path: root/goodies/source/filter.vcl/idxf/dxfentrd.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'goodies/source/filter.vcl/idxf/dxfentrd.cxx')
1 files changed, 575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/goodies/source/filter.vcl/idxf/dxfentrd.cxx b/goodies/source/filter.vcl/idxf/dxfentrd.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..64b2f35869c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/goodies/source/filter.vcl/idxf/dxfentrd.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: dxfentrd.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:30:14 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include <dxfentrd.hxx>
+DXFBasicEntity::DXFBasicEntity(DXFEntityType eThisType)
+ eType=eThisType;
+ pSucc=NULL;
+ strcpy(sLayer,"0");
+ strcpy(sLineType,"BYLAYER");
+ fElevation=0;
+ fThickness=0;
+ nColor=256;
+ nSpace=0;
+ aExtrusion.fx=0.0;
+ aExtrusion.fy=0.0;
+ aExtrusion.fz=1.0;
+void DXFBasicEntity::Read(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ while (rDGR.Read()!=0) EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+void DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 8: strcpy(sLayer,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 6: strcpy(sLineType,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 38: fElevation=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 39: fThickness=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 62: nColor=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 67: nSpace=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 210: aExtrusion.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 220: aExtrusion.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 230: aExtrusion.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ }
+DXFLineEntity::DXFLineEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_LINE)
+void DXFLineEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 11: aP1.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 21: aP1.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 31: aP1.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFPointEntity::DXFPointEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_POINT)
+void DXFPointEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFCircleEntity::DXFCircleEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_CIRCLE)
+ fRadius=1.0;
+void DXFCircleEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 40: fRadius=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFArcEntity::DXFArcEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_ARC)
+ fRadius=1.0;
+ fStart=0;
+ fEnd=360.0;
+void DXFArcEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 40: fRadius=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 50: fStart=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 51: fEnd=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFTraceEntity::DXFTraceEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_TRACE)
+void DXFTraceEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 11: aP1.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 21: aP1.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 31: aP1.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 12: aP2.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 22: aP2.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 32: aP2.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 13: aP3.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 23: aP3.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 33: aP3.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFSolidEntity::DXFSolidEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_SOLID)
+void DXFSolidEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 11: aP1.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 21: aP1.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 31: aP1.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 12: aP2.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 22: aP2.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 32: aP2.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 13: aP3.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 23: aP3.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 33: aP3.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFTextEntity::DXFTextEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_TEXT)
+ fHeight=1.0;
+ sText[0]=0;
+ fRotAngle=0.0;
+ fXScale=1.0;
+ fOblAngle=0.0;
+ strcpy(sStyle,"STANDARD");
+ nGenFlags=0;
+ nHorzJust=0;
+ nVertJust=0;
+void DXFTextEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 40: fHeight=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 1: strcpy(sText,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 50: fRotAngle=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 41: fXScale=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 42: fOblAngle=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 7: strcpy(sStyle,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 71: nGenFlags=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 72: nHorzJust=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 73: nVertJust=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 11: aAlign.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 21: aAlign.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 31: aAlign.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFShapeEntity::DXFShapeEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_SHAPE)
+ fSize=1.0;
+ sName[0]=0;
+ fRotAngle=0;
+ fXScale=1.0;
+ fOblAngle=0;
+void DXFShapeEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 40: fSize=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 2: strcpy(sName,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 50: fRotAngle=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 41: fXScale=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 51: fOblAngle=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFInsertEntity::DXFInsertEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_INSERT)
+ nAttrFlag=0;
+ sName[0]=0;
+ fXScale=1.0;
+ fYScale=1.0;
+ fZScale=1.0;
+ fRotAngle=0.0;
+ nColCount=1;
+ nRowCount=1;
+ fColSpace=0.0;
+ fRowSpace=0.0;
+void DXFInsertEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 66: nAttrFlag=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 2: strcpy(sName,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 41: fXScale=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 42: fYScale=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 43: fZScale=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 50: fRotAngle=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 70: nColCount=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 71: nRowCount=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 44: fColSpace=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 45: fRowSpace=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFAttDefEntity::DXFAttDefEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_ATTDEF)
+ fHeight=1.0;
+ sDefVal[0]=0;
+ sPrompt[0]=0;
+ sTagStr[0]=0;
+ nAttrFlags=0;
+ nFieldLen=0;
+ fRotAngle=0.0;
+ fXScale=1.0;
+ fOblAngle=0.0;
+ strcpy(sStyle,"STANDARD");
+ nGenFlags=0;
+ nHorzJust=0;
+ nVertJust=0;
+void DXFAttDefEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 40: fHeight=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 1: strcpy(sDefVal,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 3: strcpy(sPrompt,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 2: strcpy(sTagStr,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 70: nAttrFlags=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 73: nFieldLen=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 50: fRotAngle=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 41: fXScale=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 51: fOblAngle=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 7: strcpy(sStyle,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 71: nGenFlags=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 72: nHorzJust=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 74: nVertJust=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 11: aAlign.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 21: aAlign.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 31: aAlign.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFAttribEntity::DXFAttribEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_ATTRIB)
+ fHeight=1.0;
+ sText[0]=0;
+ sTagStr[0]=0;
+ nAttrFlags=0;
+ nFieldLen=0;
+ fRotAngle=0.0;
+ fXScale=1.0;
+ fOblAngle=0.0;
+ strcpy(sStyle,"STANDARD");
+ nGenFlags=0;
+ nHorzJust=0;
+ nVertJust=0;
+void DXFAttribEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 40: fHeight=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 1: strcpy(sText,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 2: strcpy(sTagStr,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 70: nAttrFlags=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 73: nFieldLen=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 50: fRotAngle=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 41: fXScale=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 51: fOblAngle=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 7: strcpy(sStyle,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ case 71: nGenFlags=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 72: nHorzJust=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 74: nVertJust=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 11: aAlign.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 21: aAlign.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 31: aAlign.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFPolyLineEntity::DXFPolyLineEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_POLYLINE)
+ fElevation=0.0;
+ nFlags=0;
+ fSWidth=0.0;
+ fEWidth=0.0;
+ nMeshMCount=0;
+ nMeshNCount=0;
+ nMDensity=0;
+ nNDensity=0;
+ nCSSType=0;
+void DXFPolyLineEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 30: fElevation=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 70: nFlags=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 40: fSWidth=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 41: fEWidth=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 71: nMeshMCount=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 72: nMeshNCount=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 73: nMDensity=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 74: nNDensity=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 75: nCSSType=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFVertexEntity::DXFVertexEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_VERTEX)
+ fSWidth=-1.0;
+ fEWidth=-1.0;
+ fBulge=0.0;
+ nFlags=0;
+ fCFTDir=0.0;
+void DXFVertexEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 40: fSWidth=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 41: fEWidth=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 42: fBulge=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 70: nFlags=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ case 50: fCFTDir=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFSeqEndEntity::DXFSeqEndEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_SEQEND)
+DXF3DFaceEntity::DXF3DFaceEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_3DFACE)
+ nIEFlags=0;
+void DXF3DFaceEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 10: aP0.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 20: aP0.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 30: aP0.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 11: aP1.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 21: aP1.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 31: aP1.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 12: aP2.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 22: aP2.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 32: aP2.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 13: aP3.fx=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 23: aP3.fy=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 33: aP3.fz=rDGR.GetF(); break;
+ case 70: nIEFlags=rDGR.GetI(); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+DXFDimensionEntity::DXFDimensionEntity() : DXFBasicEntity(DXF_DIMENSION)
+ sPseudoBlock[0]=0;
+void DXFDimensionEntity::EvaluateGroup(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ switch (rDGR.GetG()) {
+ case 2: strcpy(sPseudoBlock,rDGR.GetS()); break;
+ default: DXFBasicEntity::EvaluateGroup(rDGR);
+ }
+//---------------------------- DXFEntites --------------------------------------
+void DXFEntities::Read(DXFGroupReader & rDGR)
+ DXFBasicEntity * pE, * * ppSucc;
+ ppSucc=&pFirst;
+ while (*ppSucc!=NULL) ppSucc=&((*ppSucc)->pSucc);
+ while (rDGR.GetG()!=0) rDGR.Read();
+ while (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"ENDBLK")!=0 &&
+ strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"ENDSEC")!=0 &&
+ strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"EOF")!=0 )
+ {
+ if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"LINE" )==0) pE=new DXFLineEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"POINT" )==0) pE=new DXFPointEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"CIRCLE" )==0) pE=new DXFCircleEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"ARC" )==0) pE=new DXFArcEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"TRACE" )==0) pE=new DXFTraceEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"SOLID" )==0) pE=new DXFSolidEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"TEXT" )==0) pE=new DXFTextEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"SHAPE" )==0) pE=new DXFShapeEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"INSERT" )==0) pE=new DXFInsertEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"ATTDEF" )==0) pE=new DXFAttDefEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"ATTRIB" )==0) pE=new DXFAttribEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"POLYLINE" )==0) pE=new DXFPolyLineEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"VERTEX" )==0) pE=new DXFVertexEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"SEQEND" )==0) pE=new DXFSeqEndEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"3DFACE" )==0) pE=new DXF3DFaceEntity;
+ else if (strcmp(rDGR.GetS(),"DIMENSION")==0) pE=new DXFDimensionEntity;
+ else {
+ do {
+ rDGR.Read();
+ } while (rDGR.GetG()!=0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ *ppSucc=pE;
+ ppSucc=&(pE->pSucc);
+ pE->Read(rDGR);
+ }
+void DXFEntities::Clear()
+ DXFBasicEntity * ptmp;
+ while (pFirst!=NULL) {
+ ptmp=pFirst;
+ pFirst=ptmp->pSucc;
+ delete ptmp;
+ }