path: root/goodies/source/base3d/b3dgeom.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'goodies/source/base3d/b3dgeom.cxx')
1 files changed, 982 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/goodies/source/base3d/b3dgeom.cxx b/goodies/source/base3d/b3dgeom.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a9f4c271a506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/goodies/source/base3d/b3dgeom.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,982 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: b3dgeom.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:30:10 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _B3D_B3DGEOM_HXX
+#include "b3dgeom.hxx"
+#ifndef _B3D_B3DCOMPO_HXX
+#include "b3dcompo.hxx"
+#ifndef _B3D_HMATRIX_HXX
+#include "hmatrix.hxx"
+#ifndef _B3D_BASE3D_HXX
+#include "base3d.hxx"
+#include <tools/debug.hxx>
+#ifndef _INC_MATH
+#include <math.h>
+|* Bucket fuer Index
+BASE3D_IMPL_BUCKET(GeometryIndexValue, Bucket)
+|* Konstruktor
+: pComplexPolygon(NULL),
+ aEntityBucket(14), // 16K
+ aIndexBucket(8) // 256Byte
+ Reset();
+|* Ausgangszustand der Variablen herstellen
+void B3dGeometry::Reset()
+ bHintIsComplex = FALSE;
+ if(pComplexPolygon)
+ delete pComplexPolygon;
+ pComplexPolygon = NULL;
+|* Freien Eintrag zum fuellen holen
+B3dEntity& B3dGeometry::GetFreeEntity()
+ aEntityBucket.Append();
+ return aEntityBucket[aEntityBucket.Count() - 1];
+|* Inhalte loeschen
+void B3dGeometry::Erase()
+ aEntityBucket.Erase();
+ aIndexBucket.Erase();
+ Reset();
+|* Inhalte loeschen und Speicher freigeben
+void B3dGeometry::Empty()
+ aEntityBucket.Empty();
+ aIndexBucket.Empty();
+ Reset();
+|* Start der Geometriebeschreibung
+void B3dGeometry::StartDescription()
+ Erase();
+|* Ende der Geometriebeschreibung
+void B3dGeometry::EndDescription()
+ if(pComplexPolygon)
+ delete pComplexPolygon;
+ pComplexPolygon = NULL;
+|* Neues Primitiv beginnen
+void B3dGeometry::StartObject(BOOL bHintComplex, BOOL bOutl)
+ // Hint uebernehmen
+ bHintIsComplex = bHintComplex;
+ bOutline = bOutl;
+ // ComplexPolygon anlegen falls nicht vorhanden
+ if(bHintIsComplex)
+ {
+ if(!pComplexPolygon)
+ pComplexPolygon = new B3dComplexPolygon;
+ pComplexPolygon->StartPrimitive();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Direkt neues Polygon beginnen
+ StartPolygon();
+ }
+|* Primitiv abschliessen
+void B3dGeometry::EndObject()
+ // Unteren Index holen
+ UINT32 nLow = 0L;
+ if(aIndexBucket.Count())
+ nLow = aIndexBucket[aIndexBucket.Count()-1].GetIndex();
+ if(bHintIsComplex)
+ {
+ pComplexPolygon->EndPrimitive(this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Polygon abschliessen
+ EndPolygon();
+ }
+ // EbenenNormale berechnen und setzen; bei Linien und
+ // Punkten wird PlaneNormal auf (0,0,0) gesetzt
+ UINT32 nHigh = aIndexBucket[aIndexBucket.Count()-1].GetIndex();
+ Vector3D aPlaneNormal = -CalcNormal(nLow, nHigh);
+ while(nLow < nHigh)
+ aEntityBucket[nLow++].PlaneNormal() = aPlaneNormal;
+|* Geometrieuebergabe
+void B3dGeometry::AddEdge(const Vector3D& rPoint)
+ if(bHintIsComplex)
+ {
+ B3dEntity& rNew = pComplexPolygon->GetFreeEntity();
+ rNew.Reset();
+ rNew.Point() = rPoint;
+ rNew.SetValid();
+ rNew.SetEdgeVisible(TRUE);
+ pComplexPolygon->PostAddVertex(rNew);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ B3dEntity& rNew = GetFreeEntity();
+ rNew.Reset();
+ rNew.Point() = rPoint;
+ rNew.SetValid();
+ rNew.SetEdgeVisible(TRUE);
+ }
+void B3dGeometry::AddEdge(
+ const Vector3D& rPoint,
+ const Vector3D& rNormal)
+ if(bHintIsComplex)
+ {
+ B3dEntity& rNew = pComplexPolygon->GetFreeEntity();
+ rNew.Reset();
+ rNew.Point() = rPoint;
+ rNew.SetValid();
+ rNew.Normal() = rNormal;
+ rNew.SetNormalUsed();
+ rNew.SetEdgeVisible(TRUE);
+ pComplexPolygon->PostAddVertex(rNew);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ B3dEntity& rNew = GetFreeEntity();
+ rNew.Reset();
+ rNew.Point() = rPoint;
+ rNew.SetValid();
+ rNew.Normal() = rNormal;
+ rNew.SetNormalUsed();
+ rNew.SetEdgeVisible(TRUE);
+ }
+void B3dGeometry::AddEdge(
+ const Vector3D& rPoint,
+ const Vector3D& rNormal,
+ const Vector3D& rTexture)
+ if(bHintIsComplex)
+ {
+ B3dEntity& rNew = pComplexPolygon->GetFreeEntity();
+ rNew.Reset();
+ rNew.Point() = rPoint;
+ rNew.SetValid();
+ rNew.Normal() = rNormal;
+ rNew.SetNormalUsed();
+ rNew.TexCoor() = rTexture;
+ rNew.SetTexCoorUsed();
+ rNew.SetEdgeVisible(TRUE);
+ pComplexPolygon->PostAddVertex(rNew);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ B3dEntity& rNew = GetFreeEntity();
+ rNew.Reset();
+ rNew.Point() = rPoint;
+ rNew.SetValid();
+ rNew.Normal() = rNormal;
+ rNew.SetNormalUsed();
+ rNew.TexCoor() = rTexture;
+ rNew.SetTexCoorUsed();
+ rNew.SetEdgeVisible(TRUE);
+ }
+|* Copy-Operator
+void B3dGeometry::operator=(const B3dGeometry& rObj)
+ // Bucket kopieren
+ aEntityBucket = rObj.aEntityBucket;
+ aIndexBucket = rObj.aIndexBucket;
+ // ComplexPolygon nicht kopieren
+ pComplexPolygon = NULL;
+ // Hint auch nicht
+ bHintIsComplex = FALSE;
+|* Callbacks bei komplexen Primitiven
+void B3dGeometry::StartComplexPrimitive()
+ StartPolygon();
+void B3dGeometry::EndComplexPrimitive()
+ EndPolygon();
+void B3dGeometry::AddComplexVertex(B3dEntity& rNew, BOOL bIsVisible)
+ // Kopieren
+ B3dEntity& rLocal = GetFreeEntity();
+ rLocal = rNew;
+ // EdgeFlag anpassen
+ rLocal.SetEdgeVisible(bIsVisible);
+|* PolygonStart und -Ende aufzeichnen
+void B3dGeometry::StartPolygon()
+void B3dGeometry::EndPolygon()
+ GeometryIndexValue aNewIndex(aEntityBucket.Count());
+ if(bOutline)
+ aNewIndex.SetMode(B3D_INDEX_MODE_LINE);
+ aIndexBucket.Append(aNewIndex);
+|* Eine beliebige Transformation auf die Geometrie anwenden
+void B3dGeometry::Transform(const Matrix4D& rMat)
+ for(UINT32 a=0;a<aEntityBucket.Count();a++)
+ aEntityBucket[a].Transform(rMat);
+|* Hittest auf Geometrie
+|* Liegt der angegebene Schnittpunkt innerhalb eines der Polygone?
+INT32 B3dGeometry::CheckHit(const Vector3D& rFront, const Vector3D& rBack, USHORT nTol)
+ UINT32 nPolyCounter = 0;
+ UINT32 nEntityCounter = 0;
+ UINT32 nUpperBound;
+ INT32 nRetval;
+ while(nPolyCounter < aIndexBucket.Count())
+ {
+ // Obergrenze neues Polygon holen
+ nUpperBound = aIndexBucket[nPolyCounter++].GetIndex();
+ // Hittest fuer momentanes Polygon
+ nRetval = CheckSinglePolygonHit(nEntityCounter, nUpperBound, rFront, rBack);
+ if(nRetval != -1L)
+ return nRetval;
+ // Auf naechstes Polygon
+ nEntityCounter = nUpperBound;
+ }
+ return nRetval;
+INT32 B3dGeometry::CheckSinglePolygonHit(UINT32 nLow, UINT32 nHigh, const Vector3D& rFront, const Vector3D& rBack)
+ if(nLow + 2 < nHigh)
+ {
+ // Schnittpunkt berechnen
+ Vector3D aCut;
+ if(GetCutPoint(nLow, aCut, rFront, rBack))
+ {
+ // Schnittpunkt existiert, liegt dieser im angegebenen
+ // konvexen Polygon?
+ if(IsInside(nLow, nHigh, aCut))
+ {
+ return ((INT32)(aCut.Z() + 0.5));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1L;
+BOOL B3dGeometry::GetCutPoint(UINT32 nLow, Vector3D& rCut, const Vector3D& rFront, const Vector3D& rBack)
+ BOOL bCutValid = FALSE;
+ // Normale und Skalar der Ebenengleichung ermitteln
+ Vector3D aNormal = aEntityBucket[nLow].PlaneNormal();
+ double fScalar = -(aEntityBucket[nLow + 1].Point().GetVector3D().Scalar(aNormal));
+ Vector3D aLineVec = rFront - rBack;
+ double fZwi = aNormal.Scalar(aLineVec);
+ if(fabs(fZwi) > SMALL_DVALUE)
+ {
+ fZwi = (-fScalar - (rBack.Scalar(aNormal))) / fZwi;
+// if(fZwi > SMALL_DVALUE && fZwi < 1.0 - SMALL_DVALUE)
+// {
+ rCut.X() = rBack.X() + (aLineVec.X() * fZwi);
+ rCut.Y() = rBack.Y() + (aLineVec.Y() * fZwi);
+ rCut.Z() = rBack.Z() + (aLineVec.Z() * fZwi);
+ bCutValid = TRUE;
+// }
+ }
+ return bCutValid;
+BOOL B3dGeometry::IsInside(UINT32 nLow, UINT32 nHigh, const Vector3D& rPnt)
+ BOOL bInside(FALSE);
+ B3dVolume aVolume;
+ // Volume von genau dieser Flaeche feststellen
+ for(UINT32 a=nLow;a<nHigh;a++)
+ aVolume.Union(aEntityBucket[a].Point().GetVector3D());
+ // Hier eigentlich ein aVolume.IsInside(rPnt), doch da hier ein
+ // Vergleich mit Epsilon-Umgebung gebraucht wird, vergleiche selbst
+ BOOL bIsInside =
+ (rPnt.X() + SMALL_DVALUE >= aVolume.MinVec().X() && rPnt.X() - SMALL_DVALUE <= aVolume.MaxVec().X()
+ && rPnt.Y() + SMALL_DVALUE >= aVolume.MinVec().Y() && rPnt.Y() - SMALL_DVALUE <= aVolume.MaxVec().Y()
+ && rPnt.Z() + SMALL_DVALUE >= aVolume.MinVec().Z() && rPnt.Z() - SMALL_DVALUE <= aVolume.MaxVec().Z());
+ if(bIsInside)
+ {
+ BOOL bInsideXY(FALSE);
+ BOOL bInsideXZ(FALSE);
+ BOOL bInsideYZ(FALSE);
+ const Vector3D* pPrev = &(aEntityBucket[nHigh - 1].Point().GetVector3D());
+ const Vector3D* pActual;
+ Vector3D aDiffPrev, aDiffActual;
+ while(nLow < nHigh)
+ {
+ // Neuen Punkt holen
+ pActual = &(aEntityBucket[nLow++].Point().GetVector3D());
+ // Diffs bilden
+ aDiffPrev = *pPrev - rPnt;
+ aDiffActual = *pActual - rPnt;
+ // Ueberschneidung in Y moeglich?
+ if((aDiffPrev.Y() > 0.0 && aDiffActual.Y() <= 0.0) || (aDiffActual.Y() > 0.0 && aDiffPrev.Y() <= 0.0))
+ {
+ // in welchem Bereich liegt X?
+ if(aDiffPrev.X() >= 0.0 && aDiffActual.X() >= 0.0)
+ {
+ // Ueberschneidung
+ bInsideXY = !bInsideXY;
+ }
+ else if((aDiffPrev.X() > 0.0 && aDiffActual.X() <= 0.0) || (aDiffActual.X() > 0.0 && aDiffPrev.X() <= 0.0))
+ {
+ // eventuell Ueberschneidung
+ // wo liegt die X-Koordinate des Schnitts mit der X-Achse?
+ if(aDiffActual.Y() != aDiffPrev.Y())
+ if(aDiffPrev.X() - ((aDiffPrev.Y() * (aDiffActual.X() - aDiffPrev.X())) / (aDiffActual.Y() - aDiffPrev.Y())) >= 0.0)
+ // Ueberschneidung
+ bInsideXY = !bInsideXY;
+ }
+ // in welchem Bereich liegt Z?
+ if(aDiffPrev.Z() >= 0.0 && aDiffActual.Z() >= 0.0)
+ {
+ // Ueberschneidung
+ bInsideYZ = !bInsideYZ;
+ }
+ else if((aDiffPrev.Z() > 0.0 && aDiffActual.Z() <= 0.0) || (aDiffActual.Z() > 0.0 && aDiffPrev.Z() <= 0.0))
+ {
+ // eventuell Ueberschneidung
+ // wo liegt die X-Koordinate des Schnitts mit der X-Achse?
+ if(aDiffActual.Y() != aDiffPrev.Y())
+ if(aDiffPrev.Z() - ((aDiffPrev.Y() * (aDiffActual.Z() - aDiffPrev.Z())) / (aDiffActual.Y() - aDiffPrev.Y())) >= 0.0)
+ // Ueberschneidung
+ bInsideYZ = !bInsideYZ;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ueberschneidung in X moeglich?
+ if((aDiffPrev.X() > 0.0 && aDiffActual.X() <= 0.0) || (aDiffActual.X() > 0.0 && aDiffPrev.X() <= 0.0))
+ {
+ // in welchem Bereich liegt Z?
+ if(aDiffPrev.Z() >= 0.0 && aDiffActual.Z() >= 0.0)
+ {
+ // Ueberschneidung
+ bInsideXZ = !bInsideXZ;
+ }
+ else if((aDiffPrev.Z() > 0.0 && aDiffActual.Z() <= 0.0) || (aDiffActual.Z() > 0.0 && aDiffPrev.Z() <= 0.0))
+ {
+ // eventuell Ueberschneidung
+ // wo liegt die X-Koordinate des Schnitts mit der X-Achse?
+ if(aDiffActual.X() != aDiffPrev.X())
+ if(aDiffPrev.Z() - ((aDiffPrev.X() * (aDiffActual.Z() - aDiffPrev.Z())) / (aDiffActual.X() - aDiffPrev.X())) >= 0.0)
+ // Ueberschneidung
+ bInsideXZ = !bInsideXZ;
+ }
+ }
+ // Punkt als Vorgaenger merken
+ pPrev = pActual;
+ }
+ // Wahrheitswert bilden
+ bInside = bInsideXY || bInsideXZ || bInsideYZ;
+ }
+ return bInside;
+|* BoundVolume liefern
+B3dVolume B3dGeometry::GetBoundVolume()
+ B3dVolume aRetval;
+ for(UINT32 a=0;a<aEntityBucket.Count();a++)
+ aRetval.Union(aEntityBucket[a].Point().GetVector3D());
+ return aRetval;
+|* Mittelpunkt liefern
+Vector3D B3dGeometry::GetCenter()
+ B3dVolume aVolume = GetBoundVolume();
+ return (aVolume.MaxVec() + aVolume.MinVec()) / 2.0;
+|* Standard - Normalen generieren
+void B3dGeometry::CreateDefaultNormalsSphere()
+ // Alle Normalen ausgehend vom Zentrum der Geometrie bilden
+ Vector3D aCenter = GetCenter();
+ for(UINT32 a=0;a<aEntityBucket.Count();a++)
+ {
+ const Vector3D& aPoint = aEntityBucket[a].Point().GetVector3D();
+ Vector3D aNewNormal = aPoint - aCenter;
+ aNewNormal.Normalize();
+ aEntityBucket[a].Normal() = aNewNormal;
+ aEntityBucket[a].SetNormalUsed(TRUE);
+ }
+|* Normale ermitteln fuer einzelnes Polygon
+Vector3D B3dGeometry::CalcNormal(UINT32 nLow, UINT32 nHigh)
+ const Vector3D* pVec1 = NULL;
+ const Vector3D* pVec2 = NULL;
+ const Vector3D* pVec3 = NULL;
+ Vector3D aNormal;
+ while(nLow < nHigh && !(pVec1 && pVec2 && pVec3))
+ {
+ if(!pVec1)
+ {
+ pVec1 = &(aEntityBucket[nLow++].Point().GetVector3D());
+ }
+ else if(!pVec2)
+ {
+ pVec2 = &(aEntityBucket[nLow++].Point().GetVector3D());
+ if(*pVec2 == *pVec1)
+ pVec2 = NULL;
+ }
+ else if(!pVec3)
+ {
+ pVec3 = &(aEntityBucket[nLow++].Point().GetVector3D());
+ if(*pVec3 == *pVec2 || pVec3 == pVec1)
+ pVec3 = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pVec1 && pVec2 && pVec3)
+ {
+ aNormal = (*pVec2 - *pVec1)|(*pVec2 - *pVec3);
+ aNormal.Normalize();
+ }
+ return aNormal;
+|* Normaleninformationen ungueltig machen
+void B3dGeometry::RemoveNormals()
+ for(UINT32 a=0;a<aEntityBucket.Count();a++)
+ aEntityBucket[a].SetNormalUsed(FALSE);
+|* Standard - Texturkoordinaten generieren
+void B3dGeometry::CreateDefaultTexture(UINT16 nCreateWhat, BOOL bUseSphere)
+ if(nCreateWhat)
+ {
+ if(bUseSphere)
+ {
+ // Texturkoordinaten mittels Kugelprojektion ermitteln,
+ // dazu das Zentrum der Geometrie benutzen
+ // Alle Normalen ausgehend vom Zentrum der Geometrie bilden
+ Vector3D aCenter = GetCenter();
+ UINT32 nPointCounter = 0;
+ for(UINT32 a=0;a<aIndexBucket.Count();a++)
+ {
+ // Lokales Zentrum der zu behandelnden Flaeche bilden,
+ // um zu wissen von welcher Seite sich diese Flaeche
+ // dem Winkel F_PI bzw. -F_PI naehert
+ Vector3D aLocalCenter;
+ for(UINT32 b=nPointCounter;b<aIndexBucket[a].GetIndex();b++)
+ aLocalCenter += aEntityBucket[b].Point().GetVector3D();
+ aLocalCenter /= aIndexBucket[a].GetIndex() - nPointCounter;
+ // Vektor vom Mittelpunkt zum lokalen Zentrum bilden
+ aLocalCenter = aLocalCenter - aCenter;
+ if(fabs(aLocalCenter.X()) < SMALL_DVALUE)
+ aLocalCenter.X() = 0.0;
+ if(fabs(aLocalCenter.Y()) < SMALL_DVALUE)
+ aLocalCenter.Y() = 0.0;
+ if(fabs(aLocalCenter.Z()) < SMALL_DVALUE)
+ aLocalCenter.Z() = 0.0;
+ // X,Y fuer das lokale Zentrum bilden
+ double fXCenter = atan2(aLocalCenter.Z(), aLocalCenter.X());
+ double fYCenter = atan2(aLocalCenter.Y(), aLocalCenter.GetXZLength());
+ fXCenter = 1.0 - ((fXCenter + F_PI) / F_2PI);
+ fYCenter = 1.0 - ((fYCenter + F_PI2) / F_PI);
+ // Einzelne Punkte behandeln
+ UINT32 nRememberPointCounter = nPointCounter;
+ while(nPointCounter < aIndexBucket[a].GetIndex())
+ {
+ // Vektor vom Mittelpunkt zum Punkt bilden
+ const Vector3D& aPoint = aEntityBucket[nPointCounter].Point().GetVector3D();
+ Vector3D aDirection = aPoint - aCenter;
+ if(fabs(aDirection.X()) < SMALL_DVALUE)
+ aDirection.X() = 0.0;
+ if(fabs(aDirection.Y()) < SMALL_DVALUE)
+ aDirection.Y() = 0.0;
+ if(fabs(aDirection.Z()) < SMALL_DVALUE)
+ aDirection.Z() = 0.0;
+ // X,Y fuer Punkt bilden
+ double fXPoint = atan2(aDirection.Z(), aDirection.X());
+ double fYPoint = atan2(aDirection.Y(), aDirection.GetXZLength());
+ fXPoint = 1.0 - ((fXPoint + F_PI) / F_2PI);
+ fYPoint = 1.0 - ((fYPoint + F_PI2) / F_PI);
+ // X,Y des Punktes korrigieren
+ if(fXPoint > fXCenter + 0.5)
+ fXPoint -= 1.0;
+ if(fXPoint < fXCenter - 0.5)
+ fXPoint += 1.0;
+ // Polarkoordinaten als Texturkoordinaten zuweisen
+ if(nCreateWhat & B3D_CREATE_DEFAULT_X)
+ aEntityBucket[nPointCounter].TexCoor().X() = fXPoint;
+ if(nCreateWhat & B3D_CREATE_DEFAULT_Y)
+ aEntityBucket[nPointCounter].TexCoor().Y() = fYPoint;
+ if(nCreateWhat & B3D_CREATE_DEFAULT_Z)
+ aEntityBucket[nPointCounter].TexCoor().Z() = 0.0;
+ aEntityBucket[nPointCounter++].SetTexCoorUsed(TRUE);
+ }
+ // Punkte korrigieren, die direkt in den Polarregionen liegen. Deren
+ // X-Koordinate kann nicht korrekt sein. Die korrekte X-Koordinate
+ // ist diejenige des Punktes, der in den Pol hinein oder aus diesem heraus
+ // fuehrt, auf der Kugel also direkt darauf zu.
+ if(nCreateWhat & B3D_CREATE_DEFAULT_X)
+ {
+ nPointCounter = nRememberPointCounter;
+ while(nPointCounter < aIndexBucket[a].GetIndex())
+ {
+ Vector3D& aCoor = aEntityBucket[nPointCounter].TexCoor();
+ if(fabs(aCoor.Y()) < SMALL_DVALUE || fabs(aCoor.Y() - 1.0) < SMALL_DVALUE)
+ {
+ // Nachfolger finden
+ UINT32 nNextIndex = (nPointCounter + 1 < aIndexBucket[a].GetIndex())
+ ? nPointCounter + 1 : nRememberPointCounter;
+ Vector3D& aNextCoor = aEntityBucket[nNextIndex].TexCoor();
+ // Vorgaenger finden
+ UINT32 nPrevIndex = (nPointCounter && nPointCounter - 1 >= nRememberPointCounter)
+ ? nPointCounter - 1 : aIndexBucket[a].GetIndex() - 1;
+ Vector3D& aPrevCoor = aEntityBucket[nPrevIndex].TexCoor();
+ // Nachfolger testen: Liegt dieser ausserhalb des Pols?
+ if(fabs(aNextCoor.Y()) > SMALL_DVALUE && fabs(aNextCoor.Y() - 1.0) > SMALL_DVALUE)
+ {
+ // falls ja: X-Koordinate uebernehmen
+ aCoor.X() = aNextCoor.X();
+ }
+ // Vorgaenger testen: Liegt dieser ausserhalb des Pols?
+ else if(fabs(aPrevCoor.Y()) > SMALL_DVALUE && fabs(aPrevCoor.Y() - 1.0) > SMALL_DVALUE)
+ {
+ // falls ja, X-Koordinate uebernehmen
+ aCoor.X() = aPrevCoor.X();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Weder Vorgaenger noch Nachfolger liegen ausserhalb des Pols.
+ // Uebernimm daher wenigstens den bereits korrigierten X-Wert
+ // des Vorgaengers
+ aCoor.X() = aPrevCoor.X();
+ }
+ }
+ // naechster Punkt
+ nPointCounter++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Texturkoordinaten als Parallelprojektion auf X,Y,Z - Koordinaten
+ // im Bereich 1.0 bis 0.0 der Geometrie abstellen
+ // Gesamtabmessungen holen
+ B3dVolume aVolume = GetBoundVolume();
+ for(UINT32 a=0;a<aEntityBucket.Count();a++)
+ {
+ const Vector3D& aPoint = aEntityBucket[a].Point().GetVector3D();
+ if(nCreateWhat & B3D_CREATE_DEFAULT_X)
+ {
+ if(aVolume.GetWidth())
+ aEntityBucket[a].TexCoor().X() = (aPoint.X() - aVolume.MinVec().X()) / aVolume.GetWidth();
+ else
+ aEntityBucket[a].TexCoor().X() = 0.0;
+ }
+ if(nCreateWhat & B3D_CREATE_DEFAULT_Y)
+ {
+ if(aVolume.GetHeight())
+ aEntityBucket[a].TexCoor().Y() = 1.0 - ((aPoint.Y() - aVolume.MinVec().Y()) / aVolume.GetHeight());
+ else
+ aEntityBucket[a].TexCoor().Y() = 1.0;
+ }
+ if(nCreateWhat & B3D_CREATE_DEFAULT_Z)
+ aEntityBucket[a].TexCoor().Z() = 0.0;
+ aEntityBucket[a].SetTexCoorUsed(TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+|* Texturinformationen ungueltig machen
+void B3dGeometry::RemoveTexture()
+ for(UINT32 a=0;a<aEntityBucket.Count();a++)
+ aEntityBucket[a].SetTexCoorUsed(FALSE);
+|* Default-Geometrien erstellen
+void B3dGeometry::CreateCube(const B3dVolume& rVolume)
+ Erase();
+ StartDescription();
+ Vector3D A(rVolume.MinVec().X(), rVolume.MaxVec().Y(), rVolume.MinVec().Z());
+ Vector3D B(rVolume.MaxVec().X(), rVolume.MaxVec().Y(), rVolume.MinVec().Z());
+ Vector3D C(rVolume.MaxVec().X(), rVolume.MinVec().Y(), rVolume.MinVec().Z());
+ Vector3D D(rVolume.MinVec().X(), rVolume.MinVec().Y(), rVolume.MinVec().Z());
+ Vector3D E(rVolume.MinVec().X(), rVolume.MaxVec().Y(), rVolume.MaxVec().Z());
+ Vector3D F(rVolume.MaxVec().X(), rVolume.MaxVec().Y(), rVolume.MaxVec().Z());
+ Vector3D G(rVolume.MaxVec().X(), rVolume.MinVec().Y(), rVolume.MaxVec().Z());
+ Vector3D H(rVolume.MinVec().X(), rVolume.MinVec().Y(), rVolume.MaxVec().Z());
+ StartObject(FALSE);
+ AddEdge(A);
+ AddEdge(B);
+ AddEdge(C);
+ AddEdge(D);
+ EndObject();
+ StartObject(FALSE);
+ AddEdge(A);
+ AddEdge(E);
+ AddEdge(F);
+ AddEdge(B);
+ EndObject();
+ StartObject(FALSE);
+ AddEdge(B);
+ AddEdge(F);
+ AddEdge(G);
+ AddEdge(C);
+ EndObject();
+ StartObject(FALSE);
+ AddEdge(C);
+ AddEdge(G);
+ AddEdge(H);
+ AddEdge(D);
+ EndObject();
+ StartObject(FALSE);
+ AddEdge(D);
+ AddEdge(H);
+ AddEdge(E);
+ AddEdge(A);
+ EndObject();
+ StartObject(FALSE);
+ AddEdge(E);
+ AddEdge(H);
+ AddEdge(G);
+ AddEdge(F);
+ EndObject();
+ EndDescription();
+ CreateDefaultNormalsSphere();
+ CreateDefaultTexture(B3D_CREATE_DEFAULT_ALL, FALSE);
+void B3dGeometry::CreateSphere(const B3dVolume& rVolume, double fX, double fY)
+ Erase();
+ StartDescription();
+ Vector3D A,B,C,D;
+ double fXInc, fYInc;
+ if(fX == 0.0)
+ fX = 4.0;
+ fXInc = F_2PI / fX;
+ if(fY == 0.0)
+ fY = 4.0;
+ fYInc = F_PI / fY;
+ UINT16 nX = (UINT16)fX;
+ UINT16 nY = (UINT16)fY;
+ fX = 0.0;
+ for(UINT16 a=0;a<nX;a++,fX+=fXInc)
+ {
+ fY = -F_PI2;
+ for(UINT16 b=0;b<nY;b++,fY+=fYInc)
+ {
+ A.Y() = B.Y() = sin(fY+fYInc);
+ D.Y() = C.Y() = sin(fY);
+ A.X() = cos(fX) * cos(fY+fYInc);
+ D.X() = cos(fX) * cos(fY);
+ B.X() = cos(fX+fXInc) * cos(fY+fYInc);
+ C.X() = cos(fX+fXInc) * cos(fY);
+ A.Z() = sin(fX) * cos(fY+fYInc);
+ D.Z() = sin(fX) * cos(fY);
+ B.Z() = sin(fX+fXInc) * cos(fY+fYInc);
+ C.Z() = sin(fX+fXInc) * cos(fY);
+ StartObject(FALSE);
+ AddEdge(A);
+ AddEdge(B);
+ AddEdge(C);
+ AddEdge(D);
+ EndObject();
+ }
+ }
+ EndDescription();
+ CreateDefaultNormalsSphere();
+ CreateDefaultTexture(B3D_CREATE_DEFAULT_ALL, TRUE);
+ Matrix4D aTransform;
+ aTransform.Translate(Vector3D(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
+ aTransform.Scale(
+ (rVolume.MaxVec().X() - rVolume.MinVec().X())/2.0,
+ (rVolume.MaxVec().Y() - rVolume.MinVec().Y())/2.0,
+ (rVolume.MaxVec().Z() - rVolume.MinVec().Z())/2.0);
+ aTransform.Translate(rVolume.MinVec());
+ Transform(aTransform);
+|* Normalen invertieren
+void B3dGeometry::InvertNormals()
+ for(UINT32 a=0;a<aEntityBucket.Count();a++)
+ aEntityBucket[a].Normal() = -aEntityBucket[a].Normal();