path: root/rsc
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Diffstat (limited to 'rsc')
80 files changed, 41283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rsc/doku/feinkonz.43/rsc.doc b/rsc/doku/feinkonz.43/rsc.doc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5727feb5b6f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/doku/feinkonz.43/rsc.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,4096 @@
+.\\\ WRITER 6 \\\
+User Doku
+courier 9.5
+Helvetica 14 Pt Fett
+Helvetica 12 Pt Fett
+Helvetia 10 Pt Fett
+Times 10
+Courier 7
+Grund - Absatzlayout
+berschrift Klasse
+berschrift Methode
+Kopfzeile rechts
+Kopfzeile links
+Fuzeile linksbndig
+Fuzeile rechtsbndig
+Linie linksbndig
+Linie rechtsbndig
+rechtsbndiger Fustrich
+linksbndiger Fustrich
+Akl#_PFAD##_TEXTNAME# ,-#_S#-
+Afl$Date: 23 Jan 1992 14:42:12 $
+Afr4$Revision: 1.25 $
+Resource linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+Resource rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+Resourcecompiler linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+Resourcecompiler rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+ResOwner linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+ResOwner rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+ScrollBar linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+ScrollBar rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+SingleLineEdit linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+SingleLineEdit rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+SysMessBox linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+SYsMessBox rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+System linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+System rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+SystemWindow linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+SystemWindow rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+Timer linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+Timer rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+VirtualDevice linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+VirtualDevice rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+VirtualPrinter linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+VirtualPrinter rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+VScrollBar linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+VScrollBar rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+WarningBox linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+WarningBox rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+WinBits linke Seite
+Afr3StarView - Referenz
+WinBits rechte Seite
+Afl(c) 1990/1991 StarDivision
+Au0 #_THEMA2#
+Au0 #_AUTOR#
+Au0 Stand: $Date: 23 Jan 1992 14:42:12 $
+ SkfAgaPA
+AfpDokumentenname #_THEMA2#
+AfpProjektname #_THEMA1#
+AfpVersionsnummer $Revision: 1.25 $
+Afperstellt 31. Juli 1990
+Afpgendert $Date: 23 Jan 1992 14:42:12 $
+AfpDateiname #_PFAD##_TEXTNAME#
+AfpAutor #_AUTOR#
+AfpBearbeiter $Author: MM $
+AfpStatus XX in Arbeit
+Afp __ fertiggestellt
+Afp __ abgenommen
+Afp __ freigegeben
+AfpVertraulich __ Ja XX Nein
+AfpCopyright (C) Star Division 1990
+ SivAu0PA
+StarView Resourcecompiler 4
+Einleitung 4
+Bekannte Fehler 4
+Systemabhngigkeiten 4
+Installationshinweise 5
+rsc-Kommandozeile 5
+rsc-Preprocessor 7
+Default Preprozessor 8
+Einfaches Beispiel 9
+Syntax 16
+Klassen-Erklrung: Resource -> StarView 18
+Spezielle Syntax-Konstrukte 59
+Stichwortverzeichnis 63
+ Au1paStarView Resourcecompiler
+Diese Beschreibung gilt fr den Resourcecompiler in der Version 1.21.
+Der StarView Resourcecompiler ( rsc ) dient dazu, die systemunabhngigen Resourcen
+in den Beschreibungsdateien in systemabhngige Beschreibungsdateien zu berfhren,
+die dann mit den systemabhngigen Resourcecompilern effizient (Laufzeit) in binre
+Resourcen bersetzt werden.
+Au1Bekannte Fehler
+Apl- Unter Unix (Motif) werden noch keine Icons, Bitmaps und Pointer untersttzt.
+- Die TMP-Environmentvariable darf keinen "\" am Ende haben (MS-DOS).
+- Unter MS-DOS wird die ".rc"-Datei nicht gelscht.
+- Der rscpp gibt die Zeilennummern nicht richtig aus.
+- Unter Unix und MAC darf die src-Datei am Ende kein ^Z haben.
+Die Resource-Scriptdatei (".src") ist bis auf die Typen Icon, Bitmap und Pointer unab
+hngig. Jede Resource dieser drei Typen steht in einer eigenen Datei. Ob das Format
+oder die Version korrekt sind, wird durch den systemabhngigen Resourcecompiler
+(rc, uid, rez) entschieden.
+Die Pfadnamen in den Include-Anweisungen sind systemabhngig. Unter MS-DOS ist
+der Pfadname z.B. "..\..\..", unter Unix ist er z.B. "../../.." und unter dem Betriebssystem
+des Macintosh z.B. ":: ".
+Die erstellten Resourcedateien sind nicht nur betriebssystemabhngig, sondern auch
+processor- bzw. compilerabhngig. Dies betrifft die Lnge des int und die Darstellung
+(Drehungen) von ganzzahligen Datentypen.
+Die Default-Resourcedatei ist unter MS-Windows die ausfhrbare Datei, unter Unix
+(Motif) die ausfhrbare Datei mit der Extension ".res" und unter Macintosh noch nicht
+ Au1paLieferumfang
+Dateien fuer den Macintosh:
+ rsc, rsc2, rscpp.
+Dateien fuer Motif:
+ rsc, rsc2, rscpp.
+Dateien fuer MS-DOS:
+ rsc.exe, rsc2.exe, rsc2r.exe, rsc2z.exe, rscpp, zpm.exe.
+Beim Aufruf des rsc mssen der Preprocessor rscpp, der Parser rsc2 sowie der
+systemabhngige Resourcecompiler rc.exe fr MSC-Windows unter MS-DOS, uid fr
+Motif unter Unix und rez auf dem Macintosh im Zugriffspfad liegen. Der Preprozessor
+kann durch einen eigenen ersetzt werden, wenn er den Schnittstellenanforderungen
+gengt (siehe rsc-Preprocessor).
+Af1Syntax der Kommandozeile
+Alirsc [<Schalter>...] <Quelldateiliste>
+rsc @<Kommandodatei>
+Der rsc akzeptiert folgende Schalter:
+-h   Zeigt eine Hilfe fr die Kommandozeile an.
+Aga-p   Es wird kein Preprozessor aufgerufen. Weiteres siehe "Default
+   Preprozessor".
+-s   Es wird eine Syntaxanalyse durchgefhrt und eine ".srs"-Datei
+   geschrieben.
+-l   Es wird eine Syntaxanalyse durchgefhrt, der Preprocessor wird
+   nicht aufgerufen. Es wird eine ".rc"-Datei geschrieben. Dann
+   wird der systemabhngige Resourcecompiler aufgerufen und
+   eine ".res"-Datei erzeugt.
+-r   Der systemabhngige Resourcecompiler wird nicht aufgerufen.
+-d<Symbol>  Es wird ein Symbol definiert.
+-i<Pfad>  Der Include-Pfad fr den Preprocessor wird erweitert.
+-fl<Dateiname> Mit diesem Schalter wird eine Listing-Datei angegeben. In diese
+   Datei werden Fehlermeldungen ausgegeben.
+-fo<Dateiname> ndert den Namen der ".res"-Datei. Der Defaultname ist der
+   erste Name in der Quelldateiliste. Dieser Name bekommt die
+   Extension ".res". Die ".res"-Datei ist die vom Resourcecompiler
+   erzeugte binre Datei.
+-fs<Dateiname> ndert den Namen der ".rc"-Datei. Der Defaultname ist der erste
+   Name in der Quelldateiliste. Dieser Name bekommt die
+   Extension ".rc". Die ".rc"-Datei ist die vom Resourcecompiler
+   erzeugte systemabhngige Beschreibungsdatei.
+-fp<Dateiname> ndert den Namen der ".srs"-Datei. Der Defaultname ist der erste
+   Name in der Quelldateiliste. Dieser Name bekommt die
+   Extension ".srs". Die ".srs"-Datei ist eine symbolfreie
+   Beschreibungsdatei.
+-fc<Dateiname> In diese Datei werden die Resource-Konstruktoren der in der
+   Beschreibungsdatei spezifizierten Klassen geschrieben. Die
+   Sprache ist C++.
+-fh<Dateiname> In diese Datei werden die Deklarationen der in der
+   Beschreibungsdatei spezifizierten Klassen geschrieben. Die
+   Sprache ist C++.
+-WIN   Es wird eine MS-Windows-Resourcedatei erstellt.
+-MTF   Es wird eine Motif-Resourcedatei erstellt.
+-MAC   Es wird eine Mac-Resourcedatei erstellt.
+-REFDEEP<Zahl> Die Zahl gibt an wie Tief der rsc-Compiler beim auflsen von
+   Referenzen gehen soll. Der Default ist 10, das heit der Compiler
+   lst verschachtelungen von Referenzen bis 10 auf.
+Die Kommandodatei hat folgende Syntax:
+Ali[<Schalter>...] <Quelldateiliste>
+AliKommando: rsc test
+Wirkung: Quelldatei heit "test.src".
+Ae2Die vom Preprocessor erzeugte Datei heit "test.srs".
+Die vom rsc-Compiler erzeugte Datei heit "test.rc".
+Die vom systemabhngigen Compiler erzeugte Datei heit "test.res".
+AliKommando: rsc -s -fpTest.srs Test1 Test2 Test3
+Wirkung: Es wird nur eine Syntaxanalyse durchgefhrt.
+Ae2Die Quelldateien heien "Test1.src", "Test2.src" und "Test3.src".
+AgaDie vom Preprocessor erzeugte Datei heit "Test.srs".
+ AgaWeitere Dateien werden nicht erzeugt.
+AliKommando: rsc -l test
+Wirkung: Quelldatei heit "test.srs".
+Ae2Der Preprocessor wird nicht benutzt.
+Die vom rsc-Compiler erzeugte Datei heit "test.rc".
+Die vom systemabhngigen Compiler erzeugte Datei heit "test.res".
+ Au1parsc-Preprocessor
+AgaDie Kommandozeile hat folgende Syntax:
+Alirscpp [<Schalter>...] Quelldatei Zieldatei
+-C   Entfernt die Kommentare nicht( //, /* ... */ ).
+-D<Symbolname> Hat die gleiche Wirkung wie #define Symbolname in der Datei
+   selbst.
+-I<Pfadname> Gibt an, in welchen Verzeichnissen nach Include-Dateien gesucht
+   werden soll.
+Der Preprocessor mu folgende Anweisungen verarbeiten knnen:
+#define  Definiert ein Symbol.
+#undef  Nimmt die Definition eines Symbols zurck.
+#if, #ifdef,
+#ifndef, #elif,
+#else und #endif Bedingte bersetzung.
+#include  Eine Datei einschieben.
+ Au1paDefault Preprozessor
+Der "Default Preprozessor" erkennt nur die Schlsselwrter #define und #include.
+Gro- und Kleinschreibung wird ignoriert.
+Hinter dem Schlsselwort #define mu eine Zahl definiert werden. Hierzu drfen
+vorher mit dem Schlsselwort #define definierte Namen verwendet werden. Defines
+drfen nicht an beliebiger Stelle in der Datei stehen.
+Hinter dem Schlsselwort #include mu ein Dateiname angegeben werden. Der Name
+steht in spitzen Klammern oder in Anfhrungszeichen. Beide Formate werden gleich
+interpretiert. Includedateien innerhalb von Includedatei werden ignoriert. Die
+Includedateien werden in der Reihenfolge in der sie auftreten abgearbeitet. Sie werden
+immer vor der Datei abgearbeitet, in der sie definiert sind.
+Eine Datei die nur mit dem "Default Preprozessor" bersetzt wird, kann mit dem
+Designeditor bearbeitet werden.
+ Au1paEinfaches Beispiel
+Szenario: Es soll ein kurzes Programm geschrieben werden, um zu sehen, wie das
+StarView-Resourcesystem arbeitet. Das Programm heit "ownrc".
+Af1Sourcedatei "ownrc.cxx".
+/# Programm zum Anzeigen einer Dialogbox aus der Resource
+/# Dateiname: ownrc.cxx
+/# Autor: MM
+/# Datum: 31.07.90
+/******************* I N C L U D E S *********************/
+#include <solar.h>
+#include <tools.hxx>
+#include <sv.hxx>
+#include <ownrc.hrc> // Identifier der Dialogbox
+/******************* C L A S S E S **********************/
+class MyApplication : public Application
+{ // Meine Applikationsklasse
+ void Main( int argc, char* argv[] );
+class MyDialog : public ModelessDialog
+{ // Dialogbox mit einem Flash- und Cancel-Button.
+ PushButton aPB_Flash;
+ PushButton aPB_Cancel;
+ // Der Konstruktor mit ResId zeigt an, da MyDialog aus
+ // der Resource geladen wird.
+ MyDialog( Window* pParent, ResId & rResId );
+ void FlashBtnHdl ( Button* );
+ void CancelBtnHdl( Button* );
+ paclass MyWindow : public WorkWin
+ MyWindow( Window* pParent, WinBits aWinStyle ) :
+  (pParent, aWinStyle)
+ {
+  // Es wird eine Dialogbox aus der Resource geladen.
+  new MyDialog( this, ResId( DLG_CANCEL ));
+ };
+/*************** G L O B A L V A R I A B L E S ******/
+MyApplication MyApp; // Applikationsinstanz
+/******************* C O D E *****************************/
+/******************* M y Ap p l i c a t i o n **********/
+|* MyApplication::Main()
+|* Beschreibung: Virtuelle Methode, die vom System
+|*   gerufen wird, um das Programm zu
+|*   starten.
+|* Ersterstellung: MM 01.08.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung: MM 03.06.91
+void MyApplication::Main( int, char* argv[] )
+ // Applikationsfenster erzeugen.
+ MyWindow aCancel( NULL, WinBits( WB_APP | WB_MOVEABLE |
+        WB_SIZEABLE |
+        WB_MINMAX |
+        WB_CLOSEABLE ));
+ // Applikationsfenster anzeigen.
+ aCancel.Show();
+ // Event-Schleife des Fenstersystems starten.
+ Execute();
+ pa/**********************************************************
+|* MyDialog::MyDialog()
+|* Beschreibung: Konstruktor der Klasse MyDialog.
+|*   Dies ist ein typischer Konstruktor,
+|*   um Objekte aus der Resource zu
+|*   laden.
+|*   1. rResId.Lock(), die Resource wird
+|*   gelockt.
+|*   2. aPB_Flash( this, ResId( PB_FLASH ));
+|*   Es wird der Flash-Button geladen.
+|*   3. aPB_Cancel( this, ResId( PB_Cancel ));
+|*   Es wird der Cancel-Button geladen.
+|*   4. rResId.Unlock(), ein Unlock auf
+|*   die Resource.
+|*   Wurde von keiner abgeleiteten Klasse
+|*   ein Lock ausgefhrt, dann wird die
+|*   Resource an dieser Stelle freigegeben.
+|* Ersterstellung: MM 01.08.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung: MM 03.06.91
+MyDialog::MyDialog( Window* pParent, ResId & rResId ) :
+    ( pParent, rResId.Lock()),
+     aPB_Flash( this, ResId( PB_FLASH )),
+     aPB_Cancel( this, ResId( PB_CANCEL ))
+ // Handler setzen.
+ aPB_Flash.ChangeClickHdl
+  ( LINK( this, MyDialog::FlashBtnHdl ));
+ aPB_Cancel.ChangeClickHdl
+  ( LINK( this, MyDialog::CancelBtnHdl ));
+ rResId.Unlock(); // Resource freigeben.
+ pa/*********************************************************
+|* MyDialog::CancelBtnHdl()
+|* Beschreibung:  Die Dialogbox wird zerstrt.
+|* Ersterstellung: MM 01.08.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung: MM 14.08.90
+void MyDialog::CancelBtnHdl( Button* )
+ // Das Lschen der Dialogbox ist schneller, wenn sie
+ // vorher nicht mehr sichtbar ist.
+ Hide();
+ // Zerstren der DialogBox-Instanz.
+ delete this;
+|* MyDialog::FlashBtnHdl()
+|* Beschreibung: Die Titlebar der Dialogbox flackert
+|*   einmal.
+|* Ersterstellung: MM 01.08.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung: MM 14.08.90
+void MyDialog::FlashBtnHdl( Button* )
+ FlashWindow();
+|* Headerdatei fuer ownrc.src
+|* Dateiname: ownrc.hxx
+|* Autor: MM
+|* Datum: 31.07.90
+#define DLG_CANCEL 300
+#define PB_FLASH  1
+#define PB_CANCEL  2
+#define DLG_PROTOTYPE 301
+ Af1paResource-Beschreibungsdatei
+|* Resourcedatei fuer ownrc.cxx
+|* Dateiname: ownrc.src
+|* Autor: MM
+|* Datum: 31.07.90
+#include <ownrc.hrc>
+ Pos  = Map_Pixel( 50, 60 );
+ Size = Map_SysFont( 100, 100 );
+ TEXT = "Markus zweite Dialogbox";
+ // Diese Objekte werden automatisch angezeigt.
+ WinChilds =
+ {
+  {
+   PosSize = ( 10, 50, 100, 30 );
+   TEXT = "Ok";
+  };
+  {
+   Pos  = ( 130, 50 );
+   Size = ( 100, 30 );
+   TEXT = "Cancel";
+  };
+ };
+ PosSize = ( 50, 60, 100, 100 );
+ TEXT = "Markus erste Dialogbox";
+ {
+  PosSize = ( 10, 50, 100, 30 );
+  TEXT  = "Flash";
+ };
+ {
+  PosSize = ( 130, 50, 100, 30 );
+  TEXT  = "Abbrechen";
+ };
+ // Ueber solche Konstruktionen koennen Objekte in der
+ // Resource automatisch angezeigt werden.
+ WinChilds =
+ {
+ };
+ Af1paMakefile
+Wie die Dateien gebildet werden, ist dem StarView-Handbuch und den dazugehrigen
+Beispielen zu entnehmen. Der Aufruf des Resourcecompilers lautet in diesem Fall:
+Aliownrc.res: ownrc.src ownrc.hrc
+ rsc -fsownrc.rc -fpownrc.srs
+  -foownrc.res -flownrc.lst ownrc.src
+Agaownrc.src ist die Eingabedatei des rsc-Compilers.
+ownrc.srs ist ein Zwischenformat des rsc-Compilers.
+ownrc.lst ist die Listingdatei des rsc-Compilers.
+ownrc.rc ist die Textdatei, die als Eingabe des systemspezifischen Compilers dient.
+ownrc.res ist die binre Resourcedatei.
+Speziell fr MS-Windows gilt, da die Resourcedatei an die ".exe"-Datei angebunden
+werden kann.
+Ali rc -k ownrc.res ownrc.exe
+AgaMit dieser Zeile wird die Resource an die ".exe"-Datei angebunden.
+ Au1paSyntax
+Af1Compiler Anweisungen
+#pragma CHARSET MAC
+Mit diesen Optionen kann angegeben werden, in welchem Zeichensatz die Strings
+vorliegen. Der Compiler nimmt dann eine Konvertierung in das Zielsystem vor. Als
+Default wird vorausgesetzt, da die Datei im Zeichensatz des Zielsystems vorliegt.
+Af1Default Preprozessor-Syntax
+  { IncludeDefinition }
+  [{ DefineDefinition }]
+  '#' include '<' Dateiname '>' |
+  '#' include String
+  '#' define SYMBOL NumberExpression
+Ali  [ PrepDefinition ]
+  { ClassDefinition }
+  ClassHeader ClassBody ';'
+  ClassHeader ';' |
+  NumberExpression ';' |
+  TupelExpression ';' |
+  CONSTNAME ';' |
+  Boolean ';' |
+  String ';'
+  CLASSNAME [ Identifier ] [ ',' | '<' Identifier ]
+ pa
+ '{'
+  {
+   ClassDefinition |
+   VariableDefiniton
+  }
+ '}'
+  VARIABLENAME '=' ClassDefinition |
+  VARIABLENAME '=' '{' { ClassDefinition } '}' ';'
+ [ ClassDefinition ] '(' { ClassDefinition } ')'
+  [ '-' | '+' ] Number |
+  NumberExpression '+' | '-' | '*' | '/'
+  NumberExpression |
+  [ '-' | '+' ] '(' NumberExpression ')'
+  NumberExpression |
+  Symbol
+Aga  Mit "\57" knnen bestimmte Zeichenwerte angegeben werden.
+  Der Backslash wird durch "\\" und das Anfhrungszeichen durch "\""
+  angegeben. Die Zahl hinter dem Backslash wird Oktal interpretiert.
+ Au1paKlassen-Erklrung: Resource -> StarView
+In diesem Abschnitt wird anhand von vollstndigen Beispielen erklrt, was fr Daten
+in welchen StarView-Klassen in der Resource definiert werden knnen.
+Die Resource ist wie StarView hierarchisch aufgebaut. Das heit, alles in einer hheren
+Hierarchiestufe Enthaltene wird in eine tiefere bertragen. Die Namen im nach
+folgenden Diagramm sind die Namen der Schlsselwrter in der Resource, mit Aus
+nahme von SystemWindow und Edit.
+ String
+ Icon
+ Bitmap
+ Pointer
+ Brush
+ Color
+ Font
+ Pen
+ MapMode
+ Accelerator
+ AcceleratorKey
+ Menu
+ MenuItem
+ MessBox
+  SysMessBox
+  InfoBox
+  WarningBox
+  ErrorBox
+  QueryBox
+ OutputDevice
+  Window
+   [SystemWindow]
+    WorkWindow
+     MDIWindow
+    [Dialog]
+     ModelessDialog
+     ModalDialog
+   Control
+    Button
+     CheckBox
+      AutoCheckBox
+     PushButton
+      DefPushButton
+     RadioButton
+      AutoRadioButton
+     TriStateBox
+      AutoTriStateBox
+    [Edit]
+     SingleLineEdit
+     MultiLineEdit
+    ScrollBar
+     AutoScrollBar
+    ListBox
+     DropDownListBox
+     ComboBox
+      DropDownComboBox
+    FixedText
+    FixedIcon
+    FixedBitmap
+    GroupBox
+Alle Daten, die in Button angegeben werden, knnen auch in PushButton oder
+CheckBox angegeben werden. Entsprechendes gilt z.B. fr Daten in ListBox, die auch
+in ComboBox angegeben werden knnen. Eine genauere Erklrung folgt nach den
+Erluterungen der einzelnen Resourcetypen.
+ Af1paResource Resource
+Diese Resource definiert Daten fr die StarView-Klasse Resource.
+Ali Resource
+ {
+  Comment = "Dies ist ein Kommentar.";
+  SingleLineEdit 1
+  {
+   Text = "Editfeld";
+  };
+  PushButton 1
+  {
+   Check = TRUE;
+  };
+  String 1 "Vorname";
+  String 2 "Nachname";
+  String 3 "Adresse";
+  String 4 "Telefon";
+  // Zwei Strings angehaengt
+  EXTRADATA = { 2; // Anzahl der Strings
+   "Hallo"; "Markus";
+   };
+  // Vier short angehaengt
+  EXTRADATA = { 4; // Anzahl der Zahlen
+   1; 100; 5; 12;
+   };
+ };
+In dieser Klasse knnen nur lokale Resourcen definiert werden.
+Wie das Schlsselwort EXTRADATA verwendet wird lesen sie bitte im Kapitel
+"Spezielle Resource-Konstrukte" nach.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort COMMENT kann ein Kommentar angegeben werden. Unter
+StarView hat diese Angabe keine Funktion. Sie dient zum Beschreiben von Resourcen,
+da der Designeditor alle anderen Kommentare lscht.
+Ali Resource {};
+ Af1Resource String
+Diese Resource definiert Daten fr die StarView-Klasse String.
+Ali String 1000
+ {
+  Text = "Hello World";
+ };
+Als abkrzende Schreibweise ist auch
+Ali String 1000 "Hello World";
+ Af1paResource Icon
+Diese Resource definiert Daten fr die StarView-Klasse Icon.
+Ali Icon
+ {
+  Predefine = ICON_DEFAULT;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort PREDEFINE wird ein Icon benannt, das schon in StarView
+vorhanden ist. Anstelle von ICON_DEFAULT kann auch ICON_INFORMATION,
+ICON_EXCLAMATION, ICON_STOP oder ICON_QUERY geschrieben werden.
+Wie diese Icons aussehen, kann im StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse Icon nach
+gelesen werden.
+Ali Icon
+ {
+  File = "Icon.ico";
+  //Nur fuer MAC
+  Type = ICON_CICN;
+  Identifier = 1000;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort FILE wird ein Dateiname angegeben, der auf eine Datei ver
+weist, die ein Icon enthlt. Diese Datei ist systemabhngig.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort TYPE wird der Typ des Icons angegeben. Es knnen
+ICON_ICON und ICON_CICN als Typen angegeben werden. ICON_ICON verweist
+auf den Mac-Resourcetyp 'ICON' und ICON_CICN auf den Typ 'cicn'. Diese Angabe
+wird nur fr den Mac bentigt.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort IDENTIFIER wird der Identifier des Icons in der durch FILE
+spezifizierten Datei angegegeben. Diese Angabe wird nur fr den Mac bentigt.
+Werden PREDEFINE und FILE angegeben, wird eins der beiden Schlsselwrter
+Ali Icon
+ {
+  Predefine = ICON_DEFAULT;
+ };
+Fr IDENTIFIER und TYPE gibt es keinen Default.
+ Af1paResource Bitmap
+Diese Resource definiert Daten fr die StarView-Klasse Bitmap.
+Ali Bitmap
+ {
+  File = "Bitmap.bmp";
+  // Nur fuer Mac
+  //TYPE = ; Es gibt nur einen Typ
+  Identifier = 1000;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort FILE wird ein Dateiname angegeben, der auf eine Datei ver
+weist, die eine Bitmap enthlt. Diese Datei ist systemabhngig.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort TYPE wird der Typ der Bitmap angegeben. Dieses
+Schlsselwort ist fr zuknftige Erweiterungen. Der Mac-Resourcetyp ist 'PICT'.
+Diese Angabe wird nur fr den Mac bentigt.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort IDENTIFIER wird der Identifier der Bitmap in der durch
+FILE spezifizierten Datei angegegeben. Diese Angabe wird nur fr den Mac bentigt.
+Ali Bitmap
+ {
+  File = "";
+ };
+Der Default ergibt immer einen Fehler. Fr IDENTIFIER und TYPE gibt es keinen
+ Af1paResource Pointer
+Diese Resource definiert Daten fr die StarView-Klasse Pointer.
+Ali Pointer
+ {
+  Predefine = POINTER_ARROW;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort PREDEFINE wird ein Pointer benannt, der schon in
+StarView vorhanden ist. Anstelle von POINTER_ARROW kann auch
+Wie diese Pointer aussehen, ist im StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse Pointer
+Ali Pointer
+ {
+  File = "Pointer.pnt";
+  // Nur fuer Mac
+  Identifier = 1000;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort FILE wird ein Dateiname angegeben, der auf eine Datei ver
+weist, die einen Pointer enthlt. Diese Datei ist systemabhngig.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort IDENTIFIER wird der Identifier des Pointers in der durch
+FILE spezifizierten Datei angegegeben. Diese Angabe wird nur fr den Mac bentigt.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort TYPE wird der Typ des Pointers angegeben. Dieses
+Schlsselwort ist fr zuknftige Erweiterungen. Der Mac-Resourcetyp ist 'CURS'.
+Diese Angabe wird nur fr den Mac bentigt.
+Werden PREDEFINE und FILE angegeben, wird eine der beiden Mglichkeiten
+Ali Pointer
+ {
+  Predefine = POINTER_ARROW;
+ };
+Fr IDENTIFIER und TYPE gibt es keinen Default.
+Af1Resource Brush
+Diese Resource definiert Daten fr die StarView-Klasse Brush.
+Ali Brush
+ {
+  Style  = BRUSH_SOLID;
+  Transparent = TRUE;
+  BrushColor = Color
+  {
+   RGB = (0, 0, 0);
+  };
+  FillColor = Color
+  {
+   RGB = (65535, 65535, 65535);
+  };
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort STYLE wird der Stil einer Brush benannt. Die Stile sind in
+StarView vordefiniert. Anstelle von BRUSH_SOLID kann auch
+BRUSH_75,   BRUSH_NULL geschrieben werden. Wie diese Stile
+aussehen, ist im StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse Brush nachzulesen.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort TRANSPARENT kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben
+werden. FALSE bedeutet, da die Brush transparent ist, bei TRUE wird die Brush mit
+der Fllfarbe hinterlegt.
+Die Farbe BRUSHCOLOR ist die Farbe des Musters.
+Die Farbe FILLCOLOR ist die Farbe in den Lcken innerhalb des Musters.
+Ali Brush
+ {
+  Bitmap
+  {
+   File = "Bitmap.bmp";
+  };
+ };
+Die angegebene Bitmap wird als Brush verwendet. Die Color- und Style-Eintrge sind
+wirkungslos. Das Format der Bitmap ist dem StarView-Handbuch zu entnehmen.
+Wird BITMAP in Kombination mit FILLCOLOR, BRUSHCOLOR oder STYLE
+verwendet, wird eine der Mglichkeiten gewhlt.
+Ali Brush
+ {
+  Style  = BRUSH_SOLID;
+  Transparent = FALSE;
+ };
+Welche Defaults fr FILLCOLOR und BRUSHCOLOR verwendet werden, ist im
+StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse Brush nachzulesen.
+ Af1paResource Color
+Diese Resource definiert Daten fr die StarView-Klasse Color.
+Ali Color
+ {
+  RGB = ( 32768, 0, 32768);
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort RGB wird der Rot-, Grn- und Blauanteil einer Farbe defi
+niert. Das erste Element im Tupel steht fr Rot, das zweite fr Grn und das dritte fr
+Blau. Die Intensitt kann mit Werten im Bereich von 0 bis 65535 angegeben werden.
+Ali Color
+ {
+  Red = 1;
+  Green = 2;
+  Blue = 3;
+ };
+Durch das Schlsselwort RED wird die Rotanteil bestimmt.
+Durch das Schlsselwort GREEN wird die Grnanteil bestimmt.
+Durch das Schlsselwort BLUE wird die Blauanteil bestimmt.
+Ali Color
+ {
+  Predefine = COL_BLACK;
+ };
+ AgapaNach dem Schlsselwort PREDEFINE wird eine Farbe benannt. Die Farben sind in
+StarView vordefiniert. Anstelle von COL_BLACK kann auch
+geschrieben werden. Wie diese Farben aussehen, ist im StarView-Handbuch unter der
+Klasse Color nachzulesen.
+Ali Color
+ {
+  Predefine = COL_USER; // RGB gltig
+  RGB = (0, 0, 0); // schwarz
+ };
+ Af1paResource Font
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten fr die StarView-Klasse Font.
+Ali Font
+ {
+  CharSet  = CHARSET_ANSI;
+  Pitch   = PITCH_FIXED;
+  Align   = ALIGN_BOTTOM;
+  Height  = 12;
+  Width   = 6;
+  CharOrientation = 0;
+  LineOrientation = 0;
+  Italic  = TRUE;
+  Underline  = TRUE;
+  StrikeOut  = TRUE;
+  Transparent = TRUE;
+  Shadow  = TRUE;
+  Outline  = TRUE;
+  Text   = "FontName";
+  FontColor  = Color { RGB = ( 0, 0, 0 ); };
+  FillColor  = Color { Predefine = COL_RED; };
+ };
+AgaNach dem Schlsselwort FAMILY wird eine Font-Familie benannt. Die Font-Familien
+sind in StarView vordefiniert. Anstelle von FAMILY_DECORATIVE kann auch
+FAMILY_SYSTEM oder FAMILY_DONTCARE geschrieben werden. Was diese
+Font-Familien bewirken, ist im StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse Font
+AgaNach dem Schlsselwort WEIGHT wird ein weiteres Attribut des Fonts benannt. Diese
+Attribute sind in StarView vordefiniert. Anstelle von WEIGHT_DONTKNOW kann
+werden. Was dieses Attribut bewirkt, ist im StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse Font
+AgaNach dem Schlsselwort CHARSET wird der Zeichensatz des Fonts benannt. Anstelle
+CHARSET_MAC oder CHARSET_SYMBOL geschrieben werden.
+ Aga
+ paNach dem Schlsselwort PITCH wird ein weiteres Attribut des Fonts benannt. Anstelle
+geschrieben werden.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort ALIGN wird die Ausrichtung des Fonts benannt. Anstelle
+von ALIGN_BOTTOM kann auch ALIGN_TOP oder ALIGN_BASELINE geschrie
+ben werden.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort HEIGHT wird die Hhe eines Fonts angegeben. Der Zahlen
+bereich umfat Werte von 0 bis 65535.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort WIDTH wird die Breite eines Fonts angegeben. Der Zahlen
+bereich umfat Werte von 0 bis 65535.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort CHARORIENTATION wird die Drehung der Zeichen ange
+geben. Die Angabe der Drehung erfolgt in Zehntelgrad. Der Zahlenbereich umfat
+Werte von 0 bis 3600.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort LINEORIENTATION wird die Drehung der Ausgabezeile
+angegeben. Die Angabe der Drehung erfolgt in Zehntelgrad. Der Zahlenbereich umfat
+Werte von 0 bis 3600.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort ITALIC kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE handelt es sich um einen kursiven Font, bei FALSE um einen nicht kursiven
+Nach dem Schlsselwort UNDERLINE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden.
+Bei TRUE handelt es sich um einen unterstrichenen Font, bei FALSE ist der Font nicht
+Nach dem Schlsselwort STRIKEOUT kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden.
+Bei TRUE handelt es sich um einen durchgestrichenen Font, bei FALSE ist der Font
+nicht durchgestrichen.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort TRANSPARENT kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben
+werden. Bei TRUE werden die Zeichen mit der Fllfarbe ausgefllt, bei FALSE
+werden die Zeichen nicht ausgefllt.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort SHADOW kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE werden die Zeichen mit Schatten ausgegeben, bei FALSE gibt es keinen
+Nach dem Schlsselwort OUTLINE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE wird nur der Umriss der Zeichen ausgegeben, bei FALSE werden die Zeichen
+ normal dargestellt.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort TEXT wird der Name des Fonts angegeben.
+Die Farbe FONTCOLOR ist die Farbe des Fonts.
+Die Farbe FILLCOLOR ist die Farbe der Lcken zwischen den Zeichen.
+ AgapaDefault:
+Ali Font
+ {
+  Weight  = WEIGHT_NORMAL;
+  Pitch   = PITCH_DONTKNOW;
+  Align   = ALIGN_TOP;
+  Height  = 0;
+  Width   = 0;
+  CharOrientation = 0;
+  LineOrientation = 0;
+  Italic  = FALSE;
+  Underline  = FALSE;
+  StrikeOut  = FALSE;
+  Transparent = FALSE;
+  Shadow  = FALSE;
+  OutLine  = FALSE;
+  Text   = "";
+ };
+Welche Defaults fr FONTCOLOR und FILLCOLOR verwendet werden, ist im
+StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse Font nachzulesen.
+ Af1paResource Pen
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten fr die StarView-Klasse Pen.
+Ali Pen
+ {
+  Width  = 1;
+  Style  = PEN_DASH;
+  PenColor = Color
+  {
+   Predefine = COL_BLACK;
+  };
+ };
+Hinter dem Schlsselwort WIDTH wird die Breite des Stiftes angegeben. Der Zahlen
+bereich umfat Werte von 0 bis 65536.
+Hinter dem Schlsselwort Style wird der Linientyp des Stiftes angegeben. Die Typen
+sind in StarView vordefiniert. Anstelle von PEN_DASH kann auch PEN_NULL,
+PEN_SOLID, PEN_DOT oder PEN_DASHDOT geschrieben werden. Wie diese
+Typen aussehen, ist im StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse Pen nachzulesen.
+Ali Pen
+ {
+  Width = 0;
+  Style = PEN_NULL;
+  PenColor = Color;
+  {
+   RGB = (0, 0, 0);
+  };
+ };
+ Af1paResource MapMode
+Diese Resource definiert Daten fr die StarView-Klasse MapMode.
+Ali MapMode
+ {
+  MapUnit = MAP_SYSFONT;
+  X  = 20;
+  Y  = 30;
+  xScale = ( 2, 1 );
+  yScale = ( 1, 1 );
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort MAPUNIT wird eine Einheit des Koordinatensystems defi
+niert. Die Einheiten sind in StarView vordefiniert. Anstelle von MAP_SYSFONT kann
+auch MAP_100TH_MM, MAP_10TH_MM, MAP_MM, MAP_CM,
+werden. Was dies fr Einheiten sind, ist im StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse
+MapMode nachzulesen.
+Nach den Schlsselwrtern X und Y wird der Ursprung des Koordinatensystems ange
+geben. Die Einheiten sind die nach MapUnit definierten. Der Zahlenbereich umfat
+Werte von 0 bis 65535.
+Nach den Schlsselwrtern XSCALE und YSCALE wird der Streckungsfaktor des
+Koordinatensystems in x- bzw. in y-Richtung angegeben. Der Zahlenbereich umfat
+Werte von -32768 bis 32767.
+Ali MapMode
+ {
+  MapUnit = MAP_APPFONT;
+  X = 0;
+  Y = 0;
+  xScale = ( 1, 1 );
+  yScale = ( 1, 1 );
+ };
+ Af1paResource Accelerator
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse Accelerator.
+Ali Accelerator
+ {
+  HelpText = "Hilfetext";
+  KeyList =
+  {
+   AcceleratorKey
+   {
+    Identifier = 1;
+    Disable = FALSE;
+    Modifier1 = TRUE;
+    Code = KEY_D;
+   };
+   AcceleratorKey
+   {
+    Identifier = 2;
+    Disable = FALSE;
+    Modifier1 = TRUE;
+    Code = KEY_F1;
+   };
+  };
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort HELPTEXT wird der Hilfetext des Accelerators angegeben.
+Im Accelerator knnen beliebig viele Acceleratortasten angegeben werden.
+Ali Accelerator
+ {
+  HelpText = "";
+ };
+ Af1paResource AcceleratorKey
+Diese Resource definiert keine Daten einer StarView-Klasse. Diese Resource kann bei
+der Methode InsertAccelerator() der Klasse Accelerator angegeben werden.
+Um diese Beschreibung verstehen zu knnen, ist es unbedingt notwendig, im
+StarView-Handbuch die Beschreibung der Klassen Accelerator und KeyCode zu lesen.
+Ali AcceleratorKey
+ {
+  Identifier  = 1;
+  Disable  = FALSE;
+  Shift   = TRUE;
+  Modifier1  = TRUE;
+  Modifier2  = TRUE;
+  Code   = KEY_A;
+  SubAccelerator = Accelerator
+  {
+   KeyList = {
+    AcceleratorKey{ ... };
+    AcceleratorKey{ ... };
+   };
+  };
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort IDENTIFIER wird eine Zahl angegeben, die zur Identifi
+kation dient. Der Definitionsbereich umfat Werte von 1 bis 65535.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort DISABLE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE ist die Acceleratortaste inaktiv, bei FALSE aktiv.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort SHIFT kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE wird der Modifier KEY_SHIFT zum Keycode gesetzt, FALSE hat keine Bedeu
+ paNach dem Schlsselwort MODIFIER1 kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden.
+Bei TRUE wird der Modifier KEY_MOD1 zum Keycode gesetzt, FALSE hat keine
+Nach dem Schlsselwort MODIFIER2 kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden.
+Bei TRUE wird der Modifier KEY_MOD2 zum Keycode gesetzt, FALSE hat keine
+AgaNach dem Schlsselwort CODE wird ein Tastencode angegeben. Die Tastencodes sind
+in StarView vordefiniert. Anstelle von KEY_A kann auch ein Wert aus
+KEY_0 ... KEY_9, KEY_A ... KEY_Z, KEY_F1 ... KEY_F24, KEY_DOWN,
+KEY_SHIFTLOCK oder KEY_SCROLLLOCK geschrieben werden.
+In einer Acceleratortaste kann genau ein Accelerator definiert werden. Dieser
+Accelerator wird an die Acceleratortaste angehngt.
+Ali AcceleratorKey
+ {
+  Identifier = nId; //nicht definiert
+  Shift  = FALSE;
+  Modifier1 = FALSE;
+  Modifier2 = FALSE;
+  Code  = nKey; // nicht definiert
+ };
+Fr nId und nKey gibt es keinen definierten Default.
+ Af1paResource Menu
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klassen PopupMenu und MenuBar.
+Ali Menu
+ {
+  ItemList =
+  {
+   MenuItem
+   {
+    Text = "Laden";
+    Identifier = 1;
+   };
+   MenuItem
+   {
+    Text = "Speichern";
+    Identifier = 2;
+   };
+   MenuItem
+   {
+    Separator = TRUE;
+   };
+   MenuItem
+   {
+    Text = "Beenden";
+    Identifier = 3;
+   };
+  };
+ };
+In Menu knnen beliebig viele Men-Items angegeben werden. Sie werden in der
+Reihenfolge, in der sie aufgeschrieben werden, im Men aufgefhrt.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort SEPARATOR kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden.
+Bei TRUE werden Men-Items visuell voneinander getrennt.
+Ali Menu {};
+ Af1paResource MenuItem
+Diese Resource definiert keine Daten einer StarView-Klasse. Diese Resource kann bei
+der Methode InsertItem() der Klasse Menu angegeben werden.
+Ali MenuItem
+ {
+  Text  = "MenuItem";
+  HelpText = "Hilfetext";
+  Identifier = 1;
+  HelpId = 1001:
+  Check  = TRUE;
+  Disable = TRUE;
+  SubMenu = Menu
+  {
+   ItemList =
+   {
+    MenuItem{ ... };
+    MenuItem{ ... };
+   };
+  };
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort TEXT wird der Text des Men-Items angegeben.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort HELPTEXT wird der Hilfetext des Men-Items angegeben.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort IDENTIFIER wird eine Zahl angegeben, die zur Identifi
+kation dient. Der Definitionsbereich umfat Werte von 1 bis 65535.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort HELPID wird eine Zahl angegeben. Diese Zahl ist ein
+Hilfeidentifier (eine Referenz ins Hilfesystem). Der Definitionsbereich umfat Werte
+von 0 bis 4294967295. Es knnen auch die vordefinierten Werte HELP_INDEX und
+HELP_HELPONHELP benutzt werden.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort CHECK kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE hat das Men-Item eine Auswahlmarkierung, bei FALSE hat es keine Auswahl
+Nach dem Schlsselwort DISABLE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE ist der Zugriff auf das Men-Item nicht mglich, bei FALSE ist der Zugriff
+In einem Men-Item kann genau ein Men definiert werden. Dieses Men wird an das
+Men-Item angehngt (SubMenu).
+Ali MenuItem
+ {
+  Identifier = 1;
+  ItemBitmap = Bitmap
+  {
+   File = "bitmap.bmp";
+  };
+ };
+Anstelle eines Textes wird in dem Men-Item diese Bitmap ausgegeben.
+ MenuItem
+ {
+  Separator = TRUE;
+ };
+Das Men-Item verhlt sich wie ein Separator (siehe Menu).
+Werden TEXT, SEPARATOR oder BITMAP gleichzeitig verwendet, wird eine der
+drei Mglichkeiten gewhlt.
+Ali MenuItem
+ {
+  Text  = "";
+  HelpText = "";
+  Identifier = nId; //nicht definiert
+  HelpId = 0;
+  Check  = FALSE;
+  Disable = TRUE;
+ };
+Fr nId gibt es keinen definierten Default.
+ Af1paResource MessBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse MessBox.
+Ali MessBox
+ {
+  Title   = "Ich bin eine Messagebox.";
+  Message  = "Guten Morgen";
+  HelpText  = "Hilfe";
+  Buttons  = WB_OK;
+  DefaultButton = WB_DEF_OK;
+  HelpId  = 1;
+ };
+Der Text nach dem Schlsselwort TITLE wird der Titel der Box. Einige Boxen haben
+einen festen Titel. Welche dies sind, ist dem StarView-Handbuch zu entnehmen.
+Der Text nach dem Schlsselwort MESSAGE wird in der Messagebox angezeigt.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort HELPTEXT wird der Hilfetext angegeben. Was diese Text
+angabe bewirkt, ist dem StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse Window zu entnehmen.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort BUTTONS wird angegeben, welche Buttons in der
+Messagebox angezeigt werden sollen. Die Werte sind in StarView vordefiniert. Im
+StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse MessBox ist nachzulesen, wann welche Buttons
+angezeigt werden. Anstelle von WB_OK kann auch WB_OK_CANCEL,
+Nach dem Schlsselwort DEFAULTBUTTON wird angegeben, welcher Button in der
+Messagebox der Default-Button ist. Anstelle von WB_DEF_OK kann auch
+geschrieben werden.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort HELPID wird eine Zahl angegeben. Diese Zahl ist ein
+Hilfeidentifier (eine Referenz ins Hilfesystem). Der Definitionsbereich umfat Werte
+von 0 bis 4294967295. Es knnen auch die vordefinierten Werte HELP_INDEX und
+HELP_HELPONHELP benutzt werden.
+Ali MessBox
+ {
+  Title  = "";
+  Message = "";
+  HelpText = "";
+  Buttons = WB_OK;
+  HelpId = 0;
+ };
+AgaWird kein Default-Button angegeben, dann wird vom System einer ausgewhlt.
+Af1Resource SysMessBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse SysMessBox.
+Ali SysMessBox {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+Af1Resource InfoBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse InfoBox.
+Ali InfoBox {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+Af1Resource WarningBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse WarningBox.
+Ali WarningBox {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+Af1Resource ErrorBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse ErrorBox.
+Ali ErrorBox {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+Af1Resource QueryBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse QueryBox.
+Ali QueryBox {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+ Af1paResource OutputDevice
+Diese Resource definiert Daten der StarView-Klasse OutputDevice.
+Ali OutputDevice
+ {
+  OutputPen  = Pen
+  {
+   Width = 2;
+  };
+  BackGroundBrush = Brush
+  {
+   Style = BRUSH_CROSS;
+  };
+  FillInBrush = Brush
+  {
+   Style = BRUSH_SOLID;
+  };
+  OutputFont = Font
+  {
+   Height = 12;
+   Width = 8;
+   Text = "Helvetica";
+  };
+  OutputMapMode = MapMode
+  {
+   MapUnit = MAP_MM;
+  };
+ };
+ paMit OUTPUTPEN kann der Default-Pen des Output-Devices angegeben werden.
+Mit der Brush BACKGROUNDBRUSH wird die Default-Background-Brush??? des
+Output-Devices angegeben.
+Mit der Brush FILLINBRUSH wird die Default-Fill-In-Brush??? des Output-Devices
+Mit FONT wird der Default-Font des Output-Devices angegeben.
+Mit OUTPUTMAPMODE wird der Default-Mapping-Mode des Output-Devices ange
+Ali OutputDevice {};
+Welche Defaults in diesem Fall fr Pen, Brush, Font und MapMode verwendet
+werden, ist dem StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse OutputDevice zu entnehmen.
+ Af1paResource Window
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse Window.
+Ali Window
+ {
+  Pos   = MAP_MM( 0, 0 );
+  Size   = MAP_MM( 100, 50 );
+  Text   = "Fenstertext";
+  HelpText  = "";
+  HelpId  = 1001;
+  Border  = TRUE;
+  Hide   = TRUE;
+  ClipChildren = TRUE;
+  Disable  = TRUE;
+  WindowPointer = Pointer
+  {
+   Predefine = POINTER_CROSS;
+  };
+Ali };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort POS wird die Position des Fensters angegeben. Ob die
+Positionierung relativ zu einem anderen Fenster erfolgt, ist dem StarView-Handbuch
+unter der Klasse Window zu entnehmen. Die MapUnit MAP_MM ist die Einheit fr
+die im Tupel folgende x- und y-Position. Anstelle von MAP_MM kann eine beliebige
+MapUnit angegeben werden, diese Angabe kann auch weggelassen werden. Der
+Zahlenbereich umfat Werte von -32768 bis 32767.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort SIZE wird die Gre des Fensters angegeben. Die MapUnit
+MAP_MM ist die Einheit fr die im Tupel folgende Breiten- und Hhenangabe.
+Anstelle von MAP_MM kann eine beliebige MapUnit angegeben werden, diese
+Angabe kann auch weggelassen werden. Der Zahlenbereich umfat Werte von -32768
+bis 32767.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort TEXT wird der Fenstertext angegeben. Was diese Text
+angabe bewirkt, ist dem StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse Window zu entnehmen.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort HELPTEXT wird der Hilfetext angegeben. Was diese Text
+angabe bewirkt, ist dem StarView-Handbuch unter der Klasse Window zu entnehmen.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort HELPID wird eine Zahl angegeben. Diese Zahl ist ein
+Hilfeidentifier (eine Referenz ins Hilfesystem). Der Definitionsbereich umfat Werte
+ von 0 bis 4294967295. Es knnen auch die vordefinierten Werte HELP_INDEX und
+HELP_HELPONHELP benutzt werden.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort BORDER kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE erhlt das Fenster einen Rahmen, FALSE hat keine Bedeutung.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort HIDE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE ist das Fenster nach dem Erzeugen nicht sichtbar, bei FALSE ist es sichtbar
+(Parent-Beziehung beachten!).
+Nach dem Schlsselwort CLIPCHILDREN kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben
+werden. Bei TRUE werden die ChildWindows beim Zeichnen des Parents nicht
+berschrieben, bei FALSE werden sie berschrieben.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort DISABLE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE ist der Zugriff auf das Fenster nicht mglich, bei FALSE ist der Zugriff mglich
+(Parent-Beziehung beachten!).
+Mit WINDOWPOINTER wird der Default-Pointer des Fensters angegeben.
+Ali Window
+ {
+  PosSize = MAP_MM( 0, 0, 100, 50 );
+  TEXT  = "Fenstertext";
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort POSSIZE werden die Position und die Gre des Fensters
+angegeben. Fr die MapUnit gilt das gleiche wie bei POS und SIZE. Der
+Zahlenbereich umfat Werte von -32768 bis 32767.
+Wird POSSIZE zusammen mit POS und SIZE verwendet, wird eine der Mglichkeiten
+Ali Window
+ {
+  HelpId  = 0;
+  Border  = FALSE;
+  Hide   = FALSE;
+  ClipChildren = FALSE;
+  Disable  = FALSE;
+ };
+Fr WindowPointer, Text, HelpText, Pos und Size werden die Systemdefaults
+verwendet. Welche Defaults verwendet werden, ist dem StarView-Handbuch unter der
+Klasse Window zu entnehmen.
+Resource SystemWindow
+Dieses Schlsselwort kann nicht angegeben werden.
+Um diese Beschreibung verstehen zu knnen, ist es unbedingt notwendig, im
+StarView-Handbuch die Beschreibung der Klasse SystemWindow und aller von ihr
+abgeleiteten Klassen zu lesen.
+Ali [SystemWindow]
+ {
+  Sizeable  = TRUE;
+  Moveable  = TRUE;
+  Minimize  = TRUE;
+  Maximize  = TRUE;
+  Closeable  = TRUE;
+  App   = TRUE;
+  OutputSize  = TRUE;
+  WinChilds =
+  {
+   FText
+   {
+    PosSize = MAP_SYSFONT( 0, 0, 80, 10 );
+    Text = "Name:";
+   };
+  };
+  DefPushButton 1
+  {
+   Text = "Ok";
+  };
+  PushButton 2
+  {
+   Text = "Cancel";
+  };
+  SingleLineEdit 3
+  {
+   PosSize = MAP_SYSFONT( 80, 0, 120, 10 );
+  };
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort SIZEABLE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE kann das Fenster vergrert und verkleinert werden, bei FALSE kann die Gre
+nicht verndert werden.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort MOVEABLE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden.
+Bei TRUE kann das Fenster bewegt werden, bei FALSE kann es nicht bewegt werden.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort MINIMIZE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE kann das Fenster minimiert werden, bei FALSE kann es nicht minimiert
+Nach dem Schlsselwort MAXIMIZE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden.
+Bei TRUE kann das Fenster maximiert werden, bei FALSE kann es nicht maximiert
+Nach dem Schlsselwort CLOSEABLE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden.
+Bei TRUE kann das Fenster geschlossen werden, bei FALSE kann es nicht geschlos
+sen werden.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort APPLICATION kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben
+werden. TRUE bedeutet, da das Fenster das Applikationsfenster ist, FALSE hat keine
+Nach dem Schlsselwort OUTPUTSIZE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden.
+Bei TRUE ist bezieht sich die Grenangabe auf die "OutputSize" des Fensters.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort WINCHILDS wird ein Textfenster angelegt. Dieses Fenster
+wird automatisch erzeugt. Anstelle von FTEXT kann jede in der Hierarchie unter
+Window stehende Resource angegeben werden.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort PUSHBUTTON 1 wird ein Button definiert. Auf diese
+Resource kann ber den Identifier 1 zugegriffen werden. Der Identifier kann im
+Bereich von 1 bis 255 liegen. Anstelle von PushButton kann jede in der Hierarchie
+unter Resource stehende Resource angegeben werden.
+ AgapaDefault:
+Ali [SystemWindow] 7
+ {
+  Sizeable = FALSE;
+  Moveable = FALSE;
+  Minimize = FALSE;
+  Maximize = FALSE;
+  Closeable = FALSE;
+  App  = FALSE;
+  OutputSize = FALSE;
+ };
+ Af1paResource WorkWindow
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse WorkWindow.
+Ali WorkWindow
+ {
+  Show   = MAXIMIZE;
+  WorkWindowIcon = Icon
+  {
+   Predefine = ICON_STOP;
+  };
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort SHOW wird angegeben, wie das Fenster angezeigt wird.
+Anstelle von MAXIMIZE kann auch NORMAL und MINIMIZE angegeben werden.
+MAXIMIZE bedeutet, da das Fenster so gro wie mglich dargestellt wird, bei
+MINIMIZE wird das Fenster so klein wie mglich dargestellt (iconic). NORMAL
+bedeutet, da das Fenster in den angegebenen Koordinaten dargestellt wird.
+WorkWindowIcon ist das Sinnbild, das dargestellt wird, wenn das Fenster minimiert
+Ali WorkWindow
+ {
+  Show = NORMAL;
+ };
+Was angezeigt wird, wenn kein Icon angegeben wird, ist im StarView-Handbuch unter
+der Klasse WorkWindow nachzulesen.
+ Af1paResource MDIWindow
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse MDIWindow.
+Ali MDIWindow {};
+Es ist nur der Typ des Fensters entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben mg
+Af1Resource Dialog
+Diese Schlsselwort kann nicht angegeben werden.
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse Dialog.
+Ali [Dialog] {};
+Es ist nur der Typ des Fensters entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben mg
+Af1Resource ModelessDialog
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse ModelessDialog.
+Ali ModelessDialog {};
+Es ist nur der Typ des Fensters entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben mg
+ pa
+Af1Resource ModalDialog
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse ModalDialog.
+Ali ModalDialog
+ {
+  SysModal = TRUE;
+ };
+Nach den Schlsselwort SYSMODAL kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden.
+Wird FALSE angegeben, dann ist die Dialogbox applikationsmodal, sonst
+Systemmodal bedeutet, da das ganze System angehalten wird und nur in dieser
+Dialogbox gearbeitet werden kann. Applikationsmodal bedeutet, da die Applikation
+angehalten wird und applikationsweit nur in dieser Dialogbox gearbeitet werden kann.
+Weiteres siehe StarView-Handbuch bei den Klassen Dialog, ModalDialog und
+Ali ModalDialog
+ {
+  SysModal = FALSE;
+ };
+ Af1paResource Control
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse Control.
+Ali Control
+ {
+  TabStop = TRUE;
+  Group  = TRUE;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort TABSTOP kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE ist das Tabstop-Attribut gesetzt, bei FALSE ist es nicht gesetzt.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort GROUP kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE ist das Group-Attribut gesetzt, bei FALSE ist es nicht gesetzt.
+Was diese Attribute bewirken, ist im StarView-Handbuch unter den Klassen Control
+und Dialog nachzulesen.
+Ali Control
+ {
+  TabStop = FALSE;
+  Group  = FALSE;
+ };
+Af1Resource Button
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse Button.
+Ali Button {};
+AgaNur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+ Af1paResource CheckBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse CheckBox.
+Ali CheckBox
+ {
+  Check = TRUE;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort CHECK kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE wird ein Button als angeklickt gekennzeichnet. Dies gilt nur fr Buttons, bei
+denen solch eine Kennzeichnung vorgesehen ist.
+Ali CheckBox
+ {
+  Check = FALSE;
+ };
+Af1Resource AutoCheckBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse AutoCheckBox.
+Ali AutoCheckBox {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+Af1Resource PushButton
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse PushButton.
+Ali PushButton {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+Af1Resource DefPushButton
+ Aga
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse DefPushButton.
+Ali DefPushButton {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+Af1Resource RadioButton
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse RadioButton.
+Ali RadioButton
+ {
+  Check = TRUE;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort CHECK kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE wird ein Button als angeklickt gekennzeichnet. Dies gilt nur fr Buttons, bei
+denen solch eine Kennzeichnung vorgesehen ist.
+Ali RadioButton
+ {
+  Check = FALSE;
+ };
+Af1Resource AutoRadioButton
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse AutoRadioButton.
+Ali AutoRadioButton {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+Af1Resource TriStateBox
+ Aga
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse TriStateBox.
+Ali TriStateBox
+ {
+  TriStateDisable = TRUE;
+  TriState  = STATE_CHECK;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort TRISTATEDISABLE kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben
+werden. Bei TRUE knnen nur die Zustande STATE_CHECK und
+STATE_NOCHECK eingenommen werden, sonst ist noch der Zustand
+und STATE_DONTKNOW angegeben werden.
+Ali TriStateBox
+ {
+  TriStateDisable = FALSE;
+  TriState  = STATE_NOCHECK;
+ };
+Af1Resource AutoTriStateBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse AutoTriStateBox.
+Ali AutoTriStateBox {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+ Af1paResource Edit
+Dieses Schlsselwort kann nicht angegeben werden.
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse Edit.
+Ali [Edit]
+ {
+  Center  = TRUE;
+  Left   = FALSE;
+  Right   = FALSE;
+  MaxTextLength = 10;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort LEFT kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE wird der Text linksbndig ausgegeben.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort CENTER kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE wird der Text zentriert ausgegeben.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort RIGHT kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE wird der Text rechtsbndig ausgegeben.
+Werden LEFT, CENTER und RIGHT auf TRUE gesetzt, wird eine der Mglichkeiten
+ausgewhlt. Sind sie alle FALSE, wird der Text linksbndig ausgegeben.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort MAXTEXTLENGTH wird die maximale Anzahl der Ein
+gabezeichen festgelegt. Ist der Wert = 0, knnen beliebig viele Zeichen eingegeben
+werden. Der Definitionsbereich umfat Werte von 0 bis 65535.
+Ali [Edit]
+ {
+  Left   = FALSE;
+  Center  = FALSE;
+  Right   = FALSE;
+  MaxTextLength = 0;
+ };
+ Af1paResource SingleLineEdit
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse SingleLineEdit.
+Ali SingleLineEdit {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+ Af1paResource MultiLineEdit
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse MultiLineEdit.
+Ali MultiLineEdit
+ {
+  HScroll = TRUE;
+  VScroll = TRUE;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort HSCROLL kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE wird nach links gescrollt, wenn bei der Eingabe der rechte Rand erreicht ist.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort VSCROLL kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE wird nach unten gescrollt, wenn bei der Eingabe der untere Rand erreicht ist.
+Ali MultiLineEdit
+ {
+ };
+ Af1paResource ScrollBar
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse ScrollBar.
+Ali ScrollBar
+ {
+  MinPos = 1;
+  MaxPos = 112;
+  ThumbPos = 30;
+  PageSize = 8;
+  LineSize = 2;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort MINPOS wird die minimale Position des Thumbs angegeben.
+Der Definitionsbereich umfat Werte von -32768 - 32767.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort MAXPOS wird die maximale Position des Thumbs
+angegeben. Der Definitionsbereich umfat Werte von -32768 - 32767.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort THUMBPOS wird die Position des Thumbs angegeben. Der
+Definitionsbereich umfat Werte von -32768 - 32767.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort PAGESIZE wird die Vernderung bei seitenweisem Scrollen
+angegeben. Der Definitionsbereich umfat Werte von -32768 - 32767.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort LINESIZE wird die Vernderung bei schrittweisem Scrollen
+angegeben. Der Definitionsbereich umfat Werte von -32768 - 32767.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort HSCROLL kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE bekommt man eine horizontale Scrollbar.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort VSCROLL kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE bekommt man eine vertikale Scrollbar.
+ pa
+Ali ScrollBar
+ {
+  MinPos = 0;
+  MaxPos = 100;
+  ThumbPos = 0;
+  PageSize = 10;
+  LineSize = 1;
+ };
+Af1Resource AutoScrollBar
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse AutoScrollBar.
+Ali AutoScrollBar {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+ Af1paResource ListBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse ListBox.
+Ali ListBox
+ {
+  Sort  = TRUE;
+  CurPos = 3;
+  StringList =
+  {
+    "Ich"; "bin"; "eine"; "ListBox.";
+  };
+  StringList  =
+  {
+   "Beliebig"; "viele"; "StringLists.";
+  };
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort SORT kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE werden die Strings in der Listbox sortiert, bei FALSE werden sie in der Reihen
+folge ausgegeben, in der sie aufgeschrieben werden.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort CURPOS wird die Position eines Strings angegeben. Der
+Definitionsbereich umfat Werte von 0 - 32535. Der String, der an der angegebenen
+Position in der Listbox steht, wird selektiert. Hat die Listbox weniger Eintrge, wird
+der ???String selektiert.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort STRINGLIST knnen Strings angegeben werden. Die Strings
+werden in der Reihenfolge in die Listbox gestellt, in der sie angegeben werden.
+Ali ListBox
+ {
+  Sort = FALSE;
+  CurPos = 0;
+ };
+Wird STRINGLIST ausgelassen, stehen keine Strings in der Listbox.
+ Af1paResource DropDownListBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse DropDownListBox.
+Ali DropDownListBox {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+Af1Resource ComboBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse ComboBox.
+Ali ComboBox
+ {
+  MaxTextLength = 10;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort MAXTEXTLENGTH wird die maximale Anzahl der Ein
+gabezeichen festgelegt. Ist der Wert = 0, knnen beliebig viele Zeichen eingegeben
+werden. Der Definitionsbereich umfat Werte von 0 bis 65535.
+Ali ComboBox
+ {
+  MaxTextLength = 0;
+ };
+Af1Resource DropDownComboBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse DropDownComboBox.
+Ali DropDownComboBox {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+Af1Resource FixedText
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse FixedText.
+Ali FixedText
+ {
+  Right = TRUE;
+ };
+AgaNach dem Schlsselwort LEFT kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE wird der Text linksbndig ausgegeben.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort CENTER kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE wird der Text zentriert ausgegeben.
+Nach dem Schlsselwort RIGHT kann TRUE oder FALSE angegeben werden. Bei
+TRUE wird der Text rechtsbndig ausgegeben.
+Werden LEFT, CENTER und RIGHT auf TRUE gesetzt, wird eine der Mglichkeiten
+ausgewhlt. Sind sie alle FALSE, wird der Text linksbndig ausgegeben.
+Ali FixedText
+ {
+  Left = FALSE;
+  Center = FALSE;
+  Right = FALSE;
+ };
+Af1Resource FixedIcon
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse FixedIcon.
+Ali FixedIcon
+ {
+  Fixed = Icon { Predefine = ICON_QUERY; };
+ };
+ Aga
+AgaNach dem Schlsselwort FIXED kann ein Icon angeben werden. Dieses Icon wird in
+dem Control zentriert ausgegeben.
+Ali FixedIcon
+ {
+  Fixed = Icon{};
+ };
+Af1Resource FixedBitmap
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse FixedBitmap.
+Ali FixedBitmap
+ {
+  Fixed = Bitmap { File = "schmett.bmp"; };
+ };
+AgaNach dem Schlsselwort FIXED kann eine Bitmap angeben werden. Diese Bitmap
+wird in dem Control zentriert ausgegeben.
+Ali FixedBitmap
+ {
+  Fixed = Bitmap{};
+ };
+Af1Resource GroupBox
+Diese Resource definiert die Daten der StarView-Klasse GroupBox.
+Ali GroupBox {};
+Nur der Typ des Fensters ist entscheidend, es sind keine zustzlichen Angaben
+ paSpezielle Resource-Konstrukte
+Af1Globale, lokale Resourcen
+Globale Resourcen sind Resourcen, die auerhalb jeder anderen Resource definiert
+sind. Lokale Resourcen sind innerhalb einer anderen Resource definiert. Lokale
+Resourcen mssen einen Identifier im Bereich von 1 bis 255 haben, globale Resourcen
+einen Identifier im Bereich von 256 bis 32767.
+AliWindow 1000
+ Text = "Info";
+ DefPushButton 1
+ {
+  Text = "Ok";
+ };
+In diesem Fall ist WINDOW 1000 eine globale Resource und DEFPUSHBUTTON 1
+eine lokale Resource.
+ Af1paReferenzen
+Wird eine Resource mehr als nur einmal bentigt, so kann diese Resource als globale
+Resource definiert und an anderer Stelle darauf verwiesen werden.
+AliDefPushButton 1000
+ Text = "Ok";
+Window 1000
+ Text = "Info";
+ DefPushButton 1, 1000;
+Die Konstruktion DEFPUSHBUTTON 1, 1000 ist eine Referenz auf den
+DefPushButton 1000, wobei 1 die ID innerhalb der Window-Resource ist. Das heit,
+im Programm greift man ber die ID 1 auf diese Resource zu.
+Eine Referenz kann immer angegeben werden, wenn eine Resource-Definition erwartet
+wird. Beim Erstellen einer ".rc"-Datei mssen alle Referenzen aufgelst werden
+Af1Lokale Resourcen
+Lokale Resourcen knnen in jeder Resource-Definition angegeben werden.
+AliWindow 1000
+ Text = "Info";
+ PushButton  1, 1000;
+ DefPushButton 2, 1001;
+ SingleLineEdit 3, 1002;
+ Color  4 { RGB = (0, 0, 0); };
+ Color  5 { RGB = (65535, 0, 0); };
+In diesem Beispiel sind drei Controls und zwei Farben als lokale Resource angegeben.
+Auf die Resourcen kann ber die Identifier 1 bis 5 zugegriffen werden.
+ Af1paBenutzerdaten
+Mit Hilfe der EXTRADATA-Konstruktion knnen in einer Resource beliebige Daten
+definiert werden.
+AliWindow 1000
+ Text = "Info";
+ ExtraData =
+ {
+  "Hallo"; 1; -10;
+ };
+ ExtraData =
+ {
+  1; 2; 3; 4;
+ };
+Nach dem Schlsselwort EXTRADATA knnen Strings und ganze Zahlen angegeben
+werden. Der Definitionsbereich der Zahlen reicht von -32536 bis 32535.
+In der Resource stehen die Daten in folgendem Format:
+Apl- Die Benutzerdaten werden hinter die vordefinierten Daten geschrieben.
+- Sie werden in der Reihenfolge abgelegt, in der sie aufgeschrieben worden sind.
+- Strings sind Null-terminiert. Sie belegen immer eine gerade Anzahl von Bytes im
+Speicher. Der bentigte Platz errechnet sich also wie folgt:
+ Platzbedarf = Stringlnge + 1 + ( Stringlnge + 1 ) MOD 2;
+ benutzen Sie die Methode GetStringSizeRes() der Klasse Resource.
+- Zahlen sind zwei Byte lang und processorspezifisch gedreht.
+ Af1paDefault-Initialisierung
+Beim Angeben einer Resource ist diese mit bestimmten Werten vorbesetzt. Die
+Resource kann aber auch durch eine andere globale Resource initialisiert werden, so
+da die Resource die Daten der globalen Resource enthlt.
+AliWindow 1000
+ Text = "Info";
+ PosSize = MAP_SYSFONT( 0, 0, 160, 40 );
+ Border = TRUE;
+ Moveable = TRUE;
+ Closeable = TRUE;
+ DefPushButton 1, 1000;
+ ExtraData = { 10; };
+Window 1001 < Window 1000
+ Moveable = FALSE;
+ FixedText 2
+ { // Fuzeile
+  Disable = TRUE;
+  Size  = MAP_SYSFONT( 160, 4 );
+ };
+Das WINDOW 1001 bernimmt alle Daten von WINDOW 1000, definiert noch eine
+lokale Resource hinzu und ndert das MOVEABLE-Attribut. Es werden auch alle
+lokalen Resourcen und alle Benutzerdaten bernommen. Bei den lokalen Resourcen
+kann es leicht zu Identifier-Konflikten kommen. Es ist zu beachten, da die Resource,
+von der die Daten bernommen werden sollen, von beliebigem Typ sein kann. Es
+werden alle Daten ab der gemeinsamen Superklasse bernommen. Das heit von der
+Klasse Resource werden immer alle Daten bernommen.
+ Au1paFehlermeldungen
+Af1Aufbau der Fehlermeldung:
+AgaDie Ausgabe der Fehler hat folgendes Format:
+1. Zeile in der der Fehler aufgetreten ist.
+2. Position an der der Fehler aufgetreten ist.
+3. Fehlernummer: Error ( Typ, Identifier ): Fehlermeldung.
+Afp256 Allgemeiner Fehler, dieser Fehler kann nicht nicht
+genauer spezifiziert werden.
+257 Eine virtuelle Methode die in der abgeleiteten Klasse
+nicht implementiert ist. Siehe Methoden der Klasse
+RscInst: SetString(), SetNumber .... Man kann die
+Fehlermeldung als Typfehler betrachten, das heit
+dieser Typ darf nicht verwendet werden.
+258 Die Datei mit dem angegebenen Namen konnte nicht
+geffnet werden.
+259 Es konnte kein Zeichen generiert werden. Zum Beispiel
+kann '\333' nicht in ein Zeichen umgewandelt werden.
+260 Interner Fehler, eine Methode soll auf eine ungltige
+Instanz angewendet werden.
+261 Es wird eine Kommandozeilenhilfe ausgegeben (rsc -h).
+262 Es wurde keine Eingabedatei angegeben.
+263 In der Kommandozeile wurde ein unbekannter Schalter
+264 Referenzen werden nur bis zu einer bestimmten Tiefe
+aufgelst. Der Fehler bedeutet, das Referenzen rekursiv
+definiert wurden oder da sie zu tief verschachtelt sind.
+512 Allgemeiner Fehler.
+513 Es wurde versucht eine Zahl einzusetzen, die auerhalb
+des Wertebereichs liegt.
+528 Allgemeiner Fehler.
+544 Allgemeiner Fehler.
+578 Allgemeiner Fehler.
+579 Allgemeiner Fehler.
+580 Es wurde versucht eine Resourcrinstanz mit falschem
+Typ verwendet.
+608 Allgemeiner Fehler.
+609 Allgemeiner Fehler.
+610 Fr ein Makro soll eine Name verwendet werden, der
+schon belegt ist. Namen knnen zum Beispiel schon fr
+Variablen vergeben sein.
+640 Allgemeiner Fehler.
+641 Zwei globale Resourcen haben den gleichen Identifier.
+ 642 Der verwendete Typ ist nicht erlaubt.
+643 Die Variable darf hier nicht verwendet werden.
+644 Der Zahlenwert ist auerhalb von [0, 0xFFFF].
+645 Der Zahlenwert ist auerhalb von [0, 0x7FFF].
+646 Defaultresource wurde nicht gefunden. Eine
+Resourceinstanz kann mit einer anderen initialisiert
+werden. Diese ander Instanz wurde nicht gefunden.
+647 An dieser Stelle ist die Angabe einer Referenz verboten.
+648 Ein Makroname soll doppelt vergeben werden.
+649 Die Angabe einer Defaultresource ist verboten.
+650 Ein Identifier mu Angegeben werden.
+651 Es sollte durch Null geteilt werden.
+652 Fehler in der Pragmaanweisung.
+653 Das Makro wurde durch weitere Makro's erklrt, die
+nicht in den entsprechenden Include-Dateien stehen.
+Es folgen Warnungen.
+4098 Resourcen die sich innerhalb einer anderen Resource
+befinden (Unterresourcen) haben ein Identifier ber 255.
+4099 Globale Resourcen haben einen Identifier unter 256.
+4100 Die Unterresource werden nicht beachtet. Das bedeutet,
+da auf diese Resourcen zur Laufzeit nicht zugegriffen
+werden kann.
+4101 Die Resourcen haben einen keinen Identifier. Auf diese
+Resourcen kann zur Laufzeit nicht zugegriffen werden.
+4102 Beim schreiben ein rc-Datei konnte eine Stringreferenz
+nicht aufgelst werden.
+4103 Beim schreiben ein rc-Datei konnte eine Referenz nicht
+aufgelst werden. Wenn auf Unterresourcen zugegriffen
+wird, die sich in der referenzierten Resource befinden,
+dann kann ein Laufzeitfehler auftreten.
+4104 Zwei Unterresource mit gleichem Typ haben den
+gleichen Identifier.
+ SsvAgaPA
+AsvCompiler Anweisungen 16
+Resource Accelerator 33
+Resource AcceleratorKey 34
+Resource AutoCheckBox 50
+Resource AutoRadioButton 51
+Resource AutoScrollBar 55
+Resource Bitmap 22
+Resource Brush 24
+Resource CheckBox 50
+Resource Color 26
+Resource ComboBox 57
+Resource DefPushButton 51
+Resource DialogBox 48
+Resource DropDownComboBox 57
+Resource DropDownListBox  57
+Resource FixedText 58
+Resource Font 28
+Resource GroupBox 58
+Resource Icon 21
+Resource ListBox 56
+Resource MapMode 32
+Resource MDIWindow 48
+Resource Menu 36
+Resource MenuItem 37
+Resource MessageBox 39
+Resource MultiLineEdit 53
+Resource OutputDevice 40
+Resource Pen 31
+Resource Pointer 22
+Resource PushButton 50
+Resource RadioButton 51
+Resource Resource 20
+Resource ScrollBar 54
+Resource SingleLineEdit 52
+Resource String 20
+Resource SystemWindow 44
+Resource Window 42
+Resource WorkWindow 47
+Resource Button 49
+Resource Control 49
+ Aga
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rsc/doku/feinkonz.43/rscerror.doc b/rsc/doku/feinkonz.43/rscerror.doc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f6e48c96237d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/doku/feinkonz.43/rscerror.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,2119 @@
+.\\\ WRITER 6 \\\
+Markus Meyer
+Helvetica 14 Pt
+Helvetica 12 Pt
+Helvetia 10 Pt
+Courier 10 Pt
+Helvetica 14 Pt Fett
+Helvetica 12 Pt Fett
+Helvetia 10 Pt Fett
+Grund - Absatzlayout V1.5-LSLP8
+berschrift X.
+berschrift X.X.
+berschrift X.X.X.
+berschrift X.X.X.X.
+berschrift X.X.X.X.X.
+Einrckung 4 Sp / 4 Sp
+Einrckung 8 Sp / 8 Sp
+Einrckung 0 Sp / 4 Sp
+Einrckung 4 Sp / 8 Sp
+Fettschrift einzeilig
+AkzBf3#_PFAD##_TEXTNAME# 6-#_S#-
+AfzBf3$Date: 22 Jan 1992 12:40:36 $ $Revision: 1.1 $
+Ali6Bf3- #_S# -B00
+GS - ohne Fuzeile
+Au0 #_THEMA2#
+Au0 #_AUTOR#
+Au0 Stand: $Date: 22 Jan 1992 12:40:36 $
+ SkfAgaPA
+AfpDokumentenname #_THEMA2#
+AfpProjektname #_THEMA1#
+AfpVersionsnummer $Revision: 1.1 $
+Afperstellt 16. September 1991
+Afpgendert $Date: 22 Jan 1992 12:40:36 $
+AfpDateiname #_PFAD##_TEXTNAME#
+AfpAutor #_AUTOR#
+AfpBearbeiter $Author: MM $
+AfpStatus XX in Arbeit
+Afp !__ fertiggestellt
+Afp !__ abgenommen
+Afp !__ freigegeben
+AfpVertraulich __ Ja XX Nein
+AfpCopyright (C) Star Division 1990
+ Sgspa
+Au1#1 Einleitung
+In diesem Dokument werden die Klassen beschrieben, die die Fehlerbehandlung organisieren.
+Hinweise zur Implementation
+Bevor eine dieser Klassen benutzt wird, mu die Funktion InitRscCompiler aufgerufen werden.
+ AgaPA
+Au1#2 Klassenbeschreibung
+Diese Klasse enthlt eine Fehler- oder eine Warnungsnummer.
+Diese Klasse bernimmt die Ausgabe der Fehlermeldungen.
+Au1#3 Globale Funktionen
+Die Funktion mu von jedem Programm implementiert werden, die Klassen aus dem rsc-System
+benutzen. Die Funktion bedeutet, da das Programm sofort beendet werden mu, weil ein
+scherwiegender Programmfehler aufgetreten ist.
+ SivPA
+Aiv1. Einleitung M3
+2. Klassenbeschreibung D4
+3. Globale Funktionen E4
+RscError R10
+::RscExit() O15
+Stichwortverzeichnis F17
+Aliclass ERRTYPE {
+ ERRTYPE& operator = ( const ERRTYPE & rError );
+ operator USHORT();
+ BOOL IsError();
+ BOOL IsOk();
+ BOOL IsWarning();
+ void Clear();
+#define ERR_OK
+#define ERR_WARNING
+Eine Instanz dieser Klassen enthlt entweder eine Fehler- oder eine Warnungsnummer oder keines von
+beiden. Zu beachten ist, da eine Fehlernummer nicht berschrieben werden kann (!der erste Fehler ist
+interressant ).
+AgaWarnungen werden von Fehlernummern berschrieben, aber nicht von Warnungsnummern.
+Klasse: RscError.
+ERRTYPE aError;
+aError = ERR_ERROR;
+if( ERR_OPENFILE == aError )
+ printf( "Fehler: Datei kann nicht gffnet werden!\n" );
+ printf( "Fehler: Allgemeiner Fehler!\n");
+AgaDie Ausgabe heit:
+Fehler: Datei kann nicht geffnet werden!
+ERRTYPE::ERRTYPE( const ERRTYPE & rError );
+Die wird eine Instanz ERRTYPE erzeugt.
+AfpnErrNo diese Zahl ist der Fehler der in die Instanz eingetragen wird.
+rError aus dieser Instanz wird der Fehler bernommen.
+Wird der leere Konstruktor verwendet, dann ist die Fehlernummer ERR_OK. Die Methode IsOk()
+liefert TRUE.
+Klassen: RscError
+Methoden: IsError(), IsOk(), Clear().
+AgaHier wird gezeigt wie Fehler zugewiesen und berschrieben werden.
+printf( aErr.IsOk() ? "TRUE", "FALSE" ); //Ausg.: TRUE
+aErr = WRN_LOCALID; //Warnung zuweisen
+printf( aErr.IsOk() ? "TRUE", "FALSE" ); //Ausg.: TRUE
+printf( aErr.IsWarning() ? "TRUE", "FALSE" );//Ausg.: TRUE
+printf( aErr.IsError() ? "TRUE", "FALSE" ); //Ausg.: FALSE
+aErr = ERR_ERROR; //Fehler zuweisen
+printf( aErr.IsOk() ? "TRUE", "FALSE" ); //Ausg.: FALSE
+printf( aErr.IsWarning() ? "TRUE", "FALSE" );//Ausg.: FALSE
+printf( aErr.IsError() ? "TRUE", "FALSE" ); //Ausg.: TRUE
+aErr = ERR_OK; //Fehler aufheben geht so nicht
+printf( aErr.IsOk() ? "TRUE", "FALSE" ); //Ausg.: FALSE
+printf( aErr.IsError() ? "TRUE", "FALSE" ); //Ausg.: TRUE
+aError.Clear(); //Fehler aufheben
+printf( aErr.IsOk() ? "TRUE", "FALSE" ); //Ausg.: TRUE
+printf( aErr.IsError() ? "TRUE", "FALSE" ); //Ausg.: FALSE
+Au0ERRTYPE::operator =()
+AliERRTYPE & ERRTYPE::operator &( const ERRTYPE & rErr );
+Der Zuweisungsoperator kopiert den Fehler oder die Warnung von rErr in die Instanz. Ein kopieren
+findet nicht statt, wenn in der Instanz schon ein Fehler eingetragen wurde.
+ AfprErr aus dieser Instanz wird der Fehler bernommen.
+Die eigene Instanz wird zurckgeliefert.
+Methoden: operator USHORT().
+printf( ERR_RSCRANGE == aError ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" );
+ //Ausgabe: TRUE
+//Versuch den Fehler zu ueberschreiben (geht nicht)
+printf( ERR_ERROR == aError ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" );
+ //Ausgabe: FALSE
+printf( ERR_ERROR == aError ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" );
+ //Ausgabe: TRUE
+Au0ERRTYPE::operator USHORT()
+AliERRTYPE::operator USHORT();
+Die Fehlernummer in der Instanz wird zurckgeliefert.
+Methoden: operator =().
+AliBOOL ERRTYPE::IsError();
+Diese Methode zeigt an ob in der Instanz eine Fehlernummer steht, die einen Fehler anzeigt.
+AfpTRUE wenn die Fehlernummer im Bereich [0, ERR_ERROREND] liegt.
+FALSE wenn die Fehlernummer im Bereich ]ERR_ERROREND, 0xFFFF
+"] liegt.
+Methoden: IsOk(), IsWarning(), Clear().
+ Aga
+Diese Methode zeigt an ob in der Instanz eine Fehlernummer steht, die keinen Fehler anzeigt.
+TRUE wenn die Fehlernummer im Bereich ]ERR_ERROREND,
+"0xFFFF] liegt.
+FALSE wenn die Fehlernummer im Bereich [0, ERR_ERROREND] liegt.
+Methoden: IsError(), IsWarning(), Clear().
+AliBOOL ERRTYPE::IsWarning();
+Diese Methode zeigt an ob in der Instanz eine Fehlernummer steht, die einen Warnung anzeigt.
+TRUE wenn die Fehlernummer im Bereich [ERR_WARNING,
+FALSE wenn die Fehlernummer in einem anderen Bereich liegt.
+Methoden: IsOk(), IsError(), Clear().
+Alivoid ERRTYPE::Clear();
+Die Fehlernummer wird auf ERR_OK gesetzt. Das heit die Methode IsOk() liefert TRUE zurck.
+ Au0PARscError
+Ali#define ERR_ERROR 0x0100
+#define ERR_UNKNOWN_METHOD 0x0101
+#define ERR_OPENFILE 0x0102
+#define ERR_NOCHAR 0x0103
+#define ERR_NORSCINST 0x0104
+#define ERR_USAGE 0x0105
+#define ERR_NOINPUT 0x0106
+#define ERR_UNKNOWNSW 0x0107
+#define ERR_REFTODEEP 0x0108
+#define ERR_RSCRANGE 0x0200
+#define ERR_RSCENUM 0x0210
+#define ERR_RSCFLAG 0x0220
+#define ERR_RSCCONT 0x0240
+#define ERR_RSCCMPED 0x0250
+#define ERR_RSCINST 0x0260
+#define ERR_LEX 0x0270
+#define ERR_YACC 0x0280
+ #define ERR_DOUBLEID (ERR_YACC +1 )
+ #define ERR_FALSETYPE (ERR_YACC +2 )
+ #define ERR_IDRANGE (ERR_YACC +5 )
+ #define ERR_NOCOPYOBJ (ERR_YACC +6 )
+ #define ERR_PRAGMA (ERR_YACC +12)
+class RscError{
+ USHORT nErrors;// Anzahl der Fehler
+ RscError();
+ void SetListFile( FILE * fList );
+ virtual void StdOut( const char * );
+ virtual void LstOut( const char * );
+ virtual void Error( ERRTYPE nError, RscTop* pClass,
+ const RscId &aId,
+ const char * pMessage = NULL );
+ virtual void FatalError( ERRTYPE nError, const RscId
+ &aId, const char * pMessage = NULL );
+ };
+In dieser Klasse werden Fehlermeldungen ausgegeben. Die Fehlermeldungen werden zur
+Standartausgabe geschickt und in eine Listing-Datei geschrieben. Nach Aufruf der Methode
+FatalError() wird die Funktion RscExit() aufgerufen. Diese sollte das Programm terminieren.
+Die Ausgabe der Fehler hat folgendes Format:
+1. Zeile in der der Fehler aufgetreten ist.
+2. Position an der der Fehler aufgetreten ist.
+3. Fehlernummer: Error ( Typ, Identifier ): Fehlermeldung.
+Die Ausgabe wird unter MS-Windows nicht nach "stdout" umgeleitet, sondern sie wird unterdrckt.
+Die Klasse tauscht Zeilennummern, Zeilen usw. ber globale Variable mit dem Parser aus. Aus diesem
+Grund darf der Parser nicht rekursiv aufgerufen werden.
+Wenn ein Fehler am Ende einer Zeile bemerkt wird, wird hufig die Zeile nach der Fehlerhaften
+Klassen: RscTypCont, ERRTYPE, RscId, RscFileInst, alle Rsc... Klassen.
+Funktionen: ::RscExit(), ::parser(), ::MacroParser(), ::IncludeParser().
+AgaImplementation der Standartausgabe unter MS-Windows.
+class WinError :: public RscError{
+ ListBox * pOutput;
+ WinError( ListBox * pListBox ) : RscError(){
+  pOutput = pListBox;
+ }
+ void StdOut( const char * pStr ){
+  //fuer gute Ausgabeformatierung muesste auf RETURN
+  //geachtet werden
+  pOutput.Insert( pStr, LISTBOX_APPEND );
+ }
+ Agapa
+AfpERR_ERROR Allgemeiner Fehler, dieser Fehler kann nicht nicht genauer
+"spezifiziert werden.
+ERR_UNKNOWN_METHOD Eine virtuelle Methode die in der abgeleiteten Klasse nicht
+"implementiert ist. Siehe Methoden der Klasse RscInst: SetString(),
+"SetNumber .... Man kann die Fehlermeldung als Typfehler
+"betrachten, das heit dieser Typ darf nicht verwendet werden.
+ERR_OPENFILE Die Datei mit dem angegebenen Namen konnte nicht geffnet
+ERR_NOCHAR Es konnte kein Zeichen generiert werden. Zum Beispiel kann
+"'\333' nicht in ein Zeichen umgewandelt werden.
+ERR_NORSCINST Interner Fehler, eine Methode soll auf eine ungltige Instanz
+"angewendet werden.
+ERR_NOINPUT Es wurde keine Eingabedatei angegeben.
+ERR_USAGE Es wird eine Kommandozeilenhilfe ausgegeben (rsc -h).
+ERR_UNKNOWNSW In der Kommandozeile wurde ein unbekannter Schalter
+ERR_REFTODEEP Referenzen werden nur bis zu einer bestimmten Tiefe aufgelst.
+"Der Fehler bedeutet, das Referenzen rekursiv definiert wurden
+"oder da sie zu tief verschachtelt sind.
+ERR_RSCRANGE In der Klasse RscRange ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
+ERR_RSCRANGE_OUTDEFSET  In eine RscRange-Instanz wurde versucht eine Zahl einzusetzen,
+"die auerhalb des Wertebereichs liegt.
+ERR_RSCENUM In der Klasse RscEnum ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
+ERR_RSCFLAG In der Klasse RscFlag ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
+ERR_RSCCONT In der Klasse RscCont ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
+ERR_CONT_INVALIDPOS In einer RscCont-Instanz wurde auf eine Position zugegriffen, auf
+"der sich keine Instanz befunden hat.
+ERR_CONT_INVALIDTYPE  In einer RscCont-Instanz wurde versucht eine Instanz mit
+"falschem Typ einzusetzen.
+ERR_RSCINST In der Klasse RscInst ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
+ERR_RSCINST_NOVARNAME  Eine Methode der Klasse RscInst die einen Variablennamen als
+"Parameter bentigt stellt fest, das dieser Name in der
+"entsprechenden Instanz nicht als Variable definiert ist. Vermutlich
+"hat die RscInst-Instanz einen anderen Typ als erwartet.
+ERR_RSCINST_RESERVEDNAME Fr ein Makro soll eine Name verwendet werden, der
+"schon belegt ist. Namen knnen zum Beispiel schon fr Variablen
+"vergeben sein.
+Es folgen Fehler die beim Parsen auftreten knnen.
+AfpERR_YACC Allgemeiner Fehler der beim Parsen aufgetreten ist.
+ERR_DOUBLEID Zwei globale Resourcen haben den gleichen Identifier.
+ERR_FALSETYPE Der verwendete Typ ist nicht erlaubt.
+ERR_NOVARIABLENAME Die Variable darf hier nicht verwendet werden.
+ERR_USHORTRANGE Der Zahlenwert ist auerhalb von [0, 0xFFFF].
+ERR_IDRANGE Der Zahlenwert ist auerhalb von [0, 0x7FFF].
+ERR_NOCOPYOBJ Defaultresource wurde nicht gefunden. Eine Resourceinstanz kann
+"mit einer anderen initialisiert werden. Diese ander Instanz wurde
+"nicht gefunden.
+ERR_REFNOTALLOWED An dieser Stelle ist die Angabe einer Referenz verboten.
+ERR_DOUBLEDEFINE Ein Makroname soll doppelt vergeben werden.
+ERR_COPYNOTALLOWED Die Angabe einer Defaultresource ist verboten.
+ERR_IDEXPECTED Ein Identifier mu Angegeben werden.
+ERR_ZERODIVISION Es sollte durch Null geteilt werden.
+ERR_PRAGMA Bei der Angabe eines Pragmas ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
+ ERR_DECLAREDEFINE Ein Makro mit dieser Deklaration kann nicht erstellt werden.
+"Entweder eine rekursive Definition oder die verwendeten Makros
+"sind nicht in der Abhngigkeitsliste.
+Es folgen Warnungen.
+AfpWRN_LOCALID Resourcen die sich innerhalb einer anderen Resource befinden
+"(Unterresourcen) haben ein Identifier ber 255.
+WRN_GLOBALID Globale Resourcen haben einen Identifier unter 256.
+WRN_SUBINMEMBER Die Unterresource werden nicht beachtet. Das bedeutet, da auf
+"diese Resourcen zur Laufzeit nicht zugegriffen werden kann.
+WRN_CONT_NOID Die Resourcen haben einen ungltigen Identifier. Auf diese
+"Resourcen kann zur Laufzeit nicht zugegriffen werden.
+WRN_STR_REFNOTFOUND Beim schreiben ein rc-Datei konnte eine Stringreferenz nicht
+"aufgelst werden.
+WRN_MGR_REFNOTFOUND Beim schreiben ein rc-Datei konnte eine Referenz nicht aufgelst
+"werden. Wenn auf Unterresourcen zugegriffen wird, die sich in
+"der referenzierten Resource befinden, dann kann ein
+"Laufzeitfehler auftreten.
+WRN_CONT_DOUBLEID Zwei Unterresource haben den gleichen Identifier.
+Eine Instanz wird erzeugt. Der Fehlerzhler wird auf Null gesetzt.
+Alivoid RscError::SetListFile( FILE * fLstFile );
+Es wird eine Datei angegeben in die das Listing und die Fehlermeldungen geschrieben werden.
+fListing darf auch NULL sein, dann wird kein Listing erzeugt.
+AfpfLstFile Dies ist die Datei in die geschrieben wird.
+Fr das ffnen und Schlieen ist der Aufrufer verantwortlich.
+Alivirtual void RscError::StdOut( const char * pStr );
+ Af1Beschreibung
+Alle Zeichenketten werden nach stdout geschrieben.
+AfppStr Dies ist die Zeichenkette die geschrieben wird.
+Unter MS-Windows wird nicht nach stdout ausgegeben.
+Alivirtual void RscError::StdLst( const char * pStr );
+Alle Zeichenketten werden in die Listing-Datei geschrieben.
+AfppStr Dies ist die Zeichenkette die geschrieben wird.
+Wenn keine Listing-Datei angegeben ist passiert nichts.
+Methoden: SetListFile().
+Alivirtual void RscError::Error( ERRTYPE aError,
+ RscTop * pClass,
+ const RscId & rId,
+ const char * pMess = NULL );
+Mit dieser Methode werden Fehler- und Warnungsmeldungen ausgegeben. Die Methode benutzt die
+Methoden StdOut() und LstOut(). Wenn eine Fehlermeldung vorliegt wird der Fehlerzhler um eins
+AfpaError Hierin ist die Fehlernummer gespeichert. ber diese wird der
+"Fehlertext ermittelt.
+pClass Dies ist der Typ der Resourceinstanz, in der der Fehler aufgetreten
+"ist. pClass darf NULL sein.
+rId Dies ist der Identifier der Resourceinstanz, in der der Fehler
+"aufgetreten ist.
+ pMess Dies ist der Fehlertext. pMess darf NULL sein.
+Alivirtual void RscError::FatalError( ERRTYPE aError,
+ const RscId & rId,
+ const char * pMess = NULL );
+Mit dieser Methode werden schwerwiegende Fehler angezeigt. Die Methode benutzt die Methoden
+StdOut() und LstOut(). Die Funktion RscExit( 1 ) wird gerufen, diese sollte das Programm beenden.
+AfpaError Hierin ist die Fehlernummer gespeichert. ber diese wird der
+"Fehlertext ermittelt.
+rId Dies ist der Identifier der Resourceinstanz, in der der Fehler
+"aufgetreten ist.
+pMess Dies ist der Fehlertext. pMess darf NULL sein.
+Alivoid RscExit( USHORT nExit );
+Diese Methode wird gerufen wenn ein schwerwiegende Fehler aufgetreten ist. Das Programm mu
+beendet werden.
+Afp1  Die Funktion FatalError() wurde aufgerufen.
+10 Mit den c-Funktionen alloc() oder realloc() wird kein Speicher
+"mehr zur Verfgung gestellt.
+11 Hashtabelle luft ber.
+12 Es wird mehr als 64k -1 Byte Speicher angefordert.
+13 In einem internen Zeichenkettenfeld ist nicht genug Platz.
+14 Es wird ein Objekt gelscht auf das noch mindestens eine
+"Referenz besteht.
+16 Maximal 32 Variablen pro Klasse erlaubt.
+AfpnExit Mit Hilfe dieser Zahl wird der aufgetreten Fehler etwas genauer
+Alivoid RscExit( USHORT nExit ){
+ if( nExit )
+  printf( "Program exit ist %d\n" nExit );
+ exit( nExit );
+ Aga
+ SsvAgaPA
+Asv::RscExit() 15
+ERRTYPE::Clear() 9
+ERRTYPE::IsError() 8
+ERRTYPE::IsOk() 9
+ERRTYPE::IsWarning() 9
+ERRTYPE::operator =() 7
+ERRTYPE::operator USHORT() 8
+Fehlernummern 12
+RscError !10
+RscError::Error() 14
+RscError::FatalError() 15
+RscError::RscError() 13
+RscError::SetListFile() 13
+RscError::StdLst() 14
+RscError::StdOut() 13
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rsc/doku/feinkonz.43/rscinst.doc b/rsc/doku/feinkonz.43/rscinst.doc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..88a2cc475bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/doku/feinkonz.43/rscinst.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,4138 @@
+.\\\ WRITER 6 \\\
+Markus Meyer
+Helvetica 14 Pt
+Helvetica 12 Pt
+Helvetia 10 Pt
+Courier 10 Pt
+Helvetica 14 Pt Fett
+Helvetica 12 Pt Fett
+Helvetia 10 Pt Fett
+Grund - Absatzlayout V1.5-LSLP8
+berschrift X.
+berschrift X.X.
+berschrift X.X.X.
+berschrift X.X.X.X.
+berschrift X.X.X.X.X.
+Einrckung 4 Sp / 4 Sp
+Einrckung 8 Sp / 8 Sp
+Einrckung 0 Sp / 4 Sp
+Einrckung 4 Sp / 8 Sp
+Fettschrift einzeilig
+AkzBf3#_PFAD##_TEXTNAME# 6-#_S#-
+AfzBf3$Date: 05 Feb 1992 08:23:58 $ $Revision: 1.7 $
+Ali6Bf3- #_S# -B00
+GS - ohne Fuzeile
+Au0 #_THEMA2#
+Au0 #_AUTOR#
+Au0 Stand: $Date: 05 Feb 1992 08:23:58 $
+ SkfAgaPA
+AfpDokumentenname #_THEMA2#
+AfpProjektname #_THEMA1#
+AfpVersionsnummer $Revision: 1.7 $
+Afperstellt 02. April 1990
+Afpgendert $Date: 05 Feb 1992 08:23:58 $
+AfpDateiname #_PFAD##_TEXTNAME#
+AfpAutor #_AUTOR#
+AfpBearbeiter $Author: MM $
+AfpStatus XX in Arbeit
+Afp !__ fertiggestellt
+Afp !__ abgenommen
+Afp !__ freigegeben
+AfpVertraulich __ Ja XX Nein
+AfpCopyright (C) Star Division 1990
+ Sivpa
+1 Einleitung N4
+2 Klassenbaum M5
+3 Klassenbeschreibung E5
+RscDataBase O6
+RscHrc T14
+RscSrc T24
+RscInst S31
+RscInstCopy O50
+Stichwortverzeichnis F53
+ Au1pa#1 Einleitung
+In diesem Dokument werden die Klassen beschrieben, mit denen die vom Rsc-Compiler erstellte
+Datenbasis verndert werden knnen. Als Beispiel sei hier der Design-Editor genannt.
+Um das Verstndnis zu erleichtern, ist es hilfreich die Benutzerbeschreibung des Rsc-Compilers zu
+Hinweise zur Implementation
+Die in diesem Dokument beschriebenen Klassen weisen einen hohen Grad an gegenseitigen
+Abhngigkeiten auf. Daher mu bei der Anwendung einiger Methoden auf diese Zusammenhnge
+besonders geachtet werden. Ein genaues lesen der Dokumentation ist unumgnglich. Zum Beispiel ist
+das Lschen einer Instanz nicht immer mglich, da noch Referenzen auf sie bestehen. Diese
+Schnittstelle ist darauf ausgelegt, da auf die Daten im Dialogbetrieb zugegriffen wird. Das heit, sie
+ist auf bersichtlichkeit und Fehlererkennung nicht aber auf Speicher- und Geschwindigkeitseffizienz
+Bevor eine dieser Klassen benutzt wird, mu die InitRscCompiler() Funktion aufgerufen werden.
+ Agapa
+Au1#2 Klassenbaum
+RscHrc -> RscSrc
+RscInst -> RscInstCopy
+Au1#3 Klassenbeschreibung
+Diese Klasse stellt Methoden zur Verfgung mit denen ein Resourceprojekt verwaltet werden kann,
+wie zum Beispiel das Anlegen einer neuen Datei oder zu einem Klassennamen den Klassentyp
+Diese Klasse stellt Methoden zur Verfgung mit denen dateiabhngige Informationen und Daten aus
+der Datenbasis gewonnen werden knnen. Es handelt sich hierbei hauptschlich um Makros. Diese
+Klasse ist als Sicht auf eine hrc-Datei zu verstehen. Die Daten stehen in der Datenbasis.
+Diese Klasse stellt Methoden zur Verfgung mit denen dateiabhngige Informationen und Daten aus
+der Datenbasis gewonnen werden knnen. Diese Klasse ist als Sicht auf eine src-Datei zu verstehen.
+Die Daten stehen in der Datenbasis.
+Eine RscInst reprsentiert eine Referenz auf eine Resourceinstanz, wie zum Beispiel Farbe oder Breite.
+Eine Resourceinstanz kann weitere Resourceinstanzen enthalten.
+Diese Instanz reprsentiert eine Kopie einer Resourceinstanz.
+ Au0PARscDataBase
+Aliclass RscDataBase {
+ RscCmdLine * pCmdLine;
+ RscTypCont * pTC;
+ RscDataBase( RscError * );
+ ~RscDataBase();
+ RscTop* GetClassType( HASHID nClassName );
+ BOOL MakeConsistent( RscInconsList * pList );
+ RscFileTab * GetFileTab();
+ RscFile * GetFileStruct( ULONG lFileKey );
+ RscStrList * GetPathList();
+ ULONG AddSrcFile( const String & rFileName );
+ ULONG AddHrcFile( const String & rFileName );
+ void ScanForIncFiles( ULONG lFileKey );
+ void RemoveFile( ULONG lKey );
+ RscDefine * FindDef( const String & rName );
+ ULONG GetFileKey( const String & rFileName );
+Diese Klasse enthlt die Klassen RscCmdLine und RscTypCont.
+Die Klasse RscCmdLine enthlt die Steuerinformation fr den Compiler. Die Klasse RscTypCont
+enthlt die vom Compiler erstellte DatenBasis.
+Diese Klasse lst folgende Aufgaben:
+ 1. Das berprfen der Konsistenz der Datenbasis.
+ 2. Das Bearbeiten der Projektstruktur.
+Fr einige Methoden der Klasse RscDataBase gilt, da sie eventuell auf alle existierenden
+Resourceinstanzen zugreifen mssen. Wenn zum Beispiel die Konsistenz der Datenbasis berprft
+wird, kann dies nur ber die Objekte in der Datenbasis geschehen.
+Klassen: RscCmdLine, RscTypCont, RscFile, RscDefList, RscError, RscId, RscHrc, RscSrc.
+Methoden: HashId, GetHashString.
+Im Beispiel wird der einer Resource erfragt.
+Ali// statische Datenstrukturen initialisieren
+RscError aErrorHandle; // Fehlerbehandlung
+RscDataBase aCmpInst( &aErrorHandle ); // Datenbasis
+RscTop* pClassTyp; // ein Klassentyp
+// Typ einer Resource aus dem Namen der Klasse erzeugen
+pClassTyp = aCmpInst.GetClassType( HashId( "Color" ) );
+ Au0PARscDataBase::RscDataBase()
+AliRscDataBase::RscDataBase( RscError * pErrorHandler );
+Diese Methode erzeugt eine Instanz der Klasse RscDataBase. Der Scope von dieser Instanz mu
+innerhalb des Scopes von pErrorHandler liegen.
+AfppErrorHandler Ein Zeiger auf einen Fehlerhandler. Durch ableiten von der Klasse
+"RscError kann ein eigener Fehlermechanismus entwickelt werden.
+Klasse: RscError
+RscError aErrorHandler;
+RscDataBase aCmpInst( &aErrorHandle );
+Lscht die Membervariablen pCmdLine und pTC.
+Es drfen keine Resourceinstanzen, die mit Hilfe dieser Instanz erzeugt worden sind, mehr existieren.
+Klassen: RscInst, RscCmdLine, RscTypCont, RscIncList, RscHrc, RscSrc.
+AliRscTop * RscDataBase::GetClassType( HASHID aClassName );
+Aus dem Namen einer Klasse wird der Typ einer Klasse generiert. Der Typ bezieht sich nur auf die
+RscDataBase-Instanz von der er erzeugt wurde.
+AfpaClassName ist der Name der Klasse.
+ Aga
+Der Typ der Klasse wird zurckgeliefert. Wird unter dem Namen keine Klasse gefunden, dann wird
+NULL zurckgeliefert.
+Wenn aus gleichen Namen zweier unterschiedlicher Instanzen Typen erzeugt werden, dann sind diese
+HASHID aClassName = HashId( "Color" );
+RscTop * aType1 = aCmpInst1.GetClassType( aClassName );
+RscTop * aType2 = aCmpInst2.GetClassType( aClassName );
+RscTop * aType3 = aCmpInst2.GetClassType( aClassName );
+aType1 ist ungleich zu aType2.
+aType2 ist gleich zu aType3.
+AliBOOL RscDataBase::MakeConsistent( RscInconsList * pList );
+Es ist mglich, da durch Vernderungen von Makros die Datenbasis inkonsistent wird. Mit dieser
+Methode wird versucht, die Datenbasis wieder in einen konsistenten Zustand zu versetzen. Dies kann
+aber auch scheitern, wenn zum Beispiel der Wertebereich einer Variablen verlassen wird oder die
+ Identifier von Resourceinstanzen den gleichen Wert haben. pList enthlt die Makros bei denen es
+Inkonsistenzen gibt.
+AfppList ist ein Zeiger auf eine Liste von Makro-Paaren. pList darf auch
+"NULL sein.
+AfpTRUE die Datenbasis ist wieder konsistent.
+FALSE es konnte kein konsistenter Zustand hergestellt werden.
+Wenn die Datenbasis inkonsistent ist, drfen auf ihr keine Operationen ausgefhrt werden.
+Klassen: RscInconsList.
+Methoden: RscInst::IsConsistent.
+ Ali...
+RscDataBase *pDataBase = new ...; // DatenBasis
+RscSrc aSrc( ... ); //entspricht einer .src Datei
+RscDefine * pDef1, *pDef2; //Makros
+aSrc.NewDef( "DEF1", 1000, LIST_APPEND ); //Makro erzeugen
+aSrc.NewDef( "DEF2", 1001, LIST_APPEND ); //Makro erzeugen
+pDef1 = aSrc.FindDef( "DEF1" ); //Makro holen
+pDef2 = aSrc.FindDef( "DEF2" ); //Makro holen
+/* aStrInst enthlt eine gltige String-Instanz */
+//String-Instanz unter Id mit Wert 1000 einsetzen
+AliaSrc.SetRscInst( RscId( pDef1 ), aStrInst );
+//String-Instanz unter Id mit Wert 1001 einsetzen
+AliaSrc.SetRscInst( RscId( pDef2 ), aStrInst );
+//aendern des Makro-Wertes
+aSrc.ChangeDef( "DEF2", 1000 );
+//Datenbasis ueberpruefen
+if( pDataBase->MakeConsistent( NULL ) )
+ printf( "Konsistent" );
+ printf( "Inkonsistent" );
+Die Ausgabe ist 'Inkonsistent', weil in der Datenbasis zwei String-Instanzen mit dem Identifier 1000
+AliRscFileTab * RscDataBase::GetFileTab();
+Die interne Struktur der Makro- und Dateiverwaltung wird zurckgeliefert.
+Es wird ein Zeiger auf die Struktur der Projektverwaltung zurckgeliefert.
+Klassen: RscFileTab.
+AliRscFile * RscDataBase::GetFileStruct( ULONG lFileKey );
+Auf die interne Darstellung der Daten einer Datei wird ber einen Schlssel zugegriffen. Mit Hilfe
+dieses Schlssels kann man einen Zeiger auf die interne Datenstruktur bekommen.
+AfplFileKey Schlssel der Datei.
+ Aga
+Zeiger auf interne Struktur.
+Klassen: RscFile, RscFileTab.
+Methoden: GetKey().
+AliRscStrList * RscDataBase::GetPathList();
+Diese Methode gibt einen Zeiger auf eine Liste mit Pfadnamen zurck. Diese Liste kann verndert
+werden. Die nderungen wirken sich sofort auf den Suchpfad aus.
+Es wird die PfadListe zurckgeliefert.
+Aga//veraendern der Pfadliste
+AliRscDataBase aBase( ... ); //Datenbasis
+// Pfadliste holen
+RscStrList * pPathLst = aBase.GetPathList();
+//Pfad hinzufuegen
+pPathList->Insert( String( "c:\demo\resource" ) );
+AliULONG RscDataBase::AddSrcFile( const String & rName );
+Diese Methode stellt eine Src-Datei in die Projektverwaltung.
+AfprName Dies ist der Name der Datei.
+Es wird der Schlssel der Datei zurckgeliefert.
+ Wenn es eine Datei unter diesem Namen gibt, dann wird der Schlssel dieser Datei zurckgegeben.
+Klassen: RscFileTab.
+AliULONG RscDataBase::AddHrcFile( const String & rName );
+Diese Methode stellt eine Hrc-Datei in die Projektverwaltung.
+AfprName Dies ist der Name der Datei.
+Es wird der Schlssel der Datei zurckgeliefert.
+Wenn es eine Datei unter diesem Namen gibt, dann wird der Schlssel dieser Datei zurckgegeben.
+Klassen: RscFileTab.
+Alivoid RscDataBase::ScanForIncFiles( ULONG lFileKey );
+Diese Methode durchsucht die Datei nach Include-Anweisungen. Die Dateien werden in die
+Abhngigkeitsliste von der Datei mit dem Schlssel lFileKey eingetragen. Die Dateien werden in die
+Projektverwaltung gestellt.
+Kann die Datei nicht geffnet werden dann wird die Abhngigkeitsliste nicht gendert.
+Preprozessoranweisungen wie #ifdef... werden nicht beachtet. C- und C++-Kommentare werden
+Klassen: RscCompiler.
+Methoden: RscCompiler::IncludeParser().
+ Au0RscDataBase::RemoveFile()
+Alivoid RscDataBase::RemoveFile( ULONG lFileKey );
+Die Datei wird aus der Projektverwaltung gelscht. Alle dieser Datei zugeordneten Makros und
+Resource-Instanzen werden gelscht. Alle Verweise auf diese Datei werden gelscht.
+AfplFileKey Schlssel der Datei.
+Diese Datei wird auch aus den Abhngigkeitslisten der anderen Dateien gelscht. Wenn
+Abhngigkeiten auf Makros bestehen, dann werden sie durch Zahlen ersetzt.
+Klassen: RscFile, RscFileTab.
+Methoden: RscTypCont::WriteSrc().
+AliRscDefine * RscDataBase::FindDef( const String & rName );
+Mit dieser Methode kann ein Makro ber seinen Namen gefunden werden.
+AfprName ist der Name des Makros.
+Es wird ein Zeiger auf das Makro mit Namen rName zurckgegeben.
+AfpNULL Es wurde kein Makro gefunden.
+Klassen: RscFileTab.
+AliULONG RscDataBase::GetFileKey( const String & rFileName );
+Diese Methode sucht in der Projektverwaltung nach einem Datei mit Namen "rFileName".
+Wenn eine Datei unter diesem Namen in der Projektverwaltung steht wird der Schlssel dieser Datei
+AfprFileKey Der Dateiname nach dem gesucht wird.
+Es wird die Schlssel der Datei zurckgeliefert.
+AfpNOFILE_INDEX dieser Wert zeigt an, da der Dateiname nicht gefunden wurde.
+Gro-und Kleinschreibung wird bei der Suche beachtet.
+Klassen: RscFileTab.
+ Au0PARscHrc
+Aliclass RscHrc {
+ ULONG lFileKey;//Schluessel der Datei
+ RscHrc( RscDataBase *, ULONG lKey );
+ ~RscHrc();
+ ERRTYPE ReadFile();
+ ULONG GetFileKey();
+ void SetDirty();
+ BOOL IsDirty();
+ void SetPathName( const String & );
+ String GetPathName();
+ void SetFileName( const String & );
+ String GetPathName();
+ void InsertDepend( ULONG lKey, ULONG lPos );
+ RscDefineList * GetDefineList();
+ RscDefine * FindDef( const String & );
+ ERRTYPE NewDef( const String & rName,
+ long lValue, ULONG lPos );
+ ERRTYPE NewDef( const String & rName,
+ const String & rMacro,
+ ULONG lPos );
+ ERRTYPE ChangeDef( const String & rName,
+ long lValue );
+ ERRTYPE ChangeDef( const String & rName,
+ const String & rMacro );
+ BOOL IsDefUsed( const String & rName );
+ void DeleteDef( const String & rName );
+ ERRTYPE ChangeDefName( const String & rName,
+ const String & rNewName );
+ RscFile * GetFileStruct();
+ RscDependList * GetDependList();
+ ERRTYPE WriteFile();
+AgaDiese Klasse enthlt nur eine Referenz auf eine andere Klasse. Alle Operation werden also auf der
+referenzierten Klasse durchgefhrt. Diese Klasse ist nur eine Schnittstelle. Diese Klasse stellt eine
+Sicht auf eine hrc-Datei dar.
+Diese Klasse lst folgende Aufgaben:
+ 1. Das Verwalten der Abhngigkeitsliste einer Datei.
+ 2. Das Verwalten der Makros in dieser Datei.
+ 3. Das Schreiben von ".hrc"-Dateien.
+Klassen: RscTypCont, RscDependList, RscDefList, RscError, RscId.
+ Au0PARscHrc::RscHrc()
+AliRscHrc::RscHrc( RscDataBase * pDataBase, ULONG lKey );
+Diese Methode erzeugt eine Instanz der Klasse RscHrc. Der Scope von dieser Instanz mu innerhalb
+des Scopes von pDataBase liegen.
+AfppDataBase Ein Zeiger auf eine Datenbasis.
+lKey Ist der Schlssel einer Datei.
+Klassen RscError, RscSrc, RscFileTab.
+/* aSrc ist ein bestehende Instanz der Klasse RscSrc */
+//Abhaengigkeitsliste holen
+RscDependList * pDepLst = aSrc.GetDependList();
+//Erstes Element holen
+RscDepend * pDep = pDepList->First();
+//Hrc-Instanz erzeugen, aHrc ist die Repraesentation der
+//ersten Datei in der Abhaengigkeitsliste
+RscHrc aHrc( pDataBase, pDep->GetFilekey() );
+Der Destruktor hat keine Funktion.
+AliERRTYPE RscHrc::ReadFile();
+Es wird eine Datei eingelesen. Es wird in der Abhngigkeitsliste berprft ob alle Dateien geladen
+sind, sind sie nicht geladen, werden sie zuerst eingelesen. Tritt ein fehler auf, wurde die Fehlerhafte
+Datei nicht eingelesen. Der Fehler innerhalb der Datei mu mit einem Editor verbessert werden (siehe
+Rsc-Compiler Benutzerhandbuch).
+AfpERRTYPE.IsOk() Es ist kein Fehler aufgetreten.
+AfpERR_OPENFILE Die Datei konnte nicht gffnet werden.
+ anderer Wert Siehe Klasse RscError.
+Es sollte sichergestellt sein, da die Datei mit dem Rsc-Compiler ohne Preprozessor bersetzt werden
+kann. Es knnen aber trotzdem Fehler auftreten wie zum Beispiel Identifierkonflikte mit vorher
+eingelesener Datei, oder die Include-Dateien wurden vorher nicht eingelesen (#define kann nicht
+aufgelst werden).
+Klassen: RscError, RscCompiler.
+AliULONG RscHrc::GetFileKey();
+Liefert den Schlssel der Datei zurck.
+Alivoid RscHrc::SetDirty( BOOL bSet );
+Es wird das Attribut Dirty gesetzt. Das Attribut Dirty bewirkt nichts.
+AfpbSet Ist der Wert auf den das Attribut gesetzt werden soll.
+Methoden: IsDirty().
+AliBOOL RscHrc::IsDirty();
+Gibt an ob das Attribut Dirty gesetzt ist.
+AfpTRUE Dirty ist gesetzt.
+FALSE Dirty ist nicht gesetzt.
+ Aga
+Alivoid RscHrc::SetPathName( const String & rPath );
+Der Pfadname der Datei, die durch diese Instanz reprsentiert wird, wird gendert. Der Pfadname ist
+der Name, unter dem die Datei gespeichert wird.
+AfprPath Der Pfadname der Datei.
+Klassen: RscFile.
+Methoden: GetPathname(), SetFileName(), GetFileName()
+AliString RscHrc::GetPathName();
+Der Pfadname der Datei wird zurckgeliefert.
+Klassen: RscFile.
+Methoden: SetPathName(), SetFileName(), GetFileName().
+Alivoid RscHrc::SetFileName( const String & rPath );
+Der Name der Datei, die durch diese Instanz reprsentiert wird, wird gendert. Unter diesem Namen
+wird die Datei zum Beispiel in den "#include <Name>" Anweisungen verwendet.
+AfprPath Der Name der Datei.
+Klassen: RscFile.
+Methoden: SetPathName(), GetPathname(), GetFileName()
+ Aga
+AliString RscHrc::GetFileName();
+Der Name der Datei wird zurckgeliefert.
+Klassen: RscFile.
+Methoden: SetPathName(), GetPathName(), SetFileName().
+Alivoid RscHrc::InsertDepend( ULONG lFileKey, ULONG lPos );
+Eine neue Include-Datei wird in die Abhngigkeitsliste eingefgt.
+AfplFileKey Dies ist der Schlssel der Include-Datei.
+lPos An dieser Position wird der Schlssel in die Abhngigkeitsliste
+Es wird der Schlssel der Datei zurckgeliefert.
+Wenn eine Include-Datei unter diesem Schlssel schon in der Abhngigkeitsliste steht, wird er nicht
+noch einmal eingetragen.
+Klassen: RscFile.
+Methoden: FillIncList().
+AliRscDefineList * RscHrc::GetDefineList();
+In jeder Hrc-Datei gibt es Makros. Diese Makros werden in eine RscDefineList gestellt.
+Es wird ein Zeiger auf die Makro-Liste zurckgeliefert.
+Klassen: RscDefineList.
+AliRscDefine * RscHrc::FindDef( const String & rName );
+Mit dieser Methode kann ein Makro ber seinen Namen gefunden werden. Es wird nur in dieser Datei
+oder in den Dateien gesucht, von denen diese Datei abhngt.
+AfprName ist der Name des Makros.
+Es wird ein Zeiger auf das Makro mit Namen rName zurckgegeben.
+AfpNULL Es wurde kein Makro gefunden.
+Klassen: RscFileTab.
+Ali//Dateiname = t.src
+#include <t1.hrc>
+#include <t2.hrc>
+#define TEST 1
+Wenn aHrc2 die Datei t2.hrc reprsentiert, dann werden die Makros in t2.hrc und t1.hrc gesucht. Sie
+werden nicht in t.src gesucht.
+AliERRTYPE RscHrc::NewDef( const String & rName,
+ long lValue, ULONG lPos );
+ERRTYPE RscHrc::NewDef( const String & rName,
+ const String & rMacro,
+ ULONG lPos );
+ Mit dieser Methode knnen neue Makros angelegt werden. Die Makros werden der Datei zugeordnet,
+die durch diese Instanz reprsentiert wird.
+AfprName Ist der Name des neuen Makros.
+lValue Ist der Wert des neuen Makros.
+rMacro Ist ein String der ausgewertet wird.
+lPos gibt die Position an, an welcher das Makro eingefgt werden soll.
+In ERRTYPE steht, ob ein Fehler aufgetreten ist und um welchen es sich handelt.
+Durch rMacro knnen Makros auch wieder durch Makros erklrt werden. Es wird sichergestellt, da
+nur Makros verwendet werden, die vorher deklariert wurden. Ob sie vorher deklariert wurden, wird
+anhand der Abhngigkeitslisten entschieden.
+Klassen: RscFileTab.
+Methoden: ::MacroParser().
+Ali//Datei demo.hrc in Projektverwaltung
+lFileKey = pBase->AddHrcFile( "demo.hrc" );
+//Sicht auf demo.hrc
+RscHrc aHrc( pBase, lFileKey );
+//Makro erzeugen
+aHrc.NewDef( String( "BASE" ), 1000 );
+//Makro erzeugen
+aHrc.NewDef( String( "DEF_TEST" ), String( "1000 + 2" ) );
+//Makro erzeugen
+aHrc.NewDef( String( "MENU_FILE" ),String( "BASE + 100" ));
+AliERRTYPE RscHrc::ChangeDef( const String & rName,
+ const String & rMacro );
+ERRTYPE RscHrc::ChangeDef( const String & rName,
+ long lValue );
+Mit dieser Methode knnen Makros gendert werden.
+AfprName Ist der Name des neuen Makros.
+rMacro Ist ein String der ausgewertet wird.
+lValue Ist der Wert des genderten Makros.
+ Aga
+In ERRTYPE steht, ob ein Fehler aufgetreten ist und um welchen es sich handelt.
+Durch rMacro knnen Makros auch wieder durch Makros erklrt werden. Es wird sichergestellt, da
+nur Makros verwendet werden, die vorher deklariert wurden. Ob sie vorher deklariert wurden, wird
+anhand der Abhngigkeitslisten entschieden.
+Klassen: RscFileTab.
+Methoden: ::MacroParser(), NewDef().
+Ali//Datei demo.hrc in Projektverwaltung
+lFileKey = pBase->AddHrcFile( "demo.hrc" );
+//Sicht auf demo.hrc
+RscHrc aHrc( pBase, lFileKey );
+//Makro erzeugen
+aHrc.NewDef( String( "BASE" ), 1000 );
+//Makro erzeugen
+aHrc.NewDef( String( "DEF_TEST" ), String( "1000 + 2" ) );
+//Makro aendern
+aHrc.ChangeDef( String( "DEF_TEST" ),
+ String( "BASE + 100" ) );
+AliBOOL RscHrc::IsDefUsed( const String & rName );
+Mit dieser Methode kann festgestellt werden ob ein Makro noch bentigt wird. Es wird bentigt, wenn
+Referenzen bestehen, z.B. das Makro wird zur Definition von anderen Makros verwendet.
+AfprName Ist der Name des Makros.
+AfpTRUE Das Makro wird noch bentigt.
+FALSE Das Makro wird nicht mehr bentigt.
+Klassen: RscFileTab.
+Alivoid RscHrc::DeleteDef( const String & rName );
+ Aga
+Das Makro mit dem Namen rName wird gelscht.
+AfprName Ist der Name des Makros.
+Klassen: RscFileTab.
+AliERRTYPE RscHrc::ChangeDefName( const String & rName,
+ const String & rNewName );
+Der Name des Makros wird umbenannt. Existiert der neue Name schon, oder ist der neue Name ein
+reserviertes Wort, wird ein Fehler zurckgeliefert.
+AfprName Der Name des Makros.
+rNewName Der neue Name des Makros.
+In ERRTYPE steht, ob ein Fehler aufgetreten ist und um welchen es sich handelt.
+Alle Objekte oder Makros, die das umbenannte Makro benutzen, enthalten den neuen Namen.
+Klassen: RscFileTab.
+AliRscFile * RscHrc::GetFileStruct();
+Liefert einen Zeiger auf die interne Datenstruktur..
+Klassen: RscFile, RscFileTab.
+AliRscDependList * RscHrc::GetDependList();
+Mit dieser Methode bekommt man die Abhngigkeitsliste der Datei.
+Die Methode liefert einen Zeiger auf die Abhngigkeitsliste zurck.
+Die Datei ist selbst als letztes Element in der Liste vermerkt.
+Klassen: RscFile, RscFileTab.
+AliERRTYPE RscHrc::WriteFile();
+Diese Methode schreibt eine Datei im src-Format. Alle Resourceinstanzen die zu dieser Datei gehren
+werden geschrieben. Es werden auch alle zugehrigen Makros geschrieben. Ein Datei ohne
+Resourceinstanzen ist eine hrc-Datei. Der Name unter dem die Datei geschrieben wird ist der
+AfpERRTYPE.IsOk() Die Daten wurden in die entsprechende Datei geschrieben.
+Afpanderer Wert Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die angegebene Datei wurde
+"eventuell unvollstndig geschrieben.
+Klassen: RscTypCont.
+Methoden: RscTypCont::WriteSrc(), RscDefineList::WriteAll(), SetPathName().
+ Au0PARscSrc
+Aliclass RscSrc {
+ RscSrc( RscDataBase * pDataBase, ULONG lKey );
+ ~RscSrc();
+ RscInstCopy CreateRscInst( RscTop * pClass );
+ ERRTYPE DeleteRscInst( RscTop * pTypeClass,
+ RscId & rName );
+ ERRTYPE SetRscInst( RscId & rInstName, RscInstCopy & );
+ RscInst GetRscInst( RscTop * pClass, RscId & rInst );
+ void FillNameIdList( REResourceList * pList );
+ ERRTYPE WriteCxxFile( const String &,
+ const String & rHxxFile );
+ ERRTYPE WriteHxxFile( const String & );
+Diese Klasse lst folgende Aufgaben:
+ 1. Das Einlesen der Include-Dateien und der ".src"-Datei mit Erstellung der Datenbasis.
+ 2. Das Erzeugen von Resourceinstanzen.
+ 3. Das Finden und Herausgeben von Resourceinstanzen.
+ 4. Das Einsetzen von Resourceinstanzen.
+ 5. Das Schreiben von ".cxx"- und ".hxx"-Dateien.
+Die von einer Instanz dieser Klasse herausgegebenen Resourceinstanzen sind von der Verwendeten
+Datenbasis abhngig, das heit bevor die Datenbasis gelscht wird, mssen alle Resourceinstanzen
+gelscht oder wieder eingesetzt worden sein.
+Klassen: RscTypCont, RscError, RscId, RscDataBase.
+Methoden: HashId, GetHashString.
+Auszug aus der test.src Datei.
+Color 1000 {
+ Red = 0; //kein Rotanteil
+ Green = 65535;
+ Blue = 65535;
+AgaAuszug aus der ".cxx" Datei.
+// Compilers initialisieren
+RscError aErrorHandle; // Fehlerbehandlung
+RscdataBase aBase( aErrorHandle ); // Datenbasis erzeugen
+RscSrc aSrc( &aBase,
+ aBase->AddSrcFile( "test.src" ) );
+RscInst aInst; // eine ResourceInstanz
+ RscTop* pClassTyp; // ein Klassentyp
+// Einlesen der Resourcedatei test.src
+// Typ einer Resource aus dem Namen erzeugen
+pClassTyp = aBase.GetClassType( HashId( "Color" ) );
+// Instanz holen
+aInst = aSrc.GetRscInst( pClassTyp, RscId( 1000 ) );
+// Instanz verndern
+aInst.SetNumber( HashId( "Red" ), 65535 );
+// Da es sich bei aInst nur um eine Referenz in die
+// Datenbasis handelt, werden die Aenderungen sofort
+// uebernommen.
+// Vernderte test.src Datei schreiben
+AgaAuszug aus der vernderten test.src Datei.
+Alle Kommentare werden gelscht. Bei Preprozessoranweisungen wie #include oder #define kommt
+es zu Reihenfolgenderungen.
+Color 1000 {
+ Red = 65535;
+ Green = 65535;
+ Blue = 65535;
+ Au0PARscSrc::RscSrc()
+AliRscSrc::RscSrc( RscDataBase * pDataBase,
+ ULONG lFileKey );
+Diese Methode erzeugt eine Instanz der Klasse RscSrc. Der Scope von dieser Instanz mu innerhalb
+des Scopes von pDataBase liegen.
+AfppDataBase Ein Zeiger auf eine Datenbasis.
+lFileKey Der Schlssel einer Datei.
+Klasse: RscError
+RscDataBase aDataBase(...);
+RscSrc aCmpInst( &aDataBase,
+ aDataBase.AddSrcFile( "t.src" ) );
+Diese Methode hat keine Funktion.
+AliRscInstCopy RscSrc::CreateRscInst( RscTop * pClass );
+Diese Methode erzeugt eine Instanz vom Typ pClass.
+AfppClass ist der Typ der Resource, die erzeugt werden soll.
+Es wird eine RscInstCopy Instanz zurckgeliefert.
+ Ist der Typ der Klasse nicht bekannt, dann wird eine ungltige RscInstCopy zurckgeliefert.
+Klasse: RscInst, RscInstCopy.
+Methoden: RscInst::IsInst(), RscDataBase::GetClassType().
+RscInstCopy aColInst;
+RscTop * pColorType =
+ aBase.GetClassType( HashId( "Color" ) );
+// Resourceinstanz einer Farbe erzeugen
+aColInst = aCmpInst.CreateRscInst( pColorType );
+if( !aColInst.IsInst() )
+ printf( "Farbinstanz konnte nicht erzeugt werden!" );
+AliERRTYPE RscSrc::DeleteRscInst( RscTop * pClass,
+ RscId & rInstName );
+Diese Methode lscht Resourceinstanz mit dem Namen rInstName aus der Datenbasis.
+AfppClass ist der Typ der Resourceinstanz.
+rInstName ist der Identifier der Resourceinstanz, die gelscht werden soll.
+Zeigt an ob ein Fehler und welcher Fehler aufgetreten ist.
+Klasse: RscId, RscError.
+AliERRTYPE RscSrc::SetRscInst( RscId & rInstName,
+ RscInstCopy & rInst );
+Diese Methode setzt die Daten einer Instanz unter dem Namen rInstName in die Datenbasis ein. Ist
+eine andere Instanz unter diesem Namen gespeichert, wird sie gelscht.
+ Af1Parameter
+AfprInstName Identifier der Instanz.
+AfprInst Die Daten aus dieser Instanz werden in die Datenbasis eingesetzt.
+AfpERRTYPE.IsOk() die Instanz wurde eingesetzt.
+anderer Wert Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
+Die Identifikation einer Instanz erfolgt ber den Typ und den Namen. Wird ein Fehler zurckgegeben,
+dann wurde die Instanz nicht eingesetzt.
+Klassen: RscInstCopy, RscId.
+Methode: RscDataBase::DeleteRscInst(), GetRscInst().
+RscId aWindowName;// Identifier eines Fensters
+RscInst aWindow; // Instanz eines Fensters
+//Instanz einsetzen und die Alte lschen, falls vorhanden
+aCmpInst.SetRscInst( aWindowName, aWindow );
+AliRscInst RscSrc::GetRscInst( RscTop * pClass,
+ RscId & rInstName );
+Diese Methode holt eine RscInst Instanz aus der Datenbasis.
+AfppClass der Typ der Instanz.
+AfprInstName der Identifier der Instanz.
+Es wird eine RscInst Intanz zurckgeliefert.
+Wenn unter dem Typ und Namen keine Instanz zu finden ist, dann ist die zurckgelieferte Instanz
+Klassen: RscInst, RscId.
+ Af1Beispiel
+AliRscId aWindowName;// Identifier eines Fensters
+RscInst aWindow; // Instanz eines Fensters
+RscTop * pClassType;
+// Klassentyp holen
+pClassType = aBase.GetClassType( HashId( "Window" ) );
+// Instanz holen
+aWindow = aCmpInst.GetRscInst( aWindowName, pClassType ) );
+// Instanz gefunden
+if( aWindow.IsInst() )
+ printf( "Instanz gefunden!" );
+Alivoid RscSrc::FillNameIdList( REResourceList * pList );
+Fllt eine Liste mit den Namen und Typen von Resourceinstanzen, die in der Datenbasis stehen.
+AfppList Dies ist die Liste, die gefllt wird.
+pList ist eine Liste von Listen. Resourceinstanzen knnen beliebige weitere Resourceinstanzen
+beinhalten. Die Liste spiegelt diese Verschachtelung wieder.
+Klasse: REResourceList.
+Ali// Resourcedatei
+Window 1000 {
+ .....
+ PushButton 1 { ..... };
+ String 1 { ..... };
+ String 2 { ..... };
+AliWindow 1001 { ..... };
+WorkWindow 1000 {
+ .....
+ String 1 { ..... };
+AgaEine von diesen Resourcen erzeugte Liste htte folgende Struktur:
+Window 1000
+ PushButton 1
+ String 1
+ String 2
+Window 1001
+ WorkWindow 1000
+ String 1
+AliERRTYPE RscSrc::WriteCxxFile( const String & rFileName
+ const String & rHxxName );
+ERRTYPE RscSrc::WriteHxxFile( const String & rFileName );
+Diese Methoden schreiben ein entsprechendes Format, der in der Datenbasis stehenden
+Resourceinstanzen, in die Dateien. WriteHxxFile schreibt die Include-Datei fr die ".cxx"-Dateien.
+AfprFileName Dies ist der Name der Datei in die das entsprechende Format
+"geschrieben werden soll.
+rHxxName Dies ist der Name "hxx"-Datei, die von der "cxx"-Datei eingefgt
+AfpERRTYPE.IsOk() Das Format wurde in die entsprechende Datei geschrieben.
+Afpanderer Wert Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die angegebene Datei wurde
+"eventuell unvollstndig geschrieben.
+ Au0PARscInst
+Aliclass RscInst {
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ RscInst();
+ RscInst( const RscInst & rInst );
+ RscInst( RSCINST aTmpI );
+ RscInst& operator = ( const RscInst& rRscInst );
+ ~RscInst();
+ void OverWrite( RscInstCopy & rInst );
+ BOOL IsInst();
+ // Listen Methoden
+ ERRTYPE SetElement( const RscId & rName,
+ RscInstCopy & rInst );
+ RscInstCopy & rInst );
+ ERRTYPE SetPosRscId( USHORT nPos, const RscId & rId);
+ USHORT GetCount();
+ RscInst GetElement( RscTop * pClass,
+ const RscId & rName );
+ RscInst GetPosEle( USHORT nPos );
+ ERRTYPE MovePosEle( USHORT nDestPos,
+ USHORT nSourcePos );
+ ERRTYPE DeleteElement( RscTop * pClass,
+ RscId & rName );
+ ERRTYPE DeletePosEle( USHORT nPos );
+ ERRTYPE SetVar( HASHID nVarName,
+ RscInstCopy & rInst );
+ ERRTYPE SetConst( HASHID nConstId );
+ ERRTYPE SetBool( BOOL bSet );
+ ERRTYPE SetNumber( long lValue );
+ ERRTYPE SetString( const char * pStr );
+ ERRTYPE SetRef( const RscId & rRscId );
+ ERRTYPE SetDefault( HASHID nVarName );
+ RscInst& GetVar( HASHID nVarName );
+ HASHID GetConst();
+ USHORT GetConstPos();
+ BOOL GetBool();
+ long GetNumber();
+ const char * GetString();
+ RscId GetRef();
+ BOOL IsDefault( HASHID nVarName );
+ BOOL IsConsistent( RscInconsList * pList );
+ HASHID GetClassEnum( USHORT nPos );
+ RscTop * GetClassType();
+ HASHID GetClassName();
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( RscWriteRc & aMem );
+Diese Klasse stellt Methoden zur Verfgung, mit denen Resourceinstanzen erzeugt, verndern und
+gelscht werden knnen. Das Erzeugen von Instanzen erfolgt immer impliziet. Das heit beim
+Anfordern einer Instanz wird sie erzeugt, wenn sie nicht vorhanden war.
+ Af1Ausnahmen
+Eine Ausname bildet die Methode GetPosEle, wenn an der angegebenen Stelle keine Instanz steht, so
+wird eine ungltige Instanz zurckgeliefert.
+Die Implementation ist nicht auf Geschwindigkeit und Speicherbedarf optimiert.
+Klassen: RscDataBase, RscHrc, RscSrc, RSCINST, RscTop, RscId.
+AgaDas Beispiel zeigt, wie der Wert einer Variablen gendert wird
+RscInst aWindow;
+RscInst aBorder;
+RscTop* pWindowType;
+// Typ des Klasse Window
+pWindowType = aDataBase.GetClassType( HashId( "Window" ) );
+// Exemplar der Klasse Window erzeugen
+aWindow = aCompilerInst.CreateRscInst( pWindowType );
+// Exemplar mit Namen "Border" holen
+aBorder = aWindow.GetVar( HashId( "Border" ) );
+// Wert auf TRUE setzen
+aBorder.SetBool( TRUE );
+ Au0PARscInst::RscInst()
+RscInst::RscInst( const RscInst & rInst );
+RscInst::RscInst( RSCINST aTmpI );
+Diese Instanz beinhaltet nur eine Referenz auf die Resourcedaten.
+AfprInst ist die Instanz, aus der die Referenz bernommen wird.
+aTmpI Aus dieser Instanz wird eine RscInst erzeugt.
+RscInst hat zwei verschiedene Zustnde die mit der Methode IsInst() abgefragt werden knnen. Liefert
+IsInst() TRUE zurck, dann ist es eine gltige Instanz. Anderenfalls ist die Instanz ungltig und alle
+Methoden liefern Fehler oder weitere ungltige Instanzen.
+Methoden: IsInst(), GetClassType().
+Au0RscInst::operator = ()
+AliRscInst & RscInst::operator = ( const RscInst & rInst );
+Es werden die Referenzen von rInst bernommen.
+AfprInst Intanz von dem die Referenzen bernommen werden.
+Es wird die eigene Instanz zurckgeliefert.
+Im Destruktor passiert nichts.
+ Au0RscInst::OverWrite()
+Alivoid RscInst::OverWrite( RscInstCopy & rInst );
+Die Daten in der Instanz werden mit den Daten in rInst berschrieben.
+AfprInst ist die Instanz, deren Daten eingesetzt werden.
+Stimmen die Typen nicht berein, werden die Daten der gemeinsamen Oberklassen bernommen. Die
+anderen Daten werden auf Default gesetzt.
+Klasse: RscTop.
+Methode: RscInstCopy::RscInstCopy(), RscTop::Create().
+AliBOOL RscInst::IsInst();
+Zeigt an ob eine gltige Instanz vorligt.
+AfpTRUE heit, es liegt eine gltige Instanz vor.
+FALSE heit, es liegt keine gltige Instanz vor.
+Klasse: RSCINST
+Methode: RSCINST::IsInst();
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::SetElement( const RscId & rName,
+ RscInstCopy & rInst);
+Die Methode fgt eine Resourceinstanz unter dem Namen rName ein.
+AfprInst ist die Instanz die eingefgt werden soll.
+AfprName ist der Identifier unter dem die Instanz eingefgt wird.
+ Aga
+AfpERRTYPE.IsOk() bedeutet, die Instanz wurde Eingefgt.
+anderer Wert bedeutet, da ein Fehler aufgetreten ist.
+Wenn in der Liste unter diesem Namen und Typ schon eine Instanz steht, wird die Instanz gelscht
+und die neue Instanz wird an der gleichen Stelle eingefgt. Wenn rName keine gltige Id enthlt, wird
+die Instanz am Ende angefgt.
+Klassen: ERRTYPE, RscId, RSCINST.
+Methoden: SetPosEle(), RscId::IsId().
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::SetPosEle( USHORT nPos,
+ RscInstCopy & rInst );
+An der Position nPos wird eine Resourceinstanz durch rInst ersetzt.
+AfprInst ist die Instanz die an die Position nPos gesetzt wird.
+nPos ist die Position an die die Instanz gesetzt wird.
+AfpERRTYPE.IsOk() bedeutet, die Instanz auf nPos wurde ersetzt.
+andere Wert bedeutet, die Instanz wurde nicht ersetzt.
+Wenn ein Fehler zurckgeliefert wird, so heit das meistens, da an der Position nPos keine
+Reourceinstanz steht.
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::SetPosRscId( USHORT nPos,
+ const RscId & rId );
+An der Position nPos wird der Identifier durch rId ersetzt.
+AfprId ist die Id die an die Position nPos gesetzt wird.
+nPos ist die Position, an die die Id gesetzt wird.
+AfpERRTYPE.IsOk() bedeutet, die Id auf nPos wurde ersetzt.
+andere Wert bedeutet, die Id wurde nicht ersetzt.
+Wenn ein Fehler zurckgeliefert wird, so heit das meistens, da an der Position nPos keine
+Reourceinstanz steht.
+AliSUBINFO_STRUCT RscInst::GetInfoEle( USHORT nPos );
+Es wird Information ber die Resourceinstanz, die auf nPos steht, zurckgeliefert.
+AfpnPos ist die Position der Resourceinstanz.
+Die Information ber die Resourceinstanz wird zurckgeliefert.
+Steht an der Stelle nPos keine Resourceinstanz, dann ist der Inhalt undefiniert.
+AliUSHORT RscInst::GetCount();
+Gibt die Anzahl der Resourceinstanzen zurck, die in der Liste gespeichert sind.
+Es wird die Anzahl der Resourceinstanzen zurckgeliefert.
+Klasse: RSCINST.
+AliRscInst RscInst::GetElement( RscTop * pClass,
+ const RscId & rName );
+Diese Methode liefert eine Referenz auf die Daten der Instanz zurck, die unter diesem Namen in der
+Liste steht. Wenn unter diesem Namen keine Instanz steht, dann wir sie erzeugt.
+AfppClass ist der Typ der Instanz.
+rName ist der Identifier der Instanz.
+Es wird eine Instanz zurckgeliefert.
+Besteht in der Liste eine Einschrnkung auf bestimmte Resourceinstanzen, zum Beispiel nur Instanzen
+vom Typ Window oder abgeleitete Typen, dann kann es vorkommen, da eine ungltige Instanz
+zurckgeliefert wird.
+Klassen: RscTop, RscId.
+Methode: IsInst().
+AliRscInst RscInst::GetPosEle( USHORT nPos );
+Es wird eine Referenz auf die Daten der Instanz an der angegebenen Stelle zurckgeliefert.
+AfpnPos ist die Position der Resourceinstanz.
+ Es wird eine Resourceinstanz zurckgeliefert.
+Wenn an der Position keine Instanz steht, dann wird eine ungltige Instanz zurckgeliefert.
+Klasse: RscInst.
+Methode: IsInst().
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::MovePosEle( USHORT nDestPos
+ USHORT nSourcePos );
+In einem Feld wird die Resourceinstanz an der Position nSourcePos an die Stelle nDestPos
+AfpnDestPos An dieser Position wird die Instanz eingefgt.
+nSourcePos Von dieser Position wird die Instanz genommen.
+Es wird ein Fehler zurckgegeben, wenn nSourcePos oder nDestPos ungltige Positionen sind.
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::DeleteElement( RscTop * pClass,
+ RscId& rName );
+In der Liste wird die erste Resourceinstanz mit dem entsprechenden Namen und dem Typ gelscht.
+AfppClass ist der Typ der Resourceinstanz.
+rName ist der Identifier der Resourceinstanz.
+Gibt es keinen Fehler, dann wurde die Resourceinstanz gelscht.
+Klassen: RscTop, RscId.
+ Aga
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::DeletePosEle( USHORT nPos );
+Die Resourceinstanz an der Stelle nPos wird gelscht.
+AfpnPos ist die Position der Resourceinstanz.
+Gibt es keinen Fehler, dann wurde die Resourseinstanz gelscht.
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::SetVar( HASHID nVarName,
+ RscInstCopy & rInst );
+In die Variable mit Namen nVarName wird die Resourceinstanz rInst eingesetzt.
+AfpnVarName ist der Name der Variablen.
+rInst ist die Instanz, die eingesetzt wird.
+AgaGibt es keinen Fehler, wurde die Instanz eingesetzt.
+Ein Fehler tritt auf, wenn der Variablentyp und der Instanztyp nicht bereinstimmen.
+Klasse: RscTop.
+Methode: GetVar().
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::SetConst( HASHID nConst );
+ In die Instanz wird die Konstante nConst eingesetzt.
+AfpnConst ist die Konstante, die eingesetzt wird.
+Gibt es keinen Fehler, wurde die Konstante eingesetzt.
+Klassen: RscTop.
+Methoden: GetConst().
+Aganderung einer Konstanten.
+AliRscInstCopy aColorInst;
+RscInst aConst;
+RscTop* pColorType;
+// Erzeuge Farbinstanz
+aColorInst = aCmpInst.CreateRscInst( pColorType );
+//Const-Instanz holen
+aConst = aColorInst.GetVar( HashId( "Predefined" ) );
+// Farbe auf blau setzten
+aConst.SetConst( HashId( "COL_BLUE" ) );
+// Die gleiche Wirkung haette
+// aConst.SetNumber( COL_BLUE );
+// wobei COL_BLUE in sv.hxx definiert ist
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::SetBool( BOOL bVal );
+In die Instanz wird der Wert bVal eingesetzt.
+AfpbVal ist der Wert, der eingesetzt wird.
+AgaGibt es keinen Fehler, wurde der Wert eingesetzt.
+Klassen: RscTop.
+Methoden: GetBool().
+Agandern eines Wahrheitswertes.
+ AliRscInstCopy aWindowInst;
+RscInst aBool;
+RscTop* pWindowType;
+// Erzeuge Windowinstanz
+aWindowInst = aCmpInst.CreateRscInst( pWindowType );
+aBool = aWindowInst.GetVar( HashId( "Border" ) );
+// Fensterattribut Rand setzen
+aBool.SetBool( TRUE );
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::SetNumber( long lVal );
+In die Instanz wird der Wert lVal eingesetzt.
+AfplVal ist der Wert, der eingesetzt wird.
+AgaGibt es keinen Fehler, wurde die Zahl eingesetzt.
+Klassen: RscTop.
+Methoden: GetNumber().
+Agandern eines Zahlenwertes.
+AliRscInstCopy aColorInst;
+RscInst aNumber;
+RscTop* pColorType;
+// Erzeuge Farbinstanz
+aColorInst = aCmpInst.CreateRscInst( pColorType );
+aNumber = aColorInst.GetVar( HashId( "RED" ) );
+// volle Rotintensitt
+aNumber.SetNumber( 0xFFFF );
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::SetString( const char * pStr );
+In die Instanz wird der String pStr eingesetzt.
+ Aga
+AfppStr ist der String, der eingesetzt wird.
+AgaGibt es keinen Fehler, wurde der String eingesetzt.
+Klassen: RscTop.
+Methoden: GetString();
+Agandern einer Zeichenkette.
+AliRscInstCopy aFontInst;
+RscInst aStr;
+RscTop* pFontType;
+// Erzeuge Fontinstanz
+aFontInst = aCmpInst.CreateRscInst( pFontType );
+aStr = aFontInst.GetVar( HashId( "Text" ) );
+// Fontnamen setzen
+aStr.SetString( "Helvetica" );
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::SetRef( const RscId & rRefName );
+Beim Schreiben der verschiedenen Dateien wird nicht die Resourceinstanz verwendet, sondern eine
+Resourceinstanz vom selben Typ mit dem Namen rRefName. Diese Instanz wird in der Datenbasis
+AfprRefName ist der Identifier der referenzierten Instanz.
+AgaGibt es keinen Fehler, wurde die Referenz eingesetzt.
+Die referenzierte Instanz wird nur in der ersten Ebene der Datenbasis gesucht.
+Mit SetRef( RscId() ), werden die Referenzen wieder aufgehoben.
+Klassen: RscTop, RscId.
+Methoden: GetRef().
+ Aga
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::SetDefault( HASHID nVarName );
+Die Instanz hinter der Variable nVarName wird auf ihre Defaultwerte gesetzt.
+AfpnVarName ist der Name der Variablen.
+AgaGibt es keinen Fehler, wurde die Instanz nicht auf Default gesetzt.
+Klassen: RscTop.
+Methoden: IsDefault().
+AliRscInst aColorInst;
+RscTop* pColorType;
+// Hole Farbinstanz
+aColorInst = aCmpInst.GetRscInst( pColorType,
+ RscId( 1000 ) );
+// Rot auf Default setzten
+aColorInst.SetDefault( HashId( "Red" ) );
+AliRscInst RscInst::GetVar( HASHID nVarName );
+Die Methode liefert eine Kopie des Inhaltes der Variablen nVarName.
+AfpnVarName ist der Name der Variablen.
+Es wird eine Resourceinstanz zurckgeliefert.
+Existiert keine Variable unter diesem Namen, dann wird eine ungltige Instanz zurckgeliefert.
+ Aga
+Klassen: RscTop.
+Methoden: SetVar().
+AliHASHID RscInst::GetConst();
+Die Methode liefert die Instanz als Konstante.
+Der Wert der Konstanten.
+Kann die Instanz nicht in eine Konstante umgewandelt werden, wird HASH_NONAME
+Klassen: RscTop.
+Methoden: SetConst().
+AliBOOL RscInst::GetBool();
+Die Methode liefert die Instanz als Wahrheitswert.
+Es wird ein boolscher Wert zurckgeliefert.
+Kann die Instanz nicht in einen Wahrheitswert umgewandelt werden, wird FALSE zurckgeliefert.
+Klassen: RscTop.
+Methoden: SetBool().
+Alilong RscInst::GetNumber();
+Die Methode liefert die Instanz als Zahl.
+ Af1Return-Werte
+Es wird ein Wert zurckgeliefert.
+Kann die Instanz nicht in ein Zahl umgewandelt werden, wird 0 zurckgeliefert.
+Klassen: RscTop.
+Methoden: SetNumber().
+Aliconst char * RscInst::GetVar();
+Die Methode liefert die Instanz als String.
+Es wird ein Zeiger auf eine Zeichenkette zurckgeliefert.
+Kann die Instanz nicht in einen String umgewandelt werden, wird NULL zurckgeliefert.
+Klassen: RscTop.
+Methoden: SetString().
+AliRscId RscInst::GetRef();
+Ist in der Instanz eine Referenz eingetragen, wird diese zurckgegeben.
+Es wird der Identifier der Referenz zurckgeliefert.
+Der zurckgelieferte Identifier kann ungltig sein. Das ist der Fall, wenn keine Referenz besteht.
+Klassen: RscTop, RscId.
+Methode: IsId(), SetDefault().
+ Au0RscInst::IsDefault()
+AliBOOL RscInst::IsDefault( HASHID nVarName );
+Stellt fest ob die genannte Variable noch die Defaulteinstellung besitzt.
+AfpnVarName ist der Name der Variablen.
+AfpTRUE bedeutet, die Variable hat die Defaulteinstellung.
+FALSE bedeutet, sie wurde verndert.
+Methoden: SetDefault().
+AliBOOL RscInst::IsConsistent( RscInconsList * pList );
+Die Methode berprft ob diese Instanz noch konsistent ist.
+AfppList Eine Liste die mit den RscId-Objekten gefllt wird, die
+"Inkonsistenzen hervorrufen. pList darf Null sein.
+AfpTRUE bedeutet die Instanz ist konsistent.
+FALSE bedeutet die Instanz ist inkonsistent.
+Ein RscId-Objekt kann aus Objekten zusammengesetzt sein, die global verndert werden knnen.
+Nach einer solchen Vernderung mu die Konsistenz berprft werden.
+Klassen: RscId, RscHrc, RscFileTab.
+Mehtoden: RscDataBase::MakeConsistent(), RscTop::IsConsistent().
+ AliHASHID RscInst::GetClassEnum( USHORT nPos );
+Diese Methode liefert den Namen der Konstanten zurck, die in einem Aufzhlungstyp an der Position
+nPos definiert ist.
+AfpnPos Position der Konstante.
+AfpHASH_NONAME Dieser Wert wird zurckgeliefert, wenn der Variablentyp kein
+"Aufzhlungstyp war oder wenn nPos >= der Anzahl der
+AgaSonst wird der Name der Konstanten zurckgeliefert.
+Das Beispiel zeigt wie die Namen eine Aufzhlungstypen ermittelt werden knnen.
+AgaVariable ist ein Aufzhlungstyp mit den Werten COL_WHITE, COL_RED und COL_BLACK. Die
+Konstanten haben die Name "White", "Red", "Black".
+Der Variablenname ist "Predefined".
+Die Klasse, in der diese Variable definiert ist, heit "Color".
+HASHID nConstName;
+HASHID nVarName;
+RscInst aColorInst;
+RscInst aConst;
+nVarName = HashId( "Predefined" ); //Variablennamen setzen
+// pCmpEd ist eine Compiler-Instanz
+aColorInst = pCmpEd->CreateRscInst(
+ pCmpEd->GetClassType( HashId( "Color" ) ) );
+ if( aColorInst.IsInst() ){ //Instanz wurde erzeugt
+ aConst = aColorInst.GetVar( nVarName );
+ i = 0;
+ nConstName = aConst.GetClassEnum( i );
+ while( HASH_NONAME != nConstName ){
+  printf( "%s\n", GetHashString( nConstName ) );
+  i++;
+  nConstName = aConst.GetClassEnum( i );
+ }
+Die Ausgabe ist:
+AliRscTop * RscInst::GetTypeClass();
+ Aga
+Diese Methode liefert den Typ der Instanz zurck.
+Der Typ der Instanz wird zurckgeliefert.
+AliHASHID RscInst::GetClassName();
+Diese Methode liefert den Namen einer Klasse.
+AfpHASH_NONAME Dieser Wert wird zurckgeliefert, wenn die Klasse keinen Namen
+AgaAnsonsten wird der Name der Klasse zurckgeliefert.
+AgaDiese Funktion gibt zu einer Instanz den Klassennamen aus.
+Alivoid PrintClassName( RscInst & rInst ){
+// rInst, Instanz deren Klassenname ausgegeben werden soll
+HASHID nClassName;
+nClassName = rInst.GetClassName(); // Klassenname holen
+if( HASH_NONAME == nClassName )
+ printf( "Kein Klassenname\n" );
+ printf( "%s\n", GetHashString( nClassName ) );
+AliERRTYPE RscInst::WriteRc( RscWriteRc & aMem );
+Diese Methode erzeugt eine Resource im StarView Resourceformat. Mit dieser Resource kann der
+Resourcekonstruktor der entsprechenden Klasse gerufen werden.
+AfpaMem ist die Instanz, die die Resourcedaten enthlt.
+AfpERRTYPE.IsOk() bedeutet, da in aMem eine korrekte Resource steht.
+ anderer Wert bedeutet, das Format ist nicht korrekt.
+Die System abhngigen Resourcen Icon, Bitmap und Pointer werden nicht vollstndig geschrieben.
+Um einen Programmfehler zu vermeiden, mssen die StarView-Klassen entsprechend abgesichert sein.
+Die Referenzen mssen zum Zeitpunkt von WriteRc aufgelst werden knnen. Knnen sie nicht
+aufgelst werden, werden die Daten der Instanz benutzt, in der die Referenz angegeben ist.
+Klassen: RscWriteRc, ERRTYPE.
+AliRscInst aColor;
+RscTop* pColorType;
+Color aSvColor;
+// Farbinstanz erzeugen
+aColor = aCmpInst.CreateColor( pColorType );
+// Farbe auf Gelb setzten
+AliaColor.SetConst( HashId( "Predefined" ),
+ HashId( "COL_YELLOW" ) );
+RscWriteRc aMem;
+if( aColor.WriteRc( aMem ).IsOk() ){
+ aSvColor = Color( RscId( aMem.GetRes() ) );
+ .....
+ Au0PARscInstCopy
+Aliclass RscInstCopy {
+ RscInstCopy();
+ RscInstCopy( const RscInstCopy & rInst );
+ RscInstCopy( const RscInst & rInst );
+ RscInstCopy( RSCINST aTmpI );
+ RscInstCopy( RscTop * pNewType,
+ const RscInst & rInst );
+ RscInstCopy& operator = (const RscInstCopy & rRscInst);
+ RscInstCopy& operator = ( const RscInst & rRscInst );
+ ~RscInstCopy();
+Mit Hilfe dieser Klasse wird eine Kopie einer Resourceinstanz angefertigt. Die Kopie enthlt keine
+Referenz in die Datenbasis. Es kann somit auch nicht zu einem Fehler kommen, wenn eine
+Resourceinstanz in der Datenbasis gelscht wird. Solch ein Fehler kann bei einer Instanz der Klasse
+RscInst auftreten.
+Alle Makros die in der Datenbasis gendert werden, ndern sich auch in dieser Instanz. Mit der
+Methode IsConsistent() kann diese Instanz auf Konsistenz berprft werden.
+Klassen: RscDataBase, RscHrc, RscSrc, RSCINST, RscTop, RscId.
+AgaDas Beispiel zeigt, wie der Wert einer Variablen gendert wird
+RscInstCopy aWindow;
+RscInstCopy aBorder;
+RscTop* pWindowType;
+// Typ des Klasse Window
+pWindowType = aDataBase.GetClassType( HashId( "Window" ) );
+// Exemplar der Klasse Window erzeugen
+aWindow = aCompilerInst.CreateRscInst( pWindowType );
+// Exemplar mit Namen "Border" holen
+aBorder = aWindow.GetVar( HashId( "Border" ) );
+// Wert auf TRUE setzen
+aBorder.SetBool( TRUE );
+// wieder in aWindow einsetzen
+aWindow.SetVar( HashId( "Border" ), aBorder );
+ Au0PARscInstCopy::RscInstCopy()
+RscInstCopy::RscInstCopy( const RscInst & rInst );
+RscInstCopy::RscInstCopy( const RscInstCopy & rInst );
+RscInstCopy::RscInstCopy( RSCINST aTmpI );
+RscInstCopy::RscInstCopy( RscTop * pNewType,
+ const RscInst & rInst );
+Im Konstruktor wird eine Instanz erzeugt oder kopiert.
+AfprInst ist die Instanz, die kopiert wird.
+aTmpI Aus dieser Instanz wird eine RscInstCopy erzeugt.
+pNewType Wenn dieser Konstruktor verwendet wird, wird eine Instanz mit
+"Typ pNewType erzeugt. Alle Daten ab der ersten gemeinsamen
+"Oberklasse von rInst und pNewType werden bernommen.
+Methoden: IsInst(), GetClassType().
+AgaEs wird gezeigt wie aus einer Button-Instanz eine Edit-Instanz erzeugt wird.
+AliRscInstCopy aButton;
+RscInstCopy aEdit;
+RscTop * pEditType =
+ aDataBase.GetClassType( HashId( "Edit" ) );
+//Voraussetzung: In aButton ist gltige Button-Instanz
+//Erzeuge Edit-Instanz
+aEdit = RscInstCopy( pEditType, aButton );
+Alle Daten oberhalb von der Klasse Control wurden nach aEdit kopiert.
+Au0RscInstCopy::operator = ()
+AliRscInstCopy & RscInstCopy::operator =
+ ( const RscInst & rInst );
+RscInstCopy & RscInstCopy::operator =
+ ( const RscInstCopy & rInst );
+Es werden die Daten von rInst in die Instanzdaten kopiert.
+AfprInst Intanz von dem die Daten bernommen werden.
+ Es wird die eigene Instanz zurckgeliefert.
+Die Daten in der Instanz werden gelscht.
+ SsvPA
+RscDataBase 6
+RscDataBase::AddHrcFile() 11
+RscDataBase::AddSrcFile() 10
+RscDataBase::FindDef() 12
+RscDataBase::GetClassType() 7
+RscDataBase::GetFileKey() 12
+RscDataBase::GetFileStruct() 9
+RscDataBase::GetFileTab() 9
+RscDataBase::GetPathList() 10
+RscDataBase::MakeConsistent()  8
+RscDataBase::RemoveFile() 12
+RscDataBase::RscDataBase() 7
+RscDataBase::ScanForIncFiles()  11
+RscHrc #14
+RscHrc::ChangeDef() 20
+RscHrc::ChangeDefName() 22
+RscHrc::DeleteDef() 21
+RscHrc::FindDef() 19
+RscHrc::GetDefineList() 18
+RscHrc::GetDependList() 23
+RscHrc::GetFileKey() 16
+RscHrc::GetFileName() 18
+RscHrc::GetFileStruct() 22
+RscHrc::GetPathName() 17
+RscHrc::InsertDepend() 18
+RscHrc::IsDefUsed() 21
+RscHrc::IsDirty() 16
+RscHrc::NewDef() 19
+RscHrc::ReadFile() 15
+RscHrc::RscHrc() 15
+RscHrc::SetDirty() 16
+RscHrc::SetFileName() 17
+RscHrc::SetPathName() 17
+RscHrc::WriteFile() 23
+RscHrc::~RscHrc() 15
+RscInst "31
+RscInst::DeleteElement() 38
+RscInst::DeletePosEle() 39
+RscInst::GetBool() 44
+RscInst::GetClassEnum() 46
+RscInst::GetClassName() 48
+RscInst::GetConst() 44
+RscInst::GetCount() 36
+RscInst::GetElement() 37
+RscInst::GetInfoEle() 36
+RscInst::GetNumber() 44
+RscInst::GetPosEle() 37
+RscInst::GetRef() 45
+RscInst::GetString() 45
+RscInst::GetTypeClass() 47
+RscInst::GetVar() 43
+RscInst::IsConsistent() 46
+RscInst::IsDefault() 46
+RscInst::IsInst() 34
+RscInst::MovePosEle() 38
+RscInst::operator = () 33
+RscInst::OverWrite() 34
+RscInst::RscInst() 33
+RscInst::SetBool() 40
+RscInst::SetConst() 39
+RscInst::SetDefault() 43
+RscInst::SetElement() 34
+RscInst::SetNumber() 41
+RscInst::SetPosEle() 35
+RscInst::SetPosRscId() 35
+RscInst::SetRef() 42
+RscInst::SetString() 41
+RscInst::SetVar() 39
+RscInst::WriteRc() 48
+RscInst::~RscInst() 33
+RscInstCopy 50
+RscInstCopy::operator = () 51
+RscInstCopy::RscInstCopy() 51
+RscInstCopy::~RscInstCopy() 52
+RscSrc #24
+RscSrc::CreateRscInst() 26
+RscSrc::DeleteRscInst() 27
+RscSrc::FillNameIdList() 29
+RscSrc::GetRscInst() 28
+RscSrc::RscSrc() 26
+RscSrc::SetRscInst() 27
+RscSrc::Write...File() 30
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rsc/doku/schriftw.16/change.doc b/rsc/doku/schriftw.16/change.doc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4a2120bd1d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/doku/schriftw.16/change.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@
+.\\\ WRITER 5 \\\
+N 383284761 Mm
+S 383284859 484 116 4
+D 0 0
+N 383996714 Mm
+S 383996741 494 117 4
+D 0 0
+N 384006675 Mm
+S 384006697 502 117 4
+D 0 0
+N 384133637 Mm
+S 384133699 502 117 3
+D 384133693 3 PostScript
+Helvetica 14 Pt
+Helvetica 12 Pt
+Helvetia 10 Pt
+Courier 10 Pt
+Helvetica 14 Pt Fett
+Helvetica 12 Pt Fett
+Helvetia 10 Pt Fett
+Grund - Absatzlayout V1.5-LSLP8
+berschrift X.
+berschrift X.X.
+berschrift X.X.X.
+berschrift X.X.X.X.
+berschrift X.X.X.X.X.
+Einrckung 4 Sp / 4 Sp
+Einrckung 8 Sp / 8 Sp
+Einrckung 0 Sp / 4 Sp
+Einrckung 4 Sp / 8 Sp
+Fettschrift einzeilig
+AkzBf3#_PFAD##_TEXTNAME# $-#_S#-
+AfzBf3$Date: 05 Jul 1991 13:18:52 $ $Revision: 1.1 $
+Ali6Bf3- #_S# -B00
+GS - ohne Fuzeile
+Au0nderungen von der rsc-Compilerversion 1.12 zur Version 1.13
+Aga- Die Lnge eines Strings in den Extradaten hat sich verndert.
+- Das Schlsselwort RESOURCE kann angegeben werden.
+- Die Klasse InfoBox wurde gestrichen, sie kann ber MessageBox definiert werden.
+- Die Klasse String kann jetzt als lokale Resource angegeben werden.
+- Die Abkrzung ID fr IDENTIFIER wurde gestrichen.
+- Anstelle von ENABLE gibt es jetzt DISABLE mit gegenteiliger Bedeutung.
+- Anstelle von VISIBLE gibt es jetzt HIDE mit gegenteiliger Bedeutung.
+- Jede Konstruktion mit Hilfen von AUTO_ID wurde gestrichen.
+- Anstelle von Justify = LEFT oder CENTER oder RIGHT wird jetzt Left = TRUE oder Center =
+TRUE oder Right = TRUE geschrieben.
+- Innerhalb der Klasse Brush heit es statt
+ Color BRUSHCOLOR {...}; jetzt
+ BrushColor = Color { ... };
+ und statt
+ Color FILLCOLOR { ... }; jetzt
+ FillColor = Color { ... };
+- Innerhalb der Klass Pen heit es statt
+ Color { ... }; jetzt
+ PenColor = Color { ... };
+- Innerhalb der Klasse MapMode sind die Schlsselwrter HORIZONTALSCALE und
+VERTICALSCAL weggefallen. XSCALE und YSCALE sind jetzt Tupel.
+- Innerhalb der Klasse Accelerator heit es statt
+ Accelerator {
+  AcceleratorKey { ... };
+  AcceleratorKey { ... };
+    .
+    .
+    .
+ }; jetzt
+ Accelerator {
+  KeyList = {
+   AcceleratorKey { ... };
+   AcceleratorKey { ... };
+  };
+ };
+- Innerhalb der Klasse AcceleratorKey heit es statt
+ AcceleratorKey {
+  Accelerator { ... };
+ }; jetzt
+ AcceleratorKey {
+  SubAccelerator = Accelerator { ... };
+ };
+- Innerhalb der Klasse OutputDevice heit es statt
+ OutputDevice {
+  Pen { ... };
+  Brush BACKGROUNDBRUSH { ... };
+  Brush FILLINBRUSH { ... };
+  Font { ... };
+  MapMode { ... };
+ }; jetzt
+ OutputDevice {
+  OutputPen = Pen { ... };
+  BackGroundBrush = Brush { ... };
+  FillInBrush = Brush { ... };
+  OutputFont = Font { ... };
+  OutputMapMode = MapMode { ... };
+ };
+- Innerhalb der Klasse Window heit es statt
+ Window {
+  Pointer { ... };
+ }; jetzt
+ WindowPointer = Pointer { ... };
+- Das Schlsselwort FOCUS wurde gestrichen.
+- Windows die automatisch geladen werden sollen werden jetzt durch
+ Window {
+  WinChilds = {
+   FixedText { ... };
+   FixedText { ... };
+  };
+ }; spezifiziert.
+- Innerhalb der Klasse WorkWindow heit es statt
+ WorkWindow {
+  Icon { ... };
+ }; jetzt
+ WorkWindow {
+  WorkWindowIcon = Icon { ... };
+ };
+- In der Klasse DialogBox wird
+ AppModal = TRUE oder SysModal = TRUE ersetzt.
+- Innerhalb der Klasse Menu heit es statt
+ Menu {
+  MenuItem { ... };
+  MenuItem { ... };
+    .
+    .
+    .
+ }; jetzt
+ Menu {
+  ItemList = {
+   MenuItem { ... };
+   MenuItem { ... };
+  };
+ };
+und statt
+ Menu { ... Separator; ... }; jetzt
+ Menu { ...
+  MenuItem { Seperator = TRUE; };
+  ...
+ };
+- Innerhalb der Klasse MenuItem heit es statt
+ MenuItem {
+  Menu { ... };
+ }; jetzt
+ MenuItem {
+  SubMenu = Menu { ... };
+ };
+- Innerhalb der Klasse ListBox heit es statt
+ ListBox {
+  StringList = "Ich", "heie", "Eddie";
+ }; jetzt
+ ListBox {
+  StringList = { "Ich"; "heie"; "Eddie"; };
+ };
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rsc/inc/pch/precompiled_rsc.cxx b/rsc/inc/pch/precompiled_rsc.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ca6005d3aed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/pch/precompiled_rsc.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
diff --git a/rsc/inc/pch/precompiled_rsc.hxx b/rsc/inc/pch/precompiled_rsc.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..829e1e736b93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/pch/precompiled_rsc.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( Generated on 2006-09-01 17:49:55.014369
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscall.h b/rsc/inc/rscall.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e556758054b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscall.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCALL_H
+#define _RSCALL_H
+#include <tools/string.hxx>
+#include <rsctools.hxx>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rscdef.hxx>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <rtl/alloc.h>
+/******************* T y p e s *******************************************/
+typedef char * CLASS_DATA; // Zeiger auf die Daten einer Klasse
+/******************* C l a s s e s F o r w a r d s *********************/
+class RscCompiler;
+class RscTop;
+class RscTypCont;
+class RscIncList;
+/******************* G l o b a l V a r i a b l e s *********************/
+extern ByteString* pStdParType;
+extern ByteString* pStdPar1;
+extern ByteString* pStdPar2;
+extern ByteString* pWinParType;
+extern ByteString* pWinPar1;
+extern ByteString* pWinPar2;
+extern sal_uInt32 nRefDeep;
+extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_XYMAPMODEId;
+extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_WHMAPMODEId;
+extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_X;
+extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_Y;
+extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_WIDTH;
+extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_HEIGHT;
+extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_DELTALANG;
+extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_DELTASYSTEM;
+extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_EXTRADATA;
+extern AtomContainer* pHS;
+/******************* D e f i n e s ***************************************/
+#define HELP_FLAG 0x0001 // Hilfe anzeigen
+#define NOPREPRO_FLAG 0x0002 // kein Preprozesor
+#define NOSYNTAX_FLAG 0x0004 // keine Syntaxanalyse
+#define NOLINK_FLAG 0x0008 // nicht linken
+#define NORESFILE_FLAG 0x0010 // keine .res-Datei erzeugen
+#define DEFINE_FLAG 0x0020 // es wurde Definitionen angegeben
+#define INCLUDE_FLAG 0x0040 // der Include-Pfad wurde erweitert
+#define MSCPREPRO_FLAG 0x0080 // spezial Preprozessor
+#define PRINTSYNTAX_FLAG 0x0100 // Syntax ausgeben
+#define PRELOAD_FLAG 0x0200 // Alle Ressourcen Preloaden
+#define SMART_FLAG 0x0400 // abgekuertze Name
+#define SRSDEFAULT_FLAG 0x1000 // immer der Default geschrieben
+#define NOSYSRESTEST_FLAG 0x2000 // ueberprueft nicht die Richtigkeit von (bmp, ico, cur)
+/******************* T y p e s *******************************************/
+typedef void (* VarEnumCallbackProc)( void * pData, RSCCLASS_TYPE, Atom );
+/******************* S t r u c t s ***************************************/
+struct RSCINST {
+ RscTop * pClass;
+ RSCINST(){ pClass = NULL; pData = NULL; }
+ RSCINST( RscTop * pCl, CLASS_DATA pClassData ){
+ pClass = pCl;
+ pData = pClassData;
+ }
+ BOOL IsInst() const { return( pData != NULL ); }
+/********************** S U B I N F O S T R U C T ************************/
+ SUBINFO_STRUCT(){ nPos = 0; pClass = NULL; };
+ RscId aId; // Identifier der Resource
+ sal_uInt32 nPos; // Position der Resource
+ RscTop * pClass; // Klasse des Eintrages
+/******************* F u n c t i o n *************************************/
+void InitRscCompiler();
+#endif // _RSCALL_H
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscarray.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscarray.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e47c11e03777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscarray.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCARRAY_HXX
+#define _RSCARRAY_HXX
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+class RscEnum;
+/******************* R s c A r r a y ************************************/
+class RscInstNode : public IdNode
+ sal_uInt32 nTypeId;
+ using NameNode::Search;
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ RscInstNode( sal_uInt32 nId );
+ ~RscInstNode();
+ virtual sal_uInt32 GetId() const;
+ RscInstNode * Left() const { return (RscInstNode *)pLeft ; };
+ RscInstNode * Right() const{ return (RscInstNode *)pRight ; };
+ RscInstNode * Search( sal_uInt32 nId ) const
+ {
+ return (RscInstNode *)IdNode::Search( nId );
+ }
+struct RscArrayInst
+ RscInstNode * pNode;
+/* Der Baum wird ueber die Werte des Enums sortiert, nicht ueber
+ seine HashId.
+class RscArray : public RscTop
+ RscEnum * pTypeClass; // Typ der Eintraege
+ sal_uInt32 nSize; // Groesse der Instanzdaten dieser Klasse
+ // mit Superklassen
+ sal_uInt32 nOffInstData;// Offset auf eigen Instanzdaten
+ void WriteSrcArray( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ RscArray( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId,
+ RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pTypeClass );
+ ~RscArray();
+ virtual RSCCLASS_TYPE GetClassType() const;
+ void SetTypeClass( RscEnum * pClass )
+ {
+ pTypeClass = pClass;
+ }
+ virtual RscTop * GetTypeClass() const;
+ RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt, BOOL );
+ void Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ virtual ERRTYPE GetValueEle( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 lValue,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst );
+ virtual ERRTYPE GetArrayEle( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nId,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst );
+ // Gibt die Groesse der Klasse in Bytes
+ sal_uInt32 Size(){ return( nSize ); };
+ BOOL IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst, RscInconsList * pList );
+ virtual void SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef );
+ virtual void WriteSrcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const RscId & aId, const char * );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+ virtual void WriteRcAccess( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * );
+class RscClassArray : public RscArray
+ RscClassArray( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId,
+ RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pTypeClass );
+ ~RscClassArray();
+ virtual void WriteSrcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const RscId & aId, const char * );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ virtual ERRTYPE WriteRcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & aId,
+ sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra );
+class RscLangArray : public RscArray
+ RscLangArray( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId,
+ RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pTypeClass );
+ virtual RSCCLASS_TYPE GetClassType() const;
+#endif //_RSCARRAY
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscclass.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscclass.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..67cc59628fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscclass.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCCLASS_HXX
+#define _RSCCLASS_HXX
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+/******************* R s c C l a s s *************************************/
+class RscClass : public RscTop
+ struct RscClassInst{
+ ULONG nVarDflt;
+ };
+ Atom nVarName; // Variablenname
+ RSCVAR nVarType; // Variablentyp
+ sal_uInt32 nMask; // Maskierungsbit
+ sal_uInt32 nOffset; // Beginn der Instanzdaten
+ RscTop * pClass; // Klasse
+ CLASS_DATA pDefault; // Zeiger auf DefaultDaten
+ Atom nDataBaseName;//Name fuer Fremddatenbereich
+ };
+ sal_uInt32 nSuperSize; // Groesse der Instanzdaten der SuperKl.
+ sal_uInt32 nSize; // Groesse der Instanzdaten dieser Klasse
+ // mit Superklassen
+ sal_uInt32 nEntries; // Eintraege in pVarTypeList
+ VARTYPE_STRUCT * pVarTypeList; // Variablenliste
+ RSCINST GetInstData( CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uInt32 nEle,
+ BOOL bGetCopy = FALSE );
+ CLASS_DATA GetDfltData( sal_uInt32 nEle );
+ BOOL IsDflt( CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uInt32 nEle );
+ BOOL IsValueDflt( CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uInt32 nEle );
+ void SetVarDflt( CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uInt32 nEle,
+ BOOL bSet );
+ INT32 GetCorrectValues( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nVarPos,
+ sal_uInt32 nTupelIdx, RscTypCont * pTC );
+ RscClass( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId, RscTop * pSuperCl );
+ ~RscClass();
+ virtual RSCCLASS_TYPE GetClassType() const;
+ void Pre_dtor();
+ ERRTYPE SetVariable( Atom nVarName, RscTop * pClass,
+ RSCINST * pDflt,
+ RSCVAR nVarType, sal_uInt32 nMask,
+ Atom nDataBaseName );
+ virtual void EnumVariables( void * pData, VarEnumCallbackProc );
+ RSCINST GetVariable( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nVarName,
+ const RSCINST & rInitInst,
+ BOOL nInitDflt = FALSE,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass = NULL );
+ RSCINST GetCopyVar( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nVarName );
+ // Gibt die Groesse der Klasse in Bytes
+ sal_uInt32 Size(){ return( nSize ); };
+ BOOL IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst, RscInconsList * pList );
+ void SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef );
+ void SetDefault( const RSCINST & rData, Atom nVarId );
+ using RscTop::GetDefault;
+ RSCINST GetDefault( Atom nVarId );
+ RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt, BOOL );
+ void Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ ERRTYPE WriteInstRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+ void WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC );
+ void WriteRcAccess( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * );
+ void WriteRcCtor( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC );
+class RscSysDepend : public RscClass
+ RscSysDepend( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId, RscTop * pSuper );
+ ERRTYPE WriteSysDependRc( const RSCINST &, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra,
+ BOOL bFirst = FALSE );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST &, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+class RscFirstSysDepend : public RscSysDepend
+ RscFirstSysDepend( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId,
+ RscTop * pSuper );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST &, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+class RscTupel : public RscClass
+ RscTupel( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId, RscTop * pSuper );
+ RSCINST GetTupelVar( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos,
+ const RSCINST & rInitInst );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+#endif //_RSCCLASS_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscclobj.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscclobj.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..34bc38350399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscclobj.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCCLOBJ_HXX
+#define _RSCCLOBJ_HXX
+#include <rsctree.hxx>
+#include <rscdef.hxx>
+#include <rscall.h>
+/****************** C L A S S E S ****************************************/
+class RscTypCont;
+/*********** R s c I n c o n s i s t e n t *******************************/
+class RscInconsistent {
+ RscId aFirstId; //Paar von inkonsistenten Id's
+ RscId aSecondId;
+ RscInconsistent( const RscId & rFirst, const RscId & rSecond ){
+ aFirstId = rFirst;
+ aSecondId = rSecond;
+ };
+DECLARE_LIST( RscInconsList, RscInconsistent * )
+/******************* O b j N o d e ***************************************/
+class ObjNode : public IdNode{
+ RscId aRscId; // Id der Resource
+ CLASS_DATA pRscObj;// pointer to a resourceobject
+ ULONG lFileKey;// Dateischluessel
+ using NameNode::Search;
+ using NameNode::Insert;
+ ObjNode( const RscId & rId, CLASS_DATA pData, ULONG lKey );
+ ObjNode * DelObjNode( RscTop * pClass, ULONG lFileKey );
+ sal_uInt32 GetId() const;
+ RscId GetRscId(){ return( aRscId ); }
+ ULONG GetFileKey(){ return lFileKey; };
+ ObjNode* Search( const RscId &rName ) const{
+ // search the index in the b-tree
+ return( (ObjNode *)IdNode::Search( rName ) );
+ }
+ BOOL Insert( ObjNode* pTN ){
+ // insert a new node in the b-tree
+ return( IdNode::Insert( (IdNode *)pTN ) );
+ }
+ CLASS_DATA GetRscObj(){
+ // get the Object from this Node
+ return( pRscObj );
+ }
+ BOOL IsConsistent( RscInconsList * pList = NULL );
+/******************* R e f N o d e ***************************************/
+class RefNode : public IdNode{
+ Atom nTypNameId; // index of a Name in a hashtabel
+ using NameNode::Search;
+ using NameNode::Insert;
+ ObjNode* pObjBiTree; // Zeiger auf Objektbaum
+ RefNode( Atom nTyp );
+ sal_uInt32 GetId() const;
+ RefNode* Search( Atom typ ) const{
+ // search the index in the b-tree
+ return( (RefNode *)IdNode::Search( typ ) );
+ };
+ BOOL Insert( RefNode* pTN ){
+ // insert a new node in the b-tree
+ return( IdNode::Insert( (IdNode *)pTN ) );
+ };
+ BOOL PutObjNode( ObjNode * pPutObject );
+ // insert new node in b-tree pObjBiTree
+ ObjNode * GetObjNode( const RscId &rRscId );
+ ObjNode * GetObjNode(){
+ // hole pObjBiTree
+ return( pObjBiTree );
+ };
+#endif // _RSCCLOBJ_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscconst.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscconst.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..70612310fbab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscconst.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCCONST_HXX
+#define _RSCCONST_HXX
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+/******************* R s c C o n s t *************************************/
+class RscConst : public RscTop
+ struct VarEle {
+ Atom nId; // Name der Konstante
+ INT32 lValue; // Wert der Konstante
+ };
+ VarEle * pVarArray; // Zeiger auf das Feld mit Konstanten
+ sal_uInt32 nEntries; // Anzahle der Eintraege im Feld
+ RscConst( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId );
+ ~RscConst();
+ virtual RSCCLASS_TYPE GetClassType() const;
+ sal_uInt32 GetEntryCount() const { return nEntries; }
+ // Die erlaubten Werte werden gesetzt
+ ERRTYPE SetConstant( Atom nVarName, INT32 lValue );
+ Atom GetConstant( sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ BOOL GetConstValue( Atom nConstId, INT32 * pVal ) const;
+ BOOL GetValueConst( INT32 nValue, Atom * pConstId ) const;
+ sal_uInt32 GetConstPos( Atom nConstId );
+ virtual void WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC );
+ virtual void WriteRcAccess( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * );
+/******************* R s c E n u m ***************************************/
+class RscEnum : public RscConst {
+ struct RscEnumInst {
+ sal_uInt32 nValue; // Position der Konstanten im Array
+ BOOL bDflt; // Ist Default
+ };
+ sal_uInt32 nSize;
+ RscEnum( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId );
+ RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDfltInst, BOOL );
+ sal_uInt32 Size(){ return nSize; }
+ virtual void SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ {
+ ((RscEnumInst*)rInst.pData)->bDflt = TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ {
+ return( ((RscEnumInst*)rInst.pData)->bDflt );
+ };
+ // Als Default setzen
+ BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef );
+ ERRTYPE SetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nValueId,
+ INT32 nValue );
+ ERRTYPE SetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 nValue );
+ ERRTYPE GetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom * );
+ ERRTYPE GetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 * nValue );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST &rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+class RscNameTable;
+sal_uInt32 GetLangId( const ByteString& alang);
+class RscLangEnum : public RscEnum
+ long mnLangId;
+ RscLangEnum();
+ void Init( RscNameTable& rNames );
+ Atom AddLanguage( const char* pLang, RscNameTable& rNames );
+#endif // _RSCCONST_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rsccont.hxx b/rsc/inc/rsccont.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..49d2600d91df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rsccont.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCCONT_HXX
+#define _RSCCONT_HXX
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+/******************* R s c B a s e C o n t *******************************/
+struct ENTRY_STRUCT {
+ RscId aName;
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ void Create(){ aName.Create(); aInst = RSCINST(); }
+ void Destroy();
+struct RscBaseContInst {
+ sal_uInt32 nEntries;
+ ENTRY_STRUCT * pEntries;
+ BOOL bDflt;
+class RscBaseCont : public RscTop
+ RscTop * pTypeClass; // Typ der Eintraege
+ RscTop * pTypeClass1;// Zwei verschiedene Typen moeglich
+ BOOL bNoId; // Keine Identifier
+ sal_uInt32 nSize; // Groesse der Instanzdaten dieser Klasse
+ // mit Superklassen
+ sal_uInt32 nOffInstData;// Offset auf eigen Instanzdaten
+ void DestroyElements( RscBaseContInst * pClassData );
+ RSCINST SearchElePos( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rEleName,
+ RscTop * pClass, sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ void ContWriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ ERRTYPE ContWriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+ void ContWriteRcAccess( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char *, BOOL nWriteSize );
+ RscBaseCont( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId,
+ RscTop * pSuper = NULL,
+ BOOL bNoId = TRUE );
+ ~RscBaseCont();
+ virtual RSCCLASS_TYPE GetClassType() const;
+ void SetTypeClass( RscTop * pClass, RscTop * pClass1 = NULL )
+ {
+ pTypeClass = pClass;
+ pTypeClass1 = pClass1;
+ };
+ RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt, BOOL );
+ void Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ ERRTYPE GetElement( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rEleName,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass, const RSCINST & rCreateInst,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst );
+ RSCINST SearchEle( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rEleName,
+ RscTop * pClass );
+ sal_uInt32 GetCount( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ RSCINST GetPosEle( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ ERRTYPE MovePosEle( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nDestPos,
+ sal_uInt32 nSourcePos );
+ virtual ERRTYPE SetPosRscId( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos,
+ const RscId & rRscId);
+ SUBINFO_STRUCT GetInfoEle( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ ERRTYPE SetString( const RSCINST &, const char * pStr );
+ ERRTYPE SetNumber( const RSCINST &, INT32 lValue );
+ ERRTYPE SetBool( const RSCINST & rInst, BOOL bValue );
+ ERRTYPE SetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nValueId,
+ INT32 nValue );
+ ERRTYPE SetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rRefId );
+ // Gibt die Groesse der Klasse in Bytes
+ sal_uInt32 Size(){ return( nSize ); };
+ BOOL IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst, RscInconsList * pList );
+ void SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef );
+ void Delete( const RSCINST & rInst, RscTop * pClass,
+ const RscId & rId );
+ void DeletePos( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 , BOOL bExtra);
+ ERRTYPE WriteHxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId );
+ ERRTYPE WriteCxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId &rId );
+/******************* R s c C o n t W r i t e S r c ***********************/
+class RscContWriteSrc : public RscBaseCont
+ RscContWriteSrc( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId,
+ RscTop * pSuper = NULL,
+ BOOL bNoId = TRUE );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+/******************* R s c C o n t ***************************************/
+class RscCont : public RscContWriteSrc {
+ RscCont( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId,
+ RscTop * pSuper = NULL,
+ BOOL bNoId = TRUE );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+ void WriteRcAccess( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * );
+/******************* R s c C o n t E x t r a D a t a *********************/
+class RscContExtraData : public RscContWriteSrc {
+ RscContExtraData( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId,
+ RscTop * pSuper = NULL,
+ BOOL bNoId = TRUE );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+#endif //_RSCCONT_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1d5af35de9ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCDB_HXX
+#define _RSCDB_HXX
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rsckey.hxx>
+#include <rscconst.hxx>
+#include <rscflag.hxx>
+#include <rscrange.hxx>
+#include <rscstr.hxx>
+#include <rscarray.hxx>
+#include <rscdef.hxx>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+class RscError;
+class REResourceList;
+class RscTupel;
+class RscCont;
+class RscCmdLine;
+struct WriteRcContext
+ FILE * fOutput;
+ rtl::OString aOutputRc;
+ rtl::OString aOutputSysList;
+ RscCmdLine* pCmdLine;
+/****************** R s c T y p C o n ************************************/
+// Liste die alle Basistypen enthaelt
+DECLARE_LIST( RscBaseList, RscTop * )
+// Tabelle fuer Systemabhaengige Resourcen
+struct RscSysEntry
+ sal_uInt32 nKey;
+ sal_uInt32 nRscTyp;
+ ByteString aFileName;
+ sal_uInt32 nTyp;
+ sal_uInt32 nRefId;
+DECLARE_LIST( RscSysList, RscSysEntry * )
+class RscTypCont
+ CharSet nSourceCharSet;
+ sal_uInt32 nMachineId; // Globaler Maschinentyp
+ RSCBYTEORDER_TYPE nByteOrder; // Intel oder
+ ByteString aLanguage; // output language
+ std::vector< sal_uInt32 > aLangFallbacks; // language fallback list (entry 0 is language itself)
+ ByteString aSearchPath; // Suchen der Bitmap, Icon, Pointer
+ ByteString aSysSearchPath; // aSearchPath plus language specific paths
+ sal_uInt32 nUniqueId; // eindeutiger Id fuer Systemresourcen
+ ULONG nFilePos; // Position in der Datei ( MTF )
+ sal_uInt32 nPMId; // eindeutiger Id fuer PM-Rseourcefile
+ // muss groesser als RSC_VERSIONCONTROL_ID sein
+ RscTop * pRoot; // Zeiger auf die Wurzel vom Typenbaum
+ RSCINST aVersion; // Versionskontrollinstanz
+ RscBaseList aBaseLst; // Liste der einfachen Resourceklasse
+ RscSysList aSysLst; // Liste der Systemresourcen
+ Atom nWinBitVarId; // Name der Winbitvariablen
+ Atom nBorderId;
+ Atom nHideId;
+ Atom nClipChildrenId;
+ Atom nSizeableId;
+ Atom nMoveableId;
+ Atom nMinimizeId;
+ Atom nMaximizeId;
+ Atom nCloseableId;
+ Atom nAppId;
+ Atom nTabstopId;
+ Atom nGroupId;
+ Atom nSysmodalId;
+ Atom nLeftId;
+ Atom nCenterId;
+ Atom nRightId;
+ Atom nTopId;
+ Atom nVCenterId;
+ Atom nBottomId;
+ Atom nHScrollId;
+ Atom nVScrollId;
+ Atom nSortId;
+ Atom nDefaultId;
+ Atom nSVLookId;
+ Atom nRepeatId;
+ Atom nDropDownId;
+ Atom nPassWordId;
+ Atom nReadOnlyId;
+ Atom nAutoSizeId;
+ Atom nSpinId;
+ Atom nTabControlId;
+ Atom nSimpleModeId;
+ Atom nDragId;
+ Atom nScrollId;
+ Atom nZoomableId;
+ Atom nHideWhenDeactivateId;
+ Atom nAutoHScrollId;
+ Atom nAutoVScrollId;
+ Atom nDDExtraWidthId;
+ Atom nWordBreakId;
+ Atom nLeftLabelId;
+ Atom nHasLinesId;
+ Atom nHasButtonsId;
+ Atom nRectStyleId;
+ Atom nLineSpacingId;
+ Atom nSmallStyleId;
+ Atom nEnableResizingId;
+ Atom nDockableId;
+ Atom nScaleId;
+ Atom nIgnoreTabId;
+ Atom nNoSplitDrawId;
+ Atom nTopImageId;
+ Atom nNoLabelId;
+ Atom nVertId;
+ Atom nSingleLineId;
+ Atom nSysWinId;
+ void Init(); // Initialisiert Klassen und Tabelle
+ void SETCONST( RscConst *, const char *, UINT32 );
+ void SETCONST( RscConst *, Atom, UINT32 );
+ RscEnum * InitLangType();
+ RscEnum * InitFieldUnitsType();
+ RscEnum * InitTimeFieldFormat();
+ RscEnum * InitColor();
+ RscEnum * InitMapUnit();
+ RscEnum * InitKey();
+ RscEnum * InitTriState();
+ RscEnum * InitMessButtons();
+ RscEnum * InitMessDefButton();
+ RscTupel * InitGeometry();
+ RscArray * InitLangGeometry( RscTupel * pGeo );
+ RscArray * InitSystemGeometry( RscTupel * pGeo );
+ RscCont * InitStringList();
+ RscArray * InitLangStringList( RscCont * pStrLst );
+ RscTupel * InitStringTupel();
+ RscTupel * InitStringLongTupel();
+ RscCont * InitStringTupelList( RscTupel * pStringTupel );
+ RscCont * InitStringLongTupelList( RscTupel * pStringLongTupel );
+ RscArray * InitLangStringTupelList( RscCont * pStrTupelLst );
+ RscArray * InitLangStringLongTupelList( RscCont * pStrLongTupelLst );
+ RscTop * InitClassMgr();
+ RscTop * InitClassString( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassBitmap( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassColor( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pColor );
+ RscTop * InitClassImage( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop *pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassColor );
+ RscTop * InitClassImageList( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop *pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassColor, RscCont * pStrLst );
+ RscTop * InitClassWindow( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pMapUnit,
+ RscArray * pLangGeo );
+ RscTop * InitClassSystemWindow( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassWorkWindow( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassModalDialog( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassModelessDialog( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassControl( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassCheckBox( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassPushButton( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassTriStateBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pTriState );
+ RscTop * InitClassMenuButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClasMenu );
+ RscTop * InitClassImageButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassImage,
+ RscEnum * pTriState );
+ RscTop * InitClassEdit( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassMultiLineEdit( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassScrollBar( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassListBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscArray * pStrLst );
+ RscTop * InitClassMultiListBox( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassComboBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscArray * pStrLst );
+ RscTop * InitClassFixedText( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassFixedBitmap( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassBitmap );
+ RscTop * InitClassFixedImage( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassImage );
+ RscTop * InitClassRadioButton( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassImageRadioButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassImage );
+ RscTop * InitClassKeyCode( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pKey );
+ RscTop * InitClassAccelItem( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pKeyCode );
+ RscTop * InitClassAccel( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassAccelItem );
+ RscTop * InitClassMenuItem( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassKeyCode );
+ RscTop * InitClassMenu( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pMenuItem );
+ RscTop * InitClassMessBox( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pMessButtons,
+ RscEnum * pMessDefButton );
+ RscTop * InitClassSplitter( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassSplitWindow( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassTime( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassDate( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassPatternFormatter( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassNumericFormatter( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassMetricFormatter( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pFieldUnits );
+ RscTop * InitClassCurrencyFormatter( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pFieldUnits );
+ RscTop * InitClassDateFormatter( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassDate );
+ RscTop * InitClassTimeFormatter( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassTime,
+ RscEnum * pTimeFieldFormat );
+ RscTop * InitClassSpinField( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassPatternField( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassNumericField( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassMetricField( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassCurrencyField( const char * pClassName, sal_uInt32 nRT,
+ RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassDateField( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassDate );
+ RscTop * InitClassTimeField( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassTime );
+ RscTop * InitClassPatternBox( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassNumericBox( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassMetricBox( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassCurrencyBox( const char * pClassName, sal_uInt32 nRT,
+ RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassDateBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassDate );
+ RscTop * InitClassTimeBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassTime );
+ RscTop * InitClassDockingWindow( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pMapUnit );
+ RscTop * InitClassToolBoxItem( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassImage,
+ RscEnum * pTriState );
+ RscTop * InitClassToolBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassToolBoxItem,
+ RscTop * pClassImageList );
+ RscTop * InitClassStatusBar( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassMoreButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pMapUnit );
+ RscTop * InitClassFloatingWindow( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pMapUnit );
+ RscTop * InitClassTabControlItem( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassTabPage );
+ RscTop * InitClassTabControl( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassTabControlItem );
+ RscTop * InitClassSfxStyleFamilyItem( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassImage,
+ RscArray * pStrLst );
+ RscTop * InitClassSfxTemplateDialog( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pStyleFamily );
+ RscTop * InitClassSfxSlotInfo( RscTop * pSuper );
+ void InsWinBit( RscTop * pClass, const ByteString & rName,
+ Atom nVal );
+ void WriteInc( FILE * fOutput, ULONG lKey );
+ RscBool aBool;
+ RscRange aShort;
+ RscRange aUShort;
+ RscLongRange aLong;
+ RscLongEnumRange aEnumLong;
+ RscIdRange aIdUShort;
+ RscIdRange aIdNoZeroUShort;
+ RscBreakRange aNoZeroShort;
+ RscRange a1to12Short;
+ RscRange a0to23Short;
+ RscRange a1to31Short;
+ RscRange a0to59Short;
+ RscRange a0to99Short;
+ RscRange a0to9999Short;
+ RscIdRange aIdLong;
+ RscString aString;
+ RscFlag aWinBits;
+ RscLangEnum aLangType;
+ RscLangArray aLangString;
+ RscLangArray aLangShort;
+ Atom nAcceleratorType;
+ RscError* pEH; // Fehlerhandler
+ RscNameTable aNmTb; // Tabelle fuer Namen
+ RscFileTab aFileTab; // Tabelle der Dateinamen
+ sal_uInt32 nFlags;
+ std::map<sal_uInt64, ULONG> aIdTranslator; //Ordnet Resourcetypen und Id's einen Id zu
+ //(unter PM), oder eine Dateiposition (MTF)
+ RscTypCont( RscError *, RSCBYTEORDER_TYPE, const ByteString & rSearchPath, sal_uInt32 nFlags );
+ ~RscTypCont();
+ Atom AddLanguage( const char* );
+ BOOL IsPreload() const
+ { return (nFlags & PRELOAD_FLAG) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
+ BOOL IsSmart() const
+ { return (nFlags & SMART_FLAG) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
+ BOOL IsSysResTest() const
+ { return (nFlags & NOSYSRESTEST_FLAG) ? FALSE : TRUE; }
+ BOOL IsSrsDefault() const
+ { return (nFlags & SRSDEFAULT_FLAG) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
+ ByteString ChangeLanguage( const ByteString& rNewLang );
+ const std::vector< sal_uInt32 >& GetFallbacks() const
+ { return aLangFallbacks; }
+ RSCBYTEORDER_TYPE GetByteOrder() const { return nByteOrder; }
+ CharSet GetSourceCharSet() const { return nSourceCharSet; }
+ CharSet SetSourceCharSet( CharSet aCharSet )
+ {
+ CharSet aOld = nSourceCharSet;
+ nSourceCharSet = aCharSet;
+ return aOld;
+ }
+ void SetSearchPath( const ByteString & rStr) { aSearchPath = rStr; }
+ ByteString GetSearchPath() const { return aSearchPath; }
+ void SetSysSearchPath( const ByteString& rStr ) { aSysSearchPath = rStr; }
+ ByteString GetSysSearchPath() const { return aSysSearchPath; }
+ void InsertType( RscTop * pType )
+ {
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pType, LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ RscTop * SearchType( Atom nTypId );
+ RscTop * Search( Atom typ );
+ CLASS_DATA Search( Atom typ, const RscId & rId );
+ void Delete( Atom typ, const RscId & rId );
+ // loescht alle Resourceobjekte diese Datei
+ void Delete( ULONG lFileKey );
+ RscTop * GetRoot() { return( pRoot ); };
+ sal_uInt32 PutSysName( sal_uInt32 nRscTyp, char * pName, sal_uInt32 nConst,
+ sal_uInt32 nId, BOOL bFirst );
+ void ClearSysNames();
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( WriteRcContext& rContext );
+ void WriteSrc( FILE * fOutput, ULONG nFileIndex,
+ CharSet nCharSet, BOOL bName = TRUE );
+ ERRTYPE WriteHxx( FILE * fOutput, ULONG nFileKey);
+ ERRTYPE WriteCxx( FILE * fOutput, ULONG nFileKey,
+ const ByteString & rHxxName );
+ void WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput );
+ void WriteRcCtor( FILE * fOutput );
+ void FillNameIdList( REResourceList * pList, ULONG lFileKey );
+ BOOL MakeConsistent( RscInconsList * pList );
+ sal_uInt32 PutTranslatorKey( sal_uInt64 nKey );
+ void IncFilePos( ULONG nOffset ){ nFilePos += nOffset; }
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscdef.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscdef.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a21b03685325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscdef.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCDEF_HXX
+#define _RSCDEF_HXX
+#include <tools/unqidx.hxx>
+#include <rsctree.hxx>
+/****************** C L A S S E S ****************************************/
+class RscExpression;
+class RscFileTab;
+class RscDefine;
+/*********** R s c E x p r e s s i o n ***********************************/
+#define RSCEXP_LONG 0
+#define RSCEXP_EXP 1
+#define RSCEXP_DEF 2
+class RscExpType
+ union {
+ RscExpression * pExp;
+ RscDefine * pDef;
+ struct {
+ short nHi;
+ unsigned short nLo;
+ } aLong;
+ } aExp;
+ char cType;
+ char cUnused;
+ BOOL IsNumber() const { return( RSCEXP_LONG == cType ); }
+ BOOL IsExpression()const { return( RSCEXP_EXP == cType ); }
+ BOOL IsDefinition()const { return( RSCEXP_DEF == cType ); }
+ BOOL IsNothing() const { return( RSCEXP_NOTHING == cType ); }
+ void SetLong( INT32 lValue ){
+ aExp.aLong.nHi = (short)(lValue >> 16);
+ aExp.aLong.nLo = (unsigned short)lValue;
+ cType = RSCEXP_LONG;
+ }
+ INT32 GetLong() const{
+ return aExp.aLong.nLo |
+ ((INT32)aExp.aLong.nHi << 16);
+ }
+ BOOL Evaluate( INT32 * pValue ) const;
+ void GetMacro( ByteString & ) const;
+/*********** R s c I d ***************************************************/
+class RscId
+ static BOOL bNames;// FALSE, bei den Namenoperation nur Zahlen
+ RscExpType aExp; // Zahl, Define oder Ausdruck
+ INT32 GetNumber() const;
+ void Create( const RscExpType & rExpType );
+ void Create(){ aExp.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING; }
+ RscId() { Create(); }
+ RscId( RscDefine * pEle );
+ RscId( INT32 lNumber )
+ { aExp.SetLong( lNumber ); }
+ RscId( const RscExpType & rExpType )
+ { Create( rExpType ); }
+ void Destroy();
+ ~RscId(){
+ Destroy();
+ }
+ RscId( const RscId& rRscId );
+ RscId& operator = ( const RscId& rRscId );
+ static BOOL IsSetNames();
+ static void SetNames( BOOL bSet = TRUE );
+ operator INT32() const; // Gibt Nummer zurueck
+ ByteString GetName() const; // Gibt den Namen des Defines zurueck
+ ByteString GetMacro() const; // Gibt das Macro zurueck
+ BOOL operator < ( const RscId& rRscId ) const;
+ BOOL operator > ( const RscId& rRscId ) const;
+ BOOL operator == ( const RscId& rRscId ) const;
+ BOOL operator <= ( const RscId& rRscId ) const
+ { return !(operator > ( rRscId )); }
+ BOOL operator >= ( const RscId& rRscId ) const
+ { return !(operator < ( rRscId )); }
+ BOOL IsId() const { return !aExp.IsNothing(); }
+/*********** R s c D e f i n e *******************************************/
+class RscDefine : public StringNode
+friend class RscFileTab;
+friend class RscDefineList;
+friend class RscDefTree;
+friend class RscExpression;
+friend class RscId;
+ ULONG lFileKey; // zu welcher Datei gehoert das Define
+ sal_uInt32 nRefCount; // Wieviele Referenzen auf dieses Objekt
+ INT32 lId; // Identifier
+ RscExpression * pExp; // Ausdruck
+ RscDefine( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ INT32 lDefId );
+ RscDefine( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscExpression * pExpression );
+ ~RscDefine();
+ void IncRef(){ nRefCount++; }
+ sal_uInt32 GetRefCount() const { return nRefCount; }
+ void DecRef();
+ void DefineToNumber();
+ void SetName( const ByteString & rNewName ){ aName = rNewName; }
+ void ChangeMacro( RscExpression * pExpression );
+ void ChangeMacro( INT32 lIdentifier );
+ using StringNode::Search;
+ RscDefine * Search( const char * );
+ ULONG GetFileKey() const { return lFileKey; }
+ BOOL Evaluate();
+ INT32 GetNumber() const { return lId; }
+ ByteString GetMacro();
+DECLARE_LIST( RscSubDefList, RscDefine * )
+class RscDefineList : public RscSubDefList {
+friend class RscFile;
+friend class RscFileTab;
+ // pExpression wird auf jedenfall Eigentum der Liste
+ RscDefine * New( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ INT32 lDefId, ULONG lPos );
+ RscDefine * New( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscExpression * pExpression, ULONG lPos );
+ BOOL Befor( const RscDefine * pFree, const RscDefine * pDepend );
+ BOOL Remove( RscDefine * pDef );
+ BOOL Remove( ULONG nIndex );
+ BOOL Remove();
+ void WriteAll( FILE * fOutput );
+/*********** R s c E x p r e s s i o n ***********************************/
+class RscExpression {
+friend class RscFileTab;
+ char cOperation;
+ RscExpType aLeftExp;
+ RscExpType aRightExp;
+ RscExpression( RscExpType aLE, char cOp,
+ RscExpType aRE );
+ ~RscExpression();
+ BOOL Evaluate( INT32 * pValue );
+ ByteString GetMacro();
+/********************** R S C F I L E ************************************/
+class RscDepend {
+ ULONG lKey;
+ RscDepend( ULONG lIncKey ){ lKey = lIncKey; };
+ ULONG GetFileKey(){ return lKey; }
+DECLARE_LIST( RscDependList, RscDepend * )
+// Tabelle die alle Dateinamen enthaelt
+class RscFile : public RscDependList
+friend class RscFileTab;
+ BOOL bIncFile; // Ist es eine Include-Datei
+ BOOL bLoaded; // Ist die Datei geladen
+ BOOL bScanned; // Wurde Datei nach Inclide abgesucht
+ BOOL bDirty; // Dirty-Flag
+ ByteString aFileName; // Name der Datei
+ ByteString aPathName; // Pfad und Name der Datei
+ RscDefineList aDefLst; // Liste der Defines
+ RscFile();
+ ~RscFile();
+ BOOL InsertDependFile( ULONG lDepFile, ULONG lPos );
+ void RemoveDependFile( ULONG lDepFile );
+ BOOL Depend( ULONG lDepend, ULONG lFree );
+ void SetIncFlag(){ bIncFile = TRUE; };
+ BOOL IsIncFile(){ return bIncFile; };
+DECLARE_UNIQUEINDEX( RscSubFileTab, RscFile * )
+class RscDefTree {
+ RscDefine * pDefRoot;
+ static BOOL Evaluate( RscDefine * pDef );
+ RscDefTree(){ pDefRoot = NULL; }
+ ~RscDefTree();
+ void Remove();
+ BOOL Evaluate();
+ RscDefine * Search( const char * pName );
+ void Insert( RscDefine * pDef );
+ void Remove( RscDefine * pDef );
+class RscFileTab : public RscSubFileTab {
+ RscDefTree aDefTree;
+ ULONG Find( const ByteString & rName );
+ RscFileTab();
+ ~RscFileTab();
+ RscDefine * FindDef( const char * );
+ RscDefine * FindDef( const ByteString& rStr ) { return FindDef( rStr.GetBuffer() ); }
+ RscDefine * FindDef( ULONG lKey, const ByteString & );
+ BOOL Depend( ULONG lDepend, ULONG lFree );
+ BOOL TestDef( ULONG lFileKey, ULONG lPos,
+ const RscDefine * pDefDec );
+ BOOL TestDef( ULONG lFileKey, ULONG lPos,
+ const RscExpression * pExpDec );
+ RscDefine * NewDef( ULONG lKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ INT32 lId, ULONG lPos );
+ RscDefine * NewDef( ULONG lKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscExpression *, ULONG lPos );
+ BOOL ChangeDef( const ByteString & rDefName, INT32 lId );
+ BOOL ChangeDef( const ByteString & rDefName, RscExpression * );
+ BOOL IsDefUsed( const ByteString & );
+ void DeleteDef( const ByteString & );
+ BOOL ChangeDefName( const ByteString & rDefName,
+ const ByteString & rNewName );
+ // Alle Defines die in dieser Datei Definiert sind loeschen
+ void DeleteFileContext( ULONG lKey );
+ void DeleteFile( ULONG lKey );
+ ULONG NewCodeFile( const ByteString & rName );
+ ULONG NewIncFile( const ByteString & rName, const ByteString & rPath );
+ RscFile * GetFile( ULONG lFileKey ){ return Get( lFileKey ); }
+#endif // _RSCDEF_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscerror.h b/rsc/inc/rscerror.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f3a4428127f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscerror.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCERROR_H
+#define _RSCERROR_H
+#ifndef _TOOLS_SOLAR_H
+#include <tools/solar.h>
+/****************** D E F I N I T I O N S ********************************/
+/******************* R e t u r n E r r o r s *******************/
+#define ERR_OK 0xFFFFFFFF
+#define ERR_ERROR 0x0100
+#define ERR_UNKNOWN_METHOD 0x0101 // Return
+#define ERR_OPENFILE 0x0102 // Return
+#define ERR_NOCHAR 0x0103 // Return
+#define ERR_NORSCINST 0x0104 // Return
+#define ERR_USAGE 0x0105 //
+#define ERR_NOINPUT 0x0106 // Return
+#define ERR_UNKNOWNSW 0x0107 //
+#define ERR_REFTODEEP 0x0108 // Return
+#define ERR_FILEFORMAT 0x0109 // Return
+#define ERR_FILESIZE 0x010A // Return
+#define ERR_RENAMEFILE 0x010B // Return
+#define ERR_NOIMAGE 0x010C // Return
+#define ERR_RSCRANGE 0x0200 // Return
+#define ERR_RSCENUM 0x0210 // Return
+#define ERR_RSCFLAG 0x0220 // Return
+#define ERR_RSCCONT 0x0240 // Return
+#define ERR_CONT_INVALIDPOS (ERR_RSCCONT +1 ) // Return
+#define ERR_RSCCMPED 0x0250
+#define ERR_RSCINST 0x0260
+#define ERR_LEX 0x0270
+#define ERR_YACC 0x0280 //
+#define ERR_DOUBLEID (ERR_YACC +1 ) //
+#define ERR_FALSETYPE (ERR_YACC +2 ) //
+#define ERR_USHORTRANGE (ERR_YACC +4 ) //
+#define ERR_IDRANGE (ERR_YACC +5 ) //
+#define ERR_NOCOPYOBJ (ERR_YACC +6 ) //
+#define ERR_REFNOTALLOWED (ERR_YACC +7 ) // Return
+#define ERR_IDEXPECTED (ERR_YACC +10) //
+#define ERR_PRAGMA (ERR_YACC +12) //
+#define ERR_NOTUPELNAME (ERR_YACC +14) //
+#define ERR_NOTYPE (ERR_YACC +15) //
+#define ERR_RSCARRAY 0x02A0 // Return
+#define ERR_ERROREND 0x1000
+#define ERR_WARNINGSTART 0x1001
+#define ERR_WARNINGEND 0x2000
+class ERRTYPE {
+ sal_uInt32 nError;
+ ERRTYPE() { nError = ERR_OK; }
+ ERRTYPE( sal_uInt32 nErr ) { nError = nErr; }
+ ERRTYPE( const ERRTYPE & rErr ) { nError = rErr.nError; };
+ ERRTYPE& operator = ( const ERRTYPE & rError );
+ operator sal_uInt32() const { return( nError ); }
+ BOOL IsError() const { return( nError <= ERR_ERROREND ); }
+ BOOL IsOk() const { return( !IsError() ); }
+ BOOL IsWarning() const {
+ return( nError >= ERR_WARNINGSTART && nError <= ERR_WARNINGEND );
+ };
+ void Clear(){ nError = ERR_OK; }
+/****************** R s c E r r o r **************************************/
+class RscId;
+class RscTop;
+enum RscVerbosity
+ RscVerbositySilent = 0,
+ RscVerbosityNormal = 1,
+ RscVerbosityVerbose = 2
+class RscError
+ FILE * fListing;
+ RscVerbosity m_verbosity;
+ void WriteError( const ERRTYPE& rError, const char * pMessage );
+ void StdLstOut( const char * pStr );
+ void StdLstErr( const char * pStr );
+ void ErrorFormat( const ERRTYPE& rError, RscTop * pClass,
+ const RscId & aId );
+ sal_uInt32 nErrors;// Anzahl der Fehler
+ RscError( RscVerbosity _verbosity ) {
+ fListing = NULL;
+ nErrors = 0;
+ m_verbosity = _verbosity;
+ };
+ void SetListFile( FILE * fList ){
+ fListing = fList;
+ };
+ FILE * GetListFile(){
+ return fListing;
+ };
+ RscVerbosity GetVerbosity() const { return m_verbosity; }
+ virtual void StdOut( const char *, const RscVerbosity _verbosityLevel = RscVerbosityNormal );
+ virtual void StdErr( const char * );
+ virtual void LstOut( const char * );
+ virtual void Error( const ERRTYPE& rError, RscTop* pClass, const RscId &aId,
+ const char * pMessage = NULL );
+ // Dieser Fehler sollte nur im Compilermodus auftreten,
+ // das Programm wird mit exit() verlassen
+ virtual void FatalError( const ERRTYPE& rError, const RscId &aId,
+ const char * pMessage = NULL );
+#endif // _RSCERROR_H
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscflag.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscflag.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d517e0e0d2b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscflag.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCFLAG_HXX
+#define _RSCFLAG_HXX
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <rscconst.hxx>
+/******************* R s c F l a g ***************************************/
+class RscFlag : public RscConst {
+ struct RscFlagInst{
+ sal_uInt32 nFlags;
+ sal_uInt32 nDfltFlags;
+ };
+ RSCINST CreateBasic( RSCINST * pInst );
+ RscFlag( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId );
+ RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt, BOOL );
+ RSCINST CreateClient( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt,
+ BOOL bOwnClass, Atom nConsId );
+ sal_uInt32 Size();
+ virtual void SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nConstId );
+ // Ist das Flag gesetzt
+ BOOL IsSet( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nConstId );
+ // Als Default setzen
+ BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef );
+ BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef,
+ Atom nConstId );
+ ERRTYPE SetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nValueId,
+ INT32 nValue );
+ ERRTYPE SetNotConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nConstId );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+/******************* R s c C l i e n t ***********************************/
+class RscClient : public RscTop
+ RscFlag * pRefClass; //Klasse die als Server benutzt wird
+ Atom nConstId; //Id des zu setzenden Wertes
+ RscClient( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId, RscFlag * pClass,
+ Atom nConstantId );
+ virtual RSCCLASS_TYPE GetClassType() const;
+ RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt, BOOL );
+ sal_uInt32 Size(){ return( pRefClass->Size() ); };
+ // Eine Zuweisung an eine Variable
+ BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ return( pRefClass->IsDefault( rInst, nConstId ) );
+ };
+ // Als Default setzen
+ BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef ){
+ return pRefClass->IsValueDefault( rInst,
+ pDef, nConstId );
+ }
+ ERRTYPE SetBool( const RSCINST & rInst, BOOL bValue ){
+ if( bValue )
+ return( pRefClass->SetConst( rInst, nConstId, bValue ) );
+ else
+ return( pRefClass->
+ SetNotConst( rInst, nConstId ) );
+ };
+ ERRTYPE GetBool( const RSCINST & rInst, BOOL * pB ){
+ *pB = pRefClass->IsSet( rInst, nConstId );
+ return( ERR_OK );
+ };
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+#endif // _RSCFLAG_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rschash.hxx b/rsc/inc/rschash.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bb8b4670b11b
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+++ b/rsc/inc/rschash.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCHASH_HXX
+#define _RSCHASH_HXX
+#include <sal/types.h>
+#include <rtl/string.hxx>
+#include <hash_map>
+typedef sal_uInt32 Atom;
+#define InvalidAtom Atom( ~0 )
+class AtomContainer
+ Atom m_nNextID;
+ std::hash_map< rtl::OString, Atom, rtl::OStringHash > m_aStringToID;
+ std::hash_map< Atom, rtl::OString > m_aIDToString;
+ public:
+ AtomContainer();
+ ~AtomContainer();
+ Atom getID( const rtl::OString& rStr, bool bOnlyIfExists = false );
+ const rtl::OString& getString( Atom nAtom );
+#endif // _RSCHASH_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscinst.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscinst.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6cdfac1173e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscinst.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCINST_HXX
+#define _RSCINST_HXX
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rsctools.hxx>
+/******************* C l a s s e s F o r w a r d s *********************/
+class RscTypCont;
+class RscCmdLine;
+class REResourceList;
+class RscTop;
+class RscInstCopy;
+/******************* F u n c t i o n F o r w a r d s *******************/
+Atom HashId( const char * ); // Gibt zu einem String eine HashId
+const char * GetHashString( Atom ); // Gibt zu einer Atom einen String
+ // NULL, wenn kein Eintrag vorhanden
+/******************* S t r u c t s ***************************************/
+/****************** C L A S S E S ****************************************/
+class RscInst
+ void MakeCopy( RSCINST aCopyInst );
+ static RSCINST GetSysLangInst( RSCINST & rInst );
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ RscInst();
+ RscInst( const RscInst & rInst );
+ RscInst( RSCINST aTmpI );
+ RscInst& operator = ( const RscInst& rRscInst );
+ ~RscInst();
+ void OverWrite( RscInstCopy & rInst );
+ BOOL IsInst() const { return( aInst.IsInst() ); }
+ // Listen Methoden
+ ERRTYPE SetElement( const RscId & rName, RscInstCopy & rInst );
+ ERRTYPE SetPosEle( sal_uInt32 nPos, RscInstCopy & rInst );
+ ERRTYPE SetPosRscId( sal_uInt32 nPos, const RscId & rId );
+ SUBINFO_STRUCT GetInfoEle( sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ sal_uInt32 GetCount();
+ RscInst GetElement( RscTop * pClass, const RscId & rName );
+ RscInst GetPosEle( sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ ERRTYPE MovePosEle( sal_uInt32 nDestPos, sal_uInt32 nSourcePos );
+ ERRTYPE DeleteElement( RscTop * pClass, const RscId & rName );
+ ERRTYPE DeletePosEle( sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ ERRTYPE SetVar( Atom nVarName, RscInstCopy & rInst );
+ ERRTYPE SetConst( Atom nVarName, Atom nConstId );
+ ERRTYPE SetBool( Atom nVarName, BOOL );
+ // Hack fuer X, Y, Width, Height
+ static ERRTYPE SetCorrectValues( RSCINST & rInst, RSCINST & rVarInst,
+ INT32 lValue, sal_uInt32 nTupelIdx );
+ ERRTYPE SetNumber( Atom nVarName, INT32 );
+ ERRTYPE SetString( Atom nVarName, const char * );
+ ERRTYPE SetConst( Atom nConstId );
+ ERRTYPE SetBool( BOOL );
+ ERRTYPE SetNumber( INT32 );
+ ERRTYPE SetString( const char * );
+ ERRTYPE SetRef( const RscId & rRscId );
+ ERRTYPE SetDefault( Atom nVarName );
+ RscInst GetVar( Atom nVarName );
+ Atom GetConst( Atom nVarName = InvalidAtom );
+ sal_uInt32 GetConstPos( Atom nVarName = InvalidAtom );
+ BOOL GetBool( Atom nVarName = InvalidAtom );
+ // Hack fuer X, Y, Width, Height
+ static INT32 GetCorrectValues( RSCINST & rInst, RSCINST & rVarInst,
+ sal_uInt32 nTupelIdx );
+ INT32 GetNumber( Atom nVarName = InvalidAtom );
+ const char *GetString( Atom nVarName = InvalidAtom );
+ RscId GetRef();
+ BOOL IsDefault( Atom nVarName );
+ BOOL IsConsistent( RscInconsList * pList );
+ Atom GetClassEnum( Atom nVarName, sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ Atom GetClassEnum( sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ RscTop * GetClassType(){ return aInst.pClass; };
+ Atom GetClassName();
+ void EnumClassVariables( void * pData, VarEnumCallbackProc ) const;
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( RscWriteRc & aMem );
+class RscInstCopy : public RscInst {
+ void MakeCopy( RSCINST aCopyInst );
+ RscInstCopy();
+ RscInstCopy( const RscInstCopy & rInst );
+ RscInstCopy( const RscInst & rInst );
+ RscInstCopy( RSCINST aTmpI );
+ RscInstCopy( RscTop * pNewType, const RscInst & rInst );
+ RscInstCopy& operator = ( const RscInstCopy & rRscInst );
+ RscInstCopy& operator = ( const RscInst & rRscInst );
+ ~RscInstCopy();
+class RscDataBase
+friend class RscHrc;
+friend class RscSrc;
+friend class RscInst;
+ RscCmdLine * pCmdLine;
+ RscTypCont * pTC;
+ LanguageType nLangType;
+ RscDataBase( RscError * );
+ ~RscDataBase();
+// void SetLanguage( LanguageType nTyp ) { nLangType = nTyp; }
+ void SetLanguage( Atom nId );
+ Atom GetLanguage() const;
+ ByteString GetPath() const;
+ void SetPath( const ByteString & rPath );
+ // Konvertiert einen Namen in einen Typ
+ RscTop* GetClassType( Atom nClassName );
+ // Instanz einer Klasse erzeugen
+ BOOL MakeConsistent( RscInconsList * pList );
+ // Array mit Dateinamen
+ RscFileTab* GetFileTab();
+ // Eine Dateinamen-Instanz holen
+ RscFile * GetFileStruct( ULONG lKey );
+ ULONG AddSrcFile( const ByteString & rFileName );
+ ULONG AddHrcFile( const ByteString & rFileName );
+ // Traegt die Include-Dateien in die Abhaengigkeitsliste
+ // von lFileKey ein
+ void ScanForIncFiles( ULONG lFileKey );
+ void RemoveFile( ULONG lKey );
+ // Suche ueber alle DEFINES
+ RscDefine * FindDef( const ByteString & rName );
+ ULONG GetFileKey( const ByteString & rFileName );
+class RscHrc
+ ULONG lFileKey; // Index der Instanz
+ RscDataBase * pDataBase;// Datenbasis
+ // Kompilerinstanz erzeugen
+ RscHrc( RscDataBase * pDBase, ULONG lKey );
+ ~RscHrc();
+ // Daten von Datei uebernehmen
+ ERRTYPE ReadFile();
+ ULONG GetFileKey() const { return lFileKey; }
+ void SetDirty( BOOL bSet );
+ BOOL IsDirty();
+ void SetPathName( const ByteString & );
+ ByteString GetPathName();
+ void SetFileName( const ByteString & );
+ ByteString GetFileName();
+ //Depend-Datei anhaengen
+ void InsertDepend( ULONG lKey, ULONG lPos );
+ // DefineList holen
+ RscDefineList * GetDefineList();
+ // Suche ueber all DEFINES im Zugriff
+ RscDefine * FindDef( const ByteString & rName );
+ ERRTYPE NewDef( const ByteString & rMacroName, INT32 lValue,
+ ULONG lPos );
+ ERRTYPE NewDef( const ByteString & rMacroName, const ByteString & rMacro,
+ ULONG lPos );
+ ERRTYPE ChangeDef( const ByteString & rMacroName, INT32 lValue );
+ ERRTYPE ChangeDef( const ByteString & rMacroName,
+ const ByteString & rMacro );
+ BOOL IsDefUsed( const ByteString & );
+ void DeleteDef( const ByteString & rMacroName );
+ ERRTYPE ChangeDefName( const ByteString & rMacroName,
+ const ByteString & rNewName );
+ // Dateinamen-Instanz holen
+ RscFile * GetFileStruct();
+ //Abhaengigkeitsliste holen holen
+ RscDependList * GetDependList();
+ // Datei schreiben
+ ERRTYPE WriteFile();
+class RscSrc : public RscHrc {
+ // Kompilerinstanz erzeugen
+ RscSrc( RscDataBase * pDBase, ULONG lKey );
+ ~RscSrc();
+ RscInstCopy CreateRscInst( RscTop * pClass );
+ // Instanz loeschen
+ ERRTYPE DeleteRscInst( RscTop * pClass, const RscId & rInstName );
+ // Datenbasis nach Define Veraenderung wiederherstellen
+ //Instanz global zur Verfuegung stellen
+ ERRTYPE SetRscInst( const RscId & rInstName, RscInstCopy & );
+ //Instanz holen
+ RscInst GetRscInst( RscTop* pClass, const RscId & rInstName );
+ // Namen und Identifier Liste fuellen
+ void FillNameIdList( REResourceList * pList );
+ // C++ Resourcekonstruktor schreiben
+ ERRTYPE WriteCxxFile( const ByteString &, const ByteString & rHxxName );
+ ERRTYPE WriteHxxFile( const ByteString & ); // C++ Klasskopf schreiben
+#endif //_RSCINST_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rsckey.hxx b/rsc/inc/rsckey.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..717be1009154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rsckey.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCKEY_HXX
+#define _RSCKEY_HXX
+/****************** C l a s s F o r w a r d s **************************/
+class RscTop;
+#include <rscall.h>
+typedef struct {
+ Atom nName;
+ sal_uInt32 nTyp;
+ long yylval;
+class RscNameTable {
+ BOOL bSort; //soll bei jedem einfuegen sortiert werden?
+ sal_uInt32 nEntries; //Anzahl der Eintr�ge
+ KEY_STRUCT * pTable;
+ RscNameTable();
+ ~RscNameTable();
+ void SetSort( BOOL bSorted = TRUE );
+ Atom Put( Atom nName, sal_uInt32 nTyp, long nValue );
+ Atom Put( Atom nName, sal_uInt32 nTyp );
+ Atom Put( const char * pName, sal_uInt32 nTyp, long nValue );
+ Atom Put( const char * pName, sal_uInt32 nTyp );
+ Atom Put( Atom nName, sal_uInt32 nTyp, RscTop * pClass );
+ Atom Put( const char * pName, sal_uInt32 nTyp, RscTop * pClass );
+ // TRUE, wurde gefunden
+ BOOL Get( Atom nName, KEY_STRUCT * pEle );
+#endif// _RSCKEY_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rsclst.hxx b/rsc/inc/rsclst.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..89e4bfda2402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rsclst.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCLST_HXX
+#define _RSCLST_HXX
+#ifndef _TOOLS_LIST_HXX
+#include <tools/list.hxx>
+#include <rscall.h>
+class REResourceList;
+DECLARE_LIST( RESubResourceList, REResourceList * )
+class REResourceList : public RESubResourceList
+ REResourceList* pParent;
+ RscId aRscId; //Id und Name des Resourceobjektes
+ ByteString aClassName;
+ BOOL bVisible;
+ REResourceList();
+ REResourceList( REResourceList * pParentList,
+ ByteString& rClassName,
+ const RscId & rResourceID,
+ BOOL bVisible = FALSE );
+ ~REResourceList();
+ REResourceList* GetParent() { return pParent; }
+ ByteString GetObjName() { return aRscId.GetName(); }
+ ByteString GetClassName() { return aClassName; }
+ RscId GetRscId() { return aRscId; }
+ void SetRscId( const RscId & rId ){ aRscId = rId; }
+ void SetVisible( BOOL bVis )
+ { bVisible = bVis; }
+ BOOL IsVisible() { return bVisible; }
+#endif // _RSCLST_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscmgr.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscmgr.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b8c0e43031ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscmgr.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCMGR_HXX
+#define _RSCMGR_HXX
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+#include <rscclass.hxx>
+/******************* R s c M g r *****************************************/
+class RscMgr : public RscClass {
+ struct RscMgrInst {
+ RscId aRefId; // nRefId = Referenz Identifier
+ BOOL bDflt; // Ist Default
+ void Create(){ aRefId.Create(); bDflt = TRUE; }
+ void Destroy(){ aRefId.Destroy(); }
+ };
+ ERRTYPE IsToDeep( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nDeep = 0 );
+ RscMgr( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId, RscTop * pSuperCl );
+ void SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef );
+ RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt, BOOL );
+ void Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ sal_uInt32 Size();
+ void WriteSrcHeader( const RSCINST & aInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const RscId & rId, const char * );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId,
+ sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+ ERRTYPE WriteHxxHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId );
+ ERRTYPE WriteHxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId );
+ ERRTYPE WriteCxxHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId );
+ ERRTYPE WriteCxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId );
+ BOOL IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst,
+ RscInconsList * pList = NULL );
+ ERRTYPE GetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, RscId * );
+ ERRTYPE SetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rRefId );
+#endif //_RSCMGR_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscpar.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscpar.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..989ec924550c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscpar.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCPAR_HXX
+#define _RSCPAR_HXX
+#include <rsctools.hxx>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+/****************** C L A S S E S ****************************************/
+class RscTypCont;
+class RscExpression;
+/*********** R s c F i l e I n s t ***************************************/
+#define READBUFFER_MAX 256
+class RscFileInst
+ ERRTYPE aFirstError;// Erster Fehler
+ sal_uInt32 nErrorLine; // Zeile des ersten Fehlers
+ sal_uInt32 nErrorPos; // Position des ersten Fehlers
+ BOOL bIncLine; // Muss Zeilennummer incrementiert werden
+ sal_uInt32 nLineNo; // Zeile in der Eingabedatei
+ ULONG lFileIndex; // Index auf Eingabedatei
+ ULONG lSrcIndex; // Index auf Basisdatei
+ FILE * fInputFile; // Eingabedatei
+ char * pInput; // Lesepuffer
+ sal_uInt32 nInputBufLen; // Laenge des Lesepuffers
+ sal_uInt32 nInputPos; // Position im Lesepuffer
+ sal_uInt32 nInputEndPos;// Ende im Lesepuffer
+ char * pLine; // Zeile
+ sal_uInt32 nLineBufLen;//Lange des Zeilenpuffres
+ sal_uInt32 nScanPos; // Position in der Zeile
+ int cLastChar;
+ BOOL bEof;
+ RscTypCont * pTypCont;
+ void Init(); // ctor initialisieren
+ RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, ULONG lIndexSrc,
+ ULONG lFileIndex, FILE * fFile );
+ RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, ULONG lIndexSrc,
+ ULONG lFileIndex, const ByteString & );
+ ~RscFileInst();
+ BOOL IsEof() const { return bEof; }
+ void SetFileIndex( ULONG lFIndex ) { lFileIndex = lFIndex; }
+ ULONG GetFileIndex() { return( lFileIndex ); }
+ ULONG GetSrcIndex() { return( lSrcIndex ); }
+ void SetLineNo( sal_uInt32 nLine ) { nLineNo = nLine; }
+ sal_uInt32 GetLineNo() { return( nLineNo ); }
+ sal_uInt32 GetScanPos() { return( nScanPos ); }
+ char * GetLine() { return( pLine ); }
+ int GetChar();
+ int GetFastChar() { return pLine[ nScanPos ] ?
+ pLine[ nScanPos++ ] : GetChar();
+ }
+ void GetNewLine();
+ // Fehlerbehandlung
+ void SetError( ERRTYPE aError );
+ ERRTYPE GetError() { return aFirstError; }
+ sal_uInt32 GetErrorLine() { return nErrorLine; }
+ sal_uInt32 GetErrorPos() { return nErrorPos; }
+/******************* F u n c t i o n *************************************/
+void IncludeParser( RscFileInst * pFileInst );
+ERRTYPE parser( RscFileInst * pFileInst );
+RscExpression * MacroParser( RscFileInst & rFileInst );
+#endif // _RSCPAR_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscrange.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscrange.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..96559037e51f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscrange.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCRANGE_HXX
+#define _RSCRANGE_HXX
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+/******************* R s c R a n g e *************************************/
+class RscRange : public RscTop
+ struct RscRangeInst {
+ sal_uInt16 nValue; // nValue = Ausgangswert - nMin
+ BOOL bDflt; // Ist Default
+ };
+ INT32 nMin; // Minimum des Bereiches
+ INT32 nMax; // Maximum des Bereiches
+ sal_uInt32 nSize;
+ RscRange( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId );
+ virtual RSCCLASS_TYPE GetClassType() const;
+ RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDfltInst, BOOL );
+ // Der zulaessige Bereich wird gesetzt
+ ERRTYPE SetRange( INT32 nMinimum, INT32 nMaximum );
+ // Gibt die Groesse der Klasse in Bytes
+ sal_uInt32 Size(){ return nSize; }
+ // Eine Zuweisung an eine Variable
+ virtual void SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ {
+ ((RscRangeInst*)rInst.pData)->bDflt = TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst)
+ {
+ return( ((RscRangeInst*)rInst.pData)->bDflt );
+ };
+ // Als Default setzen
+ BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef );
+ ERRTYPE SetNumber( const RSCINST &, INT32 );
+ ERRTYPE GetNumber( const RSCINST &, INT32 * );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST &, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST &, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+ void WriteRcAccess( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * );
+/******************* R s c L o n g R a n g e ******************************/
+class RscLongRange : public RscTop
+ struct RscLongRangeInst
+ {
+ INT32 nValue; // nValue = Ausgangswert - nMin
+ BOOL bDflt; // Ist Default
+ };
+ INT32 nMin; // Minimum des Bereiches
+ INT32 nMax; // Maximum des Bereiches
+ sal_uInt32 nSize;
+ RscLongRange( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId );
+ virtual RSCCLASS_TYPE GetClassType() const;
+ RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDfltInst, BOOL );
+ // Der zulaessige Bereich wird gesetzt
+ ERRTYPE SetRange( INT32 nMinimum, INT32 nMaximum );
+ // Gibt die Groesse der Klasse in Bytes
+ sal_uInt32 Size(){ return nSize; }
+ // Eine Zuweisung an eine Variable
+ virtual void SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ {
+ ((RscLongRangeInst*)rInst.pData)->bDflt = TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst)
+ {
+ return( ((RscLongRangeInst*)rInst.pData)->bDflt );
+ };
+ // Als Default setzen
+ BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef );
+ ERRTYPE SetNumber( const RSCINST &, INT32 );
+ ERRTYPE GetNumber( const RSCINST &, INT32 * );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST &, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST &, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+ void WriteRcAccess( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * );
+/******************* R s c L o n g E n u m R a n g e ******************/
+class RscLongEnumRange : public RscLongRange
+ RscLongEnumRange( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId );
+ ERRTYPE SetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nValueId,
+ INT32 nValue );
+/******************* R s c I d R a n g e ***********************************/
+class RscIdRange : public RscTop
+ sal_uInt32 nSize;
+ INT32 nMin; // Minimum des Bereiches
+ INT32 nMax; // Maximum des Bereiches
+ RscIdRange( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId );
+ virtual RSCCLASS_TYPE GetClassType() const;
+ // Der zulaessige Bereich wird gesetzt
+ ERRTYPE SetRange( INT32 nMinimum, INT32 nMaximum ){
+ nMin = nMinimum;
+ nMax = nMaximum;
+ return ERR_OK;
+ }
+ RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDfltInst, BOOL );
+ void Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ sal_uInt32 Size(){ return nSize; }
+ virtual void SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ {
+ ((RscId*)rInst.pData)->aExp.cUnused = TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst)
+ {
+ //cUnused wird fuer Defaultkennung verwendet
+ return ((RscId*)rInst.pData)->aExp.cUnused
+ }
+ // Als Default setzen
+ BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef );
+ ERRTYPE SetNumber( const RSCINST &, INT32 );
+ ERRTYPE GetNumber( const RSCINST &, INT32 * );
+ ERRTYPE SetRef( const RSCINST &, const RscId & rRscId );
+ ERRTYPE GetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, RscId * );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST &, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST &, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+ BOOL IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst, RscInconsList * pList );
+ void WriteRcAccess( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * );
+/******************* R s c B o o l ***************************************/
+class RscBool : public RscRange
+ RscBool( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId );
+ virtual RSCCLASS_TYPE GetClassType() const;
+ // Der zulaessige Bereich wird gesetzt
+ ERRTYPE SetRange( INT32, INT32 ){
+ };
+ ERRTYPE SetBool( const RSCINST & rInst, BOOL b ){
+ return( SetNumber( rInst, (INT32)b ) );
+ };
+ ERRTYPE GetBool( const RSCINST & rInst, BOOL * pB){
+ INT32 l;
+ GetNumber( rInst, &l );
+ *pB = (0 != l);
+ return( ERR_OK );
+ };
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST &, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ void WriteRcAccess( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * );
+class RscBreakRange : public RscRange {
+ INT32 nOutRange;
+ RscBreakRange( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId );
+ void SetOutRange( INT32 nNumber ){
+ nOutRange = nNumber;
+ }
+ RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDfltInst, BOOL );
+ ERRTYPE SetNumber( const RSCINST &, INT32 );
+#endif // _RSCRANGE_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscrsc.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscrsc.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c2b0a70a1b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscrsc.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCRSC_HXX
+#define _RSCRSC_HXX
+#ifndef RSCALL_H
+#include <rscall.h>
+#ifndef RSCERROR_H
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rsctools.hxx>
+#include <list>
+class RscTypCont;
+class DirEntry;
+/****************** T Y P E S ********************************************/
+#define MAX_INPUTFILES 100
+#define MAX_SYMBOLS 10
+#define MAX_INCLUDES 10
+/****************** R s c C m d L i n e **********************************/
+class RscCmdLine
+ void Init();
+ RscStrList aInputList; // Liste der Quelldateien
+ RscStrList aSymbolList; // Liste der Symbole
+ ByteString aPath; // Liste der Pfade
+ unsigned short nCommands; // Steuerbits
+ ByteString aOutputLst; // Name der List-Ausgabedatei
+ ByteString aOutputSrs; // Name der Srs-Ausgabedatei
+ ByteString aOutputSrc; // Name der Src-Ausgabedatei
+ ByteString aOutputRcCtor; // Name der Ctor-Ausgabedatei
+ ByteString aOutputCxx; // Name der Cxx-Ausgabedatei
+ ByteString aOutputHxx; // Name der Hxx-Ausgabedatei
+ ByteString aTouchFile; // create this file when done in rsc2
+ ByteString aILDir;
+ struct OutputFile
+ {
+ ByteString aLangName; // language name
+ ByteString aOutputRc; // target file
+ ByteString aLangSearchPath; // language specific search path
+ ::std::list< ByteString > aSysSearchDirs; // pathes to search for images
+ OutputFile() {}
+ };
+ std::list<OutputFile> m_aOutputFiles;
+ std::list< std::pair< rtl::OString, rtl::OString > > m_aReplacements;
+ RscCmdLine( int argc, char ** argv, RscError * pEH );
+ RscCmdLine();
+ ~RscCmdLine();
+ ::rtl::OString substitutePaths( const ::rtl::OString& rIn );
+/****************** R s c ************************************************/
+struct WriteRcContext;
+class RscCompiler
+ RscStrList aTmpFileList; // Liste der Tmp-Dateien
+ ByteString aTmpOutputHxx; // Name der TempHxx-Ausgabedatei
+ ByteString aTmpOutputCxx; // Name der TempCxx-Ausgabedatei
+ ByteString aTmpOutputRcCtor; // Name der Temp Ctor-Ausgabedatei
+ ByteString aTmpOutputSrc; // Name der TempSrc-Ausgabedatei
+ void CreateResFile( const char * pRc );
+ void Append( const ByteString& rOutputSrs, const ByteString& rTmpFile );
+ void OpenInput( const ByteString& rInput );
+ bool GetImageFilePath( const RscCmdLine::OutputFile& rOutputFile,
+ const WriteRcContext& rContext,
+ const ByteString& rBaseFileName,
+ ByteString& rImagePath,
+ FILE* pSysListFile );
+ void PreprocessSrsFile( const RscCmdLine::OutputFile& rOutputFile,
+ const WriteRcContext& rContext,
+ const DirEntry& rSrsInPath,
+ const DirEntry& rSrsOutPath );
+ RscTypCont* pTC; // String und Id-Verwalter
+ RscCmdLine* pCL; // Kommandozeile
+ FILE * fListing; // Ausgabedatei fuer Listings
+ FILE * fExitFile; // bei Abbruch muss diese Datei geschlossen werden
+ RscCompiler( RscCmdLine *, RscTypCont * );
+ ~RscCompiler();
+ ERRTYPE Start();
+ ByteString GetTmpFileName(); // Die Dateien werden geloescht
+ // Include Statements lesen
+ ERRTYPE IncludeParser( ULONG lFileKey );
+ ERRTYPE ParseOneFile( ULONG lFileKey, const RscCmdLine::OutputFile* pOutputFile, const WriteRcContext* pContext );
+ ERRTYPE Link();
+ void EndCompile();
+#endif //_RSCRSC_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscsfx.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscsfx.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..830bbcf37baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscsfx.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCSFX_HXX
+#define _RSCSFX_HXX
+// StarView (RSC_NOTYPE) bis (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x190)
+// Sfx (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x200) bis (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x20F)
+#define RSC_SFX_STYLE_FAMILIES (0x100 + 0x201)
+#define RSC_SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_ITEM (0x100 + 0x202)
+#define RSC_SFX_SLOT_INFO (0x100 + 0x203)
+// StarMoney (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x210) bis (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x22F)
+// Public (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x300) bis (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x3FF)
+//========== S F X =======================================
+enum SfxStyleFamily { SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR = 1,
+ };
+// SfxTemplateDialog
+// SfxSlotInfo
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscstr.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscstr.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6d32a437b09e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscstr.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCSTR_HXX
+#define _RSCSTR_HXX
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+/******************* R s c S t r i n g ***********************************/
+class RscString : public RscTop
+ RscTop * pRefClass;
+ struct RscStringInst {
+ char * pStr; // Zeiger auf String
+ BOOL bDflt; // Ist Default
+ RscId aRefId; // ReferenzName
+ };
+ sal_uInt32 nSize;
+ RscString( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypId );
+ virtual RSCCLASS_TYPE GetClassType() const;
+ void SetRefClass( RscTop * pClass )
+ {
+ pRefClass = pClass;
+ };
+ RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDfltInst, BOOL );
+ // Der zulaessige Bereich wird gesetzt
+ void Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ sal_uInt32 Size(){ return nSize; }
+ void SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ {
+ ((RscStringInst*)rInst.pData)->bDflt = TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst)
+ {
+ return( ((RscStringInst*)rInst.pData)->bDflt );
+ };
+ // Als Default setzen
+ BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef );
+ ERRTYPE SetString( const RSCINST &, const char * pStr );
+ ERRTYPE GetString( const RSCINST &, char ** ppStr );
+ ERRTYPE GetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, RscId * );
+ ERRTYPE SetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rRefId );
+ void WriteSrc( const RSCINST &, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST &, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32, BOOL bExtra );
+ virtual void WriteRcAccess( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * );
+#endif // _RSCSTR_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rsctools.hxx b/rsc/inc/rsctools.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3a3eff653cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rsctools.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+class RscPtrPtr;
+#ifndef _RSCTOOLS_HXX
+#define _RSCTOOLS_HXX
+#ifdef UNX
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <tools/string.hxx>
+#include <tools/list.hxx>
+/******************* T y p e s *******************************************/
+// Zeichensatz
+enum COMPARE { LESS = -1, EQUAL = 0, GREATER = 1 };
+/******************* M A K R O S *****************************************/
+#define ALIGNED_SIZE( nSize ) \
+ (nSize + sizeof( void * ) -1) / sizeof( void * ) * sizeof( void * )
+/******************* F u n c t i o n F o r w a r d s *******************/
+ByteString GetTmpFileName();
+BOOL Append( ByteString aDestFile, ByteString aSourceFile );
+BOOL Append( FILE * fDest, ByteString aSourceFile );
+ByteString InputFile ( const char * pInput, const char * pExt );
+ByteString OutputFile( ByteString aInput, const char * ext );
+char * ResponseFile( RscPtrPtr * ppCmd, char ** ppArgv,
+ sal_uInt32 nArgc );
+void RscExit( sal_uInt32 nExit );
+/********* A n s i - F u n c t i o n F o r w a r d s *******************/
+int rsc_strnicmp( const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t count );
+int rsc_stricmp( const char *string1, const char *string2 );
+char* rsc_strdup( const char* );
+/****************** C L A S S E S ****************************************/
+DECLARE_LIST( RscStrList, ByteString * )
+/*********** R s c C h a r ***********************************************/
+class RscChar
+ static char * MakeUTF8( char * pStr, UINT16 nTextEncoding );
+/****************** R s c P t r P t r ************************************/
+class RscPtrPtr
+ sal_uInt32 nCount;
+ void ** pMem;
+ RscPtrPtr();
+ ~RscPtrPtr();
+ void Reset();
+ sal_uInt32 Append( void * );
+ sal_uInt32 Append( char * pStr ){
+ return( Append( (void *)pStr ) );
+ };
+ sal_uInt32 GetCount(){ return( nCount ); };
+ void * GetEntry( sal_uInt32 nEle );
+ void ** GetBlock(){ return( pMem ); };
+/****************** R s c W r i t e R c **********************************/
+class RscWriteRc
+ sal_uInt32 nLen;
+ BOOL bSwap;
+ char * pMem;
+ char * GetPointer( sal_uInt32 nSize );
+ ~RscWriteRc();
+ sal_uInt32 IncSize( sal_uInt32 nSize );// gibt die vorherige Groesse
+ void * GetBuffer()
+ {
+ return GetPointer( 0 );
+ }
+ sal_uInt16 GetShort( sal_uInt32 nPos )
+ {
+ sal_uInt16 nVal = 0;
+ char* pFrom = GetPointer(nPos);
+ char* pTo = (char*)&nVal;
+ *pTo++ = *pFrom++;
+ *pTo++ = *pFrom++;
+ return bSwap ? SWAPSHORT( nVal ) : nVal;
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 GetLong( sal_uInt32 nPos )
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 nVal = 0;
+ char* pFrom = GetPointer(nPos);
+ char* pTo = (char*)&nVal;
+ *pTo++ = *pFrom++;
+ *pTo++ = *pFrom++;
+ *pTo++ = *pFrom++;
+ *pTo++ = *pFrom++;
+ return bSwap ? SWAPLONG( nVal ) : nVal;
+ }
+ char * GetUTF8( sal_uInt32 nPos )
+ {
+ return GetPointer( nPos );
+ }
+ RSCBYTEORDER_TYPE GetByteOrder() const { return nByteOrder; }
+ sal_uInt32 Size(){ return( nLen ); };
+ void Put( sal_uInt64 lVal )
+ {
+ union
+ {
+ sal_uInt64 lVal64;
+ sal_uInt32 aVal32[2];
+ };
+ lVal64 = lVal;
+ if( bSwap )
+ {
+ Put( aVal32[1] );
+ Put( aVal32[0] );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Put( aVal32[0] );
+ Put( aVal32[1] );
+ }
+ }
+ void Put( sal_Int32 lVal )
+ {
+ union
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 lVal32;
+ sal_uInt16 aVal16[2];
+ };
+ lVal32 = lVal;
+ if( bSwap )
+ {
+ Put( aVal16[1] );
+ Put( aVal16[0] );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Put( aVal16[0] );
+ Put( aVal16[1] );
+ }
+ }
+ void Put( sal_uInt32 nValue )
+ { Put( (sal_Int32)nValue ); }
+ void Put( sal_uInt16 nValue );
+ void Put( sal_Int16 nValue )
+ { Put( (sal_uInt16)nValue ); }
+ void PutUTF8( char * pData );
+ void PutAt( sal_uInt32 nPos, INT32 lVal )
+ {
+ union
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 lVal32;
+ sal_uInt16 aVal16[2];
+ };
+ lVal32 = lVal;
+ if( bSwap )
+ {
+ PutAt( nPos, aVal16[1] );
+ PutAt( nPos + 2, aVal16[0] );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PutAt( nPos, aVal16[0] );
+ PutAt( nPos + 2, aVal16[1] );
+ }
+ }
+ void PutAt( sal_uInt32 nPos, sal_uInt32 lVal )
+ {
+ PutAt( nPos, (INT32)lVal);
+ }
+ void PutAt( sal_uInt32 nPos, short nVal )
+ {
+ PutAt( nPos, (sal_uInt16)nVal );
+ }
+ void PutAt( sal_uInt32 nPos, sal_uInt16 nVal )
+ {
+ if( bSwap )
+ nVal = SWAPSHORT( nVal );
+ char* pTo = GetPointer( nPos );
+ char* pFrom = (char*)&nVal;
+ *pTo++ = *pFrom++;
+ *pTo++ = *pFrom++;
+ }
+#endif // _RSCTOOLS_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rsctop.hxx b/rsc/inc/rsctop.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..85aa06614574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rsctop.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCTOP_HXX
+#define _RSCTOP_HXX
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rsctools.hxx>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <rscclobj.hxx>
+/****************** T Y P E S ********************************************/
+typedef sal_uInt32 RSCVAR;
+#define VAR_POINTER 0x0001
+#define VAR_HIDDEN 0x0002
+#define VAR_NODATAINST 0x0004
+#define VAR_NORC 0x0008
+#define VAR_SVDYNAMIC 0x0010
+#define VAR_NOENUM 0x0020
+#define VAR_EXTENDABLE 0x0040 /* Auch die Ableitung einer Klasse kann angegeben werden */
+/****************** C L A S S E S ****************************************/
+/******************* R s c C l a s s *************************************/
+class RscTop : public RefNode
+ RscTop * pSuperClass;
+ RSCINST aDfltInst;
+ sal_uInt32 nTypId;
+ RscTop * pRefClass;
+ RscTop( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypIdent,
+ RscTop * pSuperCl = NULL );
+ ByteString aCallPar1; // Klassenaufruf ohne Typen bis ResId
+ ByteString aCallPar2; // Klassenaufruf ohne Typen ab ResId
+ ByteString aCallParType; // Klassenaufruf mit Typen
+ void SetSuperClass( RscTop * pClass )
+ {
+ pSuperClass = pClass;
+ }
+ RscTop* GetSuperClass() const
+ { return pSuperClass; }
+ // Gibt den Typidentifier zurueck
+ sal_uInt32 GetTypId() const
+ { return nTypId; };
+ // Gibt die Oberklasse zurueck
+ BOOL InHierarchy( RscTop * pClass );
+ BOOL IsCodeWriteable() const
+ {
+ return( 0 != aCallParType.Len() );
+ }
+ void SetCallPar( const ByteString & rPar1, const ByteString & rPar2,
+ const ByteString & rParType );
+ void SetRefClass( RscTop * pRef ) { pRefClass = pRef; }
+ RscTop* GetRefClass() const { return pRefClass; }
+ virtual RSCCLASS_TYPE GetClassType() const = 0;
+ RSCINST GetDefault();
+ // Vorbereitung auf den dtor aufruf
+ // Da die Klassen gegenseitige Abhaengigkeiten
+ // aufweisen koennen, kann man im dtor nicht davon
+ // ausgehen, dass alle Klassenzeiger noch gueltig sind
+ virtual void Pre_dtor();
+ virtual Atom GetConstant( sal_uInt32 );
+ virtual RscTop * GetTypeClass() const;
+ // Gibt die Groesse der Klasse in Bytes
+ virtual sal_uInt32 Size();
+ // Gibt die Referenz zurueck
+ virtual ERRTYPE GetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, RscId * );
+ // Gibt die Referenz zurueck
+ virtual ERRTYPE SetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rRefId );
+ // Variable anlegen
+ virtual ERRTYPE SetVariable( Atom nVarName, RscTop * pClass,
+ RSCINST * pDflt = NULL,
+ RSCVAR nVarType = 0, sal_uInt32 nMask = 0,
+ Atom nDataBaseName = InvalidAtom );
+ // Zaehlt alle Variablen auf
+ virtual void EnumVariables( void * pData, VarEnumCallbackProc );
+ // Liefert Instanz der Variablen zurueck
+ // pData, pClass im return koennen NULL sein
+ virtual RSCINST GetVariable( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nVarName,
+ const RSCINST & rInitInst,
+ BOOL nInitDflt = FALSE,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass = NULL );
+ virtual RSCINST GetCopyVar( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nVarName );
+ virtual RSCINST GetTupelVar( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos,
+ const RSCINST & rInitInst );
+ // Liefert Instanz aus einem Feld zurueck
+ // pGetInst im return kann NULL sein
+ virtual ERRTYPE GetElement( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rEleName,
+ RscTop *pCreateClass, const RSCINST & rCreateInst,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst );
+ // Liefert Instanz aus einem Feld zurueck
+ // pGetInst im return kann NULL sein
+ virtual ERRTYPE GetValueEle( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 lValue,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst );
+ // Liefert Instanz aus einem Feld zurueck
+ // pGetInst im return kann NULL sein
+ virtual ERRTYPE GetArrayEle( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nId,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst );
+ virtual RSCINST SearchEle( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rEleName,
+ RscTop * pClass );
+ // Liefert Instanz an der Position zurueck
+ virtual RSCINST GetPosEle( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ // verschiebt eine Instanz
+ virtual ERRTYPE MovePosEle( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nDestPos,
+ sal_uInt32 nSourcePos );
+ // aendert RscId an Position
+ virtual ERRTYPE SetPosRscId( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos,
+ const RscId & rRscId);
+ // Liefert Information ueber Instanz
+ // an der Position zurueck
+ virtual SUBINFO_STRUCT GetInfoEle( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ // Anzahl der Eintraege
+ virtual sal_uInt32 GetCount( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ // Eine Zuweisung an eine Variable
+ virtual ERRTYPE SetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 lValue );
+ // Eine Zuweisung an eine Variable
+ virtual ERRTYPE SetBool( const RSCINST & rInst, BOOL bValue );
+ // Eine Zuweisung an eine Variable
+ virtual ERRTYPE SetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nValueId,
+ INT32 nValue );
+ // Eine Zuweisung an eine Variable
+ virtual ERRTYPE SetNotConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nId );
+ virtual ERRTYPE SetString( const RSCINST & rInst, const char * pStr );
+ virtual ERRTYPE GetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 * pN );
+ virtual ERRTYPE GetBool( const RSCINST & rInst, BOOL * pB );
+ virtual ERRTYPE GetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom * pH );
+ virtual ERRTYPE GetString( const RSCINST & rInst, char ** ppStr );
+ virtual RSCINST Create( RSCINST * pInst,
+ const RSCINST & rDefInst, BOOL bOwnClass = FALSE );
+ // Instanz zerstoeren
+ virtual void Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ // prueft auf konsistenz
+ virtual BOOL IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst,
+ RscInconsList * pList = NULL );
+ // Alles auf Default setzen
+ virtual void SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ // Ist Eingabe = Default
+ virtual BOOL IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst );
+ // Gleiche Werte auf Default setzen
+ virtual BOOL IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef );
+ // Instanz auf Default setzen
+ virtual void SetDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nVarId );
+ // Default zu einer Variablen holen
+ virtual RSCINST GetDefault( Atom nVarId );
+ virtual void Delete( const RSCINST & rInst, RscTop * pClass,
+ const RscId & rId );
+ virtual void DeletePos( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos );
+ // Schreibt den Kopf und das Ende einer Resource
+ // Script Datei
+ virtual void WriteSrcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const RscId & aId, const char * );
+ virtual void WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,const char * );
+ virtual ERRTYPE WriteRcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & aId,
+ sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra );
+ virtual ERRTYPE WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra );
+ // Weiterleitung an Superklassen wird unterbunden
+ virtual ERRTYPE WriteHxxHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId );
+ virtual ERRTYPE WriteHxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId &rId );
+ virtual ERRTYPE WriteCxxHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId &rId );
+ virtual ERRTYPE WriteCxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId &rId );
+ void WriteSyntaxHeader( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC );
+ virtual void WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC );
+ virtual void WriteRcAccess( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * );
+ virtual void WriteRcCtor( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC );
+#endif //_RSCTOP_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rsctree.hxx b/rsc/inc/rsctree.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0ee0f3b5056f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rsctree.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCTREE_HXX
+#define _RSCTREE_HXX
+#include <tools/link.hxx>
+#include <rsctools.hxx>
+/****************** C L A S S E S ****************************************/
+class BiNode
+ BiNode* pLeft; // left subtree
+ BiNode* pRight; // right subtree
+ // Wandelt eine doppelt verkettete Liste in
+ // einen binaeren Baum um
+ BiNode * ChangeDLListBTree( BiNode * pList );
+ BiNode();
+ virtual ~BiNode();
+ // Wandelt einen binaeren Baum in eine doppelt
+ // verkettete Liste um
+ BiNode* ChangeBTreeDLList();
+ BiNode * Left() const { return pLeft ; };
+ BiNode * Right() const{ return pRight ; };
+ void EnumNodes( Link aLink ) const;
+class NameNode : public BiNode
+ void SubOrderTree( NameNode * pOrderNode );
+ // pCmp ist Zeiger auf Namen
+ NameNode* Search( const void * pCmp ) const;
+ NameNode* Left() const { return (NameNode *)pLeft ; };
+ NameNode* Right() const{ return (NameNode *)pRight ; };
+ NameNode* Search( const NameNode * pName ) const;
+ // insert a new node in the b-tree
+ BOOL Insert( NameNode * pTN, sal_uInt32 * nDepth );
+ BOOL Insert( NameNode* pTN );
+ virtual COMPARE Compare( const NameNode * ) const;
+ virtual COMPARE Compare( const void * ) const;
+ NameNode* SearchParent( const NameNode * ) const;
+ // return ist neue Root
+ NameNode* Remove( NameNode * );
+ void OrderTree();
+ BOOL IsOrderTree() const;
+class IdNode : public NameNode
+ virtual COMPARE Compare( const NameNode * ) const;
+ virtual COMPARE Compare( const void * ) const;
+ using NameNode::Search;
+ IdNode* Search( sal_uInt32 nTypName ) const;
+ virtual sal_uInt32 GetId() const;
+class StringNode : public NameNode
+ virtual COMPARE Compare( const NameNode * ) const;
+ virtual COMPARE Compare( const void * ) const;
+ using NameNode::Search;
+ ByteString aName;
+ StringNode(){};
+ StringNode( const ByteString & rStr ) { aName = rStr; }
+ StringNode* Search( const char * ) const;
+ ByteString GetName() const { return aName; }
+#endif // _RSCTREE_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/vclrsc.hxx b/rsc/inc/vclrsc.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..19677171dcb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/vclrsc.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <sal/types.h>
+#include <tools/solar.h>
+// ---------------
+// - Window-Bits -
+// ---------------
+// from vcl/inc/wintypes.hxx
+typedef sal_Int64 WinBits;
+// Window-Bits fuer Window
+#define WB_CLIPCHILDREN ((WinBits)0x00000001)
+#define WB_DIALOGCONTROL ((WinBits)0x00000002)
+#define WB_NODIALOGCONTROL ((WinBits)0x00000004)
+#define WB_BORDER ((WinBits)0x00000008)
+#define WB_NOBORDER ((WinBits)0x00000010)
+#define WB_SIZEABLE ((WinBits)0x00000020)
+#define WB_3DLOOK ((WinBits)0x00000040)
+#define WB_AUTOSIZE ((WinBits)0x00000080)
+// Window-Bits fuer SystemWindows
+#define WB_MOVEABLE ((WinBits)0x00000100)
+#define WB_ROLLABLE ((WinBits)0x00000200)
+#define WB_CLOSEABLE ((WinBits)0x00000400)
+#define WB_STANDALONE ((WinBits)0x00000800)
+#define WB_APP ((WinBits)0x00001000)
+#define WB_PINABLE ((WinBits)0x00002000)
+#define WB_SYSTEMWINDOW ((WinBits)0x40000000)
+// Standard-Window-Bits fuer ChildWindows
+#define WB_TABSTOP ((WinBits)0x00000100)
+#define WB_NOTABSTOP ((WinBits)0x00000200)
+#define WB_GROUP ((WinBits)0x00000400)
+#define WB_NOGROUP ((WinBits)0x00000800)
+#define WB_HORZ ((WinBits)0x00001000)
+#define WB_VERT ((WinBits)0x00002000)
+#define WB_LEFT ((WinBits)0x00004000)
+#define WB_CENTER ((WinBits)0x00008000)
+#define WB_RIGHT ((WinBits)0x00010000)
+#define WB_TOP ((WinBits)0x00020000)
+#define WB_VCENTER ((WinBits)0x00040000)
+#define WB_BOTTOM ((WinBits)0x00080000)
+#define WB_DRAG ((WinBits)0x00100000)
+#define WB_SPIN ((WinBits)0x00200000)
+#define WB_REPEAT ((WinBits)0x00400000)
+#define WB_NOPOINTERFOCUS ((WinBits)0x00800000)
+#define WB_WORDBREAK ((WinBits)0x01000000)
+#define WB_NOLABEL ((WinBits)0x02000000)
+#define WB_SORT ((WinBits)0x04000000)
+#define WB_DROPDOWN ((WinBits)0x08000000)
+#define WB_AUTOHSCROLL ((WinBits)0x10000000)
+#define WB_DOCKABLE ((WinBits)0x20000000)
+#define WB_AUTOVSCROLL ((WinBits)0x40000000)
+#define WB_HIDE ((WinBits)0x80000000)
+// Window-Bits for PushButtons
+#define WB_DEFBUTTON ((WinBits)0x10000000)
+#define WB_NOLIGHTBORDER ((WinBits)0x20000000)
+#define WB_RECTSTYLE ((WinBits)0x08000000)
+#define WB_SMALLSTYLE ((WinBits)0x04000000)
+// Window-Bits for FixedText
+#define WB_INFO ((WinBits)0x20000000)
+#define WB_PATHELLIPSIS ((WinBits)0x00100000)
+// Window-Bits for Edit
+#define WB_PASSWORD ((WinBits)0x01000000)
+#define WB_READONLY ((WinBits)0x02000000)
+#define WB_NOHIDESELECTION ((WinBits)SAL_CONST_INT64(0x1000000000))
+// Window-Bits for MultiLineEdit
+#define WB_IGNORETAB ((WinBits)0x20000000)
+// Window-Bits for ListBox and MultiListBox
+#define WB_SIMPLEMODE ((WinBits)0x20000000)
+// Window-Bits for FixedBitmap
+#define WB_FAST ((WinBits)0x04000000)
+#define WB_SCALE ((WinBits)0x08000000)
+#define WB_TOPLEFTVISIBLE ((WinBits)0x10000000)
+// Window-Bits for ToolBox
+#define WB_LINESPACING ((WinBits)0x01000000)
+#define WB_SCROLL ((WinBits)0x02000000)
+// Window-Bits for TabControl
+#define WB_SINGLELINE ((WinBits)0x02000000)
+// Window-Bits for DockingWindows
+#define WB_DOCKBORDER ((WinBits)0x00001000)
+// Window-Bits for SplitWindow
+#define WB_NOSPLITDRAW ((WinBits)0x01000000)
+#define WB_FLATSPLITDRAW ((WinBits)0x02000000)
+// Window-Bits for MessageBoxen
+#define WB_OK ((WinBits)0x00100000)
+#define WB_OK_CANCEL ((WinBits)0x00200000)
+#define WB_YES_NO ((WinBits)0x00400000)
+#define WB_YES_NO_CANCEL ((WinBits)0x00800000)
+#define WB_RETRY_CANCEL ((WinBits)0x01000000)
+#define WB_DEF_OK ((WinBits)0x02000000)
+#define WB_DEF_CANCEL ((WinBits)0x04000000)
+#define WB_DEF_RETRY ((WinBits)0x08000000)
+#define WB_DEF_YES ((WinBits)0x10000000)
+#define WB_DEF_NO ((WinBits)0x20000000)
+#define WB_ABORT_RETRY_IGNORE ((WinBits)SAL_CONST_INT64(0x1000000000))
+#define WB_DEF_IGNORE ((WinBits)SAL_CONST_INT64(0x2000000000))
+// Standard-WinBits
+// For TreeListBox
+#define WB_HASBUTTONS ((WinBits)0x00800000)
+#define WB_HASLINES ((WinBits)0x01000000)
+#define WB_HASLINESATROOT ((WinBits)0x02000000)
+// --------------
+// - Help-Types -
+// --------------
+// from vcl/inc/help.hxx
+// --------------
+// - FieldTypes -
+// --------------
+// from vcl/inc/fldunit.hxx
+// from vcl/inc/vclenum.hxx
+// -----------------
+// - KeyCode-Types -
+// -----------------
+#include <com/sun/star/awt/Key.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/awt/KeyGroup.hpp>
+#define KEY_CODE ((sal_uInt16)0x0FFF)
+// Modifier-Tasten
+#define KEY_SHIFT ((sal_uInt16)0x1000)
+#define KEY_MOD1 ((sal_uInt16)0x2000)
+#define KEY_MOD2 ((sal_uInt16)0x4000)
+#define KEY_MOD3 ((sal_uInt16)0x8000)
+#define KEY_MODTYPE ((sal_uInt16)0xF000)
+#define KEY_ALLMODTYPE ((sal_uInt16)0xF000)
+// from vcl/inc/vclenum.hxx
+// ------------
+// - TriState -
+// ------------
+// from vcl/inc/wintypes.hxx
+// -----------------
+// - MapMode-Types -
+// -----------------
+// from vcl/inc/mapmod.hxx
+enum MapUnit { MAP_100TH_MM, MAP_10TH_MM, MAP_MM, MAP_CM,
+// Das Resourcesystem benutzt den Wert 0xFFFF (freihalten)
+// --------------------------
+// - Bits fuer ToolBoxItems -
+// --------------------------
+// from vcl/inc/toolbox.hxx
+typedef sal_uInt16 ToolBoxItemBits;
+#define TIB_CHECKABLE ((ToolBoxItemBits)0x0001)
+#define TIB_RADIOCHECK ((ToolBoxItemBits)0x0002)
+#define TIB_AUTOCHECK ((ToolBoxItemBits)0x0004)
+#define TIB_LEFT ((ToolBoxItemBits)0x0008)
+#define TIB_AUTOSIZE ((ToolBoxItemBits)0x0010)
+#define TIB_DROPDOWN ((ToolBoxItemBits)0x0020)
+#define TIB_REPEAT ((ToolBoxItemBits)0x0040)
+// ---------------
+// - BorderStyle -
+// ---------------
+typedef sal_uInt16 WindowBorderStyle;
+#define WINDOW_BORDER_NORMAL ((WindowBorderStyle)0x0001)
+#define WINDOW_BORDER_MONO ((WindowBorderStyle)0x0002)
+#define WINDOW_BORDER_ACTIVE ((WindowBorderStyle)0x0004)
+#define WINDOW_BORDER_DOUBLEOUT ((WindowBorderStyle)0x0008)
+#define WINDOW_BORDER_MENU ((WindowBorderStyle)0x0010)
+#define WINDOW_BORDER_NOBORDER ((WindowBorderStyle)0x1000)
+// ---------------
+// - WindowAlign -
+// ---------------
+// from vcl/inc/wintypes.hxx
+// --------------
+// - Menu-Types -
+// --------------
+// from vcl/inc/menu.hxx
+typedef sal_uInt16 MenuItemBits;
+#define MIB_CHECKABLE ((MenuItemBits)0x0001)
+#define MIB_RADIOCHECK ((MenuItemBits)0x0002)
+#define MIB_AUTOCHECK ((MenuItemBits)0x0004)
+#define MIB_ABOUT ((MenuItemBits)0x0008)
+#define MIB_HELP ((MenuItemBits)0x0010)
+#define MIB_POPUPSELECT ((MenuItemBits)0x0020)
+// ----------------
+// - Symbol-Types -
+// ----------------
+// from vcl/inc/symbol.hxx
+typedef sal_uInt16 SymbolType;
+#define SYMBOL_DONTKNOW ((SymbolType)0)
+#define SYMBOL_IMAGE ((SymbolType)1)
+#define SYMBOL_ARROW_UP ((SymbolType)2)
+#define SYMBOL_ARROW_DOWN ((SymbolType)3)
+#define SYMBOL_ARROW_LEFT ((SymbolType)4)
+#define SYMBOL_ARROW_RIGHT ((SymbolType)5)
+#define SYMBOL_SPIN_UP ((SymbolType)6)
+#define SYMBOL_SPIN_DOWN ((SymbolType)7)
+#define SYMBOL_SPIN_LEFT ((SymbolType)8)
+#define SYMBOL_SPIN_RIGHT ((SymbolType)9)
+#define SYMBOL_FIRST ((SymbolType)10)
+#define SYMBOL_LAST ((SymbolType)11)
+#define SYMBOL_PREV ((SymbolType)12)
+#define SYMBOL_NEXT ((SymbolType)13)
+#define SYMBOL_PAGEUP ((SymbolType)14)
+#define SYMBOL_PAGEDOWN ((SymbolType)15)
+#define SYMBOL_PLAY ((SymbolType)16)
+#define SYMBOL_REVERSEPLAY ((SymbolType)17)
+#define SYMBOL_RECORD ((SymbolType)18)
+#define SYMBOL_STOP ((SymbolType)19)
+#define SYMBOL_PAUSE ((SymbolType)20)
+#define SYMBOL_WINDSTART ((SymbolType)21)
+#define SYMBOL_WINDEND ((SymbolType)22)
+#define SYMBOL_WINDBACKWARD ((SymbolType)23)
+#define SYMBOL_WINDFORWARD ((SymbolType)24)
+#define SYMBOL_CLOSE ((SymbolType)25)
+#define SYMBOL_ROLLUP ((SymbolType)26)
+#define SYMBOL_ROLLDOWN ((SymbolType)27)
+#define SYMBOL_CHECKMARK ((SymbolType)28)
+#define SYMBOL_RADIOCHECKMARK ((SymbolType)29)
+#define SYMBOL_SPIN_UPDOWN ((SymbolType)30)
+#define SYMBOL_FLOAT ((SymbolType)31)
+#define SYMBOL_DOCK ((SymbolType)32)
+#define SYMBOL_HIDE ((SymbolType)33)
+#define SYMBOL_HELP ((SymbolType)34)
+#define SYMBOL_OS2CLOSE ((SymbolType)35)
+#define SYMBOL_OS2FLOAT ((SymbolType)36)
+#define SYMBOL_OS2HIDE ((SymbolType)37)
diff --git a/rsc/prj/build.lst b/rsc/prj/build.lst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a26b9a055b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/prj/build.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+r rsc : tools NULL
+r rsc usr1 - all rsc_mkout NULL
+r rsc\source\misc nmake - all rsc_misc NULL
+r rsc\source\tools nmake - all rsc_tool NULL
+r rsc\source\res nmake - all rsc_res NULL
+r rsc\source\parser nmake - all rsc_pars NULL
+r rsc\source\rsc nmake - all rsc_rsc NULL
+r rsc\source\rscpp nmake - all rsc_cpp NULL
+r rsc\source\prj nmake - all rsc_sprj rsc_misc rsc_pars rsc_res rsc_rsc rsc_tool NULL
diff --git a/rsc/prj/d.lst b/rsc/prj/d.lst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e59c9b2e9f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/prj/d.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+..\%__SRC%\bin\rsc.exe %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\rsc.exe
+..\%__SRC%\bin\rsc2.exe %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\rsc2.exe
+..\%__SRC%\bin\rsc %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\rsc
+..\%__SRC%\bin\rsc2 %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\rsc2
+..\%__SRC%\bin\rscpp.exe %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\rscpp.exe
+..\%__SRC%\bin\rscpp %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\rscpp
+mkdir: %_DEST%\inc%_EXT%\rsc
+..\inc\rscsfx.hxx %_DEST%\inc%_EXT%\rsc\rscsfx.hxx
diff --git a/rsc/source/misc/ b/rsc/source/misc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d447770878a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/misc/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+# --- Settings ------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Files ---------------------------------------------------------
+CXXFILES= rsclst.cxx \
+ rscdbl.cxx
+OBJFILES= $(OBJ)$/rsclst.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscdbl.obj
diff --git a/rsc/source/misc/rscdbl.cxx b/rsc/source/misc/rscdbl.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..591f6b3fd4f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/misc/rscdbl.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <rsctree.hxx>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+#include "rsclst.hxx"
+|* RscTypCont::FillNameIdList()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 07.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 30.05.91
+REResourceList * InsertList( Atom nClassName, const RscId& rId,
+ REResourceList * pList ){
+ REResourceList * pSubList;
+ const char * pStrClass;
+ ByteString aStrClass;
+ pStrClass = pHS->getString( nClassName ).getStr();
+ if( pStrClass )
+ aStrClass = pStrClass;
+ else
+ aStrClass = ByteString::CreateFromInt32( (long)nClassName );
+ pSubList = new REResourceList( pList, aStrClass, rId );
+ pList->Insert( pSubList, 0xFFFFFFFF );
+ return( pSubList );
+void FillSubList( RSCINST & rInst, REResourceList * pList )
+ sal_uInt32 nCount, i;
+ REResourceList* pSubList;
+ nCount = rInst.pClass->GetCount( rInst );
+ for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ){
+ aInfo = rInst.pClass->GetInfoEle( rInst, i );
+ aTmpI = rInst.pClass->GetPosEle( rInst, i );
+ pSubList = InsertList( aInfo.pClass->GetId(),
+ aInfo.aId, pList );
+ FillSubList( aTmpI, pSubList );
+ };
+void FillListObj( ObjNode * pObjNode, RscTop * pRscTop,
+ REResourceList * pList, ULONG lFileKey )
+ if( pObjNode ){
+ if( pObjNode->GetFileKey() == lFileKey ){
+ REResourceList* pSubList;
+ FillListObj( (ObjNode*)pObjNode->Left(), pRscTop,
+ pList, lFileKey );
+ pSubList = InsertList( pRscTop->GetId(),
+ pObjNode->GetRscId(), pList );
+ aTmpI.pClass = pRscTop;
+ aTmpI.pData = pObjNode->GetRscObj();
+ FillSubList( aTmpI, pSubList );
+ FillListObj( (ObjNode*)pObjNode->Right(), pRscTop,
+ pList, lFileKey );
+ }
+ };
+void FillList( RscTop * pRscTop, REResourceList * pList, ULONG lFileKey ){
+ if( pRscTop ){
+ FillList( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Left(), pList, lFileKey );
+ FillListObj( pRscTop->GetObjNode(), pRscTop, pList, lFileKey );
+ FillList( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Right(), pList, lFileKey );
+ };
+void RscTypCont::FillNameIdList( REResourceList * pList, ULONG lFileKey ){
+ FillList( pRoot, pList, lFileKey );
diff --git a/rsc/source/misc/rsclst.cxx b/rsc/source/misc/rsclst.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ee2d4a14f328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/misc/rsclst.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+#include "rsclst.hxx"
+REResourceList :: REResourceList()
+ bVisible = FALSE;
+ pParent = NULL;
+REResourceList :: REResourceList( REResourceList* pParentList,
+ ByteString& rClassName,
+ const RscId & rResourceID, BOOL bVis )
+ pParent = pParentList;
+ aClassName = rClassName;
+ aRscId = rResourceID;
+ bVisible = bVis;
+REResourceList :: ~REResourceList()
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/erscerr.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/erscerr.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..158aea21b6e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/erscerr.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <tools/rcid.h>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+#include <rscpar.hxx>
+#include "rsclex.hxx"
+|* ERRTYPE::operator = ;
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.09.91
+ERRTYPE& ERRTYPE::operator = ( const ERRTYPE & rError )
+ if( !IsError() ){
+ if( rError.IsError() || !IsWarning() )
+ nError = rError.nError;
+ }
+ return *this;
+|* RscError::StdOut();
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.05.91
+void RscError::StdOut( const char * pStr, const RscVerbosity _verbosityLevel )
+ if ( m_verbosity >= _verbosityLevel )
+ {
+ if( pStr ){
+ printf( "%s", pStr );
+ fflush( stdout );
+ }
+ }
+|* RscError::StdErr();
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung PL 11/07/2001
+|* Letzte Aenderung PL 11/07/2001
+void RscError::StdErr( const char * pStr )
+#ifndef WIN
+ if( pStr )
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s", pStr );
+|* RscError::LstOut();
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.05.91
+void RscError::LstOut( const char * pStr ){
+ if( fListing && pStr )
+ fprintf( fListing, "%s", pStr );
+|* RscError::StdLstOut();
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.05.91
+void RscError::StdLstOut( const char * pStr ){
+ StdOut( pStr );
+ LstOut( pStr );
+|* RscError::StdLstErr();
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung PL 11/07/2001
+|* Letzte Aenderung PL 11/07/2001
+void RscError::StdLstErr( const char * pStr ){
+ StdErr( pStr );
+ LstOut( pStr );
+|* RscError::WriteError();
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.05.91
+void RscError::WriteError( const ERRTYPE& rError, const char * pMessage )
+ switch( rError )
+ {
+ case ERR_ERROR: {
+ StdLstErr( "!! " );
+ if( 1 == nErrors )
+ StdLstErr( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( nErrors ).GetBuffer() );
+ else
+ StdLstErr( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( (nErrors -1) ).GetBuffer() );
+ StdLstErr( " Error" );
+ StdLstErr( " found!!" );
+ }
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "The used type is not allowed." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "This file <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( "> cannot be opened." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "rename <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( "> s not possible." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Wrong file <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( "> length." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Wrong file type <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( ">." );
+ break;
+ case ERR_NOCHAR:
+ StdLstErr( "Character: '\\xxx'; The value xxx is greater than 255.");
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Internal error, instance invalid.");
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Input file was not specified.\n");
+ case ERR_USAGE:
+ StdLstOut( "Copyright (C) 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.\n" );
+ {
+ char buf[40];
+ StdLstOut( "DataVersion: " );
+ sprintf( buf, "%d.%d\n\n",
+ StdLstOut( buf );
+ };
+ StdLstOut( "Command line: rsc [Switches] <Source File(s)>\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "Command line: rsc @<Command File>\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-h shows this help.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-p No Preprocessor.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-s Syntax analysis, creates .srs file\n");
+ StdLstOut( "-l Linker, links files created with rsc -s,\n" );
+ StdLstOut( " creates .rc file and .res file.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-r Prevents .res file.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-d Symbol definitions for the Preprocessor.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-i Include directives for the Preprocessor.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-presponse Use response file for Preprocessor.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-lg<language> Use a different language.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-pp=<filename> Use a different Preprocessor.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-rsc2=<filename> Specify the location for rsc2.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "No longer existent: -rc<filename> Use a different system resource compiler.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-fs=<filename> Name of the .res file.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-lip=<path> additional search path for system dependant files\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-fp=<filename> Renaming of the .srs file.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-fl=<filename> Listing file.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-fh=<filename> Header file.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-fc=<filename> Code file.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-ft=<filename> Touch a file when done in rsc2 (for dependencies)\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-fr=<filename> Ressource constructor .cxx-file.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-fx=<filename> Name of .src-file.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-oil=<dir> Output directory for image list files\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-r<ENV>=<path> replace <path> by <ENV> in image list files\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-CHARSET_... Convert to this character set.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-BIGENDIAN Format of number values.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-LITTLEENDIAN Format of number values.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-SMART Generate smart names (cxx, hxx).\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-SrsDefault Only write one language to srs file.\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "\nwhen creating multiple .res files in one pass, please give these\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "options in consecutive blocks:\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "-lg<language> -fs<filename> [-lip<path> [-lip<path>] ]\n" );
+ StdLstOut( "a new block begins when either -lg or -fs is used again.\n" );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Unknown switch <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( ">." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Too many reference levels have been used (see Switch -RefDeep)." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Internal error, Container class: invalid position." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Invalid type <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( ">." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Internal error, Array class: invalid index." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Internal error, invalid name of variable." );
+ break;
+ case ERR_YACC:
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Two global resources have the same identifier." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Wrong type <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( ">." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "The variable <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( "> must not be used here." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "The used value is not in the expected domain." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Value is <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( "> the allowed domain is from 0 up to 65535." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Value is <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( "> the allowed domain is from 1 up to 32767." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Default resource <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( "> not found." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "The use of a reference is not allowed." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "The use of a default resource is not allowed." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "An identifier needs to be specified." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "The symbol <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( "> is defined twice." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "The symbol <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( "> is a reserved name." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Attempt to divide by zero." );
+ break;
+ case ERR_PRAGMA:
+ StdLstErr( "Error in a #pragma statement." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Error in the declaration part of the macro." );
+ break;
+ case ERR_NOTYPE:
+ StdLstErr( "type expected." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "The image(s) <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( "> could not be found." );
+ break;
+/****************** W A R N I N G S **************************************/
+ StdLstErr( "Sub resources should have an identifier < 256." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Global resources should have an identifier >= 256." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Sub resources are ignored." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Resources without name are ignored." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Two local resources have the same identifier." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "String reference <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( " > could not be resolved." );
+ break;
+ StdLstErr( "Reference <" );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( " > could not be resolved." );
+ break;
+ default:
+ if( pMessage ){
+ StdLstErr( "\nMessage: " );
+ StdLstErr( pMessage );
+ };
+ break;
+ }
+|* RscErrorFormat()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.05.91
+void RscError::ErrorFormat( const ERRTYPE& rError, RscTop * pClass,
+ const RscId & aId ){
+ char buf[ 10 ];
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ if( pFI )
+ {
+ pFI->SetError( rError );
+ StdErr( "\n" );
+ StdErr( pFI->GetLine() );
+ StdErr( "\n" );
+ // Fehlerposition anzeigen
+ for( i = 0; (i +1) < pFI->GetScanPos(); i++ )
+ StdLstErr( " " );
+ LstOut( " ^" ); //Zeilennummern beachten
+ StdErr( "^" );
+ StdLstErr( "\n" );
+ }
+ StdLstErr( "f" );
+ sprintf( buf, "%u", (unsigned int)rError );
+ StdLstErr( buf );
+ if( pFI && pTC ){
+ StdLstErr( ": \"" );
+ StdLstErr( pTC->aFileTab.Get( pFI->GetFileIndex() )->aFileName.GetBuffer() );
+ StdLstErr( "\", line " );
+ sprintf( buf, "%u", (unsigned int)pFI->GetLineNo() );
+ StdLstErr( buf );
+ }
+ if( rError.IsError() )
+ StdLstErr( ": Error" );
+ else
+ StdLstErr( ": Warning" );
+ if( pClass || aId.IsId() )
+ {
+ StdLstErr( " in the object (" );
+ if( pClass )
+ {
+ StdLstErr( "Type: " );
+ StdLstErr( pHS->getString( pClass->GetId() ).getStr() );
+ if( aId.IsId() )
+ StdLstErr( ", " );
+ }
+ if( aId.IsId() )
+ StdLstErr( aId.GetName().GetBuffer() );
+ StdLstErr( "):\n" );
+ }
+ else
+ StdLstErr( ": " );
+|* RscError::Error()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.05.91
+void RscError::Error( const ERRTYPE& rError, RscTop * pClass,
+ const RscId & aId, const char * pMessage )
+ if( WRN_LOCALID == rError ) // Keine Warning erzeugen
+ return;
+ if( rError.IsError() )
+ nErrors++;
+ if( rError.IsError() || rError.IsWarning() ){
+ ErrorFormat( rError, pClass, aId );
+ WriteError( rError, pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( "\n" );
+ };
+|* RscError::FatalError();
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.05.91
+void RscError::FatalError( const ERRTYPE& rError, const RscId &aId,
+ const char * pMessage )
+ if( ERR_USAGE != rError ){
+ nErrors++;
+ ErrorFormat( rError, NULL, aId );
+ WriteError( rError, pMessage );
+ StdLstErr( "\nTerminating compiler\n" );
+ }
+ else
+ WriteError( rError, pMessage );
+ exit( 1 );
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/ b/rsc/source/parser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a46c60aae213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
+# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
+YACCTARGET= $(INCCOM)$/yyrscyacc.cxx
+YACCFILES= rscyacc.y
+OBJFILES= $(OBJ)$/rscpar.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscyacc.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rsclex.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/erscerr.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rsckey.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscinit.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscibas.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscdb.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscicpx.obj
+# --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------
+$(OBJ)$/rscibas.obj : $(YACCTARGET)
+$(OBJ)$/rscinit.obj : $(YACCTARGET)
+$(OBJ)$/rscicpx.obj : $(YACCTARGET)
+$(OBJ)$/rsclex.obj : $(YACCTARGET)
+$(OBJ)$/rscyacc.obj : $(YACCTARGET)
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rscdb.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rscdb.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..97d23d4e3b53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rscdb.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1114 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <ctype.h> // isdigit(), isalpha()
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
+#include <tools/rc.h>
+#include <tools/isofallback.hxx>
+#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
+// Programmabhaengige Includes.
+#include <rsctree.hxx>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+#include <rscmgr.hxx>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+#include <rscrsc.hxx>
+using namespace rtl;
+|* RscTypCont :: RscTypCont
+|* Beschreibung RES.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90
+RscTypCont :: RscTypCont( RscError * pErrHdl,
+ const ByteString & rSearchPath,
+ sal_uInt32 nFlagsP )
+ :
+ nSourceCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ),
+ nByteOrder( nOrder ),
+ aSearchPath( rSearchPath ),
+ aBool( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ aShort( pHS->getID( "short" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ aUShort( pHS->getID( "USHORT" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ aLong( pHS->getID( "long" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ aEnumLong( pHS->getID( "enum_long" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ aIdUShort( pHS->getID( "IDUSHORT" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ aIdNoZeroUShort( pHS->getID( "IDUSHORT" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ aNoZeroShort( pHS->getID( "NoZeroShort" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ a1to12Short( pHS->getID( "MonthShort" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ a0to23Short( pHS->getID( "HourShort" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ a1to31Short( pHS->getID( "DayShort" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ a0to59Short( pHS->getID( "MinuteShort" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ a0to99Short( pHS->getID( "_0to59Short" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ a0to9999Short( pHS->getID( "YearShort" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ aIdLong( pHS->getID( "IDLONG" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ aString( pHS->getID( "Chars" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ aWinBits( pHS->getID( "WinBits" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ aLangType(),
+ aLangString( pHS->getID( "Lang_Chars" ), RSC_NOTYPE, &aString, &aLangType ),
+ aLangShort( pHS->getID( "Lang_short" ), RSC_NOTYPE, &aShort, &aLangType ),
+ nAcceleratorType( 0 ),
+ nFlags( nFlagsP )
+ nUniqueId = 256;
+ nPMId = RSC_VERSIONCONTROL +1; //mindestens einen groesser
+ pEH = pErrHdl;
+ Init();
+static sal_uInt32 getLangIdAndShortenLocale( RscTypCont* pTypCont,
+ rtl::OString& rLang,
+ rtl::OString& rCountry,
+ rtl::OString& rVariant )
+ rtl::OStringBuffer aLangStr( 64 );
+ aLangStr.append( rLang.toAsciiLowerCase() );
+ if( rCountry.getLength() )
+ {
+ aLangStr.append( '-' );
+ aLangStr.append( rCountry.toAsciiUpperCase() );
+ }
+ if( rVariant.getLength() )
+ {
+ aLangStr.append( '-' );
+ aLangStr.append( rVariant );
+ }
+ rtl::OString aL( aLangStr.makeStringAndClear() );
+ sal_uInt32 nRet = GetLangId( aL );
+ if( nRet == 0 )
+ {
+ pTypCont->AddLanguage( aL );
+ nRet = GetLangId( aL );
+ }
+ if( rVariant.getLength() )
+ rVariant = rtl::OString();
+ else if( rCountry.getLength() )
+ rCountry = rtl::OString();
+ else
+ rLang = rtl::OString();
+ fprintf( stderr, " %s (0x%hx)", aL.getStr(), nRet );
+ return nRet;
+ByteString RscTypCont::ChangeLanguage( const ByteString& rNewLang )
+ ByteString aRet = aLanguage;
+ aLanguage = rNewLang;
+ rtl::OString aLang = aLanguage;
+ rtl::OString aLg, aCountry, aVariant;
+ sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
+ aLg = aLang.getToken( 0, '-', nIndex );
+ if( nIndex != -1 )
+ aCountry = aLang.getToken( 0, '-', nIndex );
+ if( nIndex != -1 )
+ aVariant = aLang.copy( nIndex );
+ bool bAppendEnUsFallback =
+ ! (rNewLang.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "en-US" ) ||
+ rNewLang.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "x-no-translate" ) );
+ fprintf( stderr, "RscTypCont::ChangeLanguage:" );
+ aLangFallbacks.clear();
+ do
+ {
+ aLangFallbacks.push_back(getLangIdAndShortenLocale( this, aLg, aCountry, aVariant ) );
+ } while( aLg.getLength() );
+ if( bAppendEnUsFallback )
+ {
+ aLg = "en";
+ aCountry = "US";
+ aVariant = rtl::OString();
+ aLangFallbacks.push_back( getLangIdAndShortenLocale( this, aLg, aCountry, aVariant ) );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ return aRet;
+Atom RscTypCont::AddLanguage( const char* pLang )
+ return aLangType.AddLanguage( pLang, aNmTb );
+|* RscTypCont :: ~RscTypCont
+|* Beschreibung RES.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90
+void DestroyNode( RscTop * pRscTop, ObjNode * pObjNode ){
+ if( pObjNode ){
+ DestroyNode( pRscTop, (ObjNode*)pObjNode->Left() );
+ DestroyNode( pRscTop, (ObjNode*)pObjNode->Right() );
+ if( pObjNode->GetRscObj() ){
+ pRscTop->Destroy( RSCINST( pRscTop, pObjNode->GetRscObj() ) );
+ rtl_freeMemory( pObjNode->GetRscObj() );
+ }
+ delete pObjNode;
+ };
+void DestroySubTrees( RscTop * pRscTop ){
+ if( pRscTop ){
+ DestroySubTrees( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Left() );
+ DestroyNode( pRscTop, pRscTop->GetObjNode() );
+ DestroySubTrees( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Right() );
+ };
+void DestroyTree( RscTop * pRscTop ){
+ if( pRscTop ){
+ DestroyTree( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Left() );
+ DestroyTree( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Right() );
+ delete pRscTop;
+ };
+void Pre_dtorTree( RscTop * pRscTop ){
+ if( pRscTop ){
+ Pre_dtorTree( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Left() );
+ Pre_dtorTree( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Right() );
+ pRscTop->Pre_dtor();
+ };
+RscTypCont :: ~RscTypCont(){
+ RscTop * pRscTmp;
+ RscSysEntry * pSysEntry;
+ // Alle Unterbaeume loeschen
+ aVersion.pClass->Destroy( aVersion );
+ rtl_freeMemory( aVersion.pData );
+ DestroySubTrees( pRoot );
+ // Alle Klassen noch gueltig, jeweilige Instanzen freigeben
+ // BasisTypen
+ pRscTmp = aBaseLst.First();
+ while( pRscTmp ){
+ pRscTmp->Pre_dtor();
+ pRscTmp = aBaseLst.Next();
+ };
+ aBool.Pre_dtor();
+ aShort.Pre_dtor();
+ aUShort.Pre_dtor();
+ aIdUShort.Pre_dtor();
+ aIdNoZeroUShort.Pre_dtor();
+ aNoZeroShort.Pre_dtor();
+ aIdLong.Pre_dtor();
+ aString.Pre_dtor();
+ aWinBits.Pre_dtor();
+ aVersion.pClass->Pre_dtor();
+ // Zusammengesetzte Typen
+ Pre_dtorTree( pRoot );
+ // Klassen zerstoeren
+ delete aVersion.pClass;
+ DestroyTree( pRoot );
+ while( NULL != (pRscTmp = aBaseLst.Remove()) ){
+ delete pRscTmp;
+ };
+ while( NULL != (pSysEntry = aSysLst.Remove()) ){
+ delete pSysEntry;
+ };
+void RscTypCont::ClearSysNames()
+ RscSysEntry * pSysEntry;
+ while( NULL != (pSysEntry = aSysLst.Remove()) ){
+ delete pSysEntry;
+ };
+RscTop * RscTypCont::SearchType( Atom nId )
+/* [Beschreibung]
+ Sucht eine Basistyp nId;
+ if( nId == InvalidAtom )
+ return NULL;
+#define ELSE_IF( a ) \
+ else if( a.GetId() == nId ) \
+ return &a; \
+ if( aBool.GetId() == nId )
+ return &aBool;
+ ELSE_IF( aShort )
+ ELSE_IF( aUShort )
+ ELSE_IF( aLong )
+ ELSE_IF( aEnumLong )
+ ELSE_IF( aIdUShort )
+ ELSE_IF( aIdNoZeroUShort )
+ ELSE_IF( aNoZeroShort )
+ ELSE_IF( a1to12Short )
+ ELSE_IF( a0to23Short )
+ ELSE_IF( a1to31Short )
+ ELSE_IF( a0to59Short )
+ ELSE_IF( a0to99Short )
+ ELSE_IF( a0to9999Short )
+ ELSE_IF( aIdLong )
+ ELSE_IF( aString )
+ ELSE_IF( aWinBits )
+ ELSE_IF( aLangType )
+ ELSE_IF( aLangString )
+ ELSE_IF( aLangShort )
+ RscTop * pEle = aBaseLst.First();
+ while( pEle )
+ {
+ if( pEle->GetId() == nId )
+ return pEle;
+ pEle = aBaseLst.Next();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+|* RscTypCont :: Search
+|* Beschreibung RES.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90
+RscTop * RscTypCont :: Search( Atom nRT ){
+ return( (RscTop *)pRoot->Search( nRT ) );
+CLASS_DATA RscTypCont :: Search( Atom nRT, const RscId & rId ){
+ ObjNode *pObjNode;
+ RscTop *pRscTop;
+ if( NULL != (pRscTop = Search( nRT )) ){
+ if( NULL != (pObjNode = pRscTop->GetObjNode( rId )) ){
+ return( pObjNode->GetRscObj() );
+ }
+ }
+ return( (CLASS_DATA)0 );
+|* RscTypCont :: Delete()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 10.07.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 10.07.91
+void RscTypCont :: Delete( Atom nRT, const RscId & rId ){
+ ObjNode * pObjNode;
+ RscTop * pRscTop;
+ if( NULL != (pRscTop = Search( nRT )) ){
+ if( NULL != (pObjNode = pRscTop->GetObjNode()) ){
+ pObjNode = pObjNode->Search( rId );
+ if( pObjNode ){
+ //Objekt aus Baum entfernen
+ pRscTop->pObjBiTree =
+ (ObjNode *)pRscTop->pObjBiTree->Remove( pObjNode );
+ if( pObjNode->GetRscObj() ){
+ pRscTop->Destroy( RSCINST( pRscTop,
+ pObjNode->GetRscObj() ) );
+ rtl_freeMemory( pObjNode->GetRscObj() );
+ }
+ delete pObjNode;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+|* RscTypCont :: PutSysName()
+|* Beschreibung RES.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90
+sal_uInt32 RscTypCont :: PutSysName( sal_uInt32 nRscTyp, char * pFileName,
+ sal_uInt32 nConst, sal_uInt32 nId, BOOL bFirst )
+ RscSysEntry * pSysEntry;
+ BOOL bId1 = FALSE;
+ pSysEntry = aSysLst.First();
+ while( pSysEntry )
+ {
+ if( pSysEntry->nKey == 1 )
+ bId1 = TRUE;
+ if( !strcmp( pSysEntry->aFileName.GetBuffer(), pFileName ) )
+ if( pSysEntry->nRscTyp == nRscTyp
+ && pSysEntry->nTyp == nConst
+ && pSysEntry->nRefId == nId )
+ break;
+ pSysEntry = aSysLst.Next();
+ }
+ if ( !pSysEntry || (bFirst && !bId1) )
+ {
+ pSysEntry = new RscSysEntry;
+ pSysEntry->nKey = nUniqueId++;
+ pSysEntry->nRscTyp = nRscTyp;
+ pSysEntry->nTyp = nConst;
+ pSysEntry->nRefId = nId;
+ pSysEntry->aFileName = (const char*)pFileName;
+ if( bFirst && !bId1 )
+ {
+ pSysEntry->nKey = 1;
+ aSysLst.Insert( pSysEntry, (ULONG)0 );
+ }
+ else
+ aSysLst.Insert( pSysEntry, LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ return pSysEntry->nKey;
+|* RscTypCont :: WriteInc
+|* Beschreibung RES.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 21.06.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 21.06.90
+void RscTypCont :: WriteInc( FILE * fOutput, ULONG lFileKey )
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ if( NOFILE_INDEX == lFileKey )
+ {
+ pFName = aFileTab.First();
+ while( pFName )
+ {
+ if( pFName && pFName->IsIncFile() )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include " );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\"%s\"\n",
+ pFName->aFileName.GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ pFName = aFileTab.Next();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RscDepend * pDep;
+ RscFile * pFile;
+ pFName = aFileTab.Get( lFileKey );
+ if( pFName )
+ {
+ pDep = pFName->First();
+ while( pDep )
+ {
+ if( pDep->GetFileKey() != lFileKey )
+ {
+ pFile = aFileTab.GetFile( pDep->GetFileKey() );
+ if( pFile )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include " );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\"%s\"\n",
+ pFile->aFileName.GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ }
+ pDep = pFName->Next();
+ };
+ };
+ };
+|* RscTypCont :: Methoden die ueber all Knoten laufen
+|* Beschreibung RES.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91
+class RscEnumerateObj
+friend class RscEnumerateRef;
+ ERRTYPE aError; // Enthaelt den ersten Fehler
+ RscTypCont* pTypCont;
+ FILE * fOutput; // AusgabeDatei
+ ULONG lFileKey; // Welche src-Datei
+ RscTop * pClass;
+ DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteRc, ObjNode * );
+ DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteSrc, ObjNode * );
+ DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteCxx, ObjNode * );
+ DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteHxx, ObjNode * );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( RscTop * pCl, ObjNode * pRoot )
+ {
+ pClass = pCl;
+ if( pRoot )
+ pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteRc ) );
+ return aError;
+ }
+ ERRTYPE WriteSrc( RscTop * pCl, ObjNode * pRoot ){
+ pClass = pCl;
+ if( pRoot )
+ pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteSrc ) );
+ return aError;
+ }
+ ERRTYPE WriteCxx( RscTop * pCl, ObjNode * pRoot ){
+ pClass = pCl;
+ if( pRoot )
+ pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteCxx ) );
+ return aError;
+ }
+ ERRTYPE WriteHxx( RscTop * pCl, ObjNode * pRoot ){
+ pClass = pCl;
+ if( pRoot )
+ pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteHxx ) );
+ return aError;
+ }
+ void WriteRcFile( RscWriteRc & rMem, FILE * fOutput );
+|* RscEnumerateObj :: CallBackWriteRc
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91
+IMPL_LINK( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteRc, ObjNode *, pObjNode )
+ RscWriteRc aMem( pTypCont->GetByteOrder() );
+ aError = pClass->WriteRcHeader( RSCINST( pClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() ),
+ aMem, pTypCont,
+ pObjNode->GetRscId(), 0, TRUE );
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTypCont->pEH->Error( aError, pClass, pObjNode->GetRscId() );
+ WriteRcFile( aMem, fOutput );
+ return 0;
+|* RscEnumerateObj :: CallBackWriteSrc
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteSrc, ObjNode *, pObjNode )
+ if( pObjNode->GetFileKey() == lFileKey ){
+ pClass->WriteSrcHeader( RSCINST( pClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() ),
+ fOutput, pTypCont, 0,
+ pObjNode->GetRscId(), "" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, ";\n" );
+ }
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteSrc, ObjNode *, pObjNode )
+|* RscEnumerateObj :: CallBackWriteCxx
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteCxx, ObjNode *, pObjNode )
+ if( pClass->IsCodeWriteable() && pObjNode->GetFileKey() == lFileKey )
+ aError = pClass->WriteCxxHeader(
+ RSCINST( pClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() ),
+ fOutput, pTypCont, pObjNode->GetRscId() );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteCxx, ObjNode *, pObjNode )
+|* RscEnumerateObj :: CallBackWriteHxx
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteHxx, ObjNode *, pObjNode )
+ if( pClass->IsCodeWriteable() && pObjNode->GetFileKey() == lFileKey )
+ aError = pClass->WriteHxxHeader(
+ RSCINST( pClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() ),
+ fOutput, pTypCont, pObjNode->GetRscId() );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteHxx, ObjNode *, pObjNode )
+|* RscEnumerateObj :: WriteRcFile
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91
+void RscEnumerateObj :: WriteRcFile( RscWriteRc & rMem, FILE * fOut ){
+ // Definition der Struktur, aus denen die Resource aufgebaut ist
+ /*
+ sal_uInt32 nId; // Identifier der Resource
+ sal_uInt32 nRT; // Resource Typ
+ sal_uInt32 nGlobOff; // Globaler Offset
+ sal_uInt32 nLocalOff; // Lokaler Offset
+ } aHeader;
+ */
+ sal_uInt32 nId = rMem.GetLong( 0 );
+ sal_uInt32 nRT = rMem.GetLong( 4 );
+ // Tabelle wird entsprechend gefuellt
+ pTypCont->PutTranslatorKey( (sal_uInt64(nRT) << 32) + sal_uInt64(nId) );
+ { // kommt immmer als letztes
+ INT32 nCount = pTypCont->aIdTranslator.size();
+ // groesse der Tabelle
+ UINT32 nSize = (nCount * (sizeof(sal_uInt64)+sizeof(INT32))) + sizeof(INT32);
+ rMem.Put( nCount ); //Anzahl speichern
+ for( std::map< sal_uInt64, ULONG >::const_iterator it =
+ pTypCont->aIdTranslator.begin(); it != pTypCont->aIdTranslator.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ // Schluessel schreiben
+ rMem.Put( it->first );
+ // Objekt Id oder Position schreiben
+ rMem.Put( (INT32)it->second );
+ }
+ rMem.Put( nSize ); // Groesse hinten Speichern
+ }
+ //Dateioffset neu setzen
+ pTypCont->IncFilePos( rMem.Size() );
+ //Position wurde vorher in Tabelle geschrieben
+ fwrite( rMem.GetBuffer(), rMem.Size(), 1, fOut );
+class RscEnumerateRef
+ RscTop * pRoot;
+ DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteRc, RscTop * );
+ DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteSrc, RscTop * );
+ DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteCxx, RscTop * );
+ DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteHxx, RscTop * );
+ DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteSyntax, RscTop * );
+ DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteRcCtor, RscTop * );
+ RscEnumerateObj aEnumObj;
+ RscEnumerateRef( RscTypCont * pTC, RscTop * pR,
+ FILE * fOutput )
+ {
+ aEnumObj.pTypCont = pTC;
+ aEnumObj.fOutput = fOutput;
+ pRoot = pR;
+ }
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc()
+ {
+ aEnumObj.aError.Clear();
+ pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteRc ) );
+ return aEnumObj.aError;
+ };
+ ERRTYPE WriteSrc( ULONG lFileKey )
+ {
+ aEnumObj.lFileKey = lFileKey;
+ aEnumObj.aError.Clear();
+ pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteSrc ) );
+ return aEnumObj.aError;
+ }
+ ERRTYPE WriteCxx( ULONG lFileKey )
+ {
+ aEnumObj.lFileKey = lFileKey;
+ aEnumObj.aError.Clear();
+ pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteCxx ) );
+ return aEnumObj.aError;
+ }
+ ERRTYPE WriteHxx( ULONG lFileKey )
+ {
+ aEnumObj.lFileKey = lFileKey;
+ aEnumObj.aError.Clear();
+ pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteHxx ) );
+ return aEnumObj.aError;
+ }
+ void WriteSyntax()
+ {
+ pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateRef,
+ CallBackWriteSyntax ) );
+ }
+ void WriteRcCtor()
+ {
+ pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateRef,
+ CallBackWriteRcCtor ) );
+ }
+|* RscRscEnumerateRef :: CallBack...
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteRc, RscTop *, pRef )
+ aEnumObj.WriteRc( pRef, pRef->GetObjNode() );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteRc, RscTop *, pRef )
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteSrc, RscTop *, pRef )
+ aEnumObj.WriteSrc( pRef, pRef->GetObjNode() );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteSrc, RscTop *, pRef )
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteCxx, RscTop *, pRef )
+ if( pRef->IsCodeWriteable() )
+ aEnumObj.WriteCxx( pRef, pRef->GetObjNode() );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteCxx, RscTop *, pRef )
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteHxx, RscTop *, pRef )
+ if( pRef->IsCodeWriteable() )
+ aEnumObj.WriteHxx( pRef, pRef->GetObjNode() );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteHxx, RscTop *, pRef )
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteSyntax, RscTop *, pRef )
+ pRef->WriteSyntaxHeader( aEnumObj.fOutput, aEnumObj.pTypCont );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteSyntax, RscTop *, pRef )
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteRcCtor, RscTop *, pRef )
+ pRef->WriteRcCtor( aEnumObj.fOutput, aEnumObj.pTypCont );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteRcCtor, RscTop *, pRef )
+|* RscTypCont :: WriteRc
+|* Beschreibung RES.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 22.07.91
+ERRTYPE RscTypCont::WriteRc( WriteRcContext& rContext )
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, rContext.fOutput );
+ aIdTranslator.clear();
+ nFilePos = 0;
+ nPMId = RSCVERSION_ID +1; //mindestens einen groesser
+ aError = aEnumRef.WriteRc();
+ // version control
+ RscWriteRc aMem( nByteOrder );
+ aVersion.pClass->WriteRcHeader( aVersion, aMem, this, RscId( RSCVERSION_ID ), 0, TRUE );
+ aEnumRef.aEnumObj.WriteRcFile( aMem, rContext.fOutput );
+ return aError;
+|* RscTypCont :: WriteSrc
+|* Beschreibung RES.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90
+void RscTypCont :: WriteSrc( FILE * fOutput, ULONG nFileKey,
+ CharSet /*nCharSet*/, BOOL bName )
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, fOutput );
+ unsigned char aUTF8BOM[3] = { 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf };
+ fwrite( aUTF8BOM, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(aUTF8BOM)/sizeof(aUTF8BOM[0]), fOutput );
+ if( bName )
+ {
+ WriteInc( fOutput, nFileKey );
+ if( NOFILE_INDEX == nFileKey )
+ {
+ pFName = aFileTab.First();
+ while( pFName ){
+ if( !pFName->IsIncFile() )
+ pFName->aDefLst.WriteAll( fOutput );
+ aEnumRef.WriteSrc( aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ) );
+ pFName = aFileTab.Next();
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pFName = aFileTab.Get( nFileKey );
+ if( pFName ){
+ pFName->aDefLst.WriteAll( fOutput );
+ aEnumRef.WriteSrc( nFileKey );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RscId::SetNames( FALSE );
+ if( NOFILE_INDEX == nFileKey )
+ {
+ pFName = aFileTab.First();
+ while( pFName )
+ {
+ aEnumRef.WriteSrc( aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ) );
+ pFName = aFileTab.Next();
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ aEnumRef.WriteSrc( nFileKey );
+ RscId::SetNames();
+ };
+|* RscTypCont :: WriteHxx
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 30.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 30.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscTypCont :: WriteHxx( FILE * fOutput, ULONG nFileKey )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <tools/rc.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <tools/resid.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/accel.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/bitmap.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/button.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <tools/color.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/combobox.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/ctrl.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/dialog.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/edit.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/field.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/fixed.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/group.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/image.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/imagebtn.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/keycod.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/lstbox.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/mapmod.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/menu.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/menubtn.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/morebtn.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/scrbar.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/spin.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/spinfld.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/splitwin.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/status.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/tabctrl.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/tabdlg.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/tabpage.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/toolbox.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/window.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <svtools/svmedit.hxx>\n" );
+ RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, fOutput );
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ if( NOFILE_INDEX == nFileKey )
+ {
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ pFName = aFileTab.First();
+ while( pFName )
+ {
+ aError = aEnumRef.WriteHxx( aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ) );
+ pFName = aFileTab.Next();
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ aError = aEnumRef.WriteHxx( nFileKey );
+ return aError;
+|* RscTypCont :: WriteCxx
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 30.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 30.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscTypCont::WriteCxx( FILE * fOutput, ULONG nFileKey,
+ const ByteString & rHxxName )
+ RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, fOutput );
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include <string.h>\n" );
+ WriteInc( fOutput, nFileKey );
+ if( rHxxName.Len() )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#include \"%s\"\n", rHxxName.GetBuffer() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\n\n" );
+ if( NOFILE_INDEX == nFileKey )
+ {
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ pFName = aFileTab.First();
+ while( pFName )
+ {
+ aError = aEnumRef.WriteCxx( aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ) );
+ pFName = aFileTab.Next();
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ aError = aEnumRef.WriteCxx( nFileKey );
+ return aError;
+|* RscTypCont :: WriteSyntax
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 30.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 30.05.91
+void RscTypCont::WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput )
+ for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < aBaseLst.Count(); i++ )
+ aBaseLst.GetObject( i )->WriteSyntaxHeader( fOutput, this );
+ RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, fOutput );
+ aEnumRef.WriteSyntax();
+void RscTypCont::WriteRcCtor
+ FILE * fOutput
+ RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, fOutput );
+ aEnumRef.WriteRcCtor();
+|* RscTypCont :: Delete()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91
+class RscDel
+ ULONG lFileKey;
+ DECL_LINK( Delete, RscTop * );
+ RscDel( RscTop * pRoot, ULONG lKey );
+inline RscDel::RscDel( RscTop * pRoot, ULONG lKey )
+ lFileKey = lKey;
+ pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscDel, Delete ) );
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscDel, Delete, RscTop *, pNode )
+ if( pNode->GetObjNode() )
+ pNode->pObjBiTree = pNode->GetObjNode()->DelObjNode( pNode, lFileKey );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscDel, Delete, RscTop *, pNode )
+void RscTypCont :: Delete( ULONG lFileKey ){
+ // Resourceinstanzen loeschen
+ RscDel aDel( pRoot, lFileKey );
+ // Defines loeschen
+ aFileTab.DeleteFileContext( lFileKey );
+|* RscTypCont :: MakeConsistent()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 23.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 23.09.91
+BOOL IsInstConsistent( ObjNode * pObjNode, RscTop * pRscTop,
+ RscInconsList * pList )
+ BOOL bRet = TRUE;
+ if( pObjNode ){
+ if( ! IsInstConsistent( (ObjNode*)pObjNode->Left(), pRscTop, pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ aTmpI.pClass = pRscTop;
+ aTmpI.pData = pObjNode->GetRscObj();
+ if( ! aTmpI.pClass->IsConsistent( aTmpI, pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ if( ! IsInstConsistent( (ObjNode*)pObjNode->Right(), pRscTop, pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ };
+ return( bRet );
+BOOL MakeConsistent( RscTop * pRscTop, RscInconsList * pList )
+ BOOL bRet = TRUE;
+ if( pRscTop ){
+ if( ! ::MakeConsistent( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Left(), pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ if( pRscTop->GetObjNode() ){
+ if( ! pRscTop->GetObjNode()->IsConsistent() ){
+ pRscTop->GetObjNode()->OrderTree();
+ if( ! pRscTop->GetObjNode()->IsConsistent( pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ }
+ if( ! IsInstConsistent( pRscTop->GetObjNode(), pRscTop, pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ }
+ if( ! ::MakeConsistent( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Right(), pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ };
+ return bRet;
+BOOL RscTypCont :: MakeConsistent( RscInconsList * pList ){
+ return( ::MakeConsistent( pRoot, pList ) );
+sal_uInt32 RscTypCont::PutTranslatorKey( sal_uInt64 nKey )
+ aIdTranslator[ nKey ] = nFilePos;
+ return nPMId++;
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rscibas.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rscibas.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a896c897e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rscibas.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <i18npool/mslangid.hxx>
+#include <tools/rc.h>
+#include <tools/color.hxx>
+#include <vclrsc.hxx>
+#include <rscconst.hxx>
+#include <rscarray.hxx>
+#include <rscclass.hxx>
+#include <rsccont.hxx>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+#include "rsclex.hxx"
+#include <yyrscyacc.hxx>
+#include <hash_map>
+/****************** M A C R O S ******************************************/
+void RscTypCont::SETCONST( RscConst * pClass, const char * szString, UINT32 nVal )
+ fprintf( stderr, "setconst : %s\n", szString );
+ pClass->SetConstant( aNmTb.Put( szString,
+ CONSTNAME, nVal ), nVal );
+void RscTypCont::SETCONST( RscConst * pClass, Atom nName, UINT32 nVal )
+ fprintf( stderr, "setconst hash: %u\n", (unsigned int)nName );
+ pClass->SetConstant( aNmTb.Put( nName,
+ CONSTNAME, nVal ), nVal );
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+|* RscTypCont::InitLangType()
+|* Beschreibung
+typedef std::hash_map< rtl::OString, sal_uInt32, rtl::OStringHash > langmap;
+static langmap ULong_Iso_map;
+sal_uInt32 GetLangId( const ByteString& aLang )
+ langmap::iterator pIter = ULong_Iso_map.find( aLang );
+ if ( pIter != ULong_Iso_map.end())
+ return pIter->second;
+ return 0;
+void RscLangEnum::Init( RscNameTable& rNames )
+ sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
+ mnLangId = 0x400; // stay away from selfdefined...
+ char csep = '-';
+ const MsLangId::IsoLangEntry* pLangEntry;
+ ByteString aCountry, aLang;
+ while ( NULL != ( pLangEntry = MsLangId::getIsoLangEntry( nIndex )) && ( pLangEntry->mnLang != LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW ))
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "ISO Language in : %d %d %s\n",
+ (int)nIndex,
+ pLangEntry->mnLang,
+ MsLangId::convertLanguageToIsoByteString( pLangEntry->mnLang ).getStr() );
+ aLang = pLangEntry->maLangStr;
+ aCountry = pLangEntry->maCountry;
+ if ( aLang.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( aCountry ) || ! aCountry.Len() )
+ {
+ SetConstant( rNames.Put( aLang.GetBuffer(), CONSTNAME, mnLangId ), mnLangId );
+ if ( ! GetLangId( aLang ))
+ ULong_Iso_map[ aLang ] = mnLangId;
+ fprintf( stderr, "ISO Language out: %s 0x%lx\n", aLang.GetBuffer(), mnLangId );
+ mnLangId++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetConstant( rNames.Put( aLang.GetBuffer(), CONSTNAME, mnLangId ), mnLangId );
+ if ( ! GetLangId( aLang ))
+ ULong_Iso_map[ aLang ] = mnLangId;
+ fprintf( stderr, "ISO Language out: %s 0x%lx", aLang.GetBuffer(), mnLangId );
+ mnLangId++;
+ aLang += csep;
+ aLang += aCountry.ToUpperAscii();
+ SetConstant( rNames.Put( aLang.GetBuffer(), CONSTNAME, mnLangId ), mnLangId );
+ if ( ! GetLangId( aLang ))
+ ULong_Iso_map[ aLang ] = mnLangId;
+ fprintf( stderr, " %s 0x%lx\n", aLang.GetBuffer(), mnLangId );
+ mnLangId++;
+// hack - survive "x-no-translate"
+ if ( aLang == "en-US" )
+ {
+// SetConstant( rNames.Put( "x-no-translate", CONSTNAME, mnLangId ), mnLangId );
+// mnLangId++;
+ SetConstant( rNames.Put( "x-comment", CONSTNAME, mnLangId ), mnLangId );
+ mnLangId++;
+ }
+ }
+ nIndex++;
+ }
+ ByteString aEnvIsoTokens = getenv( "RSC_LANG_ISO" );
+ if ( aEnvIsoTokens.Len() )
+ {
+ ByteString aIsoToken;
+ sal_uInt16 nTokenCounter = 0;
+ sal_Bool bOneMore = 1;
+ while ( bOneMore )
+ {
+ aIsoToken = aEnvIsoTokens.GetToken( nTokenCounter, ' ' );
+ if ( aIsoToken.Len() )
+ {
+ SetConstant( rNames.Put( aIsoToken.GetBuffer(), CONSTNAME, mnLangId ), mnLangId );
+ if ( ! GetLangId( aIsoToken ))
+ ULong_Iso_map[ aIsoToken ] = mnLangId;
+ fprintf( stderr, "Env ISO Language out: %s 0x%lx\n", aIsoToken.GetBuffer(), mnLangId );
+ mnLangId++;
+ }
+ else
+ bOneMore = 0;
+ nTokenCounter++;
+ }
+ }
+Atom RscLangEnum::AddLanguage( const char* pLang, RscNameTable& rNames )
+ Atom nResult = 0;
+ KEY_STRUCT aStruct;
+ if( ! rNames.Get( nResult = pHS->getID( pLang ), &aStruct ) )
+ {
+ SetConstant( nResult = rNames.Put( pLang, CONSTNAME, mnLangId ), mnLangId );
+ // insert new lang to ULong_Iso_map
+ rtl::OString aLang( pLang );
+ if ( ! GetLangId( aLang ))
+ ULong_Iso_map[ aLang ] = mnLangId;
+ // increase id counter
+ mnLangId++;
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "AddLanguage( %s ) = 0x%lx\n", pLang, nResult );
+ #endif
+ return nResult;
+RscEnum * RscTypCont::InitLangType()
+ aLangType.Init( aNmTb );
+ return( &aLangType );
+|* RscTypCont::InitFieldUnitsType()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.91
+RscEnum * RscTypCont::InitFieldUnitsType()
+ RscEnum * pFieldUnits;
+ pFieldUnits = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumFieldUnit" ), RSC_NOTYPE );
+ SETCONST( pFieldUnits, "FUNIT_MM", FUNIT_MM );
+ SETCONST( pFieldUnits, "FUNIT_CM", FUNIT_CM );
+ SETCONST( pFieldUnits, "FUNIT_M", FUNIT_M );
+ SETCONST( pFieldUnits, "FUNIT_KM", FUNIT_KM );
+ return pFieldUnits;
+|* RscTypCont::InitTimeFieldFormat()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.91
+RscEnum * RscTypCont::InitTimeFieldFormat()
+ RscEnum * pTimeFieldFormat;
+ pTimeFieldFormat = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumTimeFieldFormat" ),
+ SETCONST( pTimeFieldFormat, "TIMEF_SEC", TIMEF_SEC );
+ SETCONST( pTimeFieldFormat, "TIMEF_100TH_SEC", TIMEF_100TH_SEC );
+ return pTimeFieldFormat;
+|* RscTypCont::InitColor()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscEnum * RscTypCont::InitColor(){
+ RscEnum * pColor;
+ pColor = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumColor" ), RSC_NOTYPE );
+ return( pColor );
+|* RscTypCont::InitMapUnit()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscEnum * RscTypCont::InitMapUnit(){
+ RscEnum * pMapUnit;
+ pMapUnit = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumMapUnit" ), RSC_NOTYPE );
+ SETCONST( pMapUnit, "MAP_100TH_MM", MAP_100TH_MM );
+ SETCONST( pMapUnit, "MAP_10TH_MM", MAP_10TH_MM );
+ SETCONST( pMapUnit, "MAP_MM", MAP_MM );
+ SETCONST( pMapUnit, "MAP_CM", MAP_CM );
+ SETCONST( pMapUnit, "MAP_1000TH_INCH", MAP_1000TH_INCH );
+ SETCONST( pMapUnit, "MAP_100TH_INCH", MAP_100TH_INCH );
+ return( pMapUnit );
+|* RscTypCont::InitKey()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscEnum * RscTypCont::InitKey(){
+ RscEnum * pKey;
+ pKey = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumKey" ), RSC_NOTYPE );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_0", com::sun::star::awt::Key::NUM0 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_1", com::sun::star::awt::Key::NUM1 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_2", com::sun::star::awt::Key::NUM2 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_3", com::sun::star::awt::Key::NUM3 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_4", com::sun::star::awt::Key::NUM4 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_5", com::sun::star::awt::Key::NUM5 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_6", com::sun::star::awt::Key::NUM6 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_7", com::sun::star::awt::Key::NUM7 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_8", com::sun::star::awt::Key::NUM8 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_9", com::sun::star::awt::Key::NUM9 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_A", com::sun::star::awt::Key::A );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_B", com::sun::star::awt::Key::B );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_C", com::sun::star::awt::Key::C );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_D", com::sun::star::awt::Key::D );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_E", com::sun::star::awt::Key::E );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_G", com::sun::star::awt::Key::G );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_H", com::sun::star::awt::Key::H );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_I", com::sun::star::awt::Key::I );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_J", com::sun::star::awt::Key::J );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_K", com::sun::star::awt::Key::K );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_L", com::sun::star::awt::Key::L );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_M", com::sun::star::awt::Key::M );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_N", com::sun::star::awt::Key::N );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_O", com::sun::star::awt::Key::O );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_P", com::sun::star::awt::Key::P );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_Q", com::sun::star::awt::Key::Q );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_R", com::sun::star::awt::Key::R );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_S", com::sun::star::awt::Key::S );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_T", com::sun::star::awt::Key::T );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_U", com::sun::star::awt::Key::U );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_V", com::sun::star::awt::Key::V );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_W", com::sun::star::awt::Key::W );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_X", com::sun::star::awt::Key::X );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_Y", com::sun::star::awt::Key::Y );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_Z", com::sun::star::awt::Key::Z );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F1", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F1 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F2", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F2 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F3", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F3 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F4", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F4 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F5", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F5 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F6", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F6 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F7", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F7 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F8", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F8 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F9", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F9 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F10", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F10 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F11", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F11 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F12", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F12 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F13", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F13 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F14", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F14 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F15", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F15 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F16", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F16 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F17", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F17 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F18", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F18 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F19", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F19 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F20", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F20 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F21", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F21 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F22", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F22 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F23", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F23 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F24", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F24 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F25", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F25 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_F26", com::sun::star::awt::Key::F26 );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_DOWN", com::sun::star::awt::Key::DOWN );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_UP", com::sun::star::awt::Key::UP );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_LEFT", com::sun::star::awt::Key::LEFT );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_RIGHT", com::sun::star::awt::Key::RIGHT );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_HOME", com::sun::star::awt::Key::HOME );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_END", com::sun::star::awt::Key::END );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_PAGEUP", com::sun::star::awt::Key::PAGEUP );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_PAGEDOWN", com::sun::star::awt::Key::PAGEDOWN );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_RETURN", com::sun::star::awt::Key::RETURN );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_ESCAPE", com::sun::star::awt::Key::ESCAPE );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_TAB", com::sun::star::awt::Key::TAB );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_BACKSPACE", com::sun::star::awt::Key::BACKSPACE );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_SPACE", com::sun::star::awt::Key::SPACE );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_INSERT", com::sun::star::awt::Key::INSERT );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_DELETE", com::sun::star::awt::Key::DELETE );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_ADD", com::sun::star::awt::Key::ADD );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_SUBTRACT", com::sun::star::awt::Key::SUBTRACT );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_MULTIPLY", com::sun::star::awt::Key::MULTIPLY );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_DIVIDE", com::sun::star::awt::Key::DIVIDE );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_POINT", com::sun::star::awt::Key::POINT );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_COMMA", com::sun::star::awt::Key::COMMA );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_LESS", com::sun::star::awt::Key::LESS );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_GREATER", com::sun::star::awt::Key::GREATER );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_EQUAL", com::sun::star::awt::Key::EQUAL );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_OPEN", com::sun::star::awt::Key::OPEN );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_CUT", com::sun::star::awt::Key::CUT );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_COPY", com::sun::star::awt::Key::COPY );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_PASTE", com::sun::star::awt::Key::PASTE );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_UNDO", com::sun::star::awt::Key::UNDO );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_REPEAT", com::sun::star::awt::Key::REPEAT );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_FIND", com::sun::star::awt::Key::FIND );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_PROPERTIES", com::sun::star::awt::Key::PROPERTIES );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_FRONT", com::sun::star::awt::Key::FRONT );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_CONTEXTMENU", com::sun::star::awt::Key::CONTEXTMENU );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_HELP", com::sun::star::awt::Key::HELP );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_HANGUL_HANJA", com::sun::star::awt::Key::HANGUL_HANJA );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_DECIMAL", com::sun::star::awt::Key::DECIMAL );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_TILDE", com::sun::star::awt::Key::TILDE );
+ SETCONST( pKey, "KEY_QUOTELEFT", com::sun::star::awt::Key::QUOTELEFT );
+ return( pKey );
+|* RscTypCont::InitTriState()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.11.91
+RscEnum * RscTypCont::InitTriState(){
+ RscEnum * pTriState;
+ pTriState = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumTriState" ), RSC_NOTYPE );
+ return( pTriState );
+|* RscTypCont::InitMessButtons()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscEnum * RscTypCont::InitMessButtons()
+ RscEnum * pMessButtons;
+ pMessButtons = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumMessButtons" ), RSC_NOTYPE );
+ SETCONST( pMessButtons, "WB_OK", sal::static_int_cast<UINT32>(WB_OK) );
+ SETCONST( pMessButtons, "WB_OK_CANCEL", sal::static_int_cast<UINT32>(WB_OK_CANCEL) );
+ SETCONST( pMessButtons, "WB_YES_NO", sal::static_int_cast<UINT32>(WB_YES_NO) );
+ SETCONST( pMessButtons, "WB_YES_NO_CANCEL", sal::static_int_cast<UINT32>(WB_YES_NO_CANCEL) );
+ SETCONST( pMessButtons, "WB_RETRY_CANCEL", sal::static_int_cast<UINT32>(WB_RETRY_CANCEL) );
+ SETCONST( pMessButtons, "WB_ABORT_RETRY_IGNORE", sal::static_int_cast<UINT32>(WB_ABORT_RETRY_IGNORE) );
+ return( pMessButtons );
+|* RscTypCont::InitMessDefButton()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscEnum * RscTypCont::InitMessDefButton(){
+ RscEnum * pMessDefButton;
+ pMessDefButton = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumMessDefButton" ),
+ SETCONST( pMessDefButton, "WB_DEF_OK", sal::static_int_cast<UINT32>(WB_DEF_OK) );
+ SETCONST( pMessDefButton, "WB_DEF_CANCEL", sal::static_int_cast<UINT32>(WB_DEF_CANCEL) );
+ SETCONST( pMessDefButton, "WB_DEF_RETRY", sal::static_int_cast<UINT32>(WB_DEF_RETRY) );
+ SETCONST( pMessDefButton, "WB_DEF_YES", sal::static_int_cast<UINT32>(WB_DEF_YES) );
+ SETCONST( pMessDefButton, "WB_DEF_NO", sal::static_int_cast<UINT32>(WB_DEF_NO) );
+ SETCONST( pMessDefButton, "WB_DEF_IGNORE", sal::static_int_cast<UINT32>(WB_DEF_IGNORE) );
+ return( pMessDefButton );
+|* RscTypCont::InitGeometry()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscTupel * RscTypCont::InitGeometry()
+ RscTop * pTupel;
+ Atom nId;
+ // Clientvariablen einfuegen
+ pTupel = new RscTupel( pHS->getID( "TupelDeltaSystem" ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "X", VARNAME );
+ pTupel->SetVariable( nId, &aShort );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Y", VARNAME );
+ pTupel->SetVariable( nId, &aShort );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "WIDTH", VARNAME );
+ pTupel->SetVariable( nId, &aShort );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "HEIGHT", VARNAME );
+ pTupel->SetVariable( nId, &aShort );
+ return (RscTupel *)pTupel;
+|* RscTypCont::InitLangGeometry()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscArray * RscTypCont::InitLangGeometry( RscTupel * pGeo )
+ return new RscArray( pHS->getID( "Lang_TupelGeometry" ), RSC_NOTYPE, pGeo, &aLangType );
+|* RscTypCont::InitStringList()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscCont * RscTypCont::InitStringList()
+ RscCont * pCont;
+ pCont = new RscCont( pHS->getID( "Chars[]" ), RSC_NOTYPE );
+ pCont->SetTypeClass( &aString );
+ return pCont;
+|* RscTypCont::InitLangStringList()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscArray * RscTypCont::InitLangStringList( RscCont * pStrLst )
+ return new RscArray( pHS->getID( "Lang_CharsList" ),
+ RSC_NOTYPE, pStrLst, &aLangType );
+|* RscTypCont::InitStringTupel()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscTupel * RscTypCont::InitStringTupel()
+ RscTop * pTupel;
+ Atom nId;
+ // Clientvariablen einfuegen
+ pTupel = new RscTupel( pHS->getID( "CharsTupel" ), RSC_NOTYPE, NULL );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "FILTER", VARNAME );
+ pTupel->SetVariable( nId, &aString );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "MASK", VARNAME );
+ pTupel->SetVariable( nId, &aString );
+ return (RscTupel *)pTupel;
+|* RscTypCont::InitStringLongTupel()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 18.07.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.07.94
+RscTupel * RscTypCont::InitStringLongTupel()
+ RscTop * pTupel;
+ Atom nId;
+ // Clientvariablen einfuegen
+ pTupel = new RscTupel( pHS->getID( "CharsLongTupel" ), RSC_NOTYPE, NULL );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ItemText", VARNAME );
+ pTupel->SetVariable( nId, &aString );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ItemId", VARNAME );
+ pTupel->SetVariable( nId, &aEnumLong );
+ return (RscTupel *)pTupel;
+|* RscTypCont::InitStringTupelList()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscCont * RscTypCont::InitStringTupelList( RscTupel * pTupelString )
+ RscCont * pCont;
+ pCont = new RscCont( pHS->getID( "CharsCharsTupel[]" ), RSC_NOTYPE );
+ pCont->SetTypeClass( pTupelString );
+ return pCont;
+|* RscTypCont::InitStringLongTupelList()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscCont * RscTypCont::InitStringLongTupelList( RscTupel * pStringLong )
+ RscCont * pCont;
+ pCont = new RscCont( pHS->getID( "CharsLongTupel[]" ), RSC_NOTYPE );
+ pCont->SetTypeClass( pStringLong );
+ return pCont;
+|* RscTypCont::InitLangStringTupelList()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscArray * RscTypCont::InitLangStringTupelList( RscCont * pStrTupelLst )
+ return new RscArray( pHS->getID( "Lang_CharsCharsTupel" ),
+ RSC_NOTYPE, pStrTupelLst, &aLangType );
+|* RscTypCont::InitLangStringLongTupelList()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.05.91
+RscArray * RscTypCont::InitLangStringLongTupelList( RscCont * pStrLongTupelLst )
+ return new RscArray( pHS->getID( "Lang_CharsLongTupelList" ),
+ RSC_NOTYPE, pStrLongTupelLst, &aLangType );
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rscicpx.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rscicpx.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..625417769f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rscicpx.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2389 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <tools/rc.h>
+#include <vclrsc.hxx>
+#include <rscmgr.hxx>
+#include <rscclass.hxx>
+#include <rsccont.hxx>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+#include <rscsfx.hxx>
+#include "rsclex.hxx"
+#include <yyrscyacc.hxx>
+|* RscTypCont::InsWinBit()
+void RscTypCont::InsWinBit( RscTop * pClass, const ByteString & rName,
+ Atom nVal )
+ RscClient * pClient;
+ // Clientvariablen einfuegen
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ &aWinBits, nVal ),
+ Atom nId = aNmTb.Put( rName.GetBuffer(), VARNAME );
+ pClass->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL,
+ VAR_NODATAINST, 0, nWinBitVarId );
+#define INS_WINBIT( pClass, WinBit ) \
+ InsWinBit( pClass, #WinBit, n##WinBit##Id );
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassMgr()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassMgr()
+ RscTop * pClassMgr;
+ RscBaseCont * pClass;
+ Atom nId;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClass =
+ new RscBaseCont( InvalidAtom, RSC_NOTYPE, NULL, FALSE ),
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Resource" );
+ pClassMgr = new RscMgr( nId, RSC_RESOURCE, pClass );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassMgr );
+ pClassMgr->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ {
+ RscContWriteSrc * pCont;
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pCont = new RscContExtraData( pHS->getID( "ContExtradata" ),
+ pCont->SetTypeClass( &aShort, &aString );
+ nRsc_EXTRADATA = nId = aNmTb.Put( "ExtraData", VARNAME );
+ pClassMgr->SetVariable( nId, pCont );
+ };
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Comment", VARNAME );
+ pClassMgr->SetVariable( nId, &aString, NULL, VAR_NORC );
+ pClass->SetTypeClass( pClassMgr );
+ return pClassMgr;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassString()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassString( RscTop * pSuper ){
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassString;
+ nId = pHS->getID( "String" );
+ pClassString = new RscClass( nId, RSC_STRING, pSuper );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassString );
+ pClassString->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Text", VARNAME );
+ pClassString->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString );
+ return( pClassString );
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassBitmap()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassBitmap( RscTop * pSuper ){
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassBitmap;
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Bitmap" );
+ pClassBitmap = new RscSysDepend( nId, RSC_BITMAP, pSuper );
+ pClassBitmap->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassBitmap );
+ // Die Klasse RscSysDepend behandelt die Variablen
+ // "FILE" gesondert
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "File", VARNAME );
+ pClassBitmap->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, VAR_NORC );
+ return( pClassBitmap );
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassColor()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassColor( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pColor ){
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassColor;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Color" );
+ pClassColor = new RscClass( nId, RSC_COLOR, pSuper );
+ pClassColor->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassColor );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Red", VARNAME );
+ pClassColor->SetVariable( nId, &aUShort );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Green", VARNAME );
+ pClassColor->SetVariable( nId, &aUShort );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Blue", VARNAME );
+ pClassColor->SetVariable( nId, &aUShort );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Predefine", VARNAME );
+ pClassColor->SetVariable( nId, pColor );
+ return( pClassColor );
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassImage()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassImage( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassColor )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassImage;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Image" );
+ pClassImage = new RscClass( nId, RSC_IMAGE, pSuper );
+ pClassImage->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassImage );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ImageBitmap", VARNAME );
+ pClassImage->SetVariable( nId, pClassBitmap, NULL, 0, RSC_IMAGE_IMAGEBITMAP );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "MaskBitmap", VARNAME );
+ pClassImage->SetVariable( nId, pClassBitmap, NULL, 0, RSC_IMAGE_MASKBITMAP );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "MaskColor", VARNAME );
+ pClassImage->SetVariable( nId, pClassColor, NULL,
+ return( pClassImage );
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassImageList()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassImageList( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * /*pClassBitmap*/,
+ RscTop * pClassColor, RscCont * pStrLst )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassImageList;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ImageList" );
+ pClassImageList = new RscClass( nId, RSC_IMAGELIST, pSuper );
+ pClassImageList->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassImageList );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Prefix", VARNAME );
+ pClassImageList->SetVariable( nId, &aString );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "MaskColor", VARNAME );
+ pClassImageList->SetVariable( nId, pClassColor, NULL,
+ RscCont * pCont = new RscCont( pHS->getID( "USHORT *" ), RSC_NOTYPE );
+ pCont->SetTypeClass( &aIdUShort );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pCont, LIST_APPEND );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "IdList", VARNAME );
+ pClassImageList->SetVariable( nId, pCont, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "FileList", VARNAME );
+ pClassImageList->SetVariable( nId, pStrLst );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "IdCount", VARNAME );
+ pClassImageList->SetVariable( nId, &aUShort, NULL, 0,
+ return( pClassImageList );
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassWindow()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassWindow( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pMapUnit,
+ RscArray * pLangGeo )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassWindow;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Window" );
+ pClassWindow = new RscClass( nId, RSC_WINDOW, pSuper );
+ pClassWindow->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassWindow );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ {
+ RscFlag * pFlag;
+ RscClient * pClient;
+ Atom nVarId, nDisableId, nOutputSizeId;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pFlag = new RscFlag( pHS->getID( "FlagWndExtra" ),
+ // Konstanten in Tabelle stellen
+ nDisableId = pHS->getID( "RSWND_DISABLE" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, nDisableId, RSWND_DISABLED );
+ nOutputSizeId = pHS->getID( "RSWND_OUTPUTSIZE" );
+ // Variable einfuegen
+ nVarId = aNmTb.Put( "_RscExtraFlags", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nVarId, pFlag, NULL,
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, nDisableId ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Disable", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL,
+ VAR_NODATAINST, 0, nVarId );
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, nOutputSizeId ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "OutputSize", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL,
+ VAR_NODATAINST, 0, nVarId );
+ }
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nWinBitVarId, &aWinBits, NULL,
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassWindow,Border)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassWindow,Hide)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassWindow,ClipChildren)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassWindow,SVLook)
+ InsWinBit( pClassWindow, "DialogControl", nTabControlId );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "HelpID", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong );
+ nRsc_XYMAPMODEId = nId = aNmTb.Put( "_XYMapMode", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, pMapUnit, NULL, 0, WINDOW_XYMAPMODE );
+ nRsc_X = nId = aNmTb.Put( "_X", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aLong, NULL, 0, WINDOW_X );
+ nRsc_Y = nId = aNmTb.Put( "_Y", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aLong, NULL, 0, WINDOW_Y );
+ nRsc_WHMAPMODEId = nId = aNmTb.Put( "_WHMapMode", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, pMapUnit, NULL, 0, WINDOW_WHMAPMODE );
+ nRsc_WIDTH = nId = aNmTb.Put( "_Width", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aLong, NULL, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH );
+ nRsc_HEIGHT = nId = aNmTb.Put( "_Height", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aLong, NULL, 0, WINDOW_HEIGHT );
+ nRsc_DELTALANG = nId = aNmTb.Put( "DeltaLang", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, pLangGeo, NULL, VAR_NORC | VAR_NOENUM);
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Text", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0, WINDOW_TEXT );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "HelpText", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0, WINDOW_HELPTEXT );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "QuickHelpText", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0, WINDOW_QUICKTEXT );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ExtraLong", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aLong, NULL, 0, WINDOW_EXTRALONG );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "UniqueId", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aLong, NULL, 0, WINDOW_UNIQUEID );
+ // BorderStyle
+ RscEnum* pBorderStyleEnum = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "WindowBorderStyle" ), RSC_NOTYPE );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pBorderStyleEnum, LIST_APPEND );
+ // Konstanten in Tabelle stellen
+ // Variable einfuegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "BorderStyle", VARNAME );
+ pClassWindow->SetVariable( nId, pBorderStyleEnum, NULL,
+ 0,
+ return( pClassWindow );
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassSystemWindow()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassSystemWindow( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassSystemWindow;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "SystemWindow" );
+ pClassSystemWindow = new RscClass( nId, RSC_SYSWINDOW, pSuper );
+ pClassSystemWindow->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassSystemWindow );
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassSystemWindow,Sizeable)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassSystemWindow,Moveable)
+ InsWinBit( pClassSystemWindow, "Minable", nMinimizeId );
+ InsWinBit( pClassSystemWindow, "Maxable", nMaximizeId );
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassSystemWindow,Closeable)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassSystemWindow,App)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassSystemWindow,SysWin)
+ return pClassSystemWindow ;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassWorkWindow()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassWorkWindow( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassWorkWindow;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "WorkWindow" );
+ pClassWorkWindow = new RscClass( nId, RSC_WORKWIN, pSuper );
+ pClassWorkWindow->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassWorkWindow );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ {
+ Atom nVarId;
+ RscEnum * pShow;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pShow = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumShowState" ),
+ // Variable einfuegen
+ nVarId = aNmTb.Put( "Show", VARNAME );
+ pClassWorkWindow->SetVariable( nVarId, pShow, NULL );
+ }
+ return pClassWorkWindow;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassDialogBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassModalDialog( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassDialog;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ModalDialog" );
+ pClassDialog = new RscClass( nId, RSC_MODALDIALOG, pSuper );
+ pClassDialog->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassDialog );
+ InsWinBit( pClassDialog, "SysModal", nSysmodalId );
+ return pClassDialog;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassModelessDialog()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassModelessDialog( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassDialog;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ModelessDialog" );
+ pClassDialog = new RscClass( nId, RSC_MODELESSDIALOG, pSuper );
+ pClassDialog->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassDialog );
+ return pClassDialog;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassControl()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassControl( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassControl;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Control" );
+ pClassControl = new RscClass( nId, RSC_CONTROL, pSuper );
+ pClassControl->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassControl );
+ InsWinBit( pClassControl, "TabStop", nTabstopId );
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassControl,Group)
+ return pClassControl;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassCheckBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassCheckBox( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassCheckBox;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "CheckBox" );
+ pClassCheckBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_CHECKBOX, pSuper );
+ pClassCheckBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassCheckBox );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassCheckBox, WordBreak )
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassCheckBox, Top )
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassCheckBox, VCenter )
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassCheckBox, Bottom )
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Check", VARNAME );
+ pClassCheckBox->SetVariable( nId, &aBool );
+ return pClassCheckBox;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassPushButton()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassPushButton( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassPushButton;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "PushButton" );
+ pClassPushButton = new RscClass( nId, RSC_PUSHBUTTON, pSuper );
+ pClassPushButton->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassPushButton );
+ InsWinBit( pClassPushButton, "DefButton", nDefaultId );
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassPushButton, Top )
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassPushButton, VCenter )
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassPushButton, Bottom )
+ return pClassPushButton;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassTriStateBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassTriStateBox( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pTriState )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassTriStateBox;
+ nId = pHS->getID( "TriStateBox" );
+ pClassTriStateBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_TRISTATEBOX, pSuper );
+ pClassTriStateBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassTriStateBox );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "State", VARNAME );
+ pClassTriStateBox->SetVariable( nId, pTriState );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "TriStateDisable", VARNAME );
+ pClassTriStateBox->SetVariable( nId, &aBool );
+ return( pClassTriStateBox );
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassMenuButton()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassMenuButton( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassMenu )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassMenuButton;
+ nId = pHS->getID( "MenuButton" );
+ pClassMenuButton = new RscClass( nId, RSC_MENUBUTTON, pSuper );
+ pClassMenuButton->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassMenuButton );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ButtonMenu", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuButton->SetVariable( nId, pClassMenu, NULL, 0,
+ return( pClassMenuButton );
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassImageButton()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassImageButton( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassImage,
+ RscEnum * pTriState )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassImageButton;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ImageButton" );
+ pClassImageButton = new RscClass( nId, RSC_IMAGEBUTTON, pSuper );
+ pClassImageButton->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassImageButton );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ {
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ButtonImage", VARNAME );
+ pClassImageButton->SetVariable( nId, pClassImage, NULL, 0,
+ }
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ {
+ Atom nVarId;
+ RscEnum * pSymbol;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pSymbol = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumSymbolButton" ),
+ // Variable einfuegen
+ nVarId = aNmTb.Put( "Symbol", VARNAME );
+ pClassImageButton->SetVariable( nVarId, pSymbol, NULL, 0,
+ }
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "State", VARNAME );
+ pClassImageButton->SetVariable( nId, pTriState, NULL, 0,
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassImageButton,Repeat)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassImageButton,SmallStyle)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassImageButton,RectStyle)
+ return pClassImageButton;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassEdit()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassEdit( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassEdit;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Edit" );
+ pClassEdit = new RscClass( nId, RSC_EDIT, pSuper );
+ pClassEdit->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassEdit );
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassEdit,Left)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassEdit,Center)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassEdit,Right)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassEdit,PassWord)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassEdit,ReadOnly)
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "MaxTextLength", VARNAME );
+ pClassEdit->SetVariable( nId, &aUShort );
+ return pClassEdit;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassMultiLineedit()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassMultiLineEdit( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassMultiLineEdit;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "MultiLineEdit" );
+ pClassMultiLineEdit = new RscClass( nId, RSC_MULTILINEEDIT, pSuper );
+ pClassMultiLineEdit->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassMultiLineEdit );
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassMultiLineEdit, HScroll );
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassMultiLineEdit, VScroll );
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassMultiLineEdit, IgnoreTab );
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassMultiLineEdit, AutoVScroll )
+ return pClassMultiLineEdit;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassScrollBar()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassScrollBar( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassScrollBar;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ScrollBar" );
+ pClassScrollBar = new RscClass( nId, RSC_SCROLLBAR, pSuper );
+ pClassScrollBar->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassScrollBar );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "MinPos", VARNAME );
+ pClassScrollBar->SetVariable( nId, &aShort );
+ {
+ aDfltI = aShort.Create( NULL, RSCINST(), FALSE );
+ aDfltI.pClass->SetNumber( aDfltI, 100 );
+// aDfltI.pClass->MakeDefault( aDfltI );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "MaxPos", VARNAME );
+ pClassScrollBar->SetVariable( nId, &aShort, &aDfltI );
+ }
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ThumbPos", VARNAME );
+ pClassScrollBar->SetVariable( nId, &aShort );
+ {
+ aDfltI = aShort.Create( NULL, RSCINST(), FALSE );
+ aDfltI.pClass->SetNumber( aDfltI, 1 );
+// aDfltI.pClass->MakeDefault( aDfltI );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "PageSize", VARNAME);
+ pClassScrollBar->SetVariable( nId, &aShort, &aDfltI );
+ }
+ {
+ aDfltI = aShort.Create( NULL, RSCINST(), FALSE );
+ aDfltI.pClass->SetNumber( aDfltI, 1 );
+// aDfltI.pClass->MakeDefault( aDfltI );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "LineSize", VARNAME );
+ pClassScrollBar->SetVariable( nId, &aShort, &aDfltI );
+ }
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "VisibleSize", VARNAME );
+ pClassScrollBar->SetVariable( nId, &aShort );
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassScrollBar, HScroll );
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassScrollBar, VScroll );
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassScrollBar, Drag )
+ return pClassScrollBar;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassListBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassListBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscArray * pStrLst )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassListBox;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ListBox" );
+ pClassListBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_LISTBOX, pSuper );
+ pClassListBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassListBox );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassListBox,Sort)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassListBox,DropDown)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassListBox,HScroll);
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassListBox,VScroll);
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassListBox,AutoSize)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassListBox,AutoHScroll)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassListBox,DDExtraWidth)
+ {
+ RSCINST aDflt = aUShort.Create( NULL, RSCINST(), FALSE );
+ aDflt.pClass->SetNumber( aDflt, (USHORT)0xFFFF );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "CurPos", VARNAME );
+ pClassListBox->SetVariable( nId, &aUShort, &aDflt );
+ }
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "StringList", VARNAME );
+ pClassListBox->SetVariable( nId, pStrLst );
+ return pClassListBox;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassMultiListBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassMultiListBox( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassMultiListBox;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "MultiListBox" );
+ pClassMultiListBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_MULTILISTBOX, pSuper );
+ pClassMultiListBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassMultiListBox );
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassMultiListBox,SimpleMode)
+ return pClassMultiListBox;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassComboBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassComboBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscArray * pStrLst )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassComboBox;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ComboBox" );
+ pClassComboBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_COMBOBOX, pSuper );
+ pClassComboBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassComboBox );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassComboBox,DropDown)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassComboBox,Sort)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassComboBox,HScroll);
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassComboBox,VScroll);
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassComboBox,AutoSize)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassComboBox,AutoHScroll)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassComboBox,DDExtraWidth)
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "StringList", VARNAME );
+ pClassComboBox->SetVariable( nId, pStrLst );
+ return pClassComboBox;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassFixedText()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassFixedText( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassFixedText;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "FixedText" );
+ pClassFixedText = new RscClass( nId, RSC_TEXT, pSuper );
+ pClassFixedText->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassFixedText );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFixedText,Left)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFixedText,Center)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFixedText,Right)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFixedText,WordBreak)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFixedText,LeftLabel)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFixedText,NoLabel)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFixedText,Top)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFixedText,VCenter)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFixedText,Bottom)
+ return pClassFixedText;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassFixedBitmap()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassFixedBitmap( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassBitmap )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassFixedBitmap;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "FixedBitmap" );
+ pClassFixedBitmap = new RscClass( nId, RSC_FIXEDBITMAP, pSuper );
+ pClassFixedBitmap->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassFixedBitmap );
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFixedBitmap,Scale)
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Fixed", VARNAME );
+ pClassFixedBitmap->SetVariable( nId, pClassBitmap, 0, 0, RSC_FIXEDBITMAP_BITMAP );
+ return pClassFixedBitmap;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassFixedImage()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassFixedImage( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassImage )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassFixedImage;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "FixedImage" );
+ pClassFixedImage = new RscClass( nId, RSC_FIXEDIMAGE, pSuper );
+ pClassFixedImage->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassFixedImage );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Fixed", VARNAME );
+ pClassFixedImage->SetVariable( nId, pClassImage, 0, 0, RSC_FIXEDIMAGE_IMAGE );
+ return pClassFixedImage;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassImageRadioButton()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassRadioButton( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassRadioButton;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "RadioButton" );
+ pClassRadioButton = new RscClass( nId, RSC_RADIOBUTTON, pSuper );
+ pClassRadioButton->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassRadioButton );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassRadioButton, WordBreak )
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassRadioButton, Top )
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassRadioButton, VCenter )
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassRadioButton, Bottom )
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Check", VARNAME );
+ pClassRadioButton->SetVariable( nId, &aBool );
+ return pClassRadioButton;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassImageRadioButton()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassImageRadioButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassImage )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassImageRadioButton;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ImageRadioButton" );
+ pClassImageRadioButton = new RscClass( nId, RSC_IMAGERADIOBUTTON, pSuper );
+ pClassImageRadioButton->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassImageRadioButton );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassImageRadioButton,TopImage)
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "RadioButtonImage", VARNAME );
+ pClassImageRadioButton->SetVariable( nId, pClassImage, 0, 0, RSC_IMAGERADIOBUTTON_IMAGE );
+ return pClassImageRadioButton;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassKeyCode()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassKeyCode( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pKey )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassKeyCode;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "KeyCode" );
+ pClassKeyCode = new RscClass( nId, RSC_KEYCODE, pSuper );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassKeyCode );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Code", VARNAME );
+ pClassKeyCode->SetVariable( nId, pKey );
+ {
+ RscFlag * pFlag;
+ RscClient * pClient;
+ Atom nVarId, nShiftId, nMod1Id, nMod2Id;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pFlag = new RscFlag( pHS->getID( "FlagKeyModifier" ),
+ // Konstanten in Tabelle stellen
+ nShiftId = pHS->getID( "KEY_SHIFT" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, nShiftId, KEY_SHIFT );
+ nMod1Id = pHS->getID( "KEY_MOD1" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, nMod1Id, KEY_MOD1 );
+ nMod2Id = pHS->getID( "KEY_MOD2" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, nMod2Id, KEY_MOD2 );
+ // Variable einfuegen
+ nVarId = aNmTb.Put( "_ModifierFlags", VARNAME );
+ pClassKeyCode->SetVariable( nVarId, pFlag, NULL,
+ // Clientvariablen einfuegen
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, nShiftId ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Shift", VARNAME );
+ pClassKeyCode->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL,
+ VAR_NODATAINST, 0, nVarId );
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, nMod1Id ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Modifier1", VARNAME );
+ pClassKeyCode->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL,
+ VAR_NODATAINST, 0, nVarId );
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, nMod2Id ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Modifier2", VARNAME );
+ pClassKeyCode->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL,
+ VAR_NODATAINST, 0, nVarId );
+ }
+ {
+ Atom nVarId;
+ RscEnum * pKeyFunc;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pKeyFunc = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumKeyFunc" ),
+ // Variable einfuegen
+ nVarId = aNmTb.Put( "Function", VARNAME );
+ pClassKeyCode->SetVariable( nVarId, pKeyFunc, NULL );
+ }
+ return pClassKeyCode;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassAccelItem()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassAccelItem( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassKeyCode )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassAccelItem;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "AcceleratorItem" );
+ pClassAccelItem = new RscClass( nId, RSC_ACCELITEM, pSuper );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassAccelItem );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Identifier", VARNAME );
+ pClassAccelItem->SetVariable( nId, &aIdNoZeroUShort );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Disable", VARNAME );
+ pClassAccelItem->SetVariable( nId, &aBool );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Key", VARNAME );
+ pClassAccelItem->SetVariable( nId, pClassKeyCode, NULL, 0,
+ return pClassAccelItem;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassAccelm()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassAccel( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassAccelItem )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassAccel;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Accelerator" );
+ pClassAccel = new RscClass( nId, RSC_ACCEL, pSuper );
+ pClassAccel->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassAccel );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "HelpText", VARNAME );
+ pClassAccel->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString );
+ {
+ RscCont * pCont;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pCont = new RscCont(
+ pHS->getID( "ContAcceleratorKey" ),
+ pCont->SetTypeClass( pClassAccelItem );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ItemList", VARNAME );
+ pClassAccel->SetVariable( nId, pCont );
+ }
+ return pClassAccel;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassMenuItem()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassMenuItem( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassKeyCode )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassMenuItem;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "MenuItem" );
+ pClassMenuItem = new RscClass( nId, RSC_MENUITEM, pSuper );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassMenuItem );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Separator", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Identifier", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, &aIdNoZeroUShort, NULL, 0,
+ {
+ RscFlag * pFlag;
+ RscClient * pClient;
+ Atom nVarId, nAutoCheckId, nRadioCheckId;
+ Atom nCheckableId, nAboutId, nHelpId;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pFlag = new RscFlag( pHS->getID( "FlagMenuState" ),
+ // Konstanten in Tabelle stellen
+ nCheckableId = pHS->getID( "MIB_CHECKABLE" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, nCheckableId, MIB_CHECKABLE );
+ nAutoCheckId = pHS->getID( "MIB_AUTOCHECK" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, nAutoCheckId, MIB_AUTOCHECK );
+ nRadioCheckId = pHS->getID( "MIB_RADIOCHECK" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, nRadioCheckId, MIB_RADIOCHECK );
+ nAboutId = pHS->getID( "MIB_ABOUT" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, nAboutId, MIB_ABOUT );
+ nHelpId = pHS->getID( "MIB_HELP" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, nHelpId, MIB_HELP );
+ // Variable einfuegen
+ nVarId = aNmTb.Put( "_MenuItemFlags", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nVarId, pFlag, NULL,
+ // Clientvariablen einfuegen
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, nCheckableId ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Checkable", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL,
+ VAR_NODATAINST, 0, nVarId );
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, nAutoCheckId ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "AutoCheck", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL,
+ VAR_NODATAINST, 0, nVarId );
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, nRadioCheckId ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "RadioCheck", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL,
+ VAR_NODATAINST, 0, nVarId );
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, nAboutId ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "About", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL,
+ VAR_NODATAINST, 0, nVarId );
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, nHelpId ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Help", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL,
+ VAR_NODATAINST, 0, nVarId );
+ }
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Text", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ItemBitmap", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, pClassBitmap, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "HelpText", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "HelpID", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "AccelKey", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, pClassKeyCode, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Check", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Disable", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Command", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, &aString, NULL, 0,
+ return pClassMenuItem;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassMenu()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassMenu( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassMenuItem )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassMenu;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Menu" );
+ pClassMenu = new RscClass( nId, RSC_MENU, pSuper );
+ pClassMenu->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassMenu );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ {
+ RscCont * pCont;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pCont = new RscCont( pHS->getID( "ContMenuItem" ),
+ pCont->SetTypeClass( pClassMenuItem );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ItemList", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenu->SetVariable( nId, pCont, NULL, 0, RSC_MENU_ITEMS );
+ }
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Text", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenu->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0, RSC_MENU_TEXT );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "DefaultItemId", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenu->SetVariable( nId, &aIdUShort, NULL, 0,
+ return pClassMenu;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassMessageBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassMessBox( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pMessButtons,
+ RscEnum * pMessDefButton )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassMessBox;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "MessBox" );
+ pClassMessBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_MESSBOX, pSuper );
+ pClassMessBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassMessBox );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Buttons", VARNAME );
+ pClassMessBox->SetVariable( nId, pMessButtons );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "DefButton", VARNAME );
+ pClassMessBox->SetVariable( nId, pMessDefButton );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "HelpID", VARNAME );
+ pClassMessBox->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "SysModal", VARNAME );
+ pClassMessBox->SetVariable( nId, &aBool );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Title", VARNAME );
+ pClassMessBox->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Message", VARNAME );
+ pClassMessBox->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "HelpText", VARNAME );
+ pClassMessBox->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString );
+ return pClassMessBox;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassSplitter()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassSplitter( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassSplitter;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Splitter" );
+ pClassSplitter = new RscClass( nId, RSC_SPLITTER, pSuper );
+ pClassSplitter->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassSplitter );
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassSplitter,HScroll);
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassSplitter,VScroll);
+ return pClassSplitter;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassSplitWindow()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassSplitWindow( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassSplitWindow;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "SplitWindow" );
+ pClassSplitWindow = new RscClass( nId, RSC_SPLITWINDOW, pSuper );
+ pClassSplitWindow->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassSplitWindow );
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassSplitWindow,Sizeable)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassSplitWindow,NoSplitDraw)
+ return pClassSplitWindow;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassTime()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassTime( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassTime;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Time" );
+ pClassTime = new RscClass( nId, RSC_TIME, pSuper );
+ pClassTime->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassTime );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Hour", VARNAME );
+ pClassTime->SetVariable( nId, &a0to23Short, NULL, 0, TIME_HOUR );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Minute", VARNAME );
+ pClassTime->SetVariable( nId, &a0to59Short, NULL, 0, TIME_MINUTE );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Second", VARNAME );
+ pClassTime->SetVariable( nId, &a0to59Short, NULL, 0, TIME_SECOND );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Sec100", VARNAME ); // weiss noch nich
+ pClassTime->SetVariable( nId, &a0to99Short, NULL, 0, TIME_SEC100 );
+ return pClassTime;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassDate()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassDate( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassDate;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Date" );
+ pClassDate = new RscClass( nId, RSC_DATE, pSuper );
+ pClassDate->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassDate );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Year", VARNAME );
+ pClassDate->SetVariable( nId, &a0to9999Short, NULL, 0, DATE_YEAR );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Month", VARNAME );
+ pClassDate->SetVariable( nId, &a1to12Short, NULL, 0, DATE_MONTH );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Day", VARNAME );
+ pClassDate->SetVariable( nId, &a1to31Short, NULL, 0, DATE_DAY );
+ return pClassDate;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassPatternFormatter()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassPatternFormatter( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassPattern;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "PatternFormatter" );
+ pClassPattern = new RscClass( nId, RSC_NOTYPE, pSuper );
+ pClassPattern->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "StrictFormat", VARNAME );
+ pClassPattern->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "EditMask", VARNAME );
+ pClassPattern->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "LiteralMask", VARNAME );
+ pClassPattern->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL,
+ return pClassPattern;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassNumericFormatter()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassNumericFormatter( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassNumeric;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "NumericFormatter" );
+ pClassNumeric = new RscClass( nId, RSC_NOTYPE, pSuper );
+ pClassNumeric->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Minimum", VARNAME );
+ pClassNumeric->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Maximum", VARNAME );
+ pClassNumeric->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "StrictFormat", VARNAME );
+ pClassNumeric->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "DecimalDigits", VARNAME );
+ pClassNumeric->SetVariable( nId, &aUShort, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Value", VARNAME );
+ pClassNumeric->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "NoThousandSep", VARNAME );
+ pClassNumeric->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL,
+ return pClassNumeric;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassMetricFormatter()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassMetricFormatter( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pFieldUnits )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassMetric;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "MetricFormatter" );
+ pClassMetric = new RscClass( nId, RSC_NOTYPE, pSuper );
+ pClassMetric->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Unit", VARNAME );
+ pClassMetric->SetVariable( nId, pFieldUnits, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "CustomUnitText", VARNAME );
+ pClassMetric->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL,
+ return pClassMetric;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassCurrencyFormatter()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassCurrencyFormatter
+ RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * /* pFieldUnits */)
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassCurrency;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "CurrencyFormatter" );
+ pClassCurrency = new RscClass( nId, RSC_NOTYPE, pSuper );
+ pClassCurrency->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ return pClassCurrency;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassDateFormatter()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassDateFormatter( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassDate )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassDateF;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "DateFormatter" );
+ pClassDateF = new RscClass( nId, RSC_NOTYPE, pSuper );
+ pClassDateF->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Minimum", VARNAME );
+ pClassDateF->SetVariable( nId, pClassDate, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Maximum", VARNAME );
+ pClassDateF->SetVariable( nId, pClassDate, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "LongFormat", VARNAME );
+ pClassDateF->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "StrictFormat", VARNAME );
+ pClassDateF->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Value", VARNAME );
+ pClassDateF->SetVariable( nId, pClassDate, NULL,
+ return pClassDateF;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassTimeFormatter()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassTimeFormatter( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassTime,
+ RscEnum * pTimeFieldFormat )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassTimeF;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "TimeFormatter" );
+ pClassTimeF = new RscClass( nId, RSC_NOTYPE, pSuper );
+ pClassTimeF->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Minimum", VARNAME );
+ pClassTimeF->SetVariable( nId, pClassTime, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Maximum", VARNAME );
+ pClassTimeF->SetVariable( nId, pClassTime, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Format", VARNAME );
+ pClassTimeF->SetVariable( nId, pTimeFieldFormat, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Duration", VARNAME );
+ pClassTimeF->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "StrictFormat", VARNAME );
+ pClassTimeF->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Value", VARNAME );
+ pClassTimeF->SetVariable( nId, pClassTime, NULL,
+ return pClassTimeF;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassSpinField()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassSpinField( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassSpinField;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "SpinField" );
+ pClassSpinField = new RscClass( nId, RSC_SPINFIELD, pSuper );
+ pClassSpinField->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassSpinField );
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassSpinField,Repeat)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassSpinField,Spin)
+ return pClassSpinField;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassPatternField()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassPatternField( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassPatternField;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "PatternField" );
+ pClassPatternField = new RscClass( nId, RSC_PATTERNFIELD, pSuper );
+ pClassPatternField->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassPatternField );
+ return pClassPatternField;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassNumericField()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassNumericField( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassNumericField;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "NumericField" );
+ pClassNumericField = new RscClass( nId, RSC_NUMERICFIELD, pSuper );
+ pClassNumericField->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassNumericField );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "First", VARNAME );
+ pClassNumericField->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Last", VARNAME );
+ pClassNumericField->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "SpinSize", VARNAME );
+ pClassNumericField->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL,
+ return pClassNumericField;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassMetricField()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassMetricField( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassMetricField;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "MetricField" );
+ pClassMetricField = new RscClass( nId, RSC_METRICFIELD, pSuper );
+ pClassMetricField->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassMetricField );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "First", VARNAME );
+ pClassMetricField->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Last", VARNAME );
+ pClassMetricField->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "SpinSize", VARNAME );
+ pClassMetricField->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL,
+ return pClassMetricField;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassCurrencyField()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassCurrencyField
+ const char * pClassName,
+ sal_uInt32 nRT,
+ RscTop * pSuper
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassCurrencyField;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( pClassName );
+ pClassCurrencyField = new RscClass( nId, nRT, pSuper );
+ pClassCurrencyField->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassCurrencyField );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "First", VARNAME );
+ pClassCurrencyField->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Last", VARNAME );
+ pClassCurrencyField->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "SpinSize", VARNAME );
+ pClassCurrencyField->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL,
+ return pClassCurrencyField;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassDateField()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassDateField( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassDate )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassDateField;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "DateField" );
+ pClassDateField = new RscClass( nId, RSC_DATEFIELD, pSuper );
+ pClassDateField->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassDateField );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "First", VARNAME );
+ pClassDateField->SetVariable( nId, pClassDate, NULL, 0, DATEFIELD_FIRST );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Last", VARNAME );
+ pClassDateField->SetVariable( nId, pClassDate, NULL, 0, DATEFIELD_LAST );
+ return pClassDateField;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassTimeField()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassTimeField( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassTime )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassTimeField;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "TimeField" );
+ pClassTimeField = new RscClass( nId, RSC_TIMEFIELD, pSuper );
+ pClassTimeField->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassTimeField );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "First", VARNAME );
+ pClassTimeField->SetVariable( nId, pClassTime, NULL, 0, TIMEFIELD_FIRST );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Last", VARNAME );
+ pClassTimeField->SetVariable( nId, pClassTime, NULL, 0, TIMEFIELD_LAST );
+ return pClassTimeField;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassPatternBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassPatternBox( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassPatternBox;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "PatternBox" );
+ pClassPatternBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_PATTERNBOX, pSuper );
+ pClassPatternBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassPatternBox );
+ return pClassPatternBox;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassNumericBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassNumericBox( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassNumericBox;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "NumericBox" );
+ pClassNumericBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_NUMERICBOX, pSuper );
+ pClassNumericBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassNumericBox );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ return pClassNumericBox;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassMetricBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassMetricBox( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassMetricBox;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "MetricBox" );
+ pClassMetricBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_METRICBOX, pSuper );
+ pClassMetricBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassMetricBox );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ return pClassMetricBox;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassCurrencyBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassCurrencyBox
+ const char * pClassName,
+ sal_uInt32 nRT,
+ RscTop * pSuper
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassCurrencyBox;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( pClassName );
+ pClassCurrencyBox = new RscClass( nId, nRT, pSuper );
+ pClassCurrencyBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassCurrencyBox );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ return pClassCurrencyBox;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassDateBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassDateBox( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * /*pClassDate*/ )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassDateBox;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "DateBox" );
+ pClassDateBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_DATEBOX, pSuper );
+ pClassDateBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassDateBox );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ return pClassDateBox;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassTimeBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassTimeBox( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * /*pClassTime*/ )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassTimeBox;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "TimeBox" );
+ pClassTimeBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_TIMEBOX, pSuper );
+ pClassTimeBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassTimeBox );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ return pClassTimeBox;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassDockWindow()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassDockingWindow( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pMapUnit )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassDockWindow;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "DockingWindow" );
+ pClassDockWindow = new RscClass( nId, RSC_DOCKINGWINDOW, pSuper );
+ pClassDockWindow->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassDockWindow );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "_FloatingPosMapMode", VARNAME );
+ pClassDockWindow->SetVariable( nId, pMapUnit, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "_FloatingPosX", VARNAME );
+ pClassDockWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aShort, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "_FloatingPosY", VARNAME );
+ pClassDockWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aShort, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "FloatingMode", VARNAME );
+ pClassDockWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL, 0,
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassDockWindow,Moveable)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassDockWindow,Sizeable)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassDockWindow,EnableResizing)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassDockWindow,Closeable)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassDockWindow,HideWhenDeactivate);
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassDockWindow,Zoomable);
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassDockWindow,Dockable);
+ return pClassDockWindow;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassToolBoxItem()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassToolBoxItem( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassImage,
+ RscEnum * pTriState )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassToolBoxItem;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ToolBoxItem" );
+ pClassToolBoxItem = new RscClass( nId, RSC_TOOLBOXITEM, pSuper );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassToolBoxItem );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Identifier", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, &aIdNoZeroUShort, NULL, 0,
+ {
+ RscEnum * pEnum;
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pEnum = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumToolBoxItemType" ),
+ // Variable einfuegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Type", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, pEnum, NULL, 0,
+ }
+ {
+ RscFlag * pFlag;
+ RscClient * pClient;
+ Atom l_nVarId, l_nAutoCheckId, l_nRadioCheckId, l_nCheckableId, l_nLeftId, l_nAutoSizeId, l_nDropDownId;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pFlag = new RscFlag( pHS->getID( "FlagToolBoxState" ),
+ // Konstanten in Tabelle stellen
+ l_nCheckableId = pHS->getID( "TIB_CHECKABLE" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, l_nCheckableId, TIB_CHECKABLE );
+ l_nAutoCheckId = pHS->getID( "TIB_AUTOCHECK" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, l_nAutoCheckId, TIB_AUTOCHECK );
+ l_nRadioCheckId = pHS->getID( "TIB_RADIOCHECK" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, l_nRadioCheckId, TIB_RADIOCHECK );
+ l_nLeftId = pHS->getID( "TIB_LEFT" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, l_nLeftId, TIB_LEFT );
+ l_nAutoSizeId = pHS->getID( "TIB_AUTOSIZE" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, l_nAutoSizeId, TIB_AUTOSIZE );
+ l_nDropDownId = pHS->getID( "TIB_DROPDOWN" );
+ SETCONST( pFlag, l_nDropDownId, TIB_DROPDOWN );
+ // Variable einfuegen
+ l_nVarId = aNmTb.Put( "_ToolBoxItemFlags", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( l_nVarId, pFlag, NULL,
+ // Clientvariablen einfuegen
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, l_nCheckableId ), LIST_APPEND );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Checkable", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL, VAR_NODATAINST, 0, l_nVarId );
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, l_nAutoCheckId ), LIST_APPEND );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "AutoCheck", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL, VAR_NODATAINST, 0, l_nVarId );
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, l_nRadioCheckId ), LIST_APPEND );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "RadioCheck", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL, VAR_NODATAINST, 0, l_nVarId );
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, l_nLeftId ), LIST_APPEND );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Left", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL, VAR_NODATAINST, 0, l_nVarId );
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, l_nAutoSizeId ), LIST_APPEND );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "AutoSize", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL, VAR_NODATAINST, 0, l_nVarId );
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ pFlag, l_nDropDownId ), LIST_APPEND );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "DropDown", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL, VAR_NODATAINST, 0, l_nVarId );
+ }
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "HelpID", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Text", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "HelpText", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ItemBitmap", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, pClassBitmap, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ItemImage", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, pClassImage, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Disable", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "State", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, pTriState, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Hide", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Hide", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Command", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBoxItem->SetVariable( nId, &aString, NULL, 0,
+ return pClassToolBoxItem;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassToolBox()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassToolBox( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassToolBoxItem,
+ RscTop * pClassImageList )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassToolBox;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ToolBox" );
+ pClassToolBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_TOOLBOX, pSuper );
+ pClassToolBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassToolBox );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ {
+ RscEnum * pEnum;
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pEnum = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumButtonType" ),
+ // Variable einfuegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ButtonType", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBox->SetVariable( nId, pEnum, NULL, 0,
+ }
+ {
+ RscEnum * pEnum;
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pEnum = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "EnumToolBoxAlign" ),
+ // Variable einfuegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Align", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBox->SetVariable( nId, pEnum, NULL, 0,
+ }
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "LineCount", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBox->SetVariable( nId, &aIdNoZeroUShort, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "FloatingLines", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBox->SetVariable( nId, &aUShort, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Customize", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBox->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "MenuStrings", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBox->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ItemImageList", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBox->SetVariable( nId, pClassImageList, NULL, 0,
+ {
+ RscLangArray* pLA;
+ RscCont * pCont;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pCont = new RscCont( pHS->getID( "ContToolBoxItem" ),
+ pCont->SetTypeClass( pClassToolBoxItem );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pLA = new RscLangArray( pHS->getID( "LangContToolBoxItem" ),
+ pCont,
+ &aLangType ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ItemList", VARNAME );
+ pClassToolBox->SetVariable( nId, pLA, NULL, 0,
+ }
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassToolBox,Scroll)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassToolBox,LineSpacing)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassToolBox,RectStyle)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassToolBox,Tabstop)
+ return pClassToolBox;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassStatusBar()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassStatusBar( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassStatusBar;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "StatusBar" );
+ pClassStatusBar = new RscClass( nId, RSC_STATUSBAR, pSuper );
+ pClassStatusBar->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassStatusBar );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassStatusBar,Left)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassStatusBar,Right)
+ return pClassStatusBar;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassMoreButton()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassMoreButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pMapUnit )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassMoreButton;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "MoreButton" );
+ pClassMoreButton = new RscClass( nId, RSC_MOREBUTTON, pSuper );
+ pClassMoreButton->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassMoreButton );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "State", VARNAME );
+ pClassMoreButton->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "MapUnit", VARNAME );
+ pClassMoreButton->SetVariable( nId, pMapUnit, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Delta", VARNAME );
+ pClassMoreButton->SetVariable( nId, &aUShort, NULL, 0,
+ return pClassMoreButton;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassFloatingWindow()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassFloatingWindow( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pMapUnit )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassFloatingWindow;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "FloatingWindow" );
+ pClassFloatingWindow = new RscClass( nId, RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW, pSuper );
+ pClassFloatingWindow->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassFloatingWindow );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "_ZoomInMapMode", VARNAME );
+ pClassFloatingWindow->SetVariable( nId, pMapUnit, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "_ZoomInWidth", VARNAME );
+ pClassFloatingWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aShort, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "_ZoomInHeight", VARNAME );
+ pClassFloatingWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aShort, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ZoomIn", VARNAME );
+ pClassFloatingWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL, 0,
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFloatingWindow,Zoomable)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFloatingWindow,HideWhenDeactivate)
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFloatingWindow,EnableResizing)
+ return pClassFloatingWindow;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassTabControlItem()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassTabControlItem( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * /*pClassTabPage*/ )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassTabControlItem;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "PageItem" );
+ pClassTabControlItem = new RscClass( nId, RSC_TABCONTROLITEM, pSuper );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassTabControlItem );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Identifier", VARNAME );
+ pClassTabControlItem->SetVariable( nId, &aIdNoZeroUShort, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Text", VARNAME );
+ pClassTabControlItem->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "PageResID", VARNAME );
+ pClassTabControlItem->SetVariable( nId, &aIdLong, NULL, 0,
+ return pClassTabControlItem;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassTabControl()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassTabControl( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassTabControlItem )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassTabControl;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "TabControl" );
+ pClassTabControl = new RscClass( nId, RSC_TABCONTROL, pSuper );
+ pClassTabControl->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassTabControl );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ {
+ RscCont * pCont;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pCont = new RscCont( pHS->getID( "ContTabControlItem" ),
+ pCont->SetTypeClass( pClassTabControlItem );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "PageList", VARNAME );
+ pClassTabControl->SetVariable( nId, pCont, NULL, 0,
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassTabControl, SingleLine );
+ INS_WINBIT( pClassTabControl, DropDown );
+ }
+ return pClassTabControl;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassSfxFamilyStyleItem()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassSfxStyleFamilyItem( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassImage,
+ RscArray * pStrLst )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassSfxFamilyStyleItem;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "SfxStyleFamilyItem" );
+ pClassSfxFamilyStyleItem = new RscClass( nId, RSC_SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_ITEM, pSuper );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassSfxFamilyStyleItem );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "FilterList", VARNAME );
+ pClassSfxFamilyStyleItem->SetVariable( nId, pStrLst, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "StyleBitmap", VARNAME );
+ pClassSfxFamilyStyleItem->SetVariable( nId, pClassBitmap, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Text", VARNAME );
+ pClassSfxFamilyStyleItem->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "HelpText", VARNAME );
+ pClassSfxFamilyStyleItem->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0,
+ {
+ RscEnum * pSfxStyleFamily;
+ pSfxStyleFamily = new RscEnum( pHS->getID( "StyleFamily" ),
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pSfxStyleFamily );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "StyleFamily", VARNAME );
+ pClassSfxFamilyStyleItem->SetVariable( nId, pSfxStyleFamily, NULL, 0,
+ }
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "StyleImage", VARNAME );
+ pClassSfxFamilyStyleItem->SetVariable( nId, pClassImage, NULL, 0,
+ return pClassSfxFamilyStyleItem;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassSfxTemplateDialogm()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassSfxTemplateDialog( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassFamilyStyleItem )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassSfxTemplateDialog;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "SfxStyleFamilies" );
+ pClassSfxTemplateDialog = new RscClass( nId, RSC_SFX_STYLE_FAMILIES, pSuper );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassSfxTemplateDialog );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ {
+ RscCont * pCont;
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pCont = new RscCont(
+ pHS->getID( "ContFamilyStyleItem" ),
+ pCont->SetTypeClass( pClassFamilyStyleItem );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "StyleFamilyList", VARNAME );
+ pClassSfxTemplateDialog->SetVariable( nId, pCont );
+ }
+ return pClassSfxTemplateDialog;
+|* RscTypCont::InitClassSfxSlotInfo()
+RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassSfxSlotInfo( RscTop * pSuper )
+ Atom nId;
+ RscTop * pClassSfxSlotInfo;
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "SfxSlotInfo" );
+ pClassSfxSlotInfo = new RscClass( nId, RSC_SFX_SLOT_INFO, pSuper );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassSfxSlotInfo );
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "SlotName", VARNAME );
+ pClassSfxSlotInfo->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0,
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "HelpText", VARNAME );
+ pClassSfxSlotInfo->SetVariable( nId, &aLangString, NULL, 0,
+ return pClassSfxSlotInfo;
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rscinit.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rscinit.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a763b92f0bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rscinit.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <tools/rc.h>
+#include <vclrsc.hxx>
+// Programmabhaengige Includes.
+#include <rsctree.hxx>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+#include <rscrange.hxx>
+#include <rscconst.hxx>
+#include <rscflag.hxx>
+#include <rscstr.hxx>
+#include <rsccont.hxx>
+#include <rscmgr.hxx>
+#include <rscclass.hxx>
+#include <rsckey.hxx>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+#include "rsclex.hxx"
+#include <yyrscyacc.hxx>
+/****************** M a c r o s ******************************************/
+#define INS_WINBIT( pClass, WinBit ) \
+ InsWinBit( pClass, #WinBit, n##WinBit##Id );
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+void NameToVerCtrl( RSCINST & aVersion, RscTop * pClass,
+ RscTop * pClassString )
+ if( pClass )
+ {
+ NameToVerCtrl( aVersion, (RscTop *)pClass->Left(), pClassString );
+ {
+ // Namen in Versionskontrolle einsetzen
+ aVersion.pClass->
+ GetElement( aVersion, RscId( pClass->GetTypId() ),
+ pClassString, RSCINST(), &aVI );
+ aStr = aVI.pClass->GetVariable( aVI, pHS->getID( "TEXT" ),
+ RSCINST() );
+ aStr.pClass->SetString( aStr, pHS->getString( pClass->GetId() ).getStr() );
+ }
+ NameToVerCtrl( aVersion, (RscTop *)pClass->Right(), pClassString );
+ }
+|* RscTypCont::Init()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.91
+void RscTypCont::Init()
+ RscEnum * pFieldUnits;
+ RscEnum * pTimeFieldFormat;
+ RscEnum * pColor;
+ RscEnum * pMapUnit;
+ RscEnum * pKey;
+ RscEnum * pTriState;
+ RscEnum * pMessButtons;
+ RscEnum * pMessDefButton;
+ RscTupel * pGeometry;
+ RscArray * pLangGeometry;
+ RscCont * pStringList;
+ RscArray * pLangStringList;
+ RscTupel * pStringTupel;
+ RscTupel * pStringLongTupel;
+ RscCont * pStringTupelList;
+ RscCont * pStringLongTupelList;
+ RscArray * pLangStringTupelList;
+ RscArray * pLangStringLongTupelList;
+ RscTop * pClassMgr;
+ RscTop * pClassString;
+ RscTop * pClassStringArray;
+ RscTop * pClassBitmap;
+ RscTop * pClassColor;
+ RscTop * pClassImage;
+ RscTop * pClassImageList;
+ RscTop * pClassWindow;
+ RscTop * pClassSystemWindow;
+ RscTop * pClassWorkWindow;
+ RscTop * pClassDialog;
+ RscTop * pClassModalDialog;
+ RscTop * pClassModelessDialog;
+ RscTop * pClassControl;
+ RscTop * pClassButton;
+ RscTop * pClassCheckBox;
+ RscTop * pClassPushButton;
+ RscTop * pClassOKButton;
+ RscTop * pClassCancelButton;
+ RscTop * pClassHelpButton;
+ RscTop * pClassRadioButton;
+ RscTop * pClassImageRadioButton;
+ RscTop * pClassImageButton;
+ RscTop * pClassTriStateBox;
+ RscTop * pClassEdit;
+ RscTop * pClassMultiLineEdit;
+ RscTop * pClassScrollBar;
+ RscTop * pClassListBox;
+ RscTop * pClassMultiListBox;
+ RscTop * pClassComboBox;
+ RscTop * pClassFixedText;
+ RscTop * pClassFixedBitmap;
+ RscTop * pClassFixedImage;
+ RscTop * pClassGroupBox;
+ RscTop * pClassKeyCode;
+ RscTop * pLangClassKeyCode;
+ RscTop * pClassAccelItem;
+ RscTop * pClassAccel;
+ RscTop * pClassMenuItem;
+ RscTop * pClassMenu;
+ RscTop * pClassMenuButton;
+ RscTop * pClassMessBox;
+ RscTop * pClassInfoBox;
+ RscTop * pClassWarningBox;
+ RscTop * pClassErrorBox;
+ RscTop * pClassQueryBox;
+ RscTop * pClassSplitter;
+ RscTop * pClassSplitWindow;
+ RscTop * pClassSpinButton;
+ RscTop * pClassTime;
+ RscTop * pClassDate;
+ RscTop * pClassSpinField;
+ RscTop * pClassPatternField;
+ RscTop * pClassNumericField;
+ RscTop * pClassMetricField;
+ RscTop * pClassCurrencyField;
+ RscTop * pClassLongCurrencyField;
+ RscTop * pClassDateField;
+ RscTop * pClassTimeField;
+ RscTop * pClassPatternBox;
+ RscTop * pClassNumericBox;
+ RscTop * pClassMetricBox;
+ RscTop * pClassCurrencyBox;
+ RscTop * pClassLongCurrencyBox;
+ RscTop * pClassDateBox;
+ RscTop * pClassTimeBox;
+ RscTop * pClassDockingWindow;
+ RscTop * pClassToolBoxItem;
+ RscTop * pClassToolBox;
+ RscTop * pClassStatusBar;
+ RscTop * pClassMoreButton;
+ RscTop * pClassFloatingWindow;
+ RscTop * pClassTabPage;
+ RscTop * pClassTabDialog;
+ RscTop * pClassTabControlItem;
+ RscTop * pClassTabControl;
+ RscTop * pClassFixedLine;
+ RscTop * pClassScrollBarBox;
+ RscTop * pClassSfxStyleFamilyItem;
+ RscTop * pClassSfxTemplateDialog;
+ RscTop * pClassSfxSlotInfo;
+ Atom nId;
+ aNmTb.SetSort( FALSE );
+ /********** C O M P I L E R T Y P E N ******************************/
+ aNmTb.Put( "LINE", LINE, (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "NOT", NOT, (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "DEFINE", DEFINE, (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "INCLUDE", INCLUDE, (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "DEFAULT", DEFAULT, (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "class", CLASS, (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "extendable", EXTENDABLE, (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "writeifset", WRITEIFSET, (long)0 );
+/* Werte fuer Aufzaehlungstypen */
+ aNmTb.Put( "TRUE", BOOLEAN, (long)TRUE );
+ aNmTb.Put( "FALSE", BOOLEAN, (long)FALSE );
+/* Vordefinierte HilfeId's */
+ aNmTb.Put( "XSCALE", XSCALE , (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "YSCALE", YSCALE , (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "RGB", RGB , (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "POSSIZE", GEOMETRY, (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "POS", POSITION, (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "SIZE", DIMENSION, (long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "ZoomInOutputSize", INZOOMOUTPUTSIZE,(long)0 );
+ aNmTb.Put( "FloatingPos", FLOATINGPOS, (long)0 );
+ /********** B A S I S T Y P E N ************************************/
+ /********** S H O R T ************************************************/
+ aShort.SetRange( -32768, 32767 );
+ /********** U S H O R T **********************************************/
+ aUShort.SetRange( 0, 0xFFFF );
+ /********** L O N G **************************************************/
+ aLong.SetRange( SAL_MIN_INT32, SAL_MAX_INT32 );
+ aEnumLong.SetRange( SAL_MIN_INT32, SAL_MAX_INT32 );
+ /********** I D U S H O R T ******************************************/
+ aIdUShort.SetRange( 0, 0xFFFF );
+ /********** I D N O Z E R O U S H O R T ******************************/
+ aIdNoZeroUShort.SetRange( 1, 0xFFFF );
+ /********** N O Z E R O S H O R T ************************************/
+ aNoZeroShort.SetRange( -32768, 32767 );
+ aNoZeroShort.SetOutRange( 0 );
+ /********** R A N G E S H O R T **************************************/
+ a1to12Short.SetRange( 1, 12 );
+ a0to23Short.SetRange( 0, 23 );
+ a1to31Short.SetRange( 1, 31 );
+ a0to59Short.SetRange( 0, 59 );
+ a0to99Short.SetRange( 0, 99 );
+ a0to9999Short.SetRange( 0, 9999 );
+ /********** I D R A N G E ********************************************/
+ aIdLong.SetRange( SAL_MIN_INT32, SAL_MAX_INT32 );
+ /********** W I N B I T S F L A G ************************************/
+ // Variablenname fuer WinBits
+ nWinBitVarId = aNmTb.Put( "_WinBits", VARNAME );
+ // Windows
+ nBorderId = pHS->getID( "WB_BORDER" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nBorderId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_BORDER) );
+ nHideId = pHS->getID( "WB_HIDE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nHideId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_HIDE) );
+ nClipChildrenId = pHS->getID( "WB_CLIPCHILDREN" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nClipChildrenId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_CLIPCHILDREN) );
+ nSizeableId = pHS->getID( "WB_SIZEABLE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nSizeableId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_SIZEABLE) );
+ nMoveableId = pHS->getID( "WB_MOVEABLE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nMoveableId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_MOVEABLE) );
+ nMinimizeId = pHS->getID( "WB_MINABLE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nMinimizeId, 0 /*WB_MINABLE*/ );
+ nMaximizeId = pHS->getID( "WB_MAXABLE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nMaximizeId, 0 /*WB_MAXABLE*/ );
+ nCloseableId = pHS->getID( "WB_CLOSEABLE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nCloseableId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_CLOSEABLE) );
+ nAppId = pHS->getID( "WB_APP" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nAppId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_APP) );
+ nTabstopId = pHS->getID( "WB_TABSTOP" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nTabstopId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_TABSTOP) );
+ nGroupId = pHS->getID( "WB_GROUP" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nGroupId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_GROUP) );
+ nSysmodalId = pHS->getID( "WB_SYSMODAL" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nSysmodalId, 0 /*WB_SYSMODAL*/ );
+ nLeftId = pHS->getID( "WB_LEFT" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nLeftId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_LEFT) );
+ nCenterId = pHS->getID( "WB_CENTER" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nCenterId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_CENTER) );
+ nRightId = pHS->getID( "WB_RIGHT" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nRightId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_RIGHT) );
+ nTopId = pHS->getID( "WB_TOP" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nTopId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_TOP) );
+ nVCenterId = pHS->getID( "WB_VCENTER" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nVCenterId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_VCENTER) );
+ nBottomId = pHS->getID( "WB_BOTTOM" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nBottomId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_BOTTOM) );
+ nHScrollId = pHS->getID( "WB_HSCROLL" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nHScrollId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_HSCROLL) );
+ nVScrollId = pHS->getID( "WB_VSCROLL" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nVScrollId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_VSCROLL) );
+ nSortId = pHS->getID( "WB_SORT" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nSortId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_SORT) );
+ nDefaultId = pHS->getID( "WB_DEFBUTTON" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nDefaultId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_DEFBUTTON) );
+ nRepeatId = pHS->getID( "WB_REPEAT" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nRepeatId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_REPEAT) );
+ nSVLookId = pHS->getID( "WB_SVLOOK" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nSVLookId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_3DLOOK) );
+ nDropDownId = pHS->getID( "WB_DROPDOWN" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nDropDownId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_DROPDOWN) );
+ nPassWordId = pHS->getID( "WB_PASSWORD" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nPassWordId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_PASSWORD) );
+ nReadOnlyId = pHS->getID( "WB_READONLY" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nReadOnlyId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_READONLY) );
+ nAutoSizeId = pHS->getID( "WB_AUTOSIZE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nAutoSizeId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_AUTOSIZE) );
+ nSpinId = pHS->getID( "WB_SPIN" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nSpinId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_SPIN) );
+ nTabControlId = pHS->getID( "WB_DIALOGCONTROL" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nTabControlId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_DIALOGCONTROL) );
+ nSimpleModeId = pHS->getID( "WB_SIMPLEMODE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nSimpleModeId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_SIMPLEMODE) );
+ nDragId = pHS->getID( "WB_DRAG" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nDragId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_DRAG) );
+ nScrollId = pHS->getID( "WB_SCROLL" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nScrollId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_SCROLL) );
+ nZoomableId = pHS->getID( "WB_ZOOMABLE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nZoomableId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_ROLLABLE) );
+ nHideWhenDeactivateId = pHS->getID( "WB_HIDEWHENDEACTIVATE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nHideWhenDeactivateId, 0 /*WB_HIDEWHENDEACTIVATE*/ );
+ nAutoHScrollId = pHS->getID( "WB_AUTOHSCROLL" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nAutoHScrollId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_AUTOHSCROLL) );
+ nAutoVScrollId = pHS->getID( "WB_AUTOVSCROLL" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nAutoVScrollId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_AUTOVSCROLL) );
+ nDDExtraWidthId = pHS->getID( "WB_DDEXTRAWIDTH" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nDDExtraWidthId, 0 /*WB_DDEXTRAWIDTH*/ );
+ nWordBreakId = pHS->getID( "WB_WORDBREAK" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nWordBreakId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_WORDBREAK) );
+ nLeftLabelId = pHS->getID( "WB_LEFTLABEL" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nLeftLabelId, 0 /*WB_LEFTLABEL*/ );
+ nHasLinesId = pHS->getID( "WB_HASLINES" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nHasLinesId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_HASLINES) );
+ nHasButtonsId = pHS->getID( "WB_HASBUTTONS" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nHasButtonsId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_HASBUTTONS) );
+ nRectStyleId = pHS->getID( "WB_RECTSTYLE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nRectStyleId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_RECTSTYLE) );
+ nLineSpacingId = pHS->getID( "WB_LINESPACING" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nLineSpacingId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_LINESPACING) );
+ nSmallStyleId = pHS->getID( "WB_SMALLSTYLE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nSmallStyleId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_SMALLSTYLE) );
+ nEnableResizingId = pHS->getID( "WB_ENABLERESIZING" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nEnableResizingId, 0 /*WB_ENABLERESIZING*/ );
+ nDockableId = pHS->getID( "WB_DOCKABLE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nDockableId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_DOCKABLE) );
+ nScaleId = pHS->getID( "WB_SCALE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nScaleId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_SCALE) );
+ nIgnoreTabId = pHS->getID( "WB_IGNORETAB" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nIgnoreTabId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_IGNORETAB) );
+ nNoSplitDrawId = pHS->getID( "WB_NOSPLITDRAW" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nNoSplitDrawId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_NOSPLITDRAW) );
+ nTopImageId = pHS->getID( "WB_TOPIMAGE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nTopImageId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_TOPIMAGE) );
+ nNoLabelId = pHS->getID( "WB_NOLABEL" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nNoLabelId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_NOLABEL) );
+ nVertId = pHS->getID( "WB_VERT" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nVertId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_VERT) );
+ nSingleLineId = pHS->getID( "WB_SINGLELINE" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nSingleLineId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_SINGLELINE) );
+ nSysWinId = pHS->getID( "WB_SYSTEMWINDOW" );
+ aWinBits.SetConstant( nSysWinId, sal::static_int_cast<INT32>(WB_SYSTEMWINDOW) );
+ /********** I n i t B a s i c T y p e s **************************/
+ InitLangType();
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pFieldUnits = InitFieldUnitsType(), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pTimeFieldFormat = InitTimeFieldFormat(), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pColor = InitColor(), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pMapUnit = InitMapUnit(), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pKey = InitKey(), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pTriState = InitTriState(), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pMessButtons = InitMessButtons(), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pMessDefButton = InitMessDefButton(), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pGeometry = InitGeometry(), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pLangGeometry = InitLangGeometry( pGeometry ),
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pStringList = InitStringList(), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pLangStringList = InitLangStringList( pStringList ),
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pStringTupel = InitStringTupel(), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pStringTupelList = InitStringTupelList( pStringTupel ),
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pLangStringTupelList =
+ InitLangStringTupelList( pStringTupelList ), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pStringLongTupel = InitStringLongTupel(), LIST_APPEND );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pStringLongTupelList = InitStringLongTupelList( pStringLongTupel ),
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pLangStringLongTupelList =
+ InitLangStringLongTupelList( pStringLongTupelList ), LIST_APPEND );
+ /********** R E S O U R C E T Y P E N ******************************/
+ /********** R S C M G R **********************************************/
+ pRoot = pClassMgr = InitClassMgr();
+ /********** V e r s i o n s k o n t r o l l e ************************/
+ aVersion.pClass = new RscClass( pHS->getID( "VersionControl" ),
+ aVersion = aVersion.pClass->Create( NULL, RSCINST() );
+ /********** S T R I N G **********************************************/
+ pClassString = InitClassString( pClassMgr );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassString );
+ // String als Referenzklasse des Basisstrings einsetzen
+ aString.SetRefClass( pClassString );
+ /********** S T R I N G L I S T **************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "StringArray" );
+ pClassStringArray = new RscClass( nId, RSC_STRINGARRAY, pClassMgr );
+ pClassStringArray->SetCallPar( *pStdPar1, *pStdPar2, *pStdParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassStringArray );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassStringArray );
+ // Variablen anlegen
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "ItemList", VARNAME );
+ pClassStringArray->SetVariable( nId, pLangStringLongTupelList );
+ /********** B I T M A P **********************************************/
+ pClassBitmap = InitClassBitmap( pClassMgr );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassBitmap );
+ /********** C O L O R ************************************************/
+ pClassColor = InitClassColor( pClassMgr, pColor );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassColor );
+ /********** I M A G E ************************************************/
+ pClassImage = InitClassImage( pClassMgr, pClassBitmap, pClassColor );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassImage );
+ /********** I M A G E L I S T ****************************************/
+ pClassImageList = InitClassImageList( pClassMgr, pClassBitmap,
+ pClassColor, pStringLongTupelList );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassImageList );
+ /********** W I N D O W **********************************************/
+ pClassWindow = InitClassWindow( pClassMgr, pMapUnit,
+ pLangGeometry );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassWindow );
+ /********** S Y S T E M W I N D O W **********************************/
+ pClassSystemWindow = InitClassSystemWindow( pClassWindow );
+ //aBaseLst.Insert( pClassSystemWindow, LIST_APPEND );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassSystemWindow );
+ /********** W O R K W I N D O W **************************************/
+ pClassWorkWindow = InitClassWorkWindow( pClassSystemWindow );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassWorkWindow );
+ /********** D I A L O G **********************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ pClassDialog = new RscClass( pHS->getID( "Dialog" ),
+ RSC_DIALOG, pClassSystemWindow );
+ pClassDialog->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassDialog, LIST_APPEND );
+ /********** M O D A L D I A L O G ***********************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ pClassModalDialog = InitClassModalDialog( pClassDialog );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassModalDialog );
+ /********** M O D E L E S S D I A L O G ******************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ pClassModelessDialog = InitClassModelessDialog( pClassDialog );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassModelessDialog );
+ /********** C O N T R O L ********************************************/
+ pClassControl = InitClassControl( pClassWindow );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassControl );
+ /********** B U T T O N **********************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "Button" );
+ pClassButton = new RscClass( nId, RSC_BUTTON, pClassControl );
+ pClassButton->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassButton );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassButton );
+ /********** C H E C K B O X ******************************************/
+ pClassCheckBox = InitClassCheckBox( pClassButton );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassCheckBox );
+ /********** P U S H B U T T O N **************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ pClassPushButton = InitClassPushButton( pClassButton );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassPushButton );
+ /********** H E L P B U T T O N **************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "HelpButton" );
+ pClassHelpButton = new RscClass( nId, RSC_HELPBUTTON,
+ pClassPushButton );
+ pClassHelpButton->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassHelpButton );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassHelpButton );
+ /********** O K B U T T O N ******************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "OKButton" );
+ pClassOKButton = new RscClass( nId, RSC_OKBUTTON,
+ pClassPushButton );
+ pClassOKButton->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassOKButton );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassOKButton );
+ /********** C A N C E L B U T T O N **********************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "CancelButton" );
+ pClassCancelButton = new RscClass( nId, RSC_CANCELBUTTON,
+ pClassPushButton );
+ pClassCancelButton->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassCancelButton );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassCancelButton );
+ /********** R A D I O B U T T O N ************************************/
+ pClassRadioButton = InitClassRadioButton( pClassButton );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassRadioButton );
+ /********** I m a g e R a d i o B u t t o n **************************/
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ImageRadioButton" );
+ pClassImageRadioButton = InitClassImageRadioButton( pClassRadioButton,
+ pClassImage );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassImageRadioButton );
+ /********** T R I S T A T E B O X ************************************/
+ pClassTriStateBox = InitClassTriStateBox( pClassControl, pTriState );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassTriStateBox );
+ /********** I M A G E B U T T O N ************************************/
+ pClassImageButton = InitClassImageButton( pClassPushButton,
+ pClassImage, pTriState );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassImageButton );
+ /********** E D I T **************************************************/
+ pClassEdit = InitClassEdit( pClassControl );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassEdit );
+ /********** M U L T I L I N E E D I T ********************************/
+ pClassMultiLineEdit = InitClassMultiLineEdit( pClassEdit );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassMultiLineEdit );
+ /********** S C R O L L B A R ****************************************/
+ pClassScrollBar = InitClassScrollBar( pClassControl );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassScrollBar );
+ /********** L I S T B O X ********************************************/
+ pClassListBox = InitClassListBox( pClassControl, pLangStringLongTupelList );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassListBox );
+ /********** M U L T I L I S T B O X **********************************/
+ pClassMultiListBox = InitClassMultiListBox( pClassListBox);
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassMultiListBox );
+ /********** C O M B O B O X ******************************************/
+ pClassComboBox = InitClassComboBox( pClassEdit, pLangStringList );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassComboBox );
+ /********** F I X E D T E X T ****************************************/
+ pClassFixedText = InitClassFixedText( pClassControl );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassFixedText );
+ /********** F i x e d B i t m a p ************************************/
+ pClassFixedBitmap = InitClassFixedBitmap( pClassControl, pClassBitmap );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassFixedBitmap );
+ /********** F i x e d I m a g e **************************************/
+ pClassFixedImage = InitClassFixedImage( pClassControl, pClassImage );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassFixedImage );
+ /********** G R O U P B O X ******************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "GroupBox" );
+ pClassGroupBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_GROUPBOX, pClassControl );
+ pClassGroupBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassGroupBox );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassGroupBox );
+ /********** K E Y C O D E ********************************************/
+ pClassKeyCode = InitClassKeyCode( pClassMgr, pKey );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassKeyCode );
+ {
+ pLangClassKeyCode = new RscClassArray( pHS->getID( "LangKeyCode" ),
+ RSC_KEYCODE, pClassKeyCode, &aLangType );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pLangClassKeyCode );
+ }
+ /********** A C C E L I T E M ***************************************/
+ pClassAccelItem = InitClassAccelItem( pClassMgr, pLangClassKeyCode );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassAccelItem );
+ /********** A C C E L E R A T O R ************************************/
+ pClassAccel = InitClassAccel( pClassMgr, pClassAccelItem );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassAccel );
+ nAcceleratorType = pClassAccel->GetId();
+ /********** A C C E L I T E M ***************************************/
+ // pClassAccel ist erst hier definiert
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "SubAccelerator", VARNAME );
+ pClassAccelItem->SetVariable( nId, pClassAccel, NULL, VAR_SVDYNAMIC,
+ /********** M E N U I T E M ******************************************/
+ pClassMenuItem = InitClassMenuItem( pClassMgr, pClassBitmap,
+ pLangClassKeyCode );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassMenuItem );
+ /********** M E N U **************************************************/
+ pClassMenu = InitClassMenu( pClassMgr, pClassMenuItem );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassMenu );
+ /********** M E N U I T E M ******************************************/
+ // pClassMenu ist erst hier definiert
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "SubMenu", VARNAME );
+ pClassMenuItem->SetVariable( nId, pClassMenu, NULL, VAR_SVDYNAMIC,
+ /********** M E N U B U T T O N **************************************/
+ pClassMenuButton = InitClassMenuButton( pClassControl, pClassMenu );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassMenuButton );
+ /********** M E S S A G E B O X **************************************/
+ pClassMessBox = InitClassMessBox( pClassMgr, pMessButtons,
+ pMessDefButton );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassMessBox );
+ /********** I N F O B O X ********************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "InfoBox" );
+ pClassInfoBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_INFOBOX, pClassMessBox );
+ pClassInfoBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassInfoBox );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassInfoBox );
+ /********** W A R N I N G B O X **************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "WarningBox" );
+ pClassWarningBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_WARNINGBOX, pClassMessBox );
+ pClassWarningBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassWarningBox );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassWarningBox );
+ /********** E R R O R B O X ******************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ErrorBox" );
+ pClassErrorBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_ERRORBOX, pClassMessBox );
+ pClassErrorBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassErrorBox );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassErrorBox );
+ /********** Q U E R Y B O X ******************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "QueryBox" );
+ pClassQueryBox = new RscClass( nId, RSC_QUERYBOX, pClassMessBox );
+ pClassQueryBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassQueryBox );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassQueryBox );
+ /********** S P L I T T E R ******************************************/
+ pClassSplitter = InitClassSplitter( pClassWindow );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassSplitter );
+ /********** S P L I T W I N D O W ************************************/
+ pClassSplitWindow = InitClassSplitWindow( pClassWindow );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassSplitWindow );
+ /********** S P I N B U T T O N **************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "SpinButton" );
+ pClassSpinButton = new RscClass( nId, RSC_SPINBUTTON, pClassControl );
+ pClassSpinButton->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassSpinButton );
+ {
+ RscClient * pClient;
+ // Clientvariablen einfuegen
+ // Sysmodal
+ aBaseLst.Insert(
+ pClient = new RscClient( pHS->getID( "BOOL" ), RSC_NOTYPE,
+ &aWinBits, nRepeatId ),
+ nId = aNmTb.Put( "Repeat", VARNAME );
+ pClassSpinButton->SetVariable( nId, pClient, NULL,
+ VAR_NODATAINST, 0, nWinBitVarId );
+ }
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassSpinButton );
+ /********** T I M E **************************************************/
+ pClassTime = InitClassTime( pClassMgr );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassTime );
+ /********** D A T E **************************************************/
+ pClassDate = InitClassDate( pClassMgr );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassDate );
+ /********** S P I N F I E L D ****************************************/
+ pClassSpinField = InitClassSpinField( pClassEdit );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassSpinField );
+ /********** P A T T E R N F I E L D **********************************/
+ { // Mehrfachvererbung von Hand
+ RscTop * pClassTmp = InitClassPatternFormatter( pClassSpinField );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassPatternField = InitClassPatternField( pClassTmp );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassPatternField );
+ }
+ /********** N U M E R I C F I E L D **********************************/
+ { // Mehrfachvererbung von Hand
+ RscTop * pClassTmp = InitClassNumericFormatter( pClassSpinField );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassNumericField = InitClassNumericField( pClassTmp );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassNumericField );
+ }
+ /********** M E T R I C F I E L D ************************************/
+ { // Mehrfachvererbung von Hand
+ RscTop * pClassTmp = InitClassNumericFormatter( pClassSpinField );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassTmp = InitClassMetricFormatter( pClassTmp, pFieldUnits );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassMetricField = InitClassMetricField( pClassTmp );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassMetricField );
+ }
+ /********** C U R R E N C Y F I E L D ********************************/
+ { // Mehrfachvererbung von Hand
+ RscTop * pClassTmp = InitClassNumericFormatter( pClassSpinField );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassTmp = InitClassCurrencyFormatter( pClassTmp, pFieldUnits );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassCurrencyField = InitClassCurrencyField( "CurrencyField", RSC_CURRENCYFIELD, pClassTmp );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassCurrencyField );
+ pClassLongCurrencyField = InitClassCurrencyField( "LongCurrencyField", RSC_LONGCURRENCYFIELD, pClassTmp );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassLongCurrencyField );
+ }
+ /********** D A T E F I E L D ****************************************/
+ { // Mehrfachvererbung von Hand
+ RscTop * pClassTmp = InitClassDateFormatter( pClassSpinField, pClassDate );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassDateField = InitClassDateField( pClassTmp, pClassDate );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassDateField );
+ }
+ /********** T I M E F I E L D ****************************************/
+ { // Mehrfachvererbung von Hand
+ RscTop * pClassTmp = InitClassTimeFormatter( pClassSpinField, pClassTime,
+ pTimeFieldFormat );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassTimeField = InitClassTimeField( pClassTmp, pClassTime );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassTimeField );
+ }
+ /********** P A T T E R N B O X **************************************/
+ { // Mehrfachvererbung von Hand
+ RscTop * pClassTmp = InitClassPatternFormatter( pClassComboBox );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassPatternBox = InitClassPatternBox( pClassTmp );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassPatternBox );
+ }
+ /********** N U M E R I C B O X **************************************/
+ { // Mehrfachvererbung von Hand
+ RscTop * pClassTmp = InitClassNumericFormatter( pClassComboBox );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassNumericBox = InitClassNumericBox( pClassTmp );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassNumericBox );
+ }
+ /********** M E T R I C B O X ****************************************/
+ { // Mehrfachvererbung von Hand
+ RscTop * pClassTmp = InitClassNumericFormatter( pClassComboBox );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassTmp = InitClassMetricFormatter( pClassTmp, pFieldUnits );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassMetricBox = InitClassMetricBox( pClassTmp );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassMetricBox );
+ }
+ /********** C U R R E N C Y B O X ************************************/
+ { // Mehrfachvererbung von Hand
+ RscTop * pClassTmp = InitClassNumericFormatter( pClassComboBox );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassTmp = InitClassCurrencyFormatter( pClassTmp, pFieldUnits );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassCurrencyBox = InitClassCurrencyBox( "CurrencyBox", RSC_CURRENCYBOX, pClassTmp );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassCurrencyBox );
+ pClassLongCurrencyBox = InitClassCurrencyBox( "LongCurrencyBox", RSC_LONGCURRENCYBOX, pClassTmp );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassLongCurrencyBox );
+ }
+ /********** D A T E B O X ********************************************/
+ { // Mehrfachvererbung von Hand
+ RscTop * pClassTmp = InitClassDateFormatter( pClassComboBox, pClassDate );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassDateBox = InitClassDateBox( pClassTmp, pClassDate );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassDateBox );
+ }
+ /********** T I M E B O X ********************************************/
+ { // Mehrfachvererbung von Hand
+ RscTop * pClassTmp = InitClassTimeFormatter( pClassComboBox, pClassTime,
+ pTimeFieldFormat );
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pClassTmp, LIST_APPEND );
+ pClassTimeBox = InitClassTimeBox( pClassTmp, pClassTime );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassTimeBox );
+ }
+ /********** D O C K I N G W I N D O W ********************************/
+ pClassDockingWindow = InitClassDockingWindow( pClassWindow, pMapUnit );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassDockingWindow );
+ /********** T O O L B O X I T E M ************************************/
+ pClassToolBoxItem = InitClassToolBoxItem( pClassMgr, pClassBitmap,
+ pClassImage, pTriState );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassToolBoxItem );
+ /********** T O O L B O X ********************************************/
+ pClassToolBox = InitClassToolBox( pClassDockingWindow, pClassToolBoxItem,
+ pClassImageList );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassToolBox );
+ /********** S T A T U S B A R ****************************************/
+ pClassStatusBar = InitClassStatusBar( pClassWindow );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassStatusBar );
+ /********** M O R E B U T T O N **************************************/
+ pClassMoreButton = InitClassMoreButton( pClassPushButton, pMapUnit );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassMoreButton );
+ /********** F L O A T W I N D O W ************************************/
+ pClassFloatingWindow = InitClassFloatingWindow( pClassSystemWindow,
+ pMapUnit );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassFloatingWindow );
+ /********** T A B P A G E ********************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "TabPage" );
+ pClassTabPage =
+ new RscClass( nId, RSC_TABPAGE, pClassWindow );
+ pClassTabPage->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassTabPage );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassTabPage );
+ /********** T A B D I A L O G ****************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "TabDialog" );
+ pClassTabDialog =
+ new RscClass( nId, RSC_TABDIALOG, pClassModalDialog );
+ pClassTabDialog->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassTabDialog );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassTabDialog );
+ /********** T A B C O N T R O L I T E M *******************************/
+ pClassTabControlItem = InitClassTabControlItem( pClassMgr,
+ pClassTabPage );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassTabControlItem );
+ /********** T A B C O N T R O L **************************************/
+ pClassTabControl = InitClassTabControl( pClassControl,
+ pClassTabControlItem );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassTabControl );
+ /********** F I X E D L I N E ****************************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "FixedLine" );
+ pClassFixedLine =
+ new RscClass( nId, RSC_FIXEDLINE, pClassControl );
+ pClassFixedLine->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassFixedLine,Vert)
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassFixedLine );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassFixedLine );
+ /********** S C R O L L B A R B O X **********************************/
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ nId = pHS->getID( "ScrollBarBox" );
+ pClassScrollBarBox =
+ new RscClass( nId, RSC_SCROLLBARBOX, pClassWindow );
+ pClassScrollBarBox->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
+ aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassScrollBarBox );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassScrollBarBox );
+ INS_WINBIT(pClassScrollBarBox,Sizeable)
+ /********** S F X S T Y L E F A M I L Y I T E M **********************/
+ pClassSfxStyleFamilyItem = InitClassSfxStyleFamilyItem( pClassMgr,
+ pClassBitmap,
+ pClassImage,
+ pLangStringLongTupelList );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassSfxStyleFamilyItem );
+ /********** S F X T E M P L A T E D I A L O G ************************/
+ pClassSfxTemplateDialog = InitClassSfxTemplateDialog( pClassMgr,
+ pClassSfxStyleFamilyItem );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassSfxTemplateDialog );
+ /********** S F X I N F O I T E M ************************************/
+ pClassSfxSlotInfo = InitClassSfxSlotInfo( pClassMgr );
+ pRoot->Insert( pClassSfxSlotInfo );
+ NameToVerCtrl( aVersion, pRoot, pClassString );
+ aNmTb.SetSort();
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rsckey.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rsckey.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4a42bea138bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rsckey.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rsctools.hxx>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <rsckey.hxx>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200 )
+#define _cdecl __cdecl
+/****************** C o d e **********************************************/
+/****************** keyword sort function ********************************/
+extern "C" {
+#if defined( ZTC ) && defined( PM2 )
+ int __CLIB KeyCompare( const void * pFirst, const void * pSecond );
+#if defined( WNT ) && !defined( WTC ) && !defined (ICC)
+ int _cdecl KeyCompare( const void * pFirst, const void * pSecond );
+ int KeyCompare( const void * pFirst, const void * pSecond );
+#if defined( WNT ) && !defined( WTC ) && !defined(ICC)
+int _cdecl KeyCompare( const void * pFirst, const void * pSecond ){
+int KeyCompare( const void * pFirst, const void * pSecond ){
+ if( ((KEY_STRUCT *)pFirst)->nName > ((KEY_STRUCT *)pSecond)->nName )
+ return( 1 );
+ else if( ((KEY_STRUCT *)pFirst)->nName < ((KEY_STRUCT *)pSecond)->nName )
+ return( -1 );
+ else
+ return( 0 );
+|* RscNameTable::RscNameTable()
+|* Beschreibung RES.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 28.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 28.02.91
+RscNameTable::RscNameTable() {
+ bSort = TRUE;
+ nEntries = 0;
+ pTable = NULL;
+|* RscNameTable::~RscNameTable()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91
+RscNameTable::~RscNameTable() {
+ if( pTable )
+ rtl_freeMemory( pTable );
+|* RscNameTable::SetSort()
+|* Beschreibung RES.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 28.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 28.02.91
+void RscNameTable::SetSort( BOOL bSorted ){
+ bSort = bSorted;
+ if( bSort && pTable){
+ // Schluesselwort Feld sortieren
+ qsort( (void *)pTable, nEntries,
+ sizeof( KEY_STRUCT ), KeyCompare );
+ };
+|* RscNameTable::Put()
+|* Beschreibung RES.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 28.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 28.02.91
+Atom RscNameTable::Put( Atom nName, sal_uInt32 nTyp, long nValue ){
+ if( pTable )
+ pTable = (KEY_STRUCT *)
+ rtl_reallocateMemory( (void *)pTable,
+ ((nEntries +1) * sizeof( KEY_STRUCT )) );
+ else
+ pTable = (KEY_STRUCT *)
+ rtl_allocateMemory( ((nEntries +1)
+ * sizeof( KEY_STRUCT )) );
+ pTable[ nEntries ].nName = nName;
+ pTable[ nEntries ].nTyp = nTyp;
+ pTable[ nEntries ].yylval = nValue;
+ nEntries++;
+ if( bSort )
+ SetSort();
+ return( nName );
+Atom RscNameTable::Put( const char * pName, sal_uInt32 nTyp, long nValue )
+ return( Put( pHS->getID( pName ), nTyp, nValue ) );
+Atom RscNameTable::Put( Atom nName, sal_uInt32 nTyp )
+ return( Put( nName, nTyp, (long)nName ) );
+Atom RscNameTable::Put( const char * pName, sal_uInt32 nTyp )
+ Atom nId;
+ nId = pHS->getID( pName );
+ return( Put( nId, nTyp, (long)nId ) );
+Atom RscNameTable::Put( Atom nName, sal_uInt32 nTyp, RscTop * pClass )
+ return( Put( nName, nTyp, (long)pClass ) );
+Atom RscNameTable::Put( const char * pName, sal_uInt32 nTyp, RscTop * pClass )
+ return( Put( pHS->getID( pName ), nTyp, (long)pClass ) );
+|* RscNameTable::Get()
+|* Beschreibung RES.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 28.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 28.02.91
+BOOL RscNameTable::Get( Atom nName, KEY_STRUCT * pEle ){
+ KEY_STRUCT aSearchName;
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ if( bSort ){
+ // Suche nach dem Schluesselwort
+ aSearchName.nName = nName;
+ pKey = (KEY_STRUCT *)bsearch(
+#ifdef UNX
+ (const char *) &aSearchName, (char *)pTable,
+ (const void *) &aSearchName, (const void *)pTable,
+ nEntries, sizeof( KEY_STRUCT ), KeyCompare );
+ }
+ else{
+ i = 0;
+ while( i < nEntries && !pKey ){
+ if( pTable[ i ].nName == nName )
+ pKey = &pTable[ i ];
+ i++;
+ };
+ };
+ if( pKey ){ // Schluesselwort gefunden
+ *pEle = *pKey;
+ return( TRUE );
+ };
+ return( FALSE );
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rsclex.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rsclex.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e0df5de254f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rsclex.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#ifdef _RSCERROR_H
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+#include <rsckey.hxx>
+#include <rscpar.hxx>
+#include <rscdef.hxx>
+#include "rsclex.hxx"
+#include <yyrscyacc.hxx>
+#include <rtl/textcvt.h>
+#include <rtl/textenc.h>
+using namespace rtl;
+const char* StringContainer::putString( const char* pString )
+ OString aString( static_cast<const sal_Char*>(pString) );
+ std::pair<
+ std::hash_set< OString, OStringHash >::iterator,
+ bool > aInsert =
+ m_aStrings.insert( aString );
+ return aInsert.first->getStr();
+int c;
+BOOL bLastInclude;// War letztes Symbol INCLUDE
+RscFileInst* pFI;
+RscTypCont* pTC;
+RscExpression * pExp;
+struct KeyVal {
+ int nKeyWord;
+} aKeyVal[ 1 ];
+BOOL bTargetDefined;
+StringContainer* pStringContainer = NULL;
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+UINT32 GetNumber(){
+ UINT32 l = 0;
+ UINT32 nLog = 10;
+ if( '0' == c ){
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ if( 'x' == c ){
+ nLog = 16;
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ }
+ };
+ if( nLog == 16 ){
+ while( isxdigit( c ) ){
+ if( isdigit( c ) )
+ l = l * nLog + (c - '0');
+ else
+ l = l * nLog + (toupper( c ) - 'A' + 10 );
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ while( isdigit( c ) || 'x' == c ){
+ l = l * nLog + (c - '0');
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ }
+ }
+ while( c=='U' || c=='u' || c=='l' || c=='L' ) //Wg. Unsigned Longs
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ if( l > 0x7fffffff ) //Oberstes bit gegebenenfalls abschneiden;
+ l &= 0x7fffffff;
+ return( l );
+int MakeToken( YYSTYPE * pTokenVal ){
+ int c1;
+ char * pStr;
+ while( TRUE ){ // Kommentare und Leerzeichen ueberlesen
+ while( isspace( c ) )
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ if( '/' == c ){
+ c1 = c;
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ if( '/' == c ){
+ while( '\n' != c && !pFI->IsEof() )
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ }
+ else if( '*' == c ){
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ do {
+ while( '*' != c && !pFI->IsEof() )
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ } while( '/' != c && !pFI->IsEof() );
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ }
+ else
+ return( c1 );
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ };
+ if( c == pFI->IsEof() ){
+ return( 0 );
+ }
+ if( bLastInclude ){
+ bLastInclude = FALSE; //Zuruecksetzten
+ if( '<' == c ){
+ OStringBuffer aBuf( 256 );
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ while( '>' != c && !pFI->IsEof() )
+ {
+ aBuf.append( sal_Char(c) );
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ };
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ pTokenVal->string = const_cast<char*>(pStringContainer->putString( aBuf.getStr() ));
+ return( INCLUDE_STRING );
+ };
+ }
+ if( c == '"' )
+ {
+ OStringBuffer aBuf( 256 );
+ BOOL bDone = FALSE;
+ while( !bDone && !pFI->IsEof() && c )
+ {
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ if( c == '"' )
+ {
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ if( c == '"' )
+ {
+ aBuf.append( '"' );
+ aBuf.append( '"' );
+ }
+ else
+ bDone = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( c == '\\' )
+ {
+ aBuf.append( '\\' );
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ if( c )
+ aBuf.append( sal_Char(c) );
+ }
+ else
+ aBuf.append( sal_Char(c) );
+ }
+ pStr = pTokenVal->string = const_cast<char*>(pStringContainer->putString( aBuf.getStr() ));
+ return( STRING );
+ }
+ if (isdigit (c)){
+ pTokenVal->value = GetNumber();
+ return( NUMBER );
+ }
+ if( isalpha (c) || (c == '_') ){
+ Atom nHashId;
+ OStringBuffer aBuf( 256 );
+ while( isalnum (c) || (c == '_') || (c == '-') )
+ {
+ aBuf.append( sal_Char(c) );
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ }
+ nHashId = pHS->getID( aBuf.getStr(), true );
+ if( InvalidAtom != nHashId )
+ {
+ // Suche nach dem Schluesselwort
+ if( pTC->aNmTb.Get( nHashId, &aKey ) )
+ {
+ // Schluesselwort gefunden
+ switch( aKey.nTyp )
+ {
+ pTokenVal->pClass = (RscTop *)aKey.yylval;
+ break;
+ case VARNAME:
+ pTokenVal->varid = aKey.nName;
+ break;
+ pTokenVal->constname.hashid = aKey.nName;
+ pTokenVal->constname.nValue = aKey.yylval;
+ break;
+ case BOOLEAN:
+ pTokenVal->svbool = (BOOL)aKey.yylval;
+ break;
+ case INCLUDE:
+ bLastInclude = TRUE;
+ default:
+ pTokenVal->value = aKey.yylval;
+ };
+ return( aKey.nTyp );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pTokenVal->string = const_cast<char*>(pStringContainer->putString( aBuf.getStr() ));
+ return( SYMBOL );
+ }
+ }
+ else{ // Symbol
+ RscDefine * pDef;
+ pDef = pTC->aFileTab.FindDef( aBuf.getStr() );
+ if( pDef ){
+ pTokenVal->defineele = pDef;
+ return( RSCDEFINE );
+ }
+ pTokenVal->string = const_cast<char*>(pStringContainer->putString( aBuf.getStr() ));
+ return( SYMBOL );
+ }
+ }
+ if( c=='<' )
+ {
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ if( c=='<' )
+ {
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ return LEFTSHIFT;
+ }
+ else
+ return '<';
+ }
+ if( c=='>' )
+ {
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ if( c=='>' )
+ {
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ return RIGHTSHIFT;
+ }
+ else
+ return '>';
+ }
+ c1 = c;
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+ return( c1 );
+#if defined( RS6000 ) || defined( HP9000 ) || defined( SCO )
+extern "C" int yylex()
+int yylex()
+ if( bTargetDefined )
+ bTargetDefined = FALSE;
+ else
+ aKeyVal[ 0 ].nKeyWord =
+ MakeToken( &aKeyVal[ 0 ].aYYSType );
+ yylval = aKeyVal[ 0 ].aYYSType;
+ return( aKeyVal[ 0 ].nKeyWord );
+/****************** yyerror **********************************************/
+#ifdef RS6000
+extern "C" void yyerror( char* pMessage )
+#elif defined HP9000 || defined SCO || defined SOLARIS
+extern "C" void yyerror( const char* pMessage )
+void yyerror( char* pMessage )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_YACC, NULL, RscId(), pMessage );
+/****************** parser start function ********************************/
+void InitParser( RscFileInst * pFileInst )
+ pTC = pFileInst->pTypCont; // Datenkontainer setzten
+ pFI = pFileInst;
+ pStringContainer = new StringContainer();
+ pExp = NULL; //fuer MacroParser
+ bTargetDefined = FALSE;
+ // Anfangszeichen initialisieren
+ bLastInclude = FALSE;
+ c = pFI->GetFastChar();
+void EndParser(){
+ // Stack abraeumen
+ while( ! S.IsEmpty() )
+ S.Pop();
+ // free string container
+ delete pStringContainer;
+ pStringContainer = NULL;
+ if( pExp )
+ delete pExp;
+ pTC = NULL;
+ pFI = NULL;
+ pExp = NULL;
+void IncludeParser( RscFileInst * pFileInst )
+ int nToken; // Wert des Tokens
+ YYSTYPE aYYSType; // Daten des Tokens
+ RscFile * pFName; // Filestruktur
+ ULONG lKey; // Fileschluessel
+ RscTypCont * pTypCon = pFileInst->pTypCont;
+ pFName = pTypCon->aFileTab.Get( pFileInst->GetFileIndex() );
+ InitParser( pFileInst );
+ nToken = MakeToken( &aYYSType );
+ while( 0 != nToken && CLASSNAME != nToken ){
+ if( '#' == nToken ){
+ if( INCLUDE == (nToken = MakeToken( &aYYSType )) ){
+ if( STRING == (nToken = MakeToken( &aYYSType )) ){
+ lKey = pTypCon->aFileTab.NewIncFile( aYYSType.string,
+ aYYSType.string );
+ pFName->InsertDependFile( lKey, LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ else if( INCLUDE_STRING == nToken ){
+ lKey = pTypCon->aFileTab.NewIncFile( aYYSType.string,
+ ByteString() );
+ pFName->InsertDependFile( lKey, LIST_APPEND );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ nToken = MakeToken( &aYYSType );
+ };
+ EndParser();
+ERRTYPE parser( RscFileInst * pFileInst )
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ InitParser( pFileInst );
+ aError = yyparse();
+ EndParser();
+ // yyparser gibt 0 zurueck, wenn erfolgreich
+ if( 0 == aError )
+ aError.Clear();
+ if( pFileInst->pTypCont->pEH->nErrors )
+ aError = ERR_ERROR;
+ pFileInst->SetError( aError );
+ return( aError );
+RscExpression * MacroParser( RscFileInst & rFileInst )
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RscExpression * pExpression;
+ InitParser( &rFileInst );
+ //Ziel auf macro_expression setzen
+ aKeyVal[ 0 ].nKeyWord = MACROTARGET;
+ bTargetDefined = TRUE;
+ aError = yyparse();
+ pExpression = pExp;
+ //EndParser() wuerde pExp loeschen
+ if( pExp )
+ pExp = NULL;
+ EndParser();
+ // yyparser gibt 0 zurueck, wenn erfolgreich
+ if( 0 == aError )
+ aError.Clear();
+ if( rFileInst.pTypCont->pEH->nErrors )
+ aError = ERR_ERROR;
+ rFileInst.SetError( aError );
+ //im Fehlerfall pExpression loeschen
+ if( aError.IsError() && pExpression ){
+ delete pExpression;
+ pExpression = NULL;
+ };
+ return( pExpression );
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rsclex.hxx b/rsc/source/parser/rsclex.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..06c04f4126a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rsclex.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <tools/stack.hxx>
+#include <hash_set>
+#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
+#include <rtl/string.hxx>
+// a buffer for unique strings
+class StringContainer
+ std::hash_set< rtl::OString, rtl::OStringHash > m_aStrings;
+ StringContainer() {}
+ ~StringContainer() {}
+ const char* putString( const char* pString );
+struct RSCHEADER {
+ RscTop * pClass;
+ RscExpType nName1;
+ REF_ENUM nTyp;
+ RscTop * pRefClass;
+ RscExpType nName2;
+/************** O b j e c t s t a c k ************************************/
+struct Node {
+ Node* pPrev;
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ sal_uInt32 nTupelRec; // Rekursionstiefe fuer Tupel
+ Node() { pPrev = NULL; nTupelRec = 0; };
+class ObjectStack {
+ private :
+ Node* pRoot;
+ public :
+ ObjectStack () { pRoot = NULL; }
+ const RSCINST & Top () { return pRoot->aInst; }
+ BOOL IsEmpty() { return( pRoot == NULL ); }
+ void IncTupelRec() { pRoot->nTupelRec++; }
+ void DecTupelRec() { pRoot->nTupelRec--; }
+ sal_uInt32 TupelRecCount() const { return pRoot->nTupelRec; }
+ void Push( RSCINST aInst )
+ {
+ Node* pTmp;
+ pTmp = pRoot;
+ pRoot = new Node;
+ pRoot->aInst = aInst;
+ pRoot->pPrev = pTmp;
+ }
+ void Pop()
+ {
+ Node* pTmp;
+ pTmp = pRoot;
+ pRoot = pTmp->pPrev;
+ delete pTmp;
+ }
+/****************** F o r w a r d s **************************************/
+#if defined( RS6000 )
+extern "C" int yyparse(); // forward Deklaration fuer erzeugte Funktion
+extern "C" void yyerror( char * );
+extern "C" int yylex( void );
+#elif defined( HP9000 ) || defined( SCO ) || defined ( SOLARIS )
+extern "C" int yyparse(); // forward Deklaration fuer erzeugte Funktion
+extern "C" void yyerror( const char * );
+extern "C" int yylex( void );
+#if defined ( WTC ) || defined ( GCC ) || (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
+int yyparse(); // forward Deklaration fuer erzeugte Funktion
+yyparse(); // forward Deklaration fuer erzeugte Funktion
+void yyerror( char * );
+int yylex( void );
+class RscTypCont;
+class RscFileInst;
+extern RscTypCont* pTC;
+extern RscFileInst * pFI;
+extern RscExpression * pExp;
+extern ObjectStack S;
+extern StringContainer* pStringContainer;
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rscpar.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rscpar.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..22606e2f8bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rscpar.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <string.h>
+#include <rscpar.hxx>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+/****************** R s c F i l e I n s t ********************************/
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+|* RscFileInst::Init()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 05.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 17.02.93
+void RscFileInst::Init()
+ nLineNo = 0;
+ nLineBufLen = 256;
+ pLine = (char *)rtl_allocateMemory( nLineBufLen );
+ *pLine = '\0';
+ nScanPos = 0;
+ cLastChar = '\0';
+ bEof = FALSE;
+|* RscFileInst::RscFileInst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.06.91
+RscFileInst::RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, ULONG lIndexSrc,
+ ULONG lFIndex, FILE * fFile )
+ pTypCont = pTC;
+ Init();
+ lFileIndex = lFIndex;
+ lSrcIndex = lIndexSrc;
+ fInputFile = fFile;
+ //Status: Zeiger am Ende des Lesepuffers
+ nInputPos = nInputEndPos = nInputBufLen = READBUFFER_MAX;
+ pInput = (char *)rtl_allocateMemory( nInputBufLen );
+RscFileInst::RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, ULONG lIndexSrc,
+ ULONG lFIndex, const ByteString& rBuf )
+ pTypCont = pTC;
+ Init();
+ lFileIndex = lFIndex;
+ lSrcIndex = lIndexSrc;
+ fInputFile = NULL;
+ nInputPos = 0;
+ nInputEndPos = rBuf.Len();
+ // Muss groesser sein wegen Eingabeende bei nInputBufLen < nInputEndPos
+ nInputBufLen = nInputEndPos +1;
+ pInput = (char *)rtl_allocateMemory( nInputBufLen +100 );
+ memcpy( pInput, rBuf.GetBuffer(), nInputEndPos );
+|* RscFileInst::~RscFileInst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.06.91
+ if( pInput )
+ rtl_freeMemory( pInput );
+ if( pLine )
+ rtl_freeMemory( pLine );
+|* RscFileInst::GetChar()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.08.91
+int RscFileInst::GetChar()
+ if( pLine[ nScanPos ] )
+ return( pLine[ nScanPos++ ] );
+ else if( nInputPos >= nInputEndPos && nInputEndPos != nInputBufLen )
+ {
+ // Dateiende
+ bEof = TRUE;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GetNewLine();
+ return( '\n' );
+ }
+|* RscFileInst::GetNewLine()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.06.91
+void RscFileInst::GetNewLine()
+ nLineNo++;
+ nScanPos = 0;
+ //laeuft bis Dateiende
+ sal_uInt32 nLen = 0;
+ while( (nInputPos < nInputEndPos) || (nInputEndPos == nInputBufLen) )
+ {
+ if( (nInputPos >= nInputEndPos) && fInputFile )
+ {
+ nInputEndPos = fread( pInput, 1, nInputBufLen, fInputFile );
+ nInputPos = 0;
+ }
+ while( nInputPos < nInputEndPos )
+ {
+ //immer eine Zeile lesen
+ if( nLen >= nLineBufLen )
+ {
+ nLineBufLen += 256;
+ // einen dazu fuer '\0'
+ pLine = (char*)rtl_reallocateMemory( pLine, nLineBufLen +1 );
+ }
+ // cr lf, lf cr, lf oder cr wird '\0'
+ if( pInput[ nInputPos ] == '\n' ){
+ nInputPos++;
+ if( cLastChar != '\r' ){
+ cLastChar = '\n';
+ pLine[ nLen++ ] = '\0';
+ goto END;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( pInput[ nInputPos ] == '\r' ){
+ nInputPos++;
+ if( cLastChar != '\n' ){
+ cLastChar = '\r';
+ pLine[ nLen++ ] = '\0';
+ goto END;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pLine[ nLen++ ] = pInput[ nInputPos++ ];
+ if( nLen > 2 )
+ {
+ if( (unsigned char)pLine[nLen-3] == 0xef &&
+ (unsigned char)pLine[nLen-2] == 0xbb &&
+ (unsigned char)pLine[nLen-1] == 0xbf )
+ {
+ nLen -= 3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ // Abbruch ueber EOF
+ pLine[ nLen ] = '\0';
+ if( pTypCont->pEH->GetListFile() ){
+ char buf[ 10 ];
+ sprintf( buf, "%5d ", (int)GetLineNo() );
+ pTypCont->pEH->LstOut( buf );
+ pTypCont->pEH->LstOut( GetLine() );
+ pTypCont->pEH->LstOut( "\n" );
+ }
+|* RscFileInst::SetError()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 05.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 05.11.91
+void RscFileInst::SetError( ERRTYPE aError )
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ {
+ aFirstError = aError;
+ nErrorLine = GetLineNo();
+ nErrorPos = GetScanPos() -1;
+ };
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rscyacc.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rscyacc.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..89891581d9ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rscyacc.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <tools/rc.h>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rsctools.hxx>
+#include <rscclass.hxx>
+#include <rsccont.hxx>
+#include <rsctree.hxx>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+#include <rscdef.hxx>
+#include <rscpar.hxx>
+#include "rsclex.hxx"
+/************** V a r i a b l e n ****************************************/
+ObjectStack S;
+RscTop * pCurClass;
+sal_uInt32 nCurMask;
+char szErrBuf[ 100 ];
+/************** H i l f s F u n k t i o n e n ****************************/
+RSCINST GetVarInst( const RSCINST & rInst, const char * pVarName )
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = rInst.pClass->GetVariable( rInst, pHS->getID( pVarName ),
+ RSCINST() );
+ if( !aInst.pData )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, rInst.pClass, RscId() );
+ return( aInst );
+void SetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, const char * pVarName, INT32 lValue )
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = GetVarInst( rInst, pVarName );
+ if( aInst.pData ){
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = aInst.pClass->SetNumber( aInst, lValue );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, aInst.pClass, RscId() );
+ }
+void SetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, const char * pVarName,
+ Atom nValueId, INT32 nVal )
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = GetVarInst( rInst, pVarName );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ {
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = aInst.pClass->SetConst( aInst, nValueId, nVal );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, aInst.pClass, RscId() );
+ }
+void SetString( const RSCINST & rInst, const char * pVarName, const char * pStr )
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = GetVarInst( rInst, pVarName );
+ if( aInst.pData ){
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = aInst.pClass->SetString( aInst, pStr );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, aInst.pClass, RscId() );
+ }
+RscId MakeRscId( RscExpType aExpType )
+ if( !aExpType.IsNothing() ){
+ INT32 lValue;
+ if( !aExpType.Evaluate( &lValue ) )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_ZERODIVISION, NULL, RscId() );
+ if( lValue < 1 || lValue > (INT32)0x7FFF )
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_IDRANGE, NULL, RscId(),
+ ByteString::CreateFromInt32( lValue ).GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ if( aExpType.IsDefinition() )
+ return RscId( aExpType.aExp.pDef );
+ else
+ return RscId( lValue );
+ }
+ return RscId();
+BOOL DoClassHeader( RSCHEADER * pHeader, BOOL bMember )
+ RSCINST aCopyInst;
+ RscId aName1 = MakeRscId( pHeader->nName1 );
+ RscId aName2 = MakeRscId( pHeader->nName2 );
+ if( pHeader->pRefClass )
+ aCopyInst.pClass = pHeader->pRefClass;
+ else
+ aCopyInst.pClass = pHeader->pClass;
+ if( TYPE_COPY == pHeader->nTyp )
+ {
+ ObjNode * pCopyObj = aCopyInst.pClass->GetObjNode( aName2 );
+ if( !pCopyObj )
+ {
+ ByteString aMsg( pHS->getString( aCopyInst.pClass->GetId() ) );
+ aMsg += ' ';
+ aMsg += aName2.GetName();
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOCOPYOBJ, pHeader->pClass, aName1,
+ aMsg.GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ else
+ aCopyInst.pData = pCopyObj->GetRscObj();
+ }
+ if( bMember )
+ {
+ // Angabe von Superklassen oder abgeleiteten Klassen ist jetzt erlaubt
+ if( S.Top().pClass->InHierarchy( pHeader->pClass )
+ || pHeader->pClass->InHierarchy( S.Top().pClass) )
+ {
+ if( aCopyInst.IsInst() )
+ {
+ RSCINST aTmpI( S.Top() );
+ aTmpI.pClass->Destroy( aTmpI );
+ aTmpI.pClass->Create( &aTmpI, aCopyInst );
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_FALSETYPE, S.Top().pClass, aName1,
+ pHS->getString( pHeader->pClass->GetId() ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( S.IsEmpty() )
+ {
+ if( (INT32)aName1 < 256 )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( WRN_GLOBALID, pHeader->pClass, aName1 );
+ if( aCopyInst.IsInst() )
+ S.Push( pHeader->pClass->Create( NULL, aCopyInst ) );
+ else
+ S.Push( pHeader->pClass->Create( NULL, RSCINST() ) );
+ ObjNode * pNode = new ObjNode( aName1, S.Top().pData,
+ pFI->GetFileIndex() );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( ".", RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ if( !aName1.IsId() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_IDEXPECTED, pHeader->pClass, aName1 );
+ else if( !pHeader->pClass->PutObjNode( pNode ) )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_DOUBLEID, pHeader->pClass, aName1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ if( (INT32)aName1 >= 256 && aName1.IsId() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( WRN_LOCALID, pHeader->pClass, aName1 );
+ aError = S.Top().pClass->GetElement( S.Top(), aName1,
+ pHeader->pClass, aCopyInst, &aTmpI );
+ if( aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, pHeader->pClass, aName1 );
+ else if( aError.IsError() )
+ {
+ if( ERR_CONT_INVALIDTYPE == aError )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, aName1,
+ pHS->getString( pHeader->pClass->GetId() ) );
+ else
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, aName1 );
+ S.Top().pClass->GetElement( S.Top(), RscId(),
+ pHeader->pClass, RSCINST(), &aTmpI );
+ if( !aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ return( FALSE );
+ }
+ S.Push( aTmpI );
+ };
+ };
+ if( TYPE_REF == pHeader->nTyp )
+ {
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = S.Top().pClass->SetRef( S.Top(), aName2 );
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, aName1 );
+ }
+ return( TRUE );
+RSCINST GetFirstTupelEle( const RSCINST & rTop )
+{ // Aufwaertskompatible, Tupel probieren
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aErr = rTop.pClass->GetElement( rTop, RscId(), NULL, RSCINST(), &aInst );
+ if( !aErr.IsError() )
+ aInst = aInst.pClass->GetTupelVar( aInst, 0, RSCINST() );
+ return aInst;
+/************** Y a c c C o d e ****************************************/
+//#define YYDEBUG 1
+#define TYPE_Atom 0
+#define TYPE_RESID 1
+#ifdef UNX
+#define YYMAXDEPTH 2000
+#ifdef W30
+#define YYMAXDEPTH 300
+#define YYMAXDEPTH 800
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push, 1)
+#pragma warning(disable:4129 4273 4701)
+#include "yyrscyacc.cxx"
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rscyacc.y b/rsc/source/parser/rscyacc.y
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a522d7416782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rscyacc.y
@@ -0,0 +1,1118 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#if defined __GNUC__
+#pragma GCC system_header
+#elif defined __SUNPRO_CC
+#pragma disable_warn
+/* Compilerstack */
+%union {
+ Atom varid;
+ struct {
+ Atom hashid;
+ INT32 nValue;
+ } constname;
+ RscTop * pClass;
+ RSCHEADER header;
+ struct {
+ RscTop * pClass;
+ } instance;
+ INT32 value;
+ USHORT ushort;
+ short exp_short;
+ char * string;
+ BOOL svbool;
+ REF_ENUM copyref;
+ RscDefine * defineele;
+ CharSet charset;
+ RscExpType macrostruct;
+/* Token */
+%token <value> NUMBER
+%token <string> SYMBOL
+%token <defineele> RSCDEFINE
+%token <string> STRING
+%token <string> INCLUDE_STRING
+%token <character> CHARACTER
+%token <svbool> BOOLEAN
+%token LINE
+%token AUTO_ID
+%token NOT
+%token XSCALE
+%token YSCALE
+%token RGB
+%token GEOMETRY
+%token POSITION
+%token DEFINE
+%token INCLUDE
+%token DEFAULT
+%token <pClass> CLASSNAME
+%token <varid> VARNAME
+%token <constname> CONSTNAME
+%token CLASS
+%type <macrostruct> macro_expression
+%type <macrostruct> id_expression
+%type <value> long_expression
+%type <string> string_multiline
+%type <pClass> type
+%type <pClass> type_base
+%type <header> class_header_body
+%type <header> class_header
+%type <header> var_header_class
+%type <copyref> copy_ref
+%type <ushort> type_flags
+%left '|'
+%left '&'
+%left '+' '-'
+%left '*' '/'
+%left ','
+%left '(' ')'
+/* Grammatik */
+%start resource_definitions
+/********************** D E F I N I T I O N S ****************************/
+ :
+ | resource_definitions resource_definition
+ | MACROTARGET macro_expression
+ {
+ RscExpType aExpType;
+ INT32 lValue;
+ aExpType.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING;
+ pExp = new RscExpression( aExpType, '+', $2 );
+ if( !pExp->Evaluate( &lValue ) )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_ZERODIVISION, NULL, RscId() );
+ }
+ ;
+ : line_number
+ | '#' DEFINE SYMBOL macro_expression
+ {
+ BOOL bError = FALSE;
+ if( $4.IsNumber() ){
+ if( !pTC->aFileTab.NewDef( pFI->GetFileIndex(),
+ ByteString( $3 ),
+ $4.GetLong(), LIST_APPEND ) )
+ bError = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( $4.IsDefinition() ){
+ RscExpType aExpType;
+ RscExpression * pExpr;
+ aExpType.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING;
+ aExpType.SetLong( 0 );
+ aExpType.cType = RSCEXP_LONG;
+ pExpr = new RscExpression( aExpType, '+', $4 );
+ if( !pTC->aFileTab.NewDef( pFI->GetFileIndex(),
+ ByteString( $3 ), pExpr, LIST_APPEND ) )
+ bError = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( $4.IsExpression() ){
+ if( !pTC->aFileTab.NewDef( pFI->GetFileIndex(),
+ ByteString( $3 ), $4.aExp.pExp,
+ bError = TRUE;
+ }
+ if( bError ){
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_DECLAREDEFINE, NULL, RscId(), $3 );
+ }
+ }
+ | '#' DEFINE RSCDEFINE macro_expression
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_DOUBLEDEFINE, NULL, RscId(), $3->GetName().GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ | class_definition ';'
+ {
+#ifdef D40
+ void * pMem;
+ pMem = rtl_allocateMemory( 20000 );
+ rtl_freeMemory( pMem );
+ }
+ | new_class_definition_header '{' new_class_definition_body '}' ';'
+ | new_class_definition_header ';'
+ ;
+ : CLASS SYMBOL id_expression ':' CLASSNAME
+ {
+ INT32 lType;
+ $3.Evaluate( &lType );
+ // Klasse anlegen
+ Atom nId = pHS->getID( $2 );
+ pCurClass = new RscClass( nId, lType, $5 );
+ nCurMask = 1;
+ pTC->aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pCurClass );
+ pTC->GetRoot()->Insert( pCurClass );
+ }
+ | CLASS CLASSNAME id_expression ':' CLASSNAME
+ {
+ pCurClass = $2;
+ nCurMask = 1;
+ }
+ ;
+ :
+ | property_definition ';' new_class_definition_body
+ ;
+ : type_flags type SYMBOL
+ {
+ // Variable anlegen
+ Atom nId = pTC->aNmTb.Put( $3, VARNAME );
+ pCurClass->SetVariable( nId, $2, NULL, $1, nCurMask );
+ nCurMask <<= 1;
+ }
+ | type_flags type VARNAME
+ {
+ pCurClass->SetVariable( $3, $2, NULL, $1, nCurMask );
+ nCurMask <<= 1;
+ }
+ ;
+ : type_flags EXTENDABLE
+ {
+ $$ = $1 | VAR_EXTENDABLE;
+ }
+ | type_flags WRITEIFSET
+ {
+ $$ = $1 | VAR_SVDYNAMIC;
+ }
+ |
+ {
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ ;
+ : type_base
+ {
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | type_base '[' ']'
+ {
+ if( $1 )
+ {
+ ByteString aTypeName = pHS->getString( $1->GetId() );
+ aTypeName += "[]";
+ $$ = pTC->SearchType( pHS->getID( aTypeName.GetBuffer(), true ) );
+ if( !$$ )
+ {
+ RscCont * pCont;
+ pCont = new RscCont( pHS->getID( aTypeName.GetBuffer() ), RSC_NOTYPE );
+ pCont->SetTypeClass( $1 );
+ pTC->InsertType( pCont );
+ $$ = pCont;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ $$ = NULL;
+ }
+ ;
+ {
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ {
+ RscTop * pType = pTC->SearchType( pHS->getID( $1, true ) );
+ if( !pType )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOTYPE, pCurClass, RscId() );
+ $$ = pType;
+ }
+ ;
+ : class_header class_body
+ {
+ if( TYPE_REF == $1.nTyp )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_REFNOTALLOWED, S.Top().pClass,
+ RscId( $1.nName1 ) );
+ S.Pop();
+ }
+ | class_header
+ {
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RscId aRscId( $1.nName1 );
+ if( TYPE_NOTHING == $1.nTyp && aRscId.IsId() )
+ aError = S.Top().pClass->SetRef( S.Top(), aRscId );
+ else if( TYPE_COPY == $1.nTyp )
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, aRscId );
+ S.Pop();
+ }
+ ;
+ : class_header_body
+ {
+ if( !DoClassHeader( &$1, FALSE ) )
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ ;
+ : '<'
+ {
+ $$ = TYPE_COPY;
+ }
+ | ','
+ {
+ $$ = TYPE_REF;
+ }
+ ;
+ : CLASSNAME id_expression copy_ref CLASSNAME id_expression
+ {
+ $$.pClass = $1;
+ $$.nName1 = $2;
+ $$.nTyp = $3;
+ $$.pRefClass = $4;
+ $$.nName2 = $5;
+ }
+ | CLASSNAME id_expression copy_ref id_expression
+ {
+ $$.pClass = $1;
+ $$.nName1 = $2;
+ $$.nTyp = $3;
+ $$.pRefClass = NULL;
+ $$.nName2 = $4;
+ }
+ | CLASSNAME id_expression
+ {
+ $$.pClass = $1;
+ $$.nName1 = $2;
+ $$.nTyp = TYPE_NOTHING;
+ $$.pRefClass = NULL;
+ $$.nName2.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING;
+ }
+ | CLASSNAME copy_ref id_expression
+ {
+ $$.pClass = $1;
+ $$.nName1.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING;
+ $$.nTyp = $2;
+ $$.pRefClass = NULL;
+ $$.nName2 = $3;
+ }
+ | CLASSNAME copy_ref CLASSNAME id_expression
+ {
+ $$.pClass = $1;
+ $$.nName1.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING;
+ $$.nTyp = $2;
+ $$.pRefClass = $3;
+ $$.nName2 = $4;
+ }
+ {
+ $$.pClass = $1;
+ $$.nName1.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING;
+ $$.nTyp = TYPE_NOTHING;
+ $$.nName2.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING;
+ }
+ ;
+ : '{' var_definitions '}'
+ | '{' '}'
+ | string_multiline
+ {
+ SetString( S.Top(), "TEXT", $1 );
+ }
+ ;
+ : var_definition
+ | var_definitions var_definition
+ ;
+ {
+ SetConst( S.Top(), "_XYMAPMODE", $1.hashid, $1.nValue );
+ }
+ |
+ ;
+ {
+ SetConst( S.Top(), "_WHMAPMODE", $1.hashid, $1.nValue );
+ }
+ |
+ ;
+ {
+ SetConst( S.Top(), "_XYMAPMODE", $1.hashid, $1.nValue );
+ SetConst( S.Top(), "_WHMAPMODE", $1.hashid, $1.nValue );
+ }
+ |
+ ;
+ : line_number
+ | var_header var_body ';'
+ {
+ S.Pop();
+ }
+ | class_definition ';'
+ | var_header_class class_body ';'
+ {
+ if( TYPE_REF == $1.nTyp )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_REFNOTALLOWED, S.Top().pClass,
+ RscId( $1.nName1 ) );
+ if( S.Top().pClass->GetCount( S.Top() ) )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( WRN_SUBINMEMBER, S.Top().pClass,
+ RscId( $1.nName1 ) );
+ S.Pop();
+ }
+ | var_header_class ';'
+ {
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RscId aRscId( $1.nName1 );
+ if( TYPE_NOTHING == $1.nTyp && aRscId.IsId() )
+ aError = S.Top().pClass->SetRef( S.Top(), aRscId );
+ else if( TYPE_COPY == $1.nTyp )
+ if( S.Top().pClass->GetCount( S.Top() ) )
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, aRscId );
+ S.Pop();
+ }
+ | XSCALE '=' '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';'
+ {
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_XNUMERATOR", $4 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_XDENOMINATOR", $6 );
+ }
+ | YSCALE '=' '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';'
+ {
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_YNUMERATOR", $4 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_YDENOMINATOR", $6 );
+ }
+ | RGB '=' '(' long_expression ',' long_expression
+ ',' long_expression ')' ';'
+ {
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "RED", $4 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "GREEN", $6 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "BLUE", $8 );
+ }
+ | GEOMETRY '=' xywh_mapmode '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ','
+ long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';'
+ {
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_X", $5 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_Y", $7 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_WIDTH", $9 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_HEIGHT", $11 );
+ }
+ | POSITION '=' xy_mapmode '(' long_expression ',' long_expression
+ ')' ';'
+ {
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_X", $5 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_Y", $7 );
+ }
+ | DIMENSION '=' wh_mapmode '(' long_expression ',' long_expression
+ ')' ';'
+ {
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_WIDTH", $5 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_HEIGHT", $7 );
+ }
+ | INZOOMOUTPUTSIZE '=' CONSTNAME '(' long_expression ',' long_expression
+ ')' ';'
+ {
+ SetConst( S.Top(), "_ZOOMINMAPMODE", $3.hashid, $3.nValue );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_ZOOMINWIDTH", $5 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_ZOOMINHEIGHT", $7 );
+ }
+ | INZOOMOUTPUTSIZE '=' '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';'
+ {
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_ZOOMINWIDTH", $4 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_ZOOMINHEIGHT", $6 );
+ }
+ | FLOATINGPOS '=' CONSTNAME '(' long_expression ',' long_expression
+ ')' ';'
+ {
+ SetConst( S.Top(), "_FLOATINGPOSMAPMODE", $3.hashid, $3.nValue );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_FLOATINGPOSX", $5 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_FLOATINGPOSY", $7 );
+ }
+ | FLOATINGPOS '=' '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';'
+ {
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_FLOATINGPOSX", $4 );
+ SetNumber( S.Top(), "_FLOATINGPOSY", $6 );
+ }
+ ;
+ : VARNAME '=' class_header_body
+ {
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetVariable( S.Top(), $1, RSCINST(), FALSE, $3.pClass );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ S.Push( aInst );
+ else
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId(),
+ pHS->getString( $1 ) );
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ };
+ if( !DoClassHeader( &$3, TRUE ) )
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ $$ = $3;
+ }
+ | VARNAME '[' CONSTNAME ']' '=' class_header_body
+ {
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetVariable( S.Top(), $1, RSCINST() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ {
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RSCINST aIdxInst;
+ aError = aInst.pClass->GetArrayEle( aInst, $3.hashid, NULL, &aIdxInst );
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ S.Push( aIdxInst );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId(),
+ pHS->getString( $1 ) );
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ };
+ if( !DoClassHeader( &$6, TRUE ) )
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ $$ = $6;
+ }
+ | VARNAME '[' SYMBOL ']' '=' class_header_body
+ {
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetVariable( S.Top(), $1, RSCINST() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ {
+ long nNewLang = pTC->AddLanguage( $3 );
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RSCINST aIdxInst;
+ aError = aInst.pClass->GetArrayEle( aInst, nNewLang, NULL, &aIdxInst );
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ S.Push( aIdxInst );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId(),
+ pHS->getString( $1 ) );
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ };
+ if( !DoClassHeader( &$6, TRUE ) )
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ $$ = $6;
+ }
+ ;
+ : VARNAME '='
+ {
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetVariable( S.Top(), $1, RSCINST() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ S.Push( aInst );
+ else{
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId(),
+ pHS->getString( $1 ) );
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ };
+ }
+ | VARNAME '[' CONSTNAME ']' '='
+ {
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetVariable( S.Top(), $1, RSCINST() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ {
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RSCINST aIdxInst;
+ aError = aInst.pClass->GetArrayEle( aInst, $3.hashid, NULL, &aIdxInst );
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ S.Push( aIdxInst );
+ }
+ else{
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId(),
+ pHS->getString( $1 ) );
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ };
+ }
+ | VARNAME '[' SYMBOL ']' '='
+ {
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetVariable( S.Top(), $1, RSCINST() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ {
+ long nNewLang = pTC->AddLanguage( $3 );
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RSCINST aIdxInst;
+ aError = aInst.pClass->GetArrayEle( aInst, nNewLang, NULL, &aIdxInst );
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ S.Push( aIdxInst );
+ }
+ else{
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId(),
+ pHS->getString( $1 ) );
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ };
+ }
+ ;
+ :
+ {
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetTupelVar( S.Top(), 0, RSCINST() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ S.Push( aInst );
+ else
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOTUPELNAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ };
+ }
+ ;
+ :
+ {
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetTupelVar( S.Top(), 1, RSCINST() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ S.Push( aInst );
+ else
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOTUPELNAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ };
+ }
+ ;
+ :
+ {
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetTupelVar( S.Top(), 2, RSCINST() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ S.Push( aInst );
+ else
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOTUPELNAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ };
+ }
+ ;
+ :
+ {
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetTupelVar( S.Top(), 3, RSCINST() );
+ if( !aInst.pData )
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOTUPELNAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ return( ERR_ERROR );
+ };
+ S.Push( aInst );
+ }
+ ;
+ : var_body
+ {
+ S.Pop();
+ }
+ ;
+ :
+ {
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aError = S.Top().pClass->GetElement( S.Top(), RscId(),
+ NULL, RSCINST(), &aInst );
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ { // unbedingt Instanz auf den Stack bringen
+ aInst = S.Top().pClass->Create( NULL, RSCINST() );
+ }
+ S.Push( aInst );
+ }
+ ;
+ : var_bodycomplex
+ {
+ S.Pop();
+ }
+ ;
+ :
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 nCount = S.Top().pClass->GetCount( S.Top() );
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ for( i = nCount; i > 0; i-- )
+ S.Top().pClass->DeletePos( S.Top(), i -1 );
+ }
+ ;
+ : list var_list_header list_body ';'
+ | list var_bodysimple ';'
+ | list class_definition ';'
+ | list line_number
+ |
+ ;
+ : macro_expression
+ {
+ INT32 l;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ if( !$1.Evaluate( &l ) )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_ZERODIVISION, NULL, RscId() );
+ else
+ {
+ aError = S.Top().pClass->SetRef( S.Top(), RscId( $1 ) );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ {
+ aError.Clear();
+ aError = S.Top().pClass->SetNumber( S.Top(), l );
+ }
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ { // Aufwaertskompatible, Tupel probieren
+ RSCINST aInst = GetFirstTupelEle( S.Top() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ {
+ aError.Clear(); // Fehler zuruecksetzen
+ aError = aInst.pClass->SetRef( aInst, RscId( $1 ) );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ {
+ aError.Clear();
+ aError = aInst.pClass->SetNumber( aInst, l );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( $1.IsExpression() )
+ delete $1.aExp.pExp;
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ }
+ {
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = S.Top().pClass->SetConst( S.Top(), $1.hashid, $1.nValue );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ { // Aufwaertskompatible, Tupel probieren
+ RSCINST aInst = GetFirstTupelEle( S.Top() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ {
+ aError.Clear(); // Fehler zuruecksetzen
+ aError = aInst.pClass->SetConst( aInst, $1.hashid, $1.nValue );
+ }
+ }
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ }
+ {
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = S.Top().pClass->SetNotConst( S.Top(), $2.hashid );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ { // Aufwaertskompatible, Tupel probieren
+ RSCINST aInst = GetFirstTupelEle( S.Top() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ {
+ aError.Clear(); // Fehler zuruecksetzen
+ aError = aInst.pClass->SetNotConst( aInst, $2.hashid );
+ }
+ }
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ }
+ {
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = S.Top().pClass->SetBool( S.Top(), $1 );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ { // Aufwaertskompatible, Tupel probieren
+ RSCINST aInst = GetFirstTupelEle( S.Top() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ {
+ aError.Clear(); // Fehler zuruecksetzen
+ aError = aInst.pClass->SetBool( aInst, $1 );
+ }
+ }
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ }
+ | string_multiline
+ {
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = S.Top().pClass->SetString( S.Top(), $1 );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ { // Aufwaertskompatible, Tupel probieren
+ RSCINST aInst = GetFirstTupelEle( S.Top() );
+ if( aInst.pData )
+ {
+ aError.Clear(); // Fehler zuruecksetzen
+ aError = aInst.pClass->SetString( aInst, $1 );
+ }
+ }
+ if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() );
+ }
+ ;
+ : '{' list_header list '}'
+ | '<' tupel_header0 tupel_body ';' '>'
+ | '<' tupel_header0 tupel_body ';' tupel_header1 tupel_body ';' '>'
+ | '<' tupel_header0 tupel_body ';' tupel_header1 tupel_body ';'
+ tupel_header2 tupel_body ';' '>'
+ | '<' tupel_header0 tupel_body ';' tupel_header1 tupel_body ';'
+ tupel_header2 tupel_body ';' tupel_header3 tupel_body ';' '>'
+ ;
+ : var_bodysimple
+ | var_bodycomplex
+ ;
+/********************** work on yacc stack *******************************/
+ {
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | string_multiline STRING
+ {
+ rtl::OStringBuffer aBuf( 256 );
+ aBuf.append( $1 );
+ aBuf.append( $2 );
+ $$ = (char*)pStringContainer->putString( aBuf.getStr() );
+ }
+ ;
+ : macro_expression
+ {
+ if( !$1.Evaluate( &$$ ) )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_ZERODIVISION, NULL, RscId() );
+ if( $1.IsExpression() )
+ delete $1.aExp.pExp;
+ }
+ ;
+ {
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_DEF;
+ $$.aExp.pDef = $1;
+ }
+ {
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG;
+ $$.SetLong( $1 );
+ }
+ | '-' macro_expression %prec UNARYMINUS
+ {
+ if( $2.IsNumber() ){
+ $$.cType = $2.cType;
+ $$.SetLong( - $2.GetLong() );
+ }
+ else{
+ RscExpType aLeftExp;
+ aLeftExp.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING;
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP;
+ $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( aLeftExp, '-', $2 );
+ }
+ }
+ | '+' macro_expression %prec UNARYPLUS
+ {
+ $$ = $2;
+ }
+ | macro_expression '+' macro_expression
+ {
+ if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG;
+ $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() + $3.GetLong() );
+ }
+ else{
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP;
+ $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '+', $3 );
+ }
+ }
+ | macro_expression '-' macro_expression
+ {
+ if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG;
+ $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() - $3.GetLong() );
+ }
+ else{
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP;
+ $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '-', $3 );
+ }
+ }
+ | macro_expression '*' macro_expression
+ {
+ if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG;
+ $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() * $3.GetLong() );
+ }
+ else{
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP;
+ $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '*', $3 );
+ }
+ }
+ | macro_expression '/' macro_expression
+ {
+ if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){
+ if( 0 == $3.GetLong() ){
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP;
+ $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '/', $3 );
+ }
+ else{
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG;
+ $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() / $3.GetLong() );
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP;
+ $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '/', $3 );
+ }
+ }
+ | macro_expression '&' macro_expression
+ {
+ if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG;
+ $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() & $3.GetLong() );
+ }
+ else{
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP;
+ $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '&', $3 );
+ }
+ }
+ | macro_expression '|' macro_expression
+ {
+ if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG;
+ $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() | $3.GetLong() );
+ }
+ else{
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP;
+ $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '|', $3 );
+ }
+ }
+ | '(' macro_expression ')'
+ {
+ $$ = $2;
+ }
+ | macro_expression LEFTSHIFT macro_expression
+ {
+ if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG;
+ $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() << $3.GetLong() );
+ }
+ else{
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP;
+ $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, 'l', $3 );
+ }
+ }
+ | macro_expression RIGHTSHIFT macro_expression
+ {
+ if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG;
+ $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() >> $3.GetLong() );
+ }
+ else{
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP;
+ $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, 'r', $3 );
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ : id_expression line_number
+ | macro_expression
+ { // pExpession auswerten und loeschen
+ if( RSCEXP_EXP == $1.cType ){
+ INT32 lValue;
+ if( !$1.Evaluate( &lValue ) )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_ZERODIVISION, NULL, RscId() );
+ delete $1.aExp.pExp;
+ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG;
+ $$.SetLong( lValue );
+ }
+ else
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ ;
+ {
+ }
+ |
+ {
+ }
+ ;
+ {
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ pFI->SetLineNo( $3 );
+ pFI->SetFileIndex( pTC->aFileTab.NewCodeFile( ByteString( $4 ) ) );
+ pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Get( pFI->GetFileIndex() );
+ pFName->bLoaded = TRUE;
+ pFName->bScanned = TRUE;
+ }
+ {
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ pFI->SetLineNo( $2 );
+ pFI->SetFileIndex( pTC->aFileTab.NewCodeFile( ByteString( $3 ) ) );
+ pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Get( pFI->GetFileIndex() );
+ pFName->bLoaded = TRUE;
+ pFName->bScanned = TRUE;
+ }
+ | '#' NUMBER
+ {
+ pFI->SetLineNo( $2 );
+ }
+ ;
diff --git a/rsc/source/prj/gui.cxx b/rsc/source/prj/gui.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..67d86a8b35cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/prj/gui.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sal/main.h>
+#include <rscrsc.hxx>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+/*************** G l o b a l e V a r i a b l e n **********************/
+static RscCompiler * pRscCompiler = NULL;
+/* */
+/* Function : ExitProgram() */
+/* */
+/* Description : Gibt die Temporaeren Dateien frei. */
+#if defined( UNX ) || ( defined( OS2 ) && ( defined( TCPP ) || defined ( GCC )) ) || defined (WTC) || defined (MTW) || defined(__MINGW32__)
+ void ExitProgram( void ){
+#if defined( CSET )
+ void _Optlink ExitProgram( void ){
+ void cdecl ExitProgram( void ){
+ if( pRscCompiler )
+ delete pRscCompiler;
+RscVerbosity lcl_determineVerbosity( int argc, char ** argv )
+ for ( int i = 0; i < argc; ++i )
+ {
+ if ( argv[i] == NULL )
+ continue;
+ if ( rsc_stricmp( argv[i], "-verbose" ) == 0 )
+ return RscVerbosityVerbose;
+ if ( rsc_stricmp( argv[i], "-quiet" ) == 0 )
+ return RscVerbositySilent;
+ }
+ return RscVerbosityNormal;
+#ifndef UNX
+#ifdef CSET
+ atexit( ExitProgram );
+ atexit( ExitProgram );
+ fprintf( stderr, "debugging %s\n", argv[0] );
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ InitRscCompiler();
+ RscError* pErrHdl = new RscError( lcl_determineVerbosity( argc, argv ) );
+#ifdef MTW
+ RscCmdLine* pCmdLine = new RscCmdLine( argc, (char **)argv, pErrHdl );
+ RscCmdLine* pCmdLine = new RscCmdLine( argc, argv, pErrHdl );
+ RscTypCont* pTypCont = new RscTypCont( pErrHdl,
+ pCmdLine->nByteOrder,
+ pCmdLine->aPath,
+ pCmdLine->nCommands );
+ if( pErrHdl->nErrors )
+ aError = ERR_ERROR;
+ else{
+ RscCompiler* pCompiler = new RscCompiler( pCmdLine, pTypCont );
+ pRscCompiler = pCompiler;
+ aError = pCompiler->Start();
+ pRscCompiler = NULL;
+ delete pCompiler;
+ }
+ delete pTypCont;
+ delete pCmdLine;
+ delete pErrHdl;
+ delete pHS; // wird durch InitRscCompiler erzeugt
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ return( 0 );
+ else
+ return( 1 );
+void RscExit( sal_uInt32 nExit )
+ if( nExit )
+ printf( "Program exit is %ud\n", (unsigned int)nExit );
+ exit( nExit );
diff --git a/rsc/source/prj/ b/rsc/source/prj/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..89b00a779d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/prj/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------------
+OBJFILES= $(OBJ)$/gui.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/start.obj
+APP1LIBS= $(LB)$/rsctoo.lib
+APP1OBJS= $(OBJ)$/start.obj
+.IF "$(GUI)" != "OS2"
+# why not this way?
+.IF "$(OS)"=="SCO"
+# SCO hat Probleme mit fork/exec und einigen shared libraries.
+# rsc2 muss daher statisch gelinkt werden
+APP2LIBS= $(LB)$/rsctoo.lib \
+ $(LB)$/rscres.lib \
+ $(LB)$/rscpar.lib \
+ $(LB)$/rscrsc.lib \
+ $(LB)$/rscmis.lib
+APP2OBJS= $(OBJ)$/gui.obj
+.IF "$(GUI)" != "OS2"
+# why not this way?
+# --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/rsc/source/prj/start.cxx b/rsc/source/prj/start.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a2841dd9765b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/prj/start.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#if defined (WNT) && defined (tcpp)
+#define _spawnvp spawnvp
+#define _P_WAIT P_WAIT
+#ifdef UNX
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#else // UNX
+#include <io.h>
+#include <process.h>
+#if defined ( OS2 ) && !defined ( GCC )
+#include <direct.h>
+#if !defined ( CSET ) && !defined ( OS2 )
+#include <dos.h>
+#endif // UNX
+#include <rsctools.hxx>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <sal/main.h>
+#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
+/*************** C O D E ************************************************/
+/* */
+/* Function : fuer Ansi kompatibilitaet */
+/* */
+#ifdef UNX
+#define P_WAIT 0
+ int spawnvp( int, const char * cmdname, char *const* argv ){
+ int rc(0);
+ switch( fork() ){
+ case -1:
+ return( -1 );
+ case 0:
+ if( execvp( cmdname, argv ) == -1 )
+ // an error occurs
+ return( -1 );
+ break;
+ default:
+ if( -1 == wait( &rc ) )
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+ return( WEXITSTATUS( rc ) );
+ }
+|* CallPrePro()
+|* Beschreibung
+static BOOL CallPrePro( const ByteString& rPrePro,
+ const ByteString& rInput,
+ const ByteString& rOutput,
+ RscPtrPtr * pCmdLine,
+ BOOL bResponse )
+ RscPtrPtr aNewCmdL; // Kommandozeile
+ RscPtrPtr aRespCmdL; // Kommandozeile
+ RscPtrPtr * pCmdL = &aNewCmdL;
+ int i, nExit;
+ FILE* fRspFile = NULL;
+ ByteString aRspFileName;
+ if( bResponse )
+ {
+ aRspFileName = ::GetTmpFileName();
+ fRspFile = fopen( aRspFileName.GetBuffer(), "w" );
+ }
+ if( !fRspFile )
+ aNewCmdL.Append( rsc_strdup( rPrePro.GetBuffer() ) );
+ bool bVerbose = false;
+ for( i = 1; i < int(pCmdLine->GetCount() -1); i++ )
+ {
+ if ( 0 == rsc_stricmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-verbose" ) )
+ {
+ bVerbose = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( !rsc_strnicmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-u", 2 )
+ || !rsc_strnicmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-i", 2 )
+ || !rsc_strnicmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-d", 2 )
+ )
+ {
+ aNewCmdL.Append( rsc_strdup( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ aNewCmdL.Append( rsc_strdup( rInput.GetBuffer() ) );
+ aNewCmdL.Append( rsc_strdup( rOutput.GetBuffer() ) );
+ aNewCmdL.Append( (void *)0 );
+ if ( bVerbose )
+ {
+ printf( "Preprocessor commandline: " );
+ for( i = 0; i < (int)(pCmdL->GetCount() -1); i++ )
+ {
+ printf( " " );
+ printf( "%s", (const char *)pCmdL->GetEntry( i ) );
+ }
+ printf( "\n" );
+ }
+ if( fRspFile )
+ {
+ aRespCmdL.Append( rsc_strdup( rPrePro.GetBuffer() ) );
+ ByteString aTmpStr( '@' );
+ aTmpStr += aRspFileName;
+ aRespCmdL.Append( rsc_strdup( aTmpStr.GetBuffer() ) );
+ aRespCmdL.Append( (void *)0 );
+ pCmdL = &aRespCmdL;
+ for( i = 0; i < (int)(aNewCmdL.GetCount() -1); i++ )
+ {
+#ifdef OS2
+ fprintf( fRspFile, "%s\n", (const char *)aNewCmdL.GetEntry( i ) );
+ fprintf( fRspFile, "%s ", (const char *)aNewCmdL.GetEntry( i ) );
+ }
+ fclose( fRspFile );
+ if ( bVerbose )
+ {
+ printf( "Preprocessor startline: " );
+ for( i = 0; i < (int)(pCmdL->GetCount() -1); i++ )
+ {
+ printf( " " );
+ printf( "%s", (const char *)pCmdL->GetEntry( i ) );
+ }
+ printf( "\n" );
+ }
+ }
+#if ((defined OS2 || defined WNT) && (defined TCPP || defined tcpp)) || defined UNX || defined OS2
+ nExit = spawnvp( P_WAIT, rPrePro.GetBuffer(), (char* const*)pCmdL->GetBlock() );
+#elif defined CSET
+ nExit = spawnvp( P_WAIT, (char*)rPrePro.GetBuffer(), (const char**)pCmdL->GetBlock() );
+#elif defined WTC
+ nExit = spawnvp( P_WAIT, (char*)rPrePro.GetBuffer(), (const char* const*)pCmdL->GetBlock() );
+#elif defined MTW
+ nExit = spawnvp( P_WAIT, (char*)rPrePro.GetBuffer(), (char**)pCmdL->GetBlock() );
+ nExit = spawnvp( P_WAIT, (char*)rPrePro.GetBuffer(), (const char**)pCmdL->GetBlock() );
+ if ( fRspFile )
+ fprintf( stderr, "leaving response file %s\n", aRspFileName.GetBuffer() );
+ #else
+ unlink( aRspFileName.GetBuffer() );
+ #endif
+ if ( nExit )
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+|* CallRsc2
+|* Beschreibung
+static BOOL CallRsc2( ByteString aRsc2Name,
+ RscStrList * pInputList,
+ ByteString aSrsName,
+ RscPtrPtr * pCmdLine )
+ int i, nExit;
+ ByteString* pString;
+ ByteString aRspFileName; // Response-Datei
+ FILE * fRspFile; // Response-Datei
+ aRspFileName = ::GetTmpFileName();
+ fRspFile = fopen( aRspFileName.GetBuffer(), "w" );
+ RscVerbosity eVerbosity = RscVerbosityNormal;
+ if( fRspFile )
+ {
+ for( i = 1; i < (int)(pCmdLine->GetCount() -1); i++ )
+ {
+ if ( !rsc_stricmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-verbose" ) )
+ {
+ eVerbosity = RscVerbosityVerbose;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( !rsc_stricmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-quiet" ) )
+ {
+ eVerbosity = RscVerbositySilent;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( !rsc_strnicmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-fp=", 4 )
+ || !rsc_strnicmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-fo=", 4 )
+ || !rsc_strnicmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-pp=", 4 )
+ || !rsc_strnicmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-rsc2=", 6 )
+ || !rsc_strnicmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-presponse", 9 )
+ || !rsc_strnicmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-rc", 3 )
+ || !rsc_stricmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-+" )
+ || !rsc_stricmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-br" )
+ || !rsc_stricmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-bz" )
+ || !rsc_stricmp( (char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ), "-r" )
+ // Am I the only one that thinks the following line inludes all the tests before?
+ || ( '-' != *(char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ) ) )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+#ifdef OS2
+ fprintf( fRspFile, "%s\n",
+ fprintf( fRspFile, "%s ",
+ (const char *)pCmdLine->GetEntry( i ) );
+ };
+#ifdef OS2
+ fprintf( fRspFile, "%s\n", aSrsName.GetBuffer() );
+ fprintf( fRspFile, aSrsName.GetBuffer() );
+ pString = pInputList->First();
+ while( pString )
+ {
+#ifdef OS2
+ fprintf( fRspFile, "%s\n", pString->GetBuffer() );
+ fprintf( fRspFile, " %s", pString->GetBuffer() );
+ pString = pInputList->Next();
+ };
+ fclose( fRspFile );
+ };
+ RscPtrPtr aNewCmdL; // Kommandozeile
+ aNewCmdL.Append( rsc_strdup( aRsc2Name.GetBuffer() ) );
+ ByteString aTmpStr( '@' );
+ aTmpStr += aRspFileName;
+ aNewCmdL.Append( rsc_strdup( aTmpStr.GetBuffer() ) );
+ aNewCmdL.Append( (void *)0 );
+ if ( eVerbosity >= RscVerbosityVerbose )
+ {
+ printf( "Rsc2 commandline: " );
+ printf( "%s", (const char *)aNewCmdL.GetEntry( 0 ) );
+ printf( " " );
+ printf( "%s", (const char *)aNewCmdL.GetEntry( 1 ) );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ }
+#if ((defined OS2 || defined WNT) && (defined TCPP || defined tcpp)) || defined UNX || defined OS2
+ nExit = spawnvp( P_WAIT, aRsc2Name.GetBuffer(), (char* const*)aNewCmdL.GetBlock() );
+#elif defined CSET
+ nExit = spawnvp( P_WAIT, (char*)aRsc2Name.GetBuffer(), (char **)(const char**)aNewCmdL.GetBlock() );
+#elif defined WTC
+ nExit = spawnvp( P_WAIT, (char*)aRsc2Name.GetBuffer(), (const char* const*)aNewCmdL.GetBlock() );
+#elif defined MTW
+ nExit = spawnvp( P_WAIT, (char*)aRsc2Name.GetBuffer(), (char**)aNewCmdL.GetBlock() );
+ nExit = spawnvp( P_WAIT, (char*)aRsc2Name.GetBuffer(), (const char**)aNewCmdL.GetBlock() );
+ if( fRspFile )
+ fprintf( stderr, "leaving response file %s\n", aRspFileName.GetBuffer() );
+ #else
+ unlink( aRspFileName.GetBuffer() );
+ #endif
+ if( nExit )
+ return( FALSE );
+ return( TRUE );
+|* main()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 05.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 05.09.91
+ BOOL bPrePro = TRUE;
+ BOOL bResFile = TRUE;
+ BOOL bHelp = FALSE;
+ BOOL bError = FALSE;
+ BOOL bResponse = FALSE;
+ ByteString aSolarbin(getenv("SOLARBINDIR"));
+ ByteString aDelim("/");
+ ByteString aPrePro; //( aSolarbin + aDelim + ByteString("rscpp"));
+ ByteString aRsc2Name; //( aSolarbin + aDelim + ByteString("rsc2"));
+ ByteString aSrsName;
+ ByteString aResName;
+ RscStrList aInputList;
+ RscStrList aTmpList;
+ char * pStr;
+ char ** ppStr;
+ RscPtrPtr aCmdLine; // Kommandozeile
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ ByteString* pString;
+ aPrePro = aSolarbin;
+ aPrePro += aDelim;
+ aPrePro += ByteString("rscpp");
+ aRsc2Name = aSolarbin;
+ aRsc2Name += aDelim;
+ aRsc2Name += ByteString("rsc2");
+ pStr = ::ResponseFile( &aCmdLine, argv, argc );
+ if( pStr )
+ {
+ printf( "Cannot open response file <%s>\n", pStr );
+ return( 1 );
+ };
+ ppStr = (char **)aCmdLine.GetBlock();
+ ppStr++;
+ i = 1;
+ BOOL bSetSrs = FALSE;
+ while( ppStr && i < (aCmdLine.GetCount() -1) )
+ {
+ if( '-' == **ppStr )
+ {
+ if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "p" )
+ || !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "l" ) )
+ { // kein Preprozessor
+ bPrePro = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "r" )
+ || !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "s" ) )
+ { // erzeugt kein .res-file
+ bResFile = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "h" ) )
+ { // Hilfe anzeigen
+ bHelp = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "presponse", 9 ) )
+ { // anderer Name fuer den Preprozessor
+ bResponse = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "pp=", 3 ) )
+ { // anderer Name fuer den Preprozessor
+ aPrePro = (*ppStr) + 4;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "rsc2=", 5 ) )
+ { // Accept alternate name for the rsc2 compiler
+ aRsc2Name = (*ppStr) + 6;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "fo=", 3 ) )
+ { // anderer Name fuer .res-file
+ aResName = (*ppStr) + 4;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "fp=", 3 ) )
+ { // anderer Name fuer .srs-file
+ bSetSrs = TRUE;
+ aSrsName = (*ppStr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Eingabedatei
+ aInputList.Insert( new ByteString( *ppStr ), CONTAINER_APPEND );
+ }
+ ppStr++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if( aInputList.Count() )
+ {
+ /* build the output file names */
+ if( ! aResName.Len() )
+ aResName = OutputFile( *aInputList.First(), "res" );
+ if( ! bSetSrs )
+ {
+ aSrsName = "-fp=";
+ aSrsName += OutputFile( *aInputList.First(), "srs" );
+ }
+ };
+ if( bHelp )
+ {
+ bPrePro = FALSE;
+ bResFile = FALSE;
+ };
+ if( bPrePro && aInputList.Count() )
+ {
+ ByteString aTmpName;
+ pString = aInputList.First();
+ while( pString )
+ {
+ aTmpName = ::GetTmpFileName();
+ if( !CallPrePro( aPrePro, *pString, aTmpName, &aCmdLine, bResponse ) )
+ {
+ printf( "Error starting preprocessor\n" );
+ bError = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ aTmpList.Insert( new ByteString( aTmpName ), CONTAINER_APPEND );
+ pString = aInputList.Next();
+ };
+ };
+ if( !bError )
+ {
+ if( !CallRsc2( aRsc2Name, bPrePro ? &aTmpList : &aInputList,
+ aSrsName, &aCmdLine ) )
+ {
+ if( !bHelp )
+ {
+ printf( "Error starting rsc2 compiler\n" );
+ bError = TRUE;
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ pString = aTmpList.First();
+ while( pString )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "leaving temp file %s\n", pString->GetBuffer() );
+ #else
+ unlink( pString->GetBuffer() );
+ #endif
+ pString = aTmpList.Next();
+ };
+ return( bError );
+void RscExit( sal_uInt32 nExit )
+ if( nExit )
+ printf( "Program exit is %d\n", (int)nExit );
+ exit( nExit );
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/ b/rsc/source/res/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..af63fdd0789a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+# --- Settings ------------------------------------------------------
+OBJFILES= $(OBJ)$/rscclobj.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rsccont.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rsctop.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscrange.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscconst.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscflag.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscstr.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscall.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscmgr.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscclass.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscarray.obj
+CXXFILES= rscclobj.cxx \
+ rsctop.cxx \
+ rscrange.cxx \
+ rscconst.cxx \
+ rscflag.cxx \
+ rscstr.cxx \
+ rscall.cxx \
+ rsccont.cxx \
+ rscclass.cxx \
+ rscmgr.cxx \
+ rscarray.cxx
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rscall.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rscall.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d04903ea8692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rscall.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+// Programmabhaengige Includes.
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rsckey.hxx>
+Atom nRsc_XYMAPMODEId = InvalidAtom;
+Atom nRsc_WHMAPMODEId = InvalidAtom;
+Atom nRsc_X = InvalidAtom;
+Atom nRsc_Y = InvalidAtom;
+Atom nRsc_WIDTH = InvalidAtom;
+Atom nRsc_HEIGHT = InvalidAtom;
+Atom nRsc_DELTALANG = InvalidAtom;
+Atom nRsc_DELTASYSTEM = InvalidAtom;
+Atom nRsc_EXTRADATA = InvalidAtom;
+void InitRscCompiler()
+ pStdParType = new ByteString( "( const ResId & rResId, BOOL" );
+ pStdPar1 = new ByteString( '(' );
+ pStdPar2 = new ByteString( '(' );
+ pWinParType = new ByteString( "( Window * pParent, const ResId & rResId, BOOL" );
+ pWinPar1 = new ByteString( "( pParent," );
+ pWinPar2 = new ByteString( "( this," );
+ nRefDeep = 10;
+ nRsc_XYMAPMODEId = InvalidAtom;
+ nRsc_WHMAPMODEId = InvalidAtom;
+ pHS = new AtomContainer();
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rscarray.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rscarray.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5e9023a83e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rscarray.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+// Programmabhaengige Includes.
+#include <rscconst.hxx>
+#include <rscarray.hxx>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+/****************** R s c I n s t N o d e ********************************/
+|* RscInstNode::RscInstNode()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.08.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.08.91
+RscInstNode::RscInstNode( sal_uInt32 nId )
+ nTypeId = nId;
+|* RscInstNode::~RscInstNode()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.08.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.08.91
+ if( aInst.IsInst() )
+ {
+ aInst.pClass->Destroy( aInst );
+ rtl_freeMemory( aInst.pData );
+ }
+|* RscInstNode::GetId()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.08.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.08.91
+sal_uInt32 RscInstNode::GetId() const
+ return nTypeId;
+/****************** R s c A r r a y *************************************/
+|* RscArray::RscArray()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+RscArray::RscArray( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId, RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pTypeCl )
+ : RscTop( nId, nTypeId, pSuper )
+ pTypeClass = pTypeCl;
+ nOffInstData = RscTop::Size();
+ nSize = nOffInstData + ALIGNED_SIZE( sizeof( RscArrayInst ) );
+|* RscArray::~RscArray()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+|* RscArray::~RscArray()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+RSCCLASS_TYPE RscArray::GetClassType() const
+|* RscArray::GetIndexType()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 23.12.92
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM
+RscTop * RscArray::GetTypeClass() const
+ return pTypeClass;
+|* RscArray::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+static RscInstNode * Create( RscInstNode * pNode )
+ RscInstNode * pRetNode = NULL;
+ RscInstNode * pTmpNode;
+ if( pNode )
+ {
+ pRetNode = new RscInstNode( pNode->GetId() );
+ pRetNode->aInst = pNode->aInst.pClass->Create( NULL, pNode->aInst );
+ if( (pTmpNode = Create( pNode->Left() )) != NULL )
+ pRetNode->Insert( pTmpNode );
+ if( (pTmpNode = Create( pNode->Right() )) != NULL )
+ pRetNode->Insert( pTmpNode );
+ }
+ return pRetNode;
+RSCINST RscArray::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt,
+ BOOL bOwnClass )
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ RscArrayInst * pClassData;
+ if( !pInst )
+ {
+ aInst.pClass = this;
+ aInst.pData = (CLASS_DATA) rtl_allocateMemory( Size() );
+ }
+ else
+ aInst = *pInst;
+ if( !bOwnClass && rDflt.IsInst() )
+ bOwnClass = rDflt.pClass->InHierarchy( this );
+ RscTop::Create( &aInst, rDflt, bOwnClass );
+ pClassData = (RscArrayInst *)(aInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ pClassData->pNode = NULL;
+ if( bOwnClass )
+ {
+ RscArrayInst * pDfltClassData;
+ pDfltClassData = (RscArrayInst *)(rDflt.pData + nOffInstData);
+ pClassData->pNode = ::Create( pDfltClassData->pNode );
+ }
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscArray::Destroy()
+|* Beschreibung
+static void Destroy( RscInstNode * pNode )
+ if( pNode )
+ {
+ Destroy( pNode->Left() );
+ Destroy( pNode->Right() );
+ delete pNode;
+ }
+void RscArray::Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ RscArrayInst * pClassData;
+ RscTop::Destroy( rInst );
+ pClassData = (RscArrayInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ //Baum rekursiv loeschen
+ ::Destroy( pClassData->pNode );
+|* RscArray::GetValueEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+ERRTYPE RscArray::GetValueEle
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ INT32 lValue,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst
+ RscArrayInst * pClassData;
+ RscInstNode * pNode;
+ pClassData = (RscArrayInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ Atom nId;
+ if( !pTypeClass->GetValueConst( sal_uInt32(lValue), &nId ) )
+ { // nicht gefunden
+ }
+ if( pClassData->pNode )
+ pNode = pClassData->pNode->Search( sal_uInt32(lValue) );
+ else
+ pNode = NULL;
+ if( pNode )
+ {
+ if( pNode->aInst.pClass->IsDefault( pNode->aInst ) )
+ {
+ GetSuperClass()->Destroy( pNode->aInst );
+ GetSuperClass()->Create( &pNode->aInst, rInst );
+ pNode->aInst.pClass->SetToDefault( pNode->aInst );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if( !pNode )
+ {
+ pNode = new RscInstNode( sal_uInt32(lValue) );
+ if( pCreateClass && GetSuperClass()->InHierarchy( pCreateClass ) )
+ pNode->aInst = pCreateClass->Create( NULL, rInst );
+ else
+ pNode->aInst = GetSuperClass()->Create( NULL, rInst );
+ pNode->aInst.pClass->SetToDefault( pNode->aInst );
+ if( pClassData->pNode )
+ pClassData->pNode->Insert( pNode );
+ else
+ pClassData->pNode = pNode;
+ }
+ *pGetInst = pNode->aInst;
+ return aError;
+|* RscArray::GetArrayEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+ERRTYPE RscArray::GetArrayEle
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ Atom nId,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst
+ INT32 lValue;
+ if( !pTypeClass->GetConstValue( nId, &lValue ) )
+ { // nicht gefunden
+ }
+ return GetValueEle( rInst, lValue, pCreateClass, pGetInst );
+|* RscArray::IsConsistent()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 23.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 23.09.91
+static BOOL IsConsistent( RscInstNode * pNode, RscInconsList * pList )
+ BOOL bRet = TRUE;
+ if( pNode )
+ {
+ bRet = pNode->aInst.pClass->IsConsistent( pNode->aInst, pList );
+ if( !IsConsistent( pNode->Left(), pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ if( !IsConsistent( pNode->Right(), pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ }
+ return bRet;
+BOOL RscArray::IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst, RscInconsList * pList )
+ RscArrayInst * pClassData;
+ BOOL bRet;
+ bRet = RscTop::IsConsistent( rInst, pList );
+ pClassData = (RscArrayInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( !::IsConsistent( pClassData->pNode, pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ return( bRet );
+|* RscArray::SetToDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91
+static void SetToDefault( RscInstNode * pNode )
+ if( pNode )
+ {
+ pNode->aInst.pClass->SetToDefault( pNode->aInst );
+ SetToDefault( pNode->Left() );
+ SetToDefault( pNode->Right() );
+ }
+void RscArray::SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ RscArrayInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscArrayInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ ::SetToDefault( pClassData->pNode );
+ RscTop::SetToDefault( rInst );
+|* RscArray::IsDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91
+static BOOL IsDefault( RscInstNode * pNode )
+ BOOL bRet = TRUE;
+ if( pNode )
+ {
+ bRet = pNode->aInst.pClass->IsDefault( pNode->aInst );
+ if( bRet )
+ bRet = IsDefault( pNode->Left() );
+ if( bRet )
+ bRet = IsDefault( pNode->Right() );
+ }
+ return bRet;
+BOOL RscArray::IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ RscArrayInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscArrayInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ BOOL bRet = ::IsDefault( pClassData->pNode );
+ if( bRet )
+ bRet = RscTop::IsDefault( rInst );
+ return bRet;
+|* RscArray::IsValueDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.01.92
+static BOOL IsValueDefault( RscInstNode * pNode, CLASS_DATA pDef )
+ BOOL bRet = TRUE;
+ if( pNode )
+ {
+ bRet = pNode->aInst.pClass->IsValueDefault( pNode->aInst, pDef );
+ if( bRet )
+ bRet = IsValueDefault( pNode->Left(), pDef );
+ if( bRet )
+ bRet = IsValueDefault( pNode->Right(), pDef );
+ }
+ return bRet;
+BOOL RscArray::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef )
+ RscArrayInst * pClassData;
+ BOOL bRet;
+ bRet = RscTop::IsValueDefault( rInst, pDef );
+ if( bRet )
+ {
+ pClassData = (RscArrayInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ bRet = ::IsValueDefault( pClassData->pNode, pDef );
+ }
+ return bRet;
+|* RscArray::WriteSrcHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+void RscArray::WriteSrcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const RscId & aId, const char * pVarName )
+ RscArrayInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscArrayInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( pTC->IsSrsDefault() )
+ { // nur einen Wert schreiben
+ RscInstNode * pNode = NULL;
+ if( pClassData->pNode )
+ {
+ std::vector< sal_uInt32 >::const_iterator it;
+ for( it = pTC->GetFallbacks().begin(); !pNode && it != pTC->GetFallbacks().end(); ++it )
+ pNode = pClassData->pNode->Search( *it );
+ }
+ if( pNode )
+ {
+ if( pNode->aInst.pClass->IsDefault( pNode->aInst ) )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "Default" );
+ else
+ pNode->aInst.pClass->WriteSrcHeader(
+ pNode->aInst, fOutput,
+ pTC, nTab, aId, pVarName );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if( IsDefault( rInst ) )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "Default" );
+ else
+ {
+ RSCINST aSuper( GetSuperClass(), rInst.pData );
+ aSuper.pClass->WriteSrcHeader( aSuper, fOutput, pTC,
+ nTab, aId, pVarName );
+ }
+ if( !pTC->IsSrsDefault() )
+ WriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName );
+|* RscArray::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+static void WriteSrc( RscInstNode * pNode, FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC,
+ sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * pVarName,
+ CLASS_DATA pDfltData, RscConst * pTypeClass )
+ if( pNode )
+ {
+ WriteSrc( pNode->Left(), fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName,
+ pDfltData, pTypeClass );
+ if( !pNode->aInst.pClass->IsValueDefault( pNode->aInst, pDfltData ) )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, ";\n" );
+ for( sal_uInt32 n = 0; n < nTab; n++ )
+ fputc( '\t', fOutput );
+ Atom nIdxId;
+ pTypeClass->GetValueConst( pNode->GetId(), &nIdxId );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s[ %s ] = ", pVarName, pHS->getString( nIdxId ).getStr() );
+ pNode->aInst.pClass->WriteSrcHeader( pNode->aInst, fOutput, pTC,
+ nTab, RscId(), pVarName );
+ }
+ WriteSrc( pNode->Right(), fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName,
+ pDfltData, pTypeClass );
+ }
+void RscArray::WriteSrcArray( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const char * pVarName )
+ RscArrayInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscArrayInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ ::WriteSrc( pClassData->pNode, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName,
+ rInst.pData, pTypeClass );
+void RscArray::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const char * pVarName )
+ WriteSrcArray( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName );
+|* RscArray::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+ERRTYPE RscArray::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RscArrayInst * pClassData;
+ RscInstNode * pNode = NULL;
+ pClassData = (RscArrayInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( pClassData->pNode )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "RscArray::WriteRc: Fallback " );
+ std::vector< sal_uInt32 >::const_iterator it;
+ for( it = pTC->GetFallbacks().begin(); !pNode && it != pTC->GetFallbacks().end(); ++it )
+ {
+ pNode = pClassData->pNode->Search( *it );
+ fprintf( stderr, " 0x%hx", *it );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ }
+ if( pNode )
+ aError = pNode->aInst.pClass->WriteRc( pNode->aInst, rMem, pTC,
+ nDeep, bExtra );
+ else
+ aError = RscTop::WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ return aError;
+void RscArray::WriteRcAccess
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * pName
+ GetSuperClass()->WriteRcAccess( fOutput, pTC, pName );
+|* RscClassArray::RscClassArray()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+RscClassArray::RscClassArray( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId, RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pTypeCl )
+ : RscArray( nId, nTypeId, pSuper, pTypeCl )
+|* RscClassArray::~RscClassArray()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+|* RscClassArray::WriteSrcHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+void RscClassArray::WriteSrcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const RscId & aId, const char * pName )
+ RscArray::WriteSrcHeader( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, aId, pName );
+|* RscClassArray::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+void RscClassArray::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const char * pVarName )
+ RscArray::WriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName );
+|* RscClassArray::WriteRcHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscClassArray::WriteRcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & aId,
+ sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ // Eigenen Typ schreiben
+ return GetSuperClass()->WriteRcHeader( rInst, aMem, pTC, aId,
+ nDeep, bExtra );
+|* RscLangArray::RscLangArray()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+RscLangArray::RscLangArray( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId, RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pTypeCl )
+ : RscArray( nId, nTypeId, pSuper, pTypeCl )
+|* RscLangArray::RscLangArray()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+RSCCLASS_TYPE RscLangArray::GetClassType() const
+ if( GetSuperClass() )
+ return GetSuperClass()->GetClassType();
+ else
+ return RscArray::GetClassType();
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rscclass.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rscclass.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..877d11afee83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rscclass.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1261 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+// Programmabhaengige Includes.
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+#include <rscclass.hxx>
+#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
+#include <tools/rcid.h>
+#include <tools/rc.h>
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+/****************** R s c C l a s s **************************************/
+|* RscClass::RscClass()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+RscClass::RscClass( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId, RscTop * pSuperCl )
+ : RscTop( nId, nTypeId, pSuperCl )
+ nEntries = 0;
+ pVarTypeList = NULL;
+ nSuperSize = RscTop::Size();
+ nSize = nSuperSize + ALIGNED_SIZE( sizeof( RscClassInst ) );
+|* RscClass::Pre_dtor()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+void RscClass::Pre_dtor()
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ RscTop::Pre_dtor();
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ if( pVarTypeList[ i ].pDefault )
+ {
+ pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass->Destroy(
+ RSCINST( pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass,
+ pVarTypeList[ i ].pDefault ) );
+ rtl_freeMemory( pVarTypeList[ i ].pDefault );
+ pVarTypeList[ i ].pDefault = NULL;
+ };
+ };
+|* RscClass::~RscClass()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+ if( pVarTypeList )
+ rtl_freeMemory( (void *)pVarTypeList );
+|* RscClass::GetClassType()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+RSCCLASS_TYPE RscClass::GetClassType() const
+|* RscClass::GetInstData()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.04.91
+RSCINST RscClass::GetInstData
+ sal_uInt32 nEle,
+ BOOL bGetCopy
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ aInst.pClass = pVarTypeList[ nEle ].pClass;
+ if( pData )
+ {
+ if( VAR_NODATAINST & pVarTypeList[ nEle ].nVarType )
+ {
+ aTmpI.pClass = this;
+ aTmpI.pData = pData;
+ if( bGetCopy )
+ aInst.pData = GetCopyVar(
+ aTmpI,
+ pVarTypeList[ nEle ].nDataBaseName
+ ).pData;
+ else
+ aInst.pData = GetVariable(
+ aTmpI,
+ pVarTypeList[ nEle ].nDataBaseName,
+ ).pData;
+ }
+ else if( VAR_POINTER & pVarTypeList[ nEle ].nVarType )
+ {
+ if( VAR_EXTENDABLE & pVarTypeList[ nEle ].nVarType )
+ aInst = *(RSCINST *)
+ (pData + pVarTypeList[ nEle ].nOffset);
+ else
+ aInst.pData = *(CLASS_DATA *)
+ (pData + pVarTypeList[ nEle ].nOffset);
+ }
+ else
+ aInst.pData = pData + pVarTypeList[ nEle ].nOffset;
+ };
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscClass::GetInstDflt()
+|* Beschreibung
+CLASS_DATA RscClass::GetDfltData( sal_uInt32 nEle )
+ if( pVarTypeList[ nEle ].pDefault )
+ return pVarTypeList[ nEle ].pDefault;
+ return pVarTypeList[ nEle ].pClass->GetDefault().pData;
+|* RscClass::SetVarDflt()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.07.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 22.07.91
+void RscClass::SetVarDflt( CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uInt32 nEle, BOOL bSet )
+ RscClassInst * pClass;
+ pClass = (RscClassInst *)(pData + nSuperSize );
+ if( bSet )
+ pClass->nVarDflt |= ((ULONG)1 << nEle);
+ else
+ pClass->nVarDflt &= ~((ULONG)1 << nEle);
+|* RscClass::IsDflt()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.07.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.01.92
+BOOL RscClass::IsDflt( CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uInt32 nEle )
+ RscClassInst * pClass;
+ BOOL bRet;
+ pClass = (RscClassInst *)(pData + nSuperSize );
+ if( pClass->nVarDflt & ((ULONG)1 << nEle) )
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ else
+ bRet = FALSE;
+/* {
+ //Variablenname ist Default
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( pData, nEle, TRUE );
+ if( aTmpI.IsInst() && !aTmpI.pClass->IsDefault( aTmpI ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ }
+ return bRet;
+|* RscClass::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+RSCINST RscClass::Create
+ RSCINST * pInst,
+ const RSCINST & rDflt,
+ BOOL bOwnClass
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ CLASS_DATA * ppData;
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ RSCINST aMemInst, aDfltI;
+ if( !pInst )
+ {
+ aInst.pClass = this;
+ aInst.pData = (CLASS_DATA) rtl_allocateMemory( Size() );
+ }
+ else
+ aInst = *pInst;
+ if( !bOwnClass && rDflt.IsInst() )
+ bOwnClass = rDflt.pClass->InHierarchy( this );
+ RscTop::Create( &aInst, rDflt, bOwnClass );
+ if( bOwnClass )
+ ((RscClassInst *)(aInst.pData + nSuperSize))->nVarDflt =
+ ((RscClassInst *)(rDflt.pData + nSuperSize))->nVarDflt;
+ else
+ ((RscClassInst *)(aInst.pData + nSuperSize))->nVarDflt = ~((ULONG)0);
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ aDfltI = GetInstData( bOwnClass ? rDflt.pData : NULL, i, TRUE );
+ if( (VAR_POINTER & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType)
+ && !(VAR_NODATAINST & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType) )
+ {
+ if( VAR_EXTENDABLE & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType )
+ {
+ RSCINST * pInstance = (RSCINST *)
+ (aInst.pData + pVarTypeList[ i ].nOffset );
+ pInstance->pClass = pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass;
+ ppData = &pInstance->pData;
+ }
+ else
+ ppData = (CLASS_DATA* )
+ (aInst.pData + pVarTypeList[ i ].nOffset );
+ *ppData = NULL;
+ if( aDfltI.IsInst() )
+ {
+ aMemInst = pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass->Create( NULL, aDfltI );
+ *ppData = aMemInst.pData;
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aMemInst = GetInstData( aInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ aMemInst = aMemInst.pClass->Create( &aMemInst, aDfltI );
+ };
+ }
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscClass::Destroy()
+|* Beschreibung
+void RscClass::Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ RscTop::Destroy( rInst );
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ if( !(pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType & VAR_NODATAINST) )
+ {
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ if( aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ {
+ // Objekt loeschen
+ aTmpI.pClass->Destroy( aTmpI );
+ if( pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType & VAR_POINTER )
+ {
+ // Speicher freigeben
+ rtl_freeMemory( aTmpI.pData );
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ };
+|* RscClass::SetVariable()
+|* Beschreibung
+ERRTYPE RscClass::SetVariable
+ Atom nVarName,
+ RscTop * pClass,
+ RSCINST * pDflt,
+ RSCVAR nVarType,
+ sal_uInt32 nMask,
+ Atom nDataBaseName
+ if( pVarTypeList )
+ pVarTypeList = (VARTYPE_STRUCT *)
+ rtl_reallocateMemory( (void *)pVarTypeList,
+ ((nEntries +1) * sizeof( VARTYPE_STRUCT )) );
+ else
+ pVarTypeList = (VARTYPE_STRUCT *)
+ rtl_allocateMemory( ((nEntries +1)
+ * sizeof( VARTYPE_STRUCT )) );
+ pVarTypeList[ nEntries ].nVarName = nVarName;
+ pVarTypeList[ nEntries ].nMask = nMask;
+ pVarTypeList[ nEntries ].pClass = pClass;
+ pVarTypeList[ nEntries ].nOffset = nSize;
+ pVarTypeList[ nEntries ].nDataBaseName = nDataBaseName;
+ if( pDflt )
+ pVarTypeList[ nEntries ].pDefault = pDflt->pData;
+ else
+ pVarTypeList[ nEntries ].pDefault = NULL;
+ pVarTypeList[ nEntries ].nVarType = ~VAR_POINTER & nVarType;
+ if( pClass->Size() > 10 || (nVarType & VAR_EXTENDABLE) )
+ pVarTypeList[ nEntries ].nVarType |= VAR_POINTER;
+ if( !(pVarTypeList[ nEntries ].nVarType & VAR_NODATAINST) )
+ {
+ if( pVarTypeList[ nEntries ].nVarType & VAR_POINTER )
+ {
+ if( pVarTypeList[ nEntries ].nVarType & VAR_EXTENDABLE )
+ nSize += sizeof( RSCINST );
+ else
+ nSize += sizeof( CLASS_DATA );
+ }
+ else
+ nSize += pClass->Size();
+ }
+ nEntries++;
+ if( nEntries > (sizeof( ULONG ) * 8) )
+ {
+ // Bereich fuer Default zu klein
+ RscExit( 16 );
+ };
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscClass::EnumVariable()
+|* Beschreibung
+void RscClass::EnumVariables( void * pData, VarEnumCallbackProc pProc )
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ RscTop::EnumVariables( pData, pProc );
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i ++ )
+ {
+ if( !(pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType & VAR_NOENUM) )
+ (*pProc)( pData, pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass->GetClassType(),
+ pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName );
+ }
+|* RscClass::GetVariable()
+|* Beschreibung
+RSCINST RscClass::GetVariable
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ Atom nVarName,
+ const RSCINST & rInitInst,
+ BOOL bInitDflt,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ while( i < nEntries && pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName != nVarName )
+ i++;
+ if( i < nEntries )
+ {
+ if( VAR_NODATAINST & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType )
+ {
+ aTmpI = GetVariable( rInst,
+ pVarTypeList[ i ].nDataBaseName,
+ RSCINST() );
+ aTmpI.pClass = pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Default Instanz generieren
+ RSCINST aDefInst = rInitInst;
+ if( !aDefInst.IsInst() && bInitDflt )
+ {
+ // mit dem Variablen-Default besetzen
+ aDefInst.pData = pVarTypeList[ i ].pDefault;
+ aDefInst.pClass = pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass;
+ }
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i );
+ if( aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ {
+ if( aDefInst.IsInst() )
+ {
+ aTmpI.pClass->Destroy( aTmpI );
+ aTmpI.pClass->Create( &aTmpI, aDefInst );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { // Wird ueber Zeiger angegeben
+ if( VAR_EXTENDABLE & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType )
+ {
+ RSCINST * pInst = (RSCINST *)
+ (rInst.pData + pVarTypeList[ i ].nOffset );
+ if( pCreateClass && pCreateClass->InHierarchy( aTmpI.pClass ) )
+ *pInst = pCreateClass->Create( NULL, aDefInst );
+ else
+ *pInst = aTmpI.pClass->Create( NULL, aDefInst );
+ aTmpI = *pInst;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CLASS_DATA * ppData
+ = (CLASS_DATA *)(rInst.pData + pVarTypeList[ i ].nOffset);
+ aTmpI = aTmpI.pClass->Create( NULL, aDefInst );
+ *ppData = aTmpI.pData;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // auf nicht Default setzen
+ SetVarDflt( rInst.pData, i, FALSE );
+ return( aTmpI );
+ };
+ return( RscTop::GetVariable( rInst, nVarName, rInitInst,
+ bInitDflt, pCreateClass ) );
+|* RscClass::GetCopyVar()
+|* Beschreibung
+RSCINST RscClass::GetCopyVar
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ Atom nVarName
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ while( i < nEntries && pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName != nVarName )
+ i++;
+ if( i < nEntries )
+ {
+ if( VAR_NODATAINST & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType )
+ {
+ aVarI = GetCopyVar( rInst, pVarTypeList[ i ].nDataBaseName );
+ aVarI.pClass = pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( IsDflt( rInst.pData, i ) )
+ {
+ // mit Variablen Default initialiaieren
+ aVarI = GetVariable( rInst, nVarName, RSCINST(), TRUE );
+ SetVarDflt( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ }
+ else
+ aVarI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ };
+ return aVarI ;
+ };
+ return RscTop::GetCopyVar( rInst, nVarName );
+|* RscClass::IsConsistent()
+|* Beschreibung
+BOOL RscClass::IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst, RscInconsList * pList )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ BOOL bRet;
+ bRet = RscTop::IsConsistent( rInst, pList );
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ if( !(VAR_NODATAINST & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType) )
+ {
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ if( aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ if( ! aTmpI.pClass->IsConsistent( aTmpI, pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ }
+ };
+ return( bRet );
+|* RscClass::SetToDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+void RscClass::SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ RscClassInst * pClass;
+ pClass = (RscClassInst *)(rInst.pData + nSuperSize );
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ // Variablen ohne eigenen Speicher werden vom "Datenserver"
+ // auf Default gesetzt
+ if( !(VAR_NODATAINST & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType) )
+ {
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ if( aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ aTmpI.pClass->SetToDefault( aTmpI );
+ }
+ }
+ pClass->nVarDflt = ~((ULONG)0); // alles auf Default
+ RscTop::SetToDefault( rInst );
+|* RscClass::IsDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+BOOL RscClass::IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ // Variablen ohne eigenen Speicher werden vom "Datenserver"
+ // auf Default untersucht
+ if( !(VAR_NODATAINST & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType) )
+ if( !IsDflt( rInst.pData, i ) )
+ return( FALSE );
+ };
+ return( RscTop::IsDefault( rInst ) );
+|* RscClass::GetDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+RSCINST RscClass::GetDefault( Atom nVarId )
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ i = 0;
+ while( i < nEntries && pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName != nVarId )
+ i++;
+ if( i < nEntries )
+ {
+ aTmpI.pClass = pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass;
+ aTmpI.pData = GetDfltData( i );
+ return( aTmpI );
+ };
+ return( RscTop::GetDefault( nVarId ) );
+|* RscClass::IsValueDflt()
+|* Beschreibung
+BOOL RscClass::IsValueDflt( CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uInt32 nEle )
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( pData, nEle, TRUE );
+ if( aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ {
+ if( VAR_SVDYNAMIC & pVarTypeList[ nEle ].nVarType )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( aTmpI.pClass == pVarTypeList[ nEle ].pClass )
+ //sie haben auch die gleiche Klasse
+ return aTmpI.pClass->IsValueDefault( aTmpI, GetDfltData( nEle ) );
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscClass::IsValueDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+BOOL RscClass::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ if( !RscTop::IsValueDefault( rInst, pDef ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( pDef )
+ {
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ if( aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ {
+ if( aTmpI.pClass != pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass )
+ //sie haben nicht die gleiche Klasse
+ return FALSE;
+ aDfltI = GetInstData( pDef, i, TRUE );
+ if( !aDfltI.IsInst() )
+ aDfltI.pData = GetDfltData( i );
+ if( !aTmpI.pClass->IsValueDefault( aTmpI, aDfltI.pData ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscClass::SetDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+void RscClass::SetDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nVarName )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ while( i < nEntries && pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName != nVarName )
+ i++;
+ if( i < nEntries )
+ {
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ if( aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ {
+ aTmpI.pClass->Destroy( aTmpI );
+ aTmpI.pClass->Create( &aTmpI, RSCINST() );
+ SetVarDflt( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ else //In Superklasse nach Variable suchen
+ RscTop::SetDefault( rInst, nVarName );
+|* RscClass::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+void RscClass::WriteSrc
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC,
+ sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const char * pVarName
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0, n = 0;
+ RscTop::WriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName );
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ if( !(VAR_HIDDEN & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType) )
+ {
+ // Hack wegen Position und Dimensiuon
+ if( nRsc_XYMAPMODEId == pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName
+ || nRsc_WHMAPMODEId == pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName )
+ {
+ if( !IsDflt( rInst.pData, i ) //MapUnit
+ || !IsDflt( rInst.pData, i+1 ) //X, Width
+ || !IsDflt( rInst.pData, i+2 ) )//Y, Height
+ {// ein Wert ist nicht Default
+ for( n = 0; n < nTab; n++ )
+ fputc( '\t', fOutput );
+ if( nRsc_XYMAPMODEId == pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "Pos = " );
+ else
+ fprintf( fOutput, "Size = " );
+ if( !IsDflt( rInst.pData, i ) )
+ {
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ aTmpI.pClass->WriteSrcHeader(
+ aTmpI, fOutput, pTC, nTab, RscId(), pVarName );
+ }
+ fprintf( fOutput, "( " );
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i+1, TRUE );
+ if( !aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ aTmpI.pData = GetDfltData( i+1 );
+ aTmpI.pClass->WriteSrcHeader(
+ aTmpI, fOutput, pTC, nTab, RscId(), pVarName );
+ fprintf( fOutput, ", " );
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i+2, TRUE );
+ if( !aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ aTmpI.pData = GetDfltData( i+2 );
+ aTmpI.pClass->WriteSrcHeader(
+ aTmpI, fOutput, pTC, nTab, RscId(), pVarName );
+ fprintf( fOutput, " );\n" );
+ }
+ i += 2; //_X, _Y oder _Widht, Height ueberlesen
+ }
+ else if( !IsDflt( rInst.pData, i )
+ && !IsValueDflt( rInst.pData, i ) )
+ {
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ if( aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ {
+ const char * pName = pHS->getString( pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName ).getStr();
+ for( n = 0; n < nTab; n++ )
+ fputc( '\t', fOutput );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s", pName );
+ fprintf( fOutput, " = " );
+ aTmpI.pClass->WriteSrcHeader(
+ aTmpI, fOutput, pTC, nTab, RscId(), pName );
+ fprintf( fOutput, ";\n" );
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ return;
+|* RscClass::WriteInstRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+INT32 RscClass::GetCorrectValues
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ sal_uInt32 nVarPos,
+ sal_uInt32 nTupelIdx,
+ RscTypCont * pTC
+ INT32 nLang = 0;
+ INT32 nBaseValue;
+ // Basiswert holen
+ RSCINST aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, nVarPos, TRUE );
+ aTmpI.pClass->GetNumber( aTmpI, &nBaseValue );
+ // Sprach Delta holen
+ aTmpI = rInst.pClass->GetVariable( rInst, nRsc_DELTALANG, RSCINST() );
+ if( aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ {
+ RscWriteRc aMem;
+ aTmpI.pClass->WriteRc( aTmpI, aMem, pTC, 0, FALSE );
+ nLang = (INT32)aMem.GetShort( nTupelIdx * sizeof(sal_uInt16) );
+ }
+ return nLang + nBaseValue;
+ERRTYPE RscClass::WriteInstRc
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC,
+ sal_uInt32 nDeep,
+ BOOL bExtra
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ sal_uInt32 nMaskOff = 0;// Offset um Maskenfeld zu addressieren
+ // Wenn eine Variable Maskierung hat, dann Maskenfeld
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ if( pVarTypeList[ i ].nMask )
+ {
+ nMaskOff = rMem.Size();
+ rMem.Put( sal_uInt32(0) );
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries && aError.IsOk(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( !((VAR_NODATAINST | VAR_NORC) & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType ))
+ {
+ if( pVarTypeList[ i ].nMask )
+ {
+ if( !IsDflt( rInst.pData, i ) )
+ {
+ if( nRsc_X == pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName )
+ {
+ INT32 nVal = GetCorrectValues( rInst, i, 0, pTC );
+ rMem.Put( nVal );
+ }
+ else if( nRsc_Y == pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName )
+ {
+ INT32 nVal = GetCorrectValues( rInst, i, 1, pTC );
+ rMem.Put( nVal );
+ }
+ else if( nRsc_WIDTH == pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName )
+ {
+ INT32 nVal = GetCorrectValues( rInst, i, 2, pTC );
+ rMem.Put( nVal );
+ }
+ else if( nRsc_HEIGHT == pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName )
+ {
+ INT32 nVal = GetCorrectValues( rInst, i, 3, pTC );
+ rMem.Put( nVal );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ // Nur an Variable Extradata bExtra nicht auf FALSE
+ // setzen
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->
+ WriteRcHeader( aTmpI, rMem, pTC,
+ RscId(), nDeep,
+ == pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName)
+ ? bExtra : FALSE );
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 nMask = rMem.GetLong( nMaskOff );
+ nMask |= pVarTypeList[ i ].nMask;
+ rMem.PutAt( nMaskOff, nMask );
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if( IsDflt( rInst.pData, i ) )
+ {
+ aTmpI.pClass = pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass;
+ aTmpI.pData = GetDfltData( i );
+ }
+ else
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ // Nur an Variable Extradata bExtra nicht auf FALSE
+ // setzen
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->
+ WriteRcHeader( aTmpI, rMem, pTC,
+ RscId(), nDeep,
+ == pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName)
+ ? bExtra : FALSE );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return( aError );
+|* RscClass::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+ERRTYPE RscClass::WriteRc
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC,
+ sal_uInt32 nDeep,
+ BOOL bExtra
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = RscTop::WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = WriteInstRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ return( aError );
+|* RscClass::WriteSyntax()
+|* Beschreibung
+void RscClass::WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC )
+ RscTop::WriteSyntax( fOutput, pTC );
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ // Wenn eine Variable Maskierung hat, dann Maskenfeld
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t//%s\n", pHS->getString( GetId() ).getStr() );
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t%s", pHS->getString( pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName ).getStr() );
+ sal_uInt32 n = strlen( pHS->getString( pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName ).getStr() );
+ while( n < 20 )
+ {
+ putc( ' ', fOutput );
+ n++;
+ }
+ fprintf( fOutput, " = %s;\n",
+ pHS->getString( pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass->GetId() ).getStr() );
+ };
+void RscClass::WriteRcAccess
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * /*pTC*/,
+ const char * pName
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tSet%s( %s ", pName, pHS->getString( GetId() ).getStr() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s ", aCallPar2.GetBuffer() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "ResId( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)(pResData+nOffset) ) ) );\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tnOffset += GetObjSizeRes( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)(pResData+nOffset) );\n" );
+void RscClass::WriteRcCtor( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC )
+ if( GetId() != InvalidAtom )
+ {
+ // Konstruktor
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s::%s%s bFreeResource )",
+ pHS->getString( GetId() ).getStr(),
+ pHS->getString( GetId() ).getStr(),
+ aCallParType.GetBuffer() );
+ if( GetSuperClass() )
+ {
+ // Superaufruf
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\n\t: %s", pHS->getString( GetSuperClass()->GetId() ).getStr() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s", GetSuperClass()->aCallPar1.GetBuffer() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, " rResId.SetRT2( 0x%lx ) )",
+ sal::static_int_cast< unsigned long >(GetTypId()) );
+ }
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\n{\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\tsal_uInt32\tnObjMask;\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\tsal_uInt32\tnOffset = 0;\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\tBYTE *\tpResData;\n\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\tpResData = (BYTE *)GetClassRes();\n\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\tnObjMask = *(sal_uInt32*)pResData;\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\tnOffset += 4;\n\n" );
+ for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ if( !((VAR_NODATAINST | VAR_NORC) & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType ))
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\tif( nObjMask & 0x%lx )\n\t{\n",
+ sal::static_int_cast< unsigned long >(
+ pVarTypeList[ i ].nMask) );
+ pVarTypeList[ i ].pClass->WriteRcAccess( fOutput, pTC,
+ pHS->getString( pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarName ).getStr() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t}\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\tIncrementRes( nOffset );\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\tif( bFreeResource )\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tFreeResource();\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "}\n\n" );
+ }
+|* RscSysDepend::RscSysDepend()
+|* Beschreibung
+RscSysDepend::RscSysDepend( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId, RscTop * pSuper )
+ : RscClass( nId, nTypeId, pSuper )
+|* RscSysDepend::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+ERRTYPE RscSysDepend::WriteSysDependRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra, BOOL bFirst )
+ sal_uInt32 nId = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RSCINST aFileName;
+ //Instanz mit dem Dateinamen "FILENAME" holen
+ aFileName = RscClass::GetCopyVar( rInst, pHS->getID( "FILE", true ) );
+ if( aFileName.IsInst() )
+ {
+ RscWriteRc aTmpMem;
+ aError = aFileName.pClass->WriteRcHeader( aFileName, aTmpMem, pTC,
+ RscId(), nDeep, bExtra );
+ // Obsolete - need changes in VCL
+ rMem.Put( sal_uInt32(0) );
+ // Identifier schreiben
+ if( aTmpMem.Size() && pTC && (*aTmpMem.GetUTF8( 0 ) != '\0') )
+ {
+ nId = pTC->PutSysName( rInst.pClass->GetTypId(),
+ aTmpMem.GetUTF8( 0 ),
+ 0, 0, bFirst );
+ }
+ rMem.Put( nId );
+ aError = aFileName.pClass->WriteRcHeader( aFileName, rMem, pTC,
+ RscId(), nDeep, bExtra );
+ }
+ else
+ aError = ERR_ERROR;
+ return( aError );
+|* RscSysDepend::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+ERRTYPE RscSysDepend::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ ERRTYPE aError = RscClass::WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ if( this == rInst.pClass )
+ // nur wenn es eigen Klasse ist
+ aError = WriteSysDependRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ return aError;
+|* RscFirstSysDepend::RscFirstSysDepend()
+|* Beschreibung
+RscFirstSysDepend::RscFirstSysDepend( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId,
+ RscTop * pSuper )
+ : RscSysDepend( nId, nTypeId, pSuper )
+|* RscFirstSysDepend::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+ERRTYPE RscFirstSysDepend::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ ERRTYPE aError = RscClass::WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ aError = WriteSysDependRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra, TRUE );
+ return aError;
+|* RscTupel::RscTupel()
+|* Beschreibung
+RscTupel::RscTupel( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId, RscTop * pSuper )
+ : RscClass( nId, nTypeId, pSuper )
+|* RscTupel::GetTupelVar()
+|* Beschreibung
+RSCINST RscTupel::GetTupelVar( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos,
+ const RSCINST & rInitInst )
+ if( nPos >= nEntries )
+ {
+ return RSCINST();
+ }
+ else
+ return GetVariable( rInst, pVarTypeList[ nPos ].nVarName, rInitInst );
+|* RscTupel::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+void RscTupel::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const char * pVarName )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ RscTop::WriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "< " );
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ if( !(VAR_HIDDEN & pVarTypeList[ i ].nVarType) )
+ {
+ if( !IsDflt( rInst.pData, i )
+ && !IsValueDflt( rInst.pData, i ) )
+ {
+ aTmpI = GetInstData( rInst.pData, i, TRUE );
+ if( aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ aTmpI.pClass->WriteSrcHeader(
+ aTmpI, fOutput, pTC, nTab, RscId(), pVarName );
+ else
+ fprintf( fOutput, "Default" );
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf( fOutput, "Default" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "; " );
+ };
+ };
+ fprintf( fOutput, ">" );
+ return;
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rscclobj.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rscclobj.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b2632a73857c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rscclobj.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+// Solar Definitionen
+#include <tools/solar.h>
+// Programmabhaengige Includes.
+#include <rscclobj.hxx>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+/****************** R e f N o d e ****************************************/
+|* RefNode::RefNode()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.05.91
+RefNode::RefNode( Atom nTyp ){
+ pObjBiTree = 0;
+ nTypNameId = nTyp;
+|* RefNode::GetId()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+sal_uInt32 RefNode::GetId() const
+ return( nTypNameId );
+|* RefNode::PutObjNode()
+|* Beschreibung NAME.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 21.03.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90
+BOOL RefNode::PutObjNode( ObjNode * pPutObject ){
+// insert a node in the b-tree pObjBiTree
+// if the node with the same name is in pObjBiTree,
+// return FALSE and no insert,
+ if( pObjBiTree )
+ return( pObjBiTree->Insert( pPutObject ) );
+ pObjBiTree = pPutObject;
+ return( TRUE );
+/****************** O b j N o d e ****************************************/
+|* RefNode::GetObjNode()
+|* Beschreibung NAME.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 21.03.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90
+ObjNode * RefNode :: GetObjNode( const RscId & rRscId ){
+// insert a node in the b-tree pObjBiTree
+// if the node with the same name is in pObjBiTree,
+// return NULL and no insert,
+// if not return the pointer to the Object
+ if( pObjBiTree )
+ return( pObjBiTree->Search( rRscId ) );
+ return( NULL );
+|* ObjNode::ObjNode()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91
+ObjNode::ObjNode( const RscId & rId, CLASS_DATA pData, ULONG lKey ){
+ pRscObj = pData;
+ aRscId = rId;
+ lFileKey = lKey;
+|* ObjNode::DelObjNode()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91
+ObjNode * ObjNode::DelObjNode( RscTop * pClass, ULONG nFileKey ){
+ ObjNode * pRetNode = this;
+ if( Right() )
+ pRight = ((ObjNode *)Right())->DelObjNode( pClass, nFileKey );
+ if( Left() )
+ pLeft = ((ObjNode *)Left())->DelObjNode( pClass, nFileKey );
+ if( GetFileKey() == nFileKey ){
+ if( GetRscObj() ){
+ pClass->Destroy( RSCINST( pClass, GetRscObj() ) );
+ rtl_freeMemory( GetRscObj() );
+ }
+ pRetNode = (ObjNode *)Right();
+ if( pRetNode ){
+ if( Left() )
+ pRetNode->Insert( (ObjNode *)Left() );
+ }
+ else
+ pRetNode = (ObjNode *)Left();
+ delete this;
+ }
+ return pRetNode;
+|* ObjNode::GetId()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+sal_uInt32 ObjNode::GetId() const
+ return( (sal_uInt32)(long)aRscId );
+|* ObjNode::IsConsistent()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 23.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 23.09.91
+BOOL ObjNode::IsConsistent( RscInconsList * pList )
+ BOOL bRet = TRUE;
+ if( (long)aRscId > 0x7FFF || (long)aRscId < 1 )
+ {
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ if( pList )
+ pList->Insert( new RscInconsistent( aRscId, aRscId ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( Left() )
+ {
+ if( !((ObjNode *)Left())->IsConsistent( pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ if( ((ObjNode *)Left())->aRscId >= aRscId )
+ {
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ if( pList )
+ pList->Insert(
+ new RscInconsistent( ((ObjNode *)Left())->GetRscId(),
+ GetRscId() ) );
+ }
+ };
+ if( Right() )
+ {
+ if( ((ObjNode *)Right())->aRscId <= aRscId )
+ {
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ if( pList )
+ pList->Insert(
+ new RscInconsistent( GetRscId(),
+ ((ObjNode *)Right())->GetRscId() ) );
+ }
+ if( !((ObjNode *)Right())->IsConsistent( pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ };
+ };
+ return( bRet );
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rscconst.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rscconst.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3961cbd539de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rscconst.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstring>
+// Solar Definitionen
+#include <tools/solar.h>
+// Programmabhaengige Includes.
+#include <rscconst.hxx>
+#include <rscall.h>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <tools/resid.hxx>
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+/****************** R s c C o n s t **************************************/
+|* RscConst::RscConst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.05.91
+RscConst::RscConst( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId )
+ : RscTop( nId, nTypeId )
+ pVarArray = NULL;
+ nEntries = 0;
+|* RscConst::~RscConst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.05.91
+ if( pVarArray )
+ rtl_freeMemory( (void *)pVarArray );
+|* RscConst::GetClassType()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.05.91
+RSCCLASS_TYPE RscConst::GetClassType() const
+|* RscConst::SetConstance()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscConst::SetConstant( Atom nVarName, INT32 lValue ){
+ if( pVarArray )
+ pVarArray = (VarEle *)
+ rtl_reallocateMemory( (void *)pVarArray,
+ ((nEntries +1) * sizeof( VarEle )) );
+ else
+ pVarArray = (VarEle *)
+ rtl_allocateMemory( ((nEntries +1) * sizeof( VarEle )) );
+ pVarArray[ nEntries ].nId = nVarName;
+ pVarArray[ nEntries ].lValue = lValue;
+ nEntries++;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscConst::GetConstance()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91
+Atom RscConst::GetConstant( sal_uInt32 nPos ){
+ if( nPos < nEntries )
+ return pVarArray[ nPos ].nId;
+ return( InvalidAtom );
+|* RscConst::GetConstValue()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91
+BOOL RscConst::GetConstValue( Atom nConst, INT32 * pValue ) const
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ if( pVarArray[ i ].nId == nConst )
+ {
+ *pValue = pVarArray[ i ].lValue;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+|* RscConst::GetValueConst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91
+BOOL RscConst::GetValueConst( INT32 lValue, Atom * pConst ) const
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ if( pVarArray[ i ].lValue == lValue )
+ {
+ *pConst = pVarArray[ i ].nId;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+|* RscConst::GetConstPos()
+|* Beschreibung Sucht die Position der Konstanten
+|* Return = nEntries, nicht gefunden
+|* Return = Position im Feld
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+sal_uInt32 RscConst::GetConstPos( Atom nConst )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ if( pVarArray[ i ].nId == nConst )
+ return( i );
+ }
+ return( nEntries );
+|* RscEnum::WriteSyntax()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+void RscConst::WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC )
+ RscTop::WriteSyntax( fOutput, pTC );
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ // Wenn eine Variable Maskierung hat, dann Maskenfeld
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t" );
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s, ", pHS->getString( pVarArray[ i ].nId ).getStr() );
+ if( 3 == (i % 4) && i < sal_uInt32(nEntries -1) )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\n\t" );
+ };
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\n" );
+void RscConst::WriteRcAccess
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * /*pTC*/,
+ const char * pName
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tSet%s( %s( ", pName, pHS->getString( GetId() ).getStr() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "*(short*)(pResData+nOffset) ) );\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tnOffset += sizeof( short );\n" );
+/****************** R s c E n u m ****************************************/
+|* RscEnum::RscEnum()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+RscEnum::RscEnum( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId )
+ : RscConst( nId, nTypeId )
+ nSize = ALIGNED_SIZE( sizeof( RscEnumInst ) );
+|* RscEnum::SetConst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscEnum::SetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nConst, INT32 /*nVal*/ )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ if( nEntries != (i = GetConstPos( nConst )) )
+ {
+ ((RscEnumInst *)rInst.pData)->nValue = i;
+ ((RscEnumInst *)rInst.pData)->bDflt = FALSE;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+ };
+ return( ERR_RSCENUM );
+|* RscEnum::SetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 18.07.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.07.91
+ERRTYPE RscEnum::SetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 lValue )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ ){
+ if( (INT32)pVarArray[ i ].lValue == lValue )
+ return( SetConst( rInst, pVarArray[ i ].nId, lValue ) );
+ };
+ return( ERR_RSCENUM );
+|* RscEnum::GetConst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscEnum::GetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom * pH ){
+ *pH = pVarArray[ ((RscEnumInst *)rInst.pData)->nValue ].nId;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscEnum::GetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 16.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.09.91
+ERRTYPE RscEnum::GetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 * pNumber ){
+ *pNumber = pVarArray[ ((RscEnumInst *)rInst.pData)->nValue ].lValue;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscEnum::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+RSCINST RscEnum::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt, BOOL bOwnClass ){
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ if( !pInst ){
+ aInst.pClass = this;
+ aInst.pData = (CLASS_DATA)
+ rtl_allocateMemory( sizeof( RscEnumInst ) );
+ }
+ else
+ aInst = *pInst;
+ if( !bOwnClass && rDflt.IsInst() )
+ bOwnClass = rDflt.pClass->InHierarchy( this );
+ if( bOwnClass )
+ memmove( aInst.pData, rDflt.pData, Size() );
+ else{
+ ((RscEnumInst *)aInst.pData)->nValue = 0;
+ ((RscEnumInst *)aInst.pData)->bDflt = TRUE;
+ }
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscEnum::IsValueDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.01.92
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.01.92
+BOOL RscEnum::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef ){
+ if( pDef ){
+ if( ((RscEnumInst*)rInst.pData)->nValue ==
+ ((RscEnumInst*)pDef)->nValue )
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+|* RscEnum::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+void RscEnum::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, const char * )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s", pHS->getString(
+ pVarArray[ ((RscEnumInst *)rInst.pData)->nValue ].nId ).getStr() );
+|* RscEnum::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscEnum::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, BOOL )
+ aMem.Put( (INT32)pVarArray[ ((RscEnumInst *)rInst.pData)->nValue ].lValue );
+ return( ERR_OK );
+ : RscEnum( pHS->getID( "LangEnum" ), RSC_NOTYPE ),
+ mnLangId( 0x400 )
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rsccont.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rsccont.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..072c5feaa31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rsccont.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1179 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+// Programmabh�ngige Includes.
+#include <rsccont.hxx>
+#include <tools/rcid.h>
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+/****************** E N T R Y S T R U C T ********************************/
+|* ENTRYSTRUCT::Destroy()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.08.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.08.91
+void ENTRY_STRUCT::Destroy()
+ aName.Destroy();
+ if( aInst.IsInst() ){
+ aInst.pClass->Destroy( aInst );
+ rtl_freeMemory( aInst.pData );
+ };
+/****************** R s c B a s e C o n t ********************************/
+|* RscBaseCont::RscBaseCont()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+RscBaseCont::RscBaseCont( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId, RscTop * pSuper,
+ BOOL bNoIdent )
+ : RscTop( nId, nTypeId, pSuper ),
+ nSize( 0 )
+ pTypeClass = NULL;
+ pTypeClass1 = NULL;
+ bNoId = bNoIdent;
+ nOffInstData = RscTop::Size();
+ nSize = nOffInstData + ALIGNED_SIZE( sizeof( RscBaseContInst ) );
+|* RscBaseCont::~RscBaseCont()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+|* RscBaseCont::GetClassType()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+RSCCLASS_TYPE RscBaseCont::GetClassType() const
+|* DestroyElements()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+void RscBaseCont::DestroyElements( RscBaseContInst * pClassData )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ if( pClassData->nEntries ){
+ for( i = 0; i < pClassData->nEntries; i++ ){
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].Destroy();
+ };
+ rtl_freeMemory( pClassData->pEntries );
+ pClassData->pEntries = NULL;
+ pClassData->nEntries = 0;
+ };
+|* RscBaseCont::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+RSCINST RscBaseCont::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt,
+ BOOL bOwnClass )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ if( !pInst ){
+ aInst.pClass = this;
+ aInst.pData = (CLASS_DATA) rtl_allocateMemory( Size() );
+ }
+ else
+ aInst = *pInst;
+ if( !bOwnClass && rDflt.IsInst() )
+ bOwnClass = rDflt.pClass->InHierarchy( this );
+ RscTop::Create( &aInst, rDflt, bOwnClass );
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(aInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ pClassData->nEntries = 0;
+ pClassData->pEntries = NULL;
+ pClassData->bDflt = TRUE;
+ if( bOwnClass ){
+ RscBaseContInst * pDfltClassData;
+ pDfltClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rDflt.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( 0 != pDfltClassData->nEntries ){
+ *pClassData = *pDfltClassData;
+ pClassData->pEntries =
+ (ENTRY_STRUCT *)rtl_allocateMemory( sizeof( ENTRY_STRUCT )
+ * pClassData->nEntries );
+ for( i = 0; i < pClassData->nEntries; i++ ){
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].Create();
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName =
+ pDfltClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName;
+ aDfltI = pDfltClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst;
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst =
+ aDfltI.pClass->Create( NULL, aDfltI );
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscBaseCont::Destroy()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.05.91
+void RscBaseCont::Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ RscTop::Destroy( rInst);
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ DestroyElements( pClassData );
+|* RscBaseCont::SearchEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 17.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 17.05.91
+RSCINST RscBaseCont::SearchElePos( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rEleName,
+ RscTop * pClass, sal_uInt32 nPos )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( !pClass )
+ pClass = pTypeClass;
+ if( rEleName.IsId() ){
+ for( i = nPos; i < pClassData->nEntries; i++ ){
+ if( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName == rEleName
+ && pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst.pClass == pClass )
+ {
+ return( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscBaseCont::SearchEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 17.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 17.05.91
+RSCINST RscBaseCont::SearchEle( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rEleName,
+ RscTop * pClass )
+ return SearchElePos( rInst, rEleName, pClass, 0 );
+|* RscBaseCont::GetElement()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscBaseCont::GetElement( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rEleName,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass,
+ const RSCINST & rCreateInst, RSCINST * pGetInst )
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ if( !bNoId && !rEleName.IsId() )
+ aError = WRN_CONT_NOID;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( pCreateClass ){
+ if( !pCreateClass->InHierarchy( pTypeClass ) ){
+ if( pTypeClass1 ){
+ if( !pCreateClass->InHierarchy( pTypeClass1 ) ){
+ // Falscher Typ
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ // Falscher Typ
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ pCreateClass = pTypeClass;
+ pClassData->bDflt = FALSE;
+ if( !bNoId )
+ aTmpI = SearchEle( rInst, rEleName, pCreateClass );
+ // Eintrag gefunden
+ if( aTmpI.IsInst() ){
+ if( rCreateInst.IsInst() ){
+ aTmpI.pClass->Destroy( aTmpI );
+ aTmpI.pClass->Create( &aTmpI, rCreateInst );
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ if( pClassData->pEntries ){
+ pClassData->pEntries =
+ (ENTRY_STRUCT *)rtl_reallocateMemory( pClassData->pEntries,
+ sizeof( ENTRY_STRUCT ) * (pClassData->nEntries +1) );
+ }
+ else {
+ pClassData->pEntries =
+ (ENTRY_STRUCT *)rtl_allocateMemory( sizeof( ENTRY_STRUCT )
+ * (pClassData->nEntries +1) );
+ };
+ pClassData->pEntries[ pClassData->nEntries ].Create();
+ pClassData->pEntries[ pClassData->nEntries ].aName = rEleName;
+ if( rCreateInst.IsInst() ){
+ // Instanz mit CreateInst-Daten initialisieren
+ pClassData->pEntries[ pClassData->nEntries ].aInst =
+ pCreateClass->Create( NULL, rCreateInst );
+ }
+ else {
+ pClassData->pEntries[ pClassData->nEntries ].aInst =
+ pCreateClass->Create( NULL, RSCINST() );
+ };
+ pClassData->nEntries++;
+ aTmpI = pClassData->pEntries[ pClassData->nEntries -1 ].aInst;
+ }
+ *pGetInst = aTmpI;
+ return aError;
+|* RscBaseCont::GetCount()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.05.91
+sal_uInt32 RscBaseCont::GetCount( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ return( pClassData->nEntries );
+|* RscBaseCont::GetPosEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.05.91
+RSCINST RscBaseCont::GetPosEle( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos ){
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( nPos < pClassData->nEntries )
+ return( pClassData->pEntries[ nPos ].aInst );
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscBaseCont::MovePosEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 23.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 23.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscBaseCont::MovePosEle( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nDestPos,
+ sal_uInt32 nSourcePos )
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( (nDestPos < pClassData->nEntries) && (nSourcePos < pClassData->nEntries) ){
+ int nInc = 1;
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ // Quelle Merken
+ aEntry = pClassData->pEntries[ nSourcePos ];
+ // Richtung der for-Schleife bestimmen
+ if( nDestPos < nSourcePos )
+ nInc = -1;
+ for( i = nSourcePos; i != nDestPos; i += nInc )
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ] = pClassData->pEntries[ i + nInc ];
+ // Zuweisung Quelle auf Ziel
+ pClassData->pEntries[ nDestPos ] = aEntry;
+ }
+ else
+ aError = ERR_RSCCONT;
+ return aError;
+|* RscBaseCont::SetPosRscId()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 30.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 30.09.91
+ERRTYPE RscBaseCont::SetPosRscId( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos,
+ const RscId & rId ){
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( nPos < pClassData->nEntries ){
+ if( ! (rId == pClassData->pEntries[ nPos ].aName) )
+ aTmpI = SearchEle( rInst, rId,
+ pClassData->pEntries[ nPos ].aInst.pClass );
+ if( !aTmpI.IsInst() )
+ pClassData->pEntries[ nPos ].aName = rId;
+ else
+ aError = ERR_RSCCONT;
+ }
+ else
+ aError = ERR_RSCCONT;
+ return( aError );
+|* RscBaseCont::GetInfoEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.05.91
+SUBINFO_STRUCT RscBaseCont::GetInfoEle( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos ){
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( nPos < pClassData->nEntries ){
+ aInfo.aId = pClassData->pEntries[ nPos ].aName;
+ aInfo.nPos = nPos;
+ aInfo.pClass = pClassData->pEntries[ nPos ].aInst.pClass;
+ }
+ return( aInfo );
+|* RscBaseCont::SetString()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscBaseCont::SetString( const RSCINST & rInst, const char * pStr )
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ char *pTmpStr;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+//?B 040991
+//?W 040991 sonst Endlosrekursion moeglich
+if( RSC_NOTYPE == pTypeClass->GetTypId() ){
+ aError = GetElement( rInst, RscId(), pTypeClass, RSCINST(), &aTmpI );
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->GetString( aTmpI, &pTmpStr );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->SetString( aTmpI, pStr );
+ else {
+ aError.Clear();
+ DeletePos( rInst, pClassData->nEntries -1 );
+ aError = GetElement( rInst, RscId(), pTypeClass1, RSCINST(), &aTmpI );
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->GetString( aTmpI, &pTmpStr );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->SetString( aTmpI, pStr );
+ }
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ DeletePos( rInst, pClassData->nEntries -1 );
+ return( aError );
+|* RscBaseCont::SetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.06.91
+ERRTYPE RscBaseCont::SetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 lValue ){
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ INT32 lNumber;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+//?B 040991
+//?W 040991 sonst Endlosrekursion moeglich
+if( RSC_NOTYPE == pTypeClass->GetTypId() ){
+ aError = GetElement( rInst, RscId(), pTypeClass, RSCINST(), &aTmpI );
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->GetNumber( aTmpI, &lNumber );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->SetNumber( aTmpI, lValue );
+ else {
+ aError.Clear();
+ DeletePos( rInst, pClassData->nEntries -1 );
+ aError = GetElement( rInst, RscId(), pTypeClass1, RSCINST(), &aTmpI );
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->GetNumber( aTmpI, &lNumber );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->SetNumber( aTmpI, lValue );
+ }
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ DeletePos( rInst, pClassData->nEntries -1 );
+ return( aError );
+ERRTYPE RscBaseCont::SetBool
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ BOOL bValue
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ BOOL bBool;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+//?B 040991
+//?W 040991 sonst Endlosrekursion moeglich
+if( RSC_NOTYPE == pTypeClass->GetTypId() )
+ aError = GetElement( rInst, RscId(), pTypeClass, RSCINST(), &aTmpI );
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->GetBool( aTmpI, &bBool );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->SetBool( aTmpI, bValue );
+ else {
+ aError.Clear();
+ DeletePos( rInst, pClassData->nEntries -1 );
+ aError = GetElement( rInst, RscId(), pTypeClass1, RSCINST(), &aTmpI );
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->GetBool( aTmpI, &bBool );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->SetBool( aTmpI, bValue );
+ }
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ DeletePos( rInst, pClassData->nEntries -1 );
+ return( aError );
+ERRTYPE RscBaseCont::SetConst
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ Atom nValueId,
+ INT32 lValue
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ Atom nConst;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+//?B 040991
+//?W 040991 sonst Endlosrekursion moeglich
+if( RSC_NOTYPE == pTypeClass->GetTypId() ){
+ aError = GetElement( rInst, RscId(), pTypeClass, RSCINST(), &aTmpI );
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->GetConst( aTmpI, &nConst );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->SetConst( aTmpI, nValueId, lValue );
+ else {
+ aError.Clear();
+ DeletePos( rInst, pClassData->nEntries -1 );
+ aError = GetElement( rInst, RscId(), pTypeClass1, RSCINST(), &aTmpI );
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->GetConst( aTmpI, &nConst );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->SetConst( aTmpI, nValueId, lValue );
+ }
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ DeletePos( rInst, pClassData->nEntries -1 );
+ return( aError );
+|* RscBaseCont::SetRef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 02.12.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 02.12.91
+ERRTYPE RscBaseCont::SetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rRefId ){
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RscId aId;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+//?B 040991
+//?W 040991 sonst Endlosrekursion moeglich
+if( RSC_NOTYPE == pTypeClass->GetTypId() ){
+ aError = GetElement( rInst, RscId(), pTypeClass, RSCINST(), &aTmpI );
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->GetRef( aTmpI, &aId );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->SetRef( aTmpI, rRefId );
+ else {
+ aError.Clear();
+ DeletePos( rInst, pClassData->nEntries -1 );
+ aError = GetElement( rInst, RscId(), pTypeClass1, RSCINST(), &aTmpI );
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->GetRef( aTmpI, &aId );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = aTmpI.pClass->SetNumber( aTmpI, rRefId );
+ }
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ DeletePos( rInst, pClassData->nEntries -1 );
+ return( aError );
+|* RscBaseCont::IsConsistent()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 23.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 23.09.91
+BOOL RscBaseCont::IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst, RscInconsList * pList ){
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ BOOL bRet;
+ bRet = RscTop::IsConsistent( rInst, pList );
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ // auf doppelten Id Testen und Reihenfolge beibehalten
+ // Komplexitaet = n^2 / 2
+ for( i = 0; i < pClassData->nEntries; i++ ){
+ if( !bNoId ){
+ if( (INT32)pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName > 0x7FFF
+ || (INT32)pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName < 1 ){
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ if( pList )
+ pList->Insert( new RscInconsistent(
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName,
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName ) );
+ }
+ else if( SearchElePos( rInst, pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName,
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst.pClass, i +1 ).IsInst() )
+ {
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ if( pList )
+ pList->Insert( new RscInconsistent(
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName,
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i +1 ].aName ) );
+ };
+ }
+ if( ! pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst.pClass->
+ IsConsistent( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst, pList ) )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ };
+ return( bRet );
+|* RscBaseCont::SetToDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91
+void RscBaseCont::SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ for( i = 0; i < pClassData->nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst.pClass->
+ SetToDefault( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst );
+ };
+ RscTop::SetToDefault( rInst );
+|* RscBaseCont::IsDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91
+BOOL RscBaseCont::IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( !pClassData->bDflt )
+ return FALSE;
+ for( i = 0; i < pClassData->nEntries; i++ ){
+ if( ! pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst.pClass->
+ IsDefault( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst ) )
+ {
+ return( FALSE );
+ };
+ };
+ return( RscTop::IsDefault( rInst ) );
+|* RscBaseCont::IsValueDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.01.92
+BOOL RscBaseCont::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef )
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ if( !RscTop::IsValueDefault( rInst, pDef ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( pClassData->nEntries )
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscBaseCont::Delete()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.06.91
+void RscBaseCont::Delete( const RSCINST & rInst, RscTop * pClass,
+ const RscId & rId )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( !pClass )
+ pClass = pTypeClass;
+ for( i = 0; i < pClassData->nEntries; i++ ){
+ if( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName == rId )
+ if( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst.pClass == pClass || !pClass ){
+ DeletePos( rInst, i );
+ return;
+ };
+ };
+|* RscBaseCont::DeletePos()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.06.91
+void RscBaseCont::DeletePos( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos ){
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ if( nPos < pClassData->nEntries ){
+ if( 1 == pClassData->nEntries )
+ DestroyElements( pClassData );
+ else{
+ pClassData->pEntries[ nPos ].Destroy();
+ pClassData->nEntries--;
+ for( i = nPos; i < pClassData->nEntries; i++ )
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ] = pClassData->pEntries[ i + 1 ];
+ };
+ };
+|* RscBaseCont::ContWriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+void RscBaseCont::ContWriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const char * pVarName )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0, t = 0;
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ for( i = 0; i < pClassData->nEntries; i++ )
+ {
+ for( t = 0; t < nTab; t++ )
+ fputc( '\t', fOutput );
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst.pClass->
+ WriteSrcHeader( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst,
+ fOutput, pTC, nTab,
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName, pVarName );
+ fprintf( fOutput, ";\n" );
+ };
+|* RscBaseCont::ContWriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscBaseCont::ContWriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ if( bExtra || bNoId )
+ { // Nur Subresourcen schreiben, wenn bExtra == TRUE
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ for( i = 0; i < pClassData->nEntries && aError.IsOk(); i++ ){
+ aError = pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst.pClass->
+ WriteRcHeader( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst,
+ rMem, pTC,
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName,
+ nDeep, bExtra );
+ }
+ }
+ return( aError );
+void RscBaseCont::ContWriteRcAccess
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * pName,
+ BOOL bWriteSize
+ if( (bNoId || bWriteSize) && !pTypeClass1 )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tsal_uInt32 nItems = *(sal_uInt32 *)(pResData+nOffset) );\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tnOffset += sizeof( sal_uInt32 );\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\t// Items hinzufuegen\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tfor( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nItems; i++ )\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\t{\n" );
+ pTypeClass->WriteRcAccess( fOutput, pTC, "Item" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\t}\n" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tSet%s( %s ", pName, pHS->getString( GetId() ).getStr() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s ", aCallPar2.GetBuffer() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "ResId( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)(pResData+nOffset) ) ) );\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tnOffset += GetObjSizeRes( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)(pResData+nOffset) );\n" );
+ }
+|* RscBaseCont::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+void RscBaseCont::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const char * pVarName )
+ RscTop::WriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName );
+ ContWriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName );
+|* RscBaseCont::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscBaseCont::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = RscTop::WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = ContWriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ return( aError );
+|* RscBaseCont::WriteHxx()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscBaseCont::WriteHxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rRscId )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = RscTop::WriteHxx( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rRscId );
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ for( i = 0; i < pClassData->nEntries && aError.IsOk(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName.IsId()
+ && pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst.pClass->IsCodeWriteable() )
+ {
+ aError = pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst.pClass->
+ WriteHxx( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst,
+ fOutput, pTC,
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName );
+ }
+ };
+ return( aError );
+|* RscBaseCont::WriteCxx()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscBaseCont::WriteCxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rRscId )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = RscTop::WriteCxx( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rRscId );
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ for( i = 0; i < pClassData->nEntries && aError.IsOk(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName.IsId()
+ && pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst.pClass->IsCodeWriteable() )
+ {
+ aError = pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst.pClass->
+ WriteCxx( pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aInst,
+ fOutput, pTC,
+ pClassData->pEntries[ i ].aName );
+ }
+ };
+ return( aError );
+/*************** R s c C o n t W r i t e S r c ***************************/
+|* RscContWriteSrc::RscContWriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.05.91
+RscContWriteSrc::RscContWriteSrc( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId,
+ RscTop * pSuper, BOOL bNoIdent )
+ : RscBaseCont( nId, nTypeId, pSuper, bNoIdent )
+|* RscContWriteSrc::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.05.91
+void RscContWriteSrc::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const char * pVarName )
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ RscTop::WriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\n" );
+ for( i = 0; i < nTab; i++ )
+ fputc( '\t', fOutput );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "{\n" );
+ ContWriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab +1, pVarName );
+ for( i = 0; i < nTab; i++ )
+ fputc( '\t', fOutput );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "}" );
+/*************** R s c C o n t *******************************************/
+|* RscCont::RscCont()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.05.91
+RscCont::RscCont( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId, RscTop * pSuper, BOOL bNoIdent )
+ : RscContWriteSrc( nId, nTypeId, pSuper, bNoIdent )
+|* RscCont::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscCont::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ RscBaseContInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ aError = RscTop::WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ pClassData = (RscBaseContInst *)(rInst.pData + nOffInstData);
+ rMem.Put( pClassData->nEntries );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = ContWriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ return aError;
+void RscCont::WriteRcAccess
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * pName
+ ContWriteRcAccess( fOutput, pTC, pName, TRUE );
+|* RscContExtraData::RscContExtraData()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.05.91
+RscContExtraData::RscContExtraData( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId,
+ RscTop * pSuper, BOOL bNoIdent )
+ : RscContWriteSrc( nId, nTypeId, pSuper, bNoIdent )
+|* RscContExtraData::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscContExtraData::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ if( bExtra )
+ aError = RscContWriteSrc::WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ else
+ aError = RscTop::WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ return aError;
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rscflag.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rscflag.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e742b806408e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rscflag.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <rscflag.hxx>
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+/****************** R s c F l a g ****************************************/
+|* RscFlag::RscFlag()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+RscFlag::RscFlag( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId )
+ : RscConst( nId, nTypeId )
+|* RscFlag::Size()
+|* Beschreibung Die Groe�e der Instanzdaten richtet sich nach
+|* der Anzahl der Flags
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+sal_uInt32 RscFlag::Size()
+ return( ALIGNED_SIZE( sizeof( RscFlagInst ) *
+ ( 1 + (nEntries -1) / (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8) ) ) );
+|* RscFlag::SetNotConst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscFlag::SetNotConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nConst )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0, nFlag = 0;
+ if( nEntries != (i = GetConstPos( nConst )) ){
+ nFlag = 1 << (i % (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8) );
+ i = i / (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8);
+ ((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ i ].nFlags &= ~nFlag;
+ ((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ i ].nDfltFlags &= ~nFlag;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+ };
+ return( ERR_RSCFLAG );
+|* RscFlag::SetConst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscFlag::SetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nConst, INT32 /*nVal*/ )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0, nFlag = 0;
+ if( nEntries != (i = GetConstPos( nConst )) ){
+ nFlag = 1 << (i % (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8) );
+ i = i / (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8);
+ ((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ i ].nFlags |= nFlag;
+ ((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ i ].nDfltFlags &= ~nFlag;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+ };
+ return( ERR_RSCFLAG );
+|* RscFlag::CreateBasic()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 16.01.92
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.01.92
+RSCINST RscFlag::CreateBasic( RSCINST * pInst )
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ if( !pInst ){
+ aInst.pClass = this;
+ aInst.pData = (CLASS_DATA) rtl_allocateMemory( Size() );
+ }
+ else
+ aInst = *pInst;
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscFlag::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.01.92
+RSCINST RscFlag::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt, BOOL bOwnClass )
+ RSCINST aInst = CreateBasic( pInst );
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ if( !bOwnClass && rDflt.IsInst() )
+ bOwnClass = rDflt.pClass->InHierarchy( this );
+ if( bOwnClass )
+ memmove( aInst.pData, rDflt.pData, Size() );
+ else
+ {
+ for( i = 0; i < Size() / sizeof( RscFlagInst ); i++ )
+ {
+ ((RscFlagInst *)aInst.pData)[ i ].nFlags = 0;
+ ((RscFlagInst *)aInst.pData)[ i ].nDfltFlags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ }
+ };
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscFlag::CreateClient()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 16.01.92
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.01.92
+RSCINST RscFlag::CreateClient( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDfltI,
+ BOOL bOwnClass, Atom nConstId )
+ RSCINST aInst = CreateBasic( pInst );
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0, nFlag = 0;
+ if( !bOwnClass && rDfltI.IsInst() )
+ bOwnClass = rDfltI.pClass->InHierarchy( this );
+ if( nEntries != (i = GetConstPos( nConstId )) ){
+ nFlag = 1 << (i % (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8) );
+ i = i / (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8);
+ if( bOwnClass ){
+ ((RscFlagInst *)aInst.pData)[ i ].nFlags &=
+ ~nFlag | ((RscFlagInst *)rDfltI.pData)[ i ].nFlags;
+ ((RscFlagInst *)aInst.pData)[ i ].nDfltFlags &=
+ ~nFlag | ((RscFlagInst *)rDfltI.pData)[ i ].nDfltFlags;
+ }
+ else{
+ ((RscFlagInst *)aInst.pData)[ i ].nFlags &= ~nFlag;
+ ((RscFlagInst *)aInst.pData)[ i ].nDfltFlags |= nFlag;
+ }
+ }
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscFlag::SetToDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+void RscFlag::SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < Size() / sizeof( RscFlagInst ); i++ )
+ ((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ i ].nDfltFlags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+|* RscFlag::IsDlft()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+BOOL RscFlag::IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < Size() / sizeof( RscFlagInst ); i++ )
+ if( ((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ i ].nDfltFlags != 0xFFFFFFFF )
+ return( FALSE );
+ return( TRUE );
+BOOL RscFlag::IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nConstId )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0, nFlag = 0;
+ if( nEntries != (i = GetConstPos( nConstId )) ){
+ nFlag = 1 << (i % (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8) );
+ i = i / (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8);
+ if( ((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ i ].nDfltFlags & nFlag )
+ return( TRUE );
+ else
+ return( FALSE );
+ };
+ return( TRUE );
+|* RscFlag::IsValueDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91
+BOOL RscFlag::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef,
+ Atom nConstId )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0, nFlag = 0;
+ if( nEntries != (i = GetConstPos( nConstId )) ){
+ nFlag = 1 << (i % (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8) );
+ i = i / (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8);
+ if( pDef ){
+ if( (((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ i ].nFlags & nFlag)
+ == (((RscFlagInst *)pDef)[ i ].nFlags & nFlag) )
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL RscFlag::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0;
+ if( pDef ){
+ sal_uInt32 Flag = 0, nIndex = 0;
+ Flag = 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ ){
+ nIndex = i / (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8);
+ if( (((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ nIndex ].nFlags & Flag)
+ != (((RscFlagInst *)pDef)[ nIndex ].nFlags & Flag) )
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ Flag <<= 1;
+ if( !Flag )
+ Flag = 1;
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscFlag::IsSet()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 10.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 10.04.91
+BOOL RscFlag::IsSet( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nConstId )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0, nFlag = 0;
+ if( nEntries != (i = GetConstPos( nConstId )) ){
+ nFlag = 1 << (i % (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8) );
+ i = i / (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8);
+ if( ((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ i ].nFlags & nFlag )
+ return( TRUE );
+ else
+ return( FALSE );
+ };
+ return( TRUE );
+|* RscFlag::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+void RscFlag::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, const char * )
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0, Flag = 0, nIndex = 0;
+ BOOL bComma = FALSE;
+ Flag = 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ ){
+ nIndex = i / (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8);
+ if( !( ((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ nIndex ].nDfltFlags & Flag) ){
+ if( bComma )
+ fprintf( fOutput, ", " );
+ if( ((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ nIndex ].nFlags & Flag )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s", pHS->getString( pVarArray[ i ].nId ).getStr() );
+ else{
+ fprintf( fOutput, "not " );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s", pHS->getString( pVarArray[ i ].nId ).getStr() );
+ }
+ bComma = TRUE;
+ }
+ Flag <<= 1;
+ if( !Flag )
+ Flag = 1;
+ };
+|* RscFlag::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscFlag::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, BOOL )
+ INT32 lVal = 0;
+ sal_uInt32 i = 0, Flag = 0, nIndex = 0;
+ Flag = 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ ){
+ nIndex = i / (sizeof( sal_uInt32 ) * 8);
+ if( ((RscFlagInst *)rInst.pData)[ nIndex ].nFlags & Flag )
+ lVal |= pVarArray[ i ].lValue;
+ Flag <<= 1;
+ if( !Flag )
+ Flag = 1;
+ };
+ aMem.Put( (INT32)lVal );
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscClient::RscClient()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+RscClient::RscClient( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId, RscFlag * pClass,
+ Atom nConstantId )
+ : RscTop ( nId, nTypeId )
+ pRefClass = pClass;
+ nConstId = nConstantId;
+|* RscClient::GetClassType()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+RSCCLASS_TYPE RscClient::GetClassType() const
+|* RscClient::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+void RscClient::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, const char * )
+ if( pRefClass->IsSet( rInst, nConstId ) )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "TRUE" );
+ else
+ fprintf( fOutput, "FALSE" );
+|* RscClient::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+RSCINST RscClient::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt,
+ BOOL bOwnClass )
+ RSCINST aTmpI, aDfltI;
+ if( pInst ){
+ aTmpI.pClass = pRefClass;
+ aTmpI.pData = pInst->pData;
+ }
+ if( !bOwnClass && rDflt.IsInst() ){
+ bOwnClass = rDflt.pClass->InHierarchy( this );
+ if( bOwnClass ){
+ aDfltI.pClass = pRefClass;
+ aDfltI.pData = rDflt.pData;
+ }
+ }
+ if( pInst )
+ aTmpI = pRefClass->CreateClient( &aTmpI, aDfltI,
+ bOwnClass, nConstId );
+ else
+ aTmpI = pRefClass->CreateClient( NULL, aDfltI,
+ bOwnClass, nConstId );
+ aTmpI.pClass = this;
+ return( aTmpI );
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rscmgr.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rscmgr.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3e3d29372fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rscmgr.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+// Programmabhaengige Includes.
+#include <rscmgr.hxx>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+/****************** R s c M g r ******************************************/
+|* RscMgr::RscMgr()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+RscMgr::RscMgr( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId, RscTop * pSuperCl )
+ : RscClass( nId, nTypeId, pSuperCl )
+|* RscMgr::Size()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+sal_uInt32 RscMgr::Size()
+ return RscClass::Size() + ALIGNED_SIZE( sizeof( RscMgrInst ) );
+|* RscMgr::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+RSCINST RscMgr::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt, BOOL bOwnClass ){
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ if( !pInst ){
+ aInst.pClass = this;
+ aInst.pData = (CLASS_DATA) rtl_allocateMemory( Size() );
+ }
+ else
+ aInst = *pInst;
+ if( !bOwnClass && rDflt.IsInst() )
+ bOwnClass = rDflt.pClass->InHierarchy( this );
+ RscClass::Create( &aInst, rDflt, bOwnClass );
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(aInst.pData + RscClass::Size() );
+ pClassData->Create();
+ if( bOwnClass ){
+ RscMgrInst * pDfltData = (RscMgrInst *)(rDflt.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ *pClassData = *pDfltData;
+ };
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscMgr::Destroy()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 21.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 21.06.91
+void RscMgr::Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ RscClass::Destroy( rInst );
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(rInst.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ pClassData->Destroy();
+|* RscMgr::SetToDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.06.91
+void RscMgr::SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(rInst.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ pClassData->bDflt = TRUE;
+ RscClass::SetToDefault( rInst );
+|* RscMgr::IsDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.06.91
+BOOL RscMgr::IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(rInst.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ if( !pClassData->bDflt )
+ return( FALSE );
+ return( RscClass::IsDefault( rInst ) );
+|* RscMgr::IsValueDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.06.91
+BOOL RscMgr::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef ){
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ RscMgrInst * pDfltData;
+ if( !RscClass::IsValueDefault( rInst, pDef ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( pDef ){
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(rInst.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ pDfltData = (RscMgrInst *)(pDef + RscClass::Size());
+ if( !pClassData->aRefId.IsId() && !pDfltData->aRefId.IsId() ){
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+|* RscMgr::WriteSrcHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+void RscMgr::WriteSrcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const RscId & rId, const char * pVarName )
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(rInst.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s %s",
+ pHS->getString( rInst.pClass->GetId() ).getStr(),
+ (rId.GetName()).GetBuffer() );
+ if( pClassData->aRefId.IsId() )
+ fprintf( fOutput, ",%s", pClassData->aRefId.GetName().GetBuffer() );
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\n" );
+ for( i = 0; i < nTab; i++ )
+ fputc( '\t', fOutput );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "{\n" );
+ rInst.pClass->WriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab +1, pVarName );
+ RscClass::WriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab +1, pVarName);
+ for( i = 0; i < nTab; i++ )
+ fputc( '\t', fOutput );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "}" );
+ }
+|* RscMgr::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+void RscMgr::WriteSrc( const RSCINST &, FILE *, RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32,
+ const char * )
+|* RscMgr::WriteRcHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscMgr::WriteRcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId &rId,
+ sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ ObjNode * pObjNode = NULL;
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(rInst.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ if( pClassData->aRefId.IsId() )
+ {
+ //Erhoehen und abfragen um Endlosrekusion zu vermeiden
+ nDeep++;
+ if( nDeep > nRefDeep )
+ else
+ pObjNode = rInst.pClass->GetRefClass()->
+ GetObjNode( pClassData->aRefId );
+ if( !pObjNode && pTC )
+ {
+ ByteString aMsg( pHS->getString( rInst.pClass->GetId() ).getStr() );
+ aMsg += ' ';
+ aMsg += pClassData->aRefId.GetName();
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, rInst.pClass, rId, aMsg.GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ }
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ {
+ if( pObjNode )
+ {
+ RscTop * pTmpRefClass = rInst.pClass->GetRefClass();
+ aRefI = RSCINST( rInst.pClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() );
+ if( pTmpRefClass == rInst.pClass )
+ {
+ aError = aRefI.pClass->WriteRcHeader( aRefI, rMem, pTC,
+ rId, nDeep, bExtra );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RSCINST aRefInst = rInst.pClass->Create( NULL, aRefI );
+ aError = aRefI.pClass->WriteRcHeader( aRefInst, rMem, pTC,
+ rId, nDeep, bExtra );
+ pTmpRefClass->Destroy( aRefInst );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 nOldSize;
+ sal_uInt32 nLocalSize;
+ nOldSize = rMem.IncSize( 16 /*sizeof( RSHEADER_TYPE )*/ );
+ aError = rInst.pClass->WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = WriteInstRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ nLocalSize = rMem.Size();
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ {
+ // RscClass wird uebersprungen
+ aError = RscTop::WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ };
+ /*
+ // Definition der Struktur, aus denen die Resource aufgebaut ist
+ RESOURCE_TYPE nRT; // Resource Typ
+ sal_uInt32 nRT; // Resource Typ
+ sal_uInt32 nGlobOff; // Globaler Offset
+ sal_uInt32 nLocalOff; // Lokaler Offset
+ };
+ */
+ sal_uInt32 nID = rId;
+ rMem.PutAt( nOldSize, nID );
+ rMem.PutAt( nOldSize +4, (sal_uInt32)rInst.pClass->GetTypId() );
+ rMem.PutAt( nOldSize +8, (sal_uInt32)(rMem.Size() - nOldSize) );
+ rMem.PutAt( nOldSize +12, (sal_uInt32)(nLocalSize - nOldSize) );
+ };
+ };
+ return( aError );
+|* RscMgr::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscMgr::WriteRc( const RSCINST &, RscWriteRc &,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, BOOL )
+ return( ERR_OK );
+static ByteString MakeSmartName( const ByteString & rDefName )
+ ByteString aSmartName;
+ if( rDefName.Len() )
+ {
+ char * pStr = (char *)rDefName.GetBuffer();
+ aSmartName = (char)toupper( *pStr );
+ while( *++pStr )
+ {
+ if( '_' == *pStr )
+ {
+ if( *++pStr )
+ aSmartName += (char)toupper( *pStr );
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ aSmartName += (char)tolower( *pStr );
+ }
+ }
+ return aSmartName;
+static ByteString MakeName( RscTypCont * pTypCon, RscTop * pClass,
+ const ByteString & rName )
+ ByteString aRet;
+ if( !pTypCon->IsSmart() || isdigit( rName.GetChar(0) ) )
+ {
+ aRet += pHS->getString( pClass->GetId() ).getStr();
+ aRet += rName;
+ }
+ else
+ aRet += MakeSmartName( rName );
+ return aRet;
+|* RscMgr::WriteHxxHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscMgr::WriteHxxHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId &rId )
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ ObjNode * pObjNode = NULL;
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(rInst.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ if( pClassData->aRefId.IsId() )
+ {
+ pObjNode = rInst.pClass->GetObjNode( pClassData->aRefId );
+ if( !pObjNode && pTC )
+ {
+ ByteString aMsg( pHS->getString( rInst.pClass->GetId() ).getStr() );
+ aMsg += ' ';
+ aMsg += pClassData->aRefId.GetName();
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, rInst.pClass, rId, aMsg.GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ }
+ if( pObjNode )
+ {
+ aRefI = RSCINST( rInst.pClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() );
+ aError = aRefI.pClass->WriteHxxHeader( aRefI, fOutput, pTC,
+ rId );
+ }
+ else if (pTC)
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "class %s",
+ MakeName( pTC, rInst.pClass,
+ rId.GetName() ).GetBuffer() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, " : public %s",
+ pHS->getString( rInst.pClass->GetId() ).getStr() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\n{\nprotected:\n" );
+ aError = RscClass::WriteHxx( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+ RSCINST aExtraInst = rInst.pClass->GetCopyVar( rInst, nRsc_EXTRADATA );
+ if( aExtraInst.IsInst() )
+ {
+ if( aExtraInst.pClass->GetCount( aExtraInst ) )
+ fprintf( fOutput, " char * pExtraData;\n" );
+ }
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "public:\n " );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s%s bFreeRes = TRUE )",
+ MakeName( pTC, rInst.pClass,
+ rId.GetName() ).GetBuffer(),
+ (rInst.pClass->aCallParType).GetBuffer() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, ";\n};\n\n" );
+ }
+ };
+ return aError;
+|* RscMgr::WriteHxx()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscMgr::WriteHxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId )
+ fprintf( fOutput, " %s", pHS->getString( rInst.pClass->GetId() ).getStr() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, " a%s;\n",
+ MakeName( pTC, rInst.pClass, rId.GetName() ).GetBuffer() );
+ return ERR_OK;
+|* RscClass::WriteCxxHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscMgr::WriteCxxHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId )
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ ObjNode * pObjNode = NULL;
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(rInst.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ if( pClassData->aRefId.IsId() )
+ {
+ pObjNode = rInst.pClass->GetObjNode( pClassData->aRefId );
+ if( !pObjNode && pTC )
+ {
+ ByteString aMsg( pHS->getString( rInst.pClass->GetId() ).getStr() );
+ aMsg += ' ';
+ aMsg += pClassData->aRefId.GetName();
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, rInst.pClass, rId, aMsg.GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ }
+ if( pObjNode )
+ {
+ aRefI = RSCINST( rInst.pClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() );
+ aError = aRefI.pClass->WriteCxxHeader( aRefI, fOutput, pTC,
+ rId );
+ }
+ else if (pTC)
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s::%s",
+ MakeName( pTC, rInst.pClass, rId.GetName() ).GetBuffer(),
+ MakeName( pTC, rInst.pClass, rId.GetName() ).GetBuffer() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s", (rInst.pClass->aCallParType).GetBuffer() );
+ if( GetCount( rInst ) )
+ fprintf( fOutput, " bFreeRes" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, " )\n : %s", pHS->getString( rInst.pClass->GetId() ).getStr() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s", (rInst.pClass->aCallPar1).GetBuffer() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, " rResId )" );
+ aError = RscClass::WriteCxx( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\n{\n" );
+ RSCINST aExtraInst = rInst.pClass->GetCopyVar( rInst, nRsc_EXTRADATA );
+ if( aExtraInst.IsInst() )
+ {
+ if( aExtraInst.pClass->GetCount( aExtraInst ) )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, " //read extra data\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, " pExtraData = new char "
+ "[ GetRemainSizeRes() ];\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, " memcpy( pExtraData, "
+ "GetClassRes(), GetRemainSizeRes() );\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, " IncrementRes( GetRemainSizeRes() );\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ if( GetCount( rInst ) )
+ { // Es gibt UnterResourcen
+ fprintf( fOutput, " if( bFreeRes ) FreeResource();\n" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput,
+ " // No subresources, automatic free resource\n" );
+ }
+ fprintf( fOutput, "}\n\n" );
+ }
+ return aError;
+|* RscClass::WriteCxx()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscMgr::WriteCxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId )
+ fprintf( fOutput, ",\n a%s",
+ MakeName( pTC, rInst.pClass, rId.GetName() ).GetBuffer() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s", (rInst.pClass->aCallPar2).GetBuffer() );
+ fprintf( fOutput, " ResId( %s ) )", (rId.GetName()).GetBuffer() );
+ return ERR_OK;
+|* RscArray::IsConsistent()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 23.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 23.09.91
+BOOL RscMgr::IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst, RscInconsList * pList )
+ BOOL bRet;
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ bRet = RscClass::IsConsistent( rInst, pList );
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(rInst.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ if( pClassData->aRefId.IsId() &&
+ ((pClassData->aRefId.GetNumber() < 1)
+ || (pClassData->aRefId.GetNumber() > 0x7FFF)
+ || IsToDeep( rInst ).IsError()) )
+ {
+ if( pList )
+ pList->Insert(
+ new RscInconsistent( pClassData->aRefId,
+ pClassData->aRefId ) );
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ }
+ return( bRet );
+|* RscMgr::GetRef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscMgr::GetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, RscId * pRscId ){
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(rInst.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ *pRscId = pClassData->aRefId;
+ return ERR_OK;
+|* RscMgr::IsToDeep()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscMgr::IsToDeep( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nDeep )
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ RscId aOldId, aId;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RSCINST aTmpI = rInst;
+ ObjNode * pObjNode;
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(rInst.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ while( aTmpI.IsInst() && (nDeep < nRefDeep) && aError.IsOk() )
+ {
+ // Referenz holen
+ aTmpI.pClass->GetRef( aTmpI, &aId );
+ // Referenziertes Objekt holen
+ pObjNode = aTmpI.pClass->GetObjNode( aId );
+ // Referenzierte Objekt gefunden ?
+ if( pObjNode )
+ {
+ aTmpI.pData = pObjNode->GetRscObj();
+ nDeep++;
+ }
+ else //aTmpI.IsInst() wird FALSE, Schleife beenden
+ aTmpI.pData = NULL;
+ }
+ if( nDeep >= nRefDeep )
+ {
+ pClassData->aRefId = aOldId;
+ }
+ return( aError );
+|* RscMgr::SetRef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscMgr::SetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rRefId )
+ RscMgrInst * pClassData;
+ RscId aOldId, aId;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RSCINST aTmpI = rInst;
+ if( rRefId.IsId() &&
+ ((rRefId.GetNumber() < 1) || (rRefId.GetNumber() > 0x7FFF)) )
+ {
+ aError = ERR_IDRANGE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pClassData = (RscMgrInst *)(rInst.pData + RscClass::Size());
+ aOldId = pClassData->aRefId;// Alten Wert merken
+ pClassData->aRefId = rRefId;// vorher eintragen,
+ // sonst Fehler bei rekursion
+ aError = IsToDeep( rInst );
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ pClassData->bDflt = FALSE;
+ else
+ pClassData->aRefId = aOldId;
+ }
+ return( aError );
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rscrange.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rscrange.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5ade3936bdf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rscrange.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+// Solar Definitionen
+#include <tools/solar.h>
+// Programmabh�ngige Includes.
+#include <rscrange.hxx>
+/****************** D E F I N E S ****************************************/
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+/****************** R s c R a n g e **************************************/
+|* RscRange::RscRange()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+RscRange::RscRange( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId )
+ : RscTop( nId, nTypeId )
+ nMin = nMax = 0;
+ nSize = ALIGNED_SIZE( sizeof( RscRangeInst ) );
+|* RscRange::GetClassType()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+RSCCLASS_TYPE RscRange::GetClassType() const
+|* RscRange::SetRange()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscRange::SetRange( INT32 nMinimum, INT32 nMaximum )
+ if( nMinimum > nMaximum )
+ {
+ nMin = nMaximum;
+ nMax = nMinimum;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nMax = nMaximum;
+ nMin = nMinimum;
+ };
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscRange::IsValueDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.02.92
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.02.92
+BOOL RscRange::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef )
+ if( pDef )
+ {
+ if( ((RscRangeInst*)rInst.pData)->nValue ==
+ ((RscRangeInst*)pDef)->nValue )
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+|* RscRange::SetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscRange::SetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 nValue )
+ if( nMax < nValue || nMin > nValue )
+ ((RscRangeInst *)rInst.pData)->nValue = (sal_uInt16)( nValue - nMin );
+ ((RscRangeInst *)rInst.pData)->bDflt = FALSE;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscRange::GetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 22.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscRange::GetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 * pN )
+ *pN = ((RscRangeInst *)rInst.pData)->nValue + nMin;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscRange::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+RSCINST RscRange::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt,
+ BOOL bOwnClass )
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ if( !pInst )
+ {
+ aInst.pClass = this;
+ aInst.pData = (CLASS_DATA)
+ rtl_allocateMemory( sizeof( RscRangeInst ) );
+ }
+ else
+ aInst = *pInst;
+ if( !bOwnClass && rDflt.IsInst() )
+ bOwnClass = rDflt.pClass->InHierarchy( this );
+ if( bOwnClass )
+ memmove( aInst.pData, rDflt.pData, sizeof( RscRangeInst ) );
+ else
+ {
+ if( 0L >= nMin && 0L <= nMax )
+ ((RscRangeInst *)aInst.pData)->nValue = (sal_uInt16)(0L - nMin);
+ else
+ ((RscRangeInst *)aInst.pData)->nValue = 0;
+ ((RscRangeInst *)aInst.pData)->bDflt = TRUE;
+ }
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscRange::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+void RscRange::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, const char * )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%ld", long( ((RscRangeInst *)rInst.pData)->nValue + nMin ) );
+|* RscRange::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscRange::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, BOOL )
+ if( nMin >= 0 )
+ {
+ sal_uInt16 n;
+ n = (sal_uInt16)(((RscRangeInst *)rInst.pData)->nValue + nMin);
+ aMem.Put( n );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sal_Int16 n;
+ n = (sal_Int16)(((RscRangeInst *)rInst.pData)->nValue + nMin);
+ aMem.Put( n );
+ }
+ return( ERR_OK );
+void RscRange::WriteRcAccess
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * /*pTC*/,
+ const char * pName
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tSet%s( ", pName );
+ if( nMin >= 0 )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "*(sal_uInt32 *)(pResData+nOffset) );\n" );
+ else
+ fprintf( fOutput, "*(sal_Int32 *)(pResData+nOffset) );\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tnOffset += sizeof( sal_uInt32 );\n" );
+/****************** R s c L o n g R a n g e ******************************/
+|* RscLongRange::RscLongRange()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 18.07.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.07.94
+RscLongRange::RscLongRange( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId )
+ : RscTop( nId, nTypeId )
+ nMin = nMax = 0;
+ nSize = ALIGNED_SIZE( sizeof( RscLongRangeInst ) );
+|* RscLongRange::GetClassType()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 18.07.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.07.94
+RSCCLASS_TYPE RscLongRange::GetClassType() const
+|* RscLongRange::SetRange()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 18.07.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.07.94
+ERRTYPE RscLongRange::SetRange( INT32 nMinimum, INT32 nMaximum )
+ if( nMinimum > nMaximum )
+ {
+ nMin = nMaximum;
+ nMax = nMinimum;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nMax = nMaximum;
+ nMin = nMinimum;
+ };
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscLongRange::IsValueDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.02.92
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.02.92
+BOOL RscLongRange::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef )
+ if( pDef )
+ return 0 == memcmp( &((RscLongRangeInst*)rInst.pData)->nValue,
+ &((RscLongRangeInst*)pDef)->nValue,
+ sizeof( INT32 ) );
+ return FALSE;
+|* RscLongRange::SetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 18.07.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.07.94
+ERRTYPE RscLongRange::SetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 nValue )
+ if( nMax < nValue || nMin > nValue )
+ void * pData = &((RscLongRangeInst*)rInst.pData)->nValue;
+ memmove( pData, &nValue, sizeof( INT32 ) );
+ ((RscLongRangeInst *)rInst.pData)->bDflt = FALSE;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscLongRange::GetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 22.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscLongRange::GetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 * pN )
+ memmove( pN, &((RscLongRangeInst*)rInst.pData)->nValue,
+ sizeof( INT32 ) );
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscLongRange::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 18.07.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.07.94
+RSCINST RscLongRange::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt,
+ BOOL bOwnClass )
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ if( !pInst )
+ {
+ aInst.pClass = this;
+ aInst.pData = (CLASS_DATA)
+ rtl_allocateMemory( sizeof( RscLongRangeInst ) );
+ }
+ else
+ aInst = *pInst;
+ if( !bOwnClass && rDflt.IsInst() )
+ bOwnClass = rDflt.pClass->InHierarchy( this );
+ if( bOwnClass )
+ memmove( aInst.pData, rDflt.pData, sizeof( RscLongRangeInst ) );
+ else
+ {
+ INT32 lDflt;
+ if( 0L >= nMin && 0L <= nMax )
+ lDflt = 0;
+ else
+ lDflt = nMin;
+ void * pData = &((RscLongRangeInst*)aInst.pData)->nValue;
+ memmove( pData, &lDflt, sizeof( INT32 ) );
+ ((RscLongRangeInst *)aInst.pData)->bDflt = TRUE;
+ }
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscLongRange::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 18.07.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.07.94
+void RscLongRange::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, const char * )
+ INT32 lVal;
+ GetNumber( rInst, &lVal );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%d", static_cast<int>(lVal) );
+|* RscLongRange::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 18.07.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.04.94
+ERRTYPE RscLongRange::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, BOOL )
+ INT32 lVal;
+ GetNumber( rInst, &lVal );
+ aMem.Put( (INT32)lVal );
+ return( ERR_OK );
+void RscLongRange::WriteRcAccess
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * /*pTC*/,
+ const char * pName
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tSet%s( ", pName );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "GetLong( pResData+nOffset ) );\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tnOffset += sizeof( INT32 );\n" );
+/****************** R s c L o n g E n u m R a n g e *********************/
+|* RscLongEnumRange::RscLongEnumRange()
+|* Beschreibung
+RscLongEnumRange::RscLongEnumRange( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId )
+ : RscLongRange( nId, nTypeId )
+|* RscLongEnumRange::SetConst()
+|* Beschreibung
+ERRTYPE RscLongEnumRange::SetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom /*nConst*/,
+ INT32 nValue )
+ return SetNumber( rInst, nValue );
+/****************** R s c I d R a n g e **********************************/
+|* RscIdRange::RscIdRange()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+RscIdRange::RscIdRange( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId )
+ : RscTop( nId, nTypeId )
+ nSize = ALIGNED_SIZE( sizeof( RscId ) );
+ nMin = nMax = 0;
+|* RscIdRange::RscIdRange()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+RSCCLASS_TYPE RscIdRange::GetClassType() const
+|* RscIdRange::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.04.91
+RSCINST RscIdRange::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt, BOOL bOwnClass ){
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ RscId * pClassData;
+ if( !pInst ){
+ aInst.pClass = this;
+ aInst.pData = (CLASS_DATA)rtl_allocateMemory( sizeof( RscId ) );
+ }
+ else
+ aInst = *pInst;
+ if( !bOwnClass && rDflt.IsInst() )
+ bOwnClass = rDflt.pClass->InHierarchy( this );
+ pClassData = (RscId *)aInst.pData;
+ pClassData->Create();
+ if( bOwnClass )
+ *pClassData = *(RscId *)rDflt.pData;
+ else{
+ *pClassData = RscId();
+ if( 0 >= nMin && 0 <= nMax )
+ *pClassData = RscId( (INT32)0 );
+ else
+ *pClassData = RscId( nMin );
+ //cUnused wird fuer Defaultkennung verwendet
+ ((RscId *)aInst.pData)->aExp.cUnused = TRUE;
+ }
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscIdRange::Destroy()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 22.11.91
+void RscIdRange :: Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ ((RscId *)rInst.pData)->Destroy();
+|* RscIdRange::IsValueDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.01.92
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.01.92
+BOOL RscIdRange::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef ){
+ if( pDef ){
+ if( ((RscId*)rInst.pData)->aExp.IsNumber()
+ && ((RscId*)pDef)->aExp.IsNumber() )
+ {
+ if( ((RscId*)rInst.pData)->GetNumber() ==
+ ((RscId*)pDef)->GetNumber() )
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+|* RscIdRange::SetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.11.91
+ERRTYPE RscIdRange::SetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 nValue )
+ if( nMax < nValue || nMin > nValue )
+ *(RscId *)rInst.pData = RscId( nValue );
+ ((RscId *)rInst.pData)->aExp.cUnused = FALSE;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscIdRange::GetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.11.91
+ERRTYPE RscIdRange::GetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 * plValue ){
+ *plValue = ((RscId *)rInst.pData)->GetNumber();
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscIdRange::SetRef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 22.11.91
+ERRTYPE RscIdRange::SetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rRscId ){
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ if( rRscId.IsId() ){
+ aError = SetNumber( rInst, rRscId );
+ if( aError.IsOk() ){
+ *(RscId *)rInst.pData = rRscId;
+ ((RscId *)rInst.pData)->aExp.cUnused = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return( aError );
+|* RscIdRange::GetRef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 22.11.91
+ERRTYPE RscIdRange::GetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, RscId * pRscId ){
+ *pRscId = *(RscId *)rInst.pData;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscIdRange::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.11.91
+void RscIdRange::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, const char * )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s", ((RscId *)rInst.pData)->GetName().GetBuffer() );
+|* RscIdRange::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.11.91
+ERRTYPE RscIdRange::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & aMem,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, BOOL )
+ INT32 lVal = ((RscId*)rInst.pData)->GetNumber();
+ aMem.Put( (INT32)lVal );
+ return( ERR_OK );
+void RscIdRange::WriteRcAccess
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * /*pTC*/,
+ const char * pName
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tSet%s( ", pName );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "GetLong( pResData+nOffset ) );\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tnOffset += sizeof( INT32 );\n" );
+|* RscIdRange::IsConsistent()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 22.11.91
+BOOL RscIdRange::IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst, RscInconsList * pList )
+ long nValue = ((RscId *)rInst.pData)->GetNumber();
+ if( (nMax >= nValue) && (nMin <= nValue) )
+ return TRUE;
+ else {
+ if( pList )
+ pList->Insert( new RscInconsistent(
+ *(RscId *)rInst.pData, *(RscId *)rInst.pData ) );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+/****************** R s c B o o l ****************************************/
+|* RscBool::RscBool()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.04.91
+RscBool::RscBool( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId )
+ : RscRange( nId, nTypeId )
+ RscRange::SetRange( 0, 1 );
+|* RscBool::GetClassType()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.04.91
+RSCCLASS_TYPE RscBool::GetClassType() const
+|* RscBool::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.04.91
+void RscBool::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, const char * )
+ INT32 l;
+ GetNumber( rInst, &l );
+ if( l )
+ fprintf( fOutput, "TRUE" );
+ else
+ fprintf( fOutput, "FALSE" );
+void RscBool::WriteRcAccess
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * /*pTC*/,
+ const char * pName
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tSet%s( ", pName );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "(BOOL)*(short *)(pResData+nOffset) );\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tnOffset += sizeof( short );\n" );
+/****************** R s c B r e a k R a n g e ****************************/
+|* RscBreakRange::SetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.06.91
+RscBreakRange :: RscBreakRange( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId )
+ : RscRange( nId, nTypeId )
+ nOutRange = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+|* RscBreakRange::SetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.06.91
+ERRTYPE RscBreakRange::SetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 nValue ){
+ if( nValue == nOutRange )
+ else
+ return( RscRange::SetNumber( rInst, nValue ) );
+|* RscBreakRange::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 24.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 24.06.91
+RSCINST RscBreakRange::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt,
+ BOOL bOwnClass )
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ INT32 l;
+ aInst = RscRange::Create( pInst, rDflt, bOwnClass );
+ GetNumber( aInst, &l );
+ if( l == nOutRange )
+ ((RscRangeInst *)aInst.pData)->nValue++;
+ return( aInst );
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rscstr.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rscstr.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6bf25cf4dd58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rscstr.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+// Programmabh�ngige Includes.
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+#include <rscstr.hxx>
+#include <rtl/textcvt.h>
+#include <rtl/textenc.h>
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+/****************** R s c S t r i n g ************************************/
+|* RscString::RscString()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91
+RscString::RscString( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypeId )
+ : RscTop( nId, nTypeId )
+ nSize = ALIGNED_SIZE( sizeof( RscStringInst ) );
+ pRefClass = NULL;
+|* RscString::GetClassType()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91
+RSCCLASS_TYPE RscString::GetClassType() const
+|* RscString::SetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscString::SetString( const RSCINST & rInst, const char * pStr ){
+ char * pTmp;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ if( aError.IsOk() ){
+ ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->bDflt = FALSE;
+ pTmp = ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr;
+ if( pTmp ){
+ rtl_freeMemory( pTmp );
+ pTmp = NULL;
+ }
+ if( pStr ){
+ sal_uInt32 nLen = strlen( pStr ) +1;
+ pTmp = (char *)rtl_allocateMemory( nLen );
+ memcpy( pTmp, pStr, nLen );
+ };
+ ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr = pTmp;
+ }
+ return( aError );
+|* RscString::GetString()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscString::GetString( const RSCINST & rInst, char ** ppStr ){
+ *ppStr = ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscString::GetRef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.07.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 22.07.91
+ERRTYPE RscString::GetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, RscId * pRscId ){
+ *pRscId = ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId;
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscString::SetRef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscString::SetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rRefId ){
+ if( pRefClass ){
+ ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId = rRefId;
+ ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->bDflt = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ return ERR_OK;
+|* RscString::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91
+RSCINST RscString::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt,
+ BOOL bOwnClass )
+ RSCINST aInst;
+ if( !pInst ){
+ aInst.pClass = this;
+ aInst.pData = (CLASS_DATA)
+ rtl_allocateMemory( sizeof( RscStringInst ) );
+ }
+ else
+ aInst = *pInst;
+ if( !bOwnClass && rDflt.IsInst() )
+ bOwnClass = rDflt.pClass->InHierarchy( this );
+ ((RscStringInst *)aInst.pData)->aRefId.Create();
+ ((RscStringInst *)aInst.pData)->pStr = NULL;
+ ((RscStringInst *)aInst.pData)->bDflt = TRUE;
+ if( bOwnClass ){
+ ((RscStringInst *)aInst.pData)->aRefId =
+ ((RscStringInst *)rDflt.pData)->aRefId;
+ SetString( aInst, ((RscStringInst *)rDflt.pData)->pStr );
+ ((RscStringInst *)aInst.pData)->bDflt =
+ ((RscStringInst *)rDflt.pData)->bDflt ;
+ }
+ return( aInst );
+|* RscString::Destroy()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91
+void RscString::Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ if( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr )
+ rtl_freeMemory( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr );
+ ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId.Destroy();
+|* RscString::IsValueDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.01.92
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.01.92
+BOOL RscString::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef ){
+ RscStringInst * pData = (RscStringInst*)rInst.pData;
+ RscStringInst * pDefData = (RscStringInst*)pDef;
+ if( pDef ){
+ if( pData->aRefId.IsId() || pDefData->aRefId.IsId() )
+ {
+ if( pData->aRefId.aExp.IsNumber()
+ && pDefData->aRefId.aExp.IsNumber() )
+ {
+ // Sind die Referenzidentifier gleich
+ if( pData->aRefId.GetNumber() == pDefData->aRefId.GetNumber() )
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ BOOL bStrEmpty = FALSE;
+ BOOL bDefStrEmpty = FALSE;
+ if( pData->pStr ){
+ bStrEmpty = ('\0' == *pData->pStr);
+ }
+ else
+ bStrEmpty = TRUE;
+ if( pDefData->pStr ){
+ bDefStrEmpty = ('\0' == *pDefData->pStr);
+ }
+ else
+ bDefStrEmpty = TRUE;
+ if( !bStrEmpty || !bDefStrEmpty ){
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+|* RscString::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91
+void RscString::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont *, sal_uInt32, const char * )
+ if ( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId.IsId() )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "%s",
+ ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId.GetName().GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RscStringInst * pStrI = ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData);
+ if( pStrI->pStr ){
+ //char * pChangeTab = RscChar::GetChangeTab();
+ sal_uInt32 n = 0;
+ sal_uInt32 nPos, nSlashPos;
+ do {
+ fputc( '\"', fOutput );
+ nSlashPos = nPos = 0;
+ while( pStrI->pStr[ n ]
+ && (nPos < 72 || nPos - nSlashPos <= 3) )
+ { // nach \ mindesten 3 Zeichen wegeb \xa7
+ fputc( pStrI->pStr[ n ], fOutput );
+ if( pStrI->pStr[ n ] == '\\' )
+ nSlashPos = nPos;
+ n++;
+ nPos++;
+ }
+ fputc( '\"', fOutput );
+ if( pStrI->pStr[ n ] ) //nocht nicht zu ende
+ fputc( '\n', fOutput );
+ } while( pStrI->pStr[ n ] );
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\"\"" );
+ }
+|* RscString::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscString::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ ObjNode * pObjNode = NULL;
+ if( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId.IsId() ){
+ RscId aId( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId );
+ aTmpI.pClass = pRefClass;
+ while( aError.IsOk() && aId.IsId() ){
+ //Erhoehen und abfragen um Endlosrekusion zu vermeiden
+ nDeep++;
+ if( nDeep > nRefDeep )
+ else
+ {
+ pObjNode = pRefClass->GetObjNode( aId );
+ if( pObjNode )
+ {
+ aTmpI.pData = pObjNode->GetRscObj();
+ aError = pRefClass->GetRef( aTmpI, &aId );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pTC )
+ {
+ ByteString aMsg( pHS->getString( pRefClass->GetId() ).getStr() );
+ aMsg += ' ';
+ aMsg += aId.GetName();
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, rInst.pClass,
+ RscId(), aMsg.GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ {
+ if( pObjNode )
+ {
+ aRefI = RSCINST( pRefClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() );
+ aError = aRefI.pClass->WriteRc( aRefI, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr && pTC )
+ {
+ char * pStr = RscChar::MakeUTF8( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr,
+ pTC->GetSourceCharSet() );
+ rMem.PutUTF8( pStr );
+ rtl_freeMemory( pStr );
+ }
+ else
+ rMem.PutUTF8( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr );
+ };
+ };
+ return( aError );
+void RscString::WriteRcAccess
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * /*pTC*/,
+ const char * pName
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tString aStr( (const char*)(pResData+nOffset) );\n" );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tSet%s( aStr );\n", pName );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tnOffset += GetStringSizeRes( aStr );\n" );
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rsctop.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rsctop.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4b7887ebf298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rsctop.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,994 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+// Solar Definitionen
+#include <tools/solar.h>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+/****************** R s c T o p ******************************************/
+|* RscTop::RscTop()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.06.91
+RscTop::RscTop( Atom nId, sal_uInt32 nTypIdent, RscTop * pSuperCl )
+ : RefNode( nId )
+ , pSuperClass( pSuperCl )
+ , nTypId( nTypIdent )
+ pRefClass = this;
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ SetCallPar( pSuperClass->aCallPar1, pSuperClass->aCallPar2,
+ pSuperClass->aCallParType );
+|* RscTop::SetCallPar()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+void RscTop::SetCallPar( const ByteString & rPar1, const ByteString & rPar2,
+ const ByteString & rParType )
+ aCallPar1 = rPar1;
+ aCallPar2 = rPar2;
+ aCallParType = rParType;
+|* RscTop::GetDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::GetDefault()
+ if( !aDfltInst.IsInst() )
+ aDfltInst = this->Create( NULL, RSCINST() );
+ return aDfltInst;
+|* RscTop::Pre_dtor()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 19.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 19.06.91
+void RscTop :: Pre_dtor(){
+ if( aDfltInst.IsInst() ){
+ aDfltInst.pClass->Destroy( aDfltInst );
+ rtl_freeMemory( aDfltInst.pData );
+ aDfltInst = RSCINST();
+ };
+|* RscTop::GetConstant()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+Atom RscTop :: GetConstant( sal_uInt32 ){
+ return InvalidAtom;
+|* RscTop::GetIndexType()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RscTop * RscTop::GetTypeClass() const
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->GetTypeClass();
+ else
+ return NULL;
+|* RscTop::Size()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+sal_uInt32 RscTop :: Size()
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->Size();
+ else
+ return 0;
+|* RscTop::GetRef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop :: GetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, RscId * pRscId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->GetRef( rInst, pRscId );
+ else
+|* RscTop::InHierarchy()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 17.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 17.05.91
+BOOL RscTop::InHierarchy( RscTop * pClass ){
+ if( this == pClass )
+ return( TRUE );
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return( pSuperClass->InHierarchy( pClass ) );
+ return( FALSE );
+|* RscTop::SetVariable()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetVariable( Atom nVarName, RscTop * pClass,
+ RSCINST * pDflt, RSCVAR nVarType, sal_uInt32 nMask,
+ Atom nDataBaseName )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SetVariable( nVarName, pClass, pDflt,
+ nVarType, nMask, nDataBaseName );
+ else
+|* RscTop::EnumVariable()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.02.93
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.02.93
+void RscTop::EnumVariables( void * pData, VarEnumCallbackProc pProc )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->EnumVariables( pData, pProc );
+|* RscTop::GetVariable()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::GetVariable
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ Atom nVarName,
+ const RSCINST & rInitInst,
+ BOOL bInitDflt,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetVariable( rInst, nVarName, rInitInst, bInitDflt, pCreateClass );
+ else
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscTop::GetCopyVar()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::GetCopyVar( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nVarName )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetCopyVar( rInst, nVarName );
+ else
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscTop::GetTupelVar()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::GetTupelVar( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos,
+ const RSCINST & rInitInst )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->GetTupelVar( rInst, nPos, rInitInst );
+ else
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscTop::GetElement()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetElement( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rEleName,
+ RscTop *pCreateClass, const RSCINST & rCreateInst,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetElement( rInst, rEleName,
+ pCreateClass, rCreateInst,
+ pGetInst );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetArrayEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetArrayEle
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ Atom nId,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->GetArrayEle( rInst, nId, pCreateClass, pGetInst );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetValueEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetValueEle
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ INT32 lValue,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->GetValueEle( rInst, lValue, pCreateClass, pGetInst );
+ else
+|* RscTop::SearchEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::SearchEle( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rEleName,
+ RscTop * pClass )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SearchEle( rInst, rEleName, pClass );
+ else
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscTop::GetPosEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::GetPosEle( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetPosEle( rInst, nPos );
+ else
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscTop::MovePosEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::MovePosEle( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nDestPos,
+ sal_uInt32 nSourcePos )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ MovePosEle( rInst, nDestPos, nSourcePos );
+ else
+|* RscTop::SetPosRscId()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetPosRscId( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos,
+ const RscId & rRscId )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SetPosRscId( rInst, nPos, rRscId );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetInfoEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+SUBINFO_STRUCT RscTop::GetInfoEle( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetInfoEle( rInst, nPos );
+ else
+ return SUBINFO_STRUCT();
+|* RscTop::GetCount()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+sal_uInt32 RscTop::GetCount( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->GetCount( rInst );
+ else
+ return 0;
+|* RscTop::SetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 lValue ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SetNumber( rInst, lValue );
+ else
+|* RscTop::SetBool()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetBool( const RSCINST & rInst, BOOL bValue ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SetBool( rInst, bValue );
+ else
+|* RscTop::SetConst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nId, INT32 nVal )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->SetConst( rInst, nId, nVal );
+ else
+|* RscTop::SetNotConst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetNotConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SetNotConst( rInst, nId );
+ else
+|* RscTop::SetString()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetString( const RSCINST & rInst, const char * pStr ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SetString( rInst, pStr );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, INT32 * pN ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetNumber( rInst, pN );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetBool()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetBool( const RSCINST & rInst, BOOL * pB ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetBool( rInst, pB );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetCont()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom * pH ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetConst( rInst, pH );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetString()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetString( const RSCINST & rInst, char ** ppStr ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetString( rInst, ppStr );
+ else
+|* RscTop::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 17.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 17.07.91
+RSCINST RscTop::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDefInst, BOOL bOwnRange )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ Create( pInst, rDefInst, bOwnRange );
+ else{
+ if( pInst )
+ return *pInst;
+ return RSCINST();
+ }
+|* RscTop::Destroy()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+void RscTop::Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->Destroy( rInst );
+|* RscTop::IsConsistent()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+BOOL RscTop::IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst,
+ RscInconsList * pList )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->IsConsistent( rInst, pList );
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscTop::SetToDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+void RscTop::SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->SetToDefault( rInst );
+|* RscTop::IsDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+BOOL RscTop::IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->IsDefault( rInst );
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscTop::IsValueDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+BOOL RscTop::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->IsValueDefault( rInst, pDef );
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscTop::SetDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+void RscTop::SetDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, Atom nVarId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->SetDefault( rInst, nVarId );
+|* RscTop::GetDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::GetDefault( Atom nVarId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetDefault( nVarId );
+ else
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscTop::Delete()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+void RscTop::Delete( const RSCINST & rInst, RscTop * pClass,
+ const RscId & rId )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->Delete( rInst, pClass, rId );
+|* RscTop::DeletePos()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+void RscTop::DeletePos( const RSCINST & rInst, sal_uInt32 nPos )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->DeletePos( rInst, nPos );
+|* RscTop::SetRef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 18.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.09.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rRefId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->SetRef( rInst, rRefId );
+ else
+|* RscTop::WriteHxxHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::WriteHxxHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->WriteHxxHeader( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+ else
+ return rInst.pClass->WriteHxx( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+|* RscTop::WriteHxx()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::WriteHxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->WriteHxx( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+ else
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscTop::WriteCxxHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::WriteCxxHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->WriteCxxHeader( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+ else
+ return rInst.pClass->WriteCxx( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+|* RscTop::WriteCxx()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::WriteCxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->WriteCxx( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+ else
+ return ERR_OK;
+|* RscTop::WriteSrcHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+void RscTop::WriteSrcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab,
+ const RscId & rId, const char * pVarName )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->WriteSrcHeader( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, rId, pVarName );
+ else
+ rInst.pClass->WriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName );
+|* RscTop::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+void RscTop::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nTab, const char * pVarName )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->WriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName );
+|* RscTop::WriteRcHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::WriteRcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId,
+ sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return( pSuperClass->
+ WriteRcHeader( rInst, rMem, pTC, rId, nDeep, bExtra ) );
+ else
+ return( rInst.pClass->WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra ) );
+|* RscTop::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uInt32 nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return( pSuperClass->
+ WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra ) );
+ else
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscTop::WriteSyntaxHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+void RscTop::WriteSyntaxHeader( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC )
+ if( GetId() != InvalidAtom )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "class %s \n{\n", pHS->getString( GetId() ).getStr() );
+ WriteSyntax( fOutput, pTC );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "};\n\n" );
+ }
+|* RscTop::WriteSyntax()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+void RscTop::WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->WriteSyntax( fOutput, pTC );
+void RscTop::WriteRcAccess
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * /*pTC*/,
+ const char * pName
+ if( GetId() != InvalidAtom )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\t//%s %s\n",
+ pHS->getString( GetId() ).getStr(), pName );
+ }
+void RscTop::WriteRcCtor( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->WriteRcCtor( fOutput, pTC );
diff --git a/rsc/source/rsc/ b/rsc/source/rsc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..95f7c84c9de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/rsc/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+# --- Settings -------------------------------------------------------
+OBJFILES= $(OBJ)$/rsc.obj
diff --git a/rsc/source/rsc/rsc.cxx b/rsc/source/rsc/rsc.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..40d589aea359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/rsc/rsc.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1386 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/* Include File */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#ifdef UNX
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#include <process.h>
+#include <direct.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#if defined( PM2 ) && defined( ZTC )
+#include <svpm.h>
+#ifndef unlink
+#define unlink( p ) DosDelete( (PSZ)(const char*)p )
+#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
+#include <tools/stream.hxx>
+#include <rscerror.h>
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+#include <rscdb.hxx>
+#include <rscpar.hxx>
+#include <rscrsc.hxx>
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+#include <osl/file.h>
+#include <osl/process.h>
+#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
+#include <rtl/tencinfo.h>
+#include <rtl/textenc.h>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace rtl;
+/*************** F o r w a r d s *****************************************/
+/*************** G l o b a l e V a r i a b l e n **********************/
+ByteString* pStdParType = NULL;
+ByteString* pStdPar1 = NULL;
+ByteString* pStdPar2 = NULL;
+ByteString* pWinParType = NULL;
+ByteString* pWinPar1 = NULL;
+ByteString* pWinPar2 = NULL;
+sal_uInt32 nRefDeep = 10;
+AtomContainer* pHS = NULL;
+/*************** R s c C m d L i n e ************************************/
+|* RscCmdLine::Init()
+|* Beschreibung Kommandozeile interpretierten
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.05.91
+void RscCmdLine::Init()
+ nCommands = 0;
+ nByteOrder = RSC_BIGENDIAN;
+ DirEntry aEntry;
+ aPath = ByteString( aEntry.GetFull(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); //Immer im Aktuellen Pfad suchen
+ m_aOutputFiles.clear();
+ m_aOutputFiles.push_back( OutputFile() );
+|* RscCmdLine::RscCmdLine()
+|* Beschreibung Kommandozeile interpretierten
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 13.02.91
+ Init();
+|* RscCmdLine::RscCmdLine()
+|* Beschreibung Kommandozeile interpretierten
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 13.02.91
+RscCmdLine::RscCmdLine( int argc, char ** argv, RscError * pEH )
+ char * pStr;
+ char ** ppStr;
+ RscPtrPtr aCmdLine; // Kommandozeile
+ ByteString aString;
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ BOOL bOutputSrsIsSet = FALSE;
+ Init(); // Defaults setzen
+ pStr = ::ResponseFile( &aCmdLine, argv, argc );
+ if( pStr )
+ pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), pStr );
+ /* check the inputted switches */
+ ppStr = (char **)aCmdLine.GetBlock();
+ ppStr++;
+ i = 1;
+ while( ppStr && i < (aCmdLine.GetCount() -1) )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "CmdLineArg: \"%s\"\n", *ppStr );
+ if( '-' == **ppStr )
+ {
+ if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "h" )
+ || !strcmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "?" ) )
+ { // Hilfe
+ nCommands |= HELP_FLAG;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "syntax" ) )
+ { // Hilfe
+ nCommands |= PRINTSYNTAX_FLAG;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "RefDeep", 7 ) )
+ { // maximale Aufloesungtiefe fuer Referenzen
+ nRefDeep = ByteString( (*ppStr) +1 + strlen( "RefDeep" ) ).ToInt32();
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "p" ) )
+ { // kein Preprozessor
+ nCommands |= NOPREPRO_FLAG;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "s" ) )
+ { // nicht linken
+ nCommands |= NOLINK_FLAG;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "l" ) )
+ { // Linken, keine Syntax und kein Prepro
+ nCommands |= NOPREPRO_FLAG;
+ nCommands |= NOSYNTAX_FLAG;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "r" ) )
+ { // erzeugt kein .res-file
+ nCommands |= NORESFILE_FLAG;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "sub", 3 ) )
+ {
+ const char* pEqual;
+ for( pEqual = (*ppStr)+4; *pEqual && *pEqual != '='; ++pEqual )
+ ;
+ if( *pEqual )
+ {
+ const ByteString aSPath( pEqual + 1 );
+ DirEntry aSDir( String( aSPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
+ m_aReplacements.push_back( std::pair< OString, OString >( OString( (*ppStr)+4, pEqual - *ppStr - 4 ),
+ ByteString( aSDir.GetFull(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "PreLoad" ) )
+ { // Alle Ressourcen mit Preload
+ nCommands |= PRELOAD_FLAG;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "LITTLEENDIAN" ) )
+ { // Byte Ordnung beim Schreiben
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "BIGENDIAN" ) )
+ { // Byte Ordnung beim Schreiben
+ nByteOrder = RSC_BIGENDIAN;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "SMART" ) )
+ { // Byte Ordnung beim Schreiben
+ nCommands |= SMART_FLAG;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "d", 1 ) )
+ { // Symbole definieren
+ nCommands |= DEFINE_FLAG;
+ aSymbolList.Insert( new ByteString( (*ppStr) + 2 ), 0xFFFF );
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "i", 1 ) )
+ { // Include-Pfade definieren
+ nCommands |= INCLUDE_FLAG;
+ if( aPath.Len() )
+ aPath += ByteString( DirEntry::GetSearchDelimiter(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ aPath += (*ppStr) + 2;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "fs=", 3 ) )
+ { // anderer Name fuer .rc-file
+ if( m_aOutputFiles.back().aOutputRc.Len() )
+ m_aOutputFiles.push_back( OutputFile() );
+ m_aOutputFiles.back().aOutputRc = (*ppStr) + 4;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "lip=", 4 ) )
+ { // additional language specific include for system dependent files
+ const ByteString aSysSearchDir( (*ppStr)+5 );
+ DirEntry aSysDir( String( aSysSearchDir, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
+ m_aOutputFiles.back().aSysSearchDirs.push_back( ByteString( aSysDir.GetFull(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
+ if( m_aOutputFiles.back().aLangSearchPath.Len() )
+ m_aOutputFiles.back().aLangSearchPath.Append( ByteString( DirEntry::GetSearchDelimiter(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
+ m_aOutputFiles.back().aLangSearchPath.Append( aSysSearchDir );
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "fp=", 3 ) )
+ { // anderer Name fuer .srs-file
+ aOutputSrs = (*ppStr) + 4;
+ bOutputSrsIsSet = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "fl=", 3 ) )
+ { // Name fuer listing-file
+ aOutputLst = (*ppStr) + 4;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "fh=", 3 ) )
+ { // Name fuer .hxx-file
+ aOutputHxx = (*ppStr) + 4;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "fc=", 3 ) )
+ { // Name fuer .cxx-file
+ aOutputCxx = (*ppStr) + 4;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "fr=", 3 ) )
+ { // Name fuer .cxx-file der Ressource Konstruktoren
+ aOutputRcCtor = (*ppStr) + 4;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "fx=", 3 ) )
+ { // Name fuer .src-file
+ aOutputSrc = (*ppStr) + 4;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "ft=", 3 ) )
+ { // touch file
+ aTouchFile = (*ppStr) + 4;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "oil=", 4 ) )
+ {
+ aILDir = (*ppStr) + 5;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "NoSysResTest" ) )
+ { // Bitmap, Pointers, Icons nicht ueberpruefen
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "SrsDefault" ) )
+ { // Bitmap, Pointers, Icons nicht ueberpruefen
+ nCommands |= SRSDEFAULT_FLAG;
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "CHARSET_", 8 ) )
+ {
+ // ignore (was an option once)
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "lg" ) )
+ {
+ m_aOutputFiles.back().aLangName = ByteString();
+ }
+ else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "lg", 2 ) )
+ {
+ if( m_aOutputFiles.back().aLangName.Len() )
+ m_aOutputFiles.push_back( OutputFile() );
+ m_aOutputFiles.back().aLangName = ByteString( (*ppStr)+3 );
+ }
+ else
+ pEH->FatalError( ERR_UNKNOWNSW, RscId(), *ppStr );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Eingabedatei
+ aInputList.Insert( new ByteString( *ppStr ), 0xFFFF );
+ }
+ ppStr++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if( nCommands & HELP_FLAG )
+ pEH->FatalError( ERR_USAGE, RscId() );
+ // was an inputted file specified
+ else if( aInputList.Count() )
+ {
+ ::std::list<OutputFile>::iterator it;
+ for( it = m_aOutputFiles.begin(); it != m_aOutputFiles.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ if( ! it->aOutputRc.Len() )
+ it->aOutputRc = ::OutputFile( *aInputList.First(), "rc" );
+ }
+ if( ! bOutputSrsIsSet )
+ aOutputSrs = ::OutputFile( *aInputList.First(), "srs" );
+ }
+ else if( !(nCommands & PRINTSYNTAX_FLAG) )
+ pEH->FatalError( ERR_NOINPUT, RscId() );
+|* RscCmdLine::~RscCmdLine()
+|* Beschreibung dtor
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 13.02.91
+ ByteString *pString;
+ while( NULL != (pString = aInputList.Remove( (ULONG)0 )) )
+ delete pString;
+ while( NULL != (pString = aSymbolList.Remove( (ULONG)0 )) )
+ delete pString;
+|* RscCmdLine::substitutePaths()
+OString RscCmdLine::substitutePaths( const OString& rIn )
+ // prepare return value
+ OStringBuffer aRet( 256 );
+ std::list< std::pair< OString, OString > >::const_iterator last_match = m_aReplacements.end();
+ // search for longest replacement match
+ for( std::list< std::pair< OString, OString > >::const_iterator repl = m_aReplacements.begin(); repl != m_aReplacements.end(); ++repl )
+ {
+ if( rIn.compareTo( repl->second, repl->second.getLength() ) == 0 ) // path matches
+ {
+ if( last_match == m_aReplacements.end() || last_match->second.getLength() < repl->second.getLength() )
+ last_match = repl;
+ }
+ }
+ // copy replacement found and rest of rIn
+ sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
+ if( last_match != m_aReplacements.end() )
+ {
+ aRet.append( "%" );
+ aRet.append( last_match->first );
+ aRet.append( "%" );
+ nIndex = last_match->second.getLength();
+ }
+ aRet.append( rIn.copy( nIndex ) );
+ return aRet.makeStringAndClear();
+/*************** R s c C o m p i l e r **********************************/
+/* */
+/* RscCompiler :: RscCompiler(int argc, char **argv) */
+/* */
+/* Parameters : argc - number of parameters on command line */
+/* argv - arry of pointers to input parameters */
+/* */
+/* Description : main calling routine. Calls functions to */
+/* check and assign the input parameters. It then builds the */
+/* command line to call the Glockenspiel preprocessor */
+RscCompiler::RscCompiler( RscCmdLine * pLine, RscTypCont * pTypCont )
+ fListing = NULL;
+ fExitFile = NULL;
+ //Kommandozeile setzen, TypContainer setzen
+ pCL = pLine;
+ pTC = pTypCont;
+ if( pCL->aOutputLst.Len() )
+ {
+ if ( NULL == (fListing = fopen( pCL->aOutputLst.GetBuffer(), "w" )) )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), pCL->aOutputLst.GetBuffer() );
+ pTC->pEH->SetListFile( fListing );
+ }
+|* RscCompiler :: RscCompiler()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 07.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 07.02.91
+ ByteString* pString;
+ // Dateien loeschen
+ pString = aTmpFileList.First();
+ while( pString )
+ {
+ unlink( pString->GetBuffer() );
+ delete pString;
+ pString = aTmpFileList.Next();
+ }
+ pTC->pEH->SetListFile( NULL );
+ if( fListing )
+ fclose( fListing );
+ if( fExitFile )
+ fclose( fExitFile );
+ if( aTmpOutputHxx.Len() )
+ unlink( aTmpOutputHxx.GetBuffer() );
+ if( aTmpOutputCxx.Len() )
+ unlink( aTmpOutputCxx.GetBuffer() );
+ if( aTmpOutputRcCtor.Len() )
+ unlink( aTmpOutputRcCtor.GetBuffer() );
+ if( aTmpOutputSrc.Len() )
+ unlink( aTmpOutputSrc.GetBuffer() );
+|* RscCompiler::Start()
+|* Beschreibung Datei in Kommandozeile aendern
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 13.02.91
+ERRTYPE RscCompiler::Start()
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ ByteString* pString;
+ RscFile* pFName;
+ if( PRINTSYNTAX_FLAG & pCL->nCommands )
+ {
+#ifndef W30
+ pTC->WriteSyntax( stdout );
+printf( "khg\n" );
+ return ERR_OK;
+ }
+ // Kein Parameter, dann Hilfe
+ pString = pCL->aInputList.First();
+ if( !pString )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_NOINPUT, RscId() );
+ while( pString )
+ {
+ pTC->aFileTab.NewCodeFile( *pString );
+ pString = pCL->aInputList.Next();
+ }
+ if( !(pCL->nCommands & NOSYNTAX_FLAG) )
+ {
+ if( pCL->nCommands & NOPREPRO_FLAG )
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->SetListFile( NULL );
+ pFName = pTC->aFileTab.First();
+ while( pFName && aError.IsOk() )
+ {
+ if( !pFName->bScanned && !pFName->IsIncFile() )
+ {
+ aError = IncludeParser(
+ pTC->aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName )
+ );
+ // Currentzeiger richtig setzen
+ pTC->aFileTab.Seek( pFName );
+ };
+ pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Next();
+ };
+ pTC->pEH->SetListFile( fListing );
+ }
+ };
+ if ( pTC->pEH->GetVerbosity() >= RscVerbosityVerbose )
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( "Files: " );
+ pFName = pTC->aFileTab.First();
+ while( pFName )
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( pFName->aFileName.GetBuffer() );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( " " );
+ pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Next();
+ };
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( "\n" );
+ }
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ aError = Link();
+ if( aError.IsOk() )
+ EndCompile();
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_ERROR, NULL, RscId() );
+ return( aError );
+|* RscCmdLine::EndCompile()
+|* Beschreibung Datei in Kommandozeile aendern
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 13.02.91
+void RscCompiler::EndCompile()
+ if( pCL->aOutputSrs.Len() && (pCL->nCommands & NOLINK_FLAG) )
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( "Writing file ", RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( pCL->aOutputSrs.GetBuffer(), RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( ".\n", RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ // kopiere von TMP auf richtigen Namen
+ unlink( pCL->aOutputSrs.GetBuffer() ); // Zieldatei loeschen
+ if( !(pCL->nCommands & NOSYNTAX_FLAG) )
+ {
+ FILE * foutput;
+ RscFile * pFN;
+ if( NULL == (foutput = fopen( pCL->aOutputSrs.GetBuffer(), "w" )) )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), pCL->aOutputSrs.GetBuffer() );
+ else
+ {
+ // Schreibe Datei
+ pFN = pTC->aFileTab.First();
+ while( pFN )
+ {
+ if( !pFN->IsIncFile() )
+ {
+ pTC->WriteSrc( foutput, NOFILE_INDEX,
+ break; // ?T 281091MM nur eine Src-Datei
+ }
+ };
+ fclose( foutput );
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ if ( aTmpOutputHxx.Len() )
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( "Writing file ", RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( pCL->aOutputHxx.GetBuffer(), RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( ".\n", RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ // kopiere von TMP auf richtigen Namen
+ unlink( pCL->aOutputHxx.GetBuffer() ); // Zieldatei loeschen
+ Append( pCL->aOutputHxx, aTmpOutputHxx );
+ unlink( aTmpOutputHxx.GetBuffer() );// TempDatei loeschen
+ aTmpOutputHxx = ByteString();
+ }
+ if( aTmpOutputCxx.Len() )
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( "Writing file ", RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( pCL->aOutputCxx.GetBuffer(), RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( ".\n", RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ // kopiere von TMP auf richtigen Namen
+ unlink( pCL->aOutputCxx.GetBuffer() ); // Zieldatei loeschen
+ Append( pCL->aOutputCxx, aTmpOutputCxx );
+ unlink( aTmpOutputCxx.GetBuffer() );// TempDatei loeschen
+ aTmpOutputCxx = ByteString();
+ }
+ if( aTmpOutputRcCtor.Len() )
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( "Writing file ", RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( pCL->aOutputRcCtor.GetBuffer(), RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( ".\n", RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ // kopiere von TMP auf richtigen Namen
+ unlink( pCL->aOutputRcCtor.GetBuffer() ); // Zieldatei loeschen
+ Append( pCL->aOutputRcCtor, aTmpOutputRcCtor );
+ unlink( aTmpOutputRcCtor.GetBuffer() );// TempDatei loeschen
+ aTmpOutputRcCtor = ByteString();
+ }
+ if( aTmpOutputSrc.Len() )
+ {
+ // kopiere von TMP auf richtigen Namen
+ unlink( pCL->aOutputSrc.GetBuffer() ); // Zieldatei loeschen
+ Append( pCL->aOutputSrc, aTmpOutputSrc );
+ unlink( aTmpOutputSrc.GetBuffer() );// TempDatei loeschen
+ aTmpOutputSrc = ByteString();
+ }
+ if( pCL->aTouchFile.Len() )
+ {
+ FILE* fp = fopen( pCL->aTouchFile.GetBuffer(), "w" );
+ if( fp )
+ {
+ fprintf( fp, "Done\n" );
+ fclose( fp );
+ }
+ else
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), pCL->aTouchFile.GetBuffer() );
+ }
+|* RscCompiler::IncludeParser()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 21.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 21.06.91
+ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: IncludeParser( ULONG lFileKey )
+ FILE * finput;
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Get( lFileKey );
+ if( !pFName )
+ aError = ERR_ERROR;
+ else if( !pFName->bScanned )
+ {
+ finput = fopen( pFName->aPathName.GetBuffer(), "r" );
+ if( !finput )
+ {
+ aError = ERR_OPENFILE;
+ pTC->pEH->Error( aError, NULL, RscId(),
+ pFName->aPathName.GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RscFile * pFNTmp;
+ ByteString aPathName;
+ RscDepend * pDep;
+ RscFileInst aFileInst( pTC, lFileKey, lFileKey, finput );
+ pFName->bScanned = TRUE;
+ ::IncludeParser( &aFileInst );
+ fclose( finput );
+ // Include-Pfad durchsuchen
+ pDep = pFName->First();
+ while( pDep )
+ {
+ pFNTmp = pTC->aFileTab.GetFile( pDep->GetFileKey() );
+ pDep = pFName->Next();
+ }
+ pDep = pFName->First();
+ while( pDep )
+ {
+ pFNTmp = pTC->aFileTab.GetFile( pDep->GetFileKey() );
+ // Kein Pfad und Include Datei
+ if( pFNTmp && !pFNTmp->bLoaded )
+ {
+ UniString aUniFileName( pFNTmp->aFileName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ DirEntry aFullName( aUniFileName );
+ if ( aFullName.Find( UniString( pCL->aPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ) )
+ pFNTmp->aPathName = ByteString( aFullName.GetFull(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ else
+ aError = ERR_OPENFILE;
+ }
+ pDep = pFName->Next();
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ return aError;
+|* RscCompiler :: ParseOneFile()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.06.91
+ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: ParseOneFile( ULONG lFileKey,
+ const RscCmdLine::OutputFile* pOutputFile,
+ const WriteRcContext* pContext )
+ FILE * finput = NULL;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Get( lFileKey );
+ if( !pFName )
+ aError = ERR_ERROR;
+ else if( !pFName->bLoaded )
+ {
+ RscDepend * pDep;
+ //Include-Dateien vorher lesen
+ pFName->bLoaded = TRUE; //Endlos Rekursion vermeiden
+ pDep = pFName->First();
+ while( pDep && aError.IsOk() )
+ {
+ aError = ParseOneFile( pDep->GetFileKey(), pOutputFile, pContext );
+ pFName->Seek( pDep );
+ pDep = pFName->Next();
+ }
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ pFName->bLoaded = FALSE; //bei Fehler nicht geladenen
+ else
+ {
+ String aTmpName( ::GetTmpFileName(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ DirEntry aTmpPath( aTmpName ), aSrsPath( String( pFName->aPathName.GetBuffer(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
+ aTmpPath.ToAbs();
+ aSrsPath.ToAbs();
+ if( pContext && pOutputFile )
+ PreprocessSrsFile( *pOutputFile, *pContext, aSrsPath, aTmpPath );
+ else
+ aSrsPath.CopyTo( aTmpPath, FSYS_ACTION_COPYFILE );
+ ByteString aParseFile( aTmpPath.GetFull(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ finput = fopen( aParseFile.GetBuffer(), "r" );
+ if( !finput )
+ {
+ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_OPENFILE, NULL, RscId(), pFName->aPathName.GetBuffer() );
+ aError = ERR_OPENFILE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RscFileInst aFileInst( pTC, lFileKey, lFileKey, finput );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( "reading file ", RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( aParseFile.GetBuffer(), RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( " ", RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ aError = ::parser( &aFileInst );
+ if( aError.IsError() )
+ pTC->Delete( lFileKey );//Resourceobjekte loeschen
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( "\n", RscVerbosityVerbose );
+ fclose( finput );
+ };
+ aTmpPath.Kill();
+ };
+ };
+ return( aError );
+|* RscCompiler :: Link()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 07.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 07.02.91
+static OString do_prefix( const char* pPrefix, const OUString& rFile )
+ OStringBuffer aBuf(256);
+ aBuf.append( pPrefix );
+ aBuf.append( ":" );
+ aBuf.append( OUStringToOString( rFile, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 ) );
+ return aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
+ERRTYPE RscCompiler::Link()
+ FILE * foutput;
+ ERRTYPE aError;
+ RscFile* pFName;
+#ifdef UNX
+#define PATHSEP '/'
+#define PATHSEP '\\'
+ if( !(pCL->nCommands & NOLINK_FLAG) )
+ {
+ ::std::list<RscCmdLine::OutputFile>::const_iterator it;
+ for( it = pCL->m_aOutputFiles.begin(); it != pCL->m_aOutputFiles.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ // cleanup nodes
+ for( pFName = pTC->aFileTab.First(); pFName && aError.IsOk(); pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Next() )
+ {
+ if( !pFName->IsIncFile() )
+ {
+ pTC->Delete( pTC->aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ) );
+ pTC->aFileTab.Seek( pFName );
+ pFName->bLoaded = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // rc-Datei schreiben
+ ByteString aDir( it->aOutputRc );
+ aDir.SetToken( aDir.GetTokenCount( PATHSEP )-1, PATHSEP, ByteString() );
+ if( ! aDir.Len() )
+ {
+ char aBuf[1024];
+ if( getcwd( aBuf, sizeof( aBuf ) ) )
+ {
+ aDir = aBuf;
+ aDir.Append( PATHSEP );
+ }
+ }
+ // work dir for absolute Urls
+ OUString aCWD, aTmpUrl;
+ osl_getProcessWorkingDir( &aCWD.pData );
+ // get two temp file urls
+ OString aRcTmp, aSysListTmp, aSysList;
+ OUString aSysPath, aUrlDir;
+ aSysPath = OStringToOUString( aDir, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
+ if( osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( aSysPath.pData, &aUrlDir.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "url conversion", aUrlDir ) );
+ if( osl_getAbsoluteFileURL( aCWD.pData, aUrlDir.pData, &aTmpUrl.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "absolute url", aUrlDir ) );
+ aUrlDir = aTmpUrl;
+ // create temp file for rc target
+ if( osl_createTempFile( aUrlDir.pData, NULL, &aTmpUrl.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "temp file creation", aUrlDir ) );
+ if( osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( aTmpUrl.pData, &aSysPath.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "sys path conversion", aTmpUrl ) );
+ aRcTmp = OUStringToOString( aSysPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
+ if ( NULL == (fExitFile = foutput = fopen( aRcTmp.getStr(), "wb" )) )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), aRcTmp.getStr() );
+ // make absolute path from IL dir (-oil switch)
+ // if no -oil was given, use the same dir as for rc file
+ if( pCL->aILDir.Len() )
+ {
+ aSysPath = OStringToOUString( pCL->aILDir, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
+ if( osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( aSysPath.pData, &aTmpUrl.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "url conversion", aSysPath ) );
+ if( osl_getAbsoluteFileURL( aCWD.pData, aTmpUrl.pData, &aUrlDir.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "absolute url", aTmpUrl ) );
+ }
+ if( osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( aUrlDir.pData, &aSysPath.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "sys path conversion", aUrlDir ) );
+ aSysList = OUStringToOString( aSysPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
+ aSysList = aSysList + "/";
+ xub_StrLen nLastSep = it->aOutputRc.SearchBackward( PATHSEP );
+ if( nLastSep == STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ nLastSep = 0;
+ xub_StrLen nLastPt = it->aOutputRc.Search( '.', nLastSep );
+ if( nLastPt == STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ nLastPt = it->aOutputRc.Len()+1;
+ aSysList = aSysList + it->aOutputRc.Copy( nLastSep+1, nLastPt - nLastSep-1 );
+ aSysList = aSysList + ".ilst";
+ // create temp file for sys list target
+ if( osl_createTempFile( aUrlDir.pData, NULL, &aTmpUrl.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "temp file creation", aUrlDir ) );
+ if( osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( aTmpUrl.pData, &aSysPath.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "sys path conversion", aTmpUrl ) );
+ aSysListTmp = OUStringToOString( aSysPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( "Generating .rc file\n" );
+ rtl_TextEncoding aEnc = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8;
+ //if( it->aLangName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( "de", 2 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ // aEnc = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252;
+ // Schreibe Datei
+ sal_Char cSearchDelim = ByteString( DirEntry::GetSearchDelimiter(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).GetChar( 0 );
+ sal_Char cAccessDelim = ByteString( DirEntry::GetAccessDelimiter(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).GetChar( 0 );
+ pTC->ChangeLanguage( it->aLangName );
+ pTC->SetSourceCharSet( aEnc );
+ pTC->ClearSysNames();
+ ByteString aSysSearchPath( it->aLangSearchPath );
+ xub_StrLen nIndex = 0;
+ ByteString aSearchPath = pTC->GetSearchPath();
+ while( nIndex != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ ByteString aToken = aSearchPath.GetToken( 0, cSearchDelim, nIndex );
+ if( aSysSearchPath.Len() )
+ aSysSearchPath.Append( cSearchDelim );
+ aSysSearchPath.Append( aToken );
+ aSysSearchPath.Append( cAccessDelim );
+ aSysSearchPath.Append( it->aLangName );
+ aSysSearchPath.Append( cSearchDelim );
+ aSysSearchPath.Append( aToken );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "setting search path for language %s: %s\n", it->aLangName.GetBuffer(), aSysSearchPath.GetBuffer() );
+ pTC->SetSysSearchPath( aSysSearchPath );
+ WriteRcContext aContext;
+ aContext.fOutput = foutput;
+ aContext.aOutputRc = it->aOutputRc;
+ aContext.aOutputSysList = aSysListTmp;
+ aContext.pCmdLine = pCL;
+ // create empty sys list
+ if( aContext.aOutputSysList.getLength() )
+ {
+ FILE* pSysListFile = fopen( aContext.aOutputSysList.getStr(), "wb" );
+ if( !pSysListFile )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), aContext.aOutputSysList.getStr() );
+ else
+ fclose( pSysListFile );
+ }
+ // parse files for specific language
+ for( pFName = pTC->aFileTab.First(); pFName && aError.IsOk(); pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Next() )
+ {
+ if( !pFName->IsIncFile() )
+ {
+ aError = ParseOneFile( pTC->aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ), &*it, &aContext );
+ pTC->aFileTab.Seek( pFName );
+ }
+ };
+ aError = pTC->WriteRc( aContext );
+ fclose( foutput );
+ fExitFile = NULL;
+ unlink( it->aOutputRc.GetBuffer() );
+ if( rename( aRcTmp.getStr(), it->aOutputRc.GetBuffer() ) )
+ {
+ OStringBuffer aBuf;
+ aBuf.append( aRcTmp );
+ aBuf.append( " -> " );
+ aBuf.append( it->aOutputRc );
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_RENAMEFILE, RscId(), aBuf.getStr() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef UNX
+ chmod( it->aOutputRc.GetBuffer(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH );
+ }
+ unlink( aSysList.getStr() );
+ if( rename( aSysListTmp.getStr(), aSysList.getStr() ) )
+ {
+ OStringBuffer aBuf;
+ aBuf.append( aSysListTmp );
+ aBuf.append( " -> " );
+ aBuf.append( aSysList );
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_RENAMEFILE, RscId(), aBuf.getStr() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef UNX
+ chmod( aSysList.getStr(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // parse files
+ for( pFName = pTC->aFileTab.First(); pFName && aError.IsOk(); pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Next() )
+ {
+ if( !pFName->IsIncFile() )
+ {
+ aError = ParseOneFile( pTC->aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ), NULL, NULL );
+ pTC->aFileTab.Seek( pFName );
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // hxx-Datei schreiben
+ if( pCL->aOutputHxx.Len() && aError.IsOk() )
+ {
+ aTmpOutputHxx = ::GetTmpFileName();
+ if ( NULL == (fExitFile = foutput = fopen( aTmpOutputHxx.GetBuffer(), "w" )) )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), aTmpOutputHxx.GetBuffer() );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( "Generating .hxx file\n" );
+ // Schreibe Datei
+ aError = pTC->WriteHxx( foutput, NOFILE_INDEX );
+ fclose( foutput );
+ fExitFile = NULL;
+ }
+ // cxx-Datei schreiben
+ if( pCL->aOutputCxx.Len() && aError.IsOk() )
+ {
+ aTmpOutputCxx = ::GetTmpFileName();
+ if ( NULL == (fExitFile = foutput = fopen( aTmpOutputCxx.GetBuffer(), "w" )) )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), aTmpOutputCxx.GetBuffer() );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( "Generating .cxx file\n" );
+ ByteString aHxx = pCL->aOutputHxx;
+ if( !aHxx.Len() )
+ {
+ UniString aUniOutputCxx( pCL->aOutputCxx, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ aHxx = ByteString( DirEntry( aUniOutputCxx ).GetBase(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ aHxx += ".hxx";
+ }
+ // Schreibe Datei
+ aError = pTC->WriteCxx( foutput, NOFILE_INDEX, aHxx );
+ fclose( foutput );
+ fExitFile = NULL;
+ }
+ // RcCtor-Datei schreiben
+ if( pCL->aOutputRcCtor.Len() && aError.IsOk() )
+ {
+ aTmpOutputRcCtor = ::GetTmpFileName();
+ if ( NULL == (fExitFile = foutput = fopen( aTmpOutputRcCtor.GetBuffer(), "w" )) )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), aTmpOutputRcCtor.GetBuffer() );
+ pTC->pEH->StdOut( "Generating .cxx ressource constructor file\n" );
+ // Schreibe Datei
+ pTC->WriteRcCtor( foutput );
+ fclose( foutput );
+ fExitFile = NULL;
+ }
+ // src-Datei schreiben
+ if( pCL->aOutputSrc.Len() && aError.IsOk() )
+ {
+ aTmpOutputSrc = ::GetTmpFileName();
+ if ( NULL == (fExitFile = foutput = fopen( aTmpOutputSrc.GetBuffer(), "w" )) )
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), aTmpOutputSrc.GetBuffer() );
+ // Schreibe Datei
+ fclose( foutput );
+ fExitFile = NULL;
+ };
+ return( aError );
+/* */
+/* Function : Append( ) */
+/* */
+/* Parameters : psw - pointer to a preprocessor switch */
+/* */
+/* Description : appends text files */
+void RscCompiler::Append( const ByteString& rOutputSrs,
+ const ByteString& rTmpFile )
+ if( !::Append( rOutputSrs, rTmpFile ) )
+ {
+ ByteString aTemp = rOutputSrs;
+ aTemp += " or ";
+ aTemp += rTmpFile;
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), aTemp.GetBuffer() );
+ }
+/* */
+/* Function : GetTmpFileName() */
+/* */
+/* Description : Packt einen Dateinamen in Tmp-Dateiliste. */
+/* */
+ByteString RscCompiler::GetTmpFileName()
+ ByteString aFileName;
+ aFileName = ::GetTmpFileName();
+ aTmpFileList.Insert( new ByteString( aFileName ) );
+ return( aFileName );
+/* */
+/* Function : BOOL openinput() */
+/* */
+/* Description : Check to see if the input file exists and can */
+/* be opened for reading. */
+void RscCompiler::OpenInput( const ByteString& rInput )
+ FILE *fp;
+ /* try to open the input file */
+ if( NULL == (fp = fopen( rInput.GetBuffer(), "r")))
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), rInput.GetBuffer() );
+ fclose( fp );
+|* GetImageFilePath()
+bool RscCompiler::GetImageFilePath( const RscCmdLine::OutputFile& rOutputFile,
+ const WriteRcContext& rContext,
+ const ByteString& rBaseFileName,
+ ByteString& rImagePath,
+ FILE* pSysListFile )
+ ::std::list< ByteString > aFileNames;
+ bool bFound = false;
+ ByteString aFileName( rBaseFileName );
+ aFileNames.push_back( aFileName += ".png" );
+ aFileName = rBaseFileName;
+ aFileNames.push_back( aFileName += ".bmp" );
+ ::std::list< ByteString >::iterator aFileIter( aFileNames.begin() );
+ while( ( aFileIter != aFileNames.end() ) && !bFound )
+ {
+ ::std::list< ByteString >::const_iterator aDirIter( rOutputFile.aSysSearchDirs.begin() );
+ while( ( aDirIter != rOutputFile.aSysSearchDirs.end() ) && !bFound )
+ {
+ const DirEntry aPath( String( *aDirIter, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
+ DirEntry aRelPath( aPath );
+ DirEntry aAbsPath( aRelPath += DirEntry( String( *aFileIter, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ) );
+ aAbsPath.ToAbs();
+ const FileStat aFS( aAbsPath.GetFull() );
+ fprintf( stderr, "Searching image: %s\n", ByteString( aRelPath.GetFull(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).GetBuffer() );
+ if( aFS.IsKind( FSYS_KIND_FILE ) )
+ {
+ std::list< std::pair< OString, OString > >::const_iterator aReplIter( rContext.pCmdLine->m_aReplacements.begin() );
+ String aStr( aRelPath.GetFull() );
+ OString aRelPathStr( aStr.GetBuffer(), aStr.Len(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ while( ( aReplIter != rContext.pCmdLine->m_aReplacements.end() ) && !bFound )
+ {
+ ByteString aSearch( aReplIter->second );
+ aSearch.ToLowerAscii();
+ ByteString aSearchIn( aRelPathStr );
+ aSearchIn.ToLowerAscii();
+ if( aSearchIn.Search( aSearch ) == 0 )
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nCopyPos = aReplIter->second.getLength(), nLength = aRelPathStr.getLength();
+ const sal_Char* pChars = aRelPathStr.getStr();
+ while( ( nCopyPos < nLength ) && ( pChars[ nCopyPos ] == '/' || pChars[ nCopyPos ] == '\\' || pChars[ nCopyPos ] == ':' ) )
+ {
+ ++nCopyPos;
+ }
+ if( nCopyPos < nLength )
+ rImagePath = aRelPathStr.copy( nCopyPos ).replace( '\\', '/' );
+ bFound = true;
+ }
+ ++aReplIter;
+ }
+ if( bFound && pSysListFile )
+ {
+ DirEntry aSysPath( String( *aDirIter, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
+ String aSysPathFull( ( aSysPath += DirEntry( String( *aFileIter, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ) ).GetFull() );
+ OString aSysPathStr( aSysPathFull.GetBuffer(), aSysPathFull.Len(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ fprintf( pSysListFile, "%s\n", rContext.pCmdLine->substitutePaths( aSysPathStr ).getStr() );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "ImagePath to add: %s\n", rImagePath.GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ ++aDirIter;
+ }
+ ++aFileIter;
+ }
+ return bFound;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RscCompiler::PreprocessSrsFile( const RscCmdLine::OutputFile& rOutputFile,
+ const WriteRcContext& rContext,
+ const DirEntry& rSrsInPath,
+ const DirEntry& rSrsOutPath )
+ SvFileStream aIStm( rSrsInPath.GetFull(), STREAM_READ );
+ SvFileStream aOStm( rSrsOutPath.GetFull(), STREAM_WRITE | STREAM_TRUNC );
+ ::std::vector< ByteString > aMissingImages;
+ FILE* pSysListFile = rContext.aOutputSysList.getLength() ? fopen( rContext.aOutputSysList.getStr(), "ab" ) : NULL;
+ bool bRet = true;
+ if( !aIStm.GetError() && !aOStm.GetError() )
+ {
+ ByteString aLine, aFilePath;
+ while( aIStm.ReadLine( aLine ) )
+ {
+ if( ( aLine.GetTokenCount( '=' ) == 2 ) &&
+ ( aLine.GetToken( 0, '=' ).Search( "File" ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) )
+ {
+ ByteString aBaseFileName( aLine.GetToken( 1, '"' ).GetToken( 0, '.' ) );
+ if( GetImageFilePath( rOutputFile, rContext, aBaseFileName, aFilePath, pSysListFile ) )
+ ( ( aLine = "File = \"" ) += aFilePath ) += "\";";
+ else
+ aMissingImages.push_back( aBaseFileName );
+ aOStm.WriteLine( aLine );
+ }
+ else if( aLine.Search( "ImageList" ) != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ ::std::vector< ::std::pair< ByteString, sal_Int32 > > aEntryVector;
+ aOStm.WriteLine( aLine );
+ if( aLine.Search( ';' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ const sal_uInt32 nImgListStartPos = aIStm.Tell();
+ do
+ {
+ if( !aIStm.ReadLine( aLine ) )
+ break;
+ }
+ while( aLine.Search( "Prefix" ) == STRING_NOTFOUND );
+ const ByteString aPrefix( aLine.GetToken( 1, '"' ) );
+ aIStm.Seek( nImgListStartPos );
+ do
+ {
+ if (!aIStm.ReadLine( aLine ) )
+ break;
+ }
+ while( aLine.Search( "IdList" ) == STRING_NOTFOUND );
+ // scan all ids and collect images
+ while( aLine.Search( '}' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ if( !aIStm.ReadLine( aLine ) )
+ break;
+ aLine.EraseLeadingChars( ' ' );
+ aLine.EraseLeadingChars( '\t' );
+ aLine.EraseAllChars( ';' );
+ if( aLine.IsNumericAscii() )
+ {
+ ByteString aBaseFileName( aPrefix );
+ sal_Int32 nNumber = atoi( aLine.GetBuffer() );
+ if( nNumber < 10000 )
+ aBaseFileName += ByteString::CreateFromInt32( 0 );
+ if( GetImageFilePath( rOutputFile, rContext, aBaseFileName += aLine , aFilePath, pSysListFile ) )
+ aEntryVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair< ByteString, sal_Int32 >( aFilePath, nNumber ) );
+ else
+ aMissingImages.push_back( aBaseFileName );
+ }
+ }
+ const sal_uInt32 nImgListEndPos = aIStm.Tell();
+ aIStm.Seek( nImgListStartPos );
+ while( aIStm.Tell() < nImgListEndPos )
+ {
+ aIStm.ReadLine( aLine );
+ if( aLine.Search( "IdList" ) != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ while( aLine.Search( '}' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ aIStm.ReadLine( aLine );
+ }
+ else
+ aOStm.WriteLine( aLine );
+ }
+ aOStm.WriteLine( "FileList = {" );
+ for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < aEntryVector.size(); ++i )
+ {
+ ByteString aEntryString( "< \"" );
+ aEntryString += aEntryVector[ i ].first;
+ aEntryString += "\"; ";
+ aEntryString += ByteString::CreateFromInt32( aEntryVector[ i ].second );
+ aEntryString += "; >;";
+ aOStm.WriteLine( aEntryString );
+ }
+ aOStm.WriteLine( "};" );
+ }
+ else
+ aOStm.WriteLine( aLine );
+ }
+ else
+ aOStm.WriteLine( aLine );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ bRet = false;
+ if( aMissingImages.size() > 0 )
+ {
+ ByteString aImagesStr;
+ for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < aMissingImages.size(); ++i )
+ {
+ if( i )
+ aImagesStr += ' ';
+ aImagesStr += aMissingImages[ i ];
+ }
+ pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_NOIMAGE, RscId(), aImagesStr.GetBuffer() );
+ }
+ if( pSysListFile )
+ fclose( pSysListFile );
diff --git a/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp.h b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..11327d4fb9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+/* in cpp1.c: file-pointer auf stdout oder file */
+extern FILE *pCppOut; /* BP */
+#define PUTCHAR( d ) fprintf( pCppOut, "%c", (d) ) /* BP */
+extern FILE *pDefOut; /* ER */
+#ifdef EVALDEFS
+#define NEVALBUF 2048
+/* limit for reading commandfiles */
+#define PARALIMIT 100
+#ifndef EOS
+ * This is predefined in Decus C
+ */
+#define EOS '\0' /* End of string */
+#define EOF_CHAR 0 /* Returned by get() on eof */
+#define NULLST ((char *) NULL) /* Pointer to nowhere (linted) */
+#define DEF_NOARGS (-1) /* #define foo vs #define foo() */
+ * The following may need to change if the host system doesn't use ASCII.
+ */
+#define DEF_MAGIC 0x1D /* Magic for #defines */
+#define TOK_SEP 0x1E /* Token concatenation delim. */
+#define COM_SEP 0x1F /* Magic comment separator */
+#ifdef EBCDIC
+#define HT 0x05 /* horizontal tab */
+#define NL 0x15 /* new line */
+#define CR 0x0D /* carriage return */
+#define DEL 0x07
+#define HT 0x09 /* horizontal tab */
+#define NL 0x0A /* new line */
+#define CR 0x0D /* carriage return */
+#define DEL 0x7F
+#ifdef SOLAR
+#define MAC_PARM 0x01 /* Macro formals start here */
+ * Note -- in Ascii, the following will map macro formals onto DEL + the
+ * C1 control character region (decimal 128 .. (128 + PAR_MAC)) which will
+ * be ok as long as PAR_MAC is less than 33). Note that the last PAR_MAC
+ * value is reserved for string substitution.
+ */
+#define MAC_PARM DEL /* Macro formals start here */
+#if PAR_MAC >= 33
+ assertion fails -- PAR_MAC is not less than 33
+#define LASTPARM (PAR_MAC - 1)
+ * Character type codes.
+ */
+#define INV 0 /* Invalid, must be zero */
+#define OP_EOE INV /* End of expression */
+#define DIG 1 /* Digit */
+#define LET 2 /* Identifier start */
+#define OP_ADD 3
+#define OP_SUB 4
+#define OP_MUL 5
+#define OP_DIV 6
+#define OP_MOD 7
+#define OP_ASL 8
+#define OP_ASR 9
+#define OP_AND 10 /* &, not && */
+#define OP_OR 11 /* |, not || */
+#define OP_XOR 12
+#define OP_EQ 13
+#define OP_NE 14
+#define OP_LT 15
+#define OP_LE 16
+#define OP_GE 17
+#define OP_GT 18
+#define OP_ANA 19 /* && */
+#define OP_ORO 20 /* || */
+#define OP_QUE 21 /* ? */
+#define OP_COL 22 /* : */
+#define OP_CMA 23 /* , (relevant?) */
+#define LAST_BINOP OP_CMA /* Last binary operand */
+ * The following are unary.
+ */
+#define FIRST_UNOP OP_PLU /* First Unary operand */
+#define OP_PLU 24 /* + (draft ANSI standard) */
+#define OP_NEG 25 /* - */
+#define OP_COM 26 /* ~ */
+#define OP_NOT 27 /* ! */
+#define OP_LPA 28 /* ( */
+#define OP_RPA 29 /* ) */
+#define OP_END 30 /* End of expression marker */
+#define OP_MAX (OP_END + 1) /* Number of operators */
+#define OP_FAIL (OP_END + 1) /* For error returns */
+ * The following are for lexical scanning only.
+ */
+#define QUO 65 /* Both flavors of quotation */
+#define DOT 66 /* . might start a number */
+#define SPA 67 /* Space and tab */
+#define BSH 68 /* Just a backslash */
+#define END 69 /* EOF */
+ * These bits are set in ifstack[]
+ */
+#define WAS_COMPILING 1 /* TRUE if compile set at entry */
+#define ELSE_SEEN 2 /* TRUE when #else processed */
+#define TRUE_SEEN 4 /* TRUE when #if TRUE processed */
+ * Define bits for the basic types and their adjectives
+ */
+#define T_CHAR 1
+#define T_INT 2
+#define T_FLOAT 4
+#define T_DOUBLE 8
+#define T_SHORT 16
+#define T_LONG 32
+#define T_SIGNED 64
+#define T_UNSIGNED 128
+#define T_PTR 256 /* Pointer */
+#define T_FPTR 512 /* Pointer to functions */
+ * The DEFBUF structure stores information about #defined
+ * macros. Note that the defbuf->repl information is always
+ * in malloc storage.
+ */
+typedef struct defbuf {
+ struct defbuf *link; /* Next define in chain */
+ char *repl; /* -> replacement */
+ int hash; /* Symbol table hash */
+ int nargs; /* For define(args) */
+ char name[1]; /* #define name */
+ * The FILEINFO structure stores information about open files
+ * and macros being expanded.
+ */
+typedef struct fileinfo {
+ char *bptr; /* Buffer pointer */
+ int line; /* for include or macro */
+ FILE *fp; /* File if non-null */
+ struct fileinfo *parent; /* Link to includer */
+ char *filename; /* File/macro name */
+ char *progname; /* From #line statement */
+ unsigned int unrecur; /* For macro recursion */
+ char buffer[1]; /* current input line */
+ * The SIZES structure is used to store the values for #if sizeof
+ */
+typedef struct sizes {
+ short bits; /* If this bit is set, */
+ int size; /* this is the datum size value */
+ int psize; /* this is the pointer size */
+ * nomacarg is a built-in #define on Decus C.
+ */
+#ifdef nomacarg
+#define cput output /* cput concatenates tokens */
+#define cput(c) { if (c != TOK_SEP && c != COM_SEP) PUTCHAR(c); }
+#define cput(c) { if (c != TOK_SEP) PUTCHAR(c); }
+#ifndef nomacarg
+#define streq(s1, s2) (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0)
+ * Error codes. VMS uses system definitions.
+ * Decus C codes are defined in stdio.h.
+ * Others are cooked to order.
+ */
+#if HOST == SYS_VMS
+#include <ssdef.h>
+#include <stsdef.h>
+ * Note: IO_NORMAL and IO_ERROR are defined in the Decus C stdio.h file
+ */
+#ifndef IO_NORMAL
+#define IO_NORMAL 0
+#ifndef IO_ERROR
+#define IO_ERROR 1
+ * Externs
+ */
+extern int line; /* Current line number */
+extern int wrongline; /* Force #line to cc pass 1 */
+extern char type[]; /* Character classifier */
+extern char token[IDMAX + 1]; /* Current input token */
+extern int instring; /* TRUE if scanning string */
+extern int inmacro; /* TRUE if scanning #define */
+extern int errors; /* Error counter */
+extern int recursion; /* Macro depth counter */
+extern char ifstack[BLK_NEST]; /* #if information */
+#define compiling ifstack[0]
+extern char *ifptr; /* -> current ifstack item */
+extern char *incdir[NINCLUDE]; /* -i directories */
+extern char **incend; /* -> active end of incdir */
+extern int cflag; /* -C option (keep comments) */
+extern int eflag; /* -E option (ignore errors) */
+extern int nflag; /* -N option (no pre-defines) */
+extern int rec_recover; /* unwind recursive macros */
+extern char *preset[]; /* Standard predefined symbols */
+extern char *magic[]; /* Magic predefined symbols */
+extern FILEINFO *infile; /* Current input file */
+extern char work[NWORK + 1]; /* #define scratch */
+extern char *workp; /* Free space in work */
+extern int debug; /* Debug level */
+/* ER dump & evaluate #define's */
+extern int bDumpDefs; /* TRUE if #define's dump req. */
+extern int bIsInEval; /* TRUE if #define dumping now */
+#ifdef EVALDEFS
+extern char EvalBuf[NEVALBUF + 1]; /* evaluation buffer */
+extern int nEvalOff; /* offset to free buffer pos */
+extern int keepcomments; /* Don't remove comments if set */
+extern SIZES size_table[]; /* For #if sizeof sizes */
+#ifdef NOMAIN /* BP */
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+int start_cpp( int argc, char *argv[] );
+#define MAIN start_cpp /* fuer die cpp.lib muss main() geandert werden */
+#ifdef WNT
+#define MAIN __cdecl main
+#define MAIN main
+void InitCpp1();
+void InitCpp2();
+void InitCpp3();
+void InitCpp4();
+void InitCpp5();
+void InitCpp6();
+#define HELLO() fprintf( stderr, "[Hello at %s, %d] ", __FILE__, __LINE__ )
+#ifndef _STDIO_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifndef _STDLIB_H
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifndef _STRING_H
+#include <string.h>
+/* cpp1.c */
+void output( int c );
+void sharp();
+void cppmain();
+#ifdef EVALDEFS
+int outputEval( int c );
+/* cpp2.c */
+int control( int counter );
+void doinclude();
+void dodefine();
+void doif( int hash );
+int openinclude( char *, int );
+int hasdirectory(char *, char * );
+int openfile( char * );
+/* cpp3.c */
+int openfiles( char *filename );
+void addfile( FILE *fp, char *filename );
+void setincdirs();
+int AddInclude( char *pIncStr );
+int getredirection( int argc, char **argv );
+void zap_uc( char *ap );
+void initdefines();
+int dooptions( int argc, char *argv[] );
+int readoptions(char* filename, char*** pfargv);
+/* cpp4.c */
+void dodefines();
+void checkparm( int c, DEFBUF *dp );
+int expcollect();
+void expstuff( DEFBUF *dp );
+void stparmscan( int delim, DEFBUF *dp);
+void stparmscan( int delim);
+void dumpparm( char *why );
+void doundef();
+void textput( char *text );
+void charput( int c );
+void expand( DEFBUF *tokenp );
+/* cpp5.c */
+int eval();
+int evallex(int);
+int *evaleval(int *, int, int );
+int evalchar(int);
+int dosizeof();
+int evalnum( int c );
+int bittest( int );
+/* cpp6.c */
+void skipnl();
+int skipws();
+void scanid( int c );
+int macroid( int c );
+int catenate();
+int scanstring( int c, void (*outfun)( int c ) );
+void scannumber( int c, void (*outfun)( int c ) );
+void save( int c );
+char *savestring( char *text );
+FILEINFO *getfile( int bufsize, char *name);
+char *getmem( int size );
+DEFBUF *lookid( int c );
+DEFBUF *defendel( char *name, int delete );
+void dunpdef( char *why );
+void dumpadef( char *why, DEFBUF *dp);
+int get();
+int cget();
+void unget();
+void ungetstring( char *text );
+void cerror( char *format, char *sarg);
+void cwarn( char *format, char *sarg);
+void cfatal( char *format, char *sarg);
+void cierror( char *format, int n);
+void ciwarn( char *format, int n);
+void dumpdef( char *why );
+void dumpadef( char *why, DEFBUF *dp );
diff --git a/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp1.c b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp1.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1eb7561a2db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "cppdef.h"
+#include "cpp.h"
+FILE *pCppOut = NULL;
+FILE *pCppIn = NULL;
+FILE *pDefOut = NULL; /* ER evtl. #define's dump */
+#ifdef B200
+/* BP, 25.07.91, einzige Moeglichkeit unter BC Stack und Heap festzusetzen */
+extern unsigned _stklen = 24000;
+extern unsigned _heaplen = 30000;
+ * Commonly used global variables:
+ * line is the current input line number.
+ * wrongline is set in many places when the actual output
+ * line is out of sync with the numbering, e.g,
+ * when expanding a macro with an embedded newline.
+ *
+ * token holds the last identifier scanned (which might
+ * be a candidate for macro expansion).
+ * errors is the running cpp error counter.
+ * infile is the head of a linked list of input files (extended by
+ * #include and macros being expanded). infile always points
+ * to the current file/macro. infile->parent to the includer,
+ * etc. infile->fd is NULL if this input stream is a macro.
+ */
+int line; /* Current line number */
+int wrongline; /* Force #line to compiler */
+char token[IDMAX + 1]; /* Current input token */
+int errors; /* cpp error counter */
+FILEINFO *infile = NULL; /* Current input file */
+int debug; /* TRUE if debugging now */
+int bDumpDefs; /* TRUE if #define's dump req. */
+#ifdef EVALDEFS
+int bIsInEval; /* TRUE if #define eval now */
+char EvalBuf[NEVALBUF + 1]; /* evaluation buffer */
+int nEvalOff = 0; /* offset to free buffer pos */
+ * This counter is incremented when a macro expansion is initiated.
+ * If it exceeds a built-in value, the expansion stops -- this tests
+ * for a runaway condition:
+ * #define X Y
+ * #define Y X
+ * X
+ * This can be disabled by falsifying rec_recover. (Nothing does this
+ * currently: it is a hook for an eventual invocation flag.)
+ */
+int recursion; /* Infinite recursion counter */
+int rec_recover = TRUE; /* Unwind recursive macros */
+ * instring is set TRUE when a string is scanned. It modifies the
+ * behavior of the "get next character" routine, causing all characters
+ * to be passed to the caller (except <DEF_MAGIC>). Note especially that
+ * comments and \<newline> are not removed from the source. (This
+ * prevents cpp output lines from being arbitrarily long).
+ *
+ * inmacro is set by #define -- it absorbs comments and converts
+ * form-feed and vertical-tab to space, but returns \<newline>
+ * to the caller. Strictly speaking, this is a bug as \<newline>
+ * shouldn't delimit tokens, but we'll worry about that some other
+ * time -- it is more important to prevent infinitly long output lines.
+ *
+ * instring and inmarcor are parameters to the get() routine which
+ * were made global for speed.
+ */
+int instring = FALSE; /* TRUE if scanning string */
+int inmacro = FALSE; /* TRUE if #defining a macro */
+ * work[] and workp are used to store one piece of text in a temporay
+ * buffer. To initialize storage, set workp = work. To store one
+ * character, call save(c); (This will fatally exit if there isn't
+ * room.) To terminate the string, call save(EOS). Note that
+ * the work buffer is used by several subroutines -- be sure your
+ * data won't be overwritten. The extra byte in the allocation is
+ * needed for string formal replacement.
+ */
+char work[NWORK + 1]; /* Work buffer */
+char *workp; /* Work buffer pointer */
+ * keepcomments is set TRUE by the -C option. If TRUE, comments
+ * are written directly to the output stream. This is needed if
+ * the output from cpp is to be passed to lint (which uses commands
+ * embedded in comments). cflag contains the permanent state of the
+ * -C flag. keepcomments is always falsified when processing #control
+ * commands and when compilation is supressed by a false #if
+ *
+ * If eflag is set, CPP returns "success" even if non-fatal errors
+ * were detected.
+ *
+ * If nflag is non-zero, no symbols are predefined except __LINE__.
+ * __FILE__, and __DATE__. If nflag > 1, absolutely no symbols
+ * are predefined.
+ */
+int keepcomments = FALSE; /* Write out comments flag */
+int cflag = FALSE; /* -C option (keep comments) */
+int eflag = FALSE; /* -E option (never fail) */
+int nflag = 0; /* -N option (no predefines) */
+ * ifstack[] holds information about nested #if's. It is always
+ * accessed via *ifptr. The information is as follows:
+ * WAS_COMPILING state of compiling flag at outer level.
+ * ELSE_SEEN set TRUE when #else seen to prevent 2nd #else.
+ * TRUE_SEEN set TRUE when #if or #elif succeeds
+ * ifstack[0] holds the compiling flag. It is TRUE if compilation
+ * is currently enabled. Note that this must be initialized TRUE.
+ */
+char ifstack[BLK_NEST] = { TRUE }; /* #if information */
+char *ifptr = ifstack; /* -> current ifstack[] */
+ * incdir[] stores the -i directories (and the system-specific
+ * #include <...> directories.
+ */
+char *incdir[NINCLUDE]; /* -i directories */
+char **incend = incdir; /* -> free space in incdir[] */
+ * This is the table used to predefine target machine and operating
+ * system designators. It may need hacking for specific circumstances.
+ * Note: it is not clear that this is part of the Ansi Standard.
+ * The -N option supresses preset definitions.
+ */
+char *preset[] = { /* names defined at cpp start */
+#ifdef MACHINE
+#ifdef SYSTEM
+#ifdef COMPILER
+ "decus_cpp", /* Ourselves! */
+ NULL /* Must be last */
+ * The value of these predefined symbols must be recomputed whenever
+ * they are evaluated. The order must not be changed.
+ */
+char *magic[] = { /* Note: order is important */
+ "__LINE__",
+ "__FILE__",
+ NULL /* Must be last */
+static char *sharpfilename = NULL;
+int nRunde = 0;
+void InitCpp1()
+ int i;
+ /* BP */
+ /* in der LIB-Version muessen alle Variablen initialisiert werden */
+ line = wrongline = errors = recursion = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < IDMAX; i++ )
+ token[ i ] = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < NWORK; i++ )
+ work[ i ] = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < NINCLUDE; i++ )
+ incdir[ i ] = NULL;
+ workp = NULL;
+ for( i = 0; i < BLK_NEST; i++ )
+ ifstack[ i ] = TRUE;
+ ifptr = ifstack;
+ pCppOut = stdout;
+ pCppIn = stdin;
+ debug = 0;
+ bDumpDefs = 0;
+ pDefOut = stdout;
+#ifdef EVALDEFS
+ bIsInEval = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < NEVALBUF; i++ )
+ EvalBuf[ i ] = 0;
+ nEvalOff = 0;
+ rec_recover = TRUE;
+ infile = NULL;
+ instring = inmacro = keepcomments = cflag = eflag = FALSE;
+ nflag = 0;
+ incend = incdir;
+ sharpfilename = NULL;
+ /* BP */
+int MAIN(int argc, char** argv)
+ register int i;
+ char **useargv, **pfargv;
+if( nRunde == 0 )
+ pCppIn = stdin;
+ pCppOut = stdout;
+ InitCpp1();
+ InitCpp2();
+ InitCpp3();
+ InitCpp4();
+ InitCpp5();
+ InitCpp6();
+#if HOST == SYS_VMS
+ argc = getredirection(argc, argv); /* vms >file and <file */
+ initdefines(); /* O.S. specific def's */
+ if ( argv[argc-1][0] == '@' )
+ {
+ i = readoptions( argv[1], &pfargv ); /* Command file */
+ useargv=pfargv;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i = dooptions(argc, argv); /* Command line -flags */
+ useargv=argv;
+ }
+ switch (i) {
+ case 4:
+ if ( bDumpDefs )
+ {
+ /*
+ * Get defBase file, "-" means use stdout.
+ */
+ if (!streq(useargv[3], "-")) {
+#if HOST == SYS_VMS
+ /*
+ * On vms, reopen stdout with "vanilla rms" attributes.
+ */
+ if ((i = creat(useargv[3], 0, "rat=cr", "rfm=var")) == -1
+ || dup2(i, fileno(stdout)) == -1) {
+/* alt if (freopen(useargv[3], "w", stdout) == NULL) { */
+ pDefOut = fopen( useargv[3], "w" );
+ if( pDefOut == NULL ) {
+ perror(useargv[3]);
+ cerror("Can't open output file \"%s\"", useargv[3]);
+ exit(IO_ERROR);
+ }
+ } /* Continue by opening output */
+ }
+/* OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 */
+ case 3:
+ /*
+ * Get output file, "-" means use stdout.
+ */
+ if (!streq(useargv[2], "-")) {
+#if HOST == SYS_VMS
+ /*
+ * On vms, reopen stdout with "vanilla rms" attributes.
+ */
+ if ((i = creat(useargv[2], 0, "rat=cr", "rfm=var")) == -1
+ || dup2(i, fileno(stdout)) == -1) {
+/* alt if (freopen(useargv[2], "w", stdout) == NULL) { */
+ pCppOut = fopen( useargv[2], "w" );
+ if( pCppOut == NULL ) {
+ perror(useargv[2]);
+ cerror("Can't open output file \"%s\"", useargv[2]);
+ exit(IO_ERROR);
+ }
+ } /* Continue by opening input */
+ case 2: /* One file -> stdin */
+ /*
+ * Open input file, "-" means use stdin.
+ */
+ if (!streq(useargv[1], "-")) {
+/* alt: if (freopen(useargv[1], "r", stdin) == NULL) { */
+ pCppIn = fopen( useargv[1], "r" );
+ if( pCppIn == NULL) {
+ perror(useargv[1]);
+ cerror("Can't open input file \"%s\"", useargv[1]);
+ exit(IO_ERROR);
+ }
+ strcpy(work, useargv[1]); /* Remember input filename */
+ break;
+ } /* Else, just get stdin */
+ case 0: /* No args? */
+ case 1: /* No files, stdin -> stdout */
+ work[0] = EOS; /* Unix can't find stdin name */
+ fgetname(stdin, work); /* Vax-11C, Decus C know name */
+ break;
+ default:
+ exit(IO_ERROR); /* Can't happen */
+ }
+/* if ( pfargv )
+ {
+ for ( j=0;j++;j < PARALIMIT )
+ {
+ if (pfargv[j]!=0)
+ free(pfargv[j]);
+ }
+ free(pfargv);
+ }
+ setincdirs(); /* Setup -I include directories */
+ addfile( pCppIn, work); /* "open" main input file */
+ if (debug > 0 || bDumpDefs)
+ dumpdef("preset #define symbols");
+ if( pCppIn != stdin )
+ rewind( pCppIn );
+ cppmain(); /* Process main file */
+ if ((i = (ifptr - &ifstack[0])) != 0) {
+ ciwarn("Inside #ifdef block at end of input, depth = %d", i);
+ cierror("Inside #ifdef block at end of input, depth = %d", i);
+ }
+ if( pDefOut != stdout && pDefOut != stderr )
+ fclose( pDefOut );
+ if( pCppOut != stdout && pCppOut != stderr )
+ fclose( pCppOut );
+ if (errors > 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, (errors == 1)
+ ? "%d error in preprocessor\n"
+ : "%d errors in preprocessor\n", errors);
+ if (!eflag)
+ exit(IO_ERROR);
+ }
+#ifdef NOMAIN /* BP */ /* kein exit im der LIB-Version */
+ return( IO_NORMAL );
+ exit(IO_NORMAL); /* No errors or -E option set */
+void cppmain()
+ * Main process for cpp -- copies tokens from the current input
+ * stream (main file, include file, or a macro) to the output
+ * file.
+ */
+ register int c; /* Current character */
+ register int counter; /* newlines and spaces */
+ /*
+ * Explicitly output a #line at the start of cpp output so
+ * that lint (etc.) knows the name of the original source
+ * file. If we don't do this explicitly, we may get
+ * the name of the first #include file instead.
+ * We also seem to need a blank line following that first #line.
+ */
+#ifdef EVALDEFS
+ if ( !bIsInEval )
+ {
+ sharp();
+ PUTCHAR('\n');
+ }
+ /*
+ * This loop is started "from the top" at the beginning of each line
+ * wrongline is set TRUE in many places if it is necessary to write
+ * a #line record. (But we don't write them when expanding macros.)
+ *
+ * The counter variable has two different uses: at
+ * the start of a line, it counts the number of blank lines that
+ * have been skipped over. These are then either output via
+ * #line records or by outputting explicit blank lines.
+ * When expanding tokens within a line, the counter remembers
+ * whether a blank/tab has been output. These are dropped
+ * at the end of the line, and replaced by a single blank
+ * within lines.
+ */
+ for (;;) {
+ counter = 0; /* Count empty lines */
+ for (;;) { /* For each line, ... */
+ while (type[(c = get())] == SPA) /* Skip leading blanks */
+ ; /* in this line. */
+ if (c == '\n') /* If line's all blank, */
+ ++counter; /* Do nothing now */
+ else if (c == '#') { /* Is 1st non-space '#' */
+ keepcomments = FALSE; /* Don't pass comments */
+ counter = control(counter); /* Yes, do a #command */
+ keepcomments = (cflag && compiling);
+ }
+ else if (c == EOF_CHAR) /* At end of file? */
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (!compiling) { /* #ifdef false? */
+ skipnl(); /* Skip to newline */
+ counter++; /* Count it, too. */
+ }
+ else {
+ break; /* Actual token */
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == EOF_CHAR) /* Exit process at */
+ break; /* End of file */
+ /*
+ * If the loop didn't terminate because of end of file, we
+ * know there is a token to compile. First, clean up after
+ * absorbing newlines. counter has the number we skipped.
+ */
+ if ((wrongline && infile->fp != NULL) || counter > 4)
+ sharp(); /* Output # line number */
+ else { /* If just a few, stuff */
+ while (--counter >= 0) /* them out ourselves */
+ PUTCHAR('\n');
+ }
+ /*
+ * Process each token on this line.
+ */
+ unget(); /* Reread the char. */
+ for (;;) { /* For the whole line, */
+ do { /* Token concat. loop */
+ for (counter = 0; (type[(c = get())] == SPA);) {
+ if (c != COM_SEP)
+ counter++;
+ counter++; /* Skip over blanks */
+ }
+ if (c == EOF_CHAR || c == '\n')
+ goto end_line; /* Exit line loop */
+ else if (counter > 0) /* If we got any spaces */
+ PUTCHAR(' '); /* Output one space */
+ c = macroid(c); /* Grab the token */
+ } while (type[c] == LET && catenate());
+ if (c == EOF_CHAR || c == '\n') /* From macro exp error */
+ goto end_line; /* Exit line loop */
+ switch (type[c]) {
+ case LET:
+ fputs(token, pCppOut); /* Quite ordinary token */
+#ifdef EVALDEFS
+ {
+ int len;
+ if ( bIsInEval
+ && nEvalOff + (len=strlen(token)) < NEVALBUF )
+ {
+ strcpy( &EvalBuf[nEvalOff], token );
+ nEvalOff += len;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case DIG: /* Output a number */
+ case DOT: /* Dot may begin floats */
+#ifdef EVALDEFS
+ if ( bIsInEval )
+ scannumber(c, outputEval);
+ else
+ scannumber(c, output);
+ scannumber(c, output);
+ break;
+ case QUO: /* char or string const */
+ scanstring(c, output); /* Copy it to output */
+ break;
+ default: /* Some other character */
+ cput(c); /* Just output it */
+#ifdef EVALDEFS
+ if ( bIsInEval && nEvalOff < NEVALBUF )
+ EvalBuf[nEvalOff++] = c;
+ break;
+ } /* Switch ends */
+ } /* Line for loop */
+end_line: if (c == '\n') { /* Compiling at EOL? */
+ PUTCHAR('\n'); /* Output newline, if */
+ if (infile->fp == NULL) /* Expanding a macro, */
+ wrongline = TRUE; /* Output # line later */
+ }
+ } /* Continue until EOF */
+#ifdef EVALDEFS
+ if ( bIsInEval )
+ EvalBuf[nEvalOff++] = '\0';
+void output(int c)
+ * Output one character to stdout -- output() is passed as an
+ * argument to scanstring()
+ */
+ if (c != TOK_SEP && c != COM_SEP)
+ if (c != TOK_SEP)
+/* alt: PUTCHAR(c); */
+#ifdef EVALDEFS
+int c;
+ * Output one character to stdout -- output() is passed as an
+ * argument to scanstring()
+ */
+ if (c != TOK_SEP && c != COM_SEP)
+ if (c != TOK_SEP)
+/* alt: PUTCHAR(c); */
+ {
+ if ( bIsInEval && nEvalOff < NEVALBUF )
+ EvalBuf[nEvalOff++] = c;
+ }
+void sharp()
+ * Output a line number line.
+ */
+ register char *name;
+ if (keepcomments) /* Make sure # comes on */
+ PUTCHAR('\n'); /* a fresh, new line. */
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "#%s %d", LINE_PREFIX, line);
+ if (infile->fp != NULL) {
+ name = (infile->progname != NULL)
+ ? infile->progname : infile->filename;
+ if (sharpfilename == NULL
+ || (sharpfilename != NULL && !streq(name, sharpfilename)) ) {
+ if (sharpfilename != NULL)
+ free(sharpfilename);
+ sharpfilename = savestring(name);
+ fprintf( pCppOut, " \"%s\"", name);
+ }
+ }
+ PUTCHAR('\n');
+ wrongline = FALSE;
diff --git a/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp2.c b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp2.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..68d1d2dc72ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "cppdef.h"
+#include "cpp.h"
+#if HOST == SYS_VMS
+ * Include the rms stuff. (We can't just include rms.h as it uses the
+ * VaxC-specific library include syntax that Decus CPP doesn't support.
+ * By including things by hand, we can CPP ourself.)
+ */
+#include <nam.h>
+#include <fab.h>
+#include <rab.h>
+#include <rmsdef.h>
+ * Generate (by hand-inspection) a set of unique values for each control
+ * operator. Note that this is not guaranteed to work for non-Ascii
+ * machines. CPP won't compile if there are hash conflicts.
+ */
+#define L_assert ('a' + ('s' << 1))
+#define L_define ('d' + ('f' << 1))
+#define L_elif ('e' + ('i' << 1))
+#define L_else ('e' + ('s' << 1))
+#define L_endif ('e' + ('d' << 1))
+#define L_if ('i' + (EOS << 1))
+#define L_ifdef ('i' + ('d' << 1))
+#define L_ifndef ('i' + ('n' << 1))
+#define L_include ('i' + ('c' << 1))
+#define L_line ('l' + ('n' << 1))
+#define L_nogood (EOS + (EOS << 1)) /* To catch #i */
+#define L_pragma ('p' + ('a' << 1))
+#define L_undef ('u' + ('d' << 1))
+#define L_error ('e' + ('r' << 1)) /* BP 5.3.92, #error */
+#define MAXLINE 80 /* BP 5.3.92, #error */
+#define L_debug ('d' + ('b' << 1)) /* #debug */
+#define L_nodebug ('n' + ('d' << 1)) /* #nodebug */
+void InitCpp2()
+control(int counter)
+ * Process #control lines. Simple commands are processed inline,
+ * while complex commands have their own subroutines.
+ *
+ * The counter is used to force out a newline before #line, and
+ * #pragma commands. This prevents these commands from ending up at
+ * the end of the previous line if cpp is invoked with the -C option.
+ */
+ register int c;
+ register char *tp;
+ register int hash;
+ char *ep;
+ c = skipws();
+ if (c == '\n' || c == EOF_CHAR)
+ return (counter + 1);
+ if (!isdigit(c))
+ scanid(c); /* Get #word to token[] */
+ else {
+ unget(); /* Hack -- allow #123 as a */
+ strcpy(token, "line"); /* synonym for #line 123 */
+ }
+ hash = (token[1] == EOS) ? L_nogood : (token[0] + (token[2] << 1));
+ switch (hash) {
+ case L_assert: tp = "assert"; break;
+ case L_define: tp = "define"; break;
+ case L_elif: tp = "elif"; break;
+ case L_else: tp = "else"; break;
+ case L_endif: tp = "endif"; break;
+ case L_if: tp = "if"; break;
+ case L_ifdef: tp = "ifdef"; break;
+ case L_ifndef: tp = "ifndef"; break;
+ case L_include: tp = "include"; break;
+ case L_line: tp = "line"; break;
+ case L_pragma: tp = "pragma"; break;
+ case L_undef: tp = "undef"; break;
+ case L_error: tp = "error"; break;
+ case L_debug: tp = "debug"; break;
+ case L_nodebug: tp = "nodebug"; break;
+ default: hash = L_nogood;
+ case L_nogood: tp = ""; break;
+ }
+ if (!streq(tp, token))
+ hash = L_nogood;
+ /*
+ * hash is set to a unique value corresponding to the
+ * control keyword (or L_nogood if we think it's nonsense).
+ */
+ if (infile->fp == NULL)
+ cwarn("Control line \"%s\" within macro expansion", token);
+ if (!compiling) { /* Not compiling now */
+ switch (hash) {
+ case L_if: /* These can't turn */
+ case L_ifdef: /* compilation on, but */
+ case L_ifndef: /* we must nest #if's */
+ if (++ifptr >= &ifstack[BLK_NEST])
+ goto if_nest_err;
+ *ifptr = 0; /* !WAS_COMPILING */
+ case L_line: /* Many */
+ /*
+ * Are pragma's always processed?
+ */
+ case L_pragma: /* options */
+ case L_include: /* are uninteresting */
+ case L_define: /* if we */
+ case L_undef: /* aren't */
+ case L_assert: /* compiling. */
+ case L_error: /* BP 5.3.92, #error */
+dump_line: skipnl(); /* Ignore rest of line */
+ return (counter + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Make sure that #line and #pragma are output on a fresh line.
+ */
+ if (counter > 0 && (hash == L_line || hash == L_pragma)) {
+ PUTCHAR('\n');
+ counter--;
+ }
+ switch (hash) {
+ case L_line:
+ /*
+ * Parse the line to update the line number and "progname"
+ * field and line number for the next input line.
+ * Set wrongline to force it out later.
+ */
+ c = skipws();
+ workp = work; /* Save name in work */
+ while (c != '\n' && c != EOF_CHAR) {
+ save(c);
+ c = get();
+ }
+ unget();
+ save(EOS);
+ /*
+ * Split #line argument into <line-number> and <name>
+ * We subtract 1 as we want the number of the next line.
+ */
+ line = atoi(work) - 1; /* Reset line number */
+ for (tp = work; isdigit(*tp) || type[(int)*tp] == SPA; tp++)
+ ; /* Skip over digits */
+ if (*tp != EOS) { /* Got a filename, so: */
+ if (*tp == '"' && (ep = strrchr(tp + 1, '"')) != NULL) {
+ tp++; /* Skip over left quote */
+ *ep = EOS; /* And ignore right one */
+ }
+ if (infile->progname != NULL) /* Give up the old name */
+ free(infile->progname); /* if it's allocated. */
+ infile->progname = savestring(tp);
+ }
+ wrongline = TRUE; /* Force output later */
+ break;
+ case L_include:
+ doinclude();
+ break;
+ case L_define:
+ dodefine();
+ break;
+ case L_undef:
+ doundef();
+ break;
+ case L_else:
+ if (ifptr == &ifstack[0])
+ goto nest_err;
+ else if ((*ifptr & ELSE_SEEN) != 0)
+ goto else_seen_err;
+ *ifptr |= ELSE_SEEN;
+ if ((*ifptr & WAS_COMPILING) != 0) {
+ if (compiling || (*ifptr & TRUE_SEEN) != 0)
+ compiling = FALSE;
+ else {
+ compiling = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case L_elif:
+ if (ifptr == &ifstack[0])
+ goto nest_err;
+ else if ((*ifptr & ELSE_SEEN) != 0) {
+else_seen_err: cerror("#%s may not follow #else", token);
+ goto dump_line;
+ }
+ if ((*ifptr & (WAS_COMPILING | TRUE_SEEN)) != WAS_COMPILING) {
+ compiling = FALSE; /* Done compiling stuff */
+ goto dump_line; /* Skip this clause */
+ }
+ doif(L_if);
+ break;
+ case L_if:
+ case L_ifdef:
+ case L_ifndef:
+ if (++ifptr >= &ifstack[BLK_NEST])
+if_nest_err: cfatal("Too many nested #%s statements", token);
+ *ifptr = WAS_COMPILING;
+ doif(hash);
+ break;
+ case L_endif:
+ if (ifptr == &ifstack[0]) {
+nest_err: cerror("#%s must be in an #if", token);
+ goto dump_line;
+ }
+ if (!compiling && (*ifptr & WAS_COMPILING) != 0)
+ wrongline = TRUE;
+ compiling = ((*ifptr & WAS_COMPILING) != 0);
+ --ifptr;
+ break;
+ case L_assert:
+ if (eval() == 0)
+ cerror("Preprocessor assertion failure", NULLST);
+ break;
+ case L_pragma:
+ /*
+ * #pragma is provided to pass "options" to later
+ * passes of the compiler. cpp doesn't have any yet.
+ */
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "#pragma ");
+ while ((c = get()) != '\n' && c != EOF_CHAR)
+ cput(c);
+ unget();
+ break;
+ case L_debug:
+ if (debug == 0)
+ dumpdef("debug set on");
+ debug++;
+ break;
+ case L_nodebug:
+ debug--;
+ break;
+ case L_error: /* BP 5.3.92, #error */
+ {
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "cpp: line %u, Error directive: ", line );
+ while ((c = get()) != '\n' && c != EOF_CHAR)
+ cput(c);
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "\n" );
+ exit( 1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ /*
+ * Undefined #control keyword.
+ * Note: the correct behavior may be to warn and
+ * pass the line to a subsequent compiler pass.
+ * This would allow #asm or similar extensions.
+ */
+ cerror("Illegal # command \"%s\"", token);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (hash != L_include) {
+ /*
+ * Ignore the rest of the #control line so you can write
+ * #if foo
+ * #endif foo
+ */
+ goto dump_line; /* Take common exit */
+ if (skipws() != '\n') {
+ cwarn("Unexpected text in #control line ignored", NULLST);
+ skipnl();
+ }
+ }
+ return (counter + 1);
+void doif(int hash)
+ * Process an #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef. The latter two are straightforward,
+ * while #if needs a subroutine of its own to evaluate the expression.
+ *
+ * doif() is called only if compiling is TRUE. If false, compilation
+ * is always supressed, so we don't need to evaluate anything. This
+ * supresses unnecessary warnings.
+ */
+ register int c;
+ register int found;
+ if ((c = skipws()) == '\n' || c == EOF_CHAR) {
+ unget();
+ goto badif;
+ }
+ if (hash == L_if) {
+ unget();
+ found = (eval() != 0); /* Evaluate expr, != 0 is TRUE */
+ hash = L_ifdef; /* #if is now like #ifdef */
+ }
+ else {
+ if (type[c] != LET) /* Next non-blank isn't letter */
+ goto badif; /* ... is an error */
+ found = (lookid(c) != NULL); /* Look for it in symbol table */
+ }
+ if (found == (hash == L_ifdef)) {
+ compiling = TRUE;
+ *ifptr |= TRUE_SEEN;
+ }
+ else {
+ compiling = FALSE;
+ }
+ return;
+badif: cerror("#if, #ifdef, or #ifndef without an argument", NULLST);
+ skipnl(); /* Prevent an extra */
+ unget(); /* Error message */
+ return;
+void doinclude()
+ * Process the #include control line.
+ * There are three variations:
+ * #include "file" search somewhere relative to the
+ * current source file, if not found,
+ * treat as #include <file>.
+ * #include <file> Search in an implementation-dependent
+ * list of places.
+ * #include token Expand the token, it must be one of
+ * "file" or <file>, process as such.
+ *
+ * Note: the November 12 draft forbids '>' in the #include <file> format.
+ * This restriction is unnecessary and not implemented.
+ */
+ register int c;
+ register int delim;
+#if HOST == SYS_VMS
+ char def_filename[NAM$C_MAXRSS + 1];
+ delim = macroid(skipws());
+ if (delim != '<' && delim != '"')
+ goto incerr;
+ if (delim == '<')
+ delim = '>';
+ workp = work;
+ instring = TRUE; /* Accept all characters */
+ while ((c = get()) != '\n' && c != EOF_CHAR)
+ save(c); /* Put it away. */
+ unget(); /* Force nl after includee */
+ /*
+ * The draft is unclear if the following should be done.
+ */
+ while (--workp >= work && *workp == ' ')
+ ; /* Trim blanks from filename */
+ if (*workp != delim)
+ goto incerr;
+ while ((c = get()) != delim && c != EOF_CHAR)
+ save(c);
+ *workp = EOS; /* Terminate filename */
+ instring = FALSE;
+#if HOST == SYS_VMS
+ /*
+ * Assume the default .h filetype.
+ */
+ if (!vmsparse(work, ".H", def_filename)) {
+ perror(work); /* Oops. */
+ goto incerr;
+ }
+ else if (openinclude(def_filename, (delim == '"')))
+ return;
+ if (openinclude(work, (delim == '"')))
+ return;
+ /*
+ * No sense continuing if #include file isn't there.
+ */
+ cfatal("Cannot open include file \"%s\"", work);
+incerr: cerror("#include syntax error", NULLST);
+ return;
+openinclude(char* filename, int searchlocal)
+ * Actually open an include file. This routine is only called from
+ * doinclude() above, but was written as a separate subroutine for
+ * programmer convenience. It searches the list of directories
+ * and actually opens the file, linking it into the list of
+ * active files. Returns TRUE if the file was opened, FALSE
+ * if openinclude() fails. No error message is printed.
+ */
+ register char **incptr;
+#if HOST == SYS_VMS
+#if NFWORK < (NAM$C_MAXRSS + 1)
+ << error, NFWORK is not greater than NAM$C_MAXRSS >>
+ char tmpname[NFWORK]; /* Filename work area */
+ if (searchlocal) {
+ /*
+ * Look in local directory first
+ */
+ /*
+ * Try to open filename relative to the directory of the current
+ * source file (as opposed to the current directory). (ARF, SCK).
+ */
+ if (filename[0] != '/'
+ && hasdirectory(infile->filename, tmpname))
+ strcat(tmpname, filename);
+ else {
+ strcpy(tmpname, filename);
+ }
+ if (!hasdirectory(filename, tmpname)
+ && hasdirectory(infile->filename, tmpname))
+ strcat(tmpname, filename);
+ else {
+ strcpy(tmpname, filename);
+ }
+ if (openfile(tmpname))
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Look in any directories specified by -I command line
+ * arguments, then in the builtin search list.
+ */
+ for (incptr = incdir; incptr < incend; incptr++) {
+ if (strlen(*incptr) + strlen(filename) >= (NFWORK - 1))
+ cfatal("Filename work buffer overflow", NULLST);
+ else {
+ if (filename[0] == '/')
+ strcpy(tmpname, filename);
+ else {
+ sprintf(tmpname, "%s/%s", *incptr, filename);
+ }
+ if (filename[0] == '\\')
+ strcpy(tmpname, filename);
+ else {
+ sprintf(tmpname, "%s\\%s", *incptr, filename);
+ }
+ if (!hasdirectory(filename, tmpname))
+ sprintf(tmpname, "%s%s", *incptr, filename);
+ if (openfile(tmpname))
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ return (FALSE);
+hasdirectory(char* source, char* result)
+ * If a device or directory is found in the source filename string, the
+ * node/device/directory part of the string is copied to result and
+ * hasdirectory returns TRUE. Else, nothing is copied and it returns FALSE.
+ */
+ register char *tp;
+ if ((tp = strrchr(source, '/')) == NULL)
+ return (FALSE);
+ else {
+ strncpy(result, source, tp - source + 1);
+ result[tp - source + 1] = EOS;
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+#if HOST == SYS_VMS
+ if (vmsparse(source, NULLST, result)
+ && result[0] != EOS)
+ return (TRUE);
+ else {
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Random DEC operating system (RSX, RT11, RSTS/E)
+ */
+ register char *tp;
+ if ((tp = strrchr(source, ']')) == NULL
+ && (tp = strrchr(source, ':')) == NULL)
+ return (FALSE);
+ else {
+ strncpy(result, source, tp - source + 1);
+ result[tp - source + 1] = EOS;
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+#if HOST == SYS_VMS
+ * EXP_DEV is set if a device was specified, EXP_DIR if a directory
+ * is specified. (Both set indicate a file-logical, but EXP_DEV
+ * would be set by itself if you are reading, say, SYS$INPUT:)
+ */
+vmsparse(source, defstring, result)
+char *source;
+char *defstring; /* non-NULL -> default string. */
+char *result; /* Size is at least NAM$C_MAXRSS + 1 */
+ * Parse the source string, applying the default (properly, using
+ * the system parse routine), storing it in result.
+ * TRUE if it parsed, FALSE on error.
+ *
+ * If defstring is NULL, there are no defaults and result gets
+ * (just) the node::[directory] part of the string (possibly "")
+ */
+ struct FAB fab = cc$rms_fab; /* File access block */
+ struct NAM nam = cc$rms_nam; /* File name block */
+ char fullname[NAM$C_MAXRSS + 1];
+ register char *rp; /* Result pointer */
+ fab.fab$l_nam = &nam; /* fab -> nam */
+ fab.fab$l_fna = source; /* Source filename */
+ fab.fab$b_fns = strlen(source); /* Size of source */
+ fab.fab$l_dna = defstring; /* Default string */
+ if (defstring != NULLST)
+ fab.fab$b_dns = strlen(defstring); /* Size of default */
+ nam.nam$l_esa = fullname; /* Expanded filename */
+ nam.nam$b_ess = NAM$C_MAXRSS; /* Expanded name size */
+ if (sys$parse(&fab) == RMS$_NORMAL) { /* Parse away */
+ fullname[nam.nam$b_esl] = EOS; /* Terminate string */
+ result[0] = EOS; /* Just in case */
+ rp = &result[0];
+ /*
+ * Remove stuff added implicitly, accepting node names and
+ * dev:[directory] strings (but not process-permanent files).
+ */
+ if ((nam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_PPF) == 0) {
+ if ((nam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_NODE) != 0) {
+ strncpy(result, nam.nam$l_node, nam.nam$b_node);
+ rp += nam.nam$b_node;
+ *rp = EOS;
+ }
+ if ((nam.nam$l_fnb & DEVDIR) == DEVDIR) {
+ strncpy(rp, nam.nam$l_dev, nam.nam$b_dev + nam.nam$b_dir);
+ rp += nam.nam$b_dev + nam.nam$b_dir;
+ *rp = EOS;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defstring != NULLST) {
+ strncpy(rp, nam.nam$l_name, nam.nam$b_name + nam.nam$b_type);
+ rp += nam.nam$b_name + nam.nam$b_type;
+ *rp = EOS;
+ if ((nam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_EXP_VER) != 0) {
+ strncpy(rp, nam.nam$l_ver, nam.nam$b_ver);
+ rp[nam.nam$b_ver] = EOS;
+ }
+ }
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ return (FALSE);
diff --git a/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp3.c b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp3.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e9c03cdd4874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER > 1310)
+#define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifdef UNX
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "cppdef.h"
+#include "cpp.h"
+#include "time.h" /* BP */
+#ifndef _STRING_H
+#include <string.h>
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+int AddInclude( char *pIncStr ); /* BP, 11.09.91, Forward-Deklaration */
+#include <signal.h>
+void InitCpp3()
+openfile(char* filename)
+ * Open a file, add it to the linked list of open files.
+ * This is called only from openfile() above.
+ */
+ register FILE *fp;
+ if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
+ if ( debug || !bDumpDefs )
+ perror(filename);
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Reading from \"%s\"\n", filename);
+ addfile(fp, filename);
+ return (TRUE);
+void addfile(FILE* fp, char* filename)
+ * Initialize tables for this open file. This is called from openfile()
+ * above (for #include files), and from the entry to cpp to open the main
+ * input file. It calls a common routine, getfile() to build the FILEINFO
+ * structure which is used to read characters. (getfile() is also called
+ * to setup a macro replacement.)
+ */
+ register FILEINFO *file;
+/* #ifndef _NO_PROTO */
+ extern FILEINFO *getfile( int bufsize, char *filename ); /* BP */
+/* #endif */
+ file = getfile(NBUFF, filename);
+ file->fp = fp; /* Better remember FILE * */
+ file->buffer[0] = EOS; /* Initialize for first read */
+ line = 1; /* Working on line 1 now */
+ wrongline = TRUE; /* Force out initial #line */
+void setincdirs()
+ * Append system-specific directories to the include directory list.
+ * Called only when cpp is started.
+ */
+ *incend++ = CPP_INCLUDE;
+#define IS_INCLUDE 1
+#define IS_INCLUDE 0
+ *incend++ = "/usr/include";
+#if HOST == SYS_VMS
+ extern char *getenv();
+ if (getenv("C$LIBRARY") != NULL)
+ *incend++ = "C$LIBRARY:";
+ *incend++ = "SYS$LIBRARY:";
+#if HOST == SYS_RSX
+ extern int $$rsts; /* TRUE on RSTS/E */
+ extern int $$pos; /* TRUE on PRO-350 P/OS */
+ extern int $$vms; /* TRUE on VMS compat. */
+ if ($$pos) { /* P/OS? */
+ *incend++ = "SY:[ZZDECUSC]"; /* C #includes */
+ *incend++ = "LB:[1,5]"; /* RSX library */
+ }
+ else if ($$rsts) { /* RSTS/E? */
+ *incend++ = "SY:@"; /* User-defined account */
+ *incend++ = "C:"; /* Decus-C library */
+ *incend++ = "LB:[1,1]"; /* RSX library */
+ }
+ else if ($$vms) { /* VMS compatibility? */
+ *incend++ = "C:";
+ }
+ else { /* Plain old RSX/IAS */
+ *incend++ = "LB:[1,1]";
+ }
+#if HOST == SYS_RT11
+ extern int $$rsts; /* RSTS/E emulation? */
+ if ($$rsts)
+ *incend++ = "SY:@"; /* User-defined account */
+ *incend++ = "C:"; /* Decus-C library disk */
+ *incend++ = "SY:"; /* System (boot) disk */
+ * BP: 25.07.91, Kontext: GenMake
+ * Unter DOS wird nun auch die Environment-Variable INCLUDE ausgewetet.
+ * Es kommt erschwerend hinzu, dass alle Eintraege, die mit ';' getrennt
+ * sind, mit in die Liste aufenommen werden muessen.
+ * Dies wird mit der Funktion strtok() realisiert.
+ * Vorsicht bei der Benutzung von malloc !!!
+ * In savestring wird naemlich getmem() verwendet. Vermutlich kommen sich
+ * die beiden Funktion in die Quere. Als ich malloc statt savestring
+ * verwendete knallte es in strcpy() !
+ */
+#if !defined( ZTC ) && !defined( WNT ) && !defined(BLC) && ! defined UNX && ! defined OS2
+ extern char *getenv( char *pStr ); /* BP */
+ char *pIncGetEnv = NULL; /* Pointer auf INCLUDE */
+ if ( ( pIncGetEnv = getenv("INCLUDE") ) != NULL )
+ AddInclude( pIncGetEnv );
+/* BP: 11.09.91, Kontext: Erweiterung des INCLUDE-Services
+ * Bislang konnte der cpp keine Include-Angaben in der Kommandozeile
+ * vertragen, bei denen die directries mit ';' getrennt wurden.
+ * Dies ist auch verstaendlich, da dieses cpp fuer UNIX-Systeme
+ * massgeschneidert wurde und in UNI die ';' als Zeichen zum Abschluss
+ * von Kommandos gilt.
+ */
+int AddInclude( char* pIncStr )
+ char *pIncEnv = NULL; /* Kopie des INCLUDE */
+ char *pIncPos; /* wandert zum naechsten */
+ pIncEnv = savestring( pIncStr );
+ pIncPos = strtok( pIncEnv, ";" );
+ while( pIncPos != NULL )
+ {
+ if (incend >= &incdir[MAXINCLUDE])
+ cfatal("Too many include directories", NULLST);
+ *incend++ = pIncPos;
+ pIncPos = strtok( NULL, ";" );
+ }
+ return( 1 );
+dooptions(int argc, char** argv)
+ * dooptions is called to process command line arguments (-Detc).
+ * It is called only at cpp startup.
+ */
+ register char *ap;
+ register DEFBUF *dp;
+ register int c;
+ int i, j;
+ char *arg;
+ SIZES *sizp; /* For -S */
+ int size; /* For -S */
+ int isdatum; /* FALSE for -S* */
+ int endtest; /* For -S */
+ for (i = j = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ arg = ap = argv[i];
+ if (*ap++ != '-' || *ap == EOS)
+ {
+ argv[j++] = argv[i];
+ }
+ else {
+ c = *ap++; /* Option byte */
+ if (islower(c)) /* Normalize case */
+ c = toupper(c);
+ switch (c) { /* Command character */
+ case 'C': /* Keep comments */
+ cflag = TRUE;
+ keepcomments = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'D': /* Define symbol */
+/* zap_uc(ap); */ /* Force define to U.C. */
+ /*
+ * If the option is just "-Dfoo", make it -Dfoo=1
+ */
+ while (*ap != EOS && *ap != '=')
+ ap++;
+ if (*ap == EOS)
+ ap = "1";
+ else
+ *ap++ = EOS;
+ /*
+ * Now, save the word and its definition.
+ */
+ dp = defendel(argv[i] + 2, FALSE);
+ dp->repl = savestring(ap);
+ dp->nargs = DEF_NOARGS;
+ break;
+ case 'E': /* Ignore non-fatal */
+ eflag = TRUE; /* errors. */
+ break;
+ case 'I': /* Include directory */
+ AddInclude( ap ); /* BP, 11.09.91 */
+ break;
+ case 'N': /* No predefineds */
+ nflag++; /* Repeat to undefine */
+ break; /* __LINE__, etc. */
+ case 'S':
+ sizp = size_table;
+ if (0 != (isdatum = (*ap != '*'))) /* If it's just -S, */
+ endtest = T_FPTR; /* Stop here */
+ else { /* But if it's -S* */
+ ap++; /* Step over '*' */
+ endtest = 0; /* Stop at end marker */
+ }
+ while (sizp->bits != endtest && *ap != EOS) {
+ if (!isdigit(*ap)) { /* Skip to next digit */
+ ap++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ size = 0; /* Compile the value */
+ while (isdigit(*ap)) {
+ size *= 10;
+ size += (*ap++ - '0');
+ }
+ if (isdatum)
+ sizp->size = size; /* Datum size */
+ else
+ sizp->psize = size; /* Pointer size */
+ sizp++;
+ }
+ if (sizp->bits != endtest)
+ cwarn("-S, too few values specified in %s", argv[i]);
+ else if (*ap != EOS)
+ cwarn("-S, too many values, \"%s\" unused", ap);
+ break;
+ case 'U': /* Undefine symbol */
+/* zap_uc(ap);*/
+ if (defendel(ap, TRUE) == NULL)
+ cwarn("\"%s\" wasn't defined", ap);
+ break;
+ case 'X': /* Debug */
+ debug = (isdigit(*ap)) ? atoi(ap) : 1;
+#if (HOST == SYS_VMS || HOST == SYS_UNIX)
+ signal(SIGINT, (void (*)(int)) abort); /* Trap "interrupt" */
+ fprintf(stderr, "Debug set to %d\n", debug);
+ break;
+ case 'P': /* #define's dump */
+ bDumpDefs = 1;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Dump #define's is on\n");
+ break;
+ default: /* What is this one? */
+ cwarn("Unknown option \"%s\"", arg);
+ fprintf(stderr, "The following options are valid:\n\
+ -C\t\t\tWrite source file comments to output\n\
+ -Dsymbol=value\tDefine a symbol with the given (optional) value\n\
+ -Idirectory\t\tAdd a directory to the #include search list\n\
+ -N\t\t\tDon't predefine target-specific names\n\
+ -Stext\t\tSpecify sizes for #if sizeof\n\
+ -Usymbol\t\tUndefine symbol\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -Xvalue\t\tSet internal debug flag\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -P\t\t\tdump #define's\n");
+ break;
+ } /* Switch on all options */
+ } /* If it's a -option */
+ } /* For all arguments */
+ if ( (bDumpDefs ? j > 4 : j > 3) ) {
+ if (j > 3) {
+ cerror(
+ "Too many file arguments. Usage: cpp [input [output]]",
+ }
+ return (j); /* Return new argc */
+readoptions(char* filename, char*** pfargv)
+ FILE *fp;
+ int c;
+ int bInQuotes = 0;
+ char optbuff[1024], *poptbuff;
+ int fargc=0, back;
+ char *fargv[PARALIMIT], **pfa;
+ pfa=*pfargv=malloc(sizeof(fargv));
+ poptbuff=&optbuff[0];
+ filename++;
+ if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
+ if ( debug || !bDumpDefs )
+ perror(filename);
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ /*
+ * #i27914# double ticks '"' now have a duplicate function:
+ * 1. they define a string ( e.g. -DFOO="baz" )
+ * 2. a string can contain spaces, so -DFOO="baz zum" defines one
+ * argument no two !
+ */
+ c=fgetc(fp);
+ if ( c != ' ' && c != CR && c != NL && c != HT && c != EOF)
+ {
+ *poptbuff++=(char)c;
+ if( c == '"' )
+ bInQuotes = ~bInQuotes;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( c != EOF && bInQuotes )
+ *poptbuff++=(char)c;
+ else
+ {
+ *poptbuff=EOS;
+ if (strlen(optbuff)>0)
+ {
+ pfa[fargc+1]=malloc(strlen(optbuff)+1);
+ strcpy(pfa[fargc+1],optbuff);
+ fargc++;
+ pfa[fargc+1]=0;
+ poptbuff=&optbuff[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while ( c != EOF );
+ fclose(fp);
+ back=dooptions(fargc+1,pfa);
+ return (back);
+zap_uc(char* ap)
+ * Dec operating systems mangle upper-lower case in command lines.
+ * This routine forces the -D and -U arguments to uppercase.
+ * It is called only on cpp startup by dooptions().
+ */
+ while (*ap != EOS) {
+ /*
+ * Don't use islower() here so it works with Multinational
+ */
+ if (*ap >= 'a' && *ap <= 'z')
+ *ap = (char)toupper(*ap);
+ ap++;
+ }
+void initdefines()
+ * Initialize the built-in #define's. There are two flavors:
+ * #define decus 1 (static definitions)
+ * #define __FILE__ ?? (dynamic, evaluated by magic)
+ * Called only on cpp startup.
+ *
+ * Note: the built-in static definitions are supressed by the -N option.
+ * __LINE__, __FILE__, and __DATE__ are always present.
+ */
+ register char **pp;
+ register char *tp;
+ register DEFBUF *dp;
+ int i;
+ long tvec;
+#if !defined( ZTC ) && !defined( WNT ) && !defined(BLC) && !defined(G3)
+ extern char *ctime();
+ /*
+ * Predefine the built-in symbols. Allow the
+ * implementor to pre-define a symbol as "" to
+ * eliminate it.
+ */
+ if (nflag == 0) {
+ for (pp = preset; *pp != NULL; pp++) {
+ if (*pp[0] != EOS) {
+ dp = defendel(*pp, FALSE);
+ dp->repl = savestring("1");
+ dp->nargs = DEF_NOARGS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * The magic pre-defines (__FILE__ and __LINE__ are
+ * initialized with negative argument counts. expand()
+ * notices this and calls the appropriate routine.
+ * DEF_NOARGS is one greater than the first "magic" definition.
+ */
+ if (nflag < 2) {
+ for (pp = magic, i = DEF_NOARGS; *pp != NULL; pp++) {
+ dp = defendel(*pp, FALSE);
+ dp->nargs = --i;
+ }
+#if OK_DATE
+ /*
+ * Define __DATE__ as today's date.
+ */
+ dp = defendel("__DATE__", FALSE);
+ dp->repl = tp = getmem(27);
+ dp->nargs = DEF_NOARGS;
+ time( (time_t*)&tvec);
+ *tp++ = '"';
+ strcpy(tp, ctime((const time_t*)&tvec));
+ tp[24] = '"'; /* Overwrite newline */
+ }
+#if HOST == SYS_VMS
+ * getredirection() is intended to aid in porting C programs
+ * to VMS (Vax-11 C) which does not support '>' and '<'
+ * I/O redirection. With suitable modification, it may
+ * useful for other portability problems as well.
+ */
+getredirection(argc, argv)
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+ * Process vms redirection arg's. Exit if any error is seen.
+ * If getredirection() processes an argument, it is erased
+ * from the vector. getredirection() returns a new argc value.
+ *
+ * Warning: do not try to simplify the code for vms. The code
+ * presupposes that getredirection() is called before any data is
+ * read from stdin or written to stdout.
+ *
+ * Normal usage is as follows:
+ *
+ * main(argc, argv)
+ * int argc;
+ * char *argv[];
+ * {
+ * argc = getredirection(argc, argv);
+ * }
+ */
+ register char *ap; /* Argument pointer */
+ int i; /* argv[] index */
+ int j; /* Output index */
+ int file; /* File_descriptor */
+ extern int errno; /* Last vms i/o error */
+ for (j = i = 1; i < argc; i++) { /* Do all arguments */
+ switch (*(ap = argv[i])) {
+ case '<': /* <file */
+ if (freopen(++ap, "r", stdin) == NULL) {
+ perror(ap); /* Can't find file */
+ exit(errno); /* Is a fatal error */
+ }
+ break;
+ case '>': /* >file or >>file */
+ if (*++ap == '>') { /* >>file */
+ /*
+ * If the file exists, and is writable by us,
+ * call freopen to append to the file (using the
+ * file's current attributes). Otherwise, create
+ * a new file with "vanilla" attributes as if the
+ * argument was given as ">filename".
+ * access(name, 2) returns zero if we can write on
+ * the specified file.
+ */
+ if (access(++ap, 2) == 0) {
+ if (freopen(ap, "a", stdout) != NULL)
+ break; /* Exit case statement */
+ perror(ap); /* Error, can't append */
+ exit(errno); /* After access test */
+ } /* If file accessable */
+ }
+ /*
+ * On vms, we want to create the file using "standard"
+ * record attributes. creat(...) creates the file
+ * using the caller's default protection mask and
+ * "variable length, implied carriage return"
+ * attributes. dup2() associates the file with stdout.
+ */
+ if ((file = creat(ap, 0, "rat=cr", "rfm=var")) == -1
+ || dup2(file, fileno(stdout)) == -1) {
+ perror(ap); /* Can't create file */
+ exit(errno); /* is a fatal error */
+ } /* If '>' creation */
+ break; /* Exit case test */
+ default:
+ argv[j++] = ap; /* Not a redirector */
+ break; /* Exit case test */
+ }
+ } /* For all arguments */
+ argv[j] = NULL; /* Terminate argv[] */
+ return (j); /* Return new argc */
diff --git a/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp4.c b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp4.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b8f90ab4f7ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "cppdef.h"
+#include "cpp.h"
+ * parm[], parmp, and parlist[] are used to store #define() argument
+ * lists. nargs contains the actual number of parameters stored.
+ */
+static char parm[NPARMWORK + 1]; /* define param work buffer */
+static char *parmp; /* Free space in parm */
+static char *parlist[LASTPARM]; /* -> start of each parameter */
+static int nargs; /* Parameters for this macro */
+void InitCpp4()
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < NPARMWORK; i++ )
+ parm[ i ] = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < LASTPARM; i++ )
+ parlist[ i ] = NULL;
+ nargs = 0;
+void dodefine()
+ * Called from control when a #define is scanned. This module
+ * parses formal parameters and the replacement string. When
+ * the formal parameter name is encountered in the replacement
+ * string, it is replaced by a character in the range 128 to
+ * 128+NPARAM (this allows up to 32 parameters within the
+ * Dec Multinational range). If cpp is ported to an EBCDIC
+ * machine, you will have to make other arrangements.
+ *
+ * There is some special case code to distinguish
+ * #define foo bar
+ * from #define foo() bar
+ *
+ * Also, we make sure that
+ * #define foo foo
+ * expands to "foo" but doesn't put cpp into an infinite loop.
+ *
+ * A warning message is printed if you redefine a symbol to a
+ * different text. I.e,
+ * #define foo 123
+ * #define foo 123
+ * is ok, but
+ * #define foo 123
+ * #define foo +123
+ * is not.
+ *
+ * The following subroutines are called from define():
+ * checkparm called when a token is scanned. It checks through the
+ * array of formal parameters. If a match is found, the
+ * token is replaced by a control byte which will be used
+ * to locate the parameter when the macro is expanded.
+ * textput puts a string in the macro work area (parm[]), updating
+ * parmp to point to the first free byte in parm[].
+ * textput() tests for work buffer overflow.
+ * charput puts a single character in the macro work area (parm[])
+ * in a manner analogous to textput().
+ */
+ register int c;
+ register DEFBUF *dp; /* -> new definition */
+ int isredefine; /* TRUE if redefined */
+ char *old = 0; /* Remember redefined */
+ if (type[(c = skipws())] != LET)
+ goto bad_define;
+ isredefine = FALSE; /* Set if redefining */
+ if ((dp = lookid(c)) == NULL) /* If not known now */
+ dp = defendel(token, FALSE); /* Save the name */
+ else { /* It's known: */
+ isredefine = TRUE; /* Remember this fact */
+ old = dp->repl; /* Remember replacement */
+ dp->repl = NULL; /* No replacement now */
+ }
+ parlist[0] = parmp = parm; /* Setup parm buffer */
+ if ((c = get()) == '(') { /* With arguments? */
+ nargs = 0; /* Init formals counter */
+ do { /* Collect formal parms */
+ if (nargs >= LASTPARM)
+ cfatal("Too many arguments for macro", NULLST);
+ else if ((c = skipws()) == ')')
+ break; /* Got them all */
+ else if (type[c] != LET) /* Bad formal syntax */
+ goto bad_define;
+ scanid(c); /* Get the formal param */
+ parlist[nargs++] = parmp; /* Save its start */
+ textput(token); /* Save text in parm[] */
+ } while ((c = skipws()) == ','); /* Get another argument */
+ if (c != ')') /* Must end at ) */
+ goto bad_define;
+ c = ' '; /* Will skip to body */
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ * DEF_NOARGS is needed to distinguish between
+ * "#define foo" and "#define foo()".
+ */
+ nargs = DEF_NOARGS; /* No () parameters */
+ }
+ if (type[c] == SPA) /* At whitespace? */
+ c = skipws(); /* Not any more. */
+ workp = work; /* Replacement put here */
+ inmacro = TRUE; /* Keep \<newline> now */
+ while (c != EOF_CHAR && c != '\n') { /* Compile macro body */
+ if (c == COM_SEP) { /* Token concatenation? */
+ save(TOK_SEP); /* Stuff a delimiter */
+ c = get();
+ if (c == '#') { /* Token concatenation? */
+ while (workp > work && type[(int)workp[-1]] == SPA)
+ --workp; /* Erase leading spaces */
+ save(TOK_SEP); /* Stuff a delimiter */
+ c = skipws(); /* Eat whitespace */
+ if (type[c] == LET) /* Another token here? */
+ ; /* Stuff it normally */
+ else if (type[c] == DIG) { /* Digit string after? */
+ while (type[c] == DIG) { /* Stuff the digits */
+ save(c);
+ c = get();
+ }
+ save(TOK_SEP); /* Delimit 2nd token */
+ }
+ else {
+ ciwarn("Strange character after # (%d.)", c);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (type[c]) {
+ case LET:
+ checkparm(c, dp); /* Might be a formal */
+ break;
+ case DIG: /* Number in mac. body */
+ case DOT: /* Maybe a float number */
+ scannumber(c, save); /* Scan it off */
+ break;
+ case QUO: /* String in mac. body */
+ stparmscan(c, dp); /* Do string magic */
+ stparmscan(c);
+ break;
+ case BSH: /* Backslash */
+ save('\\');
+ if ((c = get()) == '\n')
+ wrongline = TRUE;
+ save(c);
+ break;
+ case SPA: /* Absorb whitespace */
+ /*
+ * Note: the "end of comment" marker is passed on
+ * to allow comments to separate tokens.
+ */
+ if (workp[-1] == ' ') /* Absorb multiple */
+ break; /* spaces */
+ else if (c == '\t')
+ c = ' '; /* Normalize tabs */
+ /* Fall through to store character */
+ default: /* Other character */
+ save(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ c = get();
+ }
+ inmacro = FALSE; /* Stop newline hack */
+ unget(); /* For control check */
+ if (workp > work && workp[-1] == ' ') /* Drop trailing blank */
+ workp--;
+ *workp = EOS; /* Terminate work */
+ dp->repl = savestring(work); /* Save the string */
+ dp->nargs = nargs; /* Save arg count */
+ if (debug)
+ dumpadef("macro definition", dp);
+ else if (bDumpDefs)
+ dumpadef(NULL, dp);
+ if (isredefine) { /* Error if redefined */
+ if ((old != NULL && dp->repl != NULL && !streq(old, dp->repl))
+ || (old == NULL && dp->repl != NULL)
+ || (old != NULL && dp->repl == NULL)) {
+ cerror("Redefining defined variable \"%s\"", dp->name);
+ cwarn("Redefining defined variable \"%s\"", dp->name);
+ }
+ if (old != NULL) /* We don't need the */
+ free(old); /* old definition now. */
+ }
+ return;
+ cerror("#define syntax error", NULLST);
+ inmacro = FALSE; /* Stop <newline> hack */
+void checkparm(int c, DEFBUF* dp)
+ * Replace this param if it's defined. Note that the macro name is a
+ * possible replacement token. We stuff DEF_MAGIC in front of the token
+ * which is treated as a LETTER by the token scanner and eaten by
+ * the output routine. This prevents the macro expander from
+ * looping if someone writes "#define foo foo".
+ */
+ register int i;
+ register char *cp;
+ scanid(c); /* Get parm to token[] */
+ for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { /* For each argument */
+ if (streq(parlist[i], token)) { /* If it's known */
+#ifdef SOLAR
+ save(DEL);
+ save(i + MAC_PARM); /* Save a magic cookie */
+ return; /* And exit the search */
+ }
+ }
+ if (streq(dp->name, token)) /* Macro name in body? */
+ save(DEF_MAGIC); /* Save magic marker */
+ for (cp = token; *cp != EOS;) /* And save */
+ save(*cp++); /* The token itself */
+void stparmscan(delim, dp)
+int delim;
+register DEFBUF *dp;
+ * Scan the string (starting with the given delimiter).
+ * The token is replaced if it is the only text in this string or
+ * character constant. The algorithm follows checkparm() above.
+ * Note that scanstring() has approved of the string.
+ */
+ register int c;
+ /*
+ * Warning -- this code hasn't been tested for a while.
+ * It exists only to preserve compatibility with earlier
+ * implementations of cpp. It is not part of the Draft
+ * ANSI Standard C language.
+ */
+ save(delim);
+ instring = TRUE;
+ while ((c = get()) != delim
+ && c != '\n'
+ && c != EOF_CHAR) {
+ if (type[c] == LET) /* Maybe formal parm */
+ checkparm(c, dp);
+ else {
+ save(c);
+ if (c == '\\')
+ save(get());
+ }
+ }
+ instring = FALSE;
+ if (c != delim)
+ cerror("Unterminated string in macro body", NULLST);
+ save(c);
+void stparmscan(int delim)
+ * Normal string parameter scan.
+ */
+ register char *wp;
+ register int i;
+ wp = workp; /* Here's where it starts */
+ if (!scanstring(delim, save))
+ return; /* Exit on scanstring error */
+ workp[-1] = EOS; /* Erase trailing quote */
+ wp++; /* -> first string content byte */
+ for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
+ if (streq(parlist[i], wp)) {
+#ifdef SOLAR
+ *wp++ = DEL;
+ *wp++ = MAC_PARM + PAR_MAC; /* Stuff a magic marker */
+ *wp++ = (char)(i + MAC_PARM); /* Make a formal marker */
+ *wp = wp[-4]; /* Add on closing quote */
+ workp = wp + 1; /* Reset string end */
+ *wp++ = MAC_PARM + PAR_MAC; /* Stuff a magic marker */
+ *wp++ = (i + MAC_PARM); /* Make a formal marker */
+ *wp = wp[-3]; /* Add on closing quote */
+ workp = wp + 1; /* Reset string end */
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ workp[-1] = wp[-1]; /* Nope, reset end quote. */
+void doundef()
+ * Remove the symbol from the defined list.
+ * Called from the #control processor.
+ */
+ register int c;
+ if (type[(c = skipws())] != LET)
+ cerror("Illegal #undef argument", NULLST);
+ else {
+ scanid(c); /* Get name to token[] */
+ if (defendel(token, TRUE) == NULL) {
+ cwarn("Symbol \"%s\" not defined in #undef", token);
+ }
+ }
+void textput(char* text)
+ * Put the string in the parm[] buffer.
+ */
+ register int size;
+ size = strlen(text) + 1;
+ if ((parmp + size) >= &parm[NPARMWORK])
+ cfatal("Macro work area overflow", NULLST);
+ else {
+ strcpy(parmp, text);
+ parmp += size;
+ }
+void charput(int c)
+ * Put the byte in the parm[] buffer.
+ */
+ if (parmp >= &parm[NPARMWORK])
+ cfatal("Macro work area overflow", NULLST);
+ else {
+ *parmp++ = (char)c;
+ }
+ * M a c r o E x p a n s i o n
+ */
+static DEFBUF *macro; /* Catches start of infinite macro */
+void expand(DEFBUF* tokenp)
+ * Expand a macro. Called from the cpp mainline routine (via subroutine
+ * macroid()) when a token is found in the symbol table. It calls
+ * expcollect() to parse actual parameters, checking for the correct number.
+ * It then creates a "file" containing a single line containing the
+ * macro with actual parameters inserted appropriately. This is
+ * "pushed back" onto the input stream. (When the get() routine runs
+ * off the end of the macro line, it will dismiss the macro itself.)
+ */
+ register int c;
+ register FILEINFO *file;
+#ifndef ZTC /* BP */
+ extern FILEINFO *getfile();
+ if (debug)
+ dumpadef("expand entry", tokenp);
+ /*
+ * If no macro is pending, save the name of this macro
+ * for an eventual error message.
+ */
+ if (recursion++ == 0)
+ macro = tokenp;
+ else if (recursion == RECURSION_LIMIT) {
+ cerror("Recursive macro definition of \"%s\"", tokenp->name);
+ fprintf(stderr, "(Defined by \"%s\")\n", macro->name);
+ if (rec_recover) {
+ do {
+ c = get();
+ } while (infile != NULL && infile->fp == NULL);
+ unget();
+ recursion = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Here's a macro to expand.
+ */
+ nargs = 0; /* Formals counter */
+ parmp = parm; /* Setup parm buffer */
+ switch (tokenp->nargs) {
+ case (-2): /* __LINE__ */
+ sprintf(work, "%d", line);
+ ungetstring(work);
+ break;
+ case (-3): /* __FILE__ */
+ for (file = infile; file != NULL; file = file->parent) {
+ if (file->fp != NULL) {
+ sprintf(work, "\"%s\"", (file->progname != NULL)
+ ? file->progname : file->filename);
+ ungetstring(work);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ /*
+ * Nothing funny about this macro.
+ */
+ if (tokenp->nargs < 0)
+ cfatal("Bug: Illegal __ macro \"%s\"", tokenp->name);
+ while ((c = skipws()) == '\n') /* Look for (, skipping */
+ wrongline = TRUE; /* spaces and newlines */
+ if (c != '(') {
+ /*
+ * If the programmer writes
+ * #define foo() ...
+ * ...
+ * foo [no ()]
+ * just write foo to the output stream.
+ */
+ unget();
+ cwarn("Macro \"%s\" needs arguments", tokenp->name);
+ fputs(tokenp->name, pCppOut );
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (expcollect()) { /* Collect arguments */
+ if (tokenp->nargs != nargs) { /* Should be an error? */
+ cwarn("Wrong number of macro arguments for \"%s\"",
+ tokenp->name);
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ dumpparm("expand");
+ } /* Collect arguments */
+ case DEF_NOARGS: /* No parameters just stuffs */
+ expstuff(tokenp); /* Do actual parameters */
+ } /* nargs switch */
+ * Collect the actual parameters for this macro. TRUE if ok.
+ */
+ register int c;
+ register int paren; /* For embedded ()'s */
+ for (;;) {
+ paren = 0; /* Collect next arg. */
+ while ((c = skipws()) == '\n') /* Skip over whitespace */
+ wrongline = TRUE; /* and newlines. */
+ if (c == ')') { /* At end of all args? */
+ /*
+ * Note that there is a guard byte in parm[]
+ * so we don't have to check for overflow here.
+ */
+ *parmp = EOS; /* Make sure terminated */
+ break; /* Exit collection loop */
+ }
+ else if (nargs >= LASTPARM)
+ cfatal("Too many arguments in macro expansion", NULLST);
+ parlist[nargs++] = parmp; /* At start of new arg */
+ for (;; c = cget()) { /* Collect arg's bytes */
+ if (c == EOF_CHAR) {
+ cerror("end of file within macro argument", NULLST);
+ return (FALSE); /* Sorry. */
+ }
+ else if (c == '\\') { /* Quote next character */
+ charput(c); /* Save the \ for later */
+ charput(cget()); /* Save the next char. */
+ continue; /* And go get another */
+ }
+ else if (type[c] == QUO) { /* Start of string? */
+ scanstring(c, charput); /* Scan it off */
+ continue; /* Go get next char */
+ }
+ else if (c == '(') /* Worry about balance */
+ paren++; /* To know about commas */
+ else if (c == ')') { /* Other side too */
+ if (paren == 0) { /* At the end? */
+ unget(); /* Look at it later */
+ break; /* Exit arg getter. */
+ }
+ paren--; /* More to come. */
+ }
+ else if (c == ',' && paren == 0) /* Comma delimits args */
+ break;
+ else if (c == '\n') /* Newline inside arg? */
+ wrongline = TRUE; /* We'll need a #line */
+ charput(c); /* Store this one */
+ } /* Collect an argument */
+ charput(EOS); /* Terminate argument */
+ if (debug)
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "parm[%d] = \"%s\"\n", nargs, parlist[nargs - 1]);
+ } /* Collect all args. */
+ return (TRUE); /* Normal return */
+void expstuff(DEFBUF* tokenp)
+ * Stuff the macro body, replacing formal parameters by actual parameters.
+ */
+ register int c; /* Current character */
+ register char *inp; /* -> repl string */
+ register char *defp; /* -> macro output buff */
+ int size; /* Actual parm. size */
+ char *defend; /* -> output buff end */
+ int string_magic; /* String formal hack */
+ FILEINFO *file; /* Funny #include */
+#ifndef ZTC /* BP */
+ extern FILEINFO *getfile();
+ file = getfile(NBUFF, tokenp->name);
+ inp = tokenp->repl; /* -> macro replacement */
+ defp = file->buffer; /* -> output buffer */
+ defend = defp + (NBUFF - 1); /* Note its end */
+ if (inp != NULL) {
+ while ((c = (*inp++ & 0xFF)) != EOS) {
+#ifdef SOLAR
+ if (c == DEL) {
+ c = (*inp++ & 0xFF);
+ if (c >= MAC_PARM && c <= (MAC_PARM + PAR_MAC)) {
+ string_magic = (c == (MAC_PARM + PAR_MAC));
+ if (string_magic)
+ c = (*inp++ & 0xFF);
+ /*
+ * Replace formal parameter by actual parameter string.
+ */
+ if ((c -= MAC_PARM) < nargs) {
+ size = strlen(parlist[c]);
+ if ((defp + size) >= defend)
+ goto nospace;
+ /*
+ * Erase the extra set of quotes.
+ */
+ if (string_magic && defp[-1] == parlist[c][0]) {
+ strcpy(defp-1, parlist[c]);
+ defp += (size - 2);
+ }
+ else {
+ strcpy(defp, parlist[c]);
+ defp += size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (defp >= defend) {
+nospace: cfatal("Out of space in macro \"%s\" arg expansion",
+ tokenp->name);
+ }
+ else {
+ *defp++ = (char)c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *defp = EOS;
+ if (debug > 1)
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "macroline: \"%s\"\n", file->buffer);
+void dumpparm(char* why)
+ * Dump parameter list.
+ */
+ register int i;
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "dump of %d parameters (%d bytes total) %s\n",
+ nargs, parmp - parm, why);
+ for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "parm[%d] (%d) = \"%s\"\n",
+ i + 1, strlen(parlist[i]), parlist[i]);
+ }
diff --git a/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp5.c b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp5.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..70f05543c465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp5.c
@@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "cppdef.h"
+#include "cpp.h"
+ * Evaluate an #if expression.
+ */
+static char *opname[] = { /* For debug and error messages */
+"end of expression", "val", "id",
+ "+", "-", "*", "/", "%",
+ "<<", ">>", "&", "|", "^",
+ "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">",
+ "&&", "||", "?", ":", ",",
+ "unary +", "unary -", "~", "!", "(", ")", "(none)",
+ * opdope[] has the operator precedence:
+ * Bits
+ * 7 Unused (so the value is always positive)
+ * 6-2 Precedence (000x .. 017x)
+ * 1-0 Binary op. flags:
+ * 01 The binop flag should be set/cleared when this op is seen.
+ * 10 The new value of the binop flag.
+ * Note: Expected, New binop
+ * constant 0 1 Binop, end, or ) should follow constants
+ * End of line 1 0 End may not be preceeded by an operator
+ * binary 1 0 Binary op follows a value, value follows.
+ * unary 0 0 Unary op doesn't follow a value, value follows
+ * ( 0 0 Doesn't follow value, value or unop follows
+ * ) 1 1 Follows value. Op follows.
+ */
+static char opdope[OP_MAX] = {
+ 0001, /* End of expression */
+ 0002, /* Digit */
+ 0000, /* Letter (identifier) */
+ 0141, 0141, 0151, 0151, 0151, /* ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD */
+ 0131, 0131, 0101, 0071, 0071, /* ASL, ASR, AND, OR, XOR */
+ 0111, 0111, 0121, 0121, 0121, 0121, /* EQ, NE, LT, LE, GE, GT */
+ 0061, 0051, 0041, 0041, 0031, /* ANA, ORO, QUE, COL, CMA */
+ * Unary op's follow
+ */
+ 0160, 0160, 0160, 0160, /* NEG, PLU, COM, NOT */
+ 0170, 0013, 0023, /* LPA, RPA, END */
+ * OP_QUE and OP_RPA have alternate precedences:
+ */
+#define OP_RPA_PREC 0013
+#define OP_QUE_PREC 0034
+ * S_ANDOR and S_QUEST signal "short-circuit" boolean evaluation, so that
+ * #if FOO != 0 && 10 / FOO ...
+ * doesn't generate an error message. They are stored in optab.skip.
+ */
+#define S_ANDOR 2
+#define S_QUEST 1
+typedef struct optab {
+ char op; /* Operator */
+ char prec; /* Its precedence */
+ char skip; /* Short-circuit: TRUE to skip */
+static int evalue; /* Current value from evallex() */
+#ifdef nomacargs
+register int op;
+ return (op >= FIRST_BINOP && op <= LAST_BINOP);
+register int op;
+ return (op >= FIRST_UNOP && op <= LAST_UNOP);
+#define isbinary(op) (op >= FIRST_BINOP && op <= LAST_BINOP)
+#define isunary(op) (op >= FIRST_UNOP && op <= LAST_UNOP)
+ * The following definitions are used to specify basic variable sizes.
+ */
+#ifndef S_CHAR
+#define S_CHAR (sizeof (char))
+#ifndef S_SINT
+#define S_SINT (sizeof (short int))
+#ifndef S_INT
+#define S_INT (sizeof (int))
+#ifndef S_LINT
+#define S_LINT (sizeof (long int))
+#ifndef S_FLOAT
+#define S_FLOAT (sizeof (float))
+#ifndef S_DOUBLE
+#define S_DOUBLE (sizeof (double))
+#ifndef S_PCHAR
+#define S_PCHAR (sizeof (char *))
+#ifndef S_PSINT
+#define S_PSINT (sizeof (short int *))
+#ifndef S_PINT
+#define S_PINT (sizeof (int *))
+#ifndef S_PLINT
+#define S_PLINT (sizeof (long int *))
+#ifndef S_PFLOAT
+#define S_PFLOAT (sizeof (float *))
+#ifndef S_PDOUBLE
+#define S_PDOUBLE (sizeof (double *))
+#ifndef S_PFPTR
+#define S_PFPTR (sizeof (int (*)()))
+typedef struct types {
+ short type; /* This is the bit if */
+ char *name; /* this is the token word */
+static TYPES basic_types[] = {
+ { T_CHAR, "char", },
+ { T_INT, "int", },
+ { T_FLOAT, "float", },
+ { T_DOUBLE, "double", },
+ { T_SHORT, "short", },
+ { T_LONG, "long", },
+ { T_SIGNED, "signed", },
+ { T_UNSIGNED, "unsigned", },
+ { 0, NULL, }, /* Signal end */
+ * Test_table[] is used to test for illegal combinations.
+ */
+static short test_table[] = {
+ 0 /* end marker */
+ * The order of this table is important -- it is also referenced by
+ * the command line processor to allow run-time overriding of the
+ * built-in size values. The order must not be changed:
+ * char, short, int, long, float, double (func pointer)
+ */
+SIZES size_table[] = {
+ { T_CHAR, S_CHAR, S_PCHAR }, /* char */
+ { T_SHORT, S_SINT, S_PSINT }, /* short int */
+ { T_INT, S_INT, S_PINT }, /* int */
+ { T_LONG, S_LINT, S_PLINT }, /* long */
+ { T_FLOAT, S_FLOAT, S_PFLOAT }, /* float */
+ { T_DOUBLE, S_DOUBLE, S_PDOUBLE }, /* double */
+ { T_FPTR, 0, S_PFPTR }, /* int (*()) */
+ { 0, 0, 0 }, /* End of table */
+void InitCpp5()
+ * Evaluate an expression. Straight-forward operator precedence.
+ * This is called from control() on encountering an #if statement.
+ * It calls the following routines:
+ * evallex Lexical analyser -- returns the type and value of
+ * the next input token.
+ * evaleval Evaluate the current operator, given the values on
+ * the value stack. Returns a pointer to the (new)
+ * value stack.
+ * For compatiblity with older cpp's, this return returns 1 (TRUE)
+ * if a syntax error is detected.
+ */
+ register int op; /* Current operator */
+ register int *valp; /* -> value vector */
+ register OPTAB *opp; /* Operator stack */
+ int prec; /* Op precedence */
+ int binop; /* Set if binary op. needed */
+ int op1; /* Operand from stack */
+ int skip; /* For short-circuit testing */
+ int value[NEXP]; /* Value stack */
+ OPTAB opstack[NEXP]; /* Operand stack */
+#ifndef ZTC /* BP */
+ extern int *evaleval(); /* Does actual evaluation */
+ valp = value;
+ opp = opstack;
+ opp->op = OP_END; /* Mark bottom of stack */
+ opp->prec = opdope[OP_END]; /* And its precedence */
+ opp->skip = 0; /* Not skipping now */
+ binop = 0;
+again: ;
+#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "In #if at again: skip = %d, binop = %d, line is: %s",
+ opp->skip, binop, infile->bptr);
+ if ((op = evallex(opp->skip)) == OP_SUB && binop == 0)
+ op = OP_NEG; /* Unary minus */
+ else if (op == OP_ADD && binop == 0)
+ op = OP_PLU; /* Unary plus */
+ else if (op == OP_FAIL)
+ return (1); /* Error in evallex */
+#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "op = %s, opdope = %03o, binop = %d, skip = %d\n",
+ opname[op], opdope[op], binop, opp->skip);
+ if (op == DIG) { /* Value? */
+ if (binop != 0) {
+ cerror("misplaced constant in #if", NULLST);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ else if (valp >= &value[NEXP-1]) {
+ cerror("#if value stack overflow", NULLST);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "pushing %d onto value stack[%d]\n",
+ evalue, valp - value);
+ *valp++ = evalue;
+ binop = 1;
+ }
+ goto again;
+ }
+ else if (op > OP_END) {
+ cerror("Illegal #if line", NULLST);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ prec = opdope[op];
+ if (binop != (prec & 1)) {
+ cerror("Operator %s in incorrect context", opname[op]);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ binop = (prec & 2) >> 1;
+ for (;;) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "op %s, prec %d., stacked op %s, prec %d, skip %d\n",
+ opname[op], prec, opname[opp->op], opp->prec, opp->skip);
+ if (prec > opp->prec) {
+ if (op == OP_LPA)
+ prec = OP_RPA_PREC;
+ else if (op == OP_QUE)
+ prec = OP_QUE_PREC;
+ op1 = opp->skip; /* Save skip for test */
+ /*
+ * Push operator onto op. stack.
+ */
+ opp++;
+ if (opp >= &opstack[NEXP]) {
+ cerror("expression stack overflow at op \"%s\"",
+ opname[op]);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ opp->op = (char)op;
+ opp->prec = (char)prec;
+ skip = (valp[-1] != 0); /* Short-circuit tester */
+ /*
+ * Do the short-circuit stuff here. Short-circuiting
+ * stops automagically when operators are evaluated.
+ */
+ if ((op == OP_ANA && !skip)
+ || (op == OP_ORO && skip))
+ opp->skip = S_ANDOR; /* And/or skip starts */
+ else if (op == OP_QUE) /* Start of ?: operator */
+ opp->skip = (char)((op1 & S_ANDOR) | ((!skip) ? S_QUEST : 0));
+ else if (op == OP_COL) { /* : inverts S_QUEST */
+ opp->skip = (char)((op1 & S_ANDOR)
+ | (((op1 & S_QUEST) != 0) ? 0 : S_QUEST));
+ }
+ else { /* Other ops leave */
+ opp->skip = (char)op1; /* skipping unchanged. */
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "stacking %s, valp[-1] == %d at %s",
+ opname[op], valp[-1], infile->bptr);
+ dumpstack(opstack, opp, value, valp);
+ goto again;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Pop operator from op. stack and evaluate it.
+ * End of stack and '(' are specials.
+ */
+ skip = opp->skip; /* Remember skip value */
+ switch ((op1 = opp->op)) { /* Look at stacked op */
+ case OP_END: /* Stack end marker */
+ if (op == OP_EOE)
+ return (valp[-1]); /* Finished ok. */
+ goto again; /* Read another op. */
+ case OP_LPA: /* ( on stack */
+ if (op != OP_RPA) { /* Matches ) on input */
+ cerror("unbalanced paren's, op is \"%s\"", opname[op]);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ opp--; /* Unstack it */
+ /* goto again; -- Fall through */
+ case OP_QUE:
+ goto again; /* Evaluate true expr. */
+ case OP_COL: /* : on stack. */
+ opp--; /* Unstack : */
+ if (opp->op != OP_QUE) { /* Matches ? on stack? */
+ cerror("Misplaced '?' or ':', previous operator is %s",
+ opname[(int)opp->op]);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Evaluate op1.
+ */
+ default: /* Others: */
+ opp--; /* Unstack the operator */
+#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "Stack before evaluation of %s\n", opname[op1]);
+ dumpstack(opstack, opp, value, valp);
+ valp = evaleval(valp, op1, skip);
+#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "Stack after evaluation\n");
+ dumpstack(opstack, opp, value, valp);
+ } /* op1 switch end */
+ } /* Stack unwind loop */
+evallex(int skip)
+ * Return next eval operator or value. Called from eval(). It
+ * calls a special-purpose routines for 'char' strings and
+ * numeric values:
+ * evalchar called to evaluate 'x'
+ * evalnum called to evaluate numbers.
+ */
+ register int c, c1, t;
+again: do { /* Collect the token */
+ c = skipws();
+ if ((c = macroid(c)) == EOF_CHAR || c == '\n') {
+ unget();
+ return (OP_EOE); /* End of expression */
+ }
+ } while ((t = type[c]) == LET && catenate());
+ if (t == INV) { /* Total nonsense */
+ if (!skip) {
+ if (isascii(c) && isprint(c))
+ cierror("illegal character '%c' in #if", c);
+ else
+ cierror("illegal character (%d decimal) in #if", c);
+ }
+ return (OP_FAIL);
+ }
+ else if (t == QUO) { /* ' or " */
+ if (c == '\'') { /* Character constant */
+ evalue = evalchar(skip); /* Somewhat messy */
+#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "evalchar returns %d.\n", evalue);
+ return (DIG); /* Return a value */
+ }
+ cerror("Can't use a string in an #if", NULLST);
+ return (OP_FAIL);
+ }
+ else if (t == LET) { /* ID must be a macro */
+ if (streq(token, "defined")) { /* Or defined name */
+ c1 = c = skipws();
+ if (c == '(') /* Allow defined(name) */
+ c = skipws();
+ if (type[c] == LET) {
+ evalue = (lookid(c) != NULL);
+ if (c1 != '(' /* Need to balance */
+ || skipws() == ')') /* Did we balance? */
+ return (DIG); /* Parsed ok */
+ }
+ cerror("Bad #if ... defined() syntax", NULLST);
+ return (OP_FAIL);
+ }
+ else if (streq(token, "sizeof")) /* New sizeof hackery */
+ return (dosizeof()); /* Gets own routine */
+ /*
+ * The Draft ANSI C Standard says that an undefined symbol
+ * in an #if has the value zero. We are a bit pickier,
+ * warning except where the programmer was careful to write
+ * #if defined(foo) ? foo : 0
+ */
+ if (!skip)
+ cwarn("undefined symbol \"%s\" in #if, 0 used", token);
+ evalue = 0;
+ return (DIG);
+ }
+ else if (t == DIG) { /* Numbers are harder */
+ evalue = evalnum(c);
+#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "evalnum returns %d.\n", evalue);
+ }
+ else if (strchr("!=<>&|\\", c) != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Process a possible multi-byte lexeme.
+ */
+ c1 = cget(); /* Peek at next char */
+ switch (c) {
+ case '!':
+ if (c1 == '=')
+ return (OP_NE);
+ break;
+ case '=':
+ if (c1 != '=') { /* Can't say a=b in #if */
+ unget();
+ cerror("= not allowed in #if", NULLST);
+ return (OP_FAIL);
+ }
+ return (OP_EQ);
+ case '>':
+ case '<':
+ if (c1 == c)
+ return ((c == '<') ? OP_ASL : OP_ASR);
+ else if (c1 == '=')
+ return ((c == '<') ? OP_LE : OP_GE);
+ break;
+ case '|':
+ case '&':
+ if (c1 == c)
+ return ((c == '|') ? OP_ORO : OP_ANA);
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ if (c1 == '\n') /* Multi-line if */
+ goto again;
+ cerror("Unexpected \\ in #if", NULLST);
+ return (OP_FAIL);
+ }
+ unget();
+ }
+ return (t);
+ * Process the sizeof (basic type) operation in an #if string.
+ * Sets evalue to the size and returns
+ * DIG success
+ * OP_FAIL bad parse or something.
+ */
+ register int c;
+ register TYPES *tp;
+ register SIZES *sizp;
+ register short *testp;
+ short typecode;
+ if ((c = skipws()) != '(')
+ goto nogood;
+ /*
+ * Scan off the tokens.
+ */
+ typecode = 0;
+ while (0 != (c = skipws())) {
+ if ((c = macroid(c)) == EOF_CHAR || c == '\n')
+ goto nogood; /* End of line is a bug */
+ else if (c == '(') { /* thing (*)() func ptr */
+ if (skipws() == '*'
+ && skipws() == ')') { /* We found (*) */
+ if (skipws() != '(') /* Let () be optional */
+ unget();
+ else if (skipws() != ')')
+ goto nogood;
+ typecode |= T_FPTR; /* Function pointer */
+ }
+ else { /* Junk is a bug */
+ goto nogood;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (type[c] != LET) /* Exit if not a type */
+ break;
+ else if (!catenate()) { /* Maybe combine tokens */
+ /*
+ * Look for this unexpandable token in basic_types.
+ * The code accepts "int long" as well as "long int"
+ * which is a minor bug as bugs go (and one shared with
+ * a lot of C compilers).
+ */
+ for (tp = basic_types; tp->name != NULLST; tp++) {
+ if (streq(token, tp->name))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tp->name == NULLST) {
+ cerror("#if sizeof, unknown type \"%s\"", token);
+ return (OP_FAIL);
+ }
+ typecode |= tp->type; /* Or in the type bit */
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * We are at the end of the type scan. Chew off '*' if necessary.
+ */
+ if (c == '*') {
+ typecode |= T_PTR;
+ c = skipws();
+ }
+ if (c == ')') { /* Last syntax check */
+ for (testp = test_table; *testp != 0; testp++) {
+ if (!bittest(typecode & *testp)) {
+ cerror("#if ... sizeof: illegal type combination", NULLST);
+ return (OP_FAIL);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * We assume that all function pointers are the same size:
+ * sizeof (int (*)()) == sizeof (float (*)())
+ * We assume that signed and unsigned don't change the size:
+ * sizeof (signed int) == (sizeof unsigned int)
+ */
+ if ((typecode & T_FPTR) != 0) /* Function pointer */
+ typecode = T_FPTR | T_PTR;
+ else { /* Var or var * datum */
+ typecode &= ~(T_SIGNED | T_UNSIGNED);
+ if ((typecode & (T_SHORT | T_LONG)) != 0)
+ typecode &= ~T_INT;
+ }
+ if ((typecode & ~T_PTR) == 0) {
+ cerror("#if sizeof() error, no type specified", NULLST);
+ return (OP_FAIL);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Exactly one bit (and possibly T_PTR) may be set.
+ */
+ for (sizp = size_table; sizp->bits != 0; sizp++) {
+ if ((typecode & ~T_PTR) == sizp->bits) {
+ evalue = ((typecode & T_PTR) != 0)
+ ? sizp->psize : sizp->size;
+ return (DIG);
+ }
+ } /* We shouldn't fail */
+ cierror("#if ... sizeof: bug, unknown type code 0x%x", typecode);
+ return (OP_FAIL);
+ }
+nogood: unget();
+ cerror("#if ... sizeof() syntax error", NULLST);
+ return (OP_FAIL);
+bittest(int value)
+ * TRUE if value is zero or exactly one bit is set in value.
+ */
+#if (4096 & ~(-4096)) == 0
+ return ((value & ~(-value)) == 0);
+ /*
+ * Do it the hard way (for non 2's complement machines)
+ */
+ return (value == 0 || value ^ (value - 1) == (value * 2 - 1));
+evalnum(int c)
+ * Expand number for #if lexical analysis. Note: evalnum recognizes
+ * the unsigned suffix, but only returns a signed int value.
+ */
+ register int value;
+ register int base;
+ register int c1;
+ if (c != '0')
+ base = 10;
+ else if ((c = cget()) == 'x' || c == 'X') {
+ base = 16;
+ c = cget();
+ }
+ else base = 8;
+ value = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ c1 = c;
+ if (isascii(c) && isupper(c1))
+ c1 = tolower(c1);
+#ifdef EBCDIC
+ if (c1 <= 'f')
+ if (c1 >= 'a')
+ c1 -= ('a' - 10);
+ else c1 -= '0';
+ if (c1 < 0 || c1 >= base)
+ break;
+ value *= base;
+ value += c1;
+ c = cget();
+ }
+ if (c == 'u' || c == 'U') /* Unsigned nonsense */
+ c = cget();
+ unget();
+ return (value);
+evalchar(int skip)
+ * Get a character constant
+ */
+ register int c;
+ register int value;
+ register int count;
+ instring = TRUE;
+ if ((c = cget()) == '\\') {
+ switch ((c = cget())) {
+ case 'a': /* New in Standard */
+#if ('a' == '\a' || '\a' == ALERT)
+ value = ALERT; /* Use predefined value */
+ value = '\a'; /* Use compiler's value */
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ value = '\b';
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ value = '\f';
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ value = '\n';
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ value = '\r';
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ value = '\t';
+ break;
+ case 'v': /* New in Standard */
+#if ('v' == '\v' || '\v' == VT)
+ value = VT; /* Use predefined value */
+ value = '\v'; /* Use compiler's value */
+ break;
+ case 'x': /* '\xFF' */
+ count = 3;
+ value = 0;
+ while ((((c = get()) >= '0' && c <= '9')
+ || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
+ || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'))
+ && (--count >= 0)) {
+ value *= 16;
+#ifdef EBCDIC
+ value += (c <= '9') ? (c - '0') : ((c & 0xF) + 9);
+ value += (c >= '0') ? (c - '0') : ((c & 0xF) + 9);
+ }
+ unget();
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '7') {
+ count = 3;
+ value = 0;
+ while (c >= '0' && c <= '7' && --count >= 0) {
+ value *= 8;
+ value += (c - '0');
+ c = get();
+ }
+ unget();
+ }
+ else value = c;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c == '\'')
+ value = 0;
+ else value = c;
+ /*
+ * We warn on multi-byte constants and try to hack
+ * (big|little)endian machines.
+ */
+ count = 0;
+ while ((c = get()) != '\'' && c != EOF_CHAR && c != '\n') {
+ if (!skip)
+ ciwarn("multi-byte constant '%c' isn't portable", c);
+ count += BITS_CHAR;
+ value += (c << count);
+ value <<= BITS_CHAR;
+ value += c;
+ }
+ instring = FALSE;
+ return (value);
+evaleval(int* valp, int op, int skip)
+ * Apply the argument operator to the data on the value stack.
+ * One or two values are popped from the value stack and the result
+ * is pushed onto the value stack.
+ *
+ * OP_COL is a special case.
+ *
+ * evaleval() returns the new pointer to the top of the value stack.
+ */
+ register int v1, v2 = 0;
+ if (isbinary(op))
+ v2 = *--valp;
+ v1 = *--valp;
+#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "%s op %s", (isbinary(op)) ? "binary" : "unary",
+ opname[op]);
+ if (isbinary(op))
+ fprintf( pCppOut, ", v2 = %d.", v2);
+ fprintf( pCppOut, ", v1 = %d.\n", v1);
+ switch (op) {
+ case OP_EOE:
+ break;
+ case OP_ADD:
+ v1 += v2;
+ break;
+ case OP_SUB:
+ v1 -= v2;
+ break;
+ case OP_MUL:
+ v1 *= v2;
+ break;
+ case OP_DIV:
+ case OP_MOD:
+ if (v2 == 0) {
+ if (!skip) {
+ cwarn("%s by zero in #if, zero result assumed",
+ (op == OP_DIV) ? "divide" : "mod");
+ }
+ v1 = 0;
+ }
+ else if (op == OP_DIV)
+ v1 /= v2;
+ else
+ v1 %= v2;
+ break;
+ case OP_ASL:
+ v1 <<= v2;
+ break;
+ case OP_ASR:
+ v1 >>= v2;
+ break;
+ case OP_AND:
+ v1 &= v2;
+ break;
+ case OP_OR:
+ v1 |= v2;
+ break;
+ case OP_XOR:
+ v1 ^= v2;
+ break;
+ case OP_EQ:
+ v1 = (v1 == v2);
+ break;
+ case OP_NE:
+ v1 = (v1 != v2);
+ break;
+ case OP_LT:
+ v1 = (v1 < v2);
+ break;
+ case OP_LE:
+ v1 = (v1 <= v2);
+ break;
+ case OP_GE:
+ v1 = (v1 >= v2);
+ break;
+ case OP_GT:
+ v1 = (v1 > v2);
+ break;
+ case OP_ANA:
+ v1 = (v1 && v2);
+ break;
+ case OP_ORO:
+ v1 = (v1 || v2);
+ break;
+ case OP_COL:
+ /*
+ * v1 has the "true" value, v2 the "false" value.
+ * The top of the value stack has the test.
+ */
+ v1 = (*--valp) ? v1 : v2;
+ break;
+ case OP_NEG:
+ v1 = (-v1);
+ break;
+ case OP_PLU:
+ break;
+ case OP_COM:
+ v1 = ~v1;
+ break;
+ case OP_NOT:
+ v1 = !v1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ cierror("#if bug, operand = %d.", op);
+ v1 = 0;
+ }
+ *valp++ = v1;
+ return (valp);
+#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
+dumpstack(opstack, opp, value, valp)
+OPTAB opstack[NEXP]; /* Operand stack */
+register OPTAB *opp; /* Operator stack */
+int value[NEXP]; /* Value stack */
+register int *valp; /* -> value vector */
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "index op prec skip name -- op stack at %s", infile->bptr);
+ while (opp > opstack) {
+ fprintf( pCppOut, " [%2d] %2d %03o %d %s\n", opp - opstack,
+ opp->op, opp->prec, opp->skip, opname[opp->op]);
+ opp--;
+ }
+ while (--valp >= value) {
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "value[%d] = %d\n", (valp - value), *valp);
+ }
diff --git a/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp6.c b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp6.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fd2a2a9a0dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp6.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1148 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "cppdef.h"
+#include "cpp.h"
+/*ER evaluate macros to pDefOut */
+ * skipnl() skips over input text to the end of the line.
+ * skipws() skips over "whitespace" (spaces or tabs), but
+ * not skip over the end of the line. It skips over
+ * TOK_SEP, however (though that shouldn't happen).
+ * scanid() reads the next token (C identifier) into token[].
+ * The caller has already read the first character of
+ * the identifier. Unlike macroid(), the token is
+ * never expanded.
+ * macroid() reads the next token (C identifier) into token[].
+ * If it is a #defined macro, it is expanded, and
+ * macroid() returns TRUE, otherwise, FALSE.
+ * catenate() Does the dirty work of token concatenation, TRUE if it did.
+ * scanstring() Reads a string from the input stream, calling
+ * a user-supplied function for each character.
+ * This function may be output() to write the
+ * string to the output file, or save() to save
+ * the string in the work buffer.
+ * scannumber() Reads a C numeric constant from the input stream,
+ * calling the user-supplied function for each
+ * character. (output() or save() as noted above.)
+ * save() Save one character in the work[] buffer.
+ * savestring() Saves a string in malloc() memory.
+ * getfile() Initialize a new FILEINFO structure, called when
+ * #include opens a new file, or a macro is to be
+ * expanded.
+ * getmem() Get a specified number of bytes from malloc memory.
+ * output() Write one character to stdout (calling PUTCHAR) --
+ * implemented as a function so its address may be
+ * passed to scanstring() and scannumber().
+ * lookid() Scans the next token (identifier) from the input
+ * stream. Looks for it in the #defined symbol table.
+ * Returns a pointer to the definition, if found, or NULL
+ * if not present. The identifier is stored in token[].
+ * defnedel() Define enter/delete subroutine. Updates the
+ * symbol table.
+ * get() Read the next byte from the current input stream,
+ * handling end of (macro/file) input and embedded
+ * comments appropriately. Note that the global
+ * instring is -- essentially -- a parameter to get().
+ * cget() Like get(), but skip over TOK_SEP.
+ * unget() Push last gotten character back on the input stream.
+ * cerror(), cwarn(), cfatal(), cierror(), ciwarn()
+ * These routines format an print messages to the user.
+ * cerror & cwarn take a format and a single string argument.
+ * cierror & ciwarn take a format and a single int (char) argument.
+ * cfatal takes a format and a single string argument.
+ */
+ * This table must be rewritten for a non-Ascii machine.
+ *
+ * Note that several "non-visible" characters have special meaning:
+ * Hex 1D DEF_MAGIC -- a flag to prevent #define recursion.
+ * Hex 1E TOK_SEP -- a delimiter for token concatenation
+ * Hex 1F COM_SEP -- a zero-width whitespace for comment concatenation
+ */
+#if TOK_SEP != 0x1E || COM_SEP != 0x1F || DEF_MAGIC != 0x1D
+ << error type table is not correct >>
+#define DOL LET
+#define DOL 000
+#ifdef EBCDIC
+char type[256] = { /* Character type codes Hex */
+ END, 000, 000, 000, 000, SPA, 000, 000, /* 00 */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 08 */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 10 */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, LET, 000, SPA, /* 18 */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 20 */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 28 */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 30 */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 38 */
+ SPA, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 40 */
+ 000, 000, 000, DOT, OP_LT,OP_LPA,OP_ADD, OP_OR, /* 48 .<(+| */
+OP_AND, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 50 & */
+ 000, 000,OP_NOT, DOL,OP_MUL,OP_RPA, 000,OP_XOR, /* 58 !$*);^ */
+OP_SUB,OP_DIV, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 60 -/ */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000,OP_MOD, LET, OP_GT,OP_QUE, /* 68 ,%_>? */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 70 */
+ 000, 000,OP_COL, 000, 000, QUO, OP_EQ, QUO, /* 78 `:#@'=" */
+ 000, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, /* 80 abcdefg */
+ LET, LET, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 88 hi */
+ 000, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, /* 90 jklmnop */
+ LET, LET, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 98 qr */
+ 000,OP_NOT, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, /* A0 ~stuvwx */
+ LET, LET, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* A8 yz [ */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* B0 */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* B8 ] */
+ 000, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, /* C0 {ABCDEFG */
+ LET, LET, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* C8 HI */
+ 000, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, /* D0 }JKLMNOP */
+ LET, LET, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* D8 QR */
+ BSH, 000, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, /* E0 \ STUVWX */
+ LET, LET, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* E8 YZ */
+ DIG, DIG, DIG, DIG, DIG, DIG, DIG, DIG, /* F0 01234567 */
+ DIG, DIG, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* F8 89 */
+char type[256] = { /* Character type codes Hex */
+ END, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 00 */
+ 000, SPA, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 08 */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 10 */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, LET, 000, SPA, /* 18 */
+ SPA,OP_NOT, QUO, 000, DOL,OP_MOD,OP_AND, QUO, /* 20 !"#$%&' */
+OP_LPA,OP_RPA,OP_MUL,OP_ADD, 000,OP_SUB, DOT,OP_DIV, /* 28 ()*+,-./ */
+ DIG, DIG, DIG, DIG, DIG, DIG, DIG, DIG, /* 30 01234567 */
+ DIG, DIG,OP_COL, 000, OP_LT, OP_EQ, OP_GT,OP_QUE, /* 38 89:;<=>? */
+ 000, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, /* 40 @ABCDEFG */
+ LET, LET, LET, 000, BSH, 000,OP_XOR, LET, /* 58 XYZ[\]^_ */
+ 000, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, /* 60 `abcdefg */
+ LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, /* 68 hijklmno */
+ LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, LET, /* 70 pqrstuvw */
+ LET, LET, LET, 000, OP_OR, 000,OP_NOT, 000, /* 78 xyz{|}~ */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 80 .. FF */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 80 .. FF */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 80 .. FF */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 80 .. FF */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 80 .. FF */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 80 .. FF */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 80 .. FF */
+ 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, /* 80 .. FF */
+ * C P P S y m b o l T a b l e s
+ */
+ * SBSIZE defines the number of hash-table slots for the symbol table.
+ * It must be a power of 2.
+ */
+#ifndef SBSIZE
+#define SBSIZE 64
+#define SBMASK (SBSIZE - 1)
+#if (SBSIZE ^ SBMASK) != ((SBSIZE * 2) - 1)
+ << error, SBSIZE must be a power of 2 >>
+static DEFBUF *symtab[SBSIZE]; /* Symbol table queue headers */
+void InitCpp6()
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < SBSIZE; i++ )
+ symtab[ i ] = NULL;
+void skipnl()
+ * Skip to the end of the current input line.
+ */
+ register int c;
+ do { /* Skip to newline */
+ c = get();
+ } while (c != '\n' && c != EOF_CHAR);
+ * Skip over whitespace
+ */
+ register int c;
+ do { /* Skip whitespace */
+ c = get();
+ } while (type[c] == SPA || c == COM_SEP);
+ } while (type[c] == SPA);
+ return (c);
+void scanid(int c)
+ * Get the next token (an id) into the token buffer.
+ * Note: this code is duplicated in lookid().
+ * Change one, change both.
+ */
+ register char *bp;
+ if (c == DEF_MAGIC) /* Eat the magic token */
+ c = get(); /* undefiner. */
+ bp = token;
+ do {
+ if (bp < &token[IDMAX]) /* token dim is IDMAX+1 */
+ *bp++ = (char)c;
+ c = get();
+ } while (type[c] == LET || type[c] == DIG);
+ unget();
+ *bp = EOS;
+macroid(int c)
+ * If c is a letter, scan the id. if it's #defined, expand it and scan
+ * the next character and try again.
+ *
+ * Else, return the character. If type[c] is a LET, the token is in token.
+ */
+ register DEFBUF *dp;
+ if (infile != NULL && infile->fp != NULL)
+ recursion = 0;
+ while (type[c] == LET && (dp = lookid(c)) != NULL) {
+ expand(dp);
+ c = get();
+ }
+ return (c);
+ * A token was just read (via macroid).
+ * If the next character is TOK_SEP, concatenate the next token
+ * return TRUE -- which should recall macroid after refreshing
+ * macroid's argument. If it is not TOK_SEP, unget() the character
+ * and return FALSE.
+ */
+ register int c;
+ register char *token1;
+ if (get() != TOK_SEP) { /* Token concatenation */
+ unget();
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ else {
+ token1 = savestring(token); /* Save first token */
+ c = macroid(get()); /* Scan next token */
+ switch(type[c]) { /* What was it? */
+ case LET: /* An identifier, ... */
+ if (strlen(token1) + strlen(token) >= NWORK)
+ cfatal("work buffer overflow doing %s #", token1);
+ sprintf(work, "%s%s", token1, token);
+ break;
+ case DIG: /* A digit string */
+ strcpy(work, token1);
+ workp = work + strlen(work);
+ do {
+ save(c);
+ } while ((c = get()) != TOK_SEP);
+ /*
+ * The trailing TOK_SEP is no longer needed.
+ */
+ save(EOS);
+ break;
+ default: /* An error, ... */
+ if (isprint(c))
+ cierror("Strange character '%c' after #", c);
+ else
+ cierror("Strange character (%d.) after #", c);
+ strcpy(work, token1);
+ unget();
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * work has the concatenated token and token1 has
+ * the first token (no longer needed). Unget the
+ * new (concatenated) token after freeing token1.
+ * Finally, setup to read the new token.
+ */
+ free(token1); /* Free up memory */
+ ungetstring(work); /* Unget the new thing, */
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ return (FALSE); /* Not supported */
+scanstring(int delim,
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+void (*outfun)( int ) /* BP */ /* Output function */
+void (*outfun)() /* BP */
+ * Scan off a string. Warning if terminated by newline or EOF.
+ * outfun() outputs the character -- to a buffer if in a macro.
+ * TRUE if ok, FALSE if error.
+ */
+ register int c;
+ instring = TRUE; /* Don't strip comments */
+ (*outfun)(delim);
+ while ((c = get()) != delim
+ && c != '\n'
+ && c != EOF_CHAR) {
+ if (c != DEF_MAGIC)
+ (*outfun)(c);
+ if (c == '\\')
+ (*outfun)(get());
+ }
+ instring = FALSE;
+ if (c == delim) {
+ (*outfun)(c);
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ else {
+ cerror("Unterminated string", NULLST);
+ unget();
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+void scannumber(int c,
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+register void (*outfun)( int ) /* BP */ /* Output/store func */
+register void (*outfun)() /* BP */
+ * Process a number. We know that c is from 0 to 9 or dot.
+ * Algorithm from Dave Conroy's Decus C.
+ */
+ register int radix; /* 8, 10, or 16 */
+ int expseen; /* 'e' seen in floater */
+ int signseen; /* '+' or '-' seen */
+ int octal89; /* For bad octal test */
+ int dotflag; /* TRUE if '.' was seen */
+ expseen = FALSE; /* No exponent seen yet */
+ signseen = TRUE; /* No +/- allowed yet */
+ octal89 = FALSE; /* No bad octal yet */
+ radix = 10; /* Assume decimal */
+ if ((dotflag = (c == '.')) != FALSE) { /* . something? */
+ (*outfun)('.'); /* Always out the dot */
+ if (type[(c = get())] != DIG) { /* If not a float numb, */
+ unget(); /* Rescan strange char */
+ return; /* All done for now */
+ }
+ } /* End of float test */
+ else if (c == '0') { /* Octal or hex? */
+ (*outfun)(c); /* Stuff initial zero */
+ radix = 8; /* Assume it's octal */
+ c = get(); /* Look for an 'x' */
+ if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') { /* Did we get one? */
+ radix = 16; /* Remember new radix */
+ (*outfun)(c); /* Stuff the 'x' */
+ c = get(); /* Get next character */
+ }
+ }
+ for (;;) { /* Process curr. char. */
+ /*
+ * Note that this algorithm accepts "012e4" and "03.4"
+ * as legitimate floating-point numbers.
+ */
+ if (radix != 16 && (c == 'e' || c == 'E')) {
+ if (expseen) /* Already saw 'E'? */
+ break; /* Exit loop, bad nbr. */
+ expseen = TRUE; /* Set exponent seen */
+ signseen = FALSE; /* We can read '+' now */
+ radix = 10; /* Decimal exponent */
+ }
+ else if (radix != 16 && c == '.') {
+ if (dotflag) /* Saw dot already? */
+ break; /* Exit loop, two dots */
+ dotflag = TRUE; /* Remember the dot */
+ radix = 10; /* Decimal fraction */
+ }
+ else if (c == '+' || c == '-') { /* 1.0e+10 */
+ if (signseen) /* Sign in wrong place? */
+ break; /* Exit loop, not nbr. */
+ /* signseen = TRUE; */ /* Remember we saw it */
+ }
+ else { /* Check the digit */
+ switch (c) {
+ case '8': case '9': /* Sometimes wrong */
+ octal89 = TRUE; /* Do check later */
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
+ case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
+ break; /* Always ok */
+ case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
+ case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
+ if (radix == 16) /* Alpha's are ok only */
+ break; /* if reading hex. */
+ default: /* At number end */
+ goto done; /* Break from for loop */
+ } /* End of switch */
+ } /* End general case */
+ (*outfun)(c); /* Accept the character */
+ signseen = TRUE; /* Don't read sign now */
+ c = get(); /* Read another char */
+ } /* End of scan loop */
+ /*
+ * When we break out of the scan loop, c contains the first
+ * character (maybe) not in the number. If the number is an
+ * integer, allow a trailing 'L' for long and/or a trailing 'U'
+ * for unsigned. If not those, push the trailing character back
+ * on the input stream. Floating point numbers accept a trailing
+ * 'L' for "long double".
+ */
+done: if (dotflag || expseen) { /* Floating point? */
+ if (c == 'l' || c == 'L') {
+ (*outfun)(c);
+ c = get(); /* Ungotten later */
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* Else it's an integer */
+ /*
+ * We know that dotflag and expseen are both zero, now:
+ * dotflag signals "saw 'L'", and
+ * expseen signals "saw 'U'".
+ */
+ for (;;) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'l':
+ case 'L':
+ if (dotflag)
+ goto nomore;
+ dotflag = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ case 'U':
+ if (expseen)
+ goto nomore;
+ expseen = TRUE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto nomore;
+ }
+ (*outfun)(c); /* Got 'L' or 'U'. */
+ c = get(); /* Look at next, too. */
+ }
+ }
+nomore: unget(); /* Not part of a number */
+ if (octal89 && radix == 8)
+ cwarn("Illegal digit in octal number", NULLST);
+void save(int c)
+ if (workp >= &work[NWORK]) {
+ work[NWORK-1] = '\0';
+ cfatal("Work buffer overflow: %s", work);
+ }
+ else *workp++ = (char)c;
+char *
+savestring(char* text)
+ * Store a string into free memory.
+ */
+ register char *result;
+ result = getmem(strlen(text) + 1);
+ strcpy(result, text);
+ return (result);
+getfile(int bufsize, char* name)
+ * Common FILEINFO buffer initialization for a new file or macro.
+ */
+ register FILEINFO *file;
+ register int size;
+ size = strlen(name); /* File/macro name */
+ file = (FILEINFO *) getmem(sizeof (FILEINFO) + bufsize + size);
+ file->parent = infile; /* Chain files together */
+ file->fp = NULL; /* No file yet */
+ file->filename = savestring(name); /* Save file/macro name */
+ file->progname = NULL; /* No #line seen yet */
+ file->unrecur = 0; /* No macro fixup */
+ file->bptr = file->buffer; /* Initialize line ptr */
+ file->buffer[0] = EOS; /* Force first read */
+ file->line = 0; /* (Not used just yet) */
+ if (infile != NULL) /* If #include file */
+ infile->line = line; /* Save current line */
+ infile = file; /* New current file */
+ line = 1; /* Note first line */
+ return (file); /* All done. */
+char *
+getmem(int size)
+ * Get a block of free memory.
+ */
+ register char *result;
+ if ((result = malloc((unsigned) size)) == NULL)
+ cfatal("Out of memory", NULLST);
+ return (result);
+lookid(int c)
+ * Look for the next token in the symbol table. Returns token in "token".
+ * If found, returns the table pointer; Else returns NULL.
+ */
+ register int nhash;
+ register DEFBUF *dp;
+ register char *np;
+ int temp = 0;
+ int isrecurse; /* For #define foo foo */
+ np = token;
+ nhash = 0;
+ if (0 != (isrecurse = (c == DEF_MAGIC))) /* If recursive macro */
+ c = get(); /* hack, skip DEF_MAGIC */
+ do {
+ if (np < &token[IDMAX]) { /* token dim is IDMAX+1 */
+ *np++ = (char)c; /* Store token byte */
+ nhash += c; /* Update hash value */
+ }
+ c = get(); /* And get another byte */
+ } while (type[c] == LET || type[c] == DIG);
+ unget(); /* Rescan terminator */
+ *np = EOS; /* Terminate token */
+ if (isrecurse) /* Recursive definition */
+ return (NULL); /* undefined just now */
+ nhash += (np - token); /* Fix hash value */
+ dp = symtab[nhash & SBMASK]; /* Starting bucket */
+ while (dp != (DEFBUF *) NULL) { /* Search symbol table */
+ if (dp->hash == nhash /* Fast precheck */
+ && (temp = strcmp(dp->name, token)) >= 0)
+ break;
+ dp = dp->link; /* Nope, try next one */
+ }
+ return ((temp == 0) ? dp : NULL);
+defendel(char* name, int delete)
+ * Enter this name in the lookup table (delete = FALSE)
+ * or delete this name (delete = TRUE).
+ * Returns a pointer to the define block (delete = FALSE)
+ * Returns NULL if the symbol wasn't defined (delete = TRUE).
+ */
+ register DEFBUF *dp;
+ register DEFBUF **prevp;
+ register char *np;
+ int nhash;
+ int temp;
+ int size;
+ for (nhash = 0, np = name; *np != EOS;)
+ nhash += *np++;
+ size = (np - name);
+ nhash += size;
+ prevp = &symtab[nhash & SBMASK];
+ while ((dp = *prevp) != (DEFBUF *) NULL) {
+ if (dp->hash == nhash
+ && (temp = strcmp(dp->name, name)) >= 0) {
+ if (temp > 0)
+ dp = NULL; /* Not found */
+ else {
+ *prevp = dp->link; /* Found, unlink and */
+ if (dp->repl != NULL) /* Free the replacement */
+ free(dp->repl); /* if any, and then */
+ free((char *) dp); /* Free the symbol */
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ prevp = &dp->link;
+ }
+ if (!delete) {
+ dp = (DEFBUF *) getmem(sizeof (DEFBUF) + size);
+ dp->link = *prevp;
+ *prevp = dp;
+ dp->hash = nhash;
+ dp->repl = NULL;
+ dp->nargs = 0;
+ strcpy(dp->name, name);
+ }
+ return (dp);
+void dumpdef(char *why)
+ register DEFBUF *dp;
+ register DEFBUF **syp;
+ FILE *pRememberOut = NULL;
+ if ( bDumpDefs ) /*ER */
+ {
+ pRememberOut = pCppOut;
+ pCppOut = pDefOut;
+ }
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "CPP symbol table dump %s\n", why);
+ for (syp = symtab; syp < &symtab[SBSIZE]; syp++) {
+ if ((dp = *syp) != (DEFBUF *) NULL) {
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "symtab[%d]\n", (syp - symtab));
+ do {
+ dumpadef((char *) NULL, dp);
+ } while ((dp = dp->link) != (DEFBUF *) NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( bDumpDefs )
+ {
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "\n");
+ pCppOut = pRememberOut;
+ }
+void dumpadef(char *why, register DEFBUF *dp)
+ register char *cp;
+ register int c;
+ FILE *pRememberOut = NULL;
+/*ER dump #define's to pDefOut */
+ if ( bDumpDefs )
+ {
+ pRememberOut = pCppOut;
+ pCppOut = pDefOut;
+ }
+ fprintf( pCppOut, " \"%s\" [%d]", dp->name, dp->nargs);
+ if (why != NULL)
+ fprintf( pCppOut, " (%s)", why);
+ if (dp->repl != NULL) {
+ fprintf( pCppOut, " => ");
+ for (cp = dp->repl; (c = *cp++ & 0xFF) != EOS;) {
+#ifdef SOLAR
+ if (c == DEL) {
+ c = *cp++ & 0xFF;
+ if( c == EOS ) break;
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "<%%%d>", c - MAC_PARM);
+ }
+ if (c >= MAC_PARM && c <= (MAC_PARM + PAR_MAC))
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "<%%%d>", c - MAC_PARM);
+ else if (isprint(c) || c == '\n' || c == '\t')
+ else if (c < ' ')
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "<^%c>", c + '@');
+ else
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "<\\0%o>", c);
+ }
+/*ER evaluate macros to pDefOut */
+#ifdef EVALDEFS
+ if ( bDumpDefs && !bIsInEval && dp->nargs <= 0 )
+ {
+ FILEINFO *infileSave = infile;
+ char *tokenSave = savestring( token );
+ char *workSave = savestring( work );
+ int lineSave = line;
+ int wronglineSave = wrongline;
+ int recursionSave = recursion;
+ FILEINFO *file;
+ EVALTYPE valEval;
+ bIsInEval = 1;
+ infile = NULL; /* start from scrap */
+ line = 0;
+ wrongline = 0;
+ *token = EOS;
+ *work = EOS;
+ recursion = 0;
+ file = getfile( strlen( dp->repl ), dp->name );
+ strcpy( file->buffer, dp->repl );
+ fprintf( pCppOut, " ===> ");
+ nEvalOff = 0;
+ cppmain(); /* get() frees also *file */
+ valEval = 0;
+ if ( 0 == evaluate( EvalBuf, &valEval ) )
+ {
+ if ( valEval != (EVALTYPE)((long)valEval ) )
+ fprintf( pCppOut, " ==eval=> %f", valEval );
+ else
+ fprintf( pCppOut, " ==eval=> %ld", (long)valEval );
+ }
+ recursion = recursionSave;
+ wrongline = wronglineSave;
+ line = lineSave;
+ strcpy( work, workSave );
+ free( workSave );
+ strcpy( token, tokenSave );
+ free( tokenSave );
+ infile = infileSave;
+ bIsInEval = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf( pCppOut, ", no replacement.");
+ }
+ PUTCHAR('\n');
+ if ( bDumpDefs )
+ pCppOut = pRememberOut;
+ * G E T
+ */
+ * Return the next character from a macro or the current file.
+ * Handle end of file from #include files.
+ */
+ register int c;
+ register FILEINFO *file;
+ register int popped; /* Recursion fixup */
+ popped = 0;
+ if ((file = infile) == NULL)
+ return (EOF_CHAR);
+#if 0
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "get(%s), recursion %d, line %d, bptr = %d, buffer \"%s\"\n",
+ file->filename, recursion, line,
+ file->bptr - file->buffer, file->buffer);
+ /*
+ * Read a character from the current input line or macro.
+ * At EOS, either finish the current macro (freeing temp.
+ * storage) or read another line from the current input file.
+ * At EOF, exit the current file (#include) or, at EOF from
+ * the cpp input file, return EOF_CHAR to finish processing.
+ */
+ if ((c = *file->bptr++ & 0xFF) == EOS) {
+ /*
+ * Nothing in current line or macro. Get next line (if
+ * input from a file), or do end of file/macro processing.
+ * In the latter case, jump back to restart from the top.
+ */
+ if (file->fp == NULL) { /* NULL if macro */
+ popped++;
+ recursion -= file->unrecur;
+ if (recursion < 0)
+ recursion = 0;
+ infile = file->parent; /* Unwind file chain */
+ }
+ else { /* Else get from a file */
+ if ((file->bptr = fgets(file->buffer, NBUFF, file->fp))
+ != NULL) {
+ if (debug > 1) { /* Dump it to stdout */
+ fprintf( pCppOut, "\n#line %d (%s), %s",
+ line, file->filename, file->buffer);
+ }
+ goto newline; /* process the line */
+ }
+ else {
+ if( file->fp != stdin )
+ fclose(file->fp); /* Close finished file */
+ if ((infile = file->parent) != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * There is an "ungotten" newline in the current
+ * infile buffer (set there by doinclude() in
+ * cpp1.c). Thus, we know that the mainline code
+ * is skipping over blank lines and will do a
+ * #line at its convenience.
+ */
+ wrongline = TRUE; /* Need a #line now */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Free up space used by the (finished) file or macro and
+ * restart input from the parent file/macro, if any.
+ */
+ free(file->filename); /* Free name and */
+ if (file->progname != NULL) /* if a #line was seen, */
+ free(file->progname); /* free it, too. */
+ free((char *) file); /* Free file space */
+ if (infile == NULL) /* If at end of file */
+ return (EOF_CHAR); /* Return end of file */
+ line = infile->line; /* Reset line number */
+ goto get_from_file; /* Get from the top. */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Common processing for the new character.
+ */
+ if (c == DEF_MAGIC && file->fp != NULL) /* Don't allow delete */
+ goto newline; /* from a file */
+ if (file->parent != NULL) { /* Macro or #include */
+ if (popped != 0)
+ file->parent->unrecur += popped;
+ else {
+ recursion -= file->parent->unrecur;
+ if (recursion < 0)
+ recursion = 0;
+ file->parent->unrecur = 0;
+ }
+ }
+#if (HOST == SYS_UNIX)
+/*ER*/ if (c == '\r')
+/*ER*/ return get(); /* DOS fuck */
+ if (c == '\n') /* Maintain current */
+ ++line; /* line counter */
+ if (instring) /* Strings just return */
+ return (c); /* the character. */
+ else if (c == '/') { /* Comment? */
+ instring = TRUE; /* So get() won't loop */
+/*MM c++ comments */
+/*MM*/ c = get();
+/*MM*/ if ((c != '*') && (c != '/')) { /* Next byte '*'? */
+ instring = FALSE; /* Nope, no comment */
+ unget(); /* Push the char. back */
+ return ('/'); /* Return the slash */
+ }
+ if (keepcomments) { /* If writing comments */
+ PUTCHAR('/'); /* Write out the */
+ /* initializer */
+/*MM*/ if( '*' == c )
+ PUTCHAR('*');
+/*MM*/ else
+/*MM*/ PUTCHAR('/');
+ }
+/*MM*/ if( '*' == c ){
+ for (;;) { /* Eat a comment */
+ c = get();
+ test: if (keepcomments && c != EOF_CHAR)
+ cput(c);
+ switch (c) {
+ case EOF_CHAR:
+ cerror("EOF in comment", NULLST);
+ return (EOF_CHAR);
+ case '/':
+ if ((c = get()) != '*') /* Don't let comments */
+ goto test; /* Nest. */
+ cwarn("Nested comments", NULLST);
+ /* Fall into * stuff */
+ case '*':
+ if ((c = get()) != '/') /* If comment doesn't */
+ goto test; /* end, look at next */
+ instring = FALSE; /* End of comment, */
+ if (keepcomments) { /* Put out the comment */
+ cput(c); /* terminator, too */
+ }
+ /*
+ * A comment is syntactically "whitespace" --
+ * however, there are certain strange sequences
+ * such as
+ * #define foo(x) (something)
+ * foo|* comment *|(123)
+ * these are '/' ^ ^
+ * where just returning space (or COM_SEP) will cause
+ * problems. This can be "fixed" by overwriting the
+ * '/' in the input line buffer with ' ' (or COM_SEP)
+ * but that may mess up an error message.
+ * So, we peek ahead -- if the next character is
+ * "whitespace" we just get another character, if not,
+ * we modify the buffer. All in the name of purity.
+ */
+ if (*file->bptr == '\n'
+ || type[*file->bptr & 0xFF] == SPA)
+ goto newline;
+ /*
+ * Return magic (old-fashioned) syntactic space.
+ */
+ return ((file->bptr[-1] = COM_SEP));
+ return ((file->bptr[-1] = ' '));
+ case '\n': /* we'll need a #line */
+ if (!keepcomments)
+ wrongline = TRUE; /* later... */
+ default: /* Anything else is */
+ break; /* Just a character */
+ } /* End switch */
+ } /* End comment loop */
+ }
+ else{ /* c++ comment */
+/*MM c++ comment*/
+ for (;;) { /* Eat a comment */
+ c = get();
+ if (keepcomments && c != EOF_CHAR)
+ cput(c);
+ if( EOF_CHAR == c )
+ return (EOF_CHAR);
+ else if( '\n' == c ){
+ instring = FALSE; /* End of comment, */
+ return( c );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } /* End if in comment */
+ else if (!inmacro && c == '\\') { /* If backslash, peek */
+ if ((c = get()) == '\n') { /* for a <nl>. If so, */
+ wrongline = TRUE;
+ goto newline;
+ }
+ else { /* Backslash anything */
+ unget(); /* Get it later */
+ return ('\\'); /* Return the backslash */
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c == '\f' || c == VT) /* Form Feed, Vertical */
+ c = ' '; /* Tab are whitespace */
+ else if (c == 0xef) /* eat up UTF-8 BOM */
+ {
+ if((c = get()) == 0xbb)
+ {
+ if((c = get()) == 0xbf)
+ {
+ c = get();
+ return c;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unget();
+ unget();
+ return 0xef;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unget();
+ return 0xef;
+ }
+ }
+ return (c); /* Just return the char */
+void unget()
+ * Backup the pointer to reread the last character. Fatal error
+ * (code bug) if we backup too far. unget() may be called,
+ * without problems, at end of file. Only one character may
+ * be ungotten. If you need to unget more, call ungetstring().
+ */
+ register FILEINFO *file;
+ if ((file = infile) == NULL)
+ return; /* Unget after EOF */
+ if (--file->bptr < file->buffer)
+ cfatal("Too much pushback", NULLST);
+ if (*file->bptr == '\n') /* Ungetting a newline? */
+ --line; /* Unget the line number, too */
+void ungetstring(char* text)
+ * Push a string back on the input stream. This is done by treating
+ * the text as if it were a macro.
+ */
+ register FILEINFO *file;
+#ifndef ZTC /* BP */
+ extern FILEINFO *getfile();
+ file = getfile(strlen(text) + 1, "");
+ strcpy(file->buffer, text);
+ * Get one character, absorb "funny space" after comments or
+ * token concatenation
+ */
+ register int c;
+ do {
+ c = get();
+ } while (c == TOK_SEP || c == COM_SEP);
+ } while (c == TOK_SEP);
+ return (c);
+ * Error messages and other hacks. The first byte of severity
+ * is 'S' for string arguments and 'I' for int arguments. This
+ * is needed for portability with machines that have int's that
+ * are shorter than char *'s.
+ */
+static void domsg(char* severity, char* format, void* arg)
+ * Print filenames, macro names, and line numbers for error messages.
+ */
+ register char *tp;
+ register FILEINFO *file;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%sline %d, %s: ", MSG_PREFIX, line, &severity[1]);
+ if (*severity == 'S')
+ fprintf(stderr, format, (char *)arg);
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, format, *((int *)arg) );
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ if ((file = infile) == NULL)
+ return; /* At end of file */
+ if (file->fp != NULL) {
+ tp = file->buffer; /* Print current file */
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s", tp); /* name, making sure */
+ if (tp[strlen(tp) - 1] != '\n') /* there's a newline */
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ }
+ while ((file = file->parent) != NULL) { /* Print #includes, too */
+ if (file->fp == NULL)
+ fprintf(stderr, "from macro %s\n", file->filename);
+ else {
+ tp = file->buffer;
+ fprintf(stderr, "from file %s, line %d:\n%s",
+ (file->progname != NULL)
+ ? file->progname : file->filename,
+ file->line, tp);
+ if (tp[strlen(tp) - 1] != '\n')
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ }
+ }
+void cerror(char* format, char* sarg)
+ * Print a normal error message, string argument.
+ */
+ domsg("SError", format, sarg);
+ errors++;
+void cierror(char* format, int narg)
+ * Print a normal error message, numeric argument.
+ */
+ domsg("IError", format, &narg);
+ errors++;
+void cfatal(char* format, char* sarg)
+ * A real disaster
+ */
+ domsg("SFatal error", format, sarg);
+ exit(IO_ERROR);
+void cwarn(char* format, char* sarg)
+ * A non-fatal error, string argument.
+ */
+ domsg("SWarning", format, sarg);
+void ciwarn(char* format, int narg)
+ * A non-fatal error, numeric argument.
+ */
+ domsg("IWarning", format, &narg);
diff --git a/rsc/source/rscpp/cppdef.h b/rsc/source/rscpp/cppdef.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cdbf07766c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/rscpp/cppdef.h
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * This redundant definition of TRUE and FALSE works around
+ * a limitation of Decus C.
+ */
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+ * Define the HOST operating system. This is needed so that
+ * cpp can use appropriate filename conventions.
+ */
+#define SYS_UNKNOWN 0
+#define SYS_UNIX 1
+#define SYS_VMS 2
+#define SYS_RSX 3
+#define SYS_RT11 4
+#define SYS_LATTICE 5
+#define SYS_ONYX 6
+#define SYS_68000 7
+#ifndef HOST
+#ifdef unix
+#define HOST SYS_UNIX
+#ifdef vms
+#define HOST SYS_VMS
+#ifdef rsx
+#define HOST SYS_RSX
+#ifdef rt11
+#define HOST SYS_RT11
+#ifndef HOST
+ * We assume that the target is the same as the host system
+ */
+#ifndef TARGET
+#define TARGET HOST
+ * In order to predefine machine-dependent constants,
+ * several strings are defined here:
+ *
+ * MACHINE defines the target cpu (by name)
+ * SYSTEM defines the target operating system
+ * COMPILER defines the target compiler
+ *
+ * The above may be #defined as "" if they are not wanted.
+ * They should not be #defined as NULL.
+ *
+ * LINE_PREFIX defines the # output line prefix, if not "line"
+ * This should be defined as "" if cpp is to replace
+ * the "standard" C pre-processor.
+ *
+ * FILE_LOCAL marks functions which are referenced only in the
+ * file they reside. Some C compilers allow these
+ * to be marked "static" even though they are referenced
+ * by "extern" statements elsewhere.
+ *
+ * OK_DOLLAR Should be set TRUE if $ is a valid alphabetic character
+ * in identifiers (default), or zero if $ is invalid.
+ * Default is TRUE.
+ *
+ * OK_CONCAT Should be set TRUE if # may be used to concatenate
+ * tokens in macros (per the Ansi Draft Standard) or
+ * FALSE for old-style # processing (needed if cpp is
+ * to process assembler source code).
+ *
+ * OK_DATE Predefines the compilation date if set TRUE.
+ * Not permitted by the Nov. 12, 1984 Draft Standard.
+ *
+ * S_CHAR etc. Define the sizeof the basic TARGET machine word types.
+ * By default, sizes are set to the values for the HOST
+ * computer. If this is inappropriate, see the code in
+ * cpp3.c for details on what to change. Also, if you
+ * have a machine where sizeof (signed int) differs from
+ * sizeof (unsigned int), you will have to edit code and
+ * tables in cpp3.c (and extend the -S option definition.)
+ *
+ * CPP_LIBRARY May be defined if you have a site-specific include directory
+ * which is to be searched *before* the operating-system
+ * specific directories.
+ */
+ * We assume the operating system is pcdos for the IBM-PC.
+ * We also assume the small model (just like the PDP-11)
+ */
+#define MACHINE "i8086"
+#define SYSTEM "pcdos"
+#define MACHINE "z8000"
+#define SYSTEM "unix"
+#define MACHINE "vax"
+#define SYSTEM "vms"
+#define COMPILER "vax11c"
+#define MACHINE "pdp11"
+#define SYSTEM "rsx"
+#define COMPILER "decus"
+#if TARGET == SYS_RT11
+#define MACHINE "pdp11"
+#define SYSTEM "rt11"
+#define COMPILER "decus"
+#if TARGET == SYS_68000 || defined(M68000) || defined(m68000) || defined(m68k)
+ * All three machine designators have been seen in various systems.
+ * Warning -- compilers differ as to sizeof (int). cpp3 assumes that
+ * sizeof (int) == 2
+ */
+#define MACHINE "M68000", "m68000", "m68k"
+#define SYSTEM "unix"
+#define SYSTEM "unix"
+#ifdef pdp11
+#define MACHINE "pdp11"
+#ifdef vax
+#define MACHINE "vax"
+ * defaults
+ */
+#ifndef MSG_PREFIX
+#define MSG_PREFIX "cpp: "
+#ifndef LINE_PREFIX
+#define LINE_PREFIX ""
+ * OLD_PREPROCESSOR forces the definition of OK_DOLLAR, OK_CONCAT,
+ * COMMENT_INVISIBLE, and STRING_FORMAL to values appropriate for
+ * an old-style preprocessor.
+ */
+#define IDMAX 63 /* actually, seems to be unlimited */
+ * RECURSION_LIMIT may be set to -1 to disable the macro recursion test.
+ */
+#define RECURSION_LIMIT 1000
+ * BITS_CHAR may be defined to set the number of bits per character.
+ * it is needed only for multi-byte character constants.
+ */
+#ifndef BITS_CHAR
+#define BITS_CHAR 8
+ * BIG_ENDIAN is set TRUE on machines (such as the IBM 360 series)
+ * where 'ab' stores 'a' in the high-bits and 'b' in the low-bits.
+ * It is set FALSE on machines (such as the PDP-11 and Vax-11)
+ * where 'ab' stores 'a' in the low-bits and 'b' in the high-bits.
+ * (Or is it the other way around?) -- Warning: BIG_ENDIAN code is untested.
+ */
+#ifndef BIG_ENDIAN
+ * COMMENT_INVISIBLE may be defined to allow "old-style" comment
+ * processing, whereby the comment becomes a zero-length token
+ * delimiter. This permitted tokens to be concatenated in macro
+ * expansions. This was removed from the Draft Ansi Standard.
+ */
+ * STRING_FORMAL may be defined to allow recognition of macro parameters
+ * anywhere in replacement strings. This was removed from the Draft Ansi
+ * Standard and a limited recognition capability added.
+ */
+ * OK_DOLLAR enables use of $ as a valid "letter" in identifiers.
+ * This is a permitted extension to the Ansi Standard and is required
+ * for e.g., VMS, RSX-11M, etc. It should be set FALSE if cpp is
+ * used to preprocess assembler source on Unix systems. OLD_PREPROCESSOR
+ * sets OK_DOLLAR FALSE for that reason.
+ */
+#ifndef OK_DOLLAR
+ * OK_CONCAT enables (one possible implementation of) token concatenation.
+ * If cpp is used to preprocess Unix assembler source, this should be
+ * set FALSE as the concatenation character, #, is used by the assembler.
+ */
+#ifndef OK_CONCAT
+ * OK_DATE may be enabled to predefine today's date as a string
+ * at the start of each compilation. This is apparently not permitted
+ * by the Draft Ansi Standard.
+ */
+#ifndef OK_DATE
+#define OK_DATE TRUE
+ * The following definitions are used to allocate memory for
+ * work buffers. In general, they should not be modified
+ * by implementors.
+ *
+ * PAR_MAC The maximum number of #define parameters (31 per Standard)
+ * Note: we need another one for strings.
+ * IDMAX The longest identifier, 31 per Ansi Standard
+ * NBUFF Input buffer size
+ * NWORK Work buffer size -- the longest macro
+ * must fit here after expansion.
+ * NEXP The nesting depth of #if expressions
+ * NINCLUDE The number of directories that may be specified
+ * on a per-system basis, or by the -I option.
+ * BLK_NEST The number of nested #if's permitted.
+ * NFWORK FileNameWorkBuffer (added by erAck, was NWORK)
+ */
+#ifndef IDMAX
+#define IDMAX 127
+#ifdef SOLAR
+#define PAR_MAC (253 + 1)
+#define PAR_MAC (31 + 1)
+/* ER 13.06.95 19:33
+ da Makros im file->buffer expandiert werden, muss NBUFF mindestens NWORK sein
+#define NWORK 4096
+#define NBUFF 4096
+ */
+/* ER 13.06.95 20:05 NWORK wg. grooossen Makros in *.src erhoeht,
+ da wir bald 10 Sprachen haben werden gleich ordentlich reingehauen.. */
+#define NWORK 128000
+#define NBUFF NWORK
+#define NFWORK 1024
+#define NEXP 128
+#define NINCLUDE 100
+#define NPARMWORK (NWORK * 2)
+#define BLK_NEST 32
+#ifndef ALERT
+#ifdef EBCDIC
+#define ALERT '\057'
+#define ALERT '\007' /* '\a' is "Bell" */
+#ifndef VT
+#define VT '\013' /* Vertical Tab CTRL/K */
+#ifndef FILE_LOCAL
+#ifdef decus
+#define FILE_LOCAL static
+#ifdef vax11c
+#define FILE_LOCAL static
+#define FILE_LOCAL /* Others are global */
diff --git a/rsc/source/rscpp/cppmain.c b/rsc/source/rscpp/cppmain.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3060a6d6be9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/rscpp/cppmain.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define NOMAIN
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "cppdef.h"
+#include "cpp.h"
+int main( argc, argv )
+ int argc;
+ char *argv[];
+#ifdef TSTCPP
+ ( start_cpp( argc, argv ) );
+ puts("erster teil ist fertig" );
+ return( start_cpp( argc, argv ) );
diff --git a/rsc/source/rscpp/ b/rsc/source/rscpp/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ca62bb37792c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/rscpp/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+.IF "$(cpp)" != ""
+# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
+.IF "$(cpp)" != ""
+# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
+ $(OBJ)$/cpp1.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/cpp2.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/cpp3.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/cpp4.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/cpp5.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/cpp6.obj \
+.IF "$(cpp)" == ""
+.IF "$(GUI)" != "OS2"
+.IF "$(GUI)"=="UNX"
+.IF "$(OS)$(CPU)"=="SOLARISI"
+# cc: Sun C 5.5 Patch 112761-10 2004/08/10
+# Solaris x86 compiler ICE
+# "cpp6.c", [get]:ube: internal error
+# remove after compiler upgrade
+# --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------
+cpp1.c: cppdef.h cpp.h
+cpp2.c: cppdef.h cpp.h
+cpp3.c: cppdef.h cpp.h
+cpp4.c: cppdef.h cpp.h
+cpp5.c: cppdef.h cpp.h
+cpp6.c: cppdef.h cpp.h
diff --git a/rsc/source/tools/ b/rsc/source/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..74024ca599d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+# --- Settings ------------------------------------------------------
+OBJFILES= $(OBJ)$/rschash.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rsctree.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rsctools.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscchar.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/rscdef.obj
diff --git a/rsc/source/tools/rscchar.cxx b/rsc/source/tools/rscchar.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c23022e4222e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/tools/rscchar.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#ifndef _TABLE_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/table.hxx>
+// Solar Definitionen
+#include <tools/solar.h>
+#include <rsctools.hxx>
+#include <rtl/textcvt.h>
+#include <rtl/textenc.h>
+#include <rtl/alloc.h>
+|* RscChar::MakeChar()
+|* Beschreibung Der String wird nach C-Konvention umgesetzt
+|* Ersterstellung MM 20.03.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 20.03.91
+char * RscChar::MakeUTF8( char * pStr, UINT16 nTextEncoding )
+ sal_Size nMaxUniCodeBuf = strlen( pStr ) + 1;
+ char * pOrgStr = new char[ nMaxUniCodeBuf ];
+ sal_uInt32 nOrgLen = 0;
+ if( nMaxUniCodeBuf * 6 > 0x0FFFFF )
+ RscExit( 10 );
+ char cOld = '1';
+ while( cOld != 0 )
+ {
+ char c;
+ if( *pStr == '\\' )
+ {
+ ++pStr;
+ switch( *pStr )
+ {
+ case 'a':
+ c = '\a';
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ c = '\b';
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ c = '\f';
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ c = '\n';
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ c = '\r';
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ c = '\t';
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ c = '\v';
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ c = '\\';
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ c = '\?';
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ c = '\'';
+ break;
+ case '\"':
+ c = '\"';
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ if( '0' <= *pStr && '7' >= *pStr )
+ {
+ sal_uInt16 nChar = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ while( '0' <= *pStr && '7' >= *pStr && i != 3 )
+ {
+ nChar = nChar * 8 + (BYTE)*pStr - (BYTE)'0';
+ ++pStr;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if( nChar > 255 )
+ {
+ rtl_freeMemory( pOrgStr );
+ // Wert zu gross, oder kein 3 Ziffern
+ return( NULL );
+ }
+ c = (char)nChar;
+ pStr--;
+ }
+ else if( 'x' == *pStr )
+ {
+ sal_uInt16 nChar = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ ++pStr;
+ while( isxdigit( *pStr ) && i != 2 )
+ {
+ if( isdigit( *pStr ) )
+ nChar = nChar * 16 + (BYTE)*pStr - (BYTE)'0';
+ else if( isupper( *pStr ) )
+ nChar = nChar * 16 + (BYTE)*pStr - (BYTE)'A' +10;
+ else
+ nChar = nChar * 16 + (BYTE)*pStr - (BYTE)'a' +10;
+ ++pStr;
+ i++;
+ }
+ c = (char)nChar;
+ pStr--;
+ }
+ else
+ c = *pStr;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ c = *pStr;
+ pOrgStr[ nOrgLen++ ] = c;
+ cOld = *pStr;
+ pStr++;
+ }
+ sal_Unicode * pUniCode = new sal_Unicode[ nMaxUniCodeBuf ];
+ rtl_TextToUnicodeConverter hConv = rtl_createTextToUnicodeConverter( nTextEncoding );
+ sal_uInt32 nInfo;
+ sal_Size nSrcCvtBytes;
+ sal_Size nUniSize = rtl_convertTextToUnicode( hConv, 0,
+ pOrgStr, nOrgLen,
+ pUniCode, nMaxUniCodeBuf,
+ &nInfo,
+ &nSrcCvtBytes );
+ rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeConverter( hConv );
+ hConv = rtl_createUnicodeToTextConverter( RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ // factor fo 6 is the maximum size of an UNICODE character as utf8
+ char * pUtf8 = (char *)rtl_allocateMemory( nUniSize * 6 );
+ rtl_convertUnicodeToText( hConv, 0,
+ pUniCode, nUniSize,
+ pUtf8, nUniSize * 6,
+ &nInfo,
+ &nSrcCvtBytes );
+ rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeConverter( hConv );
+ delete[] pUniCode;
+ delete[] pOrgStr;
+ return pUtf8;
diff --git a/rsc/source/tools/rscdef.cxx b/rsc/source/tools/rscdef.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eb714bbcc3c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/tools/rscdef.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1401 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// Programmuebergreifende Includes.
+#include <rscdef.hxx>
+/****************** C o d e **********************************************/
+/****************** R s c I d ********************************************/
+BOOL RscId::bNames = TRUE;
+|* static RscId::SetNames
+|* static RscId::SetNoNames
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 26.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.06.91
+void RscId::SetNames( BOOL bSet ) { bNames = bSet; }
+BOOL RscId::IsSetNames() { return bNames; }
+|* RscId::GetNumber
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 17.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 17.05.91
+INT32 RscId::GetNumber() const{
+ INT32 lVal;
+ aExp.Evaluate( &lVal );
+ return lVal;
+|* RscId::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+void RscId::Create( const RscExpType & rExpType )
+ aExp = rExpType;
+ if( aExp.IsDefinition() )
+ aExp.aExp.pDef->IncRef();
+ else if( aExp.IsExpression() ){
+ INT32 lValue;
+ aExp.Evaluate( &lValue );
+ aExp.SetLong( lValue );
+ }
+|* RscId::Destroy()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+void RscId::Destroy(){
+ if( aExp.IsDefinition() )
+ aExp.aExp.pDef->DecRef();
+ aExp.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING;
+|* RscId::RscId()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+RscId::RscId( const RscId& rRscId ){
+ aExp = rRscId.aExp;
+ if( aExp.IsDefinition() )
+ aExp.aExp.pDef->IncRef();
+|* RscId::RscId()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.11.91
+RscId::RscId( RscDefine * pDef ){
+ RscExpType aExpType;
+ aExpType.aExp.pDef = pDef;
+ aExpType.cType = RSCEXP_DEF;
+ Create( aExpType );
+|* RscId:: =
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+RscId& RscId::operator = ( const RscId& rRscId ){
+ if( rRscId.aExp.IsDefinition() )
+ rRscId.aExp.aExp.pDef->IncRef();
+ Destroy();
+ aExp = rRscId.aExp;
+ return *this;
+|* RscId::operator ==
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 16.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.05.91
+BOOL RscId::operator == ( const RscId& rRscId ) const
+ return( GetNumber() == rRscId.GetNumber() );
+|* RscId::operator <
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 16.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.05.91
+BOOL RscId::operator < ( const RscId& rRscId ) const
+ return( GetNumber() < rRscId.GetNumber() );
+|* RscId::operator >
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 16.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.05.91
+BOOL RscId::operator > ( const RscId& rRscId ) const
+ return( GetNumber() > rRscId.GetNumber() );
+|* RscId::INT32()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 16.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.05.91
+RscId::operator INT32() const
+ return( GetNumber() );
+|* RscId::GetNames()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 16.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.11.91
+ByteString RscId::GetName() const
+ ByteString aStr;
+ if ( !aExp.IsNothing() )
+ {
+ if( bNames )
+ aExp.GetMacro( aStr );
+ else
+ aStr = ByteString::CreateFromInt32( GetNumber() );
+ }
+ return aStr;
+|* RscId::GetMacro()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.11.91
+ByteString RscId::GetMacro() const
+ ByteString aStr;
+ if ( aExp.IsDefinition() )
+ aStr = aExp.aExp.pDef->GetMacro();
+ else
+ aExp.GetMacro( aStr );
+ return aStr;
+/****************** R s c D e f i n e ************************************/
+|* RscDefine::RscDefine()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+RscDefine::RscDefine( ULONG lKey, const ByteString & rDefName, INT32 lDefId )
+ : StringNode( rDefName )
+ nRefCount = 0;
+ lFileKey = lKey;
+ lId = lDefId;
+ pExp = NULL;
+RscDefine::RscDefine( ULONG lKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscExpression * pExpression )
+ : StringNode( rDefName )
+ nRefCount = 0;
+ lFileKey = lKey;
+ pExpression->Evaluate( &lId );
+ pExp = pExpression;
+|* RscDefine::~RscDefine()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+ if( pExp )
+ delete pExp;
+ if( nRefCount )
+ RscExit( 14 );
+|* RscDefine::DecRef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+void RscDefine::DecRef(){
+ nRefCount--;
+ if( 0 == nRefCount ){
+ delete this;
+ }
+|* RscDefine::DefineToNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 07.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 07.11.91
+void RscDefine::DefineToNumber()
+ if( pExp )
+ delete pExp;
+ pExp = NULL;
+ SetName( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( lId ) );
+|* RscDefine::ChangeMacro()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 04.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 04.11.91
+void RscDefine::ChangeMacro( RscExpression * pExpression ){
+ if( pExp )
+ delete pExp;
+ pExp = pExpression;
+ pExp->Evaluate( &lId );
+void RscDefine::ChangeMacro( INT32 lIdentifier ){
+ if( pExp ){
+ delete pExp;
+ pExp = NULL;
+ }
+ lId = lIdentifier;
+|* RscDefine::Evaluate()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+BOOL RscDefine::Evaluate(){
+ BOOL bRet = TRUE;
+ if( pExp )
+ bRet = !pExp->Evaluate( &lId );
+ return bRet;
+|* RscDefine::Search()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 11.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 11.11.91
+RscDefine * RscDefine::Search( const char * pStr ){
+ return (RscDefine *)StringNode::Search( pStr );
+|* RscDefine::GetMacro()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+ByteString RscDefine::GetMacro()
+ if( pExp )
+ return pExp->GetMacro();
+ return ByteString::CreateFromInt32( lId );
+/****************** R s c D e f i n e L i s t ****************************/
+|* RscDefineList::New()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 04.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 04.11.91
+RscDefine * RscDefineList::New( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ INT32 lDefId, ULONG lPos )
+ RscDefine * pDef;
+ pDef = new RscDefine( lFileKey, rDefName, lDefId );
+ pDef->IncRef();
+ Insert( pDef, lPos );
+ return pDef;
+RscDefine * RscDefineList::New( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscExpression * pExpression, ULONG lPos )
+ RscDefine * pDef;
+ pDef = new RscDefine( lFileKey, rDefName, pExpression );
+ pDef->IncRef();
+ Insert( pDef, lPos );
+ return pDef;
+|* RscDefineList::Remove()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 04.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 04.11.91
+BOOL RscDefineList::Remove( RscDefine * pDef ){
+ pDef = RscSubDefList::Remove( pDef );
+ if( pDef ){
+ pDef->DefineToNumber();
+ pDef->DecRef();
+ }
+ return( NULL != pDef );
+BOOL RscDefineList::Remove( ULONG lIndex ){
+ RscDefine * pDef = RscSubDefList::Remove( lIndex );
+ if( pDef ){
+ pDef->DefineToNumber();
+ pDef->DecRef();
+ }
+ return( NULL != pDef );
+BOOL RscDefineList::Remove(){
+ RscDefine * pDef;
+ pDef = RscSubDefList::Remove( (ULONG)0 );
+ if( pDef ){
+ pDef->DefineToNumber();
+ pDef->DecRef();
+ }
+ return( NULL != pDef );
+|* RscDefineList::Befor()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.11.91
+BOOL RscDefineList::Befor( const RscDefine * pFree,
+ const RscDefine * pDepend )
+ RscDefine * pDef;
+ pDef = First();
+ while( pDef ){
+ if( pDef == pFree ){
+ pDef = Next();
+ while( pDef ){
+ if( pDef == pDepend )
+ return TRUE;
+ pDef = Next();
+ }
+ }
+ pDef = Next();
+ };
+ return FALSE;
+|* RscDefineList::WriteAll()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 28.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 28.10.91
+void RscDefineList::WriteAll( FILE * fOutput )
+ RscDefine * pDefEle = First();
+ while( pDefEle )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "#define %s %s\n",
+ pDefEle->GetName().GetBuffer(),
+ pDefEle->GetMacro().GetBuffer() );
+ pDefEle = Next();
+ };
+/****************** R s c E x p T y p e **********************************/
+|* RscExpType::Evaluate()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+BOOL RscExpType::Evaluate( INT32 * plValue ) const{
+ if( IsDefinition() ){
+ aExp.pDef->Evaluate();
+ // Eventuellen Fehler ignorieren
+ *plValue = aExp.pDef->GetNumber();
+ }
+ else if( IsExpression() )
+ return( aExp.pExp->Evaluate( plValue ) );
+ else if( IsNothing() )
+ *plValue = 0;
+ else
+ *plValue = GetLong();
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscExpType::GetMacro()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+void RscExpType::GetMacro( ByteString & rStr ) const
+ ByteString aStr;
+ if( IsDefinition() )
+ {
+ rStr += aExp.pDef->GetName();
+ }
+ else if( IsExpression() )
+ rStr += aExp.pExp->GetMacro();
+ else if( IsNumber() )
+ rStr += ByteString::CreateFromInt32( GetLong() );
+/****************** R s c E x p r e s s i o n ****************************/
+|* RscExpression::RscExpression()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+RscExpression::RscExpression( RscExpType aLE, char cOp, RscExpType aRE )
+ aLeftExp = aLE;
+ cOperation = cOp;
+ aRightExp = aRE;
+ if( aLeftExp.IsDefinition() )
+ aLeftExp.aExp.pDef->IncRef();
+ if( aRightExp.IsDefinition() )
+ aRightExp.aExp.pDef->IncRef();
+|* RscExpression::~RscExpression()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+ if( aLeftExp.IsDefinition() )
+ aLeftExp.aExp.pDef->DecRef();
+ else if( aLeftExp.IsExpression() )
+ delete aLeftExp.aExp.pExp;
+ if( aRightExp.IsDefinition() )
+ aRightExp.aExp.pDef->DecRef();
+ else if( aRightExp.IsExpression() )
+ delete aRightExp.aExp.pExp;
+|* RscExpression::Evaluate()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+BOOL RscExpression::Evaluate( INT32 * plValue ){
+ INT32 lLeft;
+ INT32 lRight;
+ // linken und rechten Zweig auswerten
+ if( aLeftExp.Evaluate( &lLeft ) && aRightExp.Evaluate( &lRight ) ){
+ if( cOperation == '&' )
+ *plValue = lLeft & lRight;
+ else if( cOperation == '|' )
+ *plValue = lLeft | lRight;
+ else if( cOperation == '+' )
+ *plValue = lLeft + lRight;
+ else if( cOperation == '-' )
+ *plValue = lLeft - lRight;
+ else if( cOperation == '*' )
+ *plValue = lLeft * lRight;
+ else if( cOperation == 'r' )
+ *plValue = lLeft >> lRight;
+ else if( cOperation == 'l' )
+ *plValue = lLeft << lRight;
+ else{
+ if( 0L == lRight )
+ return FALSE;
+ *plValue = lLeft / lRight;
+ };
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+|* RscExpression::GetMacro()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 01.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+ByteString RscExpression::GetMacro()
+ ByteString aLeft;
+ // Ausgabeoptimierung
+ if( aLeftExp.IsNothing() )
+ {
+ if ( '-' == cOperation )
+ {
+ aLeft += '(';
+ aLeft += '-';
+ }
+ aRightExp.GetMacro( aLeft );
+ if( '-' == cOperation )
+ aLeft += ')';
+ }
+ else if( aRightExp.IsNothing() )
+ aLeftExp.GetMacro( aLeft );
+ else{
+ aLeft += '(';
+ // linken Zweig auswerten
+ aLeftExp.GetMacro( aLeft );
+ aLeft += cOperation;
+ aLeft += '(';
+ // rechten Zweig auswerten
+ aRightExp.GetMacro( aLeft );
+ aLeft += ')';
+ aLeft += ')';
+ }
+ return aLeft;
+/****************** R s c F i l e ****************************************/
+|* RscFile::RscFile()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 04.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 04.11.91
+RscFile :: RscFile(){
+ bLoaded = FALSE;
+ bIncFile = FALSE;
+ bDirty = FALSE;
+ bScanned = FALSE;
+|* RscFile::~RscFile()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 04.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 04.11.91
+RscFile :: ~RscFile(){
+ RscDepend * pDep = Remove( (ULONG)0 );
+ while( pDep ){
+ delete pDep;
+ pDep = Remove( (ULONG)0 );
+ }
+ //von hinten nach vorne ist besser wegen der Abhaengigkeiten
+ //Objekte zerstoeren sich, wenn Referenzzaehler NULL
+ aDefLst.Last();
+ while( aDefLst.Remove() ) ;
+|* RscFile::Depend()
+|* Beschreibung Diese Methode gibt TRUE zurueck, wenn lDepend
+|* existiert und hinter lFree steht, oder wenn
+|* lDepend nicht existiert.
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.11.91
+BOOL RscFile::Depend( ULONG lDepend, ULONG lFree ){
+ RscDepend * pDep;
+ pDep = Last();
+ while( pDep ){
+ if( pDep->GetFileKey() == lDepend ){
+ while( pDep ){
+ if( pDep->GetFileKey() == lFree )
+ return TRUE;
+ pDep = Prev();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ pDep = Prev();
+ };
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscFile::InsertDependFile()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.01.92
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.01.92
+BOOL RscFile :: InsertDependFile( ULONG lIncFile, ULONG lPos )
+ RscDepend * pDep;
+ pDep = First();
+ while( pDep ){
+ if( pDep->GetFileKey() == lIncFile )
+ return TRUE;
+ pDep = Next();
+ }
+ // Current-Zeiger steht auf letztem Element
+ if( lPos >= Count() ){ //letztes Element muss immer letztes bleiben
+ // Abhaengigkeit vor der letzten Position eintragen
+ Insert( new RscDepend( lIncFile ) );
+ }
+ else
+ Insert( new RscDepend( lIncFile ), lPos );
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscFile::RemoveDependFile()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 18.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.11.91
+void RscFile :: RemoveDependFile( ULONG lDepFile )
+ RscDepend * pDep = Last();
+ while( pDep ){
+ if( pDep->GetFileKey() == lDepFile ){
+ Remove( pDep );
+ delete pDep;
+ }
+ pDep = Prev();
+ }
+/****************** R s c D e f T r e e **********************************/
+|* RscDefTree::~RscDefTree()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.11.91
+ Remove();
+|* RscDefTree::Remove()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.11.91
+void RscDefTree::Remove(){
+ RscDefine * pDef;
+ while( pDefRoot ){
+ pDef = pDefRoot;
+ pDefRoot = (RscDefine *)pDefRoot->Remove( pDefRoot );
+ pDef->DecRef();
+ }
+|* RscDefTree::~Search()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.11.91
+RscDefine * RscDefTree::Search( const char * pName ){
+ if( pDefRoot )
+ return pDefRoot->Search( pName );
+ return NULL;
+|* RscDefTree::Insert()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.11.91
+void RscDefTree::Insert( RscDefine * pDef ){
+ if( pDefRoot )
+ pDefRoot->Insert( pDef );
+ else
+ pDefRoot = pDef;
+ pDef->IncRef();
+|* RscDefTree::Remove()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.11.91
+void RscDefTree::Remove( RscDefine * pDef ){
+ if( pDefRoot ){
+ //falls pDef == pDefRoot
+ pDefRoot = (RscDefine *)pDefRoot->Remove( pDef );
+ }
+ pDef->DecRef();
+|* RscDefTree::Evaluate()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.11.91
+BOOL RscDefTree::Evaluate( RscDefine * pDef ){
+ if( pDef ){
+ if( !Evaluate( (RscDefine *)pDef->Left() ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( !Evaluate( (RscDefine *)pDef->Right() ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ };
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL RscDefTree::Evaluate(){
+ return Evaluate( pDefRoot );
+/****************** R s c F i l e T a b **********************************/
+|* RscFileTab::RscFileTab()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 07.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 07.11.91
+|* RscFileTab::~RscFileTab()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 04.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 04.11.91
+RscFileTab :: ~RscFileTab(){
+ RscFile * pFile;
+ aDefTree.Remove();
+ pFile = Last();
+ while( pFile ){
+ Remove( GetIndex( pFile ) );
+ delete pFile;
+ pFile = Prev();
+ };
+|* RscFileTab::Find()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 16.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.05.91
+ULONG RscFileTab :: Find( const ByteString & rName )
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ pFName = First();
+ while( pFName && (pFName->aFileName != rName) )
+ pFName = Next();
+ if( pFName )
+ return( GetIndex( pFName ) );
+ else
+ return( NOFILE_INDEX );
+|* RscFileTab::FindDef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 30.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+RscDefine * RscFileTab::FindDef( const char * pName ){
+ return aDefTree.Search( pName );
+|* RscFileTab::FindDef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 30.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
+RscDefine * RscFileTab::FindDef( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rName )
+ RscDefine * pDef = FindDef( rName );
+ if( pDef )
+ //befindet sich das DEFINE in einer Include-Datei in der
+ //Datei lFileKey
+ if( Depend( lFileKey, pDef->GetFileKey() ) )
+ return pDef;
+ return NULL;
+|* RscFileTab::Depend()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.11.91
+BOOL RscFileTab::Depend( ULONG lDepend, ULONG lFree ){
+ if( lDepend == lFree )
+ return TRUE;
+ RscFile * pFile = First();
+ while( pFile ){
+ if( !pFile->IsIncFile() ){
+ if( !pFile->Depend( lDepend, lFree ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ };
+ pFile = Next();
+ };
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscFileTab::TestDef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 14.01.92
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 14.01.92
+BOOL RscFileTab::TestDef( ULONG lFileKey, ULONG lPos,
+ const RscDefine * pDefDec )
+ if( lFileKey == pDefDec->GetFileKey() ){
+ RscFile * pFile = GetFile( pDefDec->GetFileKey() );
+ if( pFile && (lPos <= pFile->aDefLst.GetPos( (RscDefine *)pDefDec ))
+ && (lPos != LIST_APPEND) )
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else if( !Depend( lFileKey, pDefDec->GetFileKey() ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ return TestDef( lFileKey, lPos, pDefDec->pExp );
+|* RscFileTab::TestDef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 14.01.92
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 14.01.92
+BOOL RscFileTab::TestDef( ULONG lFileKey, ULONG lPos,
+ const RscExpression * pExpDec )
+ if( !pExpDec )
+ return TRUE;
+ if( pExpDec->aLeftExp.IsExpression() )
+ if( !TestDef( lFileKey, lPos, pExpDec->aLeftExp.aExp.pExp ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( pExpDec->aLeftExp.IsDefinition() )
+ if( !TestDef( lFileKey, lPos, pExpDec->aLeftExp.aExp.pDef ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( pExpDec->aRightExp.IsExpression() )
+ if( !TestDef( lFileKey, lPos, pExpDec->aRightExp.aExp.pExp ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( pExpDec->aRightExp.IsDefinition() )
+ if( !TestDef( lFileKey, lPos, pExpDec->aRightExp.aExp.pDef ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscFileTab::NewDef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 04.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 04.11.91
+RscDefine * RscFileTab::NewDef( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ INT32 lId, ULONG lPos )
+ RscDefine * pDef = FindDef( rDefName );
+ if( !pDef ){
+ RscFile * pFile = GetFile( lFileKey );
+ if( pFile ){
+ pDef = pFile->aDefLst.New( lFileKey, rDefName, lId, lPos );
+ aDefTree.Insert( pDef );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ pDef = NULL;
+ return( pDef );
+|* RscFileTab::NewDef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 04.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 04.11.91
+RscDefine * RscFileTab::NewDef( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscExpression * pExp, ULONG lPos )
+ RscDefine * pDef = FindDef( rDefName );
+ if( !pDef ){
+ //Macros in den Expressions sind definiert ?
+ if( TestDef( lFileKey, lPos, pExp ) ){
+ RscFile * pFile = GetFile( lFileKey );
+ if( pFile ){
+ pDef = pFile->aDefLst.New( lFileKey, rDefName, pExp, lPos );
+ aDefTree.Insert( pDef );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ pDef = NULL;
+ if( !pDef ){
+ // pExp wird immer Eigentum und muss, wenn es nicht benoetigt wird
+ // geloescht werden
+ delete pExp;
+ }
+ return( pDef );
+|* RscFileTab::IsDefUsed()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 22.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 22.11.91
+BOOL RscFileTab::IsDefUsed( const ByteString & rDefName )
+ RscDefine * pDef = FindDef( rDefName );
+ if( pDef )
+ return( pDef->GetRefCount() != 2 );
+ return FALSE;
+|* RscFileTab::DeleteDef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 11.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 11.11.91
+void RscFileTab::DeleteDef( const ByteString & rDefName )
+ RscDefine * pDef = FindDef( rDefName );
+ RscFile * pFile;
+ if( pDef ){
+ pFile = GetFile( pDef->GetFileKey() );
+ if( pFile ){
+ aDefTree.Remove( pDef );
+ pFile->aDefLst.Remove( pDef );
+ }
+ };
+|* RscFileTab::ChangeDef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 04.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 11.11.91
+BOOL RscFileTab::ChangeDef( const ByteString & rDefName, INT32 lId )
+ RscDefine * pDef = FindDef( rDefName );
+ if( pDef ){
+ pDef->ChangeMacro( lId );
+ //alle Macros neu bewerten
+ return aDefTree.Evaluate();
+ };
+ return( FALSE );
+|* RscFileTab::ChangeDef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 04.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 11.11.91
+BOOL RscFileTab::ChangeDef( const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscExpression * pExp )
+ RscDefine * pDef = FindDef( rDefName );
+ RscFile * pFile;
+ ULONG lPos = 0;
+ if( pDef ){
+ pFile = GetFile( pDef->GetFileKey() );
+ if( pFile )
+ lPos = pFile->aDefLst.GetPos( pDef );
+ //Macros in den Expressions sind definiert ?
+ if( TestDef( pDef->GetFileKey(), lPos, pExp ) ){
+ pDef->ChangeMacro( pExp );
+ //alle Macros neu bewerten
+ return aDefTree.Evaluate();
+ }
+ };
+ // pExp wird immer Eigentum und muss, wenn es nicht benoetigt wird
+ // geloescht werden
+ delete pExp;
+ return( FALSE );
+|* RscFileTab::ChangeDefName()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 04.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 04.11.91
+BOOL RscFileTab::ChangeDefName( const ByteString & rDefName,
+ const ByteString & rNewName )
+ RscDefine * pDef = FindDef( rDefName );
+ //Name gefunden ?
+ if( pDef ){
+ // und neuer Name noch nicht bekannt ?
+ if( !FindDef( pDef->GetFileKey(), rNewName ) ){
+ aDefTree.Remove( pDef );
+ pDef->SetName( rNewName );
+ aDefTree.Insert( pDef );
+ return( TRUE );
+ }
+ };
+ return( FALSE );
+|* RscFileTab::DeleteFileContext()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91
+void RscFileTab :: DeleteFileContext( ULONG lFileKey ){
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ pFName = GetFile( lFileKey );
+ if( pFName ){
+ RscDefine * pDef;
+ pDef = pFName->aDefLst.First();
+ while( pDef ){
+ aDefTree.Remove( pDef );
+ pDef = pFName->aDefLst.Next();
+ };
+ while( pFName->aDefLst.Remove( (ULONG)0 ) ) ;
+ }
+|* RscFileTab::DeleteFile()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 16.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.05.91
+void RscFileTab :: DeleteFile( ULONG lFileKey ){
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ //Defines freigeben
+ DeleteFileContext( lFileKey );
+ //Schleife ueber alle Abhaengigkeiten
+ pFName = First();
+ while( pFName ){
+ pFName->RemoveDependFile( lFileKey );
+ pFName = Next();
+ };
+ pFName = Remove( lFileKey );
+ if( pFName )
+ delete pFName;
+|* RscFileTab::NewCodeFile()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 16.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.05.91
+ULONG RscFileTab :: NewCodeFile( const ByteString & rName )
+ ULONG lKey;
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ lKey = Find( rName );
+ {
+ pFName = new RscFile();
+ pFName->aFileName = rName;
+ pFName->aPathName = rName;
+ lKey = Insert( pFName );
+ pFName->InsertDependFile( lKey, LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ return lKey;
+|* RscFileTab::NewIncFile()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 16.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.05.91
+ULONG RscFileTab :: NewIncFile( const ByteString & rName,
+ const ByteString & rPath )
+ ULONG lKey;
+ RscFile * pFName;
+ lKey = Find( rName );
+ {
+ pFName = new RscFile();
+ pFName->aFileName = rName;
+ pFName->aPathName = rPath;
+ pFName->SetIncFlag();
+ lKey = Insert( pFName );
+ pFName->InsertDependFile( lKey, LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ return lKey;
diff --git a/rsc/source/tools/rschash.cxx b/rsc/source/tools/rschash.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dc7d898fde7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/tools/rschash.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+#include <rschash.hxx>
+using namespace rtl;
+ m_aStringToID[ OString() ] = 0;
+ m_aIDToString[ 0 ] = OString();
+ m_nNextID = 1;
+Atom AtomContainer::getID( const OString& rStr, bool bOnlyIfExists )
+ OString aKey = rStr.toAsciiLowerCase();
+ std::hash_map< OString, Atom, OStringHash >::const_iterator it =
+ m_aStringToID.find( aKey );
+ if( it != m_aStringToID.end() )
+ return it->second;
+ if( bOnlyIfExists )
+ return InvalidAtom;
+ Atom aRet = m_nNextID;
+ m_aStringToID[ aKey ] = m_nNextID;
+ m_aIDToString[ m_nNextID ] = rStr;
+ m_nNextID++;
+ return aRet;
+const OString& AtomContainer::getString( Atom nAtom )
+ std::hash_map< Atom, OString >::const_iterator it =
+ m_aIDToString.find( nAtom );
+ return (it != m_aIDToString.end()) ? it->second : m_aIDToString[0];
diff --git a/rsc/source/tools/rsctools.cxx b/rsc/source/tools/rsctools.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9904cd20d4e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/tools/rsctools.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined ( DOS ) || defined ( WIN ) || defined (WNT )
+#include <direct.h>
+#if defined ( OS2 ) && !defined ( GCC )
+#include <direct.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
+// Include
+#include <rscdef.hxx>
+#include <rsctools.hxx>
+#include <osl/file.h>
+#include <rtl/alloc.h>
+#include <rtl/memory.h>
+#if defined (WIN)
+#define ONLY_NEW
+using namespace rtl;
+/****************** C o d e **********************************************/
+|* rsc_strnicmp()
+|* Beschreibung Vergleicht zwei Strings Case-Unabhaengig bis zu
+|* einer bestimmten Laenge
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 13.02.91
+int rsc_strnicmp( const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t count )
+ size_t i;
+ for( i = 0; ( i < count ) && string1[ i ] && string2[ i ] ; i++ )
+ {
+ if( tolower( string1[ i ] ) < tolower( string2[ i ] ) )
+ return( -1 );
+ else if( tolower( string1[ i ] ) > tolower( string2[ i ] ) )
+ return( 1 );
+ }
+ if( i == count )
+ return( 0 );
+ else if( tolower( string1[ i ] ) < tolower( string2[ i ] ) )
+ return( -1 );
+ else if( tolower( string1[ i ] ) > tolower( string2[ i ] ) )
+ return( 1 );
+ return( 0 );
+|* rsc_strnicmp()
+|* Beschreibung Vergleicht zwei Strings Case-Unabhaengig
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 13.02.91
+int rsc_stricmp( const char *string1, const char *string2 ){
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; string1[ i ] && string2[ i ]; i++ ){
+ if( tolower( string1[ i ] ) < tolower( string2[ i ] ) )
+ return( -1 );
+ else if( tolower( string1[ i ] ) > tolower( string2[ i ] ) )
+ return( 1 );
+ }
+ if( tolower( string1[ i ] ) < tolower( string2[ i ] ) )
+ return( -1 );
+ else if( tolower( string1[ i ] ) > tolower( string2[ i ] ) )
+ return( 1 );
+ return( 0 );
+char* rsc_strdup( const char* pStr )
+ int nLen = strlen( pStr );
+ char* pBuffer = (char*)rtl_allocateMemory( nLen+1 );
+ rtl_copyMemory( pBuffer, pStr, nLen+1 );
+ return pBuffer;
+|* GetTmpFileName()
+|* Beschreibung Gibt einen String eines eindeutigen Dateinamens
+|* zurueck. Der Speicher fuer den String wird mit
+|* malloc allokiert
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MH 13.10.97
+ByteString GetTmpFileName()
+ OUString aTmpURL, aTmpFile;
+ osl_createTempFile( NULL, NULL, &aTmpURL.pData );
+ osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( aTmpURL.pData, &aTmpFile.pData );
+ return OUStringToOString( aTmpFile, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
+/* */
+/* Function : Append( ) */
+/* */
+/* Parameters : psw - pointer to a preprocessor switch */
+/* */
+/* Description : appends text files */
+BOOL Append( FILE * fDest, ByteString aTmpFile )
+#define MAX_BUF 4096
+ char szBuf[ MAX_BUF ];
+ int nItems;
+ FILE *fSource;
+ fSource = fopen( aTmpFile.GetBuffer(), "rb" );
+ if( !fDest || !fSource ){
+ if( fSource )
+ fclose( fSource );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else{
+ do{ // append
+ nItems = fread( szBuf, sizeof( char ), MAX_BUF, fSource );
+ fwrite( szBuf, sizeof( char ), nItems, fDest );
+ } while( MAX_BUF == nItems );
+ fclose( fSource );
+ };
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL Append( ByteString aOutputSrs, ByteString aTmpFile )
+ FILE * fDest = fopen( aOutputSrs.GetBuffer(), "ab" );
+ BOOL bRet = Append( fDest, aTmpFile );
+ if( fDest )
+ fclose( fDest );
+ return bRet;
+|* InputFile
+|* Beschreibung Haengt Extension an, wenn keine da ist
+|* Parameter: pInput, der Input-Dateiname.
+|* pExt, die Extension des Ausgabenamens
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 28.06.91
+ByteString InputFile ( const char * pInput, const char * pExt )
+ UniString aUniInput( pInput, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ DirEntry aFileName( aUniInput );
+ if ( 0 == aFileName.GetExtension().Len() )
+ {
+ UniString aExt( pExt, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ aFileName.SetExtension( aExt );
+ }
+ return ByteString( aFileName.GetFull(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+|* OutputFile
+|* Beschreibung Ersetzt Extension durch eine andere
+|* Parameter: input, der Input-Dateiname.
+|* pExt, die Extension des Ausgabenamens
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 28.06.91
+ByteString OutputFile ( ByteString aInput, const char * pExt )
+ UniString aUniInput( aInput, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ DirEntry aFileName( aUniInput );
+ UniString aExt( pExt, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ aFileName.SetExtension( aExt );
+ return ByteString( aFileName.GetFull(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+|* ::ResonseFile()
+|* Beschreibung Kommandozeile aufbereiten
+|* Ersterstellung MM 05.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 05.09.91
+char * ResponseFile( RscPtrPtr * ppCmd, char ** ppArgv, sal_uInt32 nArgc )
+ FILE *fFile;
+ int nItems;
+ char szBuffer[4096]; // file buffer
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ bool bInQuotes = false;
+ // Programmname
+ ppCmd->Append( rsc_strdup( *ppArgv ) );
+ for( i = 1; i < nArgc; i++ )
+ {
+ if( '@' == **(ppArgv +i) ){ // wenn @, dann Response-Datei
+ if( NULL == (fFile = fopen( (*(ppArgv +i)) +1, "r" )) )
+ return( (*(ppArgv +i)) );
+ nItems = fread( &szBuffer[ 0 ], 1, sizeof( char ), fFile );
+ while( nItems )
+ {
+ if( !isspace( szBuffer[ 0 ] ) )
+ {
+ /*
+ * #i27914# double ticks '"' now have a duplicate function:
+ * 1. they define a string ( e.g. -DFOO="baz" )
+ * 2. a string can contain spaces, so -DFOO="baz zum" defines one
+ * argument no two !
+ */
+ unsigned int n = 0;
+ while( nItems && (!isspace( szBuffer[ n ] ) || bInQuotes) &&
+ n +1 < sizeof( szBuffer ) )
+ {
+ n++;
+ nItems = fread( &szBuffer[ n ], 1,
+ sizeof( char ), fFile );
+ if( szBuffer[n] == '"' )
+ bInQuotes = !bInQuotes;
+ }
+ szBuffer[ n ] = '\0';
+ ppCmd->Append( rsc_strdup( szBuffer ) );
+ }
+ nItems = fread( &szBuffer[ 0 ], 1, sizeof( char ), fFile );
+ };
+ fclose( fFile );
+ }
+ else
+ ppCmd->Append( rsc_strdup( *(ppArgv +i) ) );
+ };
+ ppCmd->Append( (void *)0 );
+ return( NULL );
+/*************** R s c P t r P t r **************************************/
+|* RscPtrPtr :: RscPtrPtr()
+|* Beschreibung Eine Tabelle mit Zeigern
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 13.02.91
+RscPtrPtr :: RscPtrPtr(){
+ nCount = 0;
+ pMem = NULL;
+|* RscPtrPtr :: ~RscPtrPtr()
+|* Beschreibung Zerst�rt eine Tabelle mit Zeigern, die Zeiger werde
+|* ebenfalls freigegebn
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 13.02.91
+RscPtrPtr :: ~RscPtrPtr(){
+ Reset();
+|* RscPtrPtr :: Reset()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.05.91
+void RscPtrPtr :: Reset(){
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ if( pMem ){
+ for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ){
+ if( pMem[ i ] )
+ rtl_freeMemory( pMem[ i ] );
+ }
+ rtl_freeMemory( (void *)pMem );
+ };
+ nCount = 0;
+ pMem = NULL;
+|* RscPtrPtr :: Append()
+|* Beschreibung Haengt einen Eintrag an.
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 13.02.91
+sal_uInt32 RscPtrPtr :: Append( void * pBuffer ){
+ if( !pMem )
+ pMem = (void **)rtl_allocateMemory( (nCount +1) * sizeof( void * ) );
+ else
+ pMem = (void **)rtl_reallocateMemory( (void *)pMem,
+ ((nCount +1) * sizeof( void * )
+ ) );
+ pMem[ nCount ] = pBuffer;
+ return( nCount++ );
+|* RscPtrPtr :: GetEntry()
+|* Beschreibung Liefert einen Eintrag, NULL wenn nicht vorhanden.
+|* Ersterstellung MM 13.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 13.02.91
+void * RscPtrPtr :: GetEntry( sal_uInt32 nEntry ){
+ if( nEntry < nCount )
+ return( pMem[ nEntry ] );
+ return( NULL );
+/****************** R S C W R I T E R C **********************************/
+|* RscWriteRc :: RscWriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.04.91
+RscWriteRc::RscWriteRc( RSCBYTEORDER_TYPE nOrder )
+ short nSwapTest = 1;
+ bSwap = FALSE;
+ if( nOrder != RSC_SYSTEMENDIAN )
+ {
+ if( (BYTE)*(BYTE *)&nSwapTest )
+ nMachineOrder = RSC_LITTLEENDIAN;
+ else
+ nMachineOrder = RSC_BIGENDIAN;
+ bSwap = nOrder != nMachineOrder;
+ }
+ nByteOrder = nOrder;
+ nLen = 0;
+ pMem = NULL;
+|* RscWriteRc :: ~RscWriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.04.91
+RscWriteRc :: ~RscWriteRc()
+ if( pMem )
+ rtl_freeMemory( pMem );
+|* RscWriteRc :: IncSize()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.04.91
+sal_uInt32 RscWriteRc :: IncSize( sal_uInt32 nSize )
+ nLen += nSize;
+ if( pMem )
+ pMem = (char*)rtl_reallocateMemory( pMem, nLen );
+ return( nLen - nSize );
+|* RscWriteRc :: GetPointer()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.04.91
+char * RscWriteRc :: GetPointer( sal_uInt32 nSize )
+ if( !pMem )
+ pMem = (char *)rtl_allocateMemory( nLen );
+ return( pMem + nSize );
+|* RscWriteRc :: Put()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.04.91
+void RscWriteRc :: Put( sal_uInt16 nVal )
+ sal_uInt32 nOldLen;
+ nOldLen = IncSize( sizeof( nVal ) );
+ PutAt( nOldLen, nVal );
+void RscWriteRc :: PutUTF8( char * pStr )
+ sal_uInt32 nStrLen = 0;
+ if( pStr )
+ nStrLen = strlen( pStr );
+ sal_uInt32 n = nStrLen +1;
+ if( n % 2 )
+ // align to 2
+ n++;
+ sal_uInt32 nOldLen = IncSize( n );
+ rtl_copyMemory( GetPointer( nOldLen ), pStr, nStrLen );
+ // 0 terminated
+ pMem[ nOldLen + nStrLen ] = '\0';
diff --git a/rsc/source/tools/rsctree.cxx b/rsc/source/tools/rsctree.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..991e32aa580c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/tools/rsctree.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_rsc.hxx"
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+// Programmabh�ngige Includes.
+#include <tools/link.hxx>
+#include <rsctree.hxx>
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+/****************** B i N o d e ******************************************/
+|* BiNode::BiNode()
+|* Beschreibung NAME.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 07.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 07.02.91
+ pLeft = pRight = NULL;
+|* BiNode::~BiNode()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 07.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 07.02.91
+|* BiNode::EnumNodes()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 07.02.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 07.02.91
+void BiNode::EnumNodes( Link aLink ) const{
+ if( Left() )
+ Left()->EnumNodes( aLink );
+ aLink.Call( (BiNode *)this );
+ if( Right() )
+ Right()->EnumNodes( aLink );
+|* BiNode::ChangeDLListBTree()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 11.01.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 11.01.91
+BiNode * BiNode::ChangeDLListBTree( BiNode * pList ){
+ BiNode * pRightNode;
+ BiNode * pMiddle;
+ BiNode * pTmp;
+ sal_uInt32 nEle, i;
+ if( pList ){
+ while( pList->Left() )
+ pList = pList->Left();
+ pTmp = pList;
+ for( nEle = 0; pTmp->Right(); nEle++ )
+ pTmp = pTmp->Right();
+ pMiddle = pList;
+ if( nEle / 2 )
+ for( i = 0; i < (nEle / 2); i++ )
+ pMiddle = pMiddle->Right();
+ else
+ pList = (BiNode *)0;
+ if( NULL != (pTmp = pMiddle->Left()) ) // rechten Zeiger auf Null
+ pTmp->pRight = (BiNode *)0;
+ // linken Zeiger auf Null
+ if( NULL != (pRightNode = pMiddle->Right()) )
+ pRightNode->pLeft = (BiNode *)0;
+ pMiddle->pLeft = ChangeDLListBTree( pList );
+ pMiddle->pRight = ChangeDLListBTree( pRightNode );
+ return( pMiddle );
+ }
+ return( pList );
+|* BiNode::ChangeBTreeDLList()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 11.01.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 11.01.91
+BiNode * BiNode::ChangeBTreeDLList(){
+ BiNode * pList;
+ BiNode * pLL_RN; // linke Liste rechter Knoten
+ if( Right() ){
+ pList = Right()->ChangeBTreeDLList();
+ pRight = pList;
+ pList->pLeft = this;
+ }
+ pList = this;
+ if( Left() ){
+ pLL_RN = pList = Left()->ChangeBTreeDLList();
+ while( pLL_RN->Right() )
+ pLL_RN = pLL_RN->Right();
+ pLeft = pLL_RN;
+ pLL_RN->pRight = this;
+ }
+ return( pList );
+/****************** N a m e N o d e **************************************/
+|* NameNode::Remove()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 10.07.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 10.07.91
+NameNode * NameNode::Remove( NameNode * pRemove ){
+ NameNode * pRoot = this;
+ NameNode * pParent = SearchParent( pRemove );
+ if( pParent ){
+ if( pParent->Left()
+ && (EQUAL == pRemove->Compare( pParent->Left() ) ) ){
+ pParent->pLeft = pRemove->Left();
+ if( pRemove->Right() )
+ pParent->Insert( pRemove->Right() );
+ }
+ else if( pParent->Right()
+ && (EQUAL == pRemove->Compare( pParent->Right() ) ) ){
+ pParent->pRight = pRemove->Right();
+ if( pRemove->Left() )
+ pParent->Insert( pRemove->Left() );
+ }
+ }
+ else if( EQUAL == this->Compare( pRemove ) ){
+ if( Right() ){
+ pRoot = Right();
+ if( Left() )
+ Right()->Insert( Left() );
+ }
+ else{
+ pRoot = Left();
+ }
+ }
+ pRemove->pLeft = pRemove->pRight = NULL;
+ return pRoot;
+|* NameNode::Compare
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 10.07.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 13.07.91
+COMPARE NameNode::Compare( const NameNode * pCompare ) const{
+ if( (long)this < (long)pCompare )
+ return LESS;
+ else if( (long)this > (long)pCompare )
+ return GREATER;
+ else
+ return EQUAL;
+COMPARE NameNode::Compare( const void * pCompare ) const{
+ if( (long)this < (long)pCompare )
+ return LESS;
+ else if( (long)this > (long)pCompare )
+ return GREATER;
+ else
+ return EQUAL;
+|* NameNode::SearchParent
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 10.07.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 10.07.91
+NameNode* NameNode::SearchParent( const NameNode * pSearch ) const{
+// search for a parent node.
+// return a pointer to the parent node if found.
+// otherwise return 0.
+ int nCmp = Compare( pSearch );
+ if( nCmp == GREATER ){
+ if( Left() ){
+ if( ((NameNode *)Left())->Compare( pSearch ) == EQUAL )
+ return (NameNode *)this;
+ return ((NameNode *)Left())->SearchParent( pSearch );
+ };
+ }
+ else if( nCmp == LESS ){
+ if( Right() ){
+ if( ((NameNode *)Right())->Compare( pSearch ) == EQUAL )
+ return (NameNode *)this;
+ return ((NameNode *)Right())->SearchParent( pSearch );
+ }
+ };
+ return( (NameNode *)NULL );
+|* NameNode::Search
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 21.03.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90
+NameNode* NameNode::Search( const NameNode * pSearch ) const{
+// search for a node.
+// return a pointer to the node if found.
+// otherwise return 0.
+ int nCmp = Compare( pSearch );
+ if( nCmp == GREATER ){
+ if( Left() )
+ return ((NameNode *)Left())->Search( pSearch );
+ }
+ else if( nCmp == LESS ){
+ if( Right() )
+ return ((NameNode *)Right())->Search( pSearch );
+ }
+ else
+ return( (NameNode *)this );
+ return( NULL );
+NameNode* NameNode::Search( const void * pSearch ) const{
+// search for a node.
+// return a pointer to the node if found.
+// otherwise return 0.
+ int nCmp = Compare( pSearch );
+ if( nCmp == GREATER ){
+ if( Left() )
+ return ((NameNode *)Left())->Search( pSearch );
+ }
+ else if( nCmp == LESS ){
+ if( Right() )
+ return ((NameNode *)Right())->Search( pSearch );
+ }
+ else
+ return( (NameNode *)this );
+ return( NULL );
+|* NameNode::Insert()
+|* Beschreibung NAME.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 11.01.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 11.01.91
+BOOL NameNode::Insert( NameNode * pTN, sal_uInt32* pnDepth ){
+// Ein Knoten wird in den Baum eingefuegt
+// Gibt es einen Knoten mit dem gleichen Namen, dann return FALSE
+// sonst return TRUE. Der Knoten wird auf jeden Fall eingefuegt.
+ BOOL bRet = TRUE;
+ int nCmp = Compare( pTN );
+ *pnDepth += 1;
+ if( nCmp == GREATER ){
+ if( Left() )
+ bRet = ((NameNode *)Left())->Insert( pTN, pnDepth );
+ else
+ pLeft = pTN;
+ }
+ else{
+ if( Right() )
+ bRet = ((NameNode *)Right())->Insert( pTN, pnDepth );
+ else
+ pRight = pTN;
+ if( nCmp == EQUAL )
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ };
+ return( bRet );
+|* NameNode::Insert()
+|* Beschreibung NAME.DOC
+|* Ersterstellung MM 21.03.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 11.01.91
+BOOL NameNode::Insert( NameNode * pTN ){
+// insert a node in the tree.
+// if the node with the same name is in, return FALSE and no insert.
+// if not return true.
+ sal_uInt32 nDepth = 0;
+ BOOL bRet;
+ bRet = Insert( pTN, &nDepth );
+ if( bRet ){
+ if( nDepth > 20 ){
+ if( Left() )
+ pLeft = ChangeDLListBTree( Left()->ChangeBTreeDLList() );
+ if( Right() )
+ pRight = ChangeDLListBTree( Right()->ChangeBTreeDLList() );
+ }
+ }
+ return( bRet );
+|* NameNode::OrderTree()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 23.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 23.09.91
+void NameNode::OrderTree(){
+ NameNode * pTmpLeft = (NameNode *)Left();
+ NameNode * pTmpRight = (NameNode *)Right();
+ pLeft = NULL;
+ pRight = NULL;
+ SubOrderTree( pTmpLeft );
+ SubOrderTree( pTmpRight );
+void NameNode::SubOrderTree( NameNode * pOrderNode ){
+ if( pOrderNode ){
+ NameNode * pTmpLeft = (NameNode *)pOrderNode->Left();
+ NameNode * pTmpRight = (NameNode *)pOrderNode->Right();
+ pOrderNode->pLeft = NULL;
+ pOrderNode->pRight = NULL;
+ Insert( pOrderNode );
+ SubOrderTree( pTmpLeft );
+ SubOrderTree( pTmpRight );
+ }
+|* NameNode::IdOrderTree()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 15.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.11.91
+class OrderCtrl {
+ BOOL bOrder;
+ NameNode * pName;
+ DECL_LINK( CallBackFunc, NameNode * );
+ OrderCtrl() { bOrder = FALSE; pName = NULL; }
+ BOOL IsOrder( const NameNode * pRoot )
+ {
+ bOrder = TRUE;
+ pName = NULL;
+ pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, OrderCtrl, CallBackFunc ) );
+ return bOrder;
+ };
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( OrderCtrl, CallBackFunc, NameNode *, pNext )
+ if( pName && pName->Compare( pNext ) != LESS )
+ bOrder = FALSE;
+ pName = pNext;
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( OrderCtrl, CallBackFunc, NameNode *, pNext )
+BOOL NameNode::IsOrderTree() const{
+ OrderCtrl aOrder;
+ return aOrder.IsOrder( this );
+/****************** I d N o d e ******************************************/
+|* IdNode::Search()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.11.91
+IdNode * IdNode::Search( sal_uInt32 nTypeName ) const{
+ return( (IdNode *)NameNode::Search( (const void *)&nTypeName ) );
+|* IdNode::Compare()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.11.91
+COMPARE IdNode::Compare( const NameNode * pSearch ) const
+ if( GetId() < (sal_uInt32)(((const IdNode *)pSearch)->GetId()) )
+ return LESS;
+ else if( GetId() > (sal_uInt32)(((const IdNode *)pSearch)->GetId()) )
+ return GREATER;
+ else
+ return EQUAL;
+COMPARE IdNode::Compare( const void * pSearch ) const{
+// pSearch ist ein Zeiger auf sal_uInt32
+ if( GetId() < *((const sal_uInt32 *)pSearch) )
+ return LESS;
+ else if( GetId() > *((const sal_uInt32 *)pSearch) )
+ return GREATER;
+ else
+ return EQUAL;
+|* IdNode::GetId()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 23.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 23.09.91
+sal_uInt32 IdNode::GetId() const
+ return( 0xFFFFFFFF );
+|* StringNode::Search()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.11.91
+StringNode * StringNode::Search( const char * pSearch ) const{
+ return (StringNode *)NameNode::Search( (const void *)pSearch );
+|* StringNode::Compare()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 06.11.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.11.91
+COMPARE StringNode::Compare( const NameNode * pSearch ) const
+ int nCmp = strcmp( aName.GetBuffer(),
+ ((const StringNode *)pSearch)->aName.GetBuffer() );
+ if( nCmp < 0 )
+ return LESS;
+ else if( nCmp > 0 )
+ return GREATER;
+ else
+ return EQUAL;
+COMPARE StringNode::Compare( const void * pSearch ) const
+// pSearch ist ein Zeiger auf const char *
+ int nCmp = strcmp( aName.GetBuffer(), (const char *)pSearch );
+ if( nCmp < 0 )
+ return LESS;
+ else if( nCmp > 0 )
+ return GREATER;
+ else
+ return EQUAL;