path: root/svtools/source/filter.vcl/wmf/winmtf.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'svtools/source/filter.vcl/wmf/winmtf.cxx')
1 files changed, 1262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svtools/source/filter.vcl/wmf/winmtf.cxx b/svtools/source/filter.vcl/wmf/winmtf.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e00ff00c7c78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/filter.vcl/wmf/winmtf.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1262 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: winmtf.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:59:00 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "winmtf.hxx"
+#include <vcl/metaact.hxx>
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WinMtfFontStyle::WinMtfFontStyle( LOGFONTW& rFont )
+ Size aFontSize( Size( 0, rFont.lfHeight ) );
+ aFont.SetName( UniString( (char*)rFont.lfFaceName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
+ aFont.SetSize( aFontSize );
+ CharSet eCharSet;
+ switch ( rFont.lfCharSet )
+ {
+ eCharSet = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ eCharSet = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding();
+ break;
+ }
+ aFont.SetCharSet( eCharSet );
+ FontFamily eFamily;
+ switch ( rFont.lfPitchAndFamily & 0xf0 )
+ {
+ case FF_ROMAN:
+ eFamily = FAMILY_ROMAN;
+ break;
+ case FF_SWISS:
+ eFamily = FAMILY_SWISS;
+ break;
+ case FF_MODERN:
+ eFamily = FAMILY_MODERN;
+ break;
+ case FF_SCRIPT:
+ eFamily = FAMILY_SCRIPT;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ aFont.SetFamily( eFamily );
+ FontPitch ePitch;
+ switch ( rFont.lfPitchAndFamily & 0x0f )
+ {
+ ePitch = PITCH_FIXED;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ aFont.SetPitch( ePitch );
+ FontWeight eWeight;
+ if( rFont.lfWeight <= FW_THIN )
+ eWeight = WEIGHT_THIN;
+ else if( rFont.lfWeight <= FW_ULTRALIGHT )
+ else if( rFont.lfWeight <= FW_LIGHT )
+ eWeight = WEIGHT_LIGHT;
+ else if( rFont.lfWeight < FW_MEDIUM )
+ eWeight = WEIGHT_NORMAL;
+ else if( rFont.lfWeight == FW_MEDIUM )
+ eWeight = WEIGHT_MEDIUM;
+ else if( rFont.lfWeight <= FW_SEMIBOLD )
+ else if( rFont.lfWeight <= FW_BOLD )
+ eWeight = WEIGHT_BOLD;
+ else if( rFont.lfWeight <= FW_ULTRABOLD )
+ else
+ eWeight = WEIGHT_BLACK;
+ aFont.SetWeight( eWeight );
+ if( rFont.lfItalic )
+ aFont.SetItalic( ITALIC_NORMAL );
+ if( rFont.lfUnderline )
+ aFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_SINGLE );
+ if( rFont.lfStrikeOut )
+ aFont.SetStrikeout( STRIKEOUT_SINGLE );
+ if ( rFont.lfOrientation )
+ aFont.SetOrientation( (short)rFont.lfOrientation );
+ else
+ aFont.SetOrientation( (short)rFont.lfEscapement );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WinMtf::WinMtf( WinMtfOutput* pWinMtfOutput, SvStream& rStreamWMF, PFilterCallback pcallback, void * pcallerdata ) :
+ pOut ( pWinMtfOutput ),
+ pCallback ( pcallback ),
+ pCallerData ( pcallerdata ),
+ pWMF ( &rStreamWMF )
+ SvLockBytes *pLB = pWMF->GetLockBytes();
+ if ( pLB )
+ pLB->SetSynchronMode( TRUE );
+ nStartPos = pWMF->Tell();
+ pOut->SetDevOrg( Point() );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ delete pOut;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL WinMtf::Callback( USHORT nPercent )
+ if ( pCallback != NULL )
+ {
+ if( (*pCallback)( pCallerData, nPercent ) )
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Color WinMtf::ReadColor()
+ UINT32 nColor;
+ *pWMF >> nColor;
+ return Color( (BYTE)nColor, (BYTE)( nColor >> 8 ), (BYTE)( nColor >> 16 ) );
+WinMtfOutput::WinMtfOutput() :
+ mnActTextAlign ( TA_LEFT | TA_TOP | TA_NOUPDATECP ),
+ mnBkMode ( OPAQUE ),
+ maBkColor ( COL_WHITE ),
+ mbNopMode ( FALSE ),
+ mbFontChanged ( FALSE ),
+ maActPos ( Point() ),
+ meRasterOp ( ROP_OVERPAINT ),
+ mnEntrys ( 16 )
+ maFont.SetCharSet( gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ mpGDIObj = new GDIObj*[ mnEntrys ];
+ for ( UINT32 i = 0; i < mnEntrys; i++ )
+ {
+ mpGDIObj[ i ] = NULL;
+ }
+ while( maSaveStack.Count() )
+ delete maSaveStack.Pop();
+ for ( UINT32 i = 0; i < mnEntrys; i++ )
+ {
+ delete mpGDIObj[ i ];
+ }
+ delete mpGDIObj;
+Point WinMtfOutput::ImplMap( const Point& rPt )
+ if( mnWinExtX && mnWinExtY )
+ {
+ return Point( FRound( ( ( (double) rPt.X() - mnWinOrgX ) * mnDevWidth / mnWinExtX + mnDevOrgX ) * maXForm.eM11 ),
+ FRound( ( ( (double) rPt.Y() - mnWinOrgY ) * mnDevHeight / mnWinExtY + mnDevOrgY ) * maXForm.eM12 ) );
+ }
+ else
+ return Point();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Size WinMtfOutput::ImplMap( const Size& rSz )
+ if( mnWinExtX && mnWinExtY )
+ {
+ return Size( FRound( ( (double) rSz.Width() * mnDevWidth / mnWinExtX ) * maXForm.eM11 ),
+ FRound( ( (double) rSz.Height() * mnDevHeight / mnWinExtY ) * maXForm.eM12 ) );
+ }
+ else
+ return Size();
+Rectangle WinMtfOutput::ImplMap( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ return Rectangle( ImplMap( rRect.TopLeft() ), ImplMap( rRect.GetSize() ) );
+void WinMtfOutput::ImplMap( Font& rFont )
+ // !!! HACK: Wir setzen die Breite jetzt immer auf Null,
+ // da OS die Breite unterschiedlich interpretieren;
+ // muss spaeter in SV portabel gemacht werden ( KA 08.02.96 )
+ Size aFontSize = ImplMap ( rFont.GetSize() );
+ if( aFontSize.Height() < 0 )
+ aFontSize.Height() *= -1;
+ rFont.SetSize( Size( 0, aFontSize.Height() ) );
+ if( ( mnWinExtX * mnWinExtY ) < 0 )
+ rFont.SetOrientation( 3600 - rFont.GetOrientation() );
+Polygon& WinMtfOutput::ImplMap( Polygon& rPolygon )
+ UINT16 nPoints = rPolygon.GetSize();
+ for ( UINT16 i = 0; i < nPoints; i++ )
+ {
+ rPolygon[ i ] = ImplMap( rPolygon[ i ] );
+ }
+ return rPolygon;
+PolyPolygon& WinMtfOutput::ImplMap( PolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon )
+ UINT16 nPolys = rPolyPolygon.Count();
+ for ( UINT16 i = 0; i < nPolys; ImplMap( rPolyPolygon[ i++ ] ) );
+ return rPolyPolygon;
+void WinMtfOutput::SelectObject( INT32 nIndex )
+ GDIObj* pGDIObj = NULL;
+ if ( nIndex & ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT )
+ pGDIObj = new GDIObj();
+ else
+ {
+ nIndex &= 0xffff; // zur Sicherheit: mehr als 65535 nicht zulassen
+ if ( (UINT32)nIndex < mnEntrys )
+ pGDIObj = mpGDIObj[ nIndex ];
+ }
+ if( pGDIObj == NULL )
+ return;
+ if ( nIndex & ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT )
+ {
+ UINT16 nStockId = (BYTE)nIndex;
+ switch( nStockId )
+ {
+ case WHITE_BRUSH :
+ {
+ pGDIObj->Set( GDI_BRUSH, new WinMtfFillStyle( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ pGDIObj->Set( GDI_BRUSH, new WinMtfFillStyle( Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY ) ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ case GRAY_BRUSH :
+ {
+ pGDIObj->Set( GDI_BRUSH, new WinMtfFillStyle( Color( COL_GRAY ) ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ case BLACK_BRUSH :
+ {
+ pGDIObj->Set( GDI_BRUSH, new WinMtfFillStyle( Color( COL_BLACK ) ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ case NULL_BRUSH :
+ {
+ pGDIObj->Set( GDI_BRUSH, new WinMtfFillStyle( Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ), TRUE ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ case WHITE_PEN :
+ {
+ pGDIObj->Set( GDI_PEN, new WinMtfLineStyle( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ case BLACK_PEN :
+ {
+ pGDIObj->Set( GDI_PEN, new WinMtfLineStyle( Color( COL_BLACK ) ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ case NULL_PEN :
+ {
+ pGDIObj->Set( GDI_PEN, new WinMtfLineStyle( Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ), TRUE ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( pGDIObj->pStyle )
+ {
+ switch( pGDIObj->eType )
+ {
+ case GDI_PEN :
+ maLineStyle = (WinMtfLineStyle*)pGDIObj->pStyle;
+ break;
+ case GDI_BRUSH :
