path: root/drawinglayer/source/processor2d/vclmetafileprocessor2d.cxx
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1 files changed, 1101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drawinglayer/source/processor2d/vclmetafileprocessor2d.cxx b/drawinglayer/source/processor2d/vclmetafileprocessor2d.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..806cb5a82eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drawinglayer/source/processor2d/vclmetafileprocessor2d.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1101 @@
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: vclmetafileprocessor2d.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.1 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: aw $ $Date: 2007-07-27 09:03:34 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
+ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
+ *
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <drawinglayer/processor2d/vclmetafileprocessor2d.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_GEN_HXX
+#include <tools/gen.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_VIRDEV_HXX
+#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_GDIMTF_HXX
+#include <vcl/gdimtf.hxx>
+#include <vcl/gradient.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/attribute/fillattribute.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/drawinglayer_primitivetypes2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/textprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/polypolygonprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/polygonprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/bitmapprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/metafileprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/maskprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygonclipper.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/modifiedcolorprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/unifiedalphaprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/alphaprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/fillgradientprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/processor2d/vclpixelprocessor2d.hxx>
+#ifndef _STREAM_HXX
+#include <tools/stream.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/transformprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/markerarrayprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/pointarrayprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <vcl/graphictools.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_METAACT_HXX
+#include <vcl/metaact.hxx>
+namespace drawinglayer
+ namespace processor2d
+ {
+ Rectangle VclMetafileProcessor2D::impDumpToMetaFile(const primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence& rContent, GDIMetaFile& o_rContentMetafile)
+ {
+ // Prepare VDev, MetaFile and connections
+ OutputDevice* pLastOutputDevice = mpOutputDevice;
+ const basegfx::B2DRange aPrimitiveRange(primitive2d::getB2DRangeFromPrimitive2DSequence(rContent, getViewInformation2D()));
+ const Rectangle aPrimitiveRectangle(
+ basegfx::fround(aPrimitiveRange.getMinX()), basegfx::fround(aPrimitiveRange.getMinY()),
+ basegfx::fround(aPrimitiveRange.getMaxX()), basegfx::fround(aPrimitiveRange.getMaxY()));
+ VirtualDevice aContentVDev;
+ MapMode aNewMapMode(pLastOutputDevice->GetMapMode());
+ mpOutputDevice = &aContentVDev;
+ aContentVDev.EnableOutput(false);
+ aContentVDev.SetMapMode(pLastOutputDevice->GetMapMode());
+ o_rContentMetafile.Record(&aContentVDev);
+ aContentVDev.SetLineColor(pLastOutputDevice->GetLineColor());
+ aContentVDev.SetFillColor(pLastOutputDevice->GetFillColor());
+ aContentVDev.SetFont(pLastOutputDevice->GetFont());
+ aContentVDev.SetDrawMode(pLastOutputDevice->GetDrawMode());
+ aContentVDev.SetSettings(pLastOutputDevice->GetSettings());
+ aContentVDev.SetRefPoint(pLastOutputDevice->GetRefPoint());
+ // dump to MetaFile
+ process(rContent);
+ // cleanups
+ o_rContentMetafile.Stop();
+ o_rContentMetafile.WindStart();
+ aNewMapMode.SetOrigin(aPrimitiveRectangle.TopLeft());
+ o_rContentMetafile.SetPrefMapMode(aNewMapMode);
+ o_rContentMetafile.SetPrefSize(aPrimitiveRectangle.GetSize());
+ mpOutputDevice = pLastOutputDevice;
+ return aPrimitiveRectangle;
+ }
+ void VclMetafileProcessor2D::impConvertFillGradientAttributeToVCLGradient(Gradient& o_rVCLGradient, const attribute::FillGradientAttribute& rFiGrAtt)
+ {
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetStartColor(Color(maBColorModifierStack.getModifiedColor(rFiGrAtt.getStartColor())));
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetEndColor(Color(maBColorModifierStack.getModifiedColor(rFiGrAtt.getEndColor())));
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetAngle(static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(rFiGrAtt.getAngle() * (1.0 / F_PI1800)));
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetBorder(static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(rFiGrAtt.getBorder() * 100.0));
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetOfsX(static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(rFiGrAtt.getOffsetX() * 100.0));
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetOfsY(static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(rFiGrAtt.getOffsetY() * 100.0));
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetSteps(rFiGrAtt.getSteps());
+ // defaults for intensity; those were computed into the start/end colors already
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetStartIntensity(100);
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetEndIntensity(100);
+ switch(rFiGrAtt.getStyle())
+ {
+ default : // attribute::GRADIENTSTYLE_LINEAR :
+ {
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetStyle(GRADIENT_LINEAR);
+ break;
+ }
+ case attribute::GRADIENTSTYLE_AXIAL :
+ {
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetStyle(GRADIENT_AXIAL);
+ break;
+ }
+ case attribute::GRADIENTSTYLE_RADIAL :
+ {
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetStyle(GRADIENT_RADIAL);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case attribute::GRADIENTSTYLE_SQUARE :
+ {
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetStyle(GRADIENT_SQUARE);
+ break;
+ }
+ case attribute::GRADIENTSTYLE_RECT :
+ {
+ o_rVCLGradient.SetStyle(GRADIENT_RECT);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void VclMetafileProcessor2D::impStartSvtGraphicFill(SvtGraphicFill* pSvtGraphicFill)
+ {
+ if(pSvtGraphicFill && !mnSvtGraphicFillCount)
+ {
+ SvMemoryStream aMemStm;
+ aMemStm << *pSvtGraphicFill;
+ mrMetaFile.AddAction(new MetaCommentAction("XPATHFILL_SEQ_BEGIN", 0, static_cast< const BYTE* >(aMemStm.GetData()), aMemStm.Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END)));
+ mnSvtGraphicFillCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ void VclMetafileProcessor2D::impEndSvtGraphicFill(SvtGraphicFill* pSvtGraphicFill)
+ {
+ if(pSvtGraphicFill && mnSvtGraphicFillCount)
+ {
+ mnSvtGraphicFillCount--;
+ mrMetaFile.AddAction(new MetaCommentAction("XPATHFILL_SEQ_END"));
+ delete pSvtGraphicFill;
+ }
+ }
+ SvtGraphicStroke* VclMetafileProcessor2D::impTryToCreateSvtGraphicStroke(
+ const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rB2DPolygon,
+ const basegfx::BColor* pColor,
+ const attribute::StrokeAttribute* pStrokeAttribute,
+ const attribute::StrokeArrowAttribute* pStart,
+ const attribute::StrokeArrowAttribute* pEnd)
+ {
+ SvtGraphicStroke* pRetval = 0;
+ if(rB2DPolygon.count() && !mnSvtGraphicStrokeCount)
+ {
+ basegfx::BColor aStrokeColor;
+ PolyPolygon aStartPolyPolygon;
+ PolyPolygon aEndPolyPolygon;
+ if(pColor)
+ {
+ aStrokeColor = *pColor;
+ }
+ else if(pStrokeAttribute)
+ {
+ aStrokeColor = maBColorModifierStack.getModifiedColor(pStrokeAttribute->getColor());
+ }
+ // copied from ImpDrawLineGeometry. Ckecked.
+ // It IS needed to record the stroke color at all in the metafile,
+ // SvtGraphicStroke has NO entry for stroke color(!)
+ mpOutputDevice->SetLineColor(Color(aStrokeColor));
+ if(!rB2DPolygon.isClosed())
+ {
+ if(pStart && pStart->isActive())
+ {
+ const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aStartArrow(basegfx::tools::createAreaGeometryForLineStartEnd(
+ rB2DPolygon, pStart->getB2DPolyPolygon(), true, pStart->getWidth(), pStart->isCentered() ? 0.5 : 0.0, 0));
+ aStartPolyPolygon = PolyPolygon(aStartArrow);
+ }
+ if(pEnd && pEnd->isActive())
+ {
+ const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aEndArrow(basegfx::tools::createAreaGeometryForLineStartEnd(
+ rB2DPolygon, pEnd->getB2DPolyPolygon(), false, pEnd->getWidth(), pEnd->isCentered() ? 0.5 : 0.0, 0));
+ aEndPolyPolygon = PolyPolygon(aEndArrow);
+ }
+ }
+ SvtGraphicStroke::JoinType eJoin(SvtGraphicStroke::joinNone);
+ double fLineWidth(0.0);
+ double fMiterLength(0.0);
+ SvtGraphicStroke::DashArray aDashArray;
+ if(pStrokeAttribute)
+ {
+ // pre-fill fLineWidth
+ fLineWidth = pStrokeAttribute->getWidth();
+ // pre-fill fMiterLength
+ fMiterLength = fLineWidth;
+ // get Join
+ switch(pStrokeAttribute->getLineJoin())
+ {
+ default : // basegfx::tools::B2DLINEJOIN_NONE :
+ {
+ eJoin = SvtGraphicStroke::joinNone;
+ break;
+ }
+ case basegfx::tools::B2DLINEJOIN_BEVEL :
+ {
+ eJoin = SvtGraphicStroke::joinBevel;
+ break;
+ }
+ case basegfx::tools::B2DLINEJOIN_MIDDLE :
+ case basegfx::tools::B2DLINEJOIN_MITER :
+ {
+ eJoin = SvtGraphicStroke::joinMiter;
+ // ATM 15 degrees is assumed
+ fMiterLength /= rtl::math::sin(M_PI * (15.0 / 360.0));
+ break;
+ }
+ case basegfx::tools::B2DLINEJOIN_ROUND :
+ {
+ eJoin = SvtGraphicStroke::joinRound;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // copy dash array
+ aDashArray = pStrokeAttribute->getDotDashArray();
+ }
+ pRetval = new SvtGraphicStroke(
+ Polygon(rB2DPolygon),
+ aStartPolyPolygon,
+ aEndPolyPolygon,
+ mfCurrentUnifiedTransparence,
+ fLineWidth,
+ SvtGraphicStroke::capButt,
+ eJoin,
+ fMiterLength,
+ aDashArray);
+ }
+ return pRetval;
+ }
+ void VclMetafileProcessor2D::impStartSvtGraphicStroke(SvtGraphicStroke* pSvtGraphicStroke)
+ {
+ if(pSvtGraphicStroke && !mnSvtGraphicStrokeCount)
+ {
+ SvMemoryStream aMemStm;
+ aMemStm << *pSvtGraphicStroke;
+ mrMetaFile.AddAction(new MetaCommentAction("XPATHSTROKE_SEQ_BEGIN", 0, static_cast< const BYTE* >(aMemStm.GetData()), aMemStm.Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END)));
+ mnSvtGraphicStrokeCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ void VclMetafileProcessor2D::impEndSvtGraphicStroke(SvtGraphicStroke* pSvtGraphicStroke)
+ {
+ if(pSvtGraphicStroke && mnSvtGraphicStrokeCount)
+ {
+ mnSvtGraphicStrokeCount--;
+ mrMetaFile.AddAction(new MetaCommentAction("XPATHSTROKE_SEQ_END"));
+ delete pSvtGraphicStroke;
+ }
+ }
+ VclMetafileProcessor2D::VclMetafileProcessor2D(const geometry::ViewInformation2D& rViewInformation, OutputDevice& rOutDev)
+ : VclProcessor2D(rViewInformation, rOutDev),
+ mrMetaFile(*rOutDev.GetConnectMetaFile()),
+ mnSvtGraphicFillCount(0),
+ mnSvtGraphicStrokeCount(0),
+ mfCurrentUnifiedTransparence(0.0)
+ {
+ OSL_ENSURE(rOutDev.GetConnectMetaFile(), "VclMetafileProcessor2D: Used on OutDev which has no MetaFile Target (!)");
+ // draw to logic coordinates, do not initialize maCurrentTransformation to viewTransformation,
+ // do not change MapMode of destination
+ }
+ VclMetafileProcessor2D::~VclMetafileProcessor2D()
+ {
+ // MapMode was not changed, no restore necessary
+ }
+ /*
+ Support of MetaCommentActions in the VclMetafileProcessor2D
+ Found MetaCommentActions and how they are supported:
+ Used inside OutputDevice::DrawGradient to mark the start and end of a MetaGradientEx action.
+ It is used in various exporters/importers to have direct access to the gradient before it
+ is rendered by VCL (and thus fragmented to polygon color actions and others). On that base, e.g.
+ the Metafile to SdrObject import creates it's gradient objects.
+ Best (and safest) way to support it here is to use PRIMITIVE2D_ID_POLYPOLYGONGRADIENTPRIMITIVE2D,
+ map it back to the corresponding tools PolyPolygon and the Gradient and just call
+ OutputDevice::DrawGradient which creates the necessary compatible actions.
+ Two producers, one is vcl/source/gdi/gdimtf.cxx, line 1273. There, it is transformed
+ inside GDIMetaFile::Rotate, nothing to take care of here.
+ The second producer is in graphics/svx/source/svdraw/impgrfll.cxx, line 374. This is used
+ with each incarnation of ImpGraphicFill when a metafile is recorded, fillstyle is not
+ XFILL_NONE and not completely transparent. It creates a SvtGraphicFill and streams it
+ to the comment action. A closing end token is created in the destructor.
+ Usages of ImpGraphicFill are in DoPaintObject-methods of SdrCircObj, SdrPathObj and
+ SdrRectObj.
+ The token users pick various actions from SvtGraphicFill, so it may need to be added for all kind
+ of filled objects, even simple colored polygons. It is added as extra information; the
+ Metafile actions between the two tokens are interpreted as output generated from those
+ fills. Thus, users have the choice to use the SvtGraphicFill info or the created output
+ actions.
+ Even for XFillTransparenceItem it is used, thus it may need to be supported in
+ UnifiedAlphaPrimitive2D, too, when interpreted as normally filled PolyPolygon.
+ Implemented for:
+ and for PRIMITIVE2D_ID_UNIFIEDALPHAPRIMITIVE2D when detected unified alpha
+ To be done:
+ Similar to pathfill, but using SvtGraphicStroke instead. It also has two producers where one
+ is also the GDIMetaFile::Rotate. Another user is MetaCommentAction::Move which modifies the
+ contained path accordingly.
+ The other one is SdrObject::ImpDrawLineGeometry. It's done when MetaFile is set at OutDev and
+ only when geometry is a single polygon (!). I see no reason for that; in the PS exporter this
+ would hinder to make use of PolyPolygon strokes. I will need to add support at:
+ This can be done hierarchical, too.
+ Okay, base implementation done based on those three primitives.
+ EPSReplacementGraphic
+ */
+ void VclMetafileProcessor2D::processBasePrimitive2D(const primitive2d::BasePrimitive2D& rCandidate)
+ {
+ switch(rCandidate.getPrimitiveID())
+ {
+ {
+ // directdraw of text simple portion; use default processing
+ RenderTextSimpleOrDecoratedPortionPrimitive2D(static_cast< const primitive2d::TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate));
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // direct draw of hairline; use default processing
+ // also support SvtGraphicStroke MetaCommentAction
+ const primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D& rHairlinePrimitive = static_cast< const primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D& >(rCandidate);
+ const basegfx::BColor aLineColor(maBColorModifierStack.getModifiedColor(rHairlinePrimitive.getBColor()));
+ SvtGraphicStroke* pSvtGraphicStroke = impTryToCreateSvtGraphicStroke(rHairlinePrimitive.getB2DPolygon(), &aLineColor, 0, 0, 0);
+ impStartSvtGraphicStroke(pSvtGraphicStroke);
+ RenderPolygonHairlinePrimitive2D(static_cast< const primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D& >(rCandidate));
+ impEndSvtGraphicStroke(pSvtGraphicStroke);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // support SvtGraphicStroke MetaCommentAction
+ const primitive2d::PolygonStrokePrimitive2D& rStrokePrimitive = static_cast< const primitive2d::PolygonStrokePrimitive2D& >(rCandidate);
+ SvtGraphicStroke* pSvtGraphicStroke = impTryToCreateSvtGraphicStroke(rStrokePrimitive.getB2DPolygon(), 0, &rStrokePrimitive.getStrokeAttribute(), 0, 0);
+ impStartSvtGraphicStroke(pSvtGraphicStroke);
+ process(rCandidate.get2DDecomposition(getViewInformation2D()));
+ impEndSvtGraphicStroke(pSvtGraphicStroke);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // support SvtGraphicStroke MetaCommentAction
+ const primitive2d::PolygonStrokeArrowPrimitive2D& rStrokeArrowPrimitive = static_cast< const primitive2d::PolygonStrokeArrowPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate);
+ SvtGraphicStroke* pSvtGraphicStroke = impTryToCreateSvtGraphicStroke(rStrokeArrowPrimitive.getB2DPolygon(), 0, &rStrokeArrowPrimitive.getStrokeAttribute(),
+ &rStrokeArrowPrimitive.getStart(), &rStrokeArrowPrimitive.getEnd());
+ impStartSvtGraphicStroke(pSvtGraphicStroke);
+ process(rCandidate.get2DDecomposition(getViewInformation2D()));
+ impEndSvtGraphicStroke(pSvtGraphicStroke);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // direct draw of transformed BitmapEx primitive; use default processing
+ RenderBitmapPrimitive2D(static_cast< const primitive2d::BitmapPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate));
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // need to handle PolyPolygonBitmapPrimitive2D here to support XPATHFILL_SEQ_BEGIN/XPATHFILL_SEQ_END
+ SvtGraphicFill* pSvtGraphicFill = 0;
+ if(!mnSvtGraphicFillCount)
+ {
+ const primitive2d::PolyPolygonBitmapPrimitive2D& rBitmapCandidate = static_cast< const primitive2d::PolyPolygonBitmapPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate);
+ basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aLocalPolyPolygon(rBitmapCandidate.getB2DPolyPolygon());
+ aLocalPolyPolygon.transform(maCurrentTransformation);
+ if(aLocalPolyPolygon.count())
+ {
+ // calculate transformation. To get the needed start offset, get the range from the
+ // outline and compare top left with top left of FillBitmapAttribute
+ const attribute::FillBitmapAttribute& rFillBitmapAttribute = rBitmapCandidate .getFillBitmap();
+ const basegfx::B2DRange aOutlineRange(basegfx::tools::getRange(basegfx::tools::adaptiveSubdivideByAngle(aLocalPolyPolygon)));
+ const basegfx::B2DVector aStartOffset(rFillBitmapAttribute.getTopLeft() - aOutlineRange.getMinimum());
+ // the scaling needs scale from pixel to logic coordinate system
+ const Bitmap& rBitmap = rFillBitmapAttribute.getBitmap();
+ Size aBmpSizePixel(rBitmap.GetSizePixel());
+ if(!aBmpSizePixel.Width())
+ {
+ aBmpSizePixel.Width() = 1;
+ }
+ if(!aBmpSizePixel.Height())
+ {
+ aBmpSizePixel.Height() = 1;
+ }
+ const double fScaleX(rFillBitmapAttribute.getSize().getX() / aBmpSizePixel.Width());
+ const double fScaleY(rFillBitmapAttribute.getSize().getY() / aBmpSizePixel.Height());
+ // setup transformation like in impgrfll
+ SvtGraphicFill::Transform aTransform;
+ aTransform.matrix[0] *= fScaleX;
+ aTransform.matrix[4] *= fScaleY;
+ aTransform.matrix[2] += aStartOffset.getX();
+ aTransform.matrix[5] += aStartOffset.getY();
+ // setup fill graphic like in impgrfll
+ Graphic aFillGraphic = Graphic(rBitmap);
+ aFillGraphic.SetPrefMapMode(MapMode(MAP_PIXEL));
+ aFillGraphic.SetPrefSize(aBmpSizePixel);
+ pSvtGraphicFill = new SvtGraphicFill(
+ PolyPolygon(aLocalPolyPolygon),
+ Color(),
+ 0.0,
+ SvtGraphicFill::fillEvenOdd,
+ SvtGraphicFill::fillTexture,
+ aTransform,
+ rFillBitmapAttribute.getTiling(),
+ SvtGraphicFill::hatchSingle,
+ Color(),
+ SvtGraphicFill::gradientLinear,
+ Color(),
+ Color(),
+ 0,
+ aFillGraphic);
+ }
+ }
+ // Do use decomposition; encapsulate with SvtGraphicFill
+ impStartSvtGraphicFill(pSvtGraphicFill);
+ process(rCandidate.get2DDecomposition(getViewInformation2D()));
+ impEndSvtGraphicFill(pSvtGraphicFill);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // need to handle PolyPolygonHatchPrimitive2D here to support XPATHFILL_SEQ_BEGIN/XPATHFILL_SEQ_END
+ SvtGraphicFill* pSvtGraphicFill = 0;
+ if(!mnSvtGraphicFillCount)
+ {
+ const primitive2d::PolyPolygonHatchPrimitive2D& rHatchCandidate = static_cast< const primitive2d::PolyPolygonHatchPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate);
+ basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aLocalPolyPolygon(rHatchCandidate.getB2DPolyPolygon());
+ aLocalPolyPolygon.transform(maCurrentTransformation);
+ if(aLocalPolyPolygon.count())
+ {
+ // re-create a VCL hatch as base data
+ const attribute::FillHatchAttribute& rFillHatchAttribute = rHatchCandidate.getFillHatch();
+ SvtGraphicFill::HatchType eHatch(SvtGraphicFill::hatchSingle);
+ switch(rFillHatchAttribute.getStyle())
+ {
+ default: // attribute::HATCHSTYLE_SINGLE :
+ {
+ eHatch = SvtGraphicFill::hatchSingle;
+ break;
+ }
+ case attribute::HATCHSTYLE_DOUBLE :
+ {
+ eHatch = SvtGraphicFill::hatchDouble;
+ break;
+ }
+ case attribute::HATCHSTYLE_TRIPLE :
+ {
+ eHatch = SvtGraphicFill::hatchTriple;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SvtGraphicFill::Transform aTransform;
+ // scale
+ aTransform.matrix[0] *= rFillHatchAttribute.getDistance();
+ aTransform.matrix[4] *= rFillHatchAttribute.getDistance();
+ // rotate (was never correct in impgrfll anyways, use correct angle now)
+ aTransform.matrix[0] *= cos(rFillHatchAttribute.getAngle());
+ aTransform.matrix[1] *= -sin(rFillHatchAttribute.getAngle());
+ aTransform.matrix[3] *= sin(rFillHatchAttribute.getAngle());
+ aTransform.matrix[4] *= cos(rFillHatchAttribute.getAngle());
+ pSvtGraphicFill = new SvtGraphicFill(
+ PolyPolygon(aLocalPolyPolygon),
+ Color(),
+ 0.0,
+ SvtGraphicFill::fillEvenOdd,
+ SvtGraphicFill::fillHatch,
+ aTransform,
+ false,
+ eHatch,
+ Color(rFillHatchAttribute.getColor()),
+ SvtGraphicFill::gradientLinear,
+ Color(),
+ Color(),
+ 0,
+ Graphic());
+ }
+ }
+ // Do use decomposition; encapsulate with SvtGraphicFill
+ impStartSvtGraphicFill(pSvtGraphicFill);
+ process(rCandidate.get2DDecomposition(getViewInformation2D()));
+ impEndSvtGraphicFill(pSvtGraphicFill);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ const primitive2d::PolyPolygonGradientPrimitive2D& rGradientCandidate = static_cast< const primitive2d::PolyPolygonGradientPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate);
+ // for support of MetaCommentActions of the form XGRAD_SEQ_BEGIN, XGRAD_SEQ_END
+ // it is safest to use the VCL OutputDevice::DrawGradient method which creates those.
+ // re-create a VCL-gradient from FillGradientPrimitive2D and the needed tools PolyPolygon
+ Gradient aVCLGradient;
+ impConvertFillGradientAttributeToVCLGradient(aVCLGradient, rGradientCandidate.getFillGradient());
+ basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aLocalPolyPolygon(rGradientCandidate.getB2DPolyPolygon());
+ aLocalPolyPolygon.transform(maCurrentTransformation);
+ const PolyPolygon aToolsPolyPolygon(aLocalPolyPolygon);
+ SvtGraphicFill* pSvtGraphicFill = 0;
+ if(!mnSvtGraphicFillCount && aLocalPolyPolygon.count())
+ {
+ // setup gradient stuff like in like in impgrfll
+ SvtGraphicFill::GradientType eGrad(SvtGraphicFill::gradientLinear);
+ switch(aVCLGradient.GetStyle())
+ {
+ default : // GRADIENT_LINEAR:
+ eGrad = SvtGraphicFill::gradientLinear;
+ break;
+ eGrad = SvtGraphicFill::gradientRadial;
+ break;
+ eGrad = SvtGraphicFill::gradientRectangular;
+ break;
+ }
+ pSvtGraphicFill = new SvtGraphicFill(
+ aToolsPolyPolygon,
+ Color(),
+ 0.0,
+ SvtGraphicFill::fillEvenOdd,
+ SvtGraphicFill::fillGradient,
+ SvtGraphicFill::Transform(),
+ false,
+ SvtGraphicFill::hatchSingle,
+ Color(),
+ eGrad,
+ aVCLGradient.GetStartColor(),
+ aVCLGradient.GetEndColor(),
+ aVCLGradient.GetSteps(),
+ Graphic());
+ }
+ // call VCL directly; encapsulate with SvtGraphicFill
+ impStartSvtGraphicFill(pSvtGraphicFill);
+ mpOutputDevice->DrawGradient(aToolsPolyPolygon, aVCLGradient);
+ impEndSvtGraphicFill(pSvtGraphicFill);
+ // NO usage of common own gradient randerer, not used ATM for VCL MetaFile, see text above
+ // RenderPolyPolygonGradientPrimitive2D(static_cast< const primitive2d::PolyPolygonGradientPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate));
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ const primitive2d::PolyPolygonColorPrimitive2D& rPolygonCandidate(static_cast< const primitive2d::PolyPolygonColorPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate));
+ const basegfx::BColor aPolygonColor(maBColorModifierStack.getModifiedColor(rPolygonCandidate.getBColor()));
+ basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aLocalPolyPolygon(rPolygonCandidate.getB2DPolyPolygon());
+ aLocalPolyPolygon.transform(maCurrentTransformation);
+ SvtGraphicFill* pSvtGraphicFill = 0;
+ if(!mnSvtGraphicFillCount && aLocalPolyPolygon.count())
+ {
+ // setup simple color fill stuff like in impgrfll
+ pSvtGraphicFill = new SvtGraphicFill(
+ PolyPolygon(aLocalPolyPolygon),
+ Color(aPolygonColor),
+ 0.0,
+ SvtGraphicFill::fillEvenOdd,
+ SvtGraphicFill::fillSolid,
+ SvtGraphicFill::Transform(),
+ false,
+ SvtGraphicFill::hatchSingle,
+ Color(),
+ SvtGraphicFill::gradientLinear,
+ Color(),
+ Color(),
+ 0,
+ Graphic());
+ }
+ // call VCL directly; encapsulate with SvtGraphicFill
+ impStartSvtGraphicFill(pSvtGraphicFill);
+ mpOutputDevice->SetFillColor(Color(aPolygonColor));
+ mpOutputDevice->SetLineColor();
+ mpOutputDevice->DrawPolyPolygon(aLocalPolyPolygon);
+ impEndSvtGraphicFill(pSvtGraphicFill);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // direct draw of MetaFile, use default pocessing
+ RenderMetafilePrimitive2D(static_cast< const primitive2d::MetafilePrimitive2D& >(rCandidate));
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // mask group. Special handling for MetaFiles.
+ const primitive2d::MaskPrimitive2D& rMaskCandidate = static_cast< const primitive2d::MaskPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate);
+ if(rMaskCandidate.getChildren().hasElements())
+ {
+ basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aMask(rMaskCandidate.getMask());
+ if(aMask.count())
+ {
+ // prepare new mask polygon and rescue current one
+ aMask.transform(maCurrentTransformation);
+ const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aLastClipPolyPolygon(maClipPolyPolygon);
+ if(maClipPolyPolygon.count())
+ {
+ // there is already a clip polygon set; build clipped union of
+ // current mask polygon and new one
+ maClipPolyPolygon = basegfx::tools::clipPolyPolygonOnPolyPolygon(aMask, maClipPolyPolygon, false, false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // use mask directly
+ maClipPolyPolygon = aMask;
+ }
+ if(maClipPolyPolygon.count())
+ {
+ // set VCL clip region; subdivide before conversion to tools polygon
+ mpOutputDevice->Push(PUSH_CLIPREGION);
+ mpOutputDevice->SetClipRegion(Region(PolyPolygon(basegfx::tools::adaptiveSubdivideByAngle(maClipPolyPolygon))));
+ }
+ // recursively paint content
+ process(rMaskCandidate.getChildren());
+ if(maClipPolyPolygon.count())
+ {
+ // restore VCL clip region
+ mpOutputDevice->Pop();
+ }
+ // restore to rescued clip polygon
+ maClipPolyPolygon = aLastClipPolyPolygon;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // modified color group. Force output to unified color. Use default pocessing.
+ RenderModifiedColorPrimitive2D(static_cast< const primitive2d::ModifiedColorPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate));
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // for metafile: Need to examine what the pure vcl version is doing here actually
+ // - uses DrawTransparent with metafile for content and a gradient
+ // - uses DrawTransparent for single PolyPoylgons directly. Can be detected by
+ // checking the content for single PolyPolygonColorPrimitive2D
+ const primitive2d::UnifiedAlphaPrimitive2D& rUniAlphaCandidate = static_cast< const primitive2d::UnifiedAlphaPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate);
+ const primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence rContent = rUniAlphaCandidate.getChildren();
+ if(rContent.hasElements())
+ {
+ // try to identify a single PolyPolygonColorPrimitive2D in the
+ // content part of the alpha primitive
+ const primitive2d::PolyPolygonColorPrimitive2D* pPoPoColor = 0;
+ static bool bForceToMetafile(false);
+ if(!bForceToMetafile && 1 == rContent.getLength())
+ {
+ const primitive2d::Primitive2DReference xReference(rContent[0]);
+ pPoPoColor = dynamic_cast< const primitive2d::PolyPolygonColorPrimitive2D* >(xReference.get());
+ }
+ if(pPoPoColor)
+ {
+ // single transparent PolyPolygon identified, use directly
+ const basegfx::BColor aPolygonColor(maBColorModifierStack.getModifiedColor(pPoPoColor->getBColor()));
+ basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aLocalPolyPolygon(pPoPoColor->getB2DPolyPolygon());
+ aLocalPolyPolygon.transform(maCurrentTransformation);
+ SvtGraphicFill* pSvtGraphicFill = 0;
+ if(!mnSvtGraphicFillCount && aLocalPolyPolygon.count())
+ {
+ // setup simple color with transparence fill stuff like in impgrfll
+ pSvtGraphicFill = new SvtGraphicFill(
+ PolyPolygon(aLocalPolyPolygon),
+ Color(aPolygonColor),
+ rUniAlphaCandidate.getAlpha(),
+ SvtGraphicFill::fillEvenOdd,
+ SvtGraphicFill::fillSolid,
+ SvtGraphicFill::Transform(),
+ false,
+ SvtGraphicFill::hatchSingle,
+ Color(),
+ SvtGraphicFill::gradientLinear,
+ Color(),
+ Color(),
+ 0,
+ Graphic());
+ }
+ // call VCL directly; encapsulate with SvtGraphicFill
+ impStartSvtGraphicFill(pSvtGraphicFill);
+ const sal_uInt16 nTransPercentVcl((sal_uInt16)basegfx::fround(rUniAlphaCandidate.getAlpha() * 100.0));
+ mpOutputDevice->SetFillColor(Color(aPolygonColor));
+ mpOutputDevice->SetLineColor();
+ mpOutputDevice->DrawTransparent(
+ PolyPolygon(basegfx::tools::adaptiveSubdivideByAngle(aLocalPolyPolygon)),
+ nTransPercentVcl);
+ impEndSvtGraphicFill(pSvtGraphicFill);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // svae old mfCurrentUnifiedTransparence and set new one
+ // so that contained SvtGraphicStroke may use the current one
+ const double fLastCurrentUnifiedTransparence(mfCurrentUnifiedTransparence);
+ mfCurrentUnifiedTransparence = rUniAlphaCandidate.getAlpha();
+ // various content, create content-metafile
+ GDIMetaFile aContentMetafile;
+ const Rectangle aPrimitiveRectangle(impDumpToMetaFile(rContent, aContentMetafile));
+ // restore mfCurrentUnifiedTransparence; it may have been used
+ // while processing the sub-content in impDumpToMetaFile
+ mfCurrentUnifiedTransparence = fLastCurrentUnifiedTransparence;
+ // create uniform VCL gradient for uniform transparency
+ Gradient aVCLGradient;
+ const sal_uInt8 nTransPercentVcl((sal_uInt8)basegfx::fround(rUniAlphaCandidate.getAlpha() * 255.0));
+ const Color aTransColor(nTransPercentVcl, nTransPercentVcl, nTransPercentVcl);
+ aVCLGradient.SetStyle(GRADIENT_LINEAR);
+ aVCLGradient.SetStartColor(aTransColor);
+ aVCLGradient.SetEndColor(aTransColor);
+ aVCLGradient.SetAngle(0);
+ aVCLGradient.SetBorder(0);
+ aVCLGradient.SetOfsX(0);
+ aVCLGradient.SetOfsY(0);
+ aVCLGradient.SetStartIntensity(100);
+ aVCLGradient.SetEndIntensity(100);
+ aVCLGradient.SetSteps(2);
+ // render it to VCL
+ mpOutputDevice->DrawTransparent(
+ aContentMetafile, aPrimitiveRectangle.TopLeft(), aPrimitiveRectangle.GetSize(), aVCLGradient);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // for metafile: Need to examine what the pure vcl version is doing here actually
+ // - uses DrawTransparent with metafile for content and a gradient
+ // i can detect this here with checking the gradient part for a single
+ // FillGradientPrimitive2D and reconstruct the gradient.
+ // If that detection goes wrong, i have to create an alpha-blended bitmap. Eventually
+ // do that in stripes, else RenderAlphaPrimitive2D may just be used
+ const primitive2d::AlphaPrimitive2D& rAlphaCandidate = static_cast< const primitive2d::AlphaPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate);
+ const primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence rContent = rAlphaCandidate.getChildren();
+ const primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence rAlpha = rAlphaCandidate.getAlpha();
+ if(rContent.hasElements() && rAlpha.hasElements())
+ {
+ // try to identify a single FillGradientPrimitive2D in the
+ // alpha part of the primitive
+ const primitive2d::FillGradientPrimitive2D* pFiGradient = 0;
+ static bool bForceToBigTransparentVDev(false);
+ if(!bForceToBigTransparentVDev && 1 == rAlpha.getLength())
+ {
+ const primitive2d::Primitive2DReference xReference(rAlpha[0]);
+ pFiGradient = dynamic_cast< const primitive2d::FillGradientPrimitive2D* >(xReference.get());
+ }
+ if(pFiGradient)
+ {
+ // various content, create content-metafile
+ GDIMetaFile aContentMetafile;
+ const Rectangle aPrimitiveRectangle(impDumpToMetaFile(rContent, aContentMetafile));
+ // re-create a VCL-gradient from FillGradientPrimitive2D
+ Gradient aVCLGradient;
+ impConvertFillGradientAttributeToVCLGradient(aVCLGradient, pFiGradient->getFillGradient());
+ // render it to VCL
+ mpOutputDevice->DrawTransparent(
+ aContentMetafile, aPrimitiveRectangle.TopLeft(), aPrimitiveRectangle.GetSize(), aVCLGradient);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // sub-transparence group. Draw to VDev first.
+ // this may get refined to tiling when resolution is too big here
+ // need to avoid switching off MapMode stuff here; maybe need another
+ // tooling class, cannot just do the same as with the pixel renderer.
+ // Need to experiment...
+ // Okay, basic implementation finished and tested. The DPI stuff was hard
+ // and not easy to find out that it's needed.
+ // Since this will not yet happen normally (as long as noone constructs
+ // alpha primitives with non-trivial alpha content) i will for now not
+ // refine to tiling here.
+ basegfx::B2DRange aViewRange(primitive2d::getB2DRangeFromPrimitive2DSequence(rContent, getViewInformation2D()));
+ aViewRange.transform(maCurrentTransformation);
+ const Rectangle aRectLogic(
+ (sal_Int32)floor(aViewRange.getMinX()), (sal_Int32)floor(aViewRange.getMinY()),
+ (sal_Int32)ceil(aViewRange.getMaxX()), (sal_Int32)ceil(aViewRange.getMaxY()));
+ const Rectangle aRectPixel(mpOutputDevice->LogicToPixel(aRectLogic));
+ const Size aSizePixel(aRectPixel.GetSize());
+ const Point aEmptyPoint;
+ VirtualDevice aBufferDevice;
+ if(aBufferDevice.SetOutputSizePixel(aSizePixel))
+ {
+ // create and set MapModes for target devices
+ MapMode aNewMapMode(mpOutputDevice->GetMapMode());
+ aNewMapMode.SetOrigin(Point(-aRectLogic.Left(), -aRectLogic.Top()));
+ aBufferDevice.SetMapMode(aNewMapMode);
+ // prepare view transformation for target renderers
+ // ATTENTION! Need to apply another scaling because of the potential DPI differences
+ // between Printer and VDev (mpOutputDevice and aBufferDevice here).
+ // To get the DPI, LogicToPixel from (1,1) from MAP_INCH needs to be used.
+ basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aViewTransform(aBufferDevice.GetViewTransformation());
+ const Size aDPIOld(mpOutputDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(1, 1), MAP_INCH));
+ const Size aDPINew(aBufferDevice.LogicToPixel(Size(1, 1), MAP_INCH));
+ const double fDPIXChange((double)aDPIOld.getWidth() / (double)aDPINew.getWidth());
+ const double fDPIYChange((double)aDPIOld.getHeight() / (double)aDPINew.getHeight());
+ if(!basegfx::fTools::equal(fDPIXChange, 1.0) || !basegfx::fTools::equal(fDPIYChange, 1.0))
+ {
+ aViewTransform.scale(fDPIXChange, fDPIYChange);
+ }
+ // create view information and pixel renderer
+ const geometry::ViewInformation2D aViewInfo(aViewTransform, aViewRange, 0.0);
+ VclPixelProcessor2D aBufferProcessor(aViewInfo, aBufferDevice);
+ // draw content using pixel renderer
+ aBufferProcessor.process(rContent);
+ const Bitmap aBmContent(aBufferDevice.GetBitmap(aEmptyPoint, aSizePixel));
+ // draw alpha using pixel renderer
+ aBufferDevice.Erase();
+ aBufferProcessor.process(rAlpha);
+ const AlphaMask aBmAlpha(aBufferDevice.GetBitmap(aEmptyPoint, aSizePixel));
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ static bool bDoSaveForVisualControl(false);
+ if(bDoSaveForVisualControl)
+ {
+ SvFileStream aNew(String(ByteString( "c:\\test.bmp" ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), STREAM_WRITE|STREAM_TRUNC);
+ aNew << aBmContent;
+ }
+ // paint
+ mpOutputDevice->DrawBitmapEx(
+ aRectLogic.TopLeft(),
+ aRectLogic.GetSize(),
+ BitmapEx(aBmContent, aBmAlpha));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // use default transform group pocessing
+ RenderTransformPrimitive2D(static_cast< const primitive2d::TransformPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate));
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // use default marker array pocessing
+ RenderMarkerArrayPrimitive2D(static_cast< const primitive2d::MarkerArrayPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate));
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // use default point array pocessing
+ RenderPointArrayPrimitive2D(static_cast< const primitive2d::PointArrayPrimitive2D& >(rCandidate));
+ break;
+ }
+ default :
+ {
+ // process recursively
+ process(rCandidate.get2DDecomposition(getViewInformation2D()));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // end of namespace processor2d
+} // end of namespace drawinglayer
+// eof