path: root/sc/source/ui/view/preview.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sc/source/ui/view/preview.cxx')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/view/preview.cxx b/sc/source/ui/view/preview.cxx
index 4f3f1d753f32..8fc9c6037cbf 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/view/preview.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/view/preview.cxx
@@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ ScPreview::ScPreview( Window* pParent, ScDocShell* pDocSh, ScPreviewShell* pView
bLocationValid( sal_False ),
pLocationData( NULL ),
pDrawView( NULL ),
- bInPaint( sal_False ),
+ bInPaint( false ),
+ bInSetZoom( false ),
bInGetState( sal_False ),
pDocShell( pDocSh ),
pViewShell( pViewSh ),
@@ -139,6 +140,9 @@ ScPreview::ScPreview( Window* pParent, ScDocShell* pDocSh, ScPreviewShell* pView
SetDigitLanguage( SC_MOD()->GetOptDigitLanguage() );
+ for (SCCOL i=0; i<=MAXCOL; i++)
+ nRight[i] = 0; // initialized with actual positions when markers are drawn
@@ -367,6 +371,16 @@ void ScPreview::DoPrint( ScPreviewLocationData* pFillLocation )
DrawRect(Rectangle( 0, 0, aWinSize.Width(), -aOffset.Y() ));
+ long nLeftMargin = 0;
+ long nRightMargin = 0;
+ long nTopMargin = 0;
+ long nBottomMargin = 0;
+ sal_Bool bHeaderOn = sal_False;
+ sal_Bool bFooterOn = sal_False;
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ sal_Bool bLayoutRTL = pDoc->IsLayoutRTL( nTab );
Size aLocalPageSize;
if ( bValidPage )
@@ -392,17 +406,65 @@ void ScPreview::DoPrint( ScPreviewLocationData* pFillLocation )
aPage.SetTotalRange( Range(0,RANGE_MAX) );
aPage.Select( aPageRange );
- long nPrinted = pPrintFunc->DoPrint( aPage, nTabStart, nDisplayStart, bDoPrint, NULL, pFillLocation );
+ long nPrinted = pPrintFunc->DoPrint( aPage, nTabStart, nDisplayStart, bDoPrint, pFillLocation );
DBG_ASSERT(nPrinted<=1, "was'n nu los?");
-// sal_uInt16 nPrintZoom = pPrintFunc->GetZoom();
+ //init nLeftMargin ... in the ScPrintFunc::InitParam!!!
+ nLeftMargin = pPrintFunc->GetLeftMargin();
+ nRightMargin = pPrintFunc->GetRightMargin();
+ nTopMargin = pPrintFunc->GetTopMargin();
+ nBottomMargin = pPrintFunc->GetBottomMargin();
+ nHeaderHeight = pPrintFunc->GetHeader().nHeight;
+ nFooterHeight = pPrintFunc->GetFooter().nHeight;
+ bHeaderOn = pPrintFunc->GetHeader().bEnable;
+ bFooterOn = pPrintFunc->GetFooter().bEnable;
+ mnScale = pPrintFunc->GetZoom();
+ if ( bDoPrint && bPageMargin && pLocationData ) // don't make use of pLocationData while filling it
+ {
+ Rectangle aPixRect;
+ Rectangle aRectCellPosition;
+ Rectangle aRectPosition;
+ pLocationData->GetMainCellRange( aPageArea, aPixRect );
+ if( !bLayoutRTL )
+ {
+ pLocationData->GetCellPosition( aPageArea.aStart, aRectPosition );
+ nLeftPosition = aRectPosition.Left();
+ for( SCCOL i = aPageArea.aStart.Col(); i <= aPageArea.aEnd.Col(); i++ )
+ {
+ pLocationData->GetCellPosition( ScAddress( i,aPageArea.aStart.Row(),aPageArea.aStart.Tab()),aRectCellPosition );
+ nRight[i] = aRectCellPosition.Right();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pLocationData->GetCellPosition( aPageArea.aEnd, aRectPosition );
+ nLeftPosition = aRectPosition.Right()+1;
+ pLocationData->GetCellPosition( aPageArea.aStart,aRectCellPosition );
+ nRight[ aPageArea.aEnd.Col() ] = aRectCellPosition.Left();
+ for( SCCOL i = aPageArea.aEnd.Col(); i > aPageArea.aStart.Col(); i-- )
+ {
+ pLocationData->GetCellPosition( ScAddress( i,aPageArea.aEnd.Row(),aPageArea.aEnd.Tab()),aRectCellPosition );
+ nRight[ i-1 ] = nRight[ i ] + aRectCellPosition.Right() - aRectCellPosition.Left() + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (nPrinted) // wenn nichts, alles grau zeichnen
aLocalPageSize = pPrintFunc->GetPageSize();
aLocalPageSize.Width() = (long) (aLocalPageSize.Width() * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
aLocalPageSize.Height() = (long) (aLocalPageSize.Height() * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
+ nLeftMargin = (long) ( nLeftMargin * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
+ nRightMargin = (long) ( nRightMargin * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
+ nTopMargin = (long) ( nTopMargin * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
+ nBottomMargin = (long) ( nBottomMargin * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
+ nHeaderHeight = (long) ( nHeaderHeight * HMM_PER_TWIPS * mnScale / 100 + nTopMargin );
+ nFooterHeight = (long) ( nFooterHeight * HMM_PER_TWIPS * mnScale / 100 + nBottomMargin );
if (!bStateValid)
@@ -425,8 +487,39 @@ void ScPreview::DoPrint( ScPreviewLocationData* pFillLocation )
Point aWinEnd( aWinSize.Width(), aWinSize.Height() );
sal_Bool bRight = nPageEndX <= aWinEnd.X();
sal_Bool bBottom = nPageEndY <= aWinEnd.Y();
+ if( bPageMargin && bValidPage )
+ {
+ SetMapMode(aMMMode);
+ SetLineColor( COL_BLACK );
+ DrawInvert( (long)( nTopMargin - aOffset.Y() ), POINTER_VSIZEBAR );
+ DrawInvert( (long)(nPageEndY - nBottomMargin ), POINTER_VSIZEBAR );
+ DrawInvert( (long)( nLeftMargin - aOffset.X() ), POINTER_HSIZEBAR );
+ DrawInvert( (long)( nPageEndX - nRightMargin ) , POINTER_HSIZEBAR );
+ if( bHeaderOn )
+ {
+ DrawInvert( nHeaderHeight - aOffset.Y(), POINTER_VSIZEBAR );
+ }
+ if( bFooterOn )
+ {
+ DrawInvert( nPageEndY - nFooterHeight, POINTER_VSIZEBAR );
+ }
+ SetMapMode( MapMode( MAP_PIXEL ) );
+ for( int i= aPageArea.aStart.Col(); i<= aPageArea.aEnd.Col(); i++ )
+ {
+ Point aColumnTop = LogicToPixel( Point( 0, -aOffset.Y() ) ,aMMMode );
+ SetLineColor( COL_BLACK );
+ SetFillColor( COL_BLACK );
+ DrawRect( Rectangle( Point( nRight[i] - 2, aColumnTop.Y() ),Point( nRight[i] + 2 , 4 + aColumnTop.Y()) ));
+ DrawLine( Point( nRight[i], aColumnTop.Y() ), Point( nRight[i], 10 + aColumnTop.Y()) );
+ }
+ SetMapMode( aMMMode );
+ }
if (bRight || bBottom)
+ SetMapMode(aMMMode);
if (bRight)
@@ -482,189 +575,15 @@ void ScPreview::DoPrint( ScPreviewLocationData* pFillLocation )
//Issue51656 Add resizeable margin on page preview from maoyg
void __EXPORT ScPreview::Paint( const Rectangle& /* rRect */ )
- if (!bValid)
- {
- CalcPages(0);
- RecalcPages();
- UpdateDrawView(); // Table possibly amended
- }
- Fraction aPreviewZoom( nZoom, 100 );
- Fraction aHorPrevZoom( (long)( 100 * nZoom / pDocShell->GetOutputFactor() ), 10000 );
- MapMode aMMMode( MAP_100TH_MM, Point(), aHorPrevZoom, aPreviewZoom );
- ScModule* pScMod = SC_MOD();
- const svtools::ColorConfig& rColorCfg = pScMod->GetColorConfig();
- Color aBackColor( rColorCfg.GetColorValue(svtools::APPBACKGROUND).nColor );
- if ( aOffset.X() < 0 || aOffset.Y() < 0 )
- {
- SetMapMode( aMMMode );
- SetLineColor();
- SetFillColor(aBackColor);
+ bool bWasInPaint = bInPaint; // nested calls shouldn't be necessary, but allow for now
+ bInPaint = true;
- Size aWinSize = GetOutputSize();
- if ( aOffset.X() < 0 )
- DrawRect(Rectangle( 0, 0, -aOffset.X(), aWinSize.Height() ));
- if ( aOffset.Y() < 0 )
- DrawRect(Rectangle( 0, 0, aWinSize.Width(), -aOffset.Y() ));
- }
- long nLeftMargin = 0;
- long nRightMargin = 0;
- long nTopMargin = 0;
- long nBottomMargin = 0;
- sal_Bool bHeaderOn = sal_False;
- sal_Bool bFooterOn = sal_False;
- ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
- sal_Bool bLayoutRTL = pDoc->IsLayoutRTL( nTab );
- Size aPaintPageSize;
- if ( nPageNo < nTotalPages )
- {
- ScPrintOptions aOptions = SC_MOD()->GetPrintOptions();
- ScPrintFunc* pPrintFunc;
- if ( bStateValid )
- pPrintFunc = new ScPrintFunc( pDocShell, this, aState, &aOptions );
- else
- pPrintFunc = new ScPrintFunc( pDocShell, this, nTab, nFirstAttr[nTab], nTotalPages, NULL, &aOptions );
- pPrintFunc->SetOffset(aOffset);
- pPrintFunc->SetManualZoom(nZoom);
- pPrintFunc->SetDateTime(aDate,aTime);
- pPrintFunc->SetClearFlag(sal_True);
- pPrintFunc->SetUseStyleColor( pScMod->GetAccessOptions().GetIsForPagePreviews() );
- pPrintFunc->SetDrawView( pDrawView );
- // Multi Selection for one side must be something umstaendlich generated ...
- Range aPageRange( nPageNo+1, nPageNo+1 );
- MultiSelection aPage( aPageRange );
- aPage.SetTotalRange( Range(0,RANGE_MAX) );
- aPage.Select( aPageRange );
- long nPrinted = pPrintFunc->DoPrint( aPage, nTabStart, nDisplayStart );
- DBG_ASSERT(nPrinted<=1, "was'n nu los?");
- SetMapMode(aMMMode);
- //init nLeftMargin ... in the ScPrintFunc::InitParam!!!
- nLeftMargin = pPrintFunc->GetLeftMargin();
- nRightMargin = pPrintFunc->GetRightMargin();
- nTopMargin = pPrintFunc->GetTopMargin();
- nBottomMargin = pPrintFunc->GetBottomMargin();
- nHeaderHeight = pPrintFunc->GetHeader().nHeight;
- nFooterHeight = pPrintFunc->GetFooter().nHeight;
- bHeaderOn = pPrintFunc->GetHeader().bEnable;
- bFooterOn = pPrintFunc->GetFooter().bEnable;
- mnScale = pPrintFunc->GetZoom();
- Rectangle aPixRect;
- Rectangle aRectCellPosition;
- Rectangle aRectPosition;
- GetLocationData().GetMainCellRange( aPageArea, aPixRect );
- if( !bLayoutRTL )
- {
- GetLocationData().GetCellPosition( aPageArea.aStart, aRectPosition );
- nLeftPosition = aRectPosition.Left();
- for( SCCOL i = aPageArea.aStart.Col(); i <= aPageArea.aEnd.Col(); i++ )
- {
- GetLocationData().GetCellPosition( ScAddress( i,aPageArea.aStart.Row(),aPageArea.aStart.Tab()),aRectCellPosition );
- nRight[i] = aRectCellPosition.Right();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- GetLocationData().GetCellPosition( aPageArea.aEnd, aRectPosition );
- nLeftPosition = aRectPosition.Right()+1;
- GetLocationData().GetCellPosition( aPageArea.aStart,aRectCellPosition );
- nRight[ aPageArea.aEnd.Col() ] = aRectCellPosition.Left();
- for( SCCOL i = aPageArea.aEnd.Col(); i > aPageArea.aStart.Col(); i-- )
- {
- GetLocationData().GetCellPosition( ScAddress( i,aPageArea.aEnd.Row(),aPageArea.aEnd.Tab()),aRectCellPosition );
- nRight[ i-1 ] = nRight[ i ] + aRectCellPosition.Right() - aRectCellPosition.Left() + 1;
- }
- }
- if ( nPrinted ) // If nothing, all gray draw
- {
- aPaintPageSize = pPrintFunc->GetPageSize();
- aPaintPageSize.Width() = (long) (aPaintPageSize.Width() * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
- aPaintPageSize.Height() = (long) (aPaintPageSize.Height() * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
- nLeftMargin = (long) ( nLeftMargin * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
- nRightMargin = (long) ( nRightMargin * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
- nTopMargin = (long) ( nTopMargin * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
- nBottomMargin = (long) ( nBottomMargin * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
- nHeaderHeight = (long) ( nHeaderHeight * HMM_PER_TWIPS * mnScale / 100 + nTopMargin );
- nFooterHeight = (long) ( nFooterHeight * HMM_PER_TWIPS * mnScale / 100 + nBottomMargin );
- }
- if ( !bStateValid )
- {
- pPrintFunc->GetPrintState( aState );
- aState.nDocPages = nTotalPages;
