path: root/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection
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Diffstat (limited to 'filter/qa/complex/filter/detection')
8 files changed, 1289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/ b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..713d0befe98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile:,v $
+ * $Revision: 1.5 $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+package complex.filter.detection.typeDetection;
+import helper.StreamSimulator;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import lib.TestParameters;
+import share.LogWriter;
+import util.utils;
+/** Helper class for "TypeDetection"
+ * This class do file hanlding.
+ */
+public class Helper {
+ /** The runner log writer
+ * @member m_log for log purposes
+ * @member m_sTestDocPath directory for seraching files to load
+ * @member m_vFiles list of all files describet in "files.csv"
+ * @member m_hFileURLs contains the postition of a file name in the m_vFiles Vector
+ * @member m_hFileTypes contains the postition of a file type in the m_vFiles Vector
+ * @member m_param the test parameters
+ */
+ LogWriter m_log = null;
+ String m_sTestDocPath = null;
+ Vector m_vFiles = null;
+ Hashtable m_hFileURLs = new Hashtable();
+ Hashtable m_hFileTypes = new Hashtable();
+ TestParameters m_param = null;
+ /**
+ * construct a new instance of this class
+ * It creates the "todo" list and position lists for <code>URL</code> and
+ * and <code>Type</code> inside the "todo" list
+ *
+ * @param param the test parameters
+ *
+ * @param log the log writer
+ */
+ public Helper(TestParameters param, LogWriter log) {
+ m_param = param;
+ m_log = log;
+ // get all files from the given directory
+ m_sTestDocPath = (String)param.get("TestDocumentPath");
+ // get all files from "files.csv"
+ m_vFiles = getToDoList((String)m_param.get("csv.files"));
+ createFilesList();
+ }
+ /** Reads a comma separated file (CSV). Every line of the file is
+ * repesented by an <code>Vector</code> entry. Every data entry of a row is
+ * also stored in a <code>Vector</code>. So the returned value is a
+ * <code>Vector[][]</code> where the first dimension represents a row
+ * and the second dimenesion inclueds the data values.
+ * @param csvFileName the name of the csv file
+ * @return Vector filled with Vector filled with data of a row
+ */
+ public Vector getToDoList(String csvFileName){
+ try {
+ Vector vAll = new Vector();
+ Vector vFields = new Vector();
+ // get content of file
+ Vector content = getCSVFileContent(csvFileName);
+ // remove superfluous content like "#" started lines
+ content = removeSuperfluousContent(content);
+ // replace all place holders in file
+ content = replacePlaceHolder(content);
+ // create Enumeration
+ Enumeration contentEnum = content.elements();
+ // the first line contains field names of the columns
+ // split line by ";"
+ StringTokenizer fields = new StringTokenizer(
+ contentEnum.nextElement().toString(),";");
+ int fieldCount = 0;
+ while (fields.hasMoreElements()){
+ vFields.add(fields.nextElement());
+ fieldCount++;
+ }
+ // fill vData with data of CSV-row
+ while (contentEnum.hasMoreElements()){
+ Vector vData = new Vector();
+ StringTokenizer data = new StringTokenizer(
+ contentEnum.nextElement().toString(),";", true);
+ // example: data = "firstData;secondData;;forthData"
+ // => three tokens => missing one data because the imagine
+ // "thirdData" was not recieved by data.nextToken()
+ // Therefore here comes a special handling for empty datas
+ boolean nextIsData = false;
+ int dataCount = 0;
+ while (data.hasMoreTokens()) {
+ Object myToken = data.nextToken();
+ // if the "thirdData" will be recieved, myToken=";" but
+ // vData must add an empty String
+ if (myToken.equals(";")){
+ if (nextIsData ) {
+ vData.add("");
+ dataCount++;
+ nextIsData = false;
+ }
+ nextIsData = true;
+ } else {
+ vData.add(myToken.toString());
+ dataCount++;
+ nextIsData = false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i=dataCount; i < fieldCount; i++) vData.add("");
+ vAll.add(vData);
+ }
+ return vAll;
+ } catch(ClassCastException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /** The csv files "files", "preselectedFilter", "preselectedType" and
+ * "serviceName" are delivered beside this class. This function seeks for
+ * the csv files and read them.
+ * @param csvFileName the name of the csv file
+ * @return a Vector containing the content of the file. <null/> if the file
+ * cannot be read
+ */
+ public Vector getCSVFileContent(String csvFileName) {
+ try {
+ Vector content = new Vector();
+ BufferedReader br;
+ String line;
+ if ( m_param.DebugIsActive ) {
+ System.out.println("Looking for "+csvFileName);
+ }
+ URL url = getClassURL(csvFileName);
+ if (url != null) {
+ URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
+ InputStream in = connection.getInputStream();
+ br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
+ try {
+ while( ( line = br.readLine() ) != null ) {
+ content.addElement( line );
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ br.close();
+ return null;
+ }
+ br.close();
+ return content;
+ }
+ }catch (IOException e) {
+ }catch(java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /** returns a XInputStream of given file
+ * @param filePath the path to the file which shoud be loaded
+ * @return the XInputStream, <null/> if the
+ * file cannot be read
+ * @throws NotConnectedException was thrown if it was not possible to open <CODE>filePath</CODE>
+ */
+ public XInputStream getFileStream( String filePath )
+ throws NotConnectedException {
+ return new StreamSimulator(filePath, true, m_param);
+ }
+ /** replaces place holder in preselectedFilter.
+ * Because of filter names depend on StarOffice version like
+ * "StarOffice 6.0 Textdokument" or ""StarSuite 7 Textdokument"
+ * The filter names must be changed. The place holder will be replaced
+ * by an equivalent in "typeDetection.props"
+ * @param content the content of a csv file
+ * @return changed file content
+ */
+ private Vector replacePlaceHolder(Vector content){
+ Vector vReturn = new Vector();
+ Vector placeHolders = new Vector();
+ Enumeration m_params = m_param.keys();
+ String placeHolder = (String)m_param.get("placeHolder");
+ // get all place holdes from typeDetection.csv
+ while (m_params.hasMoreElements()){
+ String holderKey = (String) m_params.nextElement();
+ if (holderKey.startsWith(placeHolder)){
+ placeHolders.add(holderKey);
+ }
+ }
+ // replace all occurrences of place holders in 'CSVData'
+ Enumeration cont = content.elements();
+ while( cont.hasMoreElements() ) {
+ String line = (String) cont.nextElement();
+ String newLine = line;
+ Enumeration holders = placeHolders.elements();
+ while( holders.hasMoreElements() ) {
+ String holder = (String) holders.nextElement();
+ int startPos = line.indexOf(holder);
+ if (startPos > -1){
+ try{
+ String holderValue = (String) m_param.get(holder);
+ newLine = newLine.substring(0,startPos) + holderValue +
+ newLine.substring(startPos + holder.length());
+ } catch (java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException e){
+ m_log.println("ERROR: problems while creating placeholder" +
+ " replaced list: "+ e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vReturn.add(newLine);
+ }
+ return vReturn;
+ }
+ /** Removes lines of an ascii file content which starts with "#"
+ * or are empty
+ * @param content content of a csv fiöe
+ * @return a stripped Vector
+ */
+ public Vector removeSuperfluousContent(Vector content){
+ try{
+ Vector newContent = new Vector();
+ Enumeration cont = content.elements();
+ while( cont.hasMoreElements() ) {
+ String line = (String) cont.nextElement();
+ if (( ! line.startsWith( "#" ))&& ( line.length() != 0 )) {
+ newContent.addElement( line );
+ }
+ }
+ return newContent;
+ } catch (ClassCastException e){
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /** returns a <code>MediaDescripto</code> filled with given properties and
+ * values.
