path: root/setup_native/source/win32/customactions/shellextensions/registerextensions.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'setup_native/source/win32/customactions/shellextensions/registerextensions.cxx')
1 files changed, 573 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/setup_native/source/win32/customactions/shellextensions/registerextensions.cxx b/setup_native/source/win32/customactions/shellextensions/registerextensions.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3906d2584fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/source/win32/customactions/shellextensions/registerextensions.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#undef UNICODE
+#undef _UNICODE
+#define _WIN32_WINDOWS 0x0410
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push, 1) /* disable warnings within system headers */
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <msiquery.h>
+#include <shellapi.h>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef UNICODE
+#define _UNICODE
+#define _tstring wstring
+#define _tstring string
+#include <tchar.h>
+#include <string>
+/** creates a temporary folder with a unique name.
+ The returned string is a file URL.
+static std::_tstring createTempFolder()
+ BOOL bExist = FALSE;
+ TCHAR szTempName[MAX_PATH];
+ do
+ {
+ bExist = FALSE;
+ // Get the temp path.
+ TCHAR lpPathBuffer[MAX_PATH];
+ DWORD dwRetVal = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, lpPathBuffer);
+ if (dwRetVal > MAX_PATH || (dwRetVal == 0))
+ {
+ //fprintf (stderr, "GetTempPath failed with error %d.\n", GetLastError());
+ return TEXT("");
+ }
+ // Create a temporary file.
+ UINT uRetVal = GetTempFileName(lpPathBuffer, // directory for tmp files
+ "upg", // temp file name prefix
+ 0, // create unique name
+ szTempName); // buffer for name
+ if (uRetVal == 0)
+ {
+ //fprintf (stderr, "GetTempFileName failed with error %d.\n", GetLastError());
+ return TEXT("");
+ }
+ //Delete the file
+ BOOL bDel = DeleteFile(szTempName);
+ if (FALSE == bDel)
+ {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Could not delete temp file. Error %d.\n", GetLastError());
+ return TEXT("");
+ }
+ // Create the directory
+ BOOL bDir = CreateDirectory(szTempName, NULL);
+ if (FALSE == bDir)
+ {
+ DWORD error =GetLastError();
+ if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == error)
+ {
+ bExist = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "CreateDirectory failed with error %d.\n", error);
+ return TEXT("");
+ }
+ }
+ } while(bExist);
+ std::_tstring cur(szTempName);
+ //make a file URL from the path
+ std::_tstring ret(TEXT("file:///"));
+ for (std::_tstring::iterator i = cur.begin(); i != cur.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (*i == '\\')
+ ret.append(TEXT("/"));
+ else
+ ret.push_back(*i);
+ }
+// MessageBox(NULL, ret.c_str(), "createTempFolder", MB_OK);
+ return ret.c_str();
+/** deletes the temporary folder.
+ The argument must be a file URL.
+static void deleteTempFolder(const std::_tstring& sTempFolder)
+ if (sTempFolder.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ //convert the file URL to a path
+ const std::_tstring path(sTempFolder.substr(8));
+ std::_tstring path2;
+// MessageBox(NULL, path.c_str(), "del1", MB_OK);
+ for (std::_tstring::const_iterator i = path.begin(); i != path.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (*i == '/')
+ path2.append(TEXT("\\"));
+ else
+ path2.push_back(*i);
+ }
+ //We need a null terminated string with two nulls in the end
+ const TCHAR * szTemp = path2.c_str();
+ size_t size = path2.size();
+ TCHAR * szTemp2 = new TCHAR[size + 2];
+ ZeroMemory(szTemp2, (size + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ memcpy(szTemp2, szTemp, size * sizeof(TCHAR));
+// MessageBox(NULL, szTemp2, "del3", MB_OK);
+ SHFILEOPSTRUCT operation =
+ {
+ szTemp2,
+ };
+ SHFileOperation( &operation);
+ delete [] szTemp2;
+static std::_tstring GetMsiProperty( MSIHANDLE handle, const std::_tstring& sProperty )
+ std::_tstring result;
+ TCHAR szDummy[1] = TEXT("");
+ DWORD nChars = 0;
+ if ( MsiGetProperty( handle, sProperty.c_str(), szDummy, &nChars ) == ERROR_MORE_DATA )
+ {
+ DWORD nBytes = ++nChars * sizeof(TCHAR);
+ LPTSTR buffer = reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(_alloca(nBytes));
+ ZeroMemory( buffer, nBytes );
+ MsiGetProperty(handle, sProperty.c_str(), buffer, &nChars);
+ result = buffer;
+ }
+ return result;
+/* creates a child process which is specified in lpCommand.
+ out_exitCode is the exit code of the child process
+static BOOL ExecuteCommand( LPCTSTR lpCommand, DWORD * out_exitCode)
+ BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
+ ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) );
+ si.cb = sizeof(si);
+ fSuccess = CreateProcess(
+ (LPTSTR)lpCommand,
+ 0,
+ &si,
+ &pi
+ );
+ if ( fSuccess )
+ {
+ WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE );
+ if (!GetExitCodeProcess( pi.hProcess, out_exitCode))
+ fSuccess = FALSE;
+ CloseHandle( pi.hProcess );
+ CloseHandle( pi.hThread );
+ }
+ return fSuccess;
+static BOOL RemoveCompleteDirectory( std::_tstring sPath )
+ bool bDirectoryRemoved = true;
+ std::_tstring mystr;
+ std::_tstring sPattern = sPath + TEXT("\\") + TEXT("*.*");
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA aFindData;
+ // Finding all content in sPath
+ HANDLE hFindContent = FindFirstFile( sPattern.c_str(), &aFindData );
+ if ( hFindContent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
+ {
+ bool fNextFile = false;
+ do
+ {
+ std::_tstring sFileName = aFindData.cFileName;
+ std::_tstring sCurrentDir = TEXT(".");
+ std::_tstring sParentDir = TEXT("..");
+ mystr = "Current short file: " + sFileName;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Current Content", MB_OK);
+ if (( strcmp(sFileName.c_str(),sCurrentDir.c_str()) != 0 ) &&
+ ( strcmp(sFileName.c_str(),sParentDir.c_str()) != 0 ))
+ {
+ std::_tstring sCompleteFileName = sPath + TEXT("\\") + sFileName;
+ if ( aFindData.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )
+ {
+ bool fSuccess = RemoveCompleteDirectory(sCompleteFileName);
+ if ( fSuccess )
+ {
+ mystr = "Successfully removed content of dir " + sCompleteFileName;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Removed Directory", MB_OK);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mystr = "An error occured during removing content of " + sCompleteFileName;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Error removing directory", MB_OK);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool fSuccess = DeleteFile( sCompleteFileName.c_str() );
+ if ( fSuccess )
+ {
+ mystr = "Successfully removed file " + sCompleteFileName;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Removed File", MB_OK);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mystr = "An error occured during removal of file " + sCompleteFileName;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Error removing file", MB_OK);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fNextFile = FindNextFile( hFindContent, &aFindData );
+ } while ( fNextFile );
+ FindClose( hFindContent );
+ // empty directory can be removed now
+ // RemoveDirectory is only successful, if the last handle to the directory is closed
+ // -> first removing content -> closing handle -> remove empty directory
+ bool fRemoveDirSuccess = RemoveDirectory(sPath.c_str());
+ if ( fRemoveDirSuccess )
+ {
+ mystr = "Successfully removed dir " + sPath;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Removed Directory", MB_OK);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mystr = "An error occured during removal of empty directory " + sPath;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Error removing directory", MB_OK);
+ bDirectoryRemoved = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return bDirectoryRemoved;
+extern "C" UINT __stdcall RegisterExtensions(MSIHANDLE handle)
+ std::_tstring sInstDir = GetMsiProperty( handle, TEXT("INSTALLLOCATION") );
+ std::_tstring sUnoPkgFile = sInstDir + TEXT("program\\unopkg.exe");
+ std::_tstring sShareInstallDir = sInstDir + TEXT("share\\extension\\install\\");
+ std::_tstring sPattern = sShareInstallDir + TEXT("*.oxt");
+ std::_tstring mystr;
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA aFindFileData;
+ mystr = "unopkg file: " + sUnoPkgFile;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Command", MB_OK);
+ mystr = "oxt file directory: " + sShareInstallDir;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Command", MB_OK);
+ // Find unopkg.exe
+ HANDLE hFindUnopkg = FindFirstFile( sUnoPkgFile.c_str(), &aFindFileData );
+ if ( hFindUnopkg != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
+ {
+ // unopkg.exe exists in program directory
+ // Finding all oxt files in sShareInstallDir
+ HANDLE hFindOxt = FindFirstFile( sPattern.c_str(), &aFindFileData );
+ if ( hFindOxt != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
+ {
+ bool fNextFile = false;
+ do
+ {
+ const std::_tstring sTempFolder(createTempFolder());
+ std::_tstring sOxtFile = sShareInstallDir + aFindFileData.cFileName;
+ std::_tstring sCommandPart1 = sUnoPkgFile + " add --shared --suppress-license --bundled " + "\"" + sOxtFile + "\"";
+ std::_tstring sCommand = sCommandPart1
+ + TEXT(" -env:UNO_JAVA_JFW_INSTALL_DATA=$OOO_BASE_DIR/share/config/javasettingsunopkginstall.xml")
+ + TEXT(" -env:UserInstallation=") + sTempFolder;
+ mystr = "Command: " + sCommand;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Command", MB_OK);
+ DWORD exitCode = 0;
+ bool fSuccess = ExecuteCommand( sCommand.c_str(), & exitCode);
+ // unopkg in OOo 2.2.1 and early had a bug that it failed when receiving
+ // a bootstrap parameter (-env:...) then it exited with a value != 0.
+ if (fSuccess && exitCode != 0)
+ {
+ std::_tstring sCommand = sCommandPart1;
+ mystr = "Command: " + sCommand;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Command", MB_OK);
+ fSuccess = ExecuteCommand( sCommand.c_str(), & exitCode);
+ }
+ deleteTempFolder(sTempFolder);
+ // if ( fSuccess )
+ // {
+ // mystr = "Executed successfully!";
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Command", MB_OK);
+ // }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // mystr = "An error occured during execution!";
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Command", MB_OK);
+ // }
+ fNextFile = FindNextFile( hFindOxt, &aFindFileData );
+ } while ( fNextFile );
+ FindClose( hFindOxt );
+ }
+ }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // mystr = "Error: Did not find " + sUnoPkgFile;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Command", MB_OK);
+ // }
+extern "C" UINT __stdcall DeregisterExtensions(MSIHANDLE handle)
+ std::_tstring mystr;
+ // Finding the product with the help of the propery FINDPRODUCT,
+ // that contains a Windows Registry key, that points to the install location.
+ TCHAR szValue[8192];
+ DWORD nValueSize = sizeof(szValue);
+ HKEY hKey;
+ std::_tstring sInstDir;
+ std::_tstring sProductKey = GetMsiProperty( handle, TEXT("FINDPRODUCT") );
+ // MessageBox( NULL, sProductKey.c_str(), "Titel", MB_OK );
+ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sProductKey.c_str(), &hKey ) )
+ {
+ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("INSTALLLOCATION"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szValue, &nValueSize ) )
+ {
+ sInstDir = szValue;
+ }
+ RegCloseKey( hKey );
+ }
+ else if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sProductKey.c_str(), &hKey ) )
+ {
+ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("INSTALLLOCATION"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szValue, &nValueSize ) )
+ {
+ sInstDir = szValue;
+ }
+ RegCloseKey( hKey );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ // MessageBox( NULL, sInstDir.c_str(), "install location", MB_OK );
+ // Searching for the unopkg.exe
+ std::_tstring sUnoPkgFile = sInstDir + TEXT("program\\unopkg.exe");
+ std::_tstring sShareInstallDir = sInstDir + TEXT("share\\extension\\install\\");
+ std::_tstring sPattern = sShareInstallDir + TEXT("*.oxt");
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA aFindFileData;
+ // Find unopkg.exe
+ HANDLE hFindUnopkg = FindFirstFile( sUnoPkgFile.c_str(), &aFindFileData );
+ if ( hFindUnopkg != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
+ {
+ // unopkg.exe exists in program directory
+ // Finding all oxt files in sShareInstallDir
+ HANDLE hFindOxt = FindFirstFile( sPattern.c_str(), &aFindFileData );
+ if ( hFindOxt != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
+ {
+ bool fNextFile = false;
+ do
+ {
+ const std::_tstring sTempFolder(createTempFolder());
+ // When removing extensions, only the oxt file name is required, without path
+ // Therefore no quoting is required
+ // std::_tstring sOxtFile = sShareInstallDir + aFindFileData.cFileName;
+ std::_tstring sOxtFile = aFindFileData.cFileName;
+ std::_tstring sCommandPart1 = sUnoPkgFile + " remove --shared --bundled " + "\""
+ + sOxtFile + "\"";
+ std::_tstring sCommand = sCommandPart1
+ + TEXT(" -env:UNO_JAVA_JFW_INSTALL_DATA=$OOO_BASE_DIR/share/config/javasettingsunopkginstall.xml")
+ + TEXT(" -env:UserInstallation=") + sTempFolder;
+ mystr = "Command: " + sCommand;
+ //MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Command", MB_OK);
+ DWORD exitCode = 0;
+ bool fSuccess = ExecuteCommand( sCommand.c_str(), & exitCode);
+ // unopkg in OOo 2.2.1 and early had a bug that it failed when receiving
+ // a bootstrap parameter (-env:...) then it exited with a value != 0.
+ if (fSuccess && exitCode != 0)
+ {
+ std::_tstring sCommand = sCommandPart1;
+ mystr = "Command: " + sCommand;
+ //MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Command", MB_OK);
+ fSuccess = ExecuteCommand( sCommand.c_str(), & exitCode);
+ }
+ deleteTempFolder(sTempFolder);
+ if ( fSuccess )
+ {
+ mystr = "Executed successfully!";
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Command", MB_OK);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mystr = "An error occured during execution!";
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Command", MB_OK);
+ }
+ fNextFile = FindNextFile( hFindOxt, &aFindFileData );
+ } while ( fNextFile );
+ FindClose( hFindOxt );
+ }
+ }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // mystr = "Not found: " + sUnoPkgFile;
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Command", MB_OK);
+ // }
+extern "C" UINT __stdcall RemoveExtensions(MSIHANDLE handle)
+ std::_tstring mystr;
+ // Finding the product with the help of the propery FINDPRODUCT,
+ // that contains a Windows Registry key, that points to the install location.
+ TCHAR szValue[8192];
+ DWORD nValueSize = sizeof(szValue);
+ HKEY hKey;
+ std::_tstring sInstDir;
+ std::_tstring sProductKey = GetMsiProperty( handle, TEXT("FINDPRODUCT") );
+ // MessageBox( NULL, sProductKey.c_str(), "Titel", MB_OK );
+ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sProductKey.c_str(), &hKey ) )
+ {
+ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("INSTALLLOCATION"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szValue, &nValueSize ) )
+ {
+ sInstDir = szValue;
+ }
+ RegCloseKey( hKey );
+ }
+ else if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sProductKey.c_str(), &hKey ) )
+ {
+ if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("INSTALLLOCATION"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szValue, &nValueSize ) )
+ {
+ sInstDir = szValue;
+ }
+ RegCloseKey( hKey );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ // Removing complete directory "share\uno_packages\cache"
+ std::_tstring sCacheDir = sInstDir + TEXT("share\\uno_packages\\cache");
+ bool fSuccess = RemoveCompleteDirectory( sCacheDir );
+ if ( fSuccess )
+ {
+ mystr = "Executed successfully!";
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Main methode", MB_OK);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mystr = "An error occured during execution!";
+ // MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Main methode", MB_OK);
+ }