path: root/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/MLdapAttributeMap.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/MLdapAttributeMap.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 432 deletions
diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/MLdapAttributeMap.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/MLdapAttributeMap.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b39a6e2ed1b..000000000000
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/MLdapAttributeMap.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at .
- */
-#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
- // keep this include at the beginning. Some of the other includes seems to inject a symbol "l" into the
- // global namespace, which leads to a compiler warning in strbuf.hxx, about some parameters named "l"
- // hiding objects "in an outer scope".
-#include "MLdapAttributeMap.hxx"
-#include "MTypeConverter.hxx"
-#include "MQueryHelper.hxx"
-#include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
-#include <unordered_map>
-namespace connectivity { namespace mozab {
- namespace
- {
- typedef NS_STDCALL_FUNCPROTO(nsresult, CardPropertyGetter, nsIAbCard, GetFirstName, (PRUnichar**));
- typedef NS_STDCALL_FUNCPROTO(nsresult, CardPropertySetter, nsIAbCard, SetFirstName, (const PRUnichar*));
- struct CardPropertyData
- {
- const sal_Char* pLDAPAttributeList;
- CardPropertyGetter PropGetter;
- CardPropertySetter PropSetter;
- CardPropertyData()
- :pLDAPAttributeList( NULL )
- ,PropGetter( NULL )
- ,PropSetter( NULL )
- {
- }
- CardPropertyData( const sal_Char* _pLDAPAttributeList, CardPropertyGetter _PropGetter, CardPropertySetter _PropSetter )
- :pLDAPAttributeList( _pLDAPAttributeList )
- ,PropGetter( _PropGetter )
- ,PropSetter( _PropSetter )
- {
- }
- };
- typedef std::unordered_map< OString, CardPropertyData, OStringHash > MapPropertiesToAttributes;
- #define DEF_CARD_ACCESS( PropertyName ) \
- &nsIAbCard::Get##PropertyName, &nsIAbCard::Set##PropertyName
- static const MapPropertiesToAttributes& lcl_getPropertyMap()
- {
- static MapPropertiesToAttributes aMap;
- if ( aMap.empty() )
- {
- struct MapEntry
- {
- const sal_Char* pAsciiPropertyName;
- const sal_Char* pAsciiAttrributeList;
- CardPropertyGetter PropGetter;
- CardPropertySetter PropSetter;
- };
- const MapEntry aEntries[] = {
- { "FirstName", "givenname", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( FirstName ) },
- { "LastName", "sn,surnname", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( LastName ) },
- { "DisplayName", "cn,commonname,displayname", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( DisplayName ) },
- { "NickName", "xmozillanickname", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( NickName ) },
- { "PrimaryEmail", "mail", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( PrimaryEmail ) },
- { "SecondEmail", "xmozillasecondemail", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( SecondEmail ) },
- { "WorkPhone", "telephonenumber", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( WorkPhone ) },
- { "HomePhone", "homephone", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( HomePhone ) },
- { "FaxNumber", "fax,facsimiletelephonenumber", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( FaxNumber ) },
- { "PagerNumber", "pager,pagerphone", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( PagerNumber ) },
- { "CellularNumber", "mobile,cellphone,carphone", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( CellularNumber ) },
- { "HomeAddress", "homepostaladdress,mozillaHomeStreet", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( HomeAddress ) },
- { "HomeAddress2", "mozillaHomeStreet2", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( HomeAddress2 ) },
- { "HomeCity", "homelocality,mozillaHomeLocalityName", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( HomeCity ) },
- { "HomeState", "homeregion,mozillaHomeState", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( HomeState ) },
- { "HomeZipCode", "homepostalcode,mozillaHomePostalCode", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( HomeZipCode ) },
- { "HomeCountry", "homecountryname,mozillaHomeCountryName", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( HomeCountry ) },
- { "WorkAddress", "postofficebox,streetaddress,streetaddress1", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( WorkAddress ) },
- { "WorkAddress2", "streetaddress2", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( WorkAddress2 ) },
- { "WorkCity", "l,locality", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( WorkCity ) },
- { "WorkState", "st,region", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( WorkState ) },
- { "WorkZipCode", "postalcode,zip", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( WorkZipCode ) },
- { "WorkCountry", "countryname", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( WorkCountry ) },
- { "JobTitle", "title", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( JobTitle ) },
- { "Department", "ou,orgunit,department,departmentnumber", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( Department ) },
- { "Company", "o,company", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( Company ) },
- { "WebPage1", "workurl", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( WebPage1 ) },
- { "WebPage2", "homeurl", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( WebPage2 ) },
- { "BirthYear", "birthyear", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( BirthYear ) },
- { "BirthMonth", "birthmonth", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( BirthMonth ) },
- { "BirthDay", "birthday", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( BirthDay ) },
- { "Custom1", "custom1", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( Custom1 ) },
- { "Custom2", "custom2", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( Custom2 ) },
- { "Custom3", "custom3", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( Custom3 ) },
- { "Custom4", "custom4", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( Custom4 ) },
- { "Notes", "notes,description", DEF_CARD_ACCESS( Notes ) },
- { "PreferMailFormat", "xmozillausehtmlmail", NULL, NULL },
- };
- const MapEntry* loop = aEntries;
- while ( loop->pAsciiPropertyName )
- {
- aMap[ OString( loop->pAsciiPropertyName ) ] =
- CardPropertyData( loop->pAsciiAttrributeList, loop->PropGetter, loop->PropSetter );
- ++loop;
- }
- }
- return aMap;
- }
- }
- struct AttributeMap_Data
- {
- };
- MLdapAttributeMap::MLdapAttributeMap()
- :m_pData( new AttributeMap_Data )
- {
- }
- MLdapAttributeMap::~MLdapAttributeMap()
- {
- }
- NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS1( MLdapAttributeMap, nsIAbLDAPAttributeMap )
- NS_IMETHODIMP MLdapAttributeMap::GetAttributeList(const nsACString & aProperty, nsACString & _retval)
- {
- OString sProperty( MTypeConverter::nsACStringToOString( aProperty ) );
- const MapPropertiesToAttributes& rPropertyMap( lcl_getPropertyMap() );
- MapPropertiesToAttributes::const_iterator pos = rPropertyMap.find( sProperty );
- if ( pos == rPropertyMap.end() )
- {
- _retval.SetIsVoid( PR_TRUE );
- }
- else
- {
- MTypeConverter::asciiToNsACString( pos->second.pLDAPAttributeList, _retval );
- }
- return NS_OK;
- }
- NS_IMETHODIMP MLdapAttributeMap::GetAttributes(const nsACString & aProperty, PRUint32* aCount, char*** aAttrs)
- {
- OSL_FAIL( "MLdapAttributeMap::GetAttributes: not implemented!" );
- (void)aProperty;
- (void)aCount;
- (void)aAttrs;
- }
- NS_IMETHODIMP MLdapAttributeMap::GetFirstAttribute(const nsACString & aProperty, nsACString & _retval)
- {
- OString sProperty( MTypeConverter::nsACStringToOString( aProperty ) );
- const MapPropertiesToAttributes& rPropertyMap( lcl_getPropertyMap() );
- MapPropertiesToAttributes::const_iterator pos = rPropertyMap.find( sProperty );
- if ( pos == rPropertyMap.end() )
- {
- _retval.SetIsVoid( PR_TRUE );
- }
- else
- {
- sal_Int32 tokenPos(0);
- OString sAttributeList( pos->second.pLDAPAttributeList );
- MTypeConverter::asciiToNsACString( sAttributeList.getToken( 0, ',', tokenPos ).getStr(), _retval );
- }
- return NS_OK;
- }
- NS_IMETHODIMP MLdapAttributeMap::SetAttributeList(const nsACString & aProperty, const nsACString & aAttributeList, PRBool allowInconsistencies)
- {
- OSL_FAIL( "MLdapAttributeMap::SetAttributeList: not implemented!" );
- (void)aProperty;
- (void)aAttributeList;
- (void)allowInconsistencies;
- }
- NS_IMETHODIMP MLdapAttributeMap::GetProperty(const nsACString & aAttribute, nsACString & _retval)
- {
- OSL_FAIL( "MLdapAttributeMap::GetProperty: not implemented!" );
- (void)aAttribute;
- (void)_retval;
- }
- NS_IMETHODIMP MLdapAttributeMap::GetAllCardAttributes(nsACString & _retval)
- {
- const MapPropertiesToAttributes& rPropertyMap( lcl_getPropertyMap() );
- OStringBuffer aAllAttributes;
- for ( MapPropertiesToAttributes::const_iterator loop = rPropertyMap.begin();
- loop != rPropertyMap.end();
- ++loop
- )
- {
- aAllAttributes.append( loop->second.pLDAPAttributeList );
- if ( loop != rPropertyMap.end() )
- aAllAttributes.append( ',' );
- }
- MTypeConverter::asciiToNsACString( aAllAttributes.getStr(), _retval );
- return NS_OK;
- }
- NS_IMETHODIMP MLdapAttributeMap::CheckState()
- {
- // we do not allow modifying the map, so we're always in a valid state
- return NS_OK;
- }
- NS_IMETHODIMP MLdapAttributeMap::SetFromPrefs(const nsACString & aPrefBranchName)
- {
- OSL_FAIL( "MLdapAttributeMap::SetFromPrefs: not implemented!" );
- (void)aPrefBranchName;
- }
- NS_IMETHODIMP MLdapAttributeMap::SetCardPropertiesFromLDAPMessage(nsILDAPMessage* aMessage, nsIAbCard* aCard)
- {
- // in case that's not present in the LDAP message: set the "preferred mail format" to "none"
- aCard->SetPreferMailFormat( nsIAbPreferMailFormat::unknown );
- const MapPropertiesToAttributes& rPropertyMap( lcl_getPropertyMap() );
- for ( MapPropertiesToAttributes::const_iterator prop = rPropertyMap.begin();
- prop != rPropertyMap.end();
- ++prop
- )
- {
- // split the list of attributes for the current property
- OString sAttributeList( prop->second.pLDAPAttributeList );
- OString sAttribute;
- sal_Int32 tokenPos = 0;
- while ( tokenPos != -1 )
- {
- sAttribute = sAttributeList.getToken( 0, ',', tokenPos );
- // retrieve the values for the current attribute
- PRUint32 valueCount = 0;
- PRUnichar** values = NULL;
- nsresult rv = aMessage->GetValues( sAttribute.getStr(), &valueCount, &values );
- if ( NS_FAILED( rv ) )
- // try the next attribute
- continue;
- if ( valueCount )
- {
- CardPropertySetter propSetter = prop->second.PropSetter;
- OSL_ENSURE( propSetter,
- "MLdapAttributeMap::SetCardPropertiesFromLDAPMessage: "
- "unexpected: could retrieve an attribute value, but have no setter for it!" );
- if ( propSetter )
- {
- (aCard->*propSetter)( values[0] );
- }
- // we're done with this property - no need to handle the remaining attributes which
- // map to it
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return NS_OK;
- }
- namespace
- {
- struct PreferMailFormatType
- {
- const sal_Char* description;
- PRUint32 formatType;
- PreferMailFormatType()
- :description( NULL )
- ,formatType( nsIAbPreferMailFormat::unknown )
- {
- }
- PreferMailFormatType( const sal_Char* _description, PRUint32 _formatType )
- :description( _description )
- ,formatType( _formatType )
- {
- }
- };
- static const PreferMailFormatType* lcl_getMailFormatTypes()
- {
- static const PreferMailFormatType aMailFormatTypes[] =
- {
- PreferMailFormatType( "text/plain", nsIAbPreferMailFormat::plaintext ),
- PreferMailFormatType( "text/html", nsIAbPreferMailFormat::html ),
- PreferMailFormatType( "unknown", nsIAbPreferMailFormat::unknown ),
- PreferMailFormatType()
- };
- return aMailFormatTypes;
- }
- }
- void MLdapAttributeMap::fillCardFromResult( nsIAbCard& _card, const MQueryHelperResultEntry& _result )
- {
- _card.SetPreferMailFormat( nsIAbPreferMailFormat::unknown );
- OUString resultValue;
- const MapPropertiesToAttributes& rPropertyMap( lcl_getPropertyMap() );
- for ( MapPropertiesToAttributes::const_iterator prop = rPropertyMap.begin();
- prop != rPropertyMap.end();
- ++prop
- )
- {
- resultValue = _result.getValue( prop->first );
- CardPropertySetter propSetter = prop->second.PropSetter;
- if ( propSetter )
- {
- // PRUnichar != sal_Unicode in mingw
- (_card.*propSetter)( reinterpret_cast_mingw_only<const PRUnichar *>(resultValue.getStr()) );
- }
- else
- {
- if ( prop->first.equals( "PreferMailFormat" ) )
- {
- unsigned int format = nsIAbPreferMailFormat::unknown;
- const PreferMailFormatType* pMailFormatType = lcl_getMailFormatTypes();
- while ( pMailFormatType->description )
- {
- if ( resultValue.equalsAscii( pMailFormatType->description ) )
- {
- format = pMailFormatType->formatType;
- break;
- }
- ++pMailFormatType;
- }
- _card.SetPreferMailFormat(format);
- }
- else
- OSL_FAIL( "MLdapAttributeMap::fillCardFromResult: unexpected property without default setters!" );
- }
- }
- }
- void MLdapAttributeMap::fillResultFromCard( MQueryHelperResultEntry& _result, nsIAbCard& _card )
- {
- nsXPIDLString value;
- OUString resultValue;
- const MapPropertiesToAttributes& rPropertyMap( lcl_getPropertyMap() );
- for ( MapPropertiesToAttributes::const_iterator prop = rPropertyMap.begin();
- prop != rPropertyMap.end();
- ++prop
- )
- {
- CardPropertyGetter propGetter = prop->second.PropGetter;
- if ( propGetter )
- {
- (_card.*propGetter)( getter_Copies( value ) );
- nsAutoString temp( value );
- MTypeConverter::nsStringToOUString( temp, resultValue );
- }
- else
- {
- if ( prop->first.equals( "PreferMailFormat" ) )
- {
- unsigned int format = nsIAbPreferMailFormat::unknown;
- _card.GetPreferMailFormat( &format );
- const PreferMailFormatType* pMailFormatType = lcl_getMailFormatTypes();
- while ( pMailFormatType->description )
- {
- if ( format == pMailFormatType->formatType )
- {
- resultValue = OUString::createFromAscii( pMailFormatType->description );
- break;
- }
- ++pMailFormatType;
- }
- }
- else
- OSL_FAIL( "MLdapAttributeMap::fillResultFromCard: unexpected property without default getters!" );
- }
- _result.insert( prop->first, resultValue );
- }
- }
-} } // namespace connectivity::mozab
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */