path: root/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/excel/sw_exctools.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/excel/sw_exctools.cxx')
1 files changed, 1903 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/excel/sw_exctools.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/excel/sw_exctools.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6e85839caca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/excel/sw_exctools.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1903 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include "hintids.hxx"
+#include <bf_svx/boxitem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/fontitem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/fhgtitem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/colritem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/wghtitem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/postitem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/udlnitem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/crsditem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/cntritem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/shdditem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/brshitem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/adjitem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svtools/zforlist.hxx>
+#include <fmtfsize.hxx>
+#include <swtblfmt.hxx>
+#include <node.hxx>
+#include "doc.hxx"
+#include "pam.hxx"
+#include "swtypes.hxx"
+#include "swtable.hxx"
+#include "fltglbls.hxx"
+#include "exccrts.hxx"
+#include "excxfbuf.hxx"
+#include "excfntbf.hxx"
+#include "excdocum.hxx"
+#include "excvfbff.hxx"
+#include "fltini.hxx"
+namespace binfilter {
+// -------------------------------------------------- FltColumn::statics -
+const UINT16 FltColumn::nDefSize = 128;
+//const UINT16 FltColumn::nLevelSize = ( UINT16 ) ( 0.9 * MAXROW );
+const UINT16 FltColumn::nLevelSize = ( UINT16 ) ( 0.9 * 8191 );
+UINT32 FltColumn::nDefCleared = 0xFFFFFFFFL;
+UINT16 FltColumn::nTab;
+#ifdef USED
+// ------------------------------------------------------ class SpString -
+// Kopiert aus: spstring.cxx
+// ---------------------------------------- SpString::SpString( UINT16 ) -
+SpString::SpString( UINT16 nInitSize )
+ {
+ nSize = nInitSize;
+ pData = new sal_Char[ nSize ];
+ pLimit = pData + nSize;
+ Clear(); // pNullTerm auf Anfang und mit Nullbyte abschliessen
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------- SpString::~SpString() -
+ {
+ delete[] pData;
+ }
+// ------------------------------- SpString::operator +=( const sal_Char * ) -
+void SpString::operator +=( const sal_Char *pCString )
+ {
+ // PREC: pCString = Pointer auf C-String
+ // POST: C-String wird an Inhalt in pData angehaengt
+ while( *pCString != 0 )
+ {
+ if( pNullTerm < pLimit )
+ *( pNullTerm++ ) = *( pCString++ );
+ else
+ Grow();
+ }
+ if( pNullTerm >= pLimit ) Grow();
+ *pNullTerm = 0;
+ }
+// --------------------------------- SpString::operator +=( const sal_Char ) -
+void SpString::operator +=( const sal_Char cChar )
+ {
+ // POST: cChar wird an Inhalt in pData angehaengt, ausser cChar ist 0
+ if( pNullTerm + 2 >= pLimit ) // noch Platz fuer Charakter
+ Grow();
+ if( cChar != 0 )
+ *( pNullTerm++ ) = cChar;
+ *pNullTerm = 0;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------- SpString::ExcScName -
+void SpString::MakeScName()
+ {
+ // POST: ersetzt alle Zeichen <> {[a..z],[A..Z],[0..9],ä,Ä,ö,Ö,ü,Ü,ß}
+ // durch '_' (kann man sicher schneller implementieren)
+ sal_Char *pAkt;
+ register cAkt;
+ for( pAkt = pData ; pAkt < pNullTerm ; pAkt++ )
+ {
+ cAkt = *pAkt;
+ if( ( cAkt < 'a' || cAkt > 'z' ) &&
+ ( cAkt < 'A' || cAkt > 'Z' ) &&
+ ( cAkt < '0' || cAkt > '9' ) &&
+ cAkt != '\xE4' && cAkt != '\xC4' && cAkt != '\xF6' && cAkt != '\xD6' &&
+ cAkt != '\xFC' && cAkt != '\xDC' && cAkt != '\xDF' )
+ {
+ *pAkt = '_';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------- SpString::Grow() -
+void SpString::Grow()
+ {
+ // PREC: Verdoppelt die Groesse des pData-Arrays
+ sal_Char *pNewData;
+ register sal_Char *pFrom, *pTo;
+ nSize *= 2;
+ pNewData = new sal_Char[ nSize ];
+ for( pFrom = pData, pTo = pNewData ; pFrom < pLimit ; pFrom++, pTo++ )
+ *pTo = *pFrom;
+ pNullTerm = pNullTerm - pData + pNewData;
+ delete[] pData;
+ pData = pNewData;
+ pLimit = pData + nSize;
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------- SpString::Grow( UINT16 ) -
+void SpString::Grow( UINT16 nNewSize )
+ {
+ // PREC: Verdoppelt die Groesse des pData-Arrays
+ sal_Char *pNewData;
+ register sal_Char *pFrom, *pTo;
+ if( nNewSize > nSize )
+ nSize = nNewSize;
+ pNewData = new sal_Char[ nSize ];
+ for( pFrom = pData, pTo = pNewData ; pFrom <= pNullTerm ; pFrom++, pTo++ )
+ *pTo = *pFrom;
+ pNullTerm = pNullTerm - pData + pNewData;
+ delete[] pData;
+ pData = pNewData;
+ pLimit = pData + nSize;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------- SpString::Convert() -
+SpString &SpString::Convert( CharSet eSource, CharSet eTarget )
+ {
+ register const sal_Char *pCString;
+ register sal_Char *pTempNullTerm;
+ register sal_Char cAkt;
+ String aTempString( pData );
+ aTempString.Convert( eSource, eTarget );
+ // String jetzt groesser?
