path: root/sc/source/ui/app/uiitems.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sc/source/ui/app/uiitems.cxx')
1 files changed, 927 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/app/uiitems.cxx b/sc/source/ui/app/uiitems.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b2f345a1f4fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/app/uiitems.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: uiitems.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:44:53 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include <svx/editobj.hxx>
+#include "userlist.hxx"
+#include "uiitems.hxx"
+#include "dpsave.hxx"
+// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScInputStatusItem, SfxPoolItem);
+TYPEINIT1(ScSortItem, SfxPoolItem);
+TYPEINIT1(ScQueryItem, SfxPoolItem);
+TYPEINIT1(ScSubTotalItem, SfxPoolItem);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUserListItem, SfxPoolItem);
+TYPEINIT1(ScConsolidateItem, SfxPoolItem);
+TYPEINIT1(ScPivotItem, SfxPoolItem);
+TYPEINIT1(ScSolveItem, SfxPoolItem);
+TYPEINIT1(ScTabOpItem, SfxPoolItem);
+TYPEINIT1(ScCondFrmtItem, SfxPoolItem);
+TYPEINIT1(ScTablesHint, SfxHint);
+TYPEINIT1(ScEditViewHint, SfxHint);
+TYPEINIT1(ScIndexHint, SfxHint);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScInputStatusItem - Status-Update fuer Eingabezeile
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScInputStatusItem::ScInputStatusItem( USHORT nWhich,
+ USHORT nTab,
+ USHORT nStartCol, USHORT nStartRow,
+ USHORT nEndCol, USHORT nEndRow,
+ const String& rString, const EditTextObject* pData )
+ : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ),
+ aCursorPos ( nCol, nRow, nTab ),
+ aStartPos ( nStartCol, nStartRow, nTab ),
+ aEndPos ( nEndCol, nEndRow, nTab ),
+ aString ( rString ),
+ pEditData ( pData ? pData->Clone() : NULL )
+ScInputStatusItem::ScInputStatusItem( USHORT nWhich,
+ const ScAddress& rCurPos,
+ const ScAddress& rStartPos,
+ const ScAddress& rEndPos,
+ const String& rString,
+ const EditTextObject* pData )
+ : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ),
+ aCursorPos ( rCurPos ),
+ aStartPos ( rStartPos ),
+ aEndPos ( rEndPos ),
+ aString ( rString ),
+ pEditData ( pData ? pData->Clone() : NULL )
+ScInputStatusItem::ScInputStatusItem( const ScInputStatusItem& rItem )
+ : SfxPoolItem ( rItem ),
+ aCursorPos ( rItem.aCursorPos ),
+ aStartPos ( rItem.aStartPos ),
+ aEndPos ( rItem.aEndPos ),
+ aString ( rItem.aString ),
+ pEditData ( rItem.pEditData ? rItem.pEditData->Clone() : NULL )
+__EXPORT ScInputStatusItem::~ScInputStatusItem()
+ delete pEditData;
+String __EXPORT ScInputStatusItem::GetValueText() const
+ return String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("InputStatus"));
+int __EXPORT ScInputStatusItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rItem ), "unequal Which or Type" );
+ return ( (aStartPos == ((ScInputStatusItem&)rItem).aStartPos)
+ && (aEndPos == ((ScInputStatusItem&)rItem).aEndPos)
+ && (aCursorPos == ((ScInputStatusItem&)rItem).aCursorPos)
+ && (aString == ((ScInputStatusItem&)rItem).aString) );
+ //! Edit-Daten vergleichen!
+SfxPoolItem* __EXPORT ScInputStatusItem::Clone( SfxItemPool * ) const
+ return new ScInputStatusItem( *this );
+// ScPaintHint ist nach schints.cxx verschoben
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScTablesHint - Views anpassen, wenn Tabellen eingefuegt / geloescht
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScTablesHint::ScTablesHint(USHORT nNewId, USHORT nTable1, USHORT nTable2) :
+ nId( nNewId ),
+ nTab1( nTable1 ),
+ nTab2( nTable2 )
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScIndexHint
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScIndexHint::ScIndexHint(USHORT nNewId, USHORT nIdx) :
+ nId( nNewId ),
+ nIndex( nIdx )
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScEditViewHint - neue EditView fuer Cursorposition anlegen
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScEditViewHint::ScEditViewHint() :
+ aCursorPos( 0,0,0 ),
+ pEditEngine( NULL )
+ScEditViewHint::ScEditViewHint( ScEditEngineDefaulter* pEngine, const ScAddress& rCurPos ) :
+ aCursorPos( rCurPos ),
+ pEditEngine( pEngine )
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScSortItem - Daten fuer den Sortierdialog
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScSortItem::ScSortItem( USHORT nWhich,
+ ScViewData* ptrViewData,
+ const ScSortParam* pSortData ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ),
+ pViewData ( ptrViewData )
+ if ( pSortData ) theSortData = *pSortData;
+ScSortItem::ScSortItem( USHORT nWhich,
+ const ScSortParam* pSortData ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ),
+ pViewData ( NULL )
+ if ( pSortData ) theSortData = *pSortData;
+ScSortItem::ScSortItem( const ScSortItem& rItem ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( rItem ),
+ pViewData ( rItem.pViewData ),
+ theSortData ( rItem.theSortData )
+__EXPORT ScSortItem::~ScSortItem()
+String __EXPORT ScSortItem::GetValueText() const
+ return String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("SortItem"));
+int __EXPORT ScSortItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rItem ), "unequal Which or Type" );
+ const ScSortItem& rOther = (const ScSortItem&)rItem;
+ return ( (pViewData == rOther.pViewData)
+ && (theSortData == rOther.theSortData) );
+SfxPoolItem* __EXPORT ScSortItem::Clone( SfxItemPool * ) const
+ return new ScSortItem( *this );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScQueryItem - Daten fuer den Filterdialog
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScQueryItem::ScQueryItem( USHORT nWhich,
+ ScViewData* ptrViewData,
+ const ScQueryParam* pQueryData ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ),
+ bIsAdvanced ( FALSE ),
+ pViewData ( ptrViewData )
+ if ( pQueryData ) theQueryData = *pQueryData;
+ScQueryItem::ScQueryItem( USHORT nWhich,
+ const ScQueryParam* pQueryData ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ),
+ bIsAdvanced ( FALSE ),
+ pViewData ( NULL )
+ if ( pQueryData ) theQueryData = *pQueryData;
+ScQueryItem::ScQueryItem( const ScQueryItem& rItem ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( rItem ),
+ bIsAdvanced ( rItem.bIsAdvanced ),
+ aAdvSource ( rItem.aAdvSource ),
+ pViewData ( rItem.pViewData ),
+ theQueryData( rItem.theQueryData )
+__EXPORT ScQueryItem::~ScQueryItem()
+void ScQueryItem::SetAdvancedQuerySource(const ScRange* pSource)
+ if (pSource)
+ {
+ aAdvSource = *pSource;
+ bIsAdvanced = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ bIsAdvanced = FALSE;
+BOOL ScQueryItem::GetAdvancedQuerySource(ScRange& rSource) const
+ rSource = aAdvSource;
+ return bIsAdvanced;
+String __EXPORT ScQueryItem::GetValueText() const
+ return String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("QueryItem"));
+int __EXPORT ScQueryItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rItem ), "unequal Which or Type" );
+ const ScQueryItem& rQueryItem = (const ScQueryItem&)rItem;
+ return ( (pViewData == rQueryItem.pViewData)
+ && (bIsAdvanced == rQueryItem.bIsAdvanced)
+ && (aAdvSource == rQueryItem.aAdvSource)
+ && (theQueryData == rQueryItem.theQueryData) );
+SfxPoolItem* __EXPORT ScQueryItem::Clone( SfxItemPool * ) const
+ return new ScQueryItem( *this );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScSubTotalItem - Daten fuer den Zwischenergebnisdialog
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScSubTotalItem::ScSubTotalItem( USHORT nWhich,
+ ScViewData* ptrViewData,
+ const ScSubTotalParam* pSubTotalData ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ),
+ pViewData ( ptrViewData )
+ if ( pSubTotalData ) theSubTotalData = *pSubTotalData;
+ScSubTotalItem::ScSubTotalItem( USHORT nWhich,
+ const ScSubTotalParam* pSubTotalData ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ),
+ pViewData ( NULL )
+ if ( pSubTotalData ) theSubTotalData = *pSubTotalData;
+ScSubTotalItem::ScSubTotalItem( const ScSubTotalItem& rItem ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( rItem ),
+ pViewData ( rItem.pViewData ),
+ theSubTotalData ( rItem.theSubTotalData )
+__EXPORT ScSubTotalItem::~ScSubTotalItem()
+String __EXPORT ScSubTotalItem::GetValueText() const
+ return String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("SubTotalItem"));
+int __EXPORT ScSubTotalItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rItem ), "unequal Which or Type" );
+ const ScSubTotalItem& rSTItem = (const ScSubTotalItem&)rItem;
+ return ( (pViewData == rSTItem.pViewData)
+ && (theSubTotalData == rSTItem.theSubTotalData) );
+SfxPoolItem* __EXPORT ScSubTotalItem::Clone( SfxItemPool * ) const
+ return new ScSubTotalItem( *this );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScUserListItem - Transporter fuer den Benutzerlisten-TabPage
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScUserListItem::ScUserListItem( USHORT nWhich )
+ : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ),
+ pUserList ( NULL )
+ScUserListItem::ScUserListItem( const ScUserListItem& rItem )
+ : SfxPoolItem ( rItem )
+ if ( rItem.pUserList )
+ pUserList = new ScUserList( *(rItem.pUserList) );
+ else
+ pUserList = NULL;
+__EXPORT ScUserListItem::~ScUserListItem()
+ delete pUserList;
+String __EXPORT ScUserListItem::GetValueText() const
+ return String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("ScUserListItem"));
+int __EXPORT ScUserListItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rItem ), "unequal Which or Type" );
+ const ScUserListItem& r = (const ScUserListItem&)rItem;
+ BOOL bEqual = FALSE;
+ if ( !pUserList || !(r.pUserList) )
+ bEqual = ( !pUserList && !(r.pUserList) );
+ else
+ bEqual = ( *pUserList == *(r.pUserList) );
+ return bEqual;
+SfxPoolItem* __EXPORT ScUserListItem::Clone( SfxItemPool * ) const
+ return new ScUserListItem( *this );
+void ScUserListItem::SetUserList( const ScUserList& rUserList )
+ delete pUserList;
+ pUserList = new ScUserList( rUserList );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScConsolidateItem - Daten fuer den Konsolidieren-Dialog
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ USHORT nWhich,
+ const ScConsolidateParam* pConsolidateData ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( nWhich )
+ if ( pConsolidateData ) theConsData = *pConsolidateData;
+ScConsolidateItem::ScConsolidateItem( const ScConsolidateItem& rItem ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( rItem ),
+ theConsData ( rItem.theConsData )
+__EXPORT ScConsolidateItem::~ScConsolidateItem()
+String __EXPORT ScConsolidateItem::GetValueText() const
+ return String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("ScConsolidateItem"));
+int __EXPORT ScConsolidateItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rItem ), "unequal Which or Type" );
+ const ScConsolidateItem& rCItem = (const ScConsolidateItem&)rItem;
+ return ( theConsData == rCItem.theConsData);
+SfxPoolItem* __EXPORT ScConsolidateItem::Clone( SfxItemPool * ) const
+ return new ScConsolidateItem( *this );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScPivotItem - Daten fuer den Pivot-Dialog
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScPivotItem::ScPivotItem( USHORT nWhich, const ScDPSaveData* pData,
+ const ScRange* pRange, BOOL bNew ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( nWhich )
+ // pSaveData must always exist
+ if ( pData )
+ pSaveData = new ScDPSaveData(*pData);
+ else
+ pSaveData = new ScDPSaveData;
+ if ( pRange ) aDestRange = *pRange;
+ bNewSheet = bNew;
+ScPivotItem::ScPivotItem( const ScPivotItem& rItem ) :
+ SfxPoolItem ( rItem ),
+ aDestRange ( rItem.aDestRange ),
+ bNewSheet ( rItem.bNewSheet )
+ DBG_ASSERT(rItem.pSaveData, "pSaveData");
+ pSaveData = new ScDPSaveData(*rItem.pSaveData);
+__EXPORT ScPivotItem::~ScPivotItem()
+ delete pSaveData;
+String __EXPORT ScPivotItem::GetValueText() const
+ return String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("ScPivotItem"));
+int __EXPORT ScPivotItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rItem ), "unequal Which or Type" );
+ const ScPivotItem& rPItem = (const ScPivotItem&)rItem;
+ DBG_ASSERT( pSaveData && rPItem.pSaveData, "pSaveData" );
+ return ( *pSaveData == *rPItem.pSaveData &&
+ aDestRange == rPItem.aDestRange &&
+ bNewSheet == rPItem.bNewSheet );
+SfxPoolItem* __EXPORT ScPivotItem::Clone( SfxItemPool * ) const
+ return new ScPivotItem( *this );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScSolveItem - Daten fuer den Solver-Dialog
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScSolveItem::ScSolveItem( USHORT nWhich,
+ const ScSolveParam* pSolveData )
+ : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich )
+ if ( pSolveData ) theSolveData = *pSolveData;
+ScSolveItem::ScSolveItem( const ScSolveItem& rItem )
+ : SfxPoolItem ( rItem ),
+ theSolveData ( rItem.theSolveData )
+__EXPORT ScSolveItem::~ScSolveItem()
+String __EXPORT ScSolveItem::GetValueText() const
+ return String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("ScSolveItem"));
+int __EXPORT ScSolveItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rItem ), "unequal Which or Type" );
+ const ScSolveItem& rPItem = (const ScSolveItem&)rItem;
+ return ( theSolveData == rPItem.theSolveData );
+SfxPoolItem* __EXPORT ScSolveItem::Clone( SfxItemPool * ) const
+ return new ScSolveItem( *this );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScTabOpItem - Daten fuer den TabOp-Dialog
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScTabOpItem::ScTabOpItem( USHORT nWhich,
+ const ScTabOpParam* pTabOpData )
+ : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich )
+ if ( pTabOpData ) theTabOpData = *pTabOpData;
+ScTabOpItem::ScTabOpItem( const ScTabOpItem& rItem )
+ : SfxPoolItem ( rItem ),
+ theTabOpData ( rItem.theTabOpData )
+__EXPORT ScTabOpItem::~ScTabOpItem()
+String __EXPORT ScTabOpItem::GetValueText() const
+ return String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("ScTabOpItem"));
+int __EXPORT ScTabOpItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rItem ), "unequal Which or Type" );
+ const ScTabOpItem& rPItem = (const ScTabOpItem&)rItem;
+ return ( theTabOpData == rPItem.theTabOpData );
+SfxPoolItem* __EXPORT ScTabOpItem::Clone( SfxItemPool * ) const
+ return new ScTabOpItem( *this );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ScCondFrmtItem - Daten fuer den Dialog bedingte Formatierung
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScCondFrmtItem::ScCondFrmtItem( USHORT nWhich,
+//! const ScConditionalFormat* pCondFrmt )
+ const ScConditionalFormat& rCondFrmt )
+ : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ),
+ theCondFrmtData ( rCondFrmt ) //!
+//! if ( pCondFrmt ) theCondFrmtData = *pCondFrmt;
+ScCondFrmtItem::ScCondFrmtItem( const ScCondFrmtItem& rItem )
+ : SfxPoolItem ( rItem ),
+ theCondFrmtData ( rItem.theCondFrmtData )
+__EXPORT ScCondFrmtItem::~ScCondFrmtItem()
+String __EXPORT ScCondFrmtItem::GetValueText() const
+ return String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("ScCondFrmtItem"));
+int __EXPORT ScCondFrmtItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rItem ), "unequal Which or Type" );
+ const ScCondFrmtItem& rPItem = (const ScCondFrmtItem&)rItem;
+ return ( theCondFrmtData == rPItem.theCondFrmtData );
+SfxPoolItem* __EXPORT ScCondFrmtItem::Clone( SfxItemPool * ) const
+ return new ScCondFrmtItem( *this );
+ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ Revision 1.50 2000/09/17 14:08:54 willem.vandorp
+ OpenOffice header added.
+ Revision 1.49 2000/08/31 16:38:18 willem.vandorp
+ Header and footer replaced
+ Revision 1.48 2000/08/27 18:18:18 er
+ MUST/602: EditEngine
+ Revision 1.47 2000/06/06 17:35:07 nn
+ ScQueryItem: advanced filter source range
+ Revision 1.46 2000/04/17 13:26:28 nn
+ unicode changes
+ Revision 1.45 2000/03/03 20:14:06 nn
+ PivotItem: SaveData as pointer
+ Revision 1.44 1999/10/25 17:19:33 nn
+ ScPivotItem changed
+ Revision 1.43 1997/12/05 19:07:44 ANK
+ Includes geaendert
+ Rev 1.42 05 Dec 1997 20:07:44 ANK
+ Includes geaendert
+ Rev 1.41 09 Jun 1997 12:00:26 NN
+ ScIndexHint
+ Rev 1.40 16 Oct 1996 16:15:32 RJ
+ Item fuer bedingte Fomatierung
+ Rev 1.39 25 Sep 1996 12:50:40 NN
+ ScPaintHint nach hints verschoben
+ Rev 1.38 15 Aug 1996 15:28:24 NN
+ tabvwsh.hxx raus
+ Rev 1.37 04 Jul 1996 16:51:52 NN
+ ScTablesHint mit 2.Tabelle fuer Copy/Move
+ Rev 1.36 15 Mar 1996 14:29:08 NN
+ ScTablesHint
+ Rev 1.35 27 Nov 1995 09:27:12 MO
+ Pos-Item entfernt
+ Rev 1.34 24 Nov 1995 17:08:32 MO
+ ScTripel durch ScAddress ersetzt
+ Rev 1.33 30 Jun 1995 10:57:58 STE
+ Typeinit fuer ScTabOpItem dazu
+ Rev 1.32 29 Jun 1995 12:35:16 STE
+ tabop dazu
+ Rev 1.31 23 Jun 1995 14:50:40 MO
+ ViewOptionsItem entfernt
+ Rev 1.30 02 Jun 1995 16:32:48 MO
+ ScViewOptionsItem
+ Rev 1.29 21 May 1995 18:06:32 MO
+ Zusaetzlich CursorPos
+ Rev 1.28 21 May 1995 13:55:34 MO
+ aus aPos wird aEndPos, zusaetzlich aStartPos
+ Rev 1.27 20 May 1995 16:04:38 MO
+ ScUserListItem: Listen kopieren
+ Rev 1.26 12 May 1995 10:58:44 MO
+ Items fuer Seitenformat nach attrib
+ Rev 1.25 10 May 1995 20:13:04 MO
+ Bugfix: ==-Operatoren, Ctor von UserListItem
+ Rev 1.24 08 May 1995 20:49:48 MO
+ Seitendialog
+ Rev 1.23 19 Apr 1995 16:30:56 MO
+ ScSolveItem
+ Rev 1.22 24 Mar 1995 13:06:36 TRI
+ Segmentierung
+ Rev 1.21 24 Mar 1995 13:05:26 TRI
+ Segmentierung
+ Rev 1.20 22 Mar 1995 19:31:14 NN
+ EditData am InputStatusIten
+ Rev 1.19 20 Mar 1995 16:38:04 MO
+ + Pivot-Item
+ Rev 1.18 01 Mar 1995 19:00:52 MO
+ + ScConsolidateItem
+ Rev 1.17 01 Feb 1995 11:20:30 MO
+ * __EXORT -> __EXPORT
+ Rev 1.16 31 Jan 1995 14:44:26 TRI
+ __EXPORT vor virtuelle Funktion eingebaut
+ Rev 1.15 29 Jan 1995 20:20:08 MO
+ UserListItem
+ Rev 1.14 24 Jan 1995 14:57:14 MO
+ ScSortItem an ScSortParam angepasst
+ Rev 1.13 19 Jan 1995 11:26:50 MO
+ ScSubTotalItem
+ Rev 1.12 17 Jan 1995 17:02:14 TRI
+ Pragmas zur Segmentierung eingebaut
+ Rev 1.11 12 Jan 1995 14:34:04 MO
+ Zusaetzliche Konstruktoren fuer Query/Sort-Item fuer Rueckgabe aus
+ dem Dialog.
+ Rev 1.10 10 Jan 1995 16:14:36 MO
+ ScSortItem um Kopier-Position und Header-Flag erweitert
+ Rev 1.9 09 Jan 1995 11:13:44 MO
+ ScSortItem: ScSortParam als Member
+ ScQueryItem: wie ScSortItem
+ Rev 1.8 21 Dec 1994 12:15:02 MO
+ SortItem
+ Rev 1.7 19 Dec 1994 16:23:36 MO
+ ScSortItem mit FeldNamensliste
+ Rev 1.6 07 Nov 1994 14:39:32 MM
+ Clone() angepasst
+ Rev 1.5 26 Oct 1994 12:30:56 NN
+ neue Precompiled Header-Methode
+ Rev 1.4 17 Oct 1994 18:34:12 NN
+ Edit-Engine
+ Rev 1.3 06 Oct 1994 13:58:16 NN
+ Eingabezeile / Referenzeingabe
+ Rev 1.2 04 Oct 1994 16:07:04 NN
+ Hints statt Requests
+ Rev 1.1 22 Sep 1994 17:37:48 NN
+ Bildschirm-Update
+ Rev 1.0 14 Sep 1994 12:26:44 NN
+ Bloecke markieren und attributieren