path: root/sw/source/core/inc/frmtool.hxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/core/inc/frmtool.hxx')
1 files changed, 582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/core/inc/frmtool.hxx b/sw/source/core/inc/frmtool.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..94befc1dca59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/core/inc/frmtool.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _FRMTOOL_HXX
+#define _FRMTOOL_HXX
+#include "swtypes.hxx"
+#include "layfrm.hxx"
+#include "frmatr.hxx"
+#include "swcache.hxx"
+// --> OD 2008-12-04 #i96772#
+#include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
+// <--
+class SwPageFrm;
+class SwFlyFrm;
+class SwCntntFrm;
+class SwDoc;
+class SwAttrSet;
+class SdrObject;
+class BigInt;
+class SvxBrushItem;
+class SdrMarkList;
+class SwNodeIndex;
+class OutputDevice;
+class SwPageDesc;
+class SwTableBox;
+struct SwFindRowSpanCacheObj;
+#if defined(MSC)
+#define MA_FASTCALL __fastcall
+#define MA_FASTCALL
+#define WEIT_WECH LONG_MAX - 20000 //Initale Position der Flys.
+#define BROWSE_HEIGHT 56700L * 10L //10 Meter
+//#define BROWSE_HEIGHT 1440L * 45L // 45 inch, maximum size for pdf files
+#define GRFNUM_NO 0
+#define GRFNUM_YES 1
+//Painten des Hintergrunds. Mit Brush oder Graphic.
+// OD 05.08.2002 #99657# - add 6th parameter to indicate that method should
+// consider background transparency, saved in the color of the brush item
+void MA_FASTCALL DrawGraphic( const SvxBrushItem *, OutputDevice *,
+ const SwRect &rOrg, const SwRect &rOut, const BYTE nGrfNum = GRFNUM_NO,
+ const sal_Bool bConsiderBackgroundTransparency = sal_False );
+// OD 24.01.2003 #106593# - method to align rectangle
+// Created declaration here to avoid <extern> declarations
+void MA_FASTCALL SwAlignRect( SwRect &rRect, ViewShell *pSh );
+// OD 24.01.2003 #106593# - method to align graphic rectangle
+// Created declaration here to avoid <extern> declarations
+void SwAlignGrfRect( SwRect *pGrfRect, const OutputDevice &rOut );
+//Fly besorgen, wenn keine List hineingereicht wird, wir die der aktuellen
+//Shell benutzt.
+//Implementierung in feshview.cxx
+SwFlyFrm *GetFlyFromMarked( const SdrMarkList *pLst, ViewShell *pSh );
+//Nicht gleich die math.lib anziehen.
+SwFrm *SaveCntnt( SwLayoutFrm *pLay, SwFrm *pStart );
+void RestoreCntnt( SwFrm *pSav, SwLayoutFrm *pParent, SwFrm *pSibling, bool bGrow );
+//CntntNodes besorgen, CntntFrms erzeugen und in den LayFrm haengen.
+void MA_FASTCALL _InsertCnt( SwLayoutFrm *pLay, SwDoc *pDoc, ULONG nIndex,
+ BOOL bPages = FALSE, ULONG nEndIndex = 0,
+ SwFrm *pPrv = 0 );
+//Erzeugen der Frames fuer einen bestimmten Bereich, verwendet _InsertCnt
+void MakeFrms( SwDoc *pDoc, const SwNodeIndex &rSttIdx,
+ const SwNodeIndex &rEndIdx );
+//Um z.B. fuer Tabelleheadlines das Erzeugen der Flys in _InsertCnt zu unterbinden.
+extern BOOL bDontCreateObjects;
+//Fuer FlyCnts, siehe SwFlyAtCntFrm::MakeAll()
+extern BOOL bSetCompletePaintOnInvalidate;
+//Fuer Tabelleneinstellung per Tastatur.
+long MA_FASTCALL CalcRowRstHeight( SwLayoutFrm *pRow );
+long MA_FASTCALL CalcHeightWidthFlys( const SwFrm *pFrm ); //MA_FLY_HEIGHT
+//Neue Seite einsetzen
+SwPageFrm * MA_FASTCALL InsertNewPage( SwPageDesc &rDesc, SwFrm *pUpper,
+ BOOL bOdd, BOOL bInsertEmpty, BOOL bFtn,
+ SwFrm *pSibling );
+//Flys bei der Seite anmelden.
+void RegistFlys( SwPageFrm*, const SwLayoutFrm* );
+//Benachrichtung des Fly Hintergrundes wenn Notwendig.
+void Notify( SwFlyFrm *pFly, SwPageFrm *pOld, const SwRect &rOld,
+ const SwRect* pOldRect = 0 );
+void Notify_Background( const SdrObject* pObj,
+ SwPageFrm* pPage,
+ const SwRect& rRect,
+ const PrepareHint eHint,
+ const BOOL bInva );
+const SwFrm* GetVirtualUpper( const SwFrm* pFrm, const Point& rPos );
+BOOL Is_Lower_Of( const SwFrm *pCurrFrm, const SdrObject* pObj );
+const SwFrm *FindKontext( const SwFrm *pFrm, USHORT nAdditionalKontextTyp );
+BOOL IsFrmInSameKontext( const SwFrm *pInnerFrm, const SwFrm *pFrm );
+const SwFrm * MA_FASTCALL FindPage( const SwRect &rRect, const SwFrm *pPage );
+// JP 07.05.98: wird von SwCntntNode::GetFrm und von SwFlyFrm::GetFrm
+// gerufen
+SwFrm* GetFrmOfModify( SwModify const&, USHORT const nFrmType, const Point* = 0,
+ const SwPosition *pPos = 0,
+ const BOOL bCalcFrm = FALSE );
+//Sollen ExtraDaten (Reline-Strich, Zeilennummern) gepaintet werden?
+BOOL IsExtraData( const SwDoc *pDoc );
+// OD 14.03.2003 #i11760# - method declaration <CalcCntnt(..)>
+void CalcCntnt( SwLayoutFrm *pLay,
+ bool bNoColl = false,
+ bool bNoCalcFollow = false );
+//Die Notify-Klassen merken sich im CTor die aktuellen Groessen und fuehren
+//im DTor ggf. die notwendigen Benachrichtigungen durch.
+class SwFrmNotify
+ SwFrm *pFrm;
+ const SwRect aFrm;
+ const SwRect aPrt;
+ SwTwips mnFlyAnchorOfst;
+ SwTwips mnFlyAnchorOfstNoWrap;
+ BOOL bHadFollow;
+ BOOL bInvaKeep;
+ BOOL bValidSize;
+ // --> OD 2005-07-29 #i49383#
+ bool mbFrmDeleted;
+ // <--
+ SwFrmNotify( SwFrm *pFrm );
+ ~SwFrmNotify();
+ const SwRect &Frm() const { return aFrm; }
+ const SwRect &Prt() const { return aPrt; }
+ void SetInvaKeep() { bInvaKeep = TRUE; }
+ // --> OD 2005-07-29 #i49383#
+ void FrmDeleted()
+ {
+ mbFrmDeleted = true;
+ }
+ // <--
+class SwLayNotify : public SwFrmNotify
+ BOOL bLowersComplete;
+ SwLayoutFrm *GetLay() { return (SwLayoutFrm*)pFrm; }
+ SwLayNotify( SwLayoutFrm *pLayFrm );
+ ~SwLayNotify();
+ void SetLowersComplete( BOOL b ) { bLowersComplete = b; }
+ BOOL IsLowersComplete() { return bLowersComplete; }
+class SwFlyNotify : public SwLayNotify
+ SwPageFrm *pOldPage;
+ const SwRect aFrmAndSpace;
+ SwFlyFrm *GetFly() { return (SwFlyFrm*)pFrm; }
+ SwFlyNotify( SwFlyFrm *pFlyFrm );
+ ~SwFlyNotify();
+ SwPageFrm *GetOldPage() const { return pOldPage; }
+class SwCntntNotify : public SwFrmNotify
+ // OD 08.01.2004 #i11859#
+ bool mbChkHeightOfLastLine;
+ SwTwips mnHeightOfLastLine;
+ // OD 2004-02-26 #i25029#
+ bool mbInvalidatePrevPrtArea;
+ bool mbBordersJoinedWithPrev;
+ SwCntntFrm *GetCnt() { return (SwCntntFrm*)pFrm; }
+ SwCntntNotify( SwCntntFrm *pCntFrm );
+ ~SwCntntNotify();
+ // OD 2004-02-26 #i25029#
+ void SetInvalidatePrevPrtArea()
+ {
+ mbInvalidatePrevPrtArea = true;
+ }
+ void SetBordersJoinedWithPrev()
+ {
+ mbBordersJoinedWithPrev = true;
+ }
+//SwBorderAttrs kapselt die Berechnung fuer die Randattribute inclusive
+//Umrandung. Die Attribute und die errechneten Werte werden gecached.
+//Neu: Die gesammte Klasse wird gecached.
+//!!!Achtung: Wenn weitere Attribute gecached werden muss unbedingt die
+//Methode Modify::Modify mitgepflegt werden!!!
+// OD 23.01.2003 #106895# - delete old method <SwBorderAttrs::CalcRight()> and
+// the stuff that belongs to it.
+class SwBorderAttrs : public SwCacheObj
+ const SwAttrSet &rAttrSet;
+ const SvxULSpaceItem &rUL;
+ // --> OD 2008-12-04 #i96772#
+ SvxLRSpaceItem rLR;
+ // <--
+ const SvxBoxItem &rBox;
+ const SvxShadowItem &rShadow;
+ const Size aFrmSize; //Die FrmSize
+ BOOL bBorderDist :1; //Ist's ein Frm der auch ohne Linie
+ //einen Abstand haben kann?
+ //Mit den Folgenden Bools werden die gecache'ten Werte fuer UNgueltig
+ //erklaert - bis sie einmal berechnet wurden.
+ BOOL bTopLine :1;
+ BOOL bBottomLine :1;
+ BOOL bLeftLine :1;
+ BOOL bRightLine :1;
+ BOOL bTop :1;
+ BOOL bBottom :1;
+ BOOL bLine :1;
+ BOOL bIsLine :1; //Umrandung an mind. einer Kante?
+ BOOL bCacheGetLine :1; //GetTopLine(), GetBottomLine() cachen?
+ BOOL bCachedGetTopLine :1; //GetTopLine() gecached?
+ BOOL bCachedGetBottomLine :1; //GetBottomLine() gecached?
+ // OD 21.05.2003 #108789# - booleans indicating, if values <bJoinedWithPrev>
+ // and <bJoinedWithNext> are cached and valid.
+ // Caching depends on value of <bCacheGetLine>.
+ mutable BOOL bCachedJoinedWithPrev :1;
+ mutable BOOL bCachedJoinedWithNext :1;
+ // OD 21.05.2003 #108789# - booleans indicating, if borders are joined
+ // with previous/next frame.
+ BOOL bJoinedWithPrev :1;
+ BOOL bJoinedWithNext :1;
+ //Die gecache'ten Werte, undefiniert bis sie einmal berechnet wurden.
+ USHORT nTopLine,
+ nBottomLine,
+ nLeftLine,
+ nRightLine,
+ nTop,
+ nBottom,
+ nGetTopLine,
+ nGetBottomLine;
+ //Nur die Lines + Shadow errechnen.
+ void _CalcTopLine();
+ void _CalcBottomLine();
+ void _CalcLeftLine();
+ void _CalcRightLine();
+ //Lines + Shadow + Abstaende
+ void _CalcTop();
+ void _CalcBottom();
+ void _IsLine();
+ // OD 2004-02-26 #i25029# - add optional 2nd parameter <_pPrevFrm>
+ // If set, its value is taken for testing, if borders/shadow have to joined
+ // with previous frame.
+ void _GetTopLine ( const SwFrm& _rFrm,
+ const SwFrm* _pPrevFrm = 0L );
+ void _GetBottomLine( const SwFrm& _rFrm );
+ // OD 21.05.2003 #108789# - private methods to calculate cached values
+ // <bJoinedWithPrev> and <bJoinedWithNext>.
+ // OD 2004-02-26 #i25029# - add optional 2nd parameter <_pPrevFrm>
+ // If set, its value is taken for testing, if borders/shadow have to joined
+ // with previous frame.
+ void _CalcJoinedWithPrev( const SwFrm& _rFrm,
+ const SwFrm* _pPrevFrm = 0L );
+ void _CalcJoinedWithNext( const SwFrm& _rFrm );
+ // OD 21.05.2003 #108789# - internal helper method for methods
+ // <_CalcJoinedWithPrev> and <_CalcJoinedWithNext>.
+ BOOL _JoinWithCmp( const SwFrm& _rCallerFrm,
+ const SwFrm& _rCmpFrm ) const;
+ //Rechte und linke Linie sowie LRSpace gleich?
+ // OD 21.05.2003 #108789# - change name of 1st parameter - "rAttrs" -> "rCmpAttrs".
+ BOOL CmpLeftRight( const SwBorderAttrs &rCmpAttrs,
+ const SwFrm *pCaller,
+ const SwFrm *pCmp ) const;
+ SwBorderAttrs( const SwModify *pOwner, const SwFrm *pConstructor );
+ ~SwBorderAttrs();
+ inline const SwAttrSet &GetAttrSet() const { return rAttrSet; }
+ inline const SvxULSpaceItem &GetULSpace() const { return rUL; }
+ inline const SvxLRSpaceItem &GetLRSpace() const { return rLR; }
+ inline const SvxBoxItem &GetBox() const { return rBox; }
+ inline const SvxShadowItem &GetShadow() const { return rShadow; }
+ inline USHORT CalcTopLine() const;
+ inline USHORT CalcBottomLine() const;
+ inline USHORT CalcLeftLine() const;
+ inline USHORT CalcRightLine() const;
+ inline USHORT CalcTop() const;
+ inline USHORT CalcBottom() const;
+ long CalcLeft( const SwFrm *pCaller ) const;
+ long CalcRight( const SwFrm *pCaller ) const;
+ inline BOOL IsLine() const;
+ inline const Size &GetSize() const { return aFrmSize; }
+ inline BOOL IsBorderDist() const { return bBorderDist; }
+ //Sollen obere bzw. untere Umrandung fuer den Frm ausgewertet werden?
+ // OD 2004-02-26 #i25029# - add optional 2nd parameter <_pPrevFrm>
+ // If set, its value is taken for testing, if borders/shadow have to joined
+ // with previous frame.
+ inline USHORT GetTopLine ( const SwFrm& _rFrm,
+ const SwFrm* _pPrevFrm = 0L ) const;
+ inline USHORT GetBottomLine( const SwFrm& _rFrm ) const;
+ inline void SetGetCacheLine( BOOL bNew ) const;
+ // OD 21.05.2003 #108789# - accessors for cached values <bJoinedWithPrev>
+ // and <bJoinedWithPrev>
+ // OD 2004-02-26 #i25029# - add optional 2nd parameter <_pPrevFrm>
+ // If set, its value is taken for testing, if borders/shadow have to joined
+ // with previous frame.
+ BOOL JoinedWithPrev( const SwFrm& _rFrm,
+ const SwFrm* _pPrevFrm = 0L ) const;
+ BOOL JoinedWithNext( const SwFrm& _rFrm ) const;
+class SwBorderAttrAccess : public SwCacheAccess
+ const SwFrm *pConstructor; //opt: Zur weitergabe an SwBorderAttrs
+ virtual SwCacheObj *NewObj();
+ SwBorderAttrAccess( SwCache &rCache, const SwFrm *pOwner );
+ SwBorderAttrs *Get();
+//Iterator fuer die DrawObjecte einer Seite. Die Objecte werden Nach ihrer
+//Z-Order iteriert.
+//Das iterieren ist nicht eben billig, denn fuer alle Operationen muss jeweils
+//ueber das gesamte SortArray iteriert werden.
+class SwOrderIter
+ const SwPageFrm *pPage;
+ const SdrObject *pCurrent;
+ const BOOL bFlysOnly;
+ SwOrderIter( const SwPageFrm *pPage, BOOL bFlysOnly = TRUE );
+ void Current( const SdrObject *pNew ) { pCurrent = pNew; }
+ const SdrObject *Current() const { return pCurrent; }
+ const SdrObject *operator()() const { return pCurrent; }
+ const SdrObject *Top();
+ const SdrObject *Bottom();
+ const SdrObject *Next();
+ const SdrObject *Prev();
+class StackHack
+ static BYTE nCnt;
+ static BOOL bLocked;
+ StackHack()
+ {
+ if ( ++StackHack::nCnt > 50 )
+ StackHack::bLocked = TRUE;
+ }
+ ~StackHack()
+ {
+ if ( --StackHack::nCnt < 5 )
+ StackHack::bLocked = FALSE;
+ }
+ static BOOL IsLocked() { return StackHack::bLocked; }
+ static BYTE Count() { return StackHack::nCnt; }
+//Sollen obere bzw. untere Umrandung fuer den Frm ausgewertet werden?
+// OD 2004-02-26 #i25029# - add optional 2nd parameter <_pPrevFrm>
+// If set, its value is taken for testing, if borders/shadow have to joined
+// with previous frame.
+inline USHORT SwBorderAttrs::GetTopLine ( const SwFrm& _rFrm,
+ const SwFrm* _pPrevFrm ) const
+ if ( !bCachedGetTopLine || _pPrevFrm )
+ {
+ const_cast<SwBorderAttrs*>(this)->_GetTopLine( _rFrm, _pPrevFrm );
+ }
+ return nGetTopLine;
+inline USHORT SwBorderAttrs::GetBottomLine( const SwFrm& _rFrm ) const
+ if ( !bCachedGetBottomLine )
+ const_cast<SwBorderAttrs*>(this)->_GetBottomLine( _rFrm );
+ return nGetBottomLine;
+inline void SwBorderAttrs::SetGetCacheLine( BOOL bNew ) const
+ ((SwBorderAttrs*)this)->bCacheGetLine = bNew;
+ ((SwBorderAttrs*)this)->bCachedGetBottomLine =
+ ((SwBorderAttrs*)this)->bCachedGetTopLine = FALSE;
+ // OD 21.05.2003 #108789# - invalidate cache for values <bJoinedWithPrev>
+ // and <bJoinedWithNext>.
+ bCachedJoinedWithPrev = FALSE;
+ bCachedJoinedWithNext = FALSE;
+inline USHORT SwBorderAttrs::CalcTopLine() const
+ if ( bTopLine )
+ ((SwBorderAttrs*)this)->_CalcTopLine();
+ return nTopLine;
+inline USHORT SwBorderAttrs::CalcBottomLine() const
+ if ( bBottomLine )
+ ((SwBorderAttrs*)this)->_CalcBottomLine();
+ return nBottomLine;
+inline USHORT SwBorderAttrs::CalcLeftLine() const
+ if ( bLeftLine )
+ ((SwBorderAttrs*)this)->_CalcLeftLine();
+ return nLeftLine;
+inline USHORT SwBorderAttrs::CalcRightLine() const
+ if ( bRightLine )
+ ((SwBorderAttrs*)this)->_CalcRightLine();
+ return nRightLine;
+inline USHORT SwBorderAttrs::CalcTop() const
+ if ( bTop )
+ ((SwBorderAttrs*)this)->_CalcTop();
+ return nTop;
+inline USHORT SwBorderAttrs::CalcBottom() const
+ if ( bBottom )
+ ((SwBorderAttrs*)this)->_CalcBottom();
+ return nBottom;
+inline BOOL SwBorderAttrs::IsLine() const
+ if ( bLine )
+ ((SwBorderAttrs*)this)->_IsLine();
+ return bIsLine;
+/** method to determine the spacing values of a frame
+ OD 2004-03-10 #i28701#
+ Values only provided for flow frames (table, section or text frames)
+ Note: line spacing value is only determined for text frames
+ OD 2009-08-28 #i102458#
+ Add output parameter <obIsLineSpacingProportional>
+ @param rFrm
+ input parameter - frame, for which the spacing values are determined.
+ @param onPrevLowerSpacing
+ output parameter - lower spacing of the frame in SwTwips
+ @param onPrevLineSpacing
+ output parameter - line spacing of the frame in SwTwips
+ @param obIsLineSpacingProportional
+ @author OD
+void GetSpacingValuesOfFrm( const SwFrm& rFrm,
+ SwTwips& onLowerSpacing,
+ SwTwips& onLineSpacing,
+ bool& obIsLineSpacingProportional );
+/** method to get the content of the table cell
+ Content from any nested tables will be omitted.
+ Note: line spacing value is only determined for text frames
+ @param rCell_
+ input parameter - the cell which should be searched for content.
+ return
+ pointer to the found content frame or 0
+const SwCntntFrm* GetCellCntnt( const SwLayoutFrm& rCell_ );
+/** helper class to check if a frame has been deleted during an operation
+ * !!!WARNING!!! This should only be used as a last and desperate means
+ * to make the code robust.
+ */
+class SwDeletionChecker
+ private:
+ const SwFrm* mpFrm;
+ const SwModify* mpRegIn;
+ public:
+ SwDeletionChecker( const SwFrm* pFrm )
+ : mpFrm( pFrm ),
+ mpRegIn( pFrm ? pFrm->GetRegisteredIn() : 0 )
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * return
+ * true if mpFrm != 0 and mpFrm is not client of pRegIn
+ * false otherwise
+ */
+ bool HasBeenDeleted();
+#endif //_FRMTOOL_HXX