTab, pap.rgtbd;complex - see below;variable length;
+ 0x2416, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFInTable" // pap.fInTable;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x2417, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_TabRowEnd, //"sprmPFTtp" // // pap.fTtp;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x8418, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPDxaAbs" // pap.dxaAbs;dxa;word;
+ 0x8419, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPDyaAbs" // pap.dyaAbs;dya;word;
+ 0x841A, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPDxaWidth" // pap.dxaWidth;dxa;word;
+ 0x261B, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_ApoPPC, //"sprmPPc" // pap.pcHorz, pap.pcVert;complex - see below;byte;
+ 0x461C, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPBrcTop10" // pap.brcTop;BRC10;word;
+ 0x461D, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPBrcLeft10" // pap.brcLeft;BRC10;word;
+ 0x461E, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPBrcBottom10" // pap.brcBottom;BRC10;word;
+ 0x461F, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPBrcRight10" // pap.brcRight;BRC10;word;
+ 0x4620, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPBrcBetween10" // pap.brcBetween;BRC10;word;
+ 0x4621, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPBrcBar10" // pap.brcBar;BRC10;word;
+ 0x4622, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPDxaFromText10" // pap.dxaFromText;dxa;word;
+ 0x2423, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPWr" // pap.wr;wr (see description of PAP for definition;byte;
+ 0x6424, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Border, //"sprmPBrcTop" // pap.brcTop;BRC;long;
+ 0x6425, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Border, //"sprmPBrcLeft" // pap.brcLeft;BRC;long;
+ 0x6426, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Border, //"sprmPBrcBottom" // pap.brcBottom;BRC;long;
+ 0x6427, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Border, //"sprmPBrcRight" // pap.brcRight;BRC;long;
+ 0x6428, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Border, //"sprmPBrcBetween" // pap.brcBetween;BRC;long;
+ 0x6629, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPBrcBar" // pap.brcBar;BRC;long;
+ 0x242A, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Hyphenation, //"sprmPFNoAutoHyph" // pap.fNoAutoHyph;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x442B, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPWHeightAbs" // pap.wHeightAbs;w;word;
+ 0x442C, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPDcs" // pap.dcs;DCS;short;
+ 0x442D, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Shade, //"sprmPShd" // pap.shd;SHD;word;
+ 0x842E, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPDyaFromText" // pap.dyaFromText;dya;word;
+ 0x842F, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPDxaFromText" // pap.dxaFromText;dxa;word;
+ 0x2430, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFLocked" // pap.fLocked;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x2431, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_WidowControl, //"sprmPFWidowControl" // pap.fWidowControl;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0xC632, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPRuler" // ;;variable length;
+ 0x2433, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFKinsoku" // pap.fKinsoku;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x2434, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFWordWrap" // pap.fWordWrap;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x2435, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFOverflowPunct" // pap.fOverflowPunct;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x2436, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFTopLinePunct" // pap.fTopLinePunct;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x2437, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFAutoSpaceDE" // pap.fAutoSpaceDE;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x2438, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFAutoSpaceDN" // pap.fAutoSpaceDN;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x4439, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPWAlignFont" // pap.wAlignFont;iFa (see description of PAP for definition);word;
+ 0x443A, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFrameTextFlow" // pap.fVertical pap.fBackward pap.fRotateFont;complex (see description of PAP for definition);word;
+ 0x243B, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPISnapBaseLine" // obsolete: not applicable in Word97 and later versions;;byte;
+ 0xC63E, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_ANLevelDesc, //"sprmPAnld" // pap.anld;;variable length;
+ 0xC63F, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPPropRMark" // pap.fPropRMark;complex (see below);variable length;
+ 0x2640, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_POutLvl, //"sprmPOutLvl" // pap.lvl;has no effect if pap.istd is < 1 or is > 9;byte;
+ 0x2441, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFBiDi" // ;;byte;
