path: root/svtools/source/filter.vcl/jpeg/jpeg.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'svtools/source/filter.vcl/jpeg/jpeg.cxx')
1 files changed, 565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svtools/source/filter.vcl/jpeg/jpeg.cxx b/svtools/source/filter.vcl/jpeg/jpeg.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..36865f13210f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/filter.vcl/jpeg/jpeg.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: jpeg.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:59:00 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+extern "C"
+ #include "jpeg/jpeg.h"
+#include <vcl/config.hxx>
+#include <tools/new.hxx>
+#include <vcl/bmpacc.hxx>
+#include "jpeg.hxx"
+// -----------
+// - Defines -
+// -----------
+#define JPEGMINREAD 512
+// -------------
+// - (C-Calls) -
+// -------------
+extern "C" void* JPEGMalloc( size_t nSize )
+ return (void*) new BYTE[ nSize ];
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extern "C" void JPEGFree( void* pBuf )
+ delete[] (BYTE*) pBuf;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extern "C" long StreamRead( void* pIStm, void* pBuffer, long nBufferSize )
+ SvStream* pSvStm = (SvStream*) pIStm;
+ long nRead;
+ if( pSvStm->GetError() != ERRCODE_IO_PENDING )
+ {
+ long nActPos = pSvStm->Tell();
+ nRead = (long) pSvStm->Read( pBuffer, nBufferSize );
+ if( pSvStm->GetError() == ERRCODE_IO_PENDING )
+ {
+ nRead = 0;
+ // Damit wir wieder an die alte Position
+ // seeken koennen, setzen wir den Error temp.zurueck
+ pSvStm->ResetError();
+ pSvStm->Seek( nActPos );
+ pSvStm->SetError( ERRCODE_IO_PENDING );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nRead = 0;
+ return nRead;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extern "C" long StreamWrite( void* pOStm, void* pBuffer, long nBufferSize )
+ return (long) ( (SvStream*) pOStm )->Write( pBuffer, nBufferSize );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extern "C" void* CreateBitmap( void* pJPEGReader, long nWidth, long nHeight, long bGray,
+ long* pAlignedWidth, long* pTopDown )
+ return ( (JPEGReader*) pJPEGReader )->CreateBitmap( Size( nWidth, nHeight ), (BOOL) bGray,
+ *pAlignedWidth, *pTopDown );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extern "C" void* GetScanline( void* pJPEGWriter, long nY )
+ return ( (JPEGWriter*) pJPEGWriter )->GetScanline( nY );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extern "C" long JPEGCallback( void* pCallbackData, long nPercent )
+ MyCallbackHandler* pH = (MyCallbackHandler*) pCallbackData;
+ if ( pH->pCallback )
+ {
+ return (short) (pH->pCallback) ( pH->pCallerData,
+ (USHORT) (pH->nMinPercent+(pH->nMaxPercent-pH->nMinPercent) * nPercent / 100 ) );
+ }
+ return 0L;
+// --------------
+// - JPEGReader -
+// --------------
+JPEGReader::JPEGReader( SvStream& rStm, void* pCallData ) :
+ rIStm ( rStm ),
+ pAcc ( NULL ),
+ pAcc1 ( NULL ),
+ pBuffer ( NULL ),
+ nLastPos ( rStm.Tell() ),
+ nLastLines ( 0 )
+ maUpperName = String::CreateFromAscii( "SVIJPEG", 7 );
+ nFormerPos = nLastPos;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if( pBuffer )
+ SvMemFree( pBuffer );
+ if( pAcc )
+ aBmp.ReleaseAccess( pAcc );
+ if( pAcc1 )
+ aBmp1.ReleaseAccess( pAcc1 );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void* JPEGReader::CreateBitmap( const Size& rSize, BOOL bGray,
+ long& rAlignedWidth, long& rTopDown )
+ void* pBmpBuf = NULL;
+ if( pAcc )
+ aBmp.ReleaseAccess( pAcc );
+ if( bGray )
+ {
+ BitmapPalette aGrayPal( 256 );
+ for( USHORT n = 0; n < 256; n++ )
+ {
+ const BYTE cGray = (BYTE) n;
+ aGrayPal[ n ] = BitmapColor( cGray, cGray, cGray );
+ }
+ aBmp = Bitmap( rSize, 8, &aGrayPal );
