path: root/svtools/source/contnr/svtreebx.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'svtools/source/contnr/svtreebx.cxx')
1 files changed, 2355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/svtreebx.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/svtreebx.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bc7f6de0ab05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/svtreebx.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2355 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: svtreebx.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:57 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define _SVTREEBX_CXX
+#ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX //autogen wg. Application
+#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
+#pragma hdrstop
+class TabBar;
+#include <svlbox.hxx>
+#include <svlbitm.hxx>
+#include <svtreebx.hxx>
+#include <svimpbox.hxx>
+ Bugs/ToDo
+ - Berechnung Rectangle beim Inplace-Editing (Bug bei manchen Fonts)
+ - SetSpaceBetweenEntries: Offset wird in SetEntryHeight nicht
+ beruecksichtigt
+__EXPORT SvTreeListBox::SvTreeListBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle )
+ : SvLBox(pParent,nWinStyle )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ InitTreeView( nWinStyle );
+__EXPORT SvTreeListBox::SvTreeListBox( Window* pParent , const ResId& rResId )
+ : SvLBox( pParent,rResId )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ InitTreeView( 0 );
+ Resize();
+void SvTreeListBox::InitTreeView( WinBits nWinStyle )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pCheckButtonData = 0;
+ nEntryHeight = 0;
+ pEdCtrl = 0;
+ nFirstSelTab = 0;
+ nLastSelTab = 0;
+ nFocusWidth = -1;
+ Link* pLink = new Link( LINK(this,SvTreeListBox, DefaultCompare) );
+ pReserved = pLink;
+ pImp = new SvImpLBox( this, GetModel(), nWinStyle );
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = 0;
+ SetFont( GetFont() );
+ SetSpaceBetweenEntries( 0 );
+ SetLineColor();
+ InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
+ SetWindowBits( nWinStyle );
+ SetTabs();
+ InitAcc();
+__EXPORT SvTreeListBox::~SvTreeListBox()
+ DBG_DTOR(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsInplaceEditingEnabled() )
+ Application::RemoveAccel( &aInpEditAcc );
+ delete pImp;
+ delete (Link*)pReserved;
+ ClearTabList();
+void SvTreeListBox::SetModel( SvLBoxTreeList* pNewModel )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->SetModel( pNewModel );
+ SvLBox::SetModel( pNewModel );
+void SvTreeListBox::DisconnectFromModel()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBox::DisconnectFromModel();
+ pImp->SetModel( GetModel() );
+USHORT SvTreeListBox::IsA()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+void SvTreeListBox::InitAcc()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+#ifdef OS2
+ aInpEditAcc.InsertItem( 1, KeyCode(KEY_F9,KEY_SHIFT) );
+ aInpEditAcc.InsertItem( 1, KeyCode(KEY_RETURN,KEY_MOD2) );
+ aInpEditAcc.SetActivateHdl( LINK( this, SvTreeListBox, InpEdActivateHdl) );
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvTreeListBox, InpEdActivateHdl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ EditEntry();
+ return 1;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvTreeListBox, InpEdActivateHdl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator )
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::Resize()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsEditingActive() )
+ EndEditing( TRUE );
+ SvLBox::Resize();
+ pImp->Resize();
+ nFocusWidth = -1;
+ pImp->ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ pImp->ShowCursor( TRUE );
+/* Faelle:
+ A) Entries haben Bitmaps
+ 0. Keine Buttons
+ 1. Node-Buttons (optional auch an Root-Items)
+ 2. Node-Buttons (optional auch an Root-Items) + CheckButton
+ 3. CheckButton
+ B) Entries haben keine Bitmaps (->ueber WindowBits wg. D&D !!!!!!)
+ 0. Keine Buttons
+ 1. Node-Buttons (optional auch an Root-Items)
+ 2. Node-Buttons (optional auch an Root-Items) + CheckButton
+ 3. CheckButton
+#define NO_BUTTONS 0
+#define NODE_BUTTONS 1
+#define CHECK_BUTTONS 3
+#define TAB_STARTPOS 2
+// bei Aenderungen GetTextOffset beruecksichtigen
+void SvTreeListBox::SetTabs()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsEditingActive() )
+ EndEditing( TRUE );
+ nFocusWidth = -1;
+ BOOL bHasButtons = (nWindowStyle & WB_HASBUTTONS)!=0;
+ BOOL bHasButtonsAtRoot = (nWindowStyle & (WB_HASLINESATROOT |
+ long nStartPos = TAB_STARTPOS;
+ long nNodeWidthPixel = GetExpandedNodeBmp().GetSizePixel().Width();
+ long nCheckWidth = 0;
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN )
+ nCheckWidth = pCheckButtonData->aBmps[0].GetSizePixel().Width();
+ long nCheckWidthDIV2 = nCheckWidth / 2;
+ long nContextWidth = nContextBmpWidthMax;
+ long nContextWidthDIV2 = nContextWidth / 2;
+ ClearTabList();
+ int nCase = NO_BUTTONS;
+ if( !(nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN) )
+ {
+ if( bHasButtons )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( bHasButtons )
+ else
+ }
+ switch( nCase )
+ {
+ case NO_BUTTONS :
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // wg. Zentrierung
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ // Abstand setzen nur wenn Bitmaps da
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ AddTab( nStartPos, TABFLAGS_TEXT );
+ break;
+ if( bHasButtonsAtRoot )
+ nStartPos += ( nIndent + (nNodeWidthPixel/2) );
+ else
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2;
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ // Abstand setzen nur wenn Bitmaps da
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ AddTab( nStartPos, TABFLAGS_TEXT );
+ break;
+ if( bHasButtonsAtRoot )
+ nStartPos += ( nIndent + nNodeWidthPixel );
+ else
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2;
+ AddTab( nStartPos, TABFLAGS_CHECKBTN );
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand des CheckButtons
+ nStartPos += 3; // Abstand CheckButton Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // Mitte der Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ // Abstand setzen nur wenn Bitmaps da
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ AddTab( nStartPos, TABFLAGS_TEXT );
+ break;
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2;
+ AddTab( nStartPos, TABFLAGS_CHECKBTN );
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand CheckButton
+ nStartPos += 3; // Abstand CheckButton Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // Mitte der Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ // Abstand setzen nur wenn Bitmaps da
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ AddTab( nStartPos, TABFLAGS_TEXT );
+ break;
+ }
+ pImp->NotifyTabsChanged();
+void SvTreeListBox::InitEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ const XubString& aStr, const Image& aCollEntryBmp, const Image& aExpEntryBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxButton* pButton;
+ SvLBoxString* pString;
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pContextBmp;
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN )
+ {
+ pButton= new SvLBoxButton( pEntry,0,pCheckButtonData );
+ pEntry->AddItem( pButton );
+ }
+ pContextBmp= new SvLBoxContextBmp( pEntry,0, aCollEntryBmp,aExpEntryBmp,
+ aContextBmpMode );
+ pEntry->AddItem( pContextBmp );
+ pString = new SvLBoxString( pEntry, 0, aStr );
+ pEntry->AddItem( pString );
+XubString SvTreeListBox::GetEntryText(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Entry?")
+ SvLBoxString* pItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"GetEntryText:Item not found")
+ return pItem->GetText();
+const Image& SvTreeListBox::GetExpandedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Entry?")
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"GetContextBmp:Item not found")
+ return pItem->GetBitmap2();
+const Image& SvTreeListBox::GetCollapsedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Entry?")
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"GetContextBmp:Item not found")
+ return pItem->GetBitmap1();
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvTreeListBox, CheckButtonClick, SvLBoxButtonData *, pData )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pHdlEntry = pData->GetActEntry();
+ CheckButtonHdl();
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvTreeListBox, CheckButtonClick, SvLBoxButtonData *, pData )
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry( const XubString& aText,SvLBoxEntry* pParent,
+ BOOL bChildsOnDemand, ULONG nPos, void* pUser )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_MANINS;
+ aCurInsertedExpBmp = aExpandedEntryBmp;
+ aCurInsertedColBmp = aCollapsedEntryBmp;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = CreateEntry();
+ pEntry->SetUserData( pUser );
+ InitEntry( pEntry, aText, aCollapsedEntryBmp, aExpandedEntryBmp );
+ pEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( bChildsOnDemand );
+ if( !pParent )
+ SvLBox::Insert( pEntry, nPos );
+ else
+ SvLBox::Insert( pEntry, pParent, nPos );
+ aPrevInsertedExpBmp = aExpandedEntryBmp;
+ aPrevInsertedColBmp = aCollapsedEntryBmp;
+ nTreeFlags &= (~TREEFLAG_MANINS);
+ return pEntry;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry( const XubString& aText,
+ const Image& aExpEntryBmp, const Image& aCollEntryBmp,
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent, BOOL bChildsOnDemand, ULONG nPos, void* pUser )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_MANINS;
+ aCurInsertedExpBmp = aExpEntryBmp;
+ aCurInsertedColBmp = aCollEntryBmp;
+ short nExpWidth = (short)aExpEntryBmp.GetSizePixel().Width();
+ short nColWidth = (short)aCollEntryBmp.GetSizePixel().Width();
+ short nMax = Max(nExpWidth, nColWidth);
+ if( nMax > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ {
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = nMax;
+ SetTabs();
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = CreateEntry();
+ pEntry->SetUserData( pUser );
+ InitEntry( pEntry, aText, aCollEntryBmp, aExpEntryBmp );
+ pEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( bChildsOnDemand );
+ if( !pParent )
+ SvLBox::Insert( pEntry, nPos );
+ else
+ SvLBox::Insert( pEntry, pParent, nPos );
+ aPrevInsertedExpBmp = aExpEntryBmp;
+ aPrevInsertedColBmp = aCollEntryBmp;
+ nTreeFlags &= (~TREEFLAG_MANINS);
+ return pEntry;
+void SvTreeListBox::SetEntryText( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const XubString& aStr)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxString* pItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"SetText:Item not found")
+ pItem->SetText( pEntry, aStr );
+ pItem->InitViewData( this, pEntry, 0 );
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetExpandedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const Image& aBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"SetExpBmp:Item not found")
+ pItem->SetBitmap2( pEntry, aBmp );
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ SetEntryHeight( pEntry );
+ Size aSize = aBmp.GetSizePixel();
+ if( aSize.Width() > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ {
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = (short)aSize.Width();
+ SetTabs();
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::SetCollapsedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,const Image& aBmp )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"SetExpBmp:Item not found")
+ pItem->SetBitmap1( pEntry, aBmp );
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ SetEntryHeight( pEntry );
+ Size aSize = aBmp.GetSizePixel();
+ if( aSize.Width() > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ {
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = (short)aSize.Width();
+ SetTabs();
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::ImpEntryInserted( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent = (SvLBoxEntry*)pModel->GetParent( pEntry );
+ if( pParent )
+ {
+ USHORT nFlags = pParent->GetFlags();
+ pParent->SetFlags( nFlags );
+ }
+ if(!((nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_MANINS) &&
+ (aPrevInsertedExpBmp == aCurInsertedExpBmp) &&
+ (aPrevInsertedColBmp == aCurInsertedColBmp) ))
+ {
+ Size aSize = GetCollapsedEntryBmp( pEntry ).GetSizePixel();
+ if( aSize.Width() > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ {
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = (short)aSize.Width();
+ }
+ aSize = GetExpandedEntryBmp( pEntry ).GetSizePixel();
+ if( aSize.Width() > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ {
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = (short)aSize.Width();
+ }
+ }
+ SetEntryHeight( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetCheckButtonState( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvButtonState eState)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN )
+ {
+ SvLBoxButton* pItem = (SvLBoxButton*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXBUTTON));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"SetCheckButton:Item not found")
+ switch( eState )
+ {
+ pItem->SetStateChecked();
+ break;
+ pItem->SetStateUnchecked();
+ break;
+ pItem->SetStateTristate();
+ break;
+ }
+ InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+SvButtonState SvTreeListBox::GetCheckButtonState( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvButtonState eState = SV_BUTTON_UNCHECKED;
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN )
+ {
+ SvLBoxButton* pItem = (SvLBoxButton*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXBUTTON));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"GetChButnState:Item not found")
+ USHORT nButtonFlags = pItem->GetButtonFlags();
+ eState = pCheckButtonData->ConvertToButtonState( nButtonFlags );
+ }
+ return eState;
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::CheckButtonHdl()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ aCheckButtonHdl.Call( this );
+BOOL __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::QueryDrop( DropEvent& rDEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ return SvLBox::QueryDrop( rDEvt ); // Basisklasse rufen
+// *********************************************************************
+// *********************************************************************
+// TODO: Momentan werden die Daten so geklont, dass sie dem
+// Standard-TreeView-Format entsprechen. Hier sollte eigentlich
+// das Model als Referenz dienen. Dies fuehrt dazu, dass
+// SvLBoxEntry::Clone _nicht_ gerufen wird, sondern nur dessen
+// Basisklasse SvListEntry
+SvLBoxEntry* __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::CloneEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pSource )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ XubString aStr;
+ Image aCollEntryBmp;
+ Image aExpEntryBmp;
+ SvLBoxString* pStringItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pSource->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ if( pStringItem )
+ aStr = pStringItem->GetText();
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pBmpItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pSource->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ if( pBmpItem )
+ {
+ aCollEntryBmp = pBmpItem->GetBitmap1();
+ aExpEntryBmp = pBmpItem->GetBitmap2();
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = CreateEntry();
+ InitEntry( pEntry, aStr, aCollEntryBmp, aExpEntryBmp );
+ pEntry->SvListEntry::Clone( pSource );
+ pEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( pSource->HasChildsOnDemand() );
+ pEntry->SetUserData( pSource->GetUserData() );
+ return pEntry;
+// *********************************************************************
+// *********************************************************************
+void SvTreeListBox::ShowExpandBitmapOnCursor( BOOL bYes )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( bYes )
+ else
+void SvTreeListBox::SetIndent( short nNewIndent )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ nIndent = nNewIndent;
+ SetTabs();
+ if( IsUpdateMode() )
+ Invalidate();
+void SvTreeListBox::SetDefaultExpandedEntryBmp( const Image& aBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Size aSize = aBmp.GetSizePixel();
+ if( aSize.Width() > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = (short)aSize.Width();
+ SetTabs();
+ aExpandedEntryBmp = aBmp;
+void SvTreeListBox::SetDefaultCollapsedEntryBmp( const Image& aBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Size aSize = aBmp.GetSizePixel();
+ if( aSize.Width() > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = (short)aSize.Width();
+ SetTabs();
+ aCollapsedEntryBmp = aBmp;
+void SvTreeListBox::EnableCheckButton( SvLBoxButtonData* pData )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(!GetEntryCount(),"EnableCheckButton: Entry count != 0");
+ if( !pData )
+ nTreeFlags &= (~TREEFLAG_CHKBTN);
+ else
+ {
+ pCheckButtonData = pData;
+ nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_CHKBTN;
+ pData->SetLink( LINK(this, SvTreeListBox, CheckButtonClick));
+ }
+ SetTabs();
+ if( IsUpdateMode() )
+ Invalidate();
+void SvTreeListBox::SetNodeBitmaps( const Image& rCollapsedNodeBmp,
+ const Image& rExpandedNodeBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SetExpandedNodeBmp( rExpandedNodeBmp );
+ SetCollapsedNodeBmp( rCollapsedNodeBmp );
+ SetTabs();
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::EditingEntry( SvLBoxEntry*, Selection& )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::EditedEntry( SvLBoxEntry* /*pEntry*/,const XubString& /*rNewText*/)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ return TRUE;
+void SvTreeListBox::EnableInplaceEditing( BOOL bOn )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBox::EnableInplaceEditing( bOn );
+ if( Control::HasFocus() )
+ Application::InsertAccel( &aInpEditAcc );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ // unter OS/2 bekommen wir auch beim Editieren Key-Up/Down
+ if( IsEditingActive() )
+ return;
+ USHORT nCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode();
+#ifdef OVDEBUG
+ switch ( nCode )
+ {
+ case KEY_F1:
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = First();
+ pEntry = NextVisible( pEntry );
+ SetEntryText( pEntry, "SetEntryText" );
+ Sound::Beep();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if( IsInplaceEditingEnabled() &&
+ nCode == KEY_RETURN &&
+ rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetCurEntry();
+ if( pEntry )
+ EditEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOOL bKeyUsed = pImp->KeyInput( rKEvt );
+ if( !bKeyUsed )
+ SvLBox::KeyInput( rKEvt );
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::RequestingChilds( SvLBoxEntry* pParent )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( !pParent->HasChilds() )
+ InsertEntry( String::CreateFromAscii("<dummy>"), pParent, FALSE, LIST_APPEND );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::GetFocus()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsInplaceEditingEnabled() )
+ Application::InsertAccel( &aInpEditAcc );
+ pImp->GetFocus();
+ SvLBox::GetFocus();
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::LoseFocus()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsInplaceEditingEnabled() )
+ Application::RemoveAccel( &aInpEditAcc );
+ pImp->LoseFocus();
+ SvLBox::LoseFocus();
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelHasCleared()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->pCursor = 0; //sonst Absturz beim Inplace-Editieren im GetFocus
+ delete pEdCtrl;
+ pEdCtrl = 0;
+ pImp->Clear();
+ nFocusWidth = -1;
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = 0;
+ SetDefaultExpandedEntryBmp( GetDefaultExpandedEntryBmp() );
+ SetDefaultCollapsedEntryBmp( GetDefaultCollapsedEntryBmp() );
+ if( !(nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_FIXEDHEIGHT ))
+ nEntryHeight = 0;
+ AdjustEntryHeight( GetFont() );
+ AdjustEntryHeight( GetDefaultExpandedEntryBmp() );
+ AdjustEntryHeight( GetDefaultCollapsedEntryBmp() );
+ SvLBox::ModelHasCleared();
+// if( IsUpdateMode() )
+// Invalidate();
+void SvTreeListBox::ShowTargetEmphasis( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL /* bShow */ )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->PaintDDCursor( pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::ScrollOutputArea( short nDeltaEntries )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( !nDeltaEntries || !pImp->aVerSBar.IsVisible() )
+ return;
+ long nThumb = pImp->aVerSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ long nMax = pImp->aVerSBar.GetRange().Max();
+ NotifyBeginScroll();
+ if( nDeltaEntries < 0 )
+ {
+ // das Fenster nach oben verschieben
+ nDeltaEntries *= -1;
+ long nVis = pImp->aVerSBar.GetVisibleSize();
+ long nTemp = nThumb + nVis;
+ if( nDeltaEntries > (nMax - nTemp) )
+ nDeltaEntries = (short)(nMax - nTemp);
+ pImp->PageDown( (USHORT)nDeltaEntries );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( nDeltaEntries > nThumb )
+ nDeltaEntries = (short)nThumb;
+ pImp->PageUp( (USHORT)nDeltaEntries );
+ }
+ pImp->SyncVerThumb();
+ NotifyEndScroll();
+void SvTreeListBox::SetSelectionMode( SelectionMode eSelectMode )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBox::SetSelectionMode( eSelectMode );
+ pImp->SetSelectionMode( eSelectMode );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetDragDropMode( DragDropMode nDDMode )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBox::SetDragDropMode( nDDMode );
+ pImp->SetDragDropMode( nDDMode );
+short SvTreeListBox::GetHeightOffset(const Image& rBmp, Size& aSizeLogic )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ short nOffset = 0;
+ aSizeLogic = rBmp.GetSizePixel();
+ if( GetEntryHeight() > aSizeLogic.Height() )
+ nOffset = ( GetEntryHeight() - (short)aSizeLogic.Height()) / 2;
+ return nOffset;
+short SvTreeListBox::GetHeightOffset(const Font& /* rFont */, Size& aSizeLogic )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ short nOffset = 0;
+ aSizeLogic = Size(GetTextWidth('X'), GetTextHeight());
+ if( GetEntryHeight() > aSizeLogic.Height() )
+ nOffset = ( GetEntryHeight() - (short)aSizeLogic.Height()) / 2;
+ return nOffset;
+void SvTreeListBox::SetEntryHeight( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ short nHeight, nHeightMax=0;
+ USHORT nCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
+ USHORT nCur = 0;
+ SvViewDataEntry* pViewData = GetViewDataEntry( pEntry );
+ while( nCur < nCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pEntry->GetItem( nCur );
+ nHeight = (short)(pItem->GetSize( pViewData, nCur ).Height());
+ if( nHeight > nHeightMax )
+ nHeightMax = nHeight;
+ nCur++;
+ }
+ if( nHeightMax > nEntryHeight )
+ {
+ nEntryHeight = nHeightMax;
+ SvLBox::SetFont( GetFont() );
+ pImp->SetEntryHeight( nHeightMax );
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::SetEntryHeight( short nHeight, BOOL bAlways )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( bAlways || nHeight > nEntryHeight )
+ {
+ nEntryHeight = nHeight;
+ if( nEntryHeight )
+ else
+ SvLBox::SetFont( GetFont() );
+ pImp->SetEntryHeight( nHeight );
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::AdjustEntryHeight( const Image& rBmp )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Size aSize;
+ GetHeightOffset( rBmp, aSize );
+ if( aSize.Height() > nEntryHeight )
+ {
+ nEntryHeight = (short)aSize.Height() + nEntryHeightOffs;
+ pImp->SetEntryHeight( nEntryHeight );
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::AdjustEntryHeight( const Font& rFont )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Size aSize;
+ GetHeightOffset( rFont, aSize );
+ if( aSize.Height() > nEntryHeight )
+ {
+ nEntryHeight = (short)aSize.Height() + nEntryHeightOffs;
+ pImp->SetEntryHeight( nEntryHeight );
+ }
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::Expand( SvLBoxEntry* pParent )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pHdlEntry = pParent;
+ BOOL bExpanded = FALSE;
+ USHORT nFlags;
+ if( pParent->HasChildsOnDemand() )
+ RequestingChilds( pParent );
+ if( pParent->HasChilds() )
+ {
+ if( ExpandingHdl() )
+ {
+ bExpanded = TRUE;
+ SvListView::Expand( pParent );
+ pImp->EntryExpanded( pParent );
+ ExpandedHdl();
+ }
+ nFlags = pParent->GetFlags();
+ pParent->SetFlags( nFlags );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFlags = pParent->GetFlags();
+ pParent->SetFlags( nFlags );
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pParent ); // neu zeichnen
+ }
+ return bExpanded;
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::Collapse( SvLBoxEntry* pParent )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pHdlEntry = pParent;
+ BOOL bCollapsed = FALSE;
+ if( ExpandingHdl() )
+ {
+ bCollapsed = TRUE;
+ pImp->CollapsingEntry( pParent );
+ SvListView::Collapse( pParent );
+ pImp->EntryCollapsed( pParent );
+ ExpandedHdl();
+ }
+ return bCollapsed;
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::Select( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bSelect )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Select: Null-Ptr")
+ BOOL bRetVal = SvListView::Select( pEntry, bSelect );
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsSelected(pEntry)==bSelect,"Select failed");
+ if( bRetVal )
+ {
+ pImp->EntrySelected( pEntry, bSelect );
+ pHdlEntry = pEntry;
+ if( bSelect )
+ SelectHdl();
+ else
+ DeselectHdl();
+ }
+ return bRetVal;
+ULONG SvTreeListBox::SelectChilds( SvLBoxEntry* pParent, BOOL bSelect )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->DestroyAnchor();
+ ULONG nRet = 0;
+ if( !pParent->HasChilds() )
+ return 0;
+ USHORT nRefDepth = pModel->GetDepth( pParent );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pChild = FirstChild( pParent );
+ do {
+ nRet++;
+ Select( pChild, bSelect );
+ pChild = Next( pChild );
+ } while( pChild && pModel->GetDepth( pChild ) > nRefDepth );
+ return nRet;
+void SvTreeListBox::SelectAll( BOOL bSelect, BOOL bPaint )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->SelAllDestrAnch(
+ bSelect,
+ TRUE, // Anker loeschen,
+ TRUE ); // auch bei SINGLE_SELECTION den Cursor deselektieren
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelHasInsertedTree( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ USHORT nRefDepth = pModel->GetDepth( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTmp = (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry;
+ do
+ {
+ ImpEntryInserted( pTmp );
+ pTmp = Next( pTmp );
+ } while( pTmp && nRefDepth < pModel->GetDepth( pTmp ) );
+ pImp->TreeInserted( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelHasInserted( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ ImpEntryInserted( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+ pImp->EntryInserted( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelIsMoving(SvListEntry* pSource,
+ SvListEntry* /* pTargetParent */,
+ ULONG /* nChildPos */ )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->MovingEntry( (SvLBoxEntry*)pSource );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelHasMoved( SvListEntry* pSource )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->EntryMoved( (SvLBoxEntry*)pSource );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelIsRemoving( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->RemovingEntry( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+ NotifyRemoving( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelHasRemoved( SvListEntry* /* pEntry */ )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->EntryRemoved();
+void SvTreeListBox::SetCollapsedNodeBmp( const Image& rBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ AdjustEntryHeight( rBmp );
+ pImp->SetCollapsedNodeBmp( rBmp );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetExpandedNodeBmp( const Image& rBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ AdjustEntryHeight( rBmp );
+ pImp->SetExpandedNodeBmp( rBmp );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetFont( const Font& rFont )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Font aTempFont( rFont );
+ aTempFont.SetTransparent( TRUE );
+#ifndef VCL
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ aTempFont.SetColor( rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor() );
+ Control::SetFont( aTempFont );
+ AdjustEntryHeight( aTempFont );
+ // immer Invalidieren, sonst fallen wir
+ // bei SetEntryHeight auf die Nase
+ RecalcViewData();
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBox::Paint( rRect );
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS )
+ SetTabs();
+ pImp->Paint( rRect );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->MouseButtonDown( rMEvt );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->MouseButtonUp( rMEvt );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->MouseMove( rMEvt );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::SetUpdateMode( BOOL bUpdate )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->SetUpdateMode( bUpdate );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetUpdateModeFast( BOOL bUpdate )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->SetUpdateModeFast( bUpdate );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetSpaceBetweenEntries( short nOffsLogic )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( nOffsLogic != nEntryHeightOffs )
+ {
+ nEntryHeight -= nEntryHeightOffs;
+ nEntryHeightOffs = (short)nOffsLogic;
+ nEntryHeight += nOffsLogic;
+ AdjustEntryHeight( GetFont() );
+ RecalcViewData();
+ pImp->SetEntryHeight( nEntryHeight );
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::SetCursor( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bForceNoSelect )
+ pImp->SetCursor(pEntry, bForceNoSelect);
+void SvTreeListBox::SetCurEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( pEntry )
+ pImp->SetCurEntry( pEntry );
+Image SvTreeListBox::GetCollapsedNodeBmp() const
+ return pImp->GetCollapsedNodeBmp();
+Image SvTreeListBox::GetExpandedNodeBmp() const
+ return pImp->GetExpandedNodeBmp();
+Point SvTreeListBox::GetEntryPos( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ return pImp->GetEntryPos( pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::ShowEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ MakeVisible( pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::MakeVisible( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->MakeVisible(pEntry);
+void SvTreeListBox::MakeVisible( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bMoveToTop )
+ pImp->MakeVisible( pEntry, bMoveToTop );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelHasEntryInvalidated( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ // die einzelnen Items des Entries reinitialisieren
+ SvLBox::ModelHasEntryInvalidated( pEntry );
+ // repainten
+ pImp->InvalidateEntry( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::EditItemText( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxString* pItem,
+ const Selection& rSelection )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry&&pItem,"EditItemText: Bad params");
+ if( IsSelected( pEntry ))
+ {
+ pImp->ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ SvListView::Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ PaintEntry( pEntry );
+ SvListView::Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ pImp->ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+ pEdEntry = pEntry;
+ pEdItem = pItem;
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = GetTab( pEntry, pItem );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pTab,"EditItemText:Tab not found");
+ Size aItemSize( pItem->GetSize(this, pEntry) );
+ Point aPos = GetEntryPos( pEntry );
+ aPos.Y() += ( nEntryHeight - aItemSize.Height() ) / 2;
+ aPos.X() = GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab );
+ long nOutputWidth = pImp->GetOutputSize().Width();
+ Size aSize( nOutputWidth - aPos.X(), aItemSize.Height() );
+ USHORT nPos = aTabs.GetPos( pTab );
+ if( nPos+1 < aTabs.Count() )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pRightTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nPos + 1 );
