path: root/svtools/source/edit/svmedit.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'svtools/source/edit/svmedit.cxx')
1 files changed, 1396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svtools/source/edit/svmedit.cxx b/svtools/source/edit/svmedit.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..29d293e734c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/edit/svmedit.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1396 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: svmedit.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:58 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <vcl/rc.h>
+#include <vcl/decoview.hxx>
+#include <svmedit.hxx>
+#include <xtextedt.hxx>
+#include <brdcst.hxx>
+#include <lstner.hxx>
+#ifndef _UNDO_HXX
+#include <undo.hxx>
+// IDs erstmal aus VCL geklaut, muss mal richtig delivert werden...
+#define SV_MENU_EDIT_UNDO 1
+#define SV_MENU_EDIT_CUT 2
+#define SV_MENU_EDIT_COPY 3
+#ifndef _SV_SCRBAR_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/scrbar.hxx>
+class TextWindow : public Window
+ ExtTextEngine* mpExtTextEngine;
+ ExtTextView* mpExtTextView;
+ BOOL mbInMBDown;
+ BOOL mbFocusSelectionHide;
+ BOOL mbIgnoreTab;
+ BOOL mbActivePopup;
+ TextWindow( Window* pParent );
+ ~TextWindow();
+ ExtTextEngine* GetTextEngine() const { return mpExtTextEngine; }
+ ExtTextView* GetTextView() const { return mpExtTextView; }
+ virtual void MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt );
+ virtual void MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt );
+ virtual void MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt );
+ virtual void KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvent );
+ virtual BOOL QueryDrop( DropEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual BOOL Drop( const DropEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual void Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt );
+ virtual void Paint( const Rectangle& rRect );
+ virtual void Resize();
+ virtual void GetFocus();
+ virtual void LoseFocus();
+ BOOL IsAutoFocusHide() const { return mbFocusSelectionHide; }
+ void SetAutoFocusHide( BOOL bAutoHide ) { mbFocusSelectionHide = bAutoHide; }
+ BOOL IsIgnoreTab() const { return mbIgnoreTab; }
+ void SetIgnoreTab( BOOL bIgnore ) { mbIgnoreTab = bIgnore; }
+class ImpSvMEdit : public SfxListener
+ MultiLineEdit* pSvMultiLineEdit;
+ TextWindow* mpTextWindow;
+ ScrollBar* mpHScrollBar;
+ ScrollBar* mpVScrollBar;
+ ScrollBarBox* mpScrollBox;
+ Point maTextWindowOffset;
+ ULONG mnTextWidth;
+ virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint );
+ void ImpInitScrollBars();
+ void ImpSetScrollBarRanges();
+ DECL_LINK( ScrollHdl, ScrollBar* );
+ ImpSvMEdit( MultiLineEdit* pSvMultiLineEdit, WinBits nWinStyle );
+ ~ImpSvMEdit();
+ void SetModified( BOOL bMod );
+ BOOL IsModified() const;
+ void SetReadOnly( BOOL bRdOnly );
+ BOOL IsReadOnly() const;
+ void SetMaxTextLen( ULONG nLen );
+ ULONG GetMaxTextLen() const;
+ void SetInsertMode( BOOL bInsert );
+ BOOL IsInsertMode() const;
+ void InsertText( const String& rStr );
+ String GetSelected() const;
+ void SetSelection( const Selection& rSelection );
+ Selection GetSelection() const;
+ void Cut();
+ void Copy();
+ void Paste();
+ void SetText( const String& rStr );
+ String GetText() const;
+ String GetTextLines() const;
+ void Resize();
+ void GetFocus();
+ BOOL HandleCommand( const CommandEvent& rCEvt );
+ void Enable( BOOL bEnable );
+ Size CalcMinimumSize() const;
+ Size CalcSize( USHORT nColumns, USHORT nLines ) const;
+ void GetMaxVisColumnsAndLines( USHORT& rnCols, USHORT& rnLines ) const;
+ void SetAlign( WinBits nWinStyle );
+ TextWindow* GetTextWindow() { return mpTextWindow; }
+ ScrollBar* GetHScrollBar() { return mpHScrollBar; }
+ ScrollBar* GetVScrollBar() { return mpVScrollBar; }
+ void SetTextWindowOffset( const Point& rOffset );
+ImpSvMEdit::ImpSvMEdit( MultiLineEdit* pEdt, WinBits nWinStyle )
+ pSvMultiLineEdit = pEdt;
+ mnTextWidth = 0;
+ mpTextWindow = new TextWindow( pEdt );
+ mpHScrollBar = ( nWinStyle & WB_HSCROLL ) ? new ScrollBar( pEdt, WB_HSCROLL|WB_DRAG ) : NULL;
+ mpVScrollBar = ( nWinStyle & WB_VSCROLL ) ? new ScrollBar( pEdt, WB_VSCROLL|WB_DRAG ) : NULL;
+ mpScrollBox = ( mpVScrollBar && mpHScrollBar ) ? new ScrollBarBox( pEdt, WB_SIZEABLE ) : NULL;
+ SetAlign( nWinStyle );
+ StartListening( *mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine() );
+ if ( nWinStyle & WB_NOHIDESELECTION )
+ mpTextWindow->SetAutoFocusHide( FALSE );
+ else
+ mpTextWindow->SetAutoFocusHide( TRUE );
+ if ( nWinStyle & WB_READONLY )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->SetReadOnly( TRUE );
+ if ( nWinStyle & WB_IGNORETAB )
+ mpTextWindow->SetIgnoreTab( TRUE );
+ mpTextWindow->Show();
+ if ( mpHScrollBar )
+ {
+ mpHScrollBar->Show();
+ mpHScrollBar->SetScrollHdl( LINK( this, ImpSvMEdit, ScrollHdl ) );
+ }
+ if ( mpVScrollBar )
+ {
+ mpVScrollBar->Show();
+ mpVScrollBar->SetScrollHdl( LINK( this, ImpSvMEdit, ScrollHdl ) );
+ }
+ if ( mpScrollBox )
+ mpScrollBox->Show();
+ ImpInitScrollBars();
+ EndListening( *mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine() );
+ delete mpTextWindow;
+ delete mpHScrollBar;
+ delete mpVScrollBar;
+ delete mpScrollBox;
+void ImpSvMEdit::ImpSetScrollBarRanges()
+ if ( mpVScrollBar )
+ {
+ ULONG nTextHeight = mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->GetTextHeight();
+ mpVScrollBar->SetRange( Range( 0, (long)nTextHeight ) );
+ }
+ if ( mpHScrollBar )
+ {
+// ULONG nTextWidth = mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->CalcTextWidth();
+ // Es gibt kein Notify bei Breiten-Aenderung...
+// ULONG nW = Max( (ULONG)mpTextWindow->GetOutputSizePixel().Width()*5, (ULONG)nTextWidth );
+// mpHScrollBar->SetRange( Range( 0, (long)nW ) );
+ mpHScrollBar->SetRange( Range( 0, (long)mnTextWidth ) );
+ }
+void ImpSvMEdit::ImpInitScrollBars()
+ static const sal_Unicode sampleText[] = { 'x', '\0' };
+ if ( mpHScrollBar || mpVScrollBar )
+ {
+ ImpSetScrollBarRanges();
+ Size aCharBox;
+ aCharBox.Width() = mpTextWindow->GetTextWidth( sampleText );
+ aCharBox.Height() = mpTextWindow->GetTextHeight();
+ Size aOutSz = mpTextWindow->GetOutputSizePixel();
+ if ( mpHScrollBar )
+ {
+ mpHScrollBar->SetVisibleSize( aOutSz.Width() );
+ mpHScrollBar->SetPageSize( aOutSz.Width() * 8 / 10 );
+ mpHScrollBar->SetLineSize( aCharBox.Width()*10 );
+ mpHScrollBar->SetThumbPos( mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->GetStartDocPos().X() );
+ }
+ if ( mpVScrollBar )
+ {
+ mpVScrollBar->SetVisibleSize( aOutSz.Height() );
+ mpVScrollBar->SetPageSize( aOutSz.Height() * 8 / 10 );
+ mpVScrollBar->SetLineSize( aCharBox.Height() );
+ mpVScrollBar->SetThumbPos( mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->GetStartDocPos().Y() );
+ }
+ }
+IMPL_LINK( ImpSvMEdit, ScrollHdl, ScrollBar*, pCurScrollBar )
+ long nDiffX = 0, nDiffY = 0;
+ if ( pCurScrollBar == mpVScrollBar )
+ nDiffY = mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->GetStartDocPos().Y() - pCurScrollBar->GetThumbPos();
+ else if ( pCurScrollBar == mpHScrollBar )
+ nDiffX = mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->GetStartDocPos().X() - pCurScrollBar->GetThumbPos();
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->Scroll( nDiffX, nDiffY );
+ // mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->ShowCursor( FALSE, TRUE );
+ return 0;
+// void ImpSvMEdit::ImpModified()
+// {
+// // Wann wird das gerufen ?????????????????????
+// pSvMultiLineEdit->Modify();
+// }
+void ImpSvMEdit::SetAlign( WinBits nWinStyle )
+ if ( nWinStyle & WB_CENTER )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->SetTextAlign( TXTALIGN_CENTER );
+ else if ( nWinStyle & WB_RIGHT )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->SetTextAlign( TXTALIGN_RIGHT );
+ else
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->SetTextAlign( TXTALIGN_LEFT );
+void ImpSvMEdit::SetTextWindowOffset( const Point& rOffset )
+ maTextWindowOffset = rOffset;
+ Resize();
+void ImpSvMEdit::SetModified( BOOL bMod )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->SetModified( bMod );
+BOOL ImpSvMEdit::IsModified() const
+ return mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->IsModified();
+void ImpSvMEdit::SetInsertMode( BOOL bInsert )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->SetInsertMode( bInsert );
+void ImpSvMEdit::SetReadOnly( BOOL bRdOnly )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->SetReadOnly( bRdOnly );
+ // Farbe anpassen ???????????????????????????
+BOOL ImpSvMEdit::IsReadOnly() const
+ return mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->IsReadOnly();
+void ImpSvMEdit::SetMaxTextLen( ULONG nLen )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->SetMaxTextLen( nLen );
+ULONG ImpSvMEdit::GetMaxTextLen() const
+ return mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->GetMaxTextLen();
+void ImpSvMEdit::InsertText( const String& rStr )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->InsertText( rStr );
+String ImpSvMEdit::GetSelected() const
+ return mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->GetSelected();
+void ImpSvMEdit::Resize()
+ Size aSz = pSvMultiLineEdit->GetOutputSizePixel();
+ long nSBWidth = pSvMultiLineEdit->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize();
+ nSBWidth = pSvMultiLineEdit->CalcZoom( nSBWidth );
+ if ( mpHScrollBar )
+ aSz.Height() -= nSBWidth;
+ if ( mpVScrollBar )
+ aSz.Width() -= nSBWidth;
+ Size aTextWindowSz( aSz );
+ aTextWindowSz.Width() -= maTextWindowOffset.X();
+ aTextWindowSz.Height() -= maTextWindowOffset.Y();
+ mpTextWindow->SetPosSizePixel( maTextWindowOffset, aTextWindowSz );
+ if ( !mpHScrollBar )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->SetMaxTextWidth( aSz.Width() );
+ if ( mpHScrollBar )
+ mpHScrollBar->SetPosSizePixel( 0, aSz.Height(), aSz.Width(), nSBWidth );
+ if ( mpVScrollBar )
+ mpVScrollBar->SetPosSizePixel( aSz.Width(), 0, nSBWidth, aSz.Height() );
+ if ( mpScrollBox )
+ mpScrollBox->SetPosSizePixel( aSz.Width(), aSz.Height(), nSBWidth, nSBWidth );
+ ImpInitScrollBars();
+void ImpSvMEdit::GetFocus()
+ mpTextWindow->GrabFocus();
+void ImpSvMEdit::Cut()
+ if ( !mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->IsReadOnly() )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->Cut();
+void ImpSvMEdit::Copy()
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->Copy();
+void ImpSvMEdit::Paste()
+ if ( !mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->IsReadOnly() )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->Paste();
+void ImpSvMEdit::SetText( const String& rStr )
+ BOOL bWasModified = mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->IsModified();
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->SetText( rStr );
+ if ( !bWasModified )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->SetModified( FALSE );
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->SetSelection( TextSelection() );
+String ImpSvMEdit::GetText() const
+ return mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->GetText();
+String ImpSvMEdit::GetTextLines() const
+ return mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->GetTextLines();
+void ImpSvMEdit::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint )
+ if ( rHint.ISA( TextHint ) )
+ {
+ const TextHint& rTextHint = (const TextHint&)rHint;
+ if( rTextHint.GetId() == TEXT_HINT_VIEWSCROLLED )
+ {
+ if ( mpHScrollBar )
+ mpHScrollBar->SetThumbPos( mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->GetStartDocPos().X() );
+ if ( mpVScrollBar )
+ mpVScrollBar->SetThumbPos( mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->GetStartDocPos().Y() );
+ }
+ else if( rTextHint.GetId() == TEXT_HINT_TEXTHEIGHTCHANGED )
+ {
+ if ( mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->GetStartDocPos().Y() )
+ {
+ long nOutHeight = mpTextWindow->GetOutputSizePixel().Height();
+ long nTextHeight = mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->GetTextHeight();
+ if ( nTextHeight < nOutHeight )
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->Scroll( 0, mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->GetStartDocPos().Y() );
+ }
+ ImpSetScrollBarRanges();
+ }
+ else if( rTextHint.GetId() == TEXT_HINT_TEXTFORMATTED )
+ {
+ if ( mpHScrollBar )
+ {
+ ULONG nWidth = mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->CalcTextWidth();
+ if ( nWidth != mnTextWidth )
+ {
+ mnTextWidth = nWidth;
+ mpHScrollBar->SetRange( Range( 0, (long)mnTextWidth ) );
+ mpHScrollBar->SetThumbPos( mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->GetStartDocPos().X() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( rTextHint.GetId() == TEXT_HINT_MODIFIED )
+ {
+ pSvMultiLineEdit->Modify();
+ }
+ }
+void ImpSvMEdit::SetSelection( const Selection& rSelection )
+ String aText = mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->GetText();
+ Selection aNewSelection( rSelection );
+ if ( aNewSelection.Min() < 0 )
+ aNewSelection.Min() = 0;
+ else if ( aNewSelection.Min() > aText.Len() )
+ aNewSelection.Min() = aText.Len();
+ if ( aNewSelection.Max() < 0 )
+ aNewSelection.Max() = 0;
+ else if ( aNewSelection.Max() > aText.Len() )
+ aNewSelection.Max() = aText.Len();
+ long nEnd = Max( aNewSelection.Min(), aNewSelection.Max() );
+ TextSelection aTextSel;
+ ULONG nPara = 0;
+ USHORT nChar = 0;
+ USHORT x = 0;
+ while ( x <= nEnd )
+ {
+ if ( x == aNewSelection.Min() )
+ aTextSel.GetStart() = TextPaM( nPara, nChar );
+ if ( x == aNewSelection.Max() )
+ aTextSel.GetEnd() = TextPaM( nPara, nChar );
+ if ( ( x < aText.Len() ) && ( aText.GetChar( x ) == '\n' ) )
+ {
+ nPara++;
+ nChar = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ nChar++;
+ x++;
+ }
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->SetSelection( aTextSel );
+Selection ImpSvMEdit::GetSelection() const
+ Selection aSel;
+ TextSelection aTextSel( mpTextWindow->GetTextView()->GetSelection() );
+ aTextSel.Justify();
+ // Selektion flachklopfen => jeder Umbruch ein Zeichen...
+ ExtTextEngine* pExtTextEngine = mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine();
+ // Absaetze davor:
+ ULONG n;
+ for ( n = 0; n < aTextSel.GetStart().GetPara(); n++ )
+ {
+ aSel.Min() += pExtTextEngine->GetTextLen( n );
+ aSel.Min()++;
+ }
+ // Erster Absatz mit Selektion:
+ aSel.Max() = aSel.Min();
+ aSel.Min() += aTextSel.GetStart().GetIndex();
+ for ( n = aTextSel.GetStart().GetPara(); n < aTextSel.GetEnd().GetPara(); n++ )
+ {
+ aSel.Max() += pExtTextEngine->GetTextLen( n );
+ aSel.Max()++;
+ }
+ aSel.Max() += aTextSel.GetEnd().GetIndex();
+ return aSel;
+Size ImpSvMEdit::CalcMinimumSize() const
+ Size aSz( mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->CalcTextWidth(),
+ mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->GetTextHeight() );
+ if ( mpHScrollBar )
+ aSz.Height() += mpHScrollBar->GetSizePixel().Height();
+ if ( mpVScrollBar )
+ aSz.Width() += mpVScrollBar->GetSizePixel().Width();
+ return aSz;
+Size ImpSvMEdit::CalcSize( USHORT nColumns, USHORT nLines ) const
+ static const sal_Unicode sampleText[] = { 'X', '\0' };
+ Size aSz;
+ Size aCharSz;
+ aCharSz.Width() = mpTextWindow->GetTextWidth( sampleText );
+ aCharSz.Height() = mpTextWindow->GetTextHeight();
+ if ( nLines )
+ aSz.Height() = nLines*aCharSz.Height();
+ else
+ aSz.Height() = mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->GetTextHeight();
+ if ( nColumns )
+ aSz.Width() = nColumns*aCharSz.Width();
+ else
+ aSz.Width() = mpTextWindow->GetTextEngine()->CalcTextWidth();
+ if ( mpHScrollBar )
+ aSz.Height() += mpHScrollBar->GetSizePixel().Height();
+ if ( mpVScrollBar )
+ aSz.Width() += mpVScrollBar->GetSizePixel().Width();
+ return aSz;
+void ImpSvMEdit::GetMaxVisColumnsAndLines( USHORT& rnCols, USHORT& rnLines ) const
+ static const sal_Unicode sampleText[] = { 'x', '\0' };
+ Size aOutSz = mpTextWindow->GetOutputSizePixel();
+ Size aCharSz( mpTextWindow->GetTextWidth( sampleText ), mpTextWindow->GetTextHeight() );
+ rnCols = (USHORT) (aOutSz.Width()/aCharSz.Width());
+ rnLines = (USHORT) (aOutSz.Height()/aCharSz.Height());
+void ImpSvMEdit::Enable( BOOL bEnable )
+ mpTextWindow->Enable( bEnable );
+ if ( mpHScrollBar )
+ mpHScrollBar->Enable( bEnable );
+ if ( mpVScrollBar )
+ mpVScrollBar->Enable( bEnable );
+BOOL ImpSvMEdit::HandleCommand( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+ BOOL bDone = FALSE;
+ if ( ( rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_WHEEL ) ||
+ ( rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_STARTAUTOSCROLL ) ||
+ ( rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_AUTOSCROLL ) )
+ {
+ mpTextWindow->HandleScrollCommand( rCEvt, mpHScrollBar, mpVScrollBar );
+ bDone = TRUE;
+ }
+ return bDone;
+TextWindow::TextWindow( Window* pParent ) : Window( pParent )
+ mbInMBDown = FALSE;
+ mbFocusSelectionHide = FALSE;
+ mbIgnoreTab = FALSE;
+ mbActivePopup = FALSE;
+ SetPointer( Pointer( POINTER_TEXT ) );
+ mpExtTextEngine = new ExtTextEngine;
+ mpExtTextEngine->SetMaxTextLen( STRING_MAXLEN );
+ mpExtTextView = new ExtTextView( mpExtTextEngine, this );
+ mpExtTextEngine->InsertView( mpExtTextView );
+ mpExtTextEngine->EnableUndo( TRUE );
+ mpExtTextView->ShowCursor();
+ Color aBackgroundColor = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWorkspaceColor();
+ SetBackground( aBackgroundColor );
+ pParent->SetBackground( aBackgroundColor );
+ EnableDrop( TRUE );
+ delete mpExtTextView;
+ delete mpExtTextEngine;
+void TextWindow::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ mpExtTextView->MouseMove( rMEvt );
+ Window::MouseMove( rMEvt );
+void TextWindow::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ mbInMBDown = TRUE; // Dann im GetFocus nicht alles selektieren wird
+ mpExtTextView->MouseButtonDown( rMEvt );
+ Window::MouseButtonDown( rMEvt );
+ GrabFocus();
+ mbInMBDown = FALSE;
+void TextWindow::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ mpExtTextView->MouseButtonUp( rMEvt );
+ Window::MouseButtonUp( rMEvt );
+void TextWindow::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvent )
+ BOOL bDone = FALSE;
+ USHORT nCode = rKEvent.GetKeyCode().GetCode();
+ if ( (nCode == KEY_A) && rKEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() )
+ {
+ mpExtTextView->SetSelection( TextSelection( TextPaM( 0, 0 ), TextPaM( 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF ) ) );
+ bDone = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if ( (nCode == KEY_S) && rKEvent.GetKeyCode().IsShift() && rKEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() )
+ {
+ if ( Edit::GetGetSpecialCharsFunction() )
+ {
+ // Damit die Selektion erhalten bleibt
+ mbActivePopup = TRUE;
+ XubString aChars = Edit::GetGetSpecialCharsFunction()( this, GetFont() );
+ if ( aChars.Len() )
+ {
+ mpExtTextView->InsertText( aChars );
+ mpExtTextView->GetTextEngine()->SetModified( TRUE );
+ }
+ mbActivePopup = FALSE;
+ bDone = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( nCode == KEY_TAB )
+ {
+ if ( !mbIgnoreTab || rKEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() )
+ bDone = mpExtTextView->KeyInput( rKEvent );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bDone = mpExtTextView->KeyInput( rKEvent );
+ }
+ if ( !bDone )
+ Window::KeyInput( rKEvent );
+void TextWindow::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ mpExtTextView->Paint( rRect );
+void TextWindow::Resize()
+void TextWindow::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+ if ( rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU )
+ {
+ PopupMenu* pPopup = Edit::CreatePopupMenu();
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ if ( rStyleSettings.GetOptions() & STYLE_OPTION_HIDEDISABLED )
+ if ( !mpExtTextView->HasSelection() )
+ {
+ pPopup->EnableItem( SV_MENU_EDIT_CUT, FALSE );
+ pPopup->EnableItem( SV_MENU_EDIT_COPY, FALSE );
+ pPopup->EnableItem( SV_MENU_EDIT_DELETE, FALSE );
+ }
+ if ( mpExtTextView->IsReadOnly() )
+ {
+ pPopup->EnableItem( SV_MENU_EDIT_CUT, FALSE );
+ pPopup->EnableItem( SV_MENU_EDIT_PASTE, FALSE );
+ pPopup->EnableItem( SV_MENU_EDIT_DELETE, FALSE );
+ }
+ if ( !mpExtTextView->GetTextEngine()->HasUndoManager() || !mpExtTextView->GetTextEngine()->GetUndoManager().GetUndoActionCount() )
+ {
+ pPopup->EnableItem( SV_MENU_EDIT_UNDO, FALSE );
+ }
+// if ( ( maSelection.Min() == 0 ) && ( maSelection.Max() == maText.Len() ) )
+// {
+// pPopup->EnableItem( SV_MENU_EDIT_SELECTALL, FALSE );
+// }
+ if ( !Edit::GetGetSpecialCharsFunction() )
+ {
+ pPopup->RemoveItem( nPos );
+ pPopup->RemoveItem( nPos-1 );
+ }
+ mbActivePopup = TRUE;
+ Point aPos = rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel();
+ if ( !rCEvt.IsMouseEvent() )
+ {
+ // !!! Irgendwann einmal Menu zentriert in der Selektion anzeigen !!!
+ Size aSize = GetOutputSizePixel();
+ aPos = Point( aSize.Width()/2, aSize.Height()/2 );
+ }
+// pPopup->RemoveDisabledEntries();
+ USHORT n = pPopup->Execute( this, aPos );
+ Edit::DeletePopupMenu( pPopup );
+ switch ( n )
+ {
+ case SV_MENU_EDIT_UNDO: mpExtTextView->Undo();
+ mpExtTextEngine->SetModified( TRUE );
+ mpExtTextEngine->Broadcast( TextHint( TEXT_HINT_MODIFIED ) );
+ break;
+ case SV_MENU_EDIT_CUT: mpExtTextView->Cut();
+ mpExtTextEngine->SetModified( TRUE );
+ mpExtTextEngine->Broadcast( TextHint( TEXT_HINT_MODIFIED ) );
+ break;
+ case SV_MENU_EDIT_COPY: mpExtTextView->Copy();
+ break;
+ case SV_MENU_EDIT_PASTE: mpExtTextView->Paste();
+ mpExtTextEngine->SetModified( TRUE );
+ mpExtTextEngine->Broadcast( TextHint( TEXT_HINT_MODIFIED ) );
+ break;
+ case SV_MENU_EDIT_DELETE: mpExtTextView->DeleteSelected();
+ mpExtTextEngine->SetModified( TRUE );
+ mpExtTextEngine->Broadcast( TextHint( TEXT_HINT_MODIFIED ) );
+ break;
+ case SV_MENU_EDIT_SELECTALL: mpExtTextView->SetSelection( TextSelection( TextPaM( 0, 0 ), TextPaM( 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFF ) ) );
+ break;
+ {
+ XubString aChars = Edit::GetGetSpecialCharsFunction()( this, GetFont() );
+ if ( aChars.Len() )
+ {
+ mpExtTextView->InsertText( aChars );
+ mpExtTextEngine->SetModified( TRUE );
+ mpExtTextEngine->Broadcast( TextHint( TEXT_HINT_MODIFIED ) );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ mbActivePopup = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mpExtTextView->Command( rCEvt );
+ }
+ Window::Command( rCEvt );
+void TextWindow::GetFocus()
+ Window::GetFocus();
+ if ( !mbActivePopup )
+ {
+ BOOL bGotoCursor = !mpExtTextView->IsReadOnly();
+ if ( mbFocusSelectionHide && IsReallyVisible() && !mpExtTextView->IsReadOnly()
+ && ( !mbInMBDown || ( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetSelectionOptions() & SELECTION_OPTION_FOCUS ) ) )
+ {
+ // Alles selektieren, aber nicht scrollen
+ BOOL bAutoScroll = mpExtTextView->IsAutoScroll();
+ mpExtTextView->SetAutoScroll( FALSE );
+ mpExtTextView->SetSelection( TextSelection( TextPaM( 0, 0 ), TextPaM( 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF ) ) );
+ mpExtTextView->SetAutoScroll( bAutoScroll );
+ bGotoCursor = FALSE;
+ }
+ mpExtTextView->SetPaintSelection( TRUE );
+ mpExtTextView->ShowCursor( bGotoCursor );
+ }
+void TextWindow::LoseFocus()
+ Window::LoseFocus();
+ if ( mbFocusSelectionHide && !mbActivePopup )
+ mpExtTextView->SetPaintSelection( FALSE );
+BOOL TextWindow::QueryDrop( DropEvent& rEvt )
+ return mpExtTextView->QueryDrop( rEvt );
+BOOL TextWindow::Drop( const DropEvent& rEvt )
+ return mpExtTextView->Drop( rEvt );
+MultiLineEdit::MultiLineEdit( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle )
+ : Edit( pParent, nWinStyle )
+ pImpSvMEdit = new ImpSvMEdit( this, nWinStyle );
+ ImplInitSettings( TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
+ pUpdateDataTimer = 0;
+ SetCompoundControl( TRUE );
+ SetStyle( ImplInitStyle( nWinStyle ) );
+MultiLineEdit::MultiLineEdit( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId )
+ : Edit( pParent, rResId.SetRT( RSC_MULTILINEEDIT ) )
+ WinBits nWinStyle = rResId.aWinBits;
+ pImpSvMEdit = new ImpSvMEdit( this, nWinStyle );
+ ImplInitSettings( TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
+ pUpdateDataTimer = 0;
+ USHORT nMaxLen = Edit::GetMaxTextLen();
+ if ( nMaxLen )
+ SetMaxTextLen( nMaxLen );
+ SetText( Edit::GetText() );
+ if ( IsVisible() )
+ pImpSvMEdit->Resize();
+ SetCompoundControl( TRUE );
+ SetStyle( ImplInitStyle( nWinStyle ) );
+ delete pImpSvMEdit;
+ delete pUpdateDataTimer;
+WinBits MultiLineEdit::ImplInitStyle( WinBits nStyle )
+ if ( !(nStyle & WB_NOTABSTOP) )
+ nStyle |= WB_TABSTOP;
+ if ( !(nStyle & WB_NOGROUP) )
+ nStyle |= WB_GROUP;
+ if ( !(nStyle & WB_IGNORETAB ))
+ return nStyle;
+void MultiLineEdit::ImplInitSettings( BOOL bFont, BOOL bForeground, BOOL bBackground )
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ // Der Font muss immer mit manipuliert werden, weil die TextEngine
+ // sich nicht um TextColor/Background kuemmert
+ Color aTextColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor();
+ if ( IsControlForeground() )
+ aTextColor = GetControlForeground();
+ Font aFont = rStyleSettings.GetFieldFont();
+ if ( IsControlFont() )
+ aFont.Merge( GetControlFont() );
+ aFont.SetTransparent( FALSE );
+ SetZoomedPointFont( aFont );
+ Font TheFont = GetFont();
+ TheFont.SetColor( aTextColor );
+ TheFont.SetFillColor( IsControlBackground() ? GetControlBackground() : rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor() );
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->SetFont( TheFont );
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->GetTextEngine()->SetFont( TheFont );
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->SetTextColor( aTextColor );
+ if ( bBackground )
+ {
+ if( IsControlBackground() )
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->SetBackground( GetControlBackground() );
+ else
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->SetBackground( rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor() );
+ // Auch am MultiLineEdit einstellen, weil die TextComponent
+ // ggf. die Scrollbars hidet.
+ SetBackground( pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->GetBackground() );
+ }
+void MultiLineEdit::Modify()
+ aModifyHdlLink.Call( this );
+ if ( pUpdateDataTimer )
+ pUpdateDataTimer->Start();
+IMPL_LINK( MultiLineEdit, ImpUpdateDataHdl, Timer*, EMPTYARG )
+ UpdateData();
+ return 0;
+void MultiLineEdit::UpdateData()
+ aUpdateDataHdlLink.Call( this );
+void MultiLineEdit::SetModifyFlag()
+ pImpSvMEdit->SetModified( TRUE );
+void MultiLineEdit::ClearModifyFlag()
+ pImpSvMEdit->SetModified( TRUE );
+BOOL MultiLineEdit::IsModified() const
+ return pImpSvMEdit->IsModified();
+void MultiLineEdit::EnableUpdateData( ULONG nTimeout )
+ if ( !nTimeout )
+ DisableUpdateData();
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !pUpdateDataTimer )
+ {
+ pUpdateDataTimer = new Timer;
+ pUpdateDataTimer->SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, MultiLineEdit, ImpUpdateDataHdl ) );
+ }
+ pUpdateDataTimer->SetTimeout( nTimeout );
+ }
+void MultiLineEdit::SetReadOnly( BOOL bReadOnly )
+ pImpSvMEdit->SetReadOnly( bReadOnly );
+ Edit::SetReadOnly( bReadOnly );
+BOOL MultiLineEdit::IsReadOnly() const
+ return pImpSvMEdit->IsReadOnly();
+void MultiLineEdit::SetMaxTextLen( ULONG nMaxLen )
+ pImpSvMEdit->SetMaxTextLen( nMaxLen );
+ULONG MultiLineEdit::GetMaxTextLen() const
+ return pImpSvMEdit->GetMaxTextLen();
+void MultiLineEdit::ReplaceSelected( const String& rStr )
+ pImpSvMEdit->InsertText( rStr );
+void MultiLineEdit::DeleteSelected()
+ pImpSvMEdit->InsertText( String() );
+String MultiLineEdit::GetSelected() const
+ return pImpSvMEdit->GetSelected();
+void MultiLineEdit::Cut()
+ pImpSvMEdit->Cut();
+void MultiLineEdit::Copy()
+ pImpSvMEdit->Copy();
+void MultiLineEdit::Paste()
+ pImpSvMEdit->Paste();
+void MultiLineEdit::SetText( const String& rStr )
+ pImpSvMEdit->SetText( rStr );
+String MultiLineEdit::GetText() const
+ return pImpSvMEdit->GetText();
+String MultiLineEdit::GetTextLines() const
+ return pImpSvMEdit->GetTextLines();
+void MultiLineEdit::Resize()
+ pImpSvMEdit->Resize();
+void MultiLineEdit::GetFocus()
+ Edit::GetFocus();
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetFocus();
+void MultiLineEdit::SetSelection( const Selection& rSelection )
+ pImpSvMEdit->SetSelection( rSelection );
+Selection MultiLineEdit::GetSelection() const
+ return pImpSvMEdit->GetSelection();
+Size MultiLineEdit::CalcMinimumSize() const
+ Size aSz = pImpSvMEdit->CalcMinimumSize();
+ long nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom;
+ ((Window*)this)->GetBorder( nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom );
+ aSz.Width() += nLeft+nRight;
+ aSz.Height() += nTop+nBottom;
+ return aSz;
+Size MultiLineEdit::CalcAdjustedSize( const Size& rPrefSize ) const
+ Size aSz = rPrefSize;
+ long nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom;
+ ((Window*)this)->GetBorder( nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom );
+ // In der Hoehe auf ganze Zeilen justieren
+ long nHeight = aSz.Height() - nTop - nBottom;
+ long nLineHeight = pImpSvMEdit->CalcSize( 1, 1 ).Height();
+ long nLines = nHeight / nLineHeight;
+ if ( nLines < 1 )
+ nLines = 1;
+ aSz.Height() = nLines * nLineHeight;
+ aSz.Height() += nTop+nBottom;
+ return aSz;
+Size MultiLineEdit::CalcSize( USHORT nColumns, USHORT nLines ) const
+ Size aSz = pImpSvMEdit->CalcSize( nColumns, nLines );
+ long nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom;
+ ((Window*)this)->GetBorder( nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom );
+ aSz.Width() += nLeft+nRight;
+ aSz.Height() += nTop+nBottom;
+ return aSz;
+void MultiLineEdit::GetMaxVisColumnsAndLines( USHORT& rnCols, USHORT& rnLines ) const
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetMaxVisColumnsAndLines( rnCols, rnLines );
+void MultiLineEdit::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType )
+ if( nType == STATE_CHANGE_ENABLE )
+ {
+ pImpSvMEdit->Enable( IsEnabled() );
+ }
+ else if( nType == STATE_CHANGE_READONLY )
+ {
+ pImpSvMEdit->SetReadOnly( IsReadOnly() );
+ }
+ else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_ZOOM )
+ {
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->SetZoom( GetZoom() );
+ ImplInitSettings( TRUE, FALSE, FALSE );
+ Resize();
+ }
+ else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLFONT )
+ {
+ ImplInitSettings( TRUE, FALSE, FALSE );
+ Resize();
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ {
+ ImplInitSettings( FALSE, TRUE, FALSE );
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ {
+ ImplInitSettings( FALSE, FALSE, TRUE );
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_STYLE )
+ {
+ pImpSvMEdit->SetAlign( GetStyle() );
+ SetStyle( ImplInitStyle( GetStyle() ) );
+ }
+ Control::StateChanged( nType );
+void MultiLineEdit::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
+ if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) &&
+ (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) )
+ {
+ ImplInitSettings( TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
+ Resize();
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ else
+ Control::DataChanged( rDCEvt );
+void MultiLineEdit::Draw( OutputDevice* pDev, const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, ULONG nFlags )
+ ImplInitSettings( TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
+ Point aPos = pDev->LogicToPixel( rPos );
+ Size aSize = pDev->LogicToPixel( rSize );
+ Font aFont = pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->GetDrawPixelFont( pDev );
+ aFont.SetTransparent( TRUE );
+ OutDevType eOutDevType = pDev->GetOutDevType();
+ pDev->Push();
+ pDev->SetMapMode();
+ pDev->SetFont( aFont );
+ pDev->SetTextFillColor();
+ // Border/Background
+ pDev->SetLineColor();
+ pDev->SetFillColor();
+ BOOL bBorder = !(nFlags & WINDOW_DRAW_NOBORDER ) && (GetStyle() & WB_BORDER);
+ BOOL bBackground = !(nFlags & WINDOW_DRAW_NOBACKGROUND) && IsControlBackground();
+ if ( bBorder || bBackground )
+ {
+ Rectangle aRect( aPos, aSize );
+ if ( bBorder )
+ {
+ DecorationView aDecoView( pDev );
+ aRect = aDecoView.DrawFrame( aRect, FRAME_DRAW_DOUBLEIN );
+ }
+ if ( bBackground )
+ {
+ pDev->SetFillColor( GetControlBackground() );
+ pDev->DrawRect( aRect );
+ }
+ }
+ // Inhalt
+ if ( ( nFlags & WINDOW_DRAW_MONO ) || ( eOutDevType == OUTDEV_PRINTER ) )
+ pDev->SetTextColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !(nFlags & WINDOW_DRAW_NODISABLE ) && !IsEnabled() )
+ {
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ pDev->SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetDisableColor() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDev->SetTextColor( GetTextColor() );
+ }
+ }
+ XubString aText = GetText();
+ Size aTextSz( pDev->GetTextWidth( aText ), pDev->GetTextHeight() );
+ ULONG nLines = (ULONG) (aSize.Height() / aTextSz.Height());
+ if ( !nLines )
+ nLines = 1;
+ aTextSz.Height() = nLines*aTextSz.Height();
+ long nOnePixel = GetDrawPixel( pDev, 1 );
+ long nOffX = 3*nOnePixel;
+ long nOffY = 2*nOnePixel;
+ // Clipping?
+ if ( ( nOffY < 0 ) || ( (nOffY+aTextSz.Height()) > aSize.Height() ) || ( (nOffX+aTextSz.Width()) > aSize.Width() ) )
+ {
+ Rectangle aClip( aPos, aSize );
+ if ( aTextSz.Height() > aSize.Height() )
+ aClip.Bottom() += aTextSz.Height() - aSize.Height() + 1; // Damit HP-Drucker nicht 'weg-optimieren'
+ pDev->IntersectClipRegion( aClip );
+ }
+ TextEngine aTE;
+ aTE.SetText( GetText() );
+ aTE.SetMaxTextWidth( aSize.Width() );
+ aTE.SetFont( aFont );
+ aTE.SetTextAlign( pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->GetTextEngine()->GetTextAlign() );
+ aTE.Draw( pDev, Point( aPos.X() + nOffX, aPos.Y() + nOffY ) );
+ pDev->Pop();
+long MultiLineEdit::Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt )
+ long nDone = 0;
+ if( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_COMMAND )
+ {
+ nDone = pImpSvMEdit->HandleCommand( *rNEvt.GetCommandEvent() );
+ }
+ return nDone ? nDone : Edit::Notify( rNEvt );
+long MultiLineEdit::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt )
+ long nDone = 0;
+ if( ( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_KEYINPUT ) && ( !GetTextView()->IsCursorEnabled() ) )
+ {
+ const KeyEvent& rKEvent = *rNEvt.GetKeyEvent();
+ if ( !rKEvent.GetKeyCode().IsShift() && ( rKEvent.GetKeyCode().GetGroup() == KEYGROUP_CURSOR ) )
+ {
+ nDone = 1;
+ TextSelection aSel = pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->GetTextView()->GetSelection();
+ if ( aSel.HasRange() )
+ {
+ aSel.GetStart() = aSel.GetEnd();
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->GetTextView()->SetSelection( aSel );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch ( rKEvent.GetKeyCode().GetCode() )
+ {
+ case KEY_UP:
+ {
+ if ( pImpSvMEdit->GetVScrollBar() )
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetVScrollBar()->DoScrollAction( SCROLL_LINEUP );
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_DOWN:
+ {
+ if ( pImpSvMEdit->GetVScrollBar() )
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetVScrollBar()->DoScrollAction( SCROLL_LINEDOWN );
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_PAGEUP :
+ {
+ if ( pImpSvMEdit->GetVScrollBar() )
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetVScrollBar()->DoScrollAction( SCROLL_PAGEUP );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ if ( pImpSvMEdit->GetVScrollBar() )
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetVScrollBar()->DoScrollAction( SCROLL_PAGEDOWN );
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_LEFT:
+ {
+ if ( pImpSvMEdit->GetHScrollBar() )
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetHScrollBar()->DoScrollAction( SCROLL_LINEUP );
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_RIGHT:
+ {
+ if ( pImpSvMEdit->GetHScrollBar() )
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetHScrollBar()->DoScrollAction( SCROLL_LINEDOWN );
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_HOME:
+ {
+ if ( rKEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() )
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->GetTextView()->
+ SetSelection( TextSelection( TextPaM( 0, 0 ) ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_END:
+ {
+ if ( rKEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() )
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->GetTextView()->
+ SetSelection( TextSelection( TextPaM( 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF ) ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ nDone = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nDone ? nDone : Edit::PreNotify( rNEvt );
+// Internas fuer abgeleitete Klassen, z.B. TextComponent
+ExtTextEngine* MultiLineEdit::GetTextEngine() const
+ return pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->GetTextEngine();
+ExtTextView* MultiLineEdit::GetTextView() const
+ return pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->GetTextView();
+ScrollBar* MultiLineEdit::GetHScrollBar() const
+ return pImpSvMEdit->GetHScrollBar();
+ScrollBar* MultiLineEdit::GetVScrollBar() const
+ return pImpSvMEdit->GetVScrollBar();
+void MultiLineEdit::EnableFocusSelectionHide( BOOL bHide )
+ pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->SetAutoFocusHide( bHide );
+BOOL MultiLineEdit::IsFocusSelectionHideEnabled() const
+ return pImpSvMEdit->GetTextWindow()->IsAutoFocusHide();