path: root/goodies/source/base3d/b3ddeflt.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'goodies/source/base3d/b3ddeflt.cxx')
1 files changed, 1786 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/goodies/source/base3d/b3ddeflt.cxx b/goodies/source/base3d/b3ddeflt.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a626ad797406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/goodies/source/base3d/b3ddeflt.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1786 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: b3ddeflt.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:30:10 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _B3D_B3DDEFLT_HXX
+#include "b3ddeflt.hxx"
+#ifndef _B3D_B3DTRANS_HXX
+#include "b3dtrans.hxx"
+#ifndef _SV_OUTDEV_HXX
+#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_BMPACC_HXX
+#include <vcl/bmpacc.hxx>
+#include <vcl/bitmapex.hxx>
+#ifndef _B3D_B3DTEX_HXX
+#include "b3dtex.hxx"
+|* Konstruktor Base3DDefault
+Base3DDefault::Base3DDefault(OutputDevice* pOutDev)
+: Base3DCommon(pOutDev),
+ aZBuffer(),
+ aPicture(),
+ aMonoTransparence(),
+ aAlphaTransparence(),
+ aClearValue(Color(0x00ffffff)),
+ pZBufferWrite(NULL),
+ pPictureWrite(NULL),
+ pTransparenceWrite(NULL),
+ fDetail(1.0),
+ bReducedDetail(FALSE),
+ bDetailBackedup(FALSE),
+ fDetailBackup( -1.0 ),
+ nMaxPixels(500000)
+|* Destruktor Base3DDefault
+ // Alle Bitmap-Zugriffe freigeben
+ ReleaseAccess();
+|* Typbestimmung
+UINT16 Base3DDefault::GetBase3DType()
+|* Darstellungsqualitaet setzen
+void Base3DDefault::SetDisplayQuality(UINT8 nNew)
+ // Entsprechende PixelGrenze setzen
+ SetMaxPixels(((long)nNew * 3500) + 3500);
+ // call parent
+ Base3D::SetDisplayQuality(nNew);
+|* Vergroeberungsstufe setzen
+void Base3DDefault::SetDetail(double fNew)
+ // nach unten begrenzen
+ if(fNew > 1.0)
+ fNew = 1.0;
+ fDetail = fNew;
+ if(fDetail < 1.0)
+ {
+ bReducedDetail = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bReducedDetail = FALSE;
+ }
+|* BitmapAccess holen
+void Base3DDefault::AcquireAccess()
+ // Alle accesses holen
+ pZBufferWrite = aZBuffer.AcquireWriteAccess();
+ pPictureWrite = aPicture.AcquireWriteAccess();
+ pTransparenceWrite = (GetTransparentPartsContainedHint())
+ ? aAlphaTransparence.AcquireWriteAccess()
+ : aMonoTransparence.AcquireWriteAccess();
+|* BitmapAccess freigeben
+void Base3DDefault::ReleaseAccess()
+ // Alle accesses wieder freigeben
+ if(pZBufferWrite)
+ {
+ delete pZBufferWrite;
+ pZBufferWrite = NULL;
+ }
+ if(pPictureWrite)
+ {
+ delete pPictureWrite;
+ pPictureWrite = NULL;
+ }
+ if(pTransparenceWrite)
+ {
+ delete pTransparenceWrite;
+ pTransparenceWrite = NULL;
+ }
+|* Start der Szenenbeschreibung:
+void Base3DDefault::StartScene()
+ // Zugriffe freigeben
+ ReleaseAccess();
+ // Groesse der Bitmaps anpassen?
+ BOOL bSizeHasChanged = (aLocalSizePixel.GetSize() != aPicture.GetSizePixel());
+ // Neue BitMaps fuer ZBuffer und Picture allokieren
+ if(bSizeHasChanged || !aZBuffer || !aPicture)
+ {
+ aZBuffer = Bitmap(aLocalSizePixel.GetSize(), 24);
+ aPicture = Bitmap(aLocalSizePixel.GetSize(), 24);
+ }
+ // ZBuffer loeschen
+ aZBuffer.Erase(aClearValue);
+ // Bild loeschen
+ aPicture.Erase( GetOutputDevice()->GetBackground().GetColor() );
+ // Neue Transparenz-Bitmap allokieren
+ if(GetTransparentPartsContainedHint())
+ {
+ // Alpha-Channel
+ if(bSizeHasChanged || !aAlphaTransparence)
+ {
+ aAlphaTransparence = AlphaMask(aLocalSizePixel.GetSize());
+ if(!!aMonoTransparence)
+ aMonoTransparence = Bitmap();
+ }
+ // zu Beginn alles transparent
+ aAlphaTransparence.Erase(BYTE(0xff));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Mono-Channel
+ if(bSizeHasChanged || !aMonoTransparence)
+ {
+ aMonoTransparence = Bitmap(aLocalSizePixel.GetSize(), 1);
+ if(!!aAlphaTransparence)
+ aAlphaTransparence = AlphaMask();
+ }
+ // zu Beginn alles transparent
+ Color aEraseCol(COL_WHITE);
+ aMonoTransparence.Erase(aEraseCol);
+ }
+ // Zugriffe wieder holen
+ AcquireAccess();
+ // lokale ClipRegion anpassen
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive())
+ {
+ // Default specifics for scissoring
+ aDefaultScissorRectangle = GetScissorRegionPixel();
+ aDefaultScissorRectangle -= aSizePixel.TopLeft();
+ // Detailstufe beachten
+ if(bReducedDetail && fDetail != 0.0)
+ {
+ long nReducedWidth = (long)((double)(aDefaultScissorRectangle.GetWidth() - 1) * fDetail);
+ long nReducedHeight = (long)((double)(aDefaultScissorRectangle.GetHeight() - 1)* fDetail);
+ aDefaultScissorRectangle.SetSize(Size(nReducedWidth + 1, nReducedHeight + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ // call parent
+ Base3DCommon::StartScene();
+|* Ende der Szenenbeschreibung:
+void Base3DDefault::EndScene()
+ // Zugriffe freigeben
+ ReleaseAccess();
+ // Ausgabe der erzeugten BitMap
+ BitmapEx aBitmapEx;
+ if(GetTransparentPartsContainedHint())
+ {
+ // Alpha-Transparenz
+ aBitmapEx = BitmapEx(aPicture, aAlphaTransparence);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Mono-Transparenz
+ aBitmapEx = BitmapEx(aPicture, aMonoTransparence);
+ }
+ // Dithern
+ UINT16 nBitCount = GetOutputDevice()->GetBitCount();
+ if( GetOutputDevice()->GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER && nBitCount <= 16 && GetDither())
+ {
+ aBitmapEx.Dither(nBitCount <= 8
+ }
+ if(GetOutputDevice()->GetConnectMetaFile() != NULL)
+ {
+ Rectangle aLogicRect;
+ aLogicRect = GetOutputDevice()->PixelToLogic(aSizePixel);
+ aBitmapEx.Draw(GetOutputDevice(), aLogicRect.TopLeft(), aLogicRect.GetSize());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOOL bWasEnabled = GetOutputDevice()->IsMapModeEnabled();
+ GetOutputDevice()->EnableMapMode(FALSE);
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL // draw for testing
+ static BOOL bDoDrawBitmapForTesting(FALSE);
+ if(bDoDrawBitmapForTesting)
+ {
+ Bitmap aBmp( aBitmapEx.GetMask() );
+ aBmp.Replace( COL_WHITE, COL_LIGHTRED );
+ GetOutputDevice()->DrawBitmap( aSizePixel.TopLeft(), aSizePixel.GetSize(), aBmp );
+ GetOutputDevice()->SetFillColor( COL_LIGHTRED );
+ GetOutputDevice()->SetLineColor( COL_LIGHTRED );
+ GetOutputDevice()->DrawRect( aSizePixel );
+ }
+ aBitmapEx.Draw(GetOutputDevice(), aSizePixel.TopLeft(), aSizePixel.GetSize());
+ GetOutputDevice()->EnableMapMode(bWasEnabled);
+ }
+ // Zugriffe wieder holen
+ AcquireAccess();
+ // eventuelle temporaere Reduzierung der Aufloesung zuruecknehmen
+ if(bDetailBackedup)
+ {
+ SetDetail(fDetailBackup);
+ bDetailBackedup = FALSE;
+ }
+ // call parent
+ Base3DCommon::EndScene();
+|* Callbacks bei Matrixaenderungen
+|* Ausgaberechteck innerhalb des OutputDevice festlegen. Die Koordinaten
+|* sind device-spezifisch, muessen also evtl. erst auf pixelkoordinaten
+|* umgerechnet werden
+void Base3DDefault::SetTransformationSet(B3dTransformationSet* pSet)
+ // call parent
+ Base3DCommon::SetTransformationSet(pSet);
+ if(GetTransformationSet())
+ {
+ // eventuelle temporaere Reduzierung der Aufloesung zuruecknehmen
+ if(bDetailBackedup)
+ {
+ SetDetail(fDetailBackup);
+ bDetailBackedup = FALSE;
+ }
+ // Neue Groesse fuer die Ausgabe
+ aSizePixel = GetOutputDevice()->LogicToPixel(
+ GetTransformationSet()->GetLogicalViewportBounds());
+ // Eventuell durch ClipRegion eingeschraenkt? Dies
+ // muss beachtet werden
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive())
+ {
+ // draw region even smaller
+ aSizePixel.Intersection(GetScissorRegionPixel());
+ }
+ // Testen, ob die Bitmap zu gross wird
+ aLocalSizePixel = aSizePixel;
+ long nQuadSize = aLocalSizePixel.GetWidth() * aLocalSizePixel.GetHeight();
+ if(nQuadSize > GetMaxPixels())
+ {
+ // Groesse reduzieren
+ double fFactor = sqrt((double)GetMaxPixels() / (double)nQuadSize);
+ // Bei Druckjobs die Reduzierung einschraenken
+ if(fFactor < 0.25 && GetOutputDevice()->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER)
+ fFactor = 0.25;
+ // Wird hier mehr reduziert als sowieso schon eingestellt ist?
+ if(fFactor < fDetail)
+ {
+ fDetailBackup = GetDetail();
+ bDetailBackedup = TRUE;
+ SetDetail(fFactor);
+ }
+ }
+ // Detailstufe beachten
+ if(bReducedDetail && fDetail != 0.0)
+ {
+ long nReducedWidth = (long)((double)(aLocalSizePixel.GetWidth() - 1) * fDetail);
+ long nReducedHeight = (long)((double)(aLocalSizePixel.GetHeight() - 1)* fDetail);
+ aLocalSizePixel.SetSize(Size(nReducedWidth + 1, nReducedHeight + 1));
+ }
+ // Falls die Groesse null ist, groesse auf 1,1 setzen
+ if(aLocalSizePixel.GetSize().Width() < 1)
+ aLocalSizePixel.SetSize(Size(1 , aLocalSizePixel.GetSize().Height()));
+ if(aLocalSizePixel.GetSize().Height() < 1)
+ aLocalSizePixel.SetSize(Size(aLocalSizePixel.GetSize().Width(), 1));
+ }
+|* Pixelkoordinaten des Punktes innerhalb der Bitmap holen
+Point Base3DDefault::GetPixelCoor(B3dEntity& rEntity)
+ if(bReducedDetail && fDetail != 0.0)
+ {
+ Point aRetval = GetOutputDevice()->LogicToPixel(
+ Point((long)(rEntity.Point().X()),
+ (long)(rEntity.Point().Y()))) - aSizePixel.TopLeft();
+ aRetval.X() = (long)((double)aRetval.X() * fDetail);
+ aRetval.Y() = (long)((double)aRetval.Y() * fDetail);
+ return aRetval;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return GetOutputDevice()->LogicToPixel(
+ Point((long)(rEntity.Point().X()),
+ (long)(rEntity.Point().Y()))) - aSizePixel.TopLeft();
+ }
+|* 3DPunkt aus Pixelkoordinaten und Tiefe rekonstruieren
+Vector3D Base3DDefault::Get3DCoor(Point& rPnt, double fDepth)
+ if(bReducedDetail && fDetail != 0.0)
+ {
+ Point aPnt(rPnt);
+ aPnt.X() = (long)((double)aPnt.X() / fDetail);
+ aPnt.Y() = (long)((double)aPnt.Y() / fDetail);
+ aPnt = GetOutputDevice()->PixelToLogic(aPnt + aSizePixel.TopLeft());
+ return Vector3D(aPnt.X(), aPnt.Y(), fDepth);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Point aPnt = GetOutputDevice()->PixelToLogic(rPnt + aSizePixel.TopLeft());
+ return Vector3D(aPnt.X(), aPnt.Y(), fDepth);
+ }
+|* ZBuffer Sichtbarkeitstest
+BOOL Base3DDefault::IsVisibleAndScissor(long nX, long nY, UINT32 nDepth)
+ if(!IsScissorRegionActive() || IsInScissorRegion(nX, nY))
+ {
+ const BitmapColor& rBmCol = pZBufferWrite->GetPixel(nY, nX);
+ Color aColor(rBmCol.GetRed(), rBmCol.GetGreen(), rBmCol.GetBlue());
+ return (aColor.GetColor() >= nDepth);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+|* Scissoring Sichtbarkeitstest
+BOOL Base3DDefault::IsInScissorRegion(long nX, long nY)
+ if(nX < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Left())
+ return FALSE;
+ if(nY < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Top())
+ return FALSE;
+ if(nX > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Right())
+ return FALSE;
+ if(nY > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Bottom())
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+|* Pixel setzen in allen Buffern
+void Base3DDefault::WritePixel(long nX, long nY, Color aColor, UINT32 nDepth)
+ // In Transparenz-Map eintragen
+ if(GetTransparentPartsContainedHint())
+ {
+ if(aColor.GetTransparency())
+ {
+ BYTE nOldTrans = pTransparenceWrite->GetPixel(nY, nX).GetIndex();
+ if(nOldTrans != (BYTE)0xff)
+ {
+ // Farbe mischen
+ BitmapColor aOldCol = pPictureWrite->GetPixel(nY, nX);
+ UINT16 nNegTrans = 0x0100 - (UINT16)aColor.GetTransparency();
+ aColor.SetRed((BYTE)((((UINT16)aOldCol.GetRed() * (UINT16)aColor.GetTransparency())
+ + (aColor.GetRed() * nNegTrans)) >> 8));
+ aColor.SetGreen((BYTE)((((UINT16)aOldCol.GetGreen() * (UINT16)aColor.GetTransparency())
+ + (aColor.GetGreen() * nNegTrans)) >> 8));
+ aColor.SetBlue((BYTE)((((UINT16)aOldCol.GetBlue() * (UINT16)aColor.GetTransparency())
+ + (aColor.GetBlue() * nNegTrans)) >> 8));
+ pPictureWrite->SetPixel(nY, nX, aColor);
+ // Transparenz mischen
+ pTransparenceWrite->SetPixel(nY, nX,
+ (BYTE)(((UINT16)(nOldTrans+1) * (UINT16)aColor.GetTransparency()) >> 8));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Pixel setzen
+ pPictureWrite->SetPixel(nY, nX, aColor);
+ // Alpha-Wert setzen
+ pTransparenceWrite->SetPixel(nY, nX, aColor.GetTransparency());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Pixel setzen
+ pPictureWrite->SetPixel(nY, nX, aColor);
+ // Alpha-Wert setzen
+ pTransparenceWrite->SetPixel(nY, nX, (BYTE)0x00);
+ // Z-Buffer setzen
+ Color aZBufCol(nDepth);
+ pZBufferWrite->SetPixel(nY, nX, aZBufCol);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Dieser Punkt in der Mono-Transparenz ist nicht transparent
+ BitmapColor aColBlack(BYTE(0));
+ pTransparenceWrite->SetPixel(nY, nX, aColBlack);
+ // Pixel setzen
+ pPictureWrite->SetPixel(nY, nX, aColor);
+ // Z-Buffer setzen
+ Color aZBufCol(nDepth);
+ pZBufferWrite->SetPixel(nY, nX, aZBufCol);
+ }
+|* Zeichenfunktionen; alle Objekte sind geclippt
+|* Einzelner Punkt
+void Base3DDefault::Clipped3DPoint(UINT32 nInd)
+ B3dEntity& rEntity = aBuffers[nInd];
+ // Geometrie holen
+ rEntity.ToDeviceCoor(GetTransformationSet());
+ Point aOutPoint = GetPixelCoor(rEntity);
+ UINT32 nDepth = (UINT32)rEntity.Point().Z();
+ // PolygonOffset beachten
+ if(GetPolygonOffset(Base3DPolygonOffsetPoint))
+ {
+ else
+ nDepth = 0;
+ }
+ // Zeichnen
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(aOutPoint.X(), aOutPoint.Y(), nDepth))
+ WritePixel(aOutPoint.X(), aOutPoint.Y(), rEntity.Color(), nDepth);
+|* Zeichenfunktionen; alle Objekte sind geclippt
+|* Linie
+void Base3DDefault::Clipped3DLine(UINT32 nInd1, UINT32 nInd2)
+ B3dEntity& rEntity1 = aBuffers[nInd1];
+ B3dEntity& rEntity2 = aBuffers[nInd2];
+ bNormalsUsed = rEntity1.IsNormalUsed() && rEntity2.IsNormalUsed();
+ bTextureUsed = IsTextureActive() && rEntity1.IsTexCoorUsed() && rEntity2.IsTexCoorUsed();
+ // ColorModel fuer diese Punkte anwenden, falls Normale vorhanden
+ // Danach Normale als ungueltig markieren, da nur noch die berechnete
+ // Farbe bei Aufteilungen weiter interpoliert wird
+ if(bNormalsUsed)
+ {
+ // Vektoren normalisieren
+ rEntity1.Normal().Normalize();
+ rEntity2.Normal().Normalize();
+ if(GetShadeModel() != Base3DPhong)
+ {
+ // Farben auswerten
+ rEntity1.Color() = SolveColorModel(GetMaterialObject(),
+ rEntity1.Normal(), rEntity1.Point().GetVector3D());
+ rEntity2.Color() = SolveColorModel(GetMaterialObject(),
+ rEntity2.Normal(), rEntity2.Point().GetVector3D());
+ // Die Normalen NICHT ungueltig machen, da die Entities
+ // eventuell noch fuer weitere Primitive benutzt werden.
+ // Aber lokal merken, dass die Normalen bereits ausgewertet sind
+ bNormalsUsed = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // Geometrie holen
+ rEntity1.ToDeviceCoor(GetTransformationSet());
+ rEntity2.ToDeviceCoor(GetTransformationSet());
+ Rectangle aPrimitiveArea;
+ aOutPointTop = GetPixelCoor(rEntity1);
+ aOutPointLeft = GetPixelCoor(rEntity2);
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive())
+ {
+ aPrimitiveArea.Union(Rectangle(aOutPointTop, aOutPointTop));
+ aPrimitiveArea.Union(Rectangle(aOutPointLeft, aOutPointLeft));
+ }
+ if(!IsScissorRegionActive()
+ || (IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && !aDefaultScissorRectangle.GetIntersection(aPrimitiveArea).IsEmpty()))
+ {
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ fTexWidth = (double)GetActiveTexture()->GetBitmapSize().Width();
+ fTexHeight = (double)GetActiveTexture()->GetBitmapSize().Height();
+ }
+ // Punkt, Farbe und Z-Wert interpolieren und die Linie gererieren
+ long nDx = aOutPointLeft.X() - aOutPointTop.X();
+ long nDy = aOutPointLeft.Y() - aOutPointTop.Y();
+ long nCount;
+ // Werte fuer Schleife vorbereiten
+ if(abs(nDx) > abs(nDy))
+ // ueber X gehen
+ nCount = abs(nDx);
+ else
+ // ueber Y gehen
+ nCount = abs(nDy);
+ if(nCount)
+ {
+ // Interpolatoren vorbereiten
+ aIntXPosLeft.Load(aOutPointTop.X(), aOutPointLeft.X(), nCount);
+ aIntXPosRight.Load(aOutPointTop.Y(), aOutPointLeft.Y(), nCount);
+ UINT32 nDepth;
+ // PolygonOffset beachten
+ if(GetPolygonOffset())
+ {
+ double fDepthLeft = rEntity1.Point().Z();
+ double fDepthRight = rEntity2.Point().Z();
+ if(fDepthLeft >= double(POLYGONOFFSET_VALUE))
+ fDepthLeft -= double(POLYGONOFFSET_VALUE);
+ else
+ fDepthLeft = 0.0;
+ if(fDepthRight >= double(POLYGONOFFSET_VALUE))
+ fDepthRight -= double(POLYGONOFFSET_VALUE);
+ else
+ fDepthRight = 0.0;
+ aIntDepthLine.Load(fDepthLeft, fDepthRight, nCount);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aIntDepthLine.Load(rEntity1.Point().Z(), rEntity2.Point().Z(), nCount);
+ }
+ // Texturkoordinateninterpolation?
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ aIntTexSLine.Load(
+ rEntity1.TexCoor().X() * fTexWidth,
+ rEntity2.TexCoor().X() * fTexWidth,
+ nCount);
+ aIntTexTLine.Load(
+ rEntity1.TexCoor().Y() * fTexHeight,
+ rEntity2.TexCoor().Y() * fTexHeight,
+ nCount);
+ }
+ if(bNormalsUsed && GetShadeModel() == Base3DPhong)
+ {
+ // Normalen und Geometrie interpolieren
+ if(GetTransformationSet())
+ {
+ Vector3D aInvTrans = GetTransformationSet()->GetTranslate();
+ Vector3D aInvScale = GetTransformationSet()->GetScale();
+ // Tiefe und Normale vorbereiten
+ aIntVectorLine.Load(rEntity1.Normal(), rEntity2.Normal(), nCount);
+ // Linie zeichnen
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ while(nCount--)
+ {
+ // weiterer Punkt
+ nDx = aIntXPosLeft.GetLongValue();
+ nDy = aIntXPosRight.GetLongValue();
+ nDepth = aIntDepthLine.GetUINT32Value();
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(nDx, nDy, nDepth))
+ {
+ Point aTmpPoint(nDx, nDy);
+ Vector3D aPoint = Get3DCoor(aTmpPoint, nDepth);
+ aPoint -= aInvTrans;
+ aPoint /= aInvScale;
+ Vector3D aNormal;
+ aIntVectorLine.GetVector3DValue(aNormal);
+ aNormal.Normalize();
+ Color aCol = SolveColorModel(GetMaterialObject(), aNormal, aPoint);
+ GetActiveTexture()->ModifyColor(aCol,
+ aIntTexSLine.GetDoubleValue(),
+ aIntTexTLine.GetDoubleValue());
+ WritePixel(nDx, nDy, aCol, nDepth);
+ }
+ if(nCount)
+ {
+ // Weiterschalten
+ aIntXPosLeft.Increment();
+ aIntXPosRight.Increment();
+ aIntDepthLine.Increment();
+ aIntVectorLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexSLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexTLine.Increment();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while(nCount--)
+ {
+ // weiterer Punkt
+ nDx = aIntXPosLeft.GetLongValue();
+ nDy = aIntXPosRight.GetLongValue();
+ nDepth = aIntDepthLine.GetUINT32Value();
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(nDx, nDy, nDepth))
+ {
+ Point aTmpPoint(nDx, nDy);
+ Vector3D aPoint = Get3DCoor(aTmpPoint, nDepth);
+ aPoint -= aInvTrans;
+ aPoint /= aInvScale;
+ Vector3D aNormal;
+ aIntVectorLine.GetVector3DValue(aNormal);
+ aNormal.Normalize();
+ Color aCol = SolveColorModel(GetMaterialObject(), aNormal, aPoint);
+ WritePixel(nDx, nDy, aCol, nDepth);
+ }
+ if(nCount)
+ {
+ // Weiterschalten
+ aIntXPosLeft.Increment();
+ aIntXPosRight.Increment();
+ aIntDepthLine.Increment();
+ aIntVectorLine.Increment();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(rEntity1.Color() != rEntity2.Color())
+ {
+ // Farbe und Geometrie interpolieren
+ // Tiefe und Farbe vorbereiten
+ aIntColorLine.Load(rEntity1.Color(), rEntity2.Color(), nCount);
+ // Linie zeichnen
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ while(nCount--)
+ {
+ // weiterer Punkt
+ nDx = aIntXPosLeft.GetLongValue();
+ nDy = aIntXPosRight.GetLongValue();
+ nDepth = aIntDepthLine.GetUINT32Value();
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(nDx, nDy, nDepth))
+ {
+ Color aCol = aIntColorLine.GetColorValue();
+ GetActiveTexture()->ModifyColor(aCol,
+ aIntTexSLine.GetDoubleValue(),
+ aIntTexTLine.GetDoubleValue());
+ WritePixel(nDx, nDy, aCol, nDepth);
+ }
+ if(nCount)
+ {
+ // Weiterschalten
+ aIntXPosLeft.Increment();
+ aIntXPosRight.Increment();
+ aIntDepthLine.Increment();
+ aIntColorLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexSLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexTLine.Increment();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while(nCount--)
+ {
+ // weiterer Punkt
+ nDx = aIntXPosLeft.GetLongValue();
+ nDy = aIntXPosRight.GetLongValue();
+ nDepth = aIntDepthLine.GetUINT32Value();
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(nDx, nDy, nDepth))
+ WritePixel(nDx, nDy, aIntColorLine.GetColorValue(), nDepth);
+ if(nCount)
+ {
+ // Weiterschalten
+ aIntXPosLeft.Increment();
+ aIntXPosRight.Increment();
+ aIntDepthLine.Increment();
+ aIntColorLine.Increment();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Nur die Geometrie interpolieren
+ // Linie zeichnen
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ while(nCount--)
+ {
+ // weiterer Punkt
+ nDx = aIntXPosLeft.GetLongValue();
+ nDy = aIntXPosRight.GetLongValue();
+ nDepth = aIntDepthLine.GetUINT32Value();
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(nDx, nDy, nDepth))
+ {
+ Color aCol = rEntity1.Color();
+ GetActiveTexture()->ModifyColor(aCol,
+ aIntTexSLine.GetDoubleValue(),
+ aIntTexTLine.GetDoubleValue());
+ WritePixel(nDx, nDy, aCol, nDepth);
+ }
+ if(nCount)
+ {
+ // Weiterschalten
+ aIntXPosLeft.Increment();
+ aIntXPosRight.Increment();
+ aIntDepthLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexSLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexTLine.Increment();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while(nCount--)
+ {
+ // weiterer Punkt
+ nDx = aIntXPosLeft.GetLongValue();
+ nDy = aIntXPosRight.GetLongValue();
+ nDepth = aIntDepthLine.GetUINT32Value();
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(nDx, nDy, nDepth))
+ WritePixel(nDx, nDy, rEntity1.Color(), nDepth);
+ if(nCount)
+ {
+ // Weiterschalten
+ aIntXPosLeft.Increment();
+ aIntXPosRight.Increment();
+ aIntDepthLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexSLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexTLine.Increment();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+|* Zeichenfunktionen; alle Objekte sind geclippt
+|* Polygon
+void Base3DDefault::Clipped3DTriangle(UINT32 nInd1, UINT32 nInd2, UINT32 nInd3)
+ B3dEntity& rEntity1 = aBuffers[nInd1];
+ B3dEntity& rEntity2 = aBuffers[nInd2];
+ B3dEntity& rEntity3 = aBuffers[nInd3];
+ bNormalsUsed = rEntity1.IsNormalUsed() && rEntity2.IsNormalUsed() && rEntity3.IsNormalUsed();
+ bTextureUsed = IsTextureActive() && rEntity1.IsTexCoorUsed() && rEntity2.IsTexCoorUsed() && rEntity3.IsTexCoorUsed();
+ Base3DMaterialMode eMode = Base3DMaterialFront;
+ // ColorModel fuer diese Punkte anwenden, falls Normale vorhanden
+ // Danach Normale als ungueltig markieren, da nur noch die berechnete
+ // Farbe bei Aufteilungen weiter interpoliert wird
+ if(bNormalsUsed)
+ {
+ // Vektoren normalisieren
+ rEntity1.Normal().Normalize();
+ rEntity2.Normal().Normalize();
+ rEntity3.Normal().Normalize();
+ if(GetShadeModel() != Base3DPhong)
+ {
+ // Normale berechnen, Farben auswerten
+ if(rEntity1.PlaneNormal().Z() < 0.0 && (GetLightGroup() && GetLightGroup()->GetModelTwoSide()))
+ eMode = Base3DMaterialBack;
+ rEntity1.Color() = SolveColorModel(
+ GetMaterialObject(eMode),
+ rEntity1.Normal(), rEntity1.Point().GetVector3D());
+ rEntity2.Color() = SolveColorModel(
+ GetMaterialObject(eMode),
+ rEntity2.Normal(), rEntity2.Point().GetVector3D());
+ rEntity3.Color() = SolveColorModel(
+ GetMaterialObject(eMode),
+ rEntity3.Normal(), rEntity3.Point().GetVector3D());
+ // Die Normalen NICHT ungueltig machen, da die Entities
+ // eventuell noch fuer weitere Primitive benutzt werden.
+ // Aber lokal merken, dass die Normalen bereits ausgewertet sind
+ bNormalsUsed = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // Geometrie holen
+ rEntity1.ToDeviceCoor(GetTransformationSet());
+ rEntity2.ToDeviceCoor(GetTransformationSet());
+ rEntity3.ToDeviceCoor(GetTransformationSet());
+ // Punkte ordnen. Oberster nach pEntTop
+ if(rEntity1.Point().Y() < rEntity2.Point().Y()
+ && rEntity1.Point().Y() < rEntity3.Point().Y())
+ {
+ // rEntity1 ist der oberste
+ pEntTop = &rEntity1;
+ // Left, Right erst mal zuweisen
+ pEntRight = &rEntity3;
+ pEntLeft = &rEntity2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(rEntity2.Point().Y() < rEntity3.Point().Y())
+ {
+ // rEntity2 ist der oberste
+ pEntTop = &rEntity2;
+ // Left, Right erst mal zuweisen
+ pEntRight = &rEntity1;
+ pEntLeft = &rEntity3;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // rEntity3 ist der oberste
+ pEntTop = &rEntity3;
+ // Left, Right erst mal zuweisen
+ pEntRight = &rEntity2;
+ pEntLeft = &rEntity1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Werte holen
+ Rectangle aPrimitiveArea;
+ aOutPointTop = GetPixelCoor(*pEntTop);
+ aOutPointLeft = GetPixelCoor(*pEntLeft);
+ aOutPointRight = GetPixelCoor(*pEntRight);
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive())
+ {
+ aPrimitiveArea.Union(Rectangle(aOutPointTop, aOutPointTop));
+ aPrimitiveArea.Union(Rectangle(aOutPointLeft, aOutPointLeft));
+ aPrimitiveArea.Union(Rectangle(aOutPointRight, aOutPointRight));
+ }
+ if(!IsScissorRegionActive()
+ || (IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && !aDefaultScissorRectangle.GetIntersection(aPrimitiveArea).IsEmpty()))
+ {
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ fTexWidth = (double)GetActiveTexture()->GetBitmapSize().Width();
+ fTexHeight = (double)GetActiveTexture()->GetBitmapSize().Height();
+ }
+ // Links und rechts ordnen
+ long nDeltaYLeft = aOutPointLeft.Y() - aOutPointTop.Y();
+ long nDeltaYRight = aOutPointRight.Y() - aOutPointTop.Y();
+ long nYLine;
+ if((aOutPointLeft.X() - aOutPointTop.X()) * nDeltaYRight
+ - nDeltaYLeft * (aOutPointRight.X() - aOutPointTop.X()) > 0)
+ {
+ // Links und rechts vertauschen
+ // Punkte
+ nYLine = aOutPointLeft.X();
+ aOutPointLeft.X() = aOutPointRight.X();
+ aOutPointRight.X() = nYLine;
+ nYLine = aOutPointLeft.Y();
+ aOutPointLeft.Y() = aOutPointRight.Y();
+ aOutPointRight.Y() = nYLine;
+ // Deltas
+ nYLine = nDeltaYLeft; nDeltaYLeft = nDeltaYRight; nDeltaYRight = nYLine;
+ // Zeiger auf Entities
+ B3dEntity* pTmp = pEntLeft; pEntLeft = pEntRight; pEntRight = pTmp;
+ }
+ // YStart, Links und rechts laden
+ nYLine = aOutPointTop.Y();
+ aIntXPosLeft.Load(aOutPointTop.X(), aOutPointLeft.X(), nDeltaYLeft);
+ aIntDepthLeft.Load(pEntTop->Point().Z(), pEntLeft->Point().Z(), nDeltaYLeft);
+ aIntXPosRight.Load(aOutPointTop.X(), aOutPointRight.X(), nDeltaYRight);
+ aIntDepthRight.Load(pEntTop->Point().Z(), pEntRight->Point().Z(), nDeltaYRight);
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ aIntTexSLeft.Load(
+ pEntTop->TexCoor().X() * fTexWidth,
+ pEntLeft->TexCoor().X() * fTexWidth, nDeltaYLeft);
+ aIntTexTLeft.Load(
+ pEntTop->TexCoor().Y() * fTexHeight,
+ pEntLeft->TexCoor().Y() * fTexHeight, nDeltaYLeft);
+ aIntTexSRight.Load(
+ pEntTop->TexCoor().X() * fTexWidth,
+ pEntRight->TexCoor().X() * fTexWidth, nDeltaYRight);
+ aIntTexTRight.Load(
+ pEntTop->TexCoor().Y() * fTexHeight,
+ pEntRight->TexCoor().Y() * fTexHeight, nDeltaYRight);
+ }
+ if(bNormalsUsed && GetShadeModel() == Base3DPhong)
+ {
+ // Normalen und Geometrie interpolieren
+ aIntVectorLeft.Load(pEntTop->Normal(), pEntLeft->Normal(), nDeltaYLeft);
+ aIntVectorRight.Load(pEntTop->Normal(), pEntRight->Normal(), nDeltaYRight);
+ B3dMaterial& rMat = GetMaterialObject(eMode);
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ // Schleife
+ while(nDeltaYLeft || nDeltaYRight)
+ {
+ // Zeile ausgeben
+ DrawLinePhongTexture(nYLine, rMat);
+ // naechste Zeile vorbereiten rechts
+ if(!nDeltaYRight && nDeltaYLeft)
+ {
+ // Rechts ist zuende, lade neu mit Rest nach links
+ nDeltaYRight = nDeltaYLeft;
+ LoadRightTexture(nDeltaYRight);
+ aIntVectorRight.Load(pEntRight->Normal(), pEntLeft->Normal(), nDeltaYRight);
+ }
+ // naechste Zeile vorbereiten links
+ if(!nDeltaYLeft && nDeltaYRight)
+ {
+ // Links ist zuende, lade neu mit Rest nach rechts
+ nDeltaYLeft = nDeltaYRight;
+ LoadLeftTexture(nDeltaYLeft);
+ aIntVectorLeft.Load(pEntLeft->Normal(), pEntRight->Normal(), nDeltaYLeft);
+ }
+ // naechste Zeile rechts
+ if(nDeltaYRight || nDeltaYLeft)
+ {
+ nDeltaYRight--;
+ NextStepRightTexture();
+ aIntVectorRight.Increment();
+ nDeltaYLeft--;
+ NextStepLeftTexture();
+ aIntVectorLeft.Increment();
+ nYLine++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Schleife
+ while(nDeltaYLeft || nDeltaYRight)
+ {
+ // Zeile ausgeben
+ DrawLinePhong(nYLine, rMat);
+ // naechste Zeile vorbereiten rechts
+ if(!nDeltaYRight && nDeltaYLeft)
+ {
+ // Rechts ist zuende, lade neu mit Rest nach links
+ nDeltaYRight = nDeltaYLeft;
+ LoadRight(nDeltaYRight);
+ aIntVectorRight.Load(pEntRight->Normal(), pEntLeft->Normal(), nDeltaYRight);
+ }
+ // naechste Zeile vorbereiten links
+ if(!nDeltaYLeft && nDeltaYRight)
+ {
+ // Links ist zuende, lade neu mit Rest nach rechts
+ nDeltaYLeft = nDeltaYRight;
+ LoadLeft(nDeltaYLeft);
+ aIntVectorLeft.Load(pEntLeft->Normal(), pEntRight->Normal(), nDeltaYLeft);
+ }
+ // naechste Zeile rechts
+ if(nDeltaYRight || nDeltaYLeft)
+ {
+ nDeltaYRight--;
+ NextStepRight();
+ aIntVectorRight.Increment();
+ nDeltaYLeft--;
+ NextStepLeft();
+ aIntVectorLeft.Increment();
+ nYLine++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!(rEntity1.Color() == rEntity2.Color() && rEntity1.Color() == rEntity3.Color()))
+ {
+ // Farbe und Geometrie interpolieren
+ aIntColorLeft.Load(pEntTop->Color(), pEntLeft->Color(), nDeltaYLeft);
+ aIntColorRight.Load(pEntTop->Color(), pEntRight->Color(), nDeltaYRight);
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ // Schleife
+ while(nDeltaYLeft || nDeltaYRight)
+ {
+ // Zeile ausgeben
+ DrawLineColorTexture(nYLine);
+ // naechste Zeile vorbereiten rechts
+ if(!nDeltaYRight && nDeltaYLeft)
+ {
+ // Rechts ist zuende, lade neu mit Rest nach links
+ nDeltaYRight = nDeltaYLeft;
+ LoadRightTexture(nDeltaYRight);
+ aIntColorRight.Load(pEntRight->Color(), pEntLeft->Color(), nDeltaYRight);
+ }
+ // naechste Zeile vorbereiten links
+ if(!nDeltaYLeft && nDeltaYRight)
+ {
+ // Links ist zuende, lade neu mit Rest nach rechts
+ nDeltaYLeft = nDeltaYRight;
+ LoadLeftTexture(nDeltaYLeft);
+ aIntColorLeft.Load(pEntLeft->Color(), pEntRight->Color(), nDeltaYLeft);
+ }
+ // naechste Zeile rechts
+ if(nDeltaYRight || nDeltaYLeft)
+ {
+ nDeltaYRight--;
+ NextStepRightTexture();
+ aIntColorRight.Increment();
+ nDeltaYLeft--;
+ NextStepLeftTexture();
+ aIntColorLeft.Increment();
+ nYLine++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Schleife
+ while(nDeltaYLeft || nDeltaYRight)
+ {
+ // Zeile ausgeben
+ DrawLineColor(nYLine);
+ // naechste Zeile vorbereiten rechts
+ if(!nDeltaYRight && nDeltaYLeft)
+ {
+ // Rechts ist zuende, lade neu mit Rest nach links
+ nDeltaYRight = nDeltaYLeft;
+ LoadRight(nDeltaYRight);
+ aIntColorRight.Load(pEntRight->Color(), pEntLeft->Color(), nDeltaYRight);
+ }
+ // naechste Zeile vorbereiten links
+ if(!nDeltaYLeft && nDeltaYRight)
+ {
+ // Links ist zuende, lade neu mit Rest nach rechts
+ nDeltaYLeft = nDeltaYRight;
+ LoadLeft(nDeltaYLeft);
+ aIntColorLeft.Load(pEntLeft->Color(), pEntRight->Color(), nDeltaYLeft);
+ }
+ // naechste Zeile rechts
+ if(nDeltaYRight || nDeltaYLeft)
+ {
+ nDeltaYRight--;
+ NextStepRight();
+ aIntColorRight.Increment();
+ nDeltaYLeft--;
+ NextStepLeft();
+ aIntColorLeft.Increment();
+ nYLine++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Nur die Geometrie interpolieren
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ // Schleife
+ while(nDeltaYLeft || nDeltaYRight)
+ {
+ // Zeile ausgeben
+ DrawLineTexture(nYLine, pEntTop->Color());
+ // naechste Zeile vorbereiten rechts
+ if(!nDeltaYRight && nDeltaYLeft)
+ {
+ // Rechts ist zuende, lade neu mit Rest nach links
+ nDeltaYRight = nDeltaYLeft;
+ LoadRightTexture(nDeltaYRight);
+ }
+ // naechste Zeile vorbereiten links
+ if(!nDeltaYLeft && nDeltaYRight)
+ {
+ // Links ist zuende, lade neu mit Rest nach rechts
+ nDeltaYLeft = nDeltaYRight;
+ LoadLeftTexture(nDeltaYLeft);
+ }
+ // naechste Zeile rechts
+ if(nDeltaYRight || nDeltaYLeft)
+ {
+ nDeltaYRight--;
+ NextStepRightTexture();
+ nDeltaYLeft--;
+ NextStepLeftTexture();
+ nYLine++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Schleife
+ while(nDeltaYLeft || nDeltaYRight)
+ {
+ // Zeile ausgeben
+ DrawLine(nYLine, pEntTop->Color());
+ // naechste Zeile vorbereiten rechts
+ if(!nDeltaYRight && nDeltaYLeft)
+ {
+ // Rechts ist zuende, lade neu mit Rest nach links
+ nDeltaYRight = nDeltaYLeft;
+ LoadRight(nDeltaYRight);
+ }
+ // naechste Zeile vorbereiten links
+ if(!nDeltaYLeft && nDeltaYRight)
+ {
+ // Links ist zuende, lade neu mit Rest nach rechts
+ nDeltaYLeft = nDeltaYRight;
+ LoadLeft(nDeltaYLeft);
+ }
+ // naechste Zeile rechts
+ if(nDeltaYRight || nDeltaYLeft)
+ {
+ nDeltaYRight--;
+ NextStepRight();
+ nDeltaYLeft--;
+ NextStepLeft();
+ nYLine++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Base3DDefault::DrawLinePhongTexture(long nYPos, B3dMaterial& rMat)
+ // Ausserhalb des Clipping-Bereichs?
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && (nYPos < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Top()
+ || nYPos > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Bottom()))
+ return;
+ // Von links bis rechts zeichnen
+ long nXLineStart = aIntXPosLeft.GetLongValue();
+ long nXLineDelta = aIntXPosRight.GetLongValue() - nXLineStart;
+ if(nXLineDelta > 0)
+ {
+ // Ausserhalb des Clipping-Bereichs?
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && ( nXLineStart+nXLineDelta < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Left()
+ || nXLineStart > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Right()))
+ return;
+ Vector3D aVectorLeft;
+ aIntVectorLeft.GetVector3DValue(aVectorLeft);
+ Vector3D aVectorRight;
+ aIntVectorRight.GetVector3DValue(aVectorRight);
+ aIntVectorLine.Load(aVectorLeft, aVectorRight, nXLineDelta);
+ aIntDepthLine.Load(aIntDepthLeft.GetDoubleValue(), aIntDepthRight.GetDoubleValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ // Texturkoordinateninterpolation?
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ aIntTexSLine.Load(aIntTexSLeft.GetDoubleValue(), aIntTexSRight.GetDoubleValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ aIntTexTLine.Load(aIntTexTLeft.GetDoubleValue(), aIntTexTRight.GetDoubleValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ }
+ if(GetTransformationSet())
+ {
+ Vector3D aInvTrans = GetTransformationSet()->GetTranslate();
+ Vector3D aInvScale = GetTransformationSet()->GetScale();
+ while(nXLineDelta--)
+ {
+ // Werte vorbereiten
+ UINT32 nDepth = aIntDepthLine.GetUINT32Value();
+ // Punkt ausgeben
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(nXLineStart, nYPos, nDepth))
+ {
+ Point aTmpPoint(nXLineStart, nYPos);
+ Vector3D aPoint = Get3DCoor(aTmpPoint, nDepth);
+ aPoint -= aInvTrans;
+ aPoint /= aInvScale;
+ Vector3D aNormal;
+ aIntVectorLine.GetVector3DValue(aNormal);
+ aNormal.Normalize();
+ Color aCol = SolveColorModel(rMat, aNormal, aPoint);
+ // Texturkoordinateninterpolation?
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ GetActiveTexture()->ModifyColor(aCol,
+ aIntTexSLine.GetDoubleValue(),
+ aIntTexTLine.GetDoubleValue());
+ }
+ WritePixel(nXLineStart, nYPos, aCol, nDepth);
+ }
+ if(nXLineDelta)
+ {
+ // naechste Spalte
+ nXLineStart++;
+ // naechste Tiefe und Farbe
+ aIntDepthLine.Increment();
+ aIntVectorLine.Increment();
+ // Texturkoordinateninterpolation?
+ if(bTextureUsed)
+ {
+ aIntTexSLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexTLine.Increment();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Base3DDefault::DrawLinePhong(long nYPos, B3dMaterial& rMat)
+ // Ausserhalb des Clipping-Bereichs?
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && (nYPos < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Top()
+ || nYPos > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Bottom()))
+ return;
+ // Von links bis rechts zeichnen
+ long nXLineStart = aIntXPosLeft.GetLongValue();
+ long nXLineDelta = aIntXPosRight.GetLongValue() - nXLineStart;
+ if(nXLineDelta > 0)
+ {
+ // Ausserhalb des Clipping-Bereichs?
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && ( nXLineStart+nXLineDelta < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Left()
+ || nXLineStart > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Right()))
+ return;
+ Vector3D aVectorLeft;
+ aIntVectorLeft.GetVector3DValue(aVectorLeft);
+ Vector3D aVectorRight;
+ aIntVectorRight.GetVector3DValue(aVectorRight);
+ aIntVectorLine.Load(aVectorLeft, aVectorRight, nXLineDelta);
+ aIntDepthLine.Load(aIntDepthLeft.GetDoubleValue(), aIntDepthRight.GetDoubleValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ if(GetTransformationSet())
+ {
+ Vector3D aInvTrans = GetTransformationSet()->GetTranslate();
+ Vector3D aInvScale = GetTransformationSet()->GetScale();
+ while(nXLineDelta--)
+ {
+ // Werte vorbereiten
+ UINT32 nDepth = aIntDepthLine.GetUINT32Value();
+ // Punkt ausgeben
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(nXLineStart, nYPos, nDepth))
+ {
+ Point aTmpPoint(nXLineStart, nYPos);
+ Vector3D aPoint = Get3DCoor(aTmpPoint, nDepth);
+ aPoint -= aInvTrans;
+ aPoint /= aInvScale;
+ Vector3D aNormal;
+ aIntVectorLine.GetVector3DValue(aNormal);
+ aNormal.Normalize();
+ Color aCol = SolveColorModel(rMat, aNormal, aPoint);
+ WritePixel(nXLineStart, nYPos, aCol, nDepth);
+ }
+ if(nXLineDelta)
+ {
+ // naechste Spalte
+ nXLineStart++;
+ // naechste Tiefe und Farbe
+ aIntDepthLine.Increment();
+ aIntVectorLine.Increment();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Base3DDefault::DrawLineColorTexture(long nYPos)
+ // Ausserhalb des Clipping-Bereichs?
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && (nYPos < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Top()
+ || nYPos > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Bottom()))
+ return;
+ // Von links bis rechts zeichnen
+ long nXLineStart = aIntXPosLeft.GetLongValue();
+ long nXLineDelta = aIntXPosRight.GetLongValue() - nXLineStart;
+ if(nXLineDelta > 0)
+ {
+ // Ausserhalb des Clipping-Bereichs?
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && ( nXLineStart+nXLineDelta < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Left()
+ || nXLineStart > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Right()))
+ return;
+ aIntColorLine.Load(aIntColorLeft.GetColorValue(), aIntColorRight.GetColorValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ aIntTexSLine.Load(aIntTexSLeft.GetDoubleValue(), aIntTexSRight.GetDoubleValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ aIntTexTLine.Load(aIntTexTLeft.GetDoubleValue(), aIntTexTRight.GetDoubleValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ aIntDepthLine.Load(aIntDepthLeft.GetDoubleValue(), aIntDepthRight.GetDoubleValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ while(nXLineDelta--)
+ {
+ // Werte vorbereiten
+ UINT32 nDepth = aIntDepthLine.GetUINT32Value();
+ // Punkt ausgeben
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(nXLineStart, nYPos, nDepth))
+ {
+ Color aCol = aIntColorLine.GetColorValue();
+ GetActiveTexture()->ModifyColor(aCol,
+ aIntTexSLine.GetDoubleValue(),
+ aIntTexTLine.GetDoubleValue());
+ WritePixel(nXLineStart, nYPos, aCol, nDepth);
+ }
+ if(nXLineDelta)
+ {
+ // naechste Spalte
+ nXLineStart++;
+ // naechste Tiefe und Farbe
+ aIntDepthLine.Increment();
+ aIntColorLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexSLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexTLine.Increment();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Base3DDefault::DrawLineColor(long nYPos)
+ // Ausserhalb des Clipping-Bereichs?
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && (nYPos < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Top()
+ || nYPos > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Bottom()))
+ return;
+ // Von links bis rechts zeichnen
+ long nXLineStart = aIntXPosLeft.GetLongValue();
+ long nXLineDelta = aIntXPosRight.GetLongValue() - nXLineStart;
+ if(nXLineDelta > 0)
+ {
+ // Ausserhalb des Clipping-Bereichs?
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && ( nXLineStart+nXLineDelta < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Left()
+ || nXLineStart > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Right()))
+ return;
+ aIntColorLine.Load(aIntColorLeft.GetColorValue(), aIntColorRight.GetColorValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ aIntDepthLine.Load(aIntDepthLeft.GetDoubleValue(), aIntDepthRight.GetDoubleValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ while(nXLineDelta--)
+ {
+ // Werte vorbereiten
+ UINT32 nDepth = aIntDepthLine.GetUINT32Value();
+ // Punkt ausgeben
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(nXLineStart, nYPos, nDepth))
+ WritePixel(nXLineStart, nYPos, aIntColorLine.GetColorValue(), nDepth);
+ if(nXLineDelta)
+ {
+ // naechste Spalte
+ nXLineStart++;
+ // naechste Tiefe und Farbe
+ aIntDepthLine.Increment();
+ aIntColorLine.Increment();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Base3DDefault::DrawLineTexture(long nYPos, Color& rCol)
+ // Ausserhalb des Clipping-Bereichs?
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && (nYPos < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Top()
+ || nYPos > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Bottom()))
+ return;
+ // Von links bis rechts zeichnen
+ long nXLineStart = aIntXPosLeft.GetLongValue();
+ long nXLineDelta = aIntXPosRight.GetLongValue() - nXLineStart;
+ if(nXLineDelta > 0)
+ {
+ // Ausserhalb des Clipping-Bereichs?
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && ( nXLineStart+nXLineDelta < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Left()
+ || nXLineStart > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Right()))
+ return;
+ aIntTexSLine.Load(aIntTexSLeft.GetDoubleValue(), aIntTexSRight.GetDoubleValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ aIntTexTLine.Load(aIntTexTLeft.GetDoubleValue(), aIntTexTRight.GetDoubleValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ aIntDepthLine.Load(aIntDepthLeft.GetDoubleValue(), aIntDepthRight.GetDoubleValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ while(nXLineDelta--)
+ {
+ // Werte vorbereiten
+ UINT32 nDepth = aIntDepthLine.GetUINT32Value();
+ // Punkt ausgeben
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(nXLineStart, nYPos, nDepth))
+ {
+ // Texturkoordinateninterpolation?
+ Color aCol = rCol;
+ GetActiveTexture()->ModifyColor(aCol,
+ aIntTexSLine.GetDoubleValue(),
+ aIntTexTLine.GetDoubleValue());
+ WritePixel(nXLineStart, nYPos, aCol, nDepth);
+ }
+ if(nXLineDelta)
+ {
+ // naechste Spalte
+ nXLineStart++;
+ // naechste Tiefe und Farbe
+ aIntDepthLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexSLine.Increment();
+ aIntTexTLine.Increment();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Base3DDefault::DrawLine(long nYPos, Color& rCol)
+ // Ausserhalb des Clipping-Bereichs?
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && (nYPos < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Top()
+ || nYPos > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Bottom()))
+ return;
+ // Von links bis rechts zeichnen
+ long nXLineStart = aIntXPosLeft.GetLongValue();
+ long nXLineDelta = aIntXPosRight.GetLongValue() - nXLineStart;
+ if(nXLineDelta > 0)
+ {
+ // Ausserhalb des Clipping-Bereichs?
+ if(IsScissorRegionActive()
+ && ( nXLineStart+nXLineDelta < aDefaultScissorRectangle.Left()
+ || nXLineStart > aDefaultScissorRectangle.Right()))
+ return;
+ aIntDepthLine.Load(aIntDepthLeft.GetDoubleValue(), aIntDepthRight.GetDoubleValue(), nXLineDelta);
+ while(nXLineDelta--)
+ {
+ // Werte vorbereiten
+ UINT32 nDepth = aIntDepthLine.GetUINT32Value();
+ // Punkt ausgeben
+ if(IsVisibleAndScissor(nXLineStart, nYPos, nDepth))
+ WritePixel(nXLineStart, nYPos, rCol, nDepth);
+ if(nXLineDelta)
+ {
+ // naechste Spalte
+ nXLineStart++;
+ // naechste Tiefe und Farbe
+ aIntDepthLine.Increment();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Base3DDefault::LoadLeftTexture(long nSize)
+ aIntXPosLeft.Load(aOutPointLeft.X(), aOutPointRight.X(), nSize);
+ aIntDepthLeft.Load(pEntLeft->Point().Z(), pEntRight->Point().Z(), nSize);
+ aIntTexSLeft.Load(
+ pEntLeft->TexCoor().X() * fTexWidth,
+ pEntRight->TexCoor().X() * fTexWidth, nSize);
+ aIntTexTLeft.Load(
+ pEntLeft->TexCoor().Y() * fTexHeight,
+ pEntRight->TexCoor().Y() * fTexHeight, nSize);
+void Base3DDefault::LoadLeft(long nSize)
+ aIntXPosLeft.Load(aOutPointLeft.X(), aOutPointRight.X(), nSize);
+ aIntDepthLeft.Load(pEntLeft->Point().Z(), pEntRight->Point().Z(), nSize);
+void Base3DDefault::LoadRightTexture(long nSize)
+ aIntXPosRight.Load(aOutPointRight.X(), aOutPointLeft.X(), nSize);
+ aIntDepthRight.Load(pEntRight->Point().Z(), pEntLeft->Point().Z(), nSize);
+ aIntTexSRight.Load(
+ pEntRight->TexCoor().X() * fTexWidth,
+ pEntLeft->TexCoor().X() * fTexWidth, nSize);
+ aIntTexTRight.Load(
+ pEntRight->TexCoor().Y() * fTexHeight,
+ pEntLeft->TexCoor().Y() * fTexHeight, nSize);
+void Base3DDefault::LoadRight(long nSize)
+ aIntXPosRight.Load(aOutPointRight.X(), aOutPointLeft.X(), nSize);
+ aIntDepthRight.Load(pEntRight->Point().Z(), pEntLeft->Point().Z(), nSize);
+void Base3DDefault::NextStepRightTexture()
+ aIntXPosRight.Increment();
+ aIntDepthRight.Increment();
+ aIntTexSRight.Increment();
+ aIntTexTRight.Increment();
+void Base3DDefault::NextStepRight()
+ aIntXPosRight.Increment();
+ aIntDepthRight.Increment();
+void Base3DDefault::NextStepLeftTexture()
+ aIntXPosLeft.Increment();
+ aIntDepthLeft.Increment();
+ aIntTexSLeft.Increment();
+ aIntTexTLeft.Increment();
+void Base3DDefault::NextStepLeft()
+ aIntXPosLeft.Increment();
+ aIntDepthLeft.Increment();