+ if( ( INT32 ) ( pNullTerm - pData ) < ( INT32 ) aTempString.Len() )
+ Grow( aTempString.Len() + 2 );
+ pTempNullTerm = pNullTerm = pData; // String loeschen
+ *pTempNullTerm = 0;
+ pCString = ( const sal_Char * ) aTempString;
+ do {
+ cAkt = *( pCString++ );
+ *( pTempNullTerm++ ) = cAkt;
+ }
+ while( cAkt != 0x00 );
+ pTempNullTerm--;
+ pNullTerm = pTempNullTerm;
+ return *this;
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------- SpString::Shrink() -
+void SpString::Shrink()
+ {
+ }
+ // used
+#ifdef USED
+// --------------------------------------------------- class ExcDataPool -
+// ------------------------------------------ ExcDataPool::ExcDataPool() -
+ {
+ pUiBack = NULL;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------- ExcDataPool::~ExcDataPool() -
+ {
+ if( pUiBack ) delete pUiBack;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------- ExcDataPool::InsertEntry(...) -
+void ExcDataPool::InsertEntry( const String &rName, ExcEntryType eType,
+ const String &rTabName, UINT16 nTab, UINT16 nCS, UINT16 nCE,
+ UINT16 nRS, UINT16 nRE/*, UINT32 nStrPos*/ )
+ {
+ ExcUiEntry aNew;
+ aNew.aName = rName;
+ aNew.aTabName = rTabName;
+ aNew.nTab = nTab;
+ aNew.nColStart = nCS;
+ aNew.nColEnd = nCE;
+ aNew.nRowStart = nRS;
+ aNew.nRowEnd = nRE;
+ aNew.eType = eType;
+ //aNew.nStrPos = nStrPos;
+ aInit.Insert( aNew );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------- ExcDataPool::GetNextSelection(...) -
+BOOL ExcDataPool::GetNextSelection( String &rName, UINT16 &rTab,
+ UINT16 &rCS,UINT16 &rCE, UINT16 &rRS, UINT16 &rRE/*, UINT32 &rStrPos*/ )
+ {
+ // POST: wenn pUiBack == NULL: Dlg starten und erste Selektion
+ // zurueckliefern
+ // sonst Daten aus naechsten in UiBack-Liste
+ // return = TRUE, wenn Daten gefunden
+ // = FALSE, sonst
+ const ExcUiEntry *pNext;
+ if( pUiBack )
+ {// n-ter Aufruf
+ pNext = pUiBack->GetNext();
+ }
+ else
+ {// erster Aufruf
+ pUiBack = new ExcUiList;
+ // Dialog-Aufruf
+ // Dlg( const ExcUiList &rInit, ExcUiList &rUiBack );
+ pNext = pUiBack->GetFirst();
+ }
+ if( pNext )
+ {
+ rName = pNext->aName;
+ rTab = pNext->nTab;
+ rCS = pNext->nColStart;
+ rCE = pNext->nColEnd;
+ rRS = pNext->nRowStart;
+ rRE = pNext->nRowEnd;
+ //rStrPos = pNext->nStrPos;
+ }
+ return ( pNext != NULL );
+ }
+// ----------------------- ExcDataPool::operator<<( const ExcDokument& ) -
+ExcDataPool &ExcDataPool::operator<<( ExcDokument &rExcDok )
+ {
+ UINT16 nCS, nCE, nRS, nRE, nTab;
+ const ExcTabelle *pAktTab = rExcDok.GetFirstTab();
+ nTab = 0;
+ while( pAktTab )
+ {
+ pAktTab->GetRange( nCS, nCE, nRS, nRE );
+ InsertEntry( pAktTab->GetName(), EET_Table, pAktTab->GetName(),
+ nTab, nCS, nCE, nRS, nRE );
+ nTab++;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+#endif // #ifdef USED
+// ------------------------------------------------ class ColRowSettings -
+// Kopiert aus: colrowst.cxx
+// -------------------------------------- ColRowSettings::ColRowSettings -
+ {
+ nColLimit = 256;
+ nRowLimit = 8192;
+ nDefWidth = nDefHeight = 0;
+ pWidth = new INT32 [ nColLimit ];
+ pHeight = new INT32 [ nRowLimit ];
+ pColHidden = new BOOL [ nColLimit ];
+ pRowHidden = new BOOL [ nRowLimit ];
+ pColUsed = new BOOL [ nColLimit ];
+ pRowUsed = new BOOL [ nRowLimit ];
+ NewTab( 0 );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------- ColRowSettings::~ColRowSettings -
+ {
+ delete[] pWidth;
+ delete[] pHeight;
+ delete[] pColHidden;
+ delete[] pRowHidden;
+ delete[] pColUsed;
+ delete[] pRowUsed;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------- ColRowSettings::NewTab -
+void ColRowSettings::NewTab( UINT16 nNew )
+ {
+ UINT16 nC;
+ nAktTab = nNew;
+ // FALSE / -1 ist Default
+ for( nC = 0 ; nC < nColLimit ; nC++ )
+ {
+ pColHidden[ nC ] = pColUsed[ nC ] = FALSE;
+ pWidth[ nC ] = -1;
+ }
+ for( nC = 0 ; nC < nRowLimit ; nC++ )
+ {
+ pRowHidden[ nC ] = pRowUsed[ nC ] = FALSE;
+ pHeight[ nC ] = -1;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------- ColRowSettings::Apply -
+void ColRowSettings::Apply()
+ {
+ UINT16 nC, nAnzCols, nAnzRows;
+ UINT32 nWidthSum;
+ double fFaktor;
+ SwFmtFrmSize aSize( ATT_FIX_SIZE, nDefWidth );
+ // Column-Bemachung
+ nAnzCols = pExcGlob->AnzCols();
+ nAnzRows = pExcGlob->AnzRows();
+ nWidthSum = 0;
+ for( nC = 0 ; nC < nAnzCols ; nC++ )
+ {
+ if( pWidth[ nC ] < 0 )
+ pWidth[ nC ] = nDefWidth;
+ else if( pWidth[ nC ] < MINLAY )
+ pWidth[ nC ] = MINLAY;
+ nWidthSum += pWidth[ nC ];
+ }
+ fFaktor = 65535.0 / ( double ) nWidthSum;
+ for( nC = 0 ; nC < nAnzCols ; nC++ )
+ {
+ aSize.SetWidth( ( UINT16 ) ( fFaktor * ( double ) pWidth[ nC ] ) );
+ SwTableBox *pTBox = pExcGlob->pTable->GetTabLines()[ 0 ]->GetTabBoxes()[ nC ];
+ SwTableBoxFmt* pBoxFmt = (SwTableBoxFmt*)pTBox->ClaimFrmFmt(); // Frm-Format eindeutig
+ pBoxFmt->SetAttr( aSize );
+ for( UINT16 nRow = 1 ; nRow < nAnzRows ; nRow++ )
+ pExcGlob->pTable->GetTabLines()[ nRow ]->
+ GetTabBoxes()[ nC ]->ChgFrmFmt( pBoxFmt );
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef USED
+// ---------------------------------------- ColRowSettings::HideColRange -
+void ColRowSettings::HideColRange( UINT16 nColFirst, UINT16 nColLast )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( nColFirst <= nColLast,
+ "+ColRowSettings::HideColRange(): First > Last?!" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------- ColRowSettings::HideRowRange -
+void ColRowSettings::HideRowRange( UINT16 nRowFirst, UINT16 nRowLast )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( nRowFirst <= nRowLast,
+ "+RowRowSettings::HideRowRange(): First > Last?!" );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------ ColRowSettings::SetColWidthRange -
+void ColRowSettings::SetWidthRange( UINT16 nColFirst, UINT16 nColLast,
+ UINT16 nNew )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( nColFirst <= nColLast,
+ "-ColRowSettings::SetColWidthRange(): First > Last?!" );
+ if( pExcGlob->ColRangeLimitter( nColFirst, nColLast ) )
+ {
+ pExcGlob->NormalizeCol( nColFirst );
+ pExcGlob->NormalizeCol( nColLast );
+ register BOOL *pUsed;
+ register INT32 *pWidthCount, *pFinish;
+ pWidthCount = &pWidth[ nColFirst ];
+ pFinish = &pWidth[ nColLast ];
+ pUsed = &pColUsed[ nColFirst ];
+ while( pWidthCount <= pFinish )
+ {
+ *( pUsed++ ) = TRUE;
+ *( pWidthCount++ ) = nNew;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -- class FltColumn ----------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------ FltColumn::FltColumn -
+FltColumn::FltColumn( UINT16 nNewCol )
+ {
+ // ACHTUNG: interne Nutzung von SW-KOORDINATEN
+ pData = new UINT16[ nDefSize ];
+ nSize = nDefSize;
+ nCol = nNewCol;
+ nLastRow = nSize - 1; // wird in Reset zurueckgesetzt
+ Reset();
+ }
+#ifdef USED
+// ------------------------------------------------ FltColumn::FltColumn -
+FltColumn::FltColumn( UINT16 nNewCol, UINT16 nNewSize )
+ {
+ // ACHTUNG: interne Nutzung von SW-KOORDINATEN
+ DBG_ASSERT( nNewSize > 0,
+ "-FltColumn::Ctor: NewSize == 0! VERBOTEN - WEIL TOEDLICH!" );
+ nNewSize += 1;
+ nNewSize &= 0xFFFE;
+ // jetzt ist nNewSize' mod 2 = 0 und nNewSize' >= nNewSize
+ nSize = nNewSize;
+ pData = new UINT16[ nSize ];
+ nCol = nNewCol;
+ nLastRow = nSize - 1; // wird in Reset zurueckgesetzt
+ Reset();
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------ FltColumn::Reset( UINT16 ) -
+void FltColumn::Reset( UINT16 nNewTab )
+ {
+ // ACHTUNG: interne Nutzung von SW-KOORDINATEN
+ nTab = nNewTab;
+ Reset();
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------- FltColumn::Reset() -
+void FltColumn::Reset()
+ {
+ // ACHTUNG: interne Nutzung von SW-KOORDINATEN
+ UINT16 nClear = ( UINT16 ) nDefCleared;
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC <= nLastRow ; nC++ )
+ pData[ nC ] = nClear;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------- FltColumn::Grow -
+void FltColumn::Grow( UINT16 nRecIndex )
+ {
+ // ACHTUNG: interne Nutzung von SW-KOORDINATEN
+ // PREC: nRecIndex: Index, der noch in das neue Array passen soll
+ DBG_ASSERT( nRecIndex >= nSize,
+ "-FltColumn::Grow(): geforderte Groesse <= alte Groesse" );
+ UINT16 nNewSize;
+ if( nRecIndex >= nLevelSize )
+// nNewSize = MAXROW + 1;
+ nNewSize = 8191 + 1;
+ else
+ {
+ nRecIndex++;
+ // ab hier ist RecIndex gleichbedeutend mit RecSize
+ nNewSize = nSize * 2; // neue Groesse bestimmen
+ // Test auf Peak
+ if( nRecIndex > nNewSize )
+ {// grosser Index -> nicht wesentlich groesser werden als Index
+ nRecIndex += 5; // 4 groesser, 1 fuer gerades nSize
+ nNewSize = nRecIndex & 0xFFFE;
+ }
+ }
+ // jetzt kommt erst das Growen
+ UINT16 *pNewData;
+ pNewData = new UINT16[ nNewSize ];
+ {// alte Daten kopieren, neue resetten ----------------
+ // nSize -> nLastRow + 1
+ //register UINT16 nCount = nSize / 2;
+ register UINT16 nCount = ( nLastRow + 1 ) / 2;
+ register UINT32 *pWrite = ( UINT32 * ) pNewData;
+ {// -----------
+ register const UINT32 *pRead = ( UINT32 * ) pData; // kopieren
+ do {
+ *( pWrite++ ) = *( pRead++ );
+ }
+ while( --nCount > 0 ); //
+ }// -----------
+ {// -----------
+ //nCount = ( nNewSize - nSize ) / 2; // resetten
+ nCount = ( nNewSize - nLastRow - 1 ) / 2;
+ register UINT32 nCleared = nDefCleared;
+ do {
+ *( pWrite++ ) = nCleared;
+ }
+ while( --nCount > 0 ); //
+ }// -----------
+ }// ----------------
+ nSize = nNewSize;
+ pData = pNewData;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------ FltColumn::Apply_int -
+void FltColumn::Apply()
+ {
+ // ACHTUNG: interne Nutzung von SW-KOORDINATEN
+ UINT16 nCount, nAnzRows;
+ UINT16 nLastXF, nAktXF, nLastCount;
+ nLastCount = 0;
+ nLastXF = pData[ nLastCount ];
+ nAnzRows = pExcGlob->AnzRows();
+ for( nCount = 1 ; nCount < nAnzRows ; nCount++ )
+ {
+ nAktXF = pData[ nCount ];
+ if( nAktXF != nLastXF )
+ {
+ if( nLastXF != ( UINT16 ) nDefCleared )
+ {
+ pExcGlob->pXF_Buff->SetItemSets(
+ nCol, nLastCount, nCount - 1, nLastXF );
+ }
+ nLastCount = nCount;
+ nLastXF = nAktXF;
+ }
+ }
+ // ...und den Rest applyen
+ if( nLastXF != ( UINT16 ) nDefCleared )
+ {
+// pD->ApplyPatternAreaTab( nCol, nLastCount, nCol, nCount - 1, nTab,
+// pXF_Buff->GetPattern( nLastXF ) );
+ pExcGlob->pXF_Buff->SetItemSets(
+ nCol, nLastCount, nCount - 1, nLastXF );
+ }
+ }
+// -- class FltTabelle ---------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------- FltTabelle::FltTabelle -
+ {
+ Settings( 0 );
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------- FltTabelle::~FltTabelle -
+ {
+ FltColumn **pDel = pData;
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC <= nLastCol ; nC++, pDel++ )
+ if( *pDel ) delete *pDel;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------ FltTabelle::Settings -
+void FltTabelle::Settings( UINT16 nTab )
+ {
+ nSize = 8191 + 1;
+ nLastCol = 0;
+ pData = new FltColumn *[ nSize ];
+ pData[ 0 ] = new FltColumn( 0 ); // Column 0 gibt's per Default
+ pData[ 0 ]->Settings( nTab );
+ for( UINT16 nC = 1 ; nC < nSize ; nC++ ) pData[ nC ] = NULL;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------- FltTabelle::SetXF -
+void FltTabelle::SetXF( UINT16 nCol, UINT16 nRow, UINT16 nNewXF )
+ {
+ // nCol / nRow : Excel-Koordinaten -> SW-Koordinaten
+ if( pExcGlob->IsInRange( nCol, nRow ) )
+ {
+ pExcGlob->Normalize( nCol, nRow );
+ if( !pData[ nCol ] )
+ {
+ pData[ nCol ] = new FltColumn( nCol );
+ if( nCol > nLastCol ) nLastCol = nCol;
+ }
+ pData[ nCol ]->SetXF( nRow, nNewXF );
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef USED
+// --------------------------------------------------- FltTabelle::Reset -
+void FltTabelle::Reset( UINT16 nTab )
+ {
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC <= nLastCol ; nC++ )
+ if( pData[ nC ] ) pData[ nC ]->Reset();
+ pData[ 0 ]->SetTab( nTab );
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------- FltTabelle::Apply -
+void FltTabelle::Apply()
+ {
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC < pExcGlob->AnzCols() ; nC++ )
+ if( pData[ nC ] ) pData[ nC ]->Apply();
+ }
+// -- class XF_Data ------------------------------------------------------
+// -------------------------------------------------- XF_Data::XF_Data() -
+ {
+ pFill = NULL;
+ pBord = NULL;
+ bFontValid = FALSE;
+ bFormValid = FALSE;
+ nParent = nFont = 0;
+ eHoriz = EHA_Parent;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------- XF_Data::~XF_Data() -
+ {
+ if( pFill != NULL ) delete pFill;
+ if( pBord != NULL ) delete pBord;
+ }
+// ----------------------------- XF_Data::SetBorder( const CellBorder& ) -
+void XF_Data::SetBorder( const CellBorder &rNew )
+ {
+ if( pBord == NULL ) pBord = new CellBorder;
+ DBG_ASSERT( pBord != NULL,
+ "-XF_Data::SetBorder(): pBord == NULL!" );
+ pBord->nTopLine = rNew.nTopLine;
+ pBord->nLeftLine = rNew.nLeftLine;
+ pBord->nBottomLine = rNew.nBottomLine;
+ pBord->nRightLine = rNew.nRightLine;
+ pBord->nTopColor = rNew.nTopColor;
+ pBord->nLeftColor = rNew.nLeftColor;
+ pBord->nBottomColor = rNew.nBottomColor;
+ pBord->nRightColor = rNew.nRightColor;
+ }
+#if 0
+// ------------------------- XF_Data::SetBorder( BYTE, BYTE, BYTE,... ) -
+void XF_Data::SetBorder( BYTE nTopLine, BYTE nLeftLine, BYTE nBottomLine,
+ BYTE nRightLine, UINT16 nTopColor, UINT16 nLeftColor,
+ UINT16 nBottomColor, UINT16 nRightColor )
+ {
+ if( pBord == NULL ) pBord = new CellBorder;
+ DBG_ASSERT( pBord != NULL,
+ "-XF_Data::SetBorder(): pBord == NULL!" );
+ pBord->nTopLine = nTopLine;
+ pBord->nLeftLine = nLeftLine;
+ pBord->nBottomLine = nBottomLine;
+ pBord->nRightLine = nRightLine;
+ pBord->nTopColor = nTopColor;
+ pBord->nLeftColor = nLeftColor;
+ pBord->nBottomColor = nBottomColor;
+ pBord->nRightColor = nRightColor;
+ }
+// -- class XF_Buffer ----------------------------------------------------
+// Kopiert aus: xfbuff.cxx
+// ------------------------------------------------ XF_Buffer::XF_Buffer -
+XF_Buffer::XF_Buffer( UINT16 nNewMax )
+ {// default: 4K Pattern
+ nMax = nNewMax;
+ nCount = 0;
+ ppTxtAttr = new SfxItemSet *[ nNewMax ];
+ ppBoxAttr = new SfxItemSet *[ nNewMax ];
+ ppData = new XF_Data *[ nNewMax ];
+ pDefaultData = new XF_Data;
+ pDefTxtAttr = new SfxItemSet( pExcGlob->pD->GetAttrPool(),
+ pDefBoxAttr = new SfxItemSet( pExcGlob->pD->GetAttrPool(),
+ // alle NULL
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC < nMax ; nC++ )
+ {
+ ppTxtAttr[ nC ] = NULL;
+ ppBoxAttr[ nC ] = NULL;
+ ppData[ nC ] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------- XF_Buffer::~XF_Buffer -
+ {
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC < nCount ; nC++ )
+ {
+ if( ppTxtAttr[ nC ] != NULL )
+ {
+ delete ppTxtAttr[ nC ];
+ delete ppBoxAttr[ nC ];
+ }
+ if( ppData[ nC ] != NULL ) delete ppData[ nC ];
+ }
+ delete[] ppData;
+ delete[] ppTxtAttr;
+ delete[] ppBoxAttr;
+ delete pDefaultData;
+ delete pDefTxtAttr;
+ delete pDefBoxAttr;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------- XF_Buffer::ExcToSwBorderLine -
+void XF_Buffer::ExcToSwBorderLine( BYTE nLine, UINT16 nColor,
+ SvxBorderLine *&rpBorderLine )
+ {
+ // POST: rpBorderLine = NULL, wenn nLine == 0
+ // eine Linie, sonst
+ if( nLine == 0 )
+ {
+ rpBorderLine = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT( nLine < 8,
+ "+XF_Buffer::ExcToSwBorderLine(): Line-# groesser als 7!?" );
+ const static UINT16 nPara[ 8 ][ 3 ] = {
+ // OutWidth, InWidth, Distance
+ { 0, 0, 0 }, // (0)
+ { DEF_LINE_WIDTH_1, 0, 0 }, // 1, duenn
+ { DEF_LINE_WIDTH_2, 0, 0 }, // 2, mittel
+ { DEF_LINE_WIDTH_1, 0, 0 }, // 3, gestrichelt lang
+ { DEF_LINE_WIDTH_0, 0, 0 }, // 4, gestrichelt kurz
+ { DEF_LINE_WIDTH_3, 0, 0 }, // 5, dick
+ DEF_LINE_WIDTH_1 }, // 6, doppelt
+ { DEF_LINE_WIDTH_0, 0, 0 } }; // 7, gepunktet
+ rpBorderLine = new SvxBorderLine; // ACHTUNG: delete im Caller!!!!!!
+ rpBorderLine->SetColor(
+ ( *pExcGlob->pColorBuff->GetColor( nColor ) ).GetValue() );
+ if( nLine < 8 )
+ {
+ rpBorderLine->SetOutWidth( nPara[ nLine ][ 0 ] );
+ rpBorderLine->SetInWidth( nPara[ nLine ][ 1 ] );
+ rpBorderLine->SetDistance( nPara[ nLine ][ 2 ] );
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef USED
+// ---------------------------------------------------- XF_Buffer::Reset -
+void XF_Buffer::Reset()
+ {
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC < nCount ; nC++ )
+ if( ppTxtAttr[ nC ] != NULL )
+ {
+ delete ppTxtAttr[ nC ];
+ delete ppBoxAttr[ nC ];
+ }
+ nCount = 0;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------- XF_Buffer::CreateItemSets -
+void XF_Buffer::CreateItemSets( UINT16 nIndex )
+ {
+ XF_Data *pD;//, *pP; // Pointer auf eigene und Parent-Daten
+ SfxItemSet *pTxtAttr, *pBoxAttr;
+ DBG_ASSERT( nIndex < nCount,
+ "+XF_Buffer::CreatePattern(): XF nicht im Puffer!" );
+ if( nIndex >= nMax )
+ {
+ pTxtAttr = pDefTxtAttr; // Defaults
+ pBoxAttr = pDefBoxAttr;
+ return;
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT( ppData[ nIndex ] != NULL,
+ "-XF_Buffer::CreatePattern(): Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiie bitte?!" );
+ pTxtAttr = new SfxItemSet( pExcGlob->pD->GetAttrPool(),
+ pBoxAttr = new SfxItemSet( pExcGlob->pD->GetAttrPool(),
+ pD = ppData[ nIndex ];
+ ppTxtAttr[ nIndex ] = pTxtAttr;
+ ppBoxAttr[ nIndex ] = pBoxAttr;
+// DBG_ASSERT( pD->Parent() < nCount,
+// "+XF_Buffer::CreatePattern(): Parent-XF nicht im Puffer!" );
+// if( pD->Parent() < nCount )
+// pP = ppData[ pD->Parent() ];
+// else
+// pP = pDefaultData;
+ DBG_ASSERT( pD->IsCellXF(),
+ "+XF_Buffer::CreatePattern(): Und was soll ich mit 'nem Style?" );
+ if( !pD->IsCellXF() )
+ {
+ pTxtAttr = pDefTxtAttr; // Defaults
+ pBoxAttr = pDefBoxAttr;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Font ---------------------------------------------------------
+ const ExcFont *pFont;
+// if( pD->HasFont() )
+ pFont = &pExcGlob->pFontBuff->GetFont( pD->Font() );
+// else
+// pFont = &pExcGlob->pFontBuff->GetFont( pP->Font() );
+ pTxtAttr->Put( *pFont->pFont );
+ pTxtAttr->Put( *pFont->pHeight );
+ pTxtAttr->Put( *pExcGlob->pColorBuff->GetColor( pFont->nColor ) );
+ if( pFont->nWeight )
+ {// bold
+ SvxWeightItem aWeightItem( WEIGHT_BOLD );
+ register UINT16 nWeight = pFont->nWeight;
+ if( !nWeight )
+ aWeightItem = WEIGHT_DONTKNOW;
+ else if( nWeight < 150 )
+ aWeightItem = WEIGHT_THIN;
+ else if( nWeight < 250 )
+ else if( nWeight < 325 )
+ aWeightItem = WEIGHT_LIGHT;
+ else if( nWeight < 375 )
+ else if( nWeight < 450 )
+ aWeightItem = WEIGHT_NORMAL;
+ else if( nWeight < 550 )
+ aWeightItem = WEIGHT_MEDIUM;
+ else if( nWeight < 650 )
+ aWeightItem = WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD;
