path: root/oox/inc/oox/dump
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'oox/inc/oox/dump')
6 files changed, 3697 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/oox/inc/oox/dump/biffdumper.hxx b/oox/inc/oox/dump/biffdumper.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5b772d4a13f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oox/inc/oox/dump/biffdumper.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: biffdumper.hxx,v $
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "oox/dump/dumperbase.hxx"
+#include "oox/dump/dffdumper.hxx"
+#include "oox/dump/oledumper.hxx"
+#include "oox/xls/richstring.hxx"
+namespace oox { namespace xls {
+ class BiffInputStream;
+ class FontPortionModelList;
+ struct FunctionInfo;
+ class FunctionProvider;
+} }
+namespace oox {
+namespace dump {
+namespace biff {
+typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< ::oox::xls::BiffInputStream > BiffInputStreamRef;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class BiffDffStreamObject : public DffStreamObject
+ explicit BiffDffStreamObject(
+ const OutputObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm );
+ virtual void implDumpClientAnchor();
+// ============================================================================
+class BiffCtlsStreamObject : public InputObjectBase
+ explicit BiffCtlsStreamObject( const OutputObjectBase& rParent, const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm );
+ void dumpControl( sal_uInt32 nStartPos, sal_uInt32 nLength );
+ virtual void implDump();
+ sal_uInt32 mnStartPos;
+ sal_uInt32 mnLength;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class BiffConfig : public Config
+ explicit BiffConfig( const Config& rParent, ::oox::xls::BiffType eBiff );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ virtual NameListRef implGetNameList( const ::rtl::OUString& rKey ) const;
+ ::oox::xls::BiffType meBiff;
+// ============================================================================
+class BiffSharedData : public Base
+ explicit BiffSharedData( ::oox::xls::BiffType eBiff );
+ void initializePerSheet();
+ inline ::oox::xls::BiffType getBiff() const { return meBiff; }
+ inline rtl_TextEncoding getTextEncoding() const { return meTextEnc; }
+ void setTextEncoding( rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc );
+ sal_uInt16 getFontCount() const;
+ rtl_TextEncoding getFontEncoding( sal_uInt16 nFontId ) const;
+ void appendFontEncoding( rtl_TextEncoding eFontEnc );
+ sal_uInt16 getXfCount() const;
+ rtl_TextEncoding getXfEncoding( sal_uInt16 nXfId ) const;
+ void appendXfFontId( sal_uInt16 nFontId );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ typedef ::std::vector< rtl_TextEncoding > TextEncVec;
+ typedef ::std::vector< sal_uInt16 > FontIdVec;
+ TextEncVec maFontEncs;
+ FontIdVec maXfFontIds;
+ ::oox::xls::BiffType meBiff;
+ rtl_TextEncoding meTextEnc;
+// ============================================================================
+class BiffObjectBase : public RecordObjectBase
+ inline BiffSharedData& getBiffData() const { return *mxBiffData; }
+ inline ::oox::xls::BiffInputStream& getBiffStream() const { return *mxBiffStrm; }
+ inline ::oox::xls::BiffType getBiff() const { return mxBiffData->getBiff(); }
+ inline explicit BiffObjectBase() {}
+ virtual ~BiffObjectBase();
+ using InputObjectBase::construct;
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent, const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm, ::oox::xls::BiffType eBiff, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ void construct( const BiffObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ virtual bool implStartRecord( BinaryInputStream& rBaseStrm, sal_Int64& ornRecPos, sal_Int64& ornRecId, sal_Int64& ornRecSize );
+ inline sal_uInt16 getLastRecId() const { return mnLastRecId; }
+ ::rtl::OUString getErrorName( sal_uInt8 nErrCode ) const;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sal_Int32 readCol( bool bCol16Bit );
+ sal_Int32 readRow( bool bRow32Bit );
+ void readAddress( Address& orAddress, bool bCol16Bit = true, bool bRow32Bit = false );
+ void readRange( Range& orRange, bool bCol16Bit = true, bool bRow32Bit = false );
+ void readRangeList( RangeList& orRanges, bool bCol16Bit = true, bool bRow32Bit = false );
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void writeBooleanItem( const String& rName, sal_uInt8 nBool );
+ void writeErrorCodeItem( const String& rName, sal_uInt8 nErrCode );
+ void writeFontPortions( const ::oox::xls::FontPortionModelList& rPortions );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void writeRectItem( const String& rName,
+ Type nLeft, Type nTop, Type nWidth, Type nHeight,
+ const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST,
+ FormatType eFmtType = FORMATTYPE_DEC );
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpByteString(
+ const String& rName,
+ ::oox::xls::BiffStringFlags nFlags = ::oox::xls::BIFF_STR_DEFAULT,
+ rtl_TextEncoding eDefaultTextEnc = RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpUniString(
+ const String& rName,
+ ::oox::xls::BiffStringFlags nFlags = ::oox::xls::BIFF_STR_DEFAULT );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpString(
+ const String& rName,
+ ::oox::xls::BiffStringFlags nByteFlags = ::oox::xls::BIFF_STR_DEFAULT,
+ ::oox::xls::BiffStringFlags nUniFlags = ::oox::xls::BIFF_STR_DEFAULT,
+ rtl_TextEncoding eDefaultTextEnc = RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW );
+ sal_uInt8 dumpBoolean( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ sal_uInt8 dumpErrorCode( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ rtl_TextEncoding dumpCodePage( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ void dumpFormulaResult( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ sal_Int32 dumpColIndex( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING, bool bCol16Bit = true );
+ sal_Int32 dumpRowIndex( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING, bool bRow32Bit = false );
+ sal_Int32 dumpColRange( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING, bool bCol16Bit = true );
+ sal_Int32 dumpRowRange( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING, bool bRow32Bit = false );
+ Address dumpAddress( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING, bool bCol16Bit = true, bool bRow32Bit = false );
+ Range dumpRange( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING, bool bCol16Bit = true, bool bRow32Bit = false );
+ void dumpRangeList( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING, bool bCol16Bit = true, bool bRow32Bit = false );
+ void dumpConstArrayHeader( sal_uInt32& rnCols, sal_uInt32& rnRows );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpConstValue( sal_Unicode cStrQuote = OOX_DUMP_STRQUOTE );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void dumpRect( const String& rName,
+ const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST,
+ FormatType eFmtType = FORMATTYPE_DEC );
+ sal_uInt16 dumpRepeatedRecId();
+ void dumpFrHeader( bool bWithFlags, bool bWithRange );
+ void dumpDffClientRect();
+ void dumpEmbeddedDff();
+ void dumpOcxControl();
+ typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< BiffSharedData > BiffSharedDataRef;
+ typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< BiffDffStreamObject > BiffDffStreamObjRef;
+ typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< BiffCtlsStreamObject > BiffCtlsStrmObjRef;
+ BiffSharedDataRef mxBiffData;
+ BiffInputStreamRef mxBiffStrm;
+ BiffDffStreamObjRef mxDffObj;
+ BiffCtlsStrmObjRef mxCtlsObj;
+ NameListRef mxErrCodes;
+ NameListRef mxConstType;
+ NameListRef mxResultType;
+ sal_uInt16 mnLastRecId;
+ bool mbMergeContRec;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< typename Type >
+void BiffObjectBase::writeRectItem( const String& rName,
+ Type nLeft, Type nTop, Type nWidth, Type nHeight,
+ const NameListWrapper& rListWrp, FormatType eFmtType )
+ MultiItemsGuard aMultiGuard( out() );
+ writeEmptyItem( rName );
+ writeValueItem( "x-pos", nLeft, eFmtType, rListWrp );
+ writeValueItem( "y-pos", nTop, eFmtType, rListWrp );
+ writeValueItem( "x-size", nWidth, eFmtType, rListWrp );
+ writeValueItem( "y-size", nHeight, eFmtType, rListWrp );
+template< typename Type >
+void BiffObjectBase::dumpRect( const String& rName,
+ const NameListWrapper& rListWrp, FormatType eFmtType )
+ Type nLeft, nTop, nWidth, nHeight;
+ *mxBiffStrm >> nLeft >> nTop >> nWidth >> nHeight;
+ writeRectItem( rName, nLeft, nTop, nWidth, nHeight, rListWrp, eFmtType );
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class FormulaObject : public BiffObjectBase
+ explicit FormulaObject( const BiffObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual ~FormulaObject();
+ sal_uInt16 readFormulaSize();
+ sal_uInt16 dumpFormulaSize( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ void dumpCellFormula( const String& rName, sal_uInt16 nSize );
+ void dumpCellFormula( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ void dumpNameFormula( const String& rName, sal_uInt16 nSize );
+ void dumpNameFormula( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ virtual void implDump();
+ void constructFmlaObj();
+ void dumpFormula( const String& rName, sal_uInt16 nSize, bool bNameMode );
+ void dumpFormula( const String& rName, bool bNameMode );
+ TokenAddress createTokenAddress( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nRow, bool bRelC, bool bRelR, bool bNameMode ) const;
+ ::rtl::OUString createRef( const ::rtl::OUString& rData ) const;
+ ::rtl::OUString createName( sal_uInt16 nNameIdx ) const;
+ ::rtl::OUString createPlaceHolder( size_t nIdx ) const;
+ ::rtl::OUString createPlaceHolder() const;
+ sal_uInt16 readFuncId();
+ ::rtl::OUString writeFuncIdItem( sal_uInt16 nFuncId, const ::oox::xls::FunctionInfo** oppFuncInfo = 0 );
+ sal_uInt16 dumpTokenCol( const String& rName, bool& rbRelC, bool& rbRelR );
+ sal_uInt16 dumpTokenRow( const String& rName, bool& rbRelC, bool& rbRelR );
+ TokenAddress dumpTokenAddress( bool bNameMode );
+ TokenRange dumpTokenRange( bool bNameMode );
+ sal_Int16 readTokenRefIdx();
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpTokenRefIdx();
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpTokenRefTabIdxs();
+ void dumpIntToken();
+ void dumpDoubleToken();
+ void dumpStringToken();
+ void dumpBoolToken();
+ void dumpErrorToken();
+ void dumpMissArgToken();
+ void dumpArrayToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void dumpNameToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void dumpNameXToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void dumpRefToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bNameMode );
+ void dumpAreaToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bNameMode );
+ void dumpRefErrToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bArea );
+ void dumpRef3dToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bNameMode );
+ void dumpArea3dToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bNameMode );
+ void dumpRefErr3dToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bArea );
+ void dumpMemFuncToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void dumpMemAreaToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bAddData );
+ void dumpExpToken( const String& rName );
+ void dumpUnaryOpToken( const String& rLOp, const String& rROp );
+ void dumpBinaryOpToken( const String& rOp );
+ void dumpFuncToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void dumpFuncVarToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void dumpCmdToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void dumpSheetToken();
+ void dumpEndSheetToken();
+ bool dumpAttrToken();
+ bool dumpNlrToken();
+ void dumpNlrErrToken();
+ void dumpNlrColRowToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bAddData );
+ void dumpNlrRangeToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bAddData );
+ void dumpNlrRangeErrToken();
+ void dumpAddTokenData();
+ void dumpAddDataNlr( size_t nIdx );
+ void dumpAddDataArray( size_t nIdx );
+ void dumpAddDataMemArea( size_t nIdx );
+ typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< FormulaStack > FormulaStackRef;
+ typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< ::oox::xls::FunctionProvider > FuncProvRef;
+ typedef ::std::vector< AddDataType > AddDataTypeVec;
+ NameListRef mxTokens;
+ NameListRef mxClasses;
+ NameListRef mxRelFlags;
+ NameListRef mxNlrTypes;
+ NameListRef mxAttrTypes;
+ NameListRef mxSpTypes;
+ sal_Int32 mnColCount;
+ sal_Int32 mnRowCount;
+ FormulaStackRef mxStack;
+ FuncProvRef mxFuncProv;
+ AddDataTypeVec maAddData;
+ ::rtl::OUString maRefPrefix;
+ ::rtl::OUString maName;
+ sal_uInt16 mnSize;
+ bool mbNameMode;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class RecordStreamObject : public BiffObjectBase
+ inline explicit RecordStreamObject() {}
+ virtual ~RecordStreamObject();
+ using BiffObjectBase::construct;
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent, const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm, ::oox::xls::BiffType eBiff, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ inline FormulaObject& getFormulaDumper() const { return *mxFmlaObj; }
+ typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< FormulaObject > FormulaObjectRef;
+ FormulaObjectRef mxFmlaObj;
+// ============================================================================
+class WorkbookStreamObject : public RecordStreamObject
+ explicit WorkbookStreamObject( const ObjectBase& rParent, const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual ~WorkbookStreamObject();
+ virtual void implDumpRecordBody();
+ void initializePerSheet();
+ ::rtl::OUString createFontName( const ::rtl::OUString& rName, sal_uInt16 nHeight, bool bBold, bool bItalic ) const;
+ sal_uInt16 dumpPatternIdx( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING, bool b16Bit = true );
+ sal_uInt16 dumpColorIdx( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING, bool b16Bit = true );
+ sal_uInt16 dumpFontIdx( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING, bool b16Bit = true );
+ sal_uInt16 dumpFormatIdx( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ sal_uInt16 dumpXfIdx( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING, bool bBiff2Style = false );
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline Type dumpExtColorType() { return dumpDec< Type >( "color-type", "EXTCOLOR-TYPE" ); }
+ void dumpExtColorValue( sal_uInt32 nColorType );
+ void dumpExtColor( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ void dumpExtCfColor( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ void dumpExtGradientHead();
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpPivotString( const String& rName, sal_uInt16 nStrLen );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpPivotString( const String& rName );
+ sal_uInt16 dumpCellHeader( bool bBiff2Style = false );
+ void dumpBoolErr();
+ void dumpCfRuleProp();
+ void dumpXfExtProp();
+ void dumpDxfProp();
+ void dumpDxf12Prop();
+ void dumpCfRule12Param( sal_uInt16 nSubType );
+ void dumpFontRec();
+ void dumpFormatRec();
+ void dumpXfRec();
+ void dumpObjRec();
+ void dumpObjRecBiff3();
+ void dumpObjRecBiff4();
+ void dumpObjRecBiff5();
+ void dumpObjRecBiff8();
+ void dumpObjRecLineData();
+ void dumpObjRecFillData();
+ void dumpObjRecRectData();
+ void dumpObjRecTextDataBiff3( sal_uInt16& ornTextLen, sal_uInt16& ornFormatSize );
+ void dumpObjRecTextDataBiff5( sal_uInt16& ornTextLen, sal_uInt16& ornFormatSize, sal_uInt16& ornLinkSize );
+ void dumpObjRecSbsData();
+ void dumpObjRecGboData();
+ void dumpObjRecEdoData();
+ void dumpObjRecRboData();
+ void dumpObjRecCblsData();
+ void dumpObjRecLbsData();
+ void dumpObjRecPadding();
+ void dumpObjRecString( const String& rName, sal_uInt16 nTextLen, bool bRepeatLen );
+ void dumpObjRecTextFmt( sal_uInt16 nFormatSize );
+ void dumpObjRecFmlaRaw();
+ void dumpObjRecFmla( const String& rName, sal_uInt16 nFmlaSize );
+ void dumpObjRecPictFmla( sal_uInt16 nFmlaSize );
+ NameListRef mxColors;
+ NameListRef mxBorderStyles;
+ NameListRef mxFillPatterns;
+ NameListRef mxFontNames;
+ NameListRef mxFormats;
+ sal_uInt16 mnFormatIdx;
+ sal_uInt16 mnPTRowFields;
+ sal_uInt16 mnPTColFields;
+ sal_uInt16 mnPTRowColItemsIdx;
+ bool mbHasCodePage;
+ bool mbHasDff;
+// ============================================================================
+class PivotCacheStreamObject : public RecordStreamObject
+ explicit PivotCacheStreamObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ ::oox::xls::BiffType eBiff,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual void implDumpRecordBody();
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class RootStorageObject : public OleStorageObject
+ explicit RootStorageObject( const DumperBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpStream(
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual void implDumpStorage(
+ const StorageRef& rxStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysPath );
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class Dumper : public DumperBase
+ explicit Dumper( const ::oox::core::FilterBase& rFilter );
+ explicit Dumper(
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream >& rxInStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual void implDump();
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+} // namespace biff
+} // namespace dump
+} // namespace oox
diff --git a/oox/inc/oox/dump/dffdumper.hxx b/oox/inc/oox/dump/dffdumper.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f986df19fa23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oox/inc/oox/dump/dffdumper.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: dffdumper.hxx,v $
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "oox/dump/dumperbase.hxx"
+namespace oox {
+namespace dump {
+// ============================================================================
+class DffStreamObject : public SequenceRecordObjectBase
+ inline sal_uInt16 getVer() const { return mnInstVer & 0x000F; }
+ inline sal_uInt16 getInst() const { return (mnInstVer & 0xFFF0) >> 4; }
+ inline bool isContainer() const { return getVer() == 15; }
+ inline explicit DffStreamObject() {}
+ using SequenceRecordObjectBase::construct;
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent, const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ void construct( const OutputObjectBase& rParent, const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm );
+ virtual bool implReadRecordHeader( BinaryInputStream& rBaseStrm, sal_Int64& ornRecId, sal_Int64& ornRecSize );
+ virtual void implWriteExtHeader();
+ virtual void implDumpRecordBody();
+ virtual void implDumpClientAnchor();
+ void constructDffObj();
+ sal_uInt16 dumpDffOptPropHeader();
+ void dumpDffOptPropValue( sal_uInt16 nPropId, sal_uInt32 nValue );
+ sal_uInt16 mnInstVer;
+ sal_Int32 mnRealSize;
+// ============================================================================
+} // namespace dump
+} // namespace oox
diff --git a/oox/inc/oox/dump/dumperbase.hxx b/oox/inc/oox/dump/dumperbase.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..28cc42ab8604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oox/inc/oox/dump/dumperbase.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1962 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: dumperbase.hxx,v $
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stack>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
+#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/util/DateTime.hpp>
+#include <comphelper/mediadescriptor.hxx>
+#include "oox/helper/helper.hxx"
+#include "oox/helper/storagebase.hxx"
+#include "oox/helper/binaryinputstream.hxx"
+namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
+ namespace io { class XInputStream; }
+ namespace io { class XTextInputStream; }
+ namespace io { class XOutputStream; }
+ namespace io { class XTextOutputStream; }
+ namespace lang { class XMultiServiceFactory; }
+} } }
+namespace comphelper {
+ class IDocPasswordVerifier;
+namespace oox {
+ class BinaryOutputStream;
+namespace oox { namespace core {
+ class FilterBase;
+} }
+namespace oox {
+namespace dump {
+// ============================================================================
+#define OOX_DUMP_UNUSED "unused"
+#define OOX_DUMP_UNKNOWN "?unknown"
+#define OOX_DUMP_ERRASCII( ascii ) "?err:" ascii
+#define OOX_DUMP_ERR_STREAM OOX_DUMP_ERRSTRING( "stream-error" )
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_STRQUOTE = '\'';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_FMLASTRQUOTE = '"';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_ADDRABS = '$';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_R1C1ROW = 'R';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_R1C1COL = 'C';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_R1C1OPEN = '[';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_R1C1CLOSE = ']';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_RANGESEP = ':';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_BASECLASS = 'B';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_FUNCSEP = ',';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_LISTSEP = ',';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_TABSEP = '!';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_ARRAYSEP = ';';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_EMPTYVALUE = '~';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_CMDPROMPT = '?';
+const sal_Unicode OOX_DUMP_PLACEHOLDER = '\x01';
+typedef ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString > OUStringVector;
+typedef ::std::vector< sal_Int64 > Int64Vector;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+/** Static helper functions for system file and stream access. */
+class InputOutputHelper
+ // file names -------------------------------------------------------------
+ static ::rtl::OUString convertFileNameToUrl( const ::rtl::OUString& rFileName );
+ static sal_Int32 getFileNamePos( const ::rtl::OUString& rFileUrl );
+ static ::rtl::OUString getFileNameExtension( const ::rtl::OUString& rFileUrl );
+ // input streams ----------------------------------------------------------
+ static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream >
+ getXInputStream( BinaryInputStream& rStrm );
+ static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream >
+ openInputStream(
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rFileName );
+ static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XTextInputStream >
+ openTextInputStream(
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream >& rxInStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rEncoding );
+ static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XTextInputStream >
+ openTextInputStream(
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rFileName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rEncoding );
+ // output streams ---------------------------------------------------------
+ static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream >
+ openOutputStream(
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rFileName );
+ static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XTextOutputStream >
+ openTextOutputStream(
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream >& rxOutStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rEncoding );
+ static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XTextOutputStream >
+ openTextOutputStream(
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rFileName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rEncoding );
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+/** Specifiers for atomic data types. */
+enum DataType
+ DATATYPE_VOID, /// No data type.
+ DATATYPE_INT8, /// Signed 8-bit integer.
+ DATATYPE_UINT8, /// Unsigned 8-bit integer.
+ DATATYPE_INT16, /// Signed 16-bit integer.
+ DATATYPE_UINT16, /// Unsigned 16-bit integer.
+ DATATYPE_INT32, /// Signed 32-bit integer.
+ DATATYPE_UINT32, /// Unsigned 32-bit integer.
+ DATATYPE_INT64, /// Signed 64-bit integer.
+ DATATYPE_UINT64, /// Unsigned 64-bit integer.
+ DATATYPE_FLOAT, /// Floating-point, single precision.
+ DATATYPE_DOUBLE /// Floating-point, double precision.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** Specifiers for the output format of values. */
+enum FormatType
+ FORMATTYPE_NONE, /// No numeric format (e.g. show name only).
+ FORMATTYPE_DEC, /// Decimal.
+ FORMATTYPE_HEX, /// Hexadecimal.
+ FORMATTYPE_SHORTHEX, /// Hexadecimal, as short as possible (no leading zeros).
+ FORMATTYPE_BIN, /// Binary.
+ FORMATTYPE_FIX, /// Fixed-point.
+ FORMATTYPE_BOOL /// Boolean ('true' or 'false').
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** Describes the output format of a data item.
+ Data items are written in the following format:
+ NAME is the name of the data item. The name is contained in the member
+ maItemName. If the name is empty, only the value is written (without a
+ leading equality sign).
+ VALUE is the numeric value of the data item. Its format is dependent on the
+ output format given in the member meFmtType. If the format type is
+ FORMATTYPE_NONE, no value is written.
+ NAME-FROM-LIST is a symbolic name for the current value of the data item.
+ Various types of name lists produce different names for values, which can
+ be used for enumerations or names for single bits in bitfields (see class
+ NameListBase and derived classes). The name of the list is given in the
+ member maListName. If it is empty, no name is written for the value.
+ */
+struct ItemFormat
+ DataType meDataType; /// Data type of the item.
+ FormatType meFmtType; /// Output format for the value.
+ ::rtl::OUString maItemName; /// Name of the item.
+ ::rtl::OUString maListName; /// Name of a name list to be used for this item.
+ explicit ItemFormat();
+ void set( DataType eDataType, FormatType eFmtType, const ::rtl::OUString& rItemName );
+ void set( DataType eDataType, FormatType eFmtType, const ::rtl::OUString& rItemName, const ::rtl::OUString& rListName );
+ /** Initializes the struct from a vector of strings containing the item format.
+ The vector must contain at least 2 strings. The struct is filled from
+ the strings in the vector in the following order:
+ 1) Data type (one of: [u]int8, [u]int16, [u]int32, [u]int64, float, double).
+ 2) Format type (one of: dec, hex, shorthex, bin, fix, bool, unused, unknown).
+ 3) Item name (optional).
+ 4) Name list name (optional).
+ @return Iterator pointing to the first unhandled string.
+ */
+ OUStringVector::const_iterator parse( const OUStringVector& rFormatVec );
+ /** Initializes the struct from a string containing the item format.
+ The string must have the following format:
+ DATATYPE is the data type of the item (see above for possible values).
+ FORMATTYPE is the format type of the item (see above for possible values).
+ ITEMNAME is the name of the item (optional).
+ LISTNAME is the name of a name list (optional).
+ @return List containing remaining unhandled format strings.
+ */
+ OUStringVector parse( const ::rtl::OUString& rFormatStr );
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+struct Address
+ sal_Int32 mnCol;
+ sal_Int32 mnRow;
+ inline explicit Address() : mnCol( 0 ), mnRow( 0 ) {}
+ inline explicit Address( sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow ) : mnCol( nCol ), mnRow( nRow ) {}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+struct Range
+ Address maFirst;
+ Address maLast;
+ inline explicit Range() {}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+typedef ::std::vector< Range > RangeList;
+// ============================================================================
+struct TokenAddress : public Address
+ bool mbRelCol;
+ bool mbRelRow;
+ inline explicit TokenAddress() : mbRelCol( false ), mbRelRow( false ) {}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+struct TokenRange
+ TokenAddress maFirst;
+ TokenAddress maLast;
+ inline explicit TokenRange() {}
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+/** Static helper functions for formatted output to strings. */
+class StringHelper
+ // append string to string ------------------------------------------------
+ static void appendChar( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Unicode cChar, sal_Int32 nCount = 1 );
+ static void appendString( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, const ::rtl::OUString& rData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0, sal_Unicode cFill = ' ' );
+ // append decimal ---------------------------------------------------------
+ static void appendDec( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt8 nData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0, sal_Unicode cFill = ' ' );
+ static void appendDec( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int8 nData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0, sal_Unicode cFill = ' ' );
+ static void appendDec( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt16 nData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0, sal_Unicode cFill = ' ' );
+ static void appendDec( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int16 nData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0, sal_Unicode cFill = ' ' );
+ static void appendDec( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt32 nData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0, sal_Unicode cFill = ' ' );
+ static void appendDec( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int32 nData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0, sal_Unicode cFill = ' ' );
+ static void appendDec( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt64 nData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0, sal_Unicode cFill = ' ' );
+ static void appendDec( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int64 nData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0, sal_Unicode cFill = ' ' );
+ static void appendDec( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, double fData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0, sal_Unicode cFill = ' ' );
+ // append hexadecimal -----------------------------------------------------
+ static void appendHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt8 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int8 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt16 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int16 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt32 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int32 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt64 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int64 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, double fData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ // append shortened hexadecimal -------------------------------------------
+ static void appendShortHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt8 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendShortHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int8 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendShortHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt16 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendShortHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int16 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendShortHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt32 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendShortHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int32 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendShortHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt64 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendShortHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int64 nData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendShortHex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, double fData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ // append binary ----------------------------------------------------------
+ static void appendBin( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt8 nData, bool bDots = true );
+ static void appendBin( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int8 nData, bool bDots = true );
+ static void appendBin( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt16 nData, bool bDots = true );
+ static void appendBin( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int16 nData, bool bDots = true );
+ static void appendBin( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt32 nData, bool bDots = true );
+ static void appendBin( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int32 nData, bool bDots = true );
+ static void appendBin( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_uInt64 nData, bool bDots = true );
+ static void appendBin( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int64 nData, bool bDots = true );
+ static void appendBin( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, double fData, bool bDots = true );
+ // append fixed-point decimal ---------------------------------------------
+ template< typename Type >
+ static void appendFix( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, Type nData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0 );
+ // append formatted value -------------------------------------------------
+ static void appendBool( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, bool bData );
+ template< typename Type >
+ static void appendValue( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, Type nData, FormatType eFmtType );
+ // append columns, rows, addresses ----------------------------------------
+ static void appendAddrCol( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int32 nCol, bool bRel );
+ static void appendAddrRow( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int32 nRow, bool bRel );
+ static void appendAddrName( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Unicode cPrefix, sal_Int32 nColRow, bool bRel );
+ static void appendAddress( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, const Address& rPos );
+ static void appendRange( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, const Range& rRange );
+ static void appendRangeList( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, const RangeList& rRanges );
+ static void appendAddress( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, const TokenAddress& rPos, bool bR1C1 );
+ static void appendRange( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, const TokenRange& rRange, bool bR1C1 );
+ // encoded text output ----------------------------------------------------
+ static void appendCChar( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Unicode cChar, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendEncChar( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Unicode cChar, sal_Int32 nCount = 1, bool bPrefix = true );
+ static void appendEncString( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, const ::rtl::OUString& rData, bool bPrefix = true );
+ // token list -------------------------------------------------------------
+ static void appendToken( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, const ::rtl::OUString& rToken, sal_Unicode cSep = OOX_DUMP_LISTSEP );
+ static void appendToken( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int64 nToken, sal_Unicode cSep = OOX_DUMP_LISTSEP );
+ static void prependToken( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, const ::rtl::OUString& rToken, sal_Unicode cSep = OOX_DUMP_LISTSEP );
+ static void prependToken( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int64 nToken, sal_Unicode cSep = OOX_DUMP_LISTSEP );
+ static void appendIndex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, const ::rtl::OUString& rIdx );
+ static void appendIndex( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Int64 nIdx );
+ static void appendIndexedText( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, const ::rtl::OUString& rData, const ::rtl::OUString& rIdx );
+ static void appendIndexedText( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, const ::rtl::OUString& rData, sal_Int64 nIdx );
+ static ::rtl::OUString getToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rData, sal_Int32& rnPos, sal_Unicode cSep = OOX_DUMP_LISTSEP );
+ /** Encloses the passed string with the passed characters. Uses cOpen, if cClose is NUL. */
+ static void enclose( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, sal_Unicode cOpen, sal_Unicode cClose = '\0' );
+ // string conversion ------------------------------------------------------
+ static ::rtl::OUString trimSpaces( const ::rtl::OUString& rStr );
+ static ::rtl::OString convertToUtf8( const ::rtl::OUString& rStr );
+ static DataType convertToDataType( const ::rtl::OUString& rStr );
+ static FormatType convertToFormatType( const ::rtl::OUString& rStr );
+ static bool convertFromDec( sal_Int64& ornData, const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ static bool convertFromHex( sal_Int64& ornData, const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ static bool convertStringToInt( sal_Int64& ornData, const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ static bool convertStringToDouble( double& orfData, const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ static bool convertStringToBool( const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ // string to list conversion ----------------------------------------------
+ static void convertStringToStringList( OUStringVector& orVec, const ::rtl::OUString& rData, bool bIgnoreEmpty );
+ static void convertStringToIntList( Int64Vector& orVec, const ::rtl::OUString& rData, bool bIgnoreEmpty );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< typename Type >
+void StringHelper::appendFix( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, Type nData, sal_Int32 nWidth )
+ appendDec( rStr, static_cast< double >( nData ) / pow( 2.0, 4.0 * sizeof( Type ) ), nWidth );
+template< typename Type >
+void StringHelper::appendValue( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rStr, Type nData, FormatType eFmtType )
+ switch( eFmtType )
+ {
+ case FORMATTYPE_DEC: appendDec( rStr, nData ); break;
+ case FORMATTYPE_HEX: appendHex( rStr, nData ); break;
+ case FORMATTYPE_SHORTHEX: appendShortHex( rStr, nData ); break;
+ case FORMATTYPE_BIN: appendBin( rStr, nData ); break;
+ case FORMATTYPE_FIX: appendFix( rStr, nData ); break;
+ case FORMATTYPE_BOOL: appendBool( rStr, nData ); break;
+ default:;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+class String : public ::rtl::OUString
+ inline String() {}
+ inline /*implicit*/ String( const ::rtl::OUString& rStr ) : ::rtl::OUString( rStr ) {}
+ inline /*implicit*/ String( const sal_Char* pcStr ) : ::rtl::OUString( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( pcStr ? pcStr : "" ) ) {}
+ inline /*implicit*/ String( sal_Unicode cChar ) : ::rtl::OUString( cChar ) {}
+ inline bool has() const { return getLength() > 0; }
+ inline ::rtl::OUString operator()( const sal_Char* pcDefault ) const { if( has() ) return *this; return String( pcDefault ); }
+static const String EMPTY_STRING;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+/** Stack to create a human readable formula string from a UPN token array. */
+class FormulaStack
+ explicit FormulaStack();
+ inline const ::rtl::OUString& getFormulaString() const { return getString( maFmlaStack ); }
+ inline const ::rtl::OUString& getClassesString() const { return getString( maClassStack ); }
+ void pushOperand( const String& rOp, const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void pushOperand( const String& rOp );
+ void pushUnaryOp( const String& rLOp, const String& rROp );
+ void pushBinaryOp( const String& rOp );
+ void pushFuncOp( const String& rFunc, const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, sal_uInt8 nParamCount );
+ inline void setError() { mbError = true; }
+ void replaceOnTop( const ::rtl::OUString& rOld, const ::rtl::OUString& rNew );
+ typedef ::std::stack< ::rtl::OUString > StringStack;
+ inline bool check( bool bCond ) { return (mbError |= !bCond) == false; }
+ const ::rtl::OUString& getString( const StringStack& rStack ) const;
+ void pushUnaryOp( StringStack& rStack, const ::rtl::OUString& rLOp, const ::rtl::OUString& rROp );
+ void pushBinaryOp( StringStack& rStack, const ::rtl::OUString& rOp );
+ void pushFuncOp( StringStack& rStack, const ::rtl::OUString& rOp, sal_uInt8 nParamCount );
+ StringStack maFmlaStack;
+ StringStack maClassStack;
+ bool mbError;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class Base;
+typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< Base > BaseRef;
+/** Base class for all dumper classes.
+ Derived classes implement the virtual function implIsValid(). It should
+ check all members the other functions rely on. If the function
+ implIsValid() returns true, all references and pointers can be used without
+ further checking.
+ Overview of all classes in this header file based on this Base class:
+ Base
+ |
+ +----> NameListBase
+ | |
+ | +----> ConstList ------> MultiList
+ | |
+ | +----> FlagsList ------> CombiList
+ | |
+ | +----> UnitConverter
+ |
+ +----> SharedConfigData
+ |
+ +----> Config
+ |
+ +----> Output
+ |
+ +----> StorageIterator
+ |
+ +----> ObjectBase
+ |
+ +----> StorageObjectBase
+ |
+ +----> OutputObjectBase
+ | |
+ | +----> InputObjectBase
+ | |
+ | +----> BinaryStreamObject
+ | |
+ | +----> TextStreamObject
+ | | |
+ | | +----> XmlStreamObject
+ | |
+ | +----> RecordObjectBase
+ | |
+ | +----> SequenceRecordObjectBase
+ |
+ +----> DumperBase
+ */
+class Base
+ virtual ~Base();
+ inline bool isValid() const { return implIsValid(); }
+ inline static bool isValid( const BaseRef& rxBase ) { return rxBase.get() && rxBase->isValid(); }
+ inline explicit Base() {}
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const = 0;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XTextInputStream > ConfigInputStreamRef;
+class ConfigItemBase
+ virtual ~ConfigItemBase();
+ void readConfigBlock( const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm );
+ inline explicit ConfigItemBase() {}
+ virtual void implProcessConfigItemStr(
+ const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rKey,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ virtual void implProcessConfigItemInt(
+ const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ sal_Int64 nKey,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ void readConfigBlockContents(
+ const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm );
+ LineType readConfigLine(
+ const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ ::rtl::OUString& orKey,
+ ::rtl::OUString& orData ) const;
+ LineType readConfigLine(
+ const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm ) const;
+ void processConfigItem(
+ const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rKey,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+// ============================================================================
+class SharedConfigData;
+class Config;
+class NameListBase;
+typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< NameListBase > NameListRef;
+/** Base class of all classes providing names for specific values (name lists).
+ The idea is to provide a unique interfase for all different methods to
+ write specific names for any values. This can be enumerations (dedicated
+ names for a subset of values), or names for bits in bit fields. Classes
+ derived from this base class implement the specific behaviour for the
+ desired purpose.