+ maFillStyle = (WinMtfFillStyle*)pGDIObj->pStyle;
+ break;
+ case GDI_FONT :
+ {
+ maFont = ((WinMtfFontStyle*)pGDIObj->pStyle)->aFont;
+ if ( ( mnActTextAlign & TA_BASELINE) == TA_BASELINE )
+ maFont.SetAlign( ALIGN_BASELINE );
+ else if( ( mnActTextAlign & TA_BOTTOM) == TA_BOTTOM )
+ maFont.SetAlign( ALIGN_BOTTOM );
+ else
+ maFont.SetAlign( ALIGN_TOP );
+ if( mnBkMode == TRANSPARENT )
+ maFont.SetTransparent( TRUE );
+ else
+ {
+ maFont.SetFillColor( maBkColor );
+ maFont.SetTransparent( FALSE );
+ }
+ maFont.SetColor( maTextColor );
+ mbFontChanged = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( nIndex & ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT )
+ delete pGDIObj;
+void WinMtfOutput::Push( BOOL bWinExtSet )
+ SaveStruct* pSave = new SaveStruct;
+ pSave->aActPos = maActPos;
+ pSave->nActTextAlign = mnActTextAlign;
+ pSave->nBkMode = mnBkMode;
+ pSave->aBkColor = maBkColor;
+ pSave->bWinExtSet = bWinExtSet;
+ pSave->aLineStyle = maLineStyle;
+ pSave->aFillStyle = maFillStyle;
+ pSave->aTextColor = maTextColor;
+ pSave->aFont = maFont;
+ pSave->bFontChanged = mbFontChanged;
+ if ( bWinExtSet )
+ {
+ pSave->nWinOrgX = mnWinOrgX;
+ pSave->nWinOrgY = mnWinOrgY;
+ pSave->nWinExtX = mnWinExtX;
+ pSave->nWinExtY = mnWinExtY;
+ pSave->nDevOrgX = mnDevOrgX;
+ pSave->nDevOrgY = mnDevOrgY;
+ pSave->nDevWidth = mnDevWidth;
+ pSave->nDevHeight = mnDevHeight;
+ }
+ maSaveStack.Push( pSave );
+void WinMtfOutput::Pop()
+ // Die aktuellen Daten vom Stack holen
+ if( maSaveStack.Count() )
+ {
+ // Die aktuelle Daten auf dem Stack sichern
+ SaveStruct* pSave = maSaveStack.Pop();
+ mnBkMode = pSave->nBkMode;
+ maBkColor = pSave->aBkColor;
+ maActPos = pSave->aActPos;
+ mnActTextAlign = pSave->nActTextAlign;
+ maLineStyle = pSave->aLineStyle;
+ maFillStyle = pSave->aFillStyle;
+ maTextColor = pSave->aTextColor;
+ maFont = pSave->aFont;
+ mbFontChanged = pSave->bFontChanged;
+ if ( pSave->bWinExtSet )
+ {
+ mnWinOrgX = pSave->nWinOrgX;
+ mnWinOrgY = pSave->nWinOrgY;
+ mnWinExtX = pSave->nWinExtX;
+ mnWinExtY = pSave->nWinExtY;
+ mnDevOrgX = pSave->nDevOrgX;
+ mnDevOrgY = pSave->nDevOrgY;
+ mnDevWidth = pSave->nDevWidth;
+ mnDevHeight = pSave->nDevHeight;
+ }
+ delete pSave;
+ }
+void WinMtfOutput::SetBkMode( UINT32 nMode )
+ maFont.SetTransparent( ( mnBkMode = nMode ) == TRANSPARENT );
+ mbFontChanged = TRUE;
+void WinMtfOutput::SetBkColor( const Color& rColor )
+ maBkColor = rColor;
+ maFont.SetFillColor( rColor );
+ maFont.SetTransparent( mnBkMode == TRANSPARENT );
+ mbFontChanged = TRUE;
+void WinMtfOutput::SetTextColor( const Color& rColor )
+ maTextColor = rColor;
+ maFont.SetColor( rColor );
+ mbFontChanged = TRUE;
+void WinMtfOutput::SetTextAlign( UINT32 nAlign )
+ mnActTextAlign = nAlign;
+ if ( ( mnActTextAlign & TA_BASELINE ) == TA_BASELINE )
+ maFont.SetAlign( ALIGN_BASELINE );
+ else if( ( mnActTextAlign & TA_BOTTOM ) == TA_BOTTOM )
+ maFont.SetAlign( ALIGN_BOTTOM );
+ else
+ maFont.SetAlign( ALIGN_TOP );
+ mbFontChanged = TRUE;
+UINT32 WinMtfOutput::SetRasterOp( UINT32 nROP2 )
+ UINT32 nRetROP = mnRop;
+ if ( nROP2 != mnRop )
+ {
+ mnRop = nROP2;
+ static WinMtfFillStyle aNopFillStyle;
+ static WinMtfLineStyle aNopLineStyle;
+ if ( mbNopMode && ( nROP2 != R2_NOP ) )
+ { // beim uebergang von R2_NOP auf anderen Modus
+ // gesetzten Pen und Brush aktivieren
+ maFillStyle = aNopFillStyle;
+ maLineStyle = aNopLineStyle;
+ mbNopMode = FALSE;
+ }
+ switch( nROP2 )
+ {
+ case R2_NOT:
+ meRasterOp = ROP_INVERT;
+ break;
+ case R2_XORPEN:
+ meRasterOp = ROP_XOR;
+ break;
+ case R2_NOP:
+ {
+ meRasterOp = ROP_OVERPAINT;
+ if( mbNopMode = FALSE )
+ {
+ aNopFillStyle = maFillStyle;
+ aNopLineStyle = maLineStyle;
+ maFillStyle = WinMtfFillStyle( Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ), TRUE );
+ maLineStyle = WinMtfLineStyle( Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ), TRUE );
+ mbNopMode = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ meRasterOp = ROP_OVERPAINT;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return nRetROP;
+void WinMtfOutput::ImplResizeObjectArry( UINT32 nNewEntrys )
+ GDIObj** pGDIObj = new GDIObj*[ mnEntrys << 1 ];
+ UINT32 nIndex;
+ for ( nIndex = 0; nIndex < mnEntrys; nIndex++ )
+ pGDIObj[ nIndex ] = mpGDIObj[ nIndex ];
+ for ( mnEntrys = nNewEntrys; nIndex < mnEntrys; pGDIObj[ nIndex++ ] = NULL );
+ delete mpGDIObj, mpGDIObj = pGDIObj;
+void WinMtfOutput::CreateObject( GDIObjectType eType, void* pStyle )
+ if ( pStyle )
+ {
+ if ( eType == GDI_FONT )
+ ImplMap( ((WinMtfFontStyle*)pStyle)->aFont );
+ else if ( eType == GDI_PEN )
+ {
+ Size aSize( ((WinMtfLineStyle*)pStyle)->aLineInfo.GetWidth(), 0 );
+ ((WinMtfLineStyle*)pStyle)->aLineInfo.SetWidth( ImplMap( aSize ).Width() );
+ if ( ((WinMtfLineStyle*)pStyle)->aLineInfo.GetStyle() == LINE_DASH )
+ {
+ aSize.Width() += 1;
+ long nDotLen = ImplMap( aSize ).Width();
+ ((WinMtfLineStyle*)pStyle)->aLineInfo.SetDistance( nDotLen );
+ ((WinMtfLineStyle*)pStyle)->aLineInfo.SetDotLen( nDotLen );
+ ((WinMtfLineStyle*)pStyle)->aLineInfo.SetDashLen( nDotLen * 4 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ UINT32 nIndex;
+ for ( nIndex = 0; nIndex < mnEntrys; nIndex++ )
+ {
+ if ( mpGDIObj[ nIndex ] == NULL )
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( nIndex == mnEntrys )
+ ImplResizeObjectArry( mnEntrys << 1 );
+ mpGDIObj[ nIndex ] = new GDIObj( eType, pStyle );
+void WinMtfOutput::CreateObject( INT32 nIndex, GDIObjectType eType, void* pStyle )
+ if ( ( nIndex & ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT ) == 0 )
+ {
+ nIndex &= 0xffff; // zur Sicherheit: mehr als 65535 nicht zulassen
+ if ( pStyle )
+ {
+ if ( eType == GDI_FONT )
+ ImplMap( ((WinMtfFontStyle*)pStyle)->aFont );
+ else if ( eType == GDI_PEN )
+ {
+ Size aSize( ((WinMtfLineStyle*)pStyle)->aLineInfo.GetWidth(), 0 );
+ ((WinMtfLineStyle*)pStyle)->aLineInfo.SetWidth( ImplMap( aSize ).Width() );
+ if ( ((WinMtfLineStyle*)pStyle)->aLineInfo.GetStyle() == LINE_DASH )
+ {
+ aSize.Width() += 1;
+ long nDotLen = ImplMap( aSize ).Width();
+ ((WinMtfLineStyle*)pStyle)->aLineInfo.SetDistance( nDotLen );
+ ((WinMtfLineStyle*)pStyle)->aLineInfo.SetDotLen( nDotLen );
+ ((WinMtfLineStyle*)pStyle)->aLineInfo.SetDashLen( nDotLen * 4 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (UINT32)nIndex >= mnEntrys )
+ ImplResizeObjectArry( nIndex + 16 );
+ if ( mpGDIObj[ nIndex ] != NULL )
+ delete mpGDIObj[ nIndex ];
+ mpGDIObj[ nIndex ] = new GDIObj( eType, pStyle );
+ }
+ else
+ delete pStyle;
+void WinMtfOutput::DeleteObject( INT32 nIndex )
+ if ( ( nIndex & ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT ) == 0 )
+ {
+ nIndex &= 0xffff; // zur Sicherheit: mehr als 65535 nicht zulassen
+ delete mpGDIObj[ nIndex ], mpGDIObj[ nIndex ] = NULL;
+ }
+void WinMtfOutput::DrawText( Point& rPosition, String& rText, INT32* pDXArry )
+ rPosition = ImplMap( rPosition );
+ if ( pDXArry )
+ {
+ INT32 i, nSum, nLen = rText.Len();
+ for( i = 0, nSum = 0; i < nLen; i++ )
+ {
+ INT32 nTemp = ImplMap( Size( pDXArry[ i ], 0 ) ).Width();
+ nSum += nTemp;
+ pDXArry[ i ] = nSum;
+ }
+ }
+WinMtfMetaOutput::WinMtfMetaOutput( GDIMetaFile& rGDIMetaFile ) : WinMtfOutput()
+ maLatestLineStyle.aLineColor = Color( 0x12, 0x34, 0x56 );
+ maLatestFillStyle.aFillColor = Color( 0x12, 0x34, 0x56 );
+ mpGDIMetaFile = &rGDIMetaFile;
+ mnPushPopCount = 0;
+ mnRop = R2_BLACK + 1;
+ SetRasterOp( R2_BLACK );
+ while( mnPushPopCount > 0 )
+ {
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPopAction() );
+ mnPushPopCount--;
+ }
+ mpGDIMetaFile->SetPrefMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->SetPrefSize( Size( mnDevWidth, mnDevHeight ) );
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::UpdateLineStyle()
+ if (!( maLatestLineStyle == maLineStyle ) )
+ {
+ maLatestLineStyle = maLineStyle;
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( maLineStyle.aLineColor, !maLineStyle.bTransparent ) );
+ }
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::UpdateFillStyle()
+ if (!( maLatestFillStyle == maFillStyle ) )
+ {
+ maLatestFillStyle = maFillStyle;
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaFillColorAction( maFillStyle.aFillColor, !maFillStyle.bTransparent ) );
+ }
+UINT32 WinMtfMetaOutput::SetRasterOp( UINT32 nRasterOp )
+ UINT32 nRetROP = WinMtfOutput::SetRasterOp( nRasterOp );
+ if ( nRetROP != nRasterOp )
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaRasterOpAction( meRasterOp ) );
+ return nRetROP;
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawPixel( const Point& rSource, const Color& rColor )
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPixelAction( ImplMap( rSource), rColor ) );
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::LineTo( const Point& rPoint )
+ Point aDest( ImplMap( rPoint ) );
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineAction( maActPos, aDest, maLineStyle.aLineInfo ) );
+ maActPos = aDest;
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawLine( const Point& rSource, const Point& rDest )
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineAction( ImplMap( rSource), ImplMap( rDest ), maLineStyle.aLineInfo ) );
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawRect( const Rectangle& rRect, BOOL bEdge )
+ UpdateFillStyle();
+ if ( bEdge )
+ {
+ if ( maLineStyle.aLineInfo.GetWidth() || ( maLineStyle.aLineInfo.GetStyle() == LINE_DASH ) )
+ {
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_LINECOLOR ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( maLineStyle.aLineColor, FALSE ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaRectAction( ImplMap( rRect ) ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( maLineStyle.aLineColor, !maLineStyle.bTransparent ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( Polygon( ImplMap( rRect ) ),maLineStyle.aLineInfo ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPopAction() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaRectAction( ImplMap( rRect ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_LINECOLOR ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( Color(), FALSE ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaRectAction( ImplMap( rRect ) ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPopAction() );
+ }
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawRoundRect( const Rectangle& rRect, const Size& rSize )
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ UpdateFillStyle();
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaRoundRectAction( ImplMap( rRect ), labs( ImplMap( rSize ).Width() ), labs( ImplMap( rSize ).Height() ) ) );
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawEllipse( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ UpdateFillStyle();
+ if ( maLineStyle.aLineInfo.GetWidth() || ( maLineStyle.aLineInfo.GetStyle() == LINE_DASH ) )
+ {
+ Point aCenter( ImplMap( rRect.Center() ) );
+ Size aRad( ImplMap( Size( rRect.GetWidth() / 2, rRect.GetHeight() / 2 ) ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_LINECOLOR ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( maLineStyle.aLineColor, FALSE ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaEllipseAction( ImplMap( rRect ) ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( maLineStyle.aLineColor, !maLineStyle.bTransparent ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( Polygon( aCenter, aRad.Width(), aRad.Height() ), maLineStyle.aLineInfo ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPopAction() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaEllipseAction( ImplMap( rRect ) ) );
+ }
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawArc( const Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd, BOOL bTo )
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ UpdateFillStyle();
+ Rectangle aRect( ImplMap( rRect ) );
+ Point aStart( ImplMap( rStart ) );
+ Point aEnd( ImplMap( rEnd ) );
+ if ( maLineStyle.aLineInfo.GetWidth() || ( maLineStyle.aLineInfo.GetStyle() == LINE_DASH ) )
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( Polygon( aRect, aStart, aEnd, POLY_ARC ), maLineStyle.aLineInfo ) );
+ else
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaArcAction( aRect, aStart, aEnd ) );
+ if ( bTo )
+ maActPos = aEnd;
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawPie( const Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd )
+ UpdateFillStyle();
+ Rectangle aRect( ImplMap( rRect ) );
+ Point aStart( ImplMap( rStart ) );
+ Point aEnd( ImplMap( rEnd ) );
+ if ( maLineStyle.aLineInfo.GetWidth() || ( maLineStyle.aLineInfo.GetStyle() == LINE_DASH ) )
+ {
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_LINECOLOR ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( maLineStyle.aLineColor, FALSE ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPieAction( aRect, aStart, aEnd ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( maLineStyle.aLineColor, !maLineStyle.bTransparent ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( Polygon( aRect, aStart, aEnd, POLY_PIE ), maLineStyle.aLineInfo ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPopAction() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPieAction( aRect, aStart, aEnd ) );
+ }
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawChord( const Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd )
+ UpdateFillStyle();
+ Rectangle aRect( ImplMap( rRect ) );
+ Point aStart( ImplMap( rStart ) );
+ Point aEnd( ImplMap( rEnd ) );
+ if ( maLineStyle.aLineInfo.GetWidth() || ( maLineStyle.aLineInfo.GetStyle() == LINE_DASH ) )
+ {
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_LINECOLOR ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( maLineStyle.aLineColor, FALSE ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaChordAction( aRect, aStart, aEnd ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( maLineStyle.aLineColor, !maLineStyle.bTransparent ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( Polygon( aRect, aStart, aEnd, POLY_CHORD ), maLineStyle.aLineInfo ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPopAction() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaChordAction( aRect, aStart, aEnd ) );
+ }
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawPolygon( Polygon& rPolygon )
+ UpdateFillStyle();
+ if ( maLineStyle.aLineInfo.GetWidth() || ( maLineStyle.aLineInfo.GetStyle() == LINE_DASH ) )
+ {
+ USHORT nCount = rPolygon.GetSize();
+ if ( nCount )
+ {
+ if ( rPolygon[ nCount - 1 ] != rPolygon[ 0 ] )
+ {
+ Point aPoint( rPolygon[ 0 ] );
+ rPolygon.Insert( nCount, aPoint );
+ }
+ }
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_LINECOLOR ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( maLineStyle.aLineColor, FALSE ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPolygonAction( ImplMap( rPolygon ) ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( maLineStyle.aLineColor, !maLineStyle.bTransparent ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( rPolygon, maLineStyle.aLineInfo ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPopAction() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPolygonAction( ImplMap( rPolygon ) ) );
+ }
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawPolyPolygon( PolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon )
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ UpdateFillStyle();
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPolyPolygonAction( ImplMap( rPolyPolygon ) ) );
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawPolyLine( Polygon& rPolygon, BOOL bTo )
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ ImplMap( rPolygon );
+ if ( bTo )
+ {
+ rPolygon[ 0 ] = maActPos;
+ maActPos = rPolygon[ rPolygon.GetSize() - 1 ];
+ }
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( rPolygon, maLineStyle.aLineInfo ) );
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawPolyBezier( Polygon& rPolygon, BOOL bTo )
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ UINT16 nPoints = rPolygon.GetSize();
+ if ( ( nPoints >= 4 ) && ( ( ( nPoints - 4 ) % 3 ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ ImplMap( rPolygon );
+ if ( bTo )
+ {
+ rPolygon[ 0 ] = maActPos;
+ maActPos = rPolygon[ nPoints - 1 ];
+ }
+ // create bezier polygon
+ const USHORT nSegPoints = 25;
+ const USHORT nSegments = ( ( nPoints - 4 ) / 3 ) + 1;
+ Polygon aBezPoly( nSegments * nSegPoints );
+ USHORT nSeg, nBezPos, nStartPos;
+ for( nSeg = 0, nBezPos = 0, nStartPos = 0; nSeg < nSegments; nSeg++, nStartPos += 3 )
+ {
+ const Polygon aSegPoly( rPolygon[ nStartPos ], rPolygon[ nStartPos + 1 ],
+ rPolygon[ nStartPos + 3 ], rPolygon[ nStartPos + 2 ],
+ nSegPoints );
+ for( USHORT nSegPos = 0; nSegPos < nSegPoints; )
+ aBezPoly[ nBezPos++ ] = aSegPoly[ nSegPos++ ];
+ }
+ if( nBezPos != aBezPoly.GetSize() )
+ aBezPoly.SetSize( nBezPos );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( aBezPoly, maLineStyle.aLineInfo ) );
+ }
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::DrawText( Point& rPosition, String& rText, INT32* pDXArry )
+ WinMtfOutput::DrawText( rPosition, rText, pDXArry );
+ if( mbFontChanged )
+ {
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaFontAction( maFont ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaTextAlignAction( maFont.GetAlign() ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaTextColorAction( maFont.GetColor() ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaTextFillColorAction( maFont.GetFillColor(), !maFont.IsTransparent() ) );
+ mbFontChanged = FALSE;
+ }
+ if( mnActTextAlign & ( TA_UPDATECP | TA_RIGHT_CENTER ) )
+ {
+ VirtualDevice aVDev;
+ sal_Int32 nTextWidth;
+ aVDev.SetMapMode( MapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ) );
+ aVDev.SetFont( maFont );
+ if( pDXArry )
+ {
+ UINT32 nLen = rText.Len();
+ nTextWidth = aVDev.GetTextWidth( rText.GetChar( nLen - 1 ) );
+ if( nLen > 1 )
+ nTextWidth += pDXArry[ nLen - 2 ];
+ }
+ else
+ nTextWidth = aVDev.GetTextWidth( rText );
+ if( mnActTextAlign & TA_UPDATECP )
+ rPosition = maActPos;
+ if( mnActTextAlign & TA_RIGHT_CENTER )
+ rPosition.X() -= ( ( mnActTextAlign & TA_RIGHT_CENTER ) == TA_RIGHT ) ? nTextWidth : ( nTextWidth >> 1 );
+ if( mnActTextAlign & TA_UPDATECP )
+ maActPos.X() = rPosition.X() + nTextWidth;
+ }
+ if( pDXArry )
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaTextArrayAction( rPosition, rText, pDXArry, 0, STRING_LEN ) );
+ else
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaTextAction( rPosition, rText, 0, STRING_LEN ) );
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::ResolveBitmapActions( List& rSaveList )
+ for( ULONG i = 0, nCount = rSaveList.Count(); i < nCount; i++ )
+ {
+ BSaveStruct* pSave1 = (BSaveStruct*) rSaveList.GetObject( i );
+ BOOL bDrawn = FALSE;
+ UpdateFillStyle();
+ if( i < ( nCount - 1 ) )
+ {
+ BSaveStruct* pSave2 = (BSaveStruct*) rSaveList.GetObject( i + 1 );
+ if( ( pSave1->aOutRect == pSave2->aOutRect ) &&
+ ( pSave1->nWinRop == SRCPAINT) && ( pSave2->nWinRop == SRCAND ) )
+ {
+ Bitmap aMask( pSave1->aBmp ); aMask.Invert();
+ BitmapEx aBmpEx( pSave2->aBmp, aMask );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaBmpExScaleAction( ImplMap( pSave1->aOutRect.TopLeft() ), ImplMap( pSave1->aOutRect.GetSize() ), aBmpEx ) );
+ bDrawn = TRUE;
+ i++;
+ delete pSave2;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !bDrawn )
+ {
+ UINT32 nNewROP, nOldROP;
+ switch( pSave1->nWinRop )
+ {
+ case DSTINVERT: nNewROP = R2_NOT; break;
+ case SRCINVERT: nNewROP = R2_XORPEN; break;
+ default: nNewROP = R2_BLACK; break;
+ }
+ nOldROP = SetRasterOp( nNewROP );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaBmpScaleAction( ImplMap( pSave1->aOutRect.TopLeft() ), ImplMap( pSave1->aOutRect.GetSize() ), pSave1->aBmp ) );
+ SetRasterOp( nOldROP );
+ }
+ delete pSave1;
+ }
+ rSaveList.Clear();
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::IntersectClipRect( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaISectRectClipRegionAction( ImplMap( rRect ) ) );
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::MoveClipRegion( const Size& rSize )
+ Size aSize( ImplMap( rSize ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaMoveClipRegionAction( aSize.Width(), aSize.Height() ) );
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::SetDevOrg( const Point& rPoint )
+ mnDevOrgX = rPoint.X();
+ mnDevOrgY = rPoint.Y();
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::SetDevOrgOffset( INT32 nXAdd, INT32 nYAdd )
+ mnDevOrgX += nXAdd;
+ mnDevOrgY += nYAdd;
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::SetDevExt( const Size& rSize )
+ mnDevWidth = rSize.Width();
+ mnDevHeight = rSize.Height();
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::ScaleDevExt( double fX, double fY )
+ mnDevWidth = FRound( mnDevWidth * fX );
+ mnDevHeight = FRound( mnDevHeight * fY );
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::SetWinOrg( const Point& rPoint )
+ mnWinOrgX = rPoint.X();
+ mnWinOrgY = rPoint.Y();
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::SetWinOrgOffset( INT32 nXAdd, INT32 nYAdd )
+ mnWinOrgX += nXAdd;
+ mnWinOrgY += nYAdd;
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::SetWinExt( const Size& rSize )
+ mnWinExtX = rSize.Width();
+ mnWinExtY = rSize.Height();
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::ScaleWinExt( double fX, double fY )
+ mnWinExtX = FRound( mnWinExtX * fX );
+ mnWinExtY = FRound( mnWinExtY * fY );
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::SetWorldTransform( const XForm& rXForm )
+ maXForm.eM11 = rXForm.eM11;
+ maXForm.eM12 = rXForm.eM12;
+ maXForm.eM21 = rXForm.eM21;
+ maXForm.eM22 = rXForm.eM22;
+ maXForm.eDx = rXForm.eDx;
+ maXForm.eDy = rXForm.eDy;
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::ModifyWorldTransform( const XForm& rXForm, UINT32 nMode )
+ switch( nMode )
+ {
+ {
+ maXForm.eM11 = maXForm.eM12 = maXForm.eM21 = maXForm.eM22 = 1.0f;
+ maXForm.eDx = maXForm.eDx = 0.0f;
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::Push( BOOL bExtSet )
+ WinMtfOutput::Push( bExtSet );
+ // bei SaveDC muessen wir die verzoegerte Selektion
+ // von Objekten umgehen, damit beim RestoreDC wieder
+ // die richtigen Objekte selektiert werden
+ UpdateLineStyle();
+ UpdateFillStyle();
+ if( mbFontChanged )
+ {
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaFontAction( maFont ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaTextAlignAction( maFont.GetAlign() ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaTextColorAction( maFont.GetColor() ) );
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaTextFillColorAction( maFont.GetFillColor(), !maFont.IsTransparent() ) );
+ mbFontChanged = FALSE;
+ }
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_ALL ) );
+ mnPushPopCount++;
+void WinMtfMetaOutput::Pop()
+ WinMtfOutput::Pop();
+ maLatestLineStyle = maLineStyle;
+ maLatestFillStyle = maFillStyle;
+ if( mnPushPopCount > 0 )
+ {
+ mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPopAction() );
+ mnPushPopCount--;
+ }