+ * @param propNames String Array of propertie names
+ * @param values Objecr Array of propertie values
+ * @return <code>PropertyValue[]<code>
+ * @see
+ * @see
+ */
+ public PropertyValue[] createMediaDescriptor(String[] propNames, Object[] values) {
+ PropertyValue[] props = new PropertyValue[propNames.length] ;
+ for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
+ props[i] = new PropertyValue() ;
+ props[i].Name = propNames[i] ;
+ if (values != null && i < values.length) {
+ props[i].Value = values[i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ return props ;
+ }
+ /** Appends system file separator if needed
+ * @param s the system path
+ * @return system path with ending system file separator
+ */
+ public String ensureEndingFileSep(String s){
+ if(s != null && !s.equals("") && !s.endsWith(File.separator)){
+ s = s.trim() + File.separator;
+ }else if(s == null)
+ s = "";
+ return s;
+ }
+ /** Returns the file URL for the given file name assembled by
+ * "TestDocumentPath" of typeDetection.props and "fileURL" of files.csv
+ * @param fileAlias the alias name of the file
+ * @return file URL
+ * @throws FileAliasNotFoundException was thrown if alias does not exist
+ */
+ public String getURLforfileAlias(String fileAlias)
+ throws FileAliasNotFoundException{
+ try{
+ String fileURL = (String) m_hFileURLs.get(fileAlias).toString();
+ return utils.getFullURL(ensureEndingFileSep(m_sTestDocPath) + fileURL);
+ } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e){
+ throw new FileAliasNotFoundException(fileAlias);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Returns the file type for the given file name containing in files.csv
+ * @param fileAlias the alias name of the file
+ * @return file type
+ * @throws FileAliasNotFoundException was thrown if not alias was thorwn
+ */
+ public String getTypeforfileAlias(String fileAlias)
+ throws FileAliasNotFoundException{
+ try{
+ return (String) m_hFileTypes.get(fileAlias).toString();
+ } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e){
+ throw new FileAliasNotFoundException(fileAlias);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Filles the Hashtable m_hFileURLs with all file names and their URL
+ * and the Hashtable m_hFilesTypes with all file names and thier file
+ * typ name. This informations are extracted from "files.csv"
+ * This is for faster acccess to get fileURL and fileType of fileAlias
+ */
+ public void createFilesList(){
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_vFiles.size();i++){
+ Vector toDo = (Vector) m_vFiles.get(i);
+ m_hFileURLs.put((String) toDo.get(0).toString(),
+ (String) toDo.get(1).toString());
+ m_hFileTypes.put((String) toDo.get(0).toString(),
+ (String) toDo.get(2).toString());
+ }
+ }
+ /** Validate the returned file type for the file alias with the
+ * possible file types
+ * @param currentFileType the returned file type
+ * @param fileTypes all possible file types
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean checkFileType(String currentFileType, String fileTypes){
+ StringTokenizer data = new StringTokenizer(fileTypes,":", true);
+ boolean found = false;
+ while (data.hasMoreElements()) {
+ String actualFileType = data.nextElement().toString();
+ found = found || currentFileType.equals(actualFileType);
+ }
+ return found;
+ }
+ /** creates an input/output parameter of <code>PropertyValue[]<code>.
+ * @return PropertyValue[][]
+ * @param PropVal a PropertyValue
+ */
+ public PropertyValue[][] createInOutPropertyValue(PropertyValue[] PropVal){
+ PropertyValue[][] dummy = new PropertyValue[1][];
+ dummy[0] = PropVal;
+ return dummy;
+ }
+ public URL getClassURL(String fileName){
+ String PackagePath = this.getClass().getPackage().getName().replace('.','/');
+ return this.getClass().getResource("/" + PackagePath +"/" + fileName);
+ }
+ public String getClassURLString(String fileName){
+ return getClassURL(fileName).toString().replaceAll("file:","");
+ }
+/** This exeception should be thrown if a method seeks for an invalid alias name */
+class FileAliasNotFoundException extends java.lang.Exception{
+ /** throws error message with wrong alias name
+ * @param fileAlias the alias name
+ */
+ public FileAliasNotFoundException(String fileAlias){
+ super("Could not get '"+fileAlias +"'");
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/ b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..423d6fe166d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile:,v $
+ * $Revision: 1.5 $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+package complex.filter.detection.typeDetection;
+import complexlib.ComplexTestCase;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import util.utils;
+/** Check "TypeDetection"
+ * <p>
+ * This test will check the file type detection. This will be done by filling
+ * properties of a <code>MediaDescriptor</code>.
+ *
+ * In the test method <code>checkByURLonly</code> the
+ * <code>MediaDescriptor</code> was filled at once with the URL of a test
+ * file. At second it was filled with a <code>XInputStream</code> from test
+ * file. In both subtests the returned file type must match with an expected
+ * type.
+ *
+ * In the test method <code>checkPreselectedType</code> the
+ * <code>MediaDescriptor</code> was filled with the URL of the test file and
+ * with the name of a type which should be used. The returned type of the
+ * <code>TypeDetection<code> must match with an expected type.
+ *
+ * In the test method <code>checkPreselectedFilter</code> the
+ * <code>MediaDescriptor</code> was filled with the URL of the test file and
+ * with the name of a filter which should be used. The returned type of the
+ * <code>TypeDetection<code> must match with an expected type.
+ *
+ * In the test method <code>checkPreselectedDocService</code> the
+ * <code>MediaDescriptor</code> was filled with the URL of the test file and
+ * with the name of a document service which should be used. The returned type
+ * of the <code>TypeDetection<code> must match with an expected type.
+ *
+ *
+ * To get information which test file should support which type, filter and
+ * document service, this information was collect from configuration files:
+ * <UL>
+ * <LI><a href="#TypeDetection.props">TypeDetection.props</a></LI>
+ * <LI><a href="#files.csv">files.csv</a></LI>
+ * <LI><a href="#preselectedFilter.csv">preselectedFilter.csv</a></LI>
+ * <LI><a href="#preselectedType.csv">preselectedType.csv</a></LI>
+ * <LI><a href="#serviceName.csv">serviceName.csv</a></LI>
+ * </UL>
+ * <p>
+ * <h3><A name="TypeDetection.props"></A>
+ * <code>typeDetection.props</code></h3>
+ * At fist there will be the <code>typeDetection.props</code>. Here the following
+ * properties should be set (with example values):
+ *
+ * TestDocumentPath=file:///path/to/my/testdocuments
+ * placeHolder=%
+ * %SO6productname=StarOffice
+ * %SO6formatversion=6.0
+ *
+ * <code>TestDocumentPath</code>: this is the path to your test documents. If
+ * you have grouped your documents ie. by writer, calc, ... then it should be
+ * the root path. To specify the particular sub folders you have to use
+ * <code>csv.files</code>
+ * <p>
+ * <code>files.csv</code>: In this file all test documents are listed.
+ * Syntax: fileAlias;fileURL;defaultURLFileType;StreamFileTypes
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * Writer6_1;Writer/Writer6.sxw;writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer;writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer
+ * text1;Writer/Text.txt;writer_Text_encoded:writer_Text;writer_Text_encoded:writer_Text
+ *
+ * The first example shows you the following:
+ * <code>Writer6_1</code> is a free chosen name
+ * <code>Writer/Writer6.sxw</code> is the document path. This will be assembled
+ * by <code>TestDocumentPath</code> from <code>typeDetection.props</code>.
+ * <code>writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer</code>: this is the default file type of
+ * this file
+ *
+ * The second example displays two document types for <code>XInputStream</CODE>
+ * (<code>writer_Text_encoded</CODE> and <code>writer_Text</CODE>. This two
+ * document types are listed by a colon ':' as separator. This is needed because
+ * XInputStream can detect a text file as writer_Text_encoded as well as
+ * writer_Text.
+ * <p>
+ *
+ * <H3><A name="preselectedFilter.csv"</a>
+ * <code>preselectedFilter.csv</code></H3>
+ * In this file you can choose a special
+ * filter to detect the document. This make sense ie. for csv-files: You can
+ * open csv files as Writer or as Calc. To check this case you have to specify
+ * in <code>csv.files</code> a fileAlias like ?csv_writer? and ?csv_calc? with
+ * the same fileURL and it's specific defaultFileType.
+ * The returned file type by <code>TypeDetection</code> must equal to
+ * correspond <code>defaultFileType</code> from <code>csv.files</code>
+ *
+ * Syntax: fileAlias;FilterName;FilterOptions;FilterData
+ * Example: Writer6_1;%SO6productname %SO6formatversion Textdokument;;
+ *
+ * The example shows the following:
+ * <code>Writer6_1</code> is the same as in <code>csv.files</code>
+ * <code>%SO6productname %SO6formatversion Textdokument</code> is the filter
+ * name which should be used. Here we have a special: <code>%SO6productname
+ * %SO6formatversion</code> will be replaced by the equals of
+ * <code>typeDetection.props</code>. The filter names depends on the Office
+ * name and version. So a future Office could called ?StarSuite 8?.
+ * <code>FilterOptions</code> is not relevant for this filter. But ie. for csv
+ * filter this entry could be used to specify the separator of the csv file.
+ * <code>FilterData<code> if filter needs some FilterData arguments you can
+ * specify it here
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * <H3><a name="preselectedType.csv"></A>
+ * <code>preselectedType.csv</code></H3>
+ * In this file you can preselect the type
+ * <code>TypeDetection</code> should use.
+ * The returned file type by <code>TypeDetection</code> must equal to the
+ * preselected file type.
+ * Note: If you try to use invalid types you will get a failed test because
+ * <code>TypeDetection</code> tries to find out the type itself.
+ *
+ * Syntax: fileAlias;fileType
+ * Example: Writer6_1;writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer
+ *
+ * This example shows the following:
+ * <code>Writer6_1</code> is the same as in <code>csv.files</code>
+ * <code>writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer</code> is the file type which was used as
+ * parameter in <code>MediaDescriptor</code>. This type must be returned from
+ * <code>TypeDetection</code>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * <H3><a name="serviceName.csv"></A>
+ * <code>serviceName.csv</code></H3> In this file you can preselect a service name
+ * to detect the file type. The returned file type by
+ * <code>TypeDetection</code> must equal to correspond
+ * <code>defaultFileType</code> from <code>csv.files</code>
+ *
+ * Syntax: fileAlias;serviceName
+ * Example: Writer6_1;
+ *
+ * This example shows the following:
+ * <code>Writer6_1</code> is the same as in <code>csv.files</code>
+ * <code></code> is the service name which was
+ * used as parameter in <code>MediaDescriptor</code>.
+ *
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * All these files will be copied by make file beside of
+ * <code>typeDetection.class</code>.
+ * @see
+ * @see
+ */
+public class TypeDetection extends ComplexTestCase {
+ /**
+ * @member m_xDetection the object to test
+ * @member helper instacne of helper class
+ */
+ static XTypeDetection m_xDetection;
+ static Helper helper = null;
+ /**
+ * A function to tell the framework, which test functions are available.
+ * @return All test methods.
+ */
+ public String[] getTestMethodNames() {
+ return new String[]{"checkByURLonly",
+ "checkPreselectedType",
+ "checkPreselectedFilter",
+ "checkPreselectedDocService",
+ "checkStreamLoader",
+ "checkStreamLoader"};
+ }
+ /** Create the environment for following tests.
+ * Use either a component loader from desktop or
+ * from frame
+ * @throws Exception Exception
+ */
+ public void before() throws Exception {
+ // create TypeDetection
+ XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)param.getMSF();
+ assure("Could not get XMultiServiceFactory", xMSF != null);
+ Object oInterface = xMSF.createInstance(
+ "");
+ if (oInterface == null) {
+ failed("Service wasn't created") ;
+ }
+ XInterface oObj = (XInterface) oInterface ;
+ log.println("ImplName: "+utils.getImplName(oObj));
+ m_xDetection = (XTypeDetection)
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTypeDetection.class, oInterface);
+ Enumeration k = param.keys();
+ while (k.hasMoreElements()){
+ String kName = ((String)k.nextElement()).toString();
+ log.println(kName + ":" + param.get(kName).toString());
+ }
+ // create instrace of helper class
+ helper = new Helper(param, log);
+ }
+ /**
+ * close the environment
+ */
+ public void after() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * The <code>MediaDescriptor</code> was filled with the URL of a file. The
+ * <code>type</code> of the file is kown and must be returned by
+ * <code>MediaDescriptor</code>
+ *
+ * Syntax of files.csv:
+ * fileAlias;fileURL;fileType
+ *
+ */
+ public void checkByURLonly() {
+ try{
+ log.println("### checkByURLonly() ###");
+ Vector CSVData = helper.getToDoList(
+ (String)param.get("csv.files"));
+ Enumeration allToDos = CSVData.elements();
+ while (allToDos.hasMoreElements()){
+ Vector toDo = (Vector) allToDos.nextElement();
+ String fileAlias = (String) toDo.get(0);
+ String fileURL = (String) toDo.get(1);
+ String URLfileType = (String) toDo.get(2);
+ String StreamfileType = (String) toDo.get(3);
+ fileURL = utils.getFullURL(helper.ensureEndingFileSep(
+ (String)param.get("TestDocumentPath")) + fileURL);
+ log.println("actual '"+ fileAlias +
+ "' ['" + URLfileType + "']: '" + fileURL);
+ checkMediaDescriptorURL(fileAlias, fileURL, URLfileType);
+ checkMediaDescriptorXInputStream(fileAlias, fileURL, StreamfileType);
+ }
+ } catch (ClassCastException e){
+ failed(e.toString(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ /** To check the <CODE>TypeDedection</CODE> by URL the <CODE>MediaDescriptor</CODE>
+ * was filled at fist with the URL only, at second with <CODE>XInputStream</CODE>
+ * only. The <CODE>TypeDetection</CODE> must return the expected value
+ * @param fileAlias the alias name of the test file
+ * @param fileURL the URL of the test file
+ * @param fileType the expected type of the test file
+ * @see
+ */
+ private void checkMediaDescriptorURL(
+ String fileAlias, String fileURL, String fileType){
+ PropertyValue[] MediaDescriptor = helper.createMediaDescriptor(
+ new String[] {"URL"},
+ new Object[] {fileURL});
+ log.println("check only by URL...");
+ String type = m_xDetection.queryTypeByDescriptor(
+ helper.createInOutPropertyValue(MediaDescriptor), true);
+ boolean fileTypeOK = helper.checkFileType(type, fileType);
+ assure("\nURL-test : " + fileAlias + ":\n\treturned type: '" + type +
+ "'\n\texpected type: '" + fileType + "'",fileTypeOK ,true);
+ }
+ /** Filles a MediaDescriptor with a <code>XInputStream</code> of the test
+ * file given by URL.
+ * Then the MediaDescriptor was used as parameter for TypeDetection.
+ * The TypeDetection must return expected type
+ * @param fileAlias the alias name of the test file
+ * @param fileURL the URL of the test file
+ * @param fileType the expected type of the test file
+ * @see
+ * @see
+ */
+ private void checkMediaDescriptorXInputStream(
+ String fileAlias, String fileURL, String fileType){
+ XInputStream xStream = null;
+ try{
+ xStream = helper.getFileStream( fileURL );
+ } catch (NotConnectedException e) {
+ failed("Could not get XInputStream from file :'" + fileURL + "'",true);
+ return;
+ }
+ PropertyValue[] MediaDescriptor = helper.createMediaDescriptor(
+ new String[] {"InputStream"},
+ new Object[] {xStream});
+ log.println("check only by XInputStream...");
+ String type = m_xDetection.queryTypeByDescriptor(
+ helper.createInOutPropertyValue(MediaDescriptor), true);
+ boolean fileTypeOK = helper.checkFileType(type, fileType);
+ assure("\nXInputStream-test: " + fileAlias + ":\n\treturned type: '" + type +
+ "'\n\texpected type: '" + fileType + "'", fileTypeOK, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The <code>MediaDescriptor</code> was filled with the URL of a file. The
+ * <code>type</code> of the file is kown and must be returned by
+ * <code>MediaDescriptor</code>
+ *
+ * Syntax of files.csv:
+ * fileAlias;fileURL;fileType
+ *
+ */
+ public void checkPreselectedType() {
+ try{
+ log.println("### checkPreselectedType() ###");
+ Vector CSVData = helper.getToDoList(
+ (String)param.get("csv.preselectedType"));
+ Enumeration allToDos = CSVData.elements();
+ while (allToDos.hasMoreElements()){
+ try{
+ Vector toDo = (Vector) allToDos.nextElement();
+ String fileAlias = (String) toDo.get(0);
+ String fileURL = helper.getURLforfileAlias(fileAlias);
+ String preselectFileType = (String) toDo.get(1);
+ String expectedFileType = (String) toDo.get(2);
+ PropertyValue[] MediaDescriptor = helper.createMediaDescriptor(
+ new String[] {"URL", "MediaType"},
+ new Object[] {fileURL, preselectFileType});
+ log.println("check '" + fileAlias + "' with MediaType: '" +
+ preselectFileType + "'");
+ String type = m_xDetection.queryTypeByDescriptor(
+ helper.createInOutPropertyValue(MediaDescriptor), true);
+ boolean fileTypeOK = helper.checkFileType(type, expectedFileType);
+ assure("\n" + fileAlias + ":\n\treturned type: '" + type +
+ "'\n\texpected type: '" + expectedFileType + "'",
+ fileTypeOK, true);
+ } catch (FileAliasNotFoundException e){
+ failed(e.toString(),true);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (ClassCastException e){
+ failed(e.toString(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check loading from a stream. The source for the stream is the
+ * first fileAlias that matches "*.txt" in the file list
+ * of the given directory.
+ */
+ public void checkPreselectedFilter() {
+ try{
+ log.println("### checkPreselectedFilter() ###");
+ Vector CSVData = helper.getToDoList(
+ (String)param.get("csv.preselectedFilter"));
+ Enumeration allToDos = CSVData.elements();
+ while (allToDos.hasMoreElements()){
+ try{
+ Vector toDo = (Vector) allToDos.nextElement();
+ String fileAlias = (String) toDo.get(0);
+ String fileURL = helper.getURLforfileAlias(fileAlias);
+ String filterName = (String) toDo.get(1);
+ String filterOptions = (String) toDo.get(2);
+ String filterData = (String) toDo.get(3);
+ String expectedType = (String) toDo.get(4);
+ PropertyValue[] MediaDescriptor = helper.createMediaDescriptor(
+ new String[] {"URL","FilterName",
+ "FilterOptions","FilterData"},
+ new Object[] {fileURL, filterName,
+ filterOptions, filterData});
+ log.println("check '" + fileAlias + "' with filter: '" +
+ filterName + "'");
+ String type = m_xDetection.queryTypeByDescriptor(
+ helper.createInOutPropertyValue(MediaDescriptor), true);
+ boolean fileTypeOK = helper.checkFileType(type, expectedType);
+ assure("\n" + fileAlias + ":\n\treturned type: '" + type +
+ "'\n\texpected type: '" + expectedType + "'",
+ fileTypeOK,true);
+ } catch (FileAliasNotFoundException e){
+ failed(e.toString(),true);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (ClassCastException e){
+ failed(e.toString(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check URL encoding. The first fileAlias that matches "*.sxw"
+ * is used as source for several encodings.
+ */
+ public void checkPreselectedDocService() {
+ try{
+ log.println("### checkPreselectedDocService() ###");
+ Vector CSVData = helper.getToDoList((String)param.get("csv.serviceName"));
+ Enumeration allToDos = CSVData.elements();
+ while (allToDos.hasMoreElements()){
+ try{
+ Vector toDo = (Vector) allToDos.nextElement();
+ String fileAlias = (String) toDo.get(0);
+ String fileURL = helper.getURLforfileAlias(fileAlias);
+ String serviceName = (String) toDo.get(1);
+ String fileType = helper.getTypeforfileAlias(fileAlias);
+ PropertyValue[] MediaDescriptor = helper.createMediaDescriptor(
+ new String[] {"URL", "DocumentSerivce"},
+ new Object[] {fileURL, serviceName});
+ log.println("check " + fileAlias);
+ String type = m_xDetection.queryTypeByDescriptor(
+ helper.createInOutPropertyValue(MediaDescriptor), true);
+ boolean fileTypeOK = helper.checkFileType(type, fileType);
+ assure("\n" + fileAlias + ":\n\treturned type: '" + type +
+ "'\t\nexpected type: '" + fileType + "'",
+ fileTypeOK, true);
+ } catch (FileAliasNotFoundException e){
+ failed(e.toString(),true);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (ClassCastException e){
+ failed(e.toString(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ public void checkStreamLoader(){
+ try{
+ /*
+ *als Dateien die typeDetection.props und eine der csv-Dateien
+ *benutzten. diese können per dmake einfach auf andere Rechte setzten
+ *
+ */
+ log.println("### checkStreamLoader() ###");
+ String[] urls = new String[2];
+ urls[0] = helper.getClassURLString("TypeDetection.props");
+ urls[1] = helper.getClassURLString("files.csv");
+ for (int j=0; j<urls.length; j++){
+ String fileURL = urls[j];
+ File file = new File(fileURL);
+ fileURL = utils.getFullURL(fileURL);
+ PropertyValue[] MediaDescriptor = helper.createMediaDescriptor(
+ new String[] {"URL"},
+ new Object[] {fileURL});
+ if (file.canWrite()) log.println("check writable file...");
+ else log.println("check readonly file...");
+ PropertyValue[][] inOut = helper.createInOutPropertyValue(MediaDescriptor);
+ PropertyValue[] in = inOut[0];
+ log.println("in-Parameter:");
+ for (int i=0; i < in.length; i++){
+ log.println("["+i+"] '" + in[i].Name + "':'" + in[i].Value.toString()+"'");
+ }
+ String type = m_xDetection.queryTypeByDescriptor(inOut, true);
+ PropertyValue[] out = inOut[0];
+ boolean bStream = false;
+ log.println("out-Parameter");
+ boolean bReadOnly = false;
+ for (int i=0; i < out.length; i++){
+ if ((out[i].Name.equals("ReadOnly")) && (out[i].Value.toString().equals("true"))) bReadOnly = true;
+ log.println("["+i+"] '" + out[i].Name + "':'" + out[i].Value.toString()+"'");
+ }
+ if (file.canWrite() && bReadOnly)
+ assure("\nStreamLoader: file '"+ fileURL +"' is writable but out-Parameter does contain 'ReadOnly' property",false ,true);
+ else if ((!file.canWrite()) && (!bReadOnly))
+ assure("\nStreamLoader: file '"+ fileURL +"'is readonly but out-Parameter does not contain 'ReadOnly' property",false ,true);
+ else assure("all ok",true,true);
+ }
+ } catch (ClassCastException e){
+ failed(e.toString(), true);
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/TypeDetection.props b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/TypeDetection.props
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d8e919784a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/TypeDetection.props
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# UNIX:
diff --git a/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/files.csv b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/files.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..84b593f0ed8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/files.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#** N O T E
+#** The detection for template filter amd wirter_text_encoded
+#** will be chenged on following childworkspsace
+# W R I T E R D O C U M E N T S
+Text2;Writer/Counterstrike I.txt;writer_Text_encoded:writer_Text;writer_Text_encoded:writer_Text
+# C A L C D O C U M E N T S
+# D R A W
+# I M P R E S S
+# G R A P H I C S
diff --git a/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/ b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dea5044fb60c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# $RCSfile:,v $
+# $Revision: $
+# This file is part of
+# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with If not, see
+# <>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+PRJ = ..$/..$/..$/..$/..
