path: root/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode2.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode2.cxx')
1 files changed, 2300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode2.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode2.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..56058be17e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode2.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2300 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _STREAM_HXX
+// enable stream operators >>/<< for UniString (8 Bit !)
+#include "schattr.hxx"
+#include "memchrt.hxx"
+#ifndef _SVX_CHRTITEM_HXX //autogen
+#define ITEMID_DOUBLE 0
+#include <bf_svtools/eitem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svtools/itempool.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/svdopath.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/xlnclit.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/xlnwtit.hxx>
+#ifndef _ZFORLIST_HXX //autogen
+#include <bf_svx/eeitem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svtools/zformat.hxx>
+// header for getProcessServiceFactory
+#include "chmod3d.hxx" //SchRectObj
+#include "globfunc.hxx"
+#include <bf_svx/svxids.hrc>
+#include "schresid.hxx"
+#include "schiocmp.hxx"
+#include "strings.hrc"
+#include "glob.hrc"
+#include <bf_svx/fhgtitem.hxx>
+#include <bf_svx/fontitem.hxx>
+#include <tools/tenccvt.hxx>
+#include "pairs.hxx"
+#include "chaxis.hxx"
+#include <legacysmgr/legacy_binfilters_smgr.hxx> //STRIP002
+namespace binfilter {
+const USHORT nCompatAxisWhichPairs[] =
+ 0
+enum ChartStyleV0
+|* Datenbeschriftung erzeugen
+/*N*/ USHORT ChartModel::GetRegressStrId( long nRow )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ const SfxItemSet& aDataRowAttr = GetDataRowAttr( nRow );
+/*N*/ USHORT nStringID = 0;
+/*N*/ switch (((const SfxInt32Item &) aDataRowAttr.Get (SCHATTR_STAT_REGRESSTYPE)).GetValue ())
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ case CHREGRESS_NONE :
+/*N*/ break;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHREGRESS_LOG :
+/*?*/ nStringID = STR_REGRESSION_LOG;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHREGRESS_EXP :
+/*?*/ nStringID = STR_REGRESSION_EXP;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHREGRESS_POWER :
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ return nStringID;
+/*N*/ }
+|* Diagrammlegende erzeugen
+/*N*/ SdrObjGroup* ChartModel::CreateLegend(const Rectangle &aRect)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // Default ist, dass die Legende nicht breiter als 20% der gesamten Seitenbreite
+/*N*/ // verwenden darf, unter der Bedingung, dass sie links oder rechts vom Chart steht.
+/*N*/ // wenn sie ueber oder unter dem Chart steht, dann ist die Seitenbreite das Maximum
+/*N*/ //TVM: obiges ist nicht richtig, CreateLegend wurde stets ohne 2.Argument
+/*N*/ //aufgerufen, daher galt immer fMax...=0.2, ausserdem bezieht sich die maximale
+/*N*/ //Breite auf den Text in der Legende, nicht auf die Legende selbst
+/*N*/ //(Test: 1-Zeiliges Chart mit langem Text!)
+/*N*/ //Obiges klngt aber durchaus plausibel, also sollte man es mal bei Gelegenheit
+/*N*/ //einbauen (ToDo:-Liste)
+/*N*/ const double fMaximumWidth=0.2;
+/*N*/ SvxChartLegendPos eLegendPos = ((const SvxChartLegendPosItem&) pLegendAttr->Get(SCHATTR_LEGEND_POS)).
+/*N*/ GetValue();
+/*N*/ BOOL bWide = (eLegendPos == CHLEGEND_TOP || eLegendPos == CHLEGEND_BOTTOM);
+/*N*/ BOOL bRowLegend = !IsPieChart();
+/*N*/ BOOL bReverse = !bWide && IsStackedChart();
+/*N*/ BOOL bForceSolidLine = FALSE;
+/*N*/ SchObjGroup* pGroup = NULL;
+/*N*/ if (bLegendVisible)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ List aTextList;
+/*N*/ long i;
+/*N*/ long nRowCnt = GetRowCount();
+/*N*/ // FG: nCnt ist die Anzahl Texte!
+/*N*/ long nCnt = bRowLegend ? nRowCnt : GetColCount();
+/*N*/ long nMaxX = 0;
+/*N*/ long nMaxY = 0;
+/*N*/ long nLineMaxY = 0; //#50082#
+/*N*/ long* pHeightOfEntry = new long[nCnt*2]; // FG: Wirkliche Hoehe der Zeilen
+/*N*/ long* pWidthOfEntry = new long[nCnt*2]; // FG: Wirkliche Breite der Zeilen
+/*N*/ long nLines = 0; // Anzahl Zeilen
+/*N*/ long nActualColumn = 1; // FG: Zaehlt die Anzahl Spalten
+/*N*/ long* pRegressNr = new long [nCnt];
+/*N*/ memset (pRegressNr, 0, sizeof (long) * nCnt);
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aTextAttr(*pItemPool, nTextWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aTextAttr.Put(*pLegendAttr);
+/*N*/ // FG: Hier wird einmal die Liste aller Texte durchgegangen um die maximale Hoehe und
+/*N*/ // die maximale Breite zu bestimmen. Bei der Gelegenheit merkt man sich auch die
+/*N*/ // Ausmasse der einzelnen Eintraege.
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // FG: Mehr als fMaximumWidth des Charts soll die Legende nie einnehmen
+/*N*/ SdrObject *pText = CreateTextObj(CHOBJID_TEXT, Point (),
+/*N*/ bRowLegend ? RowText(i) : ColText(i),
+/*N*/ aTextAttr,
+/*N*/ FALSE,
+/*N*/ CHADJUST_TOP_LEFT, //FG: wie der Default
+/*N*/ GetPage(0)->GetSize().Width() * fMaximumWidth);
+/*N*/ // FG: Das hier soll verhindern dass der Text in der Legende markiert werden kann
+/*N*/ // dazu gibt es ja kein gueltiges Kontextmenue
+/*N*/ pText->SetMarkProtect(TRUE);
+/*N*/ aTextList.Insert(pText, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ pWidthOfEntry[i] = pText->GetLogicRect().GetWidth();
+/*N*/ pHeightOfEntry[i] = pText->GetLogicRect().GetHeight();
+/*N*/ nMaxX = Max (nMaxX, pWidthOfEntry[i]);
+/*N*/ nMaxY = Max (nMaxY, pHeightOfEntry[i]);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (IsXYChart())
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nStringID;
+/*N*/ for( i = 1; i < nCnt; i++ )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ nStringID = GetRegressStrId( i );
+/*N*/ if( nStringID )
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ SchResId aRegId = SchResId( nStringID );
+/*?*/ String aRegressStr( aRegId );
+/*?*/ String aSeriesName( bRowLegend
+/*?*/ ? RowText( i )
+/*?*/ : ColText( i ));
+/*?*/ String aLegendText( SchResId( STR_STATISTICS_IN_LEGEND ));
+/*?*/ aLegendText.SearchAndReplaceAscii( "$(STATTYP)", aRegressStr );
+/*?*/ aLegendText.SearchAndReplaceAscii( "$(ROWNAME)", aSeriesName );
+/*?*/ SdrObject *pText = CreateTextObj( CHOBJID_TEXT, Point(), aLegendText,
+/*?*/ aTextAttr, FALSE,
+/*?*/ GetPage( 0 )->GetSize().Width() * fMaximumWidth );
+/*?*/ pText->SetMarkProtect( TRUE );
+/*?*/ aTextList.Insert(pText, LIST_APPEND);
+/*?*/ pWidthOfEntry[nLines+nCnt] = pText->GetLogicRect().GetWidth();
+/*?*/ pHeightOfEntry[nLines+nCnt] = pText->GetLogicRect().GetHeight();
+/*?*/ nMaxX = Max (nMaxX, pWidthOfEntry[nLines+nCnt]);
+/*?*/ nMaxY = Max (nMaxY, pHeightOfEntry[nLines+nCnt]);
+/*?*/ // nMaxX = Max (nMaxX, pText->GetLogicRect().GetWidth());
+/*?*/ // nMaxY = Max (nMaxY, pText->GetLogicRect().GetHeight());
+/*?*/ pRegressNr [nLines] = i;
+/*?*/ nLines ++;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (IsXYChart ()) nCnt --;
+/*N*/ nLines += nCnt;
+/*N*/ long nTextRows = 0;
+/*N*/ long nTextCols = 0;
+/*N*/ long nShows = 0;
+/*N*/ ULONG nLegendHeight = ((SvxFontHeightItem &) pLegendAttr->Get (EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT)).GetHeight();
+/*N*/ long nLittleSpace = nLegendHeight / 3;
+/*N*/ // FG: Hier wird berechnet wieviele Spalten und Zeilen die Legende haben soll
+/*N*/ if (!bWide) // dann ist die Legende mit den Zeilen untereinander links oder rechts
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // FG: Die Legende darf maximal 90% der Blatthoehe einnehmen und maximal 50% der Blattbreite
+/*N*/ if (nLines * (nMaxY + nLittleSpace) < (aRect.GetHeight() - 0.1 * aRect.GetHeight()))
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ nTextRows = nLines;
+/*N*/ nTextCols = 1; // Also eine Spalte
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else // Es gibt also mehrere Spalten
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ nTextRows = (long) ((aRect.GetHeight() - 0.1 * aRect.GetHeight()) / (nMaxY + nLittleSpace));
+/*?*/ if(!nTextRows)
+/*?*/ nTextRows=1;
+/*?*/ nTextCols = (long) ((nLines % nTextRows) ? nLines / nTextRows + 1 : nLines / nTextRows);
+/*?*/ // FG: Falls die Legende zu breit (mehr als 50% der Chart-Breite) wird muss man nachregeln
+/*?*/ if (nTextCols * (nMaxX + nLittleSpace) > aRect.GetWidth())
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ nTextCols = (long) (aRect.GetWidth() * 0.5 / (nMaxX + nLittleSpace));
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else // die Legende befindet sich also unter oder ueber dem Chart (die wird noch beliebig gross)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ nTextCols = (nLines * (nMaxX + 2*nLittleSpace + nLegendHeight) + nLittleSpace < aRect.GetWidth())
+/*?*/ ? nLines : (aRect.GetWidth() - nLittleSpace) / (nMaxX + 2*nLittleSpace + nLegendHeight);
+/*?*/ nTextRows = nTextCols
+/*?*/ ? ((nLines % nTextCols) ? nLines / nTextCols + 1 : nLines / nTextCols) : 0;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nTextRows > 0 && nTextCols > 0)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pGroup = new SchObjGroup;
+/*N*/ pGroup->InsertUserData(new SchObjectId(CHOBJID_LEGEND));
+/*N*/ // pGroup->SetResizeProtect(TRUE);
+/*N*/ SdrObject* pObj;
+/*N*/ SdrObjList* pObjList = pGroup->GetSubList();
+/*N*/ Point aTextPos (nLittleSpace, nLegendHeight / 4);
+/*N*/ for (i = 0, nShows = 0;
+/*N*/ i < nLines;
+/*N*/ i++, nShows ++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // FG: bReverse ist fuer gestapelte Diagramme gedacht, damit die Legendensymbole
+/*N*/ // optisch der Reihenfolge des stapelns entsprechen.
