path: root/setup_native/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'setup_native/scripts')
23 files changed, 4226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1aed8214cb30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,1443 @@
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+use Cwd;
+use File::Copy;
+# Global settings
+ $prog = "msi installer";
+ $targetdir = "";
+ $databasepath = "";
+ $starttime = "";
+ $globaltempdirname = "ooopackaging";
+ $savetemppath = "";
+ $msiinfo_available = 0;
+ $path_displayed = 0;
+ $localmsidbpath = "";
+ $plat = $^O;
+ if ( $plat =~ /cygwin/i )
+ {
+ $separator = "/";
+ $pathseparator = "\:";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $separator = "\\";
+ $pathseparator = "\;";
+ }
+# Program information
+sub usage
+ print <<Ende;
+This program installs a Windows Installer installation set
+without using msiexec.exe. The installation is comparable
+with an administrative installation using the Windows Installer
+Required parameter:
+-d Path to installation set or msi database
+-t Target directory
+ exit(-1);
+# Collecting parameter
+sub getparameter
+ if (( $#ARGV < 3 ) || ( $#ARGV > 3 )) { usage(); }
+ while ( $#ARGV >= 0 )
+ {
+ my $param = shift(@ARGV);
+ if ($param eq "-t") { $targetdir = shift(@ARGV); }
+ elsif ($param eq "-d") { $databasepath = shift(@ARGV); }
+ else
+ {
+ print "\n**********************************************\n";
+ print "Error: Unknows parameter: $param";
+ print "\n**********************************************\n";
+ usage();
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+# Checking content of parameter
+sub controlparameter
+ if ( $targetdir eq "" )
+ {
+ print "\n******************************************************\n";
+ print "Error: Target directory not defined (parameter -t)!";
+ print "\n******************************************************\n";
+ usage();
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if ( $databasepath eq "" )
+ {
+ print "\n******************************************************\n";
+ print "Error: Path to msi database not defined (parameter -d)!";
+ print "\n******************************************************\n";
+ usage();
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if ( -d $databasepath )
+ {
+ $databasepath =~ s/\\\s*$//;
+ $databasepath =~ s/\/\s*$//;
+ my $msifiles = find_file_with_file_extension("msi", $databasepath);
+ if ( $#{$msifiles} < 0 ) { exit_program("ERROR: Did not find msi database in directory $installationdir"); }
+ if ( $#{$msifiles} > 0 ) { exit_program("ERROR: Did find more than one msi database in directory $installationdir"); }
+ $databasepath = $databasepath . $separator . ${$msifiles}[0];
+ }
+ if ( ! -f $databasepath ) { exit_program("ERROR: Did not find msi database in directory $databasepath."); }
+ if ( ! -d $targetdir ) { create_directories($targetdir); }
+# The program msidb.exe can be located next to the Perl program. Then it is
+# not neccessary to find it in the PATH variable.
+sub check_local_msidb
+ my $msidbname = "msidb.exe";
+ my $perlprogramm = $0;
+ my $path = $perlprogramm;
+ get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$path);
+ $path =~ s/\\\s*$//;
+ $path =~ s/\/\s*$//;
+ my $msidbpath = "";
+ if ( $path =~ /^\s*$/ ) { $msidbpath = $msidbname; }
+ else { $msidbpath = $path . $separator . $msidbname; }
+ if ( -f $msidbpath )
+ {
+ $localmsidbpath = $msidbpath;
+ print "Using $msidbpath (next to \"\")\n";
+ }
+# Converting a string list with separator $listseparator
+# into an array
+sub convert_stringlist_into_array
+ my ( $includestringref, $listseparator ) = @_;
+ my @newarray = ();
+ my $first;
+ my $last = ${$includestringref};
+ while ( $last =~ /^\s*(.+?)\Q$listseparator\E(.+)\s*$/) # "$" for minimal matching
+ {
+ $first = $1;
+ $last = $2;
+ # Problem with two directly following listseparators. For example a path with two ";;" directly behind each other
+ $first =~ s/^$listseparator//;
+ push(@newarray, "$first\n");
+ }
+ push(@newarray, "$last\n");
+ return \@newarray;
+# Checking the local system
+# Checking existence of needed files in include path
+sub check_system_path
+ my $onefile;
+ my $error = 0;
+ my $pathvariable = $ENV{'PATH'};
+ my $local_pathseparator = $pathseparator;
+ if( $^O =~ /cygwin/i )
+ { # When using cygwin's perl the PATH variable is POSIX style and ...
+ $pathvariable = qx{cygpath -mp "$pathvariable"} ;
+ # has to be converted to DOS style for further use.
+ $local_pathseparator = ';';
+ }
+ my $patharrayref = convert_stringlist_into_array(\$pathvariable, $local_pathseparator);
+ my @needed_files_in_path = ("expand.exe");
+ if ( $localmsidbpath eq "" ) { push(@needed_files_in_path, "msidb.exe"); } # not found locally -> search in path
+ my @optional_files_in_path = ("msiinfo.exe");
+ print("\nChecking required files:\n");
+ foreach $onefile ( @needed_files_in_path )
+ {
+ print("...... searching $onefile ...");
+ my $fileref = get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$onefile, $patharrayref);
+ if ( $$fileref eq "" )
+ {
+ $error = 1;
+ print( "$onefile not found\n" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print( "\tFound: $$fileref\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $error ) { exit_program("ERROR: Could not find all needed files in path (using setsolar should help)!"); }
+ print("\nChecking optional files:\n");
+ foreach $onefile ( @optional_files_in_path )
+ {
+ print("...... searching $onefile ...");
+ my $fileref = get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$onefile, $patharrayref);
+ if ( $$fileref eq "" )
+ {
+ print( "$onefile not found\n" );
+ if ( $onefile eq "msiinfo.exe" ) { $msiinfo_available = 0; }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print( "\tFound: $$fileref\n" );
+ if ( $onefile eq "msiinfo.exe" ) { $msiinfo_available = 1; }
+ }
+ }
+# Searching a file in a list of pathes
+sub get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath
+ my ($searchfilenameref, $includepatharrayref) = @_;
+ my $onefile = "";
+ my $foundsourcefile = 0;
+ for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$includepatharrayref}; $j++ )
+ {
+ my $includepath = ${$includepatharrayref}[$j];
+ $includepath =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $includepath =~ s/\s*$//;
+ $onefile = $includepath . $separator . $$searchfilenameref;
+ if ( -f $onefile )
+ {
+ $foundsourcefile = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!($foundsourcefile)) { $onefile = ""; }
+ return \$onefile;
+# Removing all empty directories below a specified directory
+sub remove_empty_dirs_in_folder
+ my ( $dir, $firstrun ) = @_;
+ if ( $firstrun )
+ {
+ print "Removing superfluous directories\n";
+ }
+ my @content = ();
+ $dir =~ s/\Q$separator\E\s*$//;
+ if ( -d $dir )
+ {
+ opendir(DIR, $dir);
+ @content = readdir(DIR);
+ closedir(DIR);
+ my $oneitem;
+ foreach $oneitem (@content)
+ {
+ if ((!($oneitem eq ".")) && (!($oneitem eq "..")))
+ {
+ my $item = $dir . $separator . $oneitem;
+ if ( -d $item ) # recursive
+ {
+ remove_empty_dirs_in_folder($item, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # try to remove empty directory
+ my $returnvalue = rmdir $dir;
+ # if ( $returnvalue ) { print "Successfully removed empty dir $dir\n"; }
+ }
+# Detecting the directory with extensions
+sub get_extensions_dir
+ my ( $unopkgfile ) = @_;
+ my $localbranddir = $unopkgfile;
+ get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$localbranddir); # "program" dir in brand layer
+ get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$localbranddir); # root dir in brand layer
+ $localbranddir =~ s/\Q$separator\E\s*$//;
+ my $extensiondir = $localbranddir . $separator . "share" . $separator . "extensions";
+ my $preregdir = $localbranddir . $separator . "share" . $separator . "prereg" . $separator . "bundled";
+ return ($extensiondir, $preregdir);
+# Finding all files with a specified file extension
+# in a specified directory.
+sub find_file_with_file_extension
+ my ($extension, $dir) = @_;
+ my @allfiles = ();
+ my @sourcefiles = ();
+ $dir =~ s/\Q$separator\E\s*$//;
+ opendir(DIR, $dir);
+ @sourcefiles = readdir(DIR);
+ closedir(DIR);
+ my $onefile;
+ foreach $onefile (@sourcefiles)
+ {
+ if ((!($onefile eq ".")) && (!($onefile eq "..")))
+ {
+ if ( $onefile =~ /^\s*(\S.*?)\.$extension\s*$/ )
+ {
+ push(@allfiles, $onefile)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return \@allfiles;
+# Creating a directory with all parent directories
+sub create_directories
+ my ($directory) = @_;
+ if ( ! try_to_create_directory($directory) )
+ {
+ my $parentdir = $directory;
+ get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$parentdir);
+ create_directories($parentdir); # recursive
+ }
+ create_directory($directory); # now it has to succeed
+# Creating one directory
+sub create_directory
+ my ($directory) = @_;
+ if ( ! -d $directory ) { mkdir($directory, 0775); }
+# Trying to create a directory, no error if this fails
+sub try_to_create_directory
+ my ($directory) = @_;
+ my $returnvalue = 1;
+ my $created_directory = 0;
+ if (!(-d $directory))
+ {
+ $returnvalue = mkdir($directory, 0775);
+ if ($returnvalue)
+ {
+ $created_directory = 1;
+ my $localcall = "chmod 775 $directory \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1";
+ system($localcall);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $created_directory = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $created_directory = 1;
+ }
+ return $created_directory;
+# Getting path from full file name
+sub get_path_from_fullqualifiedname
+ my ($longfilenameref) = @_;
+ if ( $$longfilenameref =~ /\Q$separator\E/ ) # Is there a separator in the path? Otherwise the path is empty.
+ {
+ if ( $$longfilenameref =~ /^\s*(\S.*\Q$separator\E)(\S.+\S?)/ )
+ {
+ $$longfilenameref = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $$longfilenameref = ""; # there is no path
+ }
+# Getting file name from full file name
+sub make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename
+ my ($longfilenameref) = @_;
+ # Either '/' or '\'.
+ if ( $$longfilenameref =~ /^.*[\/\\](\S.+\S?)/ )
+ {
+ $$longfilenameref = $1;
+ }
+# Exiting the program with an error
+# This function is used instead of "die"
+sub exit_program
+ my ($message) = @_;
+ print "\n***************************************************************\n";
+ print "$message\n";
+ print "***************************************************************\n";
+ remove_complete_directory($savetemppath, 1);
+ print "\n" . get_time_string();
+ exit(-1);
+# Unpacking cabinet files with expand
+sub unpack_cabinet_file
+ my ($cabfilename, $unpackdir) = @_;
+ my $expandfile = "expand.exe"; # has to be in the PATH
+ # expand.exe has to be located in the system directory.
+ # Cygwin has another tool expand.exe, that converts tabs to spaces. This cannot be used of course.
+ # But this wrong expand.exe is typically in the PATH before this expand.exe, to unpack
+ # cabinet files.
+ if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i )
+ {
+ $expandfile = $ENV{'SYSTEMROOT'} . "/system32/expand.exe"; # Has to be located in the systemdirectory
+ $expandfile =~ s/\\/\//;
+ if ( ! -f $expandfile ) { exit_program("ERROR: Did not find file $expandfile in the Windows system folder!"); }
+ }
+ my $expandlogfile = $unpackdir . $separator . "expand.log";
+ # exclude cabinet file
+ # my $systemcall = $cabarc . " -o X " . $mergemodulehash->{'cabinetfile'};
+ my $systemcall = "";
+ if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) {
+ my $localunpackdir = qx{cygpath -w "$unpackdir"};
+ $localunpackdir =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ my $localcabfilename = qx{cygpath -w "$cabfilename"};
+ $localcabfilename =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $localcabfilename =~ s/\s*$//g;
+ $systemcall = $expandfile . " " . $localcabfilename . " -F:\* " . $localunpackdir . " \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $systemcall = $expandfile . " " . $cabfilename . " -F:\* " . $unpackdir . " \> " . $expandlogfile;
+ }
+ my $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
+ if ($returnvalue) { exit_program("ERROR: Could not execute $systemcall !"); }
+# Extracting tables from msi database
+sub extract_tables_from_database
+ my ($fullmsidatabasepath, $workdir, $tablelist) = @_;
+ my $msidb = "msidb.exe"; # Has to be in the path
+ if ( $localmsidbpath ) { $msidb = $localmsidbpath; }
+ my $infoline = "";
+ my $systemcall = "";
+ my $returnvalue = "";
+ if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) {
+ chomp( $fullmsidatabasepath = qx{cygpath -w "$fullmsidatabasepath"} );
+ # msidb.exe really wants backslashes. (And double escaping because system() expands the string.)
+ $fullmsidatabasepath =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $workdir =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ # and if there are still slashes, they also need to be double backslash
+ $fullmsidatabasepath =~ s/\//\\\\/g;
+ $workdir =~ s/\//\\\\/g;
+ }
+ # Export of all tables by using "*"
+ $systemcall = $msidb . " -d " . $fullmsidatabasepath . " -f " . $workdir . " -e $tablelist";
+ print "\nAnalyzing msi database\n";
+ $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
+ if ($returnvalue)
+ {
+ $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute $systemcall !\n";
+ exit_program($infoline);
+ }
+# Check, if this installation set contains
+# internal cabinet files included into the msi
+# database.
+sub check_for_internal_cabfiles
+ my ($cabfilehash) = @_;
+ my $contains_internal_cabfiles = 0;
+ my %allcabfileshash = ();
+ foreach my $filename ( keys %{$cabfilehash} )
+ {
+ if ( $filename =~ /^\s*\#/ ) # starting with a hash
+ {
+ $contains_internal_cabfiles = 1;
+ # setting real filename without hash as key and name with hash as value
+ my $realfilename = $filename;
+ $realfilename =~ s/^\s*\#//;
+ $allcabfileshash{$realfilename} = $filename;
+ }
+ }
+ return ( $contains_internal_cabfiles, \%allcabfileshash );
+# Exclude all cab files from the msi database.
+sub extract_cabs_from_database
+ my ($msidatabase, $allcabfiles) = @_;
+ my $infoline = "";
+ my $fullsuccess = 1;
+ my $msidb = "msidb.exe"; # Has to be in the path
+ if ( $localmsidbpath ) { $msidb = $localmsidbpath; }
+ my @all_excluded_cabfiles = ();
+ if( $^O =~ /cygwin/i )
+ {
+ $msidatabase = qx{cygpath -w "$msidatabase"};
+ $msidatabase =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $msidatabase =~ s/\s*$//g;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # msidb.exe really wants backslashes. (And double escaping because system() expands the string.)
+ $msidatabase =~ s/\//\\\\/g;
+ }
+ foreach my $onefile ( keys %{$allcabfiles} )
+ {
+ my $systemcall = $msidb . " -d " . $msidatabase . " -x " . $onefile;
+ system($systemcall);
+ push(@all_excluded_cabfiles, $onefile);
+ }
+ \@all_excluded_cabfiles;
+# Collect all DiskIds to the corresponding cabinet files from Media.idt.
+sub analyze_media_file
+ my ($filecontent) = @_;
+ my %diskidhash = ();
+ for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filecontent}; $i++ )
+ {
+ if ( $i < 3 ) { next; }
+ if ( ${$filecontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\s*$/ )
+ {
+ my $diskid = $1;
+ my $cabfile = $4;
+ $diskidhash{$cabfile} = $diskid;
+ }
+ }
+ return \%diskidhash;
+sub analyze_customaction_file
+ my ($filecontent) = @_;
+ my $register_extensions_exists = 0;
+ my %table = ();
+ for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filecontent}; $i++ )
+ {
+ if ( ${$filecontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*RegisterExtensions\s+/ )
+ {
+ $register_extensions_exists = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $register_extensions_exists;
+# Analyzing the content of Directory.idt
+sub analyze_directory_file
+ my ($filecontent) = @_;
+ my %table = ();
+ for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filecontent}; $i++ )
+ {
+ if (( $i == 0 ) || ( $i == 1 ) || ( $i == 2 )) { next; }
+ if ( ${$filecontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\s*$/ )
+ {
+ my $dir = $1;
+ my $parent = $2;
+ my $name = $3;
+ if ( $name =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*\:\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) { $name = $2; }
+ if ( $name =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) { $name = $2; }
+ my %helphash = ();
+ $helphash{'Directory_Parent'} = $parent;
+ $helphash{'DefaultDir'} = $name;
+ $table{$dir} = \%helphash;
+ }
+ }
+ return \%table;
+# Analyzing the content of Component.idt
+sub analyze_component_file
+ my ($filecontent) = @_;
+ my %table = ();
+ for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filecontent}; $i++ )
+ {
+ if (( $i == 0 ) || ( $i == 1 ) || ( $i == 2 )) { next; }
+ if ( ${$filecontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\s*$/ )
+ {
+ my $component = $1;
+ my $dir = $3;
+ $table{$component} = $dir;
+ }
+ }
+ return \%table;
+# Analyzing the content of File.idt
+sub analyze_file_file
+ my ($filecontent) = @_;
+ my %table = ();
+ my %fileorder = ();
+ my $maxsequence = 0;
+ for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filecontent}; $i++ )
+ {
+ if (( $i == 0 ) || ( $i == 1 ) || ( $i == 2 )) { next; }
+ if ( ${$filecontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\s*$/ )
+ {
+ my $file = $1;
+ my $comp = $2;
+ my $filename = $3;
+ my $sequence = $8;
+ if ( $filename =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) { $filename = $2; }
+ my %helphash = ();
+ $helphash{'Component'} = $comp;
+ $helphash{'FileName'} = $filename;
+ $helphash{'Sequence'} = $sequence;
+ $table{$file} = \%helphash;
+ $fileorder{$sequence} = $file;
+ if ( $sequence > $maxsequence ) { $maxsequence = $sequence; }
+ }
+ }
+ return (\%table, \%fileorder, $maxsequence);
+# Recursively creating the directory tree
+sub create_directory_tree
+ my ($parent, $pathcollector, $fulldir, $dirhash) = @_;
+ foreach my $dir ( keys %{$dirhash} )
+ {
+ if (( $dirhash->{$dir}->{'Directory_Parent'} eq $parent ) && ( $dirhash->{$dir}->{'DefaultDir'} ne "." ))
+ {
+ my $dirname = $dirhash->{$dir}->{'DefaultDir'};
+ # Create the directory
+ my $newdir = $fulldir . $separator . $dirname;
+ if ( ! -f $newdir ) { mkdir $newdir; }
+ # Saving in collector
+ $pathcollector->{$dir} = $newdir;
+ # Iteration
+ create_directory_tree($dir, $pathcollector, $newdir, $dirhash);
+ }
+ }
+# Creating the directory tree
+sub create_directory_structure
+ my ($dirhash, $targetdir) = @_;
+ print "Creating directories\n";
+ my %fullpathhash = ();
+ my @startparents = ("TARGETDIR", "INSTALLLOCATION");
+ foreach $dir (@startparents) { create_directory_tree($dir, \%fullpathhash, $targetdir, $dirhash); }
+ # Also adding the pathes of the startparents
+ foreach $dir (@startparents)
+ {
+ if ( ! exists($fullpathhash{$dir}) ) { $fullpathhash{$dir} = $targetdir; }
+ }
+ return \%fullpathhash;
+# Cygwin: Setting privileges for files
+sub change_privileges
+ my ($destfile, $privileges) = @_;
+ my $localcall = "chmod $privileges " . "\"" . $destfile . "\"";
+ system($localcall);
+# Cygwin: Setting privileges for files recursively
+sub change_privileges_full
+ my ($target) = @_;
+ print "Changing privileges\n";
+ my $localcall = "chmod -R 755 " . "\"" . $target . "\"";
+ system($localcall);
+# Creating a new directory with defined privileges
+sub create_directory_with_privileges
+ my ($directory, $privileges) = @_;
+ my $returnvalue = 1;
+ my $infoline = "";
+ if (!(-d $directory))
+ {
+ my $localprivileges = oct("0".$privileges); # changes "777" to 0777
+ $returnvalue = mkdir($directory, $localprivileges);
+ if ($returnvalue)
+ {
+ my $localcall = "chmod $privileges $directory \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1";
+ system($localcall);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $localcall = "chmod $privileges $directory \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1";
+ system($localcall);
+ }
+# Creating a unique directory with pid extension
+sub create_pid_directory
+ my ($directory) = @_;
+ $directory =~ s/\Q$separator\E\s*$//;
+ my $pid = $$; # process id
+ my $time = time(); # time
+ $directory = $directory . "_" . $pid . $time;
+ if ( ! -d $directory ) { create_directory($directory); }
+ else { exit_program("ERROR: Directory $directory already exists!"); }
+ return $directory;
+# Copying files into installation set
+sub copy_files_into_directory_structure
+ my ($fileorder, $filehash, $componenthash, $fullpathhash, $maxsequence, $unpackdir, $installdir, $dirhash) = @_;
+ print "Copying files\n";
+ my $unopkgfile = "";
+ for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $maxsequence; $i++ )
+ {
+ if ( exists($fileorder->{$i}) )
+ {
+ my $file = $fileorder->{$i};
+ if ( ! exists($filehash->{$file}->{'Component'}) ) { exit_program("ERROR: Did not find component for file: \"$file\"."); }
+ my $component = $filehash->{$file}->{'Component'};
+ if ( ! exists($componenthash->{$component}) ) { exit_program("ERROR: Did not find directory for component: \"$component\"."); }
+ my $dirname = $componenthash->{$component};
+ if ( ! exists($fullpathhash->{$dirname}) ) { exit_program("ERROR: Did not find full directory path for dir: \"$dirname\"."); }
+ my $destdir = $fullpathhash->{$dirname};
+ if ( ! exists($filehash->{$file}->{'FileName'}) ) { exit_program("ERROR: Did not find \"FileName\" for file: \"$file\"."); }
+ my $destfile = $filehash->{$file}->{'FileName'};
+ $destfile = $destdir . $separator . $destfile;
+ my $sourcefile = $unpackdir . $separator . $file;
+ if ( ! -f $sourcefile )
+ {
+ # It is possible, that this was an unpacked file
+ # Looking in the dirhash, to find the subdirectory in the installation set (the id is $dirname)
+ # subdir is not recursively analyzed, only one directory.
+ my $oldsourcefile = $sourcefile;
+ my $subdir = "";
+ if ( exists($dirhash->{$dirname}->{'DefaultDir'}) ) { $subdir = $dirhash->{$dirname}->{'DefaultDir'} . $separator; }
+ my $realfilename = $filehash->{$file}->{'FileName'};
+ my $localinstalldir = $installdir;
+ $localinstalldir =~ s/\\\s*$//;
+ $localinstalldir =~ s/\/\s*$//;
+ $sourcefile = $localinstalldir . $separator . $subdir . $realfilename;
+ if ( ! -f $sourcefile ) { exit_program("ERROR: File not found: \"$oldsourcefile\" (or \"$sourcefile\")."); }
+ }
+ my $copyreturn = copy($sourcefile, $destfile);
+ if ( ! $copyreturn) { exit_program("ERROR: Could not copy $source to $dest\n"); }
+ # Searching unopkg.exe
+ if ( $destfile =~ /unopkg\.exe\s*$/ ) { $unopkgfile = $destfile; }
+ # if (( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) && ( $destfile =~ /\.exe\s*$/ )) { change_privileges($destfile, "775"); }
+ }
+ # else # allowing missing sequence numbers ?
+ # {
+ # exit_program("ERROR: No file assigned to sequence $i");
+ # }
+ }
+ return ($unopkgfile);
+# Removing a complete directory with subdirectories
+sub remove_complete_directory
+ my ($directory, $start) = @_;
+ my @content = ();
+ my $infoline = "";
+ $directory =~ s/\Q$separator\E\s*$//;
+ if ( -d $directory )
+ {
+ if ( $start ) { print "Removing directory $directory\n"; }
+ opendir(DIR, $directory);
+ @content = readdir(DIR);
+ closedir(DIR);
+ my $oneitem;
+ foreach $oneitem (@content)
+ {
+ if ((!($oneitem eq ".")) && (!($oneitem eq "..")))
+ {
+ my $item = $directory . $separator . $oneitem;
+ if ( -f $item || -l $item ) # deleting files or links
+ {
+ unlink($item);
+ }
+ if ( -d $item ) # recursive
+ {
+ remove_complete_directory($item, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # try to remove empty directory
+ my $returnvalue = rmdir $directory;
+ if ( ! $returnvalue ) { print "Warning: Problem with removing empty dir $directory\n"; }
+ }
+# Defining a temporary path
+sub get_temppath
+ my $temppath = "";
+ if (( $ENV{'TMP'} ) || ( $ENV{'TEMP'} ))
+ {
+ if ( $ENV{'TMP'} ) { $temppath = $ENV{'TMP'}; }
+ elsif ( $ENV{'TEMP'} ) { $temppath = $ENV{'TEMP'}; }
+ $temppath =~ s/\Q$separator\E\s*$//; # removing ending slashes and backslashes
+ $temppath = $temppath . $separator . $globaltempdirname;
+ create_directory_with_privileges($temppath, "777");
+ my $dirsave = $temppath;
+ $temppath = $temppath . $separator . "a";
+ $temppath = create_pid_directory($temppath);
+ if ( ! -d $temppath ) { exit_program("ERROR: Failed to create directory $temppath ! Possible reason: Wrong privileges in directory $dirsave."); }
+ if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i )
+ {
+ $temppath =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ chomp( $temppath = qx{cygpath -w "$temppath"} );
+ }
+ $savetemppath = $temppath;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ exit_program("ERROR: Could not set temporary directory (TMP and TEMP not set!).");
+ }
+ return $temppath;
+# Registering extensions
+sub register_extensions_sync
+ my ($unopkgfile, $localtemppath, $preregdir) = @_;
+ if ( $preregdir eq "" )
+ {
+ my $logtext = "ERROR: Failed to determine \"prereg\" folder for extension registration! Please check your installation set.";
+ print $logtext . "\n";
+ exit_program($logtext);
+ }
+ my $from = cwd();
+ my $path = $unopkgfile;
+ get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$path);
+ $path =~ s/\\\s*$//;
+ $path =~ s/\/\s*$//;
+ my $executable = $unopkgfile;
+ make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$executable);
+ chdir($path);
+ if ( ! $path_displayed )
+ {
+ print "... current dir: $path ...\n";
+ $path_displayed = 1;
+ }
+ $localtemppath =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) {
+ $executable = "./" . $executable;
+ $preregdir = qx{cygpath -m "$preregdir"};
+ chomp($preregdir);
+ }
+ $preregdir =~ s/\/\s*$//g;
+ my $systemcall = $executable . " sync --verbose 2\>\&1 |";
+ print "... $systemcall\n";
+ my @unopkgoutput = ();
+ open (UNOPKG, $systemcall);
+ while (<UNOPKG>) {push(@unopkgoutput, $_); }
+ close (UNOPKG);
+ my $returnvalue = $?; # $? contains the return value of the systemcall
+ if ($returnvalue)
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Could not execute \"$systemcall\"!\nExitcode: '$returnvalue'\n";
+ for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#unopkgoutput; $j++ ) { print "$unopkgoutput[$j]"; }
+ exit_program("ERROR: $systemcall failed!");
+ }
+ chdir($from);
+# Registering all extensions located in /share/extension/install
+sub register_extensions
+ my ($unopkgfile, $temppath, $preregdir) = @_;
+ print "Registering extensions:\n";
+ if (( ! -f $unopkgfile ) || ( $unopkgfile eq "" ))
+ {
+ print("WARNING: Could not find unopkg.exe (Language Pack?)!\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ register_extensions_sync($unopkgfile, $temppath, $preregdir);
+ remove_complete_directory($temppath, 1);
+ }
+# Reading one file
+sub read_file
+ my ($localfile) = @_;
+ my @localfile = ();
+ open( IN, "<$localfile" ) || exit_program("ERROR: Cannot open file $localfile for reading");
+ # Don't use "my @localfile = <IN>" here, because
+ # perl has a problem with the internal "large_and_huge_malloc" function
+ # when calling perl using MacOS 10.5 with a perl built with MacOS 10.4
+ while ( $line = <IN> ) {
+ push @localfile, $line;
+ }
+ close( IN );
+ return \@localfile;
+# Setting the time string for the
+# Summary Information stream in the
+# msi database of the admin installations.
+sub get_sis_time_string
+ # Syntax: <yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss>
+ my $second = (localtime())[0];
+ my $minute = (localtime())[1];
+ my $hour = (localtime())[2];
+ my $day = (localtime())[3];
+ my $month = (localtime())[4];
+ my $year = 1900 + (localtime())[5];
+ $month++;
+ if ( $second < 10 ) { $second = "0" . $second; }
+ if ( $minute < 10 ) { $minute = "0" . $minute; }
+ if ( $hour < 10 ) { $hour = "0" . $hour; }
+ if ( $day < 10 ) { $day = "0" . $day; }
+ if ( $month < 10 ) { $month = "0" . $month; }
+ my $timestring = $year . "/" . $month . "/" . $day . " " . $hour . ":" . $minute . ":" . $second;
+ return $timestring;
+# Writing content of administrative installations into
+# Summary Information Stream of msi database.
+# This is required for example for following
+# patch processes using Windows Installer service.
+sub write_sis_info
+ my ($msidatabase) = @_;
+ print "Setting SIS in msi database\n";
+ if ( ! -f $msidatabase ) { exit_program("ERROR: Cannot find file $msidatabase"); }
+ my $msiinfo = "msiinfo.exe"; # Has to be in the path
+ my $infoline = "";
+ my $systemcall = "";
+ my $returnvalue = "";
+ # Required setting for administrative installations:
+ # -w 4 (source files are unpacked), wordcount
+ # -s <date of admin installation>, LastPrinted, Syntax: <yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss>
+ # -l <person_making_admin_installation>, LastSavedBy
+ my $wordcount = 4; # Unpacked files
+ my $lastprinted = get_sis_time_string();
+ my $lastsavedby = "Installer";
+ my $localmsidatabase = $msidatabase;
+ if( $^O =~ /cygwin/i )
+ {
+ $localmsidatabase = qx{cygpath -w "$localmsidatabase"};
+ $localmsidatabase =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $localmsidatabase =~ s/\s*$//g;
+ }
+ $systemcall = $msiinfo . " " . "\"" . $localmsidatabase . "\"" . " -w " . $wordcount . " -s " . "\"" . $lastprinted . "\"" . " -l $lastsavedby";
+ $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
+ if ($returnvalue)
+ {
+ $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute $systemcall !\n";
+ exit_program($infoline);
+ }
+# Convert time string
+sub convert_timestring
+ my ($secondstring) = @_;
+ my $timestring = "";
+ if ( $secondstring < 60 ) # less than a minute
+ {
+ if ( $secondstring < 10 ) { $secondstring = "0" . $secondstring; }
+ $timestring = "00\:$secondstring min\.";
+ }
+ elsif ( $secondstring < 3600 )
+ {
+ my $minutes = $secondstring / 60;
+ my $seconds = $secondstring % 60;
+ if ( $minutes =~ /(\d*)\.\d*/ ) { $minutes = $1; }
+ if ( $minutes < 10 ) { $minutes = "0" . $minutes; }
+ if ( $seconds < 10 ) { $seconds = "0" . $seconds; }
+ $timestring = "$minutes\:$seconds min\.";
+ }
+ else # more than one hour
+ {
+ my $hours = $secondstring / 3600;
+ my $secondstring = $secondstring % 3600;
+ my $minutes = $secondstring / 60;
+ my $seconds = $secondstring % 60;
+ if ( $hours =~ /(\d*)\.\d*/ ) { $hours = $1; }
+ if ( $minutes =~ /(\d*)\.\d*/ ) { $minutes = $1; }
+ if ( $hours < 10 ) { $hours = "0" . $hours; }
+ if ( $minutes < 10 ) { $minutes = "0" . $minutes; }
+ if ( $seconds < 10 ) { $seconds = "0" . $seconds; }
+ $timestring = "$hours\:$minutes\:$seconds hours";
+ }
+ return $timestring;
+# Returning time string for logging
+sub get_time_string
+ my $currenttime = time();
+ $currenttime = $currenttime - $starttime;
+ $currenttime = convert_timestring($currenttime);
+ $currenttime = localtime() . " \(" . $currenttime . "\)\n";
+ return $currenttime;
+# Simulating an administrative installation
+$starttime = time();
+my $temppath = get_temppath();
+print("\nmsi database: $databasepath\n");
+print("Destination directory: $targetdir\n" );
+my $helperdir = $temppath . $separator . "installhelper";
+# Get File.idt, Component.idt and Directory.idt from database
+my $tablelist = "File Directory Component Media CustomAction";
+extract_tables_from_database($databasepath, $helperdir, $tablelist);
+# Set unpackdir
+my $unpackdir = $helperdir . $separator . "unpack";
+# Reading media table to check for internal cabinet files
+my $filename = $helperdir . $separator . "Media.idt";
+if ( ! -f $filename ) { exit_program("ERROR: Could not find required file: $filename !"); }
+my $filecontent = read_file($filename);
+my $cabfilehash = analyze_media_file($filecontent);
+# Check, if there are internal cab files
+my ( $contains_internal_cabfiles, $all_internal_cab_files) = check_for_internal_cabfiles($cabfilehash);
+if ( $contains_internal_cabfiles )
+ # Set unpackdir
+ my $cabdir = $helperdir . $separator . "internal_cabs";
+ create_directory($cabdir);
+ my $from = cwd();
+ chdir($cabdir);
+ # Exclude all cabinet files from database
+ my $all_excluded_cabs = extract_cabs_from_database($databasepath, $all_internal_cab_files);
+ print "Unpacking files from internal cabinet file(s)\n";
+ foreach my $cabfile ( @{$all_excluded_cabs} ) { unpack_cabinet_file($cabfile, $unpackdir); }
+ chdir($from);
+# Unpack all cab files into $helperdir, cab files must be located next to msi database
+my $installdir = $databasepath;
+my $databasefilename = $databasepath;
+my $cabfiles = find_file_with_file_extension("cab", $installdir);
+if (( $#{$cabfiles} < 0 ) && ( ! $contains_internal_cabfiles )) { exit_program("ERROR: Did not find any cab file in directory $installdir"); }
+print "Unpacking files from cabinet file(s)\n";
+for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$cabfiles}; $i++ )
+ my $cabfile = $installdir . $separator . ${$cabfiles}[$i];
+ unpack_cabinet_file($cabfile, $unpackdir);
+# Reading tables
+$filename = $helperdir . $separator . "Directory.idt";
+$filecontent = read_file($filename);
+my $dirhash = analyze_directory_file($filecontent);
+$filename = $helperdir . $separator . "Component.idt";
+$filecontent = read_file($filename);
+my $componenthash = analyze_component_file($filecontent);
+$filename = $helperdir . $separator . "File.idt";
+$filecontent = read_file($filename);
+my ( $filehash, $fileorder, $maxsequence ) = analyze_file_file($filecontent);
+# Creating the directory structure
+my $fullpathhash = create_directory_structure($dirhash, $targetdir);
+# Copying files
+my ($unopkgfile) = copy_files_into_directory_structure($fileorder, $filehash, $componenthash, $fullpathhash, $maxsequence, $unpackdir, $installdir, $dirhash);
+if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) { change_privileges_full($targetdir); }
+my $msidatabase = $targetdir . $separator . $databasefilename;
+my $copyreturn = copy($databasepath, $msidatabase);
+if ( ! $copyreturn) { exit_program("ERROR: Could not copy $source to $dest\n"); }
+# Reading tables
+$filename = $helperdir . $separator . "CustomAction.idt";
+$filecontent = read_file($filename);
+my $register_extensions_exists = analyze_customaction_file($filecontent);
+# Removing empty dirs in extension folder
+my ( $extensionfolder, $preregdir ) = get_extensions_dir($unopkgfile);
+if ( -d $extensionfolder ) { remove_empty_dirs_in_folder($extensionfolder, 1); }
+if ( $register_extensions_exists )
+ # Registering extensions
+ register_extensions($unopkgfile, $temppath, $preregdir);
+# Saving info in Summary Information Stream of msi database (required for following patches)
+if ( $msiinfo_available ) { write_sis_info($msidatabase); }
+# Removing the helper directory
+remove_complete_directory($temppath, 1);
+print "\nSuccessful installation: " . get_time_string();
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/deregister_extensions b/setup_native/scripts/deregister_extensions
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4a8f91de41f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/deregister_extensions
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+USAGE="Usage: $0"
+SCRIPTNAME=`basename "$0"`
+PROGRAMDIR=`dirname "$0"`
+ echo
+ echo "Uninstallation script for office extensions located in <office>/share/extension/install"
+ echo
+ echo "This uninstallation script can be executed after successful installation of packages."
+ echo "Please execute this script, before uninstallation of packages."
+ echo "Usage: $0"
+ echo "No parameter required."
+ echo
+# This script is only for root installations
+# (How about installations done with user privileges?)
+# if [ $UID -ne 0 ]
+# then
+# printf "\nThis script is for installation only wiht administrative rights only\n"
+# help
+# exit 2
+# fi
+# Checking existence of unopkg in program directory
+if [ ! -f "$UNOPKG" ]; then
+ echo "Error: File $UNOPKG does not exist"
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -x "$UNOPKG" ]; then
+ echo "Error: File $UNOPKG is not an executable file"
+ exit 1
+# Collecting all files located in share/install/extensions
+FILELIST=`find $EXTENSIONDIR -type f -name "*.oxt" -print`
+if [ -z "$FILELIST" ]
+ printf "\n$0: No extensions found in $EXTENSIONDIR\n"
+ exit 2
+echo "Uninstalling:"
+for i in $FILELIST; do
+ echo `basename $i`
+for i in $FILELIST; do
+ COMMAND="$UNOPKG remove --shared `basename $i`"
+ echo $COMMAND
+echo "Uninstallation done ..."
+exit 0
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e138ae057dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+if [ "$1" = "-x" ]
+# Determining current platform
+platform=`uname -s`
+case $platform in
+ tail_prog="tail"
+ ;;
+ tail_prog="tail -n"
+ ;;
+ tail_prog="tail"
+ ;;
+# Asking for the unpack directory
+echo "Select the directory in which to save the unpacked files. [$UNPACKDIR] "
+read reply leftover
+if [ "x$reply" != "x" ]
+ UNPACKDIR="$reply"
+if [ -d $UNPACKDIR ]; then
+ printf "Directory $UNPACKDIR already exists.\n"
+ printf "Please select a new directory name.\n"
+ exit 1
+# Unpacking
+mkdir -m 700 $UNPACKDIR
+diskSpace=`df -k $UNPACKDIR | $tail_prog -1 | awk '{if ( $4 ~ /%/) { print $3 } else { print $4 } }'`
+if [ $diskSpace -lt $diskSpaceRequired ]; then
+ printf "The selected drive does not have enough disk space available.\n"
+ printf "PRODUCTNAMEPLACEHOLDER requires at least %s kByte.\n" $diskSpaceRequired
+ exit 1
+trap 'rm -rf $UNPACKDIR; exit 1' HUP INT QUIT TERM
+if [ -x /usr/bin/sum ] ; then
+ echo "File is being checked for errors ..."
+ sum=`$tail_prog +$linenum $0 | /usr/bin/sum`
+ sum=`echo $sum | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+ if [ $sum != $checksum ]; then
+ echo "The download file appears to be corrupted. Please download PRODUCTNAMEPLACEHOLDER again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+echo "Unpacking ..."
+$tail_prog +$linenum $0 | (cd $UNPACKDIR; tar xf -)
+echo "All files have been successfully unpacked."
+if [ "$EXTRACTONLY" != "yes" ]
+ if [ -f $UNPACKDIR/setup ]
+ then
+ chmod 775 $UNPACKDIR/setup
+ $UNPACKDIR/setup
+ fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/fake-db.spec b/setup_native/scripts/fake-db.spec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e6275048efe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/fake-db.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Name: fake-db
+Version: 1.0
+Release: 0
+Summary: This is a dummy package
+Group: dummy
+License: LGPL
+BuildArch: noarch
+AutoReqProv: no
+%define _tmppath /tmp
+#BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
+Provides: /bin/sh
+Provides: /bin/basename
+Provides: /bin/cat
+Provides: /bin/cp
+Provides: /bin/gawk
+Provides: /bin/grep
+Provides: /bin/ln
+Provides: /bin/ls
+Provides: /bin/mkdir
+Provides: /bin/mv
+Provides: /bin/pwd
+Provides: /bin/rm
+Provides: /bin/sed
+Provides: /bin/sort
+Provides: /bin/touch
+Provides: /usr/bin/cut
+Provides: /usr/bin/dirname
+Provides: /usr/bin/expr
+Provides: /usr/bin/find
+Provides: /usr/bin/tail
+Provides: /usr/bin/tr
+Provides: /usr/bin/wc
+a dummy package
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..c49f22ddbc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+: # -*- perl -*-
+eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}'
+ if 0;
+# create setup self extracting script
+if( $#ARGV < 2 )
+ {
+ print <<ENDHELP;
+USAGE: $0 <inputshellscript> <libraryfile> <outputshellscript>
+ <inputshellscript>: the start shell script, located next to this perl script
+ <libraryfile>: the library file, that is included into the shell script
+ <outfile>: the target shellscript
+ exit;
+ }
+$infile = $ARGV[0];
+$library = $ARGV[1];
+$outfile = $ARGV[2];
+$infile =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
+# read script header
+open( SCRIPT, "<$infile" ) || die "cannot open $infile";
+open( OUTFILE, ">$outfile$$.tmp" ) || die "cannot open $outfile";
+@scriptlines = <SCRIPT>;
+$linenum = $#scriptlines+2;
+foreach (@scriptlines)
+ # lineend conversion (be on the safe side)
+ chomp;
+ $_ =~ tr/\r//;
+ s/^\s*linenum=.*$/linenum=$linenum/;
+ print OUTFILE "$_\n";
+close( SCRIPT );
+close( OUTFILE );
+system( "cat $library >>$outfile$$.tmp" );
+rename "$outfile$$.tmp", "$outfile";
+chmod 0775, $outfile;
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c33fe989554f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+USAGE="Usage: $0 [-a,--add] [-l,--link] [-U,--update] [-h,--help] <rpm-source-dir> <office-installation-dir>"
+ echo
+ echo "User Mode Installation script for developer and knowledgeable early access tester"
+ echo
+ echo "This installation method is not intended for use in a production environment!"
+ echo "Using this script is unsupported and completely at your own risk"
+ echo
+ echo "Usage:" $0 [-lU] "<rpm-source-dir> <office-installation-dir>"
+ echo " <rpm-source-dir>: directory *only* containing the Linux rpm packages to be installed"
+ echo " or language pack shell script containing the rpm packages"
+ echo " <office-installation-dir>: directory to where the office will get installed into"
+ echo
+ echo "Optional Parameter:"
+ echo " -a,--add: add to an existing <office-installation-dir>"
+ echo " -l,--link: create a link \"soffice\" in $HOME"
+ echo " -U,--update: update without asking"
+ echo " -h,--help: output this help"
+ echo
+ # Checking, if $FILENAME is a language pack.
+ # String "language package" has to exist in the shell script file.
+ # If this is no language pack, the installation is not supported
+ SEARCHSTRING=`head --lines=10 $FILENAME | grep "language package"`
+ if [ ! -z "$SEARCHSTRING" ]
+ then
+ echo "First parameter $FILENAME is a language pack";
+ else
+ printf "\nERROR: First parameter $FILENAME is a file, but no language pack shell script.\n"
+ echo $USAGE
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ echo "Unpacking shell script $FILENAME"
+ TAILLINE=`head --lines=20 $FILENAME | sed --quiet 's/linenum=//p'`
+ UNPACKDIR=/var/tmp/install_$$
+ mkdir $UNPACKDIR
+ # UNPACKDIR=`mktemp -d`
+ tail -n +$TAILLINE $FILENAME | gunzip | (cd $UNPACKDIR; tar xvf -)
+ # Setting the new package path, in which the packages exist
+ # Setting variable UPDATE, because an Office installation has to exist, if a language pack shall be installed
+ UPDATE="yes"
+# this script is for userland not for root
+if [ $UID -eq 0 ]
+ printf "\nThis script is for installation without administrative rights only\nPlease use rpm to install as root\n"
+ help
+ exit 2
+set -- `getopt -u -o 'alhU' -l 'add,link,help,update' -- $*`
+if [ $? != 0 ]
+ echo $USAGE
+ exit 2
+for i in $*
+ case $i in
+ -a|--add) ADD="yes"; shift;;
+ -h|--help) help; exit 0;;
+ -l|--link) LINK="yes"; shift;;
+ -U|--update) UPDATE="yes"; shift;;
+ --) shift; break;;
+ esac
+if [ $# != 2 ]
+ echo $USAGE
+ exit 2
+# If the first parameter is a shell script (download installation set), the packages have to
+# be unpacked into temp directory
+if [ -f "$PACKAGE_PATH" ]
+ try_to_unpack_languagepack_file
+# Check and get the list of packages to install
+RPMLIST=`find $PACKAGE_PATH -maxdepth 2 -type f -name "*.rpm" ! -name "*-menus-*" ! -name "*-desktop-integration-*" ! -name "jre*" ! -name "*-userland-*" -print`
+if [ -z "$RPMLIST" ]
+ printf "\n$0: No packages found in $PACKAGE_PATH\n"
+ exit 2
+# #163256# check if we are on a debian system...
+if rpm --help | grep debian >/dev/null;
+ DEBIAN_FLAGS="--force-debian --nodeps"
+# Determine whether this should be an update or a fresh install
+# Check for versionrc
+if [ -f ${INSTALLDIR}/program/versionrc ]; then VERSIONRC=versionrc; fi
+if [ "$UPDATE" = "ask" ]
+ PRODUCT=`sed --silent -e "
+/^buildid=/ {
+s/buildid=\(.*\)/ [\1]/
+/^ProductKey=/ {
+}" ${INSTALLDIR}/program/${VERSIONRC:-bootstraprc} 2>/dev/null | tr -d "\012"`
+ if [ ! -z "$PRODUCT" ]
+ then
+ echo
+ echo "Found an installation of $PRODUCT in $INSTALLDIR"
+ echo
+ while [ "$UPDATE" != "yes" ]
+ do
+ read -a UPDATE -p "Do you want to update this installation (yes/no)? "
+ if [ "$UPDATE" = "no" ]
+ then
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ done
+ elif [ -d $RPM_DB_PATH -a "$ADD" = "no" ]
+ then
+ echo
+ echo "The following packages are already installed in $INSTALLDIR"
+ echo
+ rpm --dbpath `cd $RPM_DB_PATH; pwd` --query --all
+ echo
+ while [ "$UPDATE" != "yes" ]
+ do
+ read -a UPDATE -p "Do you want to continue with this installation (yes/no)? "
+ if [ "$UPDATE" = "no" ]
+ then
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ UPDATE="no"
+ fi
+# Check/Create installation directory
+if [ "$UPDATE" = "yes" ]
+ # restore original bootstraprc
+ mv -f ${INSTALLDIR}/program/bootstraprc.orig ${INSTALLDIR}/program/bootstraprc 2>/dev/null
+ # the RPM_DB_PATH must be absolute
+ if [ ! "${RPM_DB_PATH:0:1}" = "/" ]; then
+ RPM_DB_PATH=`cd ${RPM_DB_PATH}; pwd`
+ fi
+ # we should use --freshen for updates to not add languages with patches, but this will break
+ # language packs, so leave it for now ..
+# RPMCMD="--freshen"
+ RPMCMD="--upgrade"
+ rmdir ${INSTALLDIR} 2>/dev/null
+ if [ -d ${INSTALLDIR} -a "$ADD" = "no" ]
+ then
+ printf "\n$0: ${INSTALLDIR} exists and is not empty.\n"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ mkdir -p $RPM_DB_PATH || exit 2
+ # XXX why ? XXX
+ chmod 700 $RPM_DB_PATH
+ # the RPM_DB_PATH must be absolute
+ if [ ! "${RPM_DB_PATH:0:1}" = "/" ]; then
+ RPM_DB_PATH=`cd ${RPM_DB_PATH}; pwd`
+ fi
+ # Creating RPM database and initializing
+ if [ "$ADD" = "no" ]; then
+ rpm --initdb --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH
+ fi
+ # Default install command
+ RPMCMD="--install"
+# populate the private rpm database with the dependencies needed
+tail -n +$linenum $0 > $FAKEDBRPM
+rpm ${DEBIAN_FLAGS} --upgrade --ignoresize --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH $FAKEDBRPM
+echo "Packages found:"
+for i in $RPMLIST ; do
+ echo `basename $i`
+# Perform the installation
+echo "####################################################################"
+echo "# Installation of the found packages #"
+echo "####################################################################"
+echo "Path to the database: " $RPM_DB_PATH
+echo "Path to the packages: " $PACKAGE_PATH
+echo "Path to the installation: " $INSTALLDIR
+echo "Installing the RPMs"
+RELOCATIONS=`rpm -qp --qf "--relocate %{PREFIXES}=${ABSROOT}%{PREFIXES} \n" $RPMLIST | sort -u | tr -d "\012"`
+UserInstallation=\$BRAND_BASE_DIR/../UserInstallation rpm ${DEBIAN_FLAGS} $RPMCMD --ignoresize -vh $RELOCATIONS --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH $RPMLIST
+# Create a link into the users home directory
+if [ "$LINK" = "yes" ]
+ find `cd "$INSTALLDIR" && pwd` -name soffice -type f -perm /u+x -exec /bin/bash -ce 'ln -sf "$0" "$HOME/soffice" && echo "Creating link from $0 to $HOME/soffice"' {} \;
+if [ "$UPDATE" = "yes" -a ! -f $INSTALLDIR/program/bootstraprc ]
+ echo
+ echo "Update failed due to a bug in RPM, uninstalling .."
+ rpm ${DEBIAN_FLAGS} --erase -v --nodeps --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH `rpm --query --queryformat "%{NAME} " --package $RPMLIST --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH`
+ echo
+ echo "Now re-installing new packages .."
+ echo
+ rpm ${DEBIAN_FLAGS} --install --nodeps --ignoresize -vh $RELOCATIONS --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH $RPMLIST
+ echo
+# patch the "bootstraprc" to create a self-containing installation
+find "$INSTALLDIR" -type f -name bootstraprc -exec /bin/bash -ce 'test ! -e "$0".orig && mv "$0" "$0".orig && sed '\''s,^UserInstallation=$SYSUSERCONFIG.*,UserInstallation=$BRAND_BASE_DIR/../UserInstallation,'\'' "$0".orig > "$0"' {} \;
+# if an unpack directory exists, it can be removed now
+if [ ! -z "$UNPACKDIR" ]
+ rm $UNPACKDIR/*.rpm
+ rmdir $UNPACKDIR
+ echo "Removed temporary directory $UNPACKDIR"
+echo "Installation done ..."
+exit 0
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bb792bcf2618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+USAGE="Usage: $0 [-a] [-l] [-h] <pkg-source-dir> <office-installation-dir>"
+ echo
+ echo "User Mode Installation script for developer and knowledgeable early access tester"
+ echo
+ echo "This installation method is not intended for use in a production environment!"
+ echo "Using this script is unsupported and completely at your own risk"
+ echo
+ echo "Usage:" $0 "<pkg-source-dir> <office-installation-dir> [-l]"
+ echo " <pkg-source-dir>: directory *only* containing the Solaris pkg packages to be installed"
+ echo " or language pack shell script containing the Solaris pkg packages"
+ echo " <office-installation-dir>: directory to where the office and the pkg database will get installed into"
+ echo
+ echo "Optional Parameter:"
+ echo " -a : add to an existing <office-installation-dir>"
+ echo " -l : create a link \"soffice\" in $HOME"
+ echo " -h : output this help"
+ # Checking, if $FILENAME is a language pack.
+ # String "language package" has to exist in the shell script file.
+ # If this is no language pack, the installation is not supported
+ SEARCHSTRING=`head -n 10 $FILENAME | grep "language package"`
+ if [ ! -z "$SEARCHSTRING" ]
+ then
+ echo "First parameter $FILENAME is a language pack";
+ else
+ printf "\nERROR: First parameter $FILENAME is a file, but no language pack shell script.\n"
+ echo $USAGE
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ echo "Unpacking shell script $FILENAME"
+ # TAILLINE=`head -n 20 $FILENAME | sed --quiet 's/linenum=//p'`
+ TAILLINE=`head -n 20 $FILENAME | sed -n 's/linenum=//p'`
+ if [ -x "/usr/bin/mktemp" ] # available in Solaris 10
+ then
+ UNPACKDIR=`mktemp -d`
+ else
+ UNPACKDIR=/var/tmp/install_$$
+ mkdir $UNPACKDIR
+ fi
+ tail +$TAILLINE $FILENAME | gunzip | (cd $UNPACKDIR; tar xvf -)
+ # Setting the new package path, in which the packages exist
+ # Setting variable UPDATE, because an Office installation has to exist, if a language pack shall be installed
+ UPDATE="yes"
+ # pkg command failed, check for admin log and report help
+ if [ -f /tmp/ ]
+ then
+ echo "####################################################################"
+ echo "# Installation failed due to stale administrative lock #"
+ echo "####################################################################"
+ printf "\nERROR: please remove the following file first:\n"
+ ls -l /tmp/
+ fi
+ rm -f $GETUID_SO
+ exit 1
+ cd $1; ls -1
+# this script is for userland not for root
+if [ $UID -eq 0 ]
+ printf "\nThis script is for installation without administrative rights only\nPlease use pkgadd/patchadd to install as root\n"
+ help
+ exit 2
+while getopts "alh" VALUE
+ echo $VALUE
+ case $VALUE in
+ a) ADD="yes"; break;;
+ h) help; exit 0;;
+ l) LINK="yes"; break;;
+ ?) echo $USAGE; exit 2;;
+ esac
+shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
+if [ $# != 2 ]
+ echo $USAGE
+ exit 2
+# Determine whether this is a patch or a regular install set ..
+/bin/bash -c "ls $1/*/patchinfo >/dev/null 2>&1"
+if [ "$?" = 0 ]
+ UPDATE="yes"
+ PATCH_INFO_LIST=`/bin/bash -c "cd $1; ls */patchinfo"`
+ PATCH_LIST=`for i in ${PATCH_INFO_LIST}; do dirname $i; done`
+elif [ -f "$1/patchinfo" ]
+ UPDATE="yes"
+ PATCH_PATH=`dirname "$1"`
+ PATCH_LIST=`basename "$1"`
+ if [ -d "$1/packages" ]
+ then
+ PACKAGE_PATH="$1/packages"
+ else
+ fi
+ #
+ # If the first parameter is a shell script (download installation set), the packages have to
+ # be unpacked into temp directory
+ #
+ if [ -f "$PACKAGE_PATH" ]
+ then
+ try_to_unpack_languagepack_file
+ fi
+ #
+ # Create sed filter script for unwanted packages
+ #
+ cat > /tmp/userinstall_filer.$$ << EOF
+ # Do not install gnome-integration package on systems without GNOME
+ pkginfo -q SUNWgnome-vfs
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo '/-gnome/d' >> /tmp/userinstall_filer.$$
+ fi
+ # pkgdep sorts the packages based on their dependencies
+ PKGDEP="`dirname $0`/pkgdep"
+ if [ ! -x $PKGDEP ]; then
+ PKGDEP="get_pkg_list"
+ fi
+ #
+ # Get the list of packages to install
+ #
+ PKG_LIST=`$PKGDEP $PACKAGE_PATH | sed -f /tmp/userinstall_filer.$$`
+ rm -f /tmp/userinstall_filer.$$
+ if [ -z "$PKG_LIST" ]
+ then
+ printf "\n$0: No packages found in $PACKAGE_PATH\n"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ echo "Packages found:"
+ for i in $PKG_LIST ; do
+ echo $i
+ done
+if [ "$UPDATE" = "yes" ]
+ if [ ! -d ${INSTALL_ROOT}/var/sadm/install/admin ]
+ then
+ printf "\n$0: No package database in ${INSTALL_ROOT}.\n"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ if [ "$ADD" = "no" ]
+ then
+ rmdir ${INSTALL_ROOT} 2>/dev/null
+ if [ -d ${INSTALL_ROOT} ]
+ then
+ printf "\n$0: ${INSTALL_ROOT} exists and is not empty.\n"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ fi
+ mkdir -p ${INSTALL_ROOT}/var/sadm/install/admin
+# Previous versions of this script did not write this file
+if [ ! -f ${INSTALL_ROOT}/var/sadm/install/admin/default ]
+ cat > ${INSTALL_ROOT}/var/sadm/install/admin/default << EOF
+if [ ! "${INSTALL_ROOT:0:1}" = "/" ]; then
+# This script must exist to make extension registration work
+# always overwrite to get the latest version.
+mkdir -p ${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/lib
+cat > ${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/lib/postrun << \EOF
+set -e
+# Override UserInstallation in bootstraprc for unopkg ..
+export UserInstallation
+if [ -x /usr/bin/mktemp ]
+ CMD=`/usr/bin/mktemp /tmp/userinstall.XXXXXX`
+ CMD=/tmp/userinstall.$$; echo "" > $CMD
+sed -e 's|/opt/|${PKG_INSTALL_ROOT}/opt/|g' > $CMD
+/bin/sh -e $CMD
+rm -f $CMD
+chmod +x ${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/lib/postrun 2>/dev/null
+# create local tmp directory to install on S10
+if [ -x /usr/bin/mktemp ]
+ LOCAL_TMP=`mktemp -d`
+ rmdir ${INSTALL_ROOT}/tmp 2>/dev/null
+ ln -s ${LOCAL_TMP} ${INSTALL_ROOT}/tmp
+# the tail of the script contains a shared object for overloading the getuid()
+# and a few other calls
+tail +$linenum $0 > $GETUID_SO
+# Perform the installation
+if [ "$UPDATE" = "yes" ]
+ # restore original "bootstraprc" prior to patching
+ for i in ${PKG_LIST}; do
+ my_dir=${INSTALL_ROOT}`pkgparam -d ${PACKAGE_PATH} "$i" BASEDIR`
+ find "$my_dir" -type f -name bootstraprc.orig -exec sh -ce 'mv "$0" `dirname "$0"`/bootstraprc' {} \;
+ done
+ # copy INST_RELEASE file
+ if [ ! -f ${INSTALL_ROOT}/var/sadm/system/admin/INST_RELEASE ]
+ then
+ mkdir -p ${INSTALL_ROOT}/var/sadm/system/admin 2>/dev/null
+ cp -f /var/sadm/system/admin/INST_RELEASE ${INSTALL_ROOT}/var/sadm/system/admin/INST_RELEASE
+ fi
+ # The case UPDATE="yes" is valid for patch installation and for language packs.
+ # For patches the variable PKG_LIST is empty, for language packs it is not empty.
+ # Patches have to be installed with patchadd, language packs with pkgadd
+ if [ -z "${PKG_LIST}" ]
+ then
+ LD_PRELOAD_32=$GETUID_SO /usr/sbin/patchadd -R ${INSTALL_ROOT} -M ${PATCH_PATH} ${PATCH_LIST} 2>&1 | grep -v '/var/sadm/patch' || pkg_error
+ else
+ LD_PRELOAD_32=$GETUID_SO /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d ${PACKAGE_PATH} -R ${INSTALL_ROOT} ${PKG_LIST} >/dev/null || pkg_error
+ fi
+ # Create BASEDIR directories to avoid manual user interaction
+ for i in ${PKG_LIST}; do
+ mkdir -m 0755 -p ${INSTALL_ROOT}`pkgparam -d ${PACKAGE_PATH} $i BASEDIR` 2>/dev/null
+ done
+ if [ ! "${INSTALL_ROOT:0:1}" = "/" ]; then
+ fi
+ echo "####################################################################"
+ echo "# Installation of the found packages #"
+ echo "####################################################################"
+ echo
+ echo "Path to the packages : " $PACKAGE_PATH
+ echo "Path to the installation : " $INSTALL_ROOT
+ LD_PRELOAD_32=$GETUID_SO /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d ${PACKAGE_PATH} -R ${INSTALL_ROOT} ${PKG_LIST} >/dev/null || pkg_error
+rm -f $GETUID_SO
+rm -f /tmp/*
+# remove local tmp directory
+if [ ! -z ${LOCAL_TMP} ]
+ rm -f ${LOCAL_TMP}/*
+ rmdir ${LOCAL_TMP}
+ rm -f ${INSTALL_ROOT}/tmp
+ mkdir ${INSTALL_ROOT}/tmp
+# Create a link into the users home directory
+if [ "$LINK" = "yes" ]
+ rm -f $HOME/soffice 2>/dev/null
+ find `cd "$INSTALL_ROOT" && pwd` -name soffice -type f -perm -u+x -exec /bin/sh -ce 'ln -sf "$0" "$HOME/soffice" && echo "Creating link from $0 to $HOME/soffice"' {} \;
+# patch the "bootstraprc" to create a self-containing installation
+for i in ${PKG_LIST}; do
+ my_dir=${INSTALL_ROOT}`pkgparam -d ${PACKAGE_PATH} "$i" BASEDIR`
+ find "$my_dir" -type f -name bootstraprc -exec sh -ce 'test ! -f "$0".orig && mv "$0" "$0".orig && sed '\''s,^UserInstallation=$SYSUSERCONFIG.*,UserInstallation=$BRAND_BASE_DIR/../UserInstallation,'\'' "$0".orig > "$0"' {} \;
+# if an unpack directory exists, it can be removed now
+if [ ! -z "$UNPACKDIR" ]
+ # for i in ${PKG_LIST}; do
+ # cd $UNPACKDIR; rm -rf $i
+ # done
+ # rmdir $UNPACKDIR
+ rm -rf $UNPACKDIR
+ echo "Removed temporary directory $UNPACKDIR"
+echo "Installation done ..."
+exit 0
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e23505f586b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+java_versions_supported="1.4 1.5 1.6"
+ umask 022
+ echo "Using $java_runtime"
+ echo `$java_runtime -version`
+ echo "Running installer"
+ # looking for environment variables
+ home=""
+ if [ "x" != "x$HOME" ]; then
+ home=-DHOME=$HOME
+ fi
+ log_module_states=""
+ if [ "x" != "x$LOG_MODULE_STATES" ]; then
+ fi
+ getuid_path=""
+ if [ "x" != "x$GETUID_PATH" ]; then
+ fi
+ if [ "x" != "x$jrefile" ]; then
+ jrecopy=-DJRE_FILE=$jrefile
+ fi
+ # run the installer class file
+ echo $java_runtime $home $log_module_states $getuid_path $jrecopy -jar $jarfilename
+ $java_runtime $home $log_module_states $getuid_path $jrecopy -jar $jarfilename
+ if [ "x$tempdir" != "x" -a -d "$tempdir" ]; then
+ rm -rf $tempdir
+ fi
+ exitstring=$errortext
+ if [ "x" != "x$errorcode" ]; then
+ exitstring="$exitstring (exit code $errorcode)"
+ fi
+ # simply echo the exitstring or open a xterm
+ # -> dependent from tty
+ if tty ; then
+ echo $exitstring
+ else
+ mkdir $tempdir
+ # creating error file
+ errorfile=$tempdir/error
+ cat > $errorfile << EOF
+echo "$exitstring"
+echo "Press return to continue ..."
+read a
+ chmod 755 $errorfile
+ # searching for xterm in path
+ xtermname="xterm"
+ xtermfound="no";
+ for i in `echo $PATH | sed -e 's/^:/.:/g' -e 's/:$/:./g' -e 's/::/:.:/g' -e 's/:/ /g'`; do
+ if [ -x "$i/$xtermname" -a ! -d "$i/$xtermname" ]; then
+ xtermname="$i/$xtermname"
+ xtermfound="yes"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ $xtermfound = "no" -a "`uname -s`" = "SunOS" ]; then
+ if [ -x /usr/openwin/bin/xterm ]; then
+ xtermname=/usr/openwin/bin/xterm
+ xtermfound="yes"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $xtermfound = "yes" ]; then
+ $xtermname -e $errorfile
+ fi
+ fi
+ cleanup
+ exit $errorcode
+ # if "uninstalldata" exists, this is not required
+ if [ ! -d "uninstalldata" ]; then
+ packagepath="RPMS"
+ jrefile=`find $packagepath -type f -name "jre*.rpm" -print`
+ jrefile=`basename $jrefile`
+ if [ -z "$jrefile" ]; then
+ jrefile="notfound"
+ fi
+ # check existence of jre rpm
+ if [ ! -f $packagepath/$jrefile ]; then
+ errortext="Error: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) not found in directory: $packagepath"
+ errorcode="4"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Linux requires usage of rpm2cpio to install JRE with user privileges
+ # 1. --relocate /usr/java=/var/tmp does not work, because not all files are
+ # relocatable. Some are always installed into /etc
+ # 2. --root only works with root privileges. With user privileges only the
+ # database is shifted, but not the files.
+ # On Linux currently rpm2cpio is required (and rpm anyhow)
+ find_rpm2cpio()
+ if [ ! "$rpm2cpio_found" = "yes" ]; then
+ errortext="Error: Did not find rpm2cpio. rpm2cpio is currently required for installations on Linux."
+ errorcode="11"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+ find_rpm()
+ if [ ! "$rpm_found" = "yes" ]; then
+ errortext="Error: Did not find rpm. rpm is currently required for installations on Linux."
+ errorcode="12"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+ # jrefile=jre-6-linux-i586.rpm
+ # javahome=usr/java/jre1.6.0
+ packagepath="RPMS"
+ # using "uninstalldata" for uninstallation
+ if [ -d "uninstalldata" ]; then
+ packagepath="uninstalldata/jre"
+ fi
+ jrefile=`find $packagepath -type f -name "jre*.rpm" -print`
+ jrefile=`basename $jrefile`
+ if [ -z "$jrefile" ]; then
+ jrefile="notfound"
+ fi
+ # check existence of jre rpm
+ if [ ! -f $packagepath/$jrefile ]; then
+ errortext="Error: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) not found in directory: $packagepath"
+ errorcode="4"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+ PACKED_JARS="lib/rt.jar lib/jsse.jar lib/charsets.jar lib/ext/localedata.jar lib/plugin.jar lib/javaws.jar lib/deploy.jar"
+ mkdir $tempdir
+ trap 'rm -rf $tempdir; exit 1' HUP INT QUIT TERM
+ tempjrefile=$tempdir/$jrefile
+ cp $packagepath/$jrefile $tempjrefile
+ if [ ! -f "$tempjrefile" ]; then
+ errortext="Error: Failed to copy Java Runtime Environment (JRE) temporarily."
+ errorcode="5"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+ # check if copy was successful
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/sum ]; then
+ echo "Checksumming..."
+ sumA=`/usr/bin/sum $packagepath/$jrefile`
+ index=1
+ for s in $sumA; do
+ case $index in
+ 1)
+ sumA1=$s;
+ index=2;
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ sumA2=$s;
+ index=3;
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ sumB=`/usr/bin/sum $tempjrefile`
+ index=1
+ for s in $sumB; do
+ case $index in
+ 1)
+ sumB1=$s;
+ index=2;
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ sumB2=$s;
+ index=3;
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # echo "Checksum 1: A1: $sumA1 B1: $sumB1"
+ # echo "Checksum 2: A2: $sumA2 B2: $sumB2"
+ if [ $sumA1 -ne $sumB1 ] || [ $sumA2 -ne $sumB2 ]; then
+ errortext="Error: Failed to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) temporarily."
+ errorcode="6"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Can't find /usr/bin/sum to do checksum. Continuing anyway."
+ fi
+ # start to install jre
+ echo "Extracting ..."
+ olddir=`pwd`
+ cd "$tempdir"
+ rpm2cpio $tempjrefile | cpio -i --make-directories
+ rm -f $tempjrefile # we do not need it anymore, so conserve discspace
+ javahomeparent=usr/java
+ javahomedir=`find $javahomeparent -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "jre*" -print`
+ javahomedir=`basename $javahomedir`
+ if [ -z "$javahomedir" ]; then
+ javahomedir="notfound"
+ fi
+ javahome=$javahomeparent/$javahomedir
+ if [ ! -d ${javahome} ]; then
+ errortext="Error: Failed to extract the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) files."
+ errorcode="7"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+ UNPACK_EXE=$javahome/bin/unpack200
+ if [ -f $UNPACK_EXE ]; then
+ chmod +x $UNPACK_EXE
+ packerror=""
+ for i in $PACKED_JARS; do
+ if [ -f $javahome/`dirname $i`/`basename $i .jar`.pack ]; then
+ # printf "Creating %s\n" $javahome/$i
+ $UNPACK_EXE $javahome/`dirname $i`/`basename $i .jar`.pack $javahome/$i
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ ! -f $javahome/$i ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: Failed to unpack JAR file:\n\n\t%s\n\n" $i
+ printf "Installation failed. Please refer to the Troubleshooting Section of\n"
+ printf "the Installation Instructions on the download page.\n"
+ packerror="1"
+ break
+ fi
+ # remove the old pack file
+ rm -f $javahome/`dirname $i`/`basename $i .jar`.pack
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$packerror" = "1" ]; then
+ if [ -d $javahome ]; then
+ /bin/rm -rf $javahome
+ fi
+ errortext="Error: Failed to extract the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) files."
+ errorcode="8"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+ fi
+ PREFS_LOCATION="`echo \"${javahome}\" | sed -e 's/^jdk.*/&\/jre/'`/.systemPrefs"
+ if [ ! -d "${PREFS_LOCATION}" ]; then
+ mkdir -m 755 "${PREFS_LOCATION}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "${PREFS_LOCATION}/.system.lock" ]; then
+ touch "${PREFS_LOCATION}/.system.lock"
+ chmod 644 "${PREFS_LOCATION}/.system.lock"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "${PREFS_LOCATION}/.systemRootModFile" ]; then
+ touch "${PREFS_LOCATION}/.systemRootModFile"
+ chmod 644 "${PREFS_LOCATION}/.systemRootModFile"
+ fi
+ if [ x$ARCH = "x32" ] && [ -f "$javahome/bin/java" ]; then
+ "$javahome/bin/java" -client -Xshare:dump > /dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ java_runtime=$tempdir/$javahome/bin/java
+ # Make symbolic links to all TrueType font files installed in the system
+ # to avoid garbles for Japanese, Korean or Chinese
+ language=`printenv LANG | cut -c 1-3`
+ if [ x$language = "xja_" -o x$language = "xko_" -o x$language = "xzh_" ]; then
+ font_fallback_dir=$javahome/lib/fonts/fallback
+ echo "Making symbolic links to TrueType font files into $font_fallback_dir."
+ mkdir -p $font_fallback_dir
+ ttf_files=`locate "*.ttf" | xargs`
+ if [ x$ttf_files = "x" ]; then
+ ttf_files=`find /usr/share/fonts/ -name "*ttf"`
+ if [ x$ttf_files = "x" ]; then
+ ttf_files=`find /usr/X11R6/lib/ -name "*ttf"`
+ fi
+ fi
+ ln -s $ttf_files $font_fallback_dir
+ fi
+ echo "Done."
+ cd "$olddir"
+ # searching for rpm2cpio in path
+ for i in `echo $PATH | sed -e 's/^:/.:/g' -e 's/:$/:./g' -e 's/::/:.:/g' -e 's/:/ /g'`; do
+ if [ -x "$i/rpm2cpio" -a ! -d "$i/$rpm2cpio" ]; then
+ rpm2cpio_found="yes"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # searching for rpm in path
+ for i in `echo $PATH | sed -e 's/^:/.:/g' -e 's/:$/:./g' -e 's/::/:.:/g' -e 's/:/ /g'`; do
+ if [ -x "$i/rpm" -a ! -d "$i/$rpm" ]; then
+ rpm_found="yes"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # Check, if system and installation set fit together (x86 and sparc).
+ # If not, throw a warning.
+ # Architecture of the installation set is saved in file "installdata/xpd/setup.xpd"
+ # <architecture>sparc</architecture> or <architecture>i386</architecture>
+ # Architecture of system is determined with "uname -p"
+ setupxpdfile="installdata/xpd/setup.xpd"
+ if [ -f $setupxpdfile ]; then
+ platform=`uname -p` # valid values are "sparc" or "i386"
+ searchstring="<architecture>$platform</architecture>"
+ match=`cat $setupxpdfile | grep $searchstring`
+ if [ -z "$match" ]; then
+ # architecture does not fit, warning required
+ if [ "$platform" = "sparc" ]; then
+ echo "Warning: This is an attempt to install Solaris x86 packages on Solaris Sparc."
+ else
+ echo "Warning: This is an attempt to install Solaris Sparc packages on Solaris x86."
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # searching for java runtime in path
+ for i in `echo $PATH | sed -e 's/^:/.:/g' -e 's/:$/:./g' -e 's/::/:.:/g' -e 's/:/ /g'`; do
+ if [ -x "$i/$java_runtime" -a ! -d "$i/$java_runtime" ]; then
+ java_runtime="$i/$java_runtime"
+ java_runtime_found="yes"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # check version of an installed JRE
+ javaoutput=`$java_runtime -version 2>&1 | tail ${tail_args} -1`
+ hotspot=`echo $javaoutput | grep $sunjavahotspot`
+ if [ ! -z "$hotspot" ]; then
+ for i in $java_versions_supported; do
+ versionmatch=`echo $javaoutput | grep $i`
+ if [ ! -z "$versionmatch" ]; then
+ java_runtime_sufficient="yes"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # check new version format, where version number is not part of line 3 (1.6)
+ if [ ! "$java_runtime_sufficient" = "yes" ]; then
+ javaoutput=`$java_runtime -version 2>&1 | head ${tail_args} -3`
+ for i in $java_versions_supported; do
+ versionmatch=`echo $javaoutput | grep $i`
+ if [ ! -z "$versionmatch" ]; then
+ java_runtime_sufficient="yes"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+# the user might want to specify java runtime on the commandline
+USAGE="Usage: $0 [ -j <java_runtime> ]"
+while getopts hj: opt; do
+ echo "Parameter: $opt"
+ case $opt in
+ j) java_runtime_set="yes";
+ java_runtime="${OPTARG}"
+ if [ ! -f "$java_runtime" ]; then
+ errortext="Error: Invalid java runtime $java_runtime, file does not exist."
+ errorcode="2"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+ if [ ! -x "$java_runtime" ]; then
+ errortext="Error: Invalid java runtime $java_runtime, not an executable file."
+ errorcode="3"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+ java_runtime_found="yes";
+ ;;
+ h) echo ${USAGE}
+ errortext=""
+ errorcode=""
+ do_exit
+ ;;
+ \?) echo ${USAGE}
+ errortext=""
+ errorcode=""
+ do_exit
+ ;;
+ esac
+# changing into setup directory
+cd "`dirname "$0"`"
+# prepare jre, if not set on command line
+if [ "$java_runtime_set" != "yes" ]; then
+ platform=`uname -s`
+ if [ "`uname -s`" = "Linux" ]; then
+ install_linux_rpm
+ elif [ "`uname -s`" = "SunOS" ]; then
+ check_architecture
+ find_solaris_jre
+ if [ "$java_runtime_found" = "yes" ]; then
+ check_jre_version
+ if [ ! "$java_runtime_sufficient" = "yes" ]; then
+ errortext="Error: Did not find a valid Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Required JRE versions: $java_versions_supported"
+ errorcode="9"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+ else
+ errortext="Error: Did not find an installed Java Runtime Environment (JRE)."
+ errorcode="10"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+ else
+ errortext="Error: Platform $platform not supported for Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installation."
+ errorcode="1"
+ do_exit
+ fi
+# jre for Linux is also required, if java runtime is set (for uninstallation mode)
+if [ "$java_runtime_set" = "yes" ]; then
+ platform=`uname -s`
+ if [ "`uname -s`" = "Linux" ]; then
+ set_jre_for_uninstall
+ fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bf221909ebf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+MYUID=`id | sed "s/(.*//g" | sed "s/.*=//"`
+if [ $MYUID -ne 0 ]
+ echo You need to have super-user rights to install this language package
+ exit 1
+# Determining current platform
+platform=`uname -s`
+case $platform in
+ tail_prog="tail"
+ ;;
+ tail_prog="tail -n"
+ ;;
+ tail_prog="tail"
+ ;;
+more << "EOF"
+while [ x$agreed = x ]; do
+ echo
+ echo "Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no] "
+ read reply leftover
+ case $reply in
+ y* | Y*)
+ agreed=1;;
+ n* | N*)
+ echo "If you don't agree to the license you can't install this software";
+ exit 1;;
+ esac
+case $platform in
+ echo
+ echo "Searching for the FULLPRODUCTNAMELONGPLACEHOLDER installation ..."
+ PACKAGENAME=`pkginfo -x | grep $SEARCHPACKAGENAME | sed "s/ .*//"`
+ if [ "x$PACKAGENAME" != "x" ]
+ then
+ else
+ echo "FULLPRODUCTNAMELONGPLACEHOLDER not installed (no package $SEARCHPACKAGENAME installed)"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ echo
+ echo "Searching for the FULLPRODUCTNAMELONGPLACEHOLDER installation ..."
+ if [ "x$RPMNAME" != "x" ]
+ then
+ else
+ echo "FULLPRODUCTNAMELONGPLACEHOLDER not installed (no package $SEARCHPACKAGENAME installed)"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ echo "Unsupported platform"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Asking for the installation directory
+# echo
+# echo "Where do you want to install the language pack ? [$PRODUCTINSTALLLOCATION] "
+# read reply leftover
+# if [ "x$reply" != "x" ]
+# then
+# fi
+# Unpacking
+mkdir $outdir
+#diskSpace=`df -k $outdir | $tail_prog -1 | awk '{if ( $4 ~ /%/) { print $3 } else { print $4 } }'`
+#if [ $diskSpace -lt $diskSpaceRequired ]; then
+# printf "You will need atleast %s kBytes of Disk Free\n" $diskSpaceRequired
+# printf "Please free up the required Disk Space and try again\n"
+# exit 3
+trap 'rm -rf $outdir; exit 1' HUP INT QUIT TERM
+echo "Unpacking and installing..."
+#if [ -x /usr/bin/sum ] ; then
+# echo "Checksumming..."
+# sum=`/usr/bin/sum $outdir/$outname`
+# index=1
+# for s in $sum
+# do
+# case $index in
+# 1) sum1=$s;
+# index=2;
+# ;;
+# 2) sum2=$s;
+# index=3;
+# ;;
+# esac
+# done
+# if expr $sum1 != <sum1replace> || expr $sum2 != <sum2replace> ; then
+# echo "The download file appears to be corrupted. Please refer"
+# echo "to the Troubleshooting section of the Installation"
+# exit 1
+# fi
+# echo "Can't find /usr/bin/sum to do checksum. Continuing anyway."
+case $platform in
+ $tail_prog +$linenum $0 | gunzip | (cd $outdir; tar xvf -)
+ adminfile=$outdir/admin.$$
+ echo "basedir=$PRODUCTINSTALLLOCATION" > $adminfile
+ ;;
+ $tail_prog +$linenum $0 | gunzip | (cd $outdir; tar xvf -)
+ ;;
+ echo "Unsupported platform"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+rm -rf $outdir
+echo "Done..."
+exit 0
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..33a0d4127301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+MYUID=`id | sed "s/(.*//g" | sed "s/.*=//"`
+if [ $MYUID -ne 0 ]
+ echo You need to have super-user permissions to run this patch script
+ exit 1
+echo "Searching for the PRODUCTNAMEPLACEHOLDER installation ..."
+if [ "x$RPMNAME" != "x" ]
+ echo "PRODUCTNAMEPLACEHOLDER is not installed"
+ exit 1
+# Last chance to exit ..
+read -p "Patching the installation in ${FULLPRODUCTINSTALLLOCATION}. Continue (y/n) ? " -n 1 reply leftover
+[ "$reply" == "y" ] || exit 1
+echo "About to update the following packages ..."
+BASEDIR=`dirname $0`
+for i in `ls $BASEDIR/RPMS/*.rpm`
+ rpm --query `rpm --query --queryformat "%{NAME}\n" --package $i` && RPMLIST="$RPMLIST $i"
+# Save UserInstallation value
+USERINST=`grep UserInstallation ${BOOTSTRAPRC}`
+# Check, if kde-integration rpm is available
+KDERPM=`ls $BASEDIR/RPMS/*.rpm | grep kde-integration`
+if [ "x$KDERPM" != "x" ]; then
+ # Check, that $RPMLIST does not contain kde integration rpm (then it is already installed)
+ KDERPMINSTALLED=`grep kde-integration ${RPMLIST}`
+ if [ "x$KDERPMINSTALLED" == "x" ]; then
+ # Install the kde integration rpm
+ fi
+rpm --upgrade -v --hash --prefix $PRODUCTINSTALLLOCATION --notriggers $RPMLIST
+# Some RPM versions have problems with -U and --prefix
+if [ ! -f ${BOOTSTRAPRC} ]; then
+ echo Update failed due to a bug in RPM, uninstalling ..
+ rpm --erase -v --nodeps --notriggers `rpm --query --queryformat "%{NAME} " --package $RPMLIST`
+ echo
+ echo Now re-installing new packages ..
+ echo
+ rpm --install -v --hash --prefix $PRODUCTINSTALLLOCATION --notriggers $RPMLIST
+ echo
+# Restore the UserInstallation key if necessary
+DEFUSERINST=`grep UserInstallation ${BOOTSTRAPRC}`
+if [ "${USERINST}" != "${DEFUSERINST}" ]; then
+ sed "s|UserInstallation.*|${USERINST}|" ${BOOTSTRAPRC}.$$ > ${BOOTSTRAPRC}
+ rm -f ${BOOTSTRAPRC}.$$
+echo "Done."
