path: root/svtools/inc/svtools/brwbox.hxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'svtools/inc/svtools/brwbox.hxx')
1 files changed, 877 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svtools/inc/svtools/brwbox.hxx b/svtools/inc/svtools/brwbox.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..42fb4b4d36ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/inc/svtools/brwbox.hxx
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+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _SVX_BRWBOX_HXX
+#define _SVX_BRWBOX_HXX
+#include "svtools/svtdllapi.h"
+#include <vcl/scrbar.hxx>
+#include <vcl/ctrl.hxx>
+#include <tools/multisel.hxx>
+#include <svtools/headbar.hxx>
+#include <svtools/transfer.hxx>
+#include <svtools/AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType.hxx>
+#include <svtools/accessibletableprovider.hxx>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <memory>
+class BrowserColumn;
+class BrowserColumns;
+class BrowserDataWin;
+class MultiSelection;
+class BrowserHeader;
+namespace svt {
+ class BrowseBoxImpl;
+ class IAccessibleFactory;
+namespace utl {
+ class AccessibleStateSetHelper;
+// -------------------
+// - BrowseBox-Types -
+// -------------------
+typedef ULONG BrowserMode;
+#define BROWSER_HLINES 0x0010
+#define BROWSER_VLINES 0x0020
+#define BROWSER_HLINESFULL BROWSER_HLINES // old, dont use!
+#define BROWSER_VLINESFULL BROWSER_VLINES // old, dont use!
+#define BROWSER_HLINESDOTS 0x0000 // old => dont use!
+#define BROWSER_VLINESDOTS 0x0000 // old => dont use!
+#define BROWSER_HIDESELECT 0x0100 // old => dont use!
+#define BROWSER_HIDECURSOR 0x0200
+#define BROWSER_NO_HSCROLL 0x0400
+#define BROWSER_AUTO_VSCROLL 0x1000
+#define BROWSER_AUTO_HSCROLL 0x2000
+#define BROWSER_NO_VSCROLL 0x8000
+#define BROWSER_HIGHLIGHT_TOGGLE 0x00000000 // old default => NULL, dont use!
+#define BROWSER_HEADERBAR_NEW 0x00040000
+#define BROWSER_AUTOSIZE_LASTCOL 0x00080000
+#define BROWSER_OWN_DATACHANGED 0x00100000
+#define BROWSER_CURSOR_WO_FOCUS 0x00200000
+ // Allows a cursor which is shown even if the control does not have the focus. This does not affect other
+ // situations which require to temporarily hide the cursor (such as scrolling).
+#define BROWSER_SMART_HIDECURSOR 0x00400000
+ // is an enhanced version of BROWSER_HIDECURSOR.
+ // When set, BROWSER_HIDECURSOR is overruled, and the cursor is hidden as long as no selection exists,
+ // but shown otherwise. This does not affect other situations which require to temporarily hide the
+ // cursor (such as scrolling).
+typedef int BrowserColumnMode;
+#define BROWSER_NONE 0
+#define BROWSER_SELECT 720
+// ---------------
+// - BrowseEvent -
+// ---------------
+class BrowseEvent
+ Window* pWin;
+ long nRow;
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ USHORT nCol;
+ USHORT nColId;
+ BrowseEvent();
+ BrowseEvent( Window* pWindow,
+ long nAbsRow,
+ USHORT nColumn, USHORT nColumnId,
+ const Rectangle& rRect );
+ Window* GetWindow() const { return pWin; }
+ long GetRow() const { return nRow; }
+ USHORT GetColumn() const { return nCol; }
+ USHORT GetColumnId() const { return nColId; }
+ const Rectangle& GetRect() const { return aRect; }
+// ---------------------
+// - BrowserMouseEvent -
+// ---------------------
+class BrowserMouseEvent: public MouseEvent, public BrowseEvent
+ BrowserMouseEvent();
+ BrowserMouseEvent( BrowserDataWin* pWin, const MouseEvent& rEvt );
+ BrowserMouseEvent( Window* pWin, const MouseEvent& rEvt,
+ long nAbsRow, USHORT nColumn, USHORT nColumnId,
+ const Rectangle& rRect );
+// --------------------------
+// - BrowserAcceptDropEvent -
+// --------------------------
+class BrowserAcceptDropEvent : public AcceptDropEvent, public BrowseEvent
+ BrowserAcceptDropEvent();
+ BrowserAcceptDropEvent( BrowserDataWin* pWin, const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt );
+// ---------------------------
+// - BrowserExecuteDropEvent -
+// ---------------------------
+class BrowserExecuteDropEvent : public ExecuteDropEvent, public BrowseEvent
+ BrowserExecuteDropEvent();
+ BrowserExecuteDropEvent( BrowserDataWin* pWin, const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt );
+// -------------
+// - BrowseBox -
+// -------------
+// TODO
+// The whole selection thingie in this class is somewhat .... suspicious to me.