+ }
+ else
+ aBmp = Bitmap( rSize, 24 );
+ pAcc = aBmp.AcquireWriteAccess();
+ if( pAcc )
+ {
+ const ULONG nFormat = pAcc->GetScanlineFormat();
+ if( ( bGray && ( BMP_FORMAT_8BIT_PAL == nFormat ) ) ||
+ ( !bGray && ( BMP_FORMAT_24BIT_TC_BGR == nFormat ) ) )
+ {
+ pBmpBuf = pAcc->GetBuffer();
+ rAlignedWidth = pAcc->GetScanlineSize();
+ rTopDown = pAcc->IsTopDown();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rAlignedWidth = AlignedWidth4Bytes( rSize.Width() * ( bGray ? 8 : 24 ) );
+ rTopDown = TRUE;
+ pBmpBuf = pBuffer = SvMemAlloc( rAlignedWidth * rSize.Height() );
+ }
+ }
+ return pBmpBuf;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void JPEGReader::FillBitmap()
+ if( pBuffer && pAcc )
+ {
+ HPBYTE pTmp;
+ BitmapColor aColor;
+ long nAlignedWidth;
+ long nWidth = pAcc->Width();
+ long nHeight = pAcc->Height();
+ if( pAcc->GetBitCount() == 8 )
+ {
+ BitmapColor* pCols = new BitmapColor[ 256 ];
+ for( USHORT n = 0; n < 256; n++ )
+ {
+ const BYTE cGray = (BYTE) n;
+ pCols[ n ] = pAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( BitmapColor( cGray, cGray, cGray ) );
+ }
+ nAlignedWidth = AlignedWidth4Bytes( pAcc->Width() * 8L );
+ for( long nY = 0L; nY < nHeight; nY++ )
+ {
+ pTmp = (BYTE*) pBuffer + nY * nAlignedWidth;
+ for( long nX = 0L; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
+ pAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, pCols[ *pTmp++ ] );
+ }
+ delete[] pCols;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nAlignedWidth = AlignedWidth4Bytes( pAcc->Width() * 24L );
+ for( long nY = 0L; nY < nHeight; nY++ )
+ {
+ pTmp = (BYTE*) pBuffer + nY * nAlignedWidth;
+ for( long nX = 0L; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
+ {
+ aColor.SetBlue( *pTmp++ );
+ aColor.SetGreen( *pTmp++ );
+ aColor.SetRed( *pTmp++ );
+ pAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aColor );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Graphic JPEGReader::CreateIntermediateGraphic( const Bitmap& rBitmap, long nLines )
+ Graphic aGraphic;
+ const Size aSizePix( rBitmap.GetSizePixel() );
+ if( !nLastLines )
+ {
+ if( pAcc1 )
+ aBmp1.ReleaseAccess( pAcc1 );
+ aBmp1 = Bitmap( rBitmap.GetSizePixel(), 1 );
+ aBmp1.Erase( Color( COL_WHITE ) );
+ pAcc1 = aBmp1.AcquireWriteAccess();
+ }
+ if( nLines && ( nLines < aSizePix.Height() ) )
+ {
+ if( pAcc1 )
+ {
+ const long nNewLines = nLines - nLastLines;
+ if( nNewLines )
+ {
+ pAcc1->SetFillColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ pAcc1->FillRect( Rectangle( Point( 0, nLastLines ),
+ Size( pAcc1->Width(), nNewLines ) ) );
+ }
+ aBmp1.ReleaseAccess( pAcc1 );
+ aGraphic = BitmapEx( rBitmap, aBmp1 );
+ pAcc1 = aBmp1.AcquireWriteAccess();
+ }
+ else
+ aGraphic = rBitmap;
+ }
+ else
+ aGraphic = rBitmap;
+ nLastLines = nLines;
+ return aGraphic;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ReadState JPEGReader::Read( Graphic& rGraphic )
+ long nEndPos;
+ long nLines;
+ ReadState eReadState;
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ BYTE cDummy;
+ // sehen, ob wir _alles_ lesen koennen
+ rIStm >> cDummy;
+ nEndPos = rIStm.Tell();
+ // falls wir nicht alles lesen koennen, gucken wir,
+ // ob min. JPEGMINREAD Bytes gelesen werden koennen
+ if( rIStm.GetError() == ERRCODE_IO_PENDING )
+ {
+ rIStm.ResetError();
+ if( ( nEndPos - nFormerPos ) < JPEGMINREAD )
+ {
+ rIStm.Seek( nLastPos );
+ }
+ }
+ // an Anfang springen
+ rIStm.Seek( nLastPos );
+ // (Teil-) Bild einlesen
+ ReadJPEG( this, &rIStm, &nLines );
+ if( pAcc )
+ {
+ if( pBuffer )
+ {
+ FillBitmap();
+ SvMemFree( pBuffer );
+ pBuffer = NULL;
+ }
+ aBmp.ReleaseAccess( pAcc );
+ pAcc = NULL;
+ if( rIStm.GetError() == ERRCODE_IO_PENDING )
+ rGraphic = CreateIntermediateGraphic( aBmp, nLines );
+ else
+ rGraphic = aBmp;
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( rIStm.GetError() == ERRCODE_IO_PENDING )
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ // Status setzen ( Pending hat immer Vorrang )
+ if( rIStm.GetError() == ERRCODE_IO_PENDING )
+ {
+ rIStm.ResetError();
+ nFormerPos = rIStm.Tell();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( bRet )
+ eReadState = JPEGREAD_OK;
+ else
+ eReadState = JPEGREAD_ERROR;
+ }
+ return eReadState;
+// --------------
+// - JPEGWriter -
+// --------------
+JPEGWriter::JPEGWriter( SvStream& rStm, PFilterCallback pClb, void* pData, Config* pCfg ) :
+ rOStm ( rStm ),
+ pAcc ( NULL ),
+ pBuffer ( NULL ),
+ pCallback ( pClb ),
+ pCallerData ( pData ),
+ pConfig ( pCfg )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void* JPEGWriter::GetScanline( long nY )
+ void* pScanline = NULL;
+ if( pAcc )
+ {
+ if( bNative )
+ pScanline = pAcc->GetScanline( nY );
+ else if( pBuffer )
+ {
+ BitmapColor aColor;
+ long nWidth = pAcc->Width();
+ BYTE* pTmp = pBuffer;
+ if( pAcc->HasPalette() )
+ {
+ for( long nX = 0L; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
+ {
+ aColor = pAcc->GetPaletteColor( (BYTE) pAcc->GetPixel( nY, nX ) );
+ *pTmp++ = aColor.GetBlue();
+ *pTmp++ = aColor.GetGreen();
+ *pTmp++ = aColor.GetRed();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for( long nX = 0L; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
+ {
+ aColor = pAcc->GetPixel( nY, nX );
+ *pTmp++ = aColor.GetBlue();
+ *pTmp++ = aColor.GetGreen();
+ *pTmp++ = aColor.GetRed();
+ }
+ }
+ pScanline = pBuffer;
+ }
+ }
+ return pScanline;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL JPEGWriter::Write( const Graphic& rGraphic )
+ BOOL bRet;
+ aBmp = rGraphic.GetBitmap();
+ pAcc = aBmp.AcquireReadAccess();
+ if( pAcc )
+ {
+// MyCallbackHandler aCbH;
+// aCbH.pCallback = pCallback;
+// aCbH.pCallerData = pCallerData;
+// aCbH.nMinPercent = 0;
+// aCbH.nMaxPercent = 99;
+ long nQuality = 75;
+ if( pConfig )
+ nQuality = Min( pConfig->ReadKey( "JPG-EXPORT-QUALITY", ByteString::CreateFromInt32(nQuality) ).ToInt32(), (INT32)100 );
+ bNative = ( pAcc->GetScanlineFormat() == BMP_FORMAT_24BIT_TC_BGR );
+ if( !bNative )
+ pBuffer = new BYTE[ AlignedWidth4Bytes( pAcc->Width() * 24L ) ];
+ bRet = (BOOL) WriteJPEG( this, &rOStm, pAcc->Width(), pAcc->Height(), nQuality, NULL );
+// bRet = (BOOL) WriteJPEG( this, &rOStm, pAcc->Width(), pAcc->Height(), nQuality, &aCbH );
+ delete[] pBuffer;
+ pBuffer = NULL;
+ aBmp.ReleaseAccess( pAcc );
+ pAcc = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ return bRet;
+// --------------
+// - ImportJPEG -
+// --------------
+BOOL ImportJPEG( SvStream& rStm, Graphic& rGraphic, void* pCallerData )
+ JPEGReader* pJPEGReader = (JPEGReader*) rGraphic.GetContext();
+ ReadState eReadState;
+ BOOL bRet = TRUE;
+ if( !pJPEGReader )
+ pJPEGReader = new JPEGReader( rStm, pCallerData );
+ rGraphic.SetContext( NULL );
+ eReadState = pJPEGReader->Read( rGraphic );
+ if( eReadState == JPEGREAD_ERROR )
+ {
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ delete pJPEGReader;
+ }
+ else if( eReadState == JPEGREAD_OK )
+ delete pJPEGReader;
+ else
+ rGraphic.SetContext( pJPEGReader );
+ const GraphicType eType = rGraphic.GetType();
+ if( eType != GRAPHIC_BITMAP )
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+ return bRet;
+// --------------
+// - ExportJPEG -
+// --------------
+BOOL ExportJPEG( SvStream& rOStm, const Graphic& rGraphic,
+ PFilterCallback pCallback, void* pCallerData, Config* pOptionsConfig )
+ JPEGWriter aJPEGWriter( rOStm, pCallback, pCallerData, pOptionsConfig );
+ return aJPEGWriter.Write( rGraphic );