path: root/canvas/source/directx/dx_canvasbitmap.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'canvas/source/directx/dx_canvasbitmap.cxx')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/canvas/source/directx/dx_canvasbitmap.cxx b/canvas/source/directx/dx_canvasbitmap.cxx
index adc4b741a4c3..fb06288ada86 100644
--- a/canvas/source/directx/dx_canvasbitmap.cxx
+++ b/canvas/source/directx/dx_canvasbitmap.cxx
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#include <memory>
#include <cppuhelper/supportsservice.hxx>
-#include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
+#include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx>
#include <vcl/bitmapex.hxx>
#include <canvas/canvastools.hxx>
@@ -97,9 +97,7 @@ namespace dxcanvas
mpBitmap->getBitmap()->GetHBITMAP(Gdiplus::Color(), &aHBmp );
- uno::Sequence< uno::Any > args(1);
- args[0] <<= reinterpret_cast<sal_Int64>(aHBmp);
+ uno::Sequence< uno::Any > args{ uno::Any(reinterpret_cast<sal_Int64>(aHBmp)) };
aRes <<= args;
@@ -107,18 +105,18 @@ namespace dxcanvas
// need to copy&convert the bitmap, since dx
// canvas uses inline alpha channel
HDC hScreenDC=GetDC(nullptr);
- const basegfx::B2IVector aSize(mpBitmap->getSize());
+ const basegfx::B2ISize aSize = mpBitmap->getSize();
HBITMAP hBmpBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( hScreenDC,
- aSize.getX(),
- aSize.getY() );
+ aSize.getWidth(),
+ aSize.getHeight() );
if( !hBmpBitmap )
return aRes;
aBIH.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
- aBIH.biWidth = aSize.getX();
- aBIH.biHeight = -aSize.getY();
+ aBIH.biWidth = aSize.getWidth();
+ aBIH.biHeight = -aSize.getHeight();
aBIH.biPlanes = 1;
aBIH.biBitCount = 32;
aBIH.biCompression = BI_RGB; // expects pixel in
@@ -131,12 +129,12 @@ namespace dxcanvas
aBIH.biClrImportant = 0;
Gdiplus::BitmapData aBmpData;
- aBmpData.Width = aSize.getX();
- aBmpData.Height = aSize.getY();
+ aBmpData.Width = aSize.getWidth();
+ aBmpData.Height = aSize.getHeight();
aBmpData.Stride = 4*aBmpData.Width;
aBmpData.PixelFormat = PixelFormat32bppARGB;
aBmpData.Scan0 = nullptr;
- const Gdiplus::Rect aRect( 0,0,aSize.getX(),aSize.getY() );
+ const Gdiplus::Rect aRect( 0,0,aSize.getWidth(),aSize.getHeight() );
BitmapSharedPtr pGDIPlusBitmap=mpBitmap->getBitmap();
if( Gdiplus::Ok != pGDIPlusBitmap->LockBits( &aRect,
@@ -149,13 +147,11 @@ namespace dxcanvas
// now aBmpData.Scan0 contains our bits - push
// them into HBITMAP, ignoring alpha
- SetDIBits( hScreenDC, hBmpBitmap, 0, aSize.getY(), aBmpData.Scan0, reinterpret_cast<PBITMAPINFO>(&aBIH), DIB_RGB_COLORS );
+ SetDIBits( hScreenDC, hBmpBitmap, 0, aSize.getHeight(), aBmpData.Scan0, reinterpret_cast<PBITMAPINFO>(&aBIH), DIB_RGB_COLORS );
pGDIPlusBitmap->UnlockBits( &aBmpData );
- uno::Sequence< uno::Any > args(1);
- args[0] <<= reinterpret_cast<sal_Int64>(hBmpBitmap);
+ uno::Sequence< uno::Any > args{ uno::Any(reinterpret_cast<sal_Int64>(hBmpBitmap)) };
aRes <<= args;
@@ -174,14 +170,14 @@ namespace dxcanvas
// need to copy&convert the bitmap, since dx
// canvas uses inline alpha channel
HDC hScreenDC=GetDC(nullptr);
- const basegfx::B2IVector aSize(mpBitmap->getSize());
- HBITMAP hBmpBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( hScreenDC, aSize.getX(), aSize.getY() );
+ const basegfx::B2ISize aSize = mpBitmap->getSize();
+ HBITMAP hBmpBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( hScreenDC, aSize.getWidth(), aSize.getHeight() );
if( !hBmpBitmap )
return aRes;
aDIB.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
- aDIB.bmiHeader.biWidth = aSize.getX();
- aDIB.bmiHeader.biHeight = -aSize.getY();
+ aDIB.bmiHeader.biWidth = aSize.getWidth();
+ aDIB.bmiHeader.biHeight = -aSize.getHeight();
aDIB.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
aDIB.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8;
aDIB.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
@@ -192,12 +188,12 @@ namespace dxcanvas
aDIB.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
Gdiplus::BitmapData aBmpData;
- aBmpData.Width = aSize.getX();
- aBmpData.Height = aSize.getY();
+ aBmpData.Width = aSize.getWidth();
+ aBmpData.Height = aSize.getHeight();
aBmpData.Stride = 4*aBmpData.Width;
aBmpData.PixelFormat = PixelFormat32bppARGB;
aBmpData.Scan0 = nullptr;
- const Gdiplus::Rect aRect( 0,0,aSize.getX(),aSize.getY() );
+ const Gdiplus::Rect aRect( 0,0,aSize.getWidth(),aSize.getHeight() );
BitmapSharedPtr pGDIPlusBitmap=mpBitmap->getBitmap();
if( Gdiplus::Ok != pGDIPlusBitmap->LockBits( &aRect,
@@ -209,16 +205,16 @@ namespace dxcanvas
// copy only alpha channel to pAlphaBits
- const sal_Int32 nScanWidth((aSize.getX() + 3) & ~3);
- std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pAlphaBits( new sal_uInt8[nScanWidth*aSize.getY()] );
+ const sal_Int32 nScanWidth((aSize.getWidth() + 3) & ~3);
+ std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pAlphaBits( new sal_uInt8[nScanWidth*aSize.getHeight()] );
const sal_uInt8* pInBits=static_cast<sal_uInt8*>(aBmpData.Scan0);
- for( sal_Int32 y=0; y<aSize.getY(); ++y )
+ for( sal_Int32 y=0; y<aSize.getHeight(); ++y )
sal_uInt8* pOutBits=pAlphaBits.get()+y*nScanWidth;
- for( sal_Int32 x=0; x<aSize.getX(); ++x )
+ for( sal_Int32 x=0; x<aSize.getWidth(); ++x )
- *pOutBits++ = 255-*pInBits;
+ *pOutBits++ = *pInBits;
pInBits += 4;
@@ -227,12 +223,10 @@ namespace dxcanvas
// set bits to newly create HBITMAP
SetDIBits( hScreenDC, hBmpBitmap, 0,
- aSize.getY(), pAlphaBits.get(),
+ aSize.getHeight(), pAlphaBits.get(),
reinterpret_cast<PBITMAPINFO>(&aDIB), DIB_RGB_COLORS );
- uno::Sequence< uno::Any > args(1);
- args[0] <<= reinterpret_cast<sal_Int64>(hBmpBitmap);
+ uno::Sequence< uno::Any > args{ uno::Any(reinterpret_cast<sal_Int64>(hBmpBitmap)) };
aRes <<= args;