+// some oddities:
+// * method parameters named like members (and used in both semantics within the method!)
+// * the multi selection flag is sometimes used as if it is for row selection, sometimes as if
+// it's for column selection, too (and sometimes in an even stranger way :)
+// * it is not really defined like all these hundreds selection related flags/methods work together
+// and influence each other. I do not understand it very well, but this may be my fault :)
+// * There is a GetColumnSelection, but it can't be used to determine the selected columns (at least
+// not without a const_cast)
+// We should clearly define this somewhere in the future. Or, even better, we should re-implement this
+// whole class, which is planned for a long time :)
+// sorry for the ranting. could not resist
+// 98483 - 11.04.2002 -
+class SVT_DLLPUBLIC BrowseBox
+ :public Control
+ ,public DragSourceHelper
+ ,public DropTargetHelper
+ ,public svt::IAccessibleTableProvider
+ #define NO_CURSOR_HIDE 0
+ #define HARD_CURSOR_HIDE 1
+ friend class BrowserDataWin;
+ friend class ::svt::BrowseBoxImpl;
+#ifdef DBG_MI
+ friend void DoLog_Impl( const BrowseBox *pThis, const char *pWhat, const char *pWho );
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ friend const char* BrowseBoxCheckInvariants( const void * pVoid );
+ Window* pDataWin; // window to display data rows
+ ScrollBar* pVScroll; // vertical scrollbar
+ ScrollBar aHScroll; // horizontal scrollbar
+ long nDataRowHeight; // height of a single data-row
+ USHORT nTitleLines; // number of lines in title row
+ ULONG nControlAreaWidth; // width of fixed area beneeth hscroll
+ BOOL bThumbDragging; // handle thumb dragging
+ BOOL bColumnCursor; // single columns and fields selectable
+ BOOL bMultiSelection;// allow multiple selected rows
+ BOOL bKeepHighlight; // don't hide selection on LoseFocus
+ BOOL bHLines; // draw lines between rows
+ BOOL bVLines; // draw lines between columns
+ BOOL bHDots; // draw lines between rows dotted
+ BOOL bVDots; // draw lines between columns dotted
+ Color aGridLineColor; // color for lines, default dark grey
+ BOOL bBootstrapped; // child windows resized etc.
+ long nTopRow; // no. of first visible row (0...)
+ long nCurRow; // no. of row with cursor
+ long nRowCount; // total number of rows in model
+ USHORT nFirstCol; // no. of first visible scrollable column
+ USHORT nCurColId; // column id of cursor
+ BOOL bSelecting;
+ BOOL bRowDividerDrag;
+ BOOL bHit;
+ BOOL mbInteractiveRowHeight;
+ Point a1stPoint;
+ Point a2ndPoint;
+ long nResizeX; // mouse position at start of resizing
+ long nMinResizeX; // never drag more left
+ long nDragX; // last dragged column (MouseMove)
+ USHORT nResizeCol; // resize this column in MouseMove
+ BOOL bResizing; // mouse captured for column resizing
+ BOOL bSelect; // select or deselect
+ BOOL bSelectionIsVisible; // depending on focus
+ BOOL bScrolling; // hidden cursor while scrolling
+ BOOL bNotToggleSel; // set while in ToggleSelection() etc.
