path: root/psprint/source/printergfx/common_gfx.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'psprint/source/printergfx/common_gfx.cxx')
1 files changed, 937 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/psprint/source/printergfx/common_gfx.cxx b/psprint/source/printergfx/common_gfx.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ff4c1aa1ec1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/psprint/source/printergfx/common_gfx.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: common_gfx.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: pl $ $Date: 2001-05-08 11:46:04 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <psprint/printergfx.hxx>
+#include <psprint/printerjob.hxx>
+#include <psprint/fontmanager.hxx>
+#include <psputil.hxx>
+#include <glyphset.hxx>
+#include <psprint/strhelper.hxx>
+#include <psprint/printerinfomanager.hxx>
+#include <tools/debug.hxx>
+using namespace psp ;
+static const sal_Int32 nMaxTextColumn = 80;
+ * non graphics graphics routines
+ */
+PrinterGfx::Init (PrinterJob &rPrinterJob)
+ mpPageHeader = rPrinterJob.GetCurrentPageHeader ();
+ mpPageBody = rPrinterJob.GetCurrentPageBody ();
+ mnDepth = rPrinterJob.GetDepth ();
+ mnPSLevel = rPrinterJob.GetPostscriptLevel ();
+ mbColor = rPrinterJob.IsColorPrinter ();
+ rPrinterJob.GetResolution (mnDpiX, mnDpiY);
+ rPrinterJob.GetScale (mfScaleX, mfScaleY);
+ const PrinterInfo& rInfo( PrinterInfoManager::get().getPrinterInfo( rPrinterJob.GetPrinterName() ) );
+ if( rInfo.m_bPerformFontSubstitution )
+ mpFontSubstitutes = &rInfo.m_aFontSubstitutions;
+ else
+ mpFontSubstitutes = NULL;
+ mbUploadPS42Fonts = rInfo.m_pParser ? ( rInfo.m_pParser->isType42Capable() ? sal_True : sal_False ) : sal_False;
+ return sal_True;
+PrinterGfx::Init (const JobData& rData)
+ mpPageHeader = NULL;
+ mpPageBody = NULL;
+ mnDepth = rData.m_nColorDepth;
+ mnPSLevel = rData.m_nPSLevel ? rData.m_nPSLevel : rData.m_pParser->getLanguageLevel();
+ mbColor = rData.m_nColorDevice ? ( rData.m_nColorDevice == -1 ? sal_False : sal_True ) : ( rData.m_pParser->isColorDevice() ? sal_True : sal_False );
+ int nResX, nResY;
+ rData.m_aContext.getResolution( nResX, nResY );
+ mnDpiX = nResX;
+ mnDpiY = nResY;
+ mfScaleX = (double)72.0 / (double)mnDpiX;
+ mfScaleY = (double)72.0 / (double)mnDpiY;
+ const PrinterInfo& rInfo( PrinterInfoManager::get().getPrinterInfo( rData.m_aPrinterName ) );
+ if( rInfo.m_bPerformFontSubstitution )
+ mpFontSubstitutes = &rInfo.m_aFontSubstitutions;
+ else
+ mpFontSubstitutes = NULL;
+ mbUploadPS42Fonts = rInfo.m_pParser ? ( rInfo.m_pParser->isType42Capable() ? sal_True : sal_False ) : sal_False;
+ return sal_True;
+PrinterGfx::GetResolution (sal_Int32 &rDpiX, sal_Int32 &rDpiY) const
+ rDpiX = mnDpiX;
+ rDpiY = mnDpiY;
+PrinterGfx::GetScreenFontResolution (sal_Int32 &rDpiX, sal_Int32 &rDpiY) const
+ rDpiX = mnDpiX;
+ rDpiY = mnDpiY;
+PrinterGfx::GetBitCount ()
+ return mnDepth;
+PrinterGfx::PrinterGfx() :
+ mpPageHeader (NULL),
+ mpPageBody (NULL),
+ mnFontID (0),
+ mnFallbackID (0),
+ maLineColor (0, 0xff, 0),
+ maFillColor (0xff,0,0),
+ maTextColor (0,0,0),
+ mnTextHeight (12),
+ mnTextWidth (0),
+ mbTextVertical (false),
+ mbCurrentColorValid (sal_False),
+ mbCurrentLineWidthValid (sal_False),
+ mfLineWidth (1.0),
+ mrFontMgr (PrintFontManager::get()),
+ mbCompressBmp (sal_True)
+ mpPageHeader = NULL;
+ mpPageBody = NULL;
+ mnFontID = 0;
+ mnTextHeight = 12;
+ mnTextWidth = 0;
+ mbTextVertical = false;
+ maCurrentColor = PrinterColor();
+ maLineColor = PrinterColor();
+ maFillColor = PrinterColor();
+ maTextColor = PrinterColor();
+ mbCurrentColorValid = sal_False;
+ mbCurrentLineWidthValid = sal_False;
+ mfLineWidth = 1.0;
+ mbCompressBmp = sal_True;
+ mnDpiX = 300;
+ mnDpiY = 300;
+ mnDepth = 24;
+ mnPSLevel = 2;
+ mbColor = sal_True;
+ mnTextAngle = 0;
+ maCurrentFont = rtl::OString();
+ maPS1Font.clear();
+ maPS3Font.clear();
+ maClipRegion.clear();
+PrinterGfx::GetFontMgr ()
+ return mrFontMgr;
+ * clip region handling
+ */
+ maClipRegion.clear();
+ PSGRestore ();
+ PSGSave (); // get "clean" clippath
+PrinterGfx::BeginSetClipRegion( sal_uInt32 )
+ maClipRegion.clear();
+PrinterGfx::UnionClipRegion (sal_Int32 nX,sal_Int32 nY,sal_Int32 nDX,sal_Int32 nDY)
+ if( nDX && nDY )
+ maClipRegion.push_back (Rectangle(Point(nX,nY ), Size(nDX,nDY)));
+ return sal_True;
+PrinterGfx::JoinVerticalClipRectangles( std::list< Rectangle >::iterator& it,
+ Point& rOldPoint, sal_Int32& rColumn )
+ sal_Bool bSuccess = sal_False;
+ std::list< Rectangle >::iterator tempit, nextit;
+ nextit = it;
+ ++nextit;
+ std::list< Point > leftside, rightside;
+ Rectangle aLastRect( *it );
+ leftside.push_back( Point( it->Left(), it->Top() ) );
+ rightside.push_back( Point( it->Right()+1, it->Top() ) );
+ while( nextit != maClipRegion.end() )
+ {
+ tempit = nextit;
+ ++tempit;
+ if( nextit->Top() == aLastRect.Bottom()+1 )
+ {
+ if(
+ ( nextit->Left() >= aLastRect.Left() && nextit->Left() <= aLastRect.Right() ) // left endpoint touches last rectangle
+ ||
+ ( nextit->Right() >= aLastRect.Left() && nextit->Right() <= aLastRect.Right() ) // right endpoint touches last rectangle
+ ||
+ ( nextit->Left() <= aLastRect.Left() && nextit->Right() >= aLastRect.Right() ) // whole line touches last rectangle
+ )
+ {
+ if( aLastRect.GetHeight() > 1 ||
+ abs( aLastRect.Left() - nextit->Left() ) > 2 ||
+ abs( aLastRect.Right() - nextit->Right() ) > 2
+ )
+ {
+ leftside.push_back( Point( aLastRect.Left(), aLastRect.Bottom()+1 ) );
+ rightside.push_back( Point( aLastRect.Right()+1, aLastRect.Bottom()+1 ) );
+ }
+ aLastRect = *nextit;
+ leftside.push_back( aLastRect.TopLeft() );
+ rightside.push_back( aLastRect.TopRight() );
+ maClipRegion.erase( nextit );
+ }
+ }
+ nextit = tempit;
+ }
+ if( leftside.size() > 1 )
+ {
+ // push the last coordinates
+ leftside.push_back( Point( aLastRect.Left(), aLastRect.Bottom()+1 ) );
+ rightside.push_back( Point( aLastRect.Right()+1, aLastRect.Bottom()+1 ) );
+ // cool, we can concatenate rectangles
+ int nDX = -65536, nDY = 65536;
+ int nNewDX = 0, nNewDY = 0;
+ Point aLastPoint = leftside.front();
+ PSBinMoveTo (aLastPoint, rOldPoint, rColumn);
+ leftside.pop_front();
+ while( leftside.begin() != leftside.end() )
+ {
+ Point aPoint (leftside.front());
+ leftside.pop_front();
+ // may have been the last one
+ if( leftside.begin() != leftside.end() )
+ {
+ nNewDX = aPoint.X() - aLastPoint.X();
+ nNewDY = aPoint.Y() - aLastPoint.Y();
+ if( nNewDX == 0 && nDX == 0 )
+ continue;
+ if( nDX != 0 && nNewDX != 0 &&
+ (double)nNewDY/(double)nNewDX == (double)nDY/(double)nDX )
+ continue;
+ }
+ PSBinLineTo (aPoint, rOldPoint, rColumn);
+ aLastPoint = aPoint;
+ }
+ aLastPoint = rightside.back();
+ nDX = -65536;
+ nDY = 65536;
+ PSBinLineTo (aLastPoint, rOldPoint, rColumn);
+ rightside.pop_back();
+ while( rightside.begin() != rightside.end() )
+ {
+ Point aPoint (rightside.back());
+ rightside.pop_back();
+ if( rightside.begin() != rightside.end() )
+ {
+ nNewDX = aPoint.X() - aLastPoint.X();
+ nNewDY = aPoint.Y() - aLastPoint.Y();
+ if( nNewDX == 0 && nDX == 0 )
+ continue;
+ if( nDX != 0 && nNewDX != 0 &&
+ (double)nNewDY/(double)nNewDX == (double)nDY/(double)nDX )
+ continue;
+ }
+ PSBinLineTo (aPoint, rOldPoint, rColumn);
+ }
+ tempit = it;
+ ++tempit;
+ maClipRegion.erase( it );
+ it = tempit;
+ bSuccess = sal_True;
+ }
+ return bSuccess;
+ PSGRestore ();
+ PSGSave (); // get "clean" clippath
+ PSBinStartPath ();
+ Point aOldPoint (0, 0);
+ sal_Int32 nColumn = 0;
+ std::list< Rectangle >::iterator it = maClipRegion.begin();
+ while( it != maClipRegion.end() )
+ {
+ // try to concatenate adjacent rectangles
+ // first try in y direction, then in x direction
+ if( ! JoinVerticalClipRectangles( it, aOldPoint, nColumn ) )
+ {
+ // failed, so it is a single rectangle
+ PSBinMoveTo (it->TopLeft(), aOldPoint, nColumn );
+ PSBinLineTo (Point( it->Left(), it->Bottom()+1 ), aOldPoint, nColumn );
+ PSBinLineTo (Point( it->Right()+1, it->Bottom()+1 ), aOldPoint, nColumn );
+ PSBinLineTo (Point( it->Right()+1, it->Top() ), aOldPoint, nColumn );
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ PSBinEndPath ();
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "closepath clip newpath\n");
+ maClipRegion.clear();
+ * draw graphic primitives
+ */
+PrinterGfx::DrawRect (const Rectangle& rRectangle )
+ char pRect [128];
+ sal_Int32 nChar = 0;
+ nChar = psp::getValueOf (rRectangle.TopLeft().X(), pRect);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" ", pRect + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::getValueOf (rRectangle.TopLeft().Y(), pRect + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" ", pRect + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::getValueOf (rRectangle.GetWidth(), pRect + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" ", pRect + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::getValueOf (rRectangle.GetHeight(), pRect + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" ", pRect + nChar);
+ if( maFillColor.Is() )
+ {
+ PSSetColor (maFillColor);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pRect, nChar);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "rectfill\n");
+ }
+ if( maLineColor.Is() )
+ {
+ PSSetColor (maLineColor);
+ PSSetLineWidth ();
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pRect, nChar);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "rectstroke\n");
+ }
+PrinterGfx::DrawLine (const Point& rFrom, const Point& rTo)
+ if( maLineColor.Is() )
+ {
+ PSSetColor (maLineColor);
+ PSSetLineWidth ();
+ PSMoveTo (rFrom);
+ PSLineTo (rTo);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "stroke\n" );
+ }
+PrinterGfx::DrawPixel (const Point& rPoint, const PrinterColor& rPixelColor)
+ if( rPixelColor.Is() )
+ {
+ PSSetColor (rPixelColor);
+ PSMoveTo (rPoint);
+ PSLineTo (Point (rPoint.X ()+1, rPoint.Y ()));
+ PSLineTo (Point (rPoint.X ()+1, rPoint.Y ()+1));
+ PSLineTo (Point (rPoint.X (), rPoint.Y ()+1));
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "fill\n" );
+ }
+PrinterGfx::DrawPolyLine (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point* pPath)
+ if( maLineColor.Is() && nPoints && pPath )
+ {
+ PSSetColor (maLineColor);
+ PSSetLineWidth ();
+ PSBinCurrentPath (nPoints, pPath);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "stroke\n" );
+ }
+PrinterGfx::DrawPolygon (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point* pPath)
+ // premature end of operation
+ if (!(nPoints > 1) || (pPath == NULL) || !(maFillColor.Is() || maLineColor.Is()))
+ return;
+ // create the path
+ PSBinCurrentPath (nPoints, pPath);
+ // fill the polygon first, then draw the border, note that fill and
+ // stroke reset the currentpath
+ if (maLineColor.Is() && maFillColor.Is())
+ PSGSave ();
+ if (maFillColor.Is ())
+ {
+ PSSetColor (maFillColor);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "fill\n");
+ }
+ if (maLineColor.Is() && maFillColor.Is())
+ PSGRestore ();
+ if (maLineColor.Is ())
+ {
+ PSSetColor (maLineColor);
+ PSSetLineWidth ();
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "stroke\n");
+ }
+PrinterGfx::DrawPolyPolygon (sal_uInt32 nPoly, const sal_uInt32* pSizes, const Point** pPaths )
+ // could optimize for different line-color/fill-color that consecutively
+ // invalidate each other
+ for( int i = 0; i < nPoly; i++ )
+ DrawPolygon( pSizes[i], pPaths[i] );
+ * postscript generating routines
+ */
+PrinterGfx::PSGSave ()
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "gsave\n" );
+PrinterGfx::PSGRestore ()
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "grestore\n" );
+ mbCurrentColorValid = FALSE;
+ maCurrentFont = "";
+PrinterGfx::PSSetLineWidth ()
+ if( ! mbCurrentLineWidthValid )
+ {
+ char pBuffer[128];
+ sal_Int32 nChar = 0;
+ nChar = psp::getValueOfDouble (pBuffer, mfLineWidth, 5);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" setlinewidth\n", pBuffer + nChar);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pBuffer, nChar);
+ mbCurrentLineWidthValid = sal_True;
+ }
+PrinterGfx::PSSetColor (const PrinterColor& rColor)
+ if( ! ( mbCurrentColorValid && maCurrentColor == rColor ) )
+ {
+ char pBuffer[128];
+ sal_Int32 nChar = 0;
+ nChar = psp::getValueOfDouble (pBuffer,
+ (double)rColor.GetRed() / 255.0, 5);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" ", pBuffer + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::getValueOfDouble (pBuffer + nChar,
+ (double)rColor.GetGreen() / 255.0, 5);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" ", pBuffer + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::getValueOfDouble (pBuffer + nChar,
+ (double)rColor.GetBlue() / 255.0, 5);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" setrgbcolor\n", pBuffer + nChar );
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pBuffer, nChar);
+ maCurrentColor = rColor;
+ mbCurrentColorValid = sal_True;
+ }
+PrinterGfx::PSSetFont (rtl::OString& rName, rtl_TextEncoding nEncoding)
+ if (maCurrentFont == rName)
+ return;
+ maCurrentFont = rName;
+ sal_Char pSetFont [256];
+ sal_Int32 nChar = 0;
+ nChar = psp::appendStr ("/", pSetFont);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (rName.getStr(), pSetFont + nChar);
+ switch (nEncoding)
+ {
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" findfont1252 ", pSetFont + nChar);
+ break;
+ default:
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" findfont ", pSetFont + nChar);
+ break;
+ }
+ nChar += psp::getValueOf (mnTextWidth ? mnTextWidth : mnTextHeight,
+ pSetFont + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" ", pSetFont + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::getValueOf (-mnTextHeight, pSetFont + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" matrix scale makefont setfont\n",
+ pSetFont + nChar);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pSetFont);
+PrinterGfx::PSRotate (sal_Int32 nAngle)
+ sal_Int32 nPostScriptAngle = -nAngle;
+ while( nPostScriptAngle < 0 )
+ nPostScriptAngle += 3600;
+ if (nPostScriptAngle == 0)
+ return;
+ sal_Int32 nFullAngle = nPostScriptAngle / 10;
+ sal_Int32 nTenthAngle = nPostScriptAngle % 10;
+ sal_Char pRotate [48];
+ sal_Int32 nChar = 0;
+ nChar = psp::getValueOf (nFullAngle, pRotate);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (".", pRotate + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::getValueOf (nTenthAngle, pRotate + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" rotate\n", pRotate + nChar);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pRotate);
+PrinterGfx::PSPointOp (const Point& rPoint, const sal_Char* pOperator)
+ sal_Char pPSCommand [48];
+ sal_Int32 nChar = 0;
+ nChar = psp::getValueOf (rPoint.X(), pPSCommand);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" ", pPSCommand + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::getValueOf (rPoint.Y(), pPSCommand + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" ", pPSCommand + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (pOperator, pPSCommand + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr ("\n", pPSCommand + nChar);
+ DBG_ASSERT (nChar < 48, "Buffer overflow in PSPointOp");
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pPSCommand);
+PrinterGfx::PSTranslate (const Point& rPoint)
+ PSPointOp (rPoint, "translate");
+PrinterGfx::PSMoveTo (const Point& rPoint)
+ PSPointOp (rPoint, "moveto");
+PrinterGfx::PSLineTo (const Point& rPoint)
+ PSPointOp (rPoint, "lineto");
+PrinterGfx::PSRMoveTo (sal_Int32 nDx, sal_Int32 nDy)
+ Point aPoint(nDx, nDy);
+ PSPointOp (aPoint, "rmoveto");
+/* get a compressed representation of the path information */
+#define DEBUG_BINPATH 0
+PrinterGfx::PSBinLineTo (const Point& rCurrent, Point& rOld, sal_Int32& nColumn)
+#if (DEBUG_BINPATH == 1)
+ PSLineTo (rCurrent);
+ PSBinPath (rCurrent, rOld, lineto, nColumn);
+PrinterGfx::PSBinMoveTo (const Point& rCurrent, Point& rOld, sal_Int32& nColumn)
+#if (DEBUG_BINPATH == 1)
+ PSMoveTo (rCurrent);
+ PSBinPath (rCurrent, rOld, moveto, nColumn);
+PrinterGfx::PSBinStartPath ()
+#if (DEBUG_BINPATH == 1)
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "% PSBinStartPath\n");
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "readpath\n" );
+PrinterGfx::PSBinEndPath ()
+#if (DEBUG_BINPATH == 1)
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "% PSBinEndPath\n");
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "~\n");
+PrinterGfx::PSBinCurrentPath (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point* pPath)
+ // create the path
+ Point aPoint (0, 0);
+ sal_Int32 nColumn = 0;
+ PSBinStartPath ();
+ PSBinMoveTo (*pPath, aPoint, nColumn);
+ for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++)
+ PSBinLineTo (pPath[i], aPoint, nColumn);
+ PSBinEndPath ();
+PrinterGfx::PSBinPath (const Point& rCurrent, Point& rOld,
+ pspath_t eType, sal_Int32& nColumn)
+ sal_Char pPath[48];
+ sal_Int32 nChar;
+ // create the hex representation of the dx and dy path shift, store the field
+ // width as it is needed for the building the command
+ sal_Int32 nXPrec = getAlignedHexValueOf (rCurrent.X() - rOld.X(), pPath + 1);
+ sal_Int32 nYPrec = getAlignedHexValueOf (rCurrent.Y() - rOld.Y(), pPath + 1 + nXPrec);
+ pPath [ 1 + nXPrec + nYPrec ] = 0;
+ // build the command, it is a char with bit represention 000cxxyy
+ // c represents the char, xx and yy repr. the field width of the dx and dy shift,
+ // dx and dy represent the number of bytes to read after the opcode
+ sal_Char cCmd = (eType == lineto ? (sal_Char)0x00 : (sal_Char)0x10);
+ switch (nYPrec)
+ {
+ case 2: break;
+ case 4: cCmd |= 0x01; break;
+ case 6: cCmd |= 0x02; break;
+ case 8: cCmd |= 0x03; break;
+ default: DBG_ERROR ("invalid x precision in binary path");
+ }
+ switch (nXPrec)
+ {
+ case 2: break;
+ case 4: cCmd |= 0x04; break;
+ case 6: cCmd |= 0x08; break;
+ case 8: cCmd |= 0x0c; break;
+ default: DBG_ERROR ("invalid y precision in binary path");
+ }
+ cCmd += 'A';
+ pPath[0] = cCmd;
+ // write the command to file,
+ // line breaking at column nMaxTextColumn (80)
+ nChar = 1 + nXPrec + nYPrec;
+ if ((nColumn + nChar) > nMaxTextColumn)
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nSegment = nMaxTextColumn - nColumn;
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pPath, nSegment);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "\n", 1);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pPath + nSegment, nChar - nSegment);
+ nColumn = nChar - nSegment;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pPath, nChar);
+ nColumn += nChar;
+ }
+ rOld = rCurrent;
+PrinterGfx::PSScale (double fScaleX, double fScaleY)
+ sal_Char pScale [48];
+ sal_Int32 nChar = 0;
+ nChar = psp::getValueOfDouble (pScale, fScaleX, 5);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" ", pScale + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::getValueOfDouble (pScale + nChar, fScaleY, 5);
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" scale\n", pScale + nChar);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pScale);
+/* psshowtext helper routines: draw an hex string for show/xshow */
+PrinterGfx::PSHexString (const sal_uChar* pString, sal_Int16 nLen)
+ sal_Char pHexString [128];
+ sal_Int32 nChar = 0;
+ nChar = psp::appendStr ("<", pHexString);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nLen; i++)
+ {
+ if (nChar >= (nMaxTextColumn - 1))
+ {
+ nChar += psp::appendStr ("\n", pHexString + nChar);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pHexString, nChar);
+ nChar = 0;
+ }
+ nChar += psp::getHexValueOf ((sal_Int32)pString[i], pHexString + nChar);
+ }
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (">\n", pHexString + nChar);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pHexString, nChar);
+/* psshowtext helper routines: draw an array for xshow ps operator */
+PrinterGfx::PSDeltaArray (const sal_Int32 *pArray, sal_Int16 nEntries)
+ sal_Char pPSArray [128];
+ sal_Int32 nChar = 0;
+ nChar = psp::appendStr ("[", pPSArray + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::getValueOf (pArray[0], pPSArray + nChar);
+ for (int i = 1; i < nEntries; i++)
+ {
+ if (nChar >= (nMaxTextColumn - 1))
+ {
+ nChar += psp::appendStr ("\n", pPSArray + nChar);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pPSArray, nChar);
+ nChar = 0;
+ }
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" ", pPSArray + nChar);
+ nChar += psp::getValueOf (pArray[i] - pArray[i-1], pPSArray + nChar);
+ }
+ nChar += psp::appendStr (" 0]\n", pPSArray + nChar);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, pPSArray);
+/* the DrawText equivalent, pDeltaArray may be NULL. For Type1 fonts or single byte
+ * fonts in general nBytes and nGlyphs is the same. For printer resident Composite
+ * fonts it may be different (these fonts may be SJIS encoded for example) */
+PrinterGfx::PSShowText (const sal_uChar* pStr, sal_Int16 nGlyphs, sal_Int16 nBytes,
+ const sal_Int32* pDeltaArray)
+ PSSetColor (maTextColor);
+ // rotate the user coordinate system
+ if (mnTextAngle != 0)
+ {
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "gsave\n");
+ PSRotate (mnTextAngle);
+ }
+ // dispatch to the drawing method
+ if (pDeltaArray == NULL)
+ {
+ PSHexString (pStr, nBytes);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "show\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PSHexString (pStr, nBytes);
+ PSDeltaArray (pDeltaArray, nGlyphs - 1);
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "xshow\n");
+ }
+ // restore the user coordinate system
+ if (mnTextAngle != 0)
+ {
+ WritePS (mpPageBody, "grestore\n");
+ }
+PrinterGfx::DrawEPS( const Rectangle& rBoundingBox, void* pPtr, sal_uInt32 nSize )
+ sal_Bool bSuccess = sal_False;
+ // first search the BoundingBox of the EPS data
+ SvMemoryStream aStream( pPtr, nSize, STREAM_READ );
+ aStream.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN );
+ ByteString aLine;
+ double fLeft = 0, fRight = 0, fTop = 0, fBottom = 0;
+ while( ! aStream.IsEof() && fLeft == 0 && fRight == 0 && fTop == 0 && fBottom == 0 )
+ {
+ aStream.ReadLine( aLine );
+ if( aLine.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( "%%BoundingBox:", 14 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ aLine = WhitespaceToSpace( aLine.GetToken( 1, ':' ) );
+ if( aLine.Len() && aLine.Search( "atend" ) == STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ fLeft = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 0, aLine ) );
+ fBottom = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 1, aLine ) );
+ fRight = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 2, aLine ) );
+ fTop = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 3, aLine ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( fLeft != fRight && fTop != fBottom )
+ {
+ double fScaleX = (double)rBoundingBox.GetWidth()/(fRight-fLeft);
+ double fScaleY = -(double)rBoundingBox.GetHeight()/(fTop-fBottom);
+ Point aTranslatePoint( rBoundingBox.Left()-fLeft*fScaleX,
+ rBoundingBox.Bottom()+1-fBottom*fScaleY );
+ char buffer[128];
+ // prepare EPS
+ WritePS( mpPageBody,
+ "/b4_Inc_state save def\n"
+ "/dict_count countdictstack def\n"
+ "/op_count count 1 sub def\n"
+ "userdict begin\n"
+ "/showpage {} def\n"
+ "0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin\n"
+ "10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath\n"
+ "/languagelevel where\n"
+ "{pop languagelevel\n"
+ "1 ne\n"
+ " {false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint\n"
+ " } if\n"
+ "}if\n" );
+ // set up clip path and scale
+ BeginSetClipRegion( 1 );
+ UnionClipRegion( rBoundingBox.Left(), rBoundingBox.Top(), rBoundingBox.GetWidth(), rBoundingBox.GetHeight() );
+ EndSetClipRegion();
+ PSTranslate( aTranslatePoint );
+ PSScale( fScaleX, fScaleY );
+ // write the EPS data
+ sal_uInt64 nOutLength;
+ mpPageBody->write( pPtr, nSize, nOutLength );
+ bSuccess = nOutLength == nSize;
+ // clean up EPS
+ WritePS( mpPageBody,
+ "count op_count sub {pop} repeat\n"
+ "countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat\n"
+ "b4_Inc_state restore\n" );
+ }
+ return bSuccess;