path: root/sc/inc/chgtrack.hxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sc/inc/chgtrack.hxx')
1 files changed, 1248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sc/inc/chgtrack.hxx b/sc/inc/chgtrack.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6d28a7da203c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/inc/chgtrack.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1248 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: chgtrack.hxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:44:48 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _STRING_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/string.hxx>
+#ifndef _DATETIME_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/datetime.hxx>
+#ifndef _TOOLS_TABLE_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/table.hxx>
+#ifndef _STACK_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/stack.hxx>
+#ifndef _QUEUE_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/queue.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVMEMPOOL_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/mempool.hxx>
+#ifndef _LINK_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/link.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXLSTNER_HXX //autogen
+#include <svtools/lstner.hxx>
+#ifndef SC_SCGLOB_HXX
+#include "global.hxx"
+#include "bigrange.hxx"
+#include "collect.hxx"
+// core/inc
+#include "refupdat.hxx"
+class ScBaseCell;
+class ScDocument;
+enum ScChangeActionType
+enum ScChangeActionState
+enum ScChangeActionClipMode
+class SvStream;
+class ScMultipleReadHeader;
+class ScMultipleWriteHeader;
+// --- ScChangeActionLinkEntry ---------------------------------------------
+// Fuegt sich selbst am Beginn einer Kette ein, bzw. vor einem anderen
+// LinkEntry, on delete selbstaendiges ausklinken auch des gelinkten.
+// ppPrev == &previous->pNext oder Adresse des Pointers auf Beginn der Kette,
+// *ppPrev == this
+class ScChangeAction;
+class ScChangeActionLinkEntry
+ // not implemented, prevent usage
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry(
+ const ScChangeActionLinkEntry& );
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry& operator=( const ScChangeActionLinkEntry& );
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pNext;
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry** ppPrev;
+ ScChangeAction* pAction;
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLink;
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry(
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry** ppPrevP,
+ ScChangeAction* pActionP )
+ : ppPrev( ppPrevP ),
+ pNext( *ppPrevP ),
+ pAction( pActionP ),
+ pLink( NULL )
+ {
+ if ( pNext )
+ pNext->ppPrev = &pNext;
+ *ppPrevP = this;
+ }
+ virtual ~ScChangeActionLinkEntry()
+ {
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* p = pLink;
+ UnLink();
+ Remove();
+ if ( p )
+ delete p;
+ }
+ void SetLink( ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLinkP )
+ {
+ UnLink();
+ if ( pLinkP )
+ {
+ pLink = pLinkP;
+ pLinkP->pLink = this;
+ }
+ }
+ void UnLink()
+ {
+ if ( pLink )
+ {
+ pLink->pLink = NULL;
+ pLink = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ void Remove()
+ {
+ if ( ppPrev )
+ {
+ if ( *ppPrev = pNext )
+ pNext->ppPrev = ppPrev;
+ ppPrev = NULL; // not inserted
+ }
+ }
+ void Insert( ScChangeActionLinkEntry** ppPrevP )
+ {
+ if ( !ppPrev )
+ {
+ ppPrev = ppPrevP;
+ if ( pNext = *ppPrevP )
+ pNext->ppPrev = &pNext;
+ *ppPrevP = this;
+ }
+ }
+ const ScChangeActionLinkEntry* GetLink() const { return pLink; }
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* GetLink() { return pLink; }
+ const ScChangeActionLinkEntry* GetNext() const { return pNext; }
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* GetNext() { return pNext; }
+ const ScChangeAction* GetAction() const { return pAction; }
+ ScChangeAction* GetAction() { return pAction; }
+// --- ScChangeAction -------------------------------------------------------
+class ScChangeTrack;
+class ScChangeActionIns;
+class ScChangeActionDel;
+class ScChangeActionContent;
+class ScChangeActionCellListEntry;
+class ScChangeAction
+ friend class ScChangeTrack;
+ friend class ScChangeActionIns;
+ friend class ScChangeActionDel;
+ friend class ScChangeActionMove;
+ friend class ScChangeActionContent;
+ // not implemented, prevent usage
+ ScChangeAction( const ScChangeAction& );
+ ScChangeAction& operator=( const ScChangeAction& );
+ ScBigRange aBigRange; // Ins/Del/MoveTo/ContentPos
+ DateTime aDateTime; //! UTC
+ String aUser; // wer war's
+ String aComment; // Benutzerkommentar
+ ScChangeAction* pNext; // naechster in Kette
+ ScChangeAction* pPrev; // vorheriger in Kette
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLinkAny; // irgendwelche Links
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLinkDeletedIn; // Zuordnung zu
+ // geloeschten oder
+ // druebergemoveten oder
+ // rejecteten Insert
+ // Bereichen
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLinkDeleted; // Links zu geloeschten
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLinkDependent; // Links zu abhaengigen
+ ULONG nAction;
+ ULONG nRejectAction;
+ ScChangeActionType eType;
+ ScChangeActionState eState;
+ ScChangeAction( ScChangeActionType,
+ const ScRange& );
+ ScChangeAction( SvStream&,
+ ScMultipleReadHeader&, ScChangeTrack* );
+ virtual ~ScChangeAction();
+ static void StoreCell( ScBaseCell*, SvStream&,
+ ScMultipleWriteHeader& );
+ static ScBaseCell* LoadCell( SvStream&, ScMultipleReadHeader&,
+ ScDocument*, USHORT nVer );
+ static BOOL StoreLinkChain( ScChangeActionLinkEntry*,
+ SvStream& );
+ static BOOL LoadLinkChain( ScChangeAction*,
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry**,
+ SvStream&, ScChangeTrack*,
+ BOOL bLinkDeleted );
+ static BOOL StoreCellList( ScChangeActionCellListEntry*,
+ SvStream& );
+ static BOOL LoadCellList( ScChangeAction* pOfAction,
+ ScChangeActionCellListEntry*&, SvStream&,
+ ScChangeTrack* );
+ String GetRefString( const ScBigRange&,
+ ScDocument*, BOOL bFlag3D = FALSE ) const;
+ void SetActionNumber( ULONG n ) { nAction = n; }
+ void SetRejectAction( ULONG n ) { nRejectAction = n; }
+ void SetUser( const String& r ) { aUser = r; }
+ void SetType( ScChangeActionType e ) { eType = e; }
+ void SetState( ScChangeActionState e ) { eState = e; }
+ void SetRejected();
+ ScBigRange& GetBigRange() { return aBigRange; }
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* AddLink( ScChangeAction* p,
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pL )
+ {
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLnk =
+ new ScChangeActionLinkEntry(
+ &pLinkAny, p );
+ pLnk->SetLink( pL );
+ return pLnk;
+ }
+ void RemoveLink( ScChangeAction* p );
+ void RemoveAllAnyLinks();
+ // zeigt ein AnyLink auf p?
+ BOOL DependsOn( ScChangeAction* p ) const;
+ virtual ScChangeActionLinkEntry* GetDeletedIn() const
+ { return pLinkDeletedIn; }
+ virtual ScChangeActionLinkEntry** GetDeletedInAddress()
+ { return &pLinkDeletedIn; }
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* AddDeletedIn( ScChangeAction* p )
+ {
+ return new ScChangeActionLinkEntry(
+ GetDeletedInAddress(), p );
+ }
+ BOOL RemoveDeletedIn( const ScChangeAction* );
+ void RemoveAllDeletedIn();
+ void SetDeletedIn( ScChangeAction* );
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* AddDeleted( ScChangeAction* p )
+ {
+ return new ScChangeActionLinkEntry(
+ &pLinkDeleted, p );
+ }
+ BOOL RemoveDeleted( const ScChangeAction* p );
+ void RemoveAllDeleted();
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* AddDependent( ScChangeAction* p )
+ {
+ return new ScChangeActionLinkEntry(
+ &pLinkDependent, p );
+ }
+ void RemoveDependent( ScChangeAction* p );
+ void RemoveAllDependent();
+ void RemoveAllLinks();
+ virtual void AddContent( ScChangeActionContent* ) = 0;
+ virtual void DeleteCellEntries() = 0;
+ virtual void UpdateReference( const ScChangeTrack*,
+ UpdateRefMode, const ScBigRange&,
+ INT32 nDx, INT32 nDy, INT32 nDz );
+ void Accept();
+ virtual BOOL Reject( ScDocument* ) = 0;
+ void RejectRestoreContents( ScChangeTrack*,
+ short nDx, short nDy );
+ virtual BOOL Store( SvStream&, ScMultipleWriteHeader& ) const;
+ virtual BOOL StoreLinks( SvStream& ) const;
+ virtual BOOL LoadLinks( SvStream&, ScChangeTrack* );
+ BOOL IsInsertType() const
+ {
+ return eType == SC_CAT_INSERT_COLS ||
+ eType == SC_CAT_INSERT_ROWS ||
+ }
+ BOOL IsDeleteType() const
+ {
+ return eType == SC_CAT_DELETE_COLS ||
+ eType == SC_CAT_DELETE_ROWS ||
+ }
+ BOOL IsMasterType() const
+ { // alles was echte Abhaengige haben kann
+ return IsInsertType() ||
+ eType == SC_CAT_MOVE;
+ }
+ BOOL IsVirgin() const
+ { return eState == SC_CAS_VIRGIN; }
+ BOOL IsAccepted() const
+ { return eState == SC_CAS_ACCEPTED; }
+ BOOL IsRejected() const
+ { return eState == SC_CAS_REJECTED; }
+ // Action rejects another Action
+ BOOL IsRejecting() const
+ { return nRejectAction != 0; }
+ // ob Action im Dokument sichtbar ist
+ BOOL IsVisible() const;
+ // ob Action anfassbar ist
+ BOOL IsTouchable() const;
+ // ob Action ein Eintrag in Dialog-Root ist
+ BOOL IsDialogRoot() const;
+ // ob ein Eintrag im Dialog aufklappbar sein soll
+ BOOL IsDialogParent() const;
+ // ob Action ein Delete ist, unter dem
+ // aufgeklappt mehrere einzelne Deletes sind
+ BOOL IsMasterDelete() const;
+ // ob Action akzeptiert/selektiert/abgelehnt
+ // werden kann
+ BOOL IsClickable() const;
+ // ob Action abgelehnt werden kann
+ BOOL IsRejectable() const;
+ const ScBigRange& GetBigRange() const { return aBigRange; }
+ DateTime GetDateTime() const; // local time
+ const DateTime& GetDateTimeUTC() const // UTC time
+ { return aDateTime; }
+ const String& GetUser() const { return aUser; }
+ const String& GetComment() const { return aComment; }
+ ScChangeActionType GetType() const { return eType; }
+ ScChangeActionState GetState() const { return eState; }
+ ULONG GetActionNumber() const { return nAction; }
+ ULONG GetRejectAction() const { return nRejectAction; }
+ ScChangeAction* GetNext() const { return pNext; }
+ ScChangeAction* GetPrev() const { return pPrev; }
+ BOOL IsDeletedIn() const
+ { return GetDeletedIn() != NULL; }
+ BOOL IsDeleted() const
+ { return IsDeleteType() || IsDeletedIn(); }
+ BOOL IsDeletedIn( const ScChangeAction* ) const;
+ BOOL IsDeletedInDelType( ScChangeActionType ) const;
+ const ScChangeActionLinkEntry* GetFirstDeletedEntry() const
+ { return pLinkDeleted; }
+ const ScChangeActionLinkEntry* GetFirstDependentEntry() const
+ { return pLinkDependent; }
+ BOOL HasDependent() const
+ { return pLinkDependent != NULL; }
+ BOOL HasDeleted() const
+ { return pLinkDeleted != NULL; }
+ // Description wird an String angehaengt.
+ // Mit bSplitRange wird bei Delete nur
+ // eine Spalte/Zeile beruecksichtigt (fuer
+ // Auflistung der einzelnen Eintraege).
+ virtual void GetDescription( String&, ScDocument*,
+ BOOL bSplitRange = FALSE ) const {}
+ virtual void GetRefString( String&, ScDocument*,
+ BOOL bFlag3D = FALSE ) const;
+ // fuer DocumentMerge altes Datum einer anderen
+ // Action setzen, mit GetDateTimeUTC geholt
+ void SetDateTimeUTC( const DateTime& rDT )
+ { aDateTime = rDT; }
+ // Benutzerkommentar setzen
+ void SetComment( const String& rStr )
+ { aComment = rStr; }
+// --- ScChangeActionIns ----------------------------------------------------
+class ScChangeActionIns : public ScChangeAction
+ friend class ScChangeTrack;
+ ScChangeActionIns( const ScRange& rRange );
+ ScChangeActionIns( SvStream&,
+ ScMultipleReadHeader&, ScChangeTrack* );
+ virtual ~ScChangeActionIns();
+ virtual void AddContent( ScChangeActionContent* ) {}
+ virtual void DeleteCellEntries() {}
+ virtual BOOL Reject( ScDocument* );
+ virtual BOOL Store( SvStream&, ScMultipleWriteHeader& ) const;
+ virtual void GetDescription( String&, ScDocument*,
+ BOOL bSplitRange = FALSE ) const;
+// --- ScChangeActionDel ----------------------------------------------------
+class ScChangeActionMove;
+class ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry : public ScChangeActionLinkEntry
+ friend class ScChangeActionDel;
+ friend class ScChangeTrack;
+ short nCutOffFrom;
+ short nCutOffTo;
+ ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry(
+ ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry** ppPrev,
+ ScChangeActionMove* pMove,
+ short nFrom, short nTo )
+ : ScChangeActionLinkEntry(
+ (ScChangeActionLinkEntry**)
+ ppPrev,
+ (ScChangeAction*) pMove ),
+ nCutOffFrom( nFrom ),
+ nCutOffTo( nTo )
+ {}
+ ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry* GetNext()
+ {
+ return (ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry*)
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry::GetNext();
+ }
+ ScChangeActionMove* GetMove()
+ {
+ return (ScChangeActionMove*)
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry::GetAction();
+ }
+ const ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry* GetNext() const
+ {
+ return (const ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry*)
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry::GetNext();
+ }
+ const ScChangeActionMove* GetMove() const
+ {
+ return (const ScChangeActionMove*)
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry::GetAction();
+ }
+ short GetCutOffFrom() const { return nCutOffFrom; }
+ short GetCutOffTo() const { return nCutOffTo; }
+class ScChangeActionDel : public ScChangeAction
+ friend class ScChangeTrack;
+ friend void ScChangeAction::Accept();
+ ScChangeTrack* pTrack;
+ ScChangeActionCellListEntry* pFirstCell;
+ ScChangeActionIns* pCutOff; // abgeschnittener Insert
+ short nCutOff; // +: Start -: End
+ ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry* pLinkMove;
+ short nDx;
+ short nDy;
+ ScChangeActionDel( const ScRange& rRange,
+ short nDx, short nDy, ScChangeTrack* );
+ ScChangeActionDel( SvStream&,
+ ScMultipleReadHeader&, ScDocument*,
+ USHORT nVer, ScChangeTrack* );
+ virtual ~ScChangeActionDel();
+ void SetCutOffInsert( ScChangeActionIns* p, short n )
+ { pCutOff = p; nCutOff = n; }
+ ScChangeActionIns* GetCutOffInsert() { return pCutOff; }
+ virtual void AddContent( ScChangeActionContent* );
+ virtual void DeleteCellEntries();
+ ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry* AddCutOffMove( ScChangeActionMove* pMove,
+ short nFrom, short nTo )
+ {
+ return new ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry(
+ &pLinkMove, pMove, nFrom, nTo );
+ }
+ void UndoCutOffMoves();
+ void UndoCutOffInsert();
+ virtual void UpdateReference( const ScChangeTrack*,
+ UpdateRefMode, const ScBigRange&,
+ INT32 nDx, INT32 nDy, INT32 nDz );
+ virtual BOOL Reject( ScDocument* );
+ virtual BOOL Store( SvStream&, ScMultipleWriteHeader& ) const;
+ virtual BOOL StoreLinks( SvStream& ) const;
+ virtual BOOL LoadLinks( SvStream&, ScChangeTrack* );
+ // ob dieses das unterste einer Reihe (oder
+ // auch einzeln) ist
+ BOOL IsBaseDelete() const;
+ // ob dieses das oberste einer Reihe (oder
+ // auch einzeln) ist
+ BOOL IsTopDelete() const;
+ // ob dieses ein Teil einer Reihe ist
+ BOOL IsMultiDelete() const;
+ // ob es eine Col ist, die zu einem TabDelete gehoert
+ BOOL IsTabDeleteCol() const;
+ short GetDx() const { return nDx; }
+ short GetDy() const { return nDy; }
+ ScBigRange GetOverAllRange() const; // BigRange + (nDx, nDy)
+ const ScChangeActionCellListEntry* GetFirstCellEntry() const
+ { return pFirstCell; }
+ const ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry* GetFirstMoveEntry() const
+ { return pLinkMove; }
+ const ScChangeActionIns* GetCutOffInsert() const { return pCutOff; }
+ short GetCutOffCount() const { return nCutOff; }
+ virtual void GetDescription( String&, ScDocument*,
+ BOOL bSplitRange = FALSE ) const;
+// --- ScChangeActionMove ---------------------------------------------------
+class ScChangeActionMove : public ScChangeAction
+ friend class ScChangeTrack;
+ friend void ScChangeActionDel::UndoCutOffMoves();
+ ScBigRange aFromRange;
+ ScChangeTrack* pTrack;
+ ScChangeActionCellListEntry* pFirstCell;
+ ULONG nStartLastCut; // fuer PasteCut Undo
+ ULONG nEndLastCut;
+ ScChangeActionMove( const ScRange& rFromRange,
+ const ScRange& rToRange,
+ ScChangeTrack* pTrackP )
+ : ScChangeAction( SC_CAT_MOVE, rToRange ),
+ aFromRange( rFromRange ),
+ pTrack( pTrackP ),
+ pFirstCell( NULL ),
+ nStartLastCut(0),
+ nEndLastCut(0)
+ {}
+ ScChangeActionMove( SvStream&,
+ ScMultipleReadHeader&, ScChangeTrack* );
+ virtual ~ScChangeActionMove();
+ virtual void AddContent( ScChangeActionContent* );
+ virtual void DeleteCellEntries();
+ ScBigRange& GetFromRange() { return aFromRange; }
+ void SetStartLastCut( ULONG nVal ) { nStartLastCut = nVal; }
+ ULONG GetStartLastCut() const { return nStartLastCut; }
+ void SetEndLastCut( ULONG nVal ) { nEndLastCut = nVal; }
+ ULONG GetEndLastCut() const { return nEndLastCut; }
+ virtual void UpdateReference( const ScChangeTrack*,
+ UpdateRefMode, const ScBigRange&,
+ INT32 nDx, INT32 nDy, INT32 nDz );
+ virtual BOOL Reject( ScDocument* );
+ virtual BOOL Store( SvStream&, ScMultipleWriteHeader& ) const;
+ virtual BOOL StoreLinks( SvStream& ) const;
+ virtual BOOL LoadLinks( SvStream&, ScChangeTrack* );
+ const ScBigRange& GetFromRange() const { return aFromRange; }
+ void GetDelta( INT32& nDx, INT32& nDy, INT32& nDz ) const;
+ virtual void GetDescription( String&, ScDocument*,
+ BOOL bSplitRange = FALSE ) const;
+ virtual void GetRefString( String&, ScDocument*,
+ BOOL bFlag3D = FALSE ) const;
+// --- ScChangeActionContent ------------------------------------------------
+class ScChangeActionContent : public ScChangeAction
+ friend class ScChangeTrack;
+ String aOldValue;
+ String aNewValue;
+ ScBaseCell* pOldCell;
+ ScBaseCell* pNewCell;
+ ScChangeActionContent* pNextContent; // an gleicher Position
+ ScChangeActionContent* pPrevContent;
+ ScChangeActionContent* pNextInSlot; // in gleichem Slot
+ ScChangeActionContent** ppPrevInSlot;
+ ScChangeActionContent( SvStream&,
+ ScMultipleReadHeader&, ScDocument*,
+ USHORT nVer, ScChangeTrack* );
+ void SetNextContent( ScChangeActionContent* p )
+ { pNextContent = p; }
+ void SetPrevContent( ScChangeActionContent* p )
+ { pPrevContent = p; }
+ void InsertInSlot( ScChangeActionContent** pp )
+ {
+ if ( !ppPrevInSlot )
+ {
+ ppPrevInSlot = pp;
+ if ( pNextInSlot = *pp )
+ pNextInSlot->ppPrevInSlot = &pNextInSlot;
+ *pp = this;
+ }
+ }
+ void RemoveFromSlot()
+ {
+ if ( ppPrevInSlot )
+ {
+ if ( *ppPrevInSlot = pNextInSlot )
+ pNextInSlot->ppPrevInSlot = ppPrevInSlot;
+ ppPrevInSlot = NULL; // not inserted
+ }
+ }
+ ScChangeActionContent* GetNextInSlot() { return pNextInSlot; }
+ void ClearTrack();
+ static void GetStringOfCell( String& rStr,
+ const ScBaseCell* pCell,
+ const ScDocument* pDoc,
+ const ScAddress& rPos );
+ static void GetStringOfCell( String& rStr,
+ const ScBaseCell* pCell,
+ const ScDocument* pDoc,
+ ULONG nFormat );
+ static void SetValue( String& rStr, ScBaseCell*& pCell,
+ const ScAddress& rPos,
+ const ScBaseCell* pOrgCell,
+ const ScDocument* pFromDoc,
+ ScDocument* pToDoc );
+ static void SetValue( String& rStr, ScBaseCell*& pCell,
+ ULONG nFormat,
+ const ScBaseCell* pOrgCell,
+ const ScDocument* pFromDoc,
+ ScDocument* pToDoc );
+ static BOOL IsContentCellType( const ScBaseCell* );
+ static BOOL NeedsNumberFormat( const ScBaseCell* );
+ void SetValueString( String& rValue,
+ ScBaseCell*& pCell, const String& rStr,
+ ScDocument* pDoc );
+ void GetValueString( String& rStr,
+ const String& rValue,
+ const ScBaseCell* pCell ) const;
+ void GetFormulaString( String& rStr,
+ const ScFormulaCell* pCell ) const;
+ virtual void AddContent( ScChangeActionContent* ) {}
+ virtual void DeleteCellEntries() {}
+ virtual void UpdateReference( const ScChangeTrack*,
+ UpdateRefMode, const ScBigRange&,
+ INT32 nDx, INT32 nDy, INT32 nDz );
+ virtual BOOL Reject( ScDocument* );
+ BOOL Select( ScDocument*, ScChangeTrack*, BOOL bOldest );
+ void PutValueToDoc( ScBaseCell*, const String&,
+ ScDocument*, short nDx, short nDy ) const;
+ virtual BOOL Store( SvStream&, ScMultipleWriteHeader& ) const;
+ virtual BOOL StoreLinks( SvStream& ) const;
+ virtual BOOL LoadLinks( SvStream&, ScChangeTrack* );
+ ScChangeActionContent( const ScRange& rRange )
+ : ScChangeAction( SC_CAT_CONTENT, rRange ),
+ pOldCell( NULL ),
+ pNewCell( NULL ),
+ pNextContent( NULL ),
+ pPrevContent( NULL ),
+ pNextInSlot( NULL ),
+ ppPrevInSlot( NULL )
+ {}
+ virtual ~ScChangeActionContent();
+ ScChangeActionContent* GetNextContent() const { return pNextContent; }
+ ScChangeActionContent* GetPrevContent() const { return pPrevContent; }
+ ScChangeActionContent* GetTopContent() const;
+ BOOL IsTopContent() const
+ { return pNextContent == NULL; }
+ virtual ScChangeActionLinkEntry* GetDeletedIn() const;
+ virtual ScChangeActionLinkEntry** GetDeletedInAddress();
+ void PutOldValueToDoc( ScDocument*,
+ short nDx, short nDy ) const;
+ void PutNewValueToDoc( ScDocument*,
+ short nDx, short nDy ) const;
+ void SetOldValue( const ScBaseCell*,
+ const ScDocument* pFromDoc,
+ ScDocument* pToDoc,
+ ULONG nFormat );
+ void SetOldValue( const ScBaseCell*,
+ const ScDocument* pFromDoc,
+ ScDocument* pToDoc );
+ void SetNewValue( const ScBaseCell*, ScDocument* );
+ // moeglichst nicht verwenden,
+ // setzt nur String bzw. generiert Formelzelle
+ void SetOldValue( const String& rOld, ScDocument* );
+ void SetNewValue( const String& rNew, ScDocument* );
+ void GetOldString( String& ) const;
+ void GetNewString( String& ) const;
+ const ScBaseCell* GetNewCell() const { return pNewCell; }
+ virtual void GetDescription( String&, ScDocument*,
+ BOOL bSplitRange = FALSE ) const;
+ virtual void GetRefString( String&, ScDocument*,
+ BOOL bFlag3D = FALSE ) const;
+// --- ScChangeActionReject -------------------------------------------------
+class ScChangeActionReject : public ScChangeAction
+ friend class ScChangeTrack;
+ friend BOOL ScChangeActionContent::Select( ScDocument*, ScChangeTrack*, BOOL );
+ ScChangeActionReject( ULONG nReject )
+ : ScChangeAction( SC_CAT_REJECT, ScRange() )
+ {
+ SetRejectAction( nReject );
+ SetState( SC_CAS_ACCEPTED );
+ }
+ ScChangeActionReject( SvStream&,
+ ScMultipleReadHeader&, ScChangeTrack* );
+ virtual void AddContent( ScChangeActionContent* ) {}
+ virtual void DeleteCellEntries() {}
+ virtual BOOL Reject( ScDocument* p ) { return FALSE; }
+ virtual BOOL Store( SvStream&, ScMultipleWriteHeader& ) const;
+// --- ScChangeTrack --------------------------------------------------------
+enum ScChangeTrackMsgType
+ SC_CTM_APPEND, // Actions angehaengt
+ SC_CTM_REMOVE, // Actions weggenommen
+ SC_CTM_CHANGE, // Actions geaendert
+ SC_CTM_PARENT // war kein Parent und ist jetzt einer
+struct ScChangeTrackMsgInfo
+ ScChangeTrackMsgType eMsgType;
+ ULONG nStartAction;
+ ULONG nEndAction;
+// MsgQueue fuer Benachrichtigung via ModifiedLink
+DECLARE_QUEUE( ScChangeTrackMsgQueue, ScChangeTrackMsgInfo* );
+DECLARE_STACK( ScChangeTrackMsgStack, ScChangeTrackMsgInfo* );
+enum ScChangeTrackMergeState
+// zusaetzlich zu pFirst/pNext/pLast/pPrev eine Table, um schnell sowohl
+// per ActionNumber als auch ueber Liste zugreifen zu koennen
+DECLARE_TABLE( ScChangeActionTable, ScChangeAction* );
+// Intern generierte Actions beginnen bei diesem Wert (fast alle Bits gesetzt)
+// und werden runtergezaehlt, um sich in einer Table wertemaessig nicht mit den
+// "normalen" Actions in die Quere zu kommen.
+#define SC_CHGTRACK_GENERATED_START ((UINT32) 0xfffffff0)
+// SfxListener an der Applikation, um Aenderungen des Usernamens mitzubekommen
+class ScChangeTrack : public SfxListener
+ friend void ScChangeAction::RejectRestoreContents( ScChangeTrack*, short, short );
+ friend BOOL ScChangeActionDel::Reject( ScDocument* pDoc );
+ friend void ScChangeActionDel::DeleteCellEntries();
+ friend void ScChangeActionMove::DeleteCellEntries();
+ friend BOOL ScChangeActionMove::Reject( ScDocument* pDoc );
+ static const USHORT nContentRowsPerSlot;
+ static const USHORT nContentSlots;
+ ScChangeActionTable aTable;
+ ScChangeActionTable aGeneratedTable;
+ ScChangeActionTable aPasteCutTable;
+ ScChangeTrackMsgQueue aMsgQueue;
+ ScChangeTrackMsgStack aMsgStackTmp;
+ ScChangeTrackMsgStack aMsgStackFinal;
+ StrCollection aUserCollection;
+ String aUser;
+ Link aModifiedLink;
+ ScRange aInDeleteRange;
+ DateTime aFixDateTime;
+ ScChangeAction* pFirst;
+ ScChangeAction* pLast;
+ ScChangeActionContent* pFirstGeneratedDelContent;
+ ScChangeActionContent** ppContentSlots;
+ ScChangeActionMove* pLastCutMove;
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLinkInsertCol;
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLinkInsertRow;
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLinkInsertTab;
+ ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLinkMove;
+ ScChangeTrackMsgInfo* pBlockModifyMsg;
+ ScDocument* pDoc;
+ ULONG nActionMax;
+ ULONG nGeneratedMin;
+ ULONG nMarkLastSaved;
+ ULONG nStartLastCut;
+ ULONG nEndLastCut;
+ ULONG nLastMerge;
+ ScChangeTrackMergeState eMergeState;
+ USHORT nLoadedFileFormatVersion;
+ BOOL bLoadSave;
+ BOOL bInDelete;
+ BOOL bInDeleteUndo;
+ BOOL bInDeleteTop;
+ BOOL bInPasteCut;
+ BOOL bUseFixDateTime;
+ // not implemented, prevent usage
+ ScChangeTrack( const ScChangeTrack& );
+ ScChangeTrack& operator=( const ScChangeTrack& );
+ static USHORT InitContentRowsPerSlot();
+ virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& );
+ void Init();
+ void DtorClear();
+ void SetLoadSave( BOOL bVal ) { bLoadSave = bVal; }
+ void SetInDeleteRange( const ScRange& rRange )
+ { aInDeleteRange = rRange; }
+ void SetInDelete( BOOL bVal )
+ { bInDelete = bVal; }
+ void SetInDeleteTop( BOOL bVal )
+ { bInDeleteTop = bVal; }
+ void SetInDeleteUndo( BOOL bVal )
+ { bInDeleteUndo = bVal; }
+ void SetInPasteCut( BOOL bVal )
+ { bInPasteCut = bVal; }
+ void SetMergeState( ScChangeTrackMergeState eState )
+ { eMergeState = eState; }
+ ScChangeTrackMergeState GetMergeState() const { return eMergeState; }
+ void SetLastMerge( ULONG nVal ) { nLastMerge = nVal; }
+ ULONG GetLastMerge() const { return nLastMerge; }
+ void SetLastCutMoveRange( const ScRange&, ScDocument* );
+ // ModifyMsg blockweise und nicht einzeln erzeugen
+ void StartBlockModify( ScChangeTrackMsgType,
+ ULONG nStartAction );
+ void EndBlockModify( ULONG nEndAction );
+ void AddDependentWithNotify( ScChangeAction* pParent,
+ ScChangeAction* pDependent );
+ void Dependencies( ScChangeAction* );
+ void UpdateReference( ScChangeAction*, BOOL bUndo );
+ void UpdateReference( ScChangeAction** ppFirstAction,
+ ScChangeAction* pAct, BOOL bUndo );
+ void Append( ScChangeAction* pAppend, ULONG nAction );
+ void AppendDeleteRange( const ScRange&,
+ ScDocument* pRefDoc, short nDz,
+ ULONG nRejectingInsert );
+ void AppendOneDeleteRange( const ScRange& rOrgRange,
+ ScDocument* pRefDoc,
+ short nDx, short nDy, short nDz,
+ ULONG nRejectingInsert );
+ void LookUpContents( const ScRange& rOrgRange,
+ ScDocument* pRefDoc,
+ short nDx, short nDy, short nDz );
+ void Remove( ScChangeAction* );
+ void MasterLinks( ScChangeAction* );
+ void AppendLoaded( ScChangeAction* pAppend );
+ // Content on top an Position
+ ScChangeActionContent* SearchContentAt( const ScBigAddress&,
+ ScChangeAction* pButNotThis ) const;
+ // das gleiche fuer generierte Del-Eintraege,
+ // wobei der Content nicht in der angegebenen
+ // Richtung geloescht sein darf
+ ScChangeActionContent* SearchGeneratedDelContentAt(
+ const ScBigAddress&,
+ ScChangeActionType eNotInDelType ) const;
+ ScChangeActionContent* GenerateDelContent( const ScAddress&,
+ const ScBaseCell*,
+ const ScDocument* pFromDoc );
+ void DeleteGeneratedDelContent(
+ ScChangeActionContent* );
+ void DeleteCellEntries(
+ ScChangeActionCellListEntry*&,
+ ScChangeAction* pDeletor );
+ // Action und alle abhaengigen rejecten,
+ // Table stammt aus vorherigem GetDependents,
+ // ist nur bei Insert und Move (MasterType)
+ // noetig, kann ansonsten NULL sein.
+ // bRecursion == Aufruf aus Reject mit Table
+ BOOL Reject( ScChangeAction*,
+ ScChangeActionTable*, BOOL bRecursion );
+#endif // SC_CHGTRACK_CXX
+ void ClearMsgQueue();
+ static USHORT ComputeContentSlot( INT32 nRow )
+ {
+ if ( nRow < 0 || nRow > MAXROW )
+ return nContentSlots - 1;
+ return nRow / nContentRowsPerSlot;
+ }
+ ScChangeTrack( ScDocument* );
+ virtual ~ScChangeTrack();
+ void Clear();
+ ScChangeAction* GetFirst() const { return pFirst; }
+ ScChangeAction* GetLast() const { return pLast; }
+ ULONG GetActionMax() const { return nActionMax; }
+ BOOL IsGenerated( ULONG nAction ) const
+ { return nAction >= nGeneratedMin; }
+ ScChangeAction* GetAction( ULONG nAction ) const
+ { return aTable.Get( nAction ); }
+ ScChangeAction* GetGenerated( ULONG nGenerated ) const
+ { return aGeneratedTable.Get( nGenerated ); }
+ ScChangeAction* GetActionOrGenerated( ULONG nAction ) const
+ {
+ return IsGenerated( nAction ) ?
+ GetGenerated( nAction ) :
+ GetAction( nAction );
+ }
+ ULONG GetLastSavedActionNumber() const
+ { return nMarkLastSaved; }
+ ScChangeAction* GetLastSaved() const
+ { return aTable.Get( nMarkLastSaved ); }
+ ScChangeActionContent** GetContentSlots() const { return ppContentSlots; }
+ BOOL IsLoadSave() const { return bLoadSave; }
+ const ScRange& GetInDeleteRange() const
+ { return aInDeleteRange; }
+ BOOL IsInDelete() const { return bInDelete; }
+ BOOL IsInDeleteTop() const { return bInDeleteTop; }
+ BOOL IsInDeleteUndo() const { return bInDeleteUndo; }
+ BOOL IsInPasteCut() const { return bInPasteCut; }
+ void SetUser( const String& );
+ const String& GetUser() const { return aUser; }
+ const StrCollection& GetUserCollection() const
+ { return aUserCollection; }
+ ScDocument* GetDocument() const { return pDoc; }
+ // fuer MergeDocument, Original-Datum uebernehmen
+ void SetFixDateTimeUTC( const DateTime& rDT )
+ { aFixDateTime = rDT; }
+ void SetUseFixDateTime( BOOL bVal )
+ { bUseFixDateTime = bVal; }
+ void Append( ScChangeAction* );
+ void AppendDeleteRange( const ScRange&,
+ ScDocument* pRefDoc,
+ ULONG& nStartAction, ULONG& nEndAction,
+ short nDz = 0 );
+ // nDz: Multi-TabDel, LookUpContent ist
+ // um -nDz verschoben zu suchen
+ // nachdem neuer Wert im Dokument gesetzt wurde,
+ // alter Wert aus RefDoc/UndoDoc
+ void AppendContent( const ScAddress& rPos,
+ ScDocument* pRefDoc );
+ // nachdem neue Werte im Dokument gesetzt wurden,
+ // alte Werte aus RefDoc/UndoDoc
+ void AppendContentRange( const ScRange& rRange,
+ ScDocument* pRefDoc,
+ ULONG& nStartAction, ULONG& nEndAction,
+ ScChangeActionClipMode eMode = SC_CACM_NONE );
+ // nachdem neuer Wert im Dokument gesetzt wurde,
+ // alter Wert aus pOldCell, nOldFormat,
+ // RefDoc==NULL => Doc
+ void AppendContent( const ScAddress& rPos,
+ const ScBaseCell* pOldCell,
+ ULONG nOldFormat, ScDocument* pRefDoc = NULL );
+ // nachdem neuer Wert im Dokument gesetzt wurde,
+ // alter Wert aus pOldCell, Format aus Doc
+ void AppendContent( const ScAddress& rPos,
+ const ScBaseCell* pOldCell );
+ // nachdem neuer Wert im Dokument gesetzt wurde,
+ // alter Wert aus pOldCell, Format aus RefDoc
+ void AppendContent( const ScAddress& rPos,
+ const ScBaseCell* pOldCell,
+ ScDocument* pRefDoc );
+ // nachdem neue Werte im Dokument gesetzt wurden,
+ // alte Werte aus RefDoc/UndoDoc.
+ // Alle Contents, wo im RefDoc eine Zelle steht.
+ void AppendContentsIfInRefDoc( ScDocument* pRefDoc,
+ ULONG& nStartAction, ULONG& nEndAction );
+ // die folgenden beiden nur benutzen wenn's
+ // nicht anders geht (setzen nur String fuer
+ // NewValue bzw. Formelerzeugung)
+ // bevor neuer Wert im Dokument gesetzt wird
+ void AppendContent( const ScAddress& rPos,
+ const String& rNewValue );
+ // bevor neuer Wert im Dokument gesetzt wird
+ void AppendContent( const ScAddress& rPos,
+ const String& rNewValue,
+ ScBaseCell* pOldCell );
+ void AppendInsert( const ScRange& );
+ void AppendMove( const ScRange& rFromRange,
+ const ScRange& rToRange,
+ ScDocument* pRefDoc );
+ // Cut to Clipboard
+ void ResetLastCut()
+ {
+ nStartLastCut = nEndLastCut = 0;
+ if ( pLastCutMove )
+ {
+ delete pLastCutMove;
+ pLastCutMove = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL HasLastCut() const
+ {
+ return nEndLastCut > 0 &&
+ nStartLastCut <= nEndLastCut &&
+ pLastCutMove;
+ }
+ void Undo( ULONG nStartAction, ULONG nEndAction );
+ // fuer MergeDocument, Referenzen anpassen,
+ //! darf nur in einem temporaer geoeffneten
+ //! Dokument verwendet werden, der Track
+ //! ist danach verhunzt
+ void MergePrepare( ScChangeAction* pFirstMerge );
+ void MergeOwn( ScChangeAction* pAct, ULONG nFirstMerge );
+ static BOOL MergeIgnore( const ScChangeAction&, ULONG nFirstMerge );
+ // Abhaengige in Table einfuegen.
+ // Bei Insert sind es echte Abhaengige,
+ // bei Move abhaengige Contents im FromRange
+ // und geloeschte im ToRange bzw. Inserts in
+ // FromRange oder ToRange,
+ // bei Delete eine Liste der geloeschten,
+ // bei Content andere Contents an gleicher Pos.
+ // Mit bListMasterDelete werden unter einem
+ // MasterDelete alle zu diesem Delete gehoerenden
+ // Deletes einer Reihe gelistet.
+ // Mit bAllFlat werden auch alle Abhaengigen
+ // der Abhaengigen flach eingefuegt.
+ void GetDependents( ScChangeAction*,
+ ScChangeActionTable&,
+ BOOL bListMasterDelete = FALSE,
+ BOOL bAllFlat = FALSE );
+ // Reject visible Action (und abhaengige)
+ BOOL Reject( ScChangeAction* );
+ // Accept visible Action (und abhaengige)
+ BOOL Accept( ScChangeAction* );
+ void AcceptAll(); // alle Virgins
+ BOOL RejectAll(); // alle Virgins
+ // Selektiert einen Content von mehreren an
+ // gleicher Position und akzeptiert diesen und
+ // die aelteren, rejected die neueren.
+ // Mit bOldest==TRUE wird der erste OldValue
+ // einer Virgin-Content-Kette restauriert.
+ BOOL SelectContent( ScChangeAction*,
+ BOOL bOldest = FALSE );
+ // wenn ModifiedLink gesetzt, landen
+ // Aenderungen in ScChangeTrackMsgQueue
+ void SetModifiedLink( const Link& r )
+ { aModifiedLink = r; ClearMsgQueue(); }
+ const Link& GetModifiedLink() const { return aModifiedLink; }
+ ScChangeTrackMsgQueue& GetMsgQueue() { return aMsgQueue; }
+ void NotifyModified( ScChangeTrackMsgType eMsgType,
+ ULONG nStartAction, ULONG nEndAction );
+ BOOL Load( SvStream& rStrm, USHORT nVer );
+ BOOL Store( SvStream& rStrm );
+ USHORT GetLoadedFileFormatVersion() const
+ { return nLoadedFileFormatVersion; }