path: root/sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx')
1 files changed, 764 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx b/sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ea9f11504551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef SC_SCFLT_HXX
+#define SC_SCFLT_HXX
+#include "viewopti.hxx"
+#include "collect.hxx"
+#include <tools/solar.h>
+// FehlerNummern
+#define errUnknownFormat 1
+#define errUnknownID 2
+#define errOutOfMemory 3
+// Identifiers im FileFormat
+#define ColWidthID 1
+#define ColAttrID 2
+#define RowHeightID 3
+#define RowAttrID 4
+#define FontID 5
+#define NameID 6
+#define TableID 7
+#define ObjectID 8
+#define PatternID 9
+#define DataBaseID 10
+// Zeilen/Spalten Flags
+#define crfSoftBreak 1
+#define crfHardBreak 2
+#define crfHidden 4
+// Zelltypen
+#define ctValue 1
+#define ctString 2
+#define ctFormula 3
+#define ctNote 4
+// FontStyles
+#define ffDontCare 0x00
+#define ffRoman 0x10
+#define ffSwiss 0x20
+#define ffModern 0x30
+#define ffScript 0x40
+#define ffDecorative 0x50
+// FontWeight
+#define fwNormal 400
+// FontAttribute
+#define atNone 0
+#define atBold 1
+#define atItalic 2
+#define atUnderline 4
+#define atStrikeOut 8
+// Horizontale Ausrichtung
+#define hjNone 0
+#define hjLeft 1
+#define hjCenter 2
+#define hjRight 3
+// Vertikale Ausrichtung
+#define vjNone 0
+#define vjTop 1
+#define vjCenter 2
+#define vjBottom 3
+// AusrichtungsFlags
+#define ojWordBreak 0x01
+#define ojBottomTop 0x02
+#define ojTopBottom 0x04
+// ZellRaster
+#define raNone 0
+#define raGray12 1
+#define raGray25 2
+#define raGray50 3
+#define raGray75 4
+#define raGray100 5
+// Zellschutz
+#define paProtect 1
+#define paHideFormula 2
+#define paHideAll 4
+#define paHidePrint 8
+// ZahlenFormatFlags
+#define vfStandard 0
+#define vfMoney 1
+#define vfThousend 2
+#define vfPercent 3
+#define vfExponent 4
+#define vfZerro 5
+#define vfDate 6
+#define vfTime 7
+#define vfBoolean 8
+#define vfStandardRed 9
+#define vfMoneyRed 10
+#define vfThousendRed 11
+#define vfPercentRed 12
+#define vfExponentRed 13
+#define vfFormula 14
+#define vfString 15
+#define vfNone 16
+// DatumsFormatFlags
+#define df_NDMY_Long 0
+#define df_DMY_Long 1
+#define df_MY_Long 2
+#define df_NDM_Long 3
+#define df_DM_Long 4
+#define df_M_Long 5
+#define df_NDMY_Short 6
+#define df_DMY_Short 7
+#define df_MY_Short 8
+#define df_NDM_Short 9
+#define df_DM_Short 10
+#define df_M_Short 11
+#define df_Q_Long 12
+#define df_Q_Short 13
+// ZeitFormatFlags
+#define tf_HMS_Long 0
+#define tf_HM_Long 1
+#define tf_HMS_Short 2
+#define tf_HM_Short 3
+// Attribute fuer FormatVorlage
+#define pfValue 0x01
+#define pfFont 0x02
+#define pfJustify 0x04
+#define pfFrame 0x08
+#define pfRaster 0x10
+#define pfProtection 0x20
+// Displayflags fuer die Tabelle
+#define dfFormula 0x0001 // Formeln
+#define dfZerro 0x0002 // Nullwerte
+#define dfGrid 0x0004 // Gitternetz
+#define dfPageBreak 0x0008 // Seitenumbruch
+#define dfColRowBar 0x0010 // Zeilen/Spalten Koepfe (Dummy)
+#define dfSyntax 0x0020 // Syntax Highlighting
+#define dfPrintPage 0x0040 // Druckbildansicht (Dummy)
+#define dfObjectAll 0x0080 // Objekte anzeigen
+#define dfObjectFrame 0x0100 // Objekte als Platzhalter
+#define dfObjectNone 0x0200 // Objekte nicht anzeigen
+#define dfNoteMark 0x0400 // Notizanzeiger
+#define dfProtectMark 0x0800 // Schutzanzeiger
+// Objekt Typen
+#define otNone 0 // s.u.
+#define otOle 1
+#define otImage 2
+#define otChart 3
+// Grafik Typen
+#define gtNone 0 // Kann nicht vorkommen
+#define gtOle 1 // Ole 1.0 Objekt
+#define gtImage 2 // Image (Bitmap oder Metafile)
+#define gtChart 3 // Chart
+// Datum/Uhrzeit
+struct Sc10DateTime
+ sal_uInt16 Year;
+ sal_uInt16 Month;
+ sal_uInt16 Day;
+ sal_uInt16 Hour;
+ sal_uInt16 Min;
+ sal_uInt16 Sec;
+// ZahlenFormate
+struct Sc10ValueFormat
+ sal_uInt8 Format; // Zahl, Waehrung, Prozent etc.
+ sal_uInt8 Info; // Anzahl Nachkommastellen, Anzahl Stellen, bzw. Datums/Zeitformat
+// Fontbeschreibung
+struct Sc10LogFont
+ sal_Int16 lfHeight;
+ sal_Int16 lfWidth;
+ sal_Int16 lfEscapement;
+ sal_Int16 lfOrientation;
+ sal_Int16 lfWeight;
+ sal_uInt8 lfItalic;
+ sal_uInt8 lfUnderline;
+ sal_uInt8 lfStrikeOut;
+ sal_uInt8 lfCharSet;
+ sal_uInt8 lfOutPrecision;
+ sal_uInt8 lfClipPrecision;
+ sal_uInt8 lfQuality;
+ sal_uInt8 lfPitchAndFamily;
+ sal_Char lfFaceName[32];
+ int operator==( const Sc10LogFont& rData ) const;
+// RGB-Frabwerte
+struct Sc10Color
+ sal_uInt8 Dummy;
+ sal_uInt8 Blue;
+ sal_uInt8 Green;
+ sal_uInt8 Red;
+ int operator==( const Sc10Color& rColor ) const;
+// Blockbeschreibung
+struct Sc10BlockRect
+ sal_Int16 x1;
+ sal_Int16 y1;
+ sal_Int16 x2;
+ sal_Int16 y2;
+// Datenbank-Bereich
+struct Sc10DataBaseRec
+ sal_Char Name[32];
+ sal_Int16 Tab;
+ Sc10BlockRect Block;
+ sal_uInt8 RowHeader;
+ sal_Int16 SortField0;
+ sal_uInt8 SortUpOrder0;
+ sal_Int16 SortField1;
+ sal_uInt8 SortUpOrder1;
+ sal_Int16 SortField2;
+ sal_uInt8 SortUpOrder2;
+ sal_uInt8 IncludeFormat;
+ sal_Int16 QueryField0;
+ sal_Int16 QueryOp0;
+ sal_uInt8 QueryByString0;
+ sal_Char QueryString0[64];
+ double QueryValue0;
+ sal_Int16 QueryConnect1;
+ sal_Int16 QueryField1;
+ sal_Int16 QueryOp1;
+ sal_uInt8 QueryByString1;
+ sal_Char QueryString1[64];
+ double QueryValue1;
+ sal_Int16 QueryConnect2;
+ sal_Int16 QueryField2;
+ sal_Int16 QueryOp2;
+ sal_uInt8 QueryByString2;
+ sal_Char QueryString2[64];
+ double QueryValue2;
+// Kopf/Fusszeilen-Beschreibung
+struct Sc10HeadFootLine
+ sal_Char Title[128];
+ Sc10LogFont LogFont;
+ sal_uInt8 HorJustify;
+ sal_uInt8 VerJustify;
+ sal_uInt16 Raster;
+ sal_uInt16 Frame;
+ Sc10Color TextColor;
+ Sc10Color BackColor;
+ Sc10Color RasterColor;
+ sal_uInt16 FrameColor; // Nibble Codierte Farben link oben rechts unten
+ sal_uInt16 Reserved;
+ int operator==( const Sc10HeadFootLine& rData ) const;
+// Seitenformat
+struct Sc10PageFormat
+ Sc10HeadFootLine HeadLine;
+ Sc10HeadFootLine FootLine;
+ sal_Int16 Orientation;
+ sal_Int16 Width;
+ sal_Int16 Height;
+ sal_Int16 NonPrintableX;
+ sal_Int16 NonPrintableY;
+ sal_Int16 Left;
+ sal_Int16 Top;
+ sal_Int16 Right;
+ sal_Int16 Bottom;
+ sal_Int16 Head;
+ sal_Int16 Foot;
+ sal_uInt8 HorCenter;
+ sal_uInt8 VerCenter;
+ sal_uInt8 PrintGrid;
+ sal_uInt8 PrintColRow;
+ sal_uInt8 PrintNote;
+ sal_uInt8 TopBottomDir;
+ sal_Char PrintAreaName[32];
+ Sc10BlockRect PrintArea;
+ sal_Char PrnZoom[6]; // Pascal 6 Byte Realzahl
+ sal_uInt16 FirstPageNo;
+ sal_Int16 RowRepeatStart;
+ sal_Int16 RowRepeatEnd;
+ sal_Int16 ColRepeatStart;
+ sal_Int16 ColRepeatEnd;
+ sal_Char Reserved[26];
+ int operator==( const Sc10PageFormat& rData ) const;
+// Tabellenschutz
+struct Sc10TableProtect
+ sal_Char PassWord[16];
+ sal_uInt16 Flags;
+ sal_uInt8 Protect;
+// Documentschutz
+struct Sc10SheetProtect
+ sal_Char PassWord[16];
+ sal_uInt16 Flags;
+ sal_uInt8 Protect;
+// Dateikopf StarCalc 1.0 Datei
+struct Sc10FileHeader
+ sal_Char CopyRight[30];
+ sal_uInt16 Version;
+ sal_Char Reserved[32];
+// Benutzer-Definierte Datei-Beschreibung
+struct Sc10FileInfo
+ sal_Char Title[64];
+ sal_Char Thema[64];
+ sal_Char Keys[64];
+ sal_Char Note[256];
+ sal_Char InfoLabel0[16];
+ sal_Char InfoLabel1[16];
+ sal_Char InfoLabel2[16];
+ sal_Char InfoLabel3[16];
+ sal_Char Info0[32];
+ sal_Char Info1[32];
+ sal_Char Info2[32];
+ sal_Char Info3[32];
+ sal_Char CreateAuthor[64];
+ sal_Char ChangeAuthor[64];
+ sal_Char PrintAuthor[64];
+ Sc10DateTime CreateDate;
+ Sc10DateTime ChangeDate;
+ Sc10DateTime PrintDate;
+ sal_uInt32 PageCount;
+ sal_uInt32 ChartCount;
+ sal_uInt32 PictureCount;
+ sal_uInt32 GraphCount;
+ sal_uInt32 OleCount;
+ sal_uInt32 NoteCount;
+ sal_uInt32 TextCellCount;
+ sal_uInt32 ValueCellCount;
+ sal_uInt32 FormulaCellCount;
+ sal_uInt32 CellCount;
+ sal_Char Reserved[52];
+// Letze Cursorposition
+struct Sc10EditStateInfo
+ // Cursor Position
+ sal_uInt16 CarretX;
+ sal_uInt16 CarretY;
+ sal_uInt16 CarretZ;
+ // Linke obere Ecke der Tabelle im Fenster
+ sal_uInt16 DeltaX;
+ sal_uInt16 DeltaY;
+ sal_uInt16 DeltaZ;
+ // Ueberfluessig in StarCalc 3.0
+ sal_uInt8 DataBaseMode;
+ sal_Char Reserved[51];
+// Attribut-Eintrag
+struct Sc10ColData
+ sal_uInt16 Row;
+ sal_uInt16 Value;
+// ZellAttribut-Beschreibung
+struct Sc10ColAttr
+ sal_uInt16 Count;
+ Sc10ColData* pData;
+ Sc10ColAttr() : pData(NULL) {}
+// GraphHeader
+struct Sc10GraphHeader
+ sal_uInt8 Typ; // Typ der Grafik (Ole-Objekt, Image (Bitmap oder MetaFile), Chart-Object)
+ sal_Int16 CarretX; // ZellPosition der Grafik
+ sal_Int16 CarretY;
+ sal_Int16 CarretZ;
+ sal_Int32 x; // x,y Abstand zum Zellrand in Pixel (Pixel weil ich Grafiken in Fenstern ablege)
+ sal_Int32 y;
+ sal_Int32 w; // w,h Breite und Hoehe in Pixel
+ sal_Int32 h;
+ sal_uInt8 IsRelPos; // Ist die Position relativ zur Zelle oder absolute in der Tabelle
+ sal_uInt8 DoPrint; // Soll die Grafik ausgedruckt werden
+ sal_uInt16 FrameType; // Art der Umrandung um die Grafik (Keine, Einfach, Doppelt, Einfach Dick, Doppelt Dick)
+ sal_uInt8 IsTransparent; // Soll der Hintergrund gezeichnet werden
+ Sc10Color FrameColor; // Umrandungsfarbe als RGB-Wert
+ Sc10Color BackColor; // Hintergrundfarbe als RGB-Wert
+ sal_Char Reserved[32]; // Na was wohl
+// ImageHeader
+struct Sc10ImageHeader
+ sal_Char FileName[128]; // Dateiname des urspruenglich eingefuegten Bildes
+ sal_Int16 Typ; // Typ der Grafik (Bitmap oder Metafile)
+ sal_uInt8 Linked; // Kann nicht vorkommen
+ sal_Int16 x1; // Urspruengliche Groesse der Grafik (nur fuer Metafiles)
+ sal_Int16 y1;
+ sal_Int16 x2;
+ sal_Int16 y2;
+ sal_uInt32 Size; // Groesse der Grafik in BYTES
+// ChartHeader
+struct Sc10ChartHeader
+ sal_Int16 MM; // Meatfile Struktur MapMode, Breite, Hoehe
+ sal_Int16 xExt;
+ sal_Int16 yExt;
+ sal_uInt32 Size; // Groesse der Grafik in BYTES
+// ChartSheetData
+struct Sc10ChartSheetData
+ sal_uInt8 HasTitle; // Hat das Chart Daten aus der Tabell fuer einen Titel
+ sal_Int16 TitleX; // Zellposition des Titels
+ sal_Int16 TitleY;
+ sal_uInt8 HasSubTitle; // Hat das Chart Daten aus der Tabell fuer einen Untertitel
+ sal_Int16 SubTitleX; // Zellposition des Untertitels
+ sal_Int16 SubTitleY;
+ sal_uInt8 HasLeftTitle; // Hat das Chart Daten aus der Tabelle fuer einen Linken-Titel
+ sal_Int16 LeftTitleX; // Zellposition des Linken-Titels
+ sal_Int16 LeftTitleY;
+ sal_uInt8 HasLegend; // Hat das Chart Daten aus der Tabelle fuer eine Legende
+ sal_Int16 LegendX1; // Zellen der Legende
+ sal_Int16 LegendY1;
+ sal_Int16 LegendX2;
+ sal_Int16 LegendY2;
+ sal_uInt8 HasLabel; // Hat das Chart Daten aus der Tabelle fuer die Achsbeschriftung
+ sal_Int16 LabelX1; // Zellen der Achsbeschriftung
+ sal_Int16 LabelY1;
+ sal_Int16 LabelX2;
+ sal_Int16 LabelY2;
+ sal_Int16 DataX1; // Zellen der Daten
+ sal_Int16 DataY1;
+ sal_Int16 DataX2;
+ sal_Int16 DataY2;
+ sal_Char Reserved[64];
+#define AGPie2D 1 // Pie Chart 2D
+#define AGPie3D 2 // Pie Chart 3D
+#define AGBar2D 3 // Bar Chart 2D
+#define AGBar3D 4 // Bar Chart 3D
+#define AGGantt 5 // Gantt Diagramm
+#define AGLine 6 // Line Chart
+#define AGLogLine 7 // Logarythmic-Coordinate Chart
+#define AGArea 8 // Area Chart
+#define AGHLC 11 // High-Low-Close Chart
+#define AGPolar 10 // Polar-Coordinate Chart
+typedef sal_Char Sc10ChartText[30];
+struct Sc10ChartTypeData
+ sal_Int16 NumSets;
+ sal_Int16 NumPoints;
+ sal_Int16 DrawMode;
+ sal_Int16 GraphType;
+ sal_Int16 GraphStyle;
+ sal_Char GraphTitle[80];
+ sal_Char BottomTitle[80];
+ sal_Int16 SymbolData[256];
+ sal_Int16 ColorData[256];
+ sal_Int16 ThickLines[256];
+ sal_Int16 PatternData[256];
+ sal_Int16 LinePatternData[256];
+ sal_Int16 NumGraphStyles[11];
+ sal_Int16 ShowLegend;
+ Sc10ChartText LegendText[256];
+ sal_Int16 ExplodePie;
+ sal_Int16 FontUse;
+ sal_Int16 FontFamily[5];
+ sal_Int16 FontStyle[5];
+ sal_Int16 FontSize[5];
+ sal_Int16 GridStyle;
+ sal_Int16 Labels;
+ sal_Int16 LabelEvery;
+ Sc10ChartText LabelText[50];
+ sal_Char LeftTitle[80];
+ sal_Char Reserved[4646];
+// FontAttribut
+class Sc10FontData : public ScDataObject
+ sal_Int16 Height;
+ sal_uInt8 CharSet;
+ sal_uInt8 PitchAndFamily;
+ sal_Char FaceName[32];
+ Sc10FontData( const Sc10FontData& rData ) :
+ ScDataObject( rData ),
+ Height( rData.Height ),
+ CharSet( rData.CharSet ),
+ PitchAndFamily( rData.PitchAndFamily )
+ {
+ strncpy( FaceName, rData.FaceName, sizeof(FaceName) );
+ FaceName[sizeof(FaceName)-1] = 0;
+ }
+ Sc10FontData( SvStream& rStream );
+ virtual ScDataObject* Clone() const { return new Sc10FontData(*this); }
+// Font-Collection
+class Sc10FontCollection : public ScCollection
+ sal_uLong nError;
+ Sc10FontCollection( SvStream& rStream );
+ sal_uLong GetError() { return nError; }
+ Sc10FontData* At(sal_uInt16 nIndex) { return (Sc10FontData*)ScCollection::At(nIndex); }
+ using ScCollection::At;
+class Sc10NameData : public ScDataObject
+public :
+ sal_Char Name[32];
+ sal_Char Reference[64];
+ sal_Char Reserved[12];
+ Sc10NameData(const Sc10NameData& rData) :
+ ScDataObject( rData )
+ {
+ strncpy(Name, rData.Name, sizeof(Name));
+ Name[sizeof(Name)-1] = 0;
+ strncpy(Reference, rData.Reference, sizeof(Reference));
+ Reference[sizeof(Reference)-1] = 0;
+ memcpy(Reserved, rData.Reserved, sizeof(Reserved));
+ }
+ Sc10NameData(SvStream& rStream);
+ virtual ScDataObject* Clone() const { return new Sc10NameData(*this); }
+// Bereichs-Collection
+class Sc10NameCollection : public ScCollection
+ sal_uLong nError;
+ Sc10NameCollection(SvStream& rStream);
+sal_uLong GetError() { return nError; }
+Sc10NameData* At(sal_uInt16 nIndex) { return (Sc10NameData*)ScCollection::At(nIndex); }
+ using ScCollection::At;
+// Vorlage-Daten
+class Sc10PatternData : public ScDataObject
+ sal_Char Name[32];
+ Sc10ValueFormat ValueFormat;
+ Sc10LogFont LogFont;
+ sal_uInt16 Attr;
+ sal_uInt16 Justify;
+ sal_uInt16 Frame;
+ sal_uInt16 Raster;
+ sal_uInt16 nColor;
+ sal_uInt16 FrameColor;
+ sal_uInt16 Flags;
+ sal_uInt16 FormatFlags;
+ sal_Char Reserved[8];
+ Sc10PatternData(const Sc10PatternData& rData) :
+ ScDataObject( rData )
+ {
+ strncpy(Name, rData.Name, sizeof(Name));
+ Name[sizeof(Name)-1] = 0;
+ memcpy(&ValueFormat, &rData.ValueFormat, sizeof(ValueFormat));
+ memcpy(&LogFont, &rData.LogFont, sizeof(LogFont));
+ Attr = rData.Attr;
+ Justify = rData.Justify;
+ Frame = rData.Frame;
+ Raster = rData.Raster;
+ nColor = rData.nColor;
+ FrameColor = rData.FrameColor;
+ Flags = rData.Flags;
+ FormatFlags = rData.FormatFlags;
+ memcpy(Reserved, rData.Reserved, sizeof(Reserved));
+ }
+ Sc10PatternData(SvStream& rStream);
+virtual ScDataObject* Clone() const { return new Sc10PatternData(*this); }
+// Vorlage-Collection
+class Sc10PatternCollection : public ScCollection
+ sal_uLong nError;
+ Sc10PatternCollection(SvStream& rStream);
+ sal_uLong GetError() { return nError; }
+ Sc10PatternData* At(sal_uInt16 nIndex) { return (Sc10PatternData*)ScCollection::At(nIndex); }
+ using ScCollection::At;
+// DatenBank-Daten
+class Sc10DataBaseData : public ScDataObject
+ Sc10DataBaseRec DataBaseRec;
+ Sc10DataBaseData(const Sc10DataBaseData& rData) :
+ ScDataObject( rData )
+ {
+ memcpy(&DataBaseRec, &rData.DataBaseRec, sizeof(DataBaseRec));
+ }
+ Sc10DataBaseData(SvStream& rStream);
+virtual ScDataObject* Clone() const { return new Sc10DataBaseData(*this); }
+// DatenBank-Collection
+class Sc10DataBaseCollection : public ScCollection
+ sal_uLong nError;
+ sal_Char ActName[32];
+ Sc10DataBaseCollection(SvStream& rStream);
+ sal_uLong GetError() { return nError; }
+ Sc10DataBaseData* At(sal_uInt16 nIndex) { return (Sc10DataBaseData*)ScCollection::At(nIndex); }
+ using ScCollection::At;
+class Sc10PageData : public ScDataObject
+ Sc10PageFormat aPageFormat;
+ Sc10PageData( const Sc10PageFormat& rFormat ) : aPageFormat(rFormat) {}
+ int operator==( const Sc10PageData& rData ) const
+ { return aPageFormat == rData.aPageFormat; }
+ virtual ScDataObject* Clone() const;
+// Seitenformat-Collection
+class Sc10PageCollection : public ScCollection
+ Sc10PageCollection() : ScCollection(1,1) {};
+ Sc10PageData* At(sal_uInt16 nIndex) { return (Sc10PageData*)ScCollection::At(nIndex); }
+ sal_uInt16 InsertFormat( const Sc10PageFormat& rData );
+ void PutToDoc( ScDocument* pDoc );
+ using ScCollection::At;
+class ScfStreamProgressBar;
+// Import-Klasse
+class Sc10Import
+ SvStream& rStream;
+ ScDocument* pDoc;
+ Sc10Color TextPalette[16];
+ Sc10Color BackPalette[16];
+ Sc10Color RasterPalette[16];
+ Sc10Color FramePalette[16];
+ Sc10SheetProtect SheetProtect;
+ Sc10FontCollection* pFontCollection;
+ Sc10NameCollection* pNameCollection;
+ Sc10PatternCollection* pPatternCollection;
+ Sc10DataBaseCollection* pDataBaseCollection;
+ sal_uLong nError;
+ sal_Int16 TabCount;
+ SCTAB nShowTab;
+ ScViewOptions aSc30ViewOpt;
+ ScfStreamProgressBar* pPrgrsBar;
+ Sc10Import( SvStream& rStr, ScDocument* pDocument );
+ ~Sc10Import();
+ sal_uLong Import();
+ void LoadFileHeader();
+ void LoadFileInfo();
+ void LoadEditStateInfo();
+ void LoadProtect();
+ void LoadViewColRowBar();
+ void LoadScrZoom();
+ void LoadPalette();
+ void LoadFontCollection();
+ void LoadNameCollection();
+ void ImportNameCollection();
+ void LoadPatternCollection();
+ void LoadDataBaseCollection();
+ void LoadTables();
+ void LoadCol(SCCOL Col, SCTAB Tab);
+ void LoadColAttr(SCCOL Col, SCTAB Tab);
+ void LoadAttr(Sc10ColAttr& rAttr);
+ void ChangeFormat(sal_uInt16 nFormat, sal_uInt16 nInfo, sal_uLong& nKey);
+ void LoadObjects();