+PRJNAME = filter
+TARGET = TypeDetection
+PACKAGE = complex$/filter$/detection$/typeDetection
+# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
+#----- compile .java files -----------------------------------------
+JARFILES = ridl.jar unoil.jar jurt.jar juh.jar java_uno.jar OOoRunner.jar
+JAVACLASSFILES = $(foreach,i,$(JAVAFILES) $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/$(i:b).class)
+#----- make a jar from compiled files ------------------------------
+# --- Parameters for the test --------------------------------------
+# start an office if the parameter is set for the makefile
+.IF "$(OFFICE)" == ""
+CT_APPEXECCOMMAND = -AppExecutionCommand "$(OFFICE)$/soffice -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;"
+# test base is java complex
+CT_TESTBASE = -TestBase java_complex
+# test looks something like the.full.package.TestName
+CT_TEST = -o $(PACKAGE:s\$/\.\).TypeDetection
+# start the runner application
+CT_APP = org.openoffice.Runner
+# --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------
+.IF "$(depend)" == ""
+ CHMOD $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/TypeDetection.props \
+ $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/preselectedFilter.csv \
+ $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/preselectedType.csv \
+ $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/serviceName.csv \
+ $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/files.csv : ALLTAR
+ CHMOD $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/TypeDetection.props \
+ $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/preselectedFilter.csv \
+ $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/preselectedType.csv \
+ $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/serviceName.csv \
+ $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/files.csv : ALLDEP
+ @echo "$(USE_SHELL)"
+$(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/preselectedFilter.csv : preselectedFilter.csv
+ cp preselectedFilter.csv $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/preselectedFilter.csv
+ jar uf $(CLASSDIR)$/$(JARTARGET) -C $(CLASSDIR) $(PACKAGE)$/preselectedFilter.csv
+$(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/preselectedType.csv : preselectedType.csv
+ cp preselectedType.csv $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/preselectedType.csv
+ jar uf $(CLASSDIR)$/$(JARTARGET) -C $(CLASSDIR) $(PACKAGE)$/preselectedType.csv
+$(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/serviceName.csv : serviceName.csv
+ cp serviceName.csv $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/serviceName.csv
+ jar uf $(CLASSDIR)$/$(JARTARGET) -C $(CLASSDIR) $(PACKAGE)$/serviceName.csv
+$(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/files.csv : files.csv
+ cp files.csv $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/files.csv
+ jar uf $(CLASSDIR)$/$(JARTARGET) -C $(CLASSDIR) $(PACKAGE)$/files.csv
+$(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/TypeDetection.props : TypeDetection.props
+ cp TypeDetection.props $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/TypeDetection.props
+ jar uf $(CLASSDIR)$/$(JARTARGET) -C $(CLASSDIR) $(PACKAGE)$/TypeDetection.props
+# --- chmod --------------------------------------------------------
+.IF "$(USE_SHELL)" != "4nt"
+ chmod 444 $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/*.csv
+ chmod 666 $(CLASSDIR)$/$(PACKAGE)$/*.props
+ echo erstmanix
+RUN: run
diff --git a/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/preselectedFilter.csv b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/preselectedFilter.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..71370e0b78f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/preselectedFilter.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+text1;%SO6productname %SO6formatversion Textdokument;;;writer_Text_encoded:writer_Text
+csv1;%SO6productname %SO6formatversion Textdokument;;;writer_Text_encoded:writer_Text
+csv1;Text - txt - csv (StarCalc);;;calc_Text_txt_csv_StarCalc
+csv2;%SO6productname %SO6formatversion Textdokument;;;writer_Text_encoded:writer_Text
+csv2;Text - txt - csv (StarCalc);;;calc_Text_txt_csv_StarCalc
diff --git a/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/preselectedType.csv b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/preselectedType.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7fa0c2462da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/preselectedType.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+text1;writer_Text_encoded;writer_Text_encoded:writer_Text \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/serviceName.csv b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/serviceName.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..744a5ac993e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filter/qa/complex/filter/detection/typeDetection/serviceName.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@