+/*N*/ long nIndex = (IsXYChart())
+/*N*/ ? i+1
+/*N*/ : (bReverse)
+/*N*/ ? nCnt - 1 - i
+/*N*/ : i;
+/*N*/ if (i < nCnt)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ BOOL bIsSymbol = FALSE;
+/*N*/ BOOL bIsLine = FALSE;
+/*N*/ if(HasSymbols(nIndex))
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ bIsSymbol = TRUE;
+/*N*/ pObj = CreateSymbol (Point (aTextPos.X () + nLegendHeight / 2,
+/*N*/ aTextPos.Y () + nLegendHeight / 2 + nLittleSpace / 3),
+/*N*/ nIndex, 0, (SfxItemSet &) GetDataRowAttr(nIndex), nLegendHeight, FALSE);
+/*N*/ if(pObj)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ Rectangle aRect(pObj->GetSnapRect());
+/*N*/ if((aRect.GetHeight() > nLegendHeight) && nLegendHeight)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ Fraction aFract(nLegendHeight,aRect.GetHeight());
+/*?*/ pObj->NbcResize(aRect.Center(),aFract,aFract);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else //dann Linie als Legendensymbol, sonst geht evtl. garnix mehr
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ XPolygon aLine(2);
+/*?*/ aLine [0] =
+/*?*/ aLine [1] = aTextPos;
+/*?*/ aLine [1].X() += nLegendHeight;
+/*?*/ aLine [1].Y() += nLegendHeight;
+/*?*/ bIsLine = TRUE;
+/*?*/ pObj = new SdrPathObj(OBJ_PLIN, aLine);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else if (IsLine(nIndex))
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ XPolygon aLine(2);
+/*N*/ aLine [0] =
+/*N*/ aLine [1] = aTextPos;
+/*N*/ aLine [1].X() += nLegendHeight;
+/*N*/ aLine [1].Y() += nLegendHeight;
+/*N*/ bIsLine = TRUE;
+/*N*/ pObj = new SdrPathObj(OBJ_PLIN, aLine);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // create rectangular shape as legend symbol
+/*N*/ pObj = new SdrRectObj(Rectangle(Point (aTextPos.X(),
+/*N*/ aTextPos.Y() + nLittleSpace / 3),
+/*N*/ Size(nLegendHeight, nLegendHeight)));
+/*N*/ bForceSolidLine = TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ // FG: setzen des Symbols neben dem Legendentext
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet *pSymbolAttr;
+/*N*/ if( bRowLegend )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pSymbolAttr = new SfxItemSet( GetDataRowAttr( nIndex ) );
+/*N*/ if( ! bIsLine && pSymbolAttr )
+/*N*/ GenerateSymbolAttr( *pSymbolAttr, nIndex, SYMBOLMODE_LEGEND );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pSymbolAttr = new SfxItemSet( GetFullDataPointAttr( nIndex, 0 ) );
+/*N*/ if( ! bIsLine && pSymbolAttr )
+/*N*/ GenerateSymbolAttr( *pSymbolAttr, 0, SYMBOLMODE_LEGEND );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if( bForceSolidLine )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ XLineStyle eLineStyle =
+/*N*/ SAL_STATIC_CAST( const XLineStyleItem *, &(pSymbolAttr->Get( XATTR_LINESTYLE )) )->GetValue(); // bug in Win-C++ compiler: casting to pointer
+/*N*/ if( eLineStyle == XLINE_NONE )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pSymbolAttr->ClearItem( XATTR_LINESTYLE );
+/*N*/ pSymbolAttr->ClearItem( XATTR_LINEWIDTH );
+/*N*/ pSymbolAttr->ClearItem( XATTR_LINECOLOR );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ //-/ pObj->NbcSetAttributes( *pSymbolAttr, FALSE );
+/*N*/ pObj->SetItemSet(*pSymbolAttr);
+/*N*/ if(bRowLegend)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pObj->InsertUserData(new SchObjectId(CHOBJID_LEGEND_SYMBOL_ROW));
+/*N*/ pObj->InsertUserData(new SchDataRow(nIndex));
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pObj->InsertUserData(new SchObjectId(CHOBJID_LEGEND_SYMBOL_COL));
+/*N*/ pObj->InsertUserData(new SchDataPoint(nIndex, 0));
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ pObj->SetMoveProtect(TRUE);
+/*N*/ pObj->SetResizeProtect(TRUE);
+/*N*/ pObjList->NbcInsertObject(pObj);
+/*N*/ SdrObject *pText = (SdrObject*)aTextList.GetObject(nIndex);
+/*N*/ pText->NbcMove(Size(aTextPos.X() + nLittleSpace + nLegendHeight, aTextPos.Y()));
+/*N*/ pObjList->NbcInsertObject(pText);
+/*N*/ delete pSymbolAttr;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else //i >= nCnt
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); //STRIP001 if (pRegressNr [i - nCnt])
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ // FG: Jetzt wird aTextPos fuer den naechsten Legendeneintrag gesetzt
+/*N*/ if (bWide)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ if (nShows >= nTextCols - 1)
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ nLineMaxY = Max(nLineMaxY,pHeightOfEntry[i]);//#50082# #NACHTRAG#
+/*?*/ aTextPos.Y () += nLineMaxY + nLittleSpace;//#50082#
+/*?*/ aTextPos.X () = nLittleSpace;//nLegendHeight / 6;//SP3: #49906#
+/*?*/ nLineMaxY = 0; //#50082# #NACHTRAG#
+/*?*/ nShows = -1;
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ else
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ nLineMaxY = Max(nLineMaxY,pHeightOfEntry[i]);//#50082#
+/*?*/ aTextPos.X () += nMaxX + 2 * nLittleSpace + nLegendHeight;
+/*?*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else if (nShows >= nTextRows - 1) // FG: Die Legende wird in mehrere Spalten umgebrochen
+/*N*/ { // also den Spaltenabstand setzen
+/*N*/ aTextPos.X () += nMaxX + nLittleSpace + nLegendHeight + 2*nLittleSpace;
+/*N*/ aTextPos.Y () = nLegendHeight / 4;
+/*N*/ nShows = -1;
+/*N*/ if (nActualColumn >= nTextCols) // FG: Dann wird die Legende zu breit!
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ break; // aus der for-Schleife raus,
+/*N*/ // es muessen noch Felder deleted werden.
+/*N*/ }
+/*?*/ nActualColumn++;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ aTextPos.Y() += pHeightOfEntry[nIndex] + nLittleSpace;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ //FG: Jetzt wird das umschliessende Rechteck berechnet. Man fraegt erst das
+/*N*/ // BoundingRect des Legenden-Gruppenobjektes ab und addiert an den Raendern ein
+/*N*/ // wenig Platz dazu.
+/*N*/ Rectangle aLogRect = pGroup->GetLogicRect();
+/*N*/ aLogRect.Left() -= nLittleSpace;
+/*N*/ aLogRect.Right() += nLittleSpace;
+/*N*/ aLogRect.Top() -= nLittleSpace;
+/*N*/ aLogRect.Bottom() += nLittleSpace;
+/*N*/ SdrRectObj* pRectObj = new SchRectObj(aLogRect);
+/*N*/ // FG: Das hier soll verhindern dass das Rechteck um die Legende markiert werden kann
+/*N*/ pRectObj->SetMarkProtect(TRUE);
+/*N*/ pRectObj->SetModel( this );
+/*N*/ pObjList->NbcInsertObject(SetObjectAttr(pRectObj, CHOBJID_LEGEND_BACK,
+/*N*/ TRUE, TRUE, pLegendAttr), 0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ delete[] pRegressNr;
+/*N*/ delete[] pHeightOfEntry;
+/*N*/ delete[] pWidthOfEntry;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ return pGroup;
+/*N*/ }
+|* Diagramm erzeugen
+/*N*/ SdrObjGroup* ChartModel::CreateChart(const Rectangle &rRect)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if( pDocShell )
+/*N*/ pDocShell->SetWaitCursor( TRUE );
+/*N*/ Rectangle aRect( rRect );
+/*N*/ SdrObjGroup* pGroup;
+/*N*/ switch (eChartStyle)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_AREA:
+/*N*/ pGroup = Create2DRowLineChart(aRect);//neu, test!