+ long nRight = GetTabPos( pEntry, pRightTab );
+ if( nRight <= nOutputWidth )
+ aSize.Width() = nRight - aPos.X();
+ }
+ Point aOrigin( GetMapMode().GetOrigin() );
+ aPos += aOrigin; // in Win-Koord umrechnen
+ aSize.Width() -= aOrigin.X();
+ Rectangle aRect( aPos, aSize );
+#ifdef OS2
+ // Platz lassen fuer WB_BORDER
+ aRect.Left() -= 2;
+ aRect.Top() -= 3;
+ aRect.Bottom() += 3;
+ EditText( pItem->GetText(), aRect, rSelection );
+void SvTreeListBox::CancelEditing()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBox::CancelTextEditing();
+void SvTreeListBox::EditEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsEditingActive() )
+ EndEditing();
+ if( !pEntry )
+ pEntry = GetCurEntry();
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ SvLBoxString* pItem = (SvLBoxString* )pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING);
+ if( pItem && EditingEntry( pEntry, aSel ) )
+ {
+ SelectAll( FALSE );
+ MakeVisible( pEntry );
+ EditItemText( pEntry, pItem, aSel );
+ }
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::EditedText( const XubString& rStr )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Point aPos = GetEntryPos( pEdEntry );
+ if( EditedEntry( pEdEntry, rStr ) )
+ {
+ ((SvLBoxString*)pEdItem)->SetText( pEdEntry, rStr );
+ pModel->InvalidateEntry( pEdEntry );
+ }
+ //if( GetSelectionMode() == SINGLE_SELECTION )
+ //{
+ if( GetSelectionCount() == 0 )
+ Select( pEdEntry );
+ if( GetSelectionMode() == MULTIPLE_SELECTION && !GetCurEntry() )
+ SetCurEntry( pEdEntry );
+ //}
+void SvTreeListBox::EditingRequest( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxItem* pItem,
+ const Point& )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsEditingActive() )
+ EndEditing();
+ if( pItem->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
+ {
+ if( EditingEntry( pEntry, aSel ) )
+ {
+ SelectAll( FALSE );
+ EditItemText( pEntry, (SvLBoxString*)pItem, aSel );
+ }
+ }
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::GetDropTarget( const Point& rPos )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ // Scrollen
+ if( rPos.Y() < 12 )
+ {
+ SvLBox::ImplShowTargetEmphasis( SvLBox::pTargetEntry, FALSE );
+ ScrollOutputArea( +1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Size aSize( pImp->GetOutputSize() );
+ if( rPos.Y() > aSize.Height() - 12 )
+ {
+ SvLBox::ImplShowTargetEmphasis( SvLBox::pTargetEntry, FALSE );
+ ScrollOutputArea( -1 );
+ }
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTarget = pImp->GetEntry( rPos );
+ // bei Droppen in leere Flaeche -> den letzten Eintrag nehmen
+ if( !pTarget )
+ return (SvLBoxEntry*)LastVisible();
+ else if( (GetDragDropMode() & SV_DRAGDROP_ENABLE_TOP) &&
+ pTarget == First() && rPos.Y() < 6 )
+ return 0;
+ return pTarget;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::GetEntry( const Point& rPos, BOOL bHit ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pImp->GetEntry( rPos );
+ if( pEntry && bHit )
+ {
+ long nLine = pImp->GetEntryLine( pEntry );
+ if( !(pImp->EntryReallyHit( pEntry, rPos, nLine)) )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return pEntry;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::GetCurEntry() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ return pImp->GetCurEntry();
+void SvTreeListBox::SetWindowBits( WinBits nWinStyle )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ nWindowStyle = nWinStyle;
+ if( nWinStyle & WB_SORT )
+ {
+ GetModel()->SetSortMode( SortAscending );
+ GetModel()->SetCompareHdl( LINK(this,SvTreeListBox,DefaultCompare));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GetModel()->SetSortMode( SortNone );
+ GetModel()->SetCompareHdl( Link() );
+ }
+#ifdef OS2
+ nWinStyle |= WB_VSCROLL;
+ pImp->SetWindowBits( nWinStyle );
+ pImp->Resize();
+ Invalidate();
+void SvTreeListBox::PaintEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"PaintEntry:No Entry")
+ if( pEntry )
+ pImp->PaintEntry( pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::InvalidateEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"InvalidateEntry:No Entry")
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ // pImp->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+long SvTreeListBox::PaintEntry(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,long nLine,USHORT nTabFlags)
+ return PaintEntry1(pEntry,nLine,nTabFlags);
+#define SV_TAB_BORDER 8
+long SvTreeListBox::PaintEntry1(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,long nLine,USHORT nTabFlags,
+ BOOL bHasClipRegion )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Rectangle aRect; // multi purpose
+ BOOL bHorSBar = pImp->HasHorScrollBar();
+ PreparePaint( pEntry );
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS )
+ SetTabs();
+ short nTempEntryHeight = GetEntryHeight();
+ long nWidth = pImp->GetOutputSize().Width();
+ // wurde innerhalb des PreparePaints die horizontale ScrollBar
+ // angeschaltet? Wenn ja, muss die ClipRegion neu gesetzt werden
+ if( !bHorSBar && pImp->HasHorScrollBar() )
+ SetClipRegion( Region(pImp->GetClipRegionRect()) );
+ Point aPos( GetMapMode().GetOrigin() );
+ aPos.X() *= -1; // Umrechnung Dokumentkoord.
+ long nMaxRight = nWidth + aPos.X() - 1;
+ Font aBackupFont( GetFont() );
+ Color aBackupColor = GetFillColor();
+ int bCurFontIsSel = FALSE;
+ BOOL bInUse = pEntry->HasInUseEmphasis();
+ // wenn eine ClipRegion von aussen gesetzt wird, dann
+ // diese nicht zuruecksetzen
+ BOOL bResetClipRegion = !bHasClipRegion;
+ BOOL bHideSelection = ((nWindowStyle & WB_HIDESELECTION) && !HasFocus())!=0;
+ const StyleSettings& rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ Font aHiliteFont( GetFont() );
+ aHiliteFont.SetColor( rSettings.GetHighlightTextColor() );
+ Size aRectSize( 0, nTempEntryHeight );
+ if( !bHasClipRegion && nWindowStyle & WB_HSCROLL )
+ {
+ SetClipRegion( Region(pImp->GetClipRegionRect()) );
+ bHasClipRegion = TRUE;
+ }
+ SvViewDataEntry* pViewDataEntry = GetViewDataEntry( pEntry );
+ USHORT nTabCount = aTabs.Count();
+ USHORT nItemCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
+ USHORT nCurTab = 0;
+ USHORT nCurItem = 0;
+ while( nCurTab < nTabCount && nCurItem < nItemCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nCurTab );
+ USHORT nNextTab = nCurTab + 1;
+ SvLBoxTab* pNextTab = nNextTab < nTabCount ? (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(nNextTab) : 0;
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = nCurItem < nItemCount ? pEntry->GetItem(nCurItem) : 0;
+ USHORT nFlags = pTab->nFlags;
+ Size aSize( pItem->GetSize( pViewDataEntry, nCurItem ));
+ long nTabPos = GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab );
+ long nNextTabPos;
+ if( pNextTab )
+ nNextTabPos = GetTabPos( pEntry, pNextTab );
+ else
+ {
+ nNextTabPos = nMaxRight;
+ if( nTabPos > nMaxRight )
+ nNextTabPos += 50;
+ }
+ long nX;
+ if( pTab->nFlags & SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_RIGHT )
+ //verhindern, das rechter Rand von der Tabtrennung abgeschnitten wird
+ nX = nTabPos + pTab->CalcOffset(aSize.Width(), (nNextTabPos-SV_TAB_BORDER-1) -nTabPos);
+ else
+ nX = nTabPos + pTab->CalcOffset(aSize.Width(), nNextTabPos-nTabPos);
+ if( nFlags & nTabFlags )
+ {
+ if( !bHasClipRegion && nX + aSize.Width() >= nMaxRight )
+ {
+ SetClipRegion( Region(pImp->GetClipRegionRect()) );
+ bHasClipRegion = TRUE;
+ }
+ aPos.X() = nX;
+ aPos.Y() = nLine;
+ // Hintergrund-Muster & Farbe bestimmen
+ Wallpaper aWallpaper = GetBackground();
+ int bSelTab = nFlags & SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_SELECTION;
+ USHORT nItemType = pItem->IsA();
+ if( pViewDataEntry->IsSelected() && bSelTab &&
+ !pViewDataEntry->IsCursored() )
+ {
+ if( !bInUse || nItemType != SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP )
+ {
+ if( bHideSelection )
+ aWallpaper.SetColor( rSettings.GetDeactiveColor() );
+ else
+ aWallpaper.SetColor( rSettings.GetHighlightColor() );
+ // Font auf Hilite-Farbe setzen ?
+ if( !bCurFontIsSel && nItemType == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
+ {
+ Control::SetFont( aHiliteFont );
+ bCurFontIsSel = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else // ContextBitmap + InUse-Emphasis + Selektiert
+ aWallpaper.SetColor( rSettings.GetHighlightColor() );
+ }
+ else // keine Selektion
+ {
+ if( bInUse && nItemType == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP )
+ aWallpaper.SetColor( rSettings.GetFieldColor() );
+ else if( bCurFontIsSel && nItemType == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
+ {
+ bCurFontIsSel = FALSE;
+ Control::SetFont( aBackupFont );
+ }
+ }
+ // Hintergrund zeichnen
+ if( !(nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_USESEL))
+ {
+ // nur den Bereich zeichnen, den das Item einnimmt
+ aRectSize.Width() = aSize.Width();
+ aRect.SetPos( aPos );
+ aRect.SetSize( aRectSize );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // vom aktuellen bis zum naechsten Tab zeichnen
+ if( nCurTab != 0 )
+ aRect.Left() = nTabPos;
+ else
+ // beim nullten Tab immer ab Spalte 0 zeichnen
+ // (sonst Probleme bei Tabs mit Zentrierung)
+ aRect.Left() = 0;
+ aRect.Top() = nLine;
+ aRect.Bottom() = nLine + nTempEntryHeight - 1;
+ if( pNextTab )
+ {
+ long nRight;
+ nRight = GetTabPos(pEntry,pNextTab)-1;
+ if( nRight > nMaxRight )
+ nRight = nMaxRight;
+ aRect.Right() = nRight;
+ }
+ else
+ aRect.Right() = nMaxRight;
+ }
+ // bei anwenderdefinierter Selektion, die bei einer Tabposition
+ // groesser 0 beginnt den Hintergrund des 0.ten Items nicht
+ // fuellen, da sonst z.B. TablistBoxen mit Linien nicht
+ // realisiert werden koennen.
+ if( !(nCurTab==0 && (nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_USESEL) && nFirstSelTab) )
+ {
+ SetFillColor( aWallpaper.GetColor() );
+ // Bei kleinen hor. Resizes tritt dieser Fall auf
+ if( aRect.Left() < aRect.Right() )
+ DrawRect( aRect );
+ }
+ // Item zeichnen
+ // vertikal zentrieren
+ aPos.Y() += ( nTempEntryHeight - aSize.Height() ) / 2;
+ pItem->Paint( aPos, *this, pViewDataEntry->GetFlags(), pEntry );
+ // Trennungslinie zwischen Tabs
+ if( pNextTab && pItem->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING &&
+ // nicht am rechten Fensterrand!
+ aRect.Right() < nMaxRight )
+ {
+ aRect.Left() = aRect.Right() - SV_TAB_BORDER;
+ DrawRect( aRect );
+ }
+ SetFillColor( aBackupColor );
+ }
+ nCurItem++;
+ nCurTab++;
+ }
+ if( pViewDataEntry->IsCursored() && !HasFocus() )
+ {
+ // Cursor-Emphasis
+ SetFillColor();
+ Color aOldLineColor = GetLineColor();
+ SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ aRect = GetFocusRect( pEntry, nLine );
+ aRect.Top()++;
+ aRect.Bottom()--;
+ DrawRect( aRect );
+ SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
+ SetFillColor( aBackupColor );
+ }
+ if( bCurFontIsSel )
+ Control::SetFont( aBackupFont );
+ USHORT nFirstDynTabPos;
+ SvLBoxTab* pFirstDynamicTab = GetFirstDynamicTab( nFirstDynTabPos );
+ long nDynTabPos = GetTabPos( pEntry, pFirstDynamicTab );
+ nDynTabPos += pImp->nNodeBmpTabDistance;
+ nDynTabPos += pImp->nNodeBmpWidth / 2;
+ nDynTabPos += 4; // 4 Pixel Reserve, damit die Node-Bitmap
+ // nicht zu nah am naechsten Tab steht
+ if( (!(pEntry->GetFlags() & SV_ENTRYFLAG_NO_NODEBMP)) &&
+ (nWindowStyle & WB_HASBUTTONS) && pFirstDynamicTab &&
+ ( pEntry->HasChilds() || pEntry->HasChildsOnDemand() ) )
+ {
+ // ersten festen Tab suchen, und pruefen ob die Node-Bitmap
+ // in ihn hineinragt
+ USHORT nNextTab = nFirstDynTabPos;
+ SvLBoxTab* pNextTab;
+ do
+ {
+ nNextTab++;
+ pNextTab = nNextTab < nTabCount ? (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(nNextTab) : 0;
+ } while( pNextTab && pNextTab->IsDynamic() );
+ if( !pNextTab || (GetTabPos( pEntry, pNextTab ) > nDynTabPos) )
+ {
+ if((nWindowStyle & WB_HASBUTTONSATROOT) || pModel->GetDepth(pEntry) > 0)
+ {
+ Point aPos( GetTabPos(pEntry,pFirstDynamicTab), nLine );
+ aPos.X() += pImp->nNodeBmpTabDistance;
+ const Image* pImg = 0;
+ if( IsExpanded(pEntry) )
+ pImg = &pImp->GetExpandedNodeBmp();
+ else
+ {
+ if( (!pEntry->HasChilds()) && pEntry->HasChildsOnDemand() &&
+ (!(pEntry->GetFlags() & SV_ENTRYFLAG_HAD_CHILDREN)) &&
+ pImp->GetDontKnowNodeBmp().GetSizePixel().Width() )
+ pImg = &pImp->GetDontKnowNodeBmp();
+ else
+ pImg = &pImp->GetCollapsedNodeBmp();
+ }
+ aPos.Y() += (nTempEntryHeight - pImg->GetSizePixel().Height()) / 2;
+ DrawImage( aPos, *pImg );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( bHasClipRegion && bResetClipRegion )
+ SetClipRegion();
+ return 0; // nRowLen;
+void SvTreeListBox::PreparePaint( SvLBoxEntry* )
+Rectangle SvTreeListBox::GetFocusRect( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, long nLine )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Size aSize;
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ aRect.Top() = nLine;
+ aSize.Height() = GetEntryHeight();
+ long nRealWidth = pImp->GetOutputSize().Width();
+ nRealWidth -= GetMapMode().GetOrigin().X();
+ USHORT nCurTab;
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = GetFirstTab( SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_SELECTION, nCurTab );
+ long nTabPos = 0;
+ if( pTab )
+ nTabPos = GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab );
+ long nNextTabPos;
+ if( pTab && nCurTab < aTabs.Count() - 1 )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pNextTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nCurTab + 1 );
+ nNextTabPos = GetTabPos( pEntry, pNextTab );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nNextTabPos = nRealWidth;
+ if( nTabPos > nRealWidth )
+ nNextTabPos += 50;
+ }
+ BOOL bUserSelection = (BOOL)( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_USESEL ) != 0;
+ if( !bUserSelection )
+ {
+ if( pTab && nCurTab < pEntry->ItemCount() )
+ {
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pEntry->GetItem( nCurTab );
+ aSize.Width() = pItem->GetSize( this, pEntry ).Width();
+ if( !aSize.Width() )
+ aSize.Width() = 15;
+ long nX = nTabPos; //GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab );
+ // Ausrichtung
+ nX += pTab->CalcOffset( aSize.Width(), nNextTabPos - nTabPos );
+ aRect.Left() = nX;
+ // damit erster & letzter Buchstabe nicht angeknabbert werden
+ aRect.SetSize( aSize );
+ if( aRect.Left() > 0 )
+ aRect.Left()--;
+ aRect.Right()++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // wenn erster SelTab != 0, dann muessen wir auch rechnen
+ if( nFocusWidth == -1 || nFirstSelTab )
+ {
+ USHORT nLastTab;
+ SvLBoxTab* pLastTab = GetLastTab(SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_SELECTION,nLastTab);
+ nLastTab++;
+ if( nLastTab < aTabs.Count() ) // gibts noch einen ?
+ pLastTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nLastTab );
+ else
+ pLastTab = 0; // ueber gesamte Breite selektieren
+ aSize.Width() = pLastTab ? pLastTab->GetPos() : 0x0fffffff;
+ nFocusWidth = (short)aSize.Width();
+ if( pTab )
+ nFocusWidth -= (short)nTabPos; //pTab->GetPos();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aSize.Width() = nFocusWidth;
+ if( pTab )
+ {
+ if( nCurTab )
+ aSize.Width() += nTabPos;
+ else
+ aSize.Width() += pTab->GetPos(); // Tab0 immer ab ganz links
+ }
+ }
+ // wenn Sel. beim nullten Tab anfaengt, dann ab Spalte 0 sel. zeichnen
+ if( nCurTab != 0 )
+ {
+ aRect.Left() = nTabPos;
+ aSize.Width() -= nTabPos;
+ }
+ aRect.SetSize( aSize );
+ }
+ // rechten Rand anpassen wg. Clipping
+ if( aRect.Right() >= nRealWidth )
+ {
+ aRect.Right() = nRealWidth-1;
+ nFocusWidth = (short)aRect.GetWidth();
+ }
+ return aRect;
+long SvTreeListBox::GetTabPos( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxTab* pTab)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pTab,"No Tab")
+ long nPos = pTab->GetPos();
+ if( pTab->IsDynamic() )
+ {
+ USHORT nDepth = pModel->GetDepth( pEntry );
+ nDepth *= (USHORT)nIndent;
+ nPos += (long)nDepth;
+ }
+ return nPos;
+SvLBoxItem* SvTreeListBox::GetItem_Impl( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, long nX,
+ SvLBoxTab** ppTab, USHORT nEmptyWidth )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxItem* pItemClicked = 0;
+ USHORT nTabCount = aTabs.Count();
+ USHORT nItemCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(0);
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pEntry->GetItem(0);
+ USHORT nNextItem = 1;
+ nX -= GetMapMode().GetOrigin().X();
+ long nRealWidth = pImp->GetOutputSize().Width();
+ nRealWidth -= GetMapMode().GetOrigin().X();
+ while( 1 )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pNextTab=nNextItem<nTabCount ? (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(nNextItem) : 0;
+ long nStart = GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab );
+ long nNextTabPos;
+ if( pNextTab )
+ nNextTabPos = GetTabPos( pEntry, pNextTab );
+ else
+ {
+ nNextTabPos = nRealWidth;
+ if( nStart > nRealWidth )
+ nNextTabPos += 50;
+ }
+ Size aItemSize( pItem->GetSize(this, pEntry));
+ nStart += pTab->CalcOffset( aItemSize.Width(), nNextTabPos - nStart );
+ long nLen = aItemSize.Width();
+ if( pNextTab )
+ {
+ long nTabWidth = GetTabPos( pEntry, pNextTab ) - nStart;
+ if( nTabWidth < nLen )
+ nLen = nTabWidth;
+ }
+ if( !nLen )
+ nLen = nEmptyWidth;
+ if( nX >= nStart && nX < (nStart+nLen ) )
+ {
+ pItemClicked = pItem;
+ if( ppTab )
+ {
+ *ppTab = pTab;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( nNextItem >= nItemCount || nNextItem >= nTabCount)
+ break;
+ pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nNextItem );
+ pItem = pEntry->GetItem( nNextItem );
+ nNextItem++;
+ }
+ return pItemClicked;
+SvLBoxItem* SvTreeListBox::GetItem(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,long nX,SvLBoxTab** ppTab)
+ return GetItem_Impl( pEntry, nX, ppTab, 0 );
+SvLBoxItem* SvTreeListBox::GetItem(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,long nX )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxTab* pDummyTab;
+ return GetItem_Impl( pEntry, nX, &pDummyTab, 0 );
+SvLBoxItem* SvTreeListBox::GetFirstDynamicItem( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(0);
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pEntry->GetItem(0);
+ USHORT nTabCount = aTabs.Count();
+ USHORT nNext = 1;
+ while ( !pTab->IsDynamic() && nNext < nTabCount )
+ {
+ pItem = pEntry->GetItem( nNext );
+ pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nNext );
+ nNext++;
+ }
+ return pItem;
+void SvTreeListBox::AddTab(long nPos,USHORT nFlags,void* pUserData )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ nFocusWidth = -1;
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = new SvLBoxTab( nPos, nFlags );
+ pTab->SetUserData( pUserData );
+ aTabs.Insert( pTab, aTabs.Count() );
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_USESEL )
+ {
+ USHORT nPos = aTabs.Count() - 1;
+ if( nPos >= nFirstSelTab && nPos <= nLastSelTab )
+ else
+ // String-Items werden normalerweise immer selektiert
+ // deshalb explizit ausschalten
+ }
+SvLBoxTab* SvTreeListBox::GetFirstDynamicTab( USHORT& rPos ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ USHORT nCurTab = 0;
+ USHORT nTabCount = aTabs.Count();
+ while( nCurTab < nTabCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(nCurTab);
+ if( pTab->nFlags & SV_LBOXTAB_DYNAMIC )
+ {
+ rPos = nCurTab;
+ return pTab;
+ }
+ nCurTab++;
+ }
+ return 0;
+SvLBoxTab* SvTreeListBox::GetFirstDynamicTab() const
+ USHORT nDummy;
+ return GetFirstDynamicTab( nDummy );
+SvLBoxTab* SvTreeListBox::GetTab( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxItem* pItem) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ USHORT nPos = pEntry->GetPos( pItem );
+ return (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nPos );
+void SvTreeListBox::ClearTabList()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ USHORT nTabCount = aTabs.Count();
+ while( nTabCount )
+ {
+ nTabCount--;
+ SvLBoxTab* pDelTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nTabCount );
+ delete pDelTab;
+ }
+ aTabs.Remove(0,aTabs.Count());
+Size SvTreeListBox::GetOutputSizePixel() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Size aSize = pImp->GetOutputSize();
+ return aSize;
+void SvTreeListBox::NotifyBeginScroll()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+void SvTreeListBox::NotifyEndScroll()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+void SvTreeListBox::NotifyScrolling( long nCount )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+void SvTreeListBox::NotifyScrolled()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ aScrolledHdl.Call( this );
+void SvTreeListBox::NotifyInvalidating()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+void SvTreeListBox::Invalidate()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( nFocusWidth == -1 )
+ // damit Control nicht nach dem Paint ein falsches FocusRect anzeigt
+ pImp->RecalcFocusRect();
+ NotifyInvalidating();
+ SvLBox::Invalidate();
+ pImp->Invalidate();
+void SvTreeListBox::Invalidate( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( nFocusWidth == -1 )
+ // damit Control nicht nach dem Paint ein falsches FocusRect anzeigt
+ pImp->RecalcFocusRect();
+ NotifyInvalidating();
+ SvLBox::Invalidate( rRect );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetHighlightRange( USHORT nStart, USHORT nEnd)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ USHORT nTemp;
+ nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_USESEL;
+ if( nStart > nEnd )
+ {
+ nTemp = nStart;
+ nStart = nEnd;
+ nEnd = nTemp;
+ }
+ // alle Tabs markieren, die im Bereich liegen
+ nFirstSelTab = nStart;
+ nLastSelTab = nEnd;
+ pImp->RecalcFocusRect();
+void SvTreeListBox::RemoveHighlightRange()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ nTreeFlags &= (~TREEFLAG_USESEL);
+ if( IsUpdateMode() )
+ Invalidate();
+ULONG SvTreeListBox::GetAscInsertionPos(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,SvLBoxEntry* pParent)
+ return LIST_APPEND;
+ULONG SvTreeListBox::GetDescInsertionPos(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,SvLBoxEntry* pParent)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ return LIST_APPEND;
+Region SvTreeListBox::GetDragRegion() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetCurEntry();
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ Point aPos = GetEntryPos( pEntry );
+ aRect = ((SvTreeListBox*)this)->GetFocusRect( pEntry, aPos.Y() );
+ }
+ Region aRegion( aRect );
+ return aRegion;
+void SvTreeListBox::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->Command( rCEvt );
+void SvTreeListBox::RemoveParentKeepChilds( SvLBoxEntry* pParent )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pParent,"RemoveParentKeepChilds:No Parent");
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNewParent = GetParent( pParent );
+ if( pParent->HasChilds())
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pChild = FirstChild( pParent );
+ while( pChild )
+ {
+ pModel->Move( pChild, pNewParent, LIST_APPEND );
+ pChild = FirstChild( pParent );
+ }
+ }
+ pModel->Remove( pParent );
+SvLBoxTab* SvTreeListBox::GetFirstTab( USHORT nFlagMask, USHORT& rPos )
+ USHORT nTabCount = aTabs.Count();
+ for( USHORT nPos = 0; nPos < nTabCount; nPos++ )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nPos );
+ if( (pTab->nFlags & nFlagMask) )
+ {
+ rPos = nPos;
+ return pTab;
+ }
+ }
+ rPos = 0xffff;
+ return 0;
+SvLBoxTab* SvTreeListBox::GetLastTab( USHORT nFlagMask, USHORT& rTabPos )
+ short nTabCount = (short)aTabs.Count();
+ if( nTabCount )
+ {
+ for( short nPos = nTabCount-1; nPos >= 0; nPos-- )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( (USHORT)nPos );
+ if( (pTab->nFlags & nFlagMask) )
+ {
+ rTabPos = (USHORT)nPos;
+ return pTab;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rTabPos = 0xffff;
+ return 0;
+void SvTreeListBox::SetAddMode( BOOL bAdd )
+ pImp->SetAddMode( bAdd );
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::IsAddMode() const
+ return pImp->IsAddMode();
+void SvTreeListBox::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt )
+ if( !pImp->RequestHelp( rHEvt ) )
+ SvLBox::RequestHelp( rHEvt );
+void SvTreeListBox::CursorMoved( SvLBoxEntry* )
+IMPL_LINK( SvTreeListBox, DefaultCompare, SvSortData*, pData )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pLeft = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pData->pLeft );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pRight = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pData->pRight );
+ String aLeft( ((SvLBoxString*)(pLeft->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING)))->GetText());
+ String aRight( ((SvLBoxString*)(pRight->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING)))->GetText());
+ // Intntl: Compare(a,b) ==> b.Compare(a) ==> strcmp(a,b)
+ const International& rInter = Application::GetAppInternational();
+ StringCompare eCompare = rInter.Compare( aLeft, aRight );
+ return (long)eCompare;
+void SvTreeListBox::ModelNotification( USHORT nActionId, SvListEntry* pEntry1,
+ SvListEntry* pEntry2, ULONG nPos )
+ if( nActionId == LISTACTION_CLEARING )
+ CancelTextEditing();
+ SvLBox::ModelNotification( nActionId, pEntry1, pEntry2, nPos );
+ switch( nActionId )
+ {
+ SetUpdateMode( FALSE );
+ break;
+ // nach Sortierung den ersten Eintrag anzeigen, dabei die
+ // Selektion erhalten.
+ MakeVisible( (SvLBoxEntry*)pModel->First(), TRUE );
+ SetUpdateMode( TRUE );
+ break;
+ if( IsUpdateMode() )
+ Update();
+ break;
+ }
+// bei Aenderungen SetTabs beruecksichtigen
+long SvTreeListBox::GetTextOffset() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ BOOL bHasButtons = (nWindowStyle & WB_HASBUTTONS)!=0;
+ BOOL bHasButtonsAtRoot = (nWindowStyle & (WB_HASLINESATROOT |
+ long nStartPos = TAB_STARTPOS;
+ long nNodeWidthPixel = GetExpandedNodeBmp().GetSizePixel().Width();
+ long nCheckWidth = 0;
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN )
+ nCheckWidth = pCheckButtonData->aBmps[0].GetSizePixel().Width();
+ long nCheckWidthDIV2 = nCheckWidth / 2;
+ long nContextWidth = nContextBmpWidthMax;
+ long nContextWidthDIV2 = nContextWidth / 2;
+ int nCase = NO_BUTTONS;
+ if( !(nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN) )
+ {
+ if( bHasButtons )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( bHasButtons )
+ else
+ }
+ switch( nCase )
+ {
+ case NO_BUTTONS :
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // wg. Zentrierung
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ break;
+ if( bHasButtonsAtRoot )
+ nStartPos += ( nIndent + (nNodeWidthPixel/2) );
+ else
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2;
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ break;
+ if( bHasButtonsAtRoot )
+ nStartPos += ( nIndent + nNodeWidthPixel );
+ else
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2;
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand des CheckButtons
+ nStartPos += 3; // Abstand CheckButton Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // Mitte der Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ // Abstand setzen nur wenn Bitmaps da
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ break;
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2;
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand CheckButton
+ nStartPos += 3; // Abstand CheckButton Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // Mitte der Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ break;
+ }
+ return nStartPos;
+void SvTreeListBox::EndSelection()
+ pImp->EndSelection();
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::IsNodeButton( const Point& rPos ) const
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( rPos );
+ if( pEntry )
+ return pImp->IsNodeButton( rPos, pEntry );
+ return FALSE;
+void SvTreeListBox::RepaintScrollBars() const
+ ((SvTreeListBox*)this)->pImp->RepaintScrollBars();
+ScrollBar *SvTreeListBox::GetVScroll()
+ return &((SvTreeListBox*)this)->pImp->aVerSBar;
+ScrollBar *SvTreeListBox::GetHScroll()
+ return &((SvTreeListBox*)this)->pImp->aHorSBar;
+void SvTreeListBox::EnableAsyncDrag( BOOL b )
+ pImp->EnableAsyncDrag( b );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetDontKnowNodeBitmap( const Image& rCollapsedNodeBmp )
+ pImp->SetDontKnowNodeBmp( rCollapsedNodeBmp );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::GetFirstEntryInView() const
+ Point aPos;
+ return GetEntry( aPos );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::GetNextEntryInView(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNext = (SvLBoxEntry*)NextVisible( pEntry );
+ if( pNext )
+ {
+ Point aPos( GetEntryPos(pNext) );
+ const Size& rSize = pImp->GetOutputSize();
+ if( aPos.Y() < 0 || aPos.Y() >= rSize.Height() )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return pNext;
+void SvTreeListBox::ShowFocusRect( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->ShowFocusRect( pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetTabBar( TabBar* pTabBar )
+ pImp->SetTabBar( pTabBar );
+void SvTreeListBox::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
+ if( (rDCEvt.GetType()==DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) )
+ {
+ InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ else
+ Control::DataChanged( rDCEvt );
+void SvTreeListBox::InitSettings(BOOL bFont,BOOL bForeground,BOOL bBackground)
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ if( bFont )
+ {
+ Font aFont;
+ aFont = rStyleSettings.GetFieldFont();
+ SetPointFont( aFont );
+ }
+ if( bForeground || bFont )
+ {
+ SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor() );
+ SetTextFillColor();
+ }
+ if( bBackground )
+ SetBackground( rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor() );
+void SvTreeListBox::InitStartEntry()
+ if( !pImp->pStartEntry )
+ pImp->pStartEntry = GetModel()->First();