path: root/dbaccess/source/core/api/RowSetCache.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'dbaccess/source/core/api/RowSetCache.cxx')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/core/api/RowSetCache.cxx b/dbaccess/source/core/api/RowSetCache.cxx
index 3710a0e0c108..0d53b83a5e9a 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/core/api/RowSetCache.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/core/api/RowSetCache.cxx
@@ -264,9 +264,6 @@ ORowSetCache::ORowSetCache(const Reference< XResultSet >& _xRs,
// need to check if we could handle this select clause
bAllKeysFound = bAllKeysFound && (nTablesCount == 1 || checkJoin(xConnection,_xAnalyzer,aUpdateTableName));
- // || !(comphelper::hasProperty(PROPERTY_CANUPDATEINSERTEDROWS,xProp) && any2bool(xProp->getPropertyValue(PROPERTY_CANUPDATEINSERTEDROWS)))
- // oj removed because keyset uses only the next// || (xProp->getPropertySetInfo()->hasPropertyByName(PROPERTY_RESULTSETTYPE) && comphelper::getINT32(xProp->getPropertyValue(PROPERTY_RESULTSETTYPE)) == ResultSetType::FORWARD_ONLY)
if(!bAllKeysFound )
m_pCacheSet = new OStaticSet();
@@ -371,7 +368,6 @@ ORowSetCache::~ORowSetCache()
void ORowSetCache::setMaxRowSize(sal_Int32 _nSize)
if(_nSize == m_nFetchSize)
@@ -413,7 +409,7 @@ void ORowSetCache::setMaxRowSize(sal_Int32 _nSize)
m_aMatrixIter = m_pMatrix->end();
m_aMatrixEnd = m_pMatrix->end();
- // now adjust their positions because a resize invalid all iterators
+ // now adjust their positions because a resize invalidates all iterators
::std::vector<sal_Int32>::const_iterator aIter = aPositions.begin();
::std::map<sal_Int32,sal_Bool>::const_iterator aPosChangeIter = aCacheIterToChange.begin();
for( aCacheIter = m_aCacheIterators.begin();
@@ -463,7 +459,6 @@ Any lcl_getBookmark(ORowSetValue& i_aValue,OCacheSet* i_pCacheSet)
// ::com::sun::star::sdbcx::XRowLocate
Any ORowSetCache::getBookmark( )
@@ -512,7 +507,6 @@ sal_Bool ORowSetCache::moveRelativeToBookmark( const Any& bookmark, sal_Int32 ro
m_nPosition = m_pCacheSet->getRow() + rows;
- // for(sal_Int32 i=0;i<rows && m_aMatrixIter != m_pMatrix->end();++i,++m_aMatrixIter) ;
bRet = m_aMatrixIter != m_pMatrix->end() && (*m_aMatrixIter).is();
@@ -656,27 +650,21 @@ sal_Bool ORowSetCache::isBeforeFirst( )
sal_Bool ORowSetCache::isAfterLast( )
return m_bAfterLast;
sal_Bool ORowSetCache::isFirst( )
return m_nPosition == 1; // ask resultset for
sal_Bool ORowSetCache::isLast( )
- // return m_bRowCountFinal ? (m_nPosition==m_nRowCount) : m_pCacheSet->isLast();
return m_nPosition == m_nRowCount;
sal_Bool ORowSetCache::beforeFirst( )
m_bAfterLast = sal_False;
@@ -691,8 +679,6 @@ sal_Bool ORowSetCache::beforeFirst( )
sal_Bool ORowSetCache::afterLast( )
m_bBeforeFirst = sal_False;
@@ -764,7 +750,6 @@ sal_Bool ORowSetCache::fillMatrix(sal_Int32& _nNewStartPos,sal_Int32 _nNewEndPos
bCheck = m_pCacheSet->next();
- // m_nStartPos = _nNewStartPos;
// we have to read one row forward to enshure that we know when we are on last row
// but only when we don't know it already
@@ -784,12 +769,10 @@ sal_Bool ORowSetCache::fillMatrix(sal_Int32& _nNewStartPos,sal_Int32 _nNewEndPos
sal_Bool ORowSetCache::moveWindow()
sal_Bool bRet = sal_True;
sal_Int32 nDiff = (sal_Int32)(m_nFetchSize*0.5 -0.5);
sal_Int32 nNewStartPos = (m_nPosition - nDiff);
- // sal_Int32 nNewEndPos = (m_nPosition+m_nFetchSize*0.5);
sal_Int32 nNewEndPos = nNewStartPos + m_nFetchSize;
if ( m_nPosition <= m_nStartPos )
@@ -808,7 +791,6 @@ sal_Bool ORowSetCache::moveWindow()
if ( nNewStartPos < 1 )
bCheck = m_pCacheSet->first();
- // aEnd = m_pMatrix->begin() + (sal_Int32)(m_nFetchSize*0.5);
OSL_ENSURE((nNewEndPos - m_nStartPos - nNewStartPos) < (sal_Int32)m_pMatrix->size(),"Position is behind end()!");
aEnd = m_pMatrix->begin() + (nNewEndPos - m_nStartPos - nNewStartPos);
aIter = aEnd;
@@ -864,7 +846,7 @@ sal_Bool ORowSetCache::moveWindow()
- { // normaly this should never happen
+ { // normally this should never happen
OSL_ENSURE(0,"What the hell is happen here!");
return sal_False;
@@ -944,9 +926,6 @@ sal_Bool ORowSetCache::moveWindow()
sal_Bool bCheck = m_pCacheSet->absolute(nPos);
bCheck = fill(aIter,aEnd,nPos,bCheck); // refill the region wew don't need anymore
-// // we know that this is the current maximal rowcount here
-// if ( !m_bRowCountFinal && bCheck )
-// m_nRowCount = std::max(nPos,m_nRowCount);
// we have to read one row forward to enshure that we know when we are on last row
// but only when we don't know it already
sal_Bool bOk = sal_True;
@@ -973,7 +952,6 @@ sal_Bool ORowSetCache::moveWindow()
{ // the end was reached before end() so we can set the start before nNewStartPos
m_nStartPos += (aIter - m_pMatrix->begin());
- // m_nStartPos = (aIter - m_pMatrix->begin());
// now correct the iterator in our iterator vector
rotateCacheIterator( (sal_Int16)( aIter - m_pMatrix->begin() ) );
@@ -1273,7 +1251,7 @@ void ORowSetCache::cancelRowModification()
if ( aCacheIter->second.pRowSet->isInsertRow() && aCacheIter->second.aIterator == m_aInsertRow )
aCacheIter->second.aIterator = m_pMatrix->end();
- } // for(;aCacheIter != aCacheEnd;++aCacheIter)
+ }
@@ -1313,7 +1291,6 @@ bool ORowSetCache::deleteRow( )
if(isAfterLast() || isBeforeFirst())
- // m_pCacheSet->absolute(m_nPosition);
if ( !m_pCacheSet->rowDeleted() )
return false;
@@ -1376,7 +1353,6 @@ void ORowSetCache::moveToInsertRow( )
ORowSetCacheIterator ORowSetCache::createIterator(ORowSetBase* _pRowSet)
ORowSetCacheIterator_Helper aHelper;
aHelper.aIterator = m_pMatrix->end();
aHelper.pRowSet = _pRowSet;
@@ -1392,7 +1368,7 @@ void ORowSetCache::deleteIterator(const ORowSetBase* _pRowSet)
aCacheIter = m_aCacheIterators.begin();
- } // if ( aCacheIter->second.pRowSet == _pRowSet )
+ }
@@ -1466,10 +1442,10 @@ sal_Bool ORowSetCache::checkInnerJoin(const ::connectivity::OSQLParseNode *pNode
bOk = checkInnerJoin(pNode->getChild(1),_xConnection,_sUpdateTableName);
- else if ((SQL_ISRULE(pNode,search_condition) || SQL_ISRULE(pNode,boolean_term)) && // AND/OR-Verknuepfung:
+ else if ((SQL_ISRULE(pNode,search_condition) || SQL_ISRULE(pNode,boolean_term)) && // AND/OR link
pNode->count() == 3)
- // nur AND Verknüpfung zulassen
+ // only allow an AND link
if ( SQL_ISTOKEN(pNode->getChild(1),AND) )
bOk = checkInnerJoin(pNode->getChild(0),_xConnection,_sUpdateTableName)
&& checkInnerJoin(pNode->getChild(2),_xConnection,_sUpdateTableName);
@@ -1568,7 +1544,7 @@ void ORowSetCache::clearInsertRow()
- } // for(;aIter != (*m_aInsertRow)->end();++aIter)
+ }
@@ -1579,7 +1555,6 @@ ORowSetMatrix::iterator ORowSetCache::calcPosition() const
return ( nValue < 0 || nValue >= static_cast<sal_Int32>(m_pMatrix->size()) ) ? m_pMatrix->end() : (m_pMatrix->begin() + nValue);
TORowSetOldRowHelperRef ORowSetCache::registerOldRow()
TORowSetOldRowHelperRef pRef = new ORowSetOldRowHelper(ORowSetRow());
@@ -1612,7 +1587,7 @@ sal_Bool ORowSetCache::reFillMatrix(sal_Int32 _nNewStartPos,sal_Int32 _nNewEndPo
sal_Int32 nNewSt = _nNewStartPos;
sal_Bool bRet = fillMatrix(nNewSt,_nNewEndPos);
m_nStartPos = nNewSt - 1;
- rotateCacheIterator(static_cast<sal_Int16>(m_nFetchSize+1)); // forces that every iterator will be set to null
+ rotateCacheIterator(static_cast<sal_Int16>(m_nFetchSize+1)); // forces every iterator to null
return bRet;