path: root/sc/source/ui/view/tabview2.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sc/source/ui/view/tabview2.cxx')
1 files changed, 761 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/view/tabview2.cxx b/sc/source/ui/view/tabview2.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..26d95223617c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/view/tabview2.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,761 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: tabview2.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:09 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "scitems.hxx"
+#include <vcl/timer.hxx>
+#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/childwin.hxx>
+#include "pagedata.hxx"
+#include "tabview.hxx"
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include "printfun.hxx"
+#include "stlpool.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+#include "gridwin.hxx"
+#include "olinewin.hxx"
+#include "uiitems.hxx"
+#include "sc.hrc"
+#include "viewutil.hxx"
+#include "colrowba.hxx"
+#include "waitoff.hxx"
+#include "globstr.hrc"
+// Markier - Funktionen
+void ScTabView::PaintMarks(USHORT nStartCol, USHORT nStartRow, USHORT nEndCol, USHORT nEndRow )
+ if (nStartCol > MAXCOL) nStartCol = MAXCOL;
+ if (nStartRow > MAXROW) nStartRow = MAXROW;
+ if (nEndCol > MAXCOL) nEndCol = MAXCOL;
+ if (nEndRow > MAXROW) nEndRow = MAXROW;
+ BOOL bLeft = (nStartCol==0 && nEndCol==MAXCOL);
+ BOOL bTop = (nStartRow==0 && nEndRow==MAXROW);
+ if (bLeft)
+ PaintLeftArea( nStartRow, nEndRow );
+ if (bTop)
+ PaintTopArea( nStartCol, nEndCol );
+ aViewData.GetDocument()->ExtendMerge( nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow,
+ aViewData.GetTabNo() );
+ PaintArea( nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow, SC_UPDATE_MARKS );
+BOOL ScTabView::IsMarking( USHORT nCol, USHORT nRow, USHORT nTab ) const
+ return bIsBlockMode
+ && nBlockStartX == nCol
+ && nBlockStartY == nRow
+ && nBlockStartZ == nTab;
+void ScTabView::InitOwnBlockMode()
+ if (!bIsBlockMode)
+ {
+ // Wenn keine (alte) Markierung mehr da ist, Anker in SelectionEngine loeschen:
+ ScMarkData& rMark = aViewData.GetMarkData();
+ if (!rMark.IsMarked() && !rMark.IsMultiMarked())
+ GetSelEngine()->CursorPosChanging( FALSE, FALSE );
+// bIsBlockMode = TRUE;
+ bIsBlockMode = SC_BLOCKMODE_OWN; //! Variable umbenennen!
+ nBlockStartX = 0;
+ nBlockStartY = 0;
+ nBlockStartZ = 0;
+ nBlockEndX = 0;
+ nBlockEndY = 0;
+ nBlockEndZ = 0;
+ SelectionChanged(); // Status wird mit gesetzer Markierung abgefragt
+ }
+void ScTabView::InitBlockMode( USHORT nCurX, USHORT nCurY, USHORT nCurZ,
+ BOOL bTestNeg, BOOL bCols, BOOL bRows )
+ if (!bIsBlockMode)
+ {
+ if (nCurX > MAXCOL) nCurX = MAXCOL;
+ if (nCurY > MAXROW) nCurY = MAXROW;
+ ScMarkData& rMark = aViewData.GetMarkData();
+ USHORT nTab = aViewData.GetTabNo();
+ // Teil von Markierung aufheben?
+ if (bTestNeg)
+ {
+ if ( bCols )
+ bBlockNeg = rMark.IsColumnMarked( nCurX );
+ else if ( bRows )
+ bBlockNeg = rMark.IsRowMarked( nCurY );
+ else
+ bBlockNeg = rMark.IsCellMarked( nCurX, nCurY );
+ }
+ else
+ bBlockNeg = FALSE;
+ rMark.SetMarkNegative(bBlockNeg);
+// bIsBlockMode = TRUE;
+ bIsBlockMode = SC_BLOCKMODE_NORMAL; //! Variable umbenennen!
+ bBlockCols = bCols;
+ bBlockRows = bRows;
+ nBlockStartX = nCurX;
+ nBlockStartY = nCurY;
+ nBlockStartZ = nCurZ;
+ nBlockEndX = nBlockStartX;
+ nBlockEndY = nBlockStartY;
+ nBlockEndZ = nBlockStartZ;
+ if (bBlockCols)
+ {
+ nBlockStartY = 0;
+ nBlockEndY = MAXROW;
+ }
+ if (bBlockRows)
+ {
+ nBlockStartX = 0;
+ nBlockEndX = MAXCOL;
+ }
+ rMark.SetMarkArea( ScRange( nBlockStartX,nBlockStartY, nTab, nBlockEndX,nBlockEndY, nTab ) );
+ InvertBlockMark( nBlockStartX,nBlockStartY,nBlockEndX,nBlockEndY );
+ }
+void ScTabView::DoneBlockMode( BOOL bContinue ) // Default FALSE
+ // Wenn zwischen Tabellen- und Header SelectionEngine gewechselt wird,
+ // wird evtl. DeselectAll gerufen, weil die andere Engine keinen Anker hat.
+ // Mit bMoveIsShift wird verhindert, dass dann die Selektion aufgehoben wird.
+ if (bIsBlockMode && !bMoveIsShift)
+ {
+ ScMarkData& rMark = aViewData.GetMarkData();
+ BOOL bFlag = rMark.GetMarkingFlag();
+ rMark.SetMarking(FALSE);
+ if (bBlockNeg && !bContinue)
+ rMark.MarkToMulti();
+ if (bContinue)
+ rMark.MarkToMulti();
+ else
+ {
+ // Die Tabelle kann an dieser Stelle ungueltig sein, weil DoneBlockMode
+ // aus SetTabNo aufgerufen wird
+ // (z.B. wenn die aktuelle Tabelle von einer anderen View aus geloescht wird)
+ USHORT nTab = aViewData.GetTabNo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = aViewData.GetDocument();
+ if ( pDoc->HasTable(nTab) )
+ PaintBlock( TRUE ); // TRUE -> Block loeschen
+ else
+ rMark.ResetMark();
+ }
+// bIsBlockMode = FALSE;
+ bIsBlockMode = SC_BLOCKMODE_NONE; //! Variable umbenennen!
+ rMark.SetMarking(bFlag);
+ rMark.SetMarkNegative(FALSE);
+ }
+void ScTabView::MarkCursor( USHORT nCurX, USHORT nCurY, USHORT nCurZ, BOOL bCols, BOOL bRows )
+ if (nCurX > MAXCOL) nCurX = MAXCOL;
+ if (nCurY > MAXROW) nCurY = MAXROW;
+ if (!bIsBlockMode)
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR( "MarkCursor nicht im BlockMode" );
+ InitBlockMode( nCurX, nCurY, nCurZ, FALSE, bCols, bRows );
+ }
+ if (bBlockCols)
+ nCurY = MAXROW;
+ if (bBlockRows)
+ nCurX = MAXCOL;
+ ScMarkData& rMark = aViewData.GetMarkData();
+ DBG_ASSERT(rMark.IsMarked() || rMark.IsMultiMarked(), "MarkCursor, !IsMarked()");
+ ScRange aMarkRange;
+ rMark.GetMarkArea(aMarkRange);
+ if (( aMarkRange.aStart.Col() != nBlockStartX && aMarkRange.aEnd.Col() != nBlockStartX ) ||
+ ( aMarkRange.aStart.Row() != nBlockStartY && aMarkRange.aEnd.Row() != nBlockStartY ) ||
+ ( bIsBlockMode == SC_BLOCKMODE_OWN ))
+ {
+ // Markierung ist veraendert worden
+ // (z.B. MarkToSimple, wenn per negativ alles bis auf ein Rechteck geloescht wurde)
+ // oder nach InitOwnBlockMode wird mit Shift-Klick weitermarkiert...
+ BOOL bOldShift = bMoveIsShift;
+ bMoveIsShift = FALSE; // wirklich umsetzen
+ DoneBlockMode(FALSE); //! direkt Variablen setzen? (-> kein Geflacker)
+ bMoveIsShift = bOldShift;
+ InitBlockMode( aMarkRange.aStart.Col(), aMarkRange.aStart.Row(),
+ nBlockStartZ, rMark.IsMarkNegative(), bCols, bRows );
+ }
+ USHORT nOldCurX = nBlockEndX;
+ USHORT nOldCurY = nBlockEndY;
+ if ( nCurX != nOldCurX || nCurY != nOldCurY )
+ {
+ USHORT nTab = nCurZ;
+ USHORT nDrawStartCol;
+ USHORT nDrawStartRow;
+ USHORT nDrawEndCol;
+ USHORT nDrawEndRow;
+ ScUpdateRect aRect( nBlockStartX, nBlockStartY, nOldCurX, nOldCurY );
+ aRect.SetNew( nBlockStartX, nBlockStartY, nCurX, nCurY );
+ BOOL bCont;
+ BOOL bDraw = aRect.GetXorDiff( nDrawStartCol, nDrawStartRow,
+ nDrawEndCol, nDrawEndRow, bCont );
+ nBlockEndX = nCurX;
+ nBlockEndY = nCurY;
+ rMark.SetMarkArea( ScRange( nBlockStartX, nBlockStartY, nTab, nBlockEndX, nBlockEndY, nTab ) );
+ if ( bDraw )
+ {
+//? PutInOrder( nDrawStartCol, nDrawEndCol );
+//? PutInOrder( nDrawStartRow, nDrawEndRow );
+ HideAllCursors();
+ InvertBlockMark( nDrawStartCol, nDrawStartRow, nDrawEndCol, nDrawEndRow );
+ if (bCont)
+ {
+ aRect.GetContDiff( nDrawStartCol, nDrawStartRow, nDrawEndCol, nDrawEndRow );
+ InvertBlockMark( nDrawStartCol, nDrawStartRow, nDrawEndCol, nDrawEndRow );
+ }
+ ShowAllCursors();
+ }
+ aViewData.GetViewShell()->UpdateInputHandler();
+// InvalidateAttribs();
+ }
+//! PaintBlock in zwei Methoden aufteilen: RepaintBlock und RemoveBlock
+void ScTabView::PaintBlock( BOOL bReset )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = aViewData.GetDocument();
+ ScMarkData& rMark = aViewData.GetMarkData();
+ USHORT nTab = aViewData.GetTabNo();
+ BOOL bMark = rMark.IsMarked();
+ BOOL bMulti = rMark.IsMultiMarked();
+ if (bMark || bMulti)
+ {
+ ScRange aMarkRange;
+ HideAllCursors();
+ BOOL bWasMulti = bMulti;
+ if (bMulti)
+ {
+ BOOL bFlag = rMark.GetMarkingFlag();
+ rMark.SetMarking(FALSE);
+ rMark.MarkToMulti();
+ rMark.GetMultiMarkArea(aMarkRange);
+ rMark.MarkToSimple();
+ rMark.SetMarking(bFlag);
+ bMark = rMark.IsMarked();
+ bMulti = rMark.IsMultiMarked();
+ }
+ else
+ rMark.GetMarkArea(aMarkRange);
+ nBlockStartX = aMarkRange.aStart.Col();
+ nBlockStartY = aMarkRange.aStart.Row();
+ nBlockStartZ = aMarkRange.aStart.Tab();
+ nBlockEndX = aMarkRange.aEnd.Col();
+ nBlockEndY = aMarkRange.aEnd.Row();
+ nBlockEndZ = aMarkRange.aEnd.Tab();
+ BOOL bDidReset = FALSE;
+ if ( nTab>=nBlockStartZ && nTab<=nBlockEndZ )
+ {
+ if ( bReset )
+ {
+ // Invertieren beim Loeschen nur auf aktiver View
+ if ( aViewData.IsActive() )
+ {
+ if ( bMulti )
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++)
+ if (pGridWin[i] && pGridWin[i]->IsVisible())
+ pGridWin[i]->InvertSimple( nBlockStartX, nBlockStartY,
+ nBlockEndX, nBlockEndY,
+ rMark.ResetMark();
+ bDidReset = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // (mis)use InvertBlockMark to remove all of the selection
+ // -> set bBlockNeg (like when removing parts of a selection)
+ // and convert everything to Multi
+ rMark.MarkToMulti();
+ BOOL bOld = bBlockNeg;
+ bBlockNeg = TRUE;
+ // #73130# (negative) MarkArea must be set in case of repaint
+ rMark.SetMarkArea( ScRange( nBlockStartX,nBlockStartY, nTab,
+ nBlockEndX,nBlockEndY, nTab ) );
+ InvertBlockMark( nBlockStartX, nBlockStartY, nBlockEndX, nBlockEndY );
+ bBlockNeg = bOld;
+ rMark.ResetMark();
+ bDidReset = TRUE;
+ }
+ // repaint if controls are touched (#69680# in both cases)
+ Rectangle aMMRect = pDoc->GetMMRect(nBlockStartX,nBlockStartY,nBlockEndX,nBlockEndY, nTab);
+ if (pDoc->HasControl( nTab, aMMRect ))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++)
+ if (pGridWin[i] && pGridWin[i]->IsVisible())
+ {
+ // MapMode muss logischer (1/100mm) sein !!!
+ pDoc->InvalidateControls( pGridWin[i], nTab, aMMRect );
+ pGridWin[i]->Update();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ PaintMarks( nBlockStartX, nBlockStartY, nBlockEndX, nBlockEndY );
+ }
+ if ( bReset && !bDidReset )
+ rMark.ResetMark();
+ ShowAllCursors();
+ }
+void ScTabView::SelectAll( BOOL bContinue )
+ ScMarkData& rMark = aViewData.GetMarkData();
+ USHORT nTab = aViewData.GetTabNo();
+ if (rMark.IsMarked())
+ {
+ ScRange aMarkRange;
+ rMark.GetMarkArea( aMarkRange );
+ if ( aMarkRange == ScRange( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab ) )
+ return;
+ }
+ DoneBlockMode( bContinue );
+ InitBlockMode( 0,0,nTab );
+ MarkCursor( MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab );
+ SelectionChanged();
+void ScTabView::SelectAllTables()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = aViewData.GetDocument();
+ ScMarkData& rMark = aViewData.GetMarkData();
+ USHORT nTab = aViewData.GetTabNo();
+ USHORT nCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ if (nCount>1)
+ {
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ rMark.SelectTable( i, TRUE );
+ // Markierungen werden per Default nicht pro Tabelle gehalten
+// pDoc->ExtendMarksFromTable( nTab );
+ aViewData.GetDocShell()->PostPaintExtras();
+ SFX_BINDINGS().Invalidate( FID_FILL_TAB );
+ }
+BOOL lcl_FitsInWindow( double fScaleX, double fScaleY, USHORT nZoom,
+ long nWindowX, long nWindowY, ScDocument* pDoc, USHORT nTab,
+ USHORT nStartCol, USHORT nStartRow, USHORT nEndCol, USHORT nEndRow )
+ double fZoomFactor = (double)Fraction(nZoom,100);
+ fScaleX *= fZoomFactor;
+ fScaleY *= fZoomFactor;
+ long nBlockX = 0;
+ for (USHORT nCol=nStartCol; nCol<=nEndCol; nCol++)
+ {
+ USHORT nColTwips = pDoc->GetColWidth( nCol, nTab );
+ if (nColTwips)
+ {
+ nBlockX += (long)(nColTwips * fScaleX);
+ if (nBlockX > nWindowX)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ long nBlockY = 0;
+ for (USHORT nRow=nStartRow; nRow<=nEndRow; nRow++)
+ {
+ USHORT nRowTwips = pDoc->GetRowHeight( nRow, nTab );
+ if (nRowTwips)
+ {
+ nBlockY += (long)(nRowTwips * fScaleY);
+ if (nBlockY > nWindowY)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+USHORT ScTabView::CalcZoom( SvxZoomType eType, USHORT nOldZoom )
+ USHORT nZoom = 0; // Ergebnis
+ switch ( eType )
+ {
+ case SVX_ZOOM_PERCENT: // rZoom ist kein besonderer prozentualer Wert
+ nZoom = nOldZoom;
+ break;
+ case SVX_ZOOM_OPTIMAL: // nZoom entspricht der optimalen Gr"o\se
+ {
+ ScMarkData& rMark = aViewData.GetMarkData();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = aViewData.GetDocument();
+ if (!rMark.IsMarked())
+ nZoom = 100; // nichts markiert
+ else
+ {
+ USHORT nTab = aViewData.GetTabNo();
+ ScRange aMarkRange;
+ if ( !aViewData.GetSimpleArea( aMarkRange ) )
+ rMark.GetMultiMarkArea( aMarkRange );
+ USHORT nStartCol = aMarkRange.aStart.Col();
+ USHORT nStartRow = aMarkRange.aStart.Row();
+ USHORT nStartTab = aMarkRange.aStart.Tab();
+ USHORT nEndCol = aMarkRange.aEnd.Col();
+ USHORT nEndRow = aMarkRange.aEnd.Row();
+ USHORT nEndTab = aMarkRange.aEnd.Tab();
+ if ( nTab < nStartTab && nTab > nEndTab )
+ nTab = nStartTab;
+ // Wegen der Pixel-Rundungs-Arie kann man zuverlaessig nur nachrechnen,
+ // ob ein bestimmter Zoom in das Fenster passt - darum wird geschachtelt
+ Size aWinSize = pGridWin[aViewData.GetActivePart()]->GetOutputSizePixel();
+ ScDocShell* pDocSh = aViewData.GetDocShell();
+ double nPPTX = ScGlobal::nScreenPPTX / pDocSh->GetOutputFactor();
+ double nPPTY = ScGlobal::nScreenPPTY;
+ while ( nMax > nMin )
+ {
+ USHORT nTest = (nMin+nMax+1)/2;
+ if ( lcl_FitsInWindow(
+ nPPTX, nPPTY, nTest, aWinSize.Width(), aWinSize.Height(),
+ pDoc, nTab, nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow ) )
+ nMin = nTest;
+ else
+ nMax = nTest-1;
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT( nMin == nMax, "Schachtelung ist falsch" );
+ nZoom = nMin;
+ // 1 paar {} wg compiler bug
+ if ( nZoom != nOldZoom )
+ { for (USHORT i=0; i<2; i++)
+ {
+ aViewData.SetPosX( (ScHSplitPos) i, nStartCol );
+ aViewData.SetPosY( (ScVSplitPos) i, nStartRow );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case SVX_ZOOM_WHOLEPAGE: // nZoom entspricht der ganzen Seite oder
+ case SVX_ZOOM_PAGEWIDTH: // nZoom entspricht der Seitenbreite
+ {
+ USHORT nCurTab = aViewData.GetTabNo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = aViewData.GetDocument();
+ ScStyleSheetPool* pStylePool = pDoc->GetStyleSheetPool();
+ SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyleSheet =
+ pStylePool->Find( pDoc->GetPageStyle( nCurTab ),
+ DBG_ASSERT( pStyleSheet, "PageStyle not found :-/" );
+ if ( pStyleSheet )
+ {
+ ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( aViewData.GetDocShell(),
+ aViewData.GetViewShell()->GetPrinter(),
+ nCurTab );
+ Size aPageSize = aPrintFunc.GetDataSize();
+ // use the size of the largest GridWin for normal split,
+ // or both combined for frozen panes, with the (document) size
+ // of the frozen part added to the page size
+ // (with frozen panes, the size of the individual parts
+ // depends on the scale that is to be calculated)
+ if ( !pGridWin[SC_SPLIT_BOTTOMLEFT] ) return 0;
+ Size aWinSize = pGridWin[SC_SPLIT_BOTTOMLEFT]->GetOutputSizePixel();
+ ScSplitMode eHMode = aViewData.GetHSplitMode();
+ if ( eHMode != SC_SPLIT_NONE && pGridWin[SC_SPLIT_BOTTOMRIGHT] )
+ {
+ long nOtherWidth = pGridWin[SC_SPLIT_BOTTOMRIGHT]->
+ GetOutputSizePixel().Width();
+ if ( eHMode == SC_SPLIT_FIX )
+ {
+ aWinSize.Width() += nOtherWidth;
+ for ( USHORT nCol = aViewData.GetPosX(SC_SPLIT_LEFT);
+ nCol < aViewData.GetFixPosX(); nCol++ )
+ aPageSize.Width() += pDoc->GetColWidth( nCol, nCurTab );
+ }
+ else if ( nOtherWidth > aWinSize.Width() )
+ aWinSize.Width() = nOtherWidth;
+ }
+ ScSplitMode eVMode = aViewData.GetVSplitMode();
+ if ( eVMode != SC_SPLIT_NONE && pGridWin[SC_SPLIT_TOPLEFT] )
+ {
+ long nOtherHeight = pGridWin[SC_SPLIT_TOPLEFT]->
+ GetOutputSizePixel().Height();
+ if ( eVMode == SC_SPLIT_FIX )
+ {
+ aWinSize.Height() += nOtherHeight;
+ for ( USHORT nRow = aViewData.GetPosY(SC_SPLIT_TOP);
+ nRow < aViewData.GetFixPosY(); nRow++ )
+ aPageSize.Height() += pDoc->GetRowHeight( nRow, nCurTab );
+ }
+ else if ( nOtherHeight > aWinSize.Height() )
+ aWinSize.Height() = nOtherHeight;
+ }
+ double nPPTX = ScGlobal::nScreenPPTX / aViewData.GetDocShell()->GetOutputFactor();
+ double nPPTY = ScGlobal::nScreenPPTY;
+ long nZoomX = (long) ( aWinSize.Width() * 100 /
+ ( aPageSize.Width() * nPPTX ) );
+ long nZoomY = (long) ( aWinSize.Height() * 100 /
+ ( aPageSize.Height() * nPPTY ) );
+ long nNew = nZoomX;
+ if (eType == SVX_ZOOM_WHOLEPAGE && nZoomY < nNew)
+ nNew = nZoomY;
+ nZoom = (USHORT) nNew;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ DBG_ERROR("Unknown Zoom-Revision");
+ nZoom = 0;
+ }
+ return nZoom;
+// wird z.B. gerufen, wenn sich das View-Fenster verschiebt:
+void ScTabView::StopMarking()
+ ScSplitPos eActive = aViewData.GetActivePart();
+ if (pGridWin[eActive])
+ pGridWin[eActive]->StopMarking();
+ ScHSplitPos eH = WhichH(eActive);
+ if (pColBar[eH])
+ pColBar[eH]->StopMarking();
+ ScVSplitPos eV = WhichV(eActive);
+ if (pRowBar[eV])
+ pRowBar[eV]->StopMarking();
+void ScTabView::HideNoteMarker()
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<4; i++)
+ if (pGridWin[i] && pGridWin[i]->IsVisible())
+ pGridWin[i]->HideNoteMarker();
+void ScTabView::MakeDrawLayer()
+ if (!pDrawView)
+ {
+ aViewData.GetDocShell()->MakeDrawLayer();
+ // pDrawView wird per Notify gesetzt
+ DBG_ASSERT(pDrawView,"ScTabView::MakeDrawLayer funktioniert nicht");
+ }
+void ScTabView::ErrorMessage( USHORT nGlobStrId )
+ StopMarking(); // falls per Focus aus MouseButtonDown aufgerufen
+ Window* pParent = aViewData.GetDialogParent();
+ ScWaitCursorOff aWaitOff( pParent );
+ BOOL bFocus = pParent && pParent->HasFocus();
+ {
+ if(aViewData.GetDocShell()->IsReadOnly())
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ InfoBox aBox( pParent, ScGlobal::GetRscString( nGlobStrId ) );
+ aBox.Execute();
+ if (bFocus)
+ pParent->GrabFocus();
+Window* ScTabView::GetParentOrChild( USHORT nChildId )
+ SfxViewFrame* pViewFrm = aViewData.GetViewShell()->GetViewFrame();
+ if ( pViewFrm->HasChildWindow(nChildId) )
+ {
+ SfxChildWindow* pChild = pViewFrm->GetChildWindow(nChildId);
+ if (pChild)
+ {
+ Window* pWin = pChild->GetWindow();
+ if (pWin && pWin->IsVisible())
+ return pWin;
+ }
+ }
+ return aViewData.GetDialogParent();
+void ScTabView::UpdatePageBreakData( BOOL bForcePaint )
+ ScPageBreakData* pNewData = NULL;
+ if (aViewData.IsPagebreakMode())
+ {
+ ScDocShell* pDocSh = aViewData.GetDocShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nTab = aViewData.GetTabNo();
+ USHORT nCount = pDoc->GetPrintRangeCount(nTab);
+ if (!nCount)
+ nCount = 1;
+ pNewData = new ScPageBreakData(nCount);
+ ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( pDocSh, pDocSh->GetPrinter(), nTab, 0,0,NULL, pNewData );
+ // ScPrintFunc fuellt im ctor die PageBreakData
+ if ( nCount > 1 )
+ {
+ aPrintFunc.ResetBreaks(nTab);
+ pNewData->AddPages();
+ }
+ // Druckbereiche veraendert?
+ if ( bForcePaint || ( pPageBreakData && !pPageBreakData->IsEqual( *pNewData ) ) )
+ PaintGrid();
+ }
+ delete pPageBreakData;
+ pPageBreakData = pNewData;