+ else if( nWeight < 750 )
+ aWeightItem = WEIGHT_BOLD;
+ else if( nWeight < 850 )
+ else
+ aWeightItem = WEIGHT_BLACK;
+ pTxtAttr->Put( aWeightItem );
+ }
+ if( pFont->bItalic )
+ {// italic
+ SvxPostureItem aAttr( ITALIC_NORMAL );
+ pTxtAttr->Put( aAttr );
+ }
+ switch( pFont->eUnderline )
+ {
+ case EXCUNDER_Single:
+ {
+ SvxUnderlineItem aAttr( UNDERLINE_SINGLE );
+ pTxtAttr->Put( aAttr );
+ }
+ break;
+ case EXCUNDER_Double:
+ {
+ SvxUnderlineItem aAttr( UNDERLINE_DOUBLE );
+ pTxtAttr->Put( aAttr );
+ }
+ break;
+ case EXCUNDER_SingleAccount:
+ {
+ SvxUnderlineItem aAttr( UNDERLINE_DOTTED );
+ pTxtAttr->Put( aAttr );
+ }
+ break;
+ case EXCUNDER_DoubleAccount:
+ {
+ SvxUnderlineItem aAttr( UNDERLINE_DOTTED );
+ pTxtAttr->Put( aAttr );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ switch( pFont->eScript )
+ {
+ case EXCSCR_Super:
+ break;
+ case EXCSCR_Sub:
+ break;
+ }
+ if( pFont->bStrikeout )
+ {// strikeout
+ SvxCrossedOutItem aAttr( STRIKEOUT_SINGLE );
+ pTxtAttr->Put( aAttr );
+ }
+ if( pFont->bOutline )
+ {// outline
+ SvxContourItem aAttr( TRUE );
+ pTxtAttr->Put( aAttr );
+ }
+ if( pFont->bShadow )
+ {// shadow
+ SvxShadowedItem aAttr( TRUE );
+ pTxtAttr->Put( aAttr );
+ }
+ // Bordereinstellungen ------------------------------------------
+ const CellBorder *pBorder;
+// if( pD->HasBorder() )
+ pBorder = pD->Border();
+// else
+// pBorder = pP->Border();
+ if( pBorder )
+ {
+ SvxBoxItem aBox;
+ SvxBorderLine *pTop, *pLeft, *pBottom, *pRight;
+ ExcToSwBorderLine( pBorder->nTopLine, pBorder->nTopColor, pTop );
+ ExcToSwBorderLine( pBorder->nLeftLine, pBorder->nLeftColor, pLeft );
+ ExcToSwBorderLine( pBorder->nBottomLine, pBorder->nBottomColor,
+ pBottom );
+ ExcToSwBorderLine( pBorder->nRightLine, pBorder->nRightColor, pRight );
+ aBox.SetLine( pTop, BOX_LINE_TOP );
+ aBox.SetLine( pLeft, BOX_LINE_LEFT );
+ aBox.SetLine( pBottom, BOX_LINE_BOTTOM );
+ aBox.SetLine( pRight, BOX_LINE_RIGHT );
+ aBox.SetDistance( MIN_BORDER_DIST );
+ pBoxAttr->Put( aBox );
+ delete pTop;
+ delete pLeft;
+ delete pBottom;
+ delete pRight;
+ }
+ // Hintergrund- / Fill-Einstellungen ----------------------------
+ const CellFill *pFill;
+// if( pD->HasFill() )
+ pFill = pD->Fill();
+// else
+// pFill = pP->Fill();
+ if( pFill )
+ {
+ const static BYTE eStyle[ 19 ] = { // Exc-#
+ SW_SV_BRUSH_50, SW_SV_BRUSH_25, SW_SV_BRUSH_25 }; // 10-12
+ // !kein Hintergrund -> set nothing!
+ if( pFill->nPattern != 0 )
+ {
+ Color aBack(
+ ( *pExcGlob->pColorBuff->GetColor( pFill->nBackColor ) ).GetValue() );
+ if( pExcGlob->pColorBuff->Auto() ) // Auto-Color fuer Background?
+ aBack = COL_WHITE;
+ Color aColor((*pExcGlob->pColorBuff->GetColor( pFill->nForeColor ) ).GetValue());
+ if( pFill->nPattern < 19 )
+ aColor = ConvertBrushStyle(aColor, aBack, eStyle[ pFill->nPattern ] );
+ pBoxAttr->Put( SvxBrushItem( aColor ) );
+ }
+ }
+ // Ausrichtungsattribute ----------------------------------------
+ ExcHorizAlign eHorizAlign;
+// if( pD->HasHorizAlign() )
+ eHorizAlign = pD->HorizAlign();
+// else
+// eHorizAlign = pP->HorizAlign();
+ SvxAdjust eAdjust = SVX_ADJUST_LEFT;
+ switch( eHorizAlign )
+ {
+// case EHA_Parent:
+// case EHA_General:
+// eAdjust = SVX_ADJUST_LEFT;
+// break;
+// case EHA_Left:
+// eAdjust = SVX_ADJUST_LEFT;
+// break;
+ case EHA_Center:
+ break;
+ case EHA_Right:
+ break;
+// case EHA_Fill:
+// eAdjust = SVX_ADJUST_LEFT;
+// break;
+ case EHA_Justify:
+ break;
+// case EHA_CentAcrSel:
+// eAdjust = SVX_ADJUST_LEFT;
+// break;
+ }
+ pTxtAttr->Put( SvxAdjustItem( eAdjust ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------- XF_Buffer::SetItemSets -
+void XF_Buffer::SetItemSets( UINT16 nCol, UINT16 nStartRow, UINT16 nEndRow,
+ UINT16 nXF )
+ {
+ const SfxItemSet *pTxtAttr, *pBoxAttr;
+// DBG_ASSERT( nXF < nCount ,
+// "+XF_Buffer::SetItemSets(): das ist zuviel des Guten!" );
+ if( nXF >= nCount )
+ {
+ pTxtAttr = pDefTxtAttr; // nicht im Puffer
+ pBoxAttr = pDefBoxAttr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( ppTxtAttr[ nXF ] == NULL )
+ CreateItemSets( nXF ); // erste Nutzung
+ pTxtAttr = ppTxtAttr[ nXF ];
+ pBoxAttr = ppBoxAttr[ nXF ];
+ }
+ // Ersatz fuer ApplyPatternAreaTab()
+ SwTableBox* pSttBox = pExcGlob->pTable->GetTabLines()[ nStartRow ]->
+ GetTabBoxes()[ nCol ];
+ // BoxAttributierung
+ SwTableBoxFmt* pBoxFmt = (SwTableBoxFmt*)pSttBox->ClaimFrmFmt();
+ pBoxFmt->SetAttr( *pBoxAttr );
+ SwTableBox* pEndBox;
+ if( nStartRow != nEndRow )
+ {
+ for( UINT16 nRow = nStartRow ; nRow <= nEndRow ; nRow++ )
+ {
+ pEndBox = pExcGlob->pTable->GetTabLines()[ nRow ]->
+ GetTabBoxes()[ nCol ];
+ pEndBox->ChgFrmFmt( pBoxFmt );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ pEndBox = pSttBox;
+ // TextAttributierung:
+ pExcGlob->pPam->GetPoint()->nNode = *pSttBox->GetSttNd();
+ pExcGlob->pPam->Move( fnMoveForward, fnGoCntnt );
+ pExcGlob->pPam->SetMark();
+ pExcGlob->pPam->GetPoint()->nNode = *pEndBox->GetSttNd()->EndOfSectionNode();
+ pExcGlob->pPam->Move( fnMoveBackward, fnGoCntnt );
+ pExcGlob->pD->Insert( *pExcGlob->pPam, *pTxtAttr );
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------- XF_Buffer::GetNumFormat -
+sal_uInt32 XF_Buffer::GetNumFormat( UINT16 nIndex )
+ {
+// DBG_ASSERT( nIndex < nCount ,
+// "+XF_Buffer::GetNumFormat(): das ist zuviel des Guten!" );
+ if( nIndex < nCount )
+ {// im Puffer
+ XF_Data *pD = ppData[ nIndex ];
+ if( pD->HasValueFormat() )
+ // eigenes Format
+ return pD->ValueFormat();
+ else
+ {// Format vom Parent
+ if( pD->Parent() < nCount )
+ {
+ XF_Data *pP = ppData[ pD->Parent() ];
+ if( pP->HasValueFormat() )
+ return pP->ValueFormat();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return pExcGlob->nStandard; // nicht im Puffer oder kein Value-Format
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------- class ColorBuffer -
+// Kopiert aus: fontbuff.cxx
+const UINT16 nIndCorrect = 8;
+//------------------------------------------- ColorBuffer::ColorBuffer() -
+ColorBuffer::ColorBuffer( void )
+ {
+ UINT16 nSize = 256;
+ pArray = new SvxColorItem *[ nSize ];
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC < nSize ; nC++ ) pArray[ nC ] = NULL;
+ nCount = 0;
+ nMax = nSize;
+ bAuto = FALSE;
+ pDefault = new SvxColorItem( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ }
+//------------------------------------------ ColorBuffer::~ColorBuffer() -
+ {
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC < nCount ; nC++ )
+ if( pArray[ nC ] ) delete pArray[ nC ];
+ delete[] pArray;
+ delete pDefault;
+ }
+#ifdef USED
+//--------------------------------------------------- ColorBuffer::Reset -
+void ColorBuffer::Reset( void )
+ {
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC < nCount ; nC++ )
+ if( pArray[ nC ] )
+ {
+ delete pArray[ nC ];
+ pArray[ nC ] = NULL;
+ }
+ nCount = 0;
+ }
+//----------------------------------------- ColorBuffer::NewColor( ... ) -
+BOOL ColorBuffer::NewColor( UINT16 nR, UINT16 nG, UINT16 nB )
+ {
+ if( nCount < nMax )
+ {
+ pArray[ nCount ] = new SvxColorItem( Color(
+ nR, nG, nB
+ ) );
+ nCount++;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+//---------------------------------------- ColorBuffer::GetColor5( ... ) -
+#define DefColorSize 56
+const SvxColorItem *ColorBuffer::GetColor( UINT16 nIndex )
+ {
+ if( nIndex >= nIndCorrect )
+ nIndex -= nIndCorrect;
+ if( nIndex < nMax )
+ {
+ bAuto = FALSE;
+ if( pArray[ nIndex ] )
+ return pArray[ nIndex ]; // schon Generiert
+ if( nIndex >= nCount )
+ { // ausserhalb der Definierten
+ if( nIndex < DefColorSize )
+ { // ... aber innerhalb der Defaults
+ static BYTE __READONLY_DATA pDefArray[ DefColorSize ][ 3 ] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0xff, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0x00,
+ 0xff, 0x00, 0xff,
+ 0x00, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0x80, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x80, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x80,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x00,
+ 0x80, 0x00, 0x80,
+ 0x00, 0x80, 0x80,
+ 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0xff,
+ 0x80, 0x20, 0x60,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0xc0,
+ 0xa0, 0xe0, 0xe0,
+ 0x60, 0x00, 0x80,
+ 0xff, 0x80, 0x80,
+ 0x00, 0x80, 0xc0,
+ 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xff,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x80,
+ 0xff, 0x00, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0x80, 0x00, 0x80,
+ 0x80, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x80, 0x80,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
+ 0x00, 0xcf, 0xff,
+ 0x69, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0xe0, 0xff, 0xe0,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0x80,
+ 0xa6, 0xca, 0xf0,
+ 0xdd, 0x9c, 0xb3,
+ 0xb3, 0x8f, 0xee,
+ 0xe3, 0xe3, 0xe3,
+ 0x2a, 0x6f, 0xf9,
+ 0x3f, 0xb8, 0xcd,
+ 0x48, 0x84, 0x36,
+ 0x95, 0x8c, 0x41,
+ 0x8e, 0x5e, 0x42,
+ 0xa0, 0x62, 0x7a,
+ 0x62, 0x4f, 0xac,
+ 0x96, 0x96, 0x96,
+ 0x1d, 0x2f, 0xbe,
+ 0x28, 0x66, 0x76,
+ 0x00, 0x45, 0x00,
+ 0x45, 0x3e, 0x01,
+ 0x6a, 0x28, 0x13,
+ 0x85, 0x39, 0x6a,
+ 0x4a, 0x32, 0x85,
+ 0x42, 0x42, 0x42
+ };
+ pArray[ nIndex ] = new SvxColorItem( Color(
+ pDefArray[ nIndex ][ 0 ], // R
+ pDefArray[ nIndex ][ 1 ], // G
+ pDefArray[ nIndex ][ 2 ] // B
+ ));
+ }
+ else
+ { // ... und ausserhalb der Defaults
+ return pDefault;
+ }
+ }
+ return pArray[ nIndex ];
+ }
+ else
+ { // ueber Array-Kapazitaet bzw. Auto
+ bAuto = TRUE;
+ return pDefault;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------- class FontBuffer -
+// ---------------------------------------------- FontBuffer::FontBuffer -
+FontBuffer::FontBuffer( UINT16 nNewMax )
+ {// default: 256 Fonts
+ DBG_ASSERT( nNewMax, "-FontBuffer::FontBuffer(): Groesse 0!" );
+ nMax = nNewMax;
+ nCount = 0;
+ aDefaultFont.pFont = new SvxFontItem;
+ aDefaultFont.pHeight = new SvxFontHeightItem;
+ aDefaultFont.bItalic = aDefaultFont.bStrikeout = aDefaultFont.bOutline =
+ aDefaultFont.bShadow = FALSE;
+ aDefaultFont.eUnderline = EXCUNDER_None;
+ aDefaultFont.nWeight = 400; // NORMAL
+ aDefaultFont.nColor = 0xFFFF;
+ ppFonts = new ExcFont *[ nNewMax ];
+ // alle NULL
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC < nMax ; nC++ )
+ ppFonts[ nC ] = NULL;
+ // ...ausser No. 4
+ ppFonts[ 4 ] = &aDefaultFont;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------- FontBuffer::~FontBuffer -
+ {
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC < nCount ; nC++ )
+ if( nC != 4 )
+ {
+ delete ppFonts[ nC ]->pFont;
+ delete ppFonts[ nC ]->pHeight;
+ }
+ delete[] ppFonts;
+ delete aDefaultFont.pFont;
+ delete aDefaultFont.pHeight;
+ }
+//-------------------------------------------------- FontBuffer::NewFont -
+void FontBuffer::NewFont( UINT16 nHeight, BYTE nAttr0, UINT16 nIndexCol,
+ const String &rName )
+ {
+ // fuer Biff2-4
+ BYTE nUnderline;
+ UINT16 nBoldness;
+ if( nAttr0 &0x04 )
+ // underline
+ nUnderline = ( BYTE ) EXCUNDER_Single;
+ else
+ nUnderline = ( BYTE ) EXCUNDER_None;
+ if( nAttr0 & 0x01 )
+ // bold
+ //rExcFont.bWeight = TRUE;
+ nBoldness = 700; // BOLD
+ else
+ //rExcFont.bWeight = FALSE;
+ nBoldness = 400; // NORMAL
+ NewFont(
+ nHeight, nAttr0, nUnderline, nIndexCol, nBoldness, 0x00, 0x01, rName );
+ // -> nFamily = DONTKNOW, nCharSet = DONTKNOW
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------- FontBuffer::NewFont -
+void FontBuffer::NewFont( UINT16 nHeight, BYTE nAttr0, BYTE nUnderline,
+ UINT16 nIndexCol, UINT16 nBoldness, BYTE nFamily, BYTE nCharSet,
+ const String &rName )
+ {
+ // fuer Biff5
+ DBG_ASSERT( nCount < nMax,
+ "+FontBuffer::NewFont(): Puffer fuer Fonts voll!" );
+ if( nCount >= nMax ) return;
+ if( nCount == 4 ) nCount++; // 4 darf nicht vorkommen
+ if( !ppFonts[ nCount ] )
+ ppFonts[ nCount ] = new ExcFont; // bei Bedarf neu anlegen
+ ExcFont &rExcFont = *ppFonts[ nCount ];
+ // Umwandlung Windows-Font in SV-Font
+ CharSet eCharSet;
+ switch ( nCharSet )
+ {
+ case 0: // ANSI_CHARSET
+ eCharSet = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252;
+ break;
+ case 255: // OEM_CHARSET
+ break;
+ case 2: // SYMBOL_CHARSET
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ FontFamily eFamily;
+ // !ACHTUNG!: anders als in Windows-Doku scheint der Font im unteren
+ // Nible des Bytes zu stehen -> Pitch unbekannt!
+ switch( nFamily & 0x0F ) // ...eben nicht!
+ {
+ case 0x01: // FF_ROMAN
+ eFamily = FAMILY_ROMAN;
+ break;
+ case 0x02: // FF_SWISS
+ eFamily = FAMILY_SWISS;
+ break;
+ case 0x03: // FF_MODERN
+ eFamily = FAMILY_MODERN;
+ break;
+ case 0x04: // FF_SCRIPT
+ eFamily = FAMILY_SCRIPT;
+ break;
+ case 0x05: // FF_DECORATIVE
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ rExcFont.pFont = new SvxFontItem( eFamily, rName,
+ aEmptyStr, PITCH_DONTKNOW, eCharSet );
+ DBG_ASSERT( nHeight < 32767,
+ "+FontList::NewFont(): Height > 32767 - Pech..." );
+ rExcFont.pHeight = new SvxFontHeightItem( ( UINT32 ) nHeight );
+ rExcFont.nColor = nIndexCol;
+ // Aufdroeseln der Fontattribute
+ rExcFont.nWeight = nBoldness;
+ if( nAttr0 & 0x02 )
+ // italic
+ rExcFont.bItalic = TRUE;
+ else
+ rExcFont.bItalic = FALSE;
+ rExcFont.eUnderline = ( ExcUnderline ) nUnderline;
+ if( nAttr0 &0x08 )
+ // strikeout
+ rExcFont.bStrikeout = TRUE;
+ else
+ rExcFont.bStrikeout = FALSE;
+ if( nAttr0 &0x10 )
+ // outline
+ rExcFont.bOutline = TRUE;
+ else
+ rExcFont.bOutline = FALSE;
+ if( nAttr0 &0x20 )
+ // shadow
+ rExcFont.bShadow = TRUE;
+ else
+ rExcFont.bShadow = FALSE;
+ nCount++;
+ //...und schon fertig...
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------- FontBuffer::GetFont -
+const ExcFont &FontBuffer::GetFont( UINT16 nIndex )
+ {
+ // Index 4 ist per Definition nicht vorhanden!
+ DBG_ASSERT( nIndex != 4,
+ "+FontBuffer::GetFont(): Nr. 4 gibt's nicht!");
+ DBG_ASSERT( nIndex < nCount ,
+ "+FontBuffer::GetPattern(): Hab'n mer nich' und krieg'n mer nich'" );
+ if( nIndex >= nCount ) return aDefaultFont;
+ return *ppFonts[ nIndex ];
+ }
+#ifdef USED
+// --------------------------------------------------- FontBuffer::Reset -
+void FontBuffer::Reset( void )
+ {
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC < nCount ; nC++ )
+ {
+ if( nC != 4 )
+ {
+ delete ppFonts[ nC ]->pFont;
+ delete ppFonts[ nC ]->pHeight;
+ ppFonts[ nC ]->pFont = NULL;
+ ppFonts[ nC ]->pHeight = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ nCount = 0;
+ }
+#ifdef USED
+// ---------------------------------------------------- class ExcTabelle -
+// -------------------------------------------- ExcTabelle::ExcTabelle() -
+ {
+ nStrPos = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ nCS = nRS = 1;
+ nCE = nRE = 0;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------- ExcTabelle::ExcTabelle( UINT32 ) -
+ExcTabelle::ExcTabelle( UINT32 nNewStrPos )
+ {
+ nStrPos = nNewStrPos;
+ nCS = nRS = 1;
+ nCE = nRE = 0;
+ }
+// ----------------------------- ExcTabelle::ExcTabelle( const String& ) -
+ExcTabelle::ExcTabelle( const String &rName )
+ {
+ aName = rName;
+ nCS = nRS = 1;
+ nCE = nRE = 0;
+ }
+// ------------ ExcTabelle::ExcTabelle( UINT16, UINT16, UINT16, UINT16 ) -
+ExcTabelle::ExcTabelle( UINT16 nNewCS, UINT16 nNewCE, UINT16 nNewRS,
+ UINT16 nNewRE )
+ {
+ nCS = nNewCS;
+ nRS = nNewRS;
+ nCE = nNewCE;
+ nRE = nNewRE;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------- ExcTabelle::~ExcTabelle() -
+ {
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------- class ExcDokument -
+// ------------------------------------------ ExcDokument::ExcDokument() -
+ {
+ ppTabellen = new ExcTabelle *[ MAX_TABS_EXCDOK ];
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC < MAX_TABS_EXCDOK ; nC++ )
+ ppTabellen[ nC ] = NULL;
+ nAktTabIndex = 0;
+ nAktGetNext = -1; // -> GetNext enzspricht GetFirst
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------- ExcDokument::~ExcDokument() -
+ {
+ for( UINT16 nC = 0 ; nC < MAX_TABS_EXCDOK ; nC++ )
+ if( ppTabellen[ nC ] ) delete ppTabellen[ nC ];
+ delete[] ppTabellen;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------- ExcDokument::GetLastTabNr() -
+UINT16 ExcDokument::GetAnzTabs( void ) const
+ {
+ if( ppTabellen[ nAktTabIndex ] )
+ return nAktTabIndex + 1;
+ else
+ return nAktTabIndex;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------- ExcDokument::operator[]( UINT16 ) -
+ExcTabelle *ExcDokument::operator[]( UINT16 nIndex )
+ {
+ if( nIndex < MAX_TABS_EXCDOK )
+ return ppTabellen[ nIndex ];
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// ------------------------- ExcDokument::NewTab( const String&, UINT32 ) -
+void ExcDokument::NewTab( const String &rName, UINT32 nStrPos )
+ {
+ if( ppTabellen[ nAktTabIndex ] )
+ nAktTabIndex++;
+ if( nAktTabIndex < MAX_TABS_EXCDOK )
+ {
+ ExcTabelle *pAkt = ppTabellen[ nAktTabIndex ] = new ExcTabelle;
+ pAkt->aName = rName;
+ pAkt->nStrPos = nStrPos;
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------- ExcDokument::Set( UINT16,...) -
+void ExcDokument::Set( UINT16 nCS, UINT16 nCE, UINT16 nRS,
+ UINT16 nRE, UINT16 nIndex )
+ {
+ if( nIndex == 0xFFFF )
+ nIndex = nAktTabIndex;
+ if( nIndex >= MAX_TABS_EXCDOK ) return;
+ ExcTabelle *pAkt = ppTabellen[ nIndex ];
+ if( !pAkt )
+ pAkt = ppTabellen[ nIndex ] = new ExcTabelle( nCS, nCE, nRS, nRE );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------- ExcDokument::Set( UINT32, UINT16 ) -
+void ExcDokument::Set( UINT32 nStrPos, UINT16 nIndex )
+ {
+ if( nIndex == 0xFFFF )
+ nIndex = nAktTabIndex;
+ if( nIndex >= MAX_TABS_EXCDOK ) return;
+ ExcTabelle *pAkt = ppTabellen[ nIndex ];
+ if( !pAkt )
+ pAkt = ppTabellen[ nIndex ] = new ExcTabelle( nStrPos );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------- ExcDokument::Set( UINT32, UINT16 ) -
+void ExcDokument::Set( const String &rName, UINT16 nIndex )
+ {
+ if( nIndex == 0xFFFF )
+ nIndex = nAktTabIndex;
+ if( nIndex >= MAX_TABS_EXCDOK ) return;
+ ExcTabelle *pAkt = ppTabellen[ nIndex ];
+ if( !pAkt )
+ pAkt = ppTabellen[ nIndex ] = new ExcTabelle( rName );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------- ExcDokument::GetNextTab() -
+ExcTabelle *ExcDokument::GetNextTab( void )
+ {
+ nAktGetNext++;
+ DBG_ASSERT( nAktGetNext >= 0,
+ "-ExcDokument::GetNextTab(): nAktGetNext totaler Murks!" );
+ while( nAktGetNext < MAX_TABS_EXCDOK && !ppTabellen[ nAktGetNext ] )
+ nAktGetNext++; // solange, bis eine Tabelle gefunden
+ if( nAktGetNext >= MAX_TABS_EXCDOK )
+ return NULL;
+ else
+ return ppTabellen[ nAktGetNext ];
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------ ExcDokument::GetFirstTab() -
+ExcTabelle *ExcDokument::GetFirstTab( void )
+ {
+ nAktGetNext = 0;
+ return ppTabellen[ nAktGetNext ];
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------- class ValueFormBuffer -
+const sal_Char *ValueFormBuffer::pBuiltinFormats[] = {
+ "General", // 0
+ "0", // 1
+ "0.00", // 2
+ "#,##0", // 3
+ "#,##0.00", // 4
+ "", // 5 -> Defined 0
+ "", // 6 -> Defined 1
+ "", // 7 -> Defined 2
+ "", // 8 -> Defined 3
+ "0%", // 9
+ "0.00%", // 10
+ "0.00E+00", // 11
+ "# ?/?", // 12
+ "# ?""?/??", // 13
+ "DD.MM.YYYY", // 14
+ "DD. MMM YY", // 15
+ "DD. MMM", // 16
+ "MMM YY", // 17
+ "h:mm AM/PM", // 18
+ "h:mm:ss AM/PM", // 19
+ "hh:mm", // 20
+ "hh:mm:ss", // 21
+ "DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm", // 22
+ "", // 23 ?
+ "", // 24 ?
+ "", // 25 ?
+ "", // 26 ?
+ "", // 27 ?
+ "", // 28 ?
+ "", // 29 ?
+ "", // 30 ?
+ "", // 31 ?
+ "", // 32 ?
+ "", // 33 ?
+ "", // 34 ?
+ "", // 35 ?
+ "", // 36 ?
+ "#,##0 _$;-#,##0 _$", // 37
+ "#,##0 _$;[Red]-#,##0 _$", // 38
+ "#,##0.00 _$;-#,##0.00 _$", // 39
+ "#,##0.00 _$;[Red]-#,##0.00 _$", // 40
+ "", // 41 -> Defined 5
+ "", // 42 -> Defined 4
+ "", // 43 -> Defined 7
+ "", // 44 -> Defined 6
+ "mm:ss", // 45
+ "[h]:mm:ss", // 46
+ "mm:ss,0", // 47
+ "##0.0E+0", // 48
+ "@" // 49
+ };
+const UINT16 ValueFormBuffer::nAnzBuiltin = 50;
+const UINT16 ValueFormBuffer::nNewFormats = 164;
+ValueFormBuffer::ValueFormBuffer( const UINT16 nSize )
+ {
+ nMax = nSize;
+ pHandles = new UINT32[ nSize ];
+ // ACHTUNG: nCount wird in Init() sinnvoll gesetzt!
+ _NewValueFormat = &ValueFormBuffer::__NewValueFormat;
+ _GetValueFormat = &ValueFormBuffer::__GetValueFormat;
+ }
+ {
+ delete[] pHandles;
+ }
+void ValueFormBuffer::__NewValueFormat( String &rFormString )
+ {
+ Init();
+ ( this->*_NewValueFormat )( rFormString );
+ }
+void ValueFormBuffer::_NewValueFormatX( String &rFormString )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( nCount < nMax,
+ "+ValueFormBuffer::NewValueFormat(): Value-Form-Puffer voll!" );
+ if( nCount >= nMax ) return;
+ xub_StrLen nDummy;
+ if( rFormString == pExcGlob->aStandard )
+ pHandles[ nCount ] = pExcGlob->pNumFormatter->GetStandardIndex
+ ( pExcGlob->eDefLanguage );
+ else
+ pExcGlob->pNumFormatter->PutandConvertEntry( rFormString, nDummy, nTyp,
+ pHandles[ nCount ], LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, pExcGlob->eDefLanguage );
+ nCount++;
+ }
+void ValueFormBuffer::_NewValueFormat5( String &rFormString )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( nCount < nMax,
+ "+ValueFormBuffer::NewValueFormat(): Value-Form-Puffer voll!" );
+ if( nCount >= nMax ) return;
+ xub_StrLen nDummy;
+ pExcGlob->pNumFormatter->PutandConvertEntry( rFormString, nDummy, nTyp,
+ pHandles[ nCount ], LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, pExcGlob->eDefLanguage );
+ // jetzt wird's merkwuerdig!
+ switch( nCount )
+ {
+ case 5: nCount++; break; // 0 |
+ case 6: nCount++; break; // 1 |--|
+ case 7: nCount++; break; // 2 |--|
+ case 8: nCount = 42; break; // 3 |--|
+ case 41: nCount = 44; break; // 5 | |--|
+ case 42: nCount = 41; break; // 4 |--| |
+ case 43: nCount = nNewFormats; break; // 7 | |--|
+ case 44: nCount = 43; break; // 6 |--| |
+ default: nCount++; // |-...
+ }
+ }
+UINT32 ValueFormBuffer::__GetValueFormat( UINT16 nExcIndex )
+ {
+ Init();
+ return ( this->*_GetValueFormat )( nExcIndex );
+ }
+UINT32 ValueFormBuffer::_GetValueFormatX5( UINT16 nExcIndex )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( nExcIndex < nCount,
+ "+ValueFormBuffer::GetValueFormat(): Da kann ich auch nichts fuer!" );
+ if( nExcIndex >= nCount )
+ return nDefaultHandle;
+ return pHandles[ nExcIndex ];
+ }
+#ifdef USED
+void ValueFormBuffer::Reset( void )
+ {
+ nCount = 0;
+ _NewValueFormat = &ValueFormBuffer::__NewValueFormat;
+ _GetValueFormat = &ValueFormBuffer::__GetValueFormat;
+ }
+void ValueFormBuffer::Init( void )
+ {
+ if( pExcGlob->eHauptDateiTyp == ERT_Biff5 )
+ {// Excel5 kriegt 'ne Sonderwurst!
+ UINT16 nC;
+ xub_StrLen nDummy;
+ pExcGlob->pNumFormatter->PutEntry( aEmptyStr, nDummy, nTyp,
+ nDefaultHandle, pExcGlob->eDefLanguage );
+ // Builtin belegen
+ pHandles[ 0 ] = pExcGlob->pNumFormatter->
+ GetStandardIndex( pExcGlob->eDefLanguage );
+ for( nC = 1 ; nC < nAnzBuiltin ; nC++ )
+ {
+ String aString( String::CreateFromAscii(pBuiltinFormats[ nC ]) );
+ pExcGlob->pNumFormatter->PutandConvertEntry(
+ aString, nDummy, nTyp,
+ pHandles[ nC ], LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, pExcGlob->eDefLanguage );
+ }
+ // Rest defaulten
+ for( nC = nAnzBuiltin ; nC < nMax ; nC++ )
+ pHandles[ nC ] = nDefaultHandle;
+ _NewValueFormat = &ValueFormBuffer::_NewValueFormat5;
+ nCount = 5; // !!!ACHTUNG!!! erster aus Format-Record!
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _NewValueFormat = &ValueFormBuffer::_NewValueFormatX;
+ nCount = 0;
+ }
+ _GetValueFormat = &ValueFormBuffer::_GetValueFormatX5;
+ }
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */