path: root/fpicker/source/office/SvtPlaceDialog.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpicker/source/office/SvtPlaceDialog.cxx')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpicker/source/office/SvtPlaceDialog.cxx b/fpicker/source/office/SvtPlaceDialog.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5de6bde15d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpicker/source/office/SvtPlaceDialog.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * Version: MPL 1.1 / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * Major Contributor(s):
+ * [ Copyright (C) 2012 Julien Levesy <> (initial developer) ]
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * For minor contributions see the git repository.
+ *
+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later (the "GPLv3+"), or
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or later (the "LGPLv3+"),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPLv3+ or the LGPLv3+ are applicable
+ * instead of those above.
+ */
+#include "iodlg.hrc"
+#include <svtools/svtools.hrc>
+#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
+#include "fpsofficeResMgr.hxx"
+#include "PlacesListBox.hxx"
+#include "SvtPlaceDialog.hxx"
+SvtPlaceDialog::SvtPlaceDialog( Window* pParent ) :
+ ModalDialog( pParent, SvtResId( DLG_SVT_ADDPLACE ) ),
+ m_aFTServerUrl( this, SvtResId( FT_ADDPLACE_SERVERURL ) ),
+ m_aFTServerName( this, SvtResId( FT_ADDPLACE_SERVERNAME ) ),
+ m_aFTServerType( this, SvtResId( FT_ADDPLACE_SERVERTYPE ) ),
+ m_aFTServerLogin( this, SvtResId( FT_ADDPLACE_SERVERLOGIN ) ),
+ m_aFTServerPassword( this, SvtResId( FT_ADDPLACE_SERVERPASSWORD) ),
+ m_aEDServerUrl ( this, SvtResId( ED_ADDPLACE_SERVERURL ) ),
+ m_aEDServerName ( this, SvtResId( ED_ADDPLACE_SERVERNAME ) ),
+ m_aEDServerType ( this, SvtResId( ED_ADDPLACE_SERVERTYPE ) ),
+ m_aEDServerLogin ( this, SvtResId( ED_ADDPLACE_SERVERLOGIN ) ),
+ m_aEDServerPassword ( this, SvtResId( ED_ADDPLACE_SERVERPASSWORD ) ),
+ m_aBTOk( this, SvtResId( BT_ADDPLACE_OK ) ),
+ m_aBTCancel ( this, SvtResId ( BT_ADDPLACE_CANCEL ) ),
+ m_aBTDelete ( this, SvtResId (BT_ADDPLACE_DELETE ) )
+ // This constructor is called when user request a place creation, so
+ // delete button is hidden.
+ m_aBTOk.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SvtPlaceDialog, OKHdl) );
+ m_aBTOk.Enable( sal_False );
+ m_aEDServerName.SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SvtPlaceDialog, EditHdl) );
+ m_aEDServerUrl.SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SvtPlaceDialog, EditHdl) );
+ m_aEDServerUrl.SetUrlFilter( &m_UrlFilter );
+ Edit aDummyEdit ( this, SvtResId( ED_ADDPLACE_SERVERURL ) );
+ m_aEDServerUrl.SetPosSizePixel( aDummyEdit.GetPosPixel(), aDummyEdit.GetSizePixel() );
+ m_aEDServerUrl.Show();
+ m_aBTDelete.Hide();
+SvtPlaceDialog::SvtPlaceDialog( Window* pParent, PlacePtr pPlace ) :
+ ModalDialog( pParent, SvtResId( DLG_SVT_ADDPLACE ) ),
+ m_aFTServerUrl( this, SvtResId( FT_ADDPLACE_SERVERURL ) ),
+ m_aFTServerName( this, SvtResId( FT_ADDPLACE_SERVERNAME ) ),
+ m_aFTServerType( this, SvtResId( FT_ADDPLACE_SERVERTYPE ) ),
+ m_aFTServerLogin( this, SvtResId( FT_ADDPLACE_SERVERLOGIN ) ),
+ m_aFTServerPassword( this, SvtResId( FT_ADDPLACE_SERVERPASSWORD) ),
+ m_aEDServerUrl ( this, SvtResId( ED_ADDPLACE_SERVERURL ) ),
+ m_aEDServerName ( this, SvtResId( ED_ADDPLACE_SERVERNAME ) ),
+ m_aEDServerType ( this, SvtResId( ED_ADDPLACE_SERVERTYPE ) ),
+ m_aEDServerLogin ( this, SvtResId( ED_ADDPLACE_SERVERLOGIN ) ),
+ m_aEDServerPassword ( this, SvtResId( ED_ADDPLACE_SERVERPASSWORD ) ),
+ m_aBTOk( this, SvtResId( BT_ADDPLACE_OK ) ),
+ m_aBTCancel ( this, SvtResId ( BT_ADDPLACE_CANCEL ) ),
+ m_aBTDelete ( this, SvtResId (BT_ADDPLACE_DELETE ) )
+ m_aBTOk.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SvtPlaceDialog, OKHdl) );
+ m_aBTDelete.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SvtPlaceDialog, DelHdl) );
+ m_aEDServerName.SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SvtPlaceDialog, EditHdl) );
+ m_aEDServerUrl.SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SvtPlaceDialog, EditHdl) );
+ m_aEDServerUrl.SetUrlFilter( &m_UrlFilter );
+ Edit aDummyEdit ( this, SvtResId( ED_ADDPLACE_SERVERURL ) );
+ m_aEDServerUrl.SetPosSizePixel( aDummyEdit.GetPosPixel(), aDummyEdit.GetSizePixel() );
+ m_aEDServerUrl.Show();
+ m_aEDServerName.SetText( pPlace->GetName() );
+ m_aEDServerUrl.SetText( pPlace->GetUrl() );
+PlacePtr SvtPlaceDialog::GetPlace()
+ PlacePtr newPlace( new Place( m_aEDServerName.GetText(), m_aEDServerUrl.GetURL(), Place::e_PlaceLocal, true) );
+ return newPlace;
+IMPL_LINK ( SvtPlaceDialog, OKHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG )
+ EndDialog( RET_OK );
+ return 1;
+IMPL_LINK ( SvtPlaceDialog, DelHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG )
+ // ReUsing existing symbols...
+ EndDialog( RET_NO );
+ return 1;
+IMPL_LINK ( SvtPlaceDialog, EditHdl, Edit *, EMPTYARG )
+ String anUrl = m_aEDServerUrl.GetText();
+ anUrl.EraseLeadingChars().EraseTrailingChars();
+ String aName = m_aEDServerName.GetText();
+ aName.EraseLeadingChars().EraseTrailingChars();
+ if ( ( anUrl.Len() ) && ( aName.Len() ) )
+ {
+ if ( !m_aBTOk.IsEnabled() )
+ m_aBTOk.Enable( sal_True );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( m_aBTOk.IsEnabled() )
+ m_aBTOk.Enable( sal_False );
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */