path: root/sc/source/ui/dbgui/validate.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sc/source/ui/dbgui/validate.cxx')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/dbgui/validate.cxx b/sc/source/ui/dbgui/validate.cxx
index 8700c936e0f5..4351d357abb9 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/dbgui/validate.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/dbgui/validate.cxx
@@ -53,6 +53,12 @@
#include "validate.hxx"
#include "compiler.hxx"
#include "formula/opcode.hxx" //CHINA001
+//<!--Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/childwin.hxx>
+#include "reffact.hxx"
+//-->Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
// ============================================================================
@@ -66,8 +72,19 @@ static USHORT pValueRanges[] =
// ============================================================================
-ScValidationDlg::ScValidationDlg( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet* pArgSet ) :
- SfxTabDialog( pParent, ScResId( TAB_DLG_VALIDATION ), pArgSet )
+//<!--Modified by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
+//ScValidationDlg::ScValidationDlg( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet* pArgSet ) :
+// SfxTabDialog( pParent, ScResId( TAB_DLG_VALIDATION ), pArgSet )
+ScValidationDlg::ScValidationDlg( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet* pArgSet,
+ ScTabViewShell *pTabViewSh,
+ SfxBindings *pB /*= NULL*/
+ ) :
+ ScValidationDlgBase( pParent ? pParent : SFX_APP()->GetTopWindow(), TAB_DLG_VALIDATION, pArgSet, pB ),
+ m_bOwnRefHdlr( false ),
+ m_pTabVwSh( pTabViewSh ),
+ m_bRefInputting( false )
+//-->Modified by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
AddTabPage( TP_VALIDATION_VALUES, ScTPValidationValue::Create, 0 );
AddTabPage( TP_VALIDATION_INPUTHELP, ScTPValidationHelp::Create, 0 );
@@ -75,8 +92,100 @@ ScValidationDlg::ScValidationDlg( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet* pArgSet ) :
+//<!--Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
+void ScTPValidationValue::SetReferenceHdl( const ScRange&rRange , ScDocument* pDoc )
+ if ( rRange.aStart != rRange.aEnd )
+ if ( ScValidationDlg *pValidationDlg = GetValidationDlg() )
+ if( m_pRefEdit )
+ pValidationDlg/*->GetRefHandler()*/->RefInputStart( m_pRefEdit );
+ if ( m_pRefEdit )
+ {
+ String aStr;
+ rRange.Format( aStr, SCR_ABS_3D, pDoc );
+ m_pRefEdit->SetRefString( aStr );
+ //m_pRefEdit->SetRefString( rRange.aStart != rRange.aEnd ? aStr : String::CreateFromAscii("=").Append( aStr ) );
+ }
+void ScTPValidationValue:: SetActiveHdl()
+ if ( m_pRefEdit ) m_pRefEdit->GrabFocus();
+ if ( ScValidationDlg *pValidationDlg = GetValidationDlg() )
+ if( m_pRefEdit )
+ {
+ pValidationDlg/*->GetRefHandler()*/->RefInputDone();
+ }
+void ScTPValidationValue::RefInputStartPreHdl( ScRefEdit* pEdit, ScRefButton* pButton )
+ if ( ScValidationDlg *pValidationDlg = GetValidationDlg() )
+ {
+ if( pEdit == m_pRefEdit )
+ {
+ if( Window *pPreWnd = pEdit==&maEdMax?&maFtMax:(pEdit==&maEdMin?&maFtMin:NULL) )
+ {
+ pPreWnd->SetParent( pValidationDlg );
+ pPreWnd->Hide();
+ }
+ m_pRefEdit->SetParent( pValidationDlg );
+ }
+ if( pButton == &m_btnRef )m_btnRef.SetParent( pValidationDlg );
+ }
+void ScTPValidationValue::RefInputDonePreHdl()
+ if( m_pRefEdit && m_pRefEdit->GetParent()!= this )
+ {
+ if( Window *pPreWnd = m_pRefEdit==&maEdMax?&maFtMax:(m_pRefEdit==&maEdMin?&maFtMin:NULL) )
+ {
+ pPreWnd->SetParent( this );
+ pPreWnd->Show();
+ }
+ m_pRefEdit->SetParent( this );
+ m_btnRef.SetParent( m_pRefEdit ); //if Edit SetParent but button not, the tab order will be incorrect, need button to setparent to anthor window and restore parent later in order to restore the tab order
+// aExample1.SetParent( m_pRefEdit ); // the aExample1's child order will affect acc key
+ }
+ if( m_btnRef.GetParent()!=this ) m_btnRef.SetParent( this );
+// if( aExample1.GetParent()!=this ) aExample1.SetParent( this );
+void ScTPValidationValue::RefInputDonePostHdl()
+ if( m_pRefEdit && !m_pRefEdit->HasFocus() )
+ m_pRefEdit->GrabFocus();
+BOOL ScValidationDlg::Close()
+ if( m_bOwnRefHdlr )
+ if( SfxTabPage* pPage = GetTabPage( TP_VALIDATION_VALUES ) )
+ static_cast<ScTPValidationValue*>(pPage)->RemoveRefDlg();
+ return ScValidationDlgBase::Close();
+//-->Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
+ //<!--Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
+ if( m_bOwnRefHdlr )
+ RemoveRefDlg( FALSE );
+ //-->Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
@@ -236,7 +345,10 @@ ScTPValidationValue::ScTPValidationValue( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAr
maStrMax ( ScResId( SCSTR_VALID_MAXIMUM ) ),
maStrValue( ScResId( SCSTR_VALID_VALUE ) ),
maStrRange( ScResId( SCSTR_VALID_RANGE ) ),
- maStrList ( ScResId( SCSTR_VALID_LIST ) )
+ maStrList ( ScResId( SCSTR_VALID_LIST ) ),
+//<!--Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
+ m_btnRef( this, ScResId( RB_VALIDITY_REF ) )
+//-->Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
@@ -246,6 +358,9 @@ ScTPValidationValue::ScTPValidationValue( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAr
String aListSep = ::GetScCompilerNativeSymbol( ocSep ); //CHINA001
DBG_ASSERT( aListSep.Len() == 1, "ScTPValidationValue::ScTPValidationValue - list separator error" );
mcFmlaSep = aListSep.Len() ? aListSep.GetChar( 0 ) : ';';
+ //<!--Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
+ m_btnRef.Hide();
+ //-->Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
@@ -257,6 +372,13 @@ void ScTPValidationValue::Init()
maLbAllow.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ScTPValidationValue, SelectHdl ) );
maLbValue.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ScTPValidationValue, SelectHdl ) );
maCbShow.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ScTPValidationValue, CheckHdl ) );
+ //<!--Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
+ maEdMin.SetGetFocusHdl( LINK( this, ScTPValidationValue, EditSetFocusHdl ) );
+ maEdMin.SetLoseFocusHdl( LINK( this, ScTPValidationValue, KillFocusHdl ) );
+ maEdMax.SetGetFocusHdl( LINK( this, ScTPValidationValue, EditSetFocusHdl ) );
+ m_btnRef.SetLoseFocusHdl( LINK( this, ScTPValidationValue, KillFocusHdl ) );
+ maEdMax.SetLoseFocusHdl( LINK( this, ScTPValidationValue, KillFocusHdl ) );
+ //-->Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
maLbAllow.SelectEntryPos( SC_VALIDDLG_ALLOW_ANY );
maLbValue.SelectEntryPos( SC_VALIDDLG_DATA_EQUAL );
@@ -374,6 +496,133 @@ void ScTPValidationValue::SetSecondFormula( const String& rFmlaStr )
maEdMax.SetText( rFmlaStr );
+//<!--Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
+ScValidationDlg * ScTPValidationValue::GetValidationDlg()
+ if( Window *pParent = GetParent() )
+ do{
+ if ( dynamic_cast<ScValidationDlg*>( pParent ) )
+ return static_cast< ScValidationDlg * >( pParent );
+ }while ( NULL != ( pParent = pParent->GetParent() ) );
+ return NULL;
+void ScTPValidationValue::SetupRefDlg()
+ if( ScValidationDlg *pValidationDlg = GetValidationDlg() )
+ if( pValidationDlg->SetupRefDlg() )
+ {
+ pValidationDlg->SetHandler( this );
+ pValidationDlg->SetSetRefHdl( (ScRefHandlerHelper::PFUNCSETREFHDLTYPE)( &ScTPValidationValue::SetReferenceHdl ) );
+ pValidationDlg->SetSetActHdl( (ScRefHandlerHelper::PCOMMONHDLTYPE)( &ScTPValidationValue::SetActiveHdl ) );
+ pValidationDlg->SetRefInputStartPreHdl( (ScRefHandlerHelper::PINPUTSTARTDLTYPE)( &ScTPValidationValue::RefInputStartPreHdl ) );
+ pValidationDlg->SetRefInputDonePreHdl( (ScRefHandlerHelper::PCOMMONHDLTYPE)( &ScTPValidationValue::RefInputDonePreHdl ) );
+ pValidationDlg->SetRefInputDonePostHdl( (ScRefHandlerHelper::PCOMMONHDLTYPE)( &ScTPValidationValue::RefInputDonePostHdl ) );
+ if ( maEdMax.IsVisible() ) { m_pRefEdit = &maEdMax; }
+ else if ( maEdMin.IsVisible() ) { m_pRefEdit = &maEdMin; }
+ if( m_pRefEdit && !m_pRefEdit->HasFocus() ) m_pRefEdit->GrabFocus();
+ if( m_pRefEdit ) m_pRefEdit->SetRefDialog( pValidationDlg );
+ m_btnRef.SetReferences( pValidationDlg, m_pRefEdit );
+ }
+void ScTPValidationValue::RemoveRefDlg()
+ if( ScValidationDlg *pValidationDlg = GetValidationDlg() )
+ if( pValidationDlg->RemoveRefDlg() )
+ {
+ pValidationDlg->SetHandler( NULL );
+ pValidationDlg->SetSetRefHdl( NULL );
+ pValidationDlg->SetSetActHdl( NULL );
+ pValidationDlg->SetRefInputStartPreHdl( NULL );
+ pValidationDlg->SetRefInputDonePreHdl( NULL );
+ pValidationDlg->SetRefInputDonePostHdl( NULL );
+ if( m_pRefEdit ) m_pRefEdit->SetRefDialog( NULL );
+ m_pRefEdit = NULL;
+ m_btnRef.SetReferences( NULL, NULL );
+#if ! defined( WNT ) && !defined( _MSC_VER )
+ TidyListBoxes();
+ }
+void ScTPValidationValue::TidyListBoxes()
+ if ( Window *pWnd = GetChild( 0 ) )
+ {
+ bool bFindLst = false;
+ std::list<Window*> alstOrder;
+ do{
+ if( pWnd->GetParent() == this )
+ {
+ if ( !bFindLst )
+ {
+ try{
+ if( dynamic_cast<ListBox*>(pWnd)||dynamic_cast<ListBox*>(pWnd->GetWindow(WINDOW_CLIENT) ) )
+ bFindLst = true;
+ }
+ catch( ... )
+ {
+ if ( *(void**)pWnd == *(void**)&maLbValue )
+ bFindLst = true;
+ else if ( Window *pClient = pWnd->GetWindow( WINDOW_CLIENT ) )
+ if ( *(void**)pClient == *(void**)&maLbValue )
+ bFindLst = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( bFindLst )
+ alstOrder.push_back( pWnd->GetWindow( WINDOW_CLIENT ) );
+ }
+ }while( NULL != ( pWnd = pWnd->GetWindow( WINDOW_NEXT ) ) );
+ pWnd = GetChild(0);
+ while( std::find( alstOrder.begin(), alstOrder.end(), pWnd ) != alstOrder.end() && NULL != ( pWnd = pWnd->GetWindow( WINDOW_NEXT) ) );
+ if ( pWnd )
+ {
+ for ( std::list<Window*>::iterator i = alstOrder.begin(); i!=alstOrder.end(); i++ )
+ {
+ Window *pParent = (*i)->GetParent();
+ (*i)->SetParent( pWnd );
+ (*i)->SetParent( pParent );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+IMPL_LINK( ScTPValidationValue, EditSetFocusHdl, Edit *, /*pEdit*/ )
+ USHORT nPos=maLbAllow.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ {
+ SetupRefDlg();
+ }
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( ScTPValidationValue, KillFocusHdl, Window *, pWnd )
+ if( pWnd == m_pRefEdit || pWnd == &m_btnRef )
+ if( ScValidationDlg *pValidationDlg = GetValidationDlg() )
+ if ( (pValidationDlg->IsActive() || pValidationDlg->IsChildFocus() ) && !pValidationDlg->IsRefInputting() )
+ if( ( !m_pRefEdit || !m_pRefEdit->HasFocus()) && !m_btnRef.HasFocus() )
+ {
+ RemoveRefDlg();
+ }
+ return 0;
+//-->Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -427,7 +676,9 @@ IMPL_LINK( ScTPValidationValue, SelectHdl, ListBox*, EMPTYARG )
maFtMax.Show( bShowMax );
maEdMax.Show( bShowMax );
maFtHint.Show( bRange );
+ //<!--Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
+ m_btnRef.Show( bRange );
+ //-->Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
return 0;
@@ -660,3 +911,114 @@ IMPL_LINK( ScTPValidationError, ClickSearchHdl, PushButton*, EMPTYARG )
return( 0L );
+//<!--Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker
+bool ScValidationDlg::EnterRefStatus()
+ ScTabViewShell *pTabViewShell = GetTabViewShell();
+ if( !pTabViewShell ) return false;
+ SfxViewFrame* pViewFrm = pTabViewShell->GetViewFrame();
+ SfxChildWindow* pWnd = pViewFrm->GetChildWindow( nId );
+ if ( pWnd && pWnd->GetWindow()!= this ) pWnd = NULL;
+ SC_MOD()->SetRefDialog( nId, pWnd ? FALSE : TRUE );
+ return true;
+bool ScValidationDlg::LeaveRefStatus()
+ ScTabViewShell *pTabViewShell = GetTabViewShell();
+ if( !pTabViewShell ) return false;
+ SfxViewFrame* pViewFrm = pTabViewShell->GetViewFrame();
+ //SfxChildWindow* pWnd = pViewFrm->GetChildWindow( nId );
+ if ( pViewFrm->GetChildWindow( nId ) )
+ {
+ DoClose( nId );
+ }
+ return true;
+bool ScValidationDlg::SetupRefDlg()
+ if ( m_bOwnRefHdlr ) return false;
+ if( EnterRefMode() )
+ {
+ SetModal( FALSE );
+ return /*SetChkShell( GetDocShell() ),*/ m_bOwnRefHdlr = true && EnterRefStatus();
+ }
+ return false;
+bool ScValidationDlg::RemoveRefDlg( BOOL bRestoreModal /* = TRUE */ )
+ bool bVisLock = false;
+ bool bFreeWindowLock = false;
+ ScTabViewShell *pTabVwSh = GetTabViewShell();
+ if( !pTabVwSh ) return false;
+ if ( SfxChildWindow* pWnd = pTabVwSh->GetViewFrame()->GetChildWindow( SID_VALIDITY_REFERENCE ) )
+ {
+ bVisLock = static_cast<ScValidityRefChildWin*>(pWnd)->LockVisible( true );
+ bFreeWindowLock = static_cast<ScValidityRefChildWin*>(pWnd)->LockFreeWindow( true );
+ }
+ if ( !m_bOwnRefHdlr ) return false;
+ if( LeaveRefStatus() && LeaveRefMode() )
+ {
+ m_bOwnRefHdlr = false;
+ if( bRestoreModal )
+ SetModal( TRUE );
+ }
+ if ( SfxChildWindow* pWnd = pTabVwSh->GetViewFrame()->GetChildWindow( SID_VALIDITY_REFERENCE ) )
+ {
+ static_cast<ScValidityRefChildWin*>(pWnd)->LockVisible( bVisLock );
+ static_cast<ScValidityRefChildWin*>(pWnd)->LockFreeWindow( bFreeWindowLock );
+ }
+ return true;
+//TYPEINIT1( ScTPValidationValue, SfxTabPage )
+void ScTPValidationValue::ScRefButtonEx::Click()
+ if( ScTPValidationValue *pParent = dynamic_cast< ScTPValidationValue*>( GetParent() ) )
+ pParent->OnClick( this );
+ ScRefButton::Click();
+void ScTPValidationValue::OnClick( Button *pBtn )
+ if( pBtn == &m_btnRef )
+ SetupRefDlg();
+BOOL ScValidationDlg::IsChildFocus()
+ if ( const Window *pWin = Application::GetFocusWindow() )
+ while( NULL != ( pWin = pWin->GetParent() ) )
+ if( pWin == this )
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+bool ScValidationDlg::IsAlive()
+ return SC_MOD()->IsAliveRefDlg( SLOTID, this );
+//-->Added by PengYunQuan for Validity Cell Range Picker