path: root/sw/qa/complex/writer
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/qa/complex/writer')
-rw-r--r--sw/qa/complex/writer/testdocuments/CheckCrossReferences.odtbin0 -> 11628 bytes
-rw-r--r--sw/qa/complex/writer/testdocuments/CheckFlies.odtbin0 -> 65022 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xsw/qa/complex/writer/testdocuments/TESTMETA.odtbin0 -> 8678 bytes
10 files changed, 5252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/qa/complex/writer/ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c8f4a0355428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: $
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+package complex.writer;
+import complexlib.ComplexTestCase;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+class BookmarkHashes {
+ public String m_sName;
+ public BigInteger m_nSetupHash;
+ public BigInteger m_nInsertRandomHash;
+ public BigInteger m_nDeleteRandomHash;
+ public BigInteger m_nLinebreakHash;
+ public BigInteger m_nOdfReloadHash;
+ public BigInteger m_nMsWordReloadHash;
+ public BookmarkHashes(String sName) {
+ m_sName = sName;
+ }
+ public String checkExpectationString(BookmarkHashes aExpectation) {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ buffer.append("Comparing " + m_sName + " to expectations from " + aExpectation.m_sName + "\n");
+ buffer.append(compareHashString("after setup", m_nSetupHash, aExpectation.m_nSetupHash));
+ buffer.append(compareHashString("after insert random", m_nInsertRandomHash, aExpectation.m_nInsertRandomHash));
+ buffer.append(compareHashString("after delete random", m_nDeleteRandomHash, aExpectation.m_nDeleteRandomHash));
+ buffer.append(compareHashString("after line breaks", m_nLinebreakHash, aExpectation.m_nLinebreakHash));
+ buffer.append(compareHashString("after ODF roundtrip", m_nOdfReloadHash, aExpectation.m_nOdfReloadHash));
+ buffer.append(compareHashString("after MsWord roundtrip", m_nMsWordReloadHash, aExpectation.m_nMsWordReloadHash));
+ return buffer.toString();
+ };
+ public boolean meetsExpectation(BookmarkHashes aExpectation) {
+ return m_nSetupHash.equals(aExpectation.m_nSetupHash)
+ && m_nInsertRandomHash.equals(aExpectation.m_nInsertRandomHash)
+ && m_nDeleteRandomHash.equals(aExpectation.m_nDeleteRandomHash)
+ && m_nLinebreakHash.equals(aExpectation.m_nLinebreakHash)
+ && m_nOdfReloadHash.equals(aExpectation.m_nOdfReloadHash)
+ && m_nMsWordReloadHash.equals(aExpectation.m_nMsWordReloadHash);
+ }
+ private String compareHashString(String sCheckName, BigInteger nActual, BigInteger nExpectation) {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(sCheckName);
+ buffer.append(": ");
+ if(nActual.equals(nExpectation))
+ buffer.append("good (" + nActual.toString(16) + ")");
+ else
+ buffer.append("bad (actual:" + nActual.toString(16) + ", expected: " + nExpectation.toString(16) + ")");
+ buffer.append("\n");
+ return buffer.toString();
+ }
+ static public java.math.BigInteger getBookmarksHash(XTextDocument xDoc)
+ throws,
+ {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("");
+ XBookmarksSupplier xBookmarksSupplier = (XBookmarksSupplier)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XBookmarksSupplier.class,
+ xDoc);
+ XNameAccess xBookmarks = xBookmarksSupplier.getBookmarks();
+ for(String sBookmarkname : xBookmarks.getElementNames()) {
+ Object xBookmark = xBookmarks.getByName(sBookmarkname);
+ XTextContent xBookmarkAsContent = (XTextContent)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XTextContent.class,
+ xBookmark);
+ buffer.append(sBookmarkname);
+ buffer.append(":");
+ buffer.append(xBookmarkAsContent.getAnchor().getString());
+ buffer.append(";");
+ }
+ sha1 ="SHA-1");
+ sha1.reset();
+ sha1.update(buffer.toString().getBytes());
+ return new java.math.BigInteger(sha1.digest());
+ }
+public class CheckBookmarks extends ComplexTestCase {
+ private XMultiServiceFactory m_xMsf = null;
+ private XTextDocument m_xDoc = null;
+ private XTextDocument m_xOdfReloadedDoc = null;
+ private XTextDocument m_xMsWordReloadedDoc = null;
+ public String[] getTestMethodNames() {
+ return new String[]{"checkBookmarks"};
+ }
+ private BookmarkHashes getDEV300m41Expectations() {
+ BookmarkHashes result = new BookmarkHashes("DEV300m41");
+ result.m_nSetupHash = new BigInteger("-4b0706744e8452fe1ae9d5e1c28cf70fb6194795",16);
+ result.m_nInsertRandomHash = new BigInteger("25aa0fad3f4881832dcdfe658ec2efa8a1a02bc5",16);
+ result.m_nDeleteRandomHash = new BigInteger("-3ec87e810b46d734677c351ad893bbbf9ea10f55",16);
+ result.m_nLinebreakHash = new BigInteger("3ae08c284ea0d6e738cb43c0a8105e718a633550",16);
+ result.m_nOdfReloadHash = new BigInteger("3ae08c284ea0d6e738cb43c0a8105e718a633550",16);
+ result.m_nMsWordReloadHash = new BigInteger("3ae08c284ea0d6e738cb43c0a8105e718a633550",16);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public void checkBookmarks()
+ throws,
+ {
+ try {
+ m_xMsf = (XMultiServiceFactory)param.getMSF();
+ m_xDoc = util.WriterTools.createTextDoc(m_xMsf);
+ BookmarkHashes actualHashes = new BookmarkHashes("actual");
+ BookmarkHashes expectedHashes = getDEV300m41Expectations();
+ setupBookmarks();
+ actualHashes.m_nSetupHash = BookmarkHashes.getBookmarksHash(m_xDoc);
+ insertRandomParts(200177);
+ actualHashes.m_nInsertRandomHash = BookmarkHashes.getBookmarksHash(m_xDoc);
+ deleteRandomParts(4711);
+ actualHashes.m_nDeleteRandomHash = BookmarkHashes.getBookmarksHash(m_xDoc);
+ insertLinebreaks(007);
+ actualHashes.m_nLinebreakHash = BookmarkHashes.getBookmarksHash(m_xDoc);
+ m_xOdfReloadedDoc = reloadFrom("StarOffice XML (Writer)", "odf");
+ actualHashes.m_nOdfReloadHash = BookmarkHashes.getBookmarksHash(m_xOdfReloadedDoc);
+ m_xMsWordReloadedDoc = reloadFrom("MS Word 97", "doc");
+ actualHashes.m_nMsWordReloadHash = BookmarkHashes.getBookmarksHash(m_xMsWordReloadedDoc);
+ log.println(actualHashes.checkExpectationString(expectedHashes));
+ if(!actualHashes.meetsExpectation(expectedHashes))
+ failed("CheckBookmark did not meet expectations (" + expectedHashes.m_sName + ").");
+ } finally {
+ // closing test document
+ if(m_xDoc != null)
+ util.DesktopTools.closeDoc(m_xDoc);
+ if(m_xOdfReloadedDoc!= null)
+ util.DesktopTools.closeDoc(m_xOdfReloadedDoc);
+ if(m_xMsWordReloadedDoc!= null)
+ util.DesktopTools.closeDoc(m_xMsWordReloadedDoc);
+ }
+ }
+ private void setupBookmarks()
+ throws
+ {
+ XText xText = m_xDoc.getText();
+ XSimpleText xSimpleText = (XSimpleText)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XSimpleText.class,
+ xText);
+ for(int nPara=0; nPara<10; ++nPara) {
+ for(int nBookmark=0; nBookmark<100; ++nBookmark){
+ insertBookmark(
+ xText.createTextCursor(),
+ "P" + nPara + "word" + nBookmark,
+ "P" + nPara + "word" + nBookmark);
+ XTextCursor xWordCrsr = xText.createTextCursor();
+ xWordCrsr.setString(" ");
+ }
+ XTextCursor xParaCrsr = xText.createTextCursor();
+ XTextRange xParaCrsrAsRange = (XTextRange)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XTextRange.class,
+ xParaCrsr);
+ xText.insertControlCharacter(xParaCrsrAsRange,, false);
+ }
+ }
+ private void insertRandomParts(long seed)
+ throws
+ {
+ java.util.Random rnd = new java.util.Random(seed);
+ XTextCursor xCrsr = m_xDoc.getText().createTextCursor();
+ for(int i=0; i<600; i++) {
+ xCrsr.goRight((short)rnd.nextInt(100), false);
+ xCrsr.setString(Long.toString(rnd.nextLong()));
+ }
+ }
+ private void deleteRandomParts(long seed)
+ throws
+ {
+ java.util.Random rnd = new java.util.Random(seed);
+ XTextCursor xCrsr = m_xDoc.getText().createTextCursor();
+ for(int i=0; i<600; i++) {
+ xCrsr.goRight((short)rnd.nextInt(100), false);
+ xCrsr.goRight((short)rnd.nextInt(20), true);
+ xCrsr.setString("");
+ }
+ }
+ private void insertLinebreaks(long seed)
+ throws
+ {
+ XText xText = m_xDoc.getText();
+ java.util.Random rnd = new java.util.Random(seed);
+ XTextCursor xCrsr = m_xDoc.getText().createTextCursor();
+ for(int i=0; i<30; i++) {
+ xCrsr.goRight((short)rnd.nextInt(300), false);
+ XTextRange xCrsrAsRange = (XTextRange)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XTextRange.class,
+ xCrsr);
+ xText.insertControlCharacter(xCrsrAsRange,, false);
+ }
+ }
+ private void insertBookmark(XTextCursor crsr, String name, String content)
+ throws
+ {
+ XMultiServiceFactory xDocFactory = (XMultiServiceFactory)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XMultiServiceFactory.class,
+ m_xDoc);
+ Object xBookmark = xDocFactory.createInstance("");
+ XTextContent xBookmarkAsTextContent = (XTextContent)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XTextContent.class,
+ xBookmark);
+ crsr.setString(content);
+ XNamed xBookmarkAsNamed = (XNamed)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XNamed.class,
+ xBookmark);
+ xBookmarkAsNamed.setName(name);
+ m_xDoc.getText().insertTextContent(crsr, xBookmarkAsTextContent, true);
+ }
+ private XTextDocument reloadFrom(String sFilter, String sExtension)
+ throws
+ {
+ String sFileUrl = util.utils.getOfficeTemp(m_xMsf) + "/Bookmarktest." + sExtension;
+ try {
+ PropertyValue[] aStoreProperties = new PropertyValue[2];
+ aStoreProperties[0] = new PropertyValue();
+ aStoreProperties[1] = new PropertyValue();
+ aStoreProperties[0].Name = "Override";
+ aStoreProperties[0].Value = true;
+ aStoreProperties[1].Name = "FilterName";
+ aStoreProperties[1].Value = sFilter;
+ XStorable xStorable = (XStorable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XStorable.class,
+ m_xDoc);
+ xStorable.storeToURL(sFileUrl, aStoreProperties);
+ return util.WriterTools.loadTextDoc(m_xMsf, sFileUrl);
+ } finally {
+ if(util.utils.fileExists(m_xMsf, sFileUrl))
+ util.utils.deleteFile(m_xMsf, sFileUrl);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sw/qa/complex/writer/ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7b469c0a4afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Created on November 1, 2007, 1:49 PM
+ *
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package complex.writer;
+import complexlib.ComplexTestCase;
+ *
+ * @author od138299
+ */
+public class CheckCrossReferences extends ComplexTestCase {
+ private xDoc;
+ private xParaEnum;
+ private xPortionEnum;
+ private xFldsRefresh;
+ public String[] getTestMethodNames() {
+ return new String[]{"checkCrossReferences"};
+ }
+ public getNextField() {
+ xField = null;
+ if ( xPortionEnum != null ) {
+ try {
+ while ( xPortionEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
+ xPortionProps =
+ (
+ , xPortionEnum.nextElement());
+ final String sPortionType =
+ xPortionProps.getPropertyValue( "TextPortionType" ).toString();
+ if ( sPortionType.equals( "TextField") ) {
+ xField = (
+ xPortionProps.getPropertyValue( "TextField" ) );
+ if ( xField == null ) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot retrieve next field.");
+ failed("Cannot retrieve next field.");
+ return null;
+ }
+ return xField;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot retrieve next field.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return null;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot retrieve next field.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return null;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot retrieve next field.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( xParaEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
+ try {
+ aPara =
+ (
+, xParaEnum.nextElement());
+ xPortionEnum = aPara.createEnumeration();
+ while ( xPortionEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
+ xPortionProps =
+ (
+ , xPortionEnum.nextElement());
+ final String sPortionType =
+ xPortionProps.getPropertyValue( "TextPortionType" ).toString();
+ if ( sPortionType.equals( "TextField") ) {
+ xField = (
+ xPortionProps.getPropertyValue( "TextField" ) );
+ if ( xField == null ) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot retrieve next field.");
+ failed("Cannot retrieve next field.");
+ return null;
+ }
+ return xField;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot retrieve next field.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return null;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot retrieve next field.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return null;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot retrieve next field.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( xField == null ) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot retrieve next field.");
+ failed("Cannot retrieve next field.");
+ return null;
+ }
+ return xField;
+ }
+ public getFieldProps(
+ xField ) {
+ xProps =
+ (
+, xField );
+ if ( xProps == null ) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot retrieve field properties.");
+ failed("Cannot retrieve field properties.");
+ return null;
+ }
+ return xProps;
+ }
+ public void checkField( xField,
+ xProps,
+ short nFormat,
+ String aExpectedFldResult ) {
+ // set requested format
+ try {
+ xProps.setPropertyValue("ReferenceFieldPart", new Short(nFormat));
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot set ReferenceFieldPart property at field.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot set ReferenceFieldPart property at field.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot set ReferenceFieldPart property at field.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot set ReferenceFieldPart property at field.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ }
+ // refresh fields in order to get new format applied
+ xFldsRefresh.refresh();
+ String aFldResult = xField.getPresentation( false );
+ assure( "set reference field format doesn't result in correct field result",
+ aFldResult.equals(aExpectedFldResult), true );
+ }
+ public void checkCrossReferences() throws {
+ // load test document
+ try {
+ XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)param.getMSF();
+ xDoc = util.WriterTools.loadTextDoc( xMSF, util.utils.getFullTestURL("CheckCrossReferences.odt"));
+ } catch( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot load test document.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ }
+ // setup paragraph enumeration
+ {
+ xParaEnumAccess =
+ (
+, xDoc.getText());
+ xParaEnum = xParaEnumAccess.createEnumeration();
+ }
+ // get field refresher
+ {
+ xFieldSupp =
+ (
+, xDoc);
+ xFldsRefresh = (
+, xFieldSupp.getTextFields());
+ }
+ // check first reference field
+ {
+ // strings for checking
+ final String FldResult1 = "*i*";
+ final String FldResult2 = "+b+*i*";
+ final String FldResult3 = "-1-+b+*i*";
+ final String FldResult4 = "1.";
+ final String FldResult5 = " 1.";
+ final String FldResult6 = "A. 1.";
+ // variables for current field
+ xField = null;
+ xProps = null;
+ log.println( "Checking field reference formats NUMBER, NUMBER_NO_CONTEXT and NUMBER_FULL_CONTEXT for existing fields" );
+ xField = getNextField();
+ xProps = getFieldProps( xField );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult2 );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult1 );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult3 );
+ xField = getNextField();
+ xProps = getFieldProps( xField );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult1 );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult1 );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult3 );
+ xField = getNextField();
+ xProps = getFieldProps( xField );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult3 );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult1 );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult3 );
+ xField = getNextField();
+ xProps = getFieldProps( xField );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult5 );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult4 );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult6 );
+ xField = getNextField();
+ xProps = getFieldProps( xField );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult4 );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult4 );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult6 );
+ xField = getNextField();
+ xProps = getFieldProps( xField );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult6 );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult4 );
+ checkField( xField, xProps,, FldResult6 );
+ }
+ // insert a certain cross-reference bookmark and a reference field to this bookmark
+ {
+ log.println("Checking insert of cross-reference bookmark and corresponding reference field");
+ // restart paragraph enumeration
+ xParaEnumAccess =
+ (
+, xDoc.getText());
+ xParaEnum = xParaEnumAccess.createEnumeration();
+ // iterate on the paragraphs to find certain paragraph to insert the bookmark
+ xParaTextRange = null;
+ while ( xParaEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
+ try {
+ xParaTextRange = (
+, xParaEnum.nextElement());
+ if ( xParaTextRange.getString().equals( "J" ) ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ xParaTextRange = null;
+ }
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot find paragraph to insert cross-reference bookmark.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot find paragraph to insert cross-reference bookmark.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( xParaTextRange == null ) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot find paragraph to insert cross-reference bookmark.");
+ failed("Cannot find paragraph to insert cross-reference bookmark.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // insert bookmark
+ XMultiServiceFactory xFac = (XMultiServiceFactory)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XMultiServiceFactory.class, xDoc);
+ final String cBookmarkName = "__RefNumPara__47114711";
+ xBookmark = null;
+ try {
+ xBookmark = (
+ xFac.createInstance( "" ) );
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot create bookmark.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot create bookmark.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( xBookmark != null ) {
+ xName =
+ (
+, xBookmark );
+ xName.setName( cBookmarkName );
+ xBookmark.attach(xParaTextRange.getStart());
+ }
+ // insert reference field, which references the inserted bookmark
+ xNewField = null;
+ try {
+ xNewField = (
+ xFac.createInstance( "" ) );
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot create new field.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot create new field.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( xNewField != null ) {
+ xFieldProps =
+ (
+, xNewField );
+ xFieldProps.setPropertyValue( "ReferenceFieldPart", new Short( );
+ xFieldProps.setPropertyValue( "ReferenceFieldSource", new Short( );
+ xFieldProps.setPropertyValue( "SourceName", cBookmarkName );
+ xFieldTextRange =
+ (
+, xParaEnum.nextElement());
+ xNewField.attach(xFieldTextRange.getEnd());
+ xFldsRefresh.refresh();
+ }
+ // check inserted reference field
+ xField =
+ (
+, xNewField );
+ assure( "inserted reference field doesn't has correct field result",
+ xField.getPresentation( false ).equals("J"), true );
+ xParaTextRange.getStart().setString( "Hallo new bookmark: " );
+ xFldsRefresh.refresh();
+ assure( "inserted reference field doesn't has correct field result. Instead it's: "+xField.getPresentation( false ),
+ xField.getPresentation( false ).equals("Hallo new bookmark: J"), true );
+ }
+ // closing test document
+ util.DesktopTools.closeDoc( xDoc );
+ }
diff --git a/sw/qa/complex/writer/ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a54b02a3b58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: $
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+package complex.writer;
+import complexlib.ComplexTestCase;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+public class CheckFlies extends ComplexTestCase {
+ private XMultiServiceFactory m_xMsf = null;
+ private XTextDocument m_xDoc = null;
+ public String[] getTestMethodNames() {
+ return new String[]{"checkFlies"};
+ }
+ public void checkFlies()
+ throws,
+ {
+ try {
+ m_xMsf = (XMultiServiceFactory)param.getMSF();
+ m_xDoc = util.WriterTools.loadTextDoc(m_xMsf, util.utils.getFullTestURL("CheckFlies.odt"));
+ xTFS = (
+ m_xDoc);
+ checkTextFrames(xTFS);
+ xTGOS = (
+ m_xDoc);
+ checkGraphicFrames(xTGOS);
+ xTEOS = (
+ m_xDoc);
+ checkEmbeddedFrames(xTEOS);
+ } finally {
+ // closing test document
+ if(m_xDoc != null)
+ util.DesktopTools.closeDoc(m_xDoc);
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkEmbeddedFrames( xTGOS)
+ throws
+ {
+ Collection<String> vExpectedEmbeddedFrames = new ArrayList<String>();
+ vExpectedEmbeddedFrames.add("Object1");
+ int nEmbeddedFrames = vExpectedEmbeddedFrames.size();
+ xEmbeddedFrames = xTGOS.getEmbeddedObjects();
+ for(String sFrameName : xEmbeddedFrames.getElementNames())
+ {
+ if(!vExpectedEmbeddedFrames.remove(sFrameName))
+ failed("Unexpected frame name");
+ try
+ {
+ xEmbeddedFrames.getByName(sFrameName);
+ }
+ catch( e)
+ {
+ failed("Could not get embedded frame by name.");
+ }
+ if(!xEmbeddedFrames.hasByName(sFrameName))
+ failed("Could not find embedded frame by name.");
+ }
+ if(!vExpectedEmbeddedFrames.isEmpty())
+ failed("Missing expected embedded frames.");
+ try
+ {
+ xEmbeddedFrames.getByName("Nonexisting embedded frame");
+ failed("Got nonexisting embedded frame");
+ }
+ catch( e)
+ {}
+ if(xEmbeddedFrames.hasByName("Nonexisting embedded frame"))
+ failed("Has nonexisting embedded frame");
+ xEmbeddedFramesIdx = (
+ xEmbeddedFrames);
+ if(xEmbeddedFramesIdx.getCount() != nEmbeddedFrames)
+ failed("Unexpected number of embedded frames reported.");
+ for(int nCurrentFrameIdx = 0; nCurrentFrameIdx < xEmbeddedFramesIdx.getCount(); nCurrentFrameIdx++)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ xEmbeddedFramesIdx.getByIndex(nCurrentFrameIdx);
+ }
+ catch( e)
+ {
+ failed("Could not get embedded frame by index.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkGraphicFrames( xTGOS)
+ throws
+ {
+ Collection<String> vExpectedGraphicFrames = new ArrayList<String>();
+ vExpectedGraphicFrames.add("graphics1");
+ int nGraphicFrames = vExpectedGraphicFrames.size();
+ xGraphicFrames = xTGOS.getGraphicObjects();
+ for(String sFrameName : xGraphicFrames.getElementNames())
+ {
+ if(!vExpectedGraphicFrames.remove(sFrameName))
+ failed("Unexpected frame name");
+ try
+ {
+ xGraphicFrames.getByName(sFrameName);
+ }
+ catch( e)
+ {
+ failed("Could not get graphics frame by name.");
+ }
+ if(!xGraphicFrames.hasByName(sFrameName))
+ failed("Could not find graphics frame by name.");
+ }
+ if(!vExpectedGraphicFrames.isEmpty())
+ failed("Missing expected graphics frames.");
+ try
+ {
+ xGraphicFrames.getByName("Nonexisting graphics frame");
+ failed("Got nonexisting graphics frame");
+ }
+ catch( e)
+ {}
+ if(xGraphicFrames.hasByName("Nonexisting graphics frame"))
+ failed("Has nonexisting graphics frame");
+ xGraphicFramesIdx = (
+ xGraphicFrames);
+ if(xGraphicFramesIdx.getCount() != nGraphicFrames)
+ failed("Unexpected number of graphics frames reported.");
+ for(int nCurrentFrameIdx = 0; nCurrentFrameIdx < xGraphicFramesIdx.getCount(); nCurrentFrameIdx++)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ xGraphicFramesIdx.getByIndex(nCurrentFrameIdx);
+ }
+ catch( e)
+ {
+ failed("Could not get graphics frame by index.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkTextFrames( xTFS)
+ throws
+ {
+ Collection<String> vExpectedTextFrames = new ArrayList<String>();
+ vExpectedTextFrames.add("Frame1");
+ vExpectedTextFrames.add("Frame2");
+ int nTextFrames = vExpectedTextFrames.size();
+ xTextFrames = xTFS.getTextFrames();
+ for(String sFrameName : xTextFrames.getElementNames())
+ {
+ if(!vExpectedTextFrames.remove(sFrameName))
+ failed("Unexpected frame name");
+ try
+ {
+ xTextFrames.getByName(sFrameName);
+ }
+ catch( e)
+ {
+ failed("Could not get text frame by name.");
+ }
+ if(!xTextFrames.hasByName(sFrameName))
+ failed("Could not find text frame by name.");
+ }
+ if(!vExpectedTextFrames.isEmpty())
+ failed("Missing expected text frames.");
+ try
+ {
+ xTextFrames.getByName("Nonexisting Textframe");
+ failed("Got nonexisting text frame.");
+ }
+ catch( e)
+ {}
+ if(xTextFrames.hasByName("Nonexisting text frame"))
+ failed("Has nonexisting text frame.");
+ xTextFramesIdx = (
+ xTextFrames);
+ if(xTextFramesIdx.getCount() != nTextFrames)
+ failed("Unexpected number of text frames reported.");
+ for(int nCurrentFrameIdx = 0; nCurrentFrameIdx < xTextFramesIdx.getCount(); nCurrentFrameIdx++)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ xTextFramesIdx.getByIndex(nCurrentFrameIdx);
+ }
+ catch( e)
+ {
+ failed("Could not get text frame by index.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sw/qa/complex/writer/ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..1cd91ed0f8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile:,v $
+ * $Revision: 1.4 $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+package complex.writer;
+import complexlib.ComplexTestCase;
+ * Test the service
+ */
+public class CheckIndexedPropertyValues extends ComplexTestCase {
+ private final String testedServiceName =
+ "";
+ public String[] getTestMethodNames() {
+ return new String[]{"checkIndexedPropertyValues"};
+ }
+/* public String getTestObjectName() {
+ return testedServiceName;
+ }
+ public void checkIndexedPropertyValues() {
+ Object oObj = null;
+ try {
+ // print information about the service
+ XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)param.getMSF();
+ oObj = xMSF.createInstance(testedServiceName);
+ System.out.println("****************");
+ System.out.println("Service Name:");
+ util.dbg.getSuppServices(oObj);
+ System.out.println("****************");
+ System.out.println("Interfaces:");
+ util.dbg.printInterfaces((XInterface)oObj, true);
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot create object.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ }
+ XIndexContainer xCont = (XIndexContainer)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XIndexContainer.class, oObj);
+ assure("XIndexContainer was queried but returned null.",
+ (xCont != null));
+ PropertyValue[] prop1 = new PropertyValue[1];
+ prop1[0] = new PropertyValue();
+ prop1[0].Name = "Jupp";
+ prop1[0].Value = "GoodGuy";
+ PropertyValue[] prop2 = new PropertyValue[1];
+ prop2[0] = new PropertyValue();
+ prop2[0].Name = "Horst";
+ prop2[0].Value = "BadGuy";
+ try {
+ Type t = xCont.getElementType();
+ log.println("Insertable Type: " + t.getTypeName());
+ assure("Initial container is not empty: " + xCont.getCount(), xCont.getCount()==0);
+ log.println("Inserting a PropertyValue.");
+ xCont.insertByIndex(0, prop1);
+ PropertyValue[]ret = (PropertyValue[])xCont.getByIndex(0);
+ assure("Got the wrong PropertyValue: " +
+ ret[0].Name + " " +(String)ret[0].Value,
+ ret[0].Name.equals(prop1[0].Name) &&
+ ret[0].Value.equals(prop1[0].Value));
+ log.println("Replace the PropertyValue.");
+ xCont.replaceByIndex(0, prop2);
+ ret = (PropertyValue[])xCont.getByIndex(0);
+ assure("Got the wrong PropertyValue: " +
+ ret[0].Name + " " +(String)ret[0].Value,
+ ret[0].Name.equals(prop2[0].Name) &&
+ ret[0].Value.equals(prop2[0].Value));
+ log.println("Remove the PropertyValue.");
+ xCont.removeByIndex(0);
+ assure("Could not remove PropertyValue.",
+ !xCont.hasElements() && xCont.getCount()==0);
+ log.println("Insert again.");
+ xCont.insertByIndex(0, prop1);
+ xCont.insertByIndex(1, prop2);
+ assure("Did not insert PropertyValue.",
+ xCont.hasElements() && xCont.getCount()==2);
+ try {
+ log.println("Insert with wrong index.");
+ xCont.insertByIndex(25, prop2);
+ failed("IllegalArgumentException was not thrown.");
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Wrong exception thrown.");
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Expected exception thrown: "+e);
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Wrong exception thrown.");
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ try {
+ log.println("Remove non-existing index.");
+ xCont.removeByIndex(25);
+ failed("IndexOutOfBoundsException was not thrown.");
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Expected exception thrown: "+e);
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Wrong exception thrown.");
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ try {
+ log.println("Insert wrong argument.");
+ xCont.insertByIndex(2, "Example String");
+ failed("IllegalArgumentException was not thrown.");
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Expected exception thrown: " + e);
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Wrong exception thrown.");
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Wrong exception thrown.");
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sw/qa/complex/writer/ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..a85b56014aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile:,v $
+ * $Revision: 1.4 $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+package complex.writer;
+import complexlib.ComplexTestCase;
+ *
+ */
+public class CheckNamedPropertyValues extends ComplexTestCase {
+ private final String testedServiceName =
+ "";
+ public String[] getTestMethodNames() {
+ return new String[]{"checkNamedPropertyValues"};
+ }
+/* public String getTestObjectName() {
+ return "complex.writer.CheckNamedPropertyValues";
+ } */
+ public void checkNamedPropertyValues() {
+ Object oObj = null;
+ try {
+ XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)param.getMSF();
+ oObj = xMSF.createInstance(testedServiceName);
+ System.out.println("****************");
+ System.out.println("Service Name:");
+ util.dbg.getSuppServices(oObj);
+ System.out.println("****************");
+ System.out.println("Interfaces:");
+ util.dbg.printInterfaces((XInterface)oObj, true);
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ return;
+ }
+ XNameContainer xCont = (XNameContainer)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XNameContainer.class, oObj);
+ assure("XNameContainer was queried but returned null.",
+ (xCont != null));
+ PropertyValue[] prop1 = new PropertyValue[1];
+ prop1[0] = new PropertyValue();
+ prop1[0].Name = "Jupp";
+ prop1[0].Value = "GoodGuy";
+ PropertyValue[] prop2 = new PropertyValue[1];
+ prop2[0] = new PropertyValue();
+ prop2[0].Name = "Horst";
+ prop2[0].Value = "BadGuy";
+ try {
+ Type t = xCont.getElementType();
+ log.println("Insertable Type: " + t.getTypeName());
+ assure("Initial container is not empty.", !xCont.hasElements());
+ log.println("Insert a PropertyValue.");
+ xCont.insertByName("prop1", prop1);
+ PropertyValue[]ret = (PropertyValue[])xCont.getByName("prop1");
+ assure("Got the wrong PropertyValue: " +
+ ret[0].Name + " " +(String)ret[0].Value,
+ ret[0].Name.equals(prop1[0].Name) &&
+ ret[0].Value.equals(prop1[0].Value));
+ log.println("Replace the PropertyValue.");
+ xCont.replaceByName("prop1", prop2);
+ ret = (PropertyValue[])xCont.getByName("prop1");
+ assure("Got the wrong PropertyValue: " +
+ ret[0].Name + " " +(String)ret[0].Value,
+ ret[0].Name.equals(prop2[0].Name) &&
+ ret[0].Value.equals(prop2[0].Value));
+ log.println("Remove the PropertyValue.");
+ xCont.removeByName("prop1");
+ assure("Could not remove PropertyValue.", !xCont.hasElements());
+ log.println("Insert again.");
+ xCont.insertByName("prop1", prop1);
+ xCont.insertByName("prop2", prop2);
+ assure("Did not insert PropertyValue.", xCont.hasElements());
+ String[] names = xCont.getElementNames();
+ int count = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<names.length; i++) {
+ if (names[i].equals("prop1") || names[i].equals("prop2"))
+ count++;
+ else
+ failed("Got a wrong element name: "+names[i]);
+ }
+ if (count != 2)
+ failed("Not all element names were returned.");
+ try {
+ log.println("Insert PropertyValue with an existing name.");
+ xCont.insertByName("prop2", prop1);
+ failed("ElementExistException was not thrown.");
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Wrong exception thrown.");
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Expected exception thrown: "+e);
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Wrong exception thrown.");
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ try {
+ log.println("Inserting a wrong argument.");
+ xCont.insertByName("prop3", "Example String");
+ failed("IllegalArgumentException was not thrown.");
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Expected exception thrown: "+e);
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Wrong exception thrown.");
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Wrong exception thrown.");
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ try {
+ log.println("Remove a non-existing element.");
+ xCont.removeByName("prop3");
+ failed("NoSuchElementException was not thrown.");
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Expected exception thrown: "+e);
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ log.println("Wrong exception thrown.");
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ catch( e) {
+ failed(e.getMessage());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sw/qa/complex/writer/ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..a07b3cccadef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
@@ -0,0 +1,3871 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: $
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+package complex.writer;
+import complexlib.ComplexTestCase;
+import static*;
+import static*;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Stack;
+class TreeNodeEnum
+ private Object[] m_Elements;
+ private int m_Pos;
+ TreeNodeEnum(Object[] Elements) { m_Elements = Elements; m_Pos = 0; }
+ boolean hasNext() { return m_Pos < m_Elements.length; }
+ TreeNode next() { return (TreeNode) m_Elements[m_Pos++]; }
+/** base class for tree nodes. only instance: root of tree. */
+class TreeNode
+ private List<TreeNode> m_Children;
+ String getType() { return "__ROOT__"; }
+ boolean hasContent() { return false; }
+ boolean isNesting() { return false; }
+ TreeNode dup() { throw new RuntimeException("TreeNode.dup"); }
+ TreeNodeEnum createEnumeration() {
+ return new TreeNodeEnum(m_Children.toArray());
+ }
+ TreeNode() { m_Children = new ArrayList<TreeNode>(); }
+ TreeNode appendChild(TreeNode child)
+ { m_Children.add(child); return this; }
+ public String toString() {
+ return "<" + getType() + ">";
+ }
+abstract class MarkNode extends TreeNode
+ boolean m_isPoint;
+ boolean m_isStart = false;
+ String m_Name;
+ boolean isPoint() { return m_isPoint; }
+ boolean isStart() { return m_isStart; }
+ String getName() { return m_Name; }
+ MarkNode(String name) { m_Name = name; m_isPoint = true; }
+ boolean equals(MarkNode other) {
+ return (other.m_Name.equals(m_Name)) && (other.m_isPoint == m_isPoint)
+ && (other.m_isStart == m_isStart);
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return super.toString() + "\tname: " + m_Name +
+ "\tisPoint: " + m_isPoint + "\tisStart: " + m_isStart;
+ }
+class BookmarkNode extends MarkNode
+ private StringPair m_XmlId;
+ StringPair getXmlId() { return m_XmlId; }
+ BookmarkNode dup() { return new BookmarkNode(getName(), getXmlId()); }
+ BookmarkNode(String name) { this(name, new StringPair()); }
+ BookmarkNode(String name, StringPair xmlid) {
+ super(name); m_XmlId = xmlid;
+ }
+ String getType() { return "Bookmark"; }
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof BookmarkNode)
+ && super.equals((MarkNode) other)
+ && MetaNode.eq(((BookmarkNode) other).m_XmlId, m_XmlId);
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return super.toString()
+ + "\txmlid: " + m_XmlId.First + "#" + m_XmlId.Second;
+ }
+class BookmarkStartNode extends BookmarkNode
+ BookmarkStartNode dup() { return new BookmarkStartNode(getName()); }
+ BookmarkStartNode(String name) { this(name, new StringPair()); }
+ BookmarkStartNode(String name, StringPair xmlid) {
+ super(name, xmlid); m_isPoint = false; m_isStart = true;
+ }
+class BookmarkEndNode extends BookmarkNode
+ BookmarkEndNode dup() { return new BookmarkEndNode(getName()); }
+ BookmarkEndNode(String name) { this(name, new StringPair()); }
+ BookmarkEndNode(String name, StringPair xmlid) {
+ super(name, xmlid); m_isPoint = false; m_isStart = false;
+ }
+class ReferenceMarkNode extends MarkNode
+ ReferenceMarkNode dup() { return new ReferenceMarkNode(getName()); }
+ ReferenceMarkNode(String name) { super(name); }
+ String getType() { return "ReferenceMark"; }
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof ReferenceMarkNode)
+ && super.equals((MarkNode) other);
+ }
+class ReferenceMarkStartNode extends ReferenceMarkNode
+ ReferenceMarkStartNode dup()
+ { return new ReferenceMarkStartNode(getName()); }
+ ReferenceMarkStartNode(String name) {
+ super(name); m_isPoint = false; m_isStart = true;
+ }
+class ReferenceMarkEndNode extends ReferenceMarkNode
+ ReferenceMarkEndNode dup()
+ { return new ReferenceMarkEndNode(getName()); }
+ ReferenceMarkEndNode(String name) {
+ super(name); m_isPoint = false; m_isStart = false;
+ }
+class DocumentIndexMarkNode extends MarkNode
+ DocumentIndexMarkNode dup()
+ { return new DocumentIndexMarkNode(getName()); }
+ DocumentIndexMarkNode(String name) { super(name); }
+ String getType() { return "DocumentIndexMark"; }
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof DocumentIndexMarkNode)
+ && super.equals((MarkNode) other);
+ }
+class DocumentIndexMarkStartNode extends DocumentIndexMarkNode
+ DocumentIndexMarkStartNode dup()
+ { return new DocumentIndexMarkStartNode(getName()); }
+ DocumentIndexMarkStartNode(String name) {
+ super(name); m_isPoint = false; m_isStart = true;
+ }
+class DocumentIndexMarkEndNode extends DocumentIndexMarkNode
+ DocumentIndexMarkEndNode dup()
+ { return new DocumentIndexMarkEndNode(getName()); }
+ DocumentIndexMarkEndNode(String name) {
+ super(name); m_isPoint = false; m_isStart = false;
+ }
+abstract class ContentNode extends TreeNode
+ private String m_Content;
+ String getContent() { return m_Content; }
+ boolean hasContent() { return true; }
+ ContentNode(String content) {
+ m_Content = content;
+ }
+ TreeNode appendChild(TreeNode t) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("ContentNode.appendChild");
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return super.toString() + "\tcontent: " + m_Content;
+ }
+ boolean equals(ContentNode other) {
+ return (other.m_Content.equals(m_Content));
+ }
+class TextNode extends ContentNode
+ TextNode dup() { return new TextNode(getContent()); }
+ TextNode(String content) { super(content); }
+ String getType() { return "Text"; }
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof TextNode) && super.equals((ContentNode) other);
+ }
+class TextFieldNode extends ContentNode
+ TextFieldNode dup() { return new TextFieldNode(getContent()); }
+ TextFieldNode(String content) { super(content); }
+ String getType() { return "TextField"; }
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof TextFieldNode)
+ && super.equals((ContentNode) other);
+ }
+class FrameNode extends TreeNode
+ private String m_Name;
+ private TextContentAnchorType m_Anchor;
+ String getName() { return m_Name; }
+ TextContentAnchorType getAnchor() { return m_Anchor; }
+ FrameNode dup() { return new FrameNode(getName(), getAnchor()); }
+ FrameNode(String name, TextContentAnchorType anchor) {
+ m_Name = name; m_Anchor = anchor;
+ }
+ String getType() { return "Frame"; }
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof FrameNode)
+ && (((FrameNode) other).m_Name.equals(m_Name))
+ && (((FrameNode) other).m_Anchor == m_Anchor);
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return super.toString()
+ + "\tname: " + m_Name + "\tanchor: " + toString(m_Anchor);
+ }
+ static String toString(TextContentAnchorType anchor) {
+ switch (anchor.getValue()) {
+ case AS_CHARACTER_value: return "AS_CHARACTER";
+ case AT_CHARACTER_value: return "AT_CHARACTER";
+ case AT_PARAGRAPH_value: return "AT_PARAGRAPH";
+ case AT_PAGE_value: return "AT_PAGE";
+ case AT_FRAME_value: return "AT_FRAME";
+ default: throw new RuntimeException("unknown anchor");
+ }
+ }
+class FootnoteNode extends TreeNode
+ private String m_Label;
+ String getLabel() { return m_Label; }
+ FootnoteNode dup() { return new FootnoteNode(getLabel()); }
+ FootnoteNode(String label) { m_Label = label; }
+ String getType() { return "Footnote"; }
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof FootnoteNode)
+ && (((FootnoteNode) other).m_Label.equals(m_Label));
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return super.toString() + "\tlabel: " + m_Label;
+ }
+class ControlCharacterNode extends TreeNode
+ private short m_Char;
+ short getChar() { return m_Char; }
+ ControlCharacterNode dup() { return new ControlCharacterNode(getChar()); }
+ ControlCharacterNode(short c) { m_Char = c; }
+ String getType() { return "ControlCharacter"; }
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof ControlCharacterNode)
+ && (((ControlCharacterNode) other).m_Char == m_Char);
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return super.toString() + "\tchar: " + m_Char;
+ }
+class SoftPageBreakNode extends TreeNode
+ String getType() { return "SoftPageBreak"; }
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof SoftPageBreakNode);
+ }
+class HyperlinkNode extends TreeNode
+ private String m_URL;
+ String getURL() { return m_URL; }
+ HyperlinkNode dup() { return new HyperlinkNode(getURL()); }
+ HyperlinkNode(String url) {
+ if (url.length() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("HyperlinkNode");
+ m_URL = url;
+ }
+ String getType() { return "Hyperlink"; }
+ boolean isNesting() { return true; }
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof HyperlinkNode)
+ && (((HyperlinkNode) other).m_URL.equals(m_URL));
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return super.toString() + "\turl: " + m_URL;
+ }
+class RubyNode extends TreeNode
+ private String m_Ruby;
+ String getRubyText() { return m_Ruby; }
+ RubyNode dup() { return new RubyNode(getRubyText()); }
+ RubyNode(String ruby) {
+ if (ruby.length() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("RubyNode");
+ m_Ruby = ruby;
+ }
+ String getType() { return "Ruby"; }
+ boolean isNesting() { return true; }
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof RubyNode)
+ && (((RubyNode) other).m_Ruby.equals(m_Ruby));
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return super.toString() + "\trubytext: " + m_Ruby;
+ }
+class MetaNode extends TreeNode
+ private StringPair m_XmlId;
+ StringPair getXmlId() { return m_XmlId; }
+ MetaNode dup() { return new MetaNode(getXmlId()); }
+ MetaNode (StringPair xmlid) { m_XmlId = xmlid; }
+ String getType() { return "InContentMetadata"; }
+ boolean isNesting() { return true; }
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof MetaNode)
+ && eq(((MetaNode) other).m_XmlId, m_XmlId);
+ }
+ static boolean eq(StringPair left, StringPair right)
+ {
+ return left.First.equals(right.First)
+ && left.Second.equals(right.Second);
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return super.toString()
+ + "\txmlid: " + m_XmlId.First + "#" + m_XmlId.Second;
+ }
+class MetaFieldNode extends MetaNode
+ MetaFieldNode dup() { return new MetaFieldNode(getXmlId()); }
+ MetaFieldNode (StringPair xmlid) { super(xmlid); }
+ String getType() { return "MetadataField"; }
+class Range
+ private short m_Start;
+ private short m_End;
+ private TreeNode m_Node;
+ short getStart() { return m_Start; }
+ short getEnd() { return m_End ; }
+ short getExtent() { return (short) (m_End - m_Start); }
+ TreeNode getNode() { return m_Node; }
+ Range(int start, int end, TreeNode node)
+ { m_Start = (short) start; m_End = (short) end; m_Node = node; }
+/* this is where we nail the pudding to the wall */
+class FuzzyTester
+ private long m_DiffContent = 0;
+ private long m_DiffMissing = 0;
+ private long m_DiffNesting = 0;
+ private long m_DiffSpuriousEmptyText = 0;
+ private long m_DiffSequence = 0; // ignored?
+ private Stack<Pair<TreeNode, TreeNodeEnum>> m_StackExpected;
+ private Stack<Pair<TreeNode, TreeNodeEnum>> m_StackActual;
+ private List<TreeNode> m_BufferExpected;
+ private List<TreeNode> m_BufferActual;
+ private share.LogWriter m_Log;
+ FuzzyTester(share.LogWriter log) {
+ m_Log = log;
+ m_BufferExpected = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
+ m_BufferActual = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
+ m_StackExpected = new Stack<Pair<TreeNode, TreeNodeEnum>>();
+ m_StackActual = new Stack<Pair<TreeNode, TreeNodeEnum>>();
+ }
+ /** idea: traverse both trees, enumerate nodes, stopping at content nodes.
+ then compare buffers. */
+ boolean doTest(TreeNode expected, TreeNode actual)
+ {
+ if (!expected.getType().equals("__ROOT__"))
+ throw new RuntimeException("doTest: expected: root");
+ if (!actual.getType().equals("__ROOT__"))
+ throw new RuntimeException("doTest: actual: root");
+ m_StackExpected.push(new Pair(expected, expected.createEnumeration()));
+ m_StackActual.push(new Pair(actual, actual.createEnumeration()));
+ do {
+ traverse(m_StackExpected, m_BufferExpected);
+ traverse(m_StackActual, m_BufferActual);
+ //??? root?
+ testBuffer();
+ } while (!m_StackExpected.empty() || !m_StackActual.empty());
+ if (m_DiffSequence != 0) {
+ m_Log.println("warning: " + m_DiffSequence
+ + " differences in sequence");
+ }
+ if (m_DiffSpuriousEmptyText != 0) {
+ m_Log.println("warning: " + m_DiffSpuriousEmptyText
+ + " spurious empty text nodes");
+ }
+ if (m_DiffNesting != 0) {
+ m_Log.println("WARNING: " + m_DiffNesting
+ + " differences in nesting");
+ }
+ return (m_DiffContent == 0) && (m_DiffMissing == 0);
+ }
+ private void traverse(Stack<Pair<TreeNode, TreeNodeEnum>> stack,
+ List<TreeNode> buffer)
+ {
+ while (!stack.empty()) {
+ TreeNodeEnum topEnum = stack.peek().Second;
+ if (topEnum.hasNext()) {
+ TreeNode node =;
+ buffer.add(node);
+ TreeNodeEnum nodeEnum = node.createEnumeration();
+ if (nodeEnum.hasNext()) {
+ stack.push(new Pair(node, nodeEnum));
+ }
+ if (node.hasContent()) {
+ if (!((node instanceof TextNode) // spurious empty text?
+ && ((TextNode) node).getContent().length() == 0)) {
+ return; // break here
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ buffer.add(stack.peek().First);
+ stack.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void testTerminatingNode()
+ {
+ int lenExpected = m_BufferExpected.size();
+ int lenActual = m_BufferActual.size();
+ if (lenExpected == 0 || lenActual == 0)
+ return;
+ TreeNode expected = m_BufferExpected.get(lenExpected - 1);
+ TreeNode actual = m_BufferActual.get(lenActual - 1);
+ boolean eRoot = expected.getType().equals("__ROOT__");
+ boolean aRoot = actual.getType().equals("__ROOT__");
+ if (eRoot || aRoot) {
+ if (!(eRoot && aRoot)) {
+ if (aRoot) printMissing(expected);
+ else printUnexpected(actual);
+ m_DiffMissing++;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ testContentNode((ContentNode) expected, (ContentNode) actual);
+ m_BufferExpected.set(lenExpected - 1, null);
+ m_BufferActual.set(lenActual - 1, null);
+ }
+ private void testContentNode(ContentNode expected, ContentNode actual)
+ {
+ String contentExpected = expected.getContent();
+ String contentActual = actual.getContent();
+ if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
+ printDiff("text content differs", contentExpected, contentActual);
+ m_DiffContent++;
+ }
+ }
+ private void testBuffer()
+ {
+ int lenExpected = m_BufferExpected.size();
+ int lenActual = m_BufferActual.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < lenExpected - 1; i++ )
+ {
+ TreeNode node = m_BufferExpected.get(i);
+ int j = m_BufferActual.indexOf(node);
+ if (j >= 0) {
+ TreeNode other = m_BufferActual.get(j);
+ if (j != i)
+ {
+ //FIXME how bad is this?
+ printDiff("position differs",
+ String.valueOf(i), String.valueOf(j));
+ // a hacky hack
+ int min = Math.min(i,j);
+ int max = Math.max(Math.min(lenActual - 1, i),j);
+ for (int k = min; k != max; k ++) {
+ TreeNode tmp = m_BufferActual.get(k);
+ if (tmp != null && tmp.isNesting()) {
+ printNesting(node, tmp);
+ m_DiffNesting++;
+ }
+ }
+ m_DiffSequence++;
+ }
+ m_BufferActual.set(j, null);
+ } else {
+ printMissing(node);
+ m_DiffMissing++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < lenActual - 1; j++)
+ {
+ TreeNode node = m_BufferActual.get(j);
+ if (node != null)
+ {
+ printUnexpected(node);
+ if ((node instanceof TextNode) &&
+ ((TextNode) node).getContent().length() == 0) {
+ m_DiffSpuriousEmptyText++;
+ } else {
+ m_DiffMissing++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ testTerminatingNode();
+ m_BufferExpected.clear();
+ m_BufferActual.clear();
+ }
+ void printDiff(String prefix, String expected, String actual)
+ {
+ m_Log.println(prefix +
+ ":\texpected: " + expected + "\tactual: " + actual);
+ }
+ void printNesting(TreeNode node, TreeNode nesting)
+ {
+ m_Log.println("node: " + node.toString()
+ + " possibly moved across nesting " + nesting.toString());
+ }
+ void printMissing(TreeNode node)
+ {
+ m_Log.println(" missing node: " + node.toString());
+ }
+ void printUnexpected(TreeNode node)
+ {
+ m_Log.println("unexpected node: " + node.toString());
+ }
+class EnumConverter
+ private Stack<TreeNode> m_Stack;
+ TextPortionEnumerationTest m_T;
+ EnumConverter(TextPortionEnumerationTest err) {
+ m_Stack = new Stack<TreeNode>(); m_T = err;
+ }
+ TreeNode convert(XEnumeration xEnum) throws Exception
+ {
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ m_Stack.push(root);
+ TreeNode ret = convertChildren(xEnum);
+ m_T.assure("EnumConverter.convert: stack", m_Stack.empty());
+ return ret;
+ }
+ TreeNode convertChildren(XEnumeration xEnum) throws Exception
+ {
+ while (xEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
+ TreeNode node;
+ Object xElement = xEnum.nextElement();
+ XTextRange xPortion = (XTextRange)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextRange.class, xElement);
+ XPropertySet xPropSet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xPortion);
+ String type = (String) xPropSet.getPropertyValue("TextPortionType");
+ if (type.equals("Text")) {
+ String text = xPortion.getString();
+ node = new TextNode(text);
+ String url = (String) xPropSet.getPropertyValue("HyperLinkURL");
+ if (url.length() > 0) {
+ TreeNode temp = node;
+ node = new HyperlinkNode(url);
+ node.appendChild(temp);
+ }
+ } else if (type.equals("TextField")) {
+ Object xField = xPropSet.getPropertyValue("TextField");
+ XServiceInfo xService = (XServiceInfo)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XServiceInfo.class, xField);
+ if (xService.supportsService(
+ ""))
+ {
+ XMetadatable xMeta = (XMetadatable)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMetadatable.class, xField);
+ StringPair xmlid = xMeta.getMetadataReference();
+ node = new MetaFieldNode(xmlid);
+ m_Stack.push(node);
+ XEnumerationAccess xEA = (XEnumerationAccess)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XEnumerationAccess.class,
+ xMeta);
+ XEnumeration xEnumChildren = xEA.createEnumeration();
+ TreeNode node2 = convertChildren(xEnumChildren);
+ m_T.assure("stack error: meta-field", node == node2);
+ } else {
+ XPropertySet xFieldPropSet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xField);
+ String content = (String)
+ xFieldPropSet.getPropertyValue("Content");
+ boolean isFixed = (Boolean)
+ xFieldPropSet.getPropertyValue("IsFixed");
+ m_T.assure("field not fixed?", isFixed);
+ node = new TextFieldNode(content);
+ }
+ } else if (type.equals("Footnote")) {
+ Object xNote = xPropSet.getPropertyValue("Footnote");
+ XFootnote xFootnote = (XFootnote)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XFootnote.class, xNote);
+ String label = xFootnote.getLabel();
+ node = new FootnoteNode(label);
+ } else if (type.equals("Frame")) {
+ XContentEnumerationAccess xCEA = (XContentEnumerationAccess)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XContentEnumerationAccess.class,
+ xPortion);
+ XEnumeration xContentEnum = xCEA.createContentEnumeration("");
+ while (xContentEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
+ Object xFrame = xContentEnum.nextElement();
+ XPropertySet xFramePropSet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xFrame);
+ TextContentAnchorType anchor = (TextContentAnchorType)
+ xFramePropSet.getPropertyValue("AnchorType");
+ XNamed xNamed = (XNamed)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class, xFrame);
+ String name = xNamed.getName();
+ node = new FrameNode(name, anchor);
+ m_Stack.peek().appendChild(node);
+ }
+ continue;
+ } else if (type.equals("ControlCharacter")) {
+ short c = (Short)
+ xPropSet.getPropertyValue("ControlCharacter");
+ node = new ControlCharacterNode(c);
+ } else if (type.equals("Bookmark")) {
+ Object xMark = xPropSet.getPropertyValue("Bookmark");
+ XNamed xNamed = (XNamed)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class, xMark);
+ String name = xNamed.getName();
+ XMetadatable xMetadatable = (XMetadatable)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMetadatable.class, xMark);
+ StringPair xmlid = xMetadatable.getMetadataReference();
+ boolean isCollapsed = (Boolean)
+ xPropSet.getPropertyValue("IsCollapsed");
+ if (isCollapsed) {
+ node = new BookmarkNode(name, xmlid);
+ } else {
+ boolean isStart = (Boolean)
+ xPropSet.getPropertyValue("IsStart");
+ if (isStart) {
+ node = new BookmarkStartNode(name, xmlid);
+ } else {
+ node = new BookmarkEndNode(name, xmlid);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (type.equals("ReferenceMark")) {
+ Object xMark = xPropSet.getPropertyValue("ReferenceMark");
+ XNamed xNamed = (XNamed)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class, xMark);
+ String name = xNamed.getName();
+ boolean isCollapsed = (Boolean)
+ xPropSet.getPropertyValue("IsCollapsed");
+ if (isCollapsed) {
+ node = new ReferenceMarkNode(name);
+ } else {
+ boolean isStart = (Boolean)
+ xPropSet.getPropertyValue("IsStart");
+ if (isStart) {
+ node = new ReferenceMarkStartNode(name);
+ } else {
+ node = new ReferenceMarkEndNode(name);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (type.equals("DocumentIndexMark")) {
+ Object xMark = xPropSet.getPropertyValue("DocumentIndexMark");
+ XPropertySet xMarkSet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xMark);
+ String name = (String) xMarkSet.getPropertyValue("PrimaryKey");
+ boolean isCollapsed = (Boolean)
+ xPropSet.getPropertyValue("IsCollapsed");
+ if (isCollapsed) {
+ node = new DocumentIndexMarkNode(name);
+ } else {
+ boolean isStart = (Boolean)
+ xPropSet.getPropertyValue("IsStart");
+ if (isStart) {
+ node = new DocumentIndexMarkStartNode(name);
+ } else {
+ node = new DocumentIndexMarkEndNode(name);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (type.equals("SoftPageBreak")) {
+ node = new SoftPageBreakNode();
+ } else if (type.equals("Ruby")) {
+ boolean isStart = (Boolean)
+ xPropSet.getPropertyValue("IsStart");
+ if (isStart) {
+ // ARRGH!!! stupid api...
+ // the text is ONLY at the start!
+ String ruby = (String)
+ xPropSet.getPropertyValue("RubyText");
+ node = new RubyNode(ruby);
+ m_Stack.push(node);
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ node = m_Stack.pop();
+ m_T.assure("stack error: Ruby expected; is: " +
+ node.toString(), node instanceof RubyNode);
+// m_T.assure("stack error: ruby",
+// ruby.equals(((RubyNode)node).getRubyText()));
+ }
+ } else if (type.equals("InContentMetadata")) {
+ Object xMeta = xPropSet.getPropertyValue("InContentMetadata");
+ XMetadatable xMetadatable = (XMetadatable)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMetadatable.class, xMeta);
+ StringPair xmlid = xMetadatable.getMetadataReference();
+ node = new MetaNode(xmlid);
+ m_Stack.push(node);
+ XEnumerationAccess xEA = (XEnumerationAccess)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XEnumerationAccess.class, xMeta);
+ XEnumeration xEnumChildren = xEA.createEnumeration();
+ TreeNode node2 = convertChildren(xEnumChildren);
+ m_T.assure("stack error: meta", node == node2);
+// } else if (type.equals("MetadataField")) {
+// Object xMeta = xPropSet.getPropertyValue("MetadataField");
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("unexpected type: " + type);
+ }
+ m_Stack.peek().appendChild(node);
+ }
+ TreeNode ret = m_Stack.pop();
+ return ret;
+ }
+abstract class Inserter
+ private XMultiServiceFactory m_xDocFactory;
+ XText m_xText;
+ XParagraphCursor m_xCursor;
+ Inserter(XTextDocument xDoc)
+ {
+ m_xDocFactory = (XMultiServiceFactory)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiServiceFactory.class, xDoc);
+ m_xText = xDoc.getText();
+ XTextCursor xCursor = m_xText.createTextCursor();
+ m_xCursor = (XParagraphCursor)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XParagraphCursor.class, xCursor);
+ }
+ void initParagraph() throws Exception
+ {
+ m_xCursor.gotoStartOfParagraph(false);
+ m_xText.insertControlCharacter(m_xCursor, PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
+ // we split the first (empty) paragraph, and then insert into the
+ // second (empty) paragraph; this ensures first is always empty!
+ }
+ void insertControlCharacter(XTextCursor xCursor, short cchar)
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ m_xText.insertControlCharacter(xCursor, cchar, false);
+ }
+ void insertText(XTextCursor xCursor, String text)
+ {
+ xCursor.setString(text);
+ }
+ void insertTextField(XTextCursor xCursor, String content) throws Exception
+ {
+ XTextContent xContent = makeTextField(content);
+ xContent.attach(xCursor);
+ }
+ XTextContent makeTextField(String content)
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ Object xField =
+ m_xDocFactory.createInstance("");
+ XTextContent xContent = (XTextContent)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextContent.class, xField);
+ XPropertySet xPropSet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xField);
+ xPropSet.setPropertyValue("IsFixed", true);
+ xPropSet.setPropertyValue("FullName", false);
+ xPropSet.setPropertyValue("Content", content);
+ return xContent;
+ }
+ void insertFrame(XTextRange xCursor, String name,
+ TextContentAnchorType anchor) throws Exception
+ {
+ XTextContent xContent = makeFrame(name, anchor);
+ xContent.attach(xCursor);
+ }
+ XTextContent makeFrame(String name, TextContentAnchorType anchor)
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ Object xFrame =
+ m_xDocFactory.createInstance("");
+ XTextContent xContent = (XTextContent)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextContent.class, xFrame);
+ XPropertySet xPropSet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xFrame);
+ xPropSet.setPropertyValue("AnchorType", anchor);
+ XNamed xNamed = (XNamed)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class, xContent);
+ xNamed.setName(name);
+ return xContent;
+ }
+ void insertFootnote(XTextCursor xCursor, String label) throws Exception
+ {
+ XTextContent xContent = makeFootnote(label);
+ xContent.attach(xCursor);
+ }
+ XTextContent makeFootnote(String label) throws Exception
+ {
+ Object xNote =
+ m_xDocFactory.createInstance("");
+ XTextContent xContent = (XTextContent)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextContent.class, xNote);
+ XFootnote xFootnote = (XFootnote)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XFootnote.class, xNote);
+ xFootnote.setLabel(label);
+ return xContent;
+ }
+ void insertBookmark(XTextCursor xCursor, String name, StringPair xmlid)
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ XTextContent xContent = makeBookmark(name);
+ xContent.attach(xCursor);
+ if (!xmlid.First.equals(""))
+ {
+ XMetadatable xMetadatable = (XMetadatable)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMetadatable.class, xContent);
+ xMetadatable.setMetadataReference(xmlid);
+ }
+ }
+ XTextContent makeBookmark(String name) throws Exception
+ {
+ Object xBookmark =
+ m_xDocFactory.createInstance("");
+ XTextContent xContent = (XTextContent)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextContent.class, xBookmark);
+ XNamed xNamed = (XNamed)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class, xContent);
+ xNamed.setName(name);
+ return xContent;
+ }
+ void insertReferenceMark(XTextCursor xCursor, String name) throws Exception
+ {
+ XTextContent xContent = makeReferenceMark(name);
+ xContent.attach(xCursor);
+ }
+ XTextContent makeReferenceMark(String name) throws Exception
+ {
+ Object xMark =
+ m_xDocFactory.createInstance("");
+ XTextContent xContent = (XTextContent)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextContent.class, xMark);
+ XNamed xNamed = (XNamed)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class, xContent);
+ xNamed.setName(name);
+ return xContent;
+ }
+ void insertDocumentIndexMark(XTextCursor xCursor, String key)
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ XTextContent xContent = makeDocumentIndexMark(key);
+ xContent.attach(xCursor);
+ }
+ XTextContent makeDocumentIndexMark(String key) throws Exception
+ {
+ Object xMark =
+ m_xDocFactory.createInstance("");
+ XTextContent xContent = (XTextContent)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextContent.class, xMark);
+ XPropertySet xPropSet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xMark);
+ xPropSet.setPropertyValue("PrimaryKey", key);
+ return xContent;
+ }
+ void insertHyperlink(XTextCursor xCursor, String url) throws Exception
+ {
+ XPropertySet xPropSet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xCursor);
+ xPropSet.setPropertyValue("HyperLinkURL", url);
+ }
+ void insertRuby(XTextCursor xCursor, String rubytext) throws Exception
+ {
+ XPropertySet xPropSet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xCursor);
+ xPropSet.setPropertyValue("RubyText", rubytext);
+ }
+ void insertMeta(XTextCursor xCursor, StringPair xmlid)
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ XTextContent xContent = makeMeta();
+ xContent.attach(xCursor);
+ XMetadatable xMetadatable = (XMetadatable)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMetadatable.class, xContent);
+ xMetadatable.setMetadataReference(xmlid);
+ }
+ XTextContent makeMeta() throws Exception
+ {
+ Object xMeta = m_xDocFactory.createInstance(
+ "");
+ XTextContent xContent = (XTextContent)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextContent.class, xMeta);
+ return xContent;
+ }
+ void insertMetaField(XTextCursor xCursor, StringPair xmlid)
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ XTextContent xContent = makeMetaField();
+ xContent.attach(xCursor);
+ XMetadatable xMetadatable = (XMetadatable)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMetadatable.class, xContent);
+ xMetadatable.setMetadataReference(xmlid);
+ }
+ XTextField makeMetaField() throws Exception
+ {
+ Object xMeta = m_xDocFactory.createInstance(
+ "");
+ XTextField xContent = (XTextField)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextField.class, xMeta);
+ return xContent;
+ }
+class TreeInserter extends Inserter
+ private Map<String, XTextRange> m_BookmarkStarts;
+ private Map<String, XTextRange> m_ReferenceMarkStarts;
+ private Map<String, XTextRange> m_DocumentIndexMarkStarts;
+ private List<Pair<XTextRange, FrameNode>> m_FrameHints;
+ TreeInserter(XTextDocument xDoc)
+ {
+ super(xDoc);
+ m_BookmarkStarts = new HashMap<String, XTextRange>();
+ m_ReferenceMarkStarts = new HashMap<String, XTextRange>();
+ m_DocumentIndexMarkStarts = new HashMap<String, XTextRange>();
+ m_FrameHints = new ArrayList<Pair<XTextRange, FrameNode>>();
+ }
+ void insertTree(TreeNode tree) throws Exception
+ {
+ if (!tree.getType().equals("__ROOT__"))
+ throw new RuntimeException("insertTree: test error: no root");
+ initParagraph();
+ insertChildren(tree.createEnumeration());
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_FrameHints.size(); ++i) {
+ Pair<XTextRange, FrameNode> p = m_FrameHints.get(i);
+ insertFrame(p.First, p.Second.getName(), p.Second.getAnchor());
+ }
+ }
+ void insertChildren(TreeNodeEnum children) throws Exception
+ {
+ while (children.hasNext()) {
+ m_xCursor.gotoEndOfParagraph(false);
+ TreeNode node =;
+ String type = node.getType();
+ if (type.equals("Bookmark")) {
+ BookmarkNode bkmk = (BookmarkNode) node;
+ String name = bkmk.getName();
+ StringPair id = bkmk.getXmlId();
+ if (bkmk.isPoint()) {
+ insertBookmark(m_xCursor, name, id);
+ } else if (bkmk.isStart()) {
+ m_BookmarkStarts.put(name, m_xCursor.getStart());
+ } else {
+ XTextRange xRange = m_BookmarkStarts.get(name);
+ XParagraphCursor xCursor = mkCursor(xRange);
+ insertBookmark(xCursor, name, id);
+ }
+ } else if (type.equals("ReferenceMark")) {
+ ReferenceMarkNode mark = (ReferenceMarkNode) node;
+ String name = mark.getName();
+ if (mark.isPoint()) {
+ insertReferenceMark(m_xCursor, name);
+ } else if (mark.isStart()) {
+ m_ReferenceMarkStarts.put(name, m_xCursor.getStart());
+ } else {
+ XTextRange xRange = m_ReferenceMarkStarts.get(name);
+ XParagraphCursor xCursor = mkCursor(xRange);
+ insertReferenceMark(xCursor, name);
+ }
+ } else if (type.equals("DocumentIndexMark")) {
+ DocumentIndexMarkNode mark = (DocumentIndexMarkNode) node;
+ String name = mark.getName();
+ if (mark.isPoint()) {
+ insertDocumentIndexMark(m_xCursor, name);
+ } else if (mark.isStart()) {
+ m_DocumentIndexMarkStarts.put(name, m_xCursor.getStart());
+ } else {
+ XTextRange xRange = m_DocumentIndexMarkStarts.get(name);
+ XParagraphCursor xCursor = mkCursor(xRange);
+ insertDocumentIndexMark(xCursor, name);
+ }
+ } else if (type.equals("Hyperlink")) {
+ HyperlinkNode href = (HyperlinkNode) node;
+ XTextRange xRange = m_xCursor.getStart();
+ insertChildren(href.createEnumeration());
+ XParagraphCursor xCursor = mkCursor(xRange);
+ insertHyperlink(xCursor, href.getURL());
+ } else if (type.equals("Ruby")) {
+ RubyNode ruby = (RubyNode) node;
+ XTextRange xRange = m_xCursor.getStart();
+ insertChildren(ruby.createEnumeration());
+ XParagraphCursor xCursor = mkCursor(xRange);
+ insertRuby(xCursor, ruby.getRubyText());
+ } else if (type.equals("InContentMetadata")) {
+ MetaNode meta = (MetaNode) node;
+ XTextRange xRange = m_xCursor.getStart();
+ insertChildren(meta.createEnumeration());
+ XParagraphCursor xCursor = mkCursor(xRange);
+ insertMeta(xCursor, meta.getXmlId());
+ } else if (type.equals("MetadataField")) {
+ MetaFieldNode meta = (MetaFieldNode) node;
+ XTextRange xRange = m_xCursor.getStart();
+ insertChildren(meta.createEnumeration());
+ XParagraphCursor xCursor = mkCursor(xRange);
+ insertMetaField(xCursor, meta.getXmlId());
+ } else if (type.equals("Text")) {
+ TextNode text = (TextNode) node;
+ insertText(m_xCursor, text.getContent());
+ } else if (type.equals("TextField")) {
+ TextFieldNode field = (TextFieldNode) node;
+ insertTextField(m_xCursor, field.getContent());
+ } else if (type.equals("Footnote")) {
+ FootnoteNode note = (FootnoteNode) node;
+ insertFootnote(m_xCursor, note.getLabel());
+ } else if (type.equals("Frame")) {
+ FrameNode frame = (FrameNode) node;
+ if (frame.getAnchor() == AT_CHARACTER) {
+ m_FrameHints.add( new Pair(m_xCursor.getStart(), frame) );
+ } else {
+ insertFrame(m_xCursor, frame.getName(), frame.getAnchor());
+ }
+ } else if (type.equals("ControlCharacter")) {
+ ControlCharacterNode cchar = (ControlCharacterNode) node;
+ insertControlCharacter(m_xCursor, cchar.getChar());
+ } else if (type.equals("SoftPageBreak")) {
+ SoftPageBreakNode spbk = (SoftPageBreakNode) node;
+ throw new RuntimeException("sorry, cannot test SoftPageBreak");
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("unexpected type: " + type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ XParagraphCursor mkCursor(XTextRange xRange)
+ {
+ XTextCursor xCursor = m_xText.createTextCursorByRange(xRange);
+ XParagraphCursor xParaCursor = (XParagraphCursor)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XParagraphCursor.class, xCursor);
+ xParaCursor.gotoEndOfParagraph(true);
+ return xParaCursor;
+ }
+// FIXME: this does not account for inserted dummy characters!
+class RangeInserter extends Inserter
+ RangeInserter(XTextDocument xDoc) throws Exception
+ { super(xDoc); initParagraph(); }
+ /*
+ void insertText(int pos, String text)
+ {
+ m_xCursor.gotoStartOfParagraph(false);
+ m_xCursor.goRight((short) pos, false);
+ insertText(m_xCursor, text);
+ }
+ */
+ void insertRange(Range range) throws Exception
+ {
+ m_xCursor.gotoStartOfParagraph(false);
+ m_xCursor.goRight(range.getStart(), false);
+ m_xCursor.goRight(range.getExtent(), true);
+ insertNode(m_xCursor, range.getNode());
+ }
+ void insertNode(XParagraphCursor xCursor, TreeNode node) throws Exception
+ {
+ String type = node.getType();
+ if (type.equals("Bookmark")) {
+ BookmarkNode bkmk = (BookmarkNode) node;
+ if (bkmk.isPoint()) throw new RuntimeException("range only");
+ insertBookmark(xCursor, bkmk.getName(), bkmk.getXmlId());
+ } else if (type.equals("ReferenceMark")) {
+ ReferenceMarkNode mark = (ReferenceMarkNode) node;
+ if (mark.isPoint()) throw new RuntimeException("range only");
+ insertReferenceMark(xCursor, mark.getName());
+ } else if (type.equals("DocumentIndexMark")) {
+ DocumentIndexMarkNode mark = (DocumentIndexMarkNode) node;
+ if (mark.isPoint()) throw new RuntimeException("range only");
+ insertDocumentIndexMark(xCursor, mark.getName());
+ } else if (type.equals("Hyperlink")) {
+ HyperlinkNode href = (HyperlinkNode) node;
+ insertHyperlink(xCursor, href.getURL());
+ } else if (type.equals("Ruby")) {
+ RubyNode ruby = (RubyNode) node;
+ insertRuby(xCursor, ruby.getRubyText());
+ } else if (type.equals("InContentMetadata")) {
+ MetaNode meta = (MetaNode) node;
+ insertMeta(xCursor, meta.getXmlId());
+ } else if (type.equals("MetadataField")) {
+ MetaFieldNode meta = (MetaFieldNode) node;
+ insertMetaField(xCursor, meta.getXmlId());
+ } else if (type.equals("Text")) {
+ TextNode text = (TextNode) node;
+ insertText(xCursor, text.getContent());
+ } else if (type.equals("TextField")) {
+ TextFieldNode field = (TextFieldNode) node;
+ insertTextField(m_xCursor, field.getContent());
+ } else if (type.equals("Footnote")) {
+ FootnoteNode note = (FootnoteNode) node;
+ insertFootnote(m_xCursor, note.getLabel());
+ } else if (type.equals("Frame")) {
+ FrameNode frame = (FrameNode) node;
+ insertFrame(xCursor, frame.getName(), frame.getAnchor());
+ } else if (type.equals("ControlCharacter")) {
+ ControlCharacterNode cchar = (ControlCharacterNode) node;
+ insertControlCharacter(m_xCursor, cchar.getChar());
+ } else if (type.equals("SoftPageBreak")) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("sorry, cannot test SoftPageBreak");
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("unexpected type: " + type);
+ }
+ }
+public class TextPortionEnumerationTest extends ComplexTestCase
+ private XMultiServiceFactory m_xMSF = null;
+ private XComponentContext m_xContext = null;
+ private XTextDocument m_xDoc = null;
+ private String m_TmpDir = null;
+ private int m_Count = 1;
+// public String[] getTestMethodNames() { return new String[] { "testLoadStore" }; }
+ public String[] getTestMethodNames() {
+ return new String[] {
+ "testText",
+ "testTextField",
+// "testControlChar",
+// "testSoftPageBreak",
+ "testFootnote",
+ "testFrameAs",
+ "testFrameAt",
+ "testBookmarkPoint",
+ "testBookmark",
+ "testBookmarkPointXmlId",
+ "testBookmarkXmlId",
+ "testRefmarkPoint",
+ "testRefmark",
+ "testToxmarkPoint",
+ "testToxmark",
+ "testHyperlink",
+ "testHyperlinkEmpty",
+ "testRuby",
+ "testRubyEmpty",
+ "testMeta",
+ "testMetaEmpty",
+ "testMetaField",
+ "testMetaFieldEmpty",
+ "testBookmark1",
+ "testBookmark2",
+ "testRefMark2",
+ "testRefMark3",
+ "testToxMark2",
+ "testToxMark3",
+ "testMarks1",
+ "testMarks2",
+ "testMarks3",
+ "testFrameMark1",
+ "testFrameMark2",
+ "testFrameMark3",
+ "testFrameMark4",
+ "testFrames1",
+ "testFrames2",
+ "testFrames3",
+ "testFrames4",
+ "testFrames5",
+ "testRubyHyperlink1",
+ "testRubyHyperlink2",
+ "testEnd1",
+ "testEnd2",
+ "testEnd3",
+ "testEnd4",
+ "testEnd5",
+ "testEmpty1",
+ "testEmpty2",
+ "testEmpty3",
+ "test1",
+ "testRange1",
+ "testRangeHyperlinkHyperlink",
+ "testRangeHyperlinkRuby",
+ "testRangeRubyHyperlink",
+ "testRangeRubyRuby",
+ "testRangeHyperlinkMeta",
+ "testRangeRubyMeta",
+ "testRangeMetaHyperlink",
+ "testRangeMetaRuby",
+ "testRangeMetaMeta",
+ "testRange2",
+ "testRange3",
+ "testRange4",
+ "testRange5",
+ "testRange6",
+ "testRange7",
+ "testMetaXText",
+ "testMetaXTextCursor",
+ "testMetaXTextAttachToxMark",
+ "testMetaXTextAttachRefMark",
+ "testMetaXTextAttachTextField",
+ "testMetaXTextAttachFootnote",
+ "testMetaXTextAttachMeta",
+ "testMetaFieldXTextField",
+ "testMetaFieldXPropertySet",
+ "testLoadStore",
+ };
+ }
+ public void before() throws Exception
+ {
+ m_xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory) param.getMSF();
+ XPropertySet xPropertySet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, m_xMSF);
+ Object defaultCtx = xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("DefaultContext");
+ m_xContext = (XComponentContext)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentContext.class, defaultCtx);
+ assure("could not get component context.", m_xContext != null);
+ m_xDoc = util.WriterTools.createTextDoc(m_xMSF);
+ m_TmpDir = util.utils.getOfficeTemp/*Dir*/(m_xMSF);
+ log.println("tempdir: " + m_TmpDir);
+ }
+ public void after()
+ {
+ if (m_xDoc != null) {
+ util.DesktopTools.closeDoc(m_xDoc);
+ m_xDoc = null;
+ }
+ }
+ public void testText() throws Exception
+ {
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ root.appendChild(text);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testTextField() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("ruby");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode txtf = new TextFieldNode("abc");
+ root.appendChild(txtf);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testControlChar() throws Exception
+ {
+//FIXME this is converted to a text portion: ControlCharacter is obsolete
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode cchr = new ControlCharacterNode(HARD_HYPHEN);
+ root.appendChild(cchr);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testSoftPageBreak() throws Exception
+ {
+//FIXME: insert a soft page break: not done
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode spbk = new SoftPageBreakNode();
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ root.appendChild(spbk);
+ root.appendChild(text);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testFootnote() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("ftn");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode ftnd = new FootnoteNode(name);
+ root.appendChild(ftnd);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testFrameAs() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode fram = new FrameNode(name, AS_CHARACTER);
+ root.appendChild(fram);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testFrameAt() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+// TreeNode text = new TextNode(""); // necessary?
+ TreeNode fram = new FrameNode(name, AT_CHARACTER);
+// root.appendChild(text);
+ root.appendChild(fram);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testBookmarkPoint() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("mark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode bkmk = new BookmarkNode(name);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ root.appendChild(bkmk);
+ root.appendChild(text);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testBookmark() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("mark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode bkm1 = new BookmarkStartNode(name);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ TreeNode bkm2 = new BookmarkEndNode(name);
+ root.appendChild(bkm1);
+ root.appendChild(text);
+ root.appendChild(bkm2);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testBookmarkPointXmlId() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("mark");
+ StringPair id = mkId("id");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode bkmk = new BookmarkNode(name, id);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ root.appendChild(bkmk);
+ root.appendChild(text);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testBookmarkXmlId() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("mark");
+ StringPair id = mkId("id");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode bkm1 = new BookmarkStartNode(name, id);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ TreeNode bkm2 = new BookmarkEndNode(name, id);
+ root.appendChild(bkm1);
+ root.appendChild(text);
+ root.appendChild(bkm2);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testRefmarkPoint() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("refmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode rfmk = new ReferenceMarkNode(name);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ root.appendChild(rfmk);
+ root.appendChild(text);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testRefmark() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("refmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode rfm1 = new ReferenceMarkStartNode(name);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ TreeNode rfm2 = new ReferenceMarkEndNode(name);
+ root.appendChild(rfm1);
+ root.appendChild(text);
+ root.appendChild(rfm2);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testToxmarkPoint() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("toxmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode txmk = new DocumentIndexMarkNode(name);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ root.appendChild(txmk);
+ root.appendChild(text);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testToxmark() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("toxmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode txm1 = new DocumentIndexMarkStartNode(name);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ TreeNode txm2 = new DocumentIndexMarkEndNode(name);
+ root.appendChild(txm1);
+ root.appendChild(text);
+ root.appendChild(txm2);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testHyperlink() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("url");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode href = new HyperlinkNode(name);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ href.appendChild(text);
+ root.appendChild(href);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testHyperlinkEmpty() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("url");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode href = new HyperlinkNode(name);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("");
+ href.appendChild(text);
+ root.appendChild(href);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testRuby() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name = mkName("ruby");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode ruby = new RubyNode(name);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ ruby.appendChild(text);
+ root.appendChild(ruby);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testRubyEmpty() throws Exception
+ {
+ // BUG: #i91534#
+ String name = mkName("ruby");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode ruby = new RubyNode(name);
+ root.appendChild(ruby);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testMeta() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringPair id = new StringPair("content.xml", mkName("id"));
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode meta = new MetaNode(id);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ root.appendChild(new TextNode("123"));
+ meta.appendChild(text);
+ root.appendChild(meta);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testMetaEmpty() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringPair id = new StringPair("content.xml", mkName("id"));
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode meta = new MetaNode(id);
+// TreeNode text = new TextNode("");
+// meta.appendChild(text);
+ root.appendChild(meta);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testMetaField() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringPair id = new StringPair("content.xml", mkName("id"));
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode meta = new MetaFieldNode(id);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ root.appendChild(new TextNode("123"));
+ meta.appendChild(text);
+ root.appendChild(meta);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testMetaFieldEmpty() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringPair id = new StringPair("content.xml", mkName("id"));
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode meta = new MetaFieldNode(id);
+// TreeNode text = new TextNode("");
+// meta.appendChild(text);
+ root.appendChild(meta);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testBookmark1() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("mark");
+ String name2 = mkName("mark");
+ String name3 = mkName("mark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkStartNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkStartNode(name3) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkEndNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkEndNode(name3) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testBookmark2() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("mark");
+ String name2 = mkName("mark");
+ String name3 = mkName("mark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkStartNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkStartNode(name3) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkEndNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkEndNode(name3) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testRefMark2() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("refmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkStartNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ // BUG: #i102541# (this is actually not unoportenum's fault)
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkEndNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testRefMark3() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("refmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("refmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkStartNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkStartNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkEndNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkEndNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testToxMark2() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("toxmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkStartNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkEndNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testToxMark3() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("toxmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("toxmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkStartNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkStartNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkEndNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkEndNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testMarks1() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("toxmark");
+ String name3 = mkName("refmark");
+ String name4 = mkName("toxmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkStartNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkStartNode(name3) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkEndNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkStartNode(name4) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkEndNode(name4) );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkEndNode(name3) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testMarks2() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("refmark");
+ String name3 = mkName("refmark");
+ String name4 = mkName("toxmark");
+ String name5 = mkName("refmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkStartNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkStartNode(name3) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkStartNode(name4) );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkStartNode(name5) );
+ // BUG: #i102541# (this is actually not unoportenum's fault)
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkEndNode(name3) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkEndNode(name4) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkEndNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkEndNode(name5) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testMarks3() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("refmark");
+ String name3 = mkName("refmark");
+ String name4 = mkName("toxmark");
+ String name5 = mkName("refmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkStartNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkStartNode(name3) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkStartNode(name4) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkStartNode(name5) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkEndNode(name3) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkEndNode(name4) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkEndNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkEndNode(name5) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testFrameMark1() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name2, AS_CHARACTER) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testFrameMark2() throws Exception
+ {
+ // BUG: #i98530#
+ String name1 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name2, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testFrameMark3() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("frame");
+ String name2 = mkName("bookmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name1, AS_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name2) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testFrameMark4() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("frame");
+ String name2 = mkName("bookmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name1, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name2) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testFrames1() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("frame");
+ String name2 = mkName("frame");
+ String name3 = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name1, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name2, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name3, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testFrames2() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("frame");
+ String name2 = mkName("frame");
+ String name3 = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name1, AS_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name2, AS_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name3, AS_CHARACTER) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testFrames3() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("frame");
+ String name2 = mkName("frame");
+ String name3 = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name1, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name2, AS_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name3, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testFrames4() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("frame");
+ String name2 = mkName("frame");
+ String name3 = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name1, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name2, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name3, AS_CHARACTER) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testFrames5() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("frame");
+ String name2 = mkName("frame");
+ String name3 = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name1, AS_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name2, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name3, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testRubyHyperlink1() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("ruby");
+ String name2 = mkName("url");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode ruby = new RubyNode(name1);
+ TreeNode href = new HyperlinkNode(name2);
+ href.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ ruby.appendChild(href);
+ root.appendChild(ruby);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testRubyHyperlink2() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("url");
+ String name2 = mkName("ruby");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ TreeNode href = new HyperlinkNode(name1);
+ TreeNode ruby = new RubyNode(name2);
+ ruby.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ href.appendChild(ruby);
+ root.appendChild(href);
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testEnd1() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("toxmark");
+ String name3 = mkName("refmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkNode(name3) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testEnd2() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("frame");
+ String name3 = mkName("refmark");
+ String name4 = mkName("frame");
+ String name5 = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name2, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkNode(name3) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name4, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name5, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testEnd3() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("ftn");
+ String name2 = mkName("toxmark");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new FootnoteNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkNode(name2) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testEnd4() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkStartNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name2, AS_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkEndNode(name1) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testEnd5() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("refmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("ruby");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkStartNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ TreeNode ruby = new RubyNode(name2);
+ ruby.appendChild( new TextFieldNode("de") );
+ root.appendChild(ruby);
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkEndNode(name1) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testEmpty1() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("refmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("toxmark");
+ String name3 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String name4 = mkName("frame");
+ String name7 = mkName("refmark");
+ String name8 = mkName("toxmark");
+ String name9 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String nameA = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name3) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name4, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkNode(name7) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkNode(name8) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name9) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(nameA, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testEmpty2() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name3 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String name4 = mkName("frame");
+ String name9 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String nameA = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name3) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name4, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name9) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(nameA, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void testEmpty3() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("refmark");
+ String name2 = mkName("toxmark");
+ String name3 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String name4 = mkName("frame");
+ String name5 = mkName("url");
+ String name6 = mkName("ruby");
+ String name7 = mkName("refmark");
+ String name8 = mkName("toxmark");
+ String name9 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String nameA = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkNode(name1) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name3) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name4, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ /* currently empty hyperlinks may get eaten...
+ TreeNode href = new HyperlinkNode(name5);
+ href.appendChild( new TextNode("") );
+ root.appendChild(href);
+ */
+ TreeNode ruby = new RubyNode(name6);
+ root.appendChild(ruby);
+ root.appendChild( new ReferenceMarkNode(name7) );
+ root.appendChild( new DocumentIndexMarkNode(name8) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkNode(name9) );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(nameA, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ public void test1() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("frame");
+ String name2 = mkName("bookmark");
+ String name3 = mkName("ruby");
+ String name4 = mkName("ftn");
+ String name5 = mkName("frame");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name1, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new BookmarkStartNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("abc") );
+ TreeNode ruby = new RubyNode(name3);
+ ruby.appendChild( new TextNode("de") );
+ ruby.appendChild( new FootnoteNode(name4) );
+ ruby.appendChild( new BookmarkEndNode(name2) );
+ root.appendChild(ruby);
+ root.appendChild( new TextNode("fg") );
+ root.appendChild( new FrameNode(name5, AT_CHARACTER) );
+ root.appendChild( new TextFieldNode("h") );
+ doTest(root);
+ }
+ /* some range tests for the insertion: these are for the current
+ API which treats hyperlinks and rubys not as entities, but as formatting
+ attributes; if these ever become entities, they should not be split!
+ */
+ public void testRange1() throws Exception
+ {
+ String name1 = mkName("url");
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("12345");
+ inserter.insertRange(new Range(0, 0, text));
+ TreeNode url1 = new HyperlinkNode(name1);
+ Range range1 = new Range(0, 5, url1);
+ inserter.insertRange(range1);
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
+ root.appendChild( url1 );
+ url1.appendChild( text );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRangeHyperlinkHyperlink() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode url1 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 4, url1) );
+ // overlap left
+ TreeNode url2 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 2, url2) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("12") ) )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("34") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("56789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // overlap right
+ TreeNode url3 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3, 7, url3) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("12") ) )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( url3.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4567") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // around
+ TreeNode url4 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3, 7, url4) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("12") ) )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( url4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4567") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // inside
+ TreeNode url5 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(4, 6, url5) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("12") ) )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( url4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( url5.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("56") ) )
+ .appendChild( url4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // empty
+ TreeNode url6 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(7, 7, url6) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("12") ) )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( url4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( url5.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("56") ) )
+ .appendChild( url4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) )
+// this one gets eaten, but we still need to test inserting it (#i106930#)
+// .appendChild( url6.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRangeHyperlinkRuby() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode url1 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 4, url1) );
+ // overlap left
+ TreeNode rby2 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 2, rby2) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("34") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("56789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // overlap right
+ TreeNode rby3 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3, 5, rby3) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby3.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // around
+ TreeNode rby4 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(2, 3, rby4) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby3.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // inside
+ TreeNode url5 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(6, 9, url5) );
+ TreeNode rby6 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(7, 8, rby6) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby3.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") )
+ .appendChild( url5.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby6.dup()
+ .appendChild( url5.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("8") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( url5.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("9") ) );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRangeRubyHyperlink() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode rby1 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 6, rby1) );
+ // overlap left
+ TreeNode url2 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 3, url2) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("23") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("456") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // overlap right
+ TreeNode url3 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(5, 7, url3) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("23") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("45") )
+ .appendChild( url3.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( url3.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // around (not quite, due to API)
+ TreeNode url4 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 8, url4) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( url4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("23456") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( url4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("78") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // inside
+ TreeNode url5 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3, 5, url5) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( url4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("23") ) )
+ .appendChild( url5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("45") ) )
+ .appendChild( url4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( url4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("78") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRangeRubyRuby() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode rby1 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 4, rby1) );
+ // overlap left
+ TreeNode rby2 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 2, rby2) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("12") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("34") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("56789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // overlap right
+ TreeNode rby3 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3, 7, rby3) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("12") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby3.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4567") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // around
+ TreeNode rby4 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3, 7, rby4) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("12") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4567") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // inside
+ TreeNode rby5 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(4, 6, rby5) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("12") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby5.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("56") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRangeHyperlinkMeta() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode url1 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 4, url1) );
+ // overlap left
+ TreeNode met2 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 2, met2) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("34") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("56789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // overlap right
+ TreeNode met3 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(4/*-1*/, 6/*-1*/, met3) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // around
+ TreeNode met4 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3/*-1*/, 4/*-1*/, met4) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( met4.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // inside
+ TreeNode url5 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(9/*-3*/, 12/*-3*/, url5) );
+ TreeNode met6 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(10/*-3*/, 11/*-3*/, met6) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( met4.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") )
+ .appendChild( url5.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) )
+ .appendChild( met6.dup()
+ .appendChild( url5.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("8") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( url5.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("9") ) );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRangeRubyMeta() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode rby1 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 4, rby1) );
+ // overlap left
+ TreeNode met2 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 2, met2) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("34") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("56789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // overlap right
+ TreeNode met3 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(4/*-1*/, 6/*-1*/, met3) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // around
+ TreeNode met4 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3/*-1*/, 4/*-1*/, met4) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( met4.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // inside
+ TreeNode rby5 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(9/*-3*/, 12/*-3*/, rby5) );
+ TreeNode met6 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(10/*-3*/, 11/*-3*/, met6) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( met4.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") )
+ .appendChild( rby5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("7") )
+ .appendChild( met6.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("8") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") ) );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRangeMetaHyperlink() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode met1 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 6, met1) );
+ // overlap left
+ TreeNode url2 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 4/*-1*/, url2) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("23") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("456") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // overlap right
+ TreeNode url3 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(6/*-1*/, 8/*-1*/, url3) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("23") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("45") )
+ .appendChild( url3.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( url3.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // around (not quite, due to API)
+ TreeNode url4 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 9/*-1*/, url4) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( url4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("23456") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( url4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("78") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // inside
+ TreeNode url5 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(4/*-1*/, 6/*-1*/, url5) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( url2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( url4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("23") ) )
+ .appendChild( url5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("45") ) )
+ .appendChild( url4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( url4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("78") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRangeMetaRuby() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode met1 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 5, met1) );
+ // overlap left
+ TreeNode rby2 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 3/*-1*/, rby2) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("345") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // overlap right
+ TreeNode rby3 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(5/*-1*/, 7/*-1*/, rby3) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("34") )
+ .appendChild( rby3.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby3.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // around
+ TreeNode rby4 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 7/*-1*/, rby4) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2345") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // inside
+ TreeNode met5 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(7/*-1*/, 9/*-1*/, met5) );
+ TreeNode rby6 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(9/*-2*/, 10/*-2*/, rby6) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2345") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) )
+ .appendChild( met5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("7") )
+ .appendChild( rby6.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("8") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // inside, with invalid range that includes the dummy char
+ TreeNode rby7 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(7/*-1*/, 9/*-2*/, rby7) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2345") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) )
+ .appendChild( met5.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby7.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby6.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("8") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // around, at same position as meta
+ TreeNode rby8 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(7/*-1*/, 10/*-2*/, rby8) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2345") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby8.dup()
+ .appendChild( met5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("78") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRangeMetaMeta() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode met1 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3, 6, met1) );
+ // overlap left
+ TreeNode met2 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ try {
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 4, met2) );
+ assure("testRangeMetaMeta: overlap left allowed", false);
+ } catch ( e) { /* ignore */ }
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("123") )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("456") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // overlap right
+ TreeNode met3 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ try {
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(5/*-1*/, 8/*-1*/, met3) );
+ assure("testRangeMetaMeta: overlap right allowed", false);
+ } catch ( e) { /* ignore */ }
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("123") )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("456") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // around
+ TreeNode met4 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3, 7/*-1*/, met4) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("123") )
+ .appendChild( met4.dup()
+ .appendChild( met1.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("456") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // inside
+ TreeNode met5 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(6/*-2*/, 8/*-2*/, met5) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("123") )
+ .appendChild( met4.dup()
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("4") )
+ .appendChild( met5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("56") ) ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRange2() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode met1 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 8, met1) );
+ TreeNode met2 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3/*-1*/, 8/*-1*/, met2) );
+ TreeNode met3 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(5/*-2*/, 8/*-2*/, met3) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2") )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("3") )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("456") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("8") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // split ruby at every meta start!
+ TreeNode rby4 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 7/*-3*/, rby4) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("56") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("8") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // split ruby at every meta end!
+ TreeNode rby5 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(8/*-3*/, 12/*-3*/, rby5) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") )
+ .appendChild( rby5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("8") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") ) );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRange3() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode rby1 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 9, rby1) );
+ TreeNode met2 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(2, 7, met2) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("34567") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") ) );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // overwrite outer ruby, split remains at inner meta!
+ TreeNode rby3 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(5/*-1*/, 6/*-1*/, rby3) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") ) )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("34") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby3.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("67") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") ) );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRange4() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode rby1 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 9, rby1) );
+ TreeNode met2 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 8, met2) );
+ TreeNode met3 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3/*-1*/, 8/*-1*/, met3) );
+ TreeNode met4 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(5/*-2*/, 8/*-2*/, met4) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2") )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("3") )
+ .appendChild( met4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("456") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("8") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") ) );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // overwrite outer ruby, split remains at every inner meta!
+ TreeNode rby5 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(7/*-3*/, 8/*-3*/, rby5) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( met4.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("8") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") ) );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRange5() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode rby1 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 9, rby1) );
+ TreeNode met2 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 3, met2) );
+ TreeNode met3 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(5/*-1*/, 6/*-1*/, met3) );
+ TreeNode met4 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(8/*-2*/, 10/*-2*/, met4) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("23") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("4") )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") )
+ .appendChild( met4.dup().appendChild( new TextNode("78") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") ) );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // overwrite outer ruby, but split at inner metas!
+ TreeNode rby5 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3/*-1*/, 10/*-3*/, rby5) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("4") )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) )
+ .appendChild( met4.dup()
+ .appendChild( rby5.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("8") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") ) );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRange6() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode met1 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 5, met1) );
+ TreeNode met2 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3/*-1*/, 6/*-1*/, met2) );
+ TreeNode met3 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(5/*-2*/, 7/*-2*/, met3) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2") )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("3") )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("45") ) ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // split at 3 metas, all at same position
+ TreeNode rby4 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(7/*-3*/, 10/*-3*/, rby4) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2") )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("3") )
+ .appendChild( met3.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("4") )
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) ) ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby4.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("67") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ public void testRange7() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123456789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ TreeNode url1 = new HyperlinkNode( mkName("url") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(1, 5, url1) );
+ TreeNode met2 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(3, 5, met2) );
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("23") ) )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("45") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ // this should result in not splitting the hyperlink, but due to API
+ // we can't tell :(
+ TreeNode rby3 = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(5/*-1*/, 8/*-1*/, rby3) );
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") )
+ .appendChild( url1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("23") ) )
+ .appendChild( met2.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) )
+ .appendChild( rby3.dup()
+ .appendChild( url1.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) ) ) )
+ .appendChild( rby3.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("67") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("89") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ /* TODO: test partial selection, test UNDO/REDO */
+ /** test SwXMeta XText interface */
+ public void testMetaXText() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("12AB6789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ MetaNode meta = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+// inserter.insertRange( new Range(3, 5, met2) );
+ XTextContent xMeta = inserter.makeMeta();
+ XText xDocText = m_xDoc.getText();
+ XTextCursor xDocTextCursor = xDocText.createTextCursor();
+ xDocTextCursor.goRight((short)3, false);
+ xDocTextCursor.goRight((short)2, true);
+ xDocText.insertTextContent(xDocTextCursor, xMeta, true);
+// xMeta.attach(xDocTextCursor);
+ XMetadatable xMetadatable = (XMetadatable)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMetadatable.class, xMeta);
+ xMetadatable.setMetadataReference(meta.getXmlId());
+ XText xText = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xMeta);
+ XText xParentText = xText.getText();
+ assure("getText(): no parent", xParentText != null);
+ XTextRange xStart = xText.getStart();
+ assure("getStart(): no start", xStart != null);
+ XTextRange xEnd = xText.getEnd();
+ assure("getEnd(): no end", xEnd != null);
+ /*
+ String string = xText.getString();
+ assure("getString(): invalid string returned",
+ string != null && "AB".equals(string) );
+ */
+ xText.setString("45");
+ {
+ String string = xText.getString();
+ assure("getString(): invalid string returned: " + string,
+ string != null && "45".equals(string) );
+ }
+ XTextCursor xTextCursor = xText.createTextCursor();
+ assure("createTextCursor(): failed", xTextCursor != null);
+ try {
+ xText.createTextCursorByRange(null);
+ assure("createTextCursorByRange(): null allowed?", false);
+ } catch (RuntimeException e) { /* expected */ }
+ XTextCursor xTextCursorStart = xText.createTextCursorByRange(xStart);
+ assure("createTextCursorByRange(): failed for start",
+ xTextCursorStart != null);
+ XTextCursor xTextCursorEnd = xText.createTextCursorByRange(xEnd);
+ assure("createTextCursorByRange(): failed for end",
+ xTextCursorEnd != null);
+ // move outside meta
+ xDocTextCursor.gotoStart(false);
+ try {
+ xText.insertString(null, "foo", false);
+ assure("insertString(): null allowed?", false);
+ } catch (RuntimeException e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xText.insertString(xDocTextCursor, "foo", false);
+ assure("insertString(): cursor outside allowed?", false);
+ } catch (RuntimeException e) { /* expected */ }
+ xStart = xText.getStart();
+ xText.insertString(xStart, "A", false);
+ {
+ String string = xText.getString();
+ assure("getString(): invalid string returned: " + string,
+ string != null && "A45".equals(string) );
+ }
+ xText.insertString(xEnd, "B", false);
+ {
+ String string = xText.getString();
+ assure("getString(): invalid string returned: " + string,
+ string != null && "A45B".equals(string) );
+ }
+ try {
+ xText.insertControlCharacter(null, HARD_HYPHEN, false);
+ assure("insertControlCharacter(): null allowed?", false);
+ } catch ( e) { /* ignore */ }
+ xStart = xText.getStart();
+ try {
+ xText.insertControlCharacter(xDocTextCursor, HARD_HYPHEN, false);
+ assure("insertControlCharacter(): cursor outside allowed?", false);
+ } catch ( e) { /* ignore */ }
+ xText.insertControlCharacter(xStart, HARD_HYPHEN, false);
+ {
+ String string = xText.getString();
+ assure("getString(): invalid string returned: " + string,
+ string != null && ('\u2011' + "A45B").equals(string) );
+ }
+ xText.insertControlCharacter(xEnd, HARD_HYPHEN, false);
+ {
+ String string = xText.getString();
+ assure("getString(): invalid string returned: " + string,
+ string != null &&
+ ('\u2011' + "A45B" + '\u2011').equals(string) );
+ }
+ xText.setString("45");
+ try {
+ xText.insertTextContent(null, xMeta, false);
+ assure("insertTextContent(): null range allowed?", false);
+ } catch ( e) { /* ignore */ }
+ try {
+ xText.insertTextContent(xStart, null, false);
+ assure("insertTextContent(): null content allowed?", false);
+ } catch ( e) { /* ignore */ }
+ try {
+ xText.insertTextContent(xDocTextCursor, xMeta, false);
+ assure("insertTextContent(): cursor outside allowed?", false);
+ } catch ( e) { /* ignore */ }
+ TextFieldNode field1 = new TextFieldNode( "f1" );
+ TextFieldNode field2 = new TextFieldNode( "f2" );
+ XTextContent xField1 = inserter.makeTextField(field1.getContent());
+ XTextContent xField2 = inserter.makeTextField(field2.getContent());
+ xStart = xText.getStart();
+ xText.insertTextContent(xStart, xField1, false);
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") )
+ .appendChild( meta.dup()
+ .appendChild( field1.dup() )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("45") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ xText.insertTextContent(xEnd, xField2, false);
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") )
+ .appendChild( meta.dup()
+ .appendChild( field1.dup() )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("45") )
+ .appendChild( field2.dup() ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ try {
+ xText.removeTextContent(null);
+ assure("removeTextContent(): null content allowed?", false);
+ } catch (RuntimeException e) { /* expected */ }
+ xText.removeTextContent(xField1);
+ XTextRange xAnchor = xMeta.getAnchor();
+ assure("getAnchor(): null", xAnchor != null);
+ // evil test case: insert ruby around meta
+ RubyNode ruby = new RubyNode( mkName("ruby") );
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(2, 6, ruby) );
+ /* prevent caching...
+ root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") )
+ .appendChild( ruby.dup()
+ .appendChild( meta.dup()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("45") )
+ .appendChild( field2.dup() ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ */
+ XEnumerationAccess xEA = (XEnumerationAccess)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XEnumerationAccess.class, xMeta);
+ XEnumeration xEnum = xEA.createEnumeration();
+ assure("createEnumeration(): returns null", xEnum != null);
+ {
+ assure("hasNext(): first missing", xEnum.hasMoreElements());
+ Object xElement = xEnum.nextElement();
+ XTextRange xPortion = (XTextRange)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextRange.class, xElement);
+ XPropertySet xPropSet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xPortion);
+ String type = (String) xPropSet.getPropertyValue("TextPortionType");
+ assure("first: not text", type.equals("Text"));
+ String txt = xPortion.getString();
+ assure("first: text differs: " + txt, "45".equals(txt));
+ }
+ {
+ assure("hasNext(): second missing", xEnum.hasMoreElements());
+ Object xElement = xEnum.nextElement();
+ XTextRange xPortion = (XTextRange)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextRange.class, xElement);
+ XPropertySet xPropSet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xPortion);
+ String type = (String) xPropSet.getPropertyValue("TextPortionType");
+ assure("second: not text", type.equals("TextField"));
+ }
+ // no ruby end here!!!
+ assure("hasNext(): more elements?", !xEnum.hasMoreElements());
+ XComponent xComponent = (XComponent)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponent.class, xMeta);
+ xComponent.dispose();
+ try {
+ XTextCursor xCursor = xText.createTextCursor();
+ assure("createTextCursor(): succeeds on disposed object?",
+ xCursor == null);
+ } catch (RuntimeException e) { /* expected */ }
+ }
+ /** check that cursor move methods move to positions in the meta,
+ but do not move to positions outside the meta. */
+ public void testMetaXTextCursor() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("Text. 12 More text here.");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ MetaNode met1 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ XTextContent xMeta = inserter.makeMeta();
+ XText xDocText = m_xDoc.getText();
+ XTextCursor xDocTextCursor = xDocText.createTextCursor();
+ xDocTextCursor.goRight((short)7, false);
+ xDocTextCursor.goRight((short)2, true);
+ xDocText.insertTextContent(xDocTextCursor, xMeta, true);
+ xDocTextCursor.gotoStart(true);
+ XMetadatable xMetadatable = (XMetadatable)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMetadatable.class, xMeta);
+ xMetadatable.setMetadataReference(met1.getXmlId());
+ XText xText = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xMeta);
+ XTextRange xStart = xText.getStart();
+ assure("getStart(): no start", xStart != null);
+ XTextRange xEnd = xText.getEnd();
+ assure("getEnd(): no end", xEnd != null);
+ XTextCursor xTextCursor = xText.createTextCursor();
+ assure("createTextCursor(): no cursor", xTextCursor != null);
+ // XTextCursor
+ boolean bSuccess = false;
+ xTextCursor.gotoStart(false);
+ xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false);
+ bSuccess = xTextCursor.goLeft((short)1, false);
+ assure("goLeft(): failed", bSuccess);
+ bSuccess = xTextCursor.goLeft((short)1000, false);
+ assure("goLeft(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ bSuccess = xTextCursor.goRight((short)1, false);
+ assure("goRight(): failed", bSuccess);
+ bSuccess = xTextCursor.goRight((short)1000, false);
+ assure("goRight(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ xTextCursor.gotoRange(xStart, false);
+ xTextCursor.gotoRange(xEnd, false);
+ try {
+ xTextCursor.gotoRange(xDocTextCursor, false);
+ assure("gotoRange(): succeeded", false);
+ } catch (RuntimeException e) { /* expected */ }
+ // XWordCursor
+ xText.setString("Two words");
+ xTextCursor.gotoStart(false);
+ XWordCursor xWordCursor = (XWordCursor)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XWordCursor.class, xTextCursor);
+ bSuccess = xWordCursor.gotoNextWord(true);
+ assure("gotoNextWord(): failed", bSuccess);
+ {
+ String string = xTextCursor.getString();
+ assure("gotoNextWord(): wrong string: " + string,
+ "Two ".equals(string));
+ }
+ bSuccess = xWordCursor.gotoNextWord(false);
+ assure("gotoNextWord(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ xTextCursor.collapseToEnd();
+ bSuccess = xWordCursor.gotoPreviousWord(true);
+ assure("gotoPreviousWord(): failed", bSuccess);
+ {
+ String string = xTextCursor.getString();
+ assure("gotoPreviousWord(): wrong string: " + string,
+ "words".equals(string));
+ }
+ bSuccess = xWordCursor.gotoPreviousWord(false);
+ assure("gotoPreviousWord(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ bSuccess = xWordCursor.gotoEndOfWord(true);
+ assure("gotoEndOfWord(): failed", bSuccess);
+ {
+ String string = xTextCursor.getString();
+ assure("gotoEndOfWord(): wrong string: " + string,
+ "Two".equals(string));
+ }
+ xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false);
+ bSuccess = xWordCursor.gotoStartOfWord(true);
+ assure("gotoStartOfWord(): failed", bSuccess);
+ {
+ String string = xTextCursor.getString();
+ assure("gotoStartOfWord(): wrong string: " + string,
+ "words".equals(string));
+ }
+ xText.setString("");
+ bSuccess = xWordCursor.gotoEndOfWord(false);
+ assure("gotoEndOfWord(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ bSuccess = xWordCursor.gotoStartOfWord(false);
+ assure("gotoStartOfWord(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ // XSentenceCursor
+ xText.setString("This is a sentence. Another sentence.");
+ xTextCursor.gotoStart(false);
+ XSentenceCursor xSentenceCursor = (XSentenceCursor)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XSentenceCursor.class, xTextCursor);
+ bSuccess = xSentenceCursor.gotoNextSentence(true);
+ assure("gotoNextSentence(): failed", bSuccess);
+ {
+ String string = xTextCursor.getString();
+ assure("gotoNextSentence(): wrong string: " + string,
+ "This is a sentence. ".equals(string));
+ }
+ bSuccess = xSentenceCursor.gotoNextSentence(false);
+ assure("gotoNextSentence(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ // FIXME:
+ // the sentence cursor seems to work differently than the word cursor
+ xText.setString("This is a sentence. Another sentence. Sentence 3.");
+ xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false);
+ bSuccess = xSentenceCursor.gotoPreviousSentence(true);
+ assure("gotoPreviousSentence(): failed", bSuccess);
+ {
+ String string = xTextCursor.getString();
+ assure("gotoPreviousSentence(): wrong string: " + string,
+ "Another sentence. Sentence 3.".equals(string));
+ }
+ bSuccess = xSentenceCursor.gotoPreviousSentence(false);
+ assure("gotoPreviousSentence(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ bSuccess = xSentenceCursor.gotoEndOfSentence(true);
+ assure("gotoEndOfSentence(): failed", bSuccess);
+ {
+ String string = xTextCursor.getString();
+ assure("gotoEndOfSentence(): wrong string: " + string,
+ "This is a sentence.".equals(string));
+ }
+ xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false);
+ bSuccess = xSentenceCursor.gotoStartOfSentence(true);
+ assure("gotoStartOfSentence(): failed", bSuccess);
+ {
+ String string = xTextCursor.getString();
+ assure("gotoStartOfSentence(): wrong string: " + string,
+ "Sentence 3.".equals(string));
+ }
+ xText.setString("");
+ bSuccess = xSentenceCursor.gotoEndOfSentence(false);
+ assure("gotoEndOfSentence(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ bSuccess = xSentenceCursor.gotoStartOfSentence(false);
+ assure("gotoStartOfSentence(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ XParagraphCursor xParagraphCursor = (XParagraphCursor)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XParagraphCursor.class, xTextCursor);
+ // XParagraphCursor (does not make sense)
+ bSuccess = xParagraphCursor.gotoNextParagraph(false);
+ assure("gotoNextParagraph(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ bSuccess = xParagraphCursor.gotoPreviousParagraph(false);
+ assure("gotoPreviousParagraph(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ bSuccess = xParagraphCursor.gotoStartOfParagraph(false);
+ assure("gotoStartOfParagraph(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ bSuccess = xParagraphCursor.gotoEndOfParagraph(false);
+ assure("gotoEndOfParagraph(): succeeded", !bSuccess);
+ }
+ abstract class AttachHelper
+ {
+ abstract boolean isAttribute();
+ abstract TreeNode mkTreeNode();
+ abstract XTextContent mkTextContent(Inserter inserter, TreeNode node)
+ throws Exception;
+ void postInserted(TreeNode node, XTextContent xContent)
+ throws Exception { }
+ }
+ public void testMetaXTextAttachToxMark() throws Exception
+ {
+ doMetaXTextAttach( new AttachHelper()
+ {
+ boolean isAttribute() { return true; }
+ TreeNode mkTreeNode() {
+ return new DocumentIndexMarkNode( mkName("toxmark") );
+ }
+ XTextContent mkTextContent(Inserter inserter, TreeNode node)
+ throws Exception {
+ return inserter.makeDocumentIndexMark(
+ ((DocumentIndexMarkNode)node).getName());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public void testMetaXTextAttachRefMark() throws Exception
+ {
+ doMetaXTextAttach( new AttachHelper()
+ {
+ boolean isAttribute() { return true; }
+ TreeNode mkTreeNode() {
+ return new ReferenceMarkNode( mkName("refmark") );
+ }
+ XTextContent mkTextContent(Inserter inserter, TreeNode node)
+ throws Exception {
+ return inserter.makeReferenceMark(
+ ((ReferenceMarkNode)node).getName());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public void testMetaXTextAttachTextField() throws Exception
+ {
+ doMetaXTextAttach( new AttachHelper()
+ {
+ boolean isAttribute() { return false; }
+ TreeNode mkTreeNode() {
+ return new TextFieldNode( mkName("field") );
+ }
+ XTextContent mkTextContent(Inserter inserter, TreeNode node)
+ throws Exception {
+ return inserter.makeTextField(
+ ((TextFieldNode)node).getContent());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public void testMetaXTextAttachFootnote() throws Exception
+ {
+ doMetaXTextAttach( new AttachHelper()
+ {
+ boolean isAttribute() { return false; }
+ TreeNode mkTreeNode() {
+ return new FootnoteNode( mkName("ftn") );
+ }
+ XTextContent mkTextContent(Inserter inserter, TreeNode node)
+ throws Exception {
+ return inserter.makeFootnote(
+ ((FootnoteNode)node).getLabel());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public void testMetaXTextAttachMeta() throws Exception
+ {
+ doMetaXTextAttach( new AttachHelper()
+ {
+ boolean isAttribute() { return true; }
+ TreeNode mkTreeNode() {
+ return new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ }
+ XTextContent mkTextContent(Inserter inserter, TreeNode node)
+ throws Exception {
+ return inserter.makeMeta();
+ }
+ void postInserted(TreeNode node, XTextContent xContent)
+ throws Exception {
+ XMetadatable xMetadatable = (XMetadatable)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMetadatable.class, xContent);
+ xMetadatable.setMetadataReference(
+ ((MetaNode)node).getXmlId());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ void doMetaXTextAttach(AttachHelper helper) throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("12AB6789");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ MetaNode met1 = new MetaNode( mkId("id") );
+ XTextContent xMeta = inserter.makeMeta();
+ XText xDocText = m_xDoc.getText();
+ XTextCursor xDocTextCursor = xDocText.createTextCursor();
+ xDocTextCursor.goRight((short)3, false);
+ xDocTextCursor.goRight((short)2, true);
+ xDocText.insertTextContent(xDocTextCursor, xMeta, true);
+ XMetadatable xMetadatable = (XMetadatable)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMetadatable.class, xMeta);
+ xMetadatable.setMetadataReference(met1.getXmlId());
+ XText xText = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xMeta);
+ XTextRange xStart = null;
+ XTextRange xEnd = null;
+ {
+ xStart = xText.getStart();
+ xEnd = xText.getEnd();
+ TreeNode nod1 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ TreeNode nod2 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ XTextContent xContent1 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod1);
+ XTextContent xContent2 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod2);
+ // insertTextContent with meta getStart()/getEnd()
+ xText.insertTextContent(xStart, xContent1, false);
+ xText.insertTextContent(xEnd , xContent2, false);
+ helper.postInserted(nod1, xContent1);
+ helper.postInserted(nod2, xContent2);
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( nod1.dup() )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("AB") )
+ .appendChild( nod2.dup() ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ {
+ xText.setString("AB");
+ xStart = xText.getStart();
+ xEnd = xText.getEnd();
+ TreeNode nod1 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ TreeNode nod2 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ XTextContent xContent1 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod1);
+ XTextContent xContent2 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod2);
+ XTextCursor xTextCursor = xText.createTextCursor();
+ xTextCursor.gotoStart(false);
+ // insertTextContent with meta cursor
+ xText.insertTextContent(xTextCursor, xContent1, false);
+ xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false);
+ xText.insertTextContent(xTextCursor, xContent2, false);
+ helper.postInserted(nod1, xContent1);
+ helper.postInserted(nod2, xContent2);
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( nod1.dup() )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("AB") )
+ .appendChild( nod2.dup() ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ if (!helper.isAttribute())
+ {
+// xText.setString("AB");
+ xStart = xText.getStart();
+ xEnd = xText.getEnd();
+ TreeNode nod1 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ TreeNode nod2 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ XTextContent xContent1 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod1);
+ XTextContent xContent2 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod2);
+ XTextCursor xTextCursor = xText.createTextCursor();
+ xTextCursor.gotoStart(false);
+ xTextCursor.goRight((short)1, true);
+ // insertTextContent with meta cursor and absorb
+ xText.insertTextContent(xTextCursor, xContent1, true);
+ xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false);
+ xTextCursor.goLeft((short)1, true);
+ xText.insertTextContent(xTextCursor, xContent2, true);
+ helper.postInserted(nod1, xContent1);
+ helper.postInserted(nod2, xContent2);
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( nod1.dup() )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("AB") )
+ .appendChild( nod2.dup() ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ {
+ xText.setString("AB");
+ xStart = xText.getStart();
+ xEnd = xText.getEnd();
+ TreeNode nod1 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ TreeNode nod2 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ XTextContent xContent1 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod1);
+ XTextContent xContent2 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod2);
+ xDocTextCursor.gotoRange(xStart, false);
+ // insertTextContent with document cursor
+ xText.insertTextContent(xDocTextCursor, xContent1, false);
+ xDocTextCursor.gotoRange(xEnd, false);
+ xText.insertTextContent(xDocTextCursor, xContent2, false);
+ helper.postInserted(nod1, xContent1);
+ helper.postInserted(nod2, xContent2);
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( nod1.dup() )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("AB") )
+ .appendChild( nod2.dup() ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ if (!helper.isAttribute())
+ {
+// xText.setString("AB");
+ xStart = xText.getStart();
+ xEnd = xText.getEnd();
+ TreeNode nod1 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ TreeNode nod2 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ XTextContent xContent1 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod1);
+ XTextContent xContent2 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod2);
+ xDocTextCursor.gotoRange(xStart, false);
+ xDocTextCursor.goRight((short)1, true);
+ // insertTextContent with document cursor and absorb
+ xText.insertTextContent(xDocTextCursor, xContent1, true);
+ xDocTextCursor.gotoRange(xEnd, false);
+ xDocTextCursor.goLeft((short)1, true);
+ xText.insertTextContent(xDocTextCursor, xContent2, true);
+ helper.postInserted(nod1, xContent1);
+ helper.postInserted(nod2, xContent2);
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( nod1.dup() )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("AB") )
+ .appendChild( nod2.dup() ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ {
+ xText.setString("AB");
+ xStart = xText.getStart();
+ xEnd = xText.getEnd();
+ TreeNode nod1 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ TreeNode nod2 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ XTextContent xContent1 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod1);
+ XTextContent xContent2 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod2);
+ // attach to range from meta getStart()/getEnd()
+ xContent1.attach(xStart);
+ xContent2.attach(xEnd);
+ helper.postInserted(nod1, xContent1);
+ helper.postInserted(nod2, xContent2);
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( nod1.dup() )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("AB") )
+ .appendChild( nod2.dup() ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ {
+ xText.setString("AB");
+ xStart = xText.getStart();
+ xEnd = xText.getEnd();
+ TreeNode nod1 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ TreeNode nod2 = helper.mkTreeNode();
+ XTextContent xContent1 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod1);
+ XTextContent xContent2 = helper.mkTextContent(inserter, nod2);
+ XTextCursor xTextCursor = xText.createTextCursor();
+ xTextCursor.gotoStart(false);
+ // attach to cursor from meta XText
+ xContent1.attach(xTextCursor);
+ xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false);
+ xContent2.attach(xTextCursor);
+ helper.postInserted(nod1, xContent1);
+ helper.postInserted(nod2, xContent2);
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") )
+ .appendChild( met1.dup()
+ .appendChild( nod1.dup() )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("AB") )
+ .appendChild( nod2.dup() ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6789") );
+ doTest(root, false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testMetaFieldXTextField() throws Exception
+ {
+ xModel =
+ ( UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+, m_xDoc);
+ xRepo = xModel.getRDFRepository();
+ // for testing just add it to the first graph
+[] Graphs = xRepo.getGraphNames();
+ xGraph = xRepo.getGraph(Graphs[0]);
+ xOdfPrefix =
+ xOdfSuffix =
+ xPrefix =
+, "foo");
+ xSuffix =
+, "bar");
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("abc");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ XText xDocText = m_xDoc.getText();
+ XTextCursor xDocTextCursor = xDocText.createTextCursor();
+ xDocTextCursor.goRight((short)1, false);
+ xDocTextCursor.goRight((short)3, true);
+ XTextField xMetaField = inserter.makeMetaField();
+ xDocText.insertTextContent(xDocTextCursor, xMetaField, true);
+ XMetadatable xMetadatable = (XMetadatable)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMetadatable.class, xMetaField);
+ xMetadatable.ensureMetadataReference();
+ xGraph.addStatement(xMetadatable, xOdfPrefix, xPrefix);
+ xGraph.addStatement(xMetadatable, xOdfSuffix, xSuffix);
+ assure("getPresentation(): wrong",
+ "fooabcbar".equals(xMetaField.getPresentation(false)));
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ }
+ public void testMetaFieldXPropertySet() throws Exception
+ {
+ RangeInserter inserter = new RangeInserter(m_xDoc);
+ TreeNode text = new TextNode("123");
+ inserter.insertRange( new Range(0, 0, text) );
+ XText xDocText = m_xDoc.getText();
+ XTextCursor xDocTextCursor = xDocText.createTextCursor();
+ xDocTextCursor.goRight((short)1, false);
+ xDocTextCursor.goRight((short)3, true);
+ XTextField xMetaField = inserter.makeMetaField();
+ xDocText.insertTextContent(xDocTextCursor, xMetaField, true);
+ XPropertySet xPropertySet = (XPropertySet)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xMetaField);
+ assure("PropertySet: not supported?", xPropertySet != null);
+ XPropertySetInfo xPropertySetInfo = xPropertySet.getPropertySetInfo();
+ assure("hasPropertyByName(\"NumberFormat\"):",
+ xPropertySetInfo.hasPropertyByName("NumberFormat"));
+ assure("hasPropertyByName(\"IsFixedLanguage\"):",
+ xPropertySetInfo.hasPropertyByName("IsFixedLanguage"));
+ int def = (Integer) xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("NumberFormat");
+ log.println("NumberFormat: default is " + def);
+ short INT =;
+ xPropertySet.setPropertyValue("NumberFormat", INT);
+ xPropertySet.setPropertyValue("IsFixedLanguage", true);
+ int format = (Integer) xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("NumberFormat");
+ assure("NumberFormat: failed", format == INT);
+ boolean isFixed = (Boolean)
+ xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("IsFixedLanguage");
+ assure("IsFixedLanguage: failed", isFixed);
+ }
+ public void testLoadStore() throws Exception
+ {
+ XComponent xComp = null;
+ String filename = "TESTMETA.odt";
+ String file;
+ try {
+ file = util.utils.getFullTestURL(filename);
+ xComp = doLoad(file);
+ if (xComp != null)
+ {
+ file = m_TmpDir + filename;
+ doStore(xComp, file);
+ close(xComp);
+ xComp = doLoad(file);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ close(xComp);
+ }
+ }
+ private void doStore(XComponent xComp, String file) throws Exception
+ {
+ log.println("Storing test document...");
+ XStorable xStor = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XStorable.class, xComp);
+ xStor.storeToURL(file, new PropertyValue[0]);
+ log.println("...done");
+ }
+ public XComponent doLoad(String file) throws Exception
+ {
+ XComponent xComp = null;
+ log.println("Loading test document...");
+ PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[1];
+ loadProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
+ loadProps[0].Name = "Hidden";
+ loadProps[0].Value = new Boolean(true);
+ xComp = util.DesktopTools.loadDoc(m_xMSF, file, loadProps);
+// xComp = util.DesktopTools.getCLoader(m_xMSF).loadComponentFromURL(file, "_blank", 0, loadProps);
+ XTextDocument xTextDoc = (XTextDocument)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, xComp);
+ XText xText = xTextDoc.getText();
+ log.println("...done");
+ log.println("Checking meta(-field)s in loaded test document...");
+ TreeNode root = new TreeNode()
+ .appendChild( new RubyNode("ruby1")
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("1") ) )
+ .appendChild( new MetaNode(mkId_("id1"))
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("2") ) )
+ .appendChild( new MetaFieldNode(mkId_("id2"))
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("3") ) )
+ .appendChild( new RubyNode("ruby2")
+ .appendChild( new MetaNode(mkId_("id3"))
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("4") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new RubyNode("ruby3")
+ .appendChild( new MetaFieldNode(mkId_("id4"))
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("5") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new MetaNode(mkId_("id5"))
+ .appendChild( new RubyNode("ruby4")
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("6") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new MetaFieldNode(mkId_("id6"))
+ .appendChild( new RubyNode("ruby5")
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("7") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new MetaNode(mkId_("id7"))
+ .appendChild( new MetaNode(mkId_("id8"))
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("8") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new MetaNode(mkId_("id9"))
+ .appendChild( new MetaFieldNode(mkId_("id10"))
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("9") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new MetaFieldNode(mkId_("id11"))
+ .appendChild( new MetaNode(mkId_("id12"))
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("10") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new MetaFieldNode(mkId_("id13"))
+ .appendChild( new MetaFieldNode(mkId_("id14"))
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("11") ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new MetaNode(mkId_("id15"))
+ .appendChild( new RubyNode("ruby6")
+ .appendChild( new MetaFieldNode(mkId_("id16"))
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("12") ) ) ) )
+ .appendChild( new MetaNode(mkId_("")) {
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ return (other instanceof MetaNode);
+ } }
+ .appendChild( new TextNode("13") ) )
+ .appendChild( new TextNode(" X X ") );
+ doTest(xTextDoc, root, false);
+ log.println("...done");
+ return xComp;
+ }
+ static void close(XComponent i_comp)
+ {
+ try {
+ XCloseable xClos = (XCloseable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XCloseable.class, i_comp);
+ if (xClos != null) xClos.close(true);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ }
+ }
+ private void doTest(TreeNode intree) throws Exception
+ {
+ doTest(m_xDoc, intree, true);
+ }
+ private void doTest(TreeNode intree, boolean insert) throws Exception
+ {
+ doTest(m_xDoc, intree, insert);
+ }
+ private void doTest(XTextDocument xDoc, TreeNode intree,
+ boolean insert) throws Exception
+ {
+ dumpTree(intree, "I: ");
+ if (insert) {
+ new TreeInserter(xDoc).insertTree(intree);
+ }
+ XText xText = xDoc.getText();
+ XEnumerationAccess xTextEA = (XEnumerationAccess)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XEnumerationAccess.class, xText);
+ XEnumeration xTextEnum = xTextEA.createEnumeration();
+ // skip to right paragraph
+ xTextEnum.nextElement(); // skip first -- always empty!
+ Object xElement = xTextEnum.nextElement(); // second contains test case
+ XEnumerationAccess xEA = (XEnumerationAccess)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XEnumerationAccess.class, xElement);
+ XEnumeration xEnum = xEA.createEnumeration();
+ TreeNode outtree = new EnumConverter(this).convert(xEnum);
+ dumpTree(outtree, "O: ");
+ boolean success = new FuzzyTester(log).doTest(intree, outtree);
+ assure("test failed", success);
+ }
+ private void dumpTree(TreeNode tree) { dumpTree(tree, "> "); }
+ private void dumpTree(TreeNode tree, String prefix)
+ {
+ log.println(prefix + tree.toString());
+ TreeNodeEnum children = tree.createEnumeration();
+ while (children.hasNext()) {
+ TreeNode node =;
+ dumpTree(node, prefix + " ");
+ }
+ }
+ private String mkName(String prefix)
+ {
+ return prefix + String.valueOf(m_Count++);
+ }
+ private StringPair mkId(String prefix)
+ {
+ return new StringPair("content.xml", mkName(prefix));
+ }
+ private StringPair mkId_(String id)
+ {
+ return new StringPair("content.xml", id);
+ }
+ public void assure(String str, boolean cond) { super.assure(str, cond); }
diff --git a/sw/qa/complex/writer/ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..de5200d47142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# $RCSfile:,v $
+# $Revision: $
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+PRJ = ..$/..$/..
+TARGET = PropertyValues
+PACKAGE = complex$/writer
+# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
+#----- compile .java files -----------------------------------------
+JARFILES = mysql.jar sandbox.jar ridl.jar unoil.jar jurt.jar juh.jar java_uno.jar OOoRunner.jar
+JAVACLASSFILES = $(foreach,i,$(JAVAFILES) $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/$(i:b).class)
+#----- make a jar from compiled files ------------------------------
+# --- Parameters for the test --------------------------------------
+# start an office if the parameter is set for the makefile
+.IF "$(OFFICE)" == ""
+CT_APPEXECCOMMAND = -AppExecutionCommand "$(OFFICE)$/soffice -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;"
+# test base is java complex
+CT_TESTBASE = -TestBase java_complex
+# build package name with "." instead of $/
+CT_PACKAGE = -o $(PACKAGE:s\$/\.\)
+# start the runner application
+CT_APP = org.openoffice.Runner
+# --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------
+.IF "$(depend)" == ""
+run: \
+ CheckBookmarks \
+ CheckCrossReferences \
+ CheckIndexedPropertyValues \
+ CheckNamedPropertyValues \
+ CheckFlies \
+ TextPortionEnumerationTest \
+RUN: run
+ +java -cp $(CLASSPATH) $(CT_APP) $(CT_APPEXECCOMMAND) $(CT_TESTBASE) $(CT_PACKAGE).CheckIndexedPropertyValues
+ +java -cp $(CLASSPATH) $(CT_APP) $(CT_APPEXECCOMMAND) $(CT_TESTBASE) $(CT_PACKAGE).CheckNamedPropertyValues
+ +java -cp $(CLASSPATH) $(CT_APP) $(CT_APPEXECCOMMAND) $(CT_TESTBASE) -tdoc $(PWD)$/testdocuments $(CT_PACKAGE).CheckCrossReferences
+ +java -cp $(CLASSPATH) $(CT_APP) $(CT_APPEXECCOMMAND) $(CT_TESTBASE) -tdoc $(PWD)$/testdocuments $(CT_PACKAGE).CheckBookmarks
+ +java -cp $(CLASSPATH) $(CT_APP) $(CT_APPEXECCOMMAND) $(CT_TESTBASE) -tdoc $(PWD)$/testdocuments $(CT_PACKAGE).CheckFlies
+ +java -cp $(CLASSPATH) $(CT_APP) $(CT_APPEXECCOMMAND) $(CT_TESTBASE) -tdoc $(PWD)$/testdocuments $(CT_PACKAGE).TextPortionEnumerationTest
diff --git a/sw/qa/complex/writer/testdocuments/CheckCrossReferences.odt b/sw/qa/complex/writer/testdocuments/CheckCrossReferences.odt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d8102f0356f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/testdocuments/CheckCrossReferences.odt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sw/qa/complex/writer/testdocuments/CheckFlies.odt b/sw/qa/complex/writer/testdocuments/CheckFlies.odt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8f42989b3a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/testdocuments/CheckFlies.odt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sw/qa/complex/writer/testdocuments/TESTMETA.odt b/sw/qa/complex/writer/testdocuments/TESTMETA.odt
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..004af82e5ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/complex/writer/testdocuments/TESTMETA.odt
Binary files differ