path: root/basegfx/source/polygon/b2dlinegeometry.cxx
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1 files changed, 729 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/basegfx/source/polygon/b2dlinegeometry.cxx b/basegfx/source/polygon/b2dlinegeometry.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a9264ab769e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basegfx/source/polygon/b2dlinegeometry.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: b2dlinegeometry.cxx,v $
+ * $Revision: 1.7 $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_basegfx.hxx"
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <osl/diagnose.h>
+#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dlinegeometry.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/point/b2dpoint.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/vector/b2dvector.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygontools.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/range/b2drange.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/curve/b2dcubicbezier.hxx>
+namespace basegfx
+ namespace tools
+ {
+ B2DPolyPolygon createAreaGeometryForLineStartEnd(
+ const B2DPolygon& rCandidate,
+ const B2DPolyPolygon& rArrow,
+ bool bStart,
+ double fWidth,
+ double fCandidateLength,
+ double fDockingPosition, // 0->top, 1->bottom
+ double* pConsumedLength)
+ {
+ B2DPolyPolygon aRetval;
+ OSL_ENSURE(rCandidate.count() > 1L, "createAreaGeometryForLineStartEnd: Line polygon has too less points (!)");
+ OSL_ENSURE(rArrow.count() > 0L, "createAreaGeometryForLineStartEnd: Empty arrow PolyPolygon (!)");
+ OSL_ENSURE(fWidth > 0.0, "createAreaGeometryForLineStartEnd: Width too small (!)");
+ OSL_ENSURE(fDockingPosition >= 0.0 && fDockingPosition <= 1.0,
+ "createAreaGeometryForLineStartEnd: fDockingPosition out of range [0.0 .. 1.0] (!)");
+ if(fWidth < 0.0)
+ {
+ fWidth = -fWidth;
+ }
+ if(rCandidate.count() > 1 && rArrow.count() && !fTools::equalZero(fWidth))
+ {
+ if(fDockingPosition < 0.0)
+ {
+ fDockingPosition = 0.0;
+ }
+ else if(fDockingPosition > 1.0)
+ {
+ fDockingPosition = 1.0;
+ }
+ // init return value from arrow
+ aRetval.append(rArrow);
+ // get size of the arrow
+ const B2DRange aArrowSize(getRange(rArrow));
+ // build ArrowTransform
+ B2DHomMatrix aArrowTransform;
+ // center in X, align with axis in Y
+ aArrowTransform.translate(-aArrowSize.getCenter().getX(), -aArrowSize.getMinimum().getY());
+ // scale to target size
+ const double fArrowScale(fWidth / (aArrowSize.getRange().getX()));
+ aArrowTransform.scale(fArrowScale, fArrowScale);
+ // get arrow size in Y
+ B2DPoint aUpperCenter(aArrowSize.getCenter().getX(), aArrowSize.getMaximum().getY());
+ aUpperCenter *= aArrowTransform;
+ const double fArrowYLength(B2DVector(aUpperCenter).getLength());
+ // move arrow to have docking position centered
+ aArrowTransform.translate(0.0, -fArrowYLength * fDockingPosition);
+ // prepare polygon length
+ if(fTools::equalZero(fCandidateLength))
+ {
+ fCandidateLength = getLength(rCandidate);
+ }
+ // get the polygon vector we want to plant this arrow on
+ const double fConsumedLength(fArrowYLength * (1.0 - fDockingPosition));
+ const B2DVector aHead(rCandidate.getB2DPoint((bStart) ? 0L : rCandidate.count() - 1L));
+ const B2DVector aTail(getPositionAbsolute(rCandidate,
+ (bStart) ? fConsumedLength : fCandidateLength - fConsumedLength, fCandidateLength));
+ // from that vector, take the needed rotation and add rotate for arrow to transformation
+ const B2DVector aTargetDirection(aHead - aTail);
+ const double fRotation(atan2(aTargetDirection.getY(), aTargetDirection.getX()) + (90.0 * F_PI180));
+ // rotate around docking position
+ aArrowTransform.rotate(fRotation);
+ // move arrow docking position to polygon head
+ aArrowTransform.translate(aHead.getX(), aHead.getY());
+ // transform retval and close
+ aRetval.transform(aArrowTransform);
+ aRetval.setClosed(true);
+ // if pConsumedLength is asked for, fill it
+ if(pConsumedLength)
+ {
+ *pConsumedLength = fConsumedLength;
+ }
+ }
+ return aRetval;
+ }
+ } // end of namespace tools
+} // end of namespace basegfx
+namespace basegfx
+ // anonymus namespace for local helpers
+ namespace
+ {
+ bool impIsSimpleEdge(const B2DCubicBezier& rCandidate, double fMaxCosQuad, double fMaxPartOfEdgeQuad)
+ {
+ // isBezier() is true, already tested by caller
+ const B2DVector aEdge(rCandidate.getEndPoint() - rCandidate.getStartPoint());
+ if(aEdge.equalZero())
+ {
+ // start and end point the same, but control vectors used -> baloon curve loop
+ // is not a simple edge
+ return false;
+ }
+ // get tangentA and scalar with edge
+ const B2DVector aTangentA(rCandidate.getTangent(0.0));
+ const double fScalarAE(aEdge.scalar(aTangentA));
+ if(fTools::lessOrEqual(fScalarAE, 0.0))
+ {
+ // angle between TangentA and Edge is bigger or equal 90 degrees
+ return false;
+ }
+ // get self-scalars for E and A
+ const double fScalarE(aEdge.scalar(aEdge));
+ const double fScalarA(aTangentA.scalar(aTangentA));
+ const double fLengthCompareE(fScalarE * fMaxPartOfEdgeQuad);
+ if(fTools::moreOrEqual(fScalarA, fLengthCompareE))
+ {
+ // length of TangentA is more than fMaxPartOfEdge of length of edge
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(fTools::lessOrEqual(fScalarAE * fScalarAE, fScalarA * fScalarE * fMaxCosQuad))
+ {
+ // angle between TangentA and Edge is bigger or equal angle defined by fMaxCos
+ return false;
+ }
+ // get tangentB and scalar with edge
+ const B2DVector aTangentB(rCandidate.getTangent(1.0));
+ const double fScalarBE(aEdge.scalar(aTangentB));
+ if(fTools::lessOrEqual(fScalarBE, 0.0))
+ {
+ // angle between TangentB and Edge is bigger or equal 90 degrees
+ return false;
+ }
+ // get self-scalar for B
+ const double fScalarB(aTangentB.scalar(aTangentB));
+ if(fTools::moreOrEqual(fScalarB, fLengthCompareE))
+ {
+ // length of TangentB is more than fMaxPartOfEdge of length of edge
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(fTools::lessOrEqual(fScalarBE * fScalarBE, fScalarB * fScalarE * fMaxCosQuad))
+ {
+ // angle between TangentB and Edge is bigger or equal defined by fMaxCos
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void impSubdivideToSimple(const B2DCubicBezier& rCandidate, B2DPolygon& rTarget, double fMaxCosQuad, double fMaxPartOfEdgeQuad, sal_uInt32 nMaxRecursionDepth)
+ {
+ if(!nMaxRecursionDepth || impIsSimpleEdge(rCandidate, fMaxCosQuad, fMaxPartOfEdgeQuad))
+ {
+ rTarget.appendBezierSegment(rCandidate.getControlPointA(), rCandidate.getControlPointB(), rCandidate.getEndPoint());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ B2DCubicBezier aLeft, aRight;
+ rCandidate.split(0.5, &aLeft, &aRight);
+ impSubdivideToSimple(aLeft, rTarget, fMaxCosQuad, fMaxPartOfEdgeQuad, nMaxRecursionDepth - 1);
+ impSubdivideToSimple(aRight, rTarget, fMaxCosQuad, fMaxPartOfEdgeQuad, nMaxRecursionDepth - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ B2DPolygon subdivideToSimple(const B2DPolygon& rCandidate, double fMaxCosQuad, double fMaxPartOfEdgeQuad)
+ {
+ const sal_uInt32 nPointCount(rCandidate.count());
+ if(rCandidate.areControlPointsUsed() && nPointCount)
+ {
+ const sal_uInt32 nEdgeCount(rCandidate.isClosed() ? nPointCount : nPointCount - 1);
+ B2DPolygon aRetval;
+ B2DCubicBezier aEdge;
+ // prepare edge for loop
+ aEdge.setStartPoint(rCandidate.getB2DPoint(0));
+ aRetval.append(aEdge.getStartPoint());
+ for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < nEdgeCount; a++)
+ {
+ // fill B2DCubicBezier
+ const sal_uInt32 nNextIndex((a + 1) % nPointCount);
+ aEdge.setControlPointA(rCandidate.getNextControlPoint(a));
+ aEdge.setControlPointB(rCandidate.getPrevControlPoint(nNextIndex));
+ aEdge.setEndPoint(rCandidate.getB2DPoint(nNextIndex));
+ // get rid of unnecessary bezier segments
+ aEdge.testAndSolveTrivialBezier();
+ if(aEdge.isBezier())
+ {
+ // before splitting recursively with internal simple criteria, use
+ // ExtremumPosFinder to remove those
+ ::std::vector< double > aExtremumPositions;