+ */
+class NameListBase : public Base, public ConfigItemBase
+ typedef ::std::map< sal_Int64, ::rtl::OUString > OUStringMap;
+ typedef OUStringMap::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ virtual ~NameListBase();
+ /** Sets a name for the specified key. */
+ void setName( sal_Int64 nKey, const String& rName );
+ /** Include all names of the passed list. */
+ void includeList( const NameListRef& rxList );
+ /** Returns true, if the map contains an entry for the passed key. */
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline bool hasName( Type nKey ) const
+ { return maMap.count( static_cast< sal_Int64 >( nKey ) ) != 0; }
+ /** Returns the name for the passed key. */
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline ::rtl::OUString getName( const Config& rCfg, Type nKey ) const
+ { return implGetName( rCfg, static_cast< sal_Int64 >( nKey ) ); }
+ /** Returns a display name for the passed double value. */
+ inline ::rtl::OUString getName( const Config& rCfg, double fValue ) const
+ { return implGetNameDbl( rCfg, fValue ); }
+ /** Returns a map iterator pointing to the first contained name. */
+ inline const_iterator begin() const { return maMap.begin(); }
+ /** Returns a map iterator pointing one past the last contained name. */
+ inline const_iterator end() const { return maMap.end(); }
+ inline explicit NameListBase( const SharedConfigData& rCfgData ) : mrCfgData( rCfgData ) {}
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ virtual void implProcessConfigItemStr(
+ const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rKey,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ virtual void implProcessConfigItemInt(
+ const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ sal_Int64 nKey,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ /** Derived classes set the name for the passed key. */
+ virtual void implSetName( sal_Int64 nKey, const ::rtl::OUString& rName ) = 0;
+ /** Derived classes generate and return the name for the passed key. */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString implGetName( const Config& rCfg, sal_Int64 nKey ) const = 0;
+ /** Derived classes generate and return the name for the passed double value. */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString implGetNameDbl( const Config& rCfg, double fValue ) const = 0;
+ /** Derived classes insert all names and other settings from the passed list. */
+ virtual void implIncludeList( const NameListBase& rList ) = 0;
+ /** Inserts the passed name into the internal map. */
+ void insertRawName( sal_Int64 nKey, const ::rtl::OUString& rName );
+ /** Returns the name for the passed key, or 0, if nothing found. */
+ const ::rtl::OUString* findRawName( sal_Int64 nKey ) const;
+ /** Includes name lists, given in a comma separated list of names of the lists. */
+ void include( const ::rtl::OUString& rListKeys );
+ /** Excludes names from the list, given in a comma separated list of their keys. */
+ void exclude( const ::rtl::OUString& rKeys );
+ OUStringMap maMap;
+ const SharedConfigData& mrCfgData;
+// ============================================================================
+class ConstList : public NameListBase
+ explicit ConstList( const SharedConfigData& rCfgData );
+ /** Sets a default name for unknown keys. */
+ inline void setDefaultName( const String& rDefName ) { maDefName = rDefName; }
+ /** Enables or disables automatic quotation of returned names. */
+ inline void setQuoteNames( bool bQuoteNames ) { mbQuoteNames = bQuoteNames; }
+ virtual void implProcessConfigItemStr(
+ const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rKey,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ /** Sets the name for the passed key. */
+ virtual void implSetName( sal_Int64 nKey, const ::rtl::OUString& rName );
+ /** Returns the name for the passed key, or the default name, if key is not contained. */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString implGetName( const Config& rCfg, sal_Int64 nKey ) const;
+ /** Returns the name for the passed double value. */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString implGetNameDbl( const Config& rCfg, double fValue ) const;
+ /** Inserts all names from the passed list. */
+ virtual void implIncludeList( const NameListBase& rList );
+ ::rtl::OUString maDefName;
+ bool mbQuoteNames;
+// ============================================================================
+class MultiList : public ConstList
+ explicit MultiList( const SharedConfigData& rCfgData );
+ void setNamesFromVec( sal_Int64 nStartKey, const OUStringVector& rNames );
+ virtual void implProcessConfigItemStr(
+ const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rKey,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ virtual void implSetName( sal_Int64 nKey, const ::rtl::OUString& rName );
+ void insertNames( sal_Int64 nStartKey, const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ bool mbIgnoreEmpty;
+// ============================================================================
+class FlagsList : public NameListBase
+ explicit FlagsList( const SharedConfigData& rCfgData );
+ /** Sets flags to be ignored on output. */
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline void setIgnoreFlags( Type nIgnore )
+ { mnIgnore = static_cast< sal_Int64 >( nIgnore ); }
+ virtual void implProcessConfigItemStr(
+ const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rKey,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ /** Sets the name for the passed key. */
+ virtual void implSetName( sal_Int64 nKey, const ::rtl::OUString& rName );
+ /** Returns the name for the passed key. */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString implGetName( const Config& rCfg, sal_Int64 nKey ) const;
+ /** Returns the name for the passed double value. */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString implGetNameDbl( const Config& rCfg, double fValue ) const;
+ /** Inserts all flags from the passed list. */
+ virtual void implIncludeList( const NameListBase& rList );
+ sal_Int64 mnIgnore;
+// ============================================================================
+class CombiList : public FlagsList
+ explicit CombiList( const SharedConfigData& rCfgData );
+ /** Sets the name for the passed key. */
+ virtual void implSetName( sal_Int64 nKey, const ::rtl::OUString& rName );
+ /** Returns the name for the passed key. */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString implGetName( const Config& rCfg, sal_Int64 nKey ) const;
+ /** Inserts all flags from the passed list. */
+ virtual void implIncludeList( const NameListBase& rList );
+ struct ExtItemFormat : public ItemFormat
+ {
+ bool mbShiftValue;
+ inline explicit ExtItemFormat() : mbShiftValue( true ) {}
+ };
+ typedef ::std::map< sal_Int64, ExtItemFormat > ExtItemFormatMap;
+ ExtItemFormatMap maFmtMap;
+// ============================================================================
+class UnitConverter : public NameListBase
+ explicit UnitConverter( const SharedConfigData& rCfgData );
+ inline void setUnitName( const String& rUnitName ) { maUnitName = rUnitName; }
+ inline void setFactor( double fFactor ) { mfFactor = fFactor; }
+ /** Sets the name for the passed key. */
+ virtual void implSetName( sal_Int64 nKey, const ::rtl::OUString& rName );
+ /** Returns the converted value with appended unit name. */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString implGetName( const Config& rCfg, sal_Int64 nKey ) const;
+ /** Returns the converted value with appended unit name. */
+ virtual ::rtl::OUString implGetNameDbl( const Config& rCfg, double fValue ) const;
+ /** Empty implementation. */
+ virtual void implIncludeList( const NameListBase& rList );
+ ::rtl::OUString maUnitName;
+ double mfFactor;
+// ============================================================================
+class NameListWrapper
+ inline NameListWrapper() {}
+ inline /*implicit*/ NameListWrapper( const ::rtl::OUString& rListName ) : maName( rListName ) {}
+ inline /*implicit*/ NameListWrapper( const sal_Char* pcListName ) : maName( pcListName ) {}
+ inline /*implicit*/ NameListWrapper( const NameListRef& rxList ) : mxList( rxList ) {}
+ inline bool isEmpty() const { return !mxList && !maName.has(); }
+ NameListRef getNameList( const Config& rCfg ) const;
+ String maName;
+ mutable NameListRef mxList;
+static const NameListWrapper NO_LIST;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class SharedConfigData : public Base, public ConfigItemBase
+ explicit SharedConfigData(
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rFileName,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const StorageRef& rxRootStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName,
+ ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rMediaDesc );
+ virtual ~SharedConfigData();
+ inline const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& getFactory() const { return mxFactory; }
+ inline const StorageRef& getRootStorage() const { return mxRootStrg; }
+ inline const ::rtl::OUString& getSysFileName() const { return maSysFileName; }
+ void setOption( const ::rtl::OUString& rKey, const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ const ::rtl::OUString* getOption( const ::rtl::OUString& rKey ) const;
+ template< typename ListType >
+ ::boost::shared_ptr< ListType > createNameList( const ::rtl::OUString& rListName );
+ void setNameList( const ::rtl::OUString& rListName, const NameListRef& rxList );
+ void eraseNameList( const ::rtl::OUString& rListName );
+ NameListRef getNameList( const ::rtl::OUString& rListName ) const;
+ ::rtl::OUString requestPassword( ::comphelper::IDocPasswordVerifier& rVerifier );
+ inline bool isPasswordCancelled() const { return mbPwCancelled; }
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ virtual void implProcessConfigItemStr(
+ const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rKey,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ bool readConfigFile( const ::rtl::OUString& rFileUrl );
+ template< typename ListType >
+ void readNameList( const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm, const ::rtl::OUString& rListName );
+ void createShortList( const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ void createUnitConverter( const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ typedef ::std::set< ::rtl::OUString > ConfigFileSet;
+ typedef ::std::map< ::rtl::OUString, ::rtl::OUString > ConfigDataMap;
+ typedef ::std::map< ::rtl::OUString, NameListRef > NameListMap;
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > mxFactory;
+ StorageRef mxRootStrg;
+ ::rtl::OUString maSysFileName;
+ ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& mrMediaDesc;
+ ConfigFileSet maConfigFiles;
+ ConfigDataMap maConfigData;
+ NameListMap maNameLists;
+ ::rtl::OUString maConfigPath;
+ bool mbLoaded;
+ bool mbPwCancelled;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< typename ListType >
+::boost::shared_ptr< ListType > SharedConfigData::createNameList( const ::rtl::OUString& rListName )
+ ::boost::shared_ptr< ListType > xList;
+ if( rListName.getLength() > 0 )
+ {
+ xList.reset( new ListType( *this ) );
+ setNameList( rListName, xList );
+ }
+ return xList;
+template< typename ListType >
+void SharedConfigData::readNameList( const ConfigInputStreamRef& rxStrm, const ::rtl::OUString& rListName )
+ NameListRef xList = createNameList< ListType >( rListName );
+ if( xList.get() )
+ xList->readConfigBlock( rxStrm );
+// ============================================================================
+class Config : public Base
+ explicit Config( const Config& rParent );
+ explicit Config(
+ const sal_Char* pcEnvVar,
+ const ::oox::core::FilterBase& rFilter );
+ explicit Config(
+ const sal_Char* pcEnvVar,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const StorageRef& rxRootStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName,
+ ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rMediaDesc );
+ virtual ~Config();
+ inline const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& getFactory() const { return mxCfgData->getFactory(); }
+ inline const StorageRef& getRootStorage() const { return mxCfgData->getRootStorage(); }
+ inline const ::rtl::OUString& getSysFileName() const { return mxCfgData->getSysFileName(); }
+ void setStringOption( const String& rKey, const String& rData );
+ const ::rtl::OUString& getStringOption( const String& rKey, const ::rtl::OUString& rDefault ) const;
+ bool getBoolOption( const String& rKey, bool bDefault ) const;
+ template< typename Type >
+ Type getIntOption( const String& rKey, Type nDefault ) const;
+ bool isDumperEnabled() const;
+ bool isImportEnabled() const;
+ template< typename ListType >
+ ::boost::shared_ptr< ListType > createNameList( const String& rListName );
+ void setNameList( const String& rListName, const NameListRef& rxList );
+ void eraseNameList( const String& rListName );
+ NameListRef getNameList( const String& rListName ) const;
+ /** Returns the name for the passed key from the passed name list. */
+ template< typename Type >
+ ::rtl::OUString getName( const NameListWrapper& rListWrp, Type nKey ) const;
+ /** Returns true, if the passed name list contains an entry for the passed key. */
+ template< typename Type >
+ bool hasName( const NameListWrapper& rListWrp, Type nKey ) const;
+ ::rtl::OUString requestPassword( ::comphelper::IDocPasswordVerifier& rVerifier );
+ bool isPasswordCancelled() const;
+ inline explicit Config() {}
+ void construct( const Config& rParent );
+ void construct(
+ const sal_Char* pcEnvVar,
+ const ::oox::core::FilterBase& rFilter );
+ void construct(
+ const sal_Char* pcEnvVar,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const StorageRef& rxRootStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName,
+ ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rMediaDesc );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ virtual const ::rtl::OUString* implGetOption( const ::rtl::OUString& rKey ) const;
+ virtual NameListRef implGetNameList( const ::rtl::OUString& rListName ) const;
+ typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< SharedConfigData > SharedConfigDataRef;
+ SharedConfigDataRef mxCfgData;
+typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< Config > ConfigRef;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< typename Type >
+Type Config::getIntOption( const String& rKey, Type nDefault ) const
+ sal_Int64 nRawData;
+ const ::rtl::OUString* pData = implGetOption( rKey );
+ return (pData && StringHelper::convertStringToInt( nRawData, *pData )) ?
+ static_cast< Type >( nRawData ) : nDefault;
+template< typename ListType >
+::boost::shared_ptr< ListType > Config::createNameList( const String& rListName )
+ return mxCfgData->createNameList< ListType >( rListName );
+template< typename Type >
+::rtl::OUString Config::getName( const NameListWrapper& rListWrp, Type nKey ) const
+ NameListRef xList = rListWrp.getNameList( *this );
+ return xList.get() ? xList->getName( *this, nKey ) : OOX_DUMP_ERR_NOMAP;
+template< typename Type >
+bool Config::hasName( const NameListWrapper& rListWrp, Type nKey ) const
+ NameListRef xList = rListWrp.getNameList( *this );
+ return xList.get() && xList->hasName( nKey );
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class Output : public Base
+ explicit Output(
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XTextOutputStream >& rxStrm );
+ explicit Output(
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rFileName );
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void newLine();
+ void emptyLine( size_t nCount = 1 );
+ inline ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& getLine() { return maLine; }
+ void incIndent();
+ void decIndent();
+ void resetIndent();
+ void startTable( sal_Int32 nW1 );
+ void startTable( sal_Int32 nW1, sal_Int32 nW2 );
+ void startTable( sal_Int32 nW1, sal_Int32 nW2, sal_Int32 nW3 );
+ void startTable( sal_Int32 nW1, sal_Int32 nW2, sal_Int32 nW3, sal_Int32 nW4 );
+ void startTable( size_t nColCount, const sal_Int32* pnColWidths );
+ void tab();
+ void tab( size_t nCol );
+ void endTable();
+ void resetItemIndex( sal_Int64 nIdx = 0 );
+ void startItem( const String& rItemName );
+ void contItem();
+ void endItem();
+ inline const ::rtl::OUString& getLastItemValue() const { return maLastItem; }
+ void startMultiItems();
+ void endMultiItems();
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void writeChar( sal_Unicode cChar, sal_Int32 nCount = 1 );
+ void writeAscii( const sal_Char* pcStr );
+ void writeString( const ::rtl::OUString& rStr );
+ void writeArray( const sal_uInt8* pnData, sal_Size nSize, sal_Unicode cSep = OOX_DUMP_LISTSEP );
+ void writeBool( bool bData );
+ void writeColorABGR( sal_Int32 nColor );
+ void writeDateTime( const ::com::sun::star::util::DateTime& rDateTime );
+ void writeColIndex( sal_Int32 nCol );
+ void writeRowIndex( sal_Int32 nRow );
+ void writeColRowRange( sal_Int32 nColRow1, sal_Int32 nColRow2 );
+ void writeColRange( sal_Int32 nCol1, sal_Int32 nCol2 );
+ void writeRowRange( sal_Int32 nRow1, sal_Int32 nRow2 );
+ void writeAddress( const Address& rPos );
+ void writeRange( const Range& rRange );
+ void writeRangeList( const RangeList& rRanges );
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline void writeDec( Type nData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0, sal_Unicode cFill = ' ' )
+ { StringHelper::appendDec( maLine, nData, nWidth, cFill ); }
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline void writeHex( Type nData, bool bPrefix = true )
+ { StringHelper::appendHex( maLine, nData, bPrefix ); }
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline void writeShortHex( Type nData, bool bPrefix = true )
+ { StringHelper::appendShortHex( maLine, nData, bPrefix ); }
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline void writeBin( Type nData, bool bDots = true )
+ { StringHelper::appendBin( maLine, nData, bDots ); }
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline void writeFix( Type nData, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0 )
+ { StringHelper::appendFix( maLine, nData, nWidth ); }
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline void writeValue( Type nData, FormatType eFmtType )
+ { StringHelper::appendValue( maLine, nData, eFmtType ); }
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline void writeName( const Config& rCfg, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ { writeString( rCfg.getName( rListWrp, nData ) ); }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void construct( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XTextOutputStream >& rxStrm );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ void writeItemName( const String& rItemName );
+ typedef ::std::vector< sal_Int32 > StringLenVec;
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XTextOutputStream > mxStrm;
+ ::rtl::OUString maIndent;
+ ::rtl::OUStringBuffer maLine;
+ ::rtl::OUString maLastItem;
+ StringLenVec maColPos;
+ size_t mnCol;
+ size_t mnItemLevel;
+ size_t mnMultiLevel;
+ sal_Int64 mnItemIdx;
+ sal_Int32 mnLastItem;
+typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< Output > OutputRef;
+// ============================================================================
+class IndentGuard
+ inline explicit IndentGuard( Output& rOut ) : mrOut( rOut ) { mrOut.incIndent(); }
+ inline ~IndentGuard() { mrOut.decIndent(); }
+ IndentGuard( const IndentGuard& );
+ IndentGuard& operator=( const IndentGuard& );
+ Output& mrOut;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TableGuard
+ inline explicit TableGuard( Output& rOut, sal_Int32 nW1 ) :
+ mrOut( rOut ) { mrOut.startTable( nW1 ); }
+ inline explicit TableGuard( Output& rOut, sal_Int32 nW1, sal_Int32 nW2 ) :
+ mrOut( rOut ) { mrOut.startTable( nW1, nW2 ); }
+ inline explicit TableGuard( Output& rOut, sal_Int32 nW1, sal_Int32 nW2, sal_Int32 nW3 ) :
+ mrOut( rOut ) { mrOut.startTable( nW1, nW2, nW3 ); }
+ inline explicit TableGuard( Output& rOut, sal_Int32 nW1, sal_Int32 nW2, sal_Int32 nW3, sal_Int32 nW4 ) :
+ mrOut( rOut ) { mrOut.startTable( nW1, nW2, nW3, nW4 ); }
+ inline explicit TableGuard( Output& rOut, size_t nColCount,
+ const sal_Int32* pnColWidths ) :
+ mrOut( rOut ) { mrOut.startTable( nColCount, pnColWidths ); }
+ inline ~TableGuard() { mrOut.endTable(); }
+ inline void tab() {; }
+ inline void tab( size_t nCol ) { nCol ); }
+ TableGuard( const TableGuard& );
+ TableGuard& operator=( const TableGuard& );
+ Output& mrOut;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ItemGuard
+ inline explicit ItemGuard( Output& rOut, const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING ) :
+ mrOut( rOut ) { mrOut.startItem( rName ); }
+ inline ~ItemGuard() { mrOut.endItem(); }
+ inline void cont() { mrOut.contItem(); }
+ ItemGuard( const ItemGuard& );
+ ItemGuard& operator=( const ItemGuard& );
+ Output& mrOut;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class MultiItemsGuard
+ inline explicit MultiItemsGuard( Output& rOut ) : mrOut( rOut ) { mrOut.startMultiItems(); }
+ inline ~MultiItemsGuard() { mrOut.endMultiItems(); }
+ MultiItemsGuard( const MultiItemsGuard& );
+ MultiItemsGuard& operator=( const MultiItemsGuard& );
+ Output& mrOut;
+// ============================================================================
+class StorageIterator : public Base
+ explicit StorageIterator( const StorageRef& rxStrg );
+ virtual ~StorageIterator();
+ size_t getElementCount() const;
+ StorageIterator& operator++();
+ ::rtl::OUString getName() const;
+ bool isStream() const;
+ bool isStorage() const;
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ StorageRef mxStrg;
+ OUStringVector maNames;
+ OUStringVector::const_iterator maIt;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class ObjectBase : public Base
+ virtual ~ObjectBase();
+ inline const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& getFactory() const { return mxConfig->getFactory(); }
+ void dump();
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline explicit ObjectBase() {}
+ void construct( const ConfigRef& rxConfig );
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ virtual void implDump();
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void reconstructConfig( const ConfigRef& rxConfig );
+ inline Config& cfg() const { return *mxConfig; }
+ ConfigRef mxConfig;
+typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< ObjectBase > ObjectRef;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class StorageObjectBase : public ObjectBase
+ inline explicit StorageObjectBase() {}
+ using ObjectBase::construct;
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent, const StorageRef& rxStrg, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysPath );
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ virtual void implDump();
+ virtual void implDumpStream(
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual void implDumpStorage(
+ const StorageRef& rxStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysPath );
+ void addPreferredStream( const String& rStrmName );
+ void addPreferredStorage( const String& rStrgPath );
+ ::rtl::OUString getSysFileName(
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysOutPath );
+ void extractStream(
+ StorageBase& rStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ void extractStorage(
+ const StorageRef& rxStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysPath );
+ void extractItem(
+ const StorageRef& rxStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rItemName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysOutPath,
+ bool bIsStrg, bool bIsStrm );
+ struct PreferredItem
+ {
+ ::rtl::OUString maName;
+ bool mbStorage;
+ inline explicit PreferredItem( const ::rtl::OUString rName, bool bStorage ) :
+ maName( rName ), mbStorage( bStorage ) {}
+ };
+ typedef ::std::vector< PreferredItem > PreferredItemVector;
+ StorageRef mxStrg;
+ ::rtl::OUString maSysPath;
+ PreferredItemVector maPreferred;
+typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< StorageObjectBase > StorageObjectRef;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class OutputObjectBase : public ObjectBase
+ virtual ~OutputObjectBase();
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline explicit OutputObjectBase() {}
+ using ObjectBase::construct;
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent, const OutputRef& rxOut );
+ void construct( const OutputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline Output& out() const { return *mxOut; }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void writeEmptyItem( const String& rName );
+ void writeInfoItem( const String& rName, const String& rData );
+ void writeCharItem( const String& rName, sal_Unicode cData );
+ void writeStringItem( const String& rName, const ::rtl::OUString& rData );
+ void writeArrayItem( const String& rName, const sal_uInt8* pnData, sal_Size nSize, sal_Unicode cSep = OOX_DUMP_LISTSEP );
+ void writeBoolItem( const String& rName, bool bData );
+ double writeRkItem( const String& rName, sal_Int32 nRk );
+ void writeColorABGRItem( const String& rName, sal_Int32 nColor );
+ void writeDateTimeItem( const String& rName, const ::com::sun::star::util::DateTime& rDateTime );
+ void writeGuidItem( const String& rName, const ::rtl::OUString& rGuid );
+ void writeColIndexItem( const String& rName, sal_Int32 nCol );
+ void writeRowIndexItem( const String& rName, sal_Int32 nRow );
+ void writeColRangeItem( const String& rName, sal_Int32 nCol1, sal_Int32 nCol2 );
+ void writeRowRangeItem( const String& rName, sal_Int32 nRow1, sal_Int32 nRow2 );
+ void writeAddressItem( const String& rName, const Address& rPos );
+ void writeRangeItem( const String& rName, const Range& rRange );
+ void writeRangeListItem( const String& rName, const RangeList& rRanges );
+ void writeTokenAddressItem( const String& rName, const TokenAddress& rPos, bool bNameMode );
+ void writeTokenAddress3dItem( const String& rName, const ::rtl::OUString& rRef, const TokenAddress& rPos, bool bNameMode );
+ void writeTokenRangeItem( const String& rName, const TokenRange& rRange, bool bNameMode );
+ void writeTokenRange3dItem( const String& rName, const ::rtl::OUString& rRef, const TokenRange& rRange, bool bNameMode );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void addNameToItem( Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void writeNameItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void writeDecItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void writeHexItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void writeShortHexItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void writeBinItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void writeFixItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void writeDecBoolItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void writeValueItem( const String& rName, Type nData, FormatType eFmtType, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void writeValueItem( const ItemFormat& rItemFmt, Type nData );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void writeDecPairItem( const String& rName, Type nData1, Type nData2, sal_Unicode cSep = ',' );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void writeHexPairItem( const String& rName, Type nData1, Type nData2, sal_Unicode cSep = ',' );
+ OutputRef mxOut;
+typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< OutputObjectBase > OutputObjectRef;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< typename Type >
+void OutputObjectBase::addNameToItem( Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ if( !rListWrp.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ mxOut->contItem();
+ mxOut->writeName( cfg(), nData, rListWrp );
+ }
+template< typename Type >
+void OutputObjectBase::writeNameItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ ItemGuard aItem( *mxOut, rName );
+ mxOut->writeName( cfg(), nData, rListWrp );
+template< typename Type >
+void OutputObjectBase::writeDecItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ ItemGuard aItem( *mxOut, rName );
+ mxOut->writeDec( nData );
+ addNameToItem( nData, rListWrp );
+template< typename Type >
+void OutputObjectBase::writeHexItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ ItemGuard aItem( *mxOut, rName );
+ mxOut->writeHex( nData );
+ addNameToItem( nData, rListWrp );
+template< typename Type >
+void OutputObjectBase::writeShortHexItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ ItemGuard aItem( *mxOut, rName );
+ mxOut->writeShortHex( nData );
+ addNameToItem( nData, rListWrp );
+template< typename Type >
+void OutputObjectBase::writeBinItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ ItemGuard aItem( *mxOut, rName );
+ mxOut->writeBin( nData );
+ addNameToItem( nData, rListWrp );
+template< typename Type >
+void OutputObjectBase::writeFixItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ ItemGuard aItem( *mxOut, rName );
+ mxOut->writeFix( nData );
+ addNameToItem( nData, rListWrp );
+template< typename Type >
+void OutputObjectBase::writeDecBoolItem( const String& rName, Type nData, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ ItemGuard aItem( *mxOut, rName );
+ mxOut->writeDec( nData );
+ aItem.cont();
+ mxOut->writeBool( nData != 0 );
+ addNameToItem( nData, rListWrp );
+template< typename Type >
+void OutputObjectBase::writeValueItem( const String& rName, Type nData, FormatType eFmtType, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ if( eFmtType == FORMATTYPE_BOOL )
+ writeDecBoolItem( rName, nData, rListWrp );
+ else
+ {
+ ItemGuard aItem( *mxOut, rName );
+ mxOut->writeValue( nData, eFmtType );
+ addNameToItem( nData, rListWrp );
+ }
+template< typename Type >
+void OutputObjectBase::writeValueItem( const ItemFormat& rItemFmt, Type nData )
+ ::rtl::OString aNameUtf8 = StringHelper::convertToUtf8( rItemFmt.maItemName );
+ writeValueItem( aNameUtf8.getStr(), nData, rItemFmt.meFmtType, rItemFmt.maListName );
+template< typename Type >
+void OutputObjectBase::writeDecPairItem( const String& rName, Type nData1, Type nData2, sal_Unicode cSep )
+ ItemGuard aItem( *mxOut, rName );
+ mxOut->writeDec( nData1 );
+ mxOut->writeChar( cSep );
+ mxOut->writeDec( nData2 );
+template< typename Type >
+void OutputObjectBase::writeHexPairItem( const String& rName, Type nData1, Type nData2, sal_Unicode cSep )
+ ItemGuard aItem( *mxOut, rName );
+ mxOut->writeHex( nData1 );
+ mxOut->writeChar( cSep );
+ mxOut->writeHex( nData2 );
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class InputObjectBase : public OutputObjectBase
+ virtual ~InputObjectBase();
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline explicit InputObjectBase() {}
+ using OutputObjectBase::construct;
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent, const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent, const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm, const OutputRef& rxOut );
+ void construct( const OutputObjectBase& rParent, const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm );
+ void construct( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline BinaryInputStream& in() const { return *mxStrm; }
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream >
+ getXInputStream() const;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void skipBlock( sal_Int64 nBytes, bool bShowSize = true );
+ void dumpRawBinary( sal_Int64 nBytes, bool bShowOffset = true, bool bStream = false );
+ void dumpBinary( const String& rName, sal_Int64 nBytes, bool bShowOffset = true );
+ void dumpRemaining( sal_Int64 nBytes );
+ void dumpRemainingTo( sal_Int64 nPos );
+ void dumpRemainingStream();
+ void dumpArray( const String& rName, sal_Int32 nBytes, sal_Unicode cSep = OOX_DUMP_LISTSEP );
+ inline void dumpUnused( sal_Int32 nBytes ) { dumpArray( OOX_DUMP_UNUSED, nBytes ); }
+ inline void dumpUnknown( sal_Int32 nBytes ) { dumpArray( OOX_DUMP_UNKNOWN, nBytes ); }
+ sal_Unicode dumpChar( const String& rName, rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc );
+ sal_Unicode dumpUnicode( const String& rName );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpCharArray( const String& rName, sal_Int32 nLen, rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpUnicodeArray( const String& rName, sal_Int32 nLen );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpNullCharArray( const String& rName, rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpNullUnicodeArray( const String& rName );
+ double dumpRk( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ sal_Int32 dumpColorABGR( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ ::com::sun::star::util::DateTime dumpFileTime( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpGuid( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ void dumpItem( const ItemFormat& rItemFmt );
+ template< typename Type >
+ Type dumpName( const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp );
+ template< typename Type >
+ Type dumpDec( const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ Type dumpHex( const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ Type dumpBin( const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ Type dumpFix( const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ Type dumpBool( const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ Type dumpValue( const ItemFormat& rItemFmt );
+ template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+ Type1 dumpName( bool bType1, const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+ Type1 dumpDec( bool bType1, const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+ Type1 dumpHex( bool bType1, const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+ Type1 dumpBin( bool bType1, const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+ Type1 dumpFix( bool bType1, const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+ Type1 dumpBool( bool bType1, const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+ Type1 dumpValue( bool bType1, const ItemFormat& rItemFmt );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void dumpDecPair( const String& rName, sal_Unicode cSep = ',' );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void dumpHexPair( const String& rName, sal_Unicode cSep = ',' );
+ BinaryInputStreamRef mxStrm;
+typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< InputObjectBase > InputObjectRef;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< typename Type >
+Type InputObjectBase::dumpName( const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ Type nData;
+ *mxStrm >> nData;
+ writeNameItem( rName, nData, rListWrp );
+ return nData;
+template< typename Type >
+Type InputObjectBase::dumpDec( const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ Type nData;
+ *mxStrm >> nData;
+ writeDecItem( rName, nData, rListWrp );
+ return nData;
+template< typename Type >
+Type InputObjectBase::dumpHex( const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ Type nData;
+ *mxStrm >> nData;
+ writeHexItem( rName, nData, rListWrp );
+ return nData;
+template< typename Type >
+Type InputObjectBase::dumpBin( const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ Type nData;
+ *mxStrm >> nData;
+ writeBinItem( rName, nData, rListWrp );
+ return nData;
+template< typename Type >
+Type InputObjectBase::dumpFix( const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ Type nData;
+ *mxStrm >> nData;
+ writeFixItem( rName, nData, rListWrp );
+ return nData;
+template< typename Type >
+Type InputObjectBase::dumpBool( const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ Type nData;
+ *mxStrm >> nData;
+ writeDecBoolItem( rName, nData, rListWrp );
+ return nData;
+template< typename Type >
+Type InputObjectBase::dumpValue( const ItemFormat& rItemFmt )
+ Type nData;
+ *mxStrm >> nData;
+ writeValueItem( rItemFmt, nData );
+ return nData;
+template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+Type1 InputObjectBase::dumpName( bool bType1, const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ return bType1 ? dumpName< Type1 >( rName, rListWrp ) : static_cast< Type1 >( dumpName< Type2 >( rName, rListWrp ) );
+template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+Type1 InputObjectBase::dumpDec( bool bType1, const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ return bType1 ? dumpDec< Type1 >( rName, rListWrp ) : static_cast< Type1 >( dumpDec< Type2 >( rName, rListWrp ) );
+template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+Type1 InputObjectBase::dumpHex( bool bType1, const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ return bType1 ? dumpHex< Type1 >( rName, rListWrp ) : static_cast< Type1 >( dumpHex< Type2 >( rName, rListWrp ) );
+template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+Type1 InputObjectBase::dumpBin( bool bType1, const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ return bType1 ? dumpBin< Type1 >( rName, rListWrp ) : static_cast< Type1 >( dumpBin< Type2 >( rName, rListWrp ) );
+template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+Type1 InputObjectBase::dumpFix( bool bType1, const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ return bType1 ? dumpFix< Type1 >( rName, rListWrp ) : static_cast< Type1 >( dumpFix< Type2 >( rName, rListWrp ) );
+template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+Type1 InputObjectBase::dumpBool( bool bType1, const String& rName, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ return bType1 ? dumpBool< Type1 >( rName, rListWrp ) : static_cast< Type1 >( dumpBool< Type2 >( rName, rListWrp ) );
+template< typename Type1, typename Type2 >
+Type1 InputObjectBase::dumpValue( bool bType1, const ItemFormat& rItemFmt )
+ return bType1 ? dumpValue< Type1 >( rItemFmt ) : static_cast< Type1 >( dumpValue< Type2 >( rItemFmt ) );
+template< typename Type >
+void InputObjectBase::dumpDecPair( const String& rName, sal_Unicode cSep )
+ Type nData1, nData2;
+ *mxStrm >> nData1 >> nData2;
+ writeDecPairItem( rName, nData1, nData2, cSep );
+template< typename Type >
+void InputObjectBase::dumpHexPair( const String& rName, sal_Unicode cSep )
+ Type nData1, nData2;
+ *mxStrm >> nData1 >> nData2;
+ writeHexPairItem( rName, nData1, nData2, cSep );
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class BinaryStreamObject : public InputObjectBase
+ explicit BinaryStreamObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ explicit BinaryStreamObject(
+ const OutputObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm );
+ void dumpBinaryStream( bool bShowOffset = true );
+ virtual void implDump();
+// ============================================================================
+class TextStreamObject : public InputObjectBase
+ explicit TextStreamObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ explicit TextStreamObject(
+ const OutputObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc );
+ virtual void implDump();
+ virtual void implDumpLine( const ::rtl::OUString& rLine, sal_uInt32 nLine );
+ bool readCharLine( ::rtl::OUString& orLine, sal_Unicode& orcNextLineChar );
+ bool readUcs2Line( ::rtl::OUString& orLine, sal_Unicode& orcNextLineChar );
+ bool readLine( ::rtl::OUString& orLine, sal_Unicode& orcNextLineChar );
+ rtl_TextEncoding meTextEnc;
+// ============================================================================
+class XmlStreamObject : public TextStreamObject
+ explicit XmlStreamObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual void implDump();
+ virtual void implDumpLine( const ::rtl::OUString& rLine, sal_uInt32 nLine );
+ ::rtl::OUString maIncompleteLine;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class RecordObjectBase : public InputObjectBase
+ inline explicit RecordObjectBase() {}
+ using InputObjectBase::construct;
+ void construct(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxBaseStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxRecStrm,
+ const String& rRecNames,
+ const String& rSimpleRecs = EMPTY_STRING );
+ void construct(
+ const OutputObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxBaseStrm,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxRecStrm,
+ const String& rRecNames,
+ const String& rSimpleRecs = EMPTY_STRING );
+ inline sal_Int64 getRecPos() const { return mnRecPos; }
+ inline sal_Int64 getRecId() const { return mnRecId; }
+ inline sal_Int64 getRecSize() const { return mnRecSize; }
+ inline NameListRef getRecNames() const { return maRecNames.getNameList( cfg() ); }
+ inline void setBinaryOnlyMode( bool bBinaryOnly ) { mbBinaryOnly = bBinaryOnly; }
+ inline bool isBinaryOnlyMode() const { return mbBinaryOnly; }
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ virtual void implDump();
+ virtual bool implStartRecord( BinaryInputStream& rBaseStrm, sal_Int64& ornRecPos, sal_Int64& ornRecId, sal_Int64& ornRecSize ) = 0;
+ virtual void implWriteExtHeader();
+ virtual void implDumpRecordBody();
+ void constructRecObjBase(
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxBaseStrm,
+ const String& rRecNames,
+ const String& rSimpleRecs );
+ void writeHeader();
+ BinaryInputStreamRef mxBaseStrm;
+ NameListWrapper maRecNames;
+ NameListWrapper maSimpleRecs;
+ sal_Int64 mnRecPos;
+ sal_Int64 mnRecId;
+ sal_Int64 mnRecSize;
+ bool mbShowRecPos;
+ bool mbBinaryOnly;
+// ============================================================================
+class SequenceRecordObjectBase : public RecordObjectBase
+ inline explicit SequenceRecordObjectBase() : mxRecData( new StreamDataSequence ) {}
+ inline StreamDataSequence& getRecordDataSequence() { return *mxRecData; }
+ using RecordObjectBase::construct;
+ void construct(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxBaseStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName,
+ const String& rRecNames,
+ const String& rSimpleRecs = EMPTY_STRING );
+ void construct(
+ const OutputObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxBaseStrm,
+ const String& rRecNames,
+ const String& rSimpleRecs = EMPTY_STRING );
+ virtual bool implStartRecord( BinaryInputStream& rBaseStrm, sal_Int64& ornRecPos, sal_Int64& ornRecId, sal_Int64& ornRecSize );
+ virtual bool implReadRecordHeader( BinaryInputStream& rBaseStrm, sal_Int64& ornRecId, sal_Int64& ornRecSize ) = 0;
+ typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< StreamDataSequence > StreamDataSeqRef;
+ StreamDataSeqRef mxRecData;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+/** Base class for a file dumper. Derived classes implement the implDump()
+ function to add functionality.
+ */
+class DumperBase : public ObjectBase
+ virtual ~DumperBase();
+ bool isImportEnabled() const;
+ bool isImportCancelled() const;
+ inline explicit DumperBase() {}
+ using ObjectBase::construct;
+ void construct( const ConfigRef& rxConfig );
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+} // namespace dump
+} // namespace oox
+#define OOX_DUMP_FILE( DumperClassName ) \
+do { \
+ DumperClassName aDumper( *this ); \
+ aDumper.dump(); \
+ bool bCancelled = aDumper.isImportCancelled(); \
+ if( !aDumper.isImportEnabled() || bCancelled ) \
+ return aDumper.isValid() && !bCancelled; \
+} while( false )
+#define OOX_DUMP_FILE( DumperClassName ) (void)0
diff --git a/oox/inc/oox/dump/oledumper.hxx b/oox/inc/oox/dump/oledumper.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..631dc9425442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oox/inc/oox/dump/oledumper.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: oledumper.hxx,v $
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "oox/helper/storagebase.hxx"
+#include "oox/dump/dumperbase.hxx"
+namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
+ namespace io { class XInputStream; }
+} } }
+namespace oox {
+namespace dump {
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class StdFontObject : public InputObjectBase
+ explicit StdFontObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDump();
+// ============================================================================
+class StdPicObject : public InputObjectBase
+ explicit StdPicObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDump();
+// ============================================================================
+class StdHlinkObject : public InputObjectBase
+ explicit StdHlinkObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDump();
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpHyperlinkString( const String& rName, bool bUnicode );
+ bool dumpGuidAndMoniker();
+ void dumpUrlMoniker();
+ void dumpFileMoniker();
+ void dumpItemMoniker();
+ void dumpAntiMoniker();
+ void dumpCompositeMoniker();
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class OlePropertyStreamObject : public BinaryStreamObject
+ explicit OlePropertyStreamObject( const ObjectBase& rParent, const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual void implDump();
+ void dumpSection( const ::rtl::OUString& rGuid, sal_uInt32 nStartPos );
+ void dumpProperty( sal_Int32 nPropId, sal_uInt32 nStartPos );
+ void dumpCodePageProperty( sal_uInt32 nStartPos );
+ void dumpDictionaryProperty( sal_uInt32 nStartPos );
+ void dumpPropertyContents( sal_Int32 nPropId );
+ void dumpPropertyValue( sal_Int32 nPropId, sal_Int32 nBaseType );
+ sal_Int32 dumpPropertyType();
+ void dumpBlob( const String& rName );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpString8( const String& rName );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpCharArray8( const String& rName, sal_Int32 nLen );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpString16( const String& rName );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpCharArray16( const String& rName, sal_Int32 nLen );
+ bool startElement( sal_uInt32 nStartPos );
+ void writeSectionHeader( const ::rtl::OUString& rGuid, sal_uInt32 nStartPos );
+ void writePropertyHeader( sal_Int32 nPropId, sal_uInt32 nStartPos );
+ NameListRef mxPropIds;
+ rtl_TextEncoding meTextEnc;
+ bool mbIsUnicode;
+// ============================================================================
+class OleStorageObject : public StorageObjectBase
+ explicit OleStorageObject( const ObjectBase& rParent, const StorageRef& rxStrg, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysPath );
+ inline explicit OleStorageObject() {}
+ using StorageObjectBase::construct;
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent, const StorageRef& rxStrg, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysPath );
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpStream(
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+struct OcxFormSiteInfo
+ ::rtl::OUString maProgId;
+ sal_Int32 mnId;
+ sal_uInt32 mnLength;
+ bool mbInStream;
+ inline explicit OcxFormSiteInfo() : mnId( 0 ), mnLength( 0 ), mbInStream( false ) {}
+typedef ::std::vector< OcxFormSiteInfo > OcxFormSiteInfoVector;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+struct OcxFormSharedData
+ OUStringVector maClassInfoProgIds;
+ OcxFormSiteInfoVector maSiteInfos;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxPropertyObjectBase : public InputObjectBase
+ inline explicit OcxPropertyObjectBase() {}
+ using InputObjectBase::construct;
+ void construct(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName,
+ const String& rPropNameList,
+ bool b64BitPropFlags = false );
+ void construct(
+ const OutputObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const String& rPropNameList,
+ bool b64BitPropFlags = false );
+ void construct(
+ const InputObjectBase& rParent,
+ const String& rPropNameList,
+ bool b64BitPropFlags = false );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ virtual void implDump();
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+ virtual void implDumpExtended();
+ bool ensureValid( bool bCondition = true );
+ template< typename Type >
+ void alignInput();
+ void setAlignAnchor();
+ bool startNextProperty();
+ ::rtl::OUString getPropertyName() const;
+ template< typename Type >
+ Type dumpDecProperty( Type nDefault, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ template< typename Type >
+ Type dumpHexProperty( Type nDefault, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp = NO_LIST );
+ inline bool dumpBoolProperty() { return startNextProperty(); }
+ inline sal_Int32 dumpHmmProperty() { return dumpDecProperty< sal_Int32 >( 0, "CONV-HMM-TO-CM" ); }
+ inline sal_uInt8 dumpMousePtrProperty() { return dumpDecProperty< sal_uInt8 >( 0, "OCX-MOUSEPTR" ); }
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline Type dumpBorderStyleProperty( Type nDefault ) { return dumpDecProperty< Type >( nDefault, "OCX-BORDERSTYLE" ); }
+ template< typename Type >
+ inline Type dumpSpecialEffectProperty( Type nDefault ) { return dumpDecProperty< Type >( nDefault, "OCX-SPECIALEFFECT" ); }
+ inline sal_uInt32 dumpEnabledProperty() { return dumpDecProperty< sal_uInt32 >( 1, "OCX-ENABLED" ); }
+ inline sal_Int32 dumpOrientationProperty() { return dumpDecProperty< sal_Int32 >( -1, "OCX-ORIENTATION" ); }
+ inline sal_Int32 dumpDelayProperty() { return dumpDecProperty< sal_Int32 >( 50, "OCX-CONV-MS" ); }
+ inline sal_uInt32 dumpImagePosProperty() { return dumpHexProperty< sal_uInt32 >( 0x00070001, "OCX-IMAGEPOS" ); }
+ inline sal_uInt8 dumpImageSizeModeProperty() { return dumpDecProperty< sal_uInt8 >( 0, "OCX-IMAGESIZEMODE" ); }
+ inline sal_uInt8 dumpImageAlignProperty() { return dumpDecProperty< sal_uInt8 >( 2, "OCX-IMAGEALIGN" ); }
+ sal_uInt32 dumpFlagsProperty( sal_uInt32 nDefault, const sal_Char* pcNameList = "OCX-FLAGS" );
+ sal_uInt32 dumpColorProperty( sal_uInt32 nDefault );
+ sal_Unicode dumpUnicodeProperty();
+ void dumpUnknownProperty();
+ void dumpPosProperty();
+ void dumpSizeProperty();
+ void dumpGuidProperty( ::rtl::OUString* pValue = 0 );
+ void dumpStringProperty( ::rtl::OUString* pValue = 0 );
+ void dumpStringArrayProperty();
+ void dumpStreamProperty();
+ void dumpEmbeddedFont();
+ void dumpToPosition( sal_Int64 nPos );
+ void constructOcxPropObj( const String& rPropNameList, bool b64BitPropFlags );
+ void dumpVersion();
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpString( const String& rName, sal_uInt32 nSize, bool bArray );
+ void dumpShortProperties();
+ void dumpLargeProperties();
+ struct LargeProperty
+ {
+ LargePropertyType mePropType;
+ ::rtl::OUString maItemName;
+ sal_uInt32 mnDataSize;
+ ::rtl::OUString* mpItemValue;
+ inline explicit LargeProperty( LargePropertyType ePropType, const String& rItemName, sal_uInt32 nDataSize, ::rtl::OUString* pItemValue = 0 ) :
+ mePropType( ePropType ), maItemName( rItemName ), mnDataSize( nDataSize ), mpItemValue( pItemValue ) {}
+ };
+ typedef ::std::vector< LargeProperty > LargePropertyVector;
+ struct StreamProperty
+ {
+ ::rtl::OUString maItemName;
+ sal_uInt16 mnData;
+ inline explicit StreamProperty( const String& rItemName, sal_uInt16 nData ) :
+ maItemName( rItemName ), mnData( nData ) {}
+ };
+ typedef ::std::vector< StreamProperty > StreamPropertyVector;
+ LargePropertyVector maLargeProps;
+ StreamPropertyVector maStreamProps;
+ NameListRef mxPropNames;
+ sal_Int64 mnPropertiesStart;
+ sal_Int64 mnPropertiesEnd;
+ sal_Int64 mnPropFlags;
+ sal_Int64 mnCurrProp;
+ bool mb64BitPropFlags;
+ bool mbValid;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< typename Type >
+void OcxPropertyObjectBase::alignInput()
+ in().skip( (sizeof( Type ) - ((in().tell() - mnPropertiesStart) % sizeof( Type ))) % sizeof( Type ) );
+template< typename Type >
+Type OcxPropertyObjectBase::dumpDecProperty( Type nDefault, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ if( startNextProperty() )
+ {
+ alignInput< Type >();
+ return dumpDec< Type >( getPropertyName(), rListWrp );
+ }
+ return nDefault;
+template< typename Type >
+Type OcxPropertyObjectBase::dumpHexProperty( Type nDefault, const NameListWrapper& rListWrp )
+ if( startNextProperty() )
+ {
+ alignInput< Type >();
+ return dumpHex< Type >( getPropertyName(), rListWrp );
+ }
+ return nDefault;
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxCFontNewObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxCFontNewObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxColumnInfoObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxColumnInfoObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxCommandButtonObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxCommandButtonObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+ virtual void implDumpExtended();
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxMorphControlObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxMorphControlObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+ virtual void implDumpExtended();
+ void dumpColumnInfos();
+ sal_uInt16 mnColInfoCount;
+ sal_uInt8 mnCtrlType;
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxLabelObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxLabelObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+ virtual void implDumpExtended();
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxImageObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxImageObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxScrollBarObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxScrollBarObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxSpinButtonObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxSpinButtonObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxTabStripObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxTabStripObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+ virtual void implDumpExtended();
+ sal_Int32 mnTabFlagCount;
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxControlObject : public InputObjectBase
+ explicit OcxControlObject(
+ const InputObjectBase& rParent,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rProgId,
+ sal_Int64 nLength );
+ virtual void implDump();
+ ::rtl::OUString maProgId;
+ sal_Int64 mnLength;
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxGuidControlObject : public InputObjectBase
+ explicit OcxGuidControlObject(
+ const InputObjectBase& rParent,
+ sal_Int64 nLength );
+ explicit OcxGuidControlObject(
+ const OutputObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm );
+ explicit OcxGuidControlObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual void implDump();
+ sal_Int64 mnLength;
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxControlsStreamObject : public InputObjectBase
+ explicit OcxControlsStreamObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName,
+ OcxFormSharedData& rFormData );
+ virtual void implDump();
+ OcxFormSharedData& mrFormData;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxPageObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxPageObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxMultiPageObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxMultiPageObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+ virtual void implDumpExtended();
+ sal_Int32 mnPageCount;
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxMultiPageStreamObject : public InputObjectBase
+ explicit OcxMultiPageStreamObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName,
+ OcxFormSharedData& rFormData );
+ virtual void implDump();
+ OcxFormSharedData& mrFormData;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxFormClassInfoObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxFormClassInfoObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent, OcxFormSharedData& rFormData );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+ OcxFormSharedData& mrFormData;
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxFormSiteObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxFormSiteObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent, OcxFormSharedData& rFormData );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+ OcxFormSharedData& mrFormData;
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxFormDesignExtObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxFormDesignExtObject( const InputObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxFormObject : public OcxPropertyObjectBase
+ explicit OcxFormObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName,
+ OcxFormSharedData& rFormData );
+ virtual void implDumpShortProperties();
+ virtual void implDumpExtended();
+ void dumpClassInfos();
+ void dumpFormSites( sal_uInt32 nCount );
+ void dumpSiteData();
+ void dumpDesignExtender();
+ OcxFormSharedData& mrFormData;
+ sal_uInt32 mnFlags;
+// ============================================================================
+class OcxFormStorageObject : public OleStorageObject
+ explicit OcxFormStorageObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const StorageRef& rxStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysPath );
+ virtual void implDumpStream(
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual void implDumpStorage(
+ const StorageRef& rxStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysPath );
+ bool isFormStorage( const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath ) const;
+ OcxFormSharedData maFormData;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+struct VbaSharedData
+ typedef ::std::map< ::rtl::OUString, sal_Int32 > StreamOffsetMap;
+ StreamOffsetMap maStrmOffsets;
+ rtl_TextEncoding meTextEnc;
+ explicit VbaSharedData();
+ bool isModuleStream( const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName ) const;
+ sal_Int32 getStreamOffset( const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName ) const;
+// ============================================================================
+class VbaDirStreamObject : public SequenceRecordObjectBase
+ explicit VbaDirStreamObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName,
+ VbaSharedData& rVbaData );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ virtual bool implReadRecordHeader( BinaryInputStream& rBaseStrm, sal_Int64& ornRecId, sal_Int64& ornRecSize );
+ virtual void implDumpRecordBody();
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpByteString( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpUniString( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpByteStringWithLength( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ VbaSharedData& mrVbaData;
+ BinaryInputStreamRef mxInStrm;
+ ::rtl::OUString maCurrStream;
+ sal_Int32 mnCurrOffset;
+// ============================================================================
+class VbaModuleStreamObject : public InputObjectBase
+ explicit VbaModuleStreamObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName,
+ VbaSharedData& rVbaData,
+ sal_Int32 nStrmOffset );
+ virtual void implDump();
+ VbaSharedData& mrVbaData;
+ sal_Int32 mnStrmOffset;
+// ============================================================================
+class VbaStorageObject : public OleStorageObject
+ explicit VbaStorageObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const StorageRef& rxStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysPath,
+ VbaSharedData& rVbaData );
+ virtual void implDumpStream(
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ VbaSharedData& mrVbaData;
+// ============================================================================
+class VbaFormStorageObject : public OcxFormStorageObject
+ explicit VbaFormStorageObject(
+ const ObjectBase& rParent,
+ const StorageRef& rxStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysPath,
+ VbaSharedData& rVbaData );
+ virtual void implDumpStream(
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ VbaSharedData& mrVbaData;
+// ============================================================================
+class VbaProjectStorageObject : public OleStorageObject
+ explicit VbaProjectStorageObject( const ObjectBase& rParent, const StorageRef& rxStrg, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysPath );
+ virtual void implDumpStream(
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual void implDumpStorage(
+ const StorageRef& rxStrg,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysPath );
+ VbaSharedData maVbaData;
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+} // namespace dump
+} // namespace oox
diff --git a/oox/inc/oox/dump/pptxdumper.hxx b/oox/inc/oox/dump/pptxdumper.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a136a6333dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oox/inc/oox/dump/pptxdumper.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: pptxdumper.hxx,v $
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "oox/dump/dumperbase.hxx"
+namespace oox {
+namespace dump {
+namespace pptx {
+// ============================================================================
+class RootStorageObject : public StorageObjectBase
+ explicit RootStorageObject( const DumperBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpStream(
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+// ============================================================================
+class Dumper : public DumperBase
+ explicit Dumper( const ::oox::core::FilterBase& rFilter );
+ explicit Dumper(
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream >& rxInStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual void implDump();
+// ============================================================================
+} // namespace pptx
+} // namespace dump
+} // namespace oox
diff --git a/oox/inc/oox/dump/xlsbdumper.hxx b/oox/inc/oox/dump/xlsbdumper.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6575606fcfb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oox/inc/oox/dump/xlsbdumper.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: xlsbdumper.hxx,v $
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "oox/dump/dumperbase.hxx"
+#include "oox/helper/recordinputstream.hxx"
+namespace oox { namespace xls {
+ class FontPortionModelList;
+ class PhoneticPortionModelList;
+ struct FunctionInfo;
+ class FunctionProvider;
+} }
+namespace oox {
+namespace dump {
+namespace xlsb {
+// ============================================================================
+class RecordObjectBase : public SequenceRecordObjectBase
+ explicit RecordObjectBase();
+ virtual ~RecordObjectBase();
+ using SequenceRecordObjectBase::construct;
+ void construct( const ObjectBase& rParent, const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ void construct( const RecordObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual bool implReadRecordHeader( BinaryInputStream& rBaseStrm, sal_Int64& ornRecId, sal_Int64& ornRecSize );
+ ::rtl::OUString getErrorName( sal_uInt8 nErrCode ) const;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void readAddress( Address& orAddress );
+ void readRange( Range& orRange );
+ void readRangeList( RangeList& orRanges );
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void writeBooleanItem( const String& rName, sal_uInt8 nBool );
+ void writeErrorCodeItem( const String& rName, sal_uInt8 nErrCode );
+ void writeFontPortions( const ::oox::xls::FontPortionModelList& rPortions );
+ void writePhoneticPortions( const ::oox::xls::PhoneticPortionModelList& rPhonetics );
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sal_uInt8 dumpBoolean( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ sal_uInt8 dumpErrorCode( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpString( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING, bool bRich = false, bool b32BitLen = true );
+ void dumpColor( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ ::com::sun::star::util::DateTime dumpPivotDateTime( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ sal_Int32 dumpColIndex( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ sal_Int32 dumpRowIndex( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ sal_Int32 dumpColRange( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ sal_Int32 dumpRowRange( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ Address dumpAddress( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ Range dumpRange( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ void dumpRangeList( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool readCompressedInt( BinaryInputStream& rStrm, sal_Int32& ornValue );
+ typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< RecordInputStream > RecordInputStreamRef;
+ RecordInputStreamRef mxStrm;
+ NameListRef mxErrCodes;
+// ============================================================================
+class FormulaObject : public RecordObjectBase
+ explicit FormulaObject( const RecordObjectBase& rParent );
+ virtual ~FormulaObject();
+ void dumpCellFormula( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ void dumpNameFormula( const String& rName = EMPTY_STRING );
+ virtual void implDump();
+ void constructFmlaObj();
+ void dumpFormula( const String& rName, bool bNameMode );
+ TokenAddress createTokenAddress( sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow, bool bRelC, bool bRelR, bool bNameMode ) const;
+ ::rtl::OUString createRef( const ::rtl::OUString& rData ) const;
+ ::rtl::OUString createName( sal_Int32 nNameId ) const;
+ ::rtl::OUString createPlaceHolder( size_t nIdx ) const;
+ ::rtl::OUString createPlaceHolder() const;
+ ::rtl::OUString writeFuncIdItem( sal_uInt16 nFuncId, const ::oox::xls::FunctionInfo** oppFuncInfo = 0 );
+ sal_Int32 dumpTokenCol( const String& rName, bool& rbRelC, bool& rbRelR );
+ sal_Int32 dumpTokenRow( const String& rName );
+ TokenAddress dumpTokenAddress( bool bNameMode );
+ TokenRange dumpTokenRange( bool bNameMode );
+ sal_Int16 readTokenRefId();
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpTokenRefId();
+ void dumpIntToken();
+ void dumpDoubleToken();
+ void dumpStringToken();
+ void dumpBoolToken();
+ void dumpErrorToken();
+ void dumpMissArgToken();
+ void dumpArrayToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void dumpNameToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void dumpNameXToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void dumpRefToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bNameMode );
+ void dumpAreaToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bNameMode );
+ void dumpRefErrToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bArea );
+ void dumpRef3dToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bNameMode );
+ void dumpArea3dToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bNameMode );
+ void dumpRefErr3dToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bArea );
+ void dumpMemFuncToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void dumpMemAreaToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass, bool bAddData );
+ void dumpExpToken( const String& rName );
+ void dumpUnaryOpToken( const String& rLOp, const String& rROp );
+ void dumpBinaryOpToken( const String& rOp );
+ void dumpFuncToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ void dumpFuncVarToken( const ::rtl::OUString& rTokClass );
+ bool dumpTableToken();
+ bool dumpAttrToken();
+ void dumpAddTokenData();
+ void dumpAddDataExp( size_t nIdx );
+ void dumpAddDataArray( size_t nIdx );
+ void dumpAddDataMemArea( size_t nIdx );
+ void dumpaddDataArrayHeader( sal_Int32& rnCols, sal_Int32& rnRows );
+ ::rtl::OUString dumpaddDataArrayValue();
+ typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< FormulaStack > FormulaStackRef;
+ typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< ::oox::xls::FunctionProvider > FuncProvRef;
+ typedef ::std::vector< AddDataType > AddDataTypeVec;
+ NameListRef mxTokens;
+ NameListRef mxClasses;
+ NameListRef mxRelFlags;
+ NameListRef mxAttrTypes;
+ NameListRef mxSpTypes;
+ sal_Int32 mnColCount;
+ sal_Int32 mnRowCount;
+ FormulaStackRef mxStack;
+ FuncProvRef mxFuncProv;
+ AddDataTypeVec maAddData;
+ ::rtl::OUString maRefPrefix;
+ ::rtl::OUString maName;
+ sal_Int32 mnSize;
+ bool mbNameMode;
+// ============================================================================
+class RecordStreamObject : public RecordObjectBase
+ explicit RecordStreamObject( ObjectBase& rParent, const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm, const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual bool implIsValid() const;
+ virtual void implDumpRecordBody();
+ void dumpGradientHead();
+ void dumpCellHeader( bool bWithColumn );
+ typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< FormulaObject > FormulaObjectRef;
+ FormulaObjectRef mxFmlaObj;
+// ============================================================================
+class RootStorageObject : public StorageObjectBase
+ explicit RootStorageObject( const DumperBase& rParent );
+ virtual void implDumpStream(
+ const BinaryInputStreamRef& rxStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrgPath,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+// ============================================================================
+class Dumper : public DumperBase
+ explicit Dumper( const ::oox::core::FilterBase& rFilter );
+ explicit Dumper(
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxFactory,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream >& rxInStrm,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSysFileName );
+ virtual void implDump();
+// ============================================================================
+} // namespace xlsb
+} // namespace dump
+} // namespace oox