+ 0x2443, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFNumRMIns" // pap.fNumRMIns;1 or 0;bit;
+ 0x2444, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPCrLf" // ;;byte;
+ 0xC645, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPNumRM" // pap.numrm;;variable length;
+ 0x6645, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPHugePapx" // see below;fc in the data stream to locate the huge grpprl (see below);long;
+ 0x6646, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPHugePapx" // see below;fc in the data stream to locate the huge grpprl (see below);long;
+ 0x2447, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFUsePgsuSettings" // pap.fUsePgsuSettings;1 or 0;byte;
+ 0x2448, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPFAdjustRight" // pap.fAdjustRight;1 or 0;byte;
+ 0x0800, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CFRMarkDel, //"sprmCFRMarkDel" // chp.fRMarkDel;1 or 0;bit;
+ 0x0801, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CFRMark, //"sprmCFRMark" // chp.fRMark;1 or 0;bit;
+ 0x0802, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FldVanish, //"sprmCFFldVanish" // chp.fFldVanish;1 or 0;bit;
+ 0x6A03, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_PicLoc, //"sprmCPicLocation" // chp.fcPic and chp.fSpec;see below;variable length, length recorded is always 4;
+ 0x4804, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCIbstRMark" // chp.ibstRMark;index into sttbRMark;short;
+ 0x6805, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCDttmRMark" // chp.dttmRMark;DTTM;long;
+ 0x0806, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCFData" // chp.fData;1 or 0;bit;
+ 0x4807, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCIdslRMark" // chp.idslRMReason;an index to a table of strings defined in Word 6.0 executables;short;
+ 0xEA08, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CharSet, //"sprmCChs" // chp.fChsDiff and chp.chse;see below;3 bytes;
+ 0x6A09, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Symbol, //"sprmCSymbol" // chp.fSpec, chp.xchSym and chp.ftcSym;see below;variable length, length recorded is always 4;
+ 0x080A, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Obj, //"sprmCFOle2" // chp.fOle2;1 or 0;bit;
+//0x480B, obsolete,"sprmCIdCharType", // obsolete: not applicable in Word97 and later versions;;;
+ 0x2A0C, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CharHighlight, //"sprmCHighlight" // chp.fHighlight, chp.icoHighlight;ico (fHighlight is set to 1 iff ico is not 0);byte;
+ 0x680E, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_PicLoc, //"sprmCObjLocation" // chp.fcObj;FC;long;
+//0x2A10, ? ? ? , "sprmCFFtcAsciSymb", // ;;;
+ 0x4A30, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CColl, //"sprmCIstd" // chp.istd;istd, see stylesheet definition;short;
+ 0xCA31, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCIstdPermute" // chp.istd;permutation vector (see below);variable length;
+ 0x2A32, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCDefault" // whole CHP (see below);none;variable length;
+ 0x2A33, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCPlain" // whole CHP (see below);none; Laenge: 0;
+//0x2A34, ? ? ?, "sprmCKcd", // ;;;
+ 0x0835, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, //"sprmCFBold" // chp.fBold;0,1, 128, or 129 (see below);byte;
+ 0x0836, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, //"sprmCFItalic" // chp.fItalic;0,1, 128, or 129 (see below);byte;
+ 0x0837, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, //"sprmCFStrike" // chp.fStrike;0,1, 128, or 129 (see below);byte;
+ 0x0838, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, //"sprmCFOutline" // chp.fOutline;0,1, 128, or 129 (see below);byte;
+ 0x0839, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, //"sprmCFShadow" // chp.fShadow;0,1, 128, or 129 (see below);byte;
+ 0x083A, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, //"sprmCFSmallCaps" // chp.fSmallCaps;0,1, 128, or 129 (see below);byte;
+ 0x083B, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, //"sprmCFCaps" // chp.fCaps;0,1, 128, or 129 (see below);byte;
+ 0x083C, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Invisible, //"sprmCFVanish" // chp.fVanish;0,1, 128, or 129 (see below);byte;
+//0x4A3D, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCFtcDefault" // ;ftc, only used internally, never stored in file;word;
+ 0x2A3E, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Underline, //"sprmCKul" // chp.kul;kul;byte;
+ 0xEA3F, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCSizePos" // chp.hps, chp.hpsPos;(see below);3 bytes;
+ 0x8840, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Kern, //"sprmCDxaSpace" // chp.dxaSpace;dxa;word;
+ 0x4A41, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Language, //"sprmCLid" // ;only used internally never stored;word;
+ 0x2A42, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_TxtColor, //"sprmCIco" // chp.ico;ico;byte;
+ 0x4A43, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FontSize, //"sprmCHps" // chp.hps;hps;byte;
+ 0x2A44, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCHpsInc" // chp.hps;(see below);byte;