+ BOOL bHasFocus; // set/unset in Get/LoseFocus
+ BOOL bHideSelect; // hide selection (highlight)
+ BOOL bHideCursor; // hide cursor (frame)
+ Range aSelRange; // for selection expansion
+ BrowserColumns* pCols; // array of column-descriptions
+ union
+ {
+ MultiSelection* pSel; // selected rows for multi-selection
+ long nSel; // selected row for single-selection
+ } uRow;
+ MultiSelection* pColSel; // selected column-ids
+ ::std::auto_ptr< ::svt::BrowseBoxImpl > m_pImpl; // impl structure of the BrowseBox object
+ BOOL m_bFocusOnlyCursor; // hide cursor if we don't have the focus
+ Color m_aCursorColor; // special color for cursor, COL_TRANSPARENT for usual (VCL-painted) "inverted" cursor
+ BrowserMode m_nCurrentMode; // last argument of SetMode (redundant, as our other members represent the current settings, too)
+//#if 0 // _SOLAR__PRIVATE
+ SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ConstructImpl(BrowserMode nMode);
+ SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ExpandRowSelection( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt );
+ SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ToggleSelection( BOOL bForce = FALSE );
+ SVT_DLLPRIVATE void UpdateScrollbars();
+ SVT_DLLPRIVATE void AutoSizeLastColumn();
+ SVT_DLLPRIVATE long ImpGetDataRowHeight() const;
+ SVT_DLLPRIVATE Rectangle ImplFieldRectPixel( long nRow, USHORT nColId ) const;
+ SVT_DLLPRIVATE USHORT FrozenColCount() const;
+ SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ColumnInserted( USHORT nPos );
+ DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( ScrollHdl, ScrollBar * );
+ DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( EndScrollHdl, ScrollBar * );
+ DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( StartDragHdl, HeaderBar * );
+ SVT_DLLPRIVATE long GetFrozenWidth() const;
+ BOOL GoToRow(long nRow, BOOL bRowColMove, BOOL bDoNotModifySelection = FALSE );
+ BOOL GoToColumnId( USHORT nColId, BOOL bMakeVisible, BOOL bRowColMove = FALSE);
+ void SelectColumnPos( USHORT nCol, BOOL _bSelect, BOOL bMakeVisible);
+ void SelectColumnId( USHORT nColId, BOOL _bSelect, BOOL bMakeVisible)
+ { SelectColumnPos( GetColumnPos(nColId), _bSelect, bMakeVisible); }
+ void ImplPaintData(OutputDevice& _rOut, const Rectangle& _rRect, BOOL _bForeignDevice, BOOL _bDrawSelections);
+ BOOL PaintCursorIfHiddenOnce() const { return !m_bFocusOnlyCursor && !HasFocus(); }
+ USHORT ToggleSelectedColumn();
+ void SetToggledSelectedColumn(USHORT _nSelectedColumnId);
+ /// retrieves the XAccessible implementation associated with the BrowseBox instance
+ ::svt::IAccessibleFactory& getAccessibleFactory();
+ USHORT ColCount() const;
+ // software plug for database access
+ // Der RowCount wird jetzt intern automatisch gezaehlt
+ // (ueber RowInserted und RowRemoved), daher ist das Ueberladen
+ // dieser Methode ueberfluessig!
+ virtual long GetRowCount() const;
+ // fuer Anzeige im VScrollBar z.B. auf "?" oder setzen
+ void SetRealRowCount( const String &rRealRowCount );
+ // Return Value muss immer TRUE sein - SeekRow *muss* klappen!
+ // (sonst ASSERT) MI: wer hat das eingebaut? Das darf nicht so sein!
+ /** seeks for the given row position
+ @param nRow
+ nRow starts at 0
+ */
+ virtual BOOL SeekRow( long nRow ) = 0;
+ virtual void DrawCursor();
+ virtual void PaintRow( OutputDevice &rDev, const Rectangle &rRect );
+ virtual void PaintData( Window& rWin, const Rectangle& rRect );
+ virtual void PaintField( OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect,
+ USHORT nColumnId ) const = 0;
+ // Benachrichtigung an die abgeleitete Klasse, dass sich der sichtbare
+ // Bereich von Rows geaendert hat. Aus dieser Methode heraus darf
+ // die abgeleitete Klasse Aenderungen des Model mit Hilfe der Methoden
+ // RowInserted und RowRemoved bekanntgeben. Mit sich daraus ergebenden
+ // neuen Zustand wird anschliessend ein Paint veranlasst (und entsprechend
+ // SeekRow etc. gerufen).
+ //
+ // Parameter: nNewTopRow: Nr. der neuen TopRow (kann von VisibleRowsChanged
+ // durch Aufruf von RowInserted und RowDeleted noch veraendert werden).
+ // nNumRows: Anzahl der sichtbaren Rows (auch eine teilweise sichtbare Row
+ // wird mitgezaehlt).
+ //
+ // Moegliche Ursachen fuer die Aenderung des sichtbaren Bereiches:
+ // - Vor dem sichtbaren Bereich sind Rows eingefuegt oder geloescht worden,
+ // dadurch aendert sich nur die Numerierung der sichtbaren Rows
+ // - Scrollen (und daraus resultierend eine andere erste sichtbare Row)
+ // - Resize des Fensters
+ virtual void VisibleRowsChanged( long nNewTopRow, USHORT nNumRows);
+ // Anzahl sichtbarer Rows in dem Fenster (inkl. "angeschnittener" Rows)
+ USHORT GetVisibleRows()
+ { return (USHORT)((pDataWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() - 1 )/ GetDataRowHeight() + 1); }
+ long GetTopRow() { return nTopRow; }
+ USHORT GetFirstVisibleColNumber() const { return nFirstCol; }
+ // Focus-Rect ein-/ausschalten
+ void DoShowCursor( const char *pWhoLog );
+ void DoHideCursor( const char *pWhoLog );
+ short GetCursorHideCount() const;
+ virtual BrowserHeader* CreateHeaderBar( BrowseBox* pParent );
+ // HACK(virtuelles Create wird im Ctor nicht gerufen)
+ void SetHeaderBar( BrowserHeader* );
+ long CalcReverseZoom(long nVal);
+ HeaderBar* GetHeaderBar() const;
+ // header bar access for derived classes
+ inline const DataFlavorExVector&
+ GetDataFlavors() const;
+ sal_Bool IsDropFormatSupported( SotFormatStringId nFormat ); // need this because the base class' IsDropFormatSupported is not const ...
+ sal_Bool IsDropFormatSupported( SotFormatStringId nFormat ) const;
+ sal_Bool IsDropFormatSupported( const ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::DataFlavor& _rFlavor ); // need this because the base class' IsDropFormatSupported is not const ...
+ sal_Bool IsDropFormatSupported( const ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::DataFlavor& _rFlavor ) const;
+ void* implGetDataFlavors() const;
+ // with this we can make GetDataFlavors() inline, which is strongly needed as SVTOOLS does not export
+ // any sysbols containing an "_STL", so a non-inlined method would not be exported ....
+ // callbacks for the data window
+ virtual void ImplStartTracking();
+ virtual void ImplTracking();
+ virtual void ImplEndTracking();
+ BrowseBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nBits = 0,
+ BrowserMode nMode = 0 );
+ BrowseBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rId,
+ BrowserMode nMode = 0 );
+ ~BrowseBox();
+ // ererbte ueberladene Handler
+ virtual void StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange );
+ virtual void MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual void MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual void MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual void KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual void LoseFocus();
+ virtual void GetFocus();
+ virtual void Resize();
+ virtual void Paint( const Rectangle& rRect );
+ virtual void Draw( OutputDevice* pDev, const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, ULONG nFlags );
+ virtual void Command( const CommandEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual void StartDrag( sal_Int8 _nAction, const Point& _rPosPixel );
+ virtual sal_Int8 AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt ); // will forward everything got to the second AcceptDrop method
+ virtual sal_Int8 ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt ); // will forward everything got to the second ExecuteDrop method
+ virtual sal_Int8 AcceptDrop( const BrowserAcceptDropEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual sal_Int8 ExecuteDrop( const BrowserExecuteDropEvent& rEvt );
+ // neue Handler
+ virtual void MouseButtonDown( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual void MouseMove( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual void MouseButtonUp( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual void StartScroll();
+ virtual void EndScroll();
+ virtual void Select();
+ virtual void DoubleClick( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt );
+ virtual BOOL IsCursorMoveAllowed( long nNewRow, USHORT nNewColId ) const;
+ virtual void CursorMoved();
+ virtual void ColumnMoved( USHORT nColId );
+ virtual void ColumnResized( USHORT nColId );
+ virtual long QueryColumnResize( USHORT nColId, long nWidth );
+ /// called when the row height has been changed interactively
+ virtual void RowHeightChanged();
+ virtual long QueryMinimumRowHeight();
+ // Window-Control (pass to DataWindow)
+ void SetUpdateMode( BOOL bUpdate );
+ BOOL GetUpdateMode() const;
+ // map-mode and font control
+ void SetFont( const Font& rNewFont );
+ const Font& GetFont() const { return pDataWin->GetFont(); }
+ void SetTitleFont( const Font& rNewFont )
+ { Control::SetFont( rNewFont ); }
+ const Font& GetTitleFont() const { return Control::GetFont(); }
+ // color for line painting
+ void SetGridLineColor(const Color& rColor) {aGridLineColor = rColor;}
+ const Color& GetGridLineColor() const {return aGridLineColor;}
+ // inserting, changing, removing and freezing of columns
+ void InsertHandleColumn( ULONG nWidth );
+ void InsertDataColumn( USHORT nItemId, const Image& rImage,
+ long nSize, HeaderBarItemBits nBits = HIB_STDSTYLE,
+ void InsertDataColumn( USHORT nItemId, const XubString& rText,
+ long nSize, HeaderBarItemBits nBits = HIB_STDSTYLE,
+ void InsertDataColumn( USHORT nItemId,
+ const Image& rImage, const XubString& rText,
+ long nSize, HeaderBarItemBits nBits = HIB_STDSTYLE,
+ // Hilfstext bei leerem rText
+ const String* pHelpText = 0 );
+ void SetColumnTitle( USHORT nColumnId, const String &rTitle );
+ void SetColumnMode( USHORT nColumnId, BrowserColumnMode nFlags );
+ void SetColumnWidth( USHORT nColumnId, ULONG nWidth );
+ void SetColumnPos( USHORT nColumnId, USHORT nPos );
+ void FreezeColumn( USHORT nColumnId, BOOL bFreeze = TRUE );
+ void UnfreezeColumns();
+ void RemoveColumn( USHORT nColumnId );
+ void RemoveColumns();
+ // control of title and data row height
+ void SetDataRowHeight( long nPixel );
+ long GetDataRowHeight() const;
+ void SetTitleLines( USHORT nLines );
+ USHORT GetTitleLines() const { return nTitleLines; }
+ virtual long GetTitleHeight() const;
+ // access to dynamic values of cursor row
+ String GetColumnTitle( USHORT nColumnId ) const;
+ BrowserColumnMode GetColumnMode( USHORT nColumnId ) const;
+ Rectangle GetFieldRect( USHORT nColumnId ) const;
+ ULONG GetColumnWidth( USHORT nColumnId ) const;
+ USHORT GetColumnId( USHORT nPos ) const;
+ USHORT GetColumnPos( USHORT nColumnId ) const;
+ BOOL IsFrozen( USHORT nColumnId ) const;
+ // movement of visible area
+ void ResetScroll();
+ long ScrollColumns( long nColumns );
+ long ScrollRows( long nRows );
+ long ScrollPages( long nPagesY );
+ BOOL MakeFieldVisible( long nRow, USHORT nColId, BOOL bComplete = FALSE );
+ // access and movement of cursor
+ long GetCurRow() const { return nCurRow; }
+ USHORT GetCurColumnId() const { return nCurColId; }
+ BOOL GoToRow( long nRow );
+ BOOL GoToRowAndDoNotModifySelection( long nRow );
+ BOOL GoToColumnId( USHORT nColId );
+ BOOL GoToRowColumnId( long nRow, USHORT nColId );
+ // selections
+ virtual void SetNoSelection();
+ virtual void SelectAll();
+ virtual void SelectRow( long nRow, BOOL _bSelect = TRUE, BOOL bExpand = TRUE );
+ void SelectColumnPos( USHORT nCol, BOOL _bSelect = TRUE )
+ { SelectColumnPos( nCol, _bSelect, TRUE); }
+ void SelectColumnId( USHORT nColId, BOOL _bSelect = TRUE )
+ { SelectColumnPos( GetColumnPos(nColId), _bSelect, TRUE); }
+ long GetSelectRowCount() const;
+ USHORT GetSelectColumnCount() const;
+ virtual bool IsRowSelected( long nRow ) const;
+ bool IsColumnSelected( USHORT nColumnId ) const;
+ sal_Bool IsAllSelected() const;
+ long FirstSelectedRow( BOOL bInverse = FALSE );
+ long LastSelectedRow();
+ long PrevSelectedRow();
+ long NextSelectedRow();
+ const MultiSelection* GetColumnSelection() const { return pColSel; }
+ const MultiSelection* GetSelection() const
+ { return bMultiSelection ? uRow.pSel : 0; }
+ void SetSelection( const MultiSelection &rSelection );
+ long FirstSelectedColumn( ) const;
+ long NextSelectedColumn( ) const;
+ BOOL IsResizing() const { return bResizing; }
+ // access to positions of fields, column and rows
+ Window& GetEventWindow() const;
+ Window& GetDataWindow() const { return *pDataWin; }
+ Rectangle GetRowRectPixel( long nRow,
+ BOOL bRelToBrowser = TRUE ) const;
+ Rectangle GetFieldRectPixel( long nRow, USHORT nColId,
+ BOOL bRelToBrowser = TRUE) const;
+ BOOL IsFieldVisible( long nRow, USHORT nColId,
+ BOOL bComplete = FALSE ) const;
+ long GetRowAtYPosPixel( long nY,
+ BOOL bRelToBrowser = TRUE ) const;
+ USHORT GetColumnAtXPosPixel( long nX,
+ BOOL bRelToBrowser = TRUE ) const;
+ // invalidations
+ void Clear();
+ void RowRemoved( long nRow, long nNumRows = 1, BOOL bDoPaint = TRUE );
+ void RowModified( long nRow, USHORT nColId = USHRT_MAX );
+ void RowInserted( long nRow, long nNumRows = 1, BOOL bDoPaint = TRUE, BOOL bKeepSelection = FALSE );
+ // miscellanous
+ void ReserveControlArea( USHORT nWidth = USHRT_MAX );
+ Rectangle GetControlArea() const;
+ BOOL ProcessKey( const KeyEvent& rEvt );
+ void Dispatch( USHORT nId );
+ void SetMode( BrowserMode nMode = 0 );
+ BrowserMode GetMode( ) const { return m_nCurrentMode; }
+ bool IsInCommandEvent() const;
+ void SetCursorColor(const Color& _rCol);
+ Color GetCursorColor() const { return m_aCursorColor; }
+ void ResetSelecting() { bSelecting = FALSE; }
+ /** specifies that the user is allowed to interactively change the height of a row,
+ by simply dragging an arbitrary row separator.
+ Note that this works only if there's a handle column, since only in this case,
+ there *is* something for the user to click onto
+ */
+ void EnableInteractiveRowHeight( BOOL _bEnable = TRUE ) { mbInteractiveRowHeight = _bEnable; }
+ BOOL IsInteractiveRowHeightEnabled( ) const { return mbInteractiveRowHeight; }
+ /// access to selected methods, to be granted to the BrowserColumn
+ struct BrowserColumnAccess { friend class BrowserColumn; private: BrowserColumnAccess() { } };
+ /** public version of PaintField, with selected access rights for the BrowserColumn
+ */
+ void DoPaintField( OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect, USHORT nColumnId, BrowserColumnAccess ) const
+ { PaintField( rDev, rRect, nColumnId ); }
+ /** suggests a default width for a column containing a given text
+ The width is calculated so that the text fits completely, plus som margin.
+ */
+ ULONG GetDefaultColumnWidth( const String& _rText ) const;
+ /** GetCellText returns the text at the given position
+ @param _nRow
+ the number of the row
+ @param _nColId
+ the ID of the column
+ @return
+ the text out of the cell
+ */
+ virtual String GetCellText(long _nRow, USHORT _nColId) const;
+ /** @return
+ the current column count
+ */
+ USHORT GetColumnCount() const { return ColCount(); }
+ /** commitBrowseBoxEvent commit the event at all listeners of the browsebox
+ @param nEventId
+ the event id
+ @param rNewValue
+ the new value
+ @param rOldValue
+ the old value
+ */
+ void commitBrowseBoxEvent(sal_Int16 nEventId,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rNewValue,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rOldValue);
+ /** commitTableEvent commit the event at all listeners of the table
+ @param nEventId
+ the event id
+ @param rNewValue
+ the new value
+ @param rOldValue
+ the old value
+ */
+ void commitTableEvent(sal_Int16 nEventId,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rNewValue,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rOldValue);
+ /** fires an AccessibleEvent relative to a header bar AccessibleContext
+ @param nEventId
+ the event id
+ @param rNewValue
+ the new value
+ @param rOldValue
+ the old value
+ */
+ void commitHeaderBarEvent(sal_Int16 nEventId,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rNewValue,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rOldValue,
+ sal_Bool _bColumnHeaderBar
+ );
+ /** returns the Rectangle for either the column header bar ot the row header bar
+ @param _bIsColumnBar
+ <TRUE/> when column header bar is used
+ @param _bOnScreen
+ <TRUE/> when the rectangle should be calculated OnScreen
+ @return
+ the Rectangle
+ */
+ virtual Rectangle calcHeaderRect(sal_Bool _bIsColumnBar,BOOL _bOnScreen = TRUE);
+ /** calculates the Rectangle of the table
+ @param _bOnScreen
+ <TRUE/> when the rectangle should be calculated OnScreen
+ @return
+ the Rectangle
+ */
+ virtual Rectangle calcTableRect(BOOL _bOnScreen = TRUE);
+ /**
+ @param _nRowId
+ the current row
+ @param _nColId
+ teh column id
+ @param _bOnScreen
+ <TRUE/> when the rectangle should be calculated OnScreen
+ @return
+ the Rectangle
+ */
+ virtual Rectangle GetFieldRectPixelAbs(sal_Int32 _nRowId,sal_uInt16 _nColId, BOOL _bIsHeader, BOOL _bOnScreen = TRUE);
+ /// return <TRUE/> if and only if the accessible object for this instance has been created and is alive
+ sal_Bool isAccessibleAlive( ) const;
+ // ACCESSIBILITY ==========================================================
+ /** Creates and returns the accessible object of the whole BrowseBox. */
+ virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
+ ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible > CreateAccessible();
+ // Children ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ /** Creates the accessible object of a data table cell.
+ @param nRow The row index of the cell.
+ @param nColumnId The column pos of the cell.
+ @return The XAccessible interface of the specified cell. */
+ virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
+ ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible >
+ CreateAccessibleCell( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColumnPos );
+ /** Creates the accessible object of a row header.
+ @param nRow The row index of the header.
+ @return The XAccessible interface of the specified row header. */
+ virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
+ ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible >
+ CreateAccessibleRowHeader( sal_Int32 nRow );
+ /** Creates the accessible object of a column header.
+ @param nColumnId The column ID of the header.
+ @return The XAccessible interface of the specified column header. */
+ virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
+ ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible >
+ CreateAccessibleColumnHeader( sal_uInt16 nColumnPos );
+ /** @return The count of additional controls of the control area. */
+ virtual sal_Int32 GetAccessibleControlCount() const;
+ /** Creates the accessible object of an additional control.
+ @param nIndex The 0-based index of the control.
+ @return The XAccessible interface of the specified control. */
+ virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
+ ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible >
+ CreateAccessibleControl( sal_Int32 nIndex );
+ // Conversions ------------------------------------------------------------
+ /** Converts a point relative to the data window origin to a cell address.
+ @param rnRow Out-paramater that takes the row index.
+ @param rnColumnId Out-paramater that takes the column ID.
+ @param rPoint The position in pixels relative to the data window.
+ @return <TRUE/>, if the point could be converted to a valid address. */
+ virtual sal_Bool ConvertPointToCellAddress(
+ sal_Int32& rnRow, sal_uInt16& rnColumnId, const Point& rPoint );
+ /** Converts a point relative to the row header bar origin to a row header
+ index.
+ @param rnRow Out-paramater that takes the row index.
+ @param rPoint The position in pixels relative to the header bar.
+ @return <TRUE/>, if the point could be converted to a valid index. */
+ virtual sal_Bool ConvertPointToRowHeader( sal_Int32& rnRow, const Point& rPoint );
+ /** Converts a point relative to the column header bar origin to a column
+ header index.
+ @param rnColumnId Out-paramater that takes the column ID.
+ @param rPoint The position in pixels relative to the header bar.