+ aExtremumPositions.reserve(4);
+ aEdge.getAllExtremumPositions(aExtremumPositions);
+ const sal_uInt32 nCount(aExtremumPositions.size());
+ if(nCount)
+ {
+ if(nCount > 1)
+ {
+ // create order from left to right
+ ::std::sort(aExtremumPositions.begin(), aExtremumPositions.end());
+ }
+ for(sal_uInt32 b(0); b < nCount;)
+ {
+ // split aEdge at next split pos
+ B2DCubicBezier aLeft;
+ const double fSplitPos(aExtremumPositions[b++]);
+ aEdge.split(fSplitPos, &aLeft, &aEdge);
+ aLeft.testAndSolveTrivialBezier();
+ // consume left part
+ if(aLeft.isBezier())
+ {
+ impSubdivideToSimple(aLeft, aRetval, fMaxCosQuad, fMaxPartOfEdgeQuad, 6);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aRetval.append(aLeft.getEndPoint());
+ }
+ if(b < nCount)
+ {
+ // correct the remaining split positions to fit to shortened aEdge
+ const double fScaleFactor(1.0 / (1.0 - fSplitPos));
+ for(sal_uInt32 c(b); c < nCount; c++)
+ {
+ aExtremumPositions[c] = (aExtremumPositions[c] - fSplitPos) * fScaleFactor;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // test the shortened rest of aEdge
+ aEdge.testAndSolveTrivialBezier();
+ // consume right part
+ if(aEdge.isBezier())
+ {
+ impSubdivideToSimple(aEdge, aRetval, fMaxCosQuad, fMaxPartOfEdgeQuad, 6);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aRetval.append(aEdge.getEndPoint());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ impSubdivideToSimple(aEdge, aRetval, fMaxCosQuad, fMaxPartOfEdgeQuad, 6);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // straight edge, add point
+ aRetval.append(aEdge.getEndPoint());
+ }
+ // prepare edge for next step
+ aEdge.setStartPoint(aEdge.getEndPoint());
+ }
+ // copy closed flag and check for double points
+ aRetval.setClosed(rCandidate.isClosed());
+ aRetval.removeDoublePoints();
+ return aRetval;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return rCandidate;
+ }
+ }
+ B2DPolygon createAreaGeometryForEdge(const B2DCubicBezier& rEdge, double fHalfLineWidth)
+ {
+ // create polygon for edge
+ // Unfortunately, while it would be geometrically correct to not add
+ // the in-between points EdgeEnd and EdgeStart, it leads to rounding
+ // errors when converting to integer polygon coordinates for painting
+ if(rEdge.isBezier())
+ {
+ // prepare target and data common for upper and lower
+ B2DPolygon aBezierPolygon;
+ const B2DVector aPureEdgeVector(rEdge.getEndPoint() - rEdge.getStartPoint());
+ const double fEdgeLength(aPureEdgeVector.getLength());
+ const bool bIsEdgeLengthZero(fTools::equalZero(fEdgeLength));
+ const B2DVector aTangentA(rEdge.getTangent(0.0));
+ const B2DVector aTangentB(rEdge.getTangent(1.0));
+ // create upper edge.
+ {
+ // create displacement vectors and check if they cut
+ const B2DVector aPerpendStart(getNormalizedPerpendicular(aTangentA) * -fHalfLineWidth);
+ const B2DVector aPerpendEnd(getNormalizedPerpendicular(aTangentB) * -fHalfLineWidth);
+ double fCut(0.0);
+ const tools::CutFlagValue aCut(tools::findCut(
+ rEdge.getStartPoint(), aPerpendStart,
+ rEdge.getEndPoint(), aPerpendEnd,
+ CUTFLAG_ALL, &fCut));
+ if(CUTFLAG_NONE != aCut)
+ {
+ // calculate cut point and add
+ const B2DPoint aCutPoint(rEdge.getStartPoint() + (aPerpendStart * fCut));
+ aBezierPolygon.append(aCutPoint);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // create scaled bezier segment
+ const B2DPoint aStart(rEdge.getStartPoint() + aPerpendStart);
+ const B2DPoint aEnd(rEdge.getEndPoint() + aPerpendEnd);
+ const B2DVector aEdge(aEnd - aStart);
+ const double fLength(aEdge.getLength());
+ const double fScale(bIsEdgeLengthZero ? 1.0 : fLength / fEdgeLength);
+ const B2DVector fRelNext(rEdge.getControlPointA() - rEdge.getStartPoint());
+ const B2DVector fRelPrev(rEdge.getControlPointB() - rEdge.getEndPoint());
+ aBezierPolygon.append(aStart);
+ aBezierPolygon.appendBezierSegment(aStart + (fRelNext * fScale), aEnd + (fRelPrev * fScale), aEnd);
+ }
+ }
+ // append original in-between point
+ aBezierPolygon.append(rEdge.getEndPoint());
+ // create lower edge.
+ {
+ // create displacement vectors and check if they cut
+ const B2DVector aPerpendStart(getNormalizedPerpendicular(aTangentA) * fHalfLineWidth);
+ const B2DVector aPerpendEnd(getNormalizedPerpendicular(aTangentB) * fHalfLineWidth);
+ double fCut(0.0);
+ const tools::CutFlagValue aCut(tools::findCut(
+ rEdge.getEndPoint(), aPerpendEnd,
+ rEdge.getStartPoint(), aPerpendStart,
+ CUTFLAG_ALL, &fCut));
+ if(CUTFLAG_NONE != aCut)
+ {
+ // calculate cut point and add
+ const B2DPoint aCutPoint(rEdge.getEndPoint() + (aPerpendEnd * fCut));
+ aBezierPolygon.append(aCutPoint);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // create scaled bezier segment
+ const B2DPoint aStart(rEdge.getEndPoint() + aPerpendEnd);
+ const B2DPoint aEnd(rEdge.getStartPoint() + aPerpendStart);
+ const B2DVector aEdge(aEnd - aStart);
+ const double fLength(aEdge.getLength());
+ const double fScale(bIsEdgeLengthZero ? 1.0 : fLength / fEdgeLength);
+ const B2DVector fRelNext(rEdge.getControlPointB() - rEdge.getEndPoint());
+ const B2DVector fRelPrev(rEdge.getControlPointA() - rEdge.getStartPoint());
+ aBezierPolygon.append(aStart);
+ aBezierPolygon.appendBezierSegment(aStart + (fRelNext * fScale), aEnd + (fRelPrev * fScale), aEnd);
+ }
+ }
+ // append original in-between point
+ aBezierPolygon.append(rEdge.getStartPoint());
+ // close and return
+ aBezierPolygon.setClosed(true);
+ return aBezierPolygon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // #i101491# emulate rEdge.getTangent call which applies a factor of 0.3 to the
+ // full-length edge vector to have numerically exactly the same results as in the
+ // createAreaGeometryForJoin implementation
+ const B2DVector aEdgeTangent((rEdge.getEndPoint() - rEdge.getStartPoint()) * 0.3);
+ const B2DVector aPerpendEdgeVector(getNormalizedPerpendicular(aEdgeTangent) * fHalfLineWidth);
+ B2DPolygon aEdgePolygon;
+ // create upper edge
+ aEdgePolygon.append(rEdge.getStartPoint() - aPerpendEdgeVector);
+ aEdgePolygon.append(rEdge.getEndPoint() - aPerpendEdgeVector);
+ // append original in-between point
+ aEdgePolygon.append(rEdge.getEndPoint());
+ // create lower edge
+ aEdgePolygon.append(rEdge.getEndPoint() + aPerpendEdgeVector);
+ aEdgePolygon.append(rEdge.getStartPoint() + aPerpendEdgeVector);
+ // append original in-between point
+ aEdgePolygon.append(rEdge.getStartPoint());
+ // close and return
+ aEdgePolygon.setClosed(true);
+ return aEdgePolygon;
+ }
+ }
+ B2DPolygon createAreaGeometryForJoin(
+ const B2DVector& rTangentPrev,
+ const B2DVector& rTangentEdge,
+ const B2DVector& rPerpendPrev,
+ const B2DVector& rPerpendEdge,
+ const B2DPoint& rPoint,
+ double fHalfLineWidth,
+ B2DLineJoin eJoin,
+ double fMiterMinimumAngle)
+ {
+ OSL_ENSURE(fHalfLineWidth > 0.0, "createAreaGeometryForJoin: LineWidth too small (!)");
+ OSL_ENSURE(B2DLINEJOIN_NONE != eJoin, "createAreaGeometryForJoin: B2DLINEJOIN_NONE not allowed (!)");
+ // LineJoin from tangent rPerpendPrev to tangent rPerpendEdge in rPoint
+ B2DPolygon aEdgePolygon;
+ const B2DPoint aStartPoint(rPoint + rPerpendPrev);
+ const B2DPoint aEndPoint(rPoint + rPerpendEdge);
+ // test if for Miter, the angle is too small and the fallback
+ // to bevel needs to be used
+ if(B2DLINEJOIN_MITER == eJoin)
+ {
+ const double fAngle(fabs(rPerpendPrev.angle(rPerpendEdge)));
+ if((F_PI - fAngle) < fMiterMinimumAngle)
+ {
+ // fallback to bevel
+ }
+ }
+ switch(eJoin)
+ {
+ {
+ aEdgePolygon.append(aEndPoint);
+ aEdgePolygon.append(rPoint);
+ aEdgePolygon.append(aStartPoint);
+ // Look for the cut point between start point along rTangentPrev and
+ // end point along rTangentEdge. -rTangentEdge should be used, but since
+ // the cut value is used for interpolating along the first edge, the negation
+ // is not needed since the same fCut will be found on the first edge.
+ // If it exists, insert it to complete the mitered fill polygon.
+ double fCutPos(0.0);
+ tools::findCut(aStartPoint, rTangentPrev, aEndPoint, rTangentEdge, CUTFLAG_ALL, &fCutPos);
+ if(0.0 != fCutPos)
+ {
+ const B2DPoint aCutPoint(interpolate(aStartPoint, aStartPoint + rTangentPrev, fCutPos));
+ aEdgePolygon.append(aCutPoint);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // use tooling to add needed EllipseSegment
+ double fAngleStart(atan2(rPerpendPrev.getY(), rPerpendPrev.getX()));
+ double fAngleEnd(atan2(rPerpendEdge.getY(), rPerpendEdge.getX()));
+ // atan2 results are [-PI .. PI], consolidate to [0.0 .. 2PI]
+ if(fAngleStart < 0.0)
+ {
+ fAngleStart += F_2PI;
+ }
+ if(fAngleEnd < 0.0)
+ {
+ fAngleEnd += F_2PI;
+ }
+ const B2DPolygon aBow(tools::createPolygonFromEllipseSegment(rPoint, fHalfLineWidth, fHalfLineWidth, fAngleStart, fAngleEnd));
+ if(aBow.count() > 1)
+ {
+ // #i101491#
+ // use the original start/end positions; the ones from bow creation may be numerically
+ // different due to their different creation. To guarantee good merging quality with edges
+ // and edge roundings (and to reduce point count)
+ aEdgePolygon = aBow;
+ aEdgePolygon.setB2DPoint(0, aStartPoint);
+ aEdgePolygon.setB2DPoint(aEdgePolygon.count() - 1, aEndPoint);
+ aEdgePolygon.append(rPoint);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // wanted fall-through to default
+ }
+ }
+ default: // B2DLINEJOIN_BEVEL
+ {
+ aEdgePolygon.append(aEndPoint);
+ aEdgePolygon.append(rPoint);
+ aEdgePolygon.append(aStartPoint);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // create last polygon part for edge
+ aEdgePolygon.setClosed(true);
+ return aEdgePolygon;
+ }
+ } // end of anonymus namespace
+ namespace tools
+ {
+ B2DPolyPolygon createAreaGeometry(
+ const B2DPolygon& rCandidate,
+ double fHalfLineWidth,
+ B2DLineJoin eJoin,
+ double fMaxAllowedAngle,
+ double fMaxPartOfEdge,
+ double fMiterMinimumAngle)
+ {
+ if(fMaxAllowedAngle > F_PI2)
+ {
+ fMaxAllowedAngle = F_PI2;
+ }
+ else if(fMaxAllowedAngle < 0.01 * F_PI2)
+ {
+ fMaxAllowedAngle = 0.01 * F_PI2;
+ }
+ if(fMaxPartOfEdge > 1.0)
+ {
+ fMaxPartOfEdge = 1.0;
+ }
+ else if(fMaxPartOfEdge < 0.01)
+ {
+ fMaxPartOfEdge = 0.01;
+ }
+ if(fMiterMinimumAngle > F_PI)
+ {
+ fMiterMinimumAngle = F_PI;
+ }
+ else if(fMiterMinimumAngle < 0.01 * F_PI)
+ {
+ fMiterMinimumAngle = 0.01 * F_PI;
+ }
+ B2DPolygon aCandidate(rCandidate);
+ const double fMaxCos(cos(fMaxAllowedAngle));
+ aCandidate.removeDoublePoints();
+ aCandidate = subdivideToSimple(aCandidate, fMaxCos * fMaxCos, fMaxPartOfEdge * fMaxPartOfEdge);
+ const sal_uInt32 nPointCount(aCandidate.count());
+ if(nPointCount)
+ {
+ B2DPolyPolygon aRetval;
+ const bool bEventuallyCreateLineJoin(B2DLINEJOIN_NONE != eJoin);
+ const bool bIsClosed(aCandidate.isClosed());
+ const sal_uInt32 nEdgeCount(bIsClosed ? nPointCount : nPointCount - 1);
+ if(nEdgeCount)
+ {
+ B2DCubicBezier aEdge;
+ B2DCubicBezier aPrev;
+ // prepare edge
+ aEdge.setStartPoint(aCandidate.getB2DPoint(0));
+ if(bIsClosed && bEventuallyCreateLineJoin)
+ {
+ // prepare previous edge
+ const sal_uInt32 nPrevIndex(nPointCount - 1);
+ aPrev.setStartPoint(aCandidate.getB2DPoint(nPrevIndex));
+ aPrev.setControlPointA(aCandidate.getNextControlPoint(nPrevIndex));
+ aPrev.setControlPointB(aCandidate.getPrevControlPoint(0));
+ aPrev.setEndPoint(aEdge.getStartPoint());
+ }
+ for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < nEdgeCount; a++)
+ {
+ // fill current Edge
+ const sal_uInt32 nNextIndex((a + 1) % nPointCount);
+ aEdge.setControlPointA(aCandidate.getNextControlPoint(a));
+ aEdge.setControlPointB(aCandidate.getPrevControlPoint(nNextIndex));
+ aEdge.setEndPoint(aCandidate.getB2DPoint(nNextIndex));
+ // check and create linejoin
+ if(bEventuallyCreateLineJoin && (bIsClosed || 0 != a))
+ {
+ const B2DVector aTangentPrev(aPrev.getTangent(1.0));
+ const B2DVector aTangentEdge(aEdge.getTangent(0.0));
+ B2VectorOrientation aOrientation(getOrientation(aTangentPrev, aTangentEdge));
+ if(ORIENTATION_NEUTRAL == aOrientation)
+ {
+ // they are parallell or empty; if they are both not zero and point
+ // in opposite direction, a half-circle is needed
+ if(!aTangentPrev.equalZero() && !aTangentEdge.equalZero())
+ {
+ const double fAngle(fabs(aTangentPrev.angle(aTangentEdge)));
+ if(fTools::equal(fAngle, F_PI))
+ {
+ // for half-circle production, fallback to positive
+ // orientation
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(ORIENTATION_POSITIVE == aOrientation)
+ {
+ const B2DVector aPerpendPrev(getNormalizedPerpendicular(aTangentPrev) * -fHalfLineWidth);
+ const B2DVector aPerpendEdge(getNormalizedPerpendicular(aTangentEdge) * -fHalfLineWidth);
+ aRetval.append(createAreaGeometryForJoin(
+ aTangentPrev, aTangentEdge,
+ aPerpendPrev, aPerpendEdge,
+ aEdge.getStartPoint(), fHalfLineWidth,
+ eJoin, fMiterMinimumAngle));
+ }
+ else if(ORIENTATION_NEGATIVE == aOrientation)
+ {
+ const B2DVector aPerpendPrev(getNormalizedPerpendicular(aTangentPrev) * fHalfLineWidth);
+ const B2DVector aPerpendEdge(getNormalizedPerpendicular(aTangentEdge) * fHalfLineWidth);
+ aRetval.append(createAreaGeometryForJoin(
+ aTangentEdge, aTangentPrev,
+ aPerpendEdge, aPerpendPrev,
+ aEdge.getStartPoint(), fHalfLineWidth,
+ eJoin, fMiterMinimumAngle));
+ }
+ }
+ // create geometry for edge
+ aRetval.append(createAreaGeometryForEdge(aEdge, fHalfLineWidth));
+ // prepare next step
+ if(bEventuallyCreateLineJoin)
+ {
+ aPrev = aEdge;
+ }
+ aEdge.setStartPoint(aEdge.getEndPoint());
+ }
+ }
+ return aRetval;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return B2DPolyPolygon(rCandidate);
+ }
+ }
+ } // end of namespace tools
+} // end of namespace basegfx
+// eof