+ 0x4845, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_SubSuperProp, //"sprmCHpsPos" // chp.hpsPos;hps;byte;
+ 0x2A46, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCHpsPosAdj" // chp.hpsPos;hps (see below);byte;
+ 0xCA47, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Majority, //"sprmCMajority" // chp.fBold, chp.fItalic, chp.fSmallCaps, chp.fVanish, chp.fStrike, chp.fCaps, chp.rgftc, chp.hps, chp.hpsPos, chp.kul, chp.dxaSpace, chp.ico, chp.rglid;complex (see below);variable length, length byte plus size of following grpprl;
+ 0x2A48, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_SubSuper, //"sprmCIss" // chp.iss;iss;byte;
+ 0xCA49, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCHpsNew50" // chp.hps;hps;variable width, length always recorded as 2;
+ 0xCA4A, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCHpsInc1" // chp.hps;complex (see below);variable width, length always recorded as 2;
+ 0x484B, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FontKern, //"sprmCHpsKern" // chp.hpsKern;hps;short;
+ 0xCA4C, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Majority, //"sprmCMajority50" // chp.fBold, chp.fItalic, chp.fSmallCaps, chp.fVanish, chp.fStrike, chp.fCaps, chp.ftc, chp.hps, chp.hpsPos, chp.kul, chp.dxaSpace, chp.ico,;complex (see below);variable length;
+ 0x4A4D, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCHpsMul" // chp.hps;percentage to grow hps;short;
+ 0x484E, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCYsri" // chp.ysri;ysri;short;
+ 0x4A4F, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FontCode, //"sprmCRgFtc0" // chp.rgftc[0];ftc for ASCII text (see below);short;
+ 0x4A50, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FontCode, //"sprmCRgFtc1" // chp.rgftc[1];ftc for Far East text (see below);short;
+ 0x4A51, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FontCode, //"sprmCRgFtc2" // chp.rgftc[2];ftc for non-Far East text (see below);short;
+//0x4852, ? ? ? , "sprmCCharScale", // ;;;
+ 0x2A53, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_BoldUsw, //"sprmCFDStrike" // chp.fDStrike;;byte;
+ 0x0854, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCFImprint" // chp.fImprint;1 or 0;bit;
+ 0x0855, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Special, //"sprmCFSpec" // chp.fSpec ;1 or 0;bit;
+ 0x0856, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Obj, //"sprmCFObj" // chp.fObj;1 or 0;bit;
+ 0xCA57, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CPropRMark, //"sprmCPropRMark" // chp.fPropRMark, chp.ibstPropRMark, chp.dttmPropRMark;Complex (see below);variable length always recorded as 7 bytes;
+ 0x0858, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCFEmboss" // chp.fEmboss;1 or 0;bit;
+ 0x2859, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCSfxText" // chp.sfxtText;text animation;byte;
+//0x085A, ? ? ? , "sprmCFBiDi", // ;;;
+//0x085B, ? ? ? , "sprmCFDiacColor", // ;;;
+//0x085C, ? ? ? , "sprmCFBoldBi", // ;;;
+//0x085D, ? ? ? , "sprmCFItalicBi", // ;;;
+//0x4A5E, ? ? ? , "sprmCFtcBi", // ;;;
+//0x485F, ? ? ? , "sprmCLidBi", // ;;;
+//0x4A60, ? ? ? , "sprmCIcoBi", // ;;;
+//0x4A61, ? ? ? , "sprmCHpsBi", // ;;;
+ 0xCA62, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCDispFldRMark" // chp.fDispFldRMark, chp.ibstDispFldRMark, chp.dttmDispFldRMark ;Complex (see below);variable length always recorded as 39 bytes;
+ 0x4863, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCIbstRMarkDel" // chp.ibstRMarkDel;index into sttbRMark;short;
+ 0x6864, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCDttmRMarkDel" // chp.dttmRMarkDel;DTTM;long;
+ 0x6865, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCBrc" // chp.brc;BRC;long;
+ 0x4866, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_CharShadow, //"sprmCShd" // chp.shd;SHD;short;
+ 0x4867, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCIdslRMarkDel" // chp.idslRMReasonDel;an index to a table of strings defined in Word 6.0 executables;short;
+ 0x0868, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCFUsePgsuSettings" // chp.fUsePgsuSettings;1 or 0;bit;
+ 0x486B, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCCpg" // ;;word;
+ 0x486D, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Language, //"sprmCRgLid0" // chp.rglid[0];LID: for non-Far East text;word;
+ 0x486E, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCRgLid1" // chp.rglid[1];LID: for Far East text;word;
+ 0x286F, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmCIdctHint" // chp.idctHint;IDCT: (see below);byte;
+ 0x2E00, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPicBrcl" // pic.brcl;brcl (see PIC structure definition);byte;
+ 0xCE01, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPicScale" //,, pic.dxaCropleft, pic.dyaCropTop pic.dxaCropRight, pic.dyaCropBottom;Complex (see below);length byte plus 12 bytes;
+ 0x6C02, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPicBrcTop" // pic.brcTop;BRC;long;
+ 0x6C03, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPicBrcLeft" // pic.brcLeft;BRC;long;
+ 0x6C04, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPicBrcBottom" // pic.brcBottom;BRC;long;
+ 0x6C05, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmPicBrcRight" // pic.brcRight;BRC;long;
+ 0x3000, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmScnsPgn" // sep.cnsPgn;cns;byte;
+ 0x3001, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSiHeadingPgn" // sep.iHeadingPgn;heading number level;byte;
+ 0xD202, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_OLST, //"sprmSOlstAnm" // sep.olstAnm;OLST;variable length;
+ 0xF203, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDxaColWidth" // sep.rgdxaColWidthSpacing;complex (see below);3 bytes;
+ 0xF204, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDxaColSpacing" // sep.rgdxaColWidthSpacing;complex (see below);3 bytes;
+ 0x3005, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSFEvenlySpaced" // sep.fEvenlySpaced;1 or 0;byte;
+ 0x3006, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSFProtected" // sep.fUnlocked;1 or 0;byte;
+ 0x5007, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDmBinFirst" // sep.dmBinFirst;;word;
+ 0x5008, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDmBinOther" // sep.dmBinOther;;word;
+ 0x3009, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSBkc" // sep.bkc;bkc;byte;
+ 0x300A, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSFTitlePage" // sep.fTitlePage;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x500B, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSCcolumns" // sep.ccolM1;# of cols - 1;word;
+ 0x900C, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDxaColumns" // sep.dxaColumns;dxa;word;
+ 0x300D, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSFAutoPgn" // sep.fAutoPgn;obsolete;byte;
+ 0x300E, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSNfcPgn" // sep.nfcPgn;nfc;byte;
+ 0xB00F, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDyaPgn" // sep.dyaPgn;dya;short;
+ 0xB010, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDxaPgn" // sep.dxaPgn;dya;short;
+ 0x3011, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSFPgnRestart" // sep.fPgnRestart;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x3012, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSFEndnote" // sep.fEndnote;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x3013, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSLnc" // sep.lnc;lnc;byte;
+ 0x3014, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSGprfIhdt" // sep.grpfIhdt;grpfihdt (see Headers and Footers topic);byte;
+ 0x5015, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSNLnnMod" // sep.nLnnMod;non-neg int.;word;
+ 0x9016, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDxaLnn" // sep.dxaLnn;dxa;word;
+ 0xB017, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDyaHdrTop" // sep.dyaHdrTop;dya;word;
+ 0xB018, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDyaHdrBottom" // sep.dyaHdrBottom;dya;word;
+ 0x3019, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSLBetween" // sep.fLBetween;0 or 1;byte;
+ 0x301A, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSVjc" // sep.vjc;vjc;byte;
+ 0x501B, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSLnnMin" // sep.lnnMin;lnn;word;
+ 0x501C, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSPgnStart" // sep.pgnStart;pgn;word;
+ 0x301D, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSBOrientation" // sep.dmOrientPage;dm;byte;
+//0x301E, ? ? ? , "sprmSBCustomize", // ;;;
+ 0xB01F, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSXaPage" // sep.xaPage;xa;word;
+ 0xB020, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSYaPage" // sep.yaPage;ya;word;
+ 0x2205, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDxaLeft" // sep.dxaLeft;dxa;word;
+ 0xB022, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDxaRight" // sep.dxaRight;dxa;word;
+ 0x9023, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDyaTop" // sep.dyaTop;dya;word;
+ 0x9024, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDyaBottom" // sep.dyaBottom;dya;word;
+ 0xB025, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDzaGutter" // sep.dzaGutter;dza;word;
+ 0x5026, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDmPaperReq" // sep.dmPaperReq;dm;word;
+ 0xD227, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSPropRMark" // sep.fPropRMark, sep.ibstPropRMark, sep.dttmPropRMark ;complex (see below);variable length always recorded as 7 bytes;
+//0x3228, ? ? ? , "sprmSFBiDi", // ;;;
+//0x3229, ? ? ? , "sprmSFFacingCol", // ;;;
+//0x322A, ? ? ? , "sprmSFRTLGutter", // ;;;
+ 0x702B, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSBrcTop" // sep.brcTop;BRC;long;
+ 0x702C, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSBrcLeft" // sep.brcLeft;BRC;long;
+ 0x702D, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSBrcBottom" // sep.brcBottom;BRC;long;
+ 0x702E, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSBrcRight" // sep.brcRight;BRC;long;
+ 0x522F, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSPgbProp" // sep.pgbProp;;word;
+ 0x7030, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDxtCharSpace" // sep.dxtCharSpace;dxt;long;
+ 0x9031, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSDyaLinePitch" // sep.dyaLinePitch;dya; WRONG:long; RIGHT:short; !!!
+//0x5032, ? ? ? , "sprmSClm", // ;;;
+ 0x5033, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmSTextFlow" // sep.wTextFlow;complex (see below);short;
+ 0x5400, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTJc" // tap.jc;jc;word (low order byte is significant);
+ 0x9601, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTDxaLeft" // tap.rgdxaCenter (see below);dxa;word;
+ 0x9602, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTDxaGapHalf" // tap.dxaGapHalf, tap.rgdxaCenter (see below);dxa;word;
+ 0x3403, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTFCantSplit" // tap.fCantSplit;1 or 0;byte;
+ 0x3404, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTTableHeader" // tap.fTableHeader;1 or 0;byte;
+ 0xD605, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTTableBorders" // tap.rgbrcTable;complex(see below);24 bytes;
+ 0xD606, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTDefTable10" // tap.rgdxaCenter, tap.rgtc;complex (see below);variable length;
+ 0x9407, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTDyaRowHeight" // tap.dyaRowHeight;dya;word;
+ 0xD608, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTDefTable" // tap.rgtc;complex (see below);;
+ 0xD609, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTDefTableShd" // tap.rgshd;complex (see below);;
+ 0x740A, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTTlp" // tap.tlp;TLP;4 bytes;
+//0x560B, ? ? ? , "sprmTFBiDi", // ;;;
+//0x740C, ? ? ? , "sprmTHTMLProps", // ;;;
+ 0xD620, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTSetBrc" // tap.rgtc[].rgbrc;complex (see below);5 bytes;
+ 0x7621, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_TabCellInsert, //"sprmTInsert" // tap.rgdxaCenter, tap.rgtc;complex (see below);4 bytes;
+ 0x5622, &SwWW8ImplReader::Read_TabCellDelete, //"sprmTDelete" // tap.rgdxaCenter, tap.rgtc;complex (see below);word;
+ 0x7623, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTDxaCol" // tap.rgdxaCenter;complex (see below);4 bytes;
+ 0x5624, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTMerge" // tap.fFirstMerged, tap.fMerged;complex (see below);word;
+ 0x5625, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTSplit" // tap.fFirstMerged, tap.fMerged;complex (see below);word;
+ 0xD626, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTSetBrc10" // tap.rgtc[].rgbrc;complex (see below);5 bytes;
+ 0x7627, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTSetShd" // tap.rgshd;complex (see below);4 bytes;
+ 0x7628, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTSetShdOdd" // tap.rgshd;complex (see below);4 bytes;
+ 0x7629, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTTextFlow" // tap.rgtc[].fVerticaltap.rgtc[].fBackwardtap.rgtc[].fRotateFont;0 or 10 or 10 or 1;word;
+//0xD62A, ? ? ? , "sprmTDiagLine", // ;;;
+ 0xD62B, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTVertMerge" // tap.rgtc[].vertMerge;complex (see below);variable length always recorded as 2 bytes;
+ 0xD62C, (FNReadRecord)0, //"sprmTVertAlign" // tap.rgtc[].vertAlign;complex (see below);variable length always recorded as 3 byte;
+// Hilfsroutinen : SPRM finden
+static int
+#if defined( WNT )
+ __cdecl
+#if defined( ICC )
+ _Optlink
+ CompSprmReadId( const void *pFirst, const void *pSecond)
+ return( ((SprmReadInfo*)pFirst )->nId - ((SprmReadInfo*)pSecond)->nId );
+SprmReadInfo& WW8GetSprmReadInfo( USHORT nId )
+ // ggfs. Tab sortieren
+ static BOOL bInit = FALSE;
+ if( !bInit )
+ {
+ qsort( (void*)aSprmReadTab,
+ sizeof( aSprmReadTab ) / sizeof (aSprmReadTab[ 0 ]),
+ sizeof( aSprmReadTab[ 0 ] ),
+ CompSprmReadId );
+ bInit = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Sprm heraussuchen
+ void* pFound;
+ SprmReadInfo aSrch;
+ aSrch.nId = nId;
+ if( 0 == ( pFound = bsearch( (BYTE *) &aSrch,
+ (void*) aSprmReadTab,
+ sizeof( aSprmReadTab ) / sizeof (aSprmReadTab[ 0 ]),
+ sizeof( aSprmReadTab[ 0 ] ),
+ CompSprmReadId )))
+ {
+ // im Fehlerfall auf Nulltes Element verweisen
+ pFound = (void*)aSprmReadTab;
+ }
+ return *(SprmReadInfo*) pFound;
+// Hilfsroutinen : SPRMs
+void SwWW8ImplReader::EndSprm( USHORT nId )
+ if( ( nId > 255 ) && ( nId < 0x0800 ) ) return;
+ SprmReadInfo& rSprm = WW8GetSprmReadInfo( nId );
+ /*
+ if ( aWwSprmTab[nId] == 0 )
+ return;
+ (this->*SprmReadInfo)( nId, 0, -1 );
+ */
+ if( rSprm.pReadFnc )
+ (this->*rSprm.pReadFnc)( nId, 0, -1 );
+// ein bzw. zwei Byte am Anfang des Sprm sind die Id
+USHORT WW8GetSprmId( BYTE nVersion, BYTE* pSp, BYTE* pDelta )
+ USHORT nId = 0;
+ switch( nVersion ) // beachte: 6 steht fuer "6 ODER 7", 7 steht fuer "NUR 7"
+ {
+ case 6:
+ case 7: nId = *pSp;
+ if( pDelta ) *pDelta = 0;
+ break;
+ case 8: nId = SVBT16ToShort( &pSp[ 0 ] );
+ if( pDelta ) *pDelta = 1;
+ break;
+ default:ASSERT( nId, "Es wurde vergessen, nVersion zu kodieren!" );
+ }
+ return nId;
+short SwWW8ImplReader::ImportSprm( BYTE* pPos, short nSprmsLen, USHORT nId )
+ BYTE nDelta;
+ BYTE nV = pWwFib->nVersion;
+ if( nId )
+ nDelta = bVer67 ? 0 : 1;
+ else
+ nId = WW8GetSprmId( nV, pPos, &nDelta );
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ ASSERT( nId != 0xff, "Sprm FF !!!!" );
+#endif //DEBUG
+ SprmReadInfo& rSprm = WW8GetSprmReadInfo( nId );
+ short nFixedLen = 1 + nDelta + WW8SprmDataOfs( nId );
+ short nL = WW8GetSprmSizeBrutto( nV, pPos, &nId );
+ if( rSprm.pReadFnc )
+ {
+ (this->*rSprm.pReadFnc)( nId, pPos + nFixedLen, nL - nFixedLen );
+ }
+ return nL;
+ Source Code Control System - Header
+ $Header: /zpool/svn/migration/cvs_rep_09_09_08/code/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par6.cxx,v 2000-09-18 17:14:59 hr Exp $
+ Source Code Control System - Update
+ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ Revision 1.104 2000/09/18 16:05:01 willem.vandorp
+ OpenOffice header added.
+ Revision 1.103 2000/08/24 13:20:54 kz
+ Max (long, long)
+ Revision 1.102 2000/08/21 15:03:09 khz
+ #77692# import page orientation
+ Revision 1.101 2000/08/18 09:48:33 khz
+ Import Line Numbering (restart on new section)
+ Revision 1.100 2000/08/18 06:47:29 khz
+ Import Line Numbering
+ Revision 1.99 2000/07/25 15:16:29 khz
+ #76811# read/write AutoHyphenation flag from/into Document Properties
+ Revision 1.98 2000/07/17 13:47:04 khz
+ #73987# check if sprmSNfcPgn should cause section change or not
+ Revision 1.97 2000/07/11 11:30:59 khz
+ #76673# prepare implementation of sprmTDelete and sprmTInsert
+ Revision 1.96 2000/06/28 08:07:48 khz
+ #70915# Insert Section if end-note with flag 'on end of section' found
+ Revision 1.95 2000/05/25 08:06:57 khz
+ Piece Table optimization, Unicode changes, Bugfixes
+ Revision 1.94 2000/05/16 12:03:50 jp
+ Changes for unicode
+ Revision 1.93 2000/05/16 11:23:49 khz
+ Unicode code-conversion
+ Revision 1.92 2000/03/21 10:37:08 khz
+ Task #74319# - do NOT close just inserted (still empty!) section in CreateSep()
+ - closing of old section may cause the creation of a new one
+ Task #66529# improve Header/Footer import
+ Revision 1.91 2000/03/10 14:27:15 khz
+ Task #65529# improve detection if Section is identical with previous
+ Revision 1.90 2000/03/03 15:20:02 os
+ StarView remainders removed
+ Revision 1.89 2000/02/23 17:43:03 cmc
+ #68832# Consider endnotes for header footer code
+ Revision 1.88 2000/02/22 14:55:19 khz
+ partial fix of #66832#
+ Revision 1.87 2000/02/21 13:08:30 jp
+ #70473# changes for unicode
+ Revision 1.86 2000/02/15 16:09:28 jp
+ #70473# changes for unicode
+ Revision 1.85 2000/02/09 11:43:31 khz
+ no Task Id: code cleaned for of annoying warning
+ Revision 1.84 2000/01/21 16:42:44 khz
+ Task #69155# set pPaM when inserting section with/without columns
+ Revision 1.83 2000/01/19 17:08:51 khz
+ Task #69178# never insert Fontattribute when skipping text content
+ Revision 1.82 2000/01/14 11:27:59 khz
+ Task #68832# -- CORRECTION: Task Number of rev below should have been: 68832 !
+ Revision 1.81 2000/01/14 11:11:34 khz
+ Task #71343# look for Sprm 37 (not 5) to recognize APO
+ Revision 1.80 2000/01/06 15:23:49 khz
+ Task #71411# Let last Section be unbalanced
+ Revision 1.79 1999/12/23 15:10:46 jp
+ Task #70915#: set Ftn-/End-TxtAtEnd attributes at sections
+ Revision 1.78 1999/12/23 14:03:42 khz
+ Task #68143# avoid attributes atached solely to Cell-End marks
+ Revision 1.77 1999/12/23 10:24:53 khz
+ Task #71209# avoid accessing pPageDesk if it's 0 ;-)
+ Revision 1.76 1999/12/22 18:03:35 khz
+ Task #70919# look if ParaStyle is different behind filed than it was before
+ Revision 1.75 1999/12/09 16:46:36 khz
+ Task #69180# allow Tabs if right of 1st-line-start OR right of paragraph margin
+ Revision 1.74 1999/12/07 14:28:56 khz
+ Task #69508# import sprmPHugePapx by reading DATA stream
+ Revision 1.73 1999/12/01 14:35:52 khz
+ Task #68488# Graphics in Sections with more than one Column
+ Revision 1.72 1999/11/25 12:28:37 khz
+ Task #68482# Store data in member *after* memset(this,0,...) in WW8FlyPara()
+ Revision 1.71 1999/11/24 12:33:15 khz
+ Task #66194# don't consider Sect-Properties to be unequal when one is protected
+ Revision 1.70 1999/11/12 15:29:25 khz
+ Task #69204#: prevent from inserting '?' when ConvertFromUnicode() fails
+ Revision 1.69 1999/11/12 13:05:03 jp
+ new: read sprmCHighlight
+ Revision 1.68 1999/11/02 15:59:49 khz
+ import new TOX_CONTENT and TOX_INDEX features (2)
+ Revision 1.67 1999/10/13 21:06:12 khz
+ Import Redlining (3)
+ Revision 1.66 1999/10/08 09:26:23 khz
+ Import Redlining
+ Revision 1.65 1999/09/10 15:36:35 khz
+ CharSet matching made by TENCINFO.H::rtl_getTextEncodingFromWindowsCharset()
+ Revision 1.64 1999/09/09 18:16:25 khz
+ CharSet matching now done in central methode WW8SCAN.HXX::WW8GetCharSet()
+ Revision 1.63 1999/08/10 13:16:26 KHZ
+ Task #66019# corrction of Font Family by analyzing Font Name