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_LINE:
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_B_SPLINE :
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_STOCK_1:
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_STOCK_2:
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_STOCK_3:
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_STOCK_4:
+/*N*/ pGroup = Create2DRowLineChart(aRect);
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_COLUMN:
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_BAR:
+/*N*/ pGroup = Create2DColChart(aRect);
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_PIE_SEGOF1:
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for (short i = 1; i < nPieSegCount; i++)
+/*N*/ SetPieSegOfs(i, 0);
+/*N*/ SetPieSegOfs( 0, 10 );
+/*N*/ pGroup = Create2DPieChart(aRect);
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for (short i = 0; i < nPieSegCount; i++)
+/*N*/ SetPieSegOfs( i, 10 );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_PIE:
+/*N*/ pGroup = Create2DPieChart(aRect);
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_DONUT1: //DonutCharts haben jetzt eigenes Create
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_DONUT2:
+/*N*/ pGroup = Create2DDonutChart(aRect);
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_XY_LINE :
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_XY :
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_B_SPLINE_XY :
+/*N*/ pGroup = Create2DXYChart(aRect);
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_NET:
+/*N*/ pGroup = Create2DNetChart(aRect);
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_3D_COLUMN:
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_3D_BAR:
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_3D_STRIPE:
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_3D_AREA:
+/*N*/ pGroup = Create3DDeepChart(aRect);
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ pGroup = Create3DFlatChart(aRect);
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ case CHSTYLE_3D_PIE:
+/*N*/ pGroup = Create3DNewPieChart(aRect);
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ default:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_COLUMN;
+/*?*/ pGroup = Create2DColChart(aRect);
+/*?*/ break;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if( pDocShell )
+/*N*/ pDocShell->SetWaitCursor( FALSE );
+/*N*/ SdrPage* pPage=GetPage( 0 );
+/*N*/ SdrObject* pObj = GetObjWithId( CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_AREA, *pPage );
+/*N*/ if( pObj )
+/*N*/ pObj->SetMoveProtect( TRUE );
+/*N*/ return pGroup;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ChartModel::PrepareOld3DStorage()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aTmpSet(*pItemPool,nRowWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aTmpSet.Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_SOLID));
+/*N*/ aTmpSet.Put(XLineWidthItem(0));
+/*N*/ aTmpSet.Put(XLineColorItem(String(), RGBColor(COL_BLACK)));
+/*N*/ long i,nCount=aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ for (i=0;i<nCount;i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet *pDataRowAttr = new SfxItemSet (*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ pDataRowAttr->Put(*(aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)));
+/*N*/ pDataRowAttr->Put(aTmpSet);
+/*N*/ aTmpDataRowAttrList.Insert (pDataRowAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet * pItemSet;
+/*N*/ nCount=aDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ for (i=0;i<nCount;i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet* pSet=new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ pItemSet = aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ if (pItemSet != NULL)
+/*N*/ pSet->Put(*pItemSet);
+/*N*/ pSet->Put(aTmpSet);
+/*N*/ aTmpDataPointAttrList.Insert (pSet, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ nCount=aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ for (i=0;i<nCount;i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet* pSet=new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ pItemSet = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ if (pItemSet != NULL)
+/*N*/ pSet->Put(*pItemSet);
+/*N*/ pSet->Put(aTmpSet);
+/*N*/ aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.Insert (pSet, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ChartModel::CleanupOld3DStorage()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ long i,nCount = aTmpDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ for (i = 0 ; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ delete aTmpDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ aTmpDataRowAttrList.Clear();
+/*N*/ nCount = aTmpDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ for (i = 0 ; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ delete aTmpDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ aTmpDataPointAttrList.Clear();
+/*N*/ nCount = aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ for (i = 0 ; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ delete aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.Clear();
+/*N*/ }
+|* Chart-Attribute speichern
+/*N*/ void ChartModel::PrepareAxisStorage()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if(pTmpXItems)
+/*?*/ delete pTmpXItems;
+/*N*/ if(pTmpYItems)
+/*?*/ delete pTmpYItems;
+/*N*/ if(pTmpZItems)
+/*?*/ delete pTmpZItems;
+/*N*/ //Leider muss das ummappen vorm speichern des pools stattfinden
+/*N*/ pTmpXItems = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool,nCompatAxisWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ pTmpYItems = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool,nCompatAxisWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ pTmpZItems = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool,nCompatAxisWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ pTmpXItems->Put(GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS));
+/*N*/ AxisAttrNew2Old(*pTmpXItems,CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS,TRUE);
+/*N*/ pTmpYItems->Put(GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Y_AXIS));
+/*N*/ AxisAttrNew2Old(*pTmpYItems,CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Y_AXIS,TRUE);
+/*N*/ pTmpZItems->Put(GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Z_AXIS));
+/*N*/ AxisAttrNew2Old(*pTmpZItems,CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Z_AXIS,TRUE);
+/*N*/ //Achse wird auf Attr-Basis gestreamt!
+/*N*/ pChartXAxis->FillItemSet();
+/*N*/ pChartYAxis->FillItemSet();
+/*N*/ pChartZAxis->FillItemSet();
+/*N*/ pChartBAxis->FillItemSet();
+/*N*/ pChartAAxis->FillItemSet();
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ChartModel::StoreAttributes(SvStream& rOut) const
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ #ifdef DBG_UTIL
+/*N*/ ByteString aBStr( aMainTitle, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+/*N*/ CHART_TRACE1( "ChartModel::StoreAttributes (%s)", aBStr.GetBuffer() );
+/*N*/ #endif
+/*N*/ rtl_TextEncoding eSysSet = ::GetSOStoreTextEncoding( gsl_getSystemTextEncoding());
+/*N*/ rOut.SetStreamCharSet( eSysSet );
+/*N*/ SchIOCompat aIO(rOut, STREAM_WRITE, 17);
+/*N*/ long nFileFormat = rOut.GetVersion ();
+/*N*/ //#50116# 8->9
+/*N*/ //#54870# ->10
+/*N*/ //12: ChartAchsen
+/*N*/ //13 Nachtrag: X-AchsenAttr-default bei XY-Charts (store unveraendert)
+/*N*/ //14 Overlap , Gapwith der 2 Y-Achsen
+/*N*/ //15 Neues 3D-Pie
+/*N*/ //16 Items fuer Achse SCHATTR_AXIS_SHOWDESCR,SCHATTR_AXIS_SHOWAXIS aktiviert,
+/*N*/ // bisher nur von pChartBAxis genutzt!
+/*N*/ //FG: 12 - seit 20.02.1997 - Umbruch ja/ein pro Achse hinzu
+/*N*/ //FG: 13 - seit 09.03.1997 Alle Variablen mit Tag 13:
+/*N*/ //DL: 14 - seit 11.03.1997 aSpotColor & aAmbientColor
+/*N*/ // FG + TextausPositionen
+/*N*/ //FG: 15 - set 14.03.1997 Textausrichtung
+/*N*/ //SOH:16 - seit 04.05.1997 NumberFormatter
+/*N*/ //TODO: konvertieren der Attribute pChartAttr in eChartStyle (Fileversion >=10)
+/*N*/ UINT32 nMoreData = 16;
+/*N*/ short i, nCount;
+/*N*/ rOut << aLightVec->X ();
+/*N*/ rOut << aLightVec->Y ();
+/*N*/ rOut << aLightVec->Z ();
+/*N*/ if (pChartData)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ INT16 ID = CHDATAID_MEMCHART; // damit aeltere versionen damit fertig werden
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) ID;
+/*N*/ rOut << *(SchMemChart*)pChartData;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ INT16 nInt16 = (INT16)CHDATAID_NONE; rOut << nInt16;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL bDummy = TRUE; // war frueher bOwnChart
+/*N*/ rOut << bIsCopied;
+/*N*/ rOut << fMinData;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)eChartStyle;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < LINE_POINT_COUNT; i++)
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)eChartLinePoints[i];
+/*N*/ // Das ehemalige Member aRowColors[]. Es wird hier simuliert, damit
+/*N*/ // alte Codeversionen mit der hier geschriebenen Datei arbeiten koennen.
+/*N*/ Color aRowColors[ROW_COLOR_COUNT];
+/*N*/ aRowColors[0] = Color( 0, 153, 255);
+/*N*/ aRowColors[1] = Color(255, 51, 102);
+/*N*/ aRowColors[2] = Color(102, 102, 102);
+/*N*/ aRowColors[3] = Color( 51, 204, 102);
+/*N*/ aRowColors[4] = Color(153, 102, 204);
+/*N*/ aRowColors[5] = Color(255, 153, 102);
+/*N*/ aRowColors[6] = Color(255, 204, 153);
+/*N*/ aRowColors[7] = Color(153, 204, 255);
+/*N*/ aRowColors[8] = Color( 0, 204, 204);
+/*N*/ aRowColors[9] = Color(153, 0, 153);
+/*N*/ aRowColors[10] = Color(255, 51, 51);
+/*N*/ aRowColors[11] = RGBColor(COL_WHITE);
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < ROW_COLOR_COUNT; i++)
+/*N*/ rOut << aRowColors[i];
+/*N*/ const long nGapWidth = 10;
+/*N*/ const long nOverlap = 0;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32)nGapWidth;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32)nOverlap;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32)nMarkLen; //entfaellt demnaechst! -> ChartAxis
+/*N*/ rOut << aChartRect;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32)nPieHeight;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nPieSegCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nPieSegCount; i++)
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32)pPieSegOfs[i];
+/*N*/ INT16 nXA=nXAngle;
+/*N*/ INT16 nYA=nYAngle;
+/*N*/ INT16 nZA=nZAngle;
+/*N*/ if(IsReal3D() && IsPieChart())
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ Vector3D aVRot,aVTrans,aVShear,aVScale;
+/*N*/ aSceneMatrix.Decompose(aVScale,aVTrans,aVRot,aVShear);
+/*N*/ long nAngle= (long)(aVRot.Z() * 1800.0 / F_PI);
+/*N*/ nAngle -= 900;
+/*N*/ nAngle += 3600;
+/*N*/ nAngle %= 3600;
+/*N*/ nYA = (INT16)nAngle;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nXA;//anle;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nYA;//ngle;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nZA;//ngle;
+/*N*/ //neu wegen Achsenrestrukturierung
+/*N*/ BOOL bShowXAxis =pChartXAxis->IsVisible();
+/*N*/ BOOL bShowXDescr=pChartXAxis->HasDescription();
+/*N*/ BOOL bShowYAxis =pChartYAxis->IsVisible();
+/*N*/ BOOL bShowYDescr=pChartYAxis->HasDescription();
+/*N*/ BOOL bShowZAxis =pChartZAxis->IsVisible();
+/*N*/ BOOL bShowZDescr=pChartZAxis->HasDescription();
+/*N*/ // save unicode strings as ascii-strings for old binary format
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)eSysSet;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowMainTitle;
+/*N*/ rOut.WriteByteString( aMainTitle );
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowSubTitle;
+/*N*/ rOut.WriteByteString( aSubTitle );
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowXAxisTitle;
+/*N*/ rOut.WriteByteString( aXAxisTitle );
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowYAxisTitle;
+/*N*/ rOut.WriteByteString( aYAxisTitle );
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowZAxisTitle;
+/*N*/ rOut.WriteByteString( aZAxisTitle );
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowXAxis;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowXGridMain;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowXGridHelp;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowXDescr;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowYAxis;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowYGridMain;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowYGridHelp;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowYDescr;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowZAxis;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowZGridMain;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowZGridHelp;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowZDescr;
+/*N*/ // In diesem Set koennten ungueltige Items vorhanden sein, da es
+/*N*/ // das Set der allgemeinen TitleAttribute (aller Titel) ist
+/*N*/ pTitleAttr->ClearInvalidItems();
+/*N*/ pTitleAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pMainTitleAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pSubTitleAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pXAxisTitleAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pYAxisTitleAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pZAxisTitleAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pAxisAttr->ClearInvalidItems();
+/*N*/ pAxisAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ //Abwaertskompatibel speichern (this->PrepareAxisStorage())
+/*N*/ pTmpXItems->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pTmpYItems->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pTmpZItems->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pGridAttr->ClearInvalidItems();
+/*N*/ pGridAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pXGridMainAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pYGridMainAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pZGridMainAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pXGridHelpAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pYGridHelpAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pZGridHelpAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pDiagramAreaAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pDiagramWallAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pDiagramFloorAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pLegendAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ if (nFileFormat == SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_31)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aStoreAttr (*pItemPool, XATTR_LINE_FIRST, XATTR_LINE_LAST,
+/*N*/ aPoolItemSet (*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs),
+/*N*/ *pItemSet;
+/*N*/ // FG: 25.2.97 Das Schreiben im 3.1 Format geht schief wenn man
+/*N*/ // in globfunc.cxx die Routine CopyAttributesFrom40to31 verwendet.
+/*N*/ // Dort wurden die items per Invalidate und Set einzeln kopiert. (falsch)
+/*N*/ nCount = (short)aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet* pSet = aStoreAttr.Clone();
+/*N*/ pSet->Put( *aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i), TRUE );
+/*N*/ pSet->Store( rOut );
+/*N*/ delete pSet;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ nCount = (short)aDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet* pSet = aStoreAttr.Clone();
+/*N*/ pItemSet = aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ if (pItemSet != NULL)
+/*N*/ pSet->Put (*pItemSet, TRUE );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ pSet->Put (aPoolItemSet, TRUE);
+/*N*/ pSet->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ delete pSet;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ nCount = (short)aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet* pSet = aStoreAttr.Clone();
+/*N*/ pItemSet = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ if (pItemSet != NULL)
+/*N*/ pSet->Put (*pItemSet, TRUE );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ pSet->Put (aPoolItemSet, TRUE);
+/*N*/ pSet->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ delete pSet;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else if(nFileFormat <= SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_40 && IsReal3D()) //siehe auch DocShell, Save,SaveAs!!!!!
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ nCount = (short)aTmpDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ aTmpDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ nCount = (short)aTmpDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ aTmpDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ nCount = (short)aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aPoolItemSet (*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs),
+/*N*/ * pItemSet;
+/*N*/ nCount = (short)aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ nCount = (short)aDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pItemSet = aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ if (pItemSet != NULL)
+/*N*/ pItemSet->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ aPoolItemSet.Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ nCount = (short)aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pItemSet = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ if (pItemSet != NULL)
+/*N*/ pItemSet->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ aPoolItemSet.Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)eDataDescr;
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowSym;
+/*N*/ rOut << bSwitchData;
+/*N*/ UINT32 nTmp;
+/*N*/ nTmp=((ChartModel*)this)->GetNumFmt(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Y_AXIS,FALSE);
+/*N*/ rOut << nTmp;//nValFormat;
+/*N*/ nTmp=((ChartModel*)this)->GetNumFmt(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Y_AXIS,TRUE);
+/*N*/ rOut << nTmp;//nPercentValFormat;
+/*N*/ nTmp=((ChartModel*)this)->GetNumFmt(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS,FALSE);
+/*N*/ rOut << nTmp;//nDescrFormat;
+/*N*/ nTmp=((ChartModel*)this)->GetNumFmt(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS,TRUE);
+/*N*/ rOut << nTmp;//nPercentDescrFormat;
+/*N*/ // Achtung : Gravierende Aenderungen an der Datei gegenueber der Auslieferungsversion
+/*N*/ // es werden mehr Daten geschrieben : Die alte Version muss (!) das aber auch verkraften
+/*N*/ // Die Reihenfolge muss (!!!!) eingehalten werden
+/*N*/ pChartYAxis->StoreMemberCompat(rOut);
+/*N*/ pChartXAxis->StoreMemberCompat(rOut);
+/*N*/ pChartZAxis->StoreMemberCompat(rOut);
+/*N*/ rOut << fMaxData;
+/*N*/ rOut << nMoreData;
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 2)
+/*N*/ if (pChartData)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rOut.WriteByteString( pChartData->SomeData1() );
+/*N*/ rOut.WriteByteString( pChartData->SomeData2() );
+/*N*/ rOut.WriteByteString( pChartData->SomeData3() );
+/*N*/ rOut.WriteByteString( pChartData->SomeData4() );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ String aEmpty;
+/*?*/ rOut.WriteByteString( aEmpty );
+/*?*/ rOut.WriteByteString( aEmpty );
+/*?*/ rOut.WriteByteString( aEmpty );
+/*?*/ rOut.WriteByteString( aEmpty );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 3) rOut << fSpotIntensity;
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 4)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ BOOL bDummy = TRUE; // war frueher bIsRegression
+/*N*/ rOut << bShowAverage;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)eErrorKind;
+/*N*/ rOut << bDummy;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)eIndicate;
+/*N*/ rOut << fIndicatePercent;
+/*N*/ rOut << fIndicateBigError;
+/*N*/ rOut << fIndicatePlus;
+/*N*/ rOut << fIndicateMinus;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 5) rOut << (INT16) eRegression;
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 6)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32) nSplineDepth;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32) nGranularity;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 7)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rOut << bLegendVisible;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 8)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ nCount = (short)aRegressAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ aRegressAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ nCount = (short)aAverageAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ aAverageAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ nCount = (short)aErrorAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16)nCount;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ aErrorAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 9) rOut << fAmbientIntensity;
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 10) rOut << bTextScalable;
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 11) rOut << aInitialSize;
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 12) // FG: Zusaetze wegen des Umruchs von Achsentext und Legendentext 20.02.97
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // FG: Vielleicht etwas viel Speicher fuer BOOL, aber es macht nur 8 Byte pro Chart
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) bFormatXAxisTextInMultipleLinesIfNecessary;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) bFormatYAxisTextInMultipleLinesIfNecessary;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) bFormatZAxisTextInMultipleLinesIfNecessary;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) bFormatLegendTextInMultipleLinesIfNecessary;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 13) // FG: 9.3.1997 Zusaetze wegen einer freien Positionierung und einem freien
+/*N*/ { // Resize von Gruppenobjekten im Chart.
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) nXAxisTextMaximumNumberOfLines;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) nYAxisTextMaximumNumberOfLines;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) nZAxisTextMaximumNumberOfLines;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32) nWidthOfFirstXAxisText;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32) nWidthOfLastXAxisText;
+/*N*/ rOut << aTitleTopCenter;
+/*N*/ rOut << aSubTitleTopCenter;
+/*N*/ rOut << aDiagramRectangle;
+/*N*/ rOut << aLegendTopLeft;
+/*N*/ rOut << aTitleXAxisPosition;
+/*N*/ rOut << aTitleYAxisPosition;
+/*N*/ rOut << aTitleZAxisPosition;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) bUseRelativePositionsForChartGroups;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) bAdjustMarginsForLegend;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) bAdjustMarginsForMainTitle;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) bAdjustMarginsForSubTitle;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) bAdjustMarginsForXAxisTitle;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) bAdjustMarginsForYAxisTitle;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) bAdjustMarginsForZAxisTitle;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 14)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rOut << aSpotColor; // FG: Von DL, um sich die Farbeinstellungen der 3d-Lichter
+/*N*/ rOut << aAmbientColor; // bei 3d-Charts merken zu koennen.
+/*N*/ BOOL bTmp=bDiagramHasBeenMovedOrResized; //neu -> alt: dann immer rearrange
+/*N*/ if(IsReal3D() && IsPieChart())
+/*N*/ bTmp=FALSE;
+/*N*/ rOut << bTmp; // FG: 12.3.97, Falls das Chart gespeichert wird
+/*N*/ rOut << bMainTitleHasBeenMoved; // soll es immer noch die relativen Positionen
+/*N*/ rOut << bSubTitleHasBeenMoved; // der Objektgruppen beachten, falls eine
+/*N*/ rOut << bLegendHasBeenMoved; // dieser Gruppen bewegt worden ist.
+/*N*/ rOut << bXAxisTitleHasBeenMoved;
+/*N*/ rOut << bYAxisTitleHasBeenMoved;
+/*N*/ rOut << bZAxisTitleHasBeenMoved;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 15) // FG: 14.3.97 Damit bei einem angefassten Text die Position sinnvoll gesetzt werden
+/*N*/ { // auch nach einer Schriftgroessenaenderung muss man sich merken wie die Ausrichtung war
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) eAdjustXAxesTitle;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) eAdjustYAxesTitle;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) eAdjustZAxesTitle;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 16) // NumberFormater waren bisher nicht persistent
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pNumFormatter->Save( rOut );
+/*N*/ pNumFormatter->Save( rOut );
+/*N*/ pNumFormatter->Save( rOut );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT16) nBarPercentWidth; //#50116# ist ein long, aber Range von 0..100
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32) m_nDefaultColorSet;//#50149#
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32) nNumLinesInColChart;//#50212#
+/*N*/ // #74536# BM use these three former -1 dummies for
+/*N*/ // numberformat last set by CALC
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32) nXLastNumFmt;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32) nYLastNumFmt;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32) nBLastNumFmt;
+/*N*/ rOut << (INT32)(-1); // dummy
+/*N*/ //IOVer 11
+/*N*/ pStockLineAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pStockLossAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ pStockPlusAttr->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ //IOVer12:
+/*N*/ //nAxisId ist die zu ladene/speichernde Achse,
+/*N*/ //festgelegt sind in V12 nur 1=X, 2=Y,3=Z und 4=2.Y-Achse (B)
+/*N*/ //neu: 5 = 2. X-Achse
+/*N*/ //-1 bedeutet KEINE WEITEREN ACHSEN!
+/*N*/ //Es MUSS keine Achse gestreamt werden (siehe Lade-Routine)
+/*N*/ //Die Reihenfolge ist eigentlich auch egal, jedoch gilt beim Laden:
+/*N*/ //erst die primaere und dann die sekundaere (X, bzw. evtl auch Y) Achse
+/*N*/ //(um defaults aus der primaeren Achse heraus zu erzeugen)
+/*N*/ rOut << nAxisId;
+/*N*/ GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS).Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ rOut << nAxisId;
+/*N*/ GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Y_AXIS).Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ rOut << nAxisId;
+/*N*/ GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Z_AXIS).Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ rOut << nAxisId;
+/*N*/ GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_B_AXIS).Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ rOut << nAxisId;
+/*N*/ GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_A_AXIS).Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ //Elementar wichtig! Diesen Wert zu streamen ist absolutes Minimum
+/*N*/ //die obigen derzeit 4 Achsen kann man dagegen getrost reduzieren oder aufstocken
+/*N*/ //ohne dass die Abwaertskompatiblitaet leidet! Genauso lassen sich beliebige
+/*N*/ //Achsen mit einer Id>4 dazwischen haengen. In alten Versionen wird bei
+/*N*/ //unbekannter id einfach ein Dummy geladen (und weggeschmissen)
+/*N*/ nAxisId=-1;
+/*N*/ rOut << nAxisId;
+/*N*/ //Ende IOVersion 12
+/*N*/ nTmp = aBarY1.GetGap();
+/*N*/ rOut << nTmp;
+/*N*/ nTmp = aBarY1.GetOverlap();
+/*N*/ rOut << nTmp;
+/*N*/ nTmp = aBarY2.GetGap();
+/*N*/ rOut << nTmp;
+/*N*/ nTmp = aBarY2.GetOverlap();
+/*N*/ rOut << nTmp;
+/*N*/ // IOVersion 15
+/*N*/ rOut << bDiagramHasBeenMovedOrResized; // FG: 12.3.97, Falls das Chart gespeichert wird
+/*N*/ }
+|* Chart-Attribute laden
+/*N*/ void ChartModel::LoadAttributes(SvStream& rIn)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ #ifdef DBG_UTIL
+/*N*/ ByteString aBStr( aMainTitle, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+/*N*/ CHART_TRACE1( "ChartModel::LoadAttributes (%s)", aBStr.GetBuffer() );
+/*N*/ #endif
+/*N*/ // aInfo is a member of SdrModel
+/*N*/ // the SdrModel was read before this, so the value is set
+/*N*/ rtl_TextEncoding eSysSet = ::GetSOLoadTextEncoding( aInfo.eLastReadCharSet, rIn.GetVersion());
+/*N*/ rIn.SetStreamCharSet( eSysSet );
+/*N*/ // Note: The CharSet is stored in the MemChart and later set again at the stream !
+/*N*/ SchIOCompat aIO(rIn, STREAM_READ);
+/*N*/ short i, nCount;
+/*N*/ INT16 nInt16, nCharSet;
+/*N*/ INT32 nInt32;
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet* pAttr;
+/*N*/ BOOL bNoMore = FALSE;
+/*N*/ int nVersion = aIO.GetVersion();
+/*N*/ rIn >> aLightVec->X ();
+/*N*/ rIn >> aLightVec->Y ();
+/*N*/ rIn >> aLightVec->Z ();
+/*N*/ if (nVersion >= 3)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16;
+/*N*/ // fuer den fall, dass initial das diagrammfenster generiert wurde
+/*N*/ delete pChartData;
+/*N*/ // Note: The CharSet is stored in the MemChart and set there at the stream !
+/*N*/ switch ((ChartDataId)nInt16)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ pChartData = new SchMemChart (CHDATAID_MEMCHART_PLUS);
+/*?*/ rIn >> *(SchMemChart*)pChartData;
+/*?*/ pChartData->IncreaseRefCount();
+/*?*/ break;
+/*N*/ pChartData = new SchMemChart (CHDATAID_MEMCHART);
+/*N*/ rIn >> *(SchMemChart*)pChartData;
+/*N*/ pChartData->IncreaseRefCount();
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ default :
+/*N*/ bNoMore = TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nVersion >= 5) rIn >> bIsCopied;
+/*N*/ if (nVersion >= 8) rIn >> fMinData;
+/*N*/ else if (pChartData)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ long nColCnt = GetColCount();
+/*?*/ long nRowCnt = GetRowCount();
+/*?*/ for (short nCol = 0; nCol < nColCnt; nCol++)
+/*?*/ for (short nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCnt; nRow++)
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ double fData = GetData(nCol, nRow);
+/*?*/ if ((nCol == 0) && (nRow == 0))
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ pChartYAxis->SetMin(fData);
+/*?*/ pChartYAxis->SetMax(fData);
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ if (fData < pChartYAxis->GetMin())
+/*?*/ pChartYAxis->SetMin(fData);
+/*?*/ if (fData > pChartYAxis->GetMax())
+/*?*/ pChartYAxis->SetMax(fData);
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ bNoMore = TRUE;
+/*?*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16;
+/*N*/ if (nVersion < 1)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ switch ((ChartStyleV0)nInt16)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ case CHART2D_LINE:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_LINE;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_STACKEDLINE;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHART2D_BAR:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_COLUMN;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_STACKEDCOLUMN;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHART2D_COLUMN:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_BAR;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_STACKEDBAR;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHART2D_AREA:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_AREA;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_STACKEDAREA;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHART2D_PIE:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_PIE;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHART3D_STRIPE:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_3D_STRIPE;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHART3D_BAR:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_3D_COLUMN;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHART3D_FLATBAR:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_3D_FLATCOLUMN;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHART3D_AREA:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_3D_AREA;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_3D_STACKEDAREA;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHART3D_SURFACE:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_3D_SURFACE;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHART3D_PIE:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_3D_PIE;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ default :
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_COLUMN;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ bNoMore = TRUE;
+/*?*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ eChartStyle = (SvxChartStyle)nInt16;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < LINE_POINT_COUNT; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; eChartLinePoints[i] = nInt16;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ // Das ehemalige Member aRowColors[] wird eingelesen.
+/*N*/ Color aDummyColor;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < ROW_COLOR_COUNT; i++)
+/*N*/ rIn >> aDummyColor;
+/*N*/ long nOverlap;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt32; //nGapWidth = (long)nInt32;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt32; nOverlap = (long)nInt32;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt32;
+/*N*/ DBG_ASSERT( nInt32 == 100, "LoadAttributes: nMarkLen's value differs from 100 in this stream" );
+/*N*/ rIn >> aChartRect;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt32; nPieHeight = (long)nInt32;
+/*N*/ if (nVersion >= 6)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nPieSegCount = (short)nInt16;
+/*N*/ pPieSegOfs = new long[nPieSegCount];
+/*N*/ BOOL bNullify = (nVersion < 17) && eChartStyle == CHSTYLE_2D_PIE;
+/*N*/ for( i = 0; i < nPieSegCount; i++ )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt32;
+/*N*/ pPieSegOfs[ i ] = bNullify? 0: (long)nInt32;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nXAngle = (short)nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nYAngle = (short)nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nZAngle = (short)nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nCharSet;
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * So machts der Writer, und so muessen es alle machen:
+ * Bug 9714: Der CharSet an den Fonts muss geaendert werden, wenn
+ * es der globale CharSet ist (MT)
+ **************************************************************************/
+/*N*/ SfxItemPool& rPool = GetItemPool();
+/*N*/ USHORT nMaxItems = rPool.GetItemCount(EE_CHAR_FONTINFO);
+/*N*/ SvxFontItem* pItem;
+/*N*/ for (USHORT n = 0; n < nMaxItems; ++n)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pItem = (SvxFontItem*) rPool.GetItem(EE_CHAR_FONTINFO, n);
+/*N*/ if (pItem && pItem->GetCharSet() == nCharSet)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pItem->GetCharSet() = eSysSet;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL bShowXAxis;
+/*N*/ BOOL bShowXDescr;
+/*N*/ BOOL bShowYAxis;
+/*N*/ BOOL bShowYDescr;
+/*N*/ BOOL bShowZAxis;
+/*N*/ BOOL bShowZDescr;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowMainTitle;
+/*N*/ rIn.ReadByteString( aMainTitle );
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowSubTitle;
+/*N*/ rIn.ReadByteString( aSubTitle );
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowXAxisTitle;
+/*N*/ rIn.ReadByteString( aXAxisTitle );
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowYAxisTitle;
+/*N*/ rIn.ReadByteString( aYAxisTitle );
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowZAxisTitle;
+/*N*/ rIn.ReadByteString( aZAxisTitle );
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowXAxis;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowXGridMain;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowXGridHelp;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowXDescr;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowYAxis;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowYGridMain;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowYGridHelp;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowYDescr;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowZAxis;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowZGridMain;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowZGridHelp;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowZDescr;
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Nun werden die Attribut-ItemSets geladen
+ * Die etwas umstaendliche Art und Weise ist notwendig, da fruehere Charts
+ * nicht alle Items weggeschrieben haben. Daher wird in ein leeres ItemSet
+ * gestreamt und dieses in das Default-ItemSet geputtet (damit keine
+ * Pool-Defaults zum Tragen kommen).
+ **************************************************************************/
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aTitleAttr(*pItemPool, nTitleWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aTitleAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ PutItemSetWithNameCreation( *pTitleAttr, aTitleAttr );
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aMainTitleAttr(*pItemPool, nTitleWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aMainTitleAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ PutItemSetWithNameCreation( *pMainTitleAttr, aMainTitleAttr );
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aSubTitleAttr(*pItemPool, nTitleWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aSubTitleAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ PutItemSetWithNameCreation( *pSubTitleAttr, aSubTitleAttr );
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aXAxisTitleAttr(*pItemPool, nTitleWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aXAxisTitleAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ PutItemSetWithNameCreation( *pXAxisTitleAttr, aXAxisTitleAttr );
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aYAxisTitleAttr(*pItemPool, nTitleWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aYAxisTitleAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ PutItemSetWithNameCreation( *pYAxisTitleAttr, aYAxisTitleAttr );
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aZAxisTitleAttr(*pItemPool, nTitleWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aZAxisTitleAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ PutItemSetWithNameCreation( *pZAxisTitleAttr, aZAxisTitleAttr );
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aAxisAttr(*pItemPool, nAllAxisWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aAxisAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ pAxisAttr->Put(aAxisAttr);
+/*N*/ CHART_TRACE( "LoadAttributes: Debugging load of old axis attr BEFORE conversion" );
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aXAxisAttr(*pItemPool, nCompatAxisWhichPairs);//nXAxisWhich....
+/*N*/ aXAxisAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ DBG_ITEMS(aXAxisAttr,(ChartModel*)this);
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aYAxisAttr(*pItemPool, nCompatAxisWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aYAxisAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ DBG_ITEMS(aYAxisAttr,(ChartModel*)this);
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aZAxisAttr(*pItemPool, nCompatAxisWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aZAxisAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ DBG_ITEMS(aZAxisAttr,(ChartModel*)this);
+/*N*/ if(nVersion < 12) //sonst wirds eh uebergebuegelt:
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ //konvertieren:
+/*N*/ AxisAttrOld2New(aXAxisAttr,TRUE,CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS);
+/*N*/ AxisAttrOld2New(aYAxisAttr,TRUE,CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Y_AXIS);
+/*N*/ AxisAttrOld2New(aZAxisAttr,TRUE,CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Z_AXIS);
+/*N*/ pChartXAxis->SetAttributes(aXAxisAttr);
+/*N*/ pChartYAxis->SetAttributes(aYAxisAttr);
+/*N*/ pChartZAxis->SetAttributes(aZAxisAttr);
+/*N*/ CHART_TRACE( "LoadAttributes: Debugging AFTER conversion" );
+/*N*/ DBG_ITEMS(aXAxisAttr,(ChartModel*)this);
+/*N*/ DBG_ITEMS(aYAxisAttr,(ChartModel*)this);
+/*N*/ DBG_ITEMS(aZAxisAttr,(ChartModel*)this);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aGridAttr(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aGridAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ pGridAttr->Put(aGridAttr);
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aXGridMainAttr(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aXGridMainAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ pXGridMainAttr->Put(aXGridMainAttr);
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aYGridMainAttr(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aYGridMainAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ pYGridMainAttr->Put(aYGridMainAttr);
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aZGridMainAttr(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aZGridMainAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ pZGridMainAttr->Put(aZGridMainAttr);
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aXGridHelpAttr(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aXGridHelpAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ pXGridHelpAttr->Put(aXGridHelpAttr);
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aYGridHelpAttr(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aYGridHelpAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ pYGridHelpAttr->Put(aYGridHelpAttr);
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aZGridHelpAttr(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aZGridHelpAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ pZGridHelpAttr->Put(aZGridHelpAttr);
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aDiagramAreaAttr(*pItemPool, nDiagramAreaWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aDiagramAreaAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ PutItemSetWithNameCreation( *pDiagramAreaAttr, aDiagramAreaAttr );
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aDiagramWallAttr(*pItemPool, nDiagramAreaWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aDiagramWallAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ PutItemSetWithNameCreation( *pDiagramWallAttr, aDiagramWallAttr );
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aDiagramFloorAttr(*pItemPool, nDiagramAreaWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aDiagramFloorAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ PutItemSetWithNameCreation( *pDiagramFloorAttr, aDiagramFloorAttr );
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aLegendAttr(*pItemPool, nLegendWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aLegendAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ PutItemSetWithNameCreation( *pLegendAttr, aLegendAttr );
+/*N*/ if (nVersion < 2)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ pTitleAttr->Put(SvxChartTextOrientItem(CHTXTORIENT_AUTOMATIC));
+/*?*/ pMainTitleAttr->Put(SvxChartTextOrientItem(CHTXTORIENT_AUTOMATIC));
+/*?*/ pSubTitleAttr->Put(SvxChartTextOrientItem(CHTXTORIENT_AUTOMATIC));
+/*?*/ pXAxisTitleAttr->Put(SvxChartTextOrientItem(CHTXTORIENT_AUTOMATIC));
+/*?*/ pYAxisTitleAttr->Put(SvxChartTextOrientItem(CHTXTORIENT_AUTOMATIC));
+/*?*/ pZAxisTitleAttr->Put(SvxChartTextOrientItem(CHTXTORIENT_AUTOMATIC));
+/*?*/ pAxisAttr->Put(SvxChartTextOrientItem(CHTXTORIENT_AUTOMATIC));
+/*?*/ //Achsen auch fuer V12+ OK, (ToDo: Hier ist recht viel Overhead! )
+/*?*/ aXAxisAttr.ClearItem();
+/*?*/ aYAxisAttr.ClearItem();
+/*?*/ aZAxisAttr.ClearItem();
+/*?*/ aXAxisAttr.Put(SvxChartTextOrientItem(CHTXTORIENT_AUTOMATIC));
+/*?*/ aXAxisAttr.Put(SvxChartTextOrderItem(CHTXTORDER_SIDEBYSIDE));
+/*?*/ aYAxisAttr.Put(SvxChartTextOrientItem(CHTXTORIENT_AUTOMATIC));
+/*?*/ aYAxisAttr.Put(SvxChartTextOrderItem(CHTXTORDER_SIDEBYSIDE));
+/*?*/ aZAxisAttr.Put(SvxChartTextOrientItem(CHTXTORIENT_AUTOMATIC));
+/*?*/ pChartXAxis->SetAttributes(aXAxisAttr);
+/*?*/ pChartYAxis->SetAttributes(aYAxisAttr);
+/*?*/ pChartZAxis->SetAttributes(aZAxisAttr);
+/*?*/ bNoMore = TRUE;
+/*?*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nVersion < 7)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Y_AXIS).Put(SvxDoubleItem(0.0, SCHATTR_AXIS_ORIGIN));
+/*?*/ bNoMore = TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nCount = (short)nInt16;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ pAttr->Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ aDataRowAttrList.Insert(pAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ // Debug-Code
+/*N*/ //
+/*N*/ // SfxItemState sfx_test_state = aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->GetItemState(XATTR_FILLSTYLE);
+/*N*/ // if (sfx_test_state >= SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE)
+/*N*/ // {
+/*N*/ // XFillStyleItem& rTest_set = (XFillStyleItem&) aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Get(XATTR_FILLSTYLE);
+/*N*/ // }
+/*N*/ // sfx_test_state = aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->GetItemState(XATTR_FILLCOLOR);
+/*N*/ // if (sfx_test_state >= SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE)
+/*N*/ // {
+/*N*/ // XColorItem& rTest_set = (XColorItem&) aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Get(XATTR_FILLCOLOR);
+/*N*/ // }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nCount = (short)nInt16;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ pAttr->Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ if (pAttr->Count() == 0)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ delete pAttr;
+/*N*/ pAttr = NULL;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ aDataPointAttrList.Insert(pAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nVersion < 4)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*?*/ {
+// SfxItemSet* pDataPointAttr =
+// new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
+/*?*/ aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Insert(NULL, LIST_APPEND);
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ bNoMore = TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nCount = (short)nInt16;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ pAttr->Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ if (pAttr->Count() == 0)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ delete pAttr;
+/*N*/ pAttr = NULL;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Insert(pAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; eDataDescr = (SvxChartDataDescr)nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowSym;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bSwitchData;
+/*N*/ if (nVersion < 1)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ BOOL bDataPercent;
+/*?*/ rIn >> bDataPercent;
+/*?*/ switch (eChartStyle)
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_LINE:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_PERCENTLINE;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_COLUMN:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_PERCENTCOLUMN;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_BAR:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_PERCENTBAR;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHSTYLE_2D_AREA:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_PERCENTAREA;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ case CHSTYLE_3D_AREA:
+/*?*/ eChartStyle = CHSTYLE_3D_PERCENTAREA;
+/*?*/ break;
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ bNoMore = TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ UINT32 nTmp,nDescrFormat,nDescrPercentFormat;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nTmp;//nValFo rmat;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nTmp;//nPerce ntValFormat;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nDescrFormat;
+/*N*/ SetNumFmt(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS,nDescrFormat,FALSE);
+/*N*/ rIn >> nDescrPercentFormat;
+/*N*/ SetNumFmt(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS,nDescrPercentFormat,TRUE);
+/*N*/ // Achtung : Gravierende Aenderungen an der Datei gegenueber der Auslieferungsversion
+/*N*/ // es werden mehr Daten geschrieben : Die alte Version muss (!) das aber auch verkraften
+/*N*/ // Die Reihenfolge muss (!!!!) eingehalten werden
+/*N*/ pChartYAxis->LoadMemberCompat(rIn);
+/*N*/ pChartXAxis->LoadMemberCompat(rIn);
+/*N*/ pChartZAxis->LoadMemberCompat(rIn);
+/*N*/ rIn >> fMaxData;
+/*N*/ if (!bNoMore)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ UINT32 nMoreData = 0;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nMoreData;
+/*N*/ // nMoreData soll als Weiche fuer zukuenftige Versionen dienen,
+/*N*/ // insbesondere fuer den Fall, dass weitere Daten geschrieben werden
+/*N*/ // muessen. Die Pools duerfen ab dem 19.01.1996 auf gar keinen Fall
+/*N*/ // mehr modifiziert oder aufgebohrt werden !!!!
+/*N*/ // nMoreData = 1 (Version vom 19.01.1996)
+/*N*/ // nMoreData = 2 (Version vom 13.03.1996)
+/*N*/ // nMoreData = 3 (Version vom 1.04.1996)
+/*N*/ // nMoreData = 4 (Version vom 13.05.1996)
+/*N*/ // nMoreData = 5 (Version vom 20.05.1996)
+/*N*/ // nMoreData = 6 (Version vom 20.06.1996)
+/*N*/ // nMoreData = 7 (Version vom 02.07.1996)
+/*N*/ // nMoreData = 8 (Version vom 09.07.1996)
+/*N*/ // nMoreData = 9 (Version vom 11.07.1996)
+/*N*/ // ...
+/*N*/ // nMoreData = 12 (Version vom 20.02.1997) FG (Vobis-Version 4.0)
+/*N*/ // nMoreData = 13 (Version vom 9.3.1997) FG Cebit-Version
+/*N*/ // .... siehe Text unten
+/*N*/ // nMoreData = 15 (Version vom 14.3.1997) FG V4.0 nach Cebit >= 358
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData > 1)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ByteString aReadString;
+/*N*/ rIn.ReadByteString( pChartData->SomeData1() );
+/*N*/ rIn.ReadByteString( pChartData->SomeData2() );
+/*N*/ rIn.ReadByteString( pChartData->SomeData3() );
+/*N*/ rIn.ReadByteString( pChartData->SomeData4() );
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 3) rIn >> fSpotIntensity;
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData <= 8) fAmbientIntensity = fSpotIntensity;
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 4)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ BOOL bDummy;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bShowAverage;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; eErrorKind = (SvxChartKindError) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bDummy;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; eIndicate = (SvxChartIndicate) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> fIndicatePercent;
+/*N*/ rIn >> fIndicateBigError;
+/*N*/ rIn >> fIndicatePlus;
+/*N*/ rIn >> fIndicateMinus;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 5)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; eRegression = (SvxChartRegress) nInt16;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 6)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ INT32 nInt32;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt32; nSplineDepth = nInt32;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt32; nGranularity = nInt32;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 7)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rIn >> bLegendVisible;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 8)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nCount = (short)nInt16;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ pAttr->Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ aRegressAttrList.Insert(pAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nCount = (short)nInt16;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ pAttr->Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ aAverageAttrList.Insert(pAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nCount = (short)nInt16;
+/*N*/ for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ pAttr->Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ aErrorAttrList.Insert(pAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 9) rIn >> fAmbientIntensity;
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 10) rIn >> bTextScalable;
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 11) rIn >> aInitialSize;
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 12) //FG: 20.2.1997
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // FG: Vielleicht etwas viel Speicher fuer BOOL, aber es macht nur 16 Byte pro Chart
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; bFormatXAxisTextInMultipleLinesIfNecessary = (BOOL) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; bFormatYAxisTextInMultipleLinesIfNecessary = (BOOL) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; bFormatZAxisTextInMultipleLinesIfNecessary = (BOOL) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; bFormatLegendTextInMultipleLinesIfNecessary = (BOOL) nInt16;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 13) // FG: 9.3.1997 Zusaetze wegen einer freien Positionierung und einem freien
+/*N*/ { // Resize von Gruppenobjekten im Chart.
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nXAxisTextMaximumNumberOfLines = nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nYAxisTextMaximumNumberOfLines = nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; nZAxisTextMaximumNumberOfLines = nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt32; nWidthOfFirstXAxisText = nInt32;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt32; nWidthOfLastXAxisText = nInt32;
+/*N*/ rIn >> aTitleTopCenter;
+/*N*/ rIn >> aSubTitleTopCenter;
+/*N*/ rIn >> aDiagramRectangle;
+/*N*/ rIn >> aLegendTopLeft;
+/*N*/ rIn >> aTitleXAxisPosition; // FG: welcher Punkt da jeweils gemeint ist findet
+/*N*/ rIn >> aTitleYAxisPosition; // bei nMoreData = 15
+/*N*/ rIn >> aTitleZAxisPosition;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; bUseRelativePositionsForChartGroups = (BOOL) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; bAdjustMarginsForLegend = (BOOL) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; bAdjustMarginsForMainTitle = (BOOL) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; bAdjustMarginsForSubTitle = (BOOL) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; bAdjustMarginsForXAxisTitle = (BOOL) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; bAdjustMarginsForYAxisTitle = (BOOL) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; bAdjustMarginsForZAxisTitle = (BOOL) nInt16;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 14)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rIn >> aSpotColor; // FG: Aenderung von DL damit sich das 3d-Chart die
+/*N*/ rIn >> aAmbientColor; // Farbfilter-Einstellungen merkt.
+/*N*/ rIn >> bDiagramHasBeenMovedOrResized; // FG: 12.3.97, Falls das Chart gespeichert wird
+/*N*/ rIn >> bMainTitleHasBeenMoved; // soll es immer noch die relativen Positionen
+/*N*/ rIn >> bSubTitleHasBeenMoved; // der Objektgruppen beachten, falls eine
+/*N*/ rIn >> bLegendHasBeenMoved; // dieser Gruppen bewegt worden ist.
+/*N*/ rIn >> bXAxisTitleHasBeenMoved;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bYAxisTitleHasBeenMoved;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bZAxisTitleHasBeenMoved;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 15) // FG: 14.3.97 Es braucht noch die Information der Ausrichtung
+/*N*/ { // damit beim Resize die Texte richtig plaziert werden
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; eAdjustXAxesTitle = (ChartAdjust) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; eAdjustYAxesTitle = (ChartAdjust) nInt16;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; eAdjustZAxesTitle = (ChartAdjust) nInt16;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nMoreData >= 16)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ BOOL bNeedMerge=FALSE;
+/*N*/ String aFmtStr;
+/*N*/ sal_uInt32 nId;
+/*N*/ if(nVersion <= 11)//ab V 12 X=Y=Z-Numberformatter!
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ SvNumberFormatter *pTmp = new SvNumberFormatter( ::legacy_binfilters::getLegacyProcessServiceFactory(),
+/*?*/ pTmp->Load(rIn);
+/*?*/ nId = IsPercentChart() ? nDescrPercentFormat : nDescrFormat;
+/*?*/ const SvNumberformat* pFmt=pTmp->GetEntry(nId);
+/*?*/ if(pFmt && (pFmt->GetType() & NUMBERFORMAT_DEFINED))
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ aFmtStr = pFmt->GetFormatstring();
+/*?*/ bNeedMerge=TRUE;
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ delete pTmp;
+/*?*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pNumFormatter->SkipNumberFormatterInStream( rIn ); //Skip x
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ pOwnNumFormatter->Load( rIn ); // if not skipped load the own formatter ...
+/*N*/ pNumFormatter = pOwnNumFormatter; // ... and use it
+/*N*/ // merge user formats of x axis formatter
+/*N*/ if(bNeedMerge)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ xub_StrLen nChk;
+/*?*/ short nType;
+/*?*/ pNumFormatter->PutEntry(aFmtStr,nChk,nType,nId,LANGUAGE_SYSTEM);
+/*?*/ DBG_ASSERT(nChk==0,"Chart:: Converting X-Axis Numformat failed");
+/*?*/ SetNumFmt(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS,nId,IsPercentChart());
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ pNumFormatter->SkipNumberFormatterInStream(rIn);//aTmp.Load( rIn );//pNumFormatterZ //immer wegschmeissen, hatte nie userdef. formats
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ aLastDiagramRectangle = aDiagramRectangle; // #68131# (#67459#)
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ // FG: Das ist notwendig damit in SchChartDocShell::Draw das Chart Initialisiert
+/*N*/ // wird, es also die wirkliche Groesse mitbekommt. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nach dem
+/*N*/ // Laden gibt es ja noch kein Fenster. Ein Aufruf von BuildChart an dieser Stelle
+/*N*/ // geht also nicht. Bei einem Repaint wird in der oben genannten Methode abgefragt
+/*N*/ // ob das Chart bereits existiert (bNoBuildChart), falls nicht wird es neu angelegt.
+/*N*/ //
+/*N*/ // bei den Versionen 4.0 oder hoeher wird die Initialisierung richtig gemacht
+/*N*/ // bei Charts die Inplace aus Versionen 3.1 verwendet werden passiert das schon
+/*N*/ // richtig.
+/*N*/ //
+/*N*/ // Dies betrifft nur 3D-Charts, die im Format der Version 3.1 geschrieben wurden.
+/*N*/ //
+/*N*/ // 21.4. Aenderung: Das Chart kann ja aus allen gespeicheten Daten erzeugt werden.
+/*N*/ // um das File klein zu halten und da die Neuberechnung sehr viel schneller
+/*N*/ // geworden ist.
+/*N*/ if (((rIn.GetVersion() <= SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_31) && (Is3DChart())) ||
+/*N*/ bUseRelativePositionsForChartGroups || (rIn.GetVersion() > SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_31))
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ bNoBuildChart = TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nVersion >= 9)//#50116# Saeulenbreite
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt16; SetBarPercentWidth((long)nInt16);
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt32; m_nDefaultColorSet=nInt32;//#50149#
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt32;
+/*N*/ // #78911# always set to 0 if charttype doesn't support lines
+/*N*/ SetNumLinesColChart( ( eChartStyle == CHSTYLE_2D_LINE_COLUMN )? nInt32: 0 );
+/*N*/ // #74536# BM use these three former -1 dummies for
+/*N*/ // numberformat last set by CALC
+/*N*/ rIn >> nXLastNumFmt;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nYLastNumFmt;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nBLastNumFmt;
+/*N*/ rIn >> nInt32; // still dummy (-1)
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if(nVersion >= 11)//10 existiert nicht (pChartAttr)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aAttr(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ pStockLineAttr->Put(aAttr);
+/*N*/ aAttr.ClearItem();
+/*N*/ aAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ pStockLossAttr->Put(aAttr);
+/*N*/ aAttr.ClearItem();
+/*N*/ aAttr.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ pStockPlusAttr->Put(aAttr);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ InitChartData(FALSE); //weia, beeinflusst die Achsen....also erst ab hier:
+/*N*/ if(nVersion >= 12)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ //Achse wird nur noch auf Attr-Basis gestreamt!
+/*N*/ //nAxisId ist die zu ladene/speichernde Achse,
+/*N*/ //festgelegt sind in V12 nur 1=X, 2=Y,3=Z und 4=B (2.Y-Achse)
+/*N*/ //-1 bedeutet KEINE WEITEREN ACHSEN !!!!!!!!!!!
+/*N*/ //Es MUSS keine Achse gestreamt werden (siehe Lade-Routine)
+/*N*/ INT32 nAxisId=0;
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aAxisSet(*pItemPool,nAxisWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ while(nAxisId != -1)//hier koennen beliebig viele, auch unbekannte Achsen kommen
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ aAxisSet.ClearItem();
+/*N*/ rIn >> nAxisId;
+/*N*/ switch(nAxisId)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ aAxisSet.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ SetAttributes(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS,aAxisSet,FALSE);
+/*N*/ SetAttributes(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_A_AXIS,aAxisSet,FALSE);//falls nicht spaeter geladen wird, hier neue defaults setzen
+/*N*/ pChartAAxis->ShowAxis(FALSE); //default aus
+/*N*/ pChartAAxis->ShowDescr(FALSE);
+/*N*/ pChartXAxis->Update(); //Ab V12 kann jetzt der ganze LoadMemberCompat...Kram uebergebuegelt werden, in den Attr war alles drin!
+/*N*/ pChartAAxis->Update();
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ aAxisSet.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ SetAttributes(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Y_AXIS,aAxisSet,FALSE);
+/*N*/ pChartYAxis->Update();
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ aAxisSet.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ SetAttributes(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Z_AXIS,aAxisSet,FALSE);
+/*N*/ pChartZAxis->Update();
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ aAxisSet.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ SetAttributes(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_B_AXIS,aAxisSet,FALSE);
+/*N*/ pChartBAxis->Update();
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ aAxisSet.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ SetAttributes(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_A_AXIS,aAxisSet,FALSE);
+/*N*/ pChartAAxis->Update();
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ case -1: //Ende der Achsen!
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ default: //Attrset kommt aus der Zukunft! Laden und vernichten:
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ aAxisSet.Load(rIn);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else //defaults ergaenzen
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ SfxItemSet aSet(*pItemPool,nAxisWhichPairs);
+/*?*/ SetAttributes(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS,aSet);
+/*?*/ SetAttributes(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Y_AXIS,aSet);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ //Ende IOVersion 12
+/*N*/ if(nVersion >= 14)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rIn >> nTmp;
+/*N*/ aBarY1.SetGap(nTmp);
+/*N*/ rIn >> nTmp;
+/*N*/ aBarY1.SetOverlap(nTmp);
+/*N*/ rIn >> nTmp;
+/*N*/ aBarY2.SetGap(nTmp);
+/*N*/ rIn >> nTmp;
+/*N*/ aBarY2.SetOverlap(nTmp);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/* aBarY1.SetGap()
+ aBarY1.SetOverlap(nTmp)
+ aBarY2.SetGap(nTmp)
+ aBarY2.SetOverlap(nTmp)
+ */
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if(nVersion >= 15)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet * pAttributes;
+/*N*/ bResizePie=FALSE;
+/*N*/ rIn >> bDiagramHasBeenMovedOrResized; // FG: 12.3.97, Falls das Chart gespeichert wird
+/*N*/ if(IsReal3D() && (IsPieChart()||IsLine())) //Hack wegen #62363#, double-sided neu defaulten
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ long nMax;
+/*N*/ nMax=aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ for(i=0;i<nMax;i++)
+/*N*/ //-/ aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_ATTR_3D_DOUBLE_SIDED,TRUE));
+/*N*/ aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
+/*N*/ nMax=aDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ for(i=0;i<nMax;i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pAttributes = aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ if (pAttributes != NULL)
+/*?*/ pAttributes->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ nMax=aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ for(i=0;i<nMax;i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pAttributes = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ if (pAttributes != NULL)
+/*N*/ pAttributes->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ //altes 3D-Pie?
+/*?*/ bResizePie=TRUE;
+/*?*/ if(IsReal3D() && IsPieChart())
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ Matrix4D aTmp; //Matrix auf default
+/*?*/ aTmp.RotateZ((900 + nYAngle) * F_PI / 1800); //??? !!!
+/*?*/ aTmp.RotateX(-F_PI/3);
+/*?*/ aSceneMatrix=aTmp;
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ if(IsReal3D()) //#61923#
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ long nMax;
+/*?*/ nMax=aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*?*/ SfxItemSet * pAttributes;
+/*?*/ for(i=0;i<nMax;i++)
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ if(IsPieChart()||IsLine())
+/*?*/ //-/ aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_ATTR_3D_DOUBLE_SIDED,TRUE));
+/*?*/ aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
+/*?*/ aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_NONE));
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ nMax=aDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*?*/ for(i=0;i<nMax;i++)
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ pAttributes = aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*?*/ if (pAttributes == NULL)
+/*?*/ continue;
+/*?*/ if(IsPieChart()||IsLine())
+/*?*/ aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
+/*?*/ aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_NONE));
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ nMax=aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*?*/ for(i=0;i<nMax;i++)
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ pAttributes = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*?*/ if (pAttributes == NULL)
+/*?*/ continue;
+/*?*/ if(IsPieChart()||IsLine())
+/*?*/ aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
+/*?*/ aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_NONE));
+/*?*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+ // ******************** LAST READ ********************
+ // ############# defaults erstellen, falls alte Fileversion ####################
+/*N*/ if(nVersion < 13)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ if(IsXYChart())
+/*?*/ aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(0)->Put(SfxInt32Item(SCHATTR_AXIS,CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_X));
+/*N*/ }
+ //#54870# restaurieren der line-attribute
+/*N*/ if( nVersion < 10)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ SetupLineColors(SETLINES_COMPAT);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if( nVersion < 16) //Automatische 2.YAchse in Items umsetzten
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ const SfxPoolItem* pPoolItem=NULL;
+/*?*/ for(long n=0;n<GetRowCount();n++)
+/*?*/ if(GetDataRowAttr(n).GetItemState(SCHATTR_AXIS,TRUE, &pPoolItem) == SFX_ITEM_SET)
+/*?*/ if(((const SfxInt32Item*)pPoolItem)->GetValue()==CHART_AXIS_SECONDARY_Y)
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ n=GetRowCount();//abbruch
+/*?*/ pChartBAxis->ShowDescr(TRUE);
+/*?*/ pChartBAxis->ShowAxis(TRUE);
+/*?*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ //dies ist immer moeglich (IoVersion<=16), in Zukunft sollten nur noch die Attr unterstuetzt werden, dann kann hier evtl. mit IOVersion geklammert werden!
+/*N*/ pChartXAxis->ShowDescr(bShowXDescr);
+/*N*/ pChartXAxis->ShowAxis(bShowXAxis);
+/*N*/ pChartYAxis->ShowDescr(bShowYDescr);
+/*N*/ pChartYAxis->ShowAxis(bShowYAxis);
+/*N*/ pChartZAxis->ShowDescr(bShowZDescr);
+/*N*/ pChartZAxis->ShowAxis(bShowZAxis);
+/*N*/ //Bei unsortierten Charts machts keinen Sinn, nachdem Laden nochmal zu fragen
+/*N*/ if( IsXYChart() )
+/*N*/ SETFLAG( nChartStatus, CHS_USER_NOQUERY );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ CHART_TRACE( "ChartModel::LoadAttributes END" );
+/*N*/ }
+|* Zeigt Legende an bzw. loescht sie.
+/*N*/ void ChartModel::SetShowLegend(BOOL bShow)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pLegendAttr->Put(SvxChartLegendPosItem(bShow
+/*N*/ bLegendVisible = bShow;
+/*N*/ }
+|* Legenden-Attribute ermitteln
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet ChartModel::GetFullLegendAttr() const
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemSet aAttr(*pItemPool, nLegendWhichPairs);
+/*N*/ aAttr.Put(*pLegendAttr);
+/*N*/ return aAttr;
+/*N*/ }
+|* Legenden-Attribute aendern;
+|* Liefert bei geaenderten Attributen TRUE.
+|* Chart-Attribute aendern;
+|* Liefert bei geaenderten Attributen TRUE.
+|* Erstelle Symbole fuer Diagrammtypen mit Symbolen
+|* Aendere die Attribute einer Achse
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */