path: root/sw/source/core/inc/anchoredobjectposition.hxx
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1 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/core/inc/anchoredobjectposition.hxx b/sw/source/core/inc/anchoredobjectposition.hxx
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+ /*************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: anchoredobjectposition.hxx,v $
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <swtypes.hxx>
+// OD 2004-03-16 #i11860#
+#include <frame.hxx>
+class SdrObject;
+class SwFrm;
+class SwFlyFrm;
+class SwContact;
+class SwFrmFmt;
+class SwRect;
+class SvxLRSpaceItem;
+class SvxULSpaceItem;
+class SwFmtHoriOrient;
+// OD 2004-03-23 #i26701#
+class SwAnchoredObject;
+namespace objectpositioning
+ class SwEnvironmentOfAnchoredObject;
+ class SwAnchoredObjectPosition
+ {
+ private:
+ // object to be positioned
+ SdrObject& mrDrawObj;
+ // information about object
+ // does the object represents a Writer fly frame
+ bool mbIsObjFly;
+ // OD 2004-03-23 #i26791# - anchored object the object belongs to;
+ SwAnchoredObject* mpAnchoredObj;
+ // frame the object is anchored at
+ SwFrm* mpAnchorFrm;
+ // contact object
+ SwContact* mpContact;
+ // frame format
+ const SwFrmFmt* mpFrmFmt;
+ // --> OD 2006-03-15 #i62875#
+ bool mbFollowTextFlow;
+ // <--
+ // --> OD 2006-03-15 #i62875#
+ // for compatibility option <DoNotCaptureDrawObjsOnPage>
+ bool mbDoNotCaptureAnchoredObj;
+ // <--
+ /** determine information about object
+ OD 30.07.2003 #110978#
+ member <mbIsObjFly>, <mpAnchoredObj>, <mpAnchorFrm>, <mpContact>
+ and <mpFrmFmt> are set
+ @author OD
+ */
+ void _GetInfoAboutObj();
+ // --> OD 2006-03-15 #i62875#
+ SwTwips _ImplAdjustVertRelPos( const SwTwips _nTopOfAnch,
+ const bool _bVert,
+ const SwFrm& _rPageAlignLayFrm,
+ const SwTwips _nProposedRelPosY,
+ const bool _bFollowTextFlow,
+ const bool _bCheckBottom = true ) const;
+ SwTwips _ImplAdjustHoriRelPos( const SwFrm& _rPageAlignLayFrm,
+ const SwTwips _nProposedRelPosX ) const;
+ // <--
+ protected:
+ SwAnchoredObjectPosition( SdrObject& _rDrawObj );
+ virtual ~SwAnchoredObjectPosition();
+ // accessors for object and its corresponding data/information
+ inline SdrObject& GetObject() const
+ {
+ return mrDrawObj;
+ }
+ inline bool IsObjFly() const
+ {
+ return mbIsObjFly;
+ }
+ inline SwAnchoredObject& GetAnchoredObj() const
+ {
+ return *mpAnchoredObj;
+ }
+ inline SwFrm& GetAnchorFrm() const
+ {
+ return *mpAnchorFrm;
+ }
+ inline SwContact& GetContact() const
+ {
+ return *mpContact;
+ }
+ inline const SwFrmFmt& GetFrmFmt() const
+ {
+ return *mpFrmFmt;
+ }
+ // --> OD 2006-03-15 #i62875#
+ inline bool DoesObjFollowsTextFlow() const
+ {
+ return mbFollowTextFlow;
+ }
+ // <--
+ // virtual methods providing data for to character anchored objects.
+ virtual bool IsAnchoredToChar() const;
+ virtual const SwFrm* ToCharOrientFrm() const;
+ virtual const SwRect* ToCharRect() const;
+ // OD 12.11.2003 #i22341#
+ virtual SwTwips ToCharTopOfLine() const;
+ // *********************************************************************
+ /** helper method to determine top of a frame for the vertical
+ object positioning
+ OD 2004-03-11 #i11860#
+ @author OD
+ */
+ SwTwips _GetTopForObjPos( const SwFrm& _rFrm,
+ const SwRectFn& _fnRect,
+ const bool _bVert ) const;
+ // *********************************************************************
+ void _GetVertAlignmentValues( const SwFrm& _rVertOrientFrm,
+ const SwFrm& _rPageAlignLayFrm,
+ const sal_Int16 _eRelOrient,
+ SwTwips& _orAlignAreaHeight,
+ SwTwips& _orAlignAreaOffset ) const;
+ // *********************************************************************
+ // --> OD 2004-06-17 #i26791# - add output parameter <_roVertOffsetToFrmAnchorPos>
+ SwTwips _GetVertRelPos( const SwFrm& _rVertOrientFrm,
+ const SwFrm& _rPageAlignLayFrm,
+ const sal_Int16 _eVertOrient,
+ const sal_Int16 _eRelOrient,
+ const SwTwips _nVertPos,
+ const SvxLRSpaceItem& _rLRSpacing,
+ const SvxULSpaceItem& _rULSpacing,
+ SwTwips& _roVertOffsetToFrmAnchorPos ) const;
+ // *********************************************************************
+ /** adjust calculated vertical in order to keep object inside
+ 'page' alignment layout frame.
+ OD 2004-07-22 #i31805# - add parameter <_bCheckBottom>
+ OD 2004-10-08 #i26945# - add parameter <_bFollowTextFlow>
+ OD 2006-03-15 #i62875# - made inline, intrinsic actions moved
+ to private method <_ImplAdjustVertRelPos>, which is only
+ called, if <mbDoNotCaptureAnchoredObj> not set.
+ @param _nTopOfAnch
+ input parameter - 'vertical' position, at which the relative
+ position of the object is calculated from.
+ @param _bVert
+ input parameter - boolean, indicating, if object is in vertical
+ layout.
+ @param _rPageAlignLayFrm
+ input parameter - layout frame, which determines the 'page area'
+ the object has to be vertical positioned in.
+ @param _nProposedRelPosY
+ input parameter - proposed relative vertical position, which
+ will be adjusted.
+ @param _bFollowTextFlow
+ input parameter - value of attribute 'Follow text flow' of the
+ anchored object.
+ @param _bCheckBottom
+ input parameter - boolean indicating, if bottom of anchored
+ object has to be checked and thus, (if needed) the proposed
+ relative position has to be adjusted. default value <true>
+ @author OD
+ */
+ inline SwTwips _AdjustVertRelPos( const SwTwips _nTopOfAnch,
+ const bool _bVert,
+ const SwFrm& _rPageAlignLayFrm,
+ const SwTwips _nProposedRelPosY,
+ const bool _bFollowTextFlow,
+ const bool _bCheckBottom = true ) const
+ {
+ return !mbDoNotCaptureAnchoredObj
+ ? _ImplAdjustVertRelPos( _nTopOfAnch, _bVert,
+ _rPageAlignLayFrm,
+ _nProposedRelPosY,
+ _bFollowTextFlow,
+ _bCheckBottom )
+ : _nProposedRelPosY;
+ }
+ // *********************************************************************
+ /** calculate relative horizontal position
+ --> OD 2004-06-17 #i26791# - add output parameter
+ <_roHoriOffsetToFrmAnchorPos>
+ @author OD
+ @param _rHoriOrientFrm
+ input parameter - frame the horizontal position of the object
+ is oriented at.
+ @param _rEnvOfObj
+ input parameter - object instance to retrieve environment
+ information about the object
+ @param _rHoriOrient
+ input parameter - horizontal positioning and alignment, for which
+ the relative position is calculated.
+ @param _rLRSpacing
+ input parameter - left and right spacing of the object to the text
+ @param _rULSpacing
+ input parameter - upper and lower spacing of the object to the text
+ @param _bObjWrapThrough
+ input parameter - boolean indicating, if object has wrap mode
+ 'wrap through'.
+ @param _nRelPosY
+ input parameter - relative vertical position
+ @param _roHoriOffsetToFrmAnchorPos
+ output parameter - 'horizontal' offset to frame anchor position
+ according to the alignment
+ @return relative horizontal position in SwTwips
+ */
+ SwTwips _CalcRelPosX( const SwFrm& _rHoriOrientFrm,
+ const SwEnvironmentOfAnchoredObject& _rEnvOfObj,
+ const SwFmtHoriOrient& _rHoriOrient,
+ const SvxLRSpaceItem& _rLRSpacing,
+ const SvxULSpaceItem& _rULSpacing,
+ const bool _bObjWrapThrough,
+ const SwTwips _nRelPosY,
+ SwTwips& _roHoriOffsetToFrmAnchorPos
+ ) const;
+ // *********************************************************************
+ /** adjust calculated horizontal in order to keep object inside
+ 'page' alignment layout frame for object type position TO_CNTNT
+ OD 2006-03-15 #i62875# - made inline, intrinsic actions moved
+ to private method <_ImplAdjustHoriRelPos>, which is only
+ called, if <mbDoNotCaptureAnchoredObj> not set.
+ @author OD
+ @param _rPageAlignLayFrm
+ input paramter - layout frame, which determines the 'page area'
+ the object has to be horizontal positioned in.
+ @param _nProposedRelPosX
+ input parameter - proposed relative horizontal position, which
+ will be adjusted.
+ @return adjusted relative horizontal position in SwTwips.
+ */
+ inline SwTwips _AdjustHoriRelPos( const SwFrm& _rPageAlignLayFrm,
+ const SwTwips _nProposedRelPosX ) const
+ {
+ return !mbDoNotCaptureAnchoredObj
+ ? _ImplAdjustHoriRelPos( _rPageAlignLayFrm, _nProposedRelPosX )
+ : _nProposedRelPosX;
+ }
+ // *********************************************************************
+ /** toggle given horizontal orientation and relative alignment
+ @author OD
+ @param _bToggleLeftRight
+ input parameter - boolean indicating, if horizontal orientation
+ and relative alignment has to be toggled.
+ @param _ioeHoriOrient
+ input/output parameter - horizontal orientation, that is toggled,
+ if needed.
+ @param _iopeRelOrient
+ optional input/output parameter (default value NULL)
+ - if set, relative alignment, that is toggled, if needed.
+ */
+ void _ToggleHoriOrientAndAlign( const bool _bToggleLeftRight,
+ sal_Int16& _ioeHoriOrient,
+ sal_Int16& _iopeRelOrient
+ ) const;
+ // *********************************************************************
+ /** determine alignment values for horizontal position of object
+ @author OD
+ @param _rHoriOrientFrm
+ input parameter - frame the horizontal position of the object
+ is oriented at.
+ @param _rPageAlignLayFrm
+ input paramter - layout frame, which determines the 'page area'
+ the object has to be horizontal positioned in.
+ @param _eRelOrient
+ input parameter - horizontal relative alignment, for which
+ the relative position is calculated.
+ @param _bToggleLeftRight
+ input parameter - boolean indicating, if left/right alignments
+ have to be toggled.
+ @param _bObjWrapThrough
+ input parameter - boolean indicating, if object has wrap mode
+ 'wrap through'.
+ important note: value is only relevant, if _rHoriOrientFrm is
+ a text frame.
+ @param _orAlignAreaWidth
+ output parameter - width in SwTwips of the area the horizontal
+ position is aligned to.
+ @param _orAlignAreaOffset
+ output parameter - offset in SwTwips of the area the horizontal
+ position is aligned to. offset is given to the 'left' of the
+ anchor position.
+ @param _obAlignedRelToPage
+ output parameter - boolean indicating, that object is aligned
+ to 'page area'.
+ */
+ void _GetHoriAlignmentValues( const SwFrm& _rHoriOrientFrm,
+ const SwFrm& _rPageAlignLayFrm,
+ const sal_Int16 _eRelOrient,
+ const bool _bObjWrapThrough,
+ SwTwips& _orAlignAreaWidth,
+ SwTwips& _orAlignAreaOffset,
+ bool& _obAlignedRelToPage ) const;
+ // *********************************************************************
+ /** adjust calculated horizontal position in order to draw object
+ aside other objects with same positioning
+ @author OD
+ @param _rHoriOrientFrm
+ input parameter - frame the horizontal position of the object
+ is oriented at.
+ @param _nProposedRelPosX
+ input parameter - proposed relative horizontal position, which
+ will be adjusted.
+ @param _nRelPosY
+ input parameter - relative vertical position
+ @param _eHoriOrient
+ input parameter - horizontal position of object
+ @param _eRelOrient
+ inpt parameter - alignment of object
+ @param _rLRSpacing
+ input parameter - left and right spacing of the object to the text
+ @param _rULSpacing
+ input parameter - upper and lower spacing of the object to the text
+ @param _bEvenPage
+ input parameter - boolean indicating, if object is on an even page.
+ @return adjusted relative horizontal position in SwTwips
+ */
+ SwTwips _AdjustHoriRelPosForDrawAside( const SwFrm& _rHoriOrientFrm,
+ const SwTwips _nProposedRelPosX,
+ const SwTwips _nRelPosY,
+ const sal_Int16 _eHoriOrient,
+ const sal_Int16 _eRelOrient,
+ const SvxLRSpaceItem& _rLRSpacing,
+ const SvxULSpaceItem& _rULSpacing,
+ const bool _bEvenPage
+ ) const;
+ // *********************************************************************
+ /** detemine, if object has to draw aside given fly frame
+ method used by <_AdjustHoriRelPosForDrawAside(..)>
+ @author OD
+ @param _pFly
+ input parameter - fly frame the draw aside check is done for.
+ @param _rObjRect
+ input parameter - proposed object rectangle
+ @param _pObjContext
+ input parameter - context of the object
+ @param _nObjIndex
+ input parameter - index of the anchor frame of the object
+ @param _bEvenPage
+ input parameter - boolean indicating, if object is on an even page.
+ @param _eHoriOrient
+ input parameter - horizontal position of object
+ @param _eRelOrient
+ inpt parameter - alignment of object
+ @return boolean indicating, if object has to be drawn aside
+ given fly frame.
+ */
+ bool _DrawAsideFly( const SwFlyFrm* _pFly,
+ const SwRect& _rObjRect,
+ const SwFrm* _pObjContext,
+ const ULONG _nObjIndex,
+ const bool _bEvenPage,
+ const sal_Int16 _eHoriOrient,
+ const sal_Int16 _eRelOrient
+ ) const;
+ // *********************************************************************
+ /** determine, if object has to draw aside another object
+ the different alignments of the objects determines, if one has
+ to draw aside another one. Thus, the given alignment are checked
+ against each other, which one has to be drawn aside the other one.
+ depending on parameter _bLeft check is done for left or right
+ positioning.
+ method used by <_DrawAsideFly(..)>
+ @author OD
+ @param _eRelOrient1
+ input parameter - alignment 1
+ @param _eRelOrient2
+ input parameter - alignment 2
+ @param _bLeft
+ input parameter - boolean indicating, if check is done for left
+ or for right positioning.
+ @return boolean indicating, if an object with an alignment
+ <_eRelOrient1> has to be drawn aside an object with an
+ alignment <_eRelOrient2>
+ */
+ bool _Minor( sal_Int16 _eRelOrient1,
+ sal_Int16 _eRelOrient2,
+ bool _bLeft ) const;
+ public:
+ virtual void CalcPosition() = 0;
+ };
+} // namespace objectpositioning