path: root/bin/lo-commit-stat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/lo-commit-stat')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/lo-commit-stat b/bin/lo-commit-stat
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..8c53ec96fc85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/lo-commit-stat
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+ eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
+ if $running_under_some_shell;
+use strict;
+my $main_repo="bootstrap";
+my @pieces=("artwork", "base", "calc", "components",
+ "extensions", "extras", "filters", "help", "impress",
+ "libs-core", "libs-extern", "libs-extern-sys", "libs-gui",
+ "translations", "postprocess", "sdk", "testing", "ure", "writer");
+sub search_bugs($$$$)
+ my ($pdata, $piece, $commit_id, $line) = @_;
+ my $bug = "";
+ my $bug_orig;
+ while (defined $bug) {
+ # match fdo#123, rhz#123, i#123
+ if ( $line =~ m/(\w*\#+\d+)/ ) {
+ $bug_orig = $1;
+ $bug = $1;
+ # match #i123#
+ } elsif ( $line =~ m/(\#i)(\d+)(\#)/ ) {
+ $bug_orig = $1 . $2 . $3;
+ $bug = "i#$2";
+ } else {
+ $bug = undef;
+ next;
+ }
+# print " found $bug\n";
+ # remove bug number from the comment; it will be added later a standardized way
+ $bug_orig =~ s/\#/\\#/;
+ $line =~ s/[Rr]esolves:\s*$bug_orig\s*//;
+ $line =~ s/\s*-\s*$bug_orig\s*//;
+ $line =~ s/\(?$bug_orig\)?[:,]?\s*//;
+ # bnc# is preferred over n# for novell bugs
+ $bug =~ s/^n\#/bnc#/;
+ # save the bug number
+ %{$pdata->{$piece}{$commit_id}{'bugs'}} = () if (! defined %{$pdata->{$piece}{$commit_id}{'bugs'}});
+ $pdata->{$piece}{$commit_id}{'bugs'}{$bug} = 1;
+ $pdata->{$piece}{$commit_id}{'flags'}{'bug'} = 1;
+ }
+ return $line;
+sub standardize_summary($)
+ my $line = shift;
+ $line =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $line =~ s/\s*$//;
+ # lower first letter
+ $line =~ m/(^.)/;
+ my $first_char = lc($1);
+ $line =~ s/^./$first_char/;
+ # FIXME: remove do at the end of line
+ # remove bug numbers
+ return $line;
+sub load_git_log($$$$$)
+ my ($pdata, $repo_dir, $piece, $branch_name, $git_command) = @_;
+ my $cmd = "cd $repo_dir; $git_command";
+ my $commit_id;
+ my $summary;
+ print STDERR "Analyzing log from the git repo: $piece...\n";
+ my $repo_branch_name = get_branch_name($repo_dir);
+ if ( $branch_name ne $repo_branch_name ) {
+ die "Error: mismatch of branches:\n" .
+ " main repo is on the branch: $branch_name\n" .
+ " $piece repo is on the branch: $repo_branch_name\n";
+ }
+ open (GIT, "$cmd 2>&1|") || die "Can't run $cmd: $!";
+ %{$pdata->{$piece}} = ();
+ while (my $line = <GIT>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ if ( $line =~ m/^commit ([0-9a-z]{20})/ ) {
+ $commit_id = "$1";
+ $summary=undef;
+ %{$pdata->{$piece}{"$commit_id"}} = ();
+ %{$pdata->{$piece}{"$commit_id"}{'flags'}} = ();
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( $line =~ /^Author:\s*([^\<]*)\<([^\>]*)>/ ) {
+ # get rid of extra empty spaces;
+ my $name = "$1";
+ $name =~ s/\s+$//;
+ die "Error: Author already defined for the commit {$commit_id}\n" if defined ($pdata->{$piece}{$commit_id}{'author'});
+ %{$pdata->{$piece}{$commit_id}{'author'}} = ();
+ $pdata->{$piece}{$commit_id}{'author'}{'name'} = "$name";
+ $pdata->{$piece}{$commit_id}{'author'}{'email'} = "$2";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( $line =~ /^Date:\s+/ ) {
+ # ignore date line
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( $line =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
+ # ignore empty line
+ next;
+ }
+ $line = search_bugs($pdata, $piece, $commit_id, $line);
+ # FIXME: need to be implemented
+# search_keywords($pdata, $line);
+ unless (defined $pdata->{$piece}{$commit_id}{'summary'}) {
+ $summary = standardize_summary($line);
+ $pdata->{$piece}{$commit_id}{'summary'} = $summary;
+ }
+ }
+ close GIT;
+sub get_repo_name($)
+ my $repo_dir = shift;
+ open (GIT_CONFIG, "$repo_dir/.git/config") ||
+ die "can't open \"$$repo_dir/.git/config\" for reading: $!\n";
+ while (my $line = <GIT_CONFIG>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ if ( $line =~ /^\s*url\s*=\s*(\S+)$/ ) {
+ my $repo_name = "$1";
+ $repo_name = s/.*\///g;
+ return "$repo_name";
+ }
+ }
+ die "Error: can't find repo name in \"$$repo_dir/.git/config\"\n";
+sub load_data($$$$$)
+ my ($pdata, $top_dir, $piece, $branch_name, $git_command) = @_;
+ if (defined $piece) {
+ my $piece_dir;
+ if ("$piece" eq "$main_repo") {
+ $piece_dir = "$top_dir";
+ } else {
+ $piece_dir = "$top_dir/clone/$piece";
+ }
+ load_git_log($pdata, $piece_dir, $piece, $branch_name, $git_command);
+ } else {
+ load_git_log($pdata, $top_dir, $main_repo, $branch_name, $git_command);
+ foreach my $piece (@pieces) {
+ load_git_log($pdata, "$top_dir/clone/$piece", $piece, $branch_name, $git_command);
+ }
+ }
+sub get_branch_name($)
+ my ($top_dir) = @_;
+ my $branch;
+ my $cmd = "cd $top_dir && git branch";
+ open (GIT, "$cmd 2>&1|") || die "Can't run $cmd: $!";
+ while (my $line = <GIT>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ if ( $line =~ m/^\*\s*(\S+)/ ) {
+ $branch = "$1";
+ }
+ }
+ close GIT;
+ die "Error: did not detect git branch name in $top_dir\n" unless defined ($branch);
+ return $branch;
+sub open_log_file($$$$)
+ my ($log_prefix, $log_suffix, $top_dir, $branch_name) = @_;
+ my $logfilename = "$log_prefix-$branch_name-$log_suffix.log";
+ if (-f $logfilename) {
+ print "WARNING: The log file already exists: $logfilename\n";
+ print "Do you want to overwrite it? (Y/n)?\n";
+ my $answer = <STDIN>;
+ chomp $answer;
+ $answer = "y" unless ($answer);
+ die "Please, rename the file or choose another log suffix\n" if ( lc($answer) ne "y" );
+ }
+ my $log;
+ open($log, '>', $logfilename) || die "Can't open \"$logfilename\" for writing: $!\n";
+ return $log;
+sub print_summary_in_stat($$$$$$$$$)
+ my ($summary, $pprint_filters, $print_mode, $ppiece_title, $pflags, $pbugs, $pauthors, $prefix, $log) = @_;
+ return if ( $summary eq "" );
+ # do we want to print this summary at all?
+ my $print;
+ if (%{$pprint_filters}) {
+ foreach my $flag (keys %{$pprint_filters}) {
+ $print = 1 if (defined $pflags->{$flag});
+ }
+ } else {
+ $print = 1;
+ }
+ return unless (defined $print);
+ # print piece title if not done yet
+ if ( defined ${$ppiece_title} && $print_mode ne "bugnumbers" ) {
+ printf $log "${$ppiece_title}\n";
+ ${$ppiece_title} = undef;
+ }
+ # finally print the summary line
+ my $bugs = "";
+ if ( %{$pbugs} ) {
+ if ( $print_mode eq "bugnumbers" ) {
+ $bugs = join ("\n", keys %{$pbugs}) . "\n";
+ } else {
+ $bugs = " (" . join (", ", keys %{$pbugs}) . ")";
+ }
+ }
+ my $authors = "";
+ if ( %{$pauthors} ) {
+ $authors = " [" . join (", ", keys %{$pauthors}) . "]";
+ }
+ if ( $print_mode eq "bugnumbers" ) {
+ printf $log $bugs;
+ } else {
+ printf $log $prefix . $summary . $bugs . $authors . "\n";
+ }
+sub print_stat($$$$)
+ my ($pdata, $pprint_filters, $print_mode, $log) = @_;
+ foreach my $piece ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$pdata}) {
+ # check if this piece has any entries at all
+ my $piece_title = "+ $piece";
+ if ( %{$pdata->{$piece}} ) {
+ my $old_summary="";
+ my %authors = ();
+ my %bugs = ();
+ my %flags = ();
+ foreach my $id ( sort { $pdata->{$piece}{$a}{'summary'} cmp $pdata->{$piece}{$b}{'summary'} } keys %{$pdata->{$piece}}) {
+ my $summary = $pdata->{$piece}{$id}{'summary'};
+ if ($summary ne $old_summary) {
+ print_summary_in_stat($old_summary, $pprint_filters, $print_mode, \$piece_title, \%flags, \%bugs, \%authors, " + ", $log);
+ $old_summary = $summary;
+ %authors = ();
+ %bugs = ();
+ %flags = ();
+ }
+ # collect bug numbers
+ if (defined $pdata->{$piece}{$id}{'bugs'}) {
+ foreach my $bug (keys %{$pdata->{$piece}{$id}{'bugs'}}) {
+ $bugs{$bug} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # collect author names
+ my $author = $pdata->{$piece}{$id}{'author'}{'name'};
+ $authors{$author} = 1;
+ # collect flags
+ foreach my $flag ( keys %{$pdata->{$piece}{$id}{'flags'}} ) {
+ $flags{$flag} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ print_summary_in_stat($old_summary, $pprint_filters, $print_mode, \$piece_title, \%flags, \%bugs, \%authors, " + ", $log);
+ }
+ }
+# help
+sub usage()
+ print "This script generates LO git commit summary\n\n" .
