path: root/svtools/source/brwbox
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Diffstat (limited to 'svtools/source/brwbox')
6 files changed, 5623 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svtools/source/brwbox/brwbox1.cxx b/svtools/source/brwbox/brwbox1.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..53c90ed1e64a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/brwbox/brwbox1.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: brwbox1.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:56 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <brwbox.hxx>
+#include <tools/debug.hxx>
+#include <tools/stream.hxx>
+#include <vcl/sound.hxx>
+#include "brwhead.hxx"
+#include "datwin.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include <tools/multisel.hxx>
+extern const char* BrowseBoxCheckInvariants( const void* pVoid );
+DECLARE_LIST( BrowserColumns, BrowserColumn* );
+#ifdef VCL
+#if DBG_MI
+void DoLog_Impl( const BrowseBox *pThis, const char *pWhat, const char *pWho )
+ SvFileStream aLog( "d:\\cursor.log", STREAM_WRITE|STREAM_NOCREATE );
+ if ( aLog.IsOpen() )
+ {
+ aLog.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END );
+ String aEntry( (long) pThis );
+ aEntry += "(row=";
+ aEntry += pThis->GetCurRow();
+ aEntry += "): ";
+ aEntry += pWhat;
+ aEntry += " from ";
+ aEntry += pWho;
+ aEntry += " => ";
+ aEntry += pThis->GetCursorHideCount();
+ aLog.WriteLine( aEntry );
+ }
+void BrowseBox::Construct( BrowserMode nMode )
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->Construct", this );
+ bMultiSelection = FALSE;
+ pColSel = 0;
+ pDataWin = 0;
+ pVScroll = 0;
+ pDataWin = new BrowserDataWin( this );
+ pCols = new BrowserColumns;
+ aLineColor = Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY );
+ InitSettings_Impl( this );
+ InitSettings_Impl( pDataWin );
+ bBootstrapped = FALSE;
+ bHasBitmapHandle = FALSE;
+ nDataRowHeight = 0;
+ nTitleLines = 1;
+ nFirstCol = 0;
+ nTopRow = 0;
+ nCurColId = 0;
+ bResizing = FALSE;
+ bSelect = FALSE;
+ bSelecting = FALSE;
+ bScrolling = FALSE;
+ bSelectionIsVisible = FALSE;
+ bNotToggleSel = FALSE;
+ bDrag = FALSE;
+ bHit = FALSE;
+ bRubber = FALSE;
+ bHideSelect = FALSE;
+ bHideCursor = FALSE;
+ nRowCount = 0;
+ m_bFocusOnlyCursor = TRUE;
+ m_aCursorColor = COL_TRANSPARENT;
+ m_nCurrentMode = 0;
+ aHScroll.SetLineSize(1);
+ aHScroll.SetScrollHdl( LINK( this, BrowseBox, ScrollHdl ) );
+ aHScroll.SetEndScrollHdl( LINK( this, BrowseBox, EndScrollHdl ) );
+ pDataWin->Show();
+ SetMode( nMode );
+ bSelectionIsVisible = bKeepHighlight;
+ bHasFocus = HasChildPathFocus();
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->nCursorHidden =
+ ( bHasFocus ? 0 : 1 ) + ( GetUpdateMode() ? 0 : 1 );
+ LOG( this, "Construct", "*" );
+BrowseBox::BrowseBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nBits, BrowserMode nMode ) :
+ Control( pParent, nBits | WB_3DLOOK ),
+ aHScroll( this, WinBits( WB_HSCROLL ) )
+ DBG_CTOR( BrowseBox, NULL );
+ Construct( nMode );
+BrowseBox::BrowseBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rId, BrowserMode nMode ):
+ Control( pParent, rId ),
+ aHScroll( this, WinBits(WB_HSCROLL) )
+ DBG_CTOR( BrowseBox, NULL );
+ Construct(nMode);
+ DBG_DTOR(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p~", this );
+ Hide();
+ delete ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar;
+ delete ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pCornerWin;
+ delete pDataWin;
+ delete pVScroll;
+ // free columns-space
+ for ( USHORT n = 0; n < pCols->Count(); ++n )
+ delete pCols->GetObject(n);
+ delete pCols;
+ delete pColSel;
+ if ( bMultiSelection )
+ delete uRow.pSel;
+short BrowseBox::GetCursorHideCount() const
+ return ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->nCursorHidden;
+void BrowseBox::DoShowCursor( const char *pWhoLogs )
+ short nHiddenCount = --((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->nCursorHidden;
+ if (PaintCursorIfHiddenOnce())
+ {
+ if (1 == nHiddenCount)
+ DrawCursor();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (0 == nHiddenCount)
+ DrawCursor();
+ }
+ LOG( this, "DoShowCursor", pWhoLogs );
+void BrowseBox::DoHideCursor( const char *pWhoLogs )
+ short nHiddenCount = ++((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->nCursorHidden;
+ if (PaintCursorIfHiddenOnce())
+ {
+ if (2 == nHiddenCount)
+ DrawCursor();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (1 == nHiddenCount)
+ DrawCursor();
+ }
+ LOG( this, "DoHideCursor", pWhoLogs );
+void BrowseBox::SetRealRowCount( const String &rRealRowCount )
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->aRealRowCount = rRealRowCount;
+void BrowseBox::SetMapMode( const MapMode& rNewMapMode )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ pDataWin->SetMapMode( rNewMapMode );
+void BrowseBox::SetFont( const Font& rNewFont )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ pDataWin->SetFont( rNewFont );
+ ImpGetDataRowHeight();
+void BrowseBox::InsertHandleColumn( ULONG nWidth, BOOL bBitmap )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ pCols->Insert( new BrowserColumn( 0, Image(), String(), nWidth, GetZoom(), 0 ), (ULONG) 0 );
+ FreezeColumn( 0 );
+ // Headerbar anpassen
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ {
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->SetPosPixel(
+ Point(nWidth, 0));
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->SetSizePixel(
+ Size( GetOutputSizePixel().Width() - nWidth, GetTitleHeight() ) );
+ }
+ /*if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->InsertItem( USHRT_MAX - 1,
+ "", nWidth, HIB_FIXEDPOS|HIB_FIXED, 0 );*/
+ ColumnInserted( 0 );
+ bHasBitmapHandle = bBitmap;
+#if SUPD<380
+void BrowseBox::InsertDataColumn( USHORT nItemId, const String &rTitle,
+ ULONG nWidth, BrowserColumnMode nFlags, USHORT nPos )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ pCols->Insert( new BrowserColumn( nItemId, Image(), rTitle, nWidth, GetZoom(), nFlags ),
+ Min( nPos, (USHORT)(pCols->Count()) ) );
+ if ( nCurColId == 0 )
+ nCurColId = nItemId;
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->InsertItem(
+ nItemId, rTitle, nWidth, HIB_STDSTYLE, nPos );
+ ColumnInserted( nPos );
+void BrowseBox::InsertDataColumn( USHORT nItemId, const Image& rImage,
+ long nWidth, HeaderBarItemBits nBits, USHORT nPos )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ pCols->Insert( new BrowserColumn( nItemId, rImage, String(), nWidth, GetZoom(), nBits ),
+ Min( nPos, (USHORT)(pCols->Count()) ) );
+ if ( nCurColId == 0 )
+ nCurColId = nItemId;
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ {
+ // Handlecolumn nicht in der Headerbar
+ USHORT nHeaderPos = nPos;
+ if (nHeaderPos != HEADERBAR_APPEND && !GetColumnId(0))
+ nHeaderPos--;
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->InsertItem(
+ nItemId, rImage, nWidth, nBits, nHeaderPos );
+ }
+ ColumnInserted( nPos );
+void BrowseBox::InsertDataColumn( USHORT nItemId, const XubString& rText,
+ long nWidth, HeaderBarItemBits nBits, USHORT nPos )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ pCols->Insert( new BrowserColumn( nItemId, Image(), rText, nWidth, GetZoom(), nBits ),
+ Min( nPos, (USHORT)(pCols->Count()) ) );
+ if ( nCurColId == 0 )
+ nCurColId = nItemId;
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ {
+ // Handlecolumn nicht in der Headerbar
+ USHORT nHeaderPos = nPos;
+ if (nHeaderPos != HEADERBAR_APPEND && !GetColumnId(0))
+ nHeaderPos--;
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->InsertItem(
+ nItemId, rText, nWidth, nBits, nHeaderPos );
+ }
+ ColumnInserted( nPos );
+void BrowseBox::InsertDataColumn( USHORT nItemId,
+ const Image& rImage, const XubString& rText,
+ long nWidth, HeaderBarItemBits nBits, USHORT nPos,
+ const String* pHelpText )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ pCols->Insert( new BrowserColumn( nItemId, rImage, rText, nWidth, GetZoom(), nBits ),
+ Min( nPos, (USHORT)(pCols->Count()) ) );
+ if ( nCurColId == 0 )
+ nCurColId = nItemId;
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ {
+ // Handlecolumn nicht in der Headerbar
+ USHORT nHeaderPos = nPos;
+ if (nHeaderPos != HEADERBAR_APPEND && !GetColumnId(0))
+ nHeaderPos--;
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->InsertItem(
+ nItemId, rImage, rText, nWidth, nBits, nHeaderPos );
+ if( pHelpText && !rText.Len() )
+ {
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->SetHelpText(
+ nItemId, *pHelpText );
+ }
+ }
+ ColumnInserted( nPos );
+void BrowseBox::FreezeColumn( USHORT nItemId, BOOL bFreeze )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // never unfreeze the handle-column
+ if ( nItemId == 0 && !bFreeze )
+ return;
+ // get the position in the current array
+ USHORT nItemPos = GetColumnPos( nItemId );
+ if ( nItemPos >= pCols->Count() )
+ // not available!
+ return;
+ // doesn't the state change?
+ if ( pCols->GetObject(nItemPos)->IsFrozen() == bFreeze )
+ return;
+ // remark the column selection
+ USHORT nSelectedColId = USHRT_MAX;
+ if ( pColSel && pColSel->GetSelectCount() )
+ {
+ DoHideCursor( "FreezeColumn" );
+ ToggleSelection();
+ nSelectedColId = pCols->GetObject(pColSel->FirstSelected())->GetId();
+ pColSel->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ }
+ // freeze or unfreeze?
+ if ( bFreeze )
+ {
+ // to be moved?
+ if ( nItemPos != 0 && !pCols->GetObject(nItemPos-1)->IsFrozen() )
+ {
+ // move to the right of the last frozen column
+ USHORT nFirstScrollable = FrozenColCount();
+ BrowserColumn *pColumn = pCols->GetObject(nItemPos);
+ pCols->Remove( (ULONG) nItemPos );
+ nItemPos = nFirstScrollable;
+ pCols->Insert( pColumn, (ULONG) nItemPos );
+ }
+ // adjust the number of the first scrollable and visible column
+ if ( nFirstCol <= nItemPos )
+ nFirstCol = nItemPos + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // to be moved?
+ if ( nItemPos != FrozenColCount()-1 )
+ {
+ // move to the leftmost scrollable colum
+ USHORT nFirstScrollable = FrozenColCount();
+ BrowserColumn *pColumn = pCols->GetObject(nItemPos);
+ pCols->Remove( (ULONG) nItemPos );
+ nItemPos = nFirstScrollable;
+ pCols->Insert( pColumn, (ULONG) nItemPos );
+ }
+ // adjust the number of the first scrollable and visible column
+ nFirstCol = nItemPos;
+ }
+ // toggle the freeze-state of the column
+ pCols->GetObject(nItemPos)->Freeze( bFreeze );
+ // align the scrollbar-range
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ // repaint
+ Control::Invalidate();
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Invalidate();
+ // remember the column selection
+ if ( pColSel && nSelectedColId != USHRT_MAX )
+ {
+ pColSel->Select( GetColumnPos( nSelectedColId ) );
+ ToggleSelection();
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->ShowCursor", this );
+ DoShowCursor( "FreezeColumn" );
+ }
+void BrowseBox::SetColumnPos( USHORT nColumnId, USHORT nPos )
+ // never set pos of the handle-column
+ if ( nColumnId == 0 )
+ return;
+ // do not move handle column
+ if (nPos == 0 && !pCols->GetObject(0)->GetId())
+ return;
+ // get the position in the current array
+ USHORT nOldPos = GetColumnPos( nColumnId );
+ if ( nOldPos >= pCols->Count() )
+ // not available!
+ return;
+ // does the state change?
+ BrowserColumn *pCol = pCols->GetObject(nOldPos);
+ if (nOldPos != nPos)
+ {
+ // determine old column area
+ Size aDataWinSize( pDataWin->GetSizePixel() );
+ Rectangle aFromRect( GetFieldRect( nColumnId) );
+ // move column internally
+ pCols->Insert( pCols->Remove( nOldPos ), nPos );
+ // determine new column area
+ Rectangle aToRect( GetFieldRect( nColumnId ) );
+ // do scroll, let redraw
+ Rectangle aForNewArea( Point( aToRect.Left(), 0 ),
+ Size( aDataWinSize.Width() - aToRect.Left(),
+ aDataWinSize.Height() ) );
+ Rectangle aForOldArea( Point( aFromRect.Right(), 0 ),
+ Size( aDataWinSize.Width() - aFromRect.Right(),
+ aDataWinSize.Height() ) );
+ if( pDataWin->GetBackground().IsScrollable() )
+ {
+ if ( nOldPos > nPos )
+ pDataWin->Scroll( -aFromRect.GetWidth()-4, 0, aForOldArea );
+ pDataWin->Scroll( aToRect.GetWidth()+4, 0, aForNewArea );
+ if ( nOldPos < nPos )
+ pDataWin->Scroll( -aFromRect.GetWidth()-4, 0, aForOldArea );
+ }
+ else
+ pDataWin->Window::Invalidate( INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN );
+ }
+void BrowseBox::SetColumnMode( USHORT nColumnId, BrowserColumnMode nFlags )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // never set mode of the handle-column
+ if ( nColumnId == 0 )
+ return;
+ // get the position in the current array
+ USHORT nColumnPos = GetColumnPos( nColumnId );
+ if ( nColumnPos >= pCols->Count() )
+ // not available!
+ return;
+ // does the state change?
+ BrowserColumn *pCol = pCols->GetObject(nColumnPos);
+ if ( pCol->Flags() != nFlags )
+ {
+ pCol->Flags() = nFlags;
+ // redraw visible colums
+ if ( GetUpdateMode() && ( pCol->IsFrozen() || nColumnPos > nFirstCol ) )
+ Invalidate( Rectangle( Point(0,0),
+ Size( GetOutputSizePixel().Width(), GetTitleHeight() ) ) );
+ }
+void BrowseBox::SetColumnTitle( USHORT nItemId, const String& rTitle )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // never set title of the handle-column
+ if ( nItemId == 0 )
+ return;
+ // get the position in the current array
+ USHORT nItemPos = GetColumnPos( nItemId );
+ if ( nItemPos >= pCols->Count() )
+ // not available!
+ return;
+ // does the state change?
+ BrowserColumn *pCol = pCols->GetObject(nItemPos);
+ if ( pCol->Title() != rTitle )
+ {
+ pCol->Title() = rTitle;
+ // Headerbar-Column anpassen
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->SetItemText(
+ nItemId ? nItemId : USHRT_MAX - 1, rTitle );
+ else
+ {
+ // redraw visible colums
+ if ( GetUpdateMode() && ( pCol->IsFrozen() || nItemPos > nFirstCol ) )
+ Invalidate( Rectangle( Point(0,0),
+ Size( GetOutputSizePixel().Width(), GetTitleHeight() ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+void BrowseBox::SetColumnWidth( USHORT nItemId, ULONG nWidth )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // get the position in the current array
+ USHORT nItemPos = GetColumnPos( nItemId );
+ if ( nItemPos >= pCols->Count() )
+ return;
+ // does the state change?
+ nWidth = QueryColumnResize( nItemId, nWidth );
+ if ( nWidth >= LONG_MAX || pCols->GetObject(nItemPos)->Width() != nWidth )
+ {
+ long nOldWidth = pCols->GetObject(nItemPos)->Width();
+ // ggf. letzte Spalte anpassen
+ if ( IsVisible() && nItemPos == pCols->Count() - 1 )
+ {
+ long nMaxWidth = pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Width();
+ nMaxWidth -= ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bAutoSizeLastCol
+ ? GetFieldRect(nItemId).Left()
+ : GetFrozenWidth();
+ if ( ( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->bAutoSizeLastCol || nWidth > (ULONG)nMaxWidth )
+ {
+ nWidth = nMaxWidth > 16 ? nMaxWidth : nOldWidth;
+ nWidth = QueryColumnResize( nItemId, nWidth );
+ }
+ }
+ // OV
+ // In AutoSizeLastColumn() wird SetColumnWidth mit nWidth==0xffff
+ // gerufen. Deshalb muss hier nochmal geprueft werden, ob sich die
+ // Breite tatsaechlich geaendert hat.
+ if( (ULONG)nOldWidth == nWidth )
+ return;
+ // soll die Aenderung sofort dargestellt werden?
