path: root/starmath/source/dialog.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'starmath/source/dialog.cxx')
1 files changed, 2405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/starmath/source/dialog.cxx b/starmath/source/dialog.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..056103b3c61b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/starmath/source/dialog.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2405 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: dialog.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:57:26 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#pragma hdrstop
+#define SMDLL 1
+#ifndef _TOOLS_RCID_H
+#include "tools/rcid.h"
+#ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svtools/eitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXINTITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svtools/intitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _IODLG_HXX
+#include <sfx2/iodlg.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXSTRITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svtools/stritem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXAPP_HXX //autogen
+#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
+#ifndef _CTRLTOOL_HXX //autogen
+#include <svtools/ctrltool.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/printer.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_SOUND_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/sound.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_SNDSTYLE_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/sndstyle.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_WAITOBJ_HXX
+#include <vcl/waitobj.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX //autogen
+#include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFX_HRC //autogen
+#include <sfx2/sfx.hrc>
+#ifndef _STRING_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/string.hxx>
+#ifndef _TOOLS_DEBUG_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/debug.hxx>
+#ifndef CONFIG_HXX
+#include "config.hxx"
+#ifndef DIALOG_HXX
+#include "dialog.hxx"
+#ifndef _STARMATH_HRC
+#include "starmath.hrc"
+#ifndef _SMMOD_HXX
+#include "smmod.hxx"
+#ifndef SYMBOL_HXX
+#include "symbol.hxx"
+#ifndef VIEW_HXX
+#include "view.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+// Da der FontStyle besser über die Attribute gesetzt/abgefragt wird als über
+// den StyleName bauen wir uns hier unsere eigene Übersetzung
+// Attribute <-> StyleName
+// Die Bits des Index stellen die Attribute dar:
+// Bit 0 : italic
+// Bit 1 : bold
+static XubString __READONLY_DATA aStyleName[4] =
+ C2S("normal"), C2S("italic"),
+ C2S("bold"), C2S("bold italic")
+USHORT aStyleNameCount = sizeof(aStyleName) / sizeof(aStyleName[0]);
+const XubString GetFontStyleName(const Font &rFont)
+ USHORT nIndex = 2 * (rFont.GetWeight() == WEIGHT_BOLD)
+ + 1 * (rFont.GetItalic() == ITALIC_NORMAL);
+ return aStyleName[nIndex];
+void SetFontStyle(const XubString &rStyleName, Font &rFont)
+ // finden des Index passend zum StyleName fuer den leeren StyleName wird
+ // 0 (nicht bold nicht italic) angenommen.
+ USHORT nIndex = 0;
+ if (rStyleName.Len())
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < aStyleNameCount; i++)
+ if (rStyleName.CompareTo(aStyleName[i]) == COMPARE_EQUAL)
+ break;
+ DBG_ASSERT(i < aStyleNameCount, "Sm : StyleName unbekannt");
+ nIndex = i;
+ }
+ rFont.SetItalic((nIndex & 0x1) ? ITALIC_NORMAL : ITALIC_NONE);
+ rFont.SetWeight((nIndex & 0x2) ? WEIGHT_BOLD : WEIGHT_NORMAL);
+SmAboutDialog::SmAboutDialog(Window *pParent, BOOL bFreeRes) :
+ ModalDialog (pParent, SmResId(RID_DEFAULTABOUT)),
+ aFixedText1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aFixedText2 (this, ResId(2)),
+ aFixedText3 (this, ResId(3)),
+ aFixedText4 (this, ResId(4)),
+ aFixedText5 (this, ResId(5)),
+ aFixedText6 (this, ResId(6)),
+ aReleaseText (this, ResId(7)),
+ aFixedBitmap1(this, ResId(1)),
+ aOKButton1 (this, ResId(1))
+ if (bFreeRes)
+ FreeResource();
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+ aReleaseText.Show();
+ aReleaseText.Hide();
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SmPrintOptionsTabPage, SizeButtonClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ aZoom.Enable(aSizeZoomed.IsChecked());
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SmPrintOptionsTabPage, SizeButtonClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+SmPrintOptionsTabPage::SmPrintOptionsTabPage(Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet &rOptions)
+ : SfxTabPage(pParent, SmResId(RID_PRINTOPTIONPAGE), rOptions),
+ aGroupBox1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aTitle (this, ResId(1)),
+ aText (this, ResId(2)),
+ aFrame (this, ResId(3)),
+ aGroupBox3 (this, ResId(3)),
+ aNoRightSpaces (this, ResId(4)),
+ aGroupBox2 (this, ResId(2)),
+ aSizeNormal (this, ResId(1)),
+ aSizeScaled (this, ResId(2)),
+ aSizeZoomed (this, ResId(3)),
+ aZoom (this, ResId(1))
+ FreeResource();
+ aSizeNormal.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmPrintOptionsTabPage, SizeButtonClickHdl));
+ aSizeScaled.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmPrintOptionsTabPage, SizeButtonClickHdl));
+ aSizeZoomed.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmPrintOptionsTabPage, SizeButtonClickHdl));
+ Reset(rOptions);
+BOOL SmPrintOptionsTabPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ UINT16 nPrintSize;
+ if (aSizeNormal.IsChecked())
+ else if (aSizeScaled.IsChecked())
+ else
+ rSet.Put(SfxUInt16Item(GetWhich(SID_PRINTSIZE), (UINT16) nPrintSize));
+ rSet.Put(SfxUInt16Item(GetWhich(SID_PRINTZOOM), (UINT16) aZoom.GetValue()));
+ rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(GetWhich(SID_PRINTTITLE), aTitle.IsChecked()));
+ rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(GetWhich(SID_PRINTTEXT), aText.IsChecked()));
+ rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(GetWhich(SID_PRINTFRAME), aFrame.IsChecked()));
+ rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(GetWhich(SID_NO_RIGHT_SPACES), aNoRightSpaces.IsChecked()));
+ return TRUE;
+void SmPrintOptionsTabPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ SmPrintSize ePrintSize = (SmPrintSize)((const SfxUInt16Item &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_PRINTSIZE))).GetValue();
+ aSizeNormal.Check(ePrintSize == PRINT_SIZE_NORMAL);
+ aSizeScaled.Check(ePrintSize == PRINT_SIZE_SCALED);
+ aSizeZoomed.Check(ePrintSize == PRINT_SIZE_ZOOMED);
+ aZoom.Enable(aSizeZoomed.IsChecked());
+ aZoom.SetValue(((const SfxUInt16Item &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_PRINTZOOM))).GetValue());
+ aTitle.Check(((const SfxBoolItem &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_PRINTTITLE))).GetValue());
+ aText.Check(((const SfxBoolItem &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_PRINTTEXT))).GetValue());
+ aFrame.Check(((const SfxBoolItem &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_PRINTFRAME))).GetValue());
+ aNoRightSpaces.Check(((const SfxBoolItem &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_NO_RIGHT_SPACES))).GetValue());
+SfxTabPage* SmPrintOptionsTabPage::Create(Window* pWindow, const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ return (new SmPrintOptionsTabPage(pWindow, rSet));
+#ifdef NEVER
+SmExtraOptionsTabPage::SmExtraOptionsTabPage(const SfxItemSet& rInSet, Window * pParent, BOOL bFreeRes)
+ : SfxTabPage(pParent, SmResId(RID_EXTRAOPTIONPAGE), rInSet),
+ aAutoRedraw (this, ResId(1)),
+ aFixedText1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aSymbolFile (this, ResId(2), 32),
+ aBrowseButton (this, ResId(1))
+ if (bFreeRes)
+ FreeResource();
+ aBrowseButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmExtraOptionsTabPage, SymClickHdl));
+IMPL_LINK( SmExtraOptionsTabPage, SymClickHdl, PushButton *, pPushButton )
+ SfxSimpleFileDialog *pFileDialog =
+ new SfxSimpleFileDialog(this, WinBits(WB_OPEN | WB_3DLOOK));
+#ifdef MAC
+ pFileDialog->AddFilter(SmResId(RID_ALLFILESSTR), "****");
+ pFileDialog->SetCurFilter(SmResId(RID_SYMBOLFILESSTR));
+ pFileDialog->AddFilter(SmResId(RID_SYMBOLFILESSTR), C2S("*.sms"));
+ pFileDialog->AddFilter(SmResId(RID_ALLFILESSTR), C2S("*.*"));
+ pFileDialog->SetCurFilter(SmResId(RID_SYMBOLFILESSTR));
+ pFileDialog->SetDefaultExt(C2S("*.sms"));
+ pFileDialog->SetPath(aSymbolFile.GetText());
+ if (pFileDialog->Execute() == RET_OK)
+ aSymbolFile.SetText(pFileDialog->GetPath());
+ delete pFileDialog;
+ return 0;
+BOOL SmExtraOptionsTabPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet& rOutSet)
+ rOutSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(GetWhich(SID_AUTOREDRAW), aAutoRedraw.IsChecked()));
+ rOutSet.Put(SfxStringItem(GetWhich(SID_SYMBOLFILE), aSymbolFile.GetText()));
+ return (TRUE);
+void SmExtraOptionsTabPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet& rOutSet)
+ aAutoRedraw.Check(((const SfxBoolItem&)rOutSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_AUTOREDRAW))).GetValue());
+ aSymbolFile.SetText(((const SfxStringItem&)rOutSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_SYMBOLFILE))).GetValue());
+SfxTabPage* SmExtraOptionsTabPage::Create(Window* pWindow, const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ return (new SmExtraOptionsTabPage(rSet, pWindow));
+#endif //NEVER
+void SmShowFont::Paint(const Rectangle&)
+ XubString Text (GetFont().GetName());
+ Size TextSize(GetTextWidth(Text), GetTextHeight());
+ DrawText(Point((GetOutputSize().Width() - TextSize.Width()) / 2,
+ (GetOutputSize().Height() - TextSize.Height()) / 2), Text);
+void SmShowFont::SetFont(const Font& rFont)
+ Font aFont (rFont);
+ Invalidate();
+ aFont.SetSize(Size(0, 24));
+ aFont.SetAlign(ALIGN_TOP);
+ Control::SetFont(aFont);
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SmFontDialog, FontChangeHdl, ComboBox *, pComboBox )
+ Face.SetName(pComboBox->GetText());
+ aShowFont.SetFont(Face);
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SmFontDialog, FontChangeHdl, ComboBox *, pComboBox )
+IMPL_LINK( SmFontDialog, AttrChangeHdl, CheckBox *, pCheckBox )
+ if (aBoldCheckBox.IsChecked())
+ Face.SetWeight(FontWeight(WEIGHT_BOLD));
+ else
+ Face.SetWeight(FontWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL));
+ if (aItalicCheckBox.IsChecked())
+ Face.SetItalic(ITALIC_NORMAL);
+ else
+ Face.SetItalic(ITALIC_NONE);
+ aShowFont.SetFont(Face);
+ return 0;
+void SmFontDialog::SetFont(const Font &rFont)
+ Face = rFont;
+ aFontBox.SetText(Face.GetName());
+ aBoldCheckBox.Check(Face.GetWeight() == WEIGHT_BOLD);
+ aItalicCheckBox.Check(Face.GetItalic() != ITALIC_NONE);
+ aShowFont.SetFont(Face);
+SmFontDialog::SmFontDialog(Window * pParent, BOOL bFreeRes)
+ : ModalDialog(pParent,SmResId(RID_FONTDIALOG)),
+ aFixedText1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aFontBox (this, ResId(1)),
+ aBoldCheckBox (this, ResId(1)),
+ aItalicCheckBox (this, ResId(2)),
+ aOKButton1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aCancelButton1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aShowFont (this, ResId(1)),
+ aGroupBox1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aGroupBox2 (this, ResId(2))
+ if (bFreeRes)
+ FreeResource();
+ {
+ WaitObject( this );
+ //Application::EnterWait();
+ // get FontList from printer (if possible), otherwise from application window
+ SmViewShell *pView = SmGetActiveView();
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ OutputDevice *pDev = pView->GetDoc()->GetPrinter();
+ if (!pDev || pDev->GetDevFontCount() == 0)
+ pDev = &pView->GetGraphicWindow();
+ FontList aFontList(pDev);
+ USHORT nCount = aFontList.GetFontNameCount();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+ aFontBox.InsertEntry( aFontList.GetFontName(i).GetName() );
+ Face.SetSize(Size(0, 24));
+ Face.SetWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL);
+ Face.SetItalic(ITALIC_NONE);
+ Face.SetFamily(FAMILY_DONTKNOW);
+ Face.SetPitch(PITCH_DONTKNOW);
+ Face.SetTransparent(TRUE);
+ aShowFont.SetFillColor( Color(COL_LIGHTGRAY) );
+ //Application::LeaveWait();
+ }
+ aFontBox.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmFontDialog, FontChangeHdl));
+ aBoldCheckBox.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmFontDialog, AttrChangeHdl));
+ aItalicCheckBox.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmFontDialog, AttrChangeHdl));
+IMPL_LINK( SmFontSizeDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ QueryBox *pQueryBox = new QueryBox(this, SmResId(RID_DEFAULTSAVEQUERY));
+ if (pQueryBox->Execute() == RET_YES)
+ {
+ SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1();
+ WriteTo(pp->GetConfig()->GetFormat());
+ }
+ delete pQueryBox;
+ return 0;
+SmFontSizeDialog::SmFontSizeDialog(Window * pParent, BOOL bFreeRes)
+ : ModalDialog(pParent, SmResId(RID_FONTSIZEDIALOG)),
+ aFixedText1(this, ResId(1)),
+ aBaseSize(this, ResId(1)),
+ aFixedText4(this, ResId(4)),
+ aTextSize(this, ResId(4)),
+ aFixedText5(this, ResId(5)),
+ aIndexSize(this, ResId(5)),
+ aFixedText6(this, ResId(6)),
+ aFunctionSize(this, ResId(6)),
+ aFixedText7(this, ResId(7)),
+ aOperatorSize(this, ResId(7)),
+ aFixedText8(this, ResId(8)),
+ aBorderSize(this, ResId(8)),
+ aGroupBox1(this, ResId(1)),
+ aOKButton1(this, ResId(1)),
+ aCancelButton1(this, ResId(1)),
+ aDefaultButton(this, ResId(1))
+ if (bFreeRes)
+ FreeResource();
+ aDefaultButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmFontSizeDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl));
+void SmFontSizeDialog::ReadFrom(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ //! aufpassen: richtig runden!
+ aBaseSize.SetValue( SmRoundFraction(
+ Sm100th_mmToPts( rFormat.GetBaseSize().Height() ) ) );
+ aTextSize .SetValue( rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_TEXT) );
+ aIndexSize .SetValue( rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_INDEX) );
+ aFunctionSize.SetValue( rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_FUNCTION) );
+ aOperatorSize.SetValue( rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_OPERATOR) );
+ aBorderSize .SetValue( rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_LIMITS) );
+void SmFontSizeDialog::WriteTo(SmFormat &rFormat) const
+ rFormat.SetBaseSize( Size(0, SmPtsTo100th_mm(aBaseSize.GetValue())) );
+ rFormat.SetRelSize(SIZ_TEXT, (USHORT) aTextSize .GetValue());
+ rFormat.SetRelSize(SIZ_INDEX, (USHORT) aIndexSize .GetValue());
+ rFormat.SetRelSize(SIZ_FUNCTION, (USHORT) aFunctionSize.GetValue());
+ rFormat.SetRelSize(SIZ_OPERATOR, (USHORT) aOperatorSize.GetValue());
+ rFormat.SetRelSize(SIZ_LIMITS, (USHORT) aBorderSize .GetValue());
+ const Size aTmp (rFormat.GetBaseSize());
+ for (USHORT i = FNT_BEGIN; i <= FNT_END; i++)
+ rFormat.Font(i).SetSize(aTmp);
+ rFormat.RequestApplyChanges();
+IMPL_LINK( SmFontTypeDialog, MenuSelectHdl, Menu *, pMenu )
+ SmFontPickListBox *pActiveListBox;
+ switch (pMenu->GetCurItemId())
+ {
+ case 1: pActiveListBox = &aVariableFont; break;
+ case 2: pActiveListBox = &aFunctionFont; break;
+ case 3: pActiveListBox = &aNumberFont; break;
+ case 4: pActiveListBox = &aTextFont; break;
+ case 5: pActiveListBox = &aSerifFont; break;
+ case 6: pActiveListBox = &aSansFont; break;
+ case 7: pActiveListBox = &aFixedFont; break;
+ default:pActiveListBox = NULL;
+ }
+ if (pActiveListBox)
+ {
+ SmFontDialog *pFontDialog = new SmFontDialog(this);
+ pActiveListBox->WriteTo(*pFontDialog);
+ if (pFontDialog->Execute() == RET_OK)
+ pActiveListBox->ReadFrom(*pFontDialog);
+ delete pFontDialog;
+ }
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SmFontTypeDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ QueryBox *pQueryBox = new QueryBox(this, SmResId(RID_DEFAULTSAVEQUERY));
+ if (pQueryBox->Execute() == RET_YES)
+ {
+ SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1();
+ WriteTo(pp->GetConfig()->GetFormat());
+ }
+ delete pQueryBox;
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SmFontTypeDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+SmFontTypeDialog::SmFontTypeDialog(Window * pParent, BOOL bFreeRes)
+ : ModalDialog(pParent, SmResId(RID_FONTTYPEDIALOG)),
+ aFixedText1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aVariableFont (this, ResId(1)),
+ aFixedText2 (this, ResId(2)),
+ aFunctionFont (this, ResId(2)),
+ aFixedText3 (this, ResId(3)),
+ aNumberFont (this, ResId(3)),
+ aFixedText4 (this, ResId(4)),
+ aTextFont (this, ResId(4)),
+ aFixedText5 (this, ResId(5)),
+ aSerifFont (this, ResId(5)),
+ aFixedText6 (this, ResId(6)),
+ aSansFont (this, ResId(6)),
+ aFixedText7 (this, ResId(7)),
+ aFixedFont (this, ResId(7)),
+ aGroupBox1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aGroupBox2 (this, ResId(2)),
+ aOKButton1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aCancelButton1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aMenuButton (this, ResId(1)),
+ aDefaultButton (this, ResId(2))
+ if (bFreeRes)
+ FreeResource();
+ aDefaultButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmFontTypeDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl));
+ aMenuButton.GetPopupMenu()->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmFontTypeDialog, MenuSelectHdl));
+void SmFontTypeDialog::ReadFrom(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1();
+ aVariableFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_VARIABLE);
+ aFunctionFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_FUNCTION);
+ aNumberFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_NUMBER);
+ aTextFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_TEXT);
+ aSerifFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_SERIF);
+ aSansFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_SANS);
+ aFixedFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_FIXED);
+ aVariableFont.Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_VARIABLE) );
+ aFunctionFont.Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_FUNCTION) );
+ aNumberFont .Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_NUMBER) );
+ aTextFont .Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_TEXT) );
+ aSerifFont .Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_SERIF) );
+ aSansFont .Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_SANS) );
+ aFixedFont .Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_FIXED) );
+void SmFontTypeDialog::WriteTo(SmFormat &rFormat) const
+ SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1();
+ pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_VARIABLE) = aVariableFont;
+ pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_FUNCTION) = aFunctionFont;
+ pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_NUMBER) = aNumberFont;
+ pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_TEXT) = aTextFont;
+ pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_SERIF) = aSerifFont;
+ pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_SANS) = aSansFont;
+ pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_FIXED) = aFixedFont;
+ rFormat.SetFont( FNT_VARIABLE, aVariableFont.Get(0) );
+ rFormat.SetFont( FNT_FUNCTION, aFunctionFont.Get(0) );
+ rFormat.SetFont( FNT_NUMBER, aNumberFont .Get(0) );
+ rFormat.SetFont( FNT_TEXT, aTextFont .Get(0) );
+ rFormat.SetFont( FNT_SERIF, aSerifFont .Get(0) );
+ rFormat.SetFont( FNT_SANS, aSansFont .Get(0) );
+ rFormat.SetFont( FNT_FIXED, aFixedFont .Get(0) );
+ for (USHORT i = FNT_BEGIN; i <= FNT_FIXED; i++)
+ rFormat.Font(i).SetTransparent(TRUE);
+ rFormat.RequestApplyChanges();
+struct FieldMinMax
+ USHORT nMin, nMax;
+// Data for min and max values of the 4 metric fields
+// for each of the 10 categories
+static const FieldMinMax pMinMaxData[10][4] =
+ // 0
+ {{ 0, 200 }, { 0, 200 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }},
+ // 1
+ {{ 0, 100 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }},
+ // 2
+ {{ 0, 100 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }},
+ // 3
+ {{ 0, 100 }, { 1, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }},
+ // 4
+ {{ 0, 100 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }},
+ // 5
+ {{ 0, 100 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 100 }},
+ // 6
+ {{ 0, 300 }, { 0, 300 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }},
+ // 7
+ {{ 0, 100 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }},
+ // 8
+ {{ 0, 100 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }},
+ // 9
+ {{ 0, 10000 }, { 0, 10000 }, { 0, 10000 }, { 0, 10000 }}
+SmCategoryDesc::SmCategoryDesc(const ResId& rResId, USHORT nCategoryIdx) :
+ Resource(rResId)
+ if (IsAvailableRes(ResId(1).SetRT(RSC_STRING)))
+ {
+ Name = XubString(ResId(1));
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ int nI2 = i + 2;
+ if (IsAvailableRes(ResId(nI2).SetRT(RSC_STRING)))
+ {
+ Strings[i] = new XubString(ResId(nI2));
+ Graphics[i] = new Bitmap(ResId(nI2));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Strings[i] = 0;
+ Graphics[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ const FieldMinMax &rMinMax = pMinMaxData[ nCategoryIdx ][i];
+ Value[i] = Minimum[i] = rMinMax.nMin;
+ Maximum[i] = rMinMax.nMax;
+ }
+ }
+ FreeResource();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ delete Strings[i];
+ delete Graphics[i];
+ }
+IMPL_LINK( SmDistanceDialog, GetFocusHdl, Control *, pControl )
+ if (Categories[nActiveCategory])
+ {
+ if (pControl == &aMetricField1)
+ i = 0;
+ else if (pControl == &aMetricField2)
+ i = 1;
+ else if (pControl == &aMetricField3)
+ i = 2;
+ else if (pControl == &aMetricField4)
+ i = 3;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ aBitmap.SetBitmap(*(Categories[nActiveCategory]->GetGraphic(i)));
+ }
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmDistanceDialog, MenuSelectHdl, Menu *, pMenu )
+ SetCategory(pMenu->GetCurItemId() - 1);
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmDistanceDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ QueryBox *pQueryBox = new QueryBox(this, SmResId(RID_DEFAULTSAVEQUERY));
+ if (pQueryBox->Execute() == RET_YES)
+ {
+ SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1();
+ WriteTo(pp->GetConfig()->GetFormat());
+ }
+ delete pQueryBox;
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmDistanceDialog, CheckBoxClickHdl, CheckBox *, pCheckBox )
+ if (pCheckBox == &aCheckBox1)
+ {
+ aCheckBox1.Toggle();
+ BOOL bChecked = aCheckBox1.IsChecked();
+ aFixedText4 .Enable( bChecked );
+ aMetricField4.Enable( bChecked );
+ }
+ return 0;
+void SmDistanceDialog::SetHelpId(MetricField &rField, ULONG nHelpId)
+ //! HelpID's die auf diese Weise explizit gesetzt werden, müssen im
+ //! util Verzeichnis im File "hidother.src" mit Hilfe von "hidspecial"
+ //! definiert werden!
+ const XubString aEmptyText;
+ DBG_ASSERT(aEmptyText.Len() == 0, "Sm: Ooops...");
+ rField.SetHelpId(nHelpId);
+ rField.SetHelpText(aEmptyText);
+ // since MetricField inherits from SpinField which has a sub Edit field
+ // (which is actually the one we modify) we have to set the help-id
+ // for it too.
+ Edit *pSubEdit = rField.GetSubEdit();
+ if (pSubEdit)
+ { pSubEdit->SetHelpId(nHelpId);
+ pSubEdit->SetHelpText(aEmptyText);
+ }
+void SmDistanceDialog::SetCategory(USHORT nCategory)
+ DBG_ASSERT(0 <= nCategory && nCategory < NOCATEGORIES,
+ "Sm: falsche Kategorienummer in SmDistanceDialog");
+ // array to convert category- and metricfield-number in help ids.
+ // 0 is used in case of unused combinations.
+ DBG_ASSERT(NOCATEGORIES == 10, "Sm : Array paßt nicht zu Anzahl der Kategorien");
+ ULONG __READONLY_DATA aCatMf2Hid[10][4] =
+ {
+ };
+ // array to help iterate over the controls
+ Window * __READONLY_DATA aWin[4][2] =
+ {
+ &aFixedText1, &aMetricField1,
+ &aFixedText2, &aMetricField2,
+ &aFixedText3, &aMetricField3,
+ &aFixedText4, &aMetricField4
+ };
+ SmCategoryDesc *pCat;
+ // merken der (evtl neuen) Einstellungen der aktiven SmCategoryDesc
+ // bevor zu der neuen gewechselt wird.
+ if (nActiveCategory != CATEGORY_NONE)
+ {
+ pCat = Categories[nActiveCategory];
+ pCat->SetValue(0, (USHORT) aMetricField1.GetValue());
+ pCat->SetValue(1, (USHORT) aMetricField2.GetValue());
+ pCat->SetValue(2, (USHORT) aMetricField3.GetValue());
+ pCat->SetValue(3, (USHORT) aMetricField4.GetValue());
+ if (nActiveCategory == 5)
+ bScaleAllBrackets = aCheckBox1.IsChecked();
+ aMenuButton.GetPopupMenu()->CheckItem(nActiveCategory + 1, FALSE);
+ }
+ // aktivieren/deaktivieren der zugehörigen Controls in Abhängigkeit von der
+ // gewählten Kategorie.
+ BOOL bActive;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ FixedText *pFT = (FixedText * const) aWin[i][0];
+ MetricField *pMF = (MetricField * const) aWin[i][1];
+ // Um feststellen welche Controls aktiv sein sollen wird das
+ // vorhandensein einer zugehörigen HelpID überprüft.
+ bActive = aCatMf2Hid[nCategory][i] != 0;
+ pFT->Show(bActive);
+ pFT->Enable(bActive);
+ pMF->Show(bActive);
+ pMF->Enable(bActive);
+ // setzen von Maßeinheit und Anzahl der Nachkommastellen
+ FieldUnit eUnit;
+ USHORT nDigits;
+ if (nCategory < 9)
+ {
+ nDigits = 0;
+ pMF->SetCustomUnitText( '%' );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eUnit = FUNIT_100TH_MM;
+ nDigits = 2;
+ }
+ pMF->SetUnit(eUnit); //! verändert den Wert
+ pMF->SetDecimalDigits(nDigits);
+ if (bActive)
+ {
+ pCat = Categories[nCategory];
+ pFT->SetText(*pCat->GetString(i));
+ pMF->SetMin(pCat->GetMinimum(i));
+ pMF->SetMax(pCat->GetMaximum(i));
+ pMF->SetValue(pCat->GetValue(i));
+ SetHelpId(*pMF, aCatMf2Hid[nCategory][i]);
+ }
+ }
+ // nun noch die CheckBox und das zugehörige MetricField genau dann aktivieren,
+ // falls es sich um das Klammer Menu handelt.
+ bActive = nCategory == 5;
+ aCheckBox1.Show(bActive);
+ aCheckBox1.Enable(bActive);
+ if (bActive)
+ {
+ aCheckBox1.Check( bScaleAllBrackets );
+ BOOL bChecked = aCheckBox1.IsChecked();
+ aFixedText4 .Enable( bChecked );
+ aMetricField4.Enable( bChecked );
+ }
+ aMenuButton.GetPopupMenu()->CheckItem(nCategory + 1, TRUE);
+ aGroupBox.SetText(Categories[nCategory]->GetName());
+ nActiveCategory = nCategory;
+ aMetricField1.GrabFocus();
+ Invalidate();
+ Update();
+SmDistanceDialog::SmDistanceDialog(Window *pParent, BOOL bFreeRes)
+ : ModalDialog(pParent, SmResId(RID_DISTANCEDIALOG)),
+ aFixedText1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aFixedText2 (this, ResId(2)),
+ aFixedText3 (this, ResId(3)),
+ aFixedText4 (this, ResId(4)),
+ aMetricField1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aMetricField2 (this, ResId(2)),
+ aMetricField3 (this, ResId(3)),
+ aMetricField4 (this, ResId(4)),
+ aOKButton1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aCancelButton1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aMenuButton (this, ResId(1)),
+ aDefaultButton (this, ResId(1)),
+ aCheckBox1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aBitmap (this, ResId(1)),
+ aGroupBox (this, ResId(1))
+ for (int i = 0; i < NOCATEGORIES; i++)
+ Categories[i] = new SmCategoryDesc(SmResId(i + 1), i);
+ nActiveCategory = CATEGORY_NONE;
+ bScaleAllBrackets = FALSE;
+ if (bFreeRes)
+ FreeResource();
+ aMetricField1.SetGetFocusHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, GetFocusHdl));
+ aMetricField2.SetGetFocusHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, GetFocusHdl));
+ aMetricField3.SetGetFocusHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, GetFocusHdl));
+ aMetricField4.SetGetFocusHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, GetFocusHdl));
+ aCheckBox1.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, CheckBoxClickHdl));
+ aMenuButton.GetPopupMenu()->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, MenuSelectHdl));
+ aDefaultButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < NOCATEGORIES; i++)
+ DELETEZ(Categories[i]);
+void SmDistanceDialog::ReadFrom(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ Categories[0]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_HORIZONTAL));
+ Categories[0]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_VERTICAL));
+ Categories[0]->SetValue(2, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_ROOT));
+ Categories[1]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_SUPERSCRIPT));
+ Categories[1]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_SUBSCRIPT));
+ Categories[2]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_NUMERATOR));
+ Categories[2]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_DENOMINATOR));
+ Categories[3]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_FRACTION));
+ Categories[3]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_STROKEWIDTH));
+ Categories[4]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_UPPERLIMIT));
+ Categories[4]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_LOWERLIMIT));
+ Categories[5]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_BRACKETSIZE));
+ Categories[5]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_BRACKETSPACE));
+ Categories[5]->SetValue(3, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_NORMALBRACKETSIZE));
+ Categories[6]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_MATRIXROW));
+ Categories[6]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_MATRIXCOL));
+ Categories[7]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_ORNAMENTSIZE));
+ Categories[7]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_ORNAMENTSPACE));
+ Categories[8]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_OPERATORSIZE));
+ Categories[8]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_OPERATORSPACE));
+ Categories[9]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_LEFTSPACE));
+ Categories[9]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_RIGHTSPACE));
+ Categories[9]->SetValue(2, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_TOPSPACE));
+ Categories[9]->SetValue(3, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_BOTTOMSPACE));
+ bScaleAllBrackets = rFormat.IsScaleNormalBrackets();
+ // force update (even of category 0) by setting nActiveCategory to a
+ // non-existent category number
+ nActiveCategory = CATEGORY_NONE;
+ SetCategory(0);
+void SmDistanceDialog::WriteTo(SmFormat &rFormat) /*const*/
+ // hmm... k”nnen die tats„chlich unterschiedlich sein?
+ // wenn nicht kann oben n„mlich das const stehen!
+ SetCategory(nActiveCategory);
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_HORIZONTAL, Categories[0]->GetValue(0) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_VERTICAL, Categories[0]->GetValue(1) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_ROOT, Categories[0]->GetValue(2) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_SUPERSCRIPT, Categories[1]->GetValue(0) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_SUBSCRIPT, Categories[1]->GetValue(1) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_NUMERATOR, Categories[2]->GetValue(0) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_DENOMINATOR, Categories[2]->GetValue(1) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_FRACTION, Categories[3]->GetValue(0) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_STROKEWIDTH, Categories[3]->GetValue(1) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_UPPERLIMIT, Categories[4]->GetValue(0) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_LOWERLIMIT, Categories[4]->GetValue(1) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_BRACKETSIZE, Categories[5]->GetValue(0) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_BRACKETSPACE, Categories[5]->GetValue(1) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_MATRIXROW, Categories[6]->GetValue(0) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_MATRIXCOL, Categories[6]->GetValue(1) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_ORNAMENTSIZE, Categories[7]->GetValue(0) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_ORNAMENTSPACE, Categories[7]->GetValue(1) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_OPERATORSIZE, Categories[8]->GetValue(0) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_OPERATORSPACE, Categories[8]->GetValue(1) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_LEFTSPACE, Categories[9]->GetValue(0) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_RIGHTSPACE, Categories[9]->GetValue(1) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_TOPSPACE, Categories[9]->GetValue(2) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_BOTTOMSPACE, Categories[9]->GetValue(3) );
+ rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_NORMALBRACKETSIZE, Categories[5]->GetValue(3) );
+ rFormat.SetScaleNormalBrackets( bScaleAllBrackets );
+ rFormat.RequestApplyChanges();
+IMPL_LINK( SmAlignDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ QueryBox *pQueryBox = new QueryBox(this, SmResId(RID_DEFAULTSAVEQUERY));
+ if (pQueryBox->Execute() == RET_YES)
+ {
+ SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1();
+ WriteTo(pp->GetConfig()->GetFormat());
+ }
+ delete pQueryBox;
+ return 0;
+SmAlignDialog::SmAlignDialog(Window * pParent, BOOL bFreeRes)
+ : ModalDialog(pParent, SmResId(RID_ALIGNDIALOG)),
+ aLeft (this, ResId(1)),
+ aCenter (this, ResId(2)),
+ aRight (this, ResId(3)),
+ aGroupBox1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aOKButton1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aCancelButton1 (this, ResId(1)),
+ aDefaultButton (this, ResId(1))
+ if (bFreeRes)
+ FreeResource();
+ aDefaultButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmAlignDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl));
+void SmAlignDialog::ReadFrom(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ switch (rFormat.GetHorAlign())
+ {
+ case AlignLeft:
+ aLeft .Check(TRUE);
+ aCenter.Check(FALSE);
+ aRight .Check(FALSE);
+ break;
+ case AlignCenter:
+ aLeft .Check(FALSE);
+ aCenter.Check(TRUE);
+ aRight .Check(FALSE);
+ break;
+ case AlignRight:
+ aLeft .Check(FALSE);
+ aCenter.Check(FALSE);
+ aRight .Check(TRUE);
+ break;
+ }
+void SmAlignDialog::WriteTo(SmFormat &rFormat) const
+ if (aLeft.IsChecked())
+ rFormat.SetHorAlign(AlignLeft);
+ else if (aRight.IsChecked())
+ rFormat.SetHorAlign(AlignRight);
+ else
+ rFormat.SetHorAlign(AlignCenter);
+ rFormat.RequestApplyChanges();
+void SmShowSymbolSet::Paint(const Rectangle&)
+ // MapUnit einstellen für die 'nLen' berechnet wurde
+ SetMapMode(MapMode(MAP_PIXEL));
+ int v = (int) (aVScrollBar.GetThumbPos() * nColumns);
+ int nSymbols = (int) aSymbolSet.GetCount();
+ for (int i = v; i < nSymbols ; i++)
+ {
+ SmSym aSymbol (aSymbolSet.GetSymbol(i));
+ Font aFont (aSymbol.GetFace());
+ // etwas kleinere FontSize nehmen (als nLen) um etwas Luft zu haben
+ // (hoffentlich auch genug für links und rechts!)
+ aFont.SetSize(Size(0, nLen - (nLen / 3)));
+ SetFont(aFont);
+ int nIV = i - v;
+ Size aSize(GetTextWidth(aSymbol.GetCharacter()), GetTextHeight());
+ DrawText(Point((nIV % nColumns) * nLen + (nLen - aSize.Width()) / 2,
+ (nIV / nColumns) * nLen + (nLen - aSize.Height()) / 2),
+ aSymbol.GetCharacter());
+ }
+ if (nSelectSymbol != SYMBOL_NONE)
+ {
+ Invert(Rectangle(Point(((nSelectSymbol - v) % nColumns) * nLen,
+ ((nSelectSymbol - v) / nColumns) * nLen),
+ Size(nLen, nLen)));
+ }
+ Pop();
+void SmShowSymbolSet::MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt)
+ GrabFocus();
+ if (rMEvt.IsLeft() && Rectangle(Point(0, 0), aOutputSize).IsInside(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()))
+ {
+ SelectSymbol ((rMEvt.GetPosPixel().Y() / nLen) * nColumns + (rMEvt.GetPosPixel().X() / nLen) +
+ aVScrollBar.GetThumbPos() * nColumns);
+ aSelectHdlLink.Call(this);
+ if (rMEvt.GetClicks() > 1) aDblClickHdlLink.Call(this);
+ }
+ else Control::MouseButtonDown (rMEvt);
+void SmShowSymbolSet::KeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt)
+ USHORT n = nSelectSymbol;
+ if (n != SYMBOL_NONE)
+ {
+ switch (rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode())
+ {
+ case KEY_DOWN: n += nColumns; break;
+ case KEY_UP: n -= nColumns; break;
+ case KEY_LEFT: n -= 1; break;
+ case KEY_RIGHT: n += 1; break;
+ case KEY_HOME: n = 0; break;
+ case KEY_END: n = aSymbolSet.GetCount() - 1; break;
+ case KEY_PAGEUP: n -= nColumns * nRows; break;
+ case KEY_PAGEDOWN: n += nColumns * nRows; break;
+ default:
+ Control::KeyInput(rKEvt);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ n = 0;
+ if (n >= aSymbolSet.GetCount())
+ n = nSelectSymbol;
+ // adjust scrollbar
+ if ((n < (USHORT) (aVScrollBar.GetThumbPos() * nColumns)) ||
+ (n >= (USHORT) ((aVScrollBar.GetThumbPos() + nRows) * nColumns)))
+ {
+ aVScrollBar.SetThumbPos(n / nColumns);
+ Invalidate();
+ Update();
+ }
+ SelectSymbol(n);
+ aSelectHdlLink.Call(this);
+SmShowSymbolSet::SmShowSymbolSet(Window *pParent, const ResId& rResId) :
+ Control(pParent, rResId),
+ aVScrollBar(this, WinBits(WB_VSCROLL))
+ nSelectSymbol = SYMBOL_NONE;
+ aOutputSize = GetOutputSizePixel();
+ long nScrollBarWidth = aVScrollBar.GetSizePixel().Width(),
+ nUseableWidth = aOutputSize.Width() - nScrollBarWidth;
+ // Höhe von 16pt in Pixeln (passend zu 'aOutputSize')
+ nLen = (USHORT) LogicToPixel(Size(0, 16), MapMode(MAP_POINT)).Height();
+ nColumns = nUseableWidth / nLen;
+ if (nColumns > 2 && nColumns % 2 != 0)
+ nColumns--;
+ nRows = aOutputSize.Height() / nLen;
+ DBG_ASSERT(nColumns > 0, "Sm : keine Spalten");
+ DBG_ASSERT(nRows > 0, "Sm : keine Zeilen");
+ // genau passend machen
+ aOutputSize.Width() = nColumns * nLen;
+ aOutputSize.Height() = nRows * nLen;
+ aVScrollBar.SetPosSizePixel(Point(aOutputSize.Width() + 1, -1),
+ Size(nScrollBarWidth, aOutputSize.Height() + 2));
+ aVScrollBar.Enable(FALSE);
+ aVScrollBar.Show();
+ aVScrollBar.SetScrollHdl(LINK(this, SmShowSymbolSet, ScrollHdl));
+ Size WindowSize (aOutputSize);
+ WindowSize.Width() += nScrollBarWidth;
+ SetOutputSizePixel(WindowSize);
+void SmShowSymbolSet::SetSymbolSet(const SmSymSet& rSymbolSet)
+ aSymbolSet = rSymbolSet;
+ if (aSymbolSet.GetCount() > (nColumns * nRows))
+ {
+ aVScrollBar.SetRange(Range(0, ((aSymbolSet.GetCount() + (nColumns - 1)) / nColumns) - nRows));
+ aVScrollBar.Enable(TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aVScrollBar.SetRange(Range(0,0));
+ aVScrollBar.Enable (FALSE);
+ }
+ Invalidate();
+void SmShowSymbolSet::SelectSymbol(USHORT nSymbol)
+ int v = (int) (aVScrollBar.GetThumbPos() * nColumns);
+ if (nSelectSymbol != SYMBOL_NONE)
+ Invalidate(Rectangle(Point(((nSelectSymbol - v) % nColumns) * nLen,
+ ((nSelectSymbol - v) / nColumns) * nLen),
+ Size(nLen, nLen)));
+ if (nSymbol < aSymbolSet.GetCount())
+ nSelectSymbol = nSymbol;
+ if (aSymbolSet.GetCount() == 0)
+ nSelectSymbol = SYMBOL_NONE;
+ if (nSelectSymbol != SYMBOL_NONE)
+ Invalidate(Rectangle(Point(((nSelectSymbol - v) % nColumns) * nLen,
+ ((nSelectSymbol - v) / nColumns) * nLen),
+ Size(nLen, nLen)));
+ Update();
+IMPL_LINK( SmShowSymbolSet, ScrollHdl, ScrollBar*, pScrollBar)
+ Invalidate();
+ return 0;
+void SmShowSymbol::Paint(const Rectangle&)
+ const XubString &rText = GetText();
+ Size aTextSize(GetTextWidth(rText), GetTextHeight());
+ DrawText(Point((GetOutputSize().Width() - aTextSize.Width()) / 2,
+ (GetOutputSize().Height() - aTextSize.Height()) / 2), rText);
+void SmShowSymbol::MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt)
+ if (rMEvt.GetClicks() > 1)
+ aDblClickHdlLink.Call(this);
+ else
+ Control::MouseButtonDown (rMEvt);
+void SmShowSymbol::SetSymbol(const SmSym *pSymbol)
+ if (pSymbol)
+ {
+ Font aFont (pSymbol->GetFace());
+ aFont.SetSize(Size(0, GetOutputSize().Height() - GetOutputSize().Height() / 3));
+ SetFont(aFont);
+ SetText(XubString(pSymbol->GetCharacter()));
+ }
+ // 'Invalidate' füllt den background mit der background-Farbe.
+ // Falls der NULL pointer übergeben wurde reicht dies also zum löschen
+ // der Anzeige
+ Invalidate();
+void SmSymbolDialog::FillSymbolSets(BOOL bDeleteText)
+ // füllt die Einträge der möglichen 'SymbolsSet's im Dialog mit den
+ // aktuellen Werten des SymbolSet Managers, selektiert aber keinen.
+ aSymbolSets.Clear();
+ if (bDeleteText)
+ aSymbolSets.SetNoSelection();
+ USHORT nNumSymSets = rSymSetMgr.GetCount();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nNumSymSets; i++)
+ aSymbolSets.InsertEntry(rSymSetMgr.GetSymbolSet(i)->GetName());
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymbolDialog, SymbolSetChangeHdl, ListBox *, pListBox )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pListBox == &aSymbolSets, "Sm : falsches Argument");
+ SelectSymbolSet(aSymbolSets.GetSelectEntry());
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymbolDialog, SymbolChangeHdl, SmShowSymbolSet *, pShowSymbolSet )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pShowSymbolSet == &aSymbolSetDisplay, "Sm : falsches Argument");
+ SelectSymbol(aSymbolSetDisplay.GetSelectSymbol());
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymbolDialog, EditClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pButton == &aEditBtn, "Sm : falsches Argument");
+ SmSymDefineDialog *pDialog = new SmSymDefineDialog(this, rSymSetMgr);
+ // aktuelles Symbol und SymbolSet am neuen Dialog setzen
+ const XubString aSymSetName (aSymbolSets.GetSelectEntry()),
+ aSymName (aSymbolName.GetText());
+ pDialog->SelectOldSymbolSet(aSymSetName);
+ pDialog->SelectOldSymbol(aSymName);
+ pDialog->SelectSymbolSet(aSymSetName);
+ pDialog->SelectSymbol(aSymName);
+ // altes SymbolSet merken
+ XubString aOldSymbolSet (aSymbolSets.GetSelectEntry());
+ // Dialog an evtl geänderte Daten des SymbolSet Manager anpassen
+ if (pDialog->Execute() == RET_OK && rSymSetMgr.IsModified())
+ FillSymbolSets();
+ // wenn das alte SymbolSet nicht mehr existiert zum ersten gehen
+ // (soweit eines vorhanden ist)
+ if (!SelectSymbolSet(aOldSymbolSet) && aSymbolSets.GetEntryCount() > 0)
+ SelectSymbolSet(aSymbolSets.GetEntry(0));
+ delete pDialog;
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymbolDialog, SymbolDblClickHdl, SmShowSymbolSet *, pShowSymbolSet )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pShowSymbolSet == &aSymbolSetDisplay, "Sm : falsches Argument");
+ GetClickHdl(&aGetBtn);
+ EndDialog(RET_OK);
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymbolDialog, GetClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pButton == &aGetBtn, "Sm : falscher Button");
+ const SmSym *pSym = GetSymbol();
+ if (pSym)
+ {
+ XubString aText ('%');
+ aText += pSym->GetName();
+ SmViewShell *pViewSh = SmGetActiveView();
+ if (pViewSh)
+ pViewSh->GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(
+ new SfxStringItem(SID_INSERTTEXT, aText), 0L);
+ }
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SmSymbolDialog, CloseClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pButton == &aCloseBtn, "Sm : falscher Button");
+ EndDialog(TRUE);
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SmSymbolDialog, CloseClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+SmSymbolDialog::SmSymbolDialog(Window *pParent, SmSymSetManager &rMgr, BOOL bFreeRes) :
+ ModalDialog (pParent, SmResId(RID_SYMBOLDIALOG)),
+ aSymbolSetText (this, ResId(1)),
+ aSymbolSets (this, ResId(1)),
+ aSymbolSetDisplay (this, ResId(1)),
+ aGrpBox (this, ResId(1)),
+ aSymbolName (this, ResId(2)),
+ aSymbolDisplay (this, ResId(2)),
+ aCloseBtn (this, ResId(3)),
+ aEditBtn (this, ResId(1)),
+ aGetBtn (this, ResId(2)),
+ rSymSetMgr (rMgr)
+ if (bFreeRes)
+ FreeResource();
+ pSymSet = NULL;
+ FillSymbolSets();
+ if (aSymbolSets.GetEntryCount() > 0)
+ SelectSymbolSet(aSymbolSets.GetEntry(0));
+ // set background color to white
+ Wallpaper aWhiteWall( (Color) Color(COL_WHITE) );
+ aSymbolDisplay .SetBackground( aWhiteWall );
+ aSymbolSetDisplay.SetBackground( aWhiteWall );
+ aSymbolSets .SetSelectHdl (LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, SymbolSetChangeHdl));
+ aSymbolSetDisplay.SetSelectHdl (LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, SymbolChangeHdl));
+ aSymbolSetDisplay.SetDblClickHdl(LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, SymbolDblClickHdl));
+ aSymbolDisplay .SetDblClickHdl(LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, SymbolDblClickHdl));
+ aCloseBtn .SetClickHdl (LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, CloseClickHdl));
+ aEditBtn .SetClickHdl (LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, EditClickHdl));
+ aGetBtn .SetClickHdl (LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, GetClickHdl));
+BOOL SmSymbolDialog::SelectSymbolSet(const XubString &rSymbolSetName)
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ USHORT nPos = aSymbolSets.GetEntryPos(rSymbolSetName);
+ pSymSet = NULL;
+ {
+ aSymbolSets.SelectEntryPos(nPos);
+ USHORT nSymbolSetNo = rSymSetMgr.GetSymbolSetPos(aSymbolSets.GetSelectEntry());
+ pSymSet = rSymSetMgr.GetSymbolSet(nSymbolSetNo);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pSymSet, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ aSymbolSetDisplay.SetSymbolSet(*pSymSet);
+ if (pSymSet->GetCount() > 0)
+ SelectSymbol(0);
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ aSymbolSets.SetNoSelection();
+ return bRet;
+void SmSymbolDialog::SelectSymbol(USHORT nSymbolNo)
+ const SmSym *pSym = NULL;
+ if (pSymSet && nSymbolNo < pSymSet->GetCount())
+ pSym = &pSymSet->GetSymbol(nSymbolNo);
+ aSymbolSetDisplay.SelectSymbol(nSymbolNo);
+ aSymbolDisplay.SetSymbol(pSym);
+ aSymbolName.SetText(pSym ? pSym->GetName() : XubString());
+const SmSym * SmSymbolDialog::GetSymbol() const
+ USHORT nSymbolNo = aSymbolSetDisplay.GetSelectSymbol();
+ return pSymSet == NULL ? NULL : &pSymSet->GetSymbol(nSymbolNo);
+void SmShowCharset::Paint(const Rectangle&)
+ Size OutputSize = GetOutputSizePixel();
+ int i;
+ for (i = 1; i < (int) nColumns; i++)
+ {
+ int nLenI = nLen * i;
+ DrawLine(Point(nLenI, 0), Point(nLenI, OutputSize.Height()));
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < (int) nRows; i++)
+ {
+ int nLenI = nLen * i;
+ DrawLine(Point(0, nLenI), Point(OutputSize.Width(), nLenI));
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < 256; i++)
+ {
+ int x = (i % nColumns) * nLen;
+ int y = (i / nColumns) * nLen;
+ Size aTextSize(GetTextWidth(aChar), GetTextHeight());
+ XubString aChar((xub_Unicode) i);
+ DrawText(Point(x + (nLen - aTextSize.Width()) / 2,
+ y + (nLen - aTextSize.Height()) / 2), aChar);
+ }
+void SmShowCharset::MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt)
+ if (rMEvt.IsLeft())
+ {
+ GrabFocus();
+ USHORT n = (USHORT) ((rMEvt.GetPosPixel().Y() / nLen) * nColumns +
+ (rMEvt.GetPosPixel().X() / nLen));
+ SelectChar((xub_Unicode)Min((USHORT) n, (USHORT) 255));
+ aSelectHdlLink.Call(this);
+ if (rMEvt.GetClicks() > 1)
+ aDblClickHdlLink.Call(this);
+ }
+ else Control::MouseButtonDown (rMEvt);
+void SmShowCharset::KeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt)
+ xub_Unicode n = aChar;
+ switch (rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode())
+ {
+ case KEY_DOWN: n += (xub_Unicode) nColumns; break;
+ case KEY_UP: n -= (xub_Unicode) nColumns; break;
+ case KEY_LEFT: n -= 1; break;
+ case KEY_RIGHT: n += 1; break;
+ case KEY_HOME: n = 0; break;
+ case KEY_END: n = (xub_Unicode) 255; break;
+ case KEY_PAGEUP: n -= (xub_Unicode) nColumns; break;
+ case KEY_PAGEDOWN: n += (xub_Unicode) nColumns; break;
+ default:
+ Control::KeyInput(rKEvt);
+ return;
+ }
+ SelectChar(n);
+ aSelectHdlLink.Call(this);
+SmShowCharset::SmShowCharset(Window *pParent, const ResId& rResId) :
+ Control(pParent, rResId)
+ aChar = xub_Unicode('\0');
+ Size aOutputSize (GetOutputSizePixel());
+ nColumns = 32;
+ nRows = 8;
+ // FontSize passend wählen
+ nLen = Min(aOutputSize.Width() / nColumns, aOutputSize.Height() / nRows);
+ // Fenster genau passend machen (wird höchstens kleiner!)
+ aOutputSize.Width() = nColumns * nLen;
+ aOutputSize.Height() = nRows * nLen;
+ SetOutputSizePixel(aOutputSize);
+void SmShowCharset::SetFont(const Font &rFont)
+ Font aFont (rFont);
+ // etwas kleinere FontSize nehmen (als nLen) um etwas Luft zu haben
+ // (hofentlich auch genug für links und rechts)
+ aFont.SetSize(Size(0, nLen - (nLen / 3)));
+ aFont.SetTransparent(TRUE);
+ Control::SetFont(aFont);
+ Invalidate();
+void SmShowCharset::SelectChar(xub_Unicode aCharP)
+ int c = aChar & 0xFF;
+ Size aNSize (nLen, nLen);
+ Invalidate(Rectangle(Point((c % nColumns) * nLen, (c / nColumns) * nLen), aNSize));
+ aChar = aCharP;
+ c = aChar & 0xFF;
+ Invalidate(Rectangle(Point((c % nColumns) * nLen, (c / nColumns) * nLen), aNSize));
+ Update();
+void SmShowChar::Paint(const Rectangle&)
+ XubString Text (GetText ());
+ if (Text.Len() > 0)
+ {
+ Size aTextSize(GetTextWidth(Text), GetTextHeight());
+ DrawText(Point((GetOutputSize().Width() - aTextSize.Width()) / 2,
+ (GetOutputSize().Height() - aTextSize.Height()) / 2), Text);
+ }
+void SmShowChar::SetChar(xub_Unicode aChar)
+ SetText(XubString(aChar));
+ Invalidate();
+void SmShowChar::SetFont(const Font &rFont)
+ Font aFont (rFont);
+ Size aSize (Size(0, GetOutputSize().Height() - GetOutputSize().Height() / 3));
+ aFont.SetSize(aSize);
+ aFont.SetTransparent(TRUE);
+ Control::SetFont(aFont);
+ Invalidate();
+void SmSymDefineDialog::FillSymbols(ComboBox &rComboBox, BOOL bDeleteText)
+ DBG_ASSERT(&rComboBox == &aOldSymbols || &rComboBox == &aSymbols,
+ "Sm : falsche ComboBox");
+ rComboBox.Clear();
+ if (bDeleteText)
+ rComboBox.SetText(XubString());
+ ComboBox &rSymbolSets = &rComboBox == &aOldSymbols ?
+ aOldSymbolSets : aSymbolSets;
+ const SmSymSet *pSymSet = GetSymbolSet(rSymbolSets);
+ if (pSymSet)
+ { USHORT nNumSymbols = pSymSet->GetCount();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nNumSymbols; i++)
+ rComboBox.InsertEntry(pSymSet->GetSymbol(i).GetName());
+ }
+void SmSymDefineDialog::FillSymbolSets(ComboBox &rComboBox, BOOL bDeleteText)
+ DBG_ASSERT(&rComboBox == &aOldSymbolSets || &rComboBox == &aSymbolSets,
+ "Sm : falsche ComboBox");
+ rComboBox.Clear();
+ if (bDeleteText)
+ rComboBox.SetText(XubString());
+ USHORT nNumSymSets = aSymSetMgrCopy.GetCount();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nNumSymSets; i++)
+ rComboBox.InsertEntry(aSymSetMgrCopy.GetSymbolSet(i)->GetName());
+void SmSymDefineDialog::FillFonts(BOOL bDelete)
+ aFonts.Clear();
+ if (bDelete)
+ aFonts.SetNoSelection();
+ // alle Fonts der 'FontList' in die Fontliste aufnehmen
+ // von denen mit gleichen Namen jedoch nur einen (denn der Style wird
+ // über die 'FontStyleBox' gewählt und nicht auch noch hier)
+ DBG_ASSERT(pFontList, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ USHORT nCount = pFontList->GetFontNameCount();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+ aFonts.InsertEntry( pFontList->GetFontName(i).GetName() );
+void SmSymDefineDialog::FillStyles(BOOL bDeleteText)
+ aStyles.Clear();
+ if (bDeleteText)
+ aStyles.SetText(XubString());
+ XubString aText (aFonts.GetSelectEntry());
+ if (aText.Len() != 0)
+ {
+ //aStyles.Fill(aText, &aFontList);
+ // eigene StyleName's verwenden
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < aStyleNameCount; i++)
+ aStyles.InsertEntry( aStyleName[i] );
+ DBG_ASSERT(aStyles.GetEntryCount() > 0, "Sm : keine Styles vorhanden");
+ aStyles.SetText( aStyles.GetEntry(0) );
+ }
+SmSymSet * SmSymDefineDialog::GetSymbolSet(const ComboBox &rComboBox)
+ DBG_ASSERT(&rComboBox == &aOldSymbolSets || &rComboBox == &aSymbolSets,
+ "Sm : falsche ComboBox");
+ USHORT nSymbolSetNo = aSymSetMgrCopy.GetSymbolSetPos(rComboBox.GetText());
+ return nSymbolSetNo == SYMBOLSET_NONE ?
+ NULL : aSymSetMgrCopy.GetSymbolSet(nSymbolSetNo);
+SmSym * SmSymDefineDialog::GetSymbol(const ComboBox &rComboBox)
+ DBG_ASSERT(&rComboBox == &aOldSymbols || &rComboBox == &aSymbols,
+ "Sm : falsche ComboBox");
+ return aSymSetMgrCopy.GetSymbol(rComboBox.GetText());
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, OldSymbolChangeHdl, ComboBox *, pComboBox )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pComboBox == &aOldSymbols, "Sm : falsches Argument");
+ SelectSymbol(aOldSymbols, aOldSymbols.GetText(), FALSE);
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, OldSymbolSetChangeHdl, ComboBox *, pComboBox )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pComboBox == &aOldSymbolSets, "Sm : falsches Argument");
+ SelectSymbolSet(aOldSymbolSets, aOldSymbolSets.GetText(), FALSE);
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, ModifyHdl, ComboBox *, pComboBox )
+ // merken der Cursorposition zum wiederherstellen derselben
+ Selection aSelection (pComboBox->GetSelection());
+ if (pComboBox == &aSymbols)
+ SelectSymbol(aSymbols, aSymbols.GetText(), FALSE);
+ else if (pComboBox == &aSymbolSets)
+ SelectSymbolSet(aSymbolSets, aSymbolSets.GetText(), FALSE);
+ else if (pComboBox == &aOldSymbols)
+ // nur Namen aus der Liste erlauben
+ SelectSymbol(aOldSymbols, aOldSymbols.GetText(), TRUE);
+ else if (pComboBox == &aOldSymbolSets)
+ // nur Namen aus der Liste erlauben
+ SelectSymbolSet(aOldSymbolSets, aOldSymbolSets.GetText(), TRUE);
+ else if (pComboBox == &aStyles)
+ // nur Namen aus der Liste erlauben (ist hier eh immer der Fall)
+ SelectStyle(aStyles.GetText(), TRUE);
+ else
+ DBG_ASSERT(0, "Sm : falsche ComboBox Argument");
+ pComboBox->SetSelection(aSelection);
+ UpdateButtons();
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, FontChangeHdl, ListBox *, pListBox )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pListBox == &aFonts, "Sm : falsches Argument");
+ SelectFont(aFonts.GetSelectEntry());
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, StyleChangeHdl, ComboBox *, pComboBox )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pComboBox == &aStyles, "Sm : falsches Argument");
+ SelectStyle(aStyles.GetText());
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SmSymDefineDialog, CharSelectHdl, SmShowCharset *, pShowCharset )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pShowCharset == &aCharsetDisplay, "Sm : falsches Argument");
+ SelectChar(aCharsetDisplay.GetSelectChar());
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SmSymDefineDialog, CharSelectHdl, SmShowCharset *, pShowCharset )
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, AddClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pButton == &aAddBtn, "Sm : falsches Argument");
+ DBG_ASSERT(aAddBtn.IsEnabled(), "Sm : Voraussetzungen erfüllt ??");
+ SmSymSet *pSymSet = GetSymbolSet(aSymbolSets);
+ // SymbolSet einfügen falls es noch nicht existiert
+ if (!pSymSet)
+ {
+ pSymSet = new SmSymSet(aSymbolSets.GetText());
+ aSymSetMgrCopy.AddSymbolSet(pSymSet);
+ FillSymbolSets(aOldSymbolSets, FALSE);
+ FillSymbolSets(aSymbolSets, FALSE);
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT(pSymSet, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ // Symbol ins SymbolSet einfügen
+ SmSym *pSym = new SmSym(aSymbols.GetText(), aCharsetDisplay.GetFont(),
+ aCharsetDisplay.GetSelectChar());
+ pSymSet->AddSymbol(pSym);
+ // update der Hash Tabelle erzwingen (damit aAddBtn disabled wird).
+ // (wird später nach Überarbeitung von symbol.cxx überflüssig werden).
+ aSymSetMgrCopy.ChangeSymbolSet((SmSymSet *)1);
+ // Symbolliste aktualiseren
+ FillSymbols(aOldSymbols ,FALSE);
+ FillSymbols(aSymbols ,FALSE);
+ UpdateButtons();
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, ChangeClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pButton == &aChangeBtn, "Sm : falsches Argument");
+ DBG_ASSERT(aChangeBtn.IsEnabled(), "Sm : Voraussetzungen erfüllt ??");
+ // finden des SymbolSets zum alten Symbol
+ SmSymSet *pOldSymSet = GetSymbolSet(aOldSymbolSets);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pOldSymSet, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ // suchen des neuen SymbolSets
+ SmSymSet *pNewSymSet = GetSymbolSet(aSymbolSets);
+ // SymbolSet einfügen falls es noch nicht existiert
+ if (!pNewSymSet)
+ {
+ pNewSymSet = new SmSymSet(aSymbolSets.GetText());
+ aSymSetMgrCopy.AddSymbolSet(pNewSymSet);
+ FillSymbolSets(aOldSymbolSets, FALSE);
+ FillSymbolSets(aSymbolSets, FALSE);
+ }
+ // das (alte) Symbol besorgen
+ USHORT nSymbol = pOldSymSet->GetSymbolPos(aOldSymbols.GetText());
+ SmSym *pSym = (SmSym *) &pOldSymSet->GetSymbol(nSymbol);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pSym, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ // Änderungen durchführen;
+ pSym->GetName() = aSymbols.GetText();
+ pSym->GetFace() = aCharsetDisplay.GetFont();
+ pSym->GetCharacter() = aCharsetDisplay.GetSelectChar();
+ // das SymbolSet wechseln wenn nötig
+ if (pOldSymSet != pNewSymSet)
+ {
+ pOldSymSet->RemoveSymbol(nSymbol);
+ pNewSymSet->AddSymbol(pSym);
+ }
+ //!! den SymbolSet Manger dazu zwingen seinen HashTable zu aktualisieren,
+ //!! um mit möglich neuen bzw fehlenden alten Symbol Namen konform zu sein.
+ aSymSetMgrCopy.ChangeSymbolSet((SmSymSet *)1);
+ UpdateButtons();
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, DeleteClickHdl, Button *, pButton )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pButton == &aDeleteBtn, "Sm : falsches Argument");
+ DBG_ASSERT(aDeleteBtn.IsEnabled(), "Sm : Voraussetzungen erfüllt ??");
+ if (pOrigSymbol)
+ {
+ // löschen des Symbols:
+ //
+ // zugehöriges SymbolSet finden
+ SmSymSet *pSymSet = GetSymbolSet(aOldSymbolSets);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pSymSet, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ // finden des Index
+ XubString aOldSymbolName (pOrigSymbol->GetName());
+ USHORT nSymbolNo = pSymSet->GetSymbolPos(aOldSymbolName);
+ DBG_ASSERT(nSymbolNo != SYMBOL_NONE, "Sm : kein Symbol");
+ // Bezüge auf das Symbols löschen
+ DBG_ASSERT(pOrigSymbol == &pSymSet->GetSymbol(nSymbolNo),
+ "Sm : Fehler beim löschen des Symbols");
+ SetOrigSymbol(NULL, XubString());
+ // und weg mit dem Symbol
+ pSymSet->DeleteSymbol(nSymbolNo);
+ //!! den SymbolSet Manger dazu zwingen seinen HashTable zu aktualisieren,
+ //!! was er nämlich nicht tut, wenn in einem seiner SymbolSets geändert/
+ //!! gelöscht wird, was wiederum zu einem Absturz führen kann (wenn er
+ //!! über ein nicht mehr existentes aber nicht entferntes Symbol iteriert).
+ aSymSetMgrCopy.ChangeSymbolSet((SmSymSet *)1);
+ // aktualisieren der Symboleinträge des Dialogs
+ aOldSymbols.SetText(XubString());
+ aOldSymbols.RemoveEntry(aOldSymbolName);
+ if (aSymbolSets.GetText() == aOldSymbolSets.GetText())
+ aSymbols.RemoveEntry(aOldSymbolName);
+ }
+ UpdateButtons();
+ return 0;
+void SmSymDefineDialog::UpdateButtons()
+ BOOL bAdd = FALSE,
+ bChange = FALSE,
+ bDelete = FALSE,
+ bEqual;
+ XubString aSymbolName (aSymbols.GetText()),
+ aSymbolSetName (aSymbolSets.GetText());
+ if (aSymbolName.Len() > 0 && aSymbolSetName.Len() > 0)
+ {
+ // alle Einstellungen gleich?
+ //! (Font-, Style- und SymbolSet Name werden nicht case sensitiv verglichen)
+ bEqual = pOrigSymbol
+ && aSymbolSetName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii(aOldSymbolSetName.GetText())
+ && aSymbolName.Equals(pOrigSymbol->GetName())
+ && aFonts.GetSelectEntry().EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii(pOrigSymbol->GetFace().GetName())
+ && aStyles.GetText().EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii(GetFontStyleName(pOrigSymbol->GetFace()))
+ && aCharsetDisplay.GetSelectChar() == pOrigSymbol->GetCharacter();
+ // hinzufügen nur wenn es noch kein Symbol desgleichen Namens gibt
+ bAdd = aSymSetMgrCopy.GetSymbol(aSymbolName) == NULL;
+ // löschen nur wenn alle Einstellungen gleich sind
+ bDelete = pOrigSymbol != NULL;
+ // ändern wenn bei gleichem Namen mindestens eine Einstellung anders ist
+ // oder wenn es noch kein Symbol des neuen Namens gibt (würde implizites
+ // löschen des bereits vorhandenen Symbols erfordern)
+ BOOL bEqualName = pOrigSymbol && aSymbolName == pOrigSymbol->GetName();
+ bChange = pOrigSymbol && (bEqualName && !bEqual || !bEqualName && bAdd);
+ }
+ aAddBtn .Enable(bAdd);
+ aChangeBtn.Enable(bChange);
+ aDeleteBtn.Enable(bDelete);
+SmSymDefineDialog::SmSymDefineDialog(Window * pParent, SmSymSetManager &rMgr, BOOL bFreeRes) :
+ ModalDialog (pParent, SmResId(RID_SYMDEFINEDIALOG)),
+ aOldSymbolText (this, ResId(1)),
+ aOldSymbols (this, ResId(1)),
+ aOldSymbolSetText (this, ResId(2)),
+ aOldSymbolSets (this, ResId(2)),
+ aCharsetDisplay (this, ResId(1)),
+ aSymbolText (this, ResId(9)),
+ aSymbols (this, ResId(4)),
+ aSymbolSetText (this, ResId(10)),
+ aSymbolSets (this, ResId(5)),
+ aFontText (this, ResId(3)),
+ aFonts (this, ResId(1)),
+ aStyleText (this, ResId(4)),
+ aStyles (this, ResId(3)),
+ aOldSymbolName (this, ResId(7)),
+ aOldSymbolDisplay (this, ResId(3)),
+ aOldSymbolSetName (this, ResId(8)),
+ aSymbolName (this, ResId(5)),
+ aSymbolDisplay (this, ResId(2)),
+ aSymbolSetName (this, ResId(6)),
+ aAddBtn (this, ResId(1)),
+ aChangeBtn (this, ResId(2)),
+ aDeleteBtn (this, ResId(3)),
+ aOkBtn (this, ResId(1)),
+ aCancelBtn (this, ResId(1)),
+ aRightArrow (this, ResId(1)),
+ pFontList (NULL),
+ rSymSetMgr (rMgr)
+ if (bFreeRes)
+ FreeResource();
+ // get FontList from printer (if possible), otherwise from application window
+ SmViewShell *pView = SmGetActiveView();
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ OutputDevice *pDev = pView->GetDoc()->GetPrinter();
+ if (!pDev || pDev->GetDevFontCount() == 0)
+ pDev = &pView->GetGraphicWindow();
+ pFontList = new FontList(pDev);
+ pOrigSymbol = 0;
+ // make autocompletion for symbols case-sensitive
+ aOldSymbols.EnableAutocomplete(TRUE, TRUE);
+ aSymbols .EnableAutocomplete(TRUE, TRUE);
+ FillFonts();
+ if (aFonts.GetEntryCount() > 0)
+ SelectFont(aFonts.GetEntry(0));
+ // set background color to white
+ Wallpaper aWhiteWall( (Color) Color(COL_WHITE) );
+ aCharsetDisplay .SetBackground( aWhiteWall );
+ aOldSymbolDisplay.SetBackground( aWhiteWall );
+ aOldSymbolDisplay.SetBackground( aWhiteWall );
+ SetSymbolSetManager(rSymSetMgr);
+ aOldSymbols .SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, OldSymbolChangeHdl));
+ aOldSymbolSets .SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, OldSymbolSetChangeHdl));
+ aSymbolSets .SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, ModifyHdl));
+ aOldSymbolSets .SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, ModifyHdl));
+ aSymbols .SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, ModifyHdl));
+ aOldSymbols .SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, ModifyHdl));
+ aStyles .SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, ModifyHdl));
+ aFonts .SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, FontChangeHdl));
+ aStyles .SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, StyleChangeHdl));
+ aAddBtn .SetClickHdl (LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, AddClickHdl));
+ aChangeBtn .SetClickHdl (LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, ChangeClickHdl));
+ aDeleteBtn .SetClickHdl (LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, DeleteClickHdl));
+ aCharsetDisplay.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, CharSelectHdl));
+ delete pFontList;
+short SmSymDefineDialog::Execute()
+ short nResult = ModalDialog::Execute();
+ // Änderungen übernehmen falls Dialog mit OK beendet wurde
+ if (aSymSetMgrCopy.IsModified() && nResult == RET_OK)
+ {
+ // leere SymbolSets aus dem Ergebnis entfernen.
+ // Dabei von hinten durch das array iterieren, da beim löschen die
+ // Elemente aufrücken.
+ USHORT nSymbolSets = aSymSetMgrCopy.GetCount();
+ for (int i = nSymbolSets - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (aSymSetMgrCopy.GetSymbolSet(i)->GetCount() == 0)
+ aSymSetMgrCopy.DeleteSymbolSet(i);
+ rSymSetMgr = aSymSetMgrCopy;
+ }
+ return nResult;
+void SmSymDefineDialog::SetSymbolSetManager(const SmSymSetManager &rMgr)
+ aSymSetMgrCopy = rMgr;
+ // Das modified Flag der Kopie auf FALSE setzen, damit man später damit
+ // testen kann ob sich was geändert hat.
+ aSymSetMgrCopy.SetModified(FALSE);
+ FillSymbolSets(aOldSymbolSets);
+ if (aOldSymbolSets.GetEntryCount() > 0)
+ SelectSymbolSet(aOldSymbolSets.GetEntry(0));
+ FillSymbolSets(aSymbolSets);
+ if (aSymbolSets.GetEntryCount() > 0)
+ SelectSymbolSet(aSymbolSets.GetEntry(0));
+ FillSymbols(aOldSymbols);
+ if (aOldSymbols.GetEntryCount() > 0)
+ SelectSymbol(aOldSymbols.GetEntry(0));
+ FillSymbols(aSymbols);
+ if (aSymbols.GetEntryCount() > 0)
+ SelectSymbol(aSymbols.GetEntry(0));
+ UpdateButtons();
+BOOL SmSymDefineDialog::SelectSymbolSet(ComboBox &rComboBox,
+ const XubString &rSymbolSetName, BOOL bDeleteText)
+ DBG_ASSERT(&rComboBox == &aOldSymbolSets || &rComboBox == &aSymbolSets,
+ "Sm : falsche ComboBox");
+ // 'Normalisieren' des SymbolNamens (ohne leading und trailing Leerzeichen)
+ XubString aNormName (rSymbolSetName);
+ aNormName.EraseLeadingChars(' ');
+ aNormName.EraseTrailingChars(' ');
+ // und evtl Abweichungen in der Eingabe beseitigen
+ rComboBox.SetText(aNormName);
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ USHORT nPos = rComboBox.GetEntryPos(aNormName);
+ {
+ rComboBox.SetText(rComboBox.GetEntry(nPos));
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (bDeleteText)
+ rComboBox.SetText(XubString());
+ BOOL bIsOld = &rComboBox == &aOldSymbolSets;
+ // setzen des SymbolSet Namens an der zugehörigen Darstellung
+ FixedText &rFT = bIsOld ? aOldSymbolSetName : aSymbolSetName;
+ rFT.SetText(rComboBox.GetText());
+ // setzen der zum SymbolSet gehörenden Symbol Namen an der zugehörigen
+ // Auswahbox
+ ComboBox &rCB = bIsOld ? aOldSymbols : aSymbols;
+ FillSymbols(rCB, FALSE);
+ // bei Wechsel des SymbolSets für das alte Zeichen ein gültiges
+ // Symbol bzw keins zur Anzeige bringen
+ if (bIsOld)
+ {
+ XubString aOldSymbolName;
+ if (aOldSymbols.GetEntryCount() > 0)
+ aOldSymbolName = aOldSymbols.GetEntry(0);
+ SelectSymbol(aOldSymbols, aOldSymbolName, TRUE);
+ }
+ UpdateButtons();
+ return bRet;
+void SmSymDefineDialog::SetOrigSymbol(const SmSym *pSymbol,
+ const XubString &rSymbolSetName)
+ pOrigSymbol = pSymbol;
+ XubString aSymName,
+ aSymSetName;
+ if (pSymbol)
+ {
+ aSymName = pSymbol->GetName();
+ aSymSetName = rSymbolSetName;
+ aOldSymbolDisplay.SetFont(pSymbol->GetFace());
+ aOldSymbolDisplay.SetChar(pSymbol->GetCharacter());
+ }
+ else
+ { // löschen des angezeigten Symbols
+ aOldSymbolDisplay.SetText(XubString());
+ aOldSymbolDisplay.Invalidate();
+ }
+ aOldSymbolName .SetText(aSymName);
+ aOldSymbolSetName.SetText(aSymSetName);
+BOOL SmSymDefineDialog::SelectSymbol(ComboBox &rComboBox,
+ const XubString &rSymbolName, BOOL bDeleteText)
+ DBG_ASSERT(&rComboBox == &aOldSymbols || &rComboBox == &aSymbols,
+ "Sm : falsche ComboBox");
+ // 'Normalisieren' des SymbolNamens (ohne Leerzeichen)
+ XubString aNormName (rSymbolName);
+ aNormName.EraseAllChars(' ');
+ // und evtl Abweichungen in der Eingabe beseitigen
+ rComboBox.SetText(aNormName);
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ USHORT nPos = rComboBox.GetEntryPos(aNormName);
+ BOOL bIsOld = &rComboBox == &aOldSymbols;
+ {
+ rComboBox.SetText(rComboBox.GetEntry(nPos));
+ if (!bIsOld)
+ {
+ const SmSym *pSymbol = GetSymbol(aSymbols);
+ if (pSymbol)
+ {
+ // Font und Style entsprechend wählen
+ const Font &rFont = pSymbol->GetFace();
+ SelectFont(rFont.GetName(), FALSE);
+ SelectStyle(GetFontStyleName(rFont), FALSE);
+ // da das setzen des Fonts über den Style Namen des SymbolsFonts nicht
+ // so gut klappt (er kann zB leer sein obwohl der Font selbst 'bold' und
+ // 'italic' ist!). Setzen wir hier den Font wie er zum Symbol gehört
+ // zu Fuß.
+ aCharsetDisplay.SetFont(rFont);
+ aSymbolDisplay.SetFont(rFont);
+ // das zugehörige Zeichen auswählen
+ SelectChar(pSymbol->GetCharacter());
+ }
+ }
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (bDeleteText)
+ rComboBox.SetText(XubString());
+ if (bIsOld)
+ {
+ // bei Wechsel des alten Symbols nur vorhandene anzeigen sonst keins
+ const SmSym *pOldSymbol = NULL;
+ XubString aOldSymbolSetName;
+ {
+ pOldSymbol = aSymSetMgrCopy.GetSymbol(aNormName);
+ aOldSymbolSetName = aOldSymbolSets.GetText();
+ }
+ SetOrigSymbol(pOldSymbol, aOldSymbolSetName);
+ }
+ else
+ aSymbolName.SetText(rComboBox.GetText());
+ UpdateButtons();
+ return bRet;
+void SmSymDefineDialog::SetFont(const XubString &rFontName, const XubString &rStyleName)
+ // Font (FontInfo) passend zu Namen und Style holen
+ DBG_ASSERT(pFontList, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ FontInfo aFI( pFontList->Get(rFontName, WEIGHT_NORMAL, ITALIC_NONE) );
+ SetFontStyle(rStyleName, aFI);
+ aCharsetDisplay.SetFont(aFI);
+ aSymbolDisplay.SetFont(aFI);
+BOOL SmSymDefineDialog::SelectFont(const XubString &rFontName, BOOL bApplyFont)
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ USHORT nPos = aFonts.GetEntryPos(rFontName);
+ {
+ aFonts.SelectEntryPos(nPos);
+ if (aStyles.GetEntryCount() > 0)
+ SelectStyle(aStyles.GetEntry(0));
+ if (bApplyFont)
+ SetFont(aFonts.GetSelectEntry(), aStyles.GetText());
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ aFonts.SetNoSelection();
+ FillStyles();
+ UpdateButtons();
+ return bRet;
+BOOL SmSymDefineDialog::SelectStyle(const XubString &rStyleName, BOOL bApplyFont)
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ USHORT nPos = aStyles.GetEntryPos(rStyleName);
+ // falls der Style nicht zur Auswahl steht nehmen wir den erst möglichen
+ // (sofern vorhanden)
+ if (nPos == COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND && aStyles.GetEntryCount() > 0)
+ nPos = 0;
+ {
+ aStyles.SetText(aStyles.GetEntry(nPos));
+ if (bApplyFont)
+ SetFont(aFonts.GetSelectEntry(), aStyles.GetText());
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ aStyles.SetText(XubString());
+ UpdateButtons();
+ return bRet;
+void SmSymDefineDialog::SelectChar(xub_Unicode cChar)
+ aCharsetDisplay.SelectChar(cChar);
+ aSymbolDisplay.SetChar(cChar);
+ UpdateButtons();
+#ifdef NEVER
+SfxTabPage* SmGeneralTabPage::Create(Window* pWindow, const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ return new SmGeneralTabPage(pWindow, rSet);
+#endif NEVER