- bStateValid = sal_True;
- }
- delete pPrintFunc;
- }
- long nPageEndX = aPaintPageSize.Width() - aOffset.X();
- long nPageEndY = aPaintPageSize.Height() - aOffset.Y();
- Size aWinSize = GetOutputSize();
- Point aWinEnd( aWinSize.Width(), aWinSize.Height() );
- sal_Bool bRight = nPageEndX <= aWinEnd.X();
- sal_Bool bBottom = nPageEndY <= aWinEnd.Y();
- if( bPageMargin )
- {
- SetMapMode(aMMMode);
- SetLineColor( COL_BLACK );
- DrawInvert( (long)( nTopMargin - aOffset.Y() ), POINTER_VSIZEBAR );
- DrawInvert( (long)(nPageEndY - nBottomMargin ), POINTER_VSIZEBAR );
- DrawInvert( (long)( nLeftMargin - aOffset.X() ), POINTER_HSIZEBAR );
- DrawInvert( (long)( nPageEndX - nRightMargin ) , POINTER_HSIZEBAR );
- if( bHeaderOn )
- {
- DrawInvert( nHeaderHeight - aOffset.Y(), POINTER_VSIZEBAR );
- }
- if( bFooterOn )
- {
- DrawInvert( nPageEndY - nFooterHeight, POINTER_VSIZEBAR );
- }
- SetMapMode( MapMode( MAP_PIXEL ) );
- for( int i= aPageArea.aStart.Col(); i<= aPageArea.aEnd.Col(); i++ )
- {
- Point aColumnTop = LogicToPixel( Point( 0, -aOffset.Y() ) ,aMMMode );
- SetLineColor( COL_BLACK );
- SetFillColor( COL_BLACK );
- DrawRect( Rectangle( Point( nRight[i] - 2, aColumnTop.Y() ),Point( nRight[i] + 2 , 4 + aColumnTop.Y()) ));
- DrawLine( Point( nRight[i], aColumnTop.Y() ), Point( nRight[i], 10 + aColumnTop.Y()) );
- }
- SetMapMode( aMMMode );
- }
- if (bRight || bBottom)
- {
- SetMapMode(aMMMode);
- SetLineColor();
- SetFillColor(aBackColor);
- if (bRight)
- DrawRect(Rectangle(nPageEndX,0, aWinEnd.X(),aWinEnd.Y()));
- if (bBottom)
- {
- if (bRight)
- DrawRect(Rectangle(0,nPageEndY, nPageEndX,aWinEnd.Y())); // Ecke nicht doppelt
- else
- DrawRect(Rectangle(0,nPageEndY, aWinEnd.X(),aWinEnd.Y()));
- }
- }
+ if (bPageMargin)
+ GetLocationData(); // fill location data for column positions
+ DoPrint( NULL );
+ bInPaint = bWasInPaint;
//Issue51656 Add resizeable margin on page preview from maoyg
@@ -783,9 +702,9 @@ void ScPreview::SetZoom(sal_uInt16 nNewZoom)
MapMode aMMMode( MAP_100TH_MM, Point(), aHorPrevZoom, aPreviewZoom );
SetMapMode( aMMMode );
- bInPaint = sal_True; // don't scroll during SetYOffset in UpdateScrollBars
+ bInSetZoom = true; // don't scroll during SetYOffset in UpdateScrollBars
- bInPaint = sal_False;
+ bInSetZoom = false;
bStateValid = sal_False;
InvalidateLocationData( SC_HINT_ACC_VISAREACHANGED );
@@ -892,7 +811,7 @@ void ScPreview::SetXOffset( long nX )
long nDif = LogicToPixel(aOffset).X() - LogicToPixel(Point(nX,0)).X();
aOffset.X() = nX;
- if (nDif && !bInPaint)
+ if (nDif && !bInSetZoom)
MapMode aOldMode = GetMapMode(); SetMapMode(MAP_PIXEL);
Scroll( nDif, 0 );
@@ -902,7 +821,7 @@ void ScPreview::SetXOffset( long nX )
aOffset.X() = nX;
- if (!bInPaint)
+ if (!bInSetZoom)
InvalidateLocationData( SC_HINT_ACC_VISAREACHANGED );
@@ -919,7 +838,7 @@ void ScPreview::SetYOffset( long nY )
long nDif = LogicToPixel(aOffset).Y() - LogicToPixel(Point(0,nY)).Y();
aOffset.Y() = nY;
- if (nDif && !bInPaint)
+ if (nDif && !bInSetZoom)
MapMode aOldMode = GetMapMode(); SetMapMode(MAP_PIXEL);
Scroll( 0, nDif );
@@ -929,7 +848,7 @@ void ScPreview::SetYOffset( long nY )
aOffset.Y() = nY;
- if (!bInPaint)
+ if (!bInSetZoom)
InvalidateLocationData( SC_HINT_ACC_VISAREACHANGED );
@@ -993,15 +912,20 @@ void ScPreview::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
if ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_FONTS )
- if ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS &&
- (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) )
+ // #i114518# Paint of form controls may modify the window's settings.
+ // Ignore the event if it is called from within Paint.
+ if ( !bInPaint )
- // scroll bar size may have changed
- pViewShell->InvalidateBorder(); // calls OuterResizePixel
- }
+ if ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS &&
+ (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) )
+ {
+ // scroll bar size may have changed
+ pViewShell->InvalidateBorder(); // calls OuterResizePixel
+ }
- Invalidate();
- InvalidateLocationData( SC_HINT_DATACHANGED );
+ Invalidate();
+ InvalidateLocationData( SC_HINT_DATACHANGED );
+ }
@@ -1144,6 +1068,7 @@ void __EXPORT ScPreview::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
if( bMoveRulerAction )
+ ScDocShellModificator aModificator( *pDocShell );
if( bLeftRulerChange && bLeftRulerMove )
aLRItem.SetLeft( (long)( aButtonUpPt.X() / HMM_PER_TWIPS + aOffset.X() / HMM_PER_TWIPS ));
@@ -1166,12 +1091,13 @@ void __EXPORT ScPreview::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
if ( ValidTab( nTab ) )
- ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( pDocShell, this, nTab );
+ ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( this, pDocShell, nTab );
Rectangle aRect(0,0,10000,10000);
Paint( aRect );
+ aModificator.SetDocumentModified();
bLeftRulerChange = sal_False;
bRightRulerChange = sal_False;
@@ -1204,6 +1130,7 @@ void __EXPORT ScPreview::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
DBG_ASSERT( pStyleSheet, "PageStyle not found" );
if ( pStyleSheet )
+ ScDocShellModificator aModificator( *pDocShell );
ScStyleSaveData aOldData;
if( bUndo )
aOldData.InitFromStyle( pStyleSheet );
@@ -1262,12 +1189,13 @@ void __EXPORT ScPreview::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
if ( ValidTab( nTab ) )
- ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( pDocShell, this, nTab );
+ ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( this, pDocShell, nTab );
Rectangle aRect(0,0,10000,10000);
Paint( aRect );
+ aModificator.SetDocumentModified();
bTopRulerChange = sal_False;
bBottomRulerChange = sal_False;
bHeaderRulerChange = sal_False;
@@ -1318,7 +1246,7 @@ void __EXPORT ScPreview::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
if ( ValidTab( nTab ) )
- ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( pDocShell, this, nTab );
+ ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( this, pDocShell, nTab );
Rectangle nRect(0,0,10000,10000);
@@ -1352,9 +1280,9 @@ void __EXPORT ScPreview::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
ScPrintFunc* pPrintFunc;
if (bStateValid)
- pPrintFunc = new ScPrintFunc( pDocShell, this, aState, &aOptions );
+ pPrintFunc = new ScPrintFunc( this, pDocShell, aState, &aOptions );
- pPrintFunc = new ScPrintFunc( pDocShell, this, nTab, nFirstAttr[nTab], nTotalPages, NULL, &aOptions );
+ pPrintFunc = new ScPrintFunc( this, pDocShell, nTab, nFirstAttr[nTab], nTotalPages, NULL, &aOptions );
nLeftMargin = (long)( pPrintFunc->GetLeftMargin() * HMM_PER_TWIPS - aOffset.X() );
nRightMargin = (long)( pPrintFunc->GetRightMargin() * HMM_PER_TWIPS );