path: root/sc/source/ui/formdlg/dwfunctr.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sc/source/ui/formdlg/dwfunctr.cxx')
1 files changed, 1182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/formdlg/dwfunctr.cxx b/sc/source/ui/formdlg/dwfunctr.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1d522fb3211e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/formdlg/dwfunctr.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1182 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <editeng/editview.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/viewsh.hxx>
+#include "sc.hrc"
+#include "global.hxx" // ScAddress
+#include "scresid.hxx"
+#include "reffact.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "cell.hxx"
+#include "scmod.hxx"
+#include "inputhdl.hxx"
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include "appoptio.hxx"
+#include "compiler.hxx"
+#include "dwfunctr.hrc"
+#include "dwfunctr.hxx"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define ARG_SEPERATOR String("; ")
+#* Member: ScFunctionChildWindow Datum:06.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionChildWindow
+#* Funktion: Konstruktor der Klasse ScFunctionChildWindow
+#* Ableitung vom SfxChildWindow als "Behaelter" fuer
+#* Funktions- Fenster in Clac
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: ---
+__EXPORT ScFunctionChildWindow::ScFunctionChildWindow( Window* pParentP,
+ SfxBindings* pBindings,
+ SfxChildWinInfo* pInfo ) :
+ SfxChildWindow( pParentP, nId )
+ ScFunctionDockWin* pWin = new ScFunctionDockWin( pBindings, this,
+ pParentP, ScResId( FID_FUNCTION_BOX ) );
+ pWindow = pWin;
+ eChildAlignment = SFX_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+ pWin->Initialize( pInfo );
+#* Member: ScFunctionDockWin Datum:06.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Konstruktor der Klasse ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Input: Sfx- Verknuepfungen, Fenster, Resource
+#* Output: ---
+ScFunctionDockWin::ScFunctionDockWin( SfxBindings* pBindingsP,
+ SfxChildWindow *pCW, Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) :
+ SfxDockingWindow( pBindingsP, pCW, pParent, rResId ),
+ aPrivatSplit ( this, ResId( FT_SPLIT, *rResId.GetResMgr() ),SC_SPLIT_VERT),
+ aCatBox ( this, ResId( CB_CAT, *rResId.GetResMgr() ) ),
+ aFuncList ( this, ResId( LB_FUNC, *rResId.GetResMgr() ) ),
+ aDDFuncList ( this, ResId( DDLB_FUNC, *rResId.GetResMgr() ) ),
+ aInsertButton ( this, ResId( IMB_INSERT, *rResId.GetResMgr() ) ),
+ aFiFuncDesc ( this, ResId( FI_FUNCDESC, *rResId.GetResMgr() ) ),
+ aOldSize (0,0)
+ FreeResource();
+ InitLRUList();
+ SetStyle(GetStyle()|WB_CLIPCHILDREN);
+ aTimer.SetTimeout(200);
+ aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK( this, ScFunctionDockWin, TimerHdl));
+ eSfxNewAlignment=GetAlignment();
+ eSfxOldAlignment=eSfxNewAlignment;
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetUpdateMode(TRUE);
+ pAllFuncList=&aFuncList;
+ aDDFuncList.Disable();
+ aDDFuncList.Hide();
+ nArgs=0;
+ nDockMode=0;
+ bSizeFlag=FALSE;
+ aCatBox.SetDropDownLineCount(9);
+ Font aFont=aFiFuncDesc.GetFont();
+ aFont.SetColor(Color(COL_BLACK));
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetFont(aFont);
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetBackground( GetBackground() ); //! never transparent?
+//? SetBackground();
+ Link aLink=LINK( this, ScFunctionDockWin, SelHdl);
+ aCatBox.SetSelectHdl(aLink);
+ aFuncList.SetSelectHdl(aLink);
+ aDDFuncList.SetSelectHdl(aLink);
+ Link a2Link=LINK( this, ScFunctionDockWin, SetSelectionHdl);
+ aFuncList.SetDoubleClickHdl(a2Link);
+ aDDFuncList.SetSelectHdl(aLink);
+ aInsertButton.SetClickHdl(a2Link);
+ Link a3Link=LINK( this, ScFunctionDockWin, SetSplitHdl);
+ aPrivatSplit.SetCtrModifiedHdl(a3Link);
+ StartListening( *pBindingsP, TRUE );
+ Point aTopLeft=aCatBox.GetPosPixel();
+ //String aString=aCatBox.GetEntry( 0)+String("www");
+ String aString=String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("ww"));
+ Size aTxtSize( aFiFuncDesc.GetTextWidth(aString), aFiFuncDesc.GetTextHeight() );
+ nMinWidth=aTxtSize.Width()+aTopLeft.X()
+ +2*aFuncList.GetPosPixel().X();
+ nMinHeight=19*aTxtSize.Height();
+ aCatBox.SelectEntryPos(0);
+ Range aYRange(3*aTxtSize.Height()+aFuncList.GetPosPixel().Y(),
+ GetOutputSizePixel().Height()-2*aTxtSize.Height());
+ aPrivatSplit.SetYRange(aYRange);
+ SelHdl(&aCatBox);
+ bInit=TRUE;
+#* Member: ScFunctionDockWin Datum:06.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Destruktor der Klasse ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: ---
+__EXPORT ScFunctionDockWin::~ScFunctionDockWin()
+ EndListening( GetBindings() );
+#* Member: UpdateFunctionList Datum:06.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Aktualisiert die Liste der Funktionen ab-
+#* haengig von der eingestellten Kategorie.
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: ---
+void ScFunctionDockWin::InitLRUList()
+ const ScAppOptions& rAppOpt = SC_MOD()->GetAppOptions();
+ USHORT nLRUFuncCount = Min( rAppOpt.GetLRUFuncListCount(), (USHORT)LRU_MAX );
+ USHORT* pLRUListIds = rAppOpt.GetLRUFuncList();
+ for ( i=0; i<LRU_MAX; i++ )
+ aLRUList[i] = NULL;
+ if ( pLRUListIds )
+ {
+ ScFunctionMgr* pFuncMgr = ScGlobal::GetStarCalcFunctionMgr();
+ for ( i=0; i<nLRUFuncCount; i++ )
+ aLRUList[i] = pFuncMgr->Get( pLRUListIds[i] );
+ }
+ USHORT nSelPos = aCatBox.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ if(nSelPos == 0)
+ UpdateFunctionList();
+#* Member: UpdateFunctionList Datum:10.12.99
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Aktualisiert die Liste der zuletzt verwendeten Funktionen.
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: ---
+void ScFunctionDockWin::UpdateLRUList()
+ if (pFuncDesc && pFuncDesc->nFIndex!=0)
+ {
+ ScModule* pScMod = SC_MOD();
+ pScMod->InsertEntryToLRUList(pFuncDesc->nFIndex);
+ }
+#* Member: SetSize Datum:06.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Groesse fuer die einzelnen Controls einzustellen.
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: ---
+void ScFunctionDockWin::SetSize()
+ USHORT nSelEntry=0;
+ SfxChildAlignment aChildAlign=eSfxOldAlignment;//GetAlignment();
+ short nNewDockMode;
+ switch(aChildAlign)
+ {
+ nNewDockMode=1;
+ if(nDockMode!=nNewDockMode)
+ {
+ nDockMode=nNewDockMode;
+ nSelEntry=aFuncList.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ aFuncList.Clear();
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetPosPixel(aFuncList.GetPosPixel());
+ aDDFuncList.Enable();
+ aDDFuncList.Show();
+ aPrivatSplit.Disable();
+ aPrivatSplit.Hide();
+ aFuncList.Disable();
+ aFuncList.Hide();
+ pAllFuncList=&aDDFuncList;
+ SelHdl(&aCatBox);
+ aDDFuncList.SelectEntryPos(nSelEntry);
+ }
+ break;
+ default: nNewDockMode=0;
+ if(nDockMode!=nNewDockMode)
+ {
+ nDockMode=nNewDockMode;
+ nSelEntry=aDDFuncList.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ aDDFuncList.Clear();
+ aDDFuncList.Disable();
+ aDDFuncList.Hide();
+ aPrivatSplit.Enable();
+ aPrivatSplit.Show();
+ aFuncList.Enable();
+ aFuncList.Show();
+ pAllFuncList=&aFuncList;
+ SelHdl(&aCatBox);
+ aFuncList.SelectEntryPos(nSelEntry);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(nDockMode==0)
+ {
+ SetLeftRightSize();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetTopBottonSize();
+ }
+#* Member: SetLeftRightSize Datum:15.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Groesse fuer die einzelnen Controls einstellen,
+#* wenn Links oder Rechts angedockt wird.
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: ---
+void ScFunctionDockWin::SetLeftRightSize()
+ if(bSizeFlag==FALSE)
+ {
+ bSizeFlag=TRUE;
+ Size aDiffSize=GetSizePixel();
+ Size aNewSize=GetOutputSizePixel();
+ aDiffSize.Width()-=aNewSize.Width();
+ aDiffSize.Height()-=aNewSize.Height();
+ //@ SetUpdateMode( FALSE);
+ String aString = String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("ww"));
+ Size aTxtSize( aFuncList.GetTextWidth(aString), aFuncList.GetTextHeight() );
+ Range aYRange(3*aTxtSize.Height()+aFuncList.GetPosPixel().Y(),
+ GetOutputSizePixel().Height()-2*aTxtSize.Height());
+ aPrivatSplit.SetYRange(aYRange);
+ if(aOldSize.Width()!=aNewSize.Width())
+ SetMyWidthLeRi(aNewSize);
+ if(aOldSize.Height()!=aNewSize.Height())
+ SetMyHeightLeRi(aNewSize);
+ aOldSize=aNewSize;
+ aNewSize.Width()+=aDiffSize.Width();
+ aNewSize.Height()+=aDiffSize.Height();
+ //SetSizePixel(aNewSize);
+ //@ SetUpdateMode( TRUE);
+ bSizeFlag=FALSE;
+ }
+#* Member: SetTopBottonSize Datum:15.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Groesse fuer die einzelnen Controls einzustellen.
+#* wenn oben oder unten angedockt wird.
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: ---
+void ScFunctionDockWin::SetTopBottonSize()
+ if(bSizeFlag==FALSE)
+ {
+ bSizeFlag=TRUE;
+ Size aDiffSize=GetSizePixel();
+ Size aNewSize=GetOutputSizePixel();
+ aDiffSize.Width()-=aNewSize.Width();
+ aDiffSize.Height()-=aNewSize.Height();
+ SetMyWidthToBo(aNewSize);
+ SetMyHeightToBo(aNewSize);
+ aNewSize.Width()+=aDiffSize.Width();
+ aNewSize.Height()+=aDiffSize.Height();
+ //SetSizePixel(aNewSize);
+ //@ SetUpdateMode( TRUE);
+ bSizeFlag=FALSE;
+ }
+#* Member: SetMyWidthLeRi Datum:15.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Breite fuer die einzelnen Controls und
+#* das Fenster einstellen,wenn Li oder Re
+#* Input: neue Fenstergroesse
+#* Output: ---
+void ScFunctionDockWin::SetMyWidthLeRi(Size &aNewSize)
+ if((ULONG)aNewSize.Width()<nMinWidth) aNewSize.Width()=nMinWidth;
+ Size aCDSize=aCatBox.GetSizePixel();
+ Size aFLSize=aFuncList.GetSizePixel();
+ Size aSplitterSize=aPrivatSplit.GetSizePixel();
+ Size aFDSize=aFiFuncDesc.GetSizePixel();
+ Point aCDTopLeft=aCatBox.GetPosPixel();
+ Point aFLTopLeft=aFuncList.GetPosPixel();
+ Point aSplitterTopLeft=aPrivatSplit.GetPosPixel();
+ Point aFDTopLeft=aFiFuncDesc.GetPosPixel();
+ aCDSize.Width()=aNewSize.Width()-aCDTopLeft.X()-aFLTopLeft.X();
+ aFLSize.Width()=aNewSize.Width()-2*aFLTopLeft.X();
+ aFDSize.Width()=aFLSize.Width();
+ aSplitterSize.Width()=aFLSize.Width();
+ aCatBox.SetSizePixel(aCDSize);
+ aFuncList.SetSizePixel(aFLSize);
+ aPrivatSplit.SetSizePixel(aSplitterSize);
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetSizePixel(aFDSize);
+#* Member: SetHeight Datum:06.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Hoehe fuer die einzelnen Controls und
+#* das Fenster einstellen bei Li oder Re
+#* Input: neue Fenstergroesse
+#* Output: ---
+void ScFunctionDockWin::SetMyHeightLeRi(Size &aNewSize)
+ if((ULONG)aNewSize.Height()<nMinHeight) aNewSize.Height()=nMinHeight;
+ Size aFLSize=aFuncList.GetSizePixel();
+ Size aSplitterSize=aPrivatSplit.GetSizePixel();
+ Size aFDSize=aFiFuncDesc.GetSizePixel();
+ Point aFLTopLeft=aFuncList.GetPosPixel();
+ Point aSplitterTopLeft=aPrivatSplit.GetPosPixel();
+ Point aFDTopLeft=aFiFuncDesc.GetPosPixel();
+ long nTxtHeight = aFuncList.GetTextHeight();
+ short nY=(short)(3*nTxtHeight+
+ aFuncList.GetPosPixel().Y()+aSplitterSize.Height());
+ aFDTopLeft.Y()=aNewSize.Height()-aFDSize.Height()-4;
+ if(nY>aFDTopLeft.Y())
+ {
+ aFDSize.Height()-=nY-aFDTopLeft.Y();
+ aFDTopLeft.Y()=nY;
+ }
+ aSplitterTopLeft.Y()=aFDTopLeft.Y()-aSplitterSize.Height()-1;
+ aFLSize.Height()=aSplitterTopLeft.Y()-aFLTopLeft.Y()-1;
+ aFuncList.SetSizePixel(aFLSize);
+ aPrivatSplit.SetPosPixel(aSplitterTopLeft);
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetPosPixel(aFDTopLeft);
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetSizePixel(aFDSize);
+#* Member: SetMyWidthToBo Datum:16.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Breite fuer die einzelnen Controls und
+#* das Fenster einstellen, wenn oben oder
+#* unten angedockt werden soll.
+#* Input: neue Fenstergroesse
+#* Output: ---
+void ScFunctionDockWin::SetMyWidthToBo(Size &aNewSize)
+ if((ULONG)aNewSize.Width()<nMinWidth) aNewSize.Width()=nMinWidth;
+ Size aCDSize=aCatBox.GetSizePixel();
+ Size aDdFLSize=aDDFuncList.GetSizePixel();
+ Size aFDSize=aFiFuncDesc.GetSizePixel();
+ Point aCDTopLeft=aCatBox.GetPosPixel();
+ Point aDdFLTopLeft=aDDFuncList.GetPosPixel();
+ Point aFDTopLeft=aFiFuncDesc.GetPosPixel();
+ aCDSize.Width()=aDdFLTopLeft.X()-aFDTopLeft.X()-aCDTopLeft.X();
+ aDdFLTopLeft.X()=aCDSize.Width()+aCDTopLeft.X()+aFDTopLeft.X();
+ aDdFLSize.Width()=aNewSize.Width()-aDdFLTopLeft.X()-aFDTopLeft.X();
+ aFDSize.Width()=aNewSize.Width()-2*aFDTopLeft.X();
+ aDDFuncList.SetPosPixel(aDdFLTopLeft);
+ aDDFuncList.SetSizePixel(aDdFLSize);
+ aCatBox.SetSizePixel(aCDSize);
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetSizePixel(aFDSize);
+#* Member: SetHeight Datum:16.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Hoehe fuer die einzelnen Controls und
+#* das Fenster einstellen, wenn oben oder
+#* unten angedockt werden soll.
+#* Input: neue Fenstergroesse
+#* Output: ---
+void ScFunctionDockWin::SetMyHeightToBo(Size &aNewSize)
+ if((ULONG)aNewSize.Height()<nMinHeight) aNewSize.Height()=nMinHeight;
+ Size aFDSize=aFiFuncDesc.GetSizePixel();
+ Point aFDTopLeft=aFiFuncDesc.GetPosPixel();
+ Point aCBTopLeft=aCatBox.GetPosPixel();
+ aFDSize.Height()=aNewSize.Height()-aFDTopLeft.Y()-aCBTopLeft.Y();
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetSizePixel(aFDSize);
+#* Member: SetDescription Datum:13.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Erklaerungstext fuer die Funktion einstellen.
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: ---
+void ScFunctionDockWin::SetDescription()
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetText( EMPTY_STRING );
+ const ScFuncDesc* pDesc =
+ (const ScFuncDesc*)pAllFuncList->GetEntryData(
+ pAllFuncList->GetSelectEntryPos() );
+ if (pDesc)
+ {
+ pDesc->initArgumentInfo(); // full argument info is needed
+ String aString=pAllFuncList->GetSelectEntry();
+ if(nDockMode==0)
+ {
+ aString.AppendAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( ":\n\n" ));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aString.AppendAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( ": " ));
+ }
+ aString+=pDesc->GetParamList();
+ if(nDockMode==0)
+ {
+ aString.AppendAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "\n\n" ));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aString += '\n';
+ }
+ aString+=*(pDesc->pFuncDesc);
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetText(aString);
+ aFiFuncDesc.StateChanged(STATE_CHANGE_TEXT);
+ aFiFuncDesc.Invalidate();
+ aFiFuncDesc.Update();
+ }
+ }
+#* Member: Resizing Datum:06.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Ueberladene Funktion um die Groesse der
+#* einzelnen Controls einzustellen.
+#* Input: neue Groesse
+#* Output: ---
+void __EXPORT ScFunctionDockWin::Resizing( Size& rNewSize )
+ if((ULONG)rNewSize.Width()<nMinWidth) rNewSize.Width()=nMinWidth;
+ if((ULONG)rNewSize.Height()<nMinHeight) rNewSize.Height()=nMinHeight;
+#* Member: Close Datum:07.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Schliessen des Fensters
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: TRUE
+BOOL __EXPORT ScFunctionDockWin::Close()
+ SfxBoolItem aItem( FID_FUNCTION_BOX, FALSE );
+ GetBindings().GetDispatcher()->Execute( FID_FUNCTION_BOX,
+ &aItem, 0L );
+ SfxDockingWindow::Close();
+ return( TRUE );
+#* Member: CheckAlignment Datum:16.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Ueberprueft den Andockmodus und stellt die
+#* Groessen dementsprechend ein.
+#* Input: Das neue Alignment
+#* Output: Das uebergebene Alignment
+SfxChildAlignment __EXPORT ScFunctionDockWin::CheckAlignment(SfxChildAlignment /* abla */,
+ SfxChildAlignment aChildAlign)
+ String aString = String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("ww"));
+ Size aTxtSize( aFiFuncDesc.GetTextWidth(aString), aFiFuncDesc.GetTextHeight() );
+ if(!bInit)
+ {
+ eSfxOldAlignment=eSfxNewAlignment;
+ eSfxNewAlignment=aChildAlign;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bInit=FALSE;
+ eSfxOldAlignment=aChildAlign;
+ eSfxNewAlignment=aChildAlign;
+ }
+ switch(eSfxOldAlignment)
+ {
+ nMinWidth= 0;/*aDDFuncList.GetPosPixel().X()+
+ 10*aTxtSize.Width()+
+ aFuncList.GetPosPixel().X();*/
+ nMinHeight=0;
+ break;
+ aString = aCatBox.GetEntry(0);
+ aString.AppendAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("www"));
+ aTxtSize = Size( aFiFuncDesc.GetTextWidth(aString),
+ aFiFuncDesc.GetTextHeight() );
+ default: Point aTopLeft=aCatBox.GetPosPixel();
+ nMinWidth=aTxtSize.Width()+aTopLeft.X()
+ +2*aFuncList.GetPosPixel().X();
+ nMinHeight=19*aTxtSize.Height();
+ //aCatBox.SelectEntryPos(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ return aChildAlign;
+#* Member: Close Datum:07.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Aenderungen erkennen
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: TRUE
+void ScFunctionDockWin::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& /* rHint */ )
+// const SfxPoolItemHint *pPoolItemHint = PTR_CAST(SfxPoolItemHint, &rHint);
+ /*
+ if ( pPoolItemHint
+ && ( pPoolItemHint->GetObject()->ISA( SvxColorTableItem ) ) )
+ {
+ // Die Liste der Farben hat sich geaendert
+ pColorTable = ( (SvxColorTableItem*) pPoolItemHint->GetObject() )->GetColorTable();
+ FillValueSet();
+ }
+ */
+#* Member: Resize Datum:06.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Ueberladene Funktion um die Groesse der
+#* einzelnen Controls einzustellen.
+#* Input: neue Groesse
+#* Output: ---
+void __EXPORT ScFunctionDockWin::Resize()
+ if ( !IsFloatingMode() ||
+ !GetFloatingWindow()->IsRollUp() )
+ {
+ Size aQSize=GetOutputSizePixel();
+ Resizing( aQSize);
+ SetSize();
+ }
+ SfxDockingWindow::Resize();
+#* Member: UpdateFunctionList Datum:06.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Aktualisiert die Liste der Funktionen ab-
+#* haengig von der eingestellten Kategorie.
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: ---
+void ScFunctionDockWin::UpdateFunctionList()
+ USHORT nSelPos = aCatBox.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ USHORT nCategory = ( LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND != nSelPos )
+ ? (nSelPos-1) : 0;
+ pAllFuncList->Clear();
+ pAllFuncList->SetUpdateMode( FALSE );
+ if ( nSelPos > 0 )
+ {
+ ScFunctionMgr* pFuncMgr = ScGlobal::GetStarCalcFunctionMgr();
+ const ScFuncDesc* pDesc = pFuncMgr->First( nCategory );
+ while ( pDesc )
+ {
+ pAllFuncList->SetEntryData(
+ pAllFuncList->InsertEntry( *(pDesc->pFuncName) ),
+ (void*)pDesc );
+ pDesc = pFuncMgr->Next();
+ }
+ }
+ else // LRU-Liste
+ {
+ for ( USHORT i=0; i<LRU_MAX && aLRUList[i]; i++ )
+ {
+ const ScFuncDesc* pDesc = aLRUList[i];
+ pAllFuncList->SetEntryData(
+ pAllFuncList->InsertEntry( *(pDesc->pFuncName) ),
+ (void*)pDesc );
+ }
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ pAllFuncList->SetUpdateMode( TRUE );
+ if ( pAllFuncList->GetEntryCount() > 0 )
+ {
+ pAllFuncList->Enable();
+ pAllFuncList->SelectEntryPos( 0 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pAllFuncList->Disable();
+ }
+#* Member: DoEnter Datum:06.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Eingabe ins Dokument uebernehmen. Wird aufgerufen
+#* nach betaetigen der Uebernehmen- Schaltflaeche
+#* oder einem Doppelklick in die Funktionsliste.
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: ---
+void ScFunctionDockWin::DoEnter(BOOL /* bOk */) //@@ ???
+ String aFirstArgStr;
+ String aParaStr;
+ String aArgStr;
+ String aString=pAllFuncList->GetSelectEntry();
+ SfxViewShell* pCurSh = SfxViewShell::Current();
+ nArgs=0;
+ if(aString.Len()>0)
+ {
+ ScModule* pScMod = SC_MOD();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = PTR_CAST( ScTabViewShell, pCurSh);
+ ScInputHandler* pHdl = pScMod->GetInputHdl( pViewSh );
+ if(!pScMod->IsEditMode())
+ {
+ pScMod->SetInputMode(SC_INPUT_TABLE);
+ aString = '=';
+ aString += pAllFuncList->GetSelectEntry();
+ if (pHdl)
+ pHdl->ClearText();
+ }
+ const ScFuncDesc* pDesc =
+ (const ScFuncDesc*)pAllFuncList->GetEntryData(
+ pAllFuncList->GetSelectEntryPos() );
+ if (pDesc)
+ {
+ pFuncDesc=pDesc;
+ UpdateLRUList();
+ nArgs = pDesc->nArgCount;
+ if(nArgs>0)
+ {
+ // NOTE: Theoretically the first parameter could have the
+ // suppress flag as well, but practically it doesn't.
+ aFirstArgStr = *(pDesc->ppDefArgNames[0]);
+ aFirstArgStr.EraseLeadingAndTrailingChars();
+ aFirstArgStr.SearchAndReplaceAll(' ', '_');
+ aArgStr = aFirstArgStr;
+ if ( nArgs != VAR_ARGS )
+ { // no VarArgs or Fix plus VarArgs, but not VarArgs only
+ String aArgSep = String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "; " ));
+ USHORT nFix = ( nArgs < VAR_ARGS ? nArgs : nArgs - VAR_ARGS + 1 );
+ for ( USHORT nArg = 1;
+ nArg < nFix && !pDesc->pDefArgFlags[nArg].bOptional; nArg++ )
+ {
+ if (!pDesc->pDefArgFlags[nArg].bSuppress)
+ {
+ aArgStr += aArgSep;
+ String sTmp(*(pDesc->ppDefArgNames[nArg]));
+ sTmp.EraseLeadingAndTrailingChars();
+ sTmp.SearchAndReplaceAll(' ', '_');
+ aArgStr += sTmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pHdl)
+ {
+ if(pHdl->GetEditString().Len()==0)
+ {
+ aString = '=';
+ aString += pAllFuncList->GetSelectEntry();
+ }
+ EditView *pEdView=pHdl->GetActiveView();
+ if(pEdView!=NULL) // @ Wegen Absturz bei Namen festlegen
+ {
+ if(nArgs>0)
+ {
+ pHdl->InsertFunction(aString);
+ pEdView->InsertText(aArgStr,TRUE);
+ ESelection aESel=pEdView->GetSelection();
+ aESel.nEndPos=aESel.nStartPos+aFirstArgStr.Len();
+ pEdView->SetSelection(aESel);
+ pHdl->DataChanged();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aString.AppendAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "()" ));
+ pEdView->InsertText(aString,FALSE);
+ pHdl->DataChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ InitLRUList();
+ }
+ if ( pCurSh )
+ {
+ Window* pShellWnd = pCurSh->GetWindow();
+ if ( pShellWnd )
+ pShellWnd->GrabFocus();
+ }
+#* Handle: SelHdl Datum:06.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Bei einer Aenderung der Kategorie wird die
+#* die Liste der Funktionen aktualisiert.
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: ---
+IMPL_LINK( ScFunctionDockWin, SelHdl, ListBox*, pLb )
+ if ( pLb == &aCatBox)
+ {
+ UpdateFunctionList();
+ SetDescription();
+ }
+ if ( pLb == &aFuncList||pLb == &aDDFuncList)
+ {
+ SetDescription();
+ }
+ //SetSize();
+ return 0;
+#* Handle: SelHdl Datum:06.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Bei einer Aenderung der Kategorie wird die
+#* die Liste der Funktionen aktualisiert.
+#* Input: ---
+#* Output: ---
+IMPL_LINK( ScFunctionDockWin, SetSelectionHdl, void*, pCtrl )
+ if ((ImageButton *)pCtrl == &aInsertButton ||
+ (ListBox *)pCtrl == &aFuncList)
+ {
+ DoEnter(TRUE); // Uebernimmt die Eingabe
+ }
+ //...
+ return 0;
+#* Handle: SetSplitHdl Datum:13.10.97
+#* Klasse: ScFunctionDockWin
+#* Funktion: Bei einer Aenderung des Split- Controls werden die
+#* einzelnen Controls an die neue Groesse angepasst.
+#* Input: Zeiger auf Control
+#* Output: ---
+IMPL_LINK( ScFunctionDockWin, SetSplitHdl, ScPrivatSplit*, pCtrl )
+ if (pCtrl == &aPrivatSplit)
+ {
+ short nDeltaY=aPrivatSplit.GetDeltaY();
+ Size aFLSize=aFuncList.GetSizePixel();
+ Size aFDSize=aFiFuncDesc.GetSizePixel();
+ Point aFDTopLeft=aFiFuncDesc.GetPosPixel();
+ aFLSize.Height()+=nDeltaY;
+ aFDSize.Height()-=nDeltaY;
+ aFDTopLeft.Y()+=nDeltaY;
+ aFuncList.SetSizePixel(aFLSize);
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetPosPixel(aFDTopLeft);
+ aFiFuncDesc.SetSizePixel(aFDSize);
+ /*
+ aFuncList.Invalidate();
+ aFuncList.Update();
+ aFiFuncDesc.Invalidate();
+ aFiFuncDesc.Update();
+ */
+ }
+ //...
+ return 0;
+void ScFunctionDockWin::ToggleFloatingMode()
+ aSplitterInitPos = Point();
+ SfxDockingWindow::ToggleFloatingMode();
+ eSfxNewAlignment=GetAlignment();
+ eSfxOldAlignment=eSfxNewAlignment;
+ aOldSize.Height()=0;
+ aOldSize.Width()=0;
+ aTimer.Start();
+IMPL_LINK( ScFunctionDockWin, TimerHdl, Timer*, EMPTYARG )
+ CheckAlignment(eSfxOldAlignment,eSfxNewAlignment);
+ SetSize();
+ return 0;
+void ScFunctionDockWin::Initialize(SfxChildWinInfo *pInfo)
+ String aStr;
+ if(pInfo!=NULL)
+ {
+ if ( pInfo->aExtraString.Len() )
+ {
+ xub_StrLen nPos = pInfo->aExtraString.Search(
+ String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("ScFuncList:")));
+ // Versuche, den Alignment-String "ALIGN:(...)" einzulesen; wenn
+ // er nicht vorhanden ist, liegt eine "altere Version vor
+ if ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ xub_StrLen n1 = pInfo->aExtraString.Search('(', nPos);
+ if ( n1 != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ xub_StrLen n2 = pInfo->aExtraString.Search(')', n1);
+ if ( n2 != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ // Alignment-String herausschneiden
+ aStr = pInfo->aExtraString.Copy(nPos, n2 - nPos + 1);
+ pInfo->aExtraString.Erase(nPos, n2 - nPos + 1);
+ aStr.Erase(0, n1-nPos+1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SfxDockingWindow::Initialize(pInfo);
+ if ( aStr.Len())
+ {
+ aSplitterInitPos=aPrivatSplit.GetPosPixel();
+ aSplitterInitPos.Y()=(USHORT) aStr.ToInt32();
+ xub_StrLen n1 = aStr.Search(';');
+ aStr.Erase(0, n1+1);
+ USHORT nSelPos=sal::static_int_cast<USHORT>( aStr.ToInt32() );
+ aCatBox.SelectEntryPos(nSelPos);
+ SelHdl(&aCatBox);
+ // if the window has already been shown (from SfxDockingWindow::Initialize if docked),
+ // set the splitter position now, otherwise it is set in StateChanged with type INITSHOW
+ UseSplitterInitPos();
+ }
+void ScFunctionDockWin::FillInfo(SfxChildWinInfo& rInfo) const
+ SfxDockingWindow::FillInfo(rInfo);
+ Point aPoint=aPrivatSplit.GetPosPixel();
+ rInfo.aExtraString.AppendAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "ScFuncList:(" ));
+ rInfo.aExtraString += String::CreateFromInt32(aPoint.Y());
+ rInfo.aExtraString += ';';
+ rInfo.aExtraString += String::CreateFromInt32(aCatBox.GetSelectEntryPos());
+ rInfo.aExtraString += ')';
+void ScFunctionDockWin::UseSplitterInitPos()
+ if ( IsVisible() && aPrivatSplit.IsEnabled() && aSplitterInitPos != Point() )
+ {
+ aPrivatSplit.MoveSplitTo(aSplitterInitPos);
+ aSplitterInitPos = Point(); // use only once
+ }
+void ScFunctionDockWin::StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange )
+ SfxDockingWindow::StateChanged( nStateChange );
+ if (nStateChange == STATE_CHANGE_INITSHOW)
+ {
+ UseSplitterInitPos(); // set initial splitter position if necessary
+ }