+exit 0
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/mac_install.script b/setup_native/scripts/mac_install.script
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2b34da1b04ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/mac_install.script
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# shell script as a workaraound since it is hard to impossible to store compiled
+# applescript in CVS and running osacompile would require a GUI session while
+# building (or root privileges)
+# using osascript only works when the shell script is camouflaged as application
+MY_DIR=$(dirname "$0")
+osascript "$MY_DIR/osx_install.applescript"
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..de91bd011efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
+.IF "$(L10N_framework)"==""
+# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
+ $(BIN)$/ \
+ $(BIN)$/ \
+ $(BIN)$/ \
+ $(BIN)$/register_extensions \
+ $(BIN)$/deregister_extensions \
+ $(BIN)$/ \
+ $(BIN)$/ \
+ $(BIN)$/
+.IF "$(OS)" == "SOLARIS" || "$(OS)" == "LINUX"
+# --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------
+.ENDIF # L10N_framework
+.IF "$(L10N_framework)"==""
+.IF "$(OS)" == "SOLARIS" || ( "$(OS)" == "LINUX" && "$(PKGFORMAT)"!="$(PKGFORMAT:s/rpm//)" )
+ALLTAR: $(BIN)$/install $(BIN)$/uninstall
+$(BIN)$/install: install_$(OS:l).sh
+ $(PERL) $& $@
+ -chmod 775 $@
+.IF "$(OS)" == "LINUX"
+.IF "$(PKGFORMAT)"!="$(PKGFORMAT:s/rpm//)"
+$(FAKEDB) : fake-db.spec
+ $(RPM) --define "_builddir $(shell @cd $(FAKEDBROOT) && pwd)" --define "_rpmdir $(shell @cd $(BIN) && pwd)" -bb $<
+ chmod g+w $(NOARCH)
+$(BIN)$/install: $(FAKEDB)
+.ENDIF # "$(PKGFORMAT)"!="$(PKGFORMAT:s/rpm//)"
+ $(TYPE) $< | tr -d "\015" > $@
+ -chmod 775 $@
+.ENDIF # "$(OS)" == "LINUX"
+.IF "$(OS)" == "SOLARIS"
+$(BIN)$/install: $(LB)$/
+$(BIN)$/uninstall: $(LB)$/
+ $(PERL) $< $@
+ -chmod 775 $@
+$(LB)$/ $(LB)$/
+ @$(COPY) $< $@
+ @/usr/ccs/bin/strip $@
+.ENDIF # L10N_framework
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/osx_install_languagepack.applescript b/setup_native/scripts/osx_install_languagepack.applescript
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..68c31b709412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/osx_install_languagepack.applescript
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+This script is meant to
+ 1) Identify installed instances of the product
+ 2) check whether the user has write-access (and if not
+ ask for authentification)
+ 3) install the shipped tarball
+-- strings for localisations - to be meant to be replaced
+-- by a makefile or similar
+set OKLabel to "[OKLabel]"
+set InstallLabel to "[InstallLabel]"
+set AbortLabel to "[AbortLabel]"
+set intro to "[IntroText1]
+set chooseMyOwn to "[ChooseMyOwnText]"
+set listPrompt to "[ListPromptText]"
+set chooseManual to "[ChooseManualText]"
+set listOKLabel to "[ListOKLabelText]"
+set listCancelLabel to "[ListCancelLabel]"
+set appInvalid to "[AppInvalidText1]
+[AppInvalidText2]" -- string will begin with the chosen application's name
+set startInstall to "[StartInstallText1]
+set IdentifyQ to "[IdentifyQText]
+set IdentifyYES to "[IdentifyYES]"
+set IdentifyNO to "[IdentifyNO]"
+set installFailed to "[InstallFailedText]"
+set installComplete to "[InstallCompleteText]
+set sourcedir to (do shell script "dirname " & quoted form of POSIX path of (path to of me))
+display dialog intro buttons {AbortLabel, InstallLabel} default button 2
+if (button returned of result) is AbortLabel then
+ return 2
+end if
+set the found_ooos_all to (do shell script "mdfind \"kMDItemContentType == '' && kMDItemDisplayName == '[PRODUCTNAME]*' && kMDItemDisplayName != '[FULLAPPPRODUCTNAME].app'\"") & "
+" & chooseMyOwn
+set found_ooos_all_paragraphs to paragraphs in found_ooos_all
+set found_ooos to {}
+repeat with currentApp in found_ooos_all_paragraphs
+ if currentApp does not start with "/Volumes" then
+ copy currentApp to the end of found_ooos
+ end if
+end repeat
+-- repeat with oneApp in found_ooos
+-- display dialog oneApp
+-- end repeat
+-- the choice returned is of type "list"
+-- Show selection dialog only if more than one or no product was found
+-- The first item is an empty string, if no app was found and no app started with "/Volumes"
+-- The first item is chooseMyOwn, if no app was found and at least one app started with "/Volumes"
+if (get first item of found_ooos as string) is "" then
+ set the choice to (choose from list found_ooos default items (get second item of found_ooos) with prompt listPrompt OK button name listOKLabel cancel button name listCancelLabel)
+ if choice is false then
+ -- do nothing, the user cancelled the installation
+ return 2 --aborted by user
+ else if (choice as string) is chooseMyOwn then
+ -- yeah, one needs to use "choose file", otherwise
+ -- the user would not be able to select the .app
+ set the choice to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt chooseManual of type "" without showing package contents and invisibles)
+ end if
+else if (get first item of found_ooos as string) is chooseMyOwn then
+ set the choice to (choose from list found_ooos default items (get first item of found_ooos) with prompt listPrompt OK button name listOKLabel cancel button name listCancelLabel)
+ if choice is false then
+ -- do nothing, the user cancelled the installation
+ return 2 --aborted by user
+ else if (choice as string) is chooseMyOwn then
+ -- yeah, one needs to use "choose file", otherwise
+ -- the user would not be able to select the .app
+ set the choice to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt chooseManual of type "" without showing package contents and invisibles)
+ end if
+else if (get second item of found_ooos as string) is chooseMyOwn then
+ -- set choice to found installation
+ -- set the choice to (get first paragraph of found_ooos)
+ set the choice to (get first item of found_ooos)
+ set the choice to (choose from list found_ooos default items (get first item of found_ooos) with prompt listPrompt OK button name listOKLabel cancel button name listCancelLabel)
+ if choice is false then
+ -- do nothing, the user cancelled the installation
+ return 2 --aborted by user
+ else if (choice as string) is chooseMyOwn then
+ -- yeah, one needs to use "choose file", otherwise
+ -- the user would not be able to select the .app
+ set the choice to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt chooseManual of type "" without showing package contents and invisibles)
+ end if
+end if
+-- now only check whether the path is really from [PRODUCTNAME]
+ do shell script "grep '<string>[PRODUCTNAME] [PRODUCTVERSION]' " & quoted form of (choice as string) & "/Contents/Info.plist"
+on error
+ display dialog (choice as string) & appInvalid buttons {InstallLabel} default button 1 with icon 0
+ return 3 --wrong target-directory
+end try
+display dialog startInstall buttons {AbortLabel, InstallLabel} default button 2
+if (button returned of result) is AbortLabel then
+ return 2
+end if
+set tarCommand to "/usr/bin/tar -C " & quoted form of (choice as string) & " -xjf " & quoted form of sourcedir & "/tarball.tar.bz2"
+ do shell script tarCommand
+on error errMSG number errNUM
+ display dialog IdentifyQ buttons {IdentifyYES, IdentifyNO} with icon 2
+ if (button returned of result) is IdentifyYES then
+ try
+ do shell script tarCommand with administrator privileges
+ on error errMSG number errNUM
+ display dialog installFailed buttons {OKLabel} default button 1 with icon 0
+ -- -60005 username/password wrong
+ -- -128 aborted by user
+ -- 2 error from tar - tarball not found (easy to test)
+ return errNUM
+ end try
+ else
+ return 2 -- aborted by user
+ end if
+end try
+display dialog installComplete buttons {OKLabel} default button 1
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/osx_install_patch.applescript b/setup_native/scripts/osx_install_patch.applescript
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fc12f20108a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/osx_install_patch.applescript
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+This script is meant to
+ 1) Identify installed instances of the product
+ 2) check whether the user has write-access (and if not
+ ask for authentification)
+ 3) install the shipped tarball
+-- strings for localisations - to be meant to be replaced
+-- by a makefile or similar
+set OKLabel to "[OKLabel]"
+set InstallLabel to "[InstallLabel]"
+set AbortLabel to "[AbortLabel]"
+set intro to "[IntroText1]
+set chooseMyOwn to "[ChooseMyOwnText]"
+set listPrompt to "[ListPromptText]"
+set chooseManual to "[ChooseManualText]"
+set listOKLabel to "[ListOKLabelText]"
+set listCancelLabel to "[ListCancelLabel]"
+set appInvalid to "[AppInvalidText1]
+[AppInvalidText2]" -- string will begin with the chosen application's name
+set startInstall to "[StartInstallText1]
+set IdentifyQ to "[IdentifyQText]
+set IdentifyYES to "[IdentifyYES]"
+set IdentifyNO to "[IdentifyNO]"
+set installFailed to "[InstallFailedText]"
+set installComplete to "[InstallCompleteTextPatch]"
+set sourcedir to (do shell script "dirname " & quoted form of POSIX path of (path to of me))
+display dialog intro buttons {AbortLabel, InstallLabel} default button 2
+if (button returned of result) is AbortLabel then
+ return 2
+end if
+set the found_ooos_all to (do shell script "mdfind \"kMDItemContentType == '' && kMDItemDisplayName == '[PRODUCTNAME]*' && kMDItemDisplayName != '[FULLAPPPRODUCTNAME].app'\"") & "
+" & chooseMyOwn
+set found_ooos_all_paragraphs to paragraphs in found_ooos_all
+set found_ooos to {}
+repeat with currentApp in found_ooos_all_paragraphs
+ if currentApp does not start with "/Volumes" then
+ copy currentApp to the end of found_ooos
+ end if
+end repeat
+-- repeat with oneApp in found_ooos
+-- display dialog oneApp
+-- end repeat
+-- the choice returned is of type "list"
+-- Show selection dialog only if more than one or no product was found
+-- The first item is an empty string, if no app was found and no app started with "/Volumes"
+-- The first item is chooseMyOwn, if no app was found and at least one app started with "/Volumes"
+if (get first item of found_ooos as string) is "" then
+ set the choice to (choose from list found_ooos default items (get second item of found_ooos) with prompt listPrompt OK button name listOKLabel cancel button name listCancelLabel)
+ if choice is false then
+ -- do nothing, the user cancelled the installation
+ return 2 --aborted by user
+ else if (choice as string) is chooseMyOwn then
+ -- yeah, one needs to use "choose file", otherwise
+ -- the user would not be able to select the .app
+ set the choice to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt chooseManual of type "" without showing package contents and invisibles)
+ end if
+else if (get first item of found_ooos as string) is chooseMyOwn then
+ set the choice to (choose from list found_ooos default items (get first item of found_ooos) with prompt listPrompt OK button name listOKLabel cancel button name listCancelLabel)
+ if choice is false then
+ -- do nothing, the user cancelled the installation
+ return 2 --aborted by user
+ else if (choice as string) is chooseMyOwn then
+ -- yeah, one needs to use "choose file", otherwise
+ -- the user would not be able to select the .app
+ set the choice to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt chooseManual of type "" without showing package contents and invisibles)
+ end if
+else if (get second item of found_ooos as string) is chooseMyOwn then
+ -- set choice to found installation
+ -- set the choice to (get first paragraph of found_ooos)
+ set the choice to (get first item of found_ooos)
+ set the choice to (choose from list found_ooos default items (get first item of found_ooos) with prompt listPrompt OK button name listOKLabel cancel button name listCancelLabel)
+ if choice is false then
+ -- do nothing, the user cancelled the installation
+ return 2 --aborted by user
+ else if (choice as string) is chooseMyOwn then
+ -- yeah, one needs to use "choose file", otherwise
+ -- the user would not be able to select the .app
+ set the choice to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt chooseManual of type "" without showing package contents and invisibles)
+ end if
+end if
+-- now only check whether the path is really from [PRODUCTNAME]
+ do shell script "grep '<string>[PRODUCTNAME] [PRODUCTVERSION]' " & quoted form of (choice as string) & "/Contents/Info.plist"
+on error
+ display dialog (choice as string) & appInvalid buttons {InstallLabel} default button 1 with icon 0
+ return 3 --wrong target-directory
+end try
+display dialog startInstall buttons {AbortLabel, InstallLabel} default button 2
+if (button returned of result) is AbortLabel then
+ return 2
+end if
+set tarCommand to "/usr/bin/tar -C " & quoted form of (choice as string) & " -xjf " & quoted form of sourcedir & "/tarball.tar.bz2"
+ do shell script tarCommand
+on error errMSG number errNUM
+ display dialog IdentifyQ buttons {IdentifyYES, IdentifyNO} with icon 2
+ if (button returned of result) is IdentifyYES then
+ try
+ do shell script tarCommand with administrator privileges
+ on error errMSG number errNUM
+ display dialog installFailed buttons {OKLabel} default button 1 with icon 0
+ -- -60005 username/password wrong
+ -- -128 aborted by user
+ -- 2 error from tar - tarball not found (easy to test)
+ return errNUM
+ end try
+ else
+ return 2 -- aborted by user
+ end if
+end try
+display dialog installComplete buttons {OKLabel} default button 1
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/register_extensions b/setup_native/scripts/register_extensions
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..034642175c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/register_extensions
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+USAGE="Usage: $0"
+SCRIPTNAME=`basename "$0"`
+PROGRAMDIR=`dirname "$0"`
+ echo
+ echo "Installation script for office extensions located in <office>/share/extension/install"
+ echo
+ echo "This installation script can be executed after successful installation of packages."
+ echo "Before uninstallation please execute the script \"deregister_extensions\" located next"
+ echo "to this script."
+ echo "Usage: $0"
+ echo "No parameter required."
+ echo
+# This script is only for root installations
+# (How about installations done with user privileges?)
+# if [ $UID -ne 0 ]
+# then
+# printf "\nThis script is for installation only wiht administrative rights only\n"
+# help
+# exit 2
+# fi
+# Checking existence of unopkg in program directory
+if [ ! -f "$UNOPKG" ]; then
+ echo "Error: File $UNOPKG does not exist"
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -x "$UNOPKG" ]; then
+ echo "Error: File $UNOPKG is not an executable file"
+ exit 1
+# Collecting all files located in share/install/extensions
+FILELIST=`find $EXTENSIONDIR -type f -name "*.oxt" -print`
+if [ -z "$FILELIST" ]
+ printf "\n$0: No extensions found in $EXTENSIONDIR\n"
+ exit 2
+echo "Installing:"
+for i in $FILELIST; do
+ echo `basename $i`
+for i in $FILELIST; do
+ COMMAND="$UNOPKG add --shared --suppress-license $i"
+ echo $COMMAND
+if [ -f $REGISTERFILE ]; then
+echo "Installation done ..."
+exit 0
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/source/getuid.c b/setup_native/scripts/source/getuid.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9af63f4f079d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/source/getuid.c
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#ifdef _cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#ifdef SOLARIS
+#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+int chown (const char *path, uid_t owner, gid_t group) {return 0;}
+int lchown (const char *path, uid_t owner, gid_t group) {return 0;}
+int fchown (int fildes, uid_t owner, gid_t group) {return 0;}
+uid_t getuid (void) {return 0;}
+int stat(const char *path, struct stat *buf);
+#ifdef __notdef__
+uid_t geteuid (void) {return 0;}
+gid_t getgid (void) {return 0;}
+gid_t getegid (void) {return 0;}
+int setuid (uid_t p) {return 0;}
+int setgid (gid_t p) {return 0;}
+/* This is to fool cpio and pkgmk */
+int fstat(int fildes, struct stat *buf)
+ int ret = 0;
+ static int (*p_fstat) (int fildes, struct stat *buf) = NULL;
+ if (p_fstat == NULL)
+ p_fstat = (int (*)(int fildes, struct stat *buf))
+ dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "fstat");
+ ret = (*p_fstat)(fildes, buf);
+ if (buf != NULL)
+ {
+ buf->st_uid = 0; /* root */
+ buf->st_gid = 2; /* bin */
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* this is to fool mkdir, don't allow to remove owner execute right from directories */
+int chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode)
+ int ret = 0;
+ static int (*p_chmod) (const char *path, mode_t mode) = NULL;
+ if (p_chmod == NULL)
+ p_chmod = (int (*)(const char *path, mode_t mode))
+ dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "chmod");
+ if ((mode & S_IXUSR) == 0)
+ {
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ if (stat(path, &statbuf) == 0)
+ {
+ if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) != 0)
+ mode = (mode | S_IXUSR);
+ }
+ }
+ ret = (*p_chmod)(path, mode);
+ return ret;
+/* This is to fool tar */
+int fstatat64(int fildes, const char *path, struct stat64 *buf, int flag)
+ int ret = 0;
+ static int (*p_fstatat) (int fildes, const char *path, struct stat64 *buf, int flag) = NULL;
+ if (p_fstatat == NULL)
+ p_fstatat = (int (*)(int fildes, const char *path, struct stat64 *buf, int flag))
+ dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "fstatat64");
+ ret = (*p_fstatat)(fildes, path, buf, flag);
+ if (buf != NULL)
+ {
+ buf->st_uid = 0; /* root */
+ buf->st_gid = 2; /* bin */
+ }
+ return ret;
+#elif defined LINUX
+uid_t getuid (void) {return 0;}
+uid_t geteuid (void) {return 0;}
+/* This is to fool tar */
+#ifdef X86_64
+int __lxstat(int n, const char *path, struct stat *buf)
+ int ret = 0;
+ static int (*p_lstat) (int n, const char *path, struct stat *buf) = NULL;
+ if (p_lstat == NULL)
+ p_lstat = (int (*)(int n, const char *path, struct stat *buf))
+ dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "__lxstat");
+ ret = (*p_lstat)(n, path, buf);
+ if (buf != NULL)
+ {
+ buf->st_uid = 0; /* root */
+ buf->st_gid = 0; /* root */
+ }
+ return ret;
+int __lxstat64(int n, const char *path, struct stat64 *buf)
+ int ret = 0;
+ static int (*p_lstat) (int n, const char *path, struct stat64 *buf) = NULL;
+ if (p_lstat == NULL)
+ p_lstat = (int (*)(int n, const char *path, struct stat64 *buf))
+ dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "__lxstat64");
+ ret = (*p_lstat)(n, path, buf);
+ if (buf != NULL)
+ {
+ buf->st_uid = 0;
+ buf->st_gid = 0;
+ }
+ return ret;
+#ifdef _cplusplus
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/source/ b/setup_native/scripts/source/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6933f53d6149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
+# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
+# no 'lib' prefix
+# no _version.o
+.IF "$(OS)" == "LINUX" || "$(OS)" == "SOLARIS"
+.IF "$(OS)" == "LINUX"
+.IF "$(OS)" == "SOLARIS"
+.IF "$(CPU)" == "I"
+.IF "$(COM)" != "GCC"
+# this object must not be a Ultra SPARC binary, this does not
+# work with /usr/bin/sort and such. Needs to be 32 bit even in
+# 64 bit builds
+.IF "$(OS)" == "SOLARIS"
+.IF "$(COM)" != "GCC"
+.IF "$(CPU)" == "S"
+.IF "$(CPU)"=="U"
+SLOFILES = $(SLO)$/getuid.obj
+# --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..52ff8abcb0ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# All rights reserved.
+if [ `uname -s` = "SunOS" ]; then
+ STCLIENT=/usr/bin/stclient
+ STCLIENT=/opt/sun/servicetag/bin/stclient
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]
+ case "$1" in
+ -t) TARGET_URN="$2"; shift;;
+ -p) PRODUCT_NAME="$2"; shift;;
+ -e) PRODUCT_VERSION="$2"; shift;;
+ -i) INSTANCE_URN="$2"; shift;;
+ -P) PARENT_PRODUCT_NAME="$2"; shift;;
+ -S) PRODUCT_SOURCE="$2"; shift;;
+ --) shift; break;;
+ -*)
+ echo >&2 \
+ "usage: $0 -p <product name> -e <product version> -t <urn> -S <source> -P <parent product name> [-i <instance urn>]"
+ exit 1;;
+ *) break;;
+ esac
+ shift
+[ -x "$STCLIENT" ] || exit 1
+# test if already registered
+if [ ! -n $INSTANCE_URN ]; then
+ # retry on unexpected error codes
+ [ ${EXITCODE} -eq 0 -o ${EXITCODE} -eq 225 ] || exit 1
+ # early versions did not have a dedicated exitcode, so need to compare text output
+ [ ${EXITCODE} -eq 225 -o "${TEST}" = "No records found" ] || echo "${TEST}"; exit 0
+uname=`uname -p`
+if [ `uname -s` = "SunOS" ]; then
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/zonename ]; then
+ zone=`/usr/bin/zonename`
+ fi
+output=`"${STCLIENT}" -a -p "${PRODUCT_NAME}" -e "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" -t ${TARGET_URN} -S "${PRODUCT_SOURCE}" -P "${PARENT_PRODUCT_NAME}" ${INSTANCE_URN:+"-i"} ${INSTANCE_URN} -m "Sun Microsystems, Inc." -A "${uname}" -z "${zone}"`; EXITCODE=$?
+[ "${INSTANCE_URN}" = "" -a ${EXITCODE} -eq 226 ] && exit 0
+exit ${EXITCODE}
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9ec68855c927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Linux deinstallation
+# No parameter required, all RPMs listed in $HOME/.RPM_OFFICEDATABASE
+# will be removed.
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]
+ echo
+ echo "Usage:" $0 "<office-installation-dir>"
+ echo " <inst-destination-dir>: directory where the office to be removed is installed"
+ echo
+ exit 2
+# Check for old style .RPM_OFFICEDATABASE first
+# the RPM_DB_PATH must be absolute
+if [ ! "${RPM_DB_PATH:0:1}" = "/" ]; then
+ RPM_DB_PATH=`cd ${RPM_DB_PATH}; pwd`
+RPMLIST=`rpm --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH --query --all`
+# Output ...
+echo "#########################################"
+echo "# Deinstallation of Office RPMs #"
+echo "#########################################"
+echo "Path to the RPM database: " $RPM_DB_PATH
+echo "RPMs to deinstall:"
+echo "$RPMLIST"
+echo "===================================================================="
+# Restore original bootstraprc
+mv -f $1/program/bootstraprc.orig $1/program/bootstraprc
+rpm --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH --erase $RPMLIST || exit 2
+echo "Removing RPM database ..."
+rm -rf $RPM_DB_PATH
+echo "Deinstallation done."
+exit 0
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..970191f08421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# First parameter: Root path that will be removed
+# MY_ROOT=/export/home/is/root
+if [ $# -ne 1 -o -z "$1" ]
+ echo "One parameter required"
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo "1. parameter: Path to the local root directory"
+ echo "All packages in local database will be removed!"
+ exit 2
+cd `dirname $0`
+tail +$linenum `basename $0` > $GETUID_SO
+PKGLIST=`pkginfo -R $MY_ROOT | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | grep -v core`
+COREPKG=`pkginfo -R $MY_ROOT | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | grep core`
+COREPKG01=`pkginfo -R $MY_ROOT | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | grep core01`
+echo "#############################################"
+echo "# Deinstallation of Office packages #"
+echo "#############################################"
+echo "Path to the root directory : " $MY_ROOT
+echo "Packages to deinstall:"
+for i in $PKGLIST $COREPKG; do
+ echo $i
+# Restore original bootstraprc
+mv -f $INSTALL_DIR/program/bootstraprc.orig $INSTALL_DIR/program/bootstraprc
+for i in $PKGLIST $COREPKG; do
+ LD_PRELOAD=$GETUID_SO /usr/sbin/pkgrm -n -R $MY_ROOT $i
+# Removing old root directory, very dangerous!
+# rm -rf $MY_ROOT
+# removing library in temp directory
+rm -f $GETUID_SO
+echo "Deinstallation done..."
+exit 0
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d93bb2749c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+EXTENSION=`expr "//$1" : '.*\/.*\.\(t.*\)'`
+[ -z $EXTENSION ] && ( echo "Unable to determine file type"; exit 2 )
+BASEDIR=`dirname "$1"`
+FOLDER=`basename "$1" ".$EXTENSION"`
+while [ -d "$DESTPATH" ]; do
+ NUM=`expr $NUM + 1`
+mkdir "$DESTPATH"
+if [ "$EXTENSION" = "tar.gz" -o "$EXTENSION" = "tgz" ]; then
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/gzcat ]; then
+ /usr/bin/gzcat "$1" | tar -xf -
+ else
+ tar -xzf "$1"
+ fi
+elif [ "$EXTENSION" = "tar.bz2" -o "$EXTENSION" = "tbz2" ]; then
+ /usr/bin/bzcat "$1" | tar -xf -
+ echo "Unsupported type of archive"
+ exit 2
+UPDATE=`eval ls */update` && SUBFOLDER=`dirname $UPDATE` && mv $SUBFOLDER/* . && rmdir $SUBFOLDER && echo "$DESTPATH/update"
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/ b/setup_native/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..20b8bbae0292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+GNOMECMDS="/usr/bin/gnome-terminal /opt/gnome/bin/gnome-terminal"
+KDEXCMDS="/usr/bin/kdesu /opt/kde/bin/kdesu /opt/kde?/bin/kdesu"
+KDECMDS="/usr/bin/konsole /opt/kde/bin/konsole /opt/kde?/bin/konsole"
+MISCCMDS="/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator /usr/X11/bin/xterm /usr/openwin/bin/xterm"
+# Usage
+Usage () {
+ if [ "`basename $0`" = "update" ]; then
+ echo "Usage: `basename $0` [<path to ${PRODUCTNAME} installation>]"
+ fi
+ echo
+ exit 2
+make_tempfile() {
+ # Always prefer mktemp when available
+ if [ -x "$MKTEMP" ]; then
+ "$MKTEMP" "/tmp/$1.XXXXXX"
+ else
+ TMPCMD="/tmp/$1.$$"
+ touch $TMPCMD
+ echo $TMPCMD
+ fi
+# make_command_file - generate a command file to pass to xterm & co
+run_in_terminal () {
+ TMPCMD=`make_tempfile ''`
+ cat >> $TMPCMD
+ cat >> $TMPCMD << \EOF
+if [ $? -eq 0 -a ! -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "Press <Enter> to close this window"
+ read DUMMY
+ cat >> $TMPCMD << EOF
+rm -f $TMPCMD
+ chmod a+x $TMPCMD
+ exec "$@" -e $TMPCMD
+# run the command line passed as positional parameters either via
+# gksu/kdesu or via su command in a terminal emulator.
+elevate() {
+ case `basename $XTERM` in
+ "xterm")
+ TITLEOPT="-title"
+ GEOMOPT="-geometry "
+ ;;
+ "gnome-terminal" | "konsole" | "x-terminal-emulator")
+ TITLEOPT="--title"
+ GEOMOPT="--geometry="
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case `basename $SU` in
+ "kdesu" )
+ # --caption
+ SUOPT="-t"
+ ;;
+ "gksu" )
+ # --title
+ SUOPT=""
+ ;;
+ "su" )
+ SUOPT="- root -c"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ( echo "echo The application \"$@\" will update your ${PRODUCTNAME} installation."
+ echo "echo"
+ echo "$SU" "$SUOPT" "$@"
+ ) | run_in_terminal "$XTERM" "$TITLEOPT" "$TITLE" ${GEOMOPT}+300+300
+update_pkg() {
+ ADMINFILE=`make_tempfile ''`
+cat >> $ADMINFILE << EOF
+ for i in `cd $1; ls -d *`; do
+ pkginfo -q $i && PKGLIST="$PKGLIST $i"
+ done
+ pkgrm -n -a $ADMINFILE $PKGLIST
+ pkgadd -n -a $ADMINFILE -d $1 $PKGLIST
+ rm -f $ADMINFILE
+# main
+CMD="`basename $0`"
+BASEDIR="`dirname $0`"
+if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
+ SU="su"
+ XTERM=""
+ # define search order depending on the desktop in use ..
+ if [ "`uname -s`" = "SunOS" ]; then
+ XPROP=/usr/openwin/bin/xprop
+ GREP=/usr/xpg4/bin/grep
+ MKTEMP=/usr/bin/mktemp
+ else
+ if [ -x /usr/X11/bin/xprop ]; then
+ XPROP=/usr/X11/bin/xprop
+ else
+ XPROP=/usr/bin/xprop
+ fi
+ GREP=grep
+ MKTEMP=/bin/mktemp
+ fi
+ # use desktop specific tools where possible, but prefer X11 su over terminal emulators
+ if $XPROP -root | $GREP -q '^KWIN_RUNNING'; then
+ else
+ fi
+ # search for the first available terminal emulator
+ for i in $XTERMLIST; do
+ if [ -x $i ]; then
+ XTERM=$i
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # we prefer gksu or kdesu if available
+ SU="su"
+ for i in $SULIST; do
+ if [ -x $i ]; then
+ SU=$i
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+if [ "$CMD" = "update" ]; then
+ if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
+ [ -d $1 -a $# -eq 1 ] || Usage
+ elevate "$ABSBASEDIR/$CMD"
+ else
+ if [ -d "$BASEDIR/RPMS" ]; then
+ # do not use --hash as the control sequence to edit the current line does not work
+ # in our setup (at least not with kdesu)
+ rpm -v --freshen `find "$BASEDIR"/RPMS -name '*.rpm'`
+ elif [ -d "$BASEDIR/DEBS" ]; then
+ dpkg --install --selected-only --recursive "$BASEDIR"/DEBS
+ elif [ -d "$BASEDIR/packages" ]; then
+ update_pkg "$BASEDIR/packages"
+ fi
+ fi
+ Usage
diff --git a/setup_native/scripts/userland.txt b/setup_native/scripts/userland.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9983ab46fe16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup_native/scripts/userland.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.