+ "Usage: lo-commit-stat [--help] [--no-pieces] [--piece=<piece>] --log-suffix=<string> topdir [git_arg...]\n\n" .
+ "Options:\n" .
+ " --help print this help\n" .
+ " --no-pieces read changes just from the main repository, ignore other cloned repos\n" .
+ " --piece=<piece> summarize just changes from the given piece\n" .
+ " --log-suffix=<string> suffix of the log file name; the result will be\n" .
+ " commit-log-<branch>-<log-name-suffix>.log; the branch name\n" .
+ " is detected automatically\n" .
+ " --bugs print just bug fixes\n" .
+ " --bug-numbers print just fixed bug numbers\n" .
+ " --rev-list use \"git rev-list\" instead of \"git log\"; useful to check\n" .
+ " differences between branches\n" .
+ " topdir directory with the libreoffice/bootstrap clone; the piece repos\n" .
+ " must be cloned in the main-repo-root/clone/<piece> subdirectories\n" .
+ " git_arg extra parameters passed to the git command to define\n" .
+ " the area of interest; The default command is \"git log\" and\n" .
+ " parameters might be, for example, --after=\"2010-09-27\" or\n" .
+ " TAG..HEAD; with the option --rev-list, useful might be, for\n" .
+ " example origin/master ^origin/libreoffice-3-3\n";
+my $piece;
+my $top_dir;
+my $log_prefix = "commit-log";
+my $log_suffix;
+my $log;
+my $git_command = "git log";
+my $branch_name;
+my @git_args;
+my %data;
+my %print_filters = ();
+my $print_mode = "normal";
+foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
+ if ($arg eq '--help') {
+ usage();
+ exit;
+ } elsif ($arg eq '--no-pieces') {
+ $piece = "bootstrap";
+ } elsif ($arg =~ m/--piece=(.*)/) {
+ $piece = $1;
+ } elsif ($arg =~ m/--log-suffix=(.*)/) {
+ $log_suffix = "$1";
+ } elsif ($arg eq '--bugs') {
+ $print_filters{'bug'} = 1;
+ $log_prefix = "bugfixes"
+ } elsif ($arg eq '--bug-numbers') {
+ $print_filters{'bug'} = 1;
+ $log_prefix = "bugnumbers";
+ $print_mode = "bugnumbers";
+ } elsif ($arg eq '--rev-list') {
+ $git_command = "git rev-list --pretty=medium"
+ } else {
+ if (! defined $top_dir) {
+ $top_dir=$arg;
+ } else {
+ push @git_args, $arg;
+ }
+ }
+$git_command .= " " . join ' ', @git_args if (@git_args);
+(defined $top_dir) || die "Error: top directory is not defined\n";
+(-d "$top_dir") || die "Error: not a directory: $top_dir\n";
+(-f "$top_dir/.git/config") || die "Error: can't find $top_dir/.git/config\n";
+(defined $log_suffix) || die "Error: define log suffix using --log-suffix=<string>\n";
+$branch_name = get_branch_name($top_dir);
+load_data(\%data, $top_dir, $piece, $branch_name, $git_command);
+$log = open_log_file($log_prefix, $log_suffix, $top_dir, $branch_name);
+print_stat(\%data, \%print_filters, $print_mode, $log);
+close $log;