path: root/rsc/source/res/rsctop.cxx
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1 files changed, 1035 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rsctop.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rsctop.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eac8604ca30e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rsctop.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1035 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: rsctop.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:42:56 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+ Source Code Control System - Header
+ $Header: /zpool/svn/migration/cvs_rep_09_09_08/code/rsc/source/res/rsctop.cxx,v 2000-09-18 16:42:56 hr Exp $
+/****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/
+// C and C++ Includes.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+// Solar Definitionen
+#include <tools/solar.h>
+#ifndef _RSCTOP_HXX
+#include <rsctop.hxx>
+/****************** C O D E **********************************************/
+/****************** R s c T o p ******************************************/
+|* RscTop::RscTop()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.06.91
+RscTop::RscTop( HASHID nId, USHORT nTypIdent, RscTop * pSuperCl )
+ : RefNode( nId )
+ , nTypId( nTypIdent )
+ , pSuperClass( pSuperCl )
+ pRefClass = this;
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ SetCallPar( pSuperClass->aCallPar1, pSuperClass->aCallPar2,
+ pSuperClass->aCallParType );
+|* RscTop::SetCallPar()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+void RscTop::SetCallPar( const ByteString & rPar1, const ByteString & rPar2,
+ const ByteString & rParType )
+ aCallPar1 = rPar1;
+ aCallPar2 = rPar2;
+ aCallParType = rParType;
+|* RscTop::GetDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::GetDefault()
+ if( !aDfltInst.IsInst() )
+ aDfltInst = this->Create( NULL, RSCINST() );
+ return aDfltInst;
+|* RscTop::Pre_dtor()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 19.06.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 19.06.91
+void RscTop :: Pre_dtor(){
+ if( aDfltInst.IsInst() ){
+ aDfltInst.pClass->Destroy( aDfltInst );
+ RscMem::Free( aDfltInst.pData );
+ aDfltInst = RSCINST();
+ };
+|* RscTop::GetConstant()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+HASHID RscTop :: GetConstant( USHORT ){
+ return HASH_NONAME;
+|* RscTop::GetIndexType()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RscTop * RscTop::GetTypeClass() const
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->GetTypeClass();
+ else
+ return NULL;
+|* RscTop::Size()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+USHORT RscTop :: Size()
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->Size();
+ else
+ return 0;
+|* RscTop::GetRef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop :: GetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, RscId * pRscId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->GetRef( rInst, pRscId );
+ else
+|* RscTop::InHierarchy()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 17.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 17.05.91
+BOOL RscTop::InHierarchy( RscTop * pClass ){
+ if( this == pClass )
+ return( TRUE );
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return( pSuperClass->InHierarchy( pClass ) );
+ return( FALSE );
+|* RscTop::SetVariable()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetVariable( HASHID nVarName, RscTop * pClass,
+ RSCINST * pDflt, RSCVAR nVarType, USHORT nMask,
+ HASHID nDataBaseName )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SetVariable( nVarName, pClass, pDflt,
+ nVarType, nMask, nDataBaseName );
+ else
+|* RscTop::EnumVariable()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 03.02.93
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 03.02.93
+void RscTop::EnumVariables( void * pData, VarEnumCallbackProc pProc )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->EnumVariables( pData, pProc );
+|* RscTop::GetVariable()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::GetVariable
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ HASHID nVarName,
+ const RSCINST & rInitInst,
+ BOOL bInitDflt,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetVariable( rInst, nVarName, rInitInst, bInitDflt, pCreateClass );
+ else
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscTop::GetCopyVar()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::GetCopyVar( const RSCINST & rInst, HASHID nVarName )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetCopyVar( rInst, nVarName );
+ else
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscTop::GetTupelVar()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::GetTupelVar( const RSCINST & rInst, USHORT nPos,
+ const RSCINST & rInitInst )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->GetTupelVar( rInst, nPos, rInitInst );
+ else
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscTop::GetElement()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetElement( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rEleName,
+ RscTop *pCreateClass, const RSCINST & rCreateInst,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetElement( rInst, rEleName,
+ pCreateClass, rCreateInst,
+ pGetInst );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetArrayEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetArrayEle
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->GetArrayEle( rInst, nId, pCreateClass, pGetInst );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetValueEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetValueEle
+ const RSCINST & rInst,
+ long lValue,
+ RscTop * pCreateClass,
+ RSCINST * pGetInst
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->GetValueEle( rInst, lValue, pCreateClass, pGetInst );
+ else
+|* RscTop::SearchEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::SearchEle( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rEleName,
+ RscTop * pClass )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SearchEle( rInst, rEleName, pClass );
+ else
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscTop::GetPosEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::GetPosEle( const RSCINST & rInst, USHORT nPos ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetPosEle( rInst, nPos );
+ else
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscTop::MovePosEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::MovePosEle( const RSCINST & rInst, USHORT nDestPos,
+ USHORT nSourcePos )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ MovePosEle( rInst, nDestPos, nSourcePos );
+ else
+|* RscTop::SetPosRscId()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetPosRscId( const RSCINST & rInst, USHORT nPos,
+ const RscId & rRscId )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SetPosRscId( rInst, nPos, rRscId );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetInfoEle()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+SUBINFO_STRUCT RscTop::GetInfoEle( const RSCINST & rInst, USHORT nPos ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetInfoEle( rInst, nPos );
+ else
+ return SUBINFO_STRUCT();
+|* RscTop::GetCount()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+USHORT RscTop::GetCount( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->GetCount( rInst );
+ else
+ return 0;
+|* RscTop::SetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, long lValue ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SetNumber( rInst, lValue );
+ else
+|* RscTop::SetBool()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetBool( const RSCINST & rInst, BOOL bValue ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SetBool( rInst, bValue );
+ else
+|* RscTop::SetConst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, HASHID nId, long nVal )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->SetConst( rInst, nId, nVal );
+ else
+|* RscTop::SetNotConst()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetNotConst( const RSCINST & rInst, HASHID nId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SetNotConst( rInst, nId );
+ else
+|* RscTop::SetString()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetString( const RSCINST & rInst, char * pStr ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ SetString( rInst, pStr );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetNumber()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetNumber( const RSCINST & rInst, long * pN ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetNumber( rInst, pN );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetBool()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetBool( const RSCINST & rInst, BOOL * pB ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetBool( rInst, pB );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetCont()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, HASHID * pH ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetConst( rInst, pH );
+ else
+|* RscTop::GetString()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::GetString( const RSCINST & rInst, char ** ppStr ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetString( rInst, ppStr );
+ else
+|* RscTop::Create()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 17.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 17.07.91
+RSCINST RscTop::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDefInst, BOOL bOwnRange )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ Create( pInst, rDefInst, bOwnRange );
+ else{
+ if( pInst )
+ return *pInst;
+ return RSCINST();
+ }
+|* RscTop::Destroy()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+void RscTop::Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->Destroy( rInst );
+|* RscTop::IsConsistent()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+BOOL RscTop::IsConsistent( const RSCINST & rInst,
+ RscInconsList * pList )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->IsConsistent( rInst, pList );
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscTop::SetToDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+void RscTop::SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->SetToDefault( rInst );
+|* RscTop::IsDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+BOOL RscTop::IsDefault( const RSCINST & rInst ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->IsDefault( rInst );
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscTop::IsValueDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+BOOL RscTop::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->IsValueDefault( rInst, pDef );
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+|* RscTop::SetDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+void RscTop::SetDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, HASHID nVarId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->SetDefault( rInst, nVarId );
+|* RscTop::GetDefault()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+RSCINST RscTop::GetDefault( HASHID nVarId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->
+ GetDefault( nVarId );
+ else
+ return RSCINST();
+|* RscTop::Delete()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+void RscTop::Delete( const RSCINST & rInst, RscTop * pClass,
+ const RscId & rId )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->Delete( rInst, pClass, rId );
+|* RscTop::DeletePos()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.10.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.10.91
+void RscTop::DeletePos( const RSCINST & rInst, USHORT nPos )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->DeletePos( rInst, nPos );
+|* RscTop::SetRef()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 18.09.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.09.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::SetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rRefId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->SetRef( rInst, rRefId );
+ else
+|* RscTop::WriteHxxHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::WriteHxxHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->WriteHxxHeader( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+ else
+ return rInst.pClass->WriteHxx( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+|* RscTop::WriteHxx()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::WriteHxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->WriteHxx( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+ else
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscTop::WriteCxxHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::WriteCxxHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->WriteCxxHeader( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+ else
+ return rInst.pClass->WriteCxx( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+|* RscTop::WriteCxx()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::WriteCxx( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId ){
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return pSuperClass->WriteCxx( rInst, fOutput, pTC, rId );
+ else
+ return ERR_OK;
+|* RscTop::WriteSrcHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+void RscTop::WriteSrcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, USHORT nTab,
+ const RscId & rId, const char * pVarName )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->WriteSrcHeader( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, rId, pVarName );
+ else
+ rInst.pClass->WriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName );
+|* RscTop::WriteSrc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+void RscTop::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, USHORT nTab, const char * pVarName )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->WriteSrc( rInst, fOutput, pTC, nTab, pVarName );
+|* RscTop::WriteRcHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 12.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::WriteRcHeader( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, const RscId & rId,
+ USHORT nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return( pSuperClass->
+ WriteRcHeader( rInst, rMem, pTC, rId, nDeep, bExtra ) );
+ else
+ return( rInst.pClass->WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra ) );
+|* RscTop::WriteRc()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 08.04.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.04.91
+ERRTYPE RscTop::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem,
+ RscTypCont * pTC, USHORT nDeep, BOOL bExtra )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ return( pSuperClass->
+ WriteRc( rInst, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra ) );
+ else
+ return( ERR_OK );
+|* RscTop::WriteSyntaxHeader()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+void RscTop::WriteSyntaxHeader( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC )
+ if( GetId() != HASH_NONAME )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "class %s \n{\n", pHS->Get( GetId() ) );
+ WriteSyntax( fOutput, pTC );
+ fprintf( fOutput, "};\n\n" );
+ }
+|* RscTop::WriteSyntax()
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung MM 29.05.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MM 29.05.91
+void RscTop::WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->WriteSyntax( fOutput, pTC );
+void RscTop::WriteRcAccess
+ FILE * fOutput,
+ RscTypCont * pTC,
+ const char * pName
+ if( GetId() != HASH_NONAME )
+ {
+ fprintf( fOutput, "\t\t//%s %s\n",
+ pHS->Get( GetId() ), pName );
+ }
+void RscTop::WriteRcCtor( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC )
+ if( pSuperClass )
+ pSuperClass->WriteRcCtor( fOutput, pTC );