+ BOOL bUpdate = GetUpdateMode() &&
+ ( pCols->GetObject(nItemPos)->IsFrozen() || nItemPos >= nFirstCol );
+ if ( bUpdate )
+ {
+ // Selection hiden
+ DoHideCursor( "SetColumnWidth" );
+ ToggleSelection();
+ //!((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Update();
+ //!Control::Update();
+ }
+ // Breite setzen
+ pCols->GetObject(nItemPos)->SetWidth(nWidth, GetZoom());
+#if 0
+ if ( nItemPos != pCols->Count() - 1 )
+ {
+ long nLastColMaxWidth = pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Width() -
+ GetFieldRect(GetColumnId(pCols->Count()-1)).Left();
+ pCols->GetObject(pCols->Count()-1)->Width() = nLastColMaxWidth;
+ }
+ // scroll and invalidate
+ if ( bUpdate )
+ {
+ // X-Pos der veraenderten Spalte ermitteln
+ long nX = 0;
+ for ( USHORT nCol = 0; nCol < nItemPos; ++nCol )
+ {
+ BrowserColumn *pCol = pCols->GetObject(nCol);
+ if ( pCol->IsFrozen() || nCol >= nFirstCol )
+ nX += pCol->Width();
+ }
+ // eigentliches scroll+invalidate
+ pDataWin->SetClipRegion();
+ BOOL bSelVis = bSelectionIsVisible;
+ bSelectionIsVisible = FALSE;
+ if( GetBackground().IsScrollable() )
+ {
+ Rectangle aScrRect( nX + min( (ULONG)nOldWidth, nWidth ), 0,
+ GetSizePixel().Width() , // the header is longer than the datawin
+ pDataWin->GetPosPixel().Y() - 1 );
+ Control::Scroll( nWidth-nOldWidth, 0, aScrRect, SCROLL_FLAGS );
+ aScrRect.Bottom() = pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Height();
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Scroll( nWidth-nOldWidth, 0, aScrRect, SCROLL_FLAGS );
+ Rectangle aInvRect( nX, 0, nX + max( nWidth, (ULONG)nOldWidth ), USHRT_MAX );
+ Control::Invalidate( aInvRect );
+ ( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->Invalidate( aInvRect );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Control::Invalidate( INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN );
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Window::Invalidate( INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN );
+ }
+ //!((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Update();
+ //!Control::Update();
+ bSelectionIsVisible = bSelVis;
+ ToggleSelection();
+ DoShowCursor( "SetColumnWidth" );
+ }
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ // Headerbar-Column anpassen
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->SetItemSize(
+ nItemId ? nItemId : USHRT_MAX - 1, nWidth );
+ // adjust last column
+ if ( nItemPos != pCols->Count() - 1 )
+ AutoSizeLastColumn();
+ }
+void BrowseBox::AutoSizeLastColumn()
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bAutoSizeLastCol &&
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->GetUpdateMode() )
+ {
+ USHORT nId = GetColumnId( (USHORT)pCols->Count() - 1 );
+ SetColumnWidth( nId, LONG_MAX );
+ ColumnResized( nId );
+ }
+void BrowseBox::RemoveColumn( USHORT nItemId )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // Spaltenposition ermitteln
+ USHORT nPos = GetColumnPos(nItemId);
+ if ( nPos >= ColCount() )
+ // nicht vorhanden
+ return;
+ // Spaltenselektion korrigieren
+ if ( pColSel )
+ pColSel->Remove( nPos );
+ // Spaltencursor korrigieren
+ if ( nCurColId == nItemId )
+ nCurColId = 0;
+ if ( nFirstCol >= nPos && nFirstCol > 0 )
+ --nFirstCol;
+ // Spalte entfernen
+ delete( pCols->Remove( (ULONG) nPos ));
+ // Handlecolumn nicht in der Headerbar
+ if (nItemId)
+ {
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->RemoveItem( nItemId );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Headerbar anpassen
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ {
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->SetPosPixel(
+ Point(0, 0));
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->SetSizePixel(
+ Size( GetOutputSizePixel().Width(), GetTitleHeight() ) );
+ }
+ }
+ // vertikalen Scrollbar korrigieren
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ // ggf. Repaint ausl"osen
+ if ( GetUpdateMode() )
+ {
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Invalidate();
+ Control::Invalidate();
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bAutoSizeLastCol && nPos ==ColCount() )
+ SetColumnWidth( GetColumnId( nPos - 1 ), LONG_MAX );
+ }
+void BrowseBox::RemoveColumns()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // alle Spalten entfernen
+ while ( pCols->Count() )
+ delete ( pCols->Remove( (ULONG) 0 ));
+ // Spaltenselektion korrigieren
+ if ( pColSel )
+ {
+ pColSel->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ pColSel->SetTotalRange( Range( 0, 0 ) );
+ }
+ // Spaltencursor korrigieren
+ nCurColId = 0;
+ nFirstCol = 0;
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->Clear( );
+ // vertikalen Scrollbar korrigieren
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ // ggf. Repaint ausl"osen
+ if ( GetUpdateMode() )
+ {
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Invalidate();
+ Control::Invalidate();
+ }
+String BrowseBox::GetColumnTitle( USHORT nId ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ USHORT nItemPos = GetColumnPos( nId );
+ if ( nItemPos >= pCols->Count() )
+ return String();
+ return pCols->GetObject(nItemPos)->Title();
+long BrowseBox::GetRowCount() const
+ return nRowCount;
+USHORT BrowseBox::ColCount() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return (USHORT) pCols->Count();
+long BrowseBox::ImpGetDataRowHeight() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ BrowseBox *pThis = (BrowseBox*)this;
+ pThis->nDataRowHeight = pThis->CalcReverseZoom(pDataWin->GetTextHeight() + 2);
+ pThis->Resize();
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Invalidate();
+ return nDataRowHeight;
+void BrowseBox::SetDataRowHeight( long nPixel )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ nDataRowHeight = CalcReverseZoom(nPixel);
+ Resize();
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Invalidate();
+void BrowseBox::SetTitleLines( USHORT nLines )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ nTitleLines = nLines;
+void BrowseBox::ToTop()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+void BrowseBox::ToBottom()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+long BrowseBox::ScrollColumns( long nCols )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( nFirstCol + nCols < 0 ||
+ nFirstCol + nCols >= (long)pCols->Count() )
+ //?MI: pCols->GetObject( nFirstCol + nCols )->IsFrozen() )
+ return 0;
+ // implicitly hides cursor while scrolling
+ StartScroll();
+ bScrolling = TRUE;
+ BOOL bScrollable = pDataWin->GetBackground().IsScrollable();
+ BOOL bInvalidateView = FALSE;
+ // eine Spalte nach links scrollen?
+ if ( nCols == 1 )
+ {
+ // update internal value and scrollbar
+ ++nFirstCol;
+ aHScroll.SetThumbPos( nFirstCol - FrozenColCount() );
+ long nDelta = pCols->GetObject(nFirstCol-1)->Width();
+ long nFrozenWidth = GetFrozenWidth();
+ // scroll the title-line
+ Rectangle aScrollRect(
+ Point( nFrozenWidth + nDelta, 0 ),
+ Size( GetOutputSizePixel().Width() - nFrozenWidth - nDelta,
+ GetTitleHeight() - 1 ) );
+ // ggf. Headerbar mitscrollen
+ if ( !((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar && nTitleLines )
+ {
+ if( bScrollable )
+ Scroll( -nDelta, 0, aScrollRect );
+ else
+ bInvalidateView = TRUE;
+ }
+ long nSkippedWidth = GetOutputSizePixel().Width() -
+ 2 * aScrollRect.GetWidth() - nFrozenWidth;
+ if ( nSkippedWidth > 0 )
+ {
+ aScrollRect.Right() = aScrollRect.Left()-1;
+ aScrollRect.Left() -= nSkippedWidth;
+ Invalidate( aScrollRect );
+ }
+ // scroll the data-area
+ aScrollRect = Rectangle(
+ Point( nFrozenWidth + nDelta, 0 ),
+ Size( pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Width() - nFrozenWidth -
+ nDelta, pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Height() ) );
+ if( bScrollable )
+ pDataWin->Scroll( -nDelta, 0, aScrollRect );
+ else
+ bInvalidateView = TRUE;
+ nSkippedWidth = pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Width() -
+ 2 * aScrollRect.GetWidth() - nFrozenWidth;
+ if ( nSkippedWidth > 0 )
+ {
+ aScrollRect.Right() = aScrollRect.Left()-1;
+ aScrollRect.Left() -= nSkippedWidth;
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Invalidate( aScrollRect );
+ }
+ }
+ // eine Spalte nach rechts scrollen?
+ else if ( nCols == -1 )
+ {
+ --nFirstCol;
+ aHScroll.SetThumbPos( nFirstCol - FrozenColCount() );
+ long nDelta = pCols->GetObject(nFirstCol)->Width();
+ long nFrozenWidth = GetFrozenWidth();
+ // ggf. Headerbar mitscrollen
+ if ( !((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar && nTitleLines )
+ {
+ if( bScrollable )
+ {
+ Scroll( nDelta, 0, Rectangle(
+ Point( nFrozenWidth, 0 ),
+ Size( GetOutputSizePixel().Width() - nFrozenWidth,
+ GetTitleHeight() - 1 ) ) );
+ }
+ else
+ bInvalidateView = TRUE;
+ }
+ if( bScrollable )
+ {
+ pDataWin->Scroll( nDelta, 0, Rectangle(
+ Point( nFrozenWidth, 0 ),
+ Size( pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Width() - nFrozenWidth,
+ pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Height() ) ) );
+ }
+ else
+ bInvalidateView = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( GetUpdateMode() )
+ {
+ Invalidate( Rectangle(
+ Point( GetFrozenWidth(), 0 ),
+ Size( GetOutputSizePixel().Width(), GetTitleHeight() ) ) );
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Invalidate( Rectangle(
+ Point( GetFrozenWidth(), 0 ),
+ pDataWin->GetSizePixel() ) );
+ }
+ nFirstCol += (USHORT)nCols;
+ aHScroll.SetThumbPos( nFirstCol - FrozenColCount() );
+ }
+ // ggf. externe Headerbar anpassen
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ {
+ long nWidth = 0;
+ for ( USHORT nCol = 0;
+ nCol < pCols->Count() && nCol < nFirstCol;
+ ++nCol )
+ {
+ // HandleColumn nicht
+ if ( pCols->GetObject(nCol)->GetId() )
+ nWidth += pCols->GetObject(nCol)->Width();
+ }
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->SetOffset( nWidth );
+ }
+ if( bInvalidateView )
+ {
+ Control::Invalidate( INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN );
+ pDataWin->Window::Invalidate( INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN );
+ }
+ // implicitly show cursor after scrolling
+ if ( nCols )
+ {
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Update();
+ Update();
+ }
+ bScrolling = FALSE;
+ EndScroll();
+ return nCols;
+long BrowseBox::ScrollRows( long nRows )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // out of range?
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bNoScrollBack && nRows < 0 )
+ return 0;
+ // compute new top row
+ long nTmpMin = Min( (long)(nTopRow + nRows), (long)(nRowCount - 1) );
+ long nNewTopRow = Max( (long)nTmpMin, (long)0 );
+ if ( nNewTopRow == nTopRow )
+ return 0;
+ USHORT nVisibleRows =
+ (USHORT)(pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() / GetDataRowHeight() + 1);
+ VisibleRowsChanged(nNewTopRow, nVisibleRows);
+ // compute new top row again (nTopRow might have changed!)
+ nTmpMin = Min( (long)(nTopRow + nRows), (long)(nRowCount - 1) );
+ nNewTopRow = Max( (long)nTmpMin, (long)0 );
+ StartScroll();
+ // scroll area on screen and/or repaint
+ long nDeltaY = GetDataRowHeight() * ( nNewTopRow - nTopRow );
+ long nOldTopRow = nTopRow;
+ nTopRow = nNewTopRow;
+ if ( GetUpdateMode() )
+ {
+ pVScroll->SetRange( Range( 0L, nRowCount ) );
+ pVScroll->SetThumbPos( nTopRow );
+ if( pDataWin->GetBackground().IsScrollable() &&
+ Abs( nDeltaY ) > 0 &&
+ Abs( nDeltaY ) < pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Height() )
+ {
+ pDataWin->Scroll( 0, (short)-nDeltaY );
+ }
+ else
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Invalidate();
+ if ( nTopRow - nOldTopRow )
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Update();
+ }
+ EndScroll();
+ return nTopRow - nOldTopRow;
+long BrowseBox::ScrollPages( long nPagesY )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return ScrollRows( pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Height() / GetDataRowHeight() );
+void BrowseBox::RowModified( long nRow, USHORT nColId )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( !GetUpdateMode() )
+ return;
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ if ( nColId == USHRT_MAX )
+ // invalidate the whole row
+ aRect = Rectangle( Point( 0, (nRow-nTopRow) * GetDataRowHeight() ),
+ Size( pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Width(), GetDataRowHeight() ) );
+ else
+ {
+ // invalidate the specific field
+ aRect = GetFieldRectPixel( nRow, nColId, FALSE );
+ }
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Invalidate( aRect );
+void BrowseBox::Clear()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // adjust the total number of rows
+ DoHideCursor( "Clear" );
+ nRowCount = 0;
+ nTopRow = 0;
+ nCurColId = 0;
+ // nFirstCol darf nicht zurueckgesetzt werden, da ansonsten das Scrollen
+ // total durcheinander kommt
+ // nFirstCol darf nur beim Hinzufuegen oder Loeschen von Spalten geaendert werden
+ // nFirstCol = 0; ->Falsch!!!!
+ aHScroll.SetThumbPos( 0 );
+ pVScroll->SetThumbPos( 0 );
+ Invalidate();
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ SetNoSelection();
+ DoShowCursor( "Clear" );
+ CursorMoved();
+#if SUPD > 511
+void BrowseBox::RowInserted( long nRow, long nNumRows, BOOL bDoPaint )
+ RowInserted( nRow, nNumRows, bDoPaint, FALSE );
+void BrowseBox::RowInserted( long nRow, long nNumRows, BOOL bDoPaint, BOOL bKeepSelection )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if (nRow < 0)
+ nRow = 0;
+ else if (nRow > nRowCount) // maximal = nRowCount
+ nRow = nRowCount;
+ if ( nNumRows <= 0 )
+ return;
+#if 0
+ // Zerlegung in einzelne RowInserted-Aufrufe:
+ if (nNumRows > 1)
+ {
+ for (long i = 0; i < nNumRows; i++)
+ RowInserted(nRow + i,1,bDoPaint);
+ return;
+ }
+ // adjust total row count
+ BOOL bLastRow = nRow >= nRowCount;
+ nRowCount += nNumRows;
+ DoHideCursor( "RowInserted" );
+ // must we paint the new rows?
+ long nOldCurRow = nCurRow;
+ Size aSz = pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel();
+ if ( bDoPaint && nRow >= nTopRow &&
+ nRow <= nTopRow + aSz.Height() / GetDataRowHeight() )
+ {
+ long nY = (nRow-nTopRow) * GetDataRowHeight();
+ if ( !bLastRow )
+ {
+ // scroll down the rows behind the new row
+ pDataWin->SetClipRegion();
+ if( pDataWin->GetBackground().IsScrollable() )
+ {
+ pDataWin->Scroll( 0, GetDataRowHeight() * nNumRows,
+ Rectangle( Point( 0, nY ),
+ Size( aSz.Width(), aSz.Height() - nY ) ),
+ }
+ else
+ pDataWin->Window::Invalidate( INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN );
+ }
+ else
+ // scroll would cause a repaint, so we must explicitly invalidate
+ pDataWin->Invalidate( Rectangle( Point( 0, nY ),
+ Size( aSz.Width(), nNumRows * GetDataRowHeight() ) ) );
+ }
+ // ggf. Top-Row korrigieren
+ if ( nRow < nTopRow )
+ nTopRow += nNumRows;
+ // adjust the selection
+ if ( bMultiSelection )
+ uRow.pSel->Insert( nRow, nNumRows );
+ else if ( uRow.nSel != BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION && nRow <= uRow.nSel )
+ uRow.nSel += nNumRows;
+ // adjust the cursor
+ GoToRow( 0, FALSE, bKeepSelection );
+ else if ( nRow <= nCurRow )
+ GoToRow( nCurRow += nNumRows, FALSE, bKeepSelection );
+ // adjust the vertical scrollbar
+ if ( bDoPaint )
+ {
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ AutoSizeLastColumn();
+ }
+ DoShowCursor( "RowInserted" );
+ if ( nCurRow != nOldCurRow )
+ CursorMoved();
+ DBG_ASSERT(nRowCount > 0,"BrowseBox: nRowCount <= 0");
+ DBG_ASSERT(nCurRow >= 0,"BrowseBox: nCurRow < 0");
+ DBG_ASSERT(nCurRow < nRowCount,"nCurRow >= nRowCount");
+void BrowseBox::RowRemoved( long nRow, long nNumRows, BOOL bDoPaint )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( nRow < 0 )
+ nRow = 0;
+ else if ( nRow >= nRowCount )
+ nRow = nRowCount - 1;
+ if ( nNumRows <= 0 )
+ return;
+ if ( nRowCount <= 0 )
+ return;
+ if ( bDoPaint )
+ {
+ // hide cursor and selection
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->HideCursor", this );
+ ToggleSelection();
+ DoHideCursor( "RowRemoved" );
+ }
+ // adjust total row count
+ nRowCount -= nNumRows;
+ if (nRowCount < 0) nRowCount = 0;
+ long nOldCurRow = nCurRow;
+ // adjust the selection
+ if ( bMultiSelection )
+ // uRow.pSel->Remove( nRow, nNumRows );
+ for ( long i = 0; i < nNumRows; i++ )
+ uRow.pSel->Remove( nRow );
+ else if ( nRow < uRow.nSel && uRow.nSel >= nNumRows )
+ uRow.nSel -= nNumRows;
+ else if ( nRow <= uRow.nSel )
+ // adjust the cursor
+ if ( nRowCount == 0 ) // don't compare nRowCount with nNumRows as nNumRows already was subtracted from nRowCount
+ else if ( nRow < nCurRow )
+ {
+ nCurRow -= Min( nCurRow - nRow, nNumRows );
+ // with the above nCurRow points a) to the first row after the removed block or b) to the same line
+ // as before, but moved up nNumRows
+ // case a) needs an additional correction if the last n lines were deleted, as 'the first row after the
+ // removed block' is an invalid position then
+ // FS - 09/28/99 - 68429
+ if (nCurRow == nRowCount)
+ --nCurRow;
+ }
+ else if( nRow == nCurRow && nCurRow == nRowCount )
+ nCurRow = nRowCount-1;
+ // is the deleted row visible?
+ Size aSz = pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel();
+ if ( nRow >= nTopRow &&
+ nRow <= nTopRow + aSz.Height() / GetDataRowHeight() )
+ {
+ if ( bDoPaint )
+ {
+ // scroll up the rows behind the deleted row
+ // if there are Rows behind
+ if (nRow < nRowCount)
+ {
+ long nY = (nRow-nTopRow) * GetDataRowHeight();
+ pDataWin->SetClipRegion();
+ if( pDataWin->GetBackground().IsScrollable() )
+ {
+ pDataWin->Scroll( 0, - (short) GetDataRowHeight() * nNumRows,
+ Rectangle( Point( 0, nY ), Size( aSz.Width(),
+ aSz.Height() - nY + nNumRows*GetDataRowHeight() ) ),
+ }
+ else
+ pDataWin->Window::Invalidate( INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Repaint the Rect of the deleted row
+ Rectangle aRect(
+ Point( 0, (nRow-nTopRow)*GetDataRowHeight() ),
+ Size( pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Width(),
+ nNumRows * GetDataRowHeight() ) );
+ pDataWin->Invalidate( aRect );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // is the deleted row above of the visible area?
+ else if ( nRow < nTopRow )
+ nTopRow = nTopRow >= nNumRows ? nTopRow-nNumRows : 0;
+ if ( bDoPaint )
+ {
+ // reshow cursor and selection
+ ToggleSelection();
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->ShowCursor", this );
+ DoShowCursor( "RowRemoved" );
+ // adjust the vertical scrollbar
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ AutoSizeLastColumn();
+ }
+ if ( nOldCurRow != nCurRow )
+ CursorMoved();
+ DBG_ASSERT(nRowCount >= 0,"BrowseBox: nRowCount < 0");
+ DBG_ASSERT(nCurRow >= 0 || nRowCount == 0,"BrowseBox: nCurRow < 0 && nRowCount != 0");
+ DBG_ASSERT(nCurRow < nRowCount,"nCurRow >= nRowCount");
+BOOL BrowseBox::GoToRow( long nRow)
+ return GoToRow(nRow, FALSE, FALSE);
+BOOL BrowseBox::GoToRowAndDoNotModifySelection( long nRow )
+ return GoToRow( nRow, FALSE, TRUE );
+#if SUPD > 511
+BOOL BrowseBox::GoToRow( long nRow, BOOL bRowColMove )
+ return GoToRow( nRow, bRowColMove, FALSE );
+BOOL BrowseBox::GoToRow( long nRow, BOOL bRowColMove, BOOL bKeepSelection )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ long nOldCurRow = nCurRow;
+ // nothing to do?
+ if ( nRow == nCurRow && ( bMultiSelection || uRow.nSel == nRow ) )
+ return TRUE;
+ // out of range?
+ if ( nRow < 0 || nRow >= nRowCount )
+ return FALSE;
+ // nicht erlaubt?
+ if ( ( !bRowColMove && !IsCursorMoveAllowed( nRow, nCurColId ) ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bNoScrollBack && nRow < nTopRow )
+ nRow = nTopRow;
+ // compute the last visible row
+ Size aSz( pDataWin->GetSizePixel() );
+ USHORT nVisibleRows = USHORT( aSz.Height() ) / GetDataRowHeight() - 1;
+ long nLastRow = nTopRow + nVisibleRows;
+ // suspend Updates
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->EnterUpdateLock();
+ // ggf. altes Highlight weg
+ if ( !bMultiSelection && !bKeepSelection )
+ ToggleSelection();
+ DoHideCursor( "GoToRow" );
+ // must we scroll?
+ BOOL bWasVisible = bSelectionIsVisible;
+ if (! bMultiSelection)
+ {
+ if( !bKeepSelection )
+ bSelectionIsVisible = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( nRow < nTopRow )
+ ScrollRows( nRow - nTopRow );
+ else if ( nRow > nLastRow )
+ ScrollRows( nRow - nLastRow );
+ bSelectionIsVisible = bWasVisible;
+ // adjust cursor (selection) and thumb
+ if ( GetUpdateMode() )
+ pVScroll->SetThumbPos( nTopRow );
+ // relative positioning (because nCurRow might have changed in the meantime)!
+ nCurRow = nCurRow + (nRow - nOldCurRow);
+ // make sure that the current position is valid
+ if (nCurRow == BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION && nRowCount > 0)
+ nCurRow = 0;
+ else if ( nCurRow >= nRowCount )
+ nCurRow = nRowCount - 1;
+ aSelRange = Range( nCurRow, nCurRow );
+ // ggf. neues Highlight anzeigen
+ if ( !bMultiSelection && !bKeepSelection )
+ uRow.nSel = nRow;
+ // resume Updates
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->LeaveUpdateLock();
+ // Cursor+Highlight
+ if ( !bMultiSelection && !bKeepSelection)
+ ToggleSelection();
+ DoShowCursor( "GoToRow" );
+ if ( !bRowColMove && nOldCurRow != nCurRow )
+ CursorMoved();
+ if ( !bMultiSelection && !bKeepSelection )
+ if ( !bSelecting )
+ Select();
+ else
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL BrowseBox::GoToColumnId( USHORT nColId)
+ return GoToColumnId(nColId,TRUE,FALSE);
+BOOL BrowseBox::GoToColumnId( USHORT nColId, BOOL bMakeVisible, BOOL bRowColMove)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if (!bColumnCursor)
+ return FALSE;
+ // erlaubt?
+ if (!bRowColMove && !IsCursorMoveAllowed( nCurRow, nColId ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ if ( nColId != nCurColId || bMakeVisible && !IsFieldVisible(nCurRow, nColId, TRUE))
+ {
+ DoHideCursor( "GoToColumnId" );
+ nCurColId = nColId;
+ USHORT nNewPos = GetColumnPos(nColId);
+ DBG_ASSERT( nNewPos != USHRT_MAX, "unknown column-id" );
+ USHORT nFirstPos = nFirstCol;
+ USHORT nWidth = (USHORT)pCols->GetObject( nNewPos )->Width();
+ USHORT nLastPos = GetColumnAtXPosPixel(
+ pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Width()-nWidth, FALSE );
+ USHORT nFrozen = FrozenColCount();
+ if ( bMakeVisible && nLastPos &&
+ nNewPos >= nFrozen && ( nNewPos < nFirstPos || nNewPos > nLastPos ) )
+ if ( nNewPos < nFirstPos )
+ ScrollColumns( nNewPos-nFirstPos );
+ else if ( nNewPos > nLastPos )
+ ScrollColumns( nNewPos-nLastPos );
+ DoShowCursor( "GoToColumnId" );
+ if (!bRowColMove)
+ CursorMoved();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL BrowseBox::GoToRowColumnId( long nRow, USHORT nColId )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ long nOldCurRow = nCurRow;
+ // out of range?
+ if ( nRow < 0 || nRow >= nRowCount )
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!bColumnCursor)
+ return FALSE;
+ // nothing to do ?
+ if ( nRow == nCurRow && ( bMultiSelection || uRow.nSel == nRow ) &&
+ nColId == nCurColId && IsFieldVisible(nCurRow, nColId, TRUE))
+ return TRUE;
+ // erlaubt?
+ if (!IsCursorMoveAllowed(nRow, nColId))
+ return FALSE;
+ DoHideCursor( "GoToRowColumnId" );
+ BOOL bMoved = GoToRow(nRow, TRUE) && GoToColumnId(nColId, TRUE, TRUE);
+ DoShowCursor( "GoToRowColumnId" );
+ if (bMoved)
+ CursorMoved();
+ return bMoved;
+void BrowseBox::SetNoSelection()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // is there no selection
+ if ( ( !pColSel || !pColSel->GetSelectCount() ) &&
+ ( ( !bMultiSelection && uRow.nSel == BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION ) ||
+ ( bMultiSelection && !uRow.pSel->GetSelectCount() ) ) )
+ // nothing to do
+ return;
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->HideCursor", this );
+ ToggleSelection();
+ // unselect all
+ if ( bMultiSelection )
+ uRow.pSel->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ else
+ if ( pColSel )
+ pColSel->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ if ( !bSelecting )
+ Select();
+ else
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ // restore screen
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->ShowCursor", this );
+void BrowseBox::SetSelection( const MultiSelection &rSel )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ DBG_ASSERT( bMultiSelection, "SetSelection only allowed with Multi-Selection-Mode" );
+ // prepare inverted areas
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->HideCursor", this );
+ ToggleSelection();
+ // assign Selection
+ *uRow.pSel = rSel;
+ // only highlight painted areas
+ pDataWin->Update();
+ // notify derived class
+ if ( !bSelecting )
+ Select();
+ else
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ // restore screen
+ ToggleSelection();
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->ShowCursor", this );
+void BrowseBox::SelectAll()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( !bMultiSelection )
+ return;
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->HideCursor", this );
+ ToggleSelection();
+ // select all rows
+ if ( pColSel )
+ pColSel->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ uRow.pSel->SelectAll(TRUE);
+ // Handle-Column nicht highlighten
+ BrowserColumn *pFirstCol = pCols->GetObject(0);
+ long nOfsX = pFirstCol->GetId() ? 0 : pFirstCol->Width();
+ // highlight the row selection
+ if ( !bHideSelect )
+ {
+ Rectangle aHighlightRect;
+ USHORT nVisibleRows =
+ (USHORT)(pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() / GetDataRowHeight() + 1);
+ for ( long nRow = Max( nTopRow, uRow.pSel->FirstSelected() );
+ nRow != BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION && nRow < nTopRow + nVisibleRows;
+ nRow = uRow.pSel->NextSelected() )
+ aHighlightRect.Union( Rectangle(
+ Point( nOfsX, (nRow-nTopRow)*GetDataRowHeight() ),
+ Size( pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Width(), GetDataRowHeight() ) ) );
+ pDataWin->Invalidate( aHighlightRect );
+ }
+ if ( !bSelecting )
+ Select();
+ else
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ // restore screen
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->ShowCursor", this );
+void BrowseBox::SelectRow( long nRow, BOOL bSelect, BOOL bExpand )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( !bMultiSelection )
+ {
+ // deselecting is impossible, selecting via cursor
+ if ( bSelect )
+ GoToRow(nRow, FALSE);
+ return;
+ }
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->HideCursor", this );
+ // remove old selection?
+ if ( !bExpand || !bMultiSelection )
+ {
+ ToggleSelection();
+ if ( bMultiSelection )
+ uRow.pSel->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ else
+ if ( pColSel )
+ pColSel->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ }
+ // set new selection
+ if ( !bHideSelect &&
+ ( (bMultiSelection && uRow.pSel->GetTotalRange().Max() >= nRow && uRow.pSel->Select(nRow,bSelect)) ||
+ (!bMultiSelection && ( uRow.nSel = nRow ) != BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION ) ) )
+ {
+ // Handle-Column nicht highlighten
+ BrowserColumn *pFirstCol = pCols->GetObject(0);
+ long nOfsX = pFirstCol->GetId() ? 0 : pFirstCol->Width();
+ // highlight only newly selected part
+ Rectangle aRect(
+ Point( nOfsX, (nRow-nTopRow)*GetDataRowHeight() ),
+ Size( pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Width(), GetDataRowHeight() ) );
+ pDataWin->Invalidate( aRect );
+ }
+ if ( !bSelecting )
+ Select();
+ else
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ // restore screen
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->ShowCursor", this );
+long BrowseBox::GetSelectRowCount() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return bMultiSelection ? uRow.pSel->GetSelectCount() :
+ uRow.nSel == BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION ? 0 : 1;
+void BrowseBox::SelectColumnPos( USHORT nNewColPos, BOOL bSelect, BOOL bMakeVisible )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( !bColumnCursor )
+ return;
+ if ( !bMultiSelection )
+ {
+ if ( bSelect )
+ GoToColumnId( pCols->GetObject(nNewColPos)->GetId(), bMakeVisible );
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (!GoToColumnId( pCols->GetObject(nNewColPos)->GetId(), bMakeVisible ))
+ return;
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->HideCursor", this );
+ ToggleSelection();
+ if ( bMultiSelection )
+ uRow.pSel->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ else
+ pColSel->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ if ( pColSel->Select( nNewColPos ) )
+ {
+ // GoToColumnId( pCols->GetObject(nNewColPos)->GetId(), bMakeVisible );
+ // only highlight painted areas
+ pDataWin->Update();
+ Rectangle aFieldRectPix( GetFieldRectPixel( nCurRow, nCurColId, FALSE ) );
+ Rectangle aRect(
+ Point( aFieldRectPix.Left() - MIN_COLUMNWIDTH, 0 ),
+ Size( pCols->GetObject(nNewColPos)->Width(),
+ pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() ) );
+ pDataWin->Invalidate( aRect );
+ if ( !bSelecting )
+ Select();
+ else
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ }
+ // restore screen
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->ShowCursor", this );
+USHORT BrowseBox::GetSelectColumnCount() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // while bAutoSelect (==!pColSel), 1 if any rows (yes rows!) else none
+ return pColSel ? (USHORT) pColSel->GetSelectCount() :
+ nCurRow >= 0 ? 1 : 0;
+long BrowseBox::FirstSelectedRow( BOOL bInverse )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return bMultiSelection ? uRow.pSel->FirstSelected(bInverse) : uRow.nSel;
+long BrowseBox::NextSelectedRow()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return bMultiSelection ? uRow.pSel->NextSelected() : BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION;
+long BrowseBox::PrevSelectedRow()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return bMultiSelection ? uRow.pSel->PrevSelected() : BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION;
+long BrowseBox::LastSelectedRow( BOOL bInverse )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return bMultiSelection ? uRow.pSel->LastSelected(bInverse) : uRow.nSel;
+BOOL BrowseBox::IsRowSelected( long nRow ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return bMultiSelection ? uRow.pSel->IsSelected(nRow) : nRow == uRow.nSel;
+BOOL BrowseBox::IsColumnSelected( USHORT nColumnId ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return pColSel ? pColSel->IsSelected( GetColumnPos(nColumnId) ) :
+ nCurColId == nColumnId;
+BOOL BrowseBox::MakeFieldVisible
+ long nRow, // Zeilen-Nr des Feldes (beginnend mit 0)
+ USHORT nColId, // Spalten-Id des Feldes
+ BOOL bComplete // (== FALSE), TRUE => vollst"andig sichtbar machen
+/* [Beschreibung]
+ Macht das durch 'nRow' und 'nColId' beschriebene Feld durch
+ entsprechendes scrollen sichtbar. Ist 'bComplete' gesetzt, dann wird
+ gefordert, da\s das Feld ganz sichtbar wird.
+ [R"uckgabewert]
+ Das angegebene Feld wurde sichtbar gemacht, bzw. war
+ bereits sichtbar.
+ Das angegebene Feld konnte nicht sichtbar bzw. bei
+ 'bComplete' nicht vollst"andig sichtbar gemacht werden.
+ Size aTestSize = pDataWin->GetSizePixel();
+ if ( !bBootstrapped ||
+ ( aTestSize.Width() == 0 && aTestSize.Height() == 0 ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ // ist es schon sichtbar?
+ BOOL bVisible = IsFieldVisible( nRow, nColId, bComplete );
+ if ( bVisible )
+ return TRUE;
+ // Spaltenposition und Feld-Rechteck und Ausgabebereich berechnen
+ USHORT nColPos = GetColumnPos( nColId );
+ Rectangle aFieldRect = GetFieldRectPixel( nRow, nColId, FALSE );
+ Rectangle aDataRect = Rectangle( Point(0, 0), pDataWin->GetSizePixel() );
+ // links au\serhalb?
+ if ( nColPos >= FrozenColCount() && nColPos < nFirstCol )
+ // => nach rechts scrollen
+ ScrollColumns( nColPos - nFirstCol );
+ // solange rechts au\serhalb
+ while ( aDataRect.Right() < ( bComplete
+ ? aFieldRect.Right()
+ : aFieldRect.Left()+aFieldRect.GetWidth()/2 ) )
+ {
+ // => nach links scrollen
+ if ( ScrollColumns( 1 ) != 1 )
+ // nichts mehr zu scrollen
+ break;
+ aFieldRect = GetFieldRectPixel( nRow, nColId, FALSE );
+ }
+ // oben au\serhalb?
+ if ( nRow < nTopRow )
+ // nach unten scrollen
+ ScrollRows( nRow - nTopRow );
+ // unten au\serhalb?
+ long nBottomRow = nTopRow + GetVisibleRows();
+ // OV: damit nBottomRow die Nummer der letzten sichtbaren Zeile ist
+ // (Zaehlung ab Null!), muss sie dekrementiert werden.
+ // Beispiel: BrowseBox enthaelt genau einen Eintrag. nBottomRow := 0 + 1 - 1
+ if( nBottomRow )
+ nBottomRow--;
+ if ( nRow > nBottomRow )
+ // nach oben scrollen
+ ScrollRows( nRow - nBottomRow );
+ // jetzt kann es immer noch nicht passen, z.B. weil Window zu klein
+ return IsFieldVisible( nRow, nColId, bComplete );
+BOOL BrowseBox::IsFieldVisible( long nRow, USHORT nColumnId,
+ BOOL bCompletely ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // durch frozen-Column verdeckt?
+ USHORT nColPos = GetColumnPos( nColumnId );
+ if ( nColPos >= FrozenColCount() && nColPos < nFirstCol )
+ return FALSE;
+ Rectangle aRect( ImplFieldRectPixel( nRow, nColumnId ) );
+ if ( aRect.IsEmpty() )
+ return FALSE;
+ // get the visible area
+ Rectangle aOutRect( Point(0, 0), pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ if ( bCompletely )
+ // test if the field is completely visible
+ return aOutRect.IsInside( aRect );
+ else
+ // test if the field is partly of completely visible
+ return !aOutRect.Intersection( aRect ).IsEmpty();
+Rectangle BrowseBox::GetFieldRectPixel( long nRow, USHORT nColumnId,
+ BOOL bRelToBrowser ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // get the rectangle relative to DataWin
+ Rectangle aRect( ImplFieldRectPixel( nRow, nColumnId ) );
+ if ( aRect.IsEmpty() )
+ return aRect;
+ // adjust relative to BrowseBox's output area
+ Point aTopLeft( aRect.TopLeft() );
+ if ( bRelToBrowser )
+ {
+ aTopLeft = pDataWin->OutputToScreenPixel( aTopLeft );
+ aTopLeft = ScreenToOutputPixel( aTopLeft );
+ }
+ return Rectangle( aTopLeft, aRect.GetSize() );
+Rectangle BrowseBox::GetRowRectPixel( long nRow, BOOL bRelToBrowser ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // get the rectangle relative to DataWin
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ if ( nTopRow > nRow )
+ // row is above visible area
+ return aRect;
+ aRect = Rectangle(
+ Point( 0, GetDataRowHeight() * (nRow-nTopRow) ),
+ Size( pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Width(), GetDataRowHeight() ) );
+ if ( aRect.TopLeft().Y() > pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() )
+ // row is below visible area
+ return aRect;
+ // adjust relative to BrowseBox's output area
+ Point aTopLeft( aRect.TopLeft() );
+ if ( bRelToBrowser )
+ {
+ aTopLeft = pDataWin->OutputToScreenPixel( aTopLeft );
+ aTopLeft = ScreenToOutputPixel( aTopLeft );
+ }
+ return Rectangle( aTopLeft, aRect.GetSize() );
+Rectangle BrowseBox::ImplFieldRectPixel( long nRow, USHORT nColumnId ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // compute the X-coordinte realtiv to DataWin by accumulation
+ long nColX = 0;
+ USHORT nFrozenCols = FrozenColCount();
+ USHORT nCol;
+ for ( nCol = 0;
+ nCol < pCols->Count() && pCols->GetObject(nCol)->GetId() != nColumnId;
+ ++nCol )
+ if ( pCols->GetObject(nCol)->IsFrozen() || nCol >= nFirstCol )
+ nColX += pCols->GetObject(nCol)->Width();
+ if ( nCol >= pCols->Count() || ( nCol >= nFrozenCols && nCol < nFirstCol ) )
+ return Rectangle();
+ // compute the Y-coordinate relative to DataWin
+ long nRowY = ( nRow - nTopRow ) * GetDataRowHeight();
+ // assemble the Rectangle relative to DataWin
+ return Rectangle(
+ Point( nColX + MIN_COLUMNWIDTH, nRowY ),
+ Size( pCols->GetObject(nCol)->Width() - 2*MIN_COLUMNWIDTH,
+ GetDataRowHeight() - 1 ) );
+long BrowseBox::GetRowAtYPosPixel( long nY, BOOL bRelToBrowser ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // compute the Y-coord
+ if ( bRelToBrowser )
+ {
+ Point aDataTopLeft = pDataWin->OutputToScreenPixel( Point(0, 0) );
+ Point aTopLeft = OutputToScreenPixel( Point(0, 0) );
+ nY -= aDataTopLeft.Y() - aTopLeft.Y();
+ }
+ // no row there (e.g. in the header)
+ if ( nY < 0 || nY >= pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() )
+ return -1;
+ return nY / GetDataRowHeight() + nTopRow;
+Rectangle BrowseBox::GetFieldRect( USHORT nColumnId ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return GetFieldRectPixel( nCurRow, nColumnId );
+USHORT BrowseBox::GetColumnAtXPosPixel( long nX, BOOL ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // accumulate the withds of the visible columns
+ long nColX = 0;
+ USHORT nCol;
+ for ( nCol = 0; nCol < USHORT(pCols->Count()); ++nCol )
+ {
+ BrowserColumn *pCol = pCols->GetObject(nCol);
+ if ( pCol->IsFrozen() || nCol >= nFirstCol )
+ nColX += pCol->Width();
+ if ( nColX > nX )
+ return nCol;
+ }
+void BrowseBox::ReserveControlArea( USHORT nWidth )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( nWidth != nControlAreaWidth )
+ {
+ nControlAreaWidth = nWidth;
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ }
+Rectangle BrowseBox::GetControlArea() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return Rectangle(
+ Point( 0, GetOutputSizePixel().Height() - aHScroll.GetSizePixel().Height() ),
+ Size( GetOutputSizePixel().Width() - aHScroll.GetSizePixel().Width(),
+ aHScroll.GetSizePixel().Height() ) );
+#if SUPD<558
+BrowserMode BrowseBox::GetMode( ) const
+ return m_nCurrentMode;
+void BrowseBox::SetMode( BrowserMode nMode )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+#ifdef DBG_MIx
+ Sound::Beep();
+ nMode =
+ 0;
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bAutoHScroll =
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bAutoVScroll =
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bNoHScroll =
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bNoHScroll )
+ {
+ aHScroll.Hide();
+ nControlAreaWidth = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ nControlAreaWidth = USHRT_MAX;
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bNoScrollBack =
+ long nOldRowSel = bMultiSelection ? uRow.pSel->FirstSelected() : uRow.nSel;
+ MultiSelection *pOldRowSel = bMultiSelection ? uRow.pSel : 0;
+ MultiSelection *pOldColSel = pColSel;
+ delete pVScroll;
+ m_bFocusOnlyCursor = ((nMode & BROWSER_CURSOR_WO_FOCUS) == 0);
+ WinBits nVScrollWinBits =
+ ? new BrowserScrollBar( this, nVScrollWinBits,
+ (BrowserDataWin*) pDataWin )
+ : new ScrollBar( this, nVScrollWinBits );
+ pVScroll->SetLineSize( 1 );
+ pVScroll->SetPageSize(1);
+ pVScroll->SetScrollHdl( LINK( this, BrowseBox, ScrollHdl ) );
+ pVScroll->SetEndScrollHdl( LINK( this, BrowseBox, EndScrollHdl ) );
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bHighlightAuto =
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bAutoSizeLastCol =
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bOwnDataChangedHdl =
+ // Headerbar erzeugen, was passiert, wenn eine erzeugt werden muß und schon Spalten bestehen ?
+ {
+ if (!((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar)
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar = CreateHeaderBar( this );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DELETEZ(((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar);
+ }
+ if ( bColumnCursor )
+ {
+ pColSel = pOldColSel ? pOldColSel : new MultiSelection;
+ pColSel->SetTotalRange( Range( 0, pCols->Count()-1 ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pColSel = 0;
+ delete pColSel;
+ }
+ if ( bMultiSelection )
+ {
+ if ( pOldRowSel )
+ uRow.pSel = pOldRowSel;
+ else
+ uRow.pSel = new MultiSelection;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uRow.nSel = nOldRowSel;
+ delete pOldRowSel;
+ }
+ if ( bBootstrapped )
+ {
+ if ( bMultiSelection && !pOldRowSel &&
+ uRow.pSel->Select( nOldRowSel );
+ }
+ if ( pDataWin )
+ pDataWin->Invalidate();
+ // kein Cursor auf Handle-Column
+ if ( nCurColId == 0 )
+ nCurColId = GetColumnId( 1 );
+ m_nCurrentMode = nMode;
+void BrowseBox::VisibleRowsChanged( long nNewTopRow, USHORT nNumRows)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // Das alte Verhalten: NumRows automatisch korrigieren:
+ if ( nRowCount < GetRowCount() )
+ {
+ RowInserted(nRowCount,GetRowCount() - nRowCount,FALSE);
+ }
+ else if ( nRowCount > GetRowCount() )
+ {
+ RowRemoved(nRowCount-(nRowCount - GetRowCount()),nRowCount - GetRowCount(),FALSE);
+ }
+BOOL BrowseBox::IsCursorMoveAllowed( long nNewRow, USHORT nNewColId ) const
+/* [Beschreibung]
+ Diese virtuelle Methode wird immer gerufen bevor der Cursor direkt
+ bewegt werden soll. Durch 'return FALSE' kann verhindert werden, da\s
+ dies geschieht, wenn z.B. ein Datensatz irgendwelchen Rules widerspricht.
+ Diese Methode wird nicht gerufen, wenn die Cursorbewegung durch
+ ein L"oschen oder Einf"ugen (einer Zeile/Spalte) ausgel"ost wird, also
+ genaugenommen nur eine Cursor-Korrektur vorliegt.
+ Die Basisimplementierung liefert derzeit immer TRUE.
+ return TRUE;
+long BrowseBox::GetDataRowHeight() const
+ return CalcZoom(nDataRowHeight ? nDataRowHeight : ImpGetDataRowHeight());
+Window& BrowseBox::GetEventWindow() const
+ return *((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pEventWin;
+#if SUPD >= 376
+BrowserHeader* BrowseBox::CreateHeaderBar( BrowseBox* pParent )
+ BrowserHeader* pNewBar = new BrowserHeader( pParent );
+ pNewBar->SetStartDragHdl( LINK( this, BrowseBox, StartDragHdl ) );
+ return pNewBar;
+void BrowseBox::SetHeaderBar( BrowserHeader* pHeaderBar )
+ delete ( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->pHeaderBar;
+ ( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->pHeaderBar = pHeaderBar;
+ ( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->pHeaderBar->SetStartDragHdl( LINK( this, BrowseBox, StartDragHdl ) );
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+const char* BrowseBoxCheckInvariants( const void * pVoid )
+ const BrowseBox * p = (const BrowseBox *)pVoid;
+ if (p->nRowCount < 0) return "BrowseBox: nRowCount < 0";
+ if (p->nTopRow < 0) return "BrowseBox: nTopRow < 0";
+ if (p->nTopRow >= p->nRowCount && p->nRowCount != 0) return "BrowseBox: nTopRow >= nRowCount && nRowCount != 0";
+ if (p->nCurRow < -1) return "BrowseBox: nCurRow < -1";
+ if (p->nCurRow > p->nRowCount) return "BrowseBox: nCurRow > nRowCount";
+ // Leider waehrend der Bearbeitung nicht immer der Fall:
+ //if (p->nCurRow < 0 && p->nRowCount != 0) return "nCurRow < 0 && nRowCount != 0";
+ //if (p->nCurRow >= p->nRowCount && p->nRowCount != 0) return "nCurRow >= nRowCount && nRowCount != 0";
+ return NULL;
+long BrowseBox::GetTitleHeight() const
+ long nHeight;
+ // ask the header bar for the text height (if possible), as the header bar's font is adjusted with
+ // our (and the header's) zoom factor
+ HeaderBar* pHeaderBar = ( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->pHeaderBar;
+ if ( pHeaderBar )
+ nHeight = pHeaderBar->GetTextHeight();
+ else
+ nHeight = GetTextHeight();
+ return nTitleLines ? nTitleLines * nHeight + 4 : 0;
+long BrowseBox::CalcReverseZoom(long nVal)
+ if (IsZoom())
+ {
+ const Fraction& rZoom = GetZoom();
+ double n = (double)nVal;
+ n *= (double)rZoom.GetDenominator();
+ n /= (double)rZoom.GetNumerator();
+ nVal = n>0 ? (long)(n + 0.5) : -(long)(-n + 0.5);
+ }
+ return nVal;
+HeaderBar* BrowseBox::GetHeaderBar() const
+ return ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar;
diff --git a/svtools/source/brwbox/brwbox2.cxx b/svtools/source/brwbox/brwbox2.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..916db78bc5c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/brwbox/brwbox2.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2021 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: brwbox2.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:56 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <tools/debug.hxx>
+#include <brwbox.hxx>
+#include "datwin.hxx"
+#include <vcl/salgtype.hxx>
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include <tools/multisel.hxx>
+#if SUPD<558
+BOOL BrowseBox::m_bFocusOnlyCursor;
+Color BrowseBox::m_aCursorColor;
+BrowserMode BrowseBox::m_nCurrentMode;
+extern const char* BrowseBoxCheckInvariants( const void * pVoid );
+DECLARE_LIST( BrowserColumns, BrowserColumn* );
+void BrowseBox::Command( const CommandEvent& rEvt )
+ if ( !((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bInCommand )
+ Control::Command( rEvt );
+BOOL BrowseBox::IsInCommandEvent() const
+ return ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bInCommand;
+void BrowseBox::StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange )
+ if ( STATE_CHANGE_INITSHOW == nStateChange )
+ {
+ bBootstrapped = TRUE; // muss zuerst gesetzt werden!
+ Resize();
+ if ( bMultiSelection )
+ uRow.pSel->SetTotalRange( Range( 0, nRowCount - 1 ) );
+ if ( nRowCount == 0 )
+ else if ( nCurRow == BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION )
+ nCurRow = 0;
+ if ( HasFocus() )
+ {
+ bSelectionIsVisible = TRUE;
+ bHasFocus = TRUE;
+ }
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ AutoSizeLastColumn();
+ CursorMoved();
+ }
+ else if (STATE_CHANGE_ZOOM == nStateChange)
+ {
+ pDataWin->SetZoom(GetZoom());
+ HeaderBar* pHeaderBar = ( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->pHeaderBar;
+ if (pHeaderBar)
+ pHeaderBar->SetZoom(GetZoom());
+ // let the cols calc their new widths and adjust the header bar
+ for ( USHORT nPos = 0; nPos < pCols->Count(); ++nPos )
+ {
+ pCols->GetObject(nPos)->ZoomChanged(GetZoom());
+ if ( pHeaderBar )
+ pHeaderBar->SetItemSize( pCols->GetObject(nPos)->GetId(), pCols->GetObject(nPos)->Width() );
+ }
+ // all our controls have to be repositioned
+ Resize();
+ }
+void BrowseBox::Select()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+void BrowseBox::DoubleClick( const BrowserMouseEvent & )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+void BrowseBox::CursorMoved()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+long BrowseBox::QueryColumnResize( USHORT nId, long nWidth )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return nWidth;
+void BrowseBox::ColumnResized( USHORT nId )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+void BrowseBox::ColumnMoved( USHORT nId )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+void BrowseBox::StartScroll()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ //((Control*)pDataWin)->HideFocus();
+ DoHideCursor( "StartScroll" );
+void BrowseBox::EndScroll()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ AutoSizeLastColumn();
+ DoShowCursor( "EndScroll" );
+#pragma optimize( "", off )
+void BrowseBox::ToggleSelection( BOOL bForce )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // selection highlight-toggling allowed?
+ if ( bHideSelect )
+ return;
+ if ( !bForce &&
+ ( bNotToggleSel || !IsUpdateMode() || !bSelectionIsVisible ) )
+ return;
+//MI, 28.01.98
+// if ( !((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bHighlightToggle &&
+// !((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bHighlightAuto )
+// return;
+ // only highlight painted areas!
+ bNotToggleSel = TRUE;
+ if ( FALSE && !((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bInPaint )
+ pDataWin->Update();
+ // accumulate areas of rows to highlight
+ RectangleList aHighlightList;
+ long nLastRowInRect = 0; // fuer den CFront
+ // Handle-Column nicht highlighten
+ BrowserColumn *pFirstCol = pCols->GetObject(0);
+ long nOfsX = (!pFirstCol || pFirstCol->GetId()) ? 0 : pFirstCol->Width();
+ // accumulate old row selection
+ long nBottomRow = nTopRow +
+ pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() / GetDataRowHeight();
+ if ( nBottomRow > GetRowCount() && GetRowCount() )
+ nBottomRow = GetRowCount();
+ for ( long nRow = bMultiSelection ? uRow.pSel->FirstSelected() : uRow.nSel;
+ nRow != BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION && nRow <= nBottomRow;
+ nRow = bMultiSelection ? uRow.pSel->NextSelected() : BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION )
+ {
+ if ( nRow < nTopRow )
+ continue;
+ Rectangle aAddRect(
+ Point( nOfsX, (nRow-nTopRow)*GetDataRowHeight() ),
+ Size( pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Width(), GetDataRowHeight() ) );
+ if ( aHighlightList.Count() && nLastRowInRect == ( nRow - 1 ) )
+ aHighlightList.First()->Union( aAddRect );
+ else
+ aHighlightList.Insert( new Rectangle( aAddRect ), (ULONG) 0 );
+ nLastRowInRect = nRow;
+ }
+ // unhighlight the old selection (if any)
+ while ( aHighlightList.Count() )
+ {
+ Rectangle *pRect = aHighlightList.Remove( aHighlightList.Count() - 1 );
+ pDataWin->Invalidate( *pRect );
+ delete pRect;
+ }
+ // unhighlight old column selection (if any)
+ for ( long nColId = pColSel ? pColSel->FirstSelected() : BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION;
+ nColId = pColSel->NextSelected() )
+ {
+ Rectangle aRect( GetFieldRectPixel(nCurRow,
+ pCols->GetObject(nColId)->GetId(),
+ FALSE ) );
+ aRect.Left() -= MIN_COLUMNWIDTH;
+ aRect.Right() += MIN_COLUMNWIDTH;
+ aRect.Top() = 0;
+ aRect.Bottom() = pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Height();
+ pDataWin->Invalidate( aRect );
+ }
+ bNotToggleSel = FALSE;
+#pragma optimize( "", on )
+void BrowseBox::DrawCursor()
+ short nCursorHideCount = GetCursorHideCount();
+ BOOL bHidden = bHideCursor || !bSelectionIsVisible ||
+ !IsUpdateMode() || bScrolling || nCurRow < 0;
+ if (PaintCursorIfHiddenOnce())
+ bHidden |= ( GetCursorHideCount() > 1 );
+ else
+ bHidden |= ( GetCursorHideCount() > 0 );
+// bHidden |= ( GetCursorHideCount() > 0 ) && !( ( !m_bFocusOnlyCursor && GetCursorHideCount() == 1 ) && !HasFocus() );
+ // hidden if the hide count non-zero
+ // exception : we hided the cursor exactly once in LoseFocus and we have to show the cursor
+ // keine Cursor auf Handle-Column
+ if ( nCurColId == 0 )
+ nCurColId = GetColumnId(1);
+ // Cursor-Rechteck berechnen
+ Rectangle aCursor;
+ if ( bColumnCursor )
+ {
+ aCursor = GetFieldRectPixel( nCurRow, nCurColId, FALSE );
+ //! --aCursor.Bottom();
+ aCursor.Left() -= MIN_COLUMNWIDTH;
+ aCursor.Right() += 1;
+ aCursor.Bottom() += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ aCursor = Rectangle(
+ Point( ( pCols->Count() && pCols->GetObject(0)->GetId() == 0 ) ?
+ pCols->GetObject(0)->Width() : 0,
+ (nCurRow - nTopRow) * GetDataRowHeight() + 1 ),
+ Size( pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Width() + 1,
+ GetDataRowHeight() - 2 ) );
+ if ( bHLines )
+ {
+ if ( !bMultiSelection )
+ --aCursor.Top();
+ --aCursor.Bottom();
+ }
+ //!mi_mac pDataWin->Update();
+ if (m_aCursorColor == COL_TRANSPARENT)
+ {
+ // auf diesem Plattformen funktioniert der StarView-Focus richtig
+ if ( bHidden )
+ ((Control*)pDataWin)->HideFocus();
+ else
+ ((Control*)pDataWin)->ShowFocus( aCursor );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Color rCol = bHidden ? pDataWin->GetFillColor() : m_aCursorColor;
+ Color aOldFillColor = pDataWin->GetFillColor();
+ Color aOldLineColor = pDataWin->GetLineColor();
+ pDataWin->SetFillColor();
+ pDataWin->SetLineColor( rCol );
+ pDataWin->DrawRect( aCursor );
+ pDataWin->SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
+ pDataWin->SetFillColor( aOldFillColor );
+ }
+ULONG BrowseBox::GetColumnWidth( USHORT nId ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ USHORT nItemPos = GetColumnPos( nId );
+ if ( nItemPos >= pCols->Count() )
+ return 0;
+ return pCols->GetObject(nItemPos)->Width();
+USHORT BrowseBox::GetColumnId( USHORT nPos ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( nPos >= pCols->Count() )
+ return 0;
+ return pCols->GetObject(nPos)->GetId();
+USHORT BrowseBox::GetColumnPos( USHORT nId ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ for ( USHORT nPos = 0; nPos < pCols->Count(); ++nPos )
+ if ( pCols->GetObject(nPos)->GetId() == nId )
+ return nPos;
+BOOL BrowseBox::IsFrozen( USHORT nColumnId ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ for ( USHORT nPos = 0; nPos < pCols->Count(); ++nPos )
+ if ( pCols->GetObject(nPos)->GetId() == nColumnId )
+ return pCols->GetObject(nPos)->IsFrozen();
+ return FALSE;
+void BrowseBox::ExpandRowSelection( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ DoHideCursor( "ExpandRowSelection" );
+ // expand the last selection
+ if ( bMultiSelection )
+ {
+ Range aJustifiedRange( aSelRange );
+ aJustifiedRange.Justify();
+ BOOL bSelectThis =
+ ( bSelect && !aJustifiedRange.IsInside( rEvt.GetRow() ) ) ||
+ ( !bSelect && aJustifiedRange.IsInside( rEvt.GetRow() ) );
+ if ( aJustifiedRange.IsInside( rEvt.GetRow() ) )
+ {
+ // down and up
+ while ( rEvt.GetRow() < aSelRange.Max() )
+ { // ZTC/Mac bug - dont put these statemants together!
+ SelectRow( aSelRange.Max(), bSelectThis, TRUE );
+ --aSelRange.Max();
+ }
+ while ( rEvt.GetRow() > aSelRange.Max() )
+ { // ZTC/Mac bug - dont put these statemants together!
+ SelectRow( aSelRange.Max(), bSelectThis, TRUE );
+ ++aSelRange.Max();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // up and down
+ BOOL bOldSelecting = bSelecting;
+ bSelecting = TRUE;
+ while ( rEvt.GetRow() < aSelRange.Max() )
+ { // ZTC/Mac bug - dont put these statemants together!
+ --aSelRange.Max();
+ if ( !IsRowSelected( aSelRange.Max() ) )
+ {
+ SelectRow( aSelRange.Max(), bSelectThis, TRUE );
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( rEvt.GetRow() > aSelRange.Max() )
+ { // ZTC/Mac bug - dont put these statemants together!
+ ++aSelRange.Max();
+ if ( !IsRowSelected( aSelRange.Max() ) )
+ {
+ SelectRow( aSelRange.Max(), bSelectThis, TRUE );
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ bSelecting = bOldSelecting;
+ if ( bSelect )
+ Select();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if ( !bMultiSelection || !IsRowSelected( rEvt.GetRow() ) )
+ SelectRow( rEvt.GetRow(), TRUE );
+ GoToRow( rEvt.GetRow(), FALSE );
+ DoShowCursor( "ExpandRowSelection" );
+void BrowseBox::Resize()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( !bBootstrapped && IsReallyVisible() )
+ BrowseBox::StateChanged( STATE_CHANGE_INITSHOW );
+ if ( !pCols->Count() )
+ {
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bResizeOnPaint = TRUE;
+ return;
+ }
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bResizeOnPaint = FALSE;
+ // calc the size of the scrollbars
+ // (we can't ask the scrollbars for their widths cause if we're zoomed they still have to be
+ // resized - which is done in UpdateScrollbars)
+ ULONG nSBSize = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize();
+ if (IsZoom())
+ nSBSize = (ULONG)(nSBSize * (double)GetZoom());
+ long nSize = pDataWin->GetPosPixel().Y();
+ if( !((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bNoHScroll )
+ nSize += aHScroll.GetSizePixel().Height();
+ if ( GetOutputSizePixel().Height() < nSize ) return;
+ DoHideCursor( "Resize" );
+ USHORT nOldVisibleRows =
+ (USHORT)(pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() / GetDataRowHeight() + 1);
+ // did we need a horiz. scroll bar oder gibt es eine Control Area?
+ if ( !((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bNoHScroll &&
+ ( ( pCols->Count() - FrozenColCount() ) > 1 || nControlAreaWidth > 0 ) )
+ aHScroll.Show();
+ else
+ aHScroll.Hide();
+ // calculate the size of the data window
+ long nDataHeight = GetOutputSizePixel().Height() - GetTitleHeight();
+ if ( aHScroll.IsVisible() )
+ nDataHeight -= nSBSize;
+ long nDataWidth = GetOutputSizePixel().Width();
+ if ( pVScroll->IsVisible() )
+ nDataWidth -= nSBSize;
+ // adjust position and size of data window
+ pDataWin->SetPosSizePixel(
+ Point( 0, GetTitleHeight() ),
+ Size( nDataWidth, nDataHeight ) );
+ USHORT nVisibleRows =
+ (USHORT)(pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() / GetDataRowHeight() + 1);
+ // TopRow ist unveraendert, aber die Anzahl sichtbarer Zeilen hat sich
+ // geaendert
+ if ( nVisibleRows != nOldVisibleRows )
+ VisibleRowsChanged(nTopRow, nVisibleRows);
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ // Control-Area
+ Rectangle aInvalidArea( GetControlArea() );
+ aInvalidArea.Right() = GetOutputSizePixel().Width();
+ aInvalidArea.Left() = 0;
+ Invalidate( aInvalidArea );
+ // external header-bar
+ HeaderBar* pHeaderBar = ( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->pHeaderBar;
+ if ( pHeaderBar )
+ {
+ // Handle-Column beruecksichtigen
+ BrowserColumn *pFirstCol = pCols->GetObject(0);
+ long nOfsX = pFirstCol->GetId() ? 0 : pFirstCol->Width();
+ pHeaderBar->SetPosPixel( Point( nOfsX, 0 ) );
+ pHeaderBar->SetSizePixel( Size( GetOutputSizePixel().Width() - nOfsX, GetTitleHeight() ) );
+ }
+ AutoSizeLastColumn(); // adjust last column width
+ DoShowCursor( "Resize" );
+void BrowseBox::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // initializations
+ if ( !bBootstrapped && IsReallyVisible() )
+ BrowseBox::StateChanged( STATE_CHANGE_INITSHOW );
+ if ( !pCols->Count() )
+ return;
+ BrowserColumn *pFirstCol = pCols->GetObject(0);
+ BOOL bHandleCol = pFirstCol && pFirstCol->GetId() == 0;
+ BOOL bHeaderBar = ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar != NULL;
+ // draw delimitational lines
+ if ( !((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bNoHScroll )
+ DrawLine( Point( 0, aHScroll.GetPosPixel().Y() ),
+ Point( GetOutputSizePixel().Width(),
+ aHScroll.GetPosPixel().Y() ) );
+ if ( nTitleLines )
+ {
+ if ( !bHeaderBar )
+ DrawLine( Point( 0, GetTitleHeight() - 1 ),
+ Point( GetOutputSizePixel().Width(),
+ GetTitleHeight() - 1 ) );
+ else if ( bHandleCol )
+ DrawLine( Point( 0, GetTitleHeight() - 1 ),
+ Point( pFirstCol->Width(), GetTitleHeight() - 1 ) );
+ }
+ // Title Bar
+ // Wenn es eine Handle Column gibt und die Headerbar verfuegbar ist, dann nur
+ // die HandleColumn
+ // Handle-Column beruecksichtigen
+ if ( nTitleLines && (!bHeaderBar || bHandleCol) )
+ {
+ // iterate through columns to redraw
+ long nX = 0;
+ USHORT nCol;
+ for ( nCol = 0;
+ nCol < pCols->Count() && nX < rRect.Right();
+ ++nCol )
+ {
+ // skip invisible colums between frozen and scrollable area
+ if ( nCol < nFirstCol && !pCols->GetObject(nCol)->IsFrozen() )
+ nCol = nFirstCol;
+ // nur die HandleCol ?
+ if (bHeaderBar && bHandleCol && nCol > 0)
+ break;
+ BrowserColumn *pCol = pCols->GetObject(nCol);
+ // draw the column and increment position
+ if ( pCol->Width() > 4 )
+ {
+ ButtonFrame aButtonFrame( Point( nX, 0 ),
+ Size( pCol->Width()-1, GetTitleHeight()-1 ),
+ pCol->Title(), FALSE, FALSE,
+ aButtonFrame .Draw( *this );
+ DrawLine( Point( nX + pCol->Width() - 1, 0 ),
+ Point( nX + pCol->Width() - 1, GetTitleHeight()-1 ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Color aOldFillColor = GetFillColor();
+ SetFillColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ DrawRect( Rectangle( Point( nX, 0 ), Size( pCol->Width(), GetTitleHeight() - 1 ) ) );
+ SetFillColor( aOldFillColor );
+ }
+ // skip column
+ nX += pCol->Width();
+ }
+ // retouching
+ if ( !bHeaderBar && nCol == pCols->Count() )
+ {
+ const StyleSettings &rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ Color aColFace( rSettings.GetFaceColor() );
+ Color aOldFillColor = GetFillColor();
+ Color aOldLineColor = GetLineColor();
+ SetFillColor( aColFace );
+ SetLineColor( aColFace );
+ DrawRect( Rectangle(
+ Point( nX, 0 ),
+ Point( rRect.Right(), GetTitleHeight() - 2 ) ) );
+ SetFillColor( aOldLineColor );
+ SetLineColor( aOldFillColor );
+ }
+ }
+void BrowseBox::PaintRow( OutputDevice &rDev, const Rectangle &rRect )
+void BrowseBox::Draw( OutputDevice* pDev, const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, ULONG nFlags )
+ BOOL bDrawSelection = (nFlags & WINDOW_DRAW_NOSELECTION) == 0;
+ // we need pixel coordinates
+ Size aRealSize = pDev->LogicToPixel(rSize);
+ Point aRealPos = pDev->LogicToPixel(rPos);
+ if ((rSize.Width() < 3) || (rSize.Height() < 3))
+ // we want to have two pixels frame ...
+ return;
+ Font aFont = GetDataWindow().GetDrawPixelFont( pDev );
+ // the 'normal' painting uses always the data window as device to output to, so we have to calc the new font
+ // relative to the data wins current settings
+ pDev->Push();
+ pDev->SetMapMode();
+ pDev->SetFont( aFont );
+ // draw a frame
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ pDev->SetLineColor(rStyleSettings.GetDarkShadowColor());
+ pDev->DrawLine(Point(aRealPos.X(), aRealPos.Y()),
+ Point(aRealPos.X(), aRealPos.Y() + aRealSize.Height() - 1));
+ pDev->DrawLine(Point(aRealPos.X(), aRealPos.Y()),
+ Point(aRealPos.X() + aRealSize.Width() - 1, aRealPos.Y()));
+ pDev->SetLineColor(rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor());
+ pDev->DrawLine(Point(aRealPos.X() + aRealSize.Width() - 1, aRealPos.Y() + 1),
+ Point(aRealPos.X() + aRealSize.Width() - 1, aRealPos.Y() + aRealSize.Height() - 1));
+ pDev->DrawLine(Point(aRealPos.X() + aRealSize.Width() - 1, aRealPos.Y() + aRealSize.Height() - 1),
+ Point(aRealPos.X() + 1, aRealPos.Y() + aRealSize.Height() - 1));
+ HeaderBar* pBar = ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar;
+ // we're drawing onto a foreign device, so we have to fake the DataRowHeight for the subsequent ImplPaintData
+ // (as it is based on the settings of our data window, not the foreign device)
+ if (!nDataRowHeight)
+ ImpGetDataRowHeight();
+ long nHeightLogic = PixelToLogic(Size(0, nDataRowHeight), MAP_10TH_MM).Height();
+ long nForeignHeightPixel = pDev->LogicToPixel(Size(0, nHeightLogic), MAP_10TH_MM).Height();
+ long nOriginalHeight = nDataRowHeight;
+ nDataRowHeight = nForeignHeightPixel;
+ // this counts for the column widths, too
+ USHORT nPos;
+ for ( nPos = 0; nPos < pCols->Count(); ++nPos )
+ {
+ BrowserColumn* pCurrent = pCols->GetObject(nPos);
+ long nWidthLogic = PixelToLogic(Size(pCurrent->Width(), 0), MAP_10TH_MM).Width();
+ long nForeignWidthPixel = pDev->LogicToPixel(Size(nWidthLogic, 0), MAP_10TH_MM).Width();
+ pCurrent->SetWidth(nForeignWidthPixel, GetZoom());
+ if ( pBar )
+ pBar->SetItemSize( pCurrent->GetId(), pCurrent->Width() );
+ }
+ // a smaller area for the content
+ ++aRealPos.X();
+ ++aRealPos.Y();
+ aRealSize.Width() -= 2;
+ aRealSize.Height() -= 2;
+ // let the header bar draw itself
+ if ( pBar )
+ {
+ // the title height with respect to the font set for the given device
+ long nTitleHeight = PixelToLogic(Size(0, GetTitleHeight()), MAP_10TH_MM).Height();
+ nTitleHeight = pDev->LogicToPixel(Size(0, nTitleHeight), MAP_10TH_MM).Height();
+ BrowserColumn* pFirstCol = pCols->Count() ? pCols->GetObject(0) : NULL;
+ Point aHeaderPos(pFirstCol && (pFirstCol->GetId() == 0) ? pFirstCol->Width() : 0, 0);
+ Size aHeaderSize(aRealSize.Width() - aHeaderPos.X(), nTitleHeight);
+ aHeaderPos += aRealPos;
+ // do this before converting to logics !
+ // the header's draw expects logic coordinates, again
+ aHeaderPos = pDev->PixelToLogic(aHeaderPos);
+ aHeaderSize = pDev->PixelToLogic(aHeaderSize);
+ pBar->Draw(pDev, aHeaderPos, aHeaderSize, nFlags);
+ // draw the "upper left cell" (the intersection between the header bar and the handle column)
+ if (( pFirstCol->GetId() == 0 ) && ( pFirstCol->Width() > 4 ))
+ {
+ ButtonFrame aButtonFrame( aRealPos,
+ Size( pFirstCol->Width()-1, nTitleHeight-1 ),
+ pFirstCol->Title(), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
+ aButtonFrame.Draw( *pDev );
+ Color aOldColor = pDev->GetLineColor();
+ pDev->SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ pDev->DrawLine( Point( aRealPos.X(), aRealPos.Y() + nTitleHeight-1 ),
+ Point( aRealPos.X() + pFirstCol->Width() - 1, aRealPos.Y() + nTitleHeight-1 ) );
+ pDev->DrawLine( Point( aRealPos.X() + pFirstCol->Width() - 1, aRealPos.Y() ),
+ Point( aRealPos.X() + pFirstCol->Width() - 1, aRealPos.Y() + nTitleHeight-1 ) );
+ pDev->SetLineColor( aOldColor );
+ }
+ aRealPos.Y() += aHeaderSize.Height();
+ aRealSize.Height() -= aHeaderSize.Height();
+ }
+ // draw our own content (with clipping)
+ Region aRegion(Rectangle(aRealPos, aRealSize));
+ pDev->SetClipRegion( pDev->PixelToLogic( aRegion ) );
+ // do we have to paint the background
+ BOOL bBackground = !(nFlags & WINDOW_DRAW_NOBACKGROUND) && GetDataWindow().IsControlBackground();
+ if ( bBackground )
+ {
+ Rectangle aRect( aRealPos, aRealSize );
+ pDev->SetFillColor( GetDataWindow().GetControlBackground() );
+ pDev->DrawRect( aRect );
+ }
+ ImplPaintData( *pDev, Rectangle( aRealPos, aRealSize ), TRUE, bDrawSelection );
+ // restore the column widths/data row height
+ nDataRowHeight = nOriginalHeight;
+ for ( nPos = 0; nPos < pCols->Count(); ++nPos )
+ {
+ BrowserColumn* pCurrent = pCols->GetObject(nPos);
+ long nForeignWidthLogic = pDev->PixelToLogic(Size(pCurrent->Width(), 0), MAP_10TH_MM).Width();
+ long nWidthPixel = LogicToPixel(Size(nForeignWidthLogic, 0), MAP_10TH_MM).Width();
+ pCurrent->SetWidth(nWidthPixel, GetZoom());
+ if ( pBar )
+ pBar->SetItemSize( pCurrent->GetId(), pCurrent->Width() );
+ }
+ pDev->Pop();
+void BrowseBox::ImplPaintData(OutputDevice& _rOut, const Rectangle& _rRect, BOOL _bForeignDevice, BOOL _bDrawSelections)
+ Point aOverallAreaPos = _bForeignDevice ? _rRect.TopLeft() : Point(0,0);
+ Size aOverallAreaSize = _bForeignDevice ? _rRect.GetSize() : GetDataWindow().GetOutputSizePixel();
+ Point aOverallAreaBRPos = _bForeignDevice ? _rRect.BottomRight() : Point( aOverallAreaSize.Width(), aOverallAreaSize.Height() );
+ long nDataRowHeigt = GetDataRowHeight();
+ // compute relative rows to redraw
+ ULONG nRelTopRow = _bForeignDevice ? 0 : ((ULONG)_rRect.Top() / nDataRowHeigt);
+ ULONG nRelBottomRow = (ULONG)(_bForeignDevice ? aOverallAreaSize.Height() : _rRect.Bottom()) / nDataRowHeigt;
+ // cache frequently used values
+ Point aPos( aOverallAreaPos.X(), nRelTopRow * nDataRowHeigt + aOverallAreaPos.Y() );
+ _rOut.SetLineColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) );
+ const StyleSettings &rSettings = _rOut.GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ const Color &rHighlightTextColor = rSettings.GetHighlightTextColor();
+ const Color &rHighlightFillColor = rSettings.GetHighlightColor();
+ Color aOldTextColor = _rOut.GetTextColor();
+ Color aOldFillColor = _rOut.GetFillColor();
+ Color aOldLineColor = _rOut.GetLineColor();
+ long nHLineX = 0 == pCols->GetObject(0)->GetId()
+ ? pCols->GetObject(0)->Width()
+ : 0;
+ nHLineX += aOverallAreaPos.X();
+ // redraw the invalid fields
+ BOOL bRetouching = FALSE;
+ for ( ULONG nRelRow = nRelTopRow;
+ nRelRow <= nRelBottomRow && (ULONG)nTopRow+nRelRow < (ULONG)nRowCount;
+ ++nRelRow, aPos.Y() += nDataRowHeigt )
+ {
+ // get row
+ // Zur Sicherheit auf zul"assigen Bereich abfragen:
+ DBG_ASSERT( (USHORT)(nTopRow+nRelRow) >= 0 && (USHORT)(nTopRow+nRelRow) < nRowCount,
+ "BrowseBox::ImplPaintData: invalid seek" );
+ if ( (nTopRow+nRelRow) < 0 || (USHORT)(nTopRow+nRelRow) >= nRowCount )
+ continue;
+ // prepare row
+ ULONG nCurRow = nTopRow+nRelRow;
+ if ( !SeekRow( nCurRow) )
+ DBG_ERROR("BrowseBox::ImplPaintData: SeekRow gescheitert");
+ _rOut.SetClipRegion();
+ aPos.X() = aOverallAreaPos.X();
+ // #73325# don't paint the row outside the painting rectangle (DG)
+ // prepare auto-highlight
+ Rectangle aRowRect( Point( _rRect.TopLeft().X(), aPos.Y() ),
+ Size( _rRect.GetSize().Width(), nDataRowHeigt ) );
+ PaintRow( _rOut, aRowRect );
+ BOOL bRowAutoHighlight = _bDrawSelections
+ && !bHideSelect
+ && ((BrowserDataWin&)GetDataWindow()).bHighlightAuto
+ && IsRowSelected( nCurRow );
+ if ( bRowAutoHighlight )
+ {
+ _rOut.SetTextColor( rHighlightTextColor );
+ _rOut.SetFillColor( rHighlightFillColor );
+ _rOut.SetLineColor();
+ _rOut.DrawRect( aRowRect );
+ }
+ // iterate through columns to redraw
+ USHORT nCol;
+ for ( nCol = 0; nCol < pCols->Count(); ++nCol )
+ {
+ // get column
+ BrowserColumn *pCol = pCols->GetObject(nCol);
+ // at end of invalid area
+ if ( aPos.X() >= _rRect.Right() )
+ break;
+ // skip invisible colums between frozen and scrollable area
+ if ( nCol < nFirstCol && !pCol->IsFrozen() )
+ {
+ nCol = nFirstCol;
+ pCol = pCols->GetObject(nCol);
+ if (!pCol)
+ { // FS - 21.05.99 - 66325
+ // ist zwar eigentlich woanders (an der richtigen Stelle) gefixt, aber sicher ist sicher ...
+ DBG_ERROR("BrowseBox::PaintData : nFirstCol is probably invalid !");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // prepare Column-AutoHighlight
+ BOOL bColAutoHighlight = _bDrawSelections
+ && bColumnCursor
+ && IsColumnSelected( pCol->GetId() );
+ if ( bColAutoHighlight )
+ {
+ _rOut.SetClipRegion();
+ _rOut.SetTextColor( rHighlightTextColor );
+ _rOut.SetFillColor( rHighlightFillColor );
+ _rOut.SetLineColor();
+ Rectangle aFieldRect( aPos,
+ Size( pCol->Width(), nDataRowHeigt ) );
+ _rOut.DrawRect( aFieldRect );
+ }
+ if (!m_bFocusOnlyCursor && (pCol->GetId() == GetCurColumnId()) && (nCurRow == GetCurRow()))
+ DrawCursor();
+ // draw a single field
+ // #63864#, Sonst wird auch etwas gezeichnet, bsp Handle Column
+ if (pCol->Width())
+ {
+ // clip the column's output to the field area
+ if (_bForeignDevice)
+ { // (not neccessary if painting onto the data window)
+ Size aFieldSize(pCol->Width(), nDataRowHeigt);
+ if (aPos.X() + aFieldSize.Width() > aOverallAreaBRPos.X())
+ aFieldSize.Width() = aOverallAreaBRPos.X() - aPos.X();
+ if (aPos.Y() + aFieldSize.Height() > aOverallAreaBRPos.Y() + 1)
+ {
+ // for non-handle cols we don't clip vertically : we just don't draw the cell if the line isn't completely visible
+ if (pCol->GetId() != 0)
+ continue;
+ aFieldSize.Height() = aOverallAreaBRPos.Y() + 1 - aPos.Y();
+ }
+ Region aClipToField(Rectangle(aPos, aFieldSize));
+ _rOut.SetClipRegion(aClipToField);
+ }
+ pCol->Draw( *this, _rOut, aPos, FALSE );
+ if (_bForeignDevice)
+ _rOut.SetClipRegion();
+ }
+ // reset Column-auto-highlight
+ if ( bColAutoHighlight )
+ {
+ _rOut.SetTextColor( aOldTextColor );
+ _rOut.SetFillColor( aOldFillColor );
+ _rOut.SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
+ }
+ // skip column
+ aPos.X() += pCol->Width();
+ }
+ if ( nCol == pCols->Count() )
+ bRetouching = TRUE;
+ // reset auto-highlight
+ if ( bRowAutoHighlight )
+ {
+ _rOut.SetTextColor( aOldTextColor );
+ _rOut.SetFillColor( aOldFillColor );
+ _rOut.SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
+ }
+ if ( bHLines )
+ {
+ // draw horizontal delimitation lines
+ _rOut.SetClipRegion();
+ Color aOldColor = _rOut.GetLineColor();
+ _rOut.SetLineColor( aLineColor );
+ long nY = aPos.Y() + nDataRowHeigt - 1;
+ if (nY <= aOverallAreaBRPos.Y())
+ _rOut.DrawLine( Point( nHLineX, nY ),
+ Point( bVLines
+ ? min(long(long(aPos.X()) - 1), aOverallAreaBRPos.X())
+ : aOverallAreaBRPos.X(),
+ nY ) );
+ _rOut.SetLineColor( aOldColor );
+ }
+ }
+ if (aPos.Y() > aOverallAreaBRPos.Y() + 1)
+ aPos.Y() = aOverallAreaBRPos.Y() + 1;
+ // needed for some of the following drawing
+ // retouching
+ _rOut.SetClipRegion();
+ aOldLineColor = _rOut.GetLineColor();
+ aOldFillColor = _rOut.GetFillColor();
+ _rOut.SetFillColor( rSettings.GetFaceColor() );
+ if ( pCols->Count() && ( pCols->GetObject(0)->GetId() == 0 ) && ( aPos.Y() <= _rRect.Bottom() ) )
+ {
+ // fill rectangle gray below handle column
+ // DG: fill it only until the end of the drawing rect and not to the end, as this may overpaint handle columns
+ _rOut.SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ _rOut.DrawRect( Rectangle(
+ Point( aOverallAreaPos.X() - 1, aPos.Y() - 1 ),
+ Point( aOverallAreaPos.X() + pCols->GetObject(0)->Width() - 1,
+ _rRect.Bottom() + 1) ) );
+ }
+ _rOut.SetFillColor( aOldFillColor );
+ // draw vertical delimitational line between frozen and scrollable cols
+ _rOut.SetLineColor( COL_BLACK );
+ long nFrozenWidth = GetFrozenWidth()-1;
+ _rOut.DrawLine( Point( aOverallAreaPos.X() + nFrozenWidth, aPos.Y() ),
+ Point( aOverallAreaPos.X() + nFrozenWidth, bHLines
+ ? aPos.Y() - 1
+ : aOverallAreaBRPos.Y() ) );
+ // draw vertical delimitational lines?
+ if ( bVLines )
+ {
+ _rOut.SetLineColor( aLineColor );
+ Point aVertPos( aOverallAreaPos.X() - 1, aOverallAreaPos.Y() );
+ long nDeltaY = aOverallAreaBRPos.Y();
+ for ( USHORT nCol = 0; nCol < pCols->Count(); ++nCol )
+ {
+ // get column
+ BrowserColumn *pCol = pCols->GetObject(nCol);
+ // skip invisible colums between frozen and scrollable area
+ if ( nCol < nFirstCol && !pCol->IsFrozen() )
+ {
+ nCol = nFirstCol;
+ pCol = pCols->GetObject(nCol);
+ }
+ // skip column
+ aVertPos.X() += pCol->Width();
+ // at end of invalid area
+ // invalid area is first reached when X > Right
+ // and not >=
+ if ( aVertPos.X() > _rRect.Right() )
+ break;
+ // draw a single line
+ if ( pCol->GetId() != 0 )
+ _rOut.DrawLine( aVertPos, Point( aVertPos.X(),
+ bHLines
+ ? aPos.Y() - 1
+ : aPos.Y() + nDeltaY ) );
+ }
+ }
+ _rOut.SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
+void BrowseBox::PaintData( Window& rWin, const Rectangle& rRect )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( !bBootstrapped && IsReallyVisible() )
+ BrowseBox::StateChanged( STATE_CHANGE_INITSHOW );
+ // initializations
+ if ( !pCols || !pCols->Count() || !rWin.IsUpdateMode() )
+ return;
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bResizeOnPaint )
+ Resize();
+ // MI: wer war das denn? Window::Update();
+ ImplPaintData(rWin, rRect, FALSE, TRUE);
+void BrowseBox::UpdateScrollbars()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( !bBootstrapped || !IsUpdateMode() )
+ return;
+ // Rekursionsschutz
+ BrowserDataWin *pBDW = (BrowserDataWin*) pDataWin;
+ if ( pBDW->bInUpdateScrollbars )
+ {
+ pBDW->bHadRecursion = TRUE;
+ return;
+ }
+ pBDW->bInUpdateScrollbars = TRUE;
+ // the size of the corner window (and the width of the VSB/height of the HSB)
+ ULONG nCornerSize = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize();
+ if (IsZoom())
+ nCornerSize = (ULONG)(nCornerSize * (double)GetZoom());
+ // needs VScroll?
+ long nMaxRows = (pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Height()) / GetDataRowHeight();
+ BOOL bNeedsVScroll = ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bAutoVScroll
+ ? nTopRow || nRowCount > nMaxRows
+ : TRUE;
+ Size aDataWinSize = pDataWin->GetSizePixel();
+ if ( !bNeedsVScroll )
+ {
+ if ( pVScroll->IsVisible() )
+ {
+ pVScroll->Hide();
+ Size aNewSize( aDataWinSize );
+ aNewSize.Width() = GetOutputSizePixel().Width();
+ aDataWinSize = aNewSize;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( !pVScroll->IsVisible() )
+ {
+ Size aNewSize( aDataWinSize );
+ aNewSize.Width() = GetOutputSizePixel().Width() - nCornerSize;
+ aDataWinSize = aNewSize;
+ }
+ // needs HScroll?
+ ULONG nLastCol = GetColumnAtXPosPixel( aDataWinSize.Width() - 1 );
+ USHORT nFrozenCols = FrozenColCount();
+ BOOL bNeedsHScroll = ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bAutoHScroll
+ ? nFirstCol > nFrozenCols || nLastCol <= pCols->Count()
+ : !((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bNoHScroll;
+ if ( !bNeedsHScroll )
+ {
+ if ( aHScroll.IsVisible() )
+ {
+ aHScroll.Hide();
+ Size aNewSize( aDataWinSize );
+ aNewSize.Height() = GetOutputSizePixel().Height() - GetTitleHeight();
+ aDataWinSize = aNewSize;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( !aHScroll.IsVisible() )
+ {
+ Size aNewSize( aDataWinSize );
+ aNewSize.Height() = GetOutputSizePixel().Height() - GetTitleHeight() - nCornerSize;
+ aDataWinSize = aNewSize;
+ }
+ // adjust position and Width of horizontal scrollbar
+ ULONG nHScrX = nControlAreaWidth == USHRT_MAX
+ ? GetFrozenWidth() - 1
+ : nControlAreaWidth;
+ aHScroll.SetPosSizePixel(
+ Point( nHScrX, GetOutputSizePixel().Height() - nCornerSize ),
+ Size( aDataWinSize.Width() - nHScrX, nCornerSize ) );
+ // Scrollable Columns insgesamt
+ short nScrollCols = short(pCols->Count()) - (short)nFrozenCols;
+ /*short nVisibleHSize= max(nLastCol == BROWSER_INVALIDID
+ ? pCols->Count() - nFirstCol -1
+ : nLastCol - nFirstCol - 1, 0);
+ aHScroll.SetVisibleSize( nVisibleHSize );
+ aHScroll.SetRange( Range( 0, Max( min(nScrollCols, nVisibleHSize), (short)0 ) ) );
+ if ( bNeedsHScroll && !aHScroll.IsVisible() )
+ aHScroll.Show();*/
+ // Sichtbare Columns
+ short nVisibleHSize = nLastCol == BROWSER_INVALIDID
+ ? (short)( pCols->Count() - nFirstCol )
+ : (short)( nLastCol - nFirstCol );
+ short nRange = Max( nScrollCols, (short)0 );
+ aHScroll.SetVisibleSize( nVisibleHSize );
+ aHScroll.SetRange( Range( 0, nRange ));
+ if ( bNeedsHScroll && !aHScroll.IsVisible() )
+ aHScroll.Show();
+ // adjust position and height of vertical scrollbar
+ pVScroll->SetPageSize( nMaxRows );
+ if ( nTopRow > nRowCount )
+ {
+ nTopRow = nRowCount - 1;
+ DBG_ERROR("BrowseBox: nTopRow > nRowCount");
+ }
+ if ( pVScroll->GetThumbPos() != nTopRow )
+ pVScroll->SetThumbPos( nTopRow );
+ long nVisibleSize = Min( Min( nRowCount, nMaxRows ), long(nRowCount-nTopRow) );
+ pVScroll->SetVisibleSize( nVisibleSize ? nVisibleSize : 1 );
+ pVScroll->SetRange( Range( 0, nRowCount ) );
+ pVScroll->SetPosSizePixel(
+ Point( aDataWinSize.Width(), GetTitleHeight() ),
+ Size( nCornerSize, aDataWinSize.Height() ) );
+ if ( nRowCount <
+ long( aDataWinSize.Height() / GetDataRowHeight() ) )
+ ScrollRows( -nTopRow );
+ long nDelta = nCornerSize;
+ if ( bNeedsVScroll && !pVScroll->IsVisible() )
+ pVScroll->Show();
+ pDataWin->SetSizePixel( aDataWinSize );
+ // needs corner-window?
+ // (do that AFTER positioning BOTH scrollbars)
+ if ( aHScroll.IsVisible() && pVScroll && pVScroll->IsVisible() )
+ {
+ if ( !( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->pCornerWin )
+ ( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->pCornerWin = new ScrollBarBox( this, WB_3DLOOK );
+ ( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->pCornerWin->SetPosSizePixel(
+ Point( pVScroll->GetPosPixel().X(), aHScroll.GetPosPixel().Y() ),
+ Size( nCornerSize, nCornerSize ) );
+ ( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->pCornerWin->Show();
+ }
+ else
+ DELETEZ( ( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin )->pCornerWin );
+ // ggf. Headerbar mitscrollen
+ if ( ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar )
+ {
+ long nWidth = 0;
+ for ( USHORT nCol = 0;
+ nCol < pCols->Count() && nCol < nFirstCol;
+ ++nCol )
+ {
+ // HandleColumn nicht
+ if ( pCols->GetObject(nCol)->GetId() )
+ nWidth += pCols->GetObject(nCol)->Width();
+ }
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->pHeaderBar->SetOffset( nWidth );
+ }
+ pBDW->bInUpdateScrollbars = FALSE;
+ if ( pBDW->bHadRecursion )
+ {
+ pBDW->bHadRecursion = FALSE;
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ }
+void BrowseBox::Invalidate()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // readjust cursor and selection
+ if ( bMultiSelection )
+ uRow.pSel->SetTotalRange( Range( 0, nRowCount-1 ) );
+ else
+ uRow.nSel = Min( uRow.nSel, (long)(nRowCount-1) );
+ nCurRow = Min( nCurRow, (long)(nRowCount-1 ));
+ // BowseBox::Resize(); if Size not set, last Culumn will be cuttet ?!?
+ Control::Invalidate(INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN /*OV*/ );
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Invalidate();
+void BrowseBox::SetUpdateMode( BOOL bUpdate )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ BOOL bWasUpdate = IsUpdateMode();
+ if ( bWasUpdate == bUpdate )
+ return;
+ Control::SetUpdateMode( bUpdate );
+ // OV
+ // Wenn an der BrowseBox WB_CLIPCHILDREN gesetzt ist (wg. Flackerminimierung),
+ // wird das Datenfenster nicht von SetUpdateMode invalidiert.
+ if( bUpdate )
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->Invalidate();
+ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->SetUpdateMode( bUpdate );
+ if ( bUpdate )
+ {
+ if ( bBootstrapped )
+ {
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ AutoSizeLastColumn();
+ }
+ DoShowCursor( "SetUpdateMode" );
+ }
+ else
+ DoHideCursor( "SetUpdateMode" );
+BOOL BrowseBox::GetUpdateMode() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->IsUpdateMode();
+long BrowseBox::GetFrozenWidth() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ long nWidth = 0;
+ for ( USHORT nCol = 0;
+ nCol < pCols->Count() && pCols->GetObject(nCol)->IsFrozen();
+ ++nCol )
+ nWidth += pCols->GetObject(nCol)->Width();
+ return nWidth;
+void BrowseBox::ColumnInserted( USHORT nPos )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( pColSel )
+ pColSel->Insert( nPos );
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+USHORT BrowseBox::FrozenColCount() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ USHORT nCol;
+ for ( nCol = 0;
+ nCol < pCols->Count() && pCols->GetObject(nCol)->IsFrozen();
+ ++nCol )
+ /* empty loop */;
+ return nCol;
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( pBar->GetDelta() == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ if ( pBar->GetDelta() < 0 && ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bNoScrollBack )
+ {
+ UpdateScrollbars();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( pBar == &aHScroll )
+ ScrollColumns( aHScroll.GetDelta() );
+ if ( pBar == pVScroll )
+ ScrollRows( pVScroll->GetDelta() );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( BrowseBox,EndScrollHdl,ScrollBar*, pBar )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // kein Focus grabben!
+ /// GrabFocus();
+ if ( /*pBar->GetDelta() <= 0 &&*/ ((BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin)->bNoScrollBack )
+ {
+ // UpdateScrollbars();
+ EndScroll();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( BrowseBox, StartDragHdl, HeaderBar*, pBar )
+ pBar->SetDragSize( pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() );
+ return 0;
+// MI: es wurde immer nur die 1. Spalte resized
+#pragma optimize("elg",off)
+void BrowseBox::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ GrabFocus();
+ // onl< mouse events in the title-line are supported
+ const Point &rEvtPos = rEvt.GetPosPixel();
+ if ( rEvtPos.Y() >= GetTitleHeight() )
+ return;
+ long nX = 0;
+ long nWidth = GetOutputSizePixel().Width();
+ for ( USHORT nCol = 0; nCol < pCols->Count() && nX < nWidth; ++nCol )
+ {
+ // is this column visible?
+ BrowserColumn *pCol = pCols->GetObject(nCol);
+ if ( pCol->IsFrozen() || nCol >= nFirstCol )
+ {
+ // compute right end of column
+ long nR = nX + pCol->Width() - 1;
+ // at the end of a column (and not handle column)?
+ if ( pCol->GetId() && Abs( nR - rEvtPos.X() ) < 2 )
+ {
+ // start resizing the column
+ bResizing = TRUE;
+ nResizeCol = nCol;
+ nDragX = nResizeX = rEvtPos.X();
+ SetPointer( Pointer( POINTER_HSPLIT ) );
+ CaptureMouse();
+ pDataWin->DrawLine( Point( nDragX, 0 ),
+ Point( nDragX, pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Height() ) );
+ nMinResizeX = nX + MIN_COLUMNWIDTH;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( nX < rEvtPos.X() && nR > rEvtPos.X() )
+ {
+ MouseButtonDown( BrowserMouseEvent(
+ this, rEvt, -1, nCol, pCol->GetId(), Rectangle() ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ nX = nR + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // event occured out of data area
+ if ( rEvt.IsRight() )
+ pDataWin->Command(
+ CommandEvent( Point( 1, LONG_MAX ), COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU, TRUE ) );
+ else
+ SetNoSelection();
+#pragma optimize("",on)
+void BrowseBox::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ Pointer aNewPointer;
+ USHORT nX = 0;
+ for ( USHORT nCol = 0;
+ nCol < USHORT(pCols->Count()) &&
+ ( nX + pCols->GetObject(nCol)->Width() ) < USHORT(GetOutputSizePixel().Width());
+ ++nCol )
+ // is this column visible?
+ if ( pCols->GetObject(nCol)->IsFrozen() || nCol >= nFirstCol )
+ {
+ // compute right end of column
+ BrowserColumn *pCol = pCols->GetObject(nCol);
+ USHORT nR = (USHORT)(nX + pCol->Width() - 1);
+ // show resize-pointer?
+ if ( bResizing || ( pCol->GetId() &&
+ Abs( ((long) nR ) - rEvt.GetPosPixel().X() ) < MIN_COLUMNWIDTH ) )
+ {
+ aNewPointer = Pointer( POINTER_HSPLIT );
+ if ( bResizing )
+ {
+ // alte Hilfslinie loeschen
+ pDataWin->HideTracking() ;
+ // erlaubte breite abholen und neues Delta
+ nDragX = Max( rEvt.GetPosPixel().X(), nMinResizeX );
+ long nDeltaX = nDragX - nResizeX;
+ USHORT nId = GetColumnId(nResizeCol);
+ ULONG nOldWidth = GetColumnWidth(nId);
+ nDragX = QueryColumnResize( GetColumnId(nResizeCol),
+ nOldWidth + nDeltaX )
+ + nResizeX - nOldWidth;
+ // neue Hilfslinie zeichnen
+ pDataWin->ShowTracking( Rectangle( Point( nDragX, 0 ),
+ Size( 1, pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Height() ) ),
+ }
+ }
+ nX = nR + 1;
+ }
+ SetPointer( aNewPointer );
+void BrowseBox::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent & rEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ if ( bResizing )
+ {
+ // Hilfslinie loeschen
+ pDataWin->HideTracking();
+ // width changed?
+ nDragX = Max( rEvt.GetPosPixel().X(), nMinResizeX );
+ if ( (nDragX - nResizeX) != (long)pCols->GetObject(nResizeCol)->Width() )
+ {
+ // resize column
+ long nMaxX = pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Width();
+ nDragX = Min( nDragX, nMaxX );
+ long nDeltaX = nDragX - nResizeX;
+ USHORT nId = GetColumnId(nResizeCol);
+ SetColumnWidth( GetColumnId(nResizeCol), GetColumnWidth(nId) + nDeltaX );
+ ColumnResized( nId );
+ }
+ // end action
+ SetPointer( Pointer() );
+ ReleaseMouse();
+ bResizing = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ MouseButtonUp( BrowserMouseEvent( (BrowserDataWin*)pDataWin,
+ MouseEvent( Point( rEvt.GetPosPixel().X(),
+ rEvt.GetPosPixel().Y() - pDataWin->GetPosPixel().Y() ),
+ rEvt.GetClicks(), rEvt.GetMode(), rEvt.GetButtons(),
+ rEvt.GetModifier() ) ) );
+BOOL bExtendedMode = FALSE;
+BOOL bFieldMode = FALSE;
+void BrowseBox::MouseButtonDown( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ GrabFocus();
+ // adjust selection while and after double-click
+ if ( rEvt.GetClicks() == 2 )
+ {
+ SetNoSelection();
+ if ( rEvt.GetRow() >= 0 )
+ {
+ GoToRow( rEvt.GetRow() );
+ SelectRow( rEvt.GetRow(), TRUE, FALSE );
+ }
+ else if ( bColumnCursor && rEvt.GetColumn() != 0 )
+ SelectColumnPos( rEvt.GetColumn(), TRUE, FALSE);
+ DoubleClick( rEvt );
+ }
+ // selections
+ else if ( ( rEvt.GetMode() & ( MOUSE_SELECT | MOUSE_SIMPLECLICK ) ) &&
+ ( bColumnCursor || rEvt.GetRow() >= 0 ) )
+ {
+ if ( rEvt.GetClicks() == 1 )
+ {
+ // initialise flags
+ bDrag = FALSE;
+ bHit = FALSE;
+ bRubber = FALSE;
+ a1stPoint =
+ a2ndPoint = PixelToLogic( rEvt.GetPosPixel() );
+ // selection out of range?
+ if ( rEvt.GetRow() >= nRowCount ||
+ rEvt.GetColumnId() == BROWSER_INVALIDID )
+ {
+ SetNoSelection();
+ return;
+ }
+ // while selecting, no cursor
+ bSelecting = TRUE;
+ DoHideCursor( "MouseButtonDown" );
+ // DataRow?
+ if ( rEvt.GetRow() >= 0 )
+ {
+ // Zeilenselektion?
+ if ( rEvt.GetColumnId() == 0 || !bColumnCursor )
+ {
+ if ( bMultiSelection )
+ {
+ // remove column-selection, if exists
+ if ( pColSel && pColSel->GetSelectCount() )
+ {
+ ToggleSelection();
+ if ( bMultiSelection )
+ uRow.pSel->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ else
+ if ( pColSel )
+ pColSel->SelectAll(FALSE);
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ }
+ // expanding mode?
+ if ( rEvt.GetMode() & MOUSE_RANGESELECT )
+ {
+ // select the further touched rows too
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ ExpandRowSelection( rEvt );
+ return;
+ }
+ // click in the selected area?
+ else if ( IsRowSelected( rEvt.GetRow() ) )
+ {
+ // auf Drag&Drop warten
+ bHit = TRUE;
+ bExtendedMode = MOUSE_MULTISELECT ==
+ ( rEvt.GetMode() & MOUSE_MULTISELECT );
+ return;
+ }
+ // extension mode?
+ else if ( rEvt.GetMode() & MOUSE_MULTISELECT )
+ {
+ // determine the new selection range
+ // and selection/deselection
+ aSelRange = Range( rEvt.GetRow(), rEvt.GetRow() );
+ SelectRow( rEvt.GetRow(),
+ !uRow.pSel->IsSelected( rEvt.GetRow() ) );
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // select directly
+ SetNoSelection();
+ GoToRow( rEvt.GetRow() );
+ SelectRow( rEvt.GetRow(), TRUE );
+ aSelRange = Range( rEvt.GetRow(), rEvt.GetRow() );
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ }
+ else // Column/Field-Selection
+ {
+ // click in selected column
+ if ( IsColumnSelected( rEvt.GetColumn() ) ||
+ IsRowSelected( rEvt.GetRow() ) )
+ {
+ bHit = TRUE;
+ bFieldMode = TRUE;
+ return;
+ }
+ SetNoSelection();
+ GoToRowColumnId( rEvt.GetRow(), rEvt.GetColumnId() );
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( bMultiSelection && rEvt.GetColumnId() == 0 )
+ {
+ // toggle all-selection
+ if ( uRow.pSel->GetSelectCount() > ( GetRowCount() / 2 ) )
+ SetNoSelection();
+ else
+ SelectAll();
+ }
+ else
+ SelectColumnId( rEvt.GetColumnId(), TRUE, FALSE );
+ }
+ // ggf. Cursor wieder an
+ bSelecting = FALSE;
+ DoShowCursor( "MouseButtonDown" );
+ if ( bSelect )
+ Select();
+ }
+ }
+void BrowseBox::MouseMove( const BrowserMouseEvent &rEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+void BrowseBox::MouseButtonUp( const BrowserMouseEvent &rEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ // D&D was possible, but did not occur
+ if ( bHit )
+ {
+ aSelRange = Range( rEvt.GetRow(), rEvt.GetRow() );
+ if ( bExtendedMode )
+ SelectRow( rEvt.GetRow(), FALSE );
+ else
+ {
+ SetNoSelection();
+ if ( bFieldMode )
+ GoToRowColumnId( rEvt.GetRow(), rEvt.GetColumnId() );
+ else
+ {
+ GoToRow( rEvt.GetRow() );
+ SelectRow( rEvt.GetRow(), TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ bSelect = TRUE;
+ bExtendedMode = FALSE;
+ bFieldMode = FALSE;
+ bHit = FALSE;
+ }
+ // activate cursor
+ if ( bSelecting )
+ {
+ bSelecting = FALSE;
+ DoShowCursor( "MouseButtonUp" );
+ if ( bSelect )
+ Select();
+ }
+BOOL BrowseBox::Drop( const BrowserDropEvent& )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL BrowseBox::QueryDrop( const BrowserDropEvent& )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ return FALSE;
+void BrowseBox::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rEvt )
+ if ( !ProcessKey( rEvt ) )
+ Control::KeyInput( rEvt );
+BOOL BrowseBox::ProcessKey( const KeyEvent& rEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ USHORT nCode = rEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode();
+ BOOL bShift = rEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift();
+ BOOL bCtrl = rEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod1();
+ BOOL bAlt = rEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod2();
+ if ( !bAlt && !bCtrl && !bShift )
+ {
+ switch ( nCode )
+ {
+ case KEY_UP: nId = BROWSER_CURSORUP; break;
+ case KEY_END: nId = BROWSER_CURSOREND; break;
+ case KEY_TAB:
+ if ( !bColumnCursor )
+ break;
+ case KEY_SPACE: nId = BROWSER_SELECT; break;
+ }
+ if ( BROWSER_NONE != nId )
+ SetNoSelection();
+ switch ( nCode )
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !bAlt && !bCtrl && bShift )
+ switch ( nCode )
+ {
+ case KEY_UP: nId = BROWSER_SELECTUP; break;
+ case KEY_TAB:
+ if ( !bColumnCursor )
+ break;
+ case KEY_END: nId = BROWSER_SELECTEND; break;
+ }
+ if ( !bAlt && bCtrl && !bShift )
+ switch ( nCode )
+ {
+ case KEY_UP: nId = BROWSER_CURSORUP; break;
+ }
+ if ( nId != BROWSER_NONE )
+ Dispatch( nId );
+ return nId != BROWSER_NONE;
+void BrowseBox::Dispatch( USHORT nId )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ long nRowsOnPage = pDataWin->GetSizePixel().Height() / GetDataRowHeight();
+ BOOL bDone = FALSE;
+ switch ( nId )
+ {
+ if ( ( GetCurRow() + 1 ) < nRowCount )
+ bDone = GoToRow( GetCurRow() + 1, FALSE );
+ break;
+ if ( GetCurRow() > 0 )
+ bDone = GoToRow( GetCurRow() - 1, FALSE );
+ break;
+ {
+ for ( long nRow = GetCurRow(); nRow >= 0; --nRow )
+ SelectRow( nRow );
+ GoToRow( 0, TRUE );
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ DoHideCursor( "BROWSER_SELECTEND" );
+ long nRowCount = GetRowCount();
+ for ( long nRow = GetCurRow(); nRow < nRowCount; ++nRow )
+ SelectRow( nRow );
+ GoToRow( GetRowCount() - 1, TRUE );
+ DoShowCursor( "BROWSER_SELECTEND" );
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if ( ( GetCurRow() + 1 ) < nRowCount )
+ {
+ // deselect the current row, if it isn't the first
+ // and there is no other selected row above
+ long nCurRow = GetCurRow();
+ BOOL bSelect = ( !IsRowSelected( nCurRow ) ||
+ GetSelectRowCount() == 1 || IsRowSelected( nCurRow - 1 ) );
+ SelectRow( nCurRow, bSelect, TRUE );
+ if ( bDone = GoToRow( GetCurRow() + 1 , FALSE ) )
+ SelectRow( GetCurRow(), TRUE, TRUE );
+ }
+ else
+ bDone = ScrollRows( 1 ) != 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // deselect the current row, if it isn't the first
+ // and there is no other selected row under
+ long nCurRow = GetCurRow();
+ BOOL bSelect = ( !IsRowSelected( nCurRow ) ||
+ GetSelectRowCount() == 1 || IsRowSelected( nCurRow + 1 ) );
+ SelectRow( nCurRow, bSelect, TRUE );
+ if ( bDone = GoToRow( nCurRow - 1 , FALSE ) )
+ SelectRow( GetCurRow(), TRUE, TRUE );
+ break;
+ }
+ bDone = (BOOL)ScrollRows( nRowsOnPage );
+ break;
+ bDone = (BOOL)ScrollRows( -nRowsOnPage );
+ break;
+ if ( bColumnCursor )
+ {
+ USHORT nNewId = GetColumnId(ColCount() -1);
+ bDone = (nNewId != 0) && GoToColumnId( nNewId );
+ break;
+ }
+ bDone = GoToRow( nRowCount - 1, FALSE );
+ break;
+ if ( bColumnCursor )
+ {
+ USHORT nNewPos = GetColumnPos( GetCurColumnId() ) + 1;
+ USHORT nNewId = GetColumnId( nNewPos );
+ if (nNewId != 0) // Am Zeilenende ?
+ bDone = GoToColumnId( nNewId );
+ else
+ {
+ USHORT nColId = ( GetColumnId(0) == 0 ) ? GetColumnId(1) : GetColumnId(0);
+ bDone = ( nCurRow < GetRowCount() - 1 ) && GoToRowColumnId( nCurRow + 1, nColId );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ bDone = ScrollColumns( 1 ) != 0;
+ break;
+ if ( bColumnCursor )
+ {
+ USHORT nNewId = GetColumnId(1);
+ bDone = (nNewId != 0) && GoToColumnId( nNewId );
+ break;
+ }
+ bDone = GoToRow( 0, FALSE );
+ break;
+ if ( bColumnCursor )
+ {
+ USHORT nNewPos = GetColumnPos( GetCurColumnId() ) - 1;
+ USHORT nNewId = GetColumnId( nNewPos );
+ if (nNewId != 0)
+ bDone = GoToColumnId( nNewId );
+ else
+ bDone = (nCurRow > 0) && GoToRowColumnId(nCurRow - 1, GetColumnId(ColCount() -1));
+ }
+ else
+ bDone = ScrollColumns( -1 ) != 0;
+ break;
+ SelectRow( GetCurRow(), !IsRowSelected( GetCurRow() ), TRUE );
+ bDone = TRUE;
+ break;
+ SelectRow( GetCurRow(), !IsRowSelected( GetCurRow() ), FALSE );
+ bDone = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ //! return bDone;
+void BrowseBox::LoseFocus()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->LoseFocus", this );
+ if ( bHasFocus )
+ {
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->HideCursor", this );
+ DoHideCursor( "LoseFocus" );
+ if ( !bKeepHighlight )
+ {
+ ToggleSelection();
+ bSelectionIsVisible = FALSE;
+ }
+ bHasFocus = FALSE;
+ }
+ Control::LoseFocus();
+void BrowseBox::GetFocus()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(BrowseBox,BrowseBoxCheckInvariants);
+ DBG_TRACE1( "BrowseBox: %p->GetFocus", this );
+ if ( !bHasFocus )
+ {
+ if ( !bSelectionIsVisible )
+ {
+ bSelectionIsVisible = TRUE;
+ if ( bBootstrapped )
+ ToggleSelection();
+ }
+ bHasFocus = TRUE;
+ DoShowCursor( "GetFocus" );
+ }
+ Control::GetFocus();
+void BrowseBox::SetCursorColor(const Color& _rCol)
+ if (_rCol == m_aCursorColor)
+ return;
+ // ensure the cursor is hidden
+ DoHideCursor("SetCursorColor");
+ if (!m_bFocusOnlyCursor)
+ DoHideCursor("SetCursorColor - force");
+ m_aCursorColor = _rCol;
+ if (!m_bFocusOnlyCursor)
+ DoShowCursor("SetCursorColor - force");
+ DoShowCursor("SetCursorColor");
diff --git a/svtools/source/brwbox/brwhead.cxx b/svtools/source/brwbox/brwhead.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f38be0045746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/brwbox/brwhead.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: brwhead.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:56 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "brwhead.hxx"
+#include "brwbox.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+BrowserHeader::BrowserHeader( BrowseBox* pParent, WinBits nWinBits )
+: HeaderBar( pParent, nWinBits ),
+ _pBrowseBox( pParent )
+ long nHeight = pParent->IsZoom() ? pParent->CalcZoom(nHeight) : pParent->GetTitleHeight();
+ SetPosSizePixel( Point( 0, 0),
+ Size( pParent->GetOutputSizePixel().Width(),
+ nHeight ) );
+ Show();
+void BrowserHeader::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+ if ( !GetCurItemId() && COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU == rCEvt.GetCommand() )
+ {
+ Point aPos( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel() );
+ _pBrowseBox->GetDataWindow().Command( CommandEvent(
+ Point( aPos.X(), aPos.Y() - GetSizePixel().Height() ),
+ COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU, rCEvt.IsMouseEvent() ) );
+ }
+void BrowserHeader::Select()
+ HeaderBar::Select();
+void BrowserHeader::EndDrag()
+ // call before other actions, it looks more nice in most cases
+ HeaderBar::EndDrag();
+ Update();
+ // not aborted?
+ USHORT nId = GetCurItemId();
+ if ( nId )
+ {
+ // Handle-Column?
+ if ( nId == USHRT_MAX-1 )
+ nId = 0;
+ if ( !IsItemMode() )
+ {
+ // column resize
+ _pBrowseBox->SetColumnWidth( nId, GetItemSize( nId ) );
+ _pBrowseBox->ColumnResized( nId );
+ SetItemSize( nId, _pBrowseBox->GetColumnWidth( nId ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // column drag
+ // Hat sich die Position eigentlich veraendert
+ // Handlecolumn beruecksichtigen
+ USHORT nOldPos = _pBrowseBox->GetColumnPos(nId),
+ nNewPos = GetItemPos( nId );
+ if (!_pBrowseBox->GetColumnId(0)) // Handle
+ nNewPos++;
+ if (nOldPos != nNewPos)
+ {
+ _pBrowseBox->SetColumnPos( nId, nNewPos );
+ _pBrowseBox->ColumnMoved( nId );
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/svtools/source/brwbox/datwin.cxx b/svtools/source/brwbox/datwin.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3bf03276acf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/brwbox/datwin.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: datwin.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:56 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "datwin.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef _APP_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
+#ifndef _HELP_HXX
+#include <vcl/help.hxx>
+#ifndef _IMAGE_HXX
+#include <vcl/image.hxx>
+#include <tools/debug.hxx>
+DECLARE_LIST( BrowserColumns, BrowserColumn* );
+static String FitInWidth( OutputDevice& rWin, String aVal, ULONG nWidth, BOOL bAbbr )
+ if ( nWidth < 8 )
+ return String();
+ ULONG nValWidth = rWin.GetTextWidth( aVal );
+ if ( nValWidth > nWidth )
+ {
+ String aDots( "...", RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_850 );
+ ULONG nDotsWidth = 2;
+ if ( bAbbr )
+ nDotsWidth = rWin.GetTextWidth( aDots );
+ if ( nDotsWidth > nWidth )
+ aVal.Erase();
+ else
+ {
+ aVal.Erase( aVal.Len() - 1 );
+ while ( aVal.Len() && rWin.GetTextWidth( aVal ) + nDotsWidth > nWidth )
+ aVal.Erase( aVal.Len() - 1 );
+ if ( bAbbr )
+ aVal += aDots;
+ }
+ }
+ return aVal;
+void ButtonFrame::Draw( OutputDevice& rDev )
+ Color aOldFillColor = rDev.GetFillColor();
+ Color aOldLineColor = rDev.GetLineColor();
+ const StyleSettings &rSettings = rDev.GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ Color aColLight( rSettings.GetLightColor() );
+ Color aColShadow( rSettings.GetShadowColor() );
+ Color aColFace( rSettings.GetFaceColor() );
+ rDev.SetLineColor( bPressed ? aColShadow : aColLight );
+ rDev.DrawLine( aRect.TopLeft(), Point( aRect.Right(), aRect.Top() ) );
+ rDev.DrawLine( aRect.TopLeft(), Point( aRect.Left(), aRect.Bottom() - 1 ) );
+ rDev.SetLineColor( bPressed ? aColLight : aColShadow );
+ rDev.DrawLine( aRect.BottomRight(), Point( aRect.Right(), aRect.Top() ) );
+ rDev.DrawLine( aRect.BottomRight(), Point( aRect.Left(), aRect.Bottom() ) );
+ rDev.SetLineColor( aColFace );
+ rDev.SetFillColor( aColFace );
+ rDev.DrawRect( aInnerRect );
+ if ( aText.Len() )
+ {
+ String aVal( FitInWidth( rDev, aText, aInnerRect.GetWidth() - 2*MIN_COLUMNWIDTH, bAbbr ) );
+ Font aFont( rDev.GetFont() );
+ BOOL bOldTransp = aFont.IsTransparent();
+ if ( !bOldTransp )
+ {
+ aFont.SetTransparent( TRUE );
+ rDev.SetFont( aFont );
+ }
+ rDev.DrawText( Point(
+ ( aInnerRect.Left() + aInnerRect.Right() ) / 2 - ( rDev.GetTextWidth(aVal) / 2 ),
+ aInnerRect.Top() ), aVal );
+ if ( !bOldTransp )
+ {
+ aFont.SetTransparent(FALSE);
+ rDev.SetFont( aFont );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( bCurs )
+ {
+ rDev.SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ rDev.SetFillColor();
+ rDev.DrawRect( Rectangle(
+ Point( aRect.Left(), aRect.Top() ), Point( aRect.Right(), aRect.Bottom() ) ) );
+ }
+ rDev.SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
+ rDev.SetFillColor( aOldFillColor );
+BrowserColumn::BrowserColumn( USHORT nItemId, const class Image &rImage,
+ const String& rTitle, ULONG nWidthPixel, const Fraction& rCurrentZoom,
+ HeaderBarItemBits nFlags )
+: _nId( nItemId ),
+ _nWidth( nWidthPixel ),
+ _aImage( rImage ),
+ _aTitle( rTitle ),
+ _bFrozen( FALSE ),
+ _nFlags( nFlags )
+ double n = (double)_nWidth;
+ n *= (double)rCurrentZoom.GetDenominator();
+ n /= (double)rCurrentZoom.GetNumerator();
+ _nOriginalWidth = n>0 ? (long)(n+0.5) : -(long)(-n+0.5);
+void BrowserColumn::SetWidth(ULONG nNewWidthPixel, const Fraction& rCurrentZoom)
+ _nWidth = nNewWidthPixel;
+ double n = (double)_nWidth;
+ n *= (double)rCurrentZoom.GetDenominator();
+ n /= (double)rCurrentZoom.GetNumerator();
+ _nOriginalWidth = n>0 ? (long)(n+0.5) : -(long)(-n+0.5);
+void BrowserColumn::Draw( BrowseBox& rBox, OutputDevice& rDev, const Point& rPos, BOOL bCurs )
+ if ( _nId == 0 )
+ {
+ // paint handle column
+ ButtonFrame( rPos, Size( Width()-1, rBox.GetDataRowHeight()-1 ),
+ String(), FALSE, bCurs,
+ 0 != (BROWSER_COLUMN_TITLEABBREVATION&_nFlags) ).Draw( rDev );
+ Color aOldLineColor = rDev.GetLineColor();
+ rDev.SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ rDev.DrawLine(
+ Point( rPos.X(), rPos.Y()+rBox.GetDataRowHeight()-1 ),
+ Point( rPos.X() + Width() - 1, rPos.Y()+rBox.GetDataRowHeight()-1 ) );
+ rDev.DrawLine(
+ Point( rPos.X() + Width() - 1, rPos.Y() ),
+ Point( rPos.X() + Width() - 1, rPos.Y()+rBox.GetDataRowHeight()-1 ) );
+ rDev.SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
+ if ( rBox.bHasBitmapHandle )
+ rBox.PaintField( rDev,
+ Rectangle(
+ Point( rPos.X() + 2, rPos.Y() + 2 ),
+ Size( Width()-1, rBox.GetDataRowHeight()-1 ) ),
+ GetId() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // paint data column
+ long nWidth = Width() == LONG_MAX ? rBox.GetDataWindow().GetSizePixel().Width() : Width();
+ rBox.PaintField( rDev,
+ Rectangle(
+ Point( rPos.X() + MIN_COLUMNWIDTH, rPos.Y() ),
+ Size( nWidth-2*MIN_COLUMNWIDTH, rBox.GetDataRowHeight()-1 ) ),
+ GetId() );
+ }
+void BrowserColumn::ZoomChanged(const Fraction& rNewZoom)
+ double n = (double)_nOriginalWidth;
+ n *= (double)rNewZoom.GetNumerator();
+ n /= (double)rNewZoom.GetDenominator();
+ _nWidth = n>0 ? (long)(n+0.5) : -(long)(-n+0.5);
+BrowserDataWin::BrowserDataWin( BrowseBox* pParent ) :
+ Control( pParent, WinBits(WB_CLIPCHILDREN) ),
+ pHeaderBar( 0 ),
+ pEventWin( pParent ),
+ pCornerWin( 0 ),
+ bInPaint( FALSE ),
+ bInCommand( FALSE ),
+ bNoScrollBack( FALSE ),
+ bUpdateMode( TRUE ),
+ bResizeOnPaint( FALSE ),
+ bUpdateOnUnlock( FALSE ),
+ bInUpdateScrollbars( FALSE ),
+ bHadRecursion( FALSE ),
+ bOwnDataChangedHdl( FALSE ),
+ nUpdateLock( 0 ),
+ nCursorHidden( 0 ),
+ pDtorNotify( 0 )
+ aMouseTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, BrowserDataWin, RepeatedMouseMove ) );
+ aMouseTimer.SetTimeout( 100 );
+ if( pDtorNotify )
+ *pDtorNotify = TRUE;
+ if ( IsMouseCaptured() )
+ ReleaseMouse();
+void BrowserDataWin::LeaveUpdateLock()
+ if ( !--nUpdateLock )
+ {
+ DoOutstandingInvalidations();
+ if (bUpdateOnUnlock )
+ {
+ Control::Update();
+ bUpdateOnUnlock = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+void InitSettings_Impl( Window *pWin,
+ BOOL bFont, BOOL bForeground, BOOL bBackground )
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings =
+ pWin->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ if ( bFont )
+ {
+ Font aFont = rStyleSettings.GetAppFont();
+ if ( pWin->IsControlFont() )
+ aFont.Merge( pWin->GetControlFont() );
+ pWin->SetPointFont( aFont );
+ }
+ if ( bFont || bForeground )
+ {
+ Color aTextColor = rStyleSettings.GetWindowTextColor();
+ if ( pWin->IsControlForeground() )
+ aTextColor = pWin->GetControlForeground();
+ pWin->SetTextColor( aTextColor );
+ }
+ if ( bBackground )
+ {
+ if( pWin->IsControlBackground() )
+ pWin->SetBackground( pWin->GetControlBackground() );
+ else
+ pWin->SetBackground( rStyleSettings.GetWindowColor() );
+ }
+void BrowserDataWin::Update()
+ if ( !nUpdateLock )
+ Control::Update();
+ else
+ bUpdateOnUnlock = TRUE;
+void BrowserDataWin::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
+ if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) &&
+ (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) )
+ {
+ if( !bOwnDataChangedHdl )
+ {
+ InitSettings_Impl( this, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
+ Invalidate();
+ InitSettings_Impl( GetParent(), TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
+ GetParent()->Invalidate();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ Control::DataChanged( rDCEvt );
+void BrowserDataWin::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ if ( !nUpdateLock && GetUpdateMode() )
+ {
+ bInPaint = TRUE;
+ ( (BrowseBox*) GetParent() )->PaintData( *this, rRect );
+ bInPaint = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ aInvalidRegion.Insert( new Rectangle( rRect ) );
+BrowseEvent BrowserDataWin::CreateBrowseEvent( const Point& rPosPixel )
+ BrowseBox *pBox = GetParent();
+ // seek to row under mouse
+ short nRelRow = rPosPixel.Y() < 0
+ ? -1
+ : rPosPixel.Y() / pBox->GetDataRowHeight();
+ long nRow = nRelRow < 0 ? -1 : nRelRow + pBox->nTopRow;
+ // find column under mouse
+ long nMouseX = rPosPixel.X();
+ long nColX = 0;
+ USHORT nCol;
+ for ( nCol = 0;
+ nCol < pBox->pCols->Count() && nColX < GetSizePixel().Width();
+ ++nCol )
+ if ( pBox->pCols->GetObject(nCol)->IsFrozen() || nCol >= pBox->nFirstCol )
+ {
+ nColX += pBox->pCols->GetObject(nCol)->Width();
+ if ( nMouseX < nColX )
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( nCol < pBox->pCols->Count() )
+ nColId = pBox->pCols->GetObject(nCol)->GetId();
+ // compute the field rectangle and field relative MouseEvent
+ Rectangle aFieldRect;
+ MouseEvent aRelEvt;
+ if ( nCol < pBox->pCols->Count() )
+ {
+ nColX -= pBox->pCols->GetObject(nCol)->Width();
+ aFieldRect = Rectangle(
+ Point( nColX, nRelRow * pBox->GetDataRowHeight() ),
+ Size( pBox->pCols->GetObject(nCol)->Width(),
+ pBox->GetDataRowHeight() ) );
+ }
+ // assemble and return the BrowseEvent
+ return BrowseEvent( this, nRow, nCol, nColId, aFieldRect );
+void BrowserDataWin::Command( const CommandEvent& rEvt )
+ // Scrollmaus-Event?
+ BrowseBox *pBox = GetParent();
+ if ( ( (rEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_WHEEL) ||
+ (rEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_STARTAUTOSCROLL) ||
+ (rEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_AUTOSCROLL) ) &&
+ ( HandleScrollCommand( rEvt, &pBox->aHScroll, pBox->pVScroll ) ) )
+ return;
+ Point aEventPos( rEvt.GetMousePosPixel() );
+ long nRow = pBox->GetRowAtYPosPixel( aEventPos.Y(), FALSE);
+ MouseEvent aMouseEvt( aEventPos, 1, MOUSE_SELECT, MOUSE_LEFT );
+ if ( COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU == rEvt.GetCommand() && rEvt.IsMouseEvent() &&
+ nRow < pBox->GetRowCount() && !pBox->IsRowSelected(nRow) )
+ {
+ BOOL bDeleted = FALSE;
+ pDtorNotify = &bDeleted;
+ bInCommand = TRUE;
+ MouseButtonDown( aMouseEvt );
+ if( bDeleted )
+ return;
+ MouseButtonUp( aMouseEvt );
+ if( bDeleted )
+ return;
+ pDtorNotify = 0;
+ bInCommand = FALSE;
+ }
+ aEventPos.Y() += GetParent()->GetTitleHeight();
+ CommandEvent aEvt( aEventPos, rEvt.GetCommand(),
+ rEvt.IsMouseEvent(), rEvt.GetData() );
+ bInCommand = TRUE;
+ BOOL bDeleted = FALSE;
+ pDtorNotify = &bDeleted;
+ GetParent()->Command( aEvt );
+ if( bDeleted )
+ return;
+ pDtorNotify = 0;
+ bInCommand = FALSE;
+ if ( COMMAND_STARTDRAG == rEvt.GetCommand() )
+ MouseButtonUp( aMouseEvt );
+ Control::Command( rEvt );
+void BrowserDataWin::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rEvt )
+ aLastMousePos = OutputToScreenPixel( rEvt.GetPosPixel() );
+ CaptureMouse();
+ GetParent()->MouseButtonDown( BrowserMouseEvent( this, rEvt ) );
+void BrowserDataWin::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rEvt )
+ // Pseudo MouseMoves verhindern
+ Point aNewPos = OutputToScreenPixel( rEvt.GetPosPixel() );
+ if ( aNewPos == aLastMousePos )
+ return;
+ aLastMousePos = aNewPos;
+ // Paint-Probleme abfangen
+ if ( !IsMouseCaptured() )
+ return;
+ // transform to a BrowseEvent
+ GetParent()->MouseMove( BrowserMouseEvent( this, rEvt ) );
+ // dragging out of the visible area?
+ if ( rEvt.IsLeft() &&
+ ( rEvt.GetPosPixel().Y() > GetSizePixel().Height() ||
+ rEvt.GetPosPixel().Y() < 0 ) )
+ {
+ // repeat the event
+ aRepeatEvt = rEvt;
+ aMouseTimer.Start();
+ }
+ else
+ // killing old repeat-event
+ if ( aMouseTimer.IsActive() )
+ aMouseTimer.Stop();
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( BrowserDataWin, RepeatedMouseMove, void *, pvoid )
+ GetParent()->MouseMove( BrowserMouseEvent( this, aRepeatEvt ) );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( BrowserDataWin, RepeatedMouseMove, void *, pvoid )
+void BrowserDataWin::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rEvt )
+ // Pseudo MouseMoves verhindern
+ Point aNewPos = OutputToScreenPixel( rEvt.GetPosPixel() );
+ aLastMousePos = aNewPos;
+ // Paint-Probleme abfangen
+ if ( !IsMouseCaptured() )
+ return;
+ // Move an die aktuelle Position simulieren
+ MouseMove( rEvt );
+ // eigentliches Up-Handling
+ ReleaseMouse();
+ if ( aMouseTimer.IsActive() )
+ aMouseTimer.Stop();
+ GetParent()->MouseButtonUp( BrowserMouseEvent( this, rEvt ) );
+void BrowserDataWin::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rEvt )
+ // pass to parent window
+ if ( !GetParent()->ProcessKey( rEvt ) )
+ Control::KeyInput( rEvt );
+void BrowserDataWin::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt )
+ pEventWin = this;
+ GetParent()->RequestHelp( rHEvt );
+ pEventWin = GetParent();
+BOOL BrowserDataWin::Drop( const DropEvent& rEvt )
+ return GetParent()->Drop( BrowserDropEvent( this, rEvt ) );
+BOOL BrowserDataWin::QueryDrop( DropEvent& rEvt )
+ BrowserDropEvent aBrwDEvt( this, rEvt );
+ BOOL bRet = GetParent()->QueryDrop( aBrwDEvt );
+ rEvt = aBrwDEvt;
+ return bRet;
+BrowseEvent::BrowseEvent( Window* pWindow,
+ long nAbsRow, USHORT nColumn, USHORT nColumnId,
+ const Rectangle& rRect ):
+ pWin(pWindow),
+ nRow(nAbsRow),
+ nCol(nColumn),
+ nColId(nColumnId),
+ aRect(rRect)
+BrowserMouseEvent::BrowserMouseEvent( BrowserDataWin *pWin,
+ const MouseEvent& rEvt ):
+ MouseEvent(rEvt),
+ BrowseEvent( pWin->CreateBrowseEvent( rEvt.GetPosPixel() ) )
+BrowserMouseEvent::BrowserMouseEvent( Window *pWin, const MouseEvent& rEvt,
+ long nAbsRow, USHORT nColumn, USHORT nColumnId,
+ const Rectangle& rRect ):
+ MouseEvent(rEvt),
+ BrowseEvent( pWin, nAbsRow, nColumn, nColumnId, rRect )
+BrowserDropEvent::BrowserDropEvent( BrowserDataWin *pWin, const DropEvent& rEvt ):
+ DropEvent(rEvt),
+ BrowseEvent( pWin->CreateBrowseEvent( rEvt.GetPosPixel() ) )
+void BrowserDataWin::SetUpdateMode( BOOL bMode )
+ DBG_ASSERT( !bUpdateMode || aInvalidRegion.Count() == 0,
+ "invalid region not empty" );
+ if ( bMode == bUpdateMode )
+ return;
+ bUpdateMode = bMode;
+ if ( bMode )
+ DoOutstandingInvalidations();
+void BrowserDataWin::DoOutstandingInvalidations()
+ for ( Rectangle* pRect = aInvalidRegion.First();
+ pRect;
+ pRect = aInvalidRegion.Next() )
+ {
+ Window::Invalidate( *pRect, INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN /*OV*/);
+ delete pRect;
+ }
+ aInvalidRegion.Clear();
+void BrowserDataWin::Invalidate()
+ if ( !GetUpdateMode() )
+ {
+ for ( Rectangle* pRect = aInvalidRegion.First();
+ pRect;
+ pRect = aInvalidRegion.Next() )
+ delete pRect;
+ aInvalidRegion.Clear();
+ aInvalidRegion.Insert(
+ new Rectangle( Point( 0, 0 ), GetOutputSizePixel() ) );
+ }
+ else
+ Window::Invalidate(INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN /*OV*/ );
+void BrowserDataWin::Invalidate( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ if ( !GetUpdateMode() )
+ aInvalidRegion.Insert( new Rectangle( rRect ) );
+ else
+ Window::Invalidate( rRect, INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN /*OV*/ );
+void BrowserScrollBar::Tracking( const TrackingEvent& rTEvt )
+ ULONG nPos = GetThumbPos();
+ if ( nPos != _nLastPos )
+ {
+ if ( _nTip )
+ Help::HideTip( _nTip );
+ String aTip( String::CreateFromInt32(nPos) );
+ aTip += '/';
+ if ( _pDataWin->GetRealRowCount().Len() )
+ aTip += _pDataWin->GetRealRowCount();
+ else
+ aTip += String::CreateFromInt32(GetRangeMax());
+ Rectangle aRect( GetPointerPosPixel(), Size( GetTextHeight(), GetTextWidth( aTip ) ) );
+ _nTip = Help::ShowTip( this, aRect, aTip );
+ _nLastPos = nPos;
+ }
+ ScrollBar::Tracking( rTEvt );
+void BrowserScrollBar::EndScroll()
+ if ( _nTip )
+ Help::HideTip( _nTip );
+ _nTip = 0;
+ ScrollBar::EndScroll();
diff --git a/svtools/source/brwbox/datwin.hxx b/svtools/source/brwbox/datwin.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3fcd002e392d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/brwbox/datwin.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: datwin.hxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:56 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _BRWBOX_HXX
+#include <brwbox.hxx>
+#ifndef _BRWHEAD_HXX
+#include <brwhead.hxx>
+#ifndef _TIMER_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/timer.hxx>
+#ifndef _IMAGE_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/image.hxx>
+#ifndef _LIST_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/list.hxx>
+#define DRAG_CRITICAL 4
+DECLARE_LIST( RectangleList, Rectangle* );
+class ButtonFrame
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ Rectangle aInnerRect;
+ String aText;
+ BOOL bPressed;
+ BOOL bCurs;
+ BOOL bAbbr;
+ ButtonFrame( const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
+ const String &rText,
+ BOOL bPress = FALSE, BOOL bCursor = FALSE,
+ BOOL bAbbreviate = TRUE ) :
+ aRect( rPt, rSz ),
+ aInnerRect( Point( aRect.Left()+1, aRect.Top()+1 ),
+ Size( aRect.GetWidth()-2, aRect.GetHeight()-2 ) ),
+ aText(rText),
+ bPressed(bPress),
+ bCurs(bCursor),
+ bAbbr(bAbbreviate)
+ {}
+ void Draw( OutputDevice& rDev );
+class BrowserColumn
+ USHORT _nId;
+ ULONG _nOriginalWidth;
+ ULONG _nWidth;
+ Image _aImage;
+ String _aTitle;
+ BOOL _bFrozen;
+ HeaderBarItemBits _nFlags;
+ BrowserColumn( USHORT nItemId, const Image &rImage,
+ const String& rTitle, ULONG nWidthPixel, const Fraction& rCurrentZoom,
+ HeaderBarItemBits nFlags );
+ USHORT GetId() const { return _nId; }
+ ULONG Width() { return _nWidth; }
+ Image& GetImage() { return _aImage; }
+ String& Title() { return _aTitle; }
+ HeaderBarItemBits& Flags() { return _nFlags; }
+ BOOL IsFrozen() const { return _bFrozen; }
+ void Freeze( BOOL bFreeze = TRUE ) { _bFrozen = bFreeze; }
+ virtual void Draw( BrowseBox& rBox, OutputDevice& rDev,
+ const Point& rPos, BOOL bCurs );
+ void SetWidth(ULONG nNewWidthPixel, const Fraction& rCurrentZoom);
+ void ZoomChanged(const Fraction& rNewZoom);
+class BrowserDataWin: public Control
+friend class BrowseBox;
+ BrowserHeader* pHeaderBar; // only for BROWSER_HEADERBAR_NEW
+ Window* pEventWin; // Window of forwarded events
+ ScrollBarBox* pCornerWin; // Window in the corner btw the ScrollBars
+ BOOL* pDtorNotify;
+ AutoTimer aMouseTimer; // recalls MouseMove on dragging out
+ MouseEvent aRepeatEvt; // a MouseEvent to repeat
+ Point aLastMousePos; // verhindert pseudo-MouseMoves
+ String aRealRowCount; // zur Anzeige im VScrollBar
+ RectangleList aInvalidRegion; // invalidated Rectangles during !UpdateMode
+ FASTBOOL bInPaint; // TRUE while in Paint
+ FASTBOOL bInCommand; // TRUE while in Command
+ FASTBOOL bNoScrollBack; // nur vorwaerts scrollen
+ FASTBOOL bNoHScroll; // kein horizontaler Scrollbar
+ FASTBOOL bAutoHScroll; // autohide horizontaler Scrollbar
+ FASTBOOL bAutoVScroll; // autohide horizontaler Scrollbar
+ FASTBOOL bUpdateMode; // nicht SV-UpdateMode wegen Invalidate()
+ FASTBOOL bAutoSizeLastCol;// last column always fills up window
+ FASTBOOL bHighlightAuto; // new auto-highlight by SetFont() etc.
+ FASTBOOL bResizeOnPaint; // outstanding resize-event
+ FASTBOOL bUpdateOnUnlock; // Update() while locked
+ FASTBOOL bInUpdateScrollbars; // Rekursionsschutz
+ FASTBOOL bHadRecursion; // Rekursion war aufgetreten
+ FASTBOOL bOwnDataChangedHdl; // dont change colors in DataChanged
+ USHORT nUpdateLock; // lock count, dont call Control::Update()!
+ short nCursorHidden; // new conuter for DoHide/ShowCursor
+ BrowserDataWin( BrowseBox* pParent );
+ ~BrowserDataWin();
+ virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt );
+ virtual void Paint( const Rectangle& rRect );
+ virtual void RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt );
+ virtual void Command( const CommandEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual void MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual void MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rEvt );
+ DECL_LINK( RepeatedMouseMove, void * );
+ virtual void MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual void KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual BOOL QueryDrop( DropEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual BOOL Drop( const DropEvent& rEvt );
+ BrowseEvent CreateBrowseEvent( const Point& rPosPixel );
+ void Repaint();
+ BrowseBox* GetParent() const
+ { return (BrowseBox*) Window::GetParent(); }
+ const String& GetRealRowCount() const { return aRealRowCount; }
+ void SetUpdateMode( BOOL bMode );
+ FASTBOOL GetUpdateMode() const { return bUpdateMode; }
+ void EnterUpdateLock() { ++nUpdateLock; }
+ void LeaveUpdateLock();
+ void Update();
+ void DoOutstandingInvalidations();
+ void Invalidate();
+ void Invalidate( const Rectangle& rRect );
+inline void BrowserDataWin::Repaint()
+ if ( GetUpdateMode() )
+ Update();
+ Paint( Rectangle( Point(), GetOutputSizePixel() ) );
+class BrowserScrollBar: public ScrollBar
+ ULONG _nTip;
+ ULONG _nLastPos;
+ BrowserDataWin* _pDataWin;
+ BrowserScrollBar( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle,
+ BrowserDataWin *pDataWin )
+ : ScrollBar( pParent, nStyle ),
+ _nTip( 0 ),
+ _nLastPos( ULONG_MAX ),
+ _pDataWin( pDataWin )
+ {}
+ //ScrollBar( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId );
+ virtual void Tracking( const TrackingEvent& rTEvt );
+ virtual void EndScroll();
+void InitSettings_Impl( Window *pWin,
+ BOOL bFont = TRUE, BOOL bForeground = TRUE, BOOL bBackground = TRUE );
+#ifdef DBG_MI
+void DoLog_Impl( const BrowseBox *pThis, const char *pWhat, const char *pWho );
+#define LOG(pThis,what,who) DoLog_Impl(pThis,what,who)
+#define LOG(pThis,what,who)
diff --git a/svtools/source/brwbox/ b/svtools/source/brwbox/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2379c21e72c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/brwbox/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# $RCSfile:,v $
+# $Revision: $
+# last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:56 $
+# The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+# either of the following licenses
+# - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+# - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+# Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+# GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+# =============================================
+# Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+# =================================================
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+# Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+# License at
+# Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+# See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+# obligations concerning the Software.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
+# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
+ brwbox1.cxx \
+ brwbox2.cxx \
+ brwhead.cxx \
+ datwin.cxx
+.IF "$(GUI)" == "WIN"
+ brwdll.cxx
+ $(SLO)$/brwbox1.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/brwbox2.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/brwhead.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/datwin.obj
+.IF "$(GUI)" == "WIN"
+ $(SLO)$/brwdll.obj
+# --- Targets -------------------------------------------------------