path: root/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk.cxx')
1 files changed, 1909 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8ddc8308f4c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1909 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undoblk.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#define _MACRODLG_HXX
+#define _BIGINT_HXX
+#define _SVDXOUT_HXX
+#define _SVDATTR_HXX
+#define _SVDSURO_HXX
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "scitems.hxx"
+#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
+#include <vcl/waitobj.hxx>
+#include <svx/boxitem.hxx>
+#include "undoblk.hxx"
+#include "undoutil.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "patattr.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include "rangenam.hxx"
+#include "rangeutl.hxx"
+#include "dbcolect.hxx"
+#include "stlpool.hxx"
+#include "stlsheet.hxx"
+#include "globstr.hrc"
+#include "global.hxx"
+#include "target.hxx"
+#include "docpool.hxx"
+#include "docfunc.hxx"
+#include "attrib.hxx"
+#include "chgtrack.hxx"
+// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoInsertCells, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDeleteCells, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDeleteMulti, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoCut, ScBlockUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoPaste, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDragDrop, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoListNames, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoUseScenario, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoSelectionStyle, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoEnterMatrix, ScBlockUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoIndent, ScBlockUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoClearItems, ScBlockUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRemoveBreaks, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRemoveMerge, ScBlockUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoBorder, ScBlockUndo);
+// To Do:
+/*A*/ // SetOptimalHeight auf Dokument, wenn keine View
+/*B*/ // gelinkte Tabellen
+/*C*/ // ScArea
+//? // spaeter mal pruefen
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Zellen einfuegen
+// Zeilen einfügen
+// einzeln oder Block
+ScUndoInsertCells::ScUndoInsertCells( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScRange& rRange, InsCellCmd eNewCmd,
+ ScDocument* pUndoDocument, ScRefUndoData* pRefData ) :
+ ScMoveUndo( pNewDocShell, pUndoDocument, pRefData, SC_UNDO_REFLAST ),
+ aEffRange( rRange ),
+ eCmd( eNewCmd )
+ if (eCmd == INS_INSROWS) // ganze Zeilen?
+ {
+ aEffRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aEffRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ }
+ if (eCmd == INS_INSCOLS) // ganze Spalten?
+ {
+ aEffRange.aStart.SetRow(0);
+ aEffRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ }
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoInsertCells::~ScUndoInsertCells()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoInsertCells::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_INSERTCELLS ); // "Einfuegen"
+void ScUndoInsertCells::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ pChangeTrack->AppendInsert( aEffRange );
+ nEndChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax();
+ }
+ else
+ nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void ScUndoInsertCells::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if ( bUndo )
+ {
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nEndChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ else
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ ScRange aWorkRange( aEffRange );
+ if ( pDoc->HasAttrib( aWorkRange, HASATTR_MERGED ) ) // zusammengefasste Zellen?
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aWorkRange, TRUE );
+ switch (eCmd)
+ {
+ if (bUndo)
+ pDoc->DeleteRow( aEffRange );
+ else
+ pDoc->InsertRow( aEffRange );
+ break;
+ if (bUndo)
+ pDoc->DeleteCol( aEffRange );
+ else
+ pDoc->InsertCol( aEffRange );
+ break;
+ }
+//? Undo fuer herausgeschobene Attribute ?
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ switch (eCmd)
+ {
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ break;
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW); // bis ganz nach unten
+/*A*/ if ( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight(
+ aWorkRange.aStart.Row(), aWorkRange.aEnd.Row(), FALSE ) )
+ {
+ aWorkRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ }
+ break;
+ nPaint |= PAINT_TOP; // obere Leiste
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL); // bis ganz nach rechts
+/*A*/ if ( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight(
+ aWorkRange.aStart.Row(), aWorkRange.aEnd.Row(), FALSE ) )
+ { // AdjustDraw zeichnet PAINT_TOP nicht,
+ aWorkRange.aStart.SetCol(0); // daher so geloest
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aWorkRange, nPaint );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+ ShowTable( aEffRange.aStart.Tab() );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertCells::Undo()
+ WaitObject aWait( pDocShell->GetDialogParent() ); // wichtig wegen TrackFormulas bei UpdateReference
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertCells::Redo()
+ WaitObject aWait( pDocShell->GetDialogParent() ); // wichtig wegen TrackFormulas bei UpdateReference
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertCells::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->InsertCells( eCmd, TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoInsertCells::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Zellen loeschen
+// Zeilen löschen
+// einzeln oder Block
+ScUndoDeleteCells::ScUndoDeleteCells( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScRange& rRange, DelCellCmd eNewCmd,
+ ScDocument* pUndoDocument, ScRefUndoData* pRefData ) :
+ ScMoveUndo( pNewDocShell, pUndoDocument, pRefData, SC_UNDO_REFLAST ),
+ aEffRange( rRange ),
+ eCmd( eNewCmd )
+ if (eCmd == DEL_DELROWS) // gaze Zeilen?
+ {
+ aEffRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aEffRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ }
+ if (eCmd == DEL_DELCOLS) // ganze Spalten?
+ {
+ aEffRange.aStart.SetRow(0);
+ aEffRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ }
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoDeleteCells::~ScUndoDeleteCells()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteCells::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DELETECELLS ); // "Loeschen"
+void ScUndoDeleteCells::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->AppendDeleteRange( aEffRange, pRefUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void ScUndoDeleteCells::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if ( bUndo )
+ {
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ else
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ // Ausfuehren
+ switch (eCmd)
+ {
+ if (bUndo)
+ pDoc->InsertRow( aEffRange );
+ else
+ pDoc->DeleteRow( aEffRange );
+ break;
+ if (bUndo)
+ pDoc->InsertCol( aEffRange );
+ else
+ pDoc->DeleteCol( aEffRange );
+ break;
+ }
+ // bei Undo Referenzen wiederherstellen
+ if (bUndo)
+ pRefUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aEffRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+//? Datenbank muss vor ExtendMerge sein ?????
+ // Zusammengefasste Zellen?
+ ScRange aWorkRange( aEffRange );
+ if ( pDoc->HasAttrib( aWorkRange, HASATTR_MERGED ) )
+ {
+/*? if ( !bUndo && ( eCmd==DEL_DELCOLS || eCmd==DEL_DELROWS ) )
+ {
+ if (eCmd==DEL_DELCOLS) aWorkRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ if (eCmd==DEL_DELROWS) aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ ScMarkData aMarkData;
+ aMarkData.SelectOneTable( aWorkRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ ScPatternAttr aPattern( pDoc->GetPool() );
+ aPattern.GetItemSet().Put( ScMergeFlagAttr() );
+ pDoc->ApplyPatternArea( aWorkRange.aStart.Col(), aWorkRange.aStart.Row(),
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.Col(), aWorkRange.aEnd.Row(),
+ aMarkData, aPattern );
+ }
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aWorkRange, TRUE );
+ }
+ // Zeichnen
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ switch (eCmd)
+ {
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ break;
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+/*A*/ if ( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight(
+ aWorkRange.aStart.Row(), aWorkRange.aEnd.Row(), FALSE ) )
+ {
+ aWorkRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ }
+ break;
+ nPaint |= PAINT_TOP; // obere Leiste
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL); // bis ganz nach rechts
+/*A*/ if ( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight(
+ aWorkRange.aStart.Row(), aWorkRange.aEnd.Row(), FALSE ) )
+ {
+ aWorkRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ }
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aWorkRange, nPaint, SC_PF_LINES ); //! auf Lines testen
+ // Markierung erst nach EndUndo
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ // CellContentChanged kommt mit der Markierung
+ ShowTable( aEffRange.aStart.Tab() );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteCells::Undo()
+ WaitObject aWait( pDocShell->GetDialogParent() ); // wichtig wegen TrackFormulas bei UpdateReference
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+ // Markierung erst nach EndUndo
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->MarkRange( aEffRange );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteCells::Redo()
+ WaitObject aWait( pDocShell->GetDialogParent() ); // wichtig wegen TrackFormulas bei UpdateReference
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE);
+ EndRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode(); // aktuelle weg
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteCells::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->DeleteCells( eCmd, TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteCells::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Zellen loeschen auf Mehrfachselektion
+ScUndoDeleteMulti::ScUndoDeleteMulti( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ BOOL bNewRows, USHORT nNewTab,
+ const USHORT* pRng, USHORT nRngCnt,
+ ScDocument* pUndoDocument, ScRefUndoData* pRefData ) :
+ ScMoveUndo( pNewDocShell, pUndoDocument, pRefData, SC_UNDO_REFLAST ),
+ bRows( bNewRows ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ nRangeCnt( nRngCnt )
+ pRanges = new USHORT[ 2 * nRangeCnt ];
+ memcpy(pRanges,pRng,nRangeCnt*2*sizeof(USHORT));
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoDeleteMulti::~ScUndoDeleteMulti()
+ delete pRanges;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteMulti::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DELETECELLS ); // wie DeleteCells
+void ScUndoDeleteMulti::DoChange() const
+ if (bRows)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,pRanges[0],nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_LEFT );
+ else
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( pRanges[0],0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_TOP );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+ ShowTable( nTab );
+void ScUndoDeleteMulti::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ nStartChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() + 1;
+ ScRange aRange( 0, 0, nTab, 0, 0, nTab );
+ if ( bRows )
+ aRange.aEnd.SetCol( MAXCOL );
+ else
+ aRange.aEnd.SetRow( MAXROW );
+ // rueckwaerts loeschen
+ USHORT* pOneRange = &pRanges[2*nRangeCnt];
+ for ( USHORT nRangeNo=0; nRangeNo<nRangeCnt; nRangeNo++ )
+ {
+ USHORT nEnd = *(--pOneRange);
+ USHORT nStart = *(--pOneRange);
+ if ( bRows )
+ {
+ aRange.aStart.SetRow( nStart );
+ aRange.aEnd.SetRow( nEnd );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aRange.aStart.SetCol( nStart );
+ aRange.aEnd.SetCol( nEnd );
+ }
+ ULONG nDummyStart;
+ pChangeTrack->AppendDeleteRange( aRange, pRefUndoDoc,
+ nDummyStart, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteMulti::Undo()
+ WaitObject aWait( pDocShell->GetDialogParent() ); // wichtig wegen TrackFormulas bei UpdateReference
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT* pOneRange;
+ USHORT nRangeNo;
+ // rueckwaerts geloescht -> vorwaerts einfuegen
+ pOneRange = pRanges;
+ for (nRangeNo=0; nRangeNo<nRangeCnt; nRangeNo++)
+ {
+ USHORT nStart = *(pOneRange++);
+ USHORT nEnd = *(pOneRange++);
+ if (bRows)
+ pDoc->InsertRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, nStart,nEnd-nStart+1 );
+ else
+ pDoc->InsertCol( 0,nTab, MAXROW,nTab, nStart,nEnd-nStart+1 );
+ }
+ pOneRange = pRanges;
+ for (nRangeNo=0; nRangeNo<nRangeCnt; nRangeNo++)
+ {
+ USHORT nStart = *(pOneRange++);
+ USHORT nEnd = *(pOneRange++);
+ if (bRows)
+ pRefUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0,nStart,nTab, MAXCOL,nEnd,nTab, IDF_ALL,FALSE,pDoc );
+ else
+ pRefUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStart,0,nTab, nEnd,MAXROW,nTab, IDF_ALL,FALSE,pDoc );
+ }
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ DoChange();
+ //! Markierung wieder einzeichnen
+ //! geht im Moment nicht, da keine Daten fuer Markierung vorhanden!
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteMulti::Redo()
+ WaitObject aWait( pDocShell->GetDialogParent() ); // wichtig wegen TrackFormulas bei UpdateReference
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ // rueckwaerts loeschen
+ USHORT* pOneRange = &pRanges[2*nRangeCnt];
+ for (USHORT nRangeNo=0; nRangeNo<nRangeCnt; nRangeNo++)
+ {
+ USHORT nEnd = *(--pOneRange);
+ USHORT nStart = *(--pOneRange);
+ if (bRows)
+ pDoc->DeleteRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, nStart,nEnd-nStart+1 );
+ else
+ pDoc->DeleteCol( 0,nTab, MAXROW,nTab, nStart,nEnd-nStart+1 );
+ }
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ DoChange();
+//! Markierung loeschen, derzeit unnoetig (s.o.)
+//! ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+//! if (pViewShell)
+//! DoneBlockMode();
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteMulti::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // DeleteCells, falls einfache Selektion
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->DeleteCells( DEL_DELROWS, TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteMulti::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Ausschneiden (Cut)
+ScUndoCut::ScUndoCut( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ ScRange aRange, ScAddress aOldEnd,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, ScRange(aRange.aStart, aOldEnd), SC_UNDO_AUTOHEIGHT ),
+ aExtendedRange( aRange ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc )
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoCut::~ScUndoCut()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoCut::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_CUT ); // "Ausschneiden"
+void ScUndoCut::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentRange( aBlockRange, pUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction, SC_CACM_CUT );
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void ScUndoCut::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nExtFlags = 0;
+ if (bUndo) // nur bei Undo
+ {
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aExtendedRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ else // nur bei Redo
+ {
+ if (pDoc->HasAttrib( aExtendedRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT ))
+ nExtFlags = SC_PF_LINES;
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aBlockRange, IDF_ALL );
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ }
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if ( !( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustBlockHeight() ) )
+/*A*/ pDocShell->PostPaint( aExtendedRange, PAINT_GRID, nExtFlags );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoCut::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoCut::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoCut::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->CutToClip();
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoCut::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Einfuegen (Paste)
+ScUndoPaste::ScUndoPaste( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScDocument* pNewRedoDoc,
+ USHORT nNewFlags,
+ ScRangeName* pNewUndoRange, ScRangeName* pNewRedoRange,
+ ScDBCollection* pNewUndoDB, ScDBCollection* pNewRedoDB,
+ BOOL bRedoIsFilled ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aRange( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ, nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ aMarkData( rMark ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pRedoDoc( pNewRedoDoc ),
+ nFlags( nNewFlags ),
+ pUndoRange( pNewUndoRange ),
+ pRedoRange( pNewRedoRange ),
+ pUndoDB( pNewUndoDB ),
+ pRedoDB( pNewRedoDB ),
+ bRedoFilled( bRedoIsFilled )
+ if ( !aMarkData.IsMarked() ) // keine Zelle markiert:
+ aMarkData.SetMarkArea( aRange ); // Paste-Block markieren
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoPaste::~ScUndoPaste()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pRedoDoc;
+ delete pUndoRange;
+ delete pRedoRange;
+ delete pUndoDB;
+ delete pRedoDB;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoPaste::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_PASTE ); // "Einfuegen"
+void ScUndoPaste::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack && (nFlags & IDF_CONTENTS) )
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentRange( aRange, pUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction, SC_CACM_PASTE );
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void ScUndoPaste::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScRangeName* pWorkRange = bUndo ? pUndoRange : pRedoRange;
+ ScDBCollection* pWorkDB = bUndo ? pUndoDB : pRedoDB;
+ // fuer Undo immer alle oder keine Inhalte sichern
+ USHORT nUndoFlags = IDF_NONE;
+ if (nFlags & IDF_CONTENTS)
+ nUndoFlags |= IDF_CONTENTS;
+ if (nFlags & IDF_ATTRIB)
+ nUndoFlags |= IDF_ATTRIB;
+ BOOL bPaintAll = FALSE;
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aRange );
+ if ( bUndo && !bRedoFilled )
+ {
+ if (!pRedoDoc)
+ {
+ BOOL bColInfo = ( aRange.aStart.Row()==0 && aRange.aEnd.Row()==MAXROW );
+ BOOL bRowInfo = ( aRange.aStart.Col()==0 && aRange.aEnd.Col()==MAXCOL );
+ pRedoDoc = new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO );
+ pRedoDoc->InitUndo( pDoc, aRange.aStart.Tab(), aRange.aStart.Tab(),
+ bColInfo, bRowInfo );
+ }
+ // Redo-Daten beim ersten Undo aus dem Dokument lesen
+ pDoc->CopyToDocument( aRange, nUndoFlags, FALSE, pRedoDoc );
+ bRedoFilled = TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL bHasLines = pDoc->HasAttrib( aRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT );
+ aMarkData.MarkToMulti();
+ pDoc->DeleteSelection( nUndoFlags, aMarkData );
+ aMarkData.MarkToSimple();
+ if ( !bUndo && pRedoDoc ) // Redo: UndoToDocument vorher
+ pRedoDoc->UndoToDocument( aRange, nUndoFlags, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if (pWorkRange)
+ pDoc->SetRangeName( new ScRangeName( *pWorkRange ) );
+ if (pWorkDB)
+ {
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection( *pWorkDB ) );
+ if ( pDoc->RefreshAutoFilter( 0,0, MAXCOL,MAXROW, aRange.aStart.Tab() ) )
+ bPaintAll = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (bUndo) // Undo: UndoToDocument hinterher
+ pUndoDoc->UndoToDocument( aRange, nUndoFlags, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if ( bUndo )
+ {
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ else
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ ScRange aDrawRange( aRange );
+ USHORT nPaintExt = 0;
+ if (bPaintAll)
+ {
+ aDrawRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aDrawRange.aStart.SetRow(0);
+ aDrawRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ aDrawRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+/*A*/ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->AdjustBlockHeight(FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( aRange.aStart.Row() == 0 && aRange.aEnd.Row() == MAXROW ) // ganze Spalte
+ {
+ nPaint |= PAINT_TOP;
+ aDrawRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ }
+ if ( aRange.aStart.Col() == 0 && aRange.aEnd.Col() == MAXCOL ) // ganze Zeile
+ {
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ aDrawRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ }
+/*A*/ if ((pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustBlockHeight(FALSE))
+ {
+ aDrawRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aDrawRange.aStart.SetRow(0);
+ aDrawRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ aDrawRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ }
+ bHasLines |= pDoc->HasAttrib( aDrawRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT );
+ if (bHasLines) nPaintExt = SC_PF_LINES;
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aDrawRange, nPaint, nPaintExt );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPaste::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ ShowTable( aRange );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPaste::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPaste::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+//? Extra-Flags sichern ?
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->PasteFromClip( nFlags );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoPaste::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Verschieben/Kopieren (Drag & Drop)
+ScUndoDragDrop::ScUndoDragDrop( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScRange& rRange, ScAddress aNewDestPos, BOOL bNewCut,
+ ScDocument* pUndoDocument, ScRefUndoData* pRefData, BOOL bScenario ) :
+ ScMoveUndo( pNewDocShell, pUndoDocument, pRefData, SC_UNDO_REFFIRST ),
+ aSrcRange( rRange ),
+ bCut( bNewCut ),
+ bKeepScenarioFlags( bScenario )
+ ScAddress aDestEnd(aNewDestPos);
+ aDestEnd.IncRow(aSrcRange.aEnd.Row() - aSrcRange.aStart.Row());
+ aDestEnd.IncCol(aSrcRange.aEnd.Col() - aSrcRange.aStart.Col());
+ aDestEnd.IncTab(aSrcRange.aEnd.Tab() - aSrcRange.aStart.Tab());
+ aDestRange.aStart = aNewDestPos;
+ aDestRange.aEnd = aDestEnd;
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoDragDrop::~ScUndoDragDrop()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDragDrop::GetComment() const
+{ // "Verschieben" : "Kopieren"
+ return bCut ?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_MOVE ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_COPY );
+void ScUndoDragDrop::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ if ( bCut )
+ {
+ nStartChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() + 1;
+ pChangeTrack->AppendMove( aSrcRange, aDestRange, pRefUndoDoc );
+ nEndChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax();
+ }
+ else
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentRange( aDestRange, pRefUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void ScUndoDragDrop::PaintArea( ScRange aRange ) const
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ VirtualDevice aVirtDev;
+ ScViewData* pViewData = pViewShell->GetViewData();
+ if ( pDoc->SetOptimalHeight( aRange.aStart.Row(), aRange.aEnd.Row(),
+ aRange.aStart.Tab(), 0, &aVirtDev,
+ pViewData->GetPPTX(), pViewData->GetPPTY(),
+ pViewData->GetZoomX(), pViewData->GetZoomY(),
+ FALSE ) )
+ {
+ aRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ nExtFlags |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( bKeepScenarioFlags )
+ {
+ // Szenarien mitkopiert -> auch Szenario-Rahmen painten
+ aRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aRange.aStart.SetRow(0);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aRange, nExtFlags );
+void ScUndoDragDrop::DoUndo( ScRange aRange ) const
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+//? DB-Areas vor Daten, damit bei ExtendMerge die Autofilter-Knoepfe stimmen
+ ScRange aPaintRange = aRange;
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aPaintRange ); // vor dem Loeschen
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pRefUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if ( pDoc->HasAttrib( aRange, HASATTR_MERGED ) )
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aRange, TRUE );
+ aPaintRange.aEnd.SetCol( Max( aPaintRange.aEnd.Col(), aRange.aEnd.Col() ) );
+ aPaintRange.aEnd.SetRow( Max( aPaintRange.aEnd.Row(), aRange.aEnd.Row() ) );
+ PaintArea( aPaintRange );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDragDrop::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoUndo(aDestRange);
+ if (bCut)
+ DoUndo(aSrcRange);
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDragDrop::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScDocument* pClipDoc = new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_CLIP );
+ USHORT nTab;
+ ScMarkData aSourceMark;
+ for (nTab=aSrcRange.aStart.Tab(); nTab<=aSrcRange.aEnd.Tab(); nTab++)
+ aSourceMark.SelectTable( nTab, TRUE );
+ pDoc->CopyToClip( aSrcRange.aStart.Col(), aSrcRange.aStart.Row(),
+ aSrcRange.aEnd.Col(), aSrcRange.aEnd.Row(),
+ bCut, pClipDoc, FALSE, &aSourceMark, bKeepScenarioFlags );
+ if (bCut)
+ {
+ ScRange aSrcPaintRange = aSrcRange;
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aSrcPaintRange ); // vor dem Loeschen
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aSrcRange, IDF_ALL );
+ PaintArea( aSrcPaintRange );
+ }
+ ScMarkData aDestMark;
+ for (nTab=aDestRange.aStart.Tab(); nTab<=aDestRange.aEnd.Tab(); nTab++)
+ aDestMark.SelectTable( nTab, TRUE );
+ pDoc->CopyFromClip( aDestRange, aDestMark, IDF_ALL, NULL, pClipDoc, TRUE );
+ for (nTab=aDestRange.aStart.Tab(); nTab<=aDestRange.aEnd.Tab(); nTab++)
+ {
+ USHORT nEndCol = aDestRange.aEnd.Col();
+ USHORT nEndRow = aDestRange.aEnd.Row();
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aDestRange.aStart.Col(), aDestRange.aStart.Row(),
+ nEndCol, nEndRow, nTab, TRUE );
+ PaintArea( ScRange( aDestRange.aStart.Col(), aDestRange.aStart.Row(), nTab,
+ nEndCol, nEndRow, nTab ) );
+ }
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ delete pClipDoc;
+ ShowTable( aDestRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDragDrop::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDragDrop::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // geht nicht
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Liste der Bereichsnamen einfuegen
+// (Einfuegen|Name|Einfuegen =>[Liste])
+ScUndoListNames::ScUndoListNames( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScRange& rRange,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScDocument* pNewRedoDoc ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, rRange, SC_UNDO_AUTOHEIGHT ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pRedoDoc( pNewRedoDoc )
+__EXPORT ScUndoListNames::~ScUndoListNames()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pRedoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoListNames::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_LISTNAMES );
+void ScUndoListNames::DoChange( ScDocument* pSrcDoc ) const
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aBlockRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pSrcDoc->CopyToDocument( aBlockRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoListNames::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange(pUndoDoc);
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoListNames::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange(pRedoDoc);
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoListNames::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->InsertNameList();
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoListNames::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Szenario anwenden
+// (Extras|Szenarien)
+ScUndoUseScenario::ScUndoUseScenario( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark,
+/*C*/ const ScArea& rDestArea,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc,
+ const String& rNewName ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ aMarkData( rMark ),
+ aName( rNewName )
+ aRange.aStart.SetCol(rDestArea.nColStart);
+ aRange.aStart.SetRow(rDestArea.nRowStart);
+ aRange.aStart.SetTab(rDestArea.nTab);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetCol(rDestArea.nColEnd);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetRow(rDestArea.nRowEnd);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetTab(rDestArea.nTab);
+__EXPORT ScUndoUseScenario::~ScUndoUseScenario()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoUseScenario::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_USESCENARIO );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoUseScenario::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ }
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->DeleteSelection( IDF_ALL, aMarkData );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aRange, IDF_ALL, TRUE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ // Szenario-Tabellen
+ BOOL bFrame = FALSE;
+ USHORT nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
+ USHORT nEndTab = nTab;
+ while ( pUndoDoc->HasTable(nEndTab+1) && pUndoDoc->IsScenario(nEndTab+1) )
+ ++nEndTab;
+ for (USHORT i = nTab+1; i<=nEndTab; i++)
+ {
+ // Flags immer
+ String aComment;
+ Color aColor;
+ USHORT nScenFlags;
+ pUndoDoc->GetScenarioData( i, aComment, aColor, nScenFlags );
+ pDoc->SetScenarioData( i, aComment, aColor, nScenFlags );
+ BOOL bActive = pUndoDoc->IsActiveScenario( i );
+ pDoc->SetActiveScenario( i, bActive );
+ // Bei Zurueckkopier-Szenarios auch Inhalte
+ if ( nScenFlags & SC_SCENARIO_TWOWAY )
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( 0,0, MAXCOL,MAXROW, i, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0,0,i, MAXCOL,MAXROW,i, IDF_ALL,FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ if ( nScenFlags & SC_SCENARIO_SHOWFRAME )
+ bFrame = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Wenn sichtbare Rahmen, dann alles painten
+ if (bFrame)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_EXTRAS );
+ else
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aRange, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_EXTRAS );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+ ShowTable( aRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoUseScenario::Redo()
+ USHORT nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ }
+ pDocShell->UseScenario( nTab, aName, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoUseScenario::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ String aTemp = aName;
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->UseScenario(aTemp);
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoUseScenario::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScViewData* pViewData = ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->GetViewData();
+ return !pViewData->GetDocument()->IsScenario( pViewData->GetTabNo() );
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Vorlage anwenden
+// (Format|Vorlagenkatalog)
+ScUndoSelectionStyle::ScUndoSelectionStyle( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ const ScRange& rRange,
+ const String& rName,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aMarkData( rMark ),
+ aRange( rRange ),
+ aStyleName( rName ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc )
+ aMarkData.MarkToMulti();
+__EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::~ScUndoSelectionStyle()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_APPLYCELLSTYLE );
+void ScUndoSelectionStyle::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ }
+ ScRange aWorkRange( aRange );
+ if ( pDoc->HasAttrib( aWorkRange, HASATTR_MERGED ) ) // zusammengefasste Zellen?
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aWorkRange, TRUE );
+ BOOL bHasLines = pDoc->HasAttrib( aWorkRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT );
+ if (bUndo) // bei Undo alte Daten wieder reinschubsen
+ {
+ USHORT nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ ScRange aCopyRange = aWorkRange;
+ aCopyRange.aStart.SetTab(0);
+ aCopyRange.aEnd.SetTab(nTabCount-1);
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aCopyRange, IDF_ATTRIB, TRUE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ }
+ else // bei Redo Style wieder zuweisen
+ {
+ ScStyleSheetPool* pStlPool = pDoc->GetStyleSheetPool();
+ ScStyleSheet* pStyleSheet =
+ (ScStyleSheet*) pStlPool->Find( aStyleName, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA );
+ if (!pStyleSheet)
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("StyleSheet not found");
+ return;
+ }
+ pDoc->ApplySelectionStyle( *pStyleSheet, aMarkData );
+ }
+ bHasLines = bHasLines || pDoc->HasAttrib( aWorkRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT );
+ if ( !( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustBlockHeight() ) )
+/*A*/ pDocShell->PostPaint( aWorkRange, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_EXTRAS, (bHasLines ? SC_PF_LINES : 0) );
+ ShowTable( aWorkRange.aStart.Tab() );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScStyleSheetPool* pStlPool = pDoc->GetStyleSheetPool();
+ ScStyleSheet* pStyleSheet = (ScStyleSheet*) pStlPool->
+ Find( aStyleName, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA );
+ if (!pStyleSheet)
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("StyleSheet not found");
+ return;
+ }
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ rViewShell.SetStyleSheetToMarked( pStyleSheet, TRUE );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+USHORT __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::GetId() const
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Matrix-Formel eingeben
+ScUndoEnterMatrix::ScUndoEnterMatrix( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScRange& rArea,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, const String& rForm ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, rArea, SC_UNDO_SIMPLE ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ aFormula( rForm )
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoEnterMatrix::~ScUndoEnterMatrix()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoEnterMatrix::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_ENTERMATRIX );
+void ScUndoEnterMatrix::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentRange( aBlockRange, pUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEnterMatrix::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aBlockRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aBlockRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEnterMatrix::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScMarkData aDestMark;
+ aDestMark.SelectOneTable( aBlockRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ aDestMark.SetMarkArea( aBlockRange );
+ pDoc->InsertMatrixFormula( aBlockRange.aStart.Col(), aBlockRange.aStart.Row(),
+ aBlockRange.aEnd.Col(), aBlockRange.aEnd.Row(),
+ aDestMark, aFormula );
+// pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID ); // nicht noetig ???
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEnterMatrix::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ String aTemp = aFormula;
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->EnterMatrix(aTemp);
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoEnterMatrix::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Einzug vermindern / erhoehen
+ScRange lcl_GetMultiMarkRange( const ScMarkData& rMark )
+ ScRange aRange;
+ rMark.GetMultiMarkArea( aRange );
+ return aRange;
+ScUndoIndent::ScUndoIndent( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, BOOL bIncrement ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, lcl_GetMultiMarkRange(rMark), SC_UNDO_AUTOHEIGHT ),
+ aMarkData( rMark ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ bIsIncrement( bIncrement )
+__EXPORT ScUndoIndent::~ScUndoIndent()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoIndent::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( nId );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoIndent::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ ScRange aCopyRange = aBlockRange;
+ aCopyRange.aStart.SetTab(0);
+ aCopyRange.aEnd.SetTab(nTabCount-1);
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aCopyRange, IDF_ATTRIB, TRUE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoIndent::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->ChangeSelectionIndent( bIsIncrement, aMarkData );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoIndent::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->ChangeIndent( bIsIncrement );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoIndent::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// einzelne Items per Which-IDs aus Bereich loeschen
+ScUndoClearItems::ScUndoClearItems( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, const USHORT* pW ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, lcl_GetMultiMarkRange(rMark), SC_UNDO_AUTOHEIGHT ),
+ aMarkData( rMark ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pWhich( NULL )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pW, "ScUndoClearItems: Which-Pointer ist 0" );
+ USHORT nCount = 0;
+ while ( pW[nCount] )
+ ++nCount;
+ pWhich = new USHORT[nCount+1];
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<=nCount; i++)
+ pWhich[i] = pW[i];
+__EXPORT ScUndoClearItems::~ScUndoClearItems()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pWhich;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoClearItems::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DELETECONTENTS );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoClearItems::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aBlockRange, IDF_ATTRIB, TRUE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoClearItems::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->ClearSelectionItems( pWhich, aMarkData );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoClearItems::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScViewData* pViewData = ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->GetViewData();
+ ScDocFunc aFunc(*pViewData->GetDocShell());
+ aFunc.ClearItems( pViewData->GetMarkData(), pWhich, FALSE );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoClearItems::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Alle Umbrueche einer Tabelle loeschen
+ScUndoRemoveBreaks::ScUndoRemoveBreaks( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nNewTab, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc )
+__EXPORT ScUndoRemoveBreaks::~ScUndoRemoveBreaks()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveBreaks::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REMOVEBREAKS );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveBreaks::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->UpdatePageBreakData( TRUE );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveBreaks::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ pDoc->RemoveManualBreaks(nTab);
+ pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks(nTab);
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->UpdatePageBreakData( TRUE );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveBreaks::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ rViewShell.RemoveManualBreaks();
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveBreaks::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Zusammenfassung aufheben (fuer einen ganzen Bereich)
+ScUndoRemoveMerge::ScUndoRemoveMerge( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScRange& rArea, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, rArea, SC_UNDO_SIMPLE ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc )
+__EXPORT ScUndoRemoveMerge::~ScUndoRemoveMerge()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveMerge::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REMERGE ); // "Zusammenfassung aufheben"
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveMerge::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScRange aExtended = aBlockRange;
+ pUndoDoc->ExtendMerge( aExtended );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aExtended, IDF_ATTRIB );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aExtended, IDF_ATTRIB, FALSE, pDoc );
+ BOOL bDidPaint = FALSE;
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if ( pViewShell )
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( aExtended.aStart.Tab() );
+ bDidPaint = pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight( aExtended.aStart.Row(), aExtended.aEnd.Row() );
+ }
+ if (!bDidPaint)
+ ScUndoUtil::PaintMore( pDocShell, aExtended );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveMerge::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockRange.aStart.Tab();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScRange aExtended = aBlockRange;
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aExtended );
+ ScRange aRefresh = aExtended;
+ pDoc->ExtendOverlapped( aRefresh );
+ // ausfuehren
+ const SfxPoolItem& rDefAttr = pDoc->GetPool()->GetDefaultItem( ATTR_MERGE );
+ ScPatternAttr aPattern( pDoc->GetPool() );
+ aPattern.GetItemSet().Put( rDefAttr );
+ pDoc->ApplyPatternAreaTab( aBlockRange.aStart.Col(), aBlockRange.aStart.Row(),
+ aBlockRange.aEnd.Col(), aBlockRange.aEnd.Row(), nTab,
+ aPattern );
+ pDoc->RemoveFlagsTab( aExtended.aStart.Col(), aExtended.aStart.Row(),
+ aExtended.aEnd.Col(), aExtended.aEnd.Row(), nTab,
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aRefresh, TRUE, FALSE );
+ // Paint
+ BOOL bDidPaint = FALSE;
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if ( pViewShell )
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( aExtended.aStart.Tab() );
+ bDidPaint = pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight( aExtended.aStart.Row(), aExtended.aEnd.Row() );
+ }
+ if (!bDidPaint)
+ ScUndoUtil::PaintMore( pDocShell, aExtended );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveMerge::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->RemoveMerge();
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveMerge::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// nur Umrandung setzen, per ScRangeList (StarOne)
+ScRange lcl_TotalRange( const ScRangeList& rRanges )
+ ScRange aTotal;
+ ULONG nCount = rRanges.Count();
+ for (ULONG i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ {
+ ScRange aRange = *rRanges.GetObject(i);
+ if (i==0)
+ aTotal = aRange;
+ else
+ {
+ if (aRange.aStart.Col() < aTotal.aStart.Col())
+ aTotal.aStart.SetCol(aRange.aStart.Col());
+ if (aRange.aStart.Row() < aTotal.aStart.Row())
+ aTotal.aStart.SetRow(aRange.aStart.Row());
+ if (aRange.aStart.Tab() < aTotal.aStart.Tab())
+ aTotal.aStart.SetTab(aRange.aStart.Tab());
+ if (aRange.aEnd.Col() > aTotal.aEnd.Col())
+ aTotal.aEnd.SetCol(aRange.aEnd.Col());
+ if (aRange.aEnd.Row() > aTotal.aEnd.Row())
+ aTotal.aEnd.SetRow(aRange.aEnd.Row());
+ if (aRange.aEnd.Tab() > aTotal.aEnd.Tab())
+ aTotal.aEnd.SetTab(aRange.aEnd.Tab());
+ }
+ }
+ return aTotal;
+ScUndoBorder::ScUndoBorder( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScRangeList& rRangeList, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc,
+ const SvxBoxItem& rNewOuter, const SvxBoxInfoItem& rNewInner ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, lcl_TotalRange(rRangeList), SC_UNDO_SIMPLE ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc )
+ pRanges = new ScRangeList(rRangeList);
+ pOuter = new SvxBoxItem(rNewOuter);
+ pInner = new SvxBoxInfoItem(rNewInner);
+__EXPORT ScUndoBorder::~ScUndoBorder()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pRanges;
+ delete pOuter;
+ delete pInner;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoBorder::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_SELATTRLINES ); //! eigener String?
+void __EXPORT ScUndoBorder::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScMarkData aMarkData;
+ aMarkData.MarkFromRangeList( *pRanges, FALSE );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aBlockRange, IDF_ATTRIB, TRUE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoBorder::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument(); //! Funktion an docfunc aufrufen
+ ULONG nCount = pRanges->Count();
+ ULONG i;
+ for (i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ {
+ ScRange aRange = *pRanges->GetObject(i);
+ USHORT nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
+ ScMarkData aMark;
+ aMark.SetMarkArea( aRange );
+ aMark.SelectTable( nTab, TRUE );
+ pDoc->ApplySelectionFrame( aMark, pOuter, pInner );
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( *pRanges->GetObject(i), PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoBorder::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ //! spaeter (wenn die Funktion aus cellsuno nach docfunc gewandert ist)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoBorder::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // s.o.