+ @return <TRUE/>, if the point could be converted to a valid index. */
+ virtual sal_Bool ConvertPointToColumnHeader( sal_uInt16& rnColumnPos, const Point& rPoint );
+ /** Converts a point relative to the BrowseBox origin to the index of an
+ existing control.
+ @param rnRow Out-paramater that takes the 0-based control index.
+ @param rPoint The position in pixels relative to the BrowseBox.
+ @return <TRUE/>, if the point could be converted to a valid index. */
+ virtual sal_Bool ConvertPointToControlIndex( sal_Int32& rnIndex, const Point& rPoint );
+ // Object data and state --------------------------------------------------
+ /** return the name of the specified object.
+ @param eObjType
+ The type to ask for
+ @param _nPosition
+ The position of a tablecell (index position), header bar colum/row cell
+ @return
+ The name of the specified object.
+ */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString GetAccessibleObjectName( ::svt::AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType,sal_Int32 _nPosition = -1) const;
+ /** return the description of the specified object.
+ @param eObjType
+ The type to ask for
+ @param _nPosition
+ The position of a tablecell (index position), header bar colum/row cell
+ @return
+ The description of the specified object.
+ */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString GetAccessibleObjectDescription( ::svt::AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType,sal_Int32 _nPosition = -1) const;
+ /** @return The header text of the specified row. */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString GetRowDescription( sal_Int32 nRow ) const;
+ /** @return The header text of the specified column. */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString GetColumnDescription( sal_uInt16 _nColumn ) const;
+ /** Fills the StateSet with all states (except DEFUNC and SHOWING, done by
+ the accessible object), depending on the specified object type. */
+ virtual void FillAccessibleStateSet(
+ ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper& rStateSet,
+ ::svt::AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType ) const;
+ /** Fills the StateSet with all states for one cell (except DEFUNC and SHOWING, done by
+ the accessible object). */
+ virtual void FillAccessibleStateSetForCell(
+ ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper& _rStateSet,
+ sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn ) const;
+ /** Sets focus to current cell of the data table. */
+ virtual void GrabTableFocus();
+ // IAccessibleTableProvider
+ virtual sal_Int32 GetCurrRow() const;
+ virtual sal_uInt16 GetCurrColumn() const;
+ virtual sal_Bool HasRowHeader() const;
+ virtual sal_Bool IsCellFocusable() const;
+ virtual BOOL GoToCell( sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn );
+ virtual void SelectColumn( sal_uInt16 _nColumn, sal_Bool _bSelect = sal_True );
+ virtual sal_Bool IsColumnSelected( long _nColumn ) const;
+ virtual sal_Int32 GetSelectedRowCount() const;
+ virtual sal_Int32 GetSelectedColumnCount() const;
+ virtual void GetAllSelectedRows( ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 >& _rRows ) const;
+ virtual void GetAllSelectedColumns( ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 >& _rColumns ) const;
+ virtual sal_Bool IsCellVisible( sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn ) const;
+ virtual String GetAccessibleCellText(long _nRow, USHORT _nColPos) const;
+ virtual BOOL GetGlyphBoundRects( const Point& rOrigin, const String& rStr, int nIndex, int nLen, int nBase, MetricVector& rVector );
+ virtual Rectangle GetWindowExtentsRelative( Window *pRelativeWindow ) const;
+ virtual void GrabFocus();
+ virtual XACC GetAccessible( BOOL bCreate = TRUE );
+ virtual Window* GetAccessibleParentWindow() const;
+ virtual Window* GetWindowInstance();
+ // the following declares some Window/OutputDevice methods private. This happened in the course
+ // of CWS warnings01, which pointed out nameclashs in those methods. If the build breaks in some
+ // upper module, you should investigate whether you really wanted to call base class methods,
+ // or the versions at this class. In the latter case, use the renamed versions above.
+ // Set/GetLineColor - superseded by Set/GetGridLineColor
+ using OutputDevice::SetLineColor;
+ using OutputDevice::GetLineColor;
+ // ToTop/ToBottom were never property implemented. If you currently call it, this is most probably wrong
+ // and not doing as intended
+ using Window::ToTop;
+inline const DataFlavorExVector& BrowseBox::GetDataFlavors() const
+ return *reinterpret_cast<DataFlavorExVector*>(implGetDataFlavors());