path: root/sal/qa/helper
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sal/qa/helper')
10 files changed, 1330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sal/qa/helper/gcov/build_coverage b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/build_coverage
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..8948789a87e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/build_coverage
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# this is a helper, to build sal with the right compiler parameters
+# IMPORTANT, this works only within Linux
+if ( `uname` == "Linux" ) then
+ echo "running on Linux Intel, ok."
+ build killobj
+ setenv ENVCFLAGS "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage"
+ build
+ echo "Sorry, gcov works only within Linux environment."
diff --git a/sal/qa/helper/gcov/deprecated.txt b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/deprecated.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a46a94acca65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/deprecated.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# contain all functions, which are mark as deprecated
+# this function will removed from the allexportlist
+# Format of a line MUST be / (.*);/
+ rtl_ustr_trim;
+ rtl_str_trim;
+# since 16.9.2003
+# Function List:
+# A. deprecated functions:
+# 1) Profile class and all its sub C API:
+ osl_openProfile;
+ osl_closeProfile;
+ osl_flushProfile;
+ osl_readProfileString;
+ osl_readProfileBool;
+ osl_readProfileIdent;
+ osl_writeProfileString;
+ osl_writeProfileBool;
+ osl_writeProfileIdent;
+ osl_removeProfileEntry;
+ osl_getProfileSectionEntries;
+ osl_getProfileSections;
+# 2) VolumeDevice class and all this sub C API:
+ osl_unmountVolumeDevice;
+ osl_automountVolumeDevice;
+ osl_releaseVolumeDeviceHandle;
+ osl_acquireVolumeDeviceHandle;
+ osl_getVolumeDeviceMountPath;
+# 3) in FileBase class:
+ osl_getCanonicalName;
+# B. untested functions:
+# functions need Client/Server model and blocking mode of transmission. some of the functions
+# can not run through on testshl2 env while the same code can run successfully in normal seperate
+# files.
+# 1) in DatagramSocket class:
+# osl_receiveFromSocket;
+# osl_sendToSocket;
+# 2) in StreamSocket class:
+# osl_readSocket;
+# osl_writeSocket;
+# osl_receiveSocket;
+# osl_sendSocket;
+# 3) in Socket class:
+ osl_isExceptionPending;
+# osl_shutdownSocket;
+# 4) in Pipe class:
+# osl_acceptPipe;
+# 5) in StreamPipe class:
+# osl_readPipe;
+# osl_writePipe;
+# osl_receivePipe;
+# osl_sendPipe;
+#C. unreachable functions
+# (*)in .map file but does not appear in.hxx header file thus unreachable,
+# mostly for internal use, can not be reached by accessing class, so need
+# not be tested.
+# 1) in file module*:
+ osl_abbreviateSystemPath;
+# 2) in socket module*:
+ osl_addToSocketSet;
+ osl_clearSocketSet;
+ osl_createSocketSet;
+ osl_destroySocketSet;
+ osl_isInSocketSet;
+ osl_removeFromSocketSet
+ osl_createHostAddrByName;
+ osl_createHostAddrByAddr;
+ osl_createHostAddr;
+ osl_copyHostAddr;
+ osl_destroyHostAddr;
+ osl_getHostnameOfHostAddr;
+ osl_getSocketAddrOfHostAddr;
+ osl_createInetBroadcastAddr;
+ osl_demultiplexSocketEvents;
+ osl_getDottedInetAddrOfSocketAddr;
+ osl_getFamilyOfSocketAddr;
+# 3) in thread module*:
+ osl_createThread;
+ osl_setThreadTextEncoding;
+# or (#)does not wrapper into a class, only in C API. does not in our Class
+# check list.
+# 1) all diagnose module#:
+ osl_breakDebug;
+ osl_assertFailedLine;
+ osl_trace;
+ osl_reportError;
+ osl_setDebugMessageFunc;
+# 2) all signal module#:
+ osl_addSignalHandler;
+ osl_removeSignalHandler;
+ osl_raiseSignal;
+# 3) all time module#:
+ osl_getSystemTime;
+ osl_getDateTimeFromTimeValue;
+ osl_getTimeValueFromDateTime;
+ osl_getLocalTimeFromSystemTime;
+ osl_getSystemTimeFromLocalTime;
+ osl_getGlobalTimer;
+# 4) all process module#:
+ osl_executeProcess;
+ osl_executeProcess_WithRedirectedIO;
+ osl_terminateProcess;
+ osl_getProcess;
+ osl_freeProcessHandle;
+ osl_joinProcess;
+ osl_joinProcessWithTimeout;
+ osl_getProcessInfo;
+ osl_getExecutableFile;
+ osl_getCommandArgCount;
+ osl_getCommandArg;
+ osl_getEnvironment;
+ osl_getProcessWorkingDir;
+ osl_getProcessLocale;
+ osl_setProcessLocale;
+ osl_sendResourcePipe;
+ osl_receiveResourcePipe;
+# 5) all util module#:
+ osl_getEthernetAddress;
+# LLA:
+# this functions are not deprecated, they only marked as deprecated, to say that
+# there is no test need.
+ rtl_zeroMemory;
+ rtl_fillMemory;
+ rtl_copyMemory;
+ rtl_moveMemory;
+ rtl_compareMemory;
+ rtl_findInMemory;
+# LLA:
+# Marked as deprecated by Stephan Bergmann
+ rtl_byte_sequence_reference2One;
+ rtl_byte_sequence_realloc;
+ rtl_byte_sequence_acquire;
+ rtl_byte_sequence_release;
+ rtl_byte_sequence_construct;
+ rtl_byte_sequence_constructNoDefault;
+ rtl_byte_sequence_constructFromArray;
+ rtl_byte_sequence_assign;
+ rtl_byte_sequence_equals;
+ rtl_byte_sequence_getConstArray;
+ rtl_byte_sequence_getLength;
+# LLA:
+# old test environment need no extra test
+ rtl_tres_create;
+ rtl_tres_destroy;
+# LLA:
+# found in source code, marked as deprecated
+# rtl_locale_getDefault;
+# rtl_locale_setDefault;
+# LLA:
+# marked as deprecated, due to the fact there is no access from outside
+# so this functions are not really accessable
+# They are used in rtl/source/locale.c
+ rtl_hashentry_destroy;
+ rtl_hashfunc;
+ rtl_hashtable_add;
+ rtl_hashtable_destroy;
+ rtl_hashtable_find;
+ rtl_hashtable_grow;
+ rtl_hashtable_init;
+# LLA:
+# marked as deprecated by Joachim Lingner 20040414
+ rtl_moduleCount_acquire;
+ rtl_moduleCount_release;
+ rtl_moduleCount_canUnload;
+ rtl_registerModuleForUnloading;
+ rtl_unregisterModuleForUnloading;
+ rtl_unloadUnusedModules;
+ rtl_addUnloadingListener;
+ rtl_removeUnloadingListener;
diff --git a/sal/qa/helper/gcov/gcov_all b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/gcov_all
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..dad1f736c688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/gcov_all
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# $Id: gcov_all,v 1.4 2005-11-02 17:23:43 kz Exp $
+# This helper run lists all c and cxx files from selected directories.
+# PRJ points to the flat project directory
+# selected directories
+FILES=`/bin/ls $PRJ/osl/unx/*.c $PRJ/osl/unx/*.cxx $PRJ/rtl/source/*.c $PRJ/rtl/source/*.cxx $PRJ/osl/all/*.c $PRJ/osl/all/*.cxx $PRJ/textenc/*.c`
+# Use gcov_filter on every c/cxx file.
+for file in $FILES; do
+ # echo $file
+ perl -o $PRJ/unxlngi6/slo -i $PRJ/util/ $file $*
diff --git a/sal/qa/helper/gcov/ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..5074c0251ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id:,v 1.4 2005-11-02 17:23:57 kz Exp $
+# Helper to filter the gcov output.
+# Handle a compare between the hole gcov output and a given select list of exported functions.
+# Q: Why perl?
+# A: regexp ;-)
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Long;
+# Global constants
+our $version_info = 'gcov helper $Revision: 1.4 $ ';
+our $help; # Help option flag
+our $version; # Version option flag
+our $cwd = `pwd`; # current working directory
+# our $tool_dir = dirname($0);
+# our $tool_file = basename($0);
+# our $output_filename;
+our $input_allfunc;
+# our $input_filename;
+our $allfuncinfo; # allfuncinfo option flag
+our $showallfunc; # showallfunc option flag
+our $no_percentage; # no_percentage option flag
+our $donotfilter; # donotfilter option flag
+our $objectdir;
+# Prototypes
+sub print_usage(*);
+sub read_gcov_function_file($);
+sub get_PRJ_from_makefile_mk();
+# sub read_ExportedFunctionList();
+sub read_List($);
+# if (! ($tool_dir =~ /^\/(.*)$/))
+# {
+# $tool_dir = "$cwd/$tool_dir";
+# }
+# Parse command line options
+if (!GetOptions( "input-allfunc=s" => \$input_allfunc,
+ "allfuncinfo" => \$allfuncinfo,
+ "showallfunc" => \$showallfunc,
+ "no-percentage" => \$no_percentage,
+ "do-not-filter" => \$donotfilter,
+ "objectdir=s" => \$objectdir,
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "version" => \$version
+ ))
+ print_usage(*STDERR);
+ exit(1);
+# Check for help option
+if ($help)
+ print_usage(*STDOUT);
+ exit(0);
+# Check for version option
+if ($version)
+ print("$version_info\n");
+ exit(0);
+# check if enough parameters
+if ($#ARGV < 0)
+ print("No input filename specified\n");
+ print_usage(*STDERR);
+ exit(1);
+# special case:
+# the filename contains a . or '/' at the beginning
+my $startdir = $ARGV[0];
+if ( ($startdir =~ /^\.\./) ||
+ ($startdir =~ /^\//) )
+ $startdir = dirname($startdir);
+ # print("start directory is $startdir\n");
+ # chdir $startdir;
+ $startdir = "";
+# check for
+if ( ! $input_allfunc )
+ # this is a try, to get the project directory form a found
+ # may work, but fails due to some disunderstandings may be problems in perl :-(
+ my $sDir = get_PRJ_from_makefile_mk();
+ # chomp($sDir);
+ # HDW: print("PRJ is $dir\n");
+ # $sDir2 = "../..";
+ my $sMapFile = "$sDir" . "/util/";
+ # $sMapFile = "$sDir2" . "/util/";
+ if ( -e $sMapFile)
+ {
+ $input_allfunc = $sMapFile;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print("No input-allfunc filename specified\n");
+ print_usage(*STDERR);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+our @aDeprecatedList;
+our @aExportedFunctionList;
+# read_ExportedFunctionList();
+@aExportedFunctionList = read_List($input_allfunc);
+@aDeprecatedList = read_List("deprecated.txt");
+if ($allfuncinfo)
+ print("Count of all functions: $#aExportedFunctionList\n");
+ exit(0);
+if ($showallfunc)
+ my $func;
+ foreach $func (@aExportedFunctionList)
+ {
+ print("$func\n");
+ }
+ exit(0);
+# back to current directory
+# this chdir was for a before chdir (in $startdir creation) but due to the fact,
+# that the get_PRJ_from_makefile_mk works but the after concat of strings not, this
+# chdir is also remarked.
+# chdir $cwd;
+# HWD: print "count of param: \n";
+# $input_filename = $ARGV[0];
+my $nCount = $#ARGV + 1;
+my $nIdx;
+for ($nIdx = 0; $nIdx < $nCount ; ++$nIdx)
+ my $file = $ARGV[$nIdx];
+ # print("processing: $file\n");
+ # change directory, to the current file, due to the fact, that we may be need to call gcov
+ # and gcov will create some extra files, like *.gcov near the current file.
+ # if ( $startdir ne "" )
+ # {
+ # chdir $startdir;
+ # $file = basename($file);
+ # }
+ my $OBJECTS="";
+ if ($objectdir)
+ {
+ $OBJECTS = "-o " . $objectdir;
+ }
+ if (! ($file =~ /\.f$/ ))
+ {
+ my $filef = "$file.f";
+ # if (! -e $filef )
+ # {
+ # print "gcov $OBJECTS -l -f $file >$filef\n";
+ my $blah = `gcov $OBJECTS -n -f $file >$filef`;
+ # }
+ $file = $filef;
+ }
+ read_gcov_function_file($file);
+ # go back to old directory, because it's possible to change relative to an other directory.
+ if ( $startdir ne "" )
+ {
+ chdir $cwd;
+ }
+# print "$tool_dir\n";
+# print "all is right\n";
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Read the map file, which should contain all exported functions.
+sub read_List($)
+ local *INPUT_HANDLE;
+ my $filename = $_[0];
+ my @list;
+ my $line = "";
+ open(INPUT_HANDLE, $filename);
+ # or die("ERROR: cannot open $filename!\n");
+ while ($line = <INPUT_HANDLE>)
+ {
+ chomp($line);
+ # reg exp: [spaces]functionname[semicolon][line end]
+ if ($line =~ /^\s+(\w*);$/)
+ {
+ # print("$1\n");
+ push(@list, $1);
+ }
+ }
+ close(INPUT_HANDLE);
+ return @list;
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Helper function, test is a given value is found in the global exported function list.
+# the given value format could be a simple function name
+# or a prototype
+# e.g.
+# osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL
+# or
+# void getSystemPathFromFileURL( const char* rtl_...)
+sub contain_in_List($$)
+ my $func;
+ my $value = $_[0];
+ my $list = $_[1];
+ if ($donotfilter)
+ {
+ return $value;
+ }
+ foreach $func (@$list) # (@aExportedFunctionList)
+ {
+ # first try, direct check
+ if ($value eq $func)
+ {
+ # HWD: print("$value eq $func\n");
+ return $value;
+ }
+ # value not found, second try, may be we found it if we search word wise.
+ # helper, to insert a space after the word, before '('
+ $value =~ s/\(/ \(/g;
+ # may be here we should replace all white spaces by ' '
+ # split by 'space'
+ my @list = split(' ', $value);
+ for(@list)
+ {
+ # HWD: print "$list[$n]\n";
+ if ($_ eq $func)
+ {
+ # HWD: print ("found $func in $value\n");
+ return $_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # not found
+ return "";
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Read the gcov function (gcov -f) file
+# and compare line by line with the export function list
+# so we get a list of functions, which are only exported, and not all stuff.
+# sample of output
+# new gcov gcc 3.4 format
+sub read_gcov_function_file($)
+ local *INPUT_HANDLE;
+ my $file = $_[0];
+ my $line = "";
+ open(INPUT_HANDLE, $file)
+ or die("ERROR: cannot open $file!\n");
+ while ($line = <INPUT_HANDLE>)
+ {
+ chomp($line);
+ # sample line (for reg exp:)
+ # 100.00% of 3 source lines executed in function osl_thread_init_Impl
+ if ($line =~ /^Function \`(.*)\'$/ )
+ {
+ my $sFunctionName = $1;
+ my $sPercentage;
+ $line = <INPUT_HANDLE>;
+ if ($line =~ /^Lines executed:(.*)% of/ )
+ {
+ $sPercentage = $1;
+ }
+ my $value = contain_in_List( $sFunctionName, \@aExportedFunctionList );
+ if ($value)
+ {
+ my $isDeprecated = contain_in_List( $sFunctionName, \@aDeprecatedList );
+ if ($isDeprecated)
+ {
+ # Function is deprecated, do not export it.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($no_percentage)
+ {
+ print("$value\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print("$sPercentage $value\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # push(@aExportedFunctionList, $1);
+ }
+ }
+ close(INPUT_HANDLE);
+# gcov format since gcc 3.3.6
+# 100.00% von 3 Zeilen in function helloworld ausgeführt
+# 100.00% von 5 Zeilen in function main ausgeführt
+# 100.00% von 8 Zeilen in file tmp.c ausgeführt
+sub read_gcov_function_file_old_gcc_3($)
+ local *INPUT_HANDLE;
+ my $file = $_[0];
+ my $line = "";
+ open(INPUT_HANDLE, $file)
+ or die("ERROR: cannot open $file!\n");
+ while ($line = <INPUT_HANDLE>)
+ {
+ chomp($line);
+ # sample line (for reg exp:)
+ # 100.00% of 3 source lines executed in function osl_thread_init_Impl
+ if ($line =~ /^(.*)% of \d+ source lines executed in function (.*)$/ )
+ {
+ my $value = contain_in_List( $2, \@aExportedFunctionList );
+ if ($value)
+ {
+ my $isDeprecated = contain_in_List( $2, \@aDeprecatedList );
+ if ($isDeprecated)
+ {
+ # Function is deprecated, do not export it.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($no_percentage)
+ {
+ print("$value\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print("$1 $value\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # push(@aExportedFunctionList, $1);
+ }
+ }
+ close(INPUT_HANDLE);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# helper, to read the PRJ value out of a file
+sub get_PRJ_from_makefile_mk()
+ local *INPUT_HANDLE;
+ # my $startdir = @_[0];
+ my $line = "";
+ my $value = "";
+ open(INPUT_HANDLE, "")
+ or die("ERROR: cannot open\n");
+ while ($line = <INPUT_HANDLE>)
+ {
+ chomp($line);
+ # sample line
+ # PRJ=
+ # HWD: print("$line\n");
+ if ($line =~ /^PRJ\s*=(.*)\s*$/)
+ {
+ # HWD: print("FOUND #####\n");
+ $value = $1;
+ chomp($value);
+ $value =~ s/\$\//\//g;
+ }
+ }
+ close(INPUT_HANDLE);
+ return $value;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_usage(*)
+ local *HANDLE = $_[0];
+ my $tool_name = basename($0);
+Usage: $tool_name [OPTIONS] INPUTFILE
+ -h, --help Print this help, then exit
+ -v, --version Print version number, then exit
+ -i, --input-allfunc FILENAME Map file, which contain all exported functions
+ -s, --showallfunc Shows all exported functions then exit
+ -a, --allfuncinfo Shows the count of all exported functions then quit
+ -n, --no-percentage Suppress the output of the percent value for tested functions
+ -d, --do-not-filter Show all functions, which gcov -f produce
+ ;
diff --git a/sal/qa/helper/gcov/ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..414eac2c828b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id:,v 1.2 2003-06-11 16:36:30 vg Exp $
+# Helper, to interpret the result and put the result via html in a database.
+# Put into DB works via php.
+# Q: Why perl?
+# A: regexp ;-)
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Time::localtime;
+our $version_info = 'gcov helper $Revision: 1.2 $ ';
+our $help; # Help option flag
+our $version; # Version option flag
+# our $infile;
+our $usedFunctions; # name of all functions filename, which have a value > 0
+our $nonusedFunctions; # name of all functions filename, which have a value == 0
+our $complete; # name of all functions filename, which have a value == 100
+our $incomplete; # name of all functions filename, which have a value > 0 && < 100
+our $environment;
+our $major;
+our $minor;
+our $cwsname;
+our $outputDir;
+# Prototypes
+sub print_usage(*);
+sub read_gcov_function_file($);
+sub create2DigitNumber($);
+# Parse command line options
+if (!GetOptions(
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "version" => \$version,
+ "usedfunctions=s" => \$usedFunctions,
+ "nonusedfunctions=s" => \$nonusedFunctions,
+ "complete=s" => \$complete,
+ "incomplete=s" => \$incomplete,
+ "cwsname=s" => \$cwsname,
+ "major=s" => \$major,
+ "minor=s" => \$minor,
+ "environment=s" => \$environment,
+ "outputdir=s" => \$outputDir
+ ))
+ print_usage(*STDERR);
+ exit(1);
+# Check for help option
+if ($help)
+ print_usage(*STDOUT);
+ exit(0);
+# Check for version option
+if ($version)
+ print("$version_info\n");
+ exit(0);
+# check if enough parameters
+# if ($#ARGV < 0)
+# {
+# print("No input filename specified\n");
+# print_usage(*STDERR);
+# exit(1);
+# }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+my $sURL = "";
+my $next = "?";
+if ($complete)
+ my $result = `cat $complete | wc -l`;
+ chomp($result);
+ $result =~ / *(\d+)/;
+ $sURL = $sURL . "$next" . "complete=$1";
+ $next = "&";
+if ($nonusedFunctions)
+ my $result = `cat $nonusedFunctions | wc -l`;
+ chomp($result);
+ $result =~ / *(\d+)/;
+ $sURL = $sURL . "$next" . "notused=$1";
+ $next = "&";
+if ($usedFunctions)
+ my $result = `cat $usedFunctions | wc -l`;
+ chomp($result);
+ $result =~ / *(\d+)/;
+ $sURL = $sURL . "$next" . "used=$1";
+ $next = "&";
+if ($incomplete)
+ my $result = `cat $incomplete | wc -l`;
+ chomp($result);
+ $result =~ / *(\d+)/;
+ $sURL = $sURL . "$next" . "incomplete=$1";
+ $next = "&";
+if ($cwsname)
+ # qadev8
+ $sURL = $sURL . "$next" . "cwsname=$cwsname";
+ $next = "&";
+if ($major)
+ # srx645
+ $sURL = $sURL . "$next" . "major=$major";
+ $next = "&";
+if ($minor)
+ # m3s1
+ $sURL = $sURL . "$next" . "minor=$minor";
+ $next = "&";
+if ($environment)
+ # unxlngi5
+ $sURL = $sURL . "$next" . "environment=$environment";
+ $next = "&";
+my $year = localtime->year() + 1900;
+my $month = create2DigitNumber(localtime->mon() + 1);
+my $day = create2DigitNumber(localtime->mday());
+$sURL = $sURL . "$next" . "date=$year-$month-$day";
+$next = "&";
+my $output;
+if ($outputDir)
+ chomp($outputDir);
+ $output = $outputDir;
+# check if output ends with "/"
+if ( $output =~ /\/$/ )
+ print "Output name ends with '/'\n";
+ print "Output name does not end with '/'\n";
+ $output = $output . "/";
+$output = $output . "php_result.txt";
+my $result = `wget -O $output "$sURL"`;
+print "$sURL\n";
+print `cat $output`;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_usage(*)
+ local *HANDLE = $_[0];
+ my $tool_name = basename($0);
+Usage: $tool_name [OPTIONS]
+ -u, --usedfunctions count of all functions, which have a value > 0
+ -n, --nonusedfunctions count of all functions, which have a value == 0
+ -co, --complete count of all functions, which have a value == 100
+ -i, --incomplete count of all functions, which have a value > 0 && < 100
+ -cw, --cwsname set cwsname
+ -ma, --major set major number
+ -mi, --minor set minor number
+ -e, --environment set environment
+ -o, --outputdir set the directory, where to store the wget result
+ -h, --help Print this help, then exit
+ -v, --version Print version number, then exit
+ ;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub create2DigitNumber($)
+ my $digit = $_[0];
+ my $str;
+ my $nDigitLen = length $digit;
+ if ($nDigitLen == 1)
+ {
+ $str = "0" . $digit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($nDigitLen > 2)
+ {
+ $str = substr $digit, $nDigitLen - 2, 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $str = $digit;
+ }
+ }
+ return $str;
diff --git a/sal/qa/helper/gcov/ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d52316fac0e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id:,v 1.2 2004-03-19 14:46:51 obo Exp $
+# Helper, to compare two different results
+# Q: Why perl?
+# A: regexp ;-)
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Long;
+our $version_info = 'gcov_resultcompare $Revision: 1.2 $ ';
+our $help; # Help option flag
+our $version; # Version option flag
+# our $infile;
+our $orig;
+our $compare;
+# Prototypes
+sub print_usage(*);
+sub read_gcov_function_file($);
+# Parse command line options
+if (!GetOptions(
+ "o=s" => \$orig,
+ "c=s" => \$compare,
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "version" => \$version
+ ))
+ print_usage(*STDERR);
+ exit(1);
+# Check for help option
+if ($help)
+ print_usage(*STDOUT);
+ exit(0);
+# Check for version option
+if ($version)
+ print("$version_info\n");
+ exit(0);
+# check if enough parameters
+# if ($#ARGV < 1)
+# {
+# print("No input filenames specified\n");
+# print_usage(*STDERR);
+# exit(1);
+# }
+if (! $orig)
+ print_usage(*STDOUT);
+ exit(0);
+if (! $compare)
+ print_usage(*STDOUT);
+ exit(0);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+my %origlist = read_gcov_function_file($orig);
+my %cmplist = read_gcov_function_file($compare);
+my $key;
+my $value;
+while (($key, $value) = each %origlist)
+ my $cmpvalue = $cmplist{$key};
+ if ($cmpvalue != 0.00)
+ {
+ if ($value < 100.00)
+ {
+ if ($cmpvalue > $value && $value < 90.0)
+ {
+ print "$key, $value, CMP:$cmpvalue\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Read the gcov function (gcov -f) file
+# and compare line by line with the export function list
+# so we get a list of functions, which are only exported, and not all stuff.
+sub read_gcov_function_file($)
+ local *INPUT_HANDLE;
+ my $file = shift;
+ my %list;
+ my $line = "";
+ open(INPUT_HANDLE, $file)
+ or die("ERROR: cannot open $file!\n");
+ while ($line = <INPUT_HANDLE>)
+ {
+ chomp($line);
+ # sample line (for reg exp:)
+ # 100.00 rtl_ustr_toDouble
+ if ($line =~ /^(.{6}) (\w+)$/ )
+ {
+ my $percent = $1;
+ my $value = $2;
+ $list{$value} = $percent;
+ }
+ }
+ close(INPUT_HANDLE);
+ return %list;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_usage(*)
+ local *HANDLE = $_[0];
+ my $tool_name = basename($0);
+Usage: $tool_name [OPTIONS] INPUTFILE
+ -o Original File, which gives the main values
+ if here a value is smaller than in compare, the found value is a candidate for better check.
+ -c Compare file.
+ -h, --help Print this help, then exit
+ -v, --version Print version number, then exit
+ ;
diff --git a/sal/qa/helper/gcov/ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b01506b20634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id:,v 1.3 2005-11-02 17:24:12 kz Exp $
+# Helper, to interpret the result
+# Q: Why perl?
+# A: regexp ;-)
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Long;
+our $version_info = 'gcov helper $Revision: 1.3 $ ';
+our $help; # Help option flag
+our $version; # Version option flag
+# our $infile;
+our $usedFunctions; # show all functions, which have a value > 0
+our $nonusedFunctions; # show all functions, which have a value == 0
+our $nPercent; # show all functions, which have a value > $nPercent
+our $complete; # show all functions, which have a value == 100
+our $incomplete; # show all functions, which have a value > 0 && < 100
+# Prototypes
+sub print_usage(*);
+sub read_gcov_function_file($);
+# Parse command line options
+if (!GetOptions(
+ "usedfunctions" => \$usedFunctions,
+ "nonusedfunctions" => \$nonusedFunctions,
+ "percent=s" => \$nPercent,
+ "complete" => \$complete,
+ "incomplete" => \$incomplete,
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "version" => \$version
+ ))
+ print_usage(*STDERR);
+ exit(1);
+# Check for help option
+if ($help)
+ print_usage(*STDOUT);
+ exit(0);
+# Check for version option
+if ($version)
+ print("$version_info\n");
+ exit(0);
+# check if enough parameters
+if ($#ARGV < 0)
+ print("No input filename specified\n");
+ print_usage(*STDERR);
+ exit(1);
+if ($complete)
+ $nPercent = 100.00;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+my %list = read_gcov_function_file($ARGV[0]);
+my $key;
+my $value;
+while (($key, $value) = each %list)
+ # print "function: $key = $value\n";
+ if ($nonusedFunctions)
+ {
+ if ($value <= 0.00)
+ {
+ print "$key\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($usedFunctions)
+ {
+ if ($value != 0.00)
+ {
+ print "$key, $value\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($nPercent)
+ {
+ if ($value >= $nPercent)
+ {
+ print "$key, $value\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($incomplete)
+ {
+ if ($value > 0.00 && $value < 100.00)
+ {
+ print "$key, $value\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "$key, $value\n";
+ }
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Read the gcov function (gcov -f) file
+# and compare line by line with the export function list
+# so we get a list of functions, which are only exported, and not all stuff.
+sub read_gcov_function_file($)
+ local *INPUT_HANDLE;
+ my $file = $_[0];
+ my %list;
+ my $line = "";
+ open(INPUT_HANDLE, $file)
+ or die("ERROR: cannot open $file!\n");
+ while ($line = <INPUT_HANDLE>)
+ {
+ chomp($line);
+ # sample line (for reg exp:)
+ # 100.00 rtl_ustr_toDouble
+ if ($line =~ /^(.*) (\w+)$/ )
+ {
+ my $percent = $1;
+ my $value = $2;
+ $list{$value} = $percent;
+ }
+ }
+ close(INPUT_HANDLE);
+ return %list;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_usage(*)
+ local *HANDLE = $_[0];
+ my $tool_name = basename($0);
+Usage: $tool_name [OPTIONS] INPUTFILE
+ -u, --usedFunctions show all functions, which have a value > 0
+ -n, --nonusedFunctions show all functions, which have a value == 0
+ -p, --percent show all functions, which have a value > percent
+ -c, --complete show all functions, which have a value == 100
+ -i, --incomplete show all functions, which have a value > 0 && < 100
+ -h, --help Print this help, then exit
+ -v, --version Print version number, then exit
+ ;
diff --git a/sal/qa/helper/gcov/ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..31a4c4e44dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/bin/tcsh -f
+# This is a helper file, to start a coverage test by hand
+# ----- INIT ENVIRONMENT -----
+# setup a complete build environment, copy from our beanshell environment
+setenv SHELL /bin/tcsh
+source /net/margritte/usr/qaapi/workspace/qadev/scripts/init/staroffice.cshrc
+# do a setsolar
+setenv SOURCE_ROOT /cws/so-cwsserv06/qadev16
+setsolar -cwsname qadev16 -sourceroot -src680 -ver m25 -jdk14 unxlngi5
+setenv SALDIR /cws/so-cwsserv06/qadev16/SRC680/src.m25/sal
+# this is a patch for sal, to see also "ustr" in string
+cd $SALDIR/rtl/source
+# strtmpl.c contains code, which is used for strings and ustrings. This file contain lot of makros
+# which unpacked at compile time. Due to the fact, gcov has some problems with such things, an idea is
+# to copy strtmpl.c to ustrtmpl.c and replace the include command in ustring.c
+# this is done be the follows lines.
+# cat ustring.c | sed -e "s/strtmpl.c/ustrtmpl.c/" > ; mv -f ustring.c
+# cp strtmpl.c ustrtmpl.c
+rm -f `find . -type f -name '*.bb' -print`
+rm -f `find . -type f -name '*.bbg' -print`
+rm -f `find . -type f -name '*.f' -print`
+rm -f `find . -type f -name '*.da' -print`
+rm -f `find . -type f -name '*.gcov' -print`
+rm -rf unxlngi5
+setenv ENVCFLAGS "-O0 -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs"
+# ----- START THE TESTS -----
+# unsetenv ENVCFLAGS
+cd cd $SALDIR/qa
+# cd qa/osl/file
+dmake test
+# ----- BUILD GCOV (coverage) FILES -----
+cd cd $SALDIR/qa/helper/gcov
+# the statistics file create some *.txt files, the most interesting one is realallchecked.txt,
+# which contain only the interface functions and it's run through in percent.
+# the use two of these files to give out a compare.
+# usage: -o realallchecked.txt -c <other>/realallchecked.txt
diff --git a/sal/qa/helper/gcov/readme.txt b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6c9f46b225cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+GCOV Coverage information helper functions
+# Files:
diff --git a/sal/qa/helper/gcov/statistics b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/statistics
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..cbb374c172d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/statistics
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# $Id: statistics,v 1.3 2003-06-11 16:38:03 vg Exp $
+./ -i ../../../util/ --showallfunc FOO | sort | uniq >exportedfunctions.txt
+# gives the number off all files.
+./ -i ../../../util/ --allfuncinfo FOO
+./gcov_all --no-percentage | sort | uniq >allchecked.txt
+# gives the number of all testable functions
+echo -n " testable functions: "
+cat allchecked.txt | wc -l
+# gives a list of all checked functions within gcov.
+./gcov_all | sort +1 | uniq >realallchecked.txt
+# output all functions, which are not tested by gcov -f, due to the fact, that they where not found
+comm -3 exportedfunctions.txt